#kerry warren
fiercynn · 2 months
queer short film: "the first time"
queer short cuts is a biweekly newsletter where i share queer & trans short film recommendations. i’m featuring some of my favorite films on tumblr because why not
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united states | 16 minutes | 2020 | narrative short audio in english; english closed captions and french subtitles available
the first time, written and directed by drew burnett gregory (who you may know from her writing at autostraddle), was made in 2020 during the pandemic with a $20 budget, largely shot on zoom, and its sixteen-minute runtime is largely comprised of two people talking, with little other action. but don’t let that fool you into thinking this isn’t a compelling and engaging film. charlie (played by gregory herself) and alex (kerry warren) connect on tinder during the early part of the pandemic, and decide to meet on a virtual date. their conversation ranges from awkward at the beginning, to cute and flirty as they start to connect more, to emotional and starkly honest as they talk about their journeys with coming out and dating as a trans lesbian and a cis bisexual woman, and right back to flirty again. it all feels natural and meaningful, and grounded in the context of what is happening in the world around them – what has been happening to all of us as covid-19 has killed, disabled, and isolated so many. “i think i’m always, always thinking about other trans people, other queer people, and with that my desire is to just represent our lived experiences with as much nuance as possible. so i have some very broad goals, but i try to not stop there and to go even deeper,” said gregory in an interview with heather hogan at autostraddle. “there simply is not work — at least work i’ve seen — about trans lesbians in their 20s dating and being messy. that alone feels new to me in a way it frankly shouldn’t. but that novelty isn’t a novelty for me — it’s my everyday life. it’s certainly something i’m committed to representing, but to hold my own interest i need another layer and with this film it’s specifically exploring this pattern i’ve experienced where queer people who have never been with women before are drawn to me.” - deepa's full review, including content notes at the end
watch on vimeo, and for more of drew burnett gregory’s film work, check out her channel!
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boingfessions · 2 months
I hope everyone has a great time today! Surely more than one person asked themselves a question: What the HELL is Oingo Boingo? Well, the name itself is complete absurdity! But what makes Oingo Boingo Oingo Boingo? Find out in this post under cut!
Our beloved crazy ginger man! Daniel Robert Elfman is an American film composer, singer, songwriter, and musician. Delusional, orange af, joker-like, face with a combination of slasher smile and Kubrick stare, perhaps even had prolonged non-fatal rabies in his time in Oingo Boingo that was only recently cured when the band broke, but unfortunately (or not) returned in recent years. Now his entire body is covered in tattoos and his hair is straight now because of dyeing it to hide his gray hair, ergo his old age. The truth is that he is actually a skeleton disguised as Danny Elfman to pass himself off as living human so that the Grim Reaper don't come after him, but SHHHH!!! I did not tell you anything!
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Danny Elfman (lead vocals, rhythm guitar)
Steve Bartek (lead guitar, rhythm vocals)
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Fluffy tall boy <3. Steve Bartek is an American guitarist, film composer, conductor, and orchestrator. Elfman's right-hand man and the one he trusts with his skeletons in his closet, oh and his film compositions too of course! One of the few members of the band who was not consumed by it and therefore did not become a feral creature in the process. He plays little guitars because he's a big man, y'know! He usually wore ridiculously short ties along with baggy t-shirts. His guitar solos drove Danny so crazy that he was spinning around and caused him to have back pain to this day, so you know how to blame. Nowadays unfortunately his beautiful dark curls have become gray, but luckily he now looks like an adorable grandpa now! (just like the others)
Kerry Hatch (bass guitar, backing vocals)
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A marvelous human being! Kerry Hatch is an American musician... and that's it. Walking diva and Zoolander wannabe, this lad was the band's bassist until 1984, when he decided to join the band "Zuma II" (what the HELL is that band? I have no idea!). A pretty lad who likes to be handsome and play bass guitars that don't even look like bass guitars, I don't know what else I could say about him! Maybe he thought the band wasn't good enough for him and decided to leave to pursue something better, but that's just a guess... if you can consider a landscaping business better!
Richard "Ribbs" Gibbs (keyboards, backing vocals)
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Mister mistery~ Richard Gibbs is an American film composer and music producer. Like Kerry, he left the band in 1984 to join Zuma II, and to be honest I don't know what what that band had to make not one but TWO members of Oingo Boingo (the best band in the entire galaxy and even the sixth dimension) have left to be in that band. Anywho, all I have to say about him is that he did well in life, being a composer like Danny and that's it.
