#kevin hayes imagines
hattywatch · 2 years
J. Vesey - July For the Whole Year Ch. 1
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A/n: Hello all! It's been a while, but I'm still lurking about. I heard that Jimmy was back on the table for the Rangers a few months ago and started this, with endgame in mind that he'd be back and NOW HE IS. I decided to do chapters so it's easier to consume. We're clocking about 35 pages currently. It's about 90% completed, so the subsequent chapters should be up fairly quickly. This is 100% self-serving. I wanted a disgustingly long will-they-won't-they, friends to lovers, so I had to do it my damned self. Stop by, say hi, stay awhile; I read all comments, tags, messages etc- so don't be shyyyy!) Please check out my Masterlist (I finally made one!) if you want some more content :)
August 2017
“PIVOT!” a decidedly male voice shouts from down the hall. You almost laugh, but it’s 8am on a Saturday and you don’t really want to commit to being fully awake quite yet. 
“Dude, that was not funny 2 floors down, and it’s even less funny now-” still male, but another voice answers back. 
It seems like Stella, the building manager, has finally found someone to let the large three-bedroom at the end of the hall. It’s been vacant for the whole summer, which was nice. The floor only has 2 other 1 bedroom apartments, so it’s been you and Mr.Callahan for the better part of 3 months. He’s a septuagenarian and hardly makes any noise, so it's been akin to having the entire 4th floor to yourself and it's been too short-lived for your taste. To say you were delighted when the last tenants moved out is an understatement. You haven’t had to vie for the elevator, wake up to any loud music, or have a sneezing fit- which aroused your suspicion of a contraband feline residing nearby. You’re sad to have it come to an end, but maybe they’ll quiet down once they move in. 
Rolling over, you wedge your face in between your pillows, successfully blocking the sound and falling back into a gentle doze. 
Two weeks later, you’re sitting on the rooftop deck, lounging like a dog in the sun, sipping an iced-coffee from the cafe down the street and reading a magazine when the rooftop door opens to a boisterous duo, mid-conversation. 
“Brady will do it again this year. You watch. No way he retires, he’s got too much left in him. Guy’s an animal-” they’re both tall, but the sandy haired one is loud, clearly from Boston- his R’s dropping at the end of his words, making “Year,” sound wrong to your ears, attuned for New York City. 
“I’m not doubting him, man. He’s just getting up there,” they sit at the table next to you, clad in swim-suits, clearly about to use the pool- the paint is chipped and worn, but the water is crystal blue and chlorinated enough that even the unwashed masses of the city can’t sully it. The small pool is your favorite perk of the aged building.
Hiding your eyes behind your sunglasses, you size them up. They're young, likely in their twenties and they're both fit as hell, thick and muscled. Not a bad sight, but you'd hate to leer, so you go back to your magazine, only half paying attention to the chatter next to you as it moves from sport to sport before they finally walk towards the water.
It's cold, you know it's freezing, which is why you’ve chosen to tan and not float around in the water. One of the kids in the building had an accident in it last weekend; it had to be drained and cleaned and it hasn't had the time to warm up yet. It seemed almost silly to refill it now, since there's barely two weeks left of summer, but who are you to complain?
“Jesus Christ!” You can’t really hold back the laughter even though you try, so a choked snort makes its way out despite your best efforts. The sandy haired one is only in the water up to his knees and the darker haired one hasn’t even started his descent down the pool steps yet, and you don’t want to be the creep eavesdropping and gawking, so you pull your magazine up a little higher over your face to hide. 
“You could have warned us! It’s fuckin’ ice cold,” he retreats up the steps and sits back in his chair on the deck. “I’m Kevin, I just moved here. This is Brady.” Kevin sticks his hand out to shake, and you drop Cosmopolitan onto the wire table in front of you to meet his grip. 
His handshake is strong and warm. “Here, New York, or here, this building?” you ask after giving him your name. Brady leans in after Kevin, hand outstretched, so you shake his too. 
“This building. I’ve been in New York a couple-a years now. But we just moved to this building a few weeks ago. We’re down on 4; us and our buddy Jimmy.” You nod and tell him you’re on 4 too, but then his phone rings and it’s Jimmy and he has pizza. They invite you down to eat, but you decline, wanting to soak up as much summer as possible before the weather turns biting and fall’s crisp air rolls into the city. 
“Nice to meet you! We’ll see you around. Don’t be a stranger!” They wave jovially as they continue through the rooftop door. They seem nice enough. Saving your magazine from the condensation sweating down your coffee cup, you pick up where you left off - “How to Find a Normal Dude on a Dating App,” and wonder how they can possibly pass the same garbage off as something new each month.
It’s 2 o’ clock in the morning, according to the glance you give at your way-too-bright phone, and you hear the scraping of a key in your lock. It’s scary because your building is generally safe, and you can count on one hand the number of people who have a copy of your key- Stella the building manager, your elderly neighbor Mr. Callahan, and one ex who you ended it with over 6 months ago. The latter is the only one that makes sense since you know Stella leaves by 8pm each evening and Mr. Callahan is in bed shortly after his early-bird dinner at 4pm. 
If it is someone with malicious intent, they’re certainly not trying to sneak in, they’re cursing loudly and wrenching the knob that refuses to turn. The console table next to your front door houses your keyring, equipped with a small can of mace, so you grab it before checking the peephole. 
“Kevin are you fucking kidding me?” You unlock the door and yank it open to Kevin’s sleepy face on the other side. His eyes are droopy and his smile is lopsided. 
“Heyyyy, what are you doing at our house?!” You’ve seen Kevin around often since meeting him and Brady at the pool a few weeks ago. He’s always coming to or from the gym, or grabbing take-out, or the bar- which is probably the case right now. Kevin is good people, so you can’t find yourself getting too mad at the disturbance. 
Pocketing your keys in your robe, you join him in the hallway. “This isn’t your house, you dweeb. It’s mine,” he looks slightly confused before spinning around in the hall at his surroundings. 
“I see the problem now,” you’re not sure that he actually sees much of anything, since he looks a little worse for the wear right now, but he looks down to the floor before smiling back up at you, “your doormat should have tipped me off… we definitely never bought a doormat.”
