#kendra x sunita
novacomics · 1 year
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hear me out
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og pic:
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riseconfessions · 10 months
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"Because of this future AU/fanfiction that I'm working on, I firmly believe that ships like Donnie x Kendra and April x Sunita COULD work on paper, and in theory (and written by a completely different person who's more dedicated to writing a good story about them lol), I think they would eventually split up. I was thinking that Donnie and Kendra would break up for obvious reasons (conflicting personalities, their pride, growing in opposite directions, etc.), and Sunita and April would have a gentler breakup, with Sunita thinking that it would be the best for the both of them to remain friends and be with someone who they can both date AND be best friends with, who knows them more than anyone else, maybe even on a more personal level? Just some ideas. I don't really want to say my planned ending for the fanfic, but it's kind of hinted at above lol"
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adilay-ackatery · 2 months
🐢 The Venus Crescent Chronicles 🍒 OMEGACEMBER 2023 ✨
⚠️Google Automatic English Translation
⚠️Explicit language, sexual content.
⚠️ Fanfic Series (+18) 🔞
⚠️Originally posted on Ao3
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Sorry for the quality of the translator, my English level is very basic and I have to trust Google 🥲
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 3 months
~ What cake I would give you depending on the TMNT ship/s you ship :3 ~ 💖💞
2012 Raph x Mona Lisa
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2012 April x Donnie
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2012 Renet x Mikey
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Casey Jones x April O'Neil
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2012 Shinigami x Karai
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Casey Jones x Donnie (With whatever version that is not problematic lmao)
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Jhanna x Donnie
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Beebop x Rocksteady
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2012 April x Leo
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2012 April x Donnie x Casey
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2012 Casey x Leo
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2003 Leo x Usagi
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Rise Leo x Yuichi
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1987 Leo x Lotus Blossom
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1987 Shredder x Kraang
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1987 Mikey x Kala
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1987 Mona Lisa x Raph
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Rise April x Sunita
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Mutant Mayhem Leo x April
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Rise April x Leo
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Rise Donnie x April
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Rise Raph x April
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2012 Raph x April
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Rise Kendra x Donnie
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Hamato Yoshi x Tang Shen
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Rise Yuichi x Donnie
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Renet x Donnie
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Karai x April
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Literally any TCEST ship, Leorai, adult x minor ship
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OC x cannon
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I'm tired and I don't feel like including every single goddamn ship that exists. Also the limiti is 30 pics sorry. Okay have a nice day love you bye.
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redak-ted · 1 year
characters (sheet?) for TOH x ROTTMNT au
au with @clanofjones.
Leo - Luz (All)
Donnie - Willow (Construction Coven, Oracle Coven)
Mikey - Gus (Healing Coven, Beast Keeping Coven)
Raph - Hunter (Emperors Coven, Plant Coven, Beast Keeping Coven)
Splinter - Eda (All)
Shelldon - King/Hooty <- undecided
Draxum - Raine (Potions Coven)
Big Mama - Lilith (Emperors Coven, Beast Keeping Coven)
Shredder - Belos (Emperors Coven)
April and Sunita - Masha and Vee
Cassandra - Steve (Emperors Coven, Oracle Coven)
Baxter Stockboy - Jacob (Museum Curator)
Kendra - Mattolumule (Construction Coven)
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rottmntrulesall · 4 years
ROTTMNT Pride Week
Day 2: Villians/Side Characters
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It’s the Leaning Tower of Lesbians!
I figured, why not do both villains and side characters? It bugs me that Kendra doesn’t get enough attention.
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nocturnalsleuth · 4 years
Raph - Pandamon < BanchoLeomon (w/ Leo) - Big, soft, and packs a punch, donned in a red bandanna! Nice fit for Raph! (THOUGH IT WAS A TOSS UP BETWEEN MONZAEMON AND PANDAMON, BCUZ HE IS A HUGE SOFTIE IN RISE)
Leon - Leomon < GrapLeomon < BanchoLeomon (w/ Raph) - Okay so I was stuck on what to give Leon, definitely something with a sentient sword, and my sister said something like “go with Leomon lmao, the pun” to which i said “YOU GODDAMN GENIUS”, and also it’s digivolution can DNA Digivolve with Pandamon????? making it extremely perfect??????
Mikey - Kamemon < Kappamon < DJKappamon (w/ Donnie) - I had to give Mikey Kappamon because of this one fic I read quq and DJKappamon is kind of like a stronger Kappamon but with cool DJ tech attacks!!!
Donnie - Shelldmon < Datamon < DJKappamon  (w/ Mikey) - Shelldon gains sentience and becomes a Digimon partner! I love AI developing sentience plots, and maybe this could explore a fun miniarc on the consequences of replicating life to fulfill ego?? idk.
April - Mayhemon < Mysticmon < KelpiDramon (w/ Sunita) - I was torn between making Mayhem a Digimon or giving her a different partner, but I think for this AU Mayhemon would be a good fit!! I wanted to give April and Sunita’s DNA digivolution a Dramon name, but also wanted it to be like a cool goopy monster, so Kelpie/Dragon cross time!!!
Sunita - Syakomon < Ranamon < KelpiDramon (w/ April) - Kind of a metaphor for how she wanted to be normal before meeting April, kind of wanted to give her a cute gooey partner.
