firendgold · 1 year
Pk now I want to hear tour rant about how Harrydore is bettter than Grindeldore. Bring it 🤣❤️
ohhh, this one's easy. I've been in this fandom on and off since 2006, and seen how Harry, Albus and Gellert were written pre- and post-'Dumbledore closet interview'. cracks knuckles
got to hit you with that readmore though. and it's going to be in two parts. I rambled again. ^^
(...'rambled' is perhaps an understatement.)
grindeldore vs harrydore
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the tl;dr of the below is the following sentences, and then I'll get into it. My philosophy on gr*ndeld*re extends to all other ships in all other fandoms, especially HP: if it's not an AU and you have to excessively mischaracterize Character A to get them to 'fit' with Character B, then it's not a good ship, canon or not. Albus Dumbledore is quite often mischaracterized in order to 'fit' or 'keep' him with Gellert Grindelwald.
here's my problems with how gr*ndeld*re is most often portrayed:
Inconsistency within canon. JKR is partly mostly to blame for this (because she has contradicted her original 2007 statement in the present day with more interviews in the 2010s and with the Fantastic Beasts movies), but the first problem is: gr*ndeld*re was originally an unrequited ship. The original statement was that Albus was dazzled by Gellert's power, his presence, their similarities, their shared ideals... but That Woman wasn't explicit on whether Gellert ever returned his feelings. But based on her quotes where she says "falling in love can blind you to an extent" and that [Dumbledore] was "terribly, terribly let down" by the result of that whirlwind relationship, I think it's safe to assume that her original idea of Gellert cared far more for seeing his grander plans realized than for the needs and feelings of his 'equal'. And yet... in fandom, they are most often portrayed instead as star-crossed lovers torn apart by 'conflicting ideals'.
The second problem is that in the avalanche of fics and art that have come from The Reveal, the original lesson (/moral...?) behind the reveal of gr*ndeld*re, and how it shaped Albus as an adult, leader, and progressive, just... got lost. Completely lost. The whole point of it was to show that even Albus (supposed 'paragon of goodness' until book 7 showed the fandom that he is a regular human being) can make 'relatable' mistakes like... you know... being friends with a fascist. Being in love with a fascist, even. Thanks to said retcon interviews and the new movies (and even before that tbh) the fandom has since: overexaggerated Albus' new clay feet to the point of bashing him, idolized Grindelwald's red flag traits and ideals to the point where he has become the new "Tom Riddle was just misunderstood!" guy, and twisted that lesson/moral/whatever to mean that actually Albus and Gellert were tragically kept away from each other by an itsy bitsy little difference of opinion. A minor little fight. Casual death of your sick sister. Haven't we all been there?
The fandom diminishing the real reasons why Albus and Gellert eventually clashed, were destined to clash, is bad enough. What's worse is the opposite end. Some Dumbledore-bashing fans go the other way and paint present-day Dumbledore with the same brush as Grindelwald, even going so far as to say he still supports The Greater Good even though his entire character is literally built on being the opposite of the pro-magic, anti-Muggle philosophy. Albus has also been painted in some fics and even meta discussions as someone who 'regrets' his past not because his sister died and his brother is estranged from him, but just because his ex-boyfriend is in prison and he maybe kind of regrets not going full fascist with him. Like... bruh. NO. There are people who ship gr*ndeld*re just because they feel like Grindelwald, the worst dark wizard in the world, the reason why Voldemort is only a minor league little lord in comparison, is an appropriate "punishment" for the character they already dislike and thus misinterpret. (Side note: I'm not sure if I'm in a worse hell watching Albus' character get whitewashed for fascism or demonized so he can be a miserable lonely gay.)
Albus diminishes himself to meet Gellert's needs. An in-universe problem this time instead of a meta/RL one: Albus and Gellert were lovers, yes, but in order to be so, Albus had to actively start neglecting his siblings (since in Aberforth's words he was 'doing all right' taking care of them before Gellert showed up) and leaning more into anti-Muggle sentiment. He put all his energy into what for most of the magical world was a wild goose chase after some fairy-tale items. (Remember, most wixen don't give a shit about the Deathly Hallows, or think they're even real.) He became the person Gellert needed/desired most. Albus became a version of himself that he despised later in his life and after his death.
