saturnniidae · 2 months
I think people who add scars to character designs just to 'make them more interesting' need to stop being absolute cowards when it comes to keloids or actually realistic burns
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vixendestroyz · 1 month
weirdly proud of my sc4rs sometimes because I KNOW they are some of the worst people have seen. I've been told it many times. I get stared at constantly. but then I go online and I'm like "fuck, I really gotta step my game up"
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
looking up info on keloid scarring is so helpful. thanks man I didn't think of trying that one
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#well actually that kind of is relevant bc ive been trying to find more info abt tattooing keloid prone skin#which is effectively opting to wound urself. but everywhere is just like if ur keloid prone ummm. Don't do it 👍#theres not enough known abt keloids to predict if theyll be triggered or not by the healing process like it depends on so many things#i mostly get them from acne scars. but they dont always immediately appear sometimes its weeks or months after#n once u get them theyre permanent. treatments for them have a 100% rate of recurrence n will grow back bigger if u try to excise them#and they cant be tattooed over like other scars bc they dont hold ink n the irritation can cause them to get bigger too#it depends a lot on the tattoo artists skill/experience ig like u have to know Exactly how deep ur tattooing + how the wound will heal#bc if healing triggers keloids. well ill just end up with permanent scarring instead theres nothing i can do if it happens#which honestly might still look cool but its unpredictable bc they tend to extend past the original wound. n it wouldnt scar uniformly#urgh. i should probably talk to a gp n an actual tattooist abt it. i could ask to get like a rly small tattoo to test how my skin reacts#pointless thinking abt rn anyway cuz im not gonna get one any time soon i have some other shit to sort before that#but it would be so frustrating if i cant i have so many tattoo ideas i do rly want them.... :-(#ah well whatever.. im just procrastinating doing shit i need to crack on bc i cant spend another entire weekend doing nothing#after a month n a half of being on meds i feel like theyre becoming less effective. my task paralysis n focus is getting worse again :(#like its taking more and more effort its been rly noticeable at work. hoping its just bc of general mental health or poor sleep or smth#and not that im building tolerance or smth bc man. what else can i even do if that happens#this is gonna make me miserable to think abt so lets go do smth else!#at least i woke up feeling tons better today 💪💪💪 storm passed baby#.diaries
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tinytrashkid · 4 months
god to be able to go back to the fun little grunge bitch i was would be a dream!
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yuyu-bi · 5 months
i’ve been thinking more and more about getting a nose piercing and i guess depending on where i am in a few years….i might get one tbh but it’ll def be the only facial piercing i get (although a septum is incredibly tempting)
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fawnoir · 2 years
Sorry. It’s the emotional and psychological scar tissue. Again.
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zooophagous · 7 months
out of curiosity, is it normal for tattoos to scar beneath the ink? or is that a sign the artist went a little too hard/deep?
also is it inevitable that eventually over the years the ink will start to bleed/get fuzzy around the edges?
I would say it's normal to have a small amount of scarring or raised areas in a tattoo. Ideally a tattoo will lay completely flat, but due to the differences in people's skin and people's aftercare, some tattoos will have some bumpiness no matter how good the artist is. A keloid scar or large areas of hypertrophic scarring are a bad sign though, if an artist consistently produces scarred work they're probably running their machine too hot.
All tattoos will eventually lose depth and detail over time and have a fade to them. This is because your skin cells die and are replaced over time, and your immune system considers tattoo ink to be a foreign body, and exposure to sunlight will make any dye including those present in tattoo inks fade.
Your body holds onto a tattoo because your immune system attacks the area with cells called macrophages. They consume the molecules of ink, and then they sort of get stuck. They stay there with the ink inside them. Over time, a macrophage will die, and a new one will come and eat that ink droplet. Because of this the edges of the ink will move imperceptibly over time and give the lines a softer edge. This is inevitable. The only question is how much the tattoo will blur and spread, not if it will.
Weight gain and weight loss can also cause lines in tattoos to thicken and change over time. The most dramatic ink spread usually occurs in tattoos that are placed over a fat pad like the belly, because these fat pads are the most prone to changes with age (especially if the tattoo owner experiences a pregnancy)
There's a reason the old traditionalists say "bold will hold." It's because a larger, thicker outlined and deeper color tattoo will look fresher longer because the changes that occur to it are less obvious than in something very tiny and fine.
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joanofexys · 3 months
Please I must know more about Angel…
I’m gonna do a mix of fun facts and extra Angel backstory/PSU stuff so hopefully there’ll be something good in there
Some fun facts abt Angel:
Cuts the sleeves off most of his shirts
Crop. Tops.
