#kermit x Fozzie
robertdarlingdog · 6 months
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“You’re a symphony; I’m just a sour note”
Back at it again with gay muppets 🏳️‍🌈‼️
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pepperm1nt-f1zz · 7 months
Some dumb meme I made
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helloladder · 2 years
kermit deserves to cuddle with his live hand boyfriend
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Fozzie X Kermit
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Honestly, I highly prefer Kermit and Fozzie to be just the bestest of best friends (maybe even adoptive brothers), especially since I ship the hell out of Fozzie x Gonzo as is, but I can see where the vision for it is coming from!
Thank you so much for sending this in, it's been fun! Have an awesome day friendo!!
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jaynopoly · 2 months
Movin’ right along
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Without text
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itzbluecl0udd · 12 hours
When the fandom is dead as hell so you need to do all the silly posting yourself /j
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og pics (if you want to use them or smthng)
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patonsart · 1 year
Moss Mowdown Pre-Quarterfinals Round 6.5!
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Due to an error at our headquarters, Might Guy was put up against Kermit the Frog instead of Gon Freecss. Instead of deleting the post, we are going to upload the correct round and have the last round be a bonus.
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nonethelessnosense · 10 months
Every now and again I get compelled to write/draw Kermit x Fozzy stuff. It will be all I think about for hours until I get frustrated at my lack of talent and lose interest but the beast will be back from its slumber in due time. Always does.
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luckyshrimp · 1 year
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Welcome Home x The Muppet Lore !!!
It's an alternate universe where after The Playfellow Workshop left Welcome Home the puppets are abandoned in a studio away from people.
One day Kermit the Frog with his friend Fozzie Bear went on vacation near the studio, and they quickly noticed the abandoned place, out of curiosity they found the Welcome Home puppets, and they decided to help them come back to life.
In this universe the puppets have life, and they begin to have it when they are recognized and used in shows, without them they are forgotten by the people they slowly fall into a state of "coma".
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months
X-Files Musicals: Compilation (2023)
2023 was a big year for me; but crafting amvs for the first time (something I'd dreamed of doing for years) will forever be a treasured highlight.
And I'm not bothered in the least if no one else watches them-- they're my passion project! Mine, mine, mine!
~~~Musicals/Fan Vids/AMVs~~~
Fight Club (Finale)
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A much-improved upon episode with a small musical number for each character.
My first edit. It's the sort of jank I don't revisit often (tinkered a little too much with it); but that avoidance doesn't diminish the sense of accomplishment that two weeks of constant obstacles and setbacks and eventual success still gives.
Fight Club: Finale Redone with Less Kathy Griffiths
What it says on the tin.
TINH: Scully’s Solo
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I Dreamed a Dream got me right in the heart as a small child; got me again when Susan Boyle sang it; and still gets me every time I watch my own amv over and over and over again. ;)))
S2 Abduction: Mulder’s Torment 
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Beautifully done, if I do say so-- leaning into the dark side of Mulder's torment during Scully's Season 2 absence. "There is no curse or evil spell/That's worse than one we give ourselves," after all.
Drivin’ Right Along
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Good ol' The Muppets chaos as Drive's Crump (Kermit) and Mulder (Fozzie) take on the open road.
Hungry: Everything Is Food/Our Town: Everything Is Food
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Pulled this from the amazing Popeye movie: small towns and burger obsessions are a universal invariant.
Krycek and Marita: Loathe to Love
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I had to use "You're My Little Chu-Chi Face" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I had to.
Syzygy: Everything You Can Do I Can Do Better
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This really is a perfect fit for that whole fiasco, isn't it? (Also, really proud of how I utilized Mulder and Scully's bicker in the hallway~.)
Mulder and Samantha: Miracle of Miracles
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Fiddler on the Roof's first debut; and my own special, transformative twist on the Tailor's triumphant love song.
Amor Fati: If I Never Knew You 
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A wonderful find from @welsharcher-- gotta throw in some romantic Disney tunes sooner or later! (And it turned out magnificently, if I do say so myself.)