Relationships often include the members changing, and it's easy for even the most devoted partners to fall out of love if they change and are now too different from one another, or one person changes and the other... doesn't. After Ariana died, Albus chose to become a different person and champion the same people he and his family once despised. He chose to stay away from Gellert, whether he called it cowardice or principles or whatever else. And his choice put him in conflict with Gellert, who at sixteen refused to change course or rethink his ideals even when his choices led to the death of a magical person (the type of person he supposedly prizes above all others). His magical boyfriend's magical sister, even. And we see no sign that Gellert changed, repented, or considered Albus until decades later, at the very end of his life—far too late.
Healthy relationships require give-and-take, sacrificing for your partner in things big and small. For high-stakes relationships like Albus and Gellert's (queer in the 1800s, sweet Merlin), that is even more true. During that steamy summer of 1899, it was Albus who did all the sacrifcing/giving and Gellert who did all the taking. Gellert may have entertained the idea of bringing Ariana along on his quest with Albus (we don't know), but Aberforth was right to say that it would have been torture for her—and no alternate idea was brought up that would prioritize the wellbeing of Albus' siblings while he was away. And in the moment of required reciprocity when Albus was at his lowest, Gellert left him behind and went off to go rule the world. Not even the most diehard shipper can argue against the fact that when Ariana died, Grindelwald left.
This problem is even more personal/biased than the other ones. Albus and Gellert parted ways in 1899. They didn't see each other again until the duel in 1945 (because fuck Fantastic Beasts, the scripts don't even make fucking sense). Albus defeated Gellert, put him in prison, and then went on living for another fifty-two years. And That Woman expects me to believe that Albus never had a relationship with anyone before Gellert, and never even looked at another wizard afterward? In 52 years, he was one-and-done? He never once fell in love with other people, whether or not he fully trusted them/let them in? Be serious. Pull the other one. It's not realistic, and it doesn't speak to the kind of man Albus Dumbledore is. He may not have found a man to check the same boxes Gellert did, but he wouldn't arguably be looking for someone too similar to his old flame. He might not trust them unconditionally or be the Perfect Partner for them (bc whew traumaaa), but there would be other people for Albus in a realistic Magical Britain (even discounting time travel shenanigans). Before the reveal, the most popular people to ship Albus with were Minerva, Alastor, and Elphias Doge; these options are still arguably more valid. Albus Dumbledore loves love, he champions love, and he doesn't think he deserves it after his sins, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't go looking. It's mind-boggling to me that with all the well-deserved disavowing of JKR following her anti-trans hate (and her shameless pandering to the same people calling her a witch poisoning their children's minds decades ago), that some people still treat her words about Albus and Gellert's relationship and its effects on Albus in particular as gospel. I sure don't. (Especially because she said he became "asexual" after His One Gay Experience when like. That's not. What asexuality is??? And ace gay people exist???) Whether you count the FB movies or not, there are still decades of Albus' life that are a mystery, and I refuse to believe he closed his heart and caged his dick for all of them.
IMPORTANT END NOTE: These observations obviously do not apply to all gr*ndeld*re shippers. Some people genuinely do like both characters, characterize them correctly, and still want to see them together for reasons. I'm not going to judge them. I ship a frigging time travel age gap ship, how the fuck could I. And I'm also aware that a lot of fics/art are made to color in between the lines of what we don't know in the fandom, bringing Albus and Gellert together during the mystery years, or making one wizard better for the other to address all the ship baggage. I just can't join them because of how rarely that occurs (and, admittedly, how much I personally can't see it). You would not believe how many fics and discussions I've seen that lionize Grindelwald and treat Dumbledore like an accessory, or completely mischaracterize Albus' motivations, intentions, and actions, and then put him with "the other Big Bad". UGH.