Basically I wanted more men to dress like whores
Except he lowkey does it in a dad, rock band in someone’s garage, hot mechanic kind of way if that vibe makes sense in any capacity
His nose is crooked
Has a lot of scarring across his body, most of it has keloided (idk if that’s a word but I have keloid scars so leave me alone rip). He’s also got a few on his face
Because they’re raised and pretty prominent they tend to weird most people out and even though most of them are from when he was 10 or younger (courtesy of his father) they haven’t really faded. Some of them hurt some of them don’t
He doesn’t really like them or think they’re cool, he’s learned to feel neutral about it. However, Phoebe loves his scars
He’s built like a fucking brick wall. Just absolutely massive
gonna put it under the cut cause partial nudity ig but this is an idea of his body build:
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also real quick the closest I’ve gotten for a good face claim for him is Isaiah Baumgardner
His hands are really cut up/scarred (I’ll explain this in a sec)
Cat and dog person. He will argue very passionately for it too and how unfair he thinks it is whenever people try and demonize cats or dogs
Queen would probably be the top artist in his Spotify wrapped
Hoards different editions of classics
Okay yeah moving on from the random bullets to me writing another essay about him
I did NOT get into this in his initial post but yeah his dad is a serial killer. For years his mom is labeled as missing (went missing when he was 4 years old) and then at 10 years old he’s removed from his dad’s home and moved into foster care. It wasn’t until 14 that his mother was confirmed dead upon his father’s arrest and confession.
When he was 14 years old the police randomly showed up at the door of his foster family at the time and took him down to the station. He was questioned for 7 hours, wrapping up at 3 in the morning, while the police tried to figure out if he had any knowledge or involvement in his father’s murders. All it resulted in was a crying Angel begging for his mommy to come home. With how young he was and the fact that he had been out of the home for 4 years (and his father continued killing during those 4 years) they declared there was no way he was aware. He was offered a chance to testify against his father. He refused to show.
When they dropped him off at his foster home he very nearly got the cops called again. He destroyed his room. Every personal belonging he had bought or been given by former families. He moved to a different home within the week. He breaks a lot of glass. And insists on cleaning it up himself. He cuts up his hands bad doing so. They have to take him to the ER.
Because he was a minor and had basically no ties to his father he was largely kept out of the media. When his father’s arrest and plea of guilty made the news it was mentioned that he had a single son but there was never a name. Obviously with Di Fiore anyone who looks him up is likely to get his dad in the search results instead. But he does his best to keep it hidden. It’s pretty easy for Wymack (and Andrew rip) to dig it up but Angel keeps it buried until he ends up at Palmetto. Once Andrew drops that he knows then Angel gives up on trying to keep any secrets from the foxes pretty much
He spends most of his time with the monsters. Phoebe’s favorites of them end up being Andrew (much to Aaron’s dismay since Aaron babysits more) and Kevin. However, like how cats can tell when people don’t like them, she is prone to asking for Neil and refusing to let anyone else hold her. Neil has no fucking clue what to do with her
When he goes to Eden’s with them if he can’t leave Phoebe with Harper then his go to babysitters are Dan & Matt and Wymack
He spends more time crashing at Wymack or Abby’s places than in the dorms
Resisting the urge to dump about my oc x canon ships but he and Allison are fwbs. He and Kevin are something (he’s basically a weighted blanket as a person which is something I think Kevin needs)
Uhhhhh fuck what else is going on with him. Idk he keeps to himself. He and Harper go on double dates with Katelyn and Aaron despite being broken up. He’s both very obviously a fucked up teenager and a good dad at the same time. He’s prone to cheating at board games. He doesn’t yell at people. His hearing’s a little fucked but he’ll probably never get it checked out. He’s very physically affectionate when he’s given permission (but he’ll always ask first. it’s good for setting healthy boundaries but it’s especially for Phoebe and to make sure she knows her boundaries will always be respected at home even from a young age). He likes RPGs (he’d be a huge fan of BG3) and is a fantasy nerd. Yeah that’s just a bit more about him
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König HCs
Because why not lads. These are some of my personal ones regarding the lore I’ve put together for him. TW: untreated mental illness, childhood neglect, burn injuries, surgical trauma. Uh, some other shit, too, probably. Idfk reader beweader you’re in for a sceader.
Bro has BPD. It covers a lot of the beloved fanon interpretation of him being clingy and hot/cold and scared of being left. He’s got Fear Of Abandonment Syndrome, and he’s like 10% more likely to make a fucky wucky on himself and end up sleeping in the forever box.
Source: I have it and my baby girl only gets the best of the worst from me.