Arcadia: People Will Say We’re in Love 
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Although Scully's singing sections had to be pared down, this little vid came together quite nicely in the end~.
Scully, Far from the Home She Loves
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Second Fiddler on the Roof song-- tried to create this in the style of a loosely told travelogue.
CSM and Diana: The Riddle  
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The drama of The Scarlet Pimpernel cannot be denied; but it was so much fun to take one of the songs then craft it around Diana and CSM with Mulder caught in the middle (..."OF OOOOOOOOOOONE LONG, TREACHEROUS RIDDLE!")
The Mulders: Sunrise, Sunset
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The last of the Fiddler on the Roof amvs. This time, we focus on Bill and Tena Mulder-- to great effect, I hope.
~~~ Proud of all of them! ~~~
Thanks for reading~
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robertdarlingdog · 6 months
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Frogs are cold blooded, so I like to think Kermit gets cold easily. Good thing he has two personal heaters <3
Stay warm, friends!
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
Venable as our wife nd we are expecting a baby or having a kid with us 🫣
omg this request has me in a chokehold
pairing: wilhemina venable x pregnant!reader
word count: 706 (sorry it’s so short, I had writer’s block and have been so busy!!)
notes and warnings: bro mina would absolutely be the best mother ever she would fight a bitch for her family
my kidnapped tumblr users (taglist lol): @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @traumatisedfangirl @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @mayfair-fleur @goodeday2u
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You sighed, dialing her number once more. You knew Wilhemina had bad phone signal at the store, but she had been gone almost an hour longer than she had said she would be back and you were beginning to become worried.
The line rang eternally, and you began to pace the living room, muting the movie playing on television.
Eventually, Mina’s voice rang through the phone. Before you could say a word she went right into slamming the customer service of Walmart, telling you about how terribly unhelpful they were and how she was determined to call the manager tomorrow morning while she was on the way to work.
You were hardly listening — you were just glad to hear her voice. Her safety brought you warmth and your own sense of security. “Mina,” you smiled, “what were you looking for, anyway?”
She was silent for a moment, and her response was unconvincing. “Nothing of importance.”
“Which would be…?”
“Toilet paper,” she said, as if it were a question.
You choked back a laugh at the terrible excuse, deciding to wait until she was home to interrogate her further. “Alright, well, I hope you and your toilet paper get home safely.”
When Wilhemina finally arrived, she again went on a rant about Walmart customer service. You followed her into the nursery the two of you had prepared for the baby you were pregnant with, watching her with a smile as she took four Walmart bags into the nursery.
“What did you buy?” You asked again. “It looks like it’ll take up half the room.”
“Oh, I just got some supplies,” Wilhemina said quickly.
You stole one of the bags from her, and you almost melted at seeing what was inside. Five toys had been stuffed into the bag — a race car, a princess doll, a stuffed elephant, a stuffed dog, and a stuffed cat. “This is all so cute,” you exclaimed.
“Yes, well, I was going to get a giraffe but they didn’t have one,” she said with a sigh.
You couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped you. “What’s in the other bags?”
She let you rummage through them as she organized the toys that had been in the first bag.
She had bought every sort of toy she could find, from space ship action figures to pink stuffed unicorns.
“Mina, what is all of this?” You asked with a warm smile.
“I wasn’t sure what our child would like, so I just thought I would be prepared and buy everything,” she said as if it were obvious, though a small smile played on her lips.
“Wilhemina Venable is going soft,” you teased, approaching her and taking her hand.
“Only for the two of you,” she replied as she began to rearrange a collection of stuffed Muppets. “And maybe for the Muppets as well.”
“Who’s your favorite Muppet?”
“I can't have a favorite, I adore them all equally.”
“Kermit is my favorite.”
Wilhemina raised her eyebrows, completely serious as she organized the stuffed animals. “Kermit? He can’t be your favorite, he’s everyone’s favorite.”
“But his song about rainbows was so sweet!”
“Yes, but what about Fozzy? He’s sweet as well.”
“Maybe our baby’s favorite will be Fozzy, then,” you said with love, and you could see Wilhemina was fighting back a smile.