Most of the time, I see gr*ndeld*re the ship hurting Albus the individual. It's very rare to find an iteration where Albus is not bearing the consequences of Gellert's choices, Gellert's actions, Gellert's mistakes and harm done. I think Albus deserves better than to be Gellert's accessory just because he loved him deeply long ago.
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okay. whew. that was a lot.
a character limit prevents me from continuing here, so the second half of this versus will go elsewhere, sorry!
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vashhanamichi · 1 year
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Grindeldore. To me ❤️
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metalomagnetic · 5 months
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Sirius and Voldemort sharing a sweet moment.
@kazuza-art you are the best! ❤️
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roalinda · 10 months
Entry for @hprecfest
☆Day 4☆ A fic with art
Lesser evil by @metalomagnetic accompanied with a beautiful art series based on it by @kazuza-art
Summary: In a world ruled by Grindelwald, Albus is finally captured and taken to Nurmengard. There, he meets young Tom Riddle, Grindelwald's favourite acolyte.
Pairings: Albus Dumbledore/Tom Riddle , Gellert Grindelwald/ Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore/ Gellert Grindelwald
Category: M/M
Rating: E
Words: 77, 887
Read : Fic , Art
Don't hesitate to read this if you are into rare pairings and beautiful art. It's a jewel. The author has a creative pen and the artist has a beautiful brush. What else one can want?
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fiendishfyre · 5 months
Tom Riddle|Voldemort / Dumbledore?
This is a really good ship, like *chef kiss* So much potential. Off the top of my head, @metalomagnetic has a fic of it with @kazuza-art having drawn some art for the ship but def worth looking up others. (One day I will actually bookmark stuff properly to recommend.) 😉
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mundrakan · 7 months
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thank you for the tag @squintclover and sorry it took me a few days.
Since I do not publish unfinished works, I cannot provide links, but here are my top priority WIPs RN
Old men
A second vampire
In the walls of Grimmauld
"Give me the blood replenisher." "He is dead, Regulus. He is dead!" "GIVE me the potion!"
The marking.
The first kiss!
Unveiling of the vampire
Steamy hot Drarius SMUT!
I tag without any pressure @whataboutthefish @metalomagnetic @camillemcn @danpuff-ao3 @flymetosnarryland @kazuza-art @lqtraintracks @thistlecatfics @tracingpatternswrites and @yletylyf
Phew, I didn't even know I had more than ten writer people who are either mutuals or whom I follow ;)
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dracomort · 2 years
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @fiendishfyre!
Three Ships: Picking just three is so difficult, but I shall choose: Taco, Dreville and Grindelmort.
First Ship: I attempted to get into this fandom with a few ships over the years, but the first to actually stick was Drarry. Am still very much a Drarry shipper though I'm a bit burned out by it atm (is it possible to become burned out by reading too many fics?)
Last Song: SalTango (Daniel Rojas, Baldini Quartet)
Last Movie: The Menu! My flatmate and I saw it on Monday. Good stuff 👍
Currently Reading: The Houseguest & Other Stories (Amparo Dávila), not exactly Kafka or Shirley Jackson, despite what the blurb might say. But there are some gems.
Currently Watching: I don't watch TV but I do sometimes watch that guy on YouTube who makes 1 hr+ videos on dishwashers
Currently Drinking: Iced Pu-erh Tea
Currently Craving: Money
I'm not on here that much so I've got no idea who's done this already. Feel free to ignore.
Tagging: @cindle-writes, @duplicitywrites, @laeveteinn, @kazuza-art, @dividawrites, @crowcrowcrowthing, @danpuff-ao3, @yletylyf, @metalomagnetic
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chemfreakwriting · 2 years
Fanfic-Author Tagging game 2022
Thank you @louveclaviere for inviting me to join this fun! Let's see what I got :D
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year,
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
tagging: @kazuza-art, @moorishflower, @queuest, @softest-punk
Five Works:
Do I even have five works in 2022??? To my surprise, indeed I have!
Dungeons, Dragons and Witchers, a mystery about a missing player in an online DnD game with characters from The Witcher-series. Born out of a binge watch of critical role.