H a t e s d o c t o r s. And hospitals, and surgical procedures, and anything of the like. He’s probably already got more health issues than a blue blood racehorse just from his sheer size alone - prone to heart issues and musculoskeletal strain - but there’s no way on god’s green earth that he hasn’t been through a handful of major procedures because he’s diagnosed with human knife block and bullet sponge disorders respectively.
Sub-point A: born with a cleft palette and lip. Palette was corrected, has a turned second incisor as a result. Lip was botched. Pulled a pot of boiling sugar off a stove and burnt a big-ass portion of his face, neck, chest, and stomach. Multiple painful reconstructive and corrective surgeries to deal with keloid scarring.
Sub-point B: psychology might help OTHER people, but HE is built DIFFERENT. He’s not crazy, you see, and if you suggest otherwise you’ll suddenly develop a case of Backpfeifengesicht and he’ll provide the violence. DBT? That’s Dick and Ball Torture, babey.
Despite this, he lies through his teeth at psych evals. He knows the “right” answers, and he is not going to get his livelihood taken away from him, even if it’s not exactly what he wanted. If he’s answering for his own actions, he can swerve and intuit what thing will calm things down the most and get him the smallest punishment.
Developed most of his wheedling skills as a kid, parents were neglectful as shit. Mostly disregarded him during his upbringing. Youngest of three, an eldest sister and a brother. Not in contact with any of them.
He’s 34. I don’t know if I’ve accepted him being a Colonel into my heart as my lord and savior, I’m still figuring that one out until there’s more concrete canon material besides a loading screen.
Grew up in a hoarder house of apathy, alcoholism, and depression and it was DISGUSTING. Black mold, water damage, trash everywhere, travel lanes carved through the most useless fucking junk. His parents bred Doberman dogs to sell as guard/security dogs, and some lived in the house, adding to the filth and destruction. He can’t stand a dirty house, and as an adult has an insane cleaning routine. Often stress cleans. You could eat off his bathroom floors.
He Does Not Like Dogs. Period. He especially hates Dobermans. He doesn’t like dog breeders worth a fuck either, good or bad.
Did not have any sort of media or anything as a kid. Parents didn’t spend money on tech or pop culture stuff, they were kind of stuck 30 years behind everyone else. His parents were older when he was born, he was very unplanned and not particularly warmly welcomed. Kept himself entertained out in the boonies, did a lot of reading, learned to juggle, learned to juggle knives. Had a big brokedown half-draft horse to take the kennel dogs on longer walks in the country, horsebacked a lot.
Soon as he was in the army, away from his family home, and living on his own, he got his first cell phone and computer and pretty much started living on the internet. He’s self taught in a couple of programming languages, very tech literate, halfway kind of lives on Reddit (narrowly swerved getting redpilled, thank fuck) on his personal time, and built his own PC set up. Built one for Horangi, too, and gives Stiletto advice on her own build when she asks for it.
Bc I said so, everyone I love hates Klaus. All my homies fuckin hate Klaus.
König was raised secular Jewish, really doesn’t know all that much about it and didn’t get a bris or bar mitzvah, it’s just like Yeah That’s What I Put On Papers to him. Klaus is always getting in his shit about Austria and WW2. König’s grandparents made it out of the camps and went on to become: a microbiologist, a professor at the Austrian University of Veterinary Medicine, a multi term mayor of a small village/candy maker, and a beloved homemaker. The brilliance of the family seemed to leech out with each passing generation, and König sees himself as the dead end of it all.
König has rocked Klaus’s shit about the shitty jokes before and will do it again.
Favorite rugby club is South Africa, and he has an intense crush on Faf de Klerk even though he’s been traded to Japan. He’s kind of hot for all scrum halves tho lbr here.
Lunch break is over and this is ridiculous, will probably do more later.
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weirdstrangeandawful · 6 months
I have decided I do actually want to share the tattoo I got! I was worried about it being identifiable but, honestly, it's covered by clothes most of the time and I've already posted photos of my crutches which are pretty damn identifiable lol so here you go!
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The base of the feather needs touching up a little since it blew out over some keloid scarring I have there but overall I'm really happy with how it came out. I'm also not too disappointed that the base probably needs darkening to hide the blowout. I think it will match the rest of the feather.
Also if anyone else with hEDS, fibro, or POTS or who is keloid-prone wants to ask me about how it healed/is healing or how the experience was, I'm happy to talk about it!!! I know I was super worried about how things like that would affect it.
