littlemessyjessi · 6 years
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Hey, guys!
So, in response to the overwhelming love for my plus size belly dancing imagines...I've decided to do a little series.  
I can't promise that they'll come out at rapid fire or that they'll all the same tone BUT they'll have a common denominator.
Plus size beauties doing some type of dance/artistic exercise.  
Bellydance, hooping, pole dance, aerial silks, latin dancing, yoga, all kinds of things.
So...send me your dances and ideas!  
Below, I've got a list of love interests in mind but if I'm forgetting something...just let me know!  
Comment and let me know if you're interested in seeing this and please, please, please don't be shy!  
Flood my ask box with requests because that's how I get the writing out to you guys!
Thank you, every one of you, for your lovely words!
I'm so thrilled that all of you like my writing.
It's very humbling and I feel so blessed!
Expect a few other posts within the next few days of some of the things you might see on my blog!
Thanks for listening, lovelies!
Listy listy list!!!
Thor Odinson (Thor) - Completed
Bucky Barnes (Captain America) - Completed
Nick Jakoby (Bright) - Completed
Mick Rory (Legends of Tomorrow) - Completed
Leonard Snart (Legends of Tomorrow)
Ivar the Boneless (Vikings) - Completed 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Loki Laufeyson (Thor)
Bruce Banner/Hulk (Hulk and Avengers)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)- Completed
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Natasha Romanoff (Avengers)
Clint Barton (Avengers)
Pietro Maximoff (Avengers)
Wanda Maximoff (Avengers)
Vision (Avengers)
Rhodey (Avengers/ Iron Man)
Sam Wilson (Captain America)
Sharon Carter (Captain America)
T'Challa (Captain America, Black Panther)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Chris Evans
Sebastian Stan
Charlie Hunnam
Travis Fimmel
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland (Spiderman) - COMPLETED
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
Stucky (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes x reader)
Lee Pace
James McAvoy
Bill Skarsgard
Alexander Skarsgard
Sidney Crosby
Tyler Seguin
Jamie Benn
Geno Malkin
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Norman Reedus
Paul Lahote (Twilight)
Emmett (Twilight)
Jasper Hale (Twilight)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries, The Originals)
Jay (Disney Descendants)
Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf)
Theo Raeken (Teen Wolf)
Chase Collins (Covenant) - COMPLETED
Chase Collins (Covenant) - Captivated- COMPLETED
Pogue (Covenant) 
Tyler (Covenant) 
TJ Hammond 
Hal Carter (Picnic) 
Basically any Sebastian Stan character because I have no control, lol.  
If I'm missing someone just give me a hollar!
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
We’re Different and You Can Bet Your Ass That It’s Ok
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Soooo, it's come to my attention that a lot of the fanfiction out here is kind of one dimensional.
And that just chapped my non-existent tits right the hell up.
So, here's the deal, Phil.
I plan to make some changed round here!
I, in no way, consider myself a great author.
I'm just me, lil smol bean, but I like to write...mostly because I like to talk and I write what I think- what I feel...and how I feel things should be.
I can't change the world.  
I'm not Simba.  This isn't The Lion King and we're not on Pride Rock.
However, I like my little space here on the webs and I hope ya'll do too.
So that being said, I hope you feel comfortable coming and requesting things from me.
I know all ya'll have seen this basic format.
Y/N: basic skinny white girl.  Perfect form. Perfect this. Perfect that.  Never does anything wrong.  Never hurts a soul.
Well you know what....bleeeeeehhhhhh.
I don't even relate to that.
And I AM a skinny “white” girl.
For those of you that don't know, I'm 4'11'', with curly red hair that will look like the Loch Ness Monster if you even look at it the wrong way, skinny as a rail (because I literally CAN'T put on the weight) with no boobs (even though I OBSESS over big girls, like fo real.  I love ya'll),  covered in freckles.  And also, somehow I've managed to have chubby cheeks and teeth that are just a little too big.
You can imagine how my life is around St. Patrick's day.  Leprechaun foREVer!!!!
My point is that I don't fit in that and frankly, most people dont.
So what I'd like to do is just throw some ideas out there and ya'll can feel free to holla back at me with your own.