“I hope so,” she said with a sigh. “I hope all of it goes smoothly — that we’re as prepared as we think we are.”
You reached forward and took her hand, and a bit of the stress faded from her features. “It will all happen perfectly, just as it’s meant to,” you promised. “We’ll be a perfect family, just the three of us.”
Wilhemina nodded, taking a look at the nursery — all lining the walls were stuffed animals, princess toys and Superman action figures. The crib in the center was home to blankets and a bundle of pillows, all fluffed and prepared for the lovely future that was to come.
You knew that together, the future that waited ahead could be conquered in every way — the two of you along with the child due soon would overcome any obstacle, and you would surpass every malady in triumph.
Only, however, if Fozzy was your favorite Muppet.
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toasty-sun · 4 months
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I'm thinking about posting to tumblr more and, so I'm gonna go through some of my art and post whatever :)) Here's Kermit x Fozzie I had done for an art trade for a dear friend of mine back in 2021!
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thatboomerkid · 2 months
Happy Hunting, Mister the Frog! (part one)
[interior: the New York Continental, mid-day; it is full of badass assassins in fancy suits all quietly going about their business]
[the camera pans the lobby to show that the crowd is also inexplicably interspersed with various Muppets: Rolf is playing piano, Scooter is a bellhop, Link Hogthrob is talking on a cellphone while surrounded by beautiful female bodyguards, and Sam Eagle is reading a newspaper with the headline “PROFITS?!?”, all while Uncle Deadly & Sweetums chat casually with a group of heavily-tattooed men]
[the crowd is ALSO full of random celebs not otherwise featured in the John Wick movies: Zendaya, Mark Ruffalo, Weird Al, Jenna Ortega, Snoop Dogg, Jack Black, Margot Robbie, Randall Park, Paul Rudd, Nicholas Cage, Lucy Liu, Christopher Walken, Tommy Chong, and Lady Gaga, among others]
[meanwhile, we see Dr. Bunsen Honeydew exchanging a massive dufflebag full of comically-oversized guns for a small black briefcase (which Beaker then immediately drops several times, allowing the chickens stuffed inside to escape) while the Electric Mayhem arm-wrestle John Cena; we can see Statler & Waldorf heckling a group of angry Yakuza from their theater box in the background ]
Bell: (chimes as the door opens)
Kermit: (trudges in, visibly annoyed and wearing a black suit & tie; he has a large, cartoonish white X-shaped bandage on the left side of his forehead)
Fozzie: (wanders in behind him, loudly eating popcorn out of a little red-&-white-striped box; he is openly ogling both the scenery and the patrons)
Fozzie: Oh wow! Kermit, look! This place is great! They have EVERYTHING! Did you see the luggage carts!? (pause) Ooh, are these people all really … you-know-whats?
Kermit: Everyone has a vocation, Fozzie. These are all just regular people, just like anybody else.
Fozzie: Wow! And I guess your old college roommate John Wick told you about this place, huh? Hey, did anyone ever tell you that the two of you look totally identical? Especially with your new haircut!
Kermit: Uh, Fozzie, can you keep it down? I think people here can be a little … touchy.
Fozzie: (fondling a confused Idris Elba’s tie while looking over his shoulder to read his cellphone) Sure thing, Kermit!
Kermit: (audible sigh)
Everyone: (begins whispering as Kermit trudges across the lobby; he arrives at the empty front desk and rings the bell)
Kermit: Fozzie, will you stop that?
Fozzie: (snapping pictures of an annoyed Rihanna on his disposable camera) Sorry, Kermit! (snaps another picture)
Kermit: (grumbles, rings the bell several more times) Hello?
Gonzo & Rizzo: (pop up from behind the desk in perfect unison) Checking in, Mister the Frog?
Kermit: (even more visibly annoyed) Guys, what are you doing here?
Rizzo: We work here now!
Gonzo: Yeah! The High Table said we’re their new most-dependable employees!
Winston: (leaning out of his office) I said most disposable.
Rizzo: That’s right! And no funny-business on Continental grounds, buddy! Or I get to spray you with the fire extinguisher! The boss said so!
Winston: (leaning out of his office again) I most certainly did not.