He’s wobbly at best, so you grab him by the elbow and steer him towards his door. “Your boys home? Who’s going to tuck you in, bud? Make sure you have some water and get to bed okay?” Kevin is having a hard time with his keys, so you take the tangled ring and try a few before giving up and knocking loudly. 
“Hey!! I have something that belongs to you!” Kevin giggles and rests his forehead against the wall next to the door. 
The locks on the other side make a metallic jerking noise before the door is yanked open. You assume it’s the elusive 3rd roommate, Jimmy, since it’s certainly not Brady. Kevin has mentioned him in passing, but your paths haven’t crossed yet in the few weeks since they’ve moved in. 
He sighs and steps out into the hallway to get a look at Kevin. “You’re kidding me. How did you even make it home?”
“He didn’t,” you interject, “well… he made it to the building and then he tried to get into my apartment. Damn near maced him. He scared the crap out of me.” Jimmy seems to notice you for the first time. 
He looks a little sheepish when he responds, “I’m so sorry, he’s harmless really. Just drank a bit too much, I’m sorry he woke you up. We’re still pretty new to the building, he must have been confused.”
You smile, “It’s okay. I live down the hall and we met a few weeks ago. Good for him actually… it’s bear mace, so...” Kevin is still leaning heavy against the wall when you look over at him. 
“Oh, yeah- Brady mentioned you, I think. (y/n)?” Jimmy leans against the door jamb, arms crossed, and smiles- warm, like it’s not an inconvenience for you to be knocking on his door dragging an inebriated friend home to be taken care of. 
“That’s me…” you pause, not really wanting to get into a conversation at this time of night, the siren song of your soft bed and warm covers calling you back, “Do you think you can give him some water? Maybe some aspirin and make sure he gets to bed?”
Jimmy nods slowly as you talk, before the words seem to land and he nods more vigorously. “Oh, yeah of course… I am sorry, though- again. Thanks for getting him home, I got him from here,” he pulls Kevin over the threshold of the apartment, but doesn’t follow him down the hallway yet. 
“I’m Jimmy, by the way- nice to meet you and thanks again for not pepper spraying Kev.” You step one foot backwards, still looking in Jimmy’s direction. 
“Anytime, Jim. Make sure he survives the night.”
Jimmy smiles and salutes, “You got it. See you around, (y/n)” with one last wave, he closes the door and you finally head back to bed, knocking out as soon as you hit the pillow. 
Sunday morning you sleep in until 10, you feel like you’ve earned it after your night was interrupted however, Sundays are also for cleaning, so while your coffee is brewing, you pick a playlist on your phone and turn it on, loud enough that you can hear it throughout your apartment, but low enough to not bother Mr.Callahan through the thin walls. 
You’re halfway through cleaning out your fridge, dumping expired items into the garbage pail and making a grocery list for things to replenish, when there’s a sharp knock on your door. It’s not like you’re expecting company, so you glance at the mirror in the bathroom to make sure you’re decent before checking the peephole and opening the door to Jimmy. 
“Good morning,” you’re cheery, invigorated by the 2 cups of coffee you’ve downed so far and the adrenaline from being productive pumping through your veins.  
He has a brown paper bag in his hand, and he smiles, a small blush high on his cheekbones, and you can tell he’s much more reserved than Kevin, who is gregarious, loud, and boisterous each and every time you’ve bumped him since the very first day you met. 
“Uh, hey. Good morning. Hope I’m not bothering you-” he pauses and looks for permission to continue. You didn’t notice last night, half asleep and bleary, but he has the same accent as Kevin and you peg him as a Bostonian as well. 
Shaking your head you assure him, “Not at all. It’s daytime, that’s typically when visitors are expected. Let Kevin know, I don’t think he’s heard.” You smile and he huffs out a small chuckle.
He hands the paper bag over to you. “Just wanted to thank you again for being so cool about last night. Kev had a rough week and he felt like shit this morning when he realized what happened. He’s still sleeping it off, but just a little peace offering.”
The bag has the logo of the cafe down the street, where you frequently grab coffees and breakfast when you’re running late for work. “I just grabbed some bagels and a bacon, egg, and cheese. Heard that’s the way to a New Yorker’s heart…” he stops awkwardly as you unroll the top of the bag, and peer inside, “You’re not a vegan or anything are you… I didn’t even think about that. Hope it’s oka-”
“It’s great, Jimmy. Did you want to come in? There’s a ton of food here and I just made a fresh pot of coffee.” You step to the side and hold the door open, giving him a clear path into the house. 
He smiles again, it lifts up higher on one side of his mouth. “One cup can’t hurt I guess,” he steps in past you, nose leading him to the coffee pot on the counter. 
Jimmy stays for a few hours, he’s easy to talk to, quieter than Kevin, but you can immediately tell he’s got a sharp wit and it comes out the longer he sits in your kitchen, hat backwards and refilling his cup whenever it gets low. You start off talking about Kevin over your bagels and coffee, before devolving into how they know each other (distant cousins who grew up in Boston- you were right about the accent), and then he’s happy to talk about back home, opening up a little and telling you all the best spots in town, “I’m a local, so you know they’re good. You can’t go off google, that’s not authentic,” and defending ‘Dunks’ against all other coffee in the known world. 
“An extra extra? What the hell is that?” You’re topping off his coffee, grabbing the sugar canister off the counter and putting it on the table in front of him. 
“Extra cream, extra sugar. Why, what do you call it here?” 
“Fucking disgusting?” You laugh at your own joke, adding milk to your coffee, “Light and sweet I guess? Tell me something else in Boston.” His posture is relaxed as he leans back in his chair and starts talking about the Harvard Library, of all things. 
You’re happy with how Jimmy opens up sitting in your kitchen on a Sunday morning- chore list forgotten with both of your dishes sitting in the sink. You haven’t felt self conscious for one second even though you’re in your pajamas, hair in a sloppy bun on your head as you compare childhoods in the largest cities on the eastern seaboard. 
The conversation has turned to Game of Thrones, and he’s putting up a pretty good argument for you to start binging it, “I swear it’s like a movie every week. The production value is incredible,” when there’s a knock on your door. 
“More people have knocked on this damned door in the last 12 hours than have in the last 3 years. Sorry Jim, one sec- let me see who that is.” It’s equal parts surprising and unsurprising when you see Kevin on the other side of the peephole. The easy choice is to let him in, turn back around, and walk him to the kitchen as he stammers out his apologies, trailing behind you. 