Plus Size Reader (Now I do this a lot because, personally, I obsess over my cushy cuties.   Ya girl, crushes on the big girls.  Truth.)
And also, side note, when I saw plus size, I do not mean just Ashley Graham.  Don't get me wrong.  Ash is a sexy mama but that's not all there is to plus size and the rest of ya'll is fine as hell to.  So- rant ov-...well it's paused, lol.
Underweight Reader ( I personally fall into this category myself and I struggle with it.  I'd love curves and softness but I just aint got it.) (Personal note, my best friend is a big girl and that's how we bonded.   She was always condemned for being too big.  I was for always been too skinny.  She had the 'wrong curves' and I didn't have any.  We both felt like outcasts until we decided that we were worth more than that.  Rant paused again.)
Tattooed reader.  LAWD JESUS,  this some kryptonite for me.  I just....I need a fan.
Pierced reader.   And subsequently tatted and pierced reader.   Ya'll I'm telling ya.  You throw all that on a plus size babe and I swear...I lose my mind.
Freckled reader.  Constellation cuties represent!
Albino readers (You are preshy little angel babies and I love you!)
POC Reader (Person of Color)  Hello my magical melanin goddesses!  
Also, side notes, don't be afraid to request a reader with SUPER dark skin.    I'm not about this whole light skin vs. dark skin shit.  Ya'll all stunning! Like, hello, for serious.
Alopecia Reader (Hair loss):  Listen baby boos, ya'll gorg and I love you.  Don't feel shy around me with you little baby smooth spots.  You so cute.
Hair: Bald, buzz cut, side cut, braids, locs, frizzy (holla!), crazy colors, natural flaming orange (Again, holla!), kinky, wigs, afro, yo, I'm cool with it.  I promise.  
Tall readers.  You magestic creatures, you!
Short (Or super short in my case) readers.  Hello my beautiful pixies!
Readers with prosthetics (Yo, I love you like I love my Bucky Bear...and that's a whole fuckin lot!)
Wheel chair, amputee readers.  Babaaaayyyyy! Get it boo! Get it!
Buff readers: Lemme just TELL you.  I have seen some badass mamma jammas at the gym.  Some girl's got the muscles on them that make a girl swoon.  And yes, hunty- you fly too!
Glasses reader Blind reader Deaf reader Trans Reader Hermaphrodite Reader Flat Chested Big Boobies No Booty All Booty Scarred reader Thighs for days None to spare
It's ok...I swear.
Didn't mean for that to rhyme but I can hang with Dr. Seuss.  #newbae
The list goes on and on and I'm sure I'm forgetting but it's ok because I know ya'll will tell me.  
The point is...the world is too big, we're too awesome and there is too man fanfiction opportunities out there for us to be stuck in the same crazy ass boring rut foREVer.
Hell, no!
So be loved, be free and flood my ask box with requests, smoochies! I love yall!
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
Supplies or No? (Witchy Weirdness Series)
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Hello, smoochies!
Welcome to my witchy weirdness!
Now, disclaimer here:  I do not claim to know everything or anything.  I don't claim that my way is the right way or the wrong.  This is just my way that works for me and I thought I'd share it with you.  Feel free to tweak it to your own needs but lord, here we go.
If you'd like to read more of the Witchy Weirdness series, you can find the masterlist HERE  :)
Ok, so that we got that out of the way- I'd like to talk to you about a few things.
It's been requested A LOT that I talk about what you need for the craft.
And honestly boo...all you need is you.
You can totally do your practice with just your mind, soul and your intention because that's the key.  
You don't have to have anything.
Now, that being said, Mother Earth gives us many of her fruits to use in our practice.
By fruits I mean, all kinds of natural things you can find outside for free...or get very cheaply.
Like seriously, it's as expensive or inexpensive as you choose to make it.
Here's a few tips for Wild Crafting some supplies!
Be aware of your surroundings!
Know what's near you and picked them up and take them home!  
Research those things like a mother fucker and include them into your practice.
For me personally, fresh stuff with as little exchange of hands on it as possible is always the best for me.  
To me, it's Mama E gave it directly to you- all charged and tingly with her blessed energies.
But ya know, that's totally personal preference here coming from a country girl who literally lives out in the middle of no where.
Also, keep in mind that if you take from Mother Earth...give back.