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 years
So is there, like, a limit to what *kind* of stitches you can take out with a seam ripper? When I try to mend something, usually one of two things happens--either I try to yank a big snarl through the fabric, tear it, and have a new place to fix, which I usually do by just sewing the edges of the hole *to* the snarl since it's already there; OR if I'm being especially painstaking I will manage to catch the huge snarls *before* pulling them through, and then I pass the next few stitches through the snarl to hold it together and down and keep all the loops from unraveling. In either case, while I can usually manage to keep the outside of the garment looking reasonably clean the inside doesn't so much have seams as it has keloids--basically a big running knot of stitches looped back on each other, that I just keep doubling back on and stabbing until the needle won't go through it anymore because that's the only way I know to secure it.
Am I just stuck with them? Or if I ever learned to sew properly, would I be able to unpick those mends and redo them? (Or, more likely, get an actual seamstress to redo them?)
(If it matters--most of the garments I've tried to mend by actually sewing are jersey knit; woven fabrics I usually just use those iron-on patches on the inside.)
Oh boy JERSEY. It's a lovely spoilt brat devil of a fabric. I love it so but it's very prone to problems. I myself have absolutely done the overlapping row-on-row of raddled fabric bunched into a seam. I'm going to go backwards, starting with the assumption that holes will happen, before talking about unpicking methods that might prevent the formation of holes to begin with.
Because I mean, sometimes it is all such a pain in the ass that I just sew a new seam further into the fabric and cut the old seam off with scissors, if that won't mess up the thing I'm repairing. Alas, it often will mess it up, and then getting fancy is required.
The simplest answer is to get a stretchy fusible interfacing that will work like an iron-on patch. Your search terms here are "knit fusible interfacing" and "weft fusible interfacing"; you can buy it off the bolt at fabric stores. I use it when my t-shirts get random little holes in the fabric and I want to prevent them from getting any larger--I just cut a little circle of interfacing and iron it onto the back of the fabric. You could cut pieces big enough to cover your keloid areas, iron them down, and then sew through the interfacing with more confidence.
It is possible to darn knit garments, using thread to catch the loops that have been dropped and create a bridge of new stitches that hold it all together. People absolutely do darn T-shirts and fine fabrics like jersey; I personally only do it for knitted items that are extremely precious to me and have large yarn and a big gauge, because I find it a pain in the ass. There's traditional darning where you catch the loops at the perimeter of the hole, then create a woven web of threads over the gap, and Swiss darning, where you duplicate the knitted structure.
A lot of the problems with knit fabric originate with the needles used to sew them. Ordinary sharp needles have the unfortunate habit of piercing and breaking the threads of the fabric they're sewing, and those broken threads can begin to unravel and create holes. If the thing you're unpicking was originally sewn with sharp needles, you might be SOL and have to accept the holes as inevitable. Avoiding this problem requires ball point needles, whose tips have been carefully blunted so they merely push threads aside as they move through fabric. This is way more likely to be a problem with sewing machines, since they punch down with more force than handsewists generally use to push the needle through the fabric, but, you might benefit by doing your hand-mending with ballpoints.
So, with unpicking, one major secret is serger or overlock stitches. These are made by machines that use three or four threads all at once to completely encase the seam in thread. They're used a lot in modern sewing because they're quick, easy, and make garments machine-washable. Hoowever, if you want to unpick the seam, you might find yourself thinking, "Where do I start?"
There is a secret to it. Here's a tutorial on the process, and here's another. Once you know which threads to focus on, the whole process gets much easier.
Which finally brings us around to unpicking seams, full stop.
The biggest problem with unpicking seams in knit fabrics is the extreme likelihood that you will not just catch the thread of the seam, but the thread of the fabric itself. In that case, your best bet is actually to turn the item out to its "good" or "right" side, pull the seam gently apart until the stitches are visible, and carefully pick them out from there. Here's a tutorial. This works with seams made by serger, sewing machine, or by hand. You just have to be wary of cutting the fabric itself when you're coming in to cut the stitch.
Whew! I don't know about you, but now I don't feel like sewing again for a week. (Lies. I will sew again after lunch.) This is as much as I think is useful. If you have more specific questions, I think I'd need to see photographs of the thing to give any more helpful answers.
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sorin-sunchild · 1 year
Had a convo with a young trans masc curious about top surgery and he was like "I want it, but I don't want huge scars." and I asked him if he was prone to keloid scaring and he said no, so I asked him why he thought he'd have huge scars and he showed me some trans fanart and trans furries from artists he liked and he was like "you know, like this!"
And oh my sweet summer child I'll say here what I said to him. There are a lot of art styles which do make the scars look huge but that's just art. Look at real examples, heck, I'll show you mine! Everyone scars different but there's a good chance that especially after a while they'll just be a tiny line under your pecs (or a pinprick of a scar if you get keyhole!). Don't judge top surgery results based on art. Seriously it's fine and if you do get big scars you'll still look great.