“Jimmy apologizes better. He brought food,” You take your seat across from Jimmy at your small kitchen table again, as Kevin looks visibly shocked to see Jimmy there, one eyebrow making its way up in question. Jimmy immediately turns bright red when he meets Kevin’s eye. 
He makes himself at home, leaning against your counter and opening up the paper bag before selecting a bagel. “Butter in the fridge?” you nod and he helps himself. “I was wondering where you went, bro. I’ve been up for hours and you haven’t answered one text. I was about to head to the gym to look for you.”
Picking his phone up, Jimmy grits his teeth, “Ah, sorry. Time got away from me. I was supposed to be training, but I stopped by to apologize- for your dumb ass by the way- and we got to talking, I didn’t check my phone.”
“I’m sure you didn’t,” Kevin tells him it’s no big around the bitten off hunk of bagel wedged in his cheek. “You got plans today, (y/n)?” He chews heartily before you shake your head no, and Kevin lists off about five things that he wants to do, clearly no longer plagued by a hangover. Jimmy meets your eye and you shrug. 
“Sure, let me get ready.” You haven’t had a friend in the building before, but it feels a lot like you just made a few.
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wooosh. That's me sighing and breathing it out. Couldn't watch the gaudreaus memorial service live while working, just watched it in full on cbj youtube. first off, I'm ever so grateful the family granted us a livestream of this very difficult experience, that they are willing to open their arms to all of us to grieve together. their generosity and love.. wow. I'm in awe of this family. Thank you thank you. It is helping and healing so many of us to be part of this circle of support. thank you.
The priest interwove such beautiful personal memories with the gaudreaus in his sermon, and brought hope and a sense of guidance to steer mourners after such a heartwrenching and sudden tragedy. He welcomed ppl of all different faiths and connected the family to those grieving both there with them and far away. It was a beautiful way to begin the service.
I paused quite a few times during Madeline's and then Meredith's speeches to wipe tears. Meredith's was long but i get it. As she was nearing the end i had this feeling of no don't stop talking because when you end this speech is when we say our last goodbyes to johnny and matty and that's it we all carry on without them. No more Johnny Hockey in the NHL and that cannot be right.
The stories of how Johnny wore meredith's comfy clothing to pregame cracked me up. How he came bounding down the stairs one day in her maternity sweatshirt and she's like noooo take that off and he's like what it fits so well 😂 i cannot!! I can just imagine him preening so proudly lolll. He was so proud of his baby's spit up on his clothes, wore em to the rink. Incredible father and husband. Cannot believe he won't be around to help her through her 3rd pregnancy.
That both of Johnny and Matty's wives are going to go through pregnancy and labour without them. This tragedy is insane. How. How???!!!
I liked hearing about Johnny and Matty's deep deep connection. That Johnny lived an nhl life all season but all he wanted in the offseason was to go sleep in his tiny twin bed next to his brother in his own tiny twin bed in their childhood bedroom. Meredith said she knows so much of the focus has been on Johnny but even in life Matty knew that's how it was and loved his brother for it, was so proud of him.
Sean Monahan... wow wow wow I'm hurting hard for him. Johnny was really excited to play in cbj with him. Omg.
And Kevin Hayes. Goodness. So much heartbreak. Lost yet another brother. The hayeses really took care of Johnny in the nhl.
Guy Gaudreau, their father. The very last shot of the family at the end as they exited the church, following the two caskets out, Meredith followed Johnny's. Madeline and the gaudreaus (parents and 2 sisters) then following Matty's.. Guy was an absolute mess being held up by his wife and daughter. My heart broke all over again.
Spotted a lot of familiar hockey faces in the pews. I hope being there was healing. I know for me, everything felt unreal and confusing until i physically got to see my cousin's casket and then see with my own eyes as she was placed to rest. That connection to reality helped the loneliness and confusion i felt. I wanted to be with her but then my brain could finally give me an answer, she's sleeping in that place where i can go visit.
Ok. well in the pans over the attendees saw cbj, flames, team usa, Matthew Tkachuk, Seth Jones, Cole Caufield, Nikita Zadorov and others.
Well. This coming season is gonna get off to a real sad start and I'm glad we have each other in the lb🫂💕 those home opener tributes are gonna be tough.
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rosesvioletshardy · 26 days
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sending so much love to kevin hayes can’t imagine what he’s going through right now
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 9
Link for Seasons  1   2   3   4   5   6   7 8
My analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! S9E1 Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina is CANON
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For the first scene of course, you just can't miss that one! Since that's the one scene that holds the event that shifts a character's story arc! That's right, I'm talking about Mr. Slave. His loved one changes in ways he can't comprehend. S9E2 Die Hippie, Die is FILLER
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No events carry over. S9E3 Wing is FILLER
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No events carry over. Does anyone else have déjà vu? S9E4 Best Friends Forever is CANON
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We see Satan moving on from Saddam. His new boyfriend is Kevin, and the Heaven team has a lot of upgrades as well. S9E5 The Losing Edge is CANON
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I bet this is confusing for someone who doesn't instinctively remember You're Getting Old anytime this episode starts playing. Yes, this is an important part of the Randy storyline. S9E6 The Death of Eric Cartman is FILLER
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You could tell me about how funny or heartwarming and inspiring this episode is. But for my purposes it's just a day of the boys ignoring Eric. S9E7 Erection Day is FILLER
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Our annual Jimmy episode! Although I can't imagine many people upset over this one getting shafted. S9E8 Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow is FILLER
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Stan and Eric make a great duo. Or do they? Canon followers will never find out. S9E9 Marjorine is CANON
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Mostly because of Heidi Turner's proper introduction and her parents as well. However I love including Farmer Fred's episodes, and I hope I can include most of them, even if some are already unlikely. S9E10 Follow The Egg! is CANON
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This one is for the relationships. Stan and Wendy get development for the first time since "Raisins". Mr. Slave moves on from Herbert aaaand Heidi Turner gets a team-up with Eric? S9E11 Ginger Kids is CANON
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The ginger kids organization will return in a major way. Also, some interesting in-series lore about Kyle's and Eric's genes. S9E12 Trapped in the Closet is CANON
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This is a big one in meta-storytelling, since Tom Cruise did later try to sue South Park (and an episode was made around that case), while Isaac Hayes, the voice of Chef also left because of this episode (and an episode was around that case). S9E13 Free Willzyx is CANON
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Ok, there's three episodes in a row that will play an important part in 201, so it's safe to say Trey got really inspired by this era. S9E14 Bloody Mary is FILLER
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This one is a character-study of Randy and Stan. It works, and all the specifics to their relationship is here, the events though are again, self-contained.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it. S9E1 Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina is CANON S9E2 Die Hippie, Die is FILLER S9E3 Wing is FILLER S9E4 Best Friends Forever is CANON S9E5 The Losing Edge is CANON S9E6 The Death of Eric Cartman is FILLER S9E7 Erection Day is FILLER S9E8 Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow is FILLER S9E9 Marjorine is CANON S9E10 Follow The Egg! is CANON S9E11 Ginger Kids is CANON S9E12 Trapped in the Closet is CANON S9E13 Free Willzyx is CANON S9E14 Bloody Mary is FILLER
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14
Overall: 65 out of 140
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writingonleaves · 8 months
and there are some days when i think that, somewhere, you're watching - the blue au
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universe: the blue au
warnings: cancer, grief, sadness, the usual with anything to do with the blue au's premise lol
title: "chemtrails" by lizzy mcalpine
word count: 1.1k
author's note: lol hey!! there are a million other wips i should be working on but here we are! if you haven't read at least the first part of this au yet, you probs should for context. we are also manifesting here all three hughes brothers make it to the olympics. inspired by the beautiful players tribune article kevin hayes wrote for his late brother jimmy. i thought a lot about which brother would write something like this and ended up settling on quinn <3 enjoy and let me know your thoughts!