Don't be wasteful of her gifts.  
Use it all or give it back- and come spring sew some seeds to give her more life.
She'll reward you for it in the long run.
No crystals? No worries.  Find you some rocks outside that speak to you and decorate them up with markers, paint or nail polish.  Yes, I said nail polish.  We'll touch on beauty magic later on.
A wand calling your name?
1,2 buckle my shoe! 3, 4 shut the door! 5,6 PICK UP THE DAMN STICKS!
Seriously, if you keep looking at these weird sticks...chances are Mama E is tapping you on the shoulder and going, "Honey, pick it up!"  
Take that home, bless it and decorate it to your hearts desire!
And also, fresh air does a world of good, loves. Seriously.
Dirt.  Yeah, I said it.  Make like Captain Jack Sparrow and get yourself a jar of dirt.  I'm serious.
It makes Earth magic a hell of a lot easier.    
And also, am I the only one who just really loves the smell of dirt? Maybe I'm an odd duck...
Moving on!
Alright, Tip 2.   Look around your house.
Chances are...you've got plenty to work with that you didn't even know you had.
Got an ice pick?   Well hot damn, you just find yourself a handle dandy to inscribe candles with!
Do any cooking?  Well, look at you, kitchen witchy poo!  I'm betting you probably have salt!  Look at all that cleansing and power enhancement you can do!
Go through your herbs and spices and research the hell out of that!
Got access to water? Welllllll, put some in a glass container and put that mofo out on a full moon to charge it up for spells and all kinds of things.
On that note, seriously a spell can be as simple as a cup of tea, guys.  But we'll come back to that later.
Got utensils? Knife, spoon, bowl?   A seemingly innocent empty bowl of cereal could just as easily been turned into a makeshift cauldron for whatever your working!
And a knife?  Boo thang, you just got you an athame.  
Broom.   Yes, a broom.  No you're not going to ride it. I'm not Madame Hooch, you're not Harry Potter and it's too fucking cold for Quidditch today.
But a broom can be used to sweep out the negative energy in a room.   Literally.   Before I do any spells...I clean.    I sage the house, sprinkle a mix on the floor and sweep that shit right the hell up out of my house.
It's the same concept as when I cook.  I clean the kitchen so I don't get any germs and I empty the dishwasher.  It's just what I do but it makes for a much happier Kennysaurus.
Alright, now for some things you can buy if you'd like.
Honestly, this is totally relative and up to you but I'll give you a list of things you can totally pick up at the Dollar Tree because guess what guys?  I get a lot of my stuff there. It's ONE DOLLAR. Le gasp!  A cheap witch?!  The horror! Lol, jk.
Ok, so here we go: Salt (there's even sea salt there) - great for cleansing,
Herbs: Various kinds- just do a little research and make yourself a list of things you'd like to add to your collection.  Also cross reference your pantry, honeybuns.
Containers: They got all kinds of containers that you can store things in and also use as altar tools.  Hello offering bowls.
Candles, incense, oils: Idk, about you but my local DT always has these.   Start out slow and build up your collection.    Candles are great for many things but easy to use as your fire element.   Incense can represent your element of air.  The oils can be used to dress candles!  Just keep your mind open!
Also, side note here but Walmart has little black votive candles that are very cheap.  Black candles are FAB for protection and driving away bad vibes.  Just a little tip.  I'll also try to keep candle magic in mind for a future post. :)
Fans:  Recently my DT has been carrying these little foldable fans (usually in the crafting section).  These are excellent for when you are saging an area or trying to clear out the energy.
Mirrors: Great for scrying!
Kitchen Utensils: If you just want a new knife for your practice, check them out and decorate it to your heart's desire.  Same thing goes for cups, bowls, platters, containers and all that.
Crafting supplies/school supplies: Paper and pens: great for writing down spell work or working in a book of shadows glitter and paint: great for color association to your spells (I'll try to talk more about the magic of color in later posts) Sands, shells and stones:  great for nature work! And also you can stick an incense stick in sand and burn it if you don't have a burner (they also have burners at DT,lol)  
Fake flowers: I mean, obvs real plants are always great because it's a living thing BUT you can totally achieve the desire affect with a faux representation of it.  Don't stress, babes.  It's totally fine.