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sanjisblackasswife · 6 months
Hello there 👋🏾 just want to say you’re an amazing writer and artist boo, you’re possibly the sole reason why I come back to this app, I always look forward to seeing what you put out and your Patreon is HOT 🥵
🪻What is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome?
🍀 What is your comfort show/series why is it your comfort show/series? And how has it helped you?
💉 Any tattoos/piercings? Do they have any significant meaning to you?
🎤 Have you a ever been to a concert?
🎂 When is your Birthday?
this finna be me thinking about ur message all day cuz i felt kinda moody today :)
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thank u!!!😭✋🏾
if anybody wanna ask me questions here the link
and to answer ur questions:
1. Addiction i think. I’m not ganna say WHAT but i’m sure u can guess, it’s multiple things i was addicted to in my life and now that i’m older and gotten clean im Godly proud of myself🌞🙏🏾 Praise The Lord
2. Definitely between Pokemon, Inuyasha, One Piece and ATLA, Pokémon is def due to nostalgia though. They all are shows i can play back to back while working/doing hw.
3. I used to have about 9-15 piercings now i’m down to none because i’m prone to getting keloids :/. i got my first nose piercing when i was 12 n became addicted but had all of my holes (even the one i had as a baby) closed since my ear surgery. as far as tattoos none but i’m 50/50 on getting a Kirby one.
4. No. Never will, i don’t enjoy big overcrowded loud places too paranoid lol
5. July 15th🙏🏾
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bolyde · 3 months
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Body Headcanon: Hallow
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possible body dysphoria tw (a focus on top surgery scarring and being shirtless), please read with caution ⚠️
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Generally speaking, Hallow's skin is dry.
Their cheeks are also specifically fairly raw as it's the space that most often was revealed to the elements. This looks like blush, but also a mild case of rosacea.
A top set of double canines, sharper than your average human canine, more akin to the banana shape of a tyrannosaurus, but on the human scale. Their single bottom canine sits between the double set, the second of the top set situated behind it when her mouth is closed.
They joke that it made them better at kissing.
Crows feet from squinting against the snow even with proper equipment/eye protection.
Prone to freckling once they actually get enough sunlight.
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Having worked for the adventurers guild of Bryn Shander, mercenary, and other odd jobs all around Ten Towns prior to being stolen by the Nautaloid, Hallow is covered in a myriad of scars from fighting beast, fiend, and human alike. A scar chart is available on their about page with story important scars that were obtained.
Prior to talking about their time captured by the Sect of Radiant Bahamut they typically wear high collared outfits to hide the large Lichtenberg scar (that has resulted in an overgrowth of scales in that area similar to how keloids form) that overruns most of their torso. After this reveal their camp clothing actually loosens to have their doublet more open. They also feel as if they can do certain tasks shirtless as there is no longer a need to hide the extensive scarring (you should stare at their shoulder muscles while they chop mood just saying).
Hallow also has had top surgery.
They have a double incision & retained their nipples during their surgery.
While Hallow uses they/she pronouns, they don't view their body as inherently female, and typically fluctuate feeling completely genderless or "vaguely feminine".
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Someone noticing injection scars might assume that the person is an intravenous drug user and addicted to something like heroin or they might assume that the person has diabetes and has been doing insulin injections, there are plenty of reasons why someone who is prone to keloid scarring might have scars from frequent injections— but it’s very very uncommon for people to develop visible scarring from subcutaneous insulin injections or subcutaneous hormone injections. Track marks on the arms from drug use is more common for a variety of reasons.
But anon tell me what If she was a really pretty girllll and like she has a scene where she removes her t-shirt or she's injured and you can like see little dots on her and is like never even acknowledged?? or or orr like you said is implied that she's a drug user like others and she's like yes bitch I'm using the best DRUG
Because and I don't know if this is true for everyone mind you but I've read that many trans women might inject themselves in the uuhhh low tummy area? (Clueless about body parts, is that lower abdomen?? Is it over the pelvis??)
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starscreeam · 2 years
As someone who has a successfully healed industrial let me tell you some things: do you like sleeping on one side specifically? choose the ear that’s not squished between you and the bed. Is your ear perfectly straight? Probably not, my ear is pulled in shape by the piercing I got used to it. It took over six months to properly heal and industrials are very prone to keloid growth so keep that in mind. I love it deeply but it’s a bitch too
lol good to know. the many woes of having an industrial! i only have my earlobes pierced but id love to get more (if i can get away with it :P)
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