Johnny "Vatos" Hernández (drums, percussion)
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THIS IS JOHNNY VATOS FROM OINGO BOINGO MAN!!!! He is a drummer with crazy hairstyles who likes to dum ba dum through life. Almost as crazy as Danny was, he stayed loyal to the band even after they broke up (yes, he was in another band called Food for Feet, but I don't give a DAMN!) Years after the band broke up he managed to reunite about four former members and form "Oingo Boingo Former Members", made up of him, Steve Bartek, John Avila, Carl Graves and Sam "Sluggo" Phipps, in addition to new members. Idk about you, but I would like to have him as my grandpa!
Sam "Sluggo" Phipps (saxophone, backing vocals)
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Leon Schneiderman (saxophone, backing vocals)
Slam Bam "Sluggo" Phipps is an American saxophone player known for his signature bright, expressive smiles, where he shows off all his teeth and can light up an entire room. The tallest guy in the band and the one who likes to show off his instrument the most, rising it high in the air when attention is focused on him. Well, maybe not so much, but you understand what I mean! Maybe he can be too expressive and noisy, but we still love him ❤️
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Dale Turner (trumpet, backing vocals)
Do you remember when I said that Sluggo had the brightest smile in the world? Well, I lied! That one goes to our dear Leon Schneiderman, the other saxophonist in the band. He could do anything in the whole world, even his own instruments! Being a childhood friend of Danny's, it can be said that he has been in the band every moment since it started, even longer than Danny himself! Don't you love him and his smiles?
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John Avila (bass guitar, backing vocals)
Our beloved grandpa-mom. He is an American trumpet player who entered The Mystic Knights after they let him audition after seeing him practice in secret. He makes sure to keep an eye on the other guys in the band and can (if he hasn't already) spank them to make them behave (except for Sluggo; NOBODY spanks Sluggo). Even if he is the shortest member of the band along with John Avila, that doesn't make him any less authoritative, being around ten years older than the rest of the band. He is silent like a mouse and has never been heard to speak, perhaps because he is reserved or has nothing to say. He left the band and is currently enjoying his life privately, and I really hope he's okay!
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Ahem, sorry about that... John Avila is an American bassist and music producer. A literal human puppy and the shortest member of the band. He looks like you could pick him up in your arms and cradle him like a baby... Sorry, I'm off topic again! What do you want me to do? He's simply adorable! (At least for me). Anywho, Although he appears in the Gratitude MV, it was not until 6 months after the release of the album So-Lo that he joined the band along with Michael Bacich, being the new bassist and keyboardist respectively. He is usually hyperactive and you can see him at concerts jumping, spinning and playing his bass like a pro. The strange thing is that, even though the years go by and he obviously ages, he still seems to be the same mischievous and playful puppy-like guy... Okay, sorry again!
Michael Bacich (keyboards, backing vocals)
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Quiet nerdy boy. He's was the keyboardist of the band since 1985 until 1988. Yes, he didn't stay for a long time, but his presence in the band is still important as he was present in the band's best era (Dead Man's Party). He looks like the typical nerd who would say "actually☝️🤓" and give you information that you didn't even ask for but still decided to give you to expand your zero knowledge. He also looks kinda shy and like someone who Danny would bully if the band were in a cliché teen movie. Like Dale, he decided to move on with his life after leaving the band, which it's okay after all.
I ran out of space for more images! Don't worry, I'll reblog this post right away talking about the rest of the band (which are only two members but still!). Thank you very much for reading this far and HAPPY BOINGO DAY TO ALL OF YOU AGAIN!!!
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piqtescue · 15 days
If your watching "Under The Bridge" or planning to, here's a PSA from someone born & raised in that city. Oh, and Kelly's personal info and location bc she deserves absolutely no peace✨😊
((if you dont know this series, or who im talking about, I swear to god I do not do reveal personal information lightly and take revealing someone else's very seriously- but Kelly is a cold blooded psychopath and I urge you to google what she did))
I couldn't believe it when I heard the worst crime that has ever happened in my city was going to be made into a fucking hulu drama... I used to be so intrigued by true crime renditions, but this has made me rethink it all. The murder of Reena is something that makes us as locals sick to our stomachs, is still a very open wound to our city and her family and every day so many of us are forced to drive over the Craigflower Bridge, the place where she was brutally murdered. She was 14.
I never plan to watch "Under The Bridge" on Hulu as I really don't need it replayed back to me in a miniseries, but just need to give some PSA's here + gonna give you some recent photos of Kelly/Kerry and her location because she doesn't deserve the luxury of people forgetting what she fucking did:
To start, I'm not throwing shade to anyone watching the show- I know this doesn't affect everyone the same. Just want to make sure this bitch's face & the real story is plastered in your mind so you can publicly shame her if you wish, and realize this isn't just a miniseries- this actually happened.