Magic Winter Nights, a Tomarry-romcom about a millionaire and a poor artist getting mistaken for the other in an opulent mountain hotel.
Hannibal the killer whale, my big fic this year. Lots of research about marine life, orcas and the polution of our oceans. Went longer than expected, has beautiful fanart and a spinnoff planned :D
The feral child, my sweet summer child. Most popular fic this year, the people looove Severitus (good taste!).
Kiss, marry, kill, my first ever entry for a fest! Loved writing it, had so much fun that a bonus chapter got written. Minister of magic Tom and Auror Harry. Murderhusband-vibes and Grindeldore cheering from the sidelines.
Four WIPs:
Beloved Enemy - Comming in Q1.Tomarry stranded in a desert and forced to work together
The snake temple- Multiship, Tomarry, Grindeldore and Bartymort with monsterfucking
Fear the kraken - My first try at Our Flag Means Death. Fantasy-AU with Kraken!Ed in an aquarium and caretaker!Stede
La belle epoque - Hannigram with dragons in a victorian setting
Some kind of benevolent alien invsion - With Harry as a spaceship AI and Voldy as black alien goo eating the crew.
Three Improvements:
I finished fics!!! I finished so much fics!
My translation work comes along very nicely. I learned a lot from my betas and I get faster every time.
I manage to construct and follow storyarcs. Sometimes a bit wobly, but there were logical conclusions and satisfactory endings <3
Two Resolutions:
Write diverse. Branch out into difernt fandoms, differnt ships, differnt topics, differnt lenghs of fic.
Keep writing regulary. Set a time of day aside for writing, even if it is only 30 min. Keep sprinting with the discord-server and have fun
One Line:
"Is there anything I can do to convince you of my trustworthiness? I'll take your secret to the grave, but I'd really prefer not to have to do it right away."
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emiliamildner · 5 years
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Camille for draw this in your style challenge by @kazuza-arts .
You can find me on Instagram and buy me a Kofi
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starmaki · 6 years
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The Crystal Palace story 
Art image 1 image 2 
Art image 1 image 2
Author: @starmaki (ao3 themirrordarkly)
Artist: @corinthian-13 ( ao3 kazuza) 
Fic rating: T 
Artwork Rating: G 
Warnings: No major warnings
Tags: Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, De-Serumed Steve Rogers, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers, Sharing a Bed, Illnesses, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Feelings Realization, Developing Relationship, Sexual Tension, Kissing, Not Canon Compliant, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Relationships: SteveXBucky (Stucky) 
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Word count: 8k+ 
Summary: And that was when the Winter Soldier decided to show up on Steve’s doorstep. His pale eyes stared at Steve intensely, pinning him like he’s a butterfly on display. The man swallowed a lump in his throat, grinding his back teeth, lips turning down in a frown.
“I thought you were bigger.”
“I was until last week.”
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firendgold · 1 year
okay @kazuza-art I’m back on a separate post because tumblr apparently has a fucking character limit for text posts. trust my rage.
last time we covered why for me personally gr*ndeld*re has more holes in it than swiss cheese. now we’ll cover why I think time travel harrydore is superior and respects both characters.
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the tl;dr of the below is the following sentences: I don't believe in 'opposites attract' at all, but I do believe that your partner should be similar and different enough from you to keep the relationship fresh and inspiring and romantic. An Albus who's years post-Ariana's death has the emotional capacity and maturity to appreciate Harry as a partner that he didn't have at almost-eighteen.
oh yeah uh, since this is time travel!harrydore we'll put this on the playing field of 'Harry is somehow in a time period where Albus is alive and well and post-1899 stuff'. I have to obviously take canon into account where Harry's a kid growing up and Albus is very much an adult for my arguments, but like... what can you do. I'm not asking That Woman to write me a canon harrydore story. She's a TERF hanging with fascists these days, and also she would fuck it up.