Statler: What’s that? No funny-business!?
Waldorf: Well, that certainly won’t be difficult!
Statler & Waldorf: OHOHOHOHO!
Kermit: Look, guys, I just need a room. My house got blown up. Again.
Fozzie: Yeah, guys! Also? Kermit here is gonna avenge my death!
Kermit: Fozzie, stop telling everyone that I’m going to avenge your death. I think you really scared that poor Uber driver.
Rizzo: Right! ‘Cuz everyone knows he’s gonna avenge Piggy’s death first!
Kermit: What? Who? No, no I am not.
Gonzo: (putting on 3D glasses) Ooh, a flashback!
[flashback begins]
Miss Piggy: (dramatically flinging herself onto a bed) Oh, Kermie! I’m dying!
Kermit: Uh … well, no. I mean, I’m sure lots of people get banned for life from Shoes 4 Less, honey. It’s probably … fine?
Miss Piggy: (wailing, kicking) NO! SHOES! NOOO!
Kermit: If it bothers you so much, maybe … uh, just try not punching all the security guards in the face so much next time?
Miss Piggy: No! NO! My life is OVER! I’m buying you the cheapest dog they have and then I’m DYING!
Kermit: uhh
Miss Piggy: (wailing)
Kermit: (slowly backing out the door) … Okay well I’m gonna go fold some socks and I’ll leave you to it.
Miss Piggy: (suddenly sitting up) And you better not kiss any other beautiful women after I’m dead, frog.
Miss Piggy: (dramatically slams herself back on the bed; wailing resumes)
[flashback ends]
Fozzie: And I’m the dog!
Rizzo: Cool!
Kermit: No you are not.
Gonzo: Ooh, that was a great flashback! Can we see the part where you learned karate and high-speed stunt-driving?
Kermit: No! And I’m not avenging anyone’s death!
Rizzo: Ohhh, right, right, right! Sure, sure, I gotcha! You’re “not” avenging “anyone’s” “death”! Of course, why didn’t you say so!? I got just the guy!
Gonzo: (pulls out a megaphone) Attention, all Continental guests! Attention, all scary Continental guests! Sommelier to the front desk, please! Sommelier to the front desk! The world’s most dangerous frog is now purchasing several very large guns!
Kermit: (visible anger)
Swedish Chef: (crashes though a door behind the front desk, stirring a giant pot full of bullets that fly everywhere) Hurdy yurdy, Meester dee Frog! Needin’ der guns fer de pewty-pew, shooty-boom-boom?
Rizzo: He wants to know who the target is.
Gonzo: Tell him it’s me! I wanna see what he would recommend!
Swedish Chef: (begins rummaging under the desk; pulls out a bazooka, a katana, a spike-covered accordion, and a big black cartoon bomb — already lit — with the word ‘BOöMBb’ written on it in giant white letters) Hokey-hinkey Mistier dee Froög! Skirben der moo frinkie shootie all der baddies, ya?
Rizzo: He says it comes with a bayonet and three laser-sights, but it’ll cost you extra.
Fozzie: (playing with nunchucks) Oh wow, Kermit! You could probably “not avenge” the whole city with all this stuff!
Gonzo: (brandishing flamethrower) Or the entire nation of Portugal! Twice!
Kermit: (exasperated groan) Look, I’m not “not avenging” anyone! And especially not the nation of Portugal!
Gonzo: Not even once?
Kermit: NO.
Rizzo: (tossing several ninja stars over his shoulder) Pfft. Not with that attitude, you’re not!
Kermit: Now are you gonna rent me a hotel room, or is that the one thing this place doesn’t have?
Daniel Craig: (standing behind Kermit) Ah, I beg your pardon? I am ALSO checking in? I was told that there were several, ah … dozen murders in need of investigation?
Kenneth Branagh: Ah! Oui, and I was told zee same thing?
Benedict Cumberbatch & Robert Downey Jr: (simultaneously) As was I. (scowl at one another)
Scooter: (arriving from nowhere) If you’ll follow me, gentleman? I’m afraid you’re in our “committing” section; the “solving” section is right over here.