Though the author who wrote the book this was based on was in search for their "humanity"- there is zilch in that sector for Kelly Ellard. None. See, Kelly was a teen when she lead the brutal murder of Reena and you might be pointing "upbringing and trauma/mental health" to blame- but don't even go there for a second. Warren is 100% holding the same sin for what they did but displayed actual guilt and talked to her parents. He knows what he did wrong and will live for it the rest of his life.
Kelly, a privileged psychopath from birth, is a disgusting, soulless slime who deserves nothing but to suffer for the rest of her days. Go read up on her parole hearings and realize in no way is she remorseful and in no way does she deserve to walk free or be a mother. She doesn't deserve to fucking breathe. Though if you read her most recent parole hearing, you will hear her speak of this series being "disrespectful to Reena's family": I want you to know she has finally learned to say what they want her to say after all these years; she doesn't give any fucks about Reena's family, all she cares about is leaving the past behind her but jokes on her- she will never get that luxury because we as residents won't let her.
✨Here's her new name/photos/insta account/location, ect✨
-She goes by Kerry Marie Sim now
✨Photos of what she looks like presently: here, and here and here.
✨Instagram: kehrisima007
Fun fact! In the second link I provided, she uses the hashtag "legally kidnapping our children" in relation to the Ministry of Child and Family Development's (canadian version of DCFS) involvement in her life. That was posted in 2021. Her day parole was then continued in 2022 & 2024, and it's unknown if she still lives with her children, but lets hope to god not.
Going by this article, she might be serving her sentence in the Fraser Valley Institution for Women, or might just have had her parole hearings there. But apart from the prison she's in, she is most definitely doing her day parole in the lower mainland of BC, from the looks of her instagram she hangs around Surrey and Langley.
To end this PSA, if you ever do visit our city and are intrigued by this case as a true crime story enthusiast, I urge you to not come to the Gorge where Reena lost her life at in interest/excitement, but come with the intention of paying your respects and give a thought on just how far teen bullying can go, and how you yourself can advocate for it not to get to that point. Whether it be awareness, talking to your kids about speaking up or advocating for public discussion.
And if Kerry ever sees this: we will never let you have peace. You get no peace for your acts, and we will never. fucking. forget.
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browsethestacks · 4 months
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Art by...
1) Joe Simon And Jack Kirby
2) Michael Bair
3) Matt Lesniewski
4) Steve Ditko
5) Kerry Callen
6) Daniel Warren Johnson
7) Jack Kirby And Joe Simon
8) Colleen Doran
9) Matt Lesniewski
10) Barry Windsor-Smith
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brokehorrorfan · 3 months
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Night Swim will be released on Digital on March 12 and on Blu-ray and DVD on April 9 via Universal. The 2024 supernatural horror movie is produced by James Wan and Jason Blum.
Writer-director Bryce McGuire makes his feature debut based on this 2014 short film of the same name. Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Amélie Hoeferle, and Gavin Warren star.
Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by writer-director Bryce McGuire
Masters of Fear - Producers Jason Blum and James Wan discuss why they chose to collaborate on this project
Demons from the Depth - Dive into the film's creatures
Into the Deep - Cast and crew discuss working on a movie with so many underwater sequences
Marco Polo - Director Bryce McGuire breaks down the pivotal scare scene
A former major league baseball player (Wyatt Russell), forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, moves into a new home with his wife (Kerry Condon) and their two children. The new home comes complete with a backyard swimming pool, but a deep secret surfaces and unleashes a malevolent force that will drag the family into the inescapable depths of terror.
Pre-order Night Swim.
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moviehealthcommunity · 5 months
Night Swim (2024)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Night Swim has several scenes at nighttime where the light in a pool flickers, creating severe strobe effects. Important plot points happen during these scenes. Some video clips are shown with mild glitching effects.
Several scenes take place underwater or on the surface of the water. Two long shots, including the opening shot, use a slow rolling motion of the camera.
Flashing Lights: 9/10. Motion Sickness: 4/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: Late in the film, two people cough up a scary-looking fluid, with heaving motions and noises.
Video ID: Admin Brandon's review of Night Swim
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trendfilmsetter · 7 months
First look at Blumhouse Productions upcoming supernatural horror film NIGHT SWIM directed by Bryce McGuire. Starring:
Wyatt Russell
Kerry Condon
Amelie Hoeferle
Gavin Warren
Releasing in theaters January 5th, 2024
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geekpopnews · 5 months
Crítica | Mergulho Noturno
Mergulho Noturno é o mais novo thriller psicológico da Blumhouse e promete deixar o público sem fôlego no cinema. Vem ler a crítica!