here's why harrydore screams 'solution' to me:
Harry and Albus care deeply about each other, despite their own best efforts, and this is shown consistently. Even when the fandom has been wildly inconsistent and flat-out wrong about Harry and Albus and what they mean to each other, That Woman has kept their bond consistent even through works she didn't write like Cursed Child. Harry comes from an abusive/neglectful environment and his relationship strategy boils down to 'abandon them before they abandon me first'; Albus is allergic to showing his entire self to anyone after being betrayed and left behind, so he talks above people's heads and leads them astray with batty humor. Despite all that, despite coming into their initial headmaster-student relationship with their walls up higher than China's, they eventually became fond of one another to the point where they are constantly re-affirming their loyalty and devotion to one another beyond the cause of defeating Voldemort. It’s to the point where Dumbledore literally dies and Harry, seventeen years old and in danger of dying every thirty seconds in Deathly Hallows, spends a significant amount of time wondering why his mentor wasn’t open and honest with him about his personal life beforehand.
Harry and Albus can (and do) make each other better, physically and emotionally. Albus has an astounding amount of faith in Harry almost from the moment they meet; he talks to and treats him with a lot of respect. This only grows as he gets to know Harry better through their annual “post-Voldemort-tried-to-kill-Harry” conversations. Albus comes to see Harry as a “better man” than he was as a young person, and later in the series he constantly mentions how admirable and unique he finds Harry’s insight, compassion, incorruptibility, and capacity for forgiveness. On Harry’s part, Albus is one of the few adults who treats him kindly from their first interaction—Albus listens to Harry, he teaches him without being condescending, he believes Harry when others don’t, and he shields him from threats of all kinds (Voldemort, Death Eaters, Rita Skeeter, the whole frigging Ministry of Magic). He admires Albus as the kind of man he might want to be someday—someone powerful who isn’t afraid to be a bit whimsical.  In return for Albus’ high regard and protection, Harry freely gives Albus a lot of trust and unconditional loyalty. There are obviously pitfalls in their relationship that happen due to lack of trust and/or communication from both, but both of them are able to acknowledge and admit that withholding things from each other is wrong and only leads to more pain. 
Albus and Harry use their interactions with each other to smooth over their character flaws, instead of exacerbating them. Albus has spent a century being extremely secretive and distant, partly because of his relationship with Gellert, to the point where even characters he knows as ‘friends’ do not know his entire backstory (with Minerva McGonagall being an exception). Harry has spent so long being ignored that he gravitates toward any who are kind to him, but is just as quick to cut people off if he thinks for a second that they are inauthentic or about to betray him. He also has trouble seeing the ‘grays’ in a person’s character: his view of Ron changes drastically depending on whether they’re on the outs or not, and his view of Snape is extremely negative until almost the end of the series, even though he knows the man is spying for Dumbledore for almost three years. But when Albus and Harry spend time together, or share their thoughts and feelings after Voldemort’s latest attack, they take on one another’s better traits. From Harry, Albus learns (to an extent) to be more open with his thoughts and feelings; from Albus, Harry learns how to read people and predict what they’ll do, and how to put himself in others’ shoes before passing judgment.
Meta reason: in the fandom (unlike an uncomfortable portion of gr*ndeld*re fics and fans) the majority of people who either ship Harry and Albus or appreciate their platonic relationship actually love or at least like both characters. Where other ships involving Harry or Albus sometimes involve one or the other being bashed or diminished to prop up the other partner, most depictions of Harry and Albus in harrydore are respectful to both men and try to be as accurate and in-depth as possible. While, you know, understandably sticking up the middle finger at canon for not letting them be together in any way, shape or form thanks to book 6. There are just not as many bash sessions-disguised-as-fanfics or blatant mischaracterizations of Harry or Albus in time travel!harrydore as there are of either man in alternate ships like gr*ndeld*re, h*nny, dr*rry, t*marry/h*rrym*rt, sn*rry, etc.