(crowd of detectives departs)
Fozzie: (takes several photos of them)
Keanu Reeves: (walks up wearing a cheap fake mustache and glasses) Um, excuse me? I would ALSO like to check in; my name is, uh … Chlon. Uh … Chlon Ww… Glick. Chlon Glick. I’ve never been here before.
Rizzo: You again? Get out of here, buddy! This place is only for real cool guys with tattoos and tragic pathos! Go be a nobody loser some place else!
Keanu: (leaves)
Rizzo: Jeez, what is with that guy?
Gonzo: I like him! He taught me a cool pen trick! Watch! (jams pens in his “ears”)
Scooter: Ahem! Your room is ready, Mister the Frog. You’re in our “tortured path of self-destructive revenge” suite!
Gonzo: (now with like thirty pens jammed into his face) Ooh, that’s the best one!
Scooter: No, you’re thinking of the “self-destructive path of torturous revenge” suite. This one’s a dump.
Fozzie: Does it have a minibar?
Scooter: It does … not. And it’s next to two different ice machines. (checks clipboard) Make that three.
Fozzie: That’s okay. Is the bed comfy?
Scooter: Not particularly. And you’re definitely going to get attacked in the middle of the night by this guy. (gestures at Crazy Harry)
Crazy Harry: (waves axe around with low, ominous chuckle)
Fozzie: Ooooh, fancy! (snaps a picture)
Kermit: Look, do you have any rooms that aren’t weird horrible death-traps?
Scooter: Uh … probably not, but I guess I can check? You’re welcome to hang out in the lobby while you wait.
Fozzie: (picking up a bar menu) Kermit? Can we order some onion rings?
Rizzo: Yep! And there’s a running gun-battle every hour, on the hour!
Gonzo: (strapping on a helmet, picking up a chicken) Be sure to stay for the evening show; it’s completely different than the afternoon matinee! No spoilers, but I’ll probably die!
Kermit: (grumbles, walks to the bar)
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rowlfthedog · 1 year
There are more in there. I know I missed people, but I stopped once I noticed I got past a hundred (Zoot makes 102). I stuck these in an alphebatizer real quick, but I could not think of a Muppet for X...
Abby Cadabby
Apollo Pajanimals
Baby Bear
Baby Natasha
Baskerville the Dog
Big Mean Carl
Bobo the Bear
Boober Fraggle
Cantus Fraggle
Convincing John
Cookie Monster
Count Von Count
Cowbella Pajanimals
Denise the Pig
Dodos from Follow that Bird (all 4 of them)
Dr. Teeth
Dr. Van Neuter
Edwin Pajanimals
Floyd Pepper
Fozzie Bear
Frank Oz Muppet
Gobo Fraggle
Gonzo the Great
Grover Monster
Guy Smiley
Happy Yellow Creature
Henrietta (The Chicken)
Hugga Wugga
Iggy Wiggy
J.P. Grosse
Java Again (baby)
Jim Henson Muppet
Joe the Janitor
Johnny Fiama
Julia Autism
Junior Gorg
Kermit the Frog of course
King of the Universe
Lenny the Lizard
Lew Zealand
Ma Bear
Mahna Mahna
Mean Mama
Miss Piggy
Mokey Fraggle
Muppet Newsman (That is his name)
Nephew (Rowlf’s Nephew)
Oscar the Grouch
Prairie Dawn
Queen of the Universe
Red Fraggle
Rizzo the Rat
Robin the Frog
Roosevelt Franklin
Rosita Monster
Rowlf the Dog
Sal Minella
Sam Eagle
Sclrapp Flyapp
Scooter the Gofer
Skeeter the. Twin Sister
Snowth 1 from Mahna Mahna
Snowth 2 from Mahna Mahna
Sprocket the Dog
Squacky Pajanimals
Summer the Penguin
Swedish Chef
Sweetpea Sue Pajanimals
Telly Monster
Uncle Deadly
Uncle Traveling Matt
Wembley Fraggle
Yolanda the Rat
Yorick (the All-Consuming Skull)
Zoe Monster
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juiceboxhero · 1 year
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