#keep seeing tweets about it
sappymix1 · 3 months
what the fuck was that event ludwig did today
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biracy · 8 months
I can't remember if I've posted abt this before but regardless: I'm sorry but I really and truly cannot get behind the idea that there is any wide-scale societal "pressure for trans men to be feminine" or "to be twinks" or whatever. You are either conflating a very small online community's beauty standard (usually some kind of transmasc pseudo-appropriation of "femboy" aesthetics, which yes, are often Bad and regressive and fetishized and etc.) with Mainstream Society, or confusing society not wanting trans men to transition with "wanting trans men to be feminine", which are certainly not the same thing. Ultimately if a cis person believes there is any validity to the concept of being trans (i.e. not a Posie Parker-esque "there's no such thing as a trans person" type), they are more likely to think that trans men should be like as masc and buff and hairy as possible or whatever bc that's what cis people think men look like and it's easier for a lot of people to recognize someone who Looks Masc as a man. It is difficult sometimes to see derision of trans guys who are Too Feminine and Not Hairy Enough or whatever (which is not always something someone has control over btw) as anything but "this is Skye who I think is a confused little girl because Skye does not pass" slightly restyled for 2023 "filthcore fagdykes" or whatever lol
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ctl-yuejie · 9 months
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"It will just end how it started"
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sunglassesmish · 7 months
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these are amazing hello
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oh my god do NOT go on twitter to look at the forever situation. it's like the dream situation where people are cheering for his downfall and making a joke out of ccs unfollowing him and claiming they never liked him anyway. this is not something to joke about, this is a grown ass man making inappropriate comments towards girls as young as thirteen. good god
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evelynhenare1 · 1 year
It makes me so incredibly mad that Thor Love and Thunder being kinda bad has made the internet think Taika Waititi is a terrible director or refer to the various corny lines that plague thr mcu as "taika lines" when like, Taika is genuinely such a fucking amazing director snd you only have to see his other movies to know that.
Like yeah Jojo Rabbit was fantastic, it was nominated for best picture for a reason but i think his earlier, more kiwi stuff is really his peak.
What we do in the shadows (the og movie) is probably one of the funniest films ive ever seen, its really well done.
Hunt for the wilderpeople is a fsntastic mix of funny and sad.
But my favorite will forever and always be Boy (2010), a movie that will never fail to make me genuinely weep. It's probably my favorite movie of all time, such a painful ride but also such a joyus one. He also plays a main character in this and gives imo his best performance by far.
Like look, besides love and thunder, all of his other films have been hits, so dont act like hes a shit director just because he had one miss.
(Also dont act like yall didnt love ragnarok, yall fucking loved ragnarok because it was great)
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Damien’s currently getting cancelled on Twitter for *checks to make sure I’m reading this shit right* apologizing for a joke he made five years ago where he mentioned the conflict in Gaza
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lavender-phannie · 5 months
Scrolling past drama on phannietwt is so funny like wtf are you people even talking about??
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c-kiddo · 6 months
finding out how much (7000+) in canadian dollars james somerton spent on film cameras while shooting youtube video essays with the ugliest most stagnant compositions and muddy lighting and those fucking goofy turtlenecks is so fascinating to me. like its really just been entirely an ego thing huh . he doesnt even know how to use them
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bandzboy · 2 months
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it’s boggling my mind that instead of putting this drama on a streaming platform or distributing it somewhere they put on app that is powered by nfts and that has a mlm/pyramid scheme type system in it like this company never seizes to amaze me in the worst ways
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space-mist · 9 months
in the wake of everything else it's. also a real damn shame how the community has torn itself apart over all the limbus controversy and other people's opinions. harassment has been at an all time high and it's making people incredibly volatile, and if not that, incredibly depressed. the community before limbus was much quieter and kinder to itself and others, and now people are killing each other over a gacha and the idea that you can't have nuance. someone saying that they want people to stop fighting isn't automatically a project moon dicksucker, and people who are still disappointed in the company and want to cut their ties aren't automatically all haters that want to see the company and everyone a part of it, regardless of what they've done, go under and be destroyed.
it's just. god i'm tired of it all. isn't anyone else tired of the constant warring between people?