You can also get moss and the like at DT and that is GREAT for magic work!!!!!  Like yasssss the moss!!!!!
String/Yarn:  Now, personally I get my yarns from either Walmart because I used a fuck ton of it but you can get it in a pinch.  That's great for binding a spell or wrapping sage bundles.  Or you can do like me and make poppets out of it.    By the way, if ya'll see something I mention and want a post on it, just let me know or send it in the ask box.  It's totally cool and I'm just vibing here.
Picture frames: great for altars.  You can put your god and goddess in there or change it seasonally.  For example, on one of my altars right now, I have Pele, the Polynesian volcano goddess in a gold picture frame.  You can totally change that out and it's makes it very easy and affordable.
Foods: Well the list could go on and on here but I'll try to keep it simple. Spices: as mentioned above Honey:  Now, I'll be real with you, I use honey for EVERYTHING.  For my skincare, for my health, I eat it, I use it in spells.  So naturally, if I got it at DT...it would cost too damn much.  I just buy in bulk.  However, if you don't use it like me over here acting like she's Beyonce....you can totally get a little thing of it for spell work.   I'll try to do honey jar spells for you if ya'll want.
Salt: as mentioned above.
Seeds and nuts:   So many good uses!  Just do your research!
Jams, jellies, syrups:  All great things to purchase at an inexpensive price and infused with your work.  
I'll try to talk more about kitchen witchery later. :)
I hope you guys are enjoying these little witchy bits and feel free to send requests of topics you'd like to see discussed into the ask box!
Live by the sun, love by the moon, Kennysaurus
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
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Yo, in case ya'll didn't know- I believe that love is love.  And hell, lust is lust.  You can like whoever the fuck you want to like and it's fine.  Chill, don't stress, babyboos.  Do your thing and love your loves and bump whatever kind of uglies you want to bump.  It's fine, babes.  Really.
Also, I DO write this type of fanfiction as well.  It's ok to ask me, dearest lovelies.   My answer is not ALWAYS yes but it has nothing to do with that.   I'm cool beans about most things.  So don't be shy, lovelies.  
Throw that rainbow glitter in the air and prance, baby, prance.  
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
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Ok, so I got this very heartfelt request to do a reader with alopecia, which is an auto immune disorder that causes hair loss.  For this particular reader it comes out in little round disc of hair leaving baby smooth skin behind.   It does grow back but it's a major confidence issue for her.  
I won't reveal the requester because it's not necessary to know and because she's self conscious about it.
But the point is, you're beautiful, lovie.  Beautiful.  You're you and that makes you stunning.  I'm not gonna argue with you or tell you that you shouldn't feel that way.  I'm just gonna say, I think you're beautiful and I would be honored to write some fics with an alopecia reader.  
For anyone else out there reading, if you have requests where a reader is dealing with something like this- don't hesitate.
Mental disorders, scars, 'disabilities', psoriasis...it's all ok, babyboo.  It's ok.   Don't be ashamed to ask me.  It's fine, sweeties.  I promise.  Because guess what, we're all different.  The world is not made up of average size, white, skinny white girls.  There are plenty of them out there that I know and love and there's nothing wrong with that!  I love you too.  
Personally, I'm a 4'11'', flat chested, natural red head COVERED in freckles and I have A LOT of trouble putting on weight.    
My point is that, we're all different. And I LOVE that.  The world is full of crazy colors and combinations called people and you're all stunning fucking masterpieces.
So don't be shy.  Request.  What have you got to lose?  And I definitely don't want you to hold back because you're self conscious.  
I don't always say yes but it has nothing to do with that.  It has to do with whether or not I really feel it or I feel like I can do it justice.  But I'll tell you one thing, I'll always try.  
I love you, guys and you're beautiful, no matter what.  
Don't be afraid of lil old me, sweetums.   I'm pretty open and down to give a hug.  It's ok.  You're ok.  
Don't be stressing because you're a blessing.  
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it to day! Happy Monday to anyone who doesn't!  Since my family DOES celebrate it (even if I am an earth child) I took a break from writing today but not to worry!  I shall be back tomorrow! Here's to hoping that everyone had a lovely day!