Uma casa com cômodos espaçosos e uma enorme piscina com águas naturais, disponível para compra a um preço muito baixo. Você encararia? Mergulho Noturno é o mais novo terror que promete que o público fique sem fôlego nas salas de cinema. Será mesmo que conseguiu? O filme é um thriller psicológico de roteiro e direção de Brice McGuire, sendo o primeiro longa da Blumhouse (Corra!) em parceria com a…
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Recommendations for Content
I don’t know if you have them, but my mom was watching Little Fires Everywhere, so here’s Pearl (Lexi Underwood) and Mia (Kerry Washington, obviously)
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I actually do have Little Fires Everywhere! Not very much, but, I can always try to circulate more. Pearl Warren | Mia Warren | Pauline Hawthorne (Anika Noni Rose’s character |  Madeline Ryan (Nicole Beharie’s character)
Sidenote: Lexi Warren can SING. The first time I ever saw her, she and Shahadi Wright Joseph were singing Suddenly Seymour on Instagram. AMAZING VOCALS, and you know I love some Black Girl Magic. 
You have probably suggested more content to me than anyone else, and I wish that I could find more of some of those, but I will be diving back into some of the past ones to see if more content has made it to the site since then.
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duranduratulsa · 1 month
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Night Swim (2024) on Peacock TV #movie #movies #horror #nightswim #AmelieHoeferle #wyattrussell #KerryCondon #GavinWarren #nancylenehan #patrickdempsey #aivanuttapa #2020s #peacock #PeacockTV #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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soraskyecinema · 3 months
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Night Swim // Bryce McGuire // 2024
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streamondemand · 3 months
'Ray' – Jamie Foxx is R&B legend Ray Charles on Peacock
Jamie Foxx is electric as Ray Charles in Taylor Hackford’s biographical drama Ray (2004). The film sweeps us from his humble beginnings as an R&B piano man in Seattle in the early 1950s through his rocket-ride to the top of the R&B and pop charts (and his heroin addiction and philandering along the way) to his successful rehab in the mid-1960s, with sun-burned flashbacks in the red dirt Florida…
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spookytuesdaypod · 5 months
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spooky tuesday is a (now not so new!) podcast where we’re breaking down all of our favorite slashers, thrillers, monster movies and black comedies on the new scariest day of the week.
forget the beach that makes you old — it's all about the pool that haunts you. orrr maybe not? night swim (2024) is the recent release that made more of a ripple than a splash. starring wyatt russell and kerry condon, this flick has been a little divisive among audiences. is it the kid horror movie we need? or did it get caught into the pg-13 trap? on a new episode of spooky tuesday, we're jumping right into the deep end as we talk about the underlying lore, how the orioles are the best baseball team ever, and if there's anything worthwhile below the surface of this paranormal pool.
give spooky tuesday a listen on apple podcasts, spotify, iheart radio, or stitcher
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milliondollarbaby87 · 5 months
Night Swim (2024) Review
When the Waller family move into a new home, they think this is the time to become settled in an area. Excited about having their own pool, although that quickly takes a rather horrific turn … ⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Everything you fear is under the surface in Night Swim, in theaters January 5 via Universal. I’m giving readers in the Boston area the opportunity to see the seasonal horror film early - and for free!
Broke Horror Fan is sponsoring an advance screening of Night Swim at AMC Boston Common in Boston, MA on Wednesday, January 3, at 7pm. Click here and follow the instructions to download complimentary passes while supplies last. Seating is first-come, first-served and not guaranteed, so be sure to arrive early!
Writer-director Bryce McGuire makes his feature debut based on this 2014 short. Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Amélie Hoeferle, and Gavin Warren star. James Wan and Jason Blum produce.
Ray Waller (Wyatt Russell), a former major league baseball player forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, moves into a new home with his concerned wife Eve (Kerry Condon), teenage daughter Izzy (Amélie Hoeferle) and young son Elliot (Gavin Warren). Secretly hoping, against the odds, to return to pro ball, Ray persuades Eve that the new home’s shimmering backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for him. But a dark secret in the home’s past will unleash a malevolent force that will drag the family under, into the depths of inescapable terror.
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jmunneytumbler · 5 months
The Spirits in 'Night Swim' Offer a Devil's Bargain
The Spirits in 'Night Swim' Offer a Devil's Bargain
Take a dip? (CREDIT: Universal Pictures) Starring: Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Amélie Hoeferle, Gavin Warren, Nancy Lenehan, Jodi Long, Rahnuma Panthaky, Eddie Martinez, Elijah J. Roberts Director: Bryce McGuire Running Time: 98 Minutes Rating: PG-13 for Creepy Black Goo and A Few Near-Drownings Release Date: January 5, 2024 (Theaters) What’s It About?: Professional baseball player Ray Waller…
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