Hueso - BlueMeramon < SkullMeramon - Skull man needs a mon that can both cook and kick unwanted customers out! I just like the idea of blue fire digimon cooking but like can u imagine SkullMeramon dicing carrots??? u go u funky little fire man
Splinter - SuperStarmon < Gankoomon - Gankoomon just felt like a really good fit for Lou Jitsu, slightly more serious and levelheaded, a good grounding force for this action star!
Piebald - Swimmon < Tylomon X - Kind of a metaphor for what happened to her quq
Draxum - Arcadiamon - Scientist man obsessed with mutation and eradicating the human species. Arcadiamon Time.
Big Mama - Dokugumon < Arachnemon - I just think the big scary spider ladies with human forms should be partners.
Foot Lieutenant - Omekamon < Tekkamon < Shredmon (w/ Foot Brute and Draxum) < Shreddermon - Shredmon is like a cross between a DNA digivolution and a Matrix digivolution with the Dark Armour present, and Shreddermon is what happens when one of the partner’s or the Matrix-digivolver ends the digivolution (hence Draxum still getting raisinified)
Foot Brute - WarMonzaemon < Shredmon (w/ Foot Lieutenant and Draxum) < Shreddermon - Foot Brute and Raph have some interesting parallels going on, so I think him having the terrifying bear partner makes sense.
Foot Recruit - Huckmon < BaoHuckmon < DarkKnightmon - Dedicated student willing to do anything for her superiors, with a touch of striking out on her own once she feels she’s ready. Huckmon.
Kendra - Monodramon < Devidramon < Mephistomon - If you think I’m not giving a purple dragon to the leader of a group called THE PURPLE DRAGONS WELL U’D BE DEAD WRONG BUDDY-O!!! Also considering Mephistomon’s skill in strategy and tactics I think they’re a good fit!!
Jeremy - Gururumon < MachGaogamon - Wanted one of the to have a partner that would play off of Jase’s fear of dogs XD
Jase - Solarmon < Guardomon (Gold) - I figured a team of hacker’s needs a good firewall!!!
Meat Sweats - EbiBurgamon < Ebidramon - Cook turned terrifying!! No further explanation needed!!
Repo Mantis - Hagurumon < Sicklemon (purple Snimon variant) - Excellent partner for a junkyard!! Easily able to pick out re-sellable parts!!
Hypno - Tsukaimon < Witchmon - Tsukaimon often acts like a familiar for other digimon, so why not a magic assistant for a magician! As Witchmon they butt heads a bit more, but still get along excellently!!
Ghost Bear - Penguinmon < Frigimon - Okay I was actually pretty torn between Frigimon and Hyogamon, but I thought Frigimon’s kind Mom personality was a fun match-up for this tough guy
Sando Brothers - Crabmon/Crabmon < Shellmon/MoriShellmon - I was torn between giving them Numemon/Sukamon variants, but then I remembered Shellmon! Given that these guys have only showed up a couple times and don’t have much personality yet, their partners were sort of picked to match!
Warren Stone - Puttimon < Tokomon X < Sistermon Blanc - Okay I know this is like way out of left field but I really like the idea of him being partnered to something tiny and cute/useless most of the time and then it digivolves and it’s kind of a wtf moment for anyone that’s there, including Warren!
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Rottmnt scene edits‼️ Jello/Jeretello Edition
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Bonus Jellytech and Kitty Headphones :3
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riseconfessions · 2 years
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“I like and accept the Lesbian April headcanon as my own headcanon. No, it’s not really because I loathe 2012 Apritello or April x Turtles or base it on Lesbian stereotypes, I just personally like it because it feels right to me. I just don’t see April with males, and I personally like ships like April x Sunita, April x Kendra, April x Cassandra etc. more. I personally don’t like April x Turtles ships, but that’s more of the fact that I don’t ship April with males, so I just see the bros as April’s brothers by default. 
If people want to ship Apritello or any other April x Turtle ship, that’s their right and I most certainly not going to tell people that they can’t ship it just because “their literal siblings” (even though they’re technically not). I just personally see her as a Lesbian. At the end of the day, we all going to have our different headcanons anyways, am I right?🤷‍♀️”
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What is your favorite TMNT ship and why?
I'll go first
2012 Ramona because out of all of the relationships it was the most healthy and normal one in the 2012 series. It had a good dynamic and I just loved every scene with them. I have seen some say that they tend to be cringe with their moments which from their pov I can understand. Though for me I really enjoy their cute moments. They are so wholesome and also blatantly funny.
I also love 2012 Renetengelo on just how absolutely adorable and wholesome it is. Renet and Mikey were made for each other argue with the wall. Though I feel like they should have written Renet as an immortal and ageless time traveler goddess of some sorts. Because I feel like their relationship would be complicated because Renet is from another time period and so is Mikey which makes it weird. I still love it and I will stand on this hill and appreciate it
Bonus and honorable mentions: Rise Donnie x Kendra (enemies to lovers yes), Karai x Shinigami, 2003 Leo x Usagi, fannon Leochi (Leo x Yuichi Usagi), Rise April x Sunita, '87 Leo x Lotus
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