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
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Alright, so I've gotten several requests for incest centric imagines/things.  Anyone interested?  I don't have an issue with it myself because it's FANFICTION- elements of fantasy, guys.  Fantasy.   Plus, I've written plenty of it on my Mibba account.   Ya'll just let me know if ya'll want to see and send me requests.  And btw, you can send in anon requests.  I'm cool with that.    So ya know, just holla at me.  
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
My Top Five Crystals!
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Hello, smoochies!
Welcome to my witchy weirdness!
Now, disclaimer here:  I do not claim to know everything or anything.  I don't claim that my way is the right way or the wrong.  This is just my way that works for me and I thought I'd share it with you.  Feel free to tweak it to your own needs but lord, here we go.
If you'd like to read more of the Witchy Weirdness series, you can find the masterlist HERE  :)
Howdy, my little smoochie woochies!
Today I'm gonna be talking about crystals because I know some of ya'll are curious as to where to start.
It's totally up to you and you don't even have to have them.
It's up to you and your practices and preferences.
But just at a glance if you're going to get into crystals I recommend a few things:  A multipurpose stone, a cleansing stone, solar energy stone, lunar energy stone, grounding stone, a stone that resonates with the animal kingdom.
Some of these overlap with each other, lol.
BUT...here's my top five that I recommend.
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1.  Clear Quartz - Multipurpose Stone
This my baby.  This my love.  This is my all purpose, end all be all, never gonna do shit without soul mate crystal.   And lucky for you- it's one of the more inexpensive/common ones.
Quartz in general and particularly clear quartz is just one of those baes that has your back.
It can be used to fill in for what you don't have.
It can be used to amplify whatever you're doing.
Appropriately, named the Master Healer this bad boy/or lady is a stone of rejuvenation.   There's a reason it's my ride or die.
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2.  Selenite - Cleansing Stone + Lunar Energy Stone
Yassss, girl! Yasss!
Now, I hoard this like it's going out of style so of course it'd be on this list.
Ok, lol, I'll stop.   For real though, Selenite is my homie.    Closely related to Selene, Goddess of the moon she's very lunar in energy but also this is a crystal that is A NATURAL CLEANSER.  Homie takes care of itself.  Just make sure you put it out whenever that full moon is out because it'll make it much happier.   Yassss, queen! Yass!!!
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3.  Snowflake Obsidian- Grounding Stone
Now personally I love this particular stone as a grounding crystal.   This black, white and grey patterns remind me to find balance within myself and also realize that not everthing is straight up black and white.  There are areas of gray to everything.  How fucking accurate for a mixed kid like myself right?  The irony sometimes is just ridiculous.  
A grounding stone is something to keep you well, grounded.   Centered, focused, chill, peaceful.  
This is kind of like a root work thing.   It helps keep you planted so you don't go totally fucking crazy.
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4.  Leopard Skin  Jasper:  Animal Kingdom Stone
Now, this is all TOTALLY up to you and what you connect with and what you feel drawn to.
However, I love this stone.
Jasper is very common and has tons of variations.  One of which is leopard skin jasper named for it's pattern.  
Now, I love this stone because for me it connects me to the animal kingdom and specifically to energies of large cats.
This is a stone that helps me stay true to my nature and to also find my fierceness when I am weak.  
I suggest you find a stone that does this for you but if you can't LS Jasper is a GREAT option.
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5.  Dalmatian Jasper:  A stone for happiness.
Last but not least Dalmatian Jasper.  this is one of my absolute favorite stones as it is a stone of child like, carefree happiness.  
This is a stone of joy and help you knock down barriers that you might have even put for yourself.  In a way, it helps you to see things as children do....usually as they are.   Children have such a pure, innocent view of things.  They see what they see and don't let their minds and past experiences twist and contort reality.   They just are and that is what this stone does for me.   However, another stone of happiness is Adventurine if that's more your style.  Although there are plenty others.
Now, please understand that these are just MY top five and what I have the most success with.  
You have to figure out what works well for you.  These are just some suggestions.  
Perhaps, I'll delve more into crystals in the future but for now I just wanted to give you guys a top five!
I hope you liked it and I would love to hear your thoughts! Please tell me in the comments! Also, what are you top 5 or favorite crystals?   Happy Reading and many blessings!
Kennysaurus )0(
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