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francy-sketches · 10 months
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got accused of being an evil artist hater over this man I love twitter
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itspyon · 4 months
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i think we as a tumblr society have progressed past the need. blows you guys kisses
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zeb-z · 6 months
Bad has so many reasons to be cautious, even paranoid, as anyone else on the island. From Federation nonsense to Dapper being kidnapped to the whole purgatory nonsense to whatever fuckass suit of armor “old friend” was setting up cameras in his house. But it compounds on his regular overly aware paranoid self to this state of hyper-paranoia. And as a demon who can and usually will lie, cheat, steal, and use sneaky underhanded tactics, he expects the craziest extent because he thinks of it, realizes it’s possible, and would use it himself. We saw this very obviously in purgatory - when he thought greens desperate last ditch effort to balance the scale was a super planned out tactic to tip the scale, so he did it first, all the hardcore base hunting, the spawn killing, there’s a reason every other tactic he used usually followed a main channel qsmp post with updated rules - all usually things he was surprised no one else thought of. But then this also piles onto the fact that he has to have things go his way, all the time, and that he’s argumentative as all get out, which led to the debate between him and Bagi yknow. Especially because he’s not just doing it for the sake of being right, he doesn’t think he’s paranoid, but that he’s exercising the right amount of caution.
So like. Listen dude. Yeah he’s got reasons to be paranoid. But his thought process around building vaults for separate cookie caches like they locked up the risus pills, only to scrap it because it’s not perfectly impenetrable, is extreme. His character has hardly been a leading example in someone who has reasonable reactions to things. And even when there isn’t his own children’s livelihoods potentially on the line, he has a need for control, and the most control he has is if he keeps the cookies in his inventory at all times. If he makes himself the sole point in which the others can get ones in a case of emergency, then he can control the variables. The problem is he’s unreliable about himself when he’s at his most rational and healthiest, and he’s far worse with the current memory and health issues he’s been mostly unaware of.
I dunno it’s like. There is never going to be a purely impenetrable base. And it’s not just a case of “Bagi just hasn’t lived through __ yet!”. Bad’s own logic about keeping the cookies on him at all times is flawed under his own logic, because Bagi is right - if someone has enough drive to break into separate secured cookie caches purely for the downfall of eggs, they more than certainly have enough drive to find a way to kill Bad and just take them from his inventory, or to just kill the eggs themselves. All it truly does is give Bad a sense of control, and soothe his paranoia.
#everyone let’s remember rurus’ tweet about bad NOT being in the blunt rotation. he would try to pluck cameras out of your eyes. and he will#make it seem like it’s the most reasonable thing to do in that moment#now this is more me complaining about shit I’ve been seeing on Twitter in the tags <3 love and peace but I’ve got beef#side note - to say the people who are commenting on qBad’s paranoia or this and that are all newcomers who just ‘weren’t there to experienc#-the dark times’ or ‘weren’t there for the egg deaths/nightmares’ like you are not immune to the way bbh can make something seem so#reasonable#he’s got his own reasons to be paranoid. and most everyone agreed that the base idea of a ‘cookie jar’ would need rethinking with security#but to say qBagi (or Jorge’s/other viewers) is shortsighted or naive. when qBad is THE definition of paranoia. of overreacting. like#qBad’s reaction extends from a mixture of care hyper paranoia and trauma response (which is half that hyper paranoia)#and he will pick and pick and pick until there’s nothing left to pick at#sometimes this is helpful. a lot of the time it’s not#and on the flip side it’s like y’all bad cares about the eggs to a ridiculous degree don’t be silly here okay. he does this because he care#even without a memory in his brain he calls them ‘little one’ and is gentle like. he cares#but at the same time this doesn’t always justify his nonsense. his thought processes. he’s Uber hyper paranoid and not easy to reason with#he’s selfish he can and will jump to extremes he’s overly controlling. and he’s the worlds most unreliable narrator#I’ve been saying this I’ll keep saying this he’s an unreliable narrator! this doesn’t make everything he says or thinks bullshit but you#cannot take what he says to himself how he justifies his actions etc etc in private at face value. unless he is making it EXPLICITLY CLEAR#he’s talking from a meta perspective as the creator of his character#you have to take his perspective with a grain of salt. because he will ‘I’m just a little guy and the world is out to get me’ his way outta#everything#there is a difference between reasonable caution from learned past experiences and overly anxious paranoid responses#idk I’m running out of steam sorry this is like a second post with the tags#and again I say this as a huge qBbh enjoyer lmao#mcyt#qsmp#q!bbh#q!bagi#z speaks
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paperconsumption · 2 months
i really love how twitter will take a singular issue and turn it into Abstract Concept to Discuss. this tweet about alien stage blew up and the original thing they were mad about was a very blatant example of fandom prioritizing men over women. but it’s led to people arguing about whether it’s okay to write more yaoi than yuri without having the context of Alien Stage Specifically. and it’s shifted the discussion (if you can call it that) in such a new direction i just find it odd
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aoi-kanna · 2 years
More dreammare ? ÚwÙ 💜💛
How could I refuse? úwù
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This content was extracted from my blue bird account :3
Nightmare & Dream from Dreamtale by Joku
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