The Ones We Play For 
for The Players Tribune 
by Quinn Hughes 
Written February 4, 2026
I’ll never forget the first time I put on a USA jersey for an international competition. 
It was for the 2015 World Under-17 Challenge when I had just turned 16. I didn’t think much of it at the time. The only thing I thought about was playing well, but it was an honor nonetheless. 
Every time you get the opportunity to represent your country in any way, it’s an honor. I know everyone says it, but it’s true. The whole nation is looking at you and cheering you and your teammates on. The playing of the anthem means more than ever. You look at the jersey and feel like you’re part of something bigger.
Next week, hockey at the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milano-Cortina will begin. I’ve always dreamed of being about to play at the Olympics, but now that it’s actually here, it’s surreal. 
The team is great, and I feel lucky to even be here. As I look around at my teammates, I feel confident that we can bring home a gold medal. But it’ll take hard work. That’s nothing that we don’t know though. 
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to put on the jersey and who we wear it for. Of course, I think I speak for every single person at these Olympics when we say we wear it for our country and the fans watching us, whether here in Italy or back home. 
But we’re all playing for someone in our own support group. The village that has brought each of us here.
First, my parents, who have been there since the very first day. My mom, who taught me how to skate and my dad, who taught me how to see the game. My extended family: my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and family who aren’t technically family but who might as well be. Everyone in my life who’s always offered support and encouraging words, who has sat in cold rinks and watched me play. Whether they’re here in Italy or watching from various parts of the world, I’m playing for them. 
I’m also playing for my brothers, who will be on the ice with me. That’s still crazy for me to think about. We never could’ve imagined this when we were playing mini sticks in the basement as kids. Of course, we dreamed about it. But to see it come to reality? I feel very grateful. In the locker room, I look at Jack on my right and then Luke at my left. We’re playing for each other. 
But most importantly, I’m playing for Miguel Sandoval. 
I don’t talk about Miguel often, but he was one of the most important people in my life. Still is. He met my parents before I was born and automatically became a second father to me. To be honest, I don’t think I talk about him often because it still hurts to think about. 
Miguel was one of my biggest cheerleaders from the beginning. The fact that he’s not alive to see me take the ice next week is, well, it’s a lot of things. Sad is the first word that pops to mind. Unfair is another. The one who was at the rink next to my father in the stands before I even really knew how to play hockey isn’t alive to see me play in the Olympics? There’s no words to describe how devastating that is. 
He never got to see me play in any USA jersey, even though he was always confident I would put one on eventually. He died of pancreatic cancer on New Year’s Day, 2015. 
It’s been over 11 years without him, but he’s still in everything I do. A huge part of the reason I wear 43 is because of him — his birthday is April 3. I still remember his boisterous laugh and his kind eyes. He wrote Jack, Luke and I letters before he died that were specifically addressed to be given to us on our draft days. I still carry mine with me on every road trip. That’s how long and how strongly he believed in us. Somehow, he just knew that we would be drafted long before it happened. 
I have every word of that letter memorized. Sometimes, I trace over his handwriting with my thumb, and it feels like he's still with us.
During his brief battle with cancer, even when his body had almost no strength left, he always greeted us with a smile and an enthusiastic greeting. Even when he was advised not to, he made it to the games he could until his last days. To the very last day, he lived life with the biggest smile on his face.
If anyone should be here to see his “talented boys” take on the ice, it’s him. Not everyone is lucky enough to have someone like Miguel who loved them so unconditionally. I’m grateful for the time I had with him, even if I desperately wish it was more. We weren’t his sons by blood, but he treated us like family. But sometimes life is unfair, and we have to hold on to the fact that everything happens for a reason.
Here’s a reason: Miguel’s wife, Maeve, who is like a second mother to me, will be watching from Boston. Maeve is the best, always keeping it lighthearted and reminding me that life is supposed to be lived to the fullest. She has this youthful energy that’s just so infectious. She’s the one who always reminds me that hockey is supposed to be fun. I wouldn't be half the person I am today without her support.
And then their daughter, Clementine. Clem, I call her. Jack calls her Clee and Luke calls her Clemmy. Clem’s my best friend / older sister — the universal older sister, to be honest. It doesn’t matter if our last names aren’t the same. She’s been there for me ever since I could remember. Even when we were states, sometimes countries, away, I knew that if I called her, she’d always pick up. Currently on the journey to becoming a doctor, Clem is the kindest, most intelligent, most selfless and strongest woman I’ve ever met. She was the one who lost her father, but she made sure that all of us were okay. Even now, she can’t ever seem to take off the big-sister hat. But I wouldn’t have her any other way. 