Albus and Harry change over time and their relationship changes, too, without dissolving. Harry goes from being a bright-eyed innocent with a sharp tongue to a fierce young man with a temper, and then again to a calmer, insightful young adult with a deeper understanding of the world. Albus goes from a cheerful-but-distant headmaster to a more compassionate, hands-on mentor. And although they fight sometimes, although they don’t always make the right decisions for one another or themselves, both wordlessly resolve to keep working on their relationship. The two of them have had significant disagreements (about Snape, Voldemort, and the prophecy among other things) but have never thrown in the towel. The only reason it ‘ends’ is because Dumbledore passes away and unwittingly leaves Harry alone.
Some might argue that Harry gives a lot in harrydore and Albus takes. I would counter-argue that the giving and taking is almost even between them. Albus sacrifices just as much and more than he does with gr*ndeld*re: his time, his family, his reputation, and his life; but with harrydore he actually gets something back. Harry’s devotion is notable in the series for not being blind hero-worship, but rather a deep appreciation of Albus Dumbledore as a human who makes mistakes but has good intentions. Harry consistently gives Albus tangible (information, the Sword of Gryffindor, random Horcruxes) and intangible (trust, support, faith) things in return for the constant risks Albus takes to keep him safe behind the scenes.
Finally, Harry as-an-adult is to me personally a golden opportunity for Albus, who constantly talks about the value and importance of love, to experience it for himself. We do get some of this in canon through their platonic relationship, but romantically Harry has a lot of traits that a post-Ariana, post-Gellert Albus would appreciate and find compelling. Harry’s very straightforward and says what he means; he may not be a genius or a prodigy, but he’s pretty smart and powerful in his own right; and he values his bonds with others, and will do anything for the people he loves and/or considers family. A wounded Albus who lost his family and the love of his life would be pretty well-served by someone who would remain faithful to him and would not leave his side, no matter what.
In summation: time travel!harrydore is peak in both fandom and meta and it easily clears. gr*ndeld*re could never
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firendgold · 2 years
I love good time travel Harrydore ! Thank you so much for this blog ❤️
Time travel Harrydore's the best! And thank YOU so much for your contributions to the ship, I've seen your art in the past month or so and it is aboslutely gorgeous.
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metalomagnetic · 5 months
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An amazing present from my friend @kazuza-art . It is for ‘It runs in the blood’, after the meeting where Sirius brings that spicy parchment for Voldemort.
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metalomagnetic · 6 months
10 first lines
List the first line of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern.
Thank you for the tag @chaos-bear!
Blood, hot and rich, goes down his throat; Astarion’s mind is sluggish, slow, and he fights to claw himself out of the darkness, to cling to the sensation, to work his throat, swallow properly. (The prodigal son)
He should have listened to Lily. (White Bishop)
James is furious, at all times, simmering with anger, always close under his skin. (Inevitable)
Voldemort is sitting in Sirius’ comfortable armchair. (It runs in the blood) 
He wakes up with her straddling him, face obscured by her long hair, the moonlight making it shine almost blue. (Broken crown)
You live your life in perpetual twilight, caught between her darkness and his light. (Stop all the clocks)
Sirius Black is a nasty piece of work. (Family)
For a time, after Aemond claims Vhagar, he makes it a habit to mount her and disappear, sometimes for days, to their mother’s despair. (Downfall)
“Can’t sleep?” Sirius asks when he hears the door opening, and he turns his head to see his godson entering the room. (Unpublished)
Their reputation is in ruins!” her mother complained, once the war was over and her father still intended to honour his understanding with Mr Malfoy. (Unpublished)
It seems I like to jump straight into the action, from the first sentence. I've taken a look at the rest of my works, too, and most of them start this way, sometimes with a line of dialog, or a very short sentence that starts the plot. Apparently, I am incapable of setting the mood with describing the setting, and I prefer to open with someone's thoughts or feelings or actions.
Tagging @maidenwychelm @mundrakan @cindle-writes @vashhanamichi @kazuza-art @imaslothandsowhat and whoever else wants to participate.
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vashhanamichi · 10 months
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Wonderful @kazuza-art made me a beautiful perfect gorgeous Virgin Mary Dumbledore
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vashhanamichi · 4 months
I wrote this female!Albus fic for @kazuza-art
It was supposed to be a birthday present but inspiration is a fickle mistress
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