#kengan ashura kanoh
kengan-daddies · 1 year
Hi there please could i get some fluffy romantic headcanons for kanoh agito! I’m curious to see what you’d think he’d be like in a romantic relationship
Love Life with Kanoh Agito
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Love Life with Kanoh Agito
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Love Life with Kanoh Agito
Anime : Kengan Ashura
Character : Kanoh Agito
Warnings : None
Kanoh Agito - Is a man of few words. He doesn't speak much throughout the day, he uses acts of service as his love language. He loves to help you in any way possible. Need to go to the store, he'll come with, need to do chores around the house, he'll help out.
Kanoh Agito - He's a warrior first before he's a lover, but love isn't unknown to him, having to watch over Sayaka for years has given him some love in his heart. Seeing her cute little smiles for years from baby giggles to young woman chuckles. It's given his heart some form of love, so he's not unaware of what it is.
Kanoh Agito - Is an honest man, who will tell you how it is, and if you cry then that's on you, he isn't sure why you shouldn't know the truth or why you deny it so hard, the truth is absolute, there is no such thing as if, and, and buts. Unless you're Ohma Tokita, who somehow always bends the truth to his passion.
He's also a simple man, he wants nothing in life really, he just wants a place to live with the love of his life where he can keep them safe and happy to the best of his abilities.
Kanoh Agito - Is a man who follows a strict schedule, so he'd be the first person in a relationship to awaken, if not which is rare, then he'll expect you to wake him up as soon as you do.
If he wakes up first, then he'll get up, take a shower, work out and train, take a shower, and even cook breakfast. If you wake up first, then he'll take a shower with you and will even help you make breakfast.
If he wakes up first and If you're still asleep till it's almost 11, then he'll wake you up from gentle rocking of your shoulder, telling you that breakfast is ready.
Kanoh Agito - Will either go out for a run or he'll stay home and spend the day with you after breakfast. If he goes out for a run then you'll have the house to yourself for about 30 minutes to an hour, if he didn't then you'll be home with him, possibly teaching him about something he saw on the internet or on TV.
Kanoh Agito - Who helps you with chores around the house. He sees this as a form of bonding. If you're washing dishes then he's doing laundry, if you're vacuuming then he's mopping, if you're wiping down the windows then he's wiping off the counters. He takes chores seriously, especially if you've given him a chore to do, he's like a child, as soon as he's done with a chore he'll come back and ask for another one. And he will want you to inspect his work.
Kanoh Agito - Who likes to cuddle on the couch and watch whatever you want to watch before lunch hour, another form of bonding. He enjoys watching TV with you, and he likes hearing your input on certain topics. And don't watch a movie with him that you've been dying to see, he'll ask questions throughout the entire thing, especially if it's something he's never seen before.
On days when he goes out for a morning run, he'll come back, and take a shower, and he'll want something to eat, so be ready to either cook up a meal or order some takeout.
Kanoh Agito - Who loves to help you cook lunch, he finds this another form of bonding and will take the job very seriously if you give him something to do.
"Throw this away." done, next. "Chop this up." Done, next. "Wash this out and dry it." Done, next. If he's chopping up food, he'll want you to inspect it once he's done. Don't tell him to 'watch the food', he'll take it literally and will stay in the kitchen till the food is done.
Kanoh Agito - After lunch, he likes to do a light workout/training sesh, he has to stay in shape and keep his training up.
He'll always give you the option of joining in, and he'll be so happy if you agree to do so, if not, then he won't mind. He wants to stay strong so that he can continue to fight and so that he can protect you too.
If you want to join in, then be ready for a pretty tiring workout, but he won't go so hard on you.
If one of the boys wants to hang out with him for the evening he'll have you stay with Kaolan or Ohma, since he trusts them to be the most responsible... more leaning towards Kaolan.
If you want to come with, then be ready for him to be on your ass. He's not a possessive lover, but he is very aware of you, with everyone hanging out in one area, Lihito is bound to try and flirt with you.
Kanoh Agito - before dinner, he'll want to probably go out with you somewhere for a while, and if not, then he'll be down for a light nap with you.
If he's out with the boys then you'll be spending the day with either Ohma or Kaolan until he gets home, and he always gets home 30 minutes before dinner. Simply because he wants to spend the most domestic parts of the day with you and because no other man can eat at his table without his presence.
Kanoh Agito - Who loves cooking dinner with you just as much as he does lunch, he'll help with whatever task you give him, after dinner he'll want to take a shower with you. It doesn't have to be sexual, he just wants you to be as close to him as possible while you both do a normal human activity that's not weird. Because using the toilet together is apparently weird, from what you told him.
Kanoh Agito - Who is usually the last to fall asleep, he'll hold you close to him, watching TikTok with you over your shoulders or a TV show you wanted to watch until you fell asleep.
If it's TikTok then be expecting questions. He'll turn everything off once you've fallen asleep, giving you a kiss on your temple as he drifts off to sleep as well.
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rotdistressxox · 4 months
Could you do some bath/shower headcanons or scenarios of the kengan boys with their s/o. (Could you please include wakatsuki and agito pls🙏)
OOOOH I've been waiting for this one
Kengan Men: Bathing with their S/O
Content: Fluff, Intimacy
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Ohma Tokita
• This man REEKS Escpecially after training. You have to force him to take a shower, there is no other way.
• He's never gotten used to showering, as he used to just bathe in lakes, rivers, and watering holes.
• Prefers cooler showers because of that. Doesn't mind if it's warm, but If it's too hot then he just takes matters into his own hands and turns it down again.
• He can bathe just fine on his own, but he usually drags you in with him just because he can.
• Just seeing his body with water dripping down his sculpted body is MMMMMMM scrumptious. You never miss out on a chance like this.
• Prefers to face you while showering. You usually do your own separate things instead of being all over eachother like washing his hair and back. But sometimes you have to remind him to do things like wash his under his armpits and put conditioner in his hair.
• And he just likes to look at you (oogle at your body nonchalantly). He can get a little handsy at times, but that's because he's curiously admiring you
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• He begs you to take a shower with him, or you seduce him into take a shower with you.
• Likes showers on the warmer side. He does work in cold storage, so it makes sense.
• Most of the time it ends it heavy petting and a make out sesh. Or going a little further. It's one of his favorite places to do it anyways....
• "Wash my back for me?" "Is that even a question?"
• Is good at getting the knots out of your hair with his strong fingers. He just really likes how your hair looks and feels when you put conditioner in it.
• Sometimes he just hugs you and holds you in his arms while swaying gently from side to side. You could just fall asleep because of his body AND the water temperature.
• His hair is extremely fluffy when it dries off. He looks like a pomeranian and it's adorable.
Raian Kure
• Prefers to shower alone. That's just how he is. Until you're in the shower alone and he just barges in or sneaks up on you.
• Likes to use the excuse that he's just saving water by showering with you. Like BOY- your dad is paying the bill.
• His showers are HOT, be warned if you ever want to join him in one. Unless you also take hot showers, you're his soulmate then.
• He takes showers when he's angry or upset at something just to let off steam. Sometimes he just drags you in and then [REDACTED]
• Buys you your own shampoo / conditoner / hair oils / etc in his bathroom for you just incase. Until you guys live together that is
• It's the best to cuddle with him right after he showers cause he smells like coconuts and aloe. You can't get your nose off of him and he appreciates the attention very much
• He doesn't take baths, but if he walks in on you taking one the clothes are coming off and he's diving in.
Gaolang Wongsawat
• Another Alone shower-er. He considers showering together to be intimate and romantic. It has to come naturally, he has to be in the mood, otherwise no dice.
• Has the best hair washes, to keep his long hair silky and clean. You don't need to ask twice to use them, what's his is yours.
• Cold showers. But will turn up the temp when you're in there with him.
• Can take care of himself and also take care of you while showering with him. Your back pressed into his chest. Him slowly and sensually scrubbing your skin with a cloth as he kisses your neck.
• Likes to massage your scalp with shampoo, seeing you sigh in bliss as his fingers gently rub and knead your hair.
• Neither of you have to say a word, just look at eachother passionately and feel the water on your skin. My god this man with wet hair is such a turn on.
• Date Night baths. Reserved only for date nights. No other times will he take a bath.
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
• Is also used to bathing in watering holes / lakes as he did in Burma and his village. So you have to teach him shower etiquette. He prefers baths to showers anyways.
• He's always excited for bath time, and will always ask you to join him for one. Makes a pouty face if you say no.
• Warm baths all the way. Cause he's always all fired up anyways.
• Usually talks your ear off, but in a quieter tone of voice instead of his usual yelling. He usually sits on one side while you sit on the other.
• If he's feeling extra cuddly he'll pull you into his back. Maybe give you a back rub as you tend to your hair.
• Onces he's in, he never wants to leave. Same with showers, so you have to figure how to coerce him to come back out.
• Maybe some sweet talking will do the trick, he's like a puppy when it comes to that stuff.
Kanoh Agito
• It is very rare that you'll ever shower with him. Ever. He is very strict when it comes to his whole shower routine. But when that rare chance comes, it comes.
• If you ever shower with him, that means he's feeling extra vulnerable...and I guess you could say passionate.
• When showering with him, he likes to show his companionship to you by washing your body, shampooing and conditioning your hair. Hell he'll even shave your legs, the man is skilled with a razor.
• Showers, then soaks in the tub for maybe 15 minutes. He likes both pretty hot, not as scalding as Raians though.
• Sometimes gets the hot and cold faucets mixed up. The look on his face when cold water rains down on him is *chefs kiss*
• Don't expect anything else to happen though. Shower time is for showering, and bath time is for bathing
• You come out feeling sleepy and relaxed. Like you just had a day at the spa. You fall asleep as soon as you hit the bed, which Agito finds to be fascinating yet attractive.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• Will either ask you straight up if you want to shower with him. OR make sure you get the hint that he wants you to join him by walking past you in only a towel.
• Nothing makes him more happy than his s/o, naked, and willing to spend time with him even in the shower.
• Shower temp depends on his mood, but let's you decide anyways.
• Takes every ounce of his will not to put his hands all over you. He absolutely adores your body and wants to worship every inch of it.
• Can't take baths in a normal tub because of his muscle mass / density. As soon as he sits down in one the water rises and the floor is flooded.
• Let's you shave his face for him once you're done with everything else. Sits you on his lap and let's you gently scrape away the stubble. Will not let you shave his goatee though. Attacks you with kisses afterwards.
• Draws messages on the steamy mirror for you. Sometimes they're sweet, sometimes they're dirty.
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0asisbliss · 27 days
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It was hard, but for you a new start was ahead even if you had to leave behind a man that you adored and loved so much. It made you even sadder to see the fact that he moved on faster than you ever would have. Some part of your heart is still hanging on to his by a thread. Although he cut it a while ago you’re just sitting there holding it wondering if he’ll ever come back and attach it back to his.
Cosmo, Agito, OHMA, Raian, Kaolan, (KA) Chrollo, Feitan, KURAPIKA, Phinks, SHALNARK, (HXH) Monoma, BAKUGO, Denki, Aizawa, KEIGO, (MHA) GOJO, Geto, Sukuna, Megumi, Yuuta, Higuruma, (JJK) Eren, Levi, Reiner, (AOT) Baki, Katsumi, (BAKI) Dazai, Chuuya,
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 20 days
having a hyper fixation on a character that has no content is like being randomly very hungry in the middle of the night and going to the kitchen only to find out there’s absolutely nothing to eat but you’re literally so desperate and hungry so you eat even the smallest of crumbs
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darknebulablader · 11 days
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Kanoh Agito but his fighting outfit gets progressively skimpier :)
I mean... they can't just put a hot man in a skintight black bodysuit and not expect me to do this
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itshirohi · 1 month
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There is not enough genderbent Kanoh fanart and I intend to fix that.
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voidarium · 5 months
I’m obsessed with this tik tok trend rn sorry in advance it’s so stupid
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gojocumdumpster · 1 month
Hi! I'd really love to see your headcanons for how then Kengan boys would react to someone hurting their s/o on purpose during what was supposed to be a friendly sparring match!
I’m trying to do requests i’m just so lazyyy
Kengan ashura x fem!reader
Didn’t pre-read
and some you guys alr know i literally can’t write hc only sometimes im very slow
type: 🎂
preview: So basically you were at the fighting arena doing like a warmup/ practice match but normally they kengan boys wouldn’t let you but this time they let you but while fighting it seemed like your opponent was actually fighting.
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• He wasn’t really paying attention because he didn’t think it would be that serious so while he was sitting and watching you he had his pants of food eating and stuff but it was rare for ohma to do this because he has trust issues, but while watching the match it looked off because there was no blood being drawn on your opponent but a lot on your which was concerning, you looked tired and lightheaded. He jumped up from his seat running towards the on-going fight pushing the opponent away from you on to the ground, making sure you were okay.
• It kind of bothered him watching you warmup with other opponents besides him because some opponents would try to purposely hurt you or not play fair which his guard was already up watching every single move the opponent made on you, you were struggling which wasnt something you had a problem with, “hey i think i need a break-“ POOM! Before you could walk away your practice buddy punched you dead in your face causing you to fall down and a nose bleed. Not even a second Cosmo is already jumping on your opponent beating this shit out of him.
•Let’s just say it was a bloodbath.
•Agito didn’t really mind aslong as it was female fighters but that day there wasn’t so he was hesitant into letting you trying to let you practice with him but you wanted to try something new. Most people are scared of him so they wouldn’t try to mess with you but this practice buddy was going all in ahead of time you told them this is just practice but they didn’t care apparently, “Hey I think you need to calm down on her i’m pretty sure she said practice” agito said stern. But yet the opponent wouldn’t listen so what did agito do? He replaced spots with you and gave them a real problem.
•Just like agito he preferred female fighter the practice fight was good but it just seemed off everytime you tapped out for a break or anything the opponent wouldn’t stop, so he didn’t really wanna cause a scene so he asked nicely for them to stop but they would listen so he calmly walked to the pit in the middle of the fight pushing them to ground and putting his foot on there chest “I asked you nicely to stop but you seem to be having trouble understanding so let me help you a bit.”
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I don’t remember it being my birthday Agito..😋🎂
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darealkiba · 15 days
No thoughts, head empty... Or is it?
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
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Bruh, can we talk about how Kanoh's comeback toward Ohma was nasty!!!! When I first heard this shit I laughed so hard.
"Ohma Tokita, you are weak. For you to take the second block would be unthinkable. "
The fact that he said 'unthinkable' was enough to make me snort. He didn't have to disrespect him like that, but he did. And then he turns around and kick the poor man who was having a hallucination and knocks his ass out, then proceeds to continue to politely talk his shit.
I don't know if it was funny to anyone else but to me that shit was enough to earn a snort.
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
Kengan Men: What turns them on?
!Nsfw! 18+! Afab bodyparts mentioned
Ohma Tokita
• Calling him a good boy. Doesn't matter if you say it teasingly or seductively. It will hit the right nerve in him
• Watching you walk up the steps while he's behind you. Likes seeing how your hips and ass move from side to side.
• Pulling his hair, especially while he eats you out. Roughly tugging at it while arching your back as he sucks on your clit.
• Wearing his clothes. It's like eyecandy to see how his shirts fall on every curve on your body. Will fuck you senseless if he finds out you're not wearing anything else but his shirt.
• Seeing you a bit more dominant also gets him riled up. Bonus points if you're a fighter, seeing you beating the shit out of someone gets him instantly hard.
• Squeezing and admiring his muscles, he knows what his body does to you. Purposefully flexes his abs while ramming his cock into you so you can see and tighten around him.
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• The basics. Lingerie, dirty talk, seeing you in any tight and revealing clothing.
• Flirty texts and nudes.
• When you bend over in a skirt. Has to lean to the side a little to see how far it rode up before smacking your ass.
• Degredation. Yes I'm serious, but not the extreme types.
• "You're my little fuck toy, you know that? My good little fuck toy" "Y-yes, I'm your good little fuck toy" he replies as you grind on his dick relentlessly.
• Seeing you wear lipstick, knowing damn well it's gonna end up all over his body at the end of the day.
• Looking up at him while you suck him off. That's why he looks away from you during blow jobs otherwise he's just gonna burst.
• Telling him to fuck you. Whether it's commanding him or begging him, his pants are coming off. When you moan "faster" or "harder" He goes insane and swears under his breath as he nears his peak.
Raian Kure
• Praise. Praise. Praise. Whisper how good he is at fighting or how sexy he looked while doing and it sends him over the edge.
• Being rough with him. It seems like he'd be the one manhandling you, for the most part it is. But scratching his back, biting him, and gripping any part of his body tightly awakes a primal urge in Raian. Mostly because he likes to keep memoirs of how good he fucks you.
• Suffocate him with your thighs. No light squeezes, make sure you're actually suffocating him with them while he's sticking his tongue down your pussy.
• Begging. No matter the context, it will always make his head go crazy seeing you pleading for him to fuck you, or to buy you ice cream.
• Chokers where they have spikes on them or a ring. He wants to get you one with his name on it. For bedroom purposes...
• Whimpering or when you moan into a pillow. You look sound so cute and helpless and it makes him wanna growl.
• When you gag on his dick. Further more reason to shove it down your throat.
Gaolang Wongsawat
• When you wear silk or satiny robes with some of you chest exposed. You look like a Renaissance painting to him if you sit in a robe in the evening infront of a window
• The after-shower look. Your hair is wet, your skin is dewy, and you're wrapped in a towel. Scolds himself for not joining you, but is also glad to see you walk out like that.
• Romantic atmospheres. Candles, lights down low, rainy nights. Anywhere he can truly cherish you and your body.
• Seeing you tremble and hold back your moans from pleasure. Will try his best to make you moan louder though.
• Squirming underneath him as his fingers curl inside you.
• Moaning his name into his ear, something about it just makes his mind fog with the dirty things he wants to do to you.
• Seeing his bulge in your stomach while he slowly thrusts in and out of you. Tries to not look to much because it will make him cum almost instantly.
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
• Flashing him. A nipple, a bit of underwear, your ass, he will get flustered and try to hide his hard on.
• Shoulder kisses and hickiessss
• Words of encouragement. Like "You're doing so well, just a little longer" and "Yes, right there- Please"
• On a similar note, telling him how good he's making you feel. Commenting about how you're gonna cum on his fingers or his cock.
• Giving him a hand job as you look into his eyes. Kissing his lips as his knees weaken and he groans uncontrollably. Thrusting into your hand as hes desperate to climax. Everytime
• When your eyes roll over in euphoria as he snaps in and out of you repeatedly. The sight of you is enough to drive him into craziness and break the bed.
• Watching as your hands desperately grab the sheets or his arms because of the amount of pleasure you're experiencing
Kanoh Agito
• You wearing sheer tights, leggings, or nothing at all on your legs. He isn't that horny / needy all the time. But when he gets you at the right moment, he's on his knees kissing up your foot to the back of you calve.
• Neck kisses. Your lips fluttering up and down his neck as he tilts his head to the side. Closing his eyes and he sharply exhales.
• Body worship. Fight me. I will die on this hill.
• Watching your body's every reaction to his touch. His hands sliding from your waist down to your thighs.
• Your face as it winces in pain as you struggle to take his length after a while.
• Hearing you moan is like music to his ears. Him slowly rolling his hips in and out of you so you feel every inch of him.
• Your body when it moves in sync with his. Finally feeling one with you again as it reacts positively to every single movement.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• Feeling you pressed against him. Like hugs and cuddles, sometimes he'll get a boner but won't tell you unless you notice
• Strip teasing. It takes every ounce of willpower not to rip your clothes off of you, but he likes it.
• Riding his thigh, holding onto his shoulders as he presses you harder into him. Loves how needy you get as you grind faster, riding out your climax.
• Holding you on his shoulders, against the wall, while he eats you out. Your palms pressing against the ceiling as he sucks on your folds and nibbles your inner thighs.
• Playing with your breasts/chest as his fingers mercilessly rub your clit in circles.
• When your thighs shake as he inserts himself. He knows he needs to take it easy because of his strength, but one of these days he hopes you let him be a little rougher.
• He likes to press his thumbs into your stomach while gripping your hips and bouncing you on his cock. Feeling the slight bulge of himself moving before cumming inside of you.
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 24 days
shoutout to content creators
stop making your characters so hot people are ovulating here
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darknebulablader · 6 days
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So I saw a post about Kanoh in a corset and obviously I had to draw that :)
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maochira · 2 months
Ways of being a father. (Kengan dads & child!reader)
I wrote this almost a year ago, originally with Blue Lock characters assigned. But I thought a lot about assigning Kengan characters so here we go! The quotes are all translated from Alligatoah's song Nicht adoptiert. Also! The song may originally be about being born into a family and not being adopted, but reader can very much be seen as an adopted child in this if that's what you prefer!
gn!child!reader (reader is implied to be different ages in different parts)
If you're listening to this, you're alive, congratulations / I always knew you'd become more than a broken condom
Let's be honest, you weren't planned. Being a father initially wasn't part of his life plan, but then you happened. But he wouldn't replace you for anything in this world.
-Adam, Raian, Lihito, Kanoh, Ohma
Cause I don't believe in marriage you were born a bastard
-Ohma, Raian, Adam, Hatsumi
Sure, we love you, but there's a reason for that, kid / Nature arranges it like this so we won't kill you
Sometimes being a father can be frustrating and exhausting. But no matter how annoying you might get, his fatherly instinct always wins. In no way would he ever intentionally do harm to you.
-Ohma, Kanoh, Kazuo
It looks like you're family / Looks like it's just us now / We've got to get through it now, blood's thicker than beer / [Sorry, you ain't adopted]
-Adam, Kanoh, Hatsumi
I have no idea how to take care of children / But don't worry, I'll find a tutorial
He went into fatherhood completely without knowing what to expect. It all came a bit out of sudden for him, and he was too anxious to prepare himself properly. But when he held you in his arms for the first time, he knew he'd figure it out just fine.
-Lihito, Inaba
The good thing is, I don't even have to share any knowledge with you / You can just read the wiki entry
-Saw Paing, Lihito, Kanoh
I won't always be there for you, I have to party hard too / Did I say "party"? I mean "work"
Being a father doesn't mean that's the only part of his life now. He'll try to be there for you whenever possible, but there will be moments when he gets lost in other things.
-Saw Paing, Lihito, Sekibayashi
Joking aside, the ego-pig in me is happy that you are coming / Cause then I can play with Lego blocks
A part of him is still a child as well. And hey, being a father means he gets to play with toys again - that's something he can look forward to.
-Cosmo, Saw Paing, Inaba
Cause even though I'm putting effort and thinking about how / I can take the pressure off and still get you into bookstores / Something I do will lead to trauma, c'est la vie / I'll be the star of your psychotherapy, have fun
As careful as he is with you, he knows at some point he'll do something wrong. He's perfectly aware of how he won't always be the perfect father, but he's still trying his best.
-Raian, Kazuo, Wakatsuki, Suekichi
You're programmed for me, I'm programmed for you / Now we're sittin' here, I say now we're sittin' here / Sorry, you ain't adopted
He didn't choose to have you as his child, and you didn't choose him to have as your father. But still, you're perfectly made to be this role for each other.
-all of them.
You may not become president or student representative / Reality will throw your dreams in the chick shredder / I know what I'm talkin' about, life ain't no show
You won't achieve the greatest things in the world, and that's okay. You don't have to do that to make your father proud. He knows exactly what it's like to fail, and that's why he will always encourage you to reach your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be.
-Gaolang, Kazuo, Suekichi, Setsuna
You'll see my burdens, I've given them to you / If you think your genes are bad, they're Papa's genes / But you're my update, you can fix the bugs
You may not be a carbon copy of your father, but the similarities are undeniable - both the good and the bad.
-Ohma, Setsuna, Kanoh, Raian
In the beginning it's ambition like in a chess duel / You will emulate me until you outshine me / The balance of power is on my side - currently / But your chance is good, because Papa's withering parallel like a leaf
Being his child also means being his rival - in a fun way. If there's something to compete in, there will be playful competition. Board games, soccer in the backyard and running random races when you're just walking somewhere together - things like that.
-Raian, Koga, Saw Paing, Lihito
This has to come out now 'cause later I won't be the same / When you're around I'm sure I'll write some corny shit / No more tasteless jokes, no more Hitler comparisons
He was more of an immature person before, but he knows after your birth he has to become more serious as a father - at least that's what society expects from him.
-Lihito, Raian, Naoya
I stand in front of the mirror and see a caricature / But I train every day for my father figure / I practice "La-Le-Lu" on the keyboard / And I subject myself to a motherfucking radio censorship / And I learn all the movie clichés, after birth / You'll get a wristwatch with your name engraved on it
At first, knowing he'll be a father soon felt so unreal to him. But the closer the day gets, the more the realization sets in. But that realization makes him nervous, so he's putting extra effort into learning how to be the best father he can be. And even though he doesn't want to be "like the other dads", he finds himself following every cliché possible.
-Kazuo, Sekibayashi, Adam, Suekichi
Even though being strict clashes with my liberal nature / I'll pretend I'm interested in your Spanish exam
He doesn't care how much of a good or bad student you are, but he knows you'll have to pass school somehow. As much as he doesn't care about your grades, he pretends as if he does to keep you encouraged. But of course you'll get praise for your hard work when you get good grades.
-Ohma, Kazuo, Lihito
I'll be mad at you for every adolescent booze story / But don't be afraid of me just because I fuck your mother
-Raian, Lihito, Adam
I'm just an old cynic who writes frustration poems / But I swear I'll give it all to you till the end of my chapter
He'd do anything and everything for you. He will always make sure you feel safe and loved, no matter what age you're at. Even when you become an adult, he will always be your father and protect you as good as he can.
-all of them.
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0asisbliss · 19 days
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Kanoh Agito hcs/Relationship hcs again because I can-
•HE’S A BIG CUDDLE BEAR! Wants you around him 24/7 you don’t necessarily need to touch. He just needs you in his presence.
•Love it when you cup his face. Please do it once he wins a match and give him a light kiss on the forehead.
•He asks A LOT of questions about your emotions and feelings.
•I feel like he wishes he knew a little more about didn’t really need to ask questions about everything, but he can’t help it he’s curious. :(
•Please be patient with him he’s always taking his time with things. He’s the type of person that thinks time is no priority.
•He whimpers when he’s sad. It’s very quiet and you have to pay close attention to him to really hear it.
•He doesn’t understand some people’s logic, and it depends on who they are if he’s going to ask them about it, or not.
•Knows he looks a little scary to some people, and sometimes it bothers him. Not really though.
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