Miguel, wherever you are, I can tell you a few things. First, I promise that we’re taking care of your wife and daughter as best as we can. We’re gonna try our best to get to the final rounds of this tournament so that they can fly out and watch us play. We love them and they’ll always be family. Second, whenever I feel a bit lost or need to be grounded, I think of you and your calm demeanor and bear hugs. I wish I could have just one more hug. Squeeze you one more time.
Miguel, when I put on that USA jersey and step on the ice, I will be playing for you. Jack, Luke and I will all be skating for you.
We miss you. 
We love you.
This is for you.
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stereax · 11 months
This whole deal with Ottawa and Dadonov - could you possibly help me understand what happened plainly? I'm a little confused with the twitter lingo. Thank you 💙
No prob, anon! Under the cut for you 💜
So Evgenii Dadonov, when he signed his contract with Ottawa, had an M-NTC (modified no-trade clause, or colloquially a no-trade list). I believe he could put 10 teams on the list. What that means is, by a certain time on a certain day (usually, the first day of free agency), he submits a list of teams he would NOT consent to be traded to. If his team (the Senators) wants to trade him to a team that is NOT on this list, they can do it and he can't complain (like the Bruins did with Taylor Hall, shipping him to Chicago because it wasn't on his list). If they want to trade him to a team that IS on this list, they basically have to beg him to waive the M-NTC, and he can say no, and they can go kick sand about it (like the Blues had to because Torey Krug wouldn't waive his full NMC to facilitate the Kevin Hayes trade).
When the Senators traded Dadonov to Vegas, he did not have Vegas on his no-trade list, but he did have Anaheim. He keeps his M-NTC when he moves from Ottawa to Vegas, as he didn't have to waive it. Vegas later trades him to Anaheim, and when he and his agent hear about it, they immediately ask "What the fuck, wasn't Anaheim on the no-trade list?" The NHL confirms it and the trade is cancelled, much to the embarrassment of the Knights. Oops.
So why are the Senators being punished? When Vegas and Ottawa were on call to figure out their trade, Vegas (obviously) asked Ottawa "hey, so what's Dadonov's no-trade list?" And Ottawa said "oh, he didn't submit one this year." This was a lie - Dadonov did, in fact, submit the no-trade list. Supposedly, Dorion was the only person on the call, which is also highly suspect. So from what it sounds, Dorion knowingly lied to the Knights about the no-trade list not having been submitted, presumably to get them to agree to the trade, and this blew up in his face.
There's apparently a 73-page document that the NHL issued after investigating this, so it's safe to say that Dorion is almost certainly guilty here. And Andlauer, the new owner, is NOT happy about losing that first-round pick. So Dorion got canned.
But why is Vegas doing this? Mostly to clear themselves from the stigma of not honoring M-NTCs. Vegas is... kind of infamous for being a place where contracts go to die and people get traded with no feelings involved (see: Marc-André Fleury). Having a reputation, however real, of ignoring no-trade lists? Not great. At all. So Vegas wants to clear its name here, officially.
Also, a little bit, to help themselves in the long run - if Ottawa loses a first-round pick, everyone else moves up one spot. So it helps, just a little bit, in the future.
"But wait, isn't there an NHL-owned registry of no-trade clauses?" LOL no, actually! It's a privacy thing, from what it sounds like - imagine if someone got their hands on all the no-trade list details and leaked them. It could cause massive backlash. So the NHL puts the burden on teams, and teams have generally been good at dealing with no-trade list stuff and transmitting the necessary information. Well, until now.
Hope this helps!!!
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igor-shestyorkin · 26 days
Someone hug Kevin Hayes right now I can’t imagine how he’s feeling
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justapillowpetpanda · 5 months
Fantasia Announces First Wave of Titles for Its 28th Edition
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The Fantasia International Film Festival will celebrate its upcoming 28th edition with an electrifying program of screenings, workshops, and launch events running from July 18 through August 4, 2024, returning yet again at the Concordia Hall and J.A. de Sève cinemas, with additional screens and events at Montreal’s Cinémathèque québécoise and Cinéma du Musée.
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Poster art by Donald Caron The festival’s full lineup will be announced on July 3, but in the meantime, Fantasia has revealed a select first wave of premiere titles, along with a first look at its 2024 poster art. The festival’s 2024 poster art, created by Montreal visual artist Donald Caron, brings back two of the festival’s most beloved characters from earlier editions, returning by popular demand. The cinema-loving cat and pug, barreling into the future on a sidecar motorcycle, embody the excitement, playfulness, and absurdity that Fantasia has championed since its inception in 1996.
28th Fantasia International Film Festival
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CHUCK RUSSELL RETURNS TO HORROR WITH WITCHBOARD, A WILD RE-IMAGINING OF THE CLASSIC 80'S FRANCHISE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr0d00hy1h8 From A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS and the beloved1988 remake of THE BLOB to THE MASK, ERASER, and THE SCORPION KING, director Chuck Russell has no shortage of imaginative fantasy/horror classics under his belt. Now he returns to the genre he’s marked so brilliantly with a radical reinvention of Kevin S. Tenney’s 1986 Canadian cult favorite WITCHBOARD. Emily (Madison Iseman, ANNABELLE COMES HOME) and her fiancé Christian (Aaron Dominguez, Hulu's Only Murderers in the Building) discover an ancient Wiccan artifact, a pendulum board, as they prepare to open a bistro in New Orleans' French Quarter. Emily becomes obsessed with the board's powers, exposing her to the ancient spirit of the Queen of Witches. Desperate to help his fiancé, Christian seeks the advice of occult expert Alexander Babtiste (Jamie Campbell Bower, Netflix's Stranger Things, the TWILIGHT saga), but Babtiste has dark secrets of his own. Shot in Montreal by cinematographer Yaron Levy (UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING). Also starring David La Haye (TRUE NORTH), Charlie Tahan (Netflix's Ozark), Antonia Desplat (AppleTV+'s Shantaram), and Mel Jarnson (MORTAL KOMBAT).
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PRESENTED BY MIKE FLANAGAN, CHRIS STUCKMANN’S SHELBY OAKS IS HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4u3Z72KhN8 A woman's desperate search for her long-lost sister, a famous YouTuber who investigated paranormal happenings, falls into obsession upon realizing that the imaginary demon from their childhood may have been real. After a successful Kickstarter campaign that broke records across the platform, the highly anticipated feature debut feature from YouTube creator Chris Stuckmann is finally here and ready to scare the pants off the world. SHELBY OAKS delivers in all departments. Starring Camille Sullivan (HUNTER HUNTER), Brendan Sexton III (DON’T BREATHE 2), Sarah Durn (RENFIELD), Keith David (THE THING, NOPE), and Michael Beach (AQUAMAN). Produced by Aaron B. Koontz, Cameron Burns, and Ashleigh Snead, and Executive Produced by Mike Flanagan and Trevor Macy, among others.
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MIGUEL LLANSÓ’S INFINITE SUMMER IS A TRIPPY, TRANSHUMANIST FEAT OF FILMMAKING Estonia-based Miguel Llansó (CRUMBS, JESUS SHOWS YOU THE WAY TO THE HIGHWAY) is a singular gift to cinema. Fantasia is proud to be bringing the visionary iconoclast back to Montreal for the World Premiere of what may be his most compelling creation yet: INFINITE SUMMER, a trippy transhumanist sci-fi exploration vibrant with humor, poignancy, and gonzo invention. On a summer break, Mia and her friends try a meditation app that that’s somehow related to the operating system of the Tallinn Zoo, changing in the body chemistry of its users into something between pollen and cosmic dust. Mia will need to choose between saving her friends or joining them.  An astonishing film, produced by legendary US producing partners Allison Rose Carter and Jon Read (EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE, AMERICAN HONEY), Rain Rannu (CHASING UNICORNS, THE INVISIBLE FIGHT), and Tõnu Hiielaid (KRATT), and Llansó himself, starring Hannah Gross (Netflix’s Mindhunter), Johanna Rosin, and Teele Kaljuvee-O'Brock.
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TRUTH BE TOLD, CONFESSION IS A MASTERFULLY CRAFTED SINGLE-LOCATION THRILLER Every Winter since Sayuri’s tragic disappearance sixteen years ago, Asai and Jiyong climb the mountain where it happened to honor her memory. However, an intense blizzard and a catastrophic injury convince Jiyong he’s done for and, before forcing Asai to leave him to die, he shares a devastating revelation. Asai returns, however, after finding a nearby cabin and now, isolated for the night, the two have to deal with Jiyong’s not-so-last words... the hard way. Two award-winning Fantasia legends, director Nobuhiro Yamashita (LA LA LA AT ROCK BOTTOM) and actor/writer/director Yang Ik-june (BREATHLESS), along with superstar Toma Ikuta (THE MOLE SONG trilogy), team up to adapt a beloved manga into a narrative and technical achievement, one of the best single-location thrillers ever created. With stellar performances and masterful direction using every inch of his set to generate maximum tension, CONFESSION flirts with perfection at every level - and must be experienced in a theatre.
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JAYRO BUSTAMANTE’S RITA WILL HAUNT YOUR MEMORY AND BREAK YOUR HEART Following up on the international success of his brilliant LA LLORONA (2019), director Jayro Bustamante’s RITA fuses mythical fantasy and whimsical imagery with themes of childhood innocence and the potent emotional register of a story based on a harrowing real-life event, wherein 41 young women needlessly burned to death inside a Guatemalan orphanage in the midst of a protest about inhumane conditions. At its core is the powerful performance of Guiliana Santa Cruz, who speaks for all the young women who suffered. As a result, the story speaks much to the power of female anger, and yet, not once does the director lose sense of the fact that at its heart, Rita’s tale is one of girlhood, of dreams, of an innocence lost, and regained within the bosom of female solidarity.
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THIS MAN BLENDS WESTERN INSPIRATIONS WITH J-HORROR TROPES IN A PERFECT MELTING POT OF TERROR An inexplicable wave of tragic deaths plunges two investigators into the heart of a fateful whirlwind, where logic and facts have no value as a far-fetched urban legend seems to come true. A mother plagued by terrifying dreams, seeing her friends and colleagues disappear one after the other, and her family witness the horror unfold. Director and screenwriter Tomojiro Amano (TRAPPED IN MAKYO) skillfully fuses the styles of Eastern and Western classics, referencing RINGU, IT FOLLOWS, and A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET among others, to create an intimate, oppressive work that constantly keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as it slowly and subtly unveils the pandemic-like slaughter outside. At the crest of the international horror-film harvest of 2024, already a banner year, THIS MAN is sure to lodge itself in viewers' memories. With such potential, a Hollywood remake wouldn’t be surprising.
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LOWELL DEAN’S DARK MATCH CONJURES SIX-TIME CHAMP CHRIS JERICHO AS A CULT LEADER! After his success with the WOLF COP films, Canadian filmmaker Lowell Dean switches it up and takes horror to the ring! When small-time wrestlers get a big payday for a private gig, they jump at the chance for fame and fortune, but the event, run by a mysterious leader who calls himself “The Prophet,” demands plenty of blood on the mats and involves a sinister, demonic deal! Set in the wrestling heyday of the 80s, DARK MATCH is an action-packed rumble on the ropes shot by acclaimed cinematographer Karim Hussain (INFINITY POOL, POSSESSOR). Starring wrestling legend Chris Jericho as the charismatic leader of its bloodthirsty cult, Ayisha Issa (TRANSPLANT), and Steven Ogg (AMC’s The Walking Dead), you’ll get more than your share of intrigue, action, and gore inside this ring! Septentrion Shadows section.
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A SAMURAI IN TIME IS WORTH THE TIME AND TRAVEL TO SEE An Edo-period swordsman is flung into the future, arriving in modern Kyoto to confront utter confusion—and an acting career. The medieval warrior transported to modern times is a variant of the time-travel subgenre that has been explored many times around the world. Award-winning writer/director Junichi Yasuda (GOHAN), however, offers a take on the theme that’s not only clever, funny, and distinctly Japanese, but remarkably poignant. Shot on location at Toei Studios Kyoto, A SAMURAI IN TIME is held together by the subtle and convincing performance of lead actor Makiya Yamaguchi. More than just a fun fish-out-of-water fantasy, it’s an homage to samurai cinema as it wanes as surely as the shogunate once did.
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SWIPE RIGHT ON ELRIC KANE’S DATING APP CHILLER THE DEAD THING A young woman, lost in a series of meaningless connections through dating apps, falls in love with a charismatic man who is hiding a dark secret that turns her affair into a dangerous obsession. Smart, tragic and unsettling, Pure Cinema host Elric Kane’s first solo-directed feature is a character-driven supernatural nightmare that explores the demons of modern dating in ways that are both horrific and disturbingly relatable.  Swipe right on this profound piece of genre cinema that is destined to become a horror classic. Staring Blu Hunt (Netflix’s Another Life), Ben Smith-Petersen (MAD MAX: FURY ROAD), Katherine Hughes (ECHO 3), and John Karna (SCREAM). Co-Written by Webb Wilcoxen (The Frontier). Produced by Monte Yazzie, Matt Mercer (BLISS), and Rebekah McKendry (GLORIOUS).
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MASHING UP GENRES, MASH VILLE IS A KOREAN CULT CLASSIC IN THE MAKING Someone has died after drinking the bootleg liquor brewed by Se-jong and his two younger brothers. While on a mission to retrieve their deadly booze before another person perishes from it, they come across two homicidal cultists who are terrorizing the villagers. The love that director Hwang Wook (LIVE HARD, DOG EAT DOG) harbors for the Western, action, and comedy genres shines through from start to finish with stylish cinematography, quirky characters, and an incredibly entertaining screenplay. Most importantly, pitch-black humor abounds. Hwang and company commit to their absurdity, and it’s an absolute blast, a genre-mashing crowd-pleaser sure to be a Korean cult classic as time goes on.
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LUCÍA PUENZO’S ELECTROPHILIA CASTS A SUBVERSIVE NEW VISION A woman wakes up from a coma six weeks after being struck by lightning and finds herself compulsively drawn to electric currents as her body’s workings begin to change. She soon joins an underground support group of strike survivors led by a dangerously charismatic doctor, opening a doorway into unexpected new explorations. A gripping, sensorial experience with a visceral emotional core, ELECTROPHILIA is the latest creation from Cannes-award-winning Argentinian filmmaker and novelist Lucía Puenzo (THE FISH CHILD, XXY). Reminiscent of CRASH-era Cronenberg, it is a subversive and beautiful genre work, a different kind of self-discovery tale, and a new breed of dramatic thriller. Starring Mariana Di Girolamo (Pablo Larrain’s EMA), German Palacios (EL RAPTO), and Guillermo Pfening (THE GERMAN DOCTOR).
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A MORALLY CHALLENGING TALE OF REVENGE, PENALTY LOOP TAKES A FAMILIAR THEME ON A DEVILISHLY TWISTED PATH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-uwF0-__uY Left bereft by the wanton and inexplicable murder of his girlfriend, Jun chooses his own justice, carefully planning the perfect murder of the man who led him to become what he wants to eliminate. Once the vengeance is consummated, he wakes up with a confirmed sense of déjà-vu and his target alive and well, repeating the same routine as the day before. Offering a breathless, dark, and innovative variation on the time-loop concept, writer/director Shinji Araki (THE TOWN OF HEADCOUNTS) establishes himself as a sure thing in contemporary Japanese genre cinema with this unpredictable, shocking narrative that constantly twists and turns toward a conclusion that’s as satisfying as it is devastating. Carried by a convincing duo of actors in perfect sync, PENALTY LOOP is an accomplishment condemning Araki to return to the forefront with each of his future projects.
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THE ADAMS FAMILY BIRTH CREATURES AT A SERBIAN FRACKING SITE IN HELL HOLE A road trip through Canadian oil fields conjured up fantasies of secrets deep in the dirt for the Adams family, and inspired them to create HELL HOLE, an indie rock-n-roll monster movie set at a far-away fracking site. Known for their DIY ethos, John and Lulu Adams and Toby Poser, partnering with Shudder, have joined the team behind The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs and FX legend Todd Masters to shoot their latest in Serbia with a local cast and crew. Absurd, mutinous, and transgressively comical, Hell Hole is old-school sci-fi horror, yet in typical family fashion, they subvert the genre with textures of biological and environmental horror in tandem with questions of gender and bodily autonomy. This will be the fourth time that Fantasia World Premieres work from the gifted filmmaking family, following launches of THE DEEPER YOU DIG, HELLBENDER, and WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS.
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DEAD DEAD FULL DEAD MUTATES THE WHODUNIT GENRE Junior police officers Balraam and Zubeida make a cute couple, but not the most diligent detectives. Called to a posh apartment tower to investigate a reported murder, the seemingly straightforward case quickly becomes a conundrum that would confuse even Sherlock Holmes. When the victim herself returns from the afterlife, matters become even more muddled, and soon enough the question isn’t who killed her... but who didn’t?! With the deadpan delirium of his debut feature, Mumbai-based editor and filmmaker Pratul Gaikwad offers a very odd, otherworldly mutation on the much-loved mystery-comedy genre. Featuring paranormal powers and multiple manias, cosmic wonders and covert class warfare, celestial bureaucracy and dysfunctional love, and even a supernaturally transformed goat, Gaikwad’s surreal whodunit offers a bit of everything... except perhaps proper law-enforcement procedure.
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VOIVOD: WE ARE CONNECTED OFFERS A THUNDERING TRIBUTE TO LEGENDARY PROG METAL PIONEERS From the moment they exploded out of Jonquière in the early ‘80s, Voivod have been widely hailed as one of the most original and influential metal bands in the world. Years in the making and produced with full access to the band’s archives, Felipe Belalcazar’s illuminating VOIVOD: WE ARE CONNECTED brings the story of a groundbreaking 40+ year career to the screen with energy, insight, and a palpable sense of love. The long-awaited doc will be launched in the very province that birthed the band and Fantasia couldn’t be prouder. With appearances by Tobias Forge (Ghost), Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth), Jason Newsted (Metallica – and brief Voivod member), Zach Blair (Rise Against, GWAR), Tom G Warrior (Celtic Frost, Triptykon), and Ivan Doroschuk (Men Without Hats), among many others. Docs from the Edge section.
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A FANTASTICAL JAPAN RETURNS IN FLY ME TO THE SAITAMA: FROM BIWA LAKE WITH LOVE After stealing hearts at Fantasia 2019, where FLY ME TO THE SAITAMA won the Audience Award for Best Asian Feature, director Hideki Takeuchi returns to a fantastical version of Japan—“definitely not a portrayal of any actual place”—with a completely original story independent from the ’80s manga from which it takes its name. Read the full article
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You cruise, you lose - a liveblog
what IS Kevin cats—HOUDINI?????
"he/him but he doesn't give a shit" is one of my favorite pronoun sets tbh
The fucking jetskis. The fucking immediate joker. IRIS IS BAZED ON A FUCKING POODLE MOTH THOSE SRE SOME OF THE BEST TYPES OF MOTHS? we love people with an awkward past also.
What DOES asce look like...
Oh shit I love him. I love him with my whole heart. What a fucking mess. I dont know what happening rn I just know it's fucking hilarious.
Okay but amorphous mound of tar is so gender.
Running ACROSS the tar?? 👀👀
"do you wanna do anything else on the ship?" "Just mourn. Regret." KKFFDSGJLJJFSSJKFDJ
"caedwyn just sort of watches him go" the mental image is KILLING me
"and one last question, if there is a taragon, do they smell particularly fresh and herbal?"
"which wolf is funnier?" Is a question it is sooooo dangerous and yet I'm tempted to live by it.
ILA said "fire 😏 arms?" Jddkhdyk
"they're fine but the deck IS on fire" HDKDVSKDVDJ GOD.
This eye thing is very cool.
"emerging from the bridge is a very tall man who also happens to be a skeleton with two legs"
"okay I am startled by this" HELP but also IGNACIO?????
I regret nothing about the order in which I've listened to this podcast I accidentally found the best way to do it
Instead of "we hid all the children" I heard "we hit all the children" and I got a good 3 second I was like damn???? Was that necessary????
"I would also accept presence persuasion" "OOOH uhh...no one respects me" GOD
I love that caedwyn is the party's "let's make MORE problems" pc
And tbh I might play space kings.......I've been looking for a system
This episode has allllll the jokers
Iris just nerding out with this child is SO funny
[Iris is 57]
Iris said "you're having an 'existential crisis' let me SHOW you existential crisis"
Okay this is a meme and ik Alex is a child but at no Successes I immediately started imagining "I'm a fucking whore, you idiot"
Asce is trying SO hard to stay twelve
"if you see a wall, no you don't, you have a sword" NCKSGSKDVSK????
This episode was ducking perfection. I don't regret doing the quiet year series first but fuck I still wish I got to it sooner it was so good
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bewilclerment · 2 years
kcfh really made me want to rewatch some terrible sitcoms but imagine how the wives felt when they weren’t in the same room as their loser husbands. The show is very obviously a satire based off Kevin Can Wait, a terrible and corny sitcom that is exactly like the sitcom parts in kcfh. Now i just wanna watch the show and imagine the wife (Erinn Hayes - who played Molly in the kcfh finale!!) in Allison’s shoes
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tkachunk · 2 years
Short Fic Recs (< 10 000 words)
nothing else shaking so you might just as well by iceguy (1470 words): (tim/brady) look i'll rec anything by ao3 user iceguy but this one is about an iconic moment in timbrady herstory (the tim fight against the oilers) and really nails the msrh codependency, even in a post-msrh era (the msrh is a state of mind. in a way, we're all living in the msrh)
luck and timing by aliquis (9870 word): (connor mcmicheal/hendrix lapierre) rarepair anyone? i would be lying if i said i could identify either of these players by sight but the author really nailed the enthusiastic puppy 4 bitchy cat vibe, which is a joy to read.
wish i had a river by puck yeah (4358 words): (tk/np) what happens to a relationship when needs aren't communicated and also patty exploring a post-nhl world, which is always delightful
so i don't have to keep imagining by preciousthings (6048 words): (superbuddies) miscommunication and pining! and then lying about miscommunication to save the friendship (gotta be one of my favourite tropes)
pages of my heart by deceasedraven (4350 words): (tk/np) i don't have the stats on this but i'm pretty sure this is my most reread fic. it's fun, it's funny, it's got kevin hayes acting like an idiot. what else can you possibly need in a fic
love is a game we deserve to play out loud by growlery (5349 words): (tk/np) every time i see this fic in my bookmarks i am SHOCKED that it doesn't have more hits. this fic has EVERYTHING; royalty au, pining, father figure claude giroux. rhyming.
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hattywatch · 2 years
J. Vesey - July for the Whole Year Ch. 2
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A/n: Here’s chapter 2! Thank you to those who have reached out and expressed interest! It means the world to me that anyone is enjoying something I spent so much time on! I really appreciate each and every message :) 
<< Chapter 1:
December 2017
“Absolutely fucking no?” You roll your eyes and flip your hair over your shoulder, pressing the phone tighter to your ear.
Kevin squawks indignantly on the other side of the line. “Why not! Why do you hate fun?” It’s not that you hate fun. You like fun- everybody LIKES FUN, KEVIN. 
“It won’t be FUN for me, Kev. I can’t ice skate, I’m going to look like an idiot… which will be fun for you, I guess, but not for me.” You try to keep your hands steady as you paint your toes while arguing, but he’s got you all riled up and you know he’s going to start playing dirty. 
You’re right, of course. 
“I’ll make Jimmy ask you and then we’ll see.” 
It’s December now, and you’ve known the trio down the hall for almost six months. It’s crazy to you that three people who are so different can get on so well, and a little crazier to know that those dorks are verified celebrities who play on the New York Rangers, but they’re kind of your friends at this point. 
Friends being the operative word, and it’s why you’re so frustrated that Kevin will throw around Jimmy’s name to get you to agree to almost anything. Jimmy puts on that sincere, genuine voice and you cave. How can you say no when he’s the soft spoken, polite, sincere foil to Kevin’s fratboy persona? 
“That’s rude, I’ll tell him no too!” There’s a smudge of white polish across your cuticle and this is all Kevin’s fault, but he laughs and hangs up the phone. 
Turns out Kevin was right to laugh, since it’s a week before Christmas and you’re stuck in Rockefeller Center, skates laced to your feet as you wobble over to the edge of the rink and white-knuckle grip the side like your life depends on it. 
Jimmy had caught you in the elevator a few days after your phone call with Kevin all sincerity and wide-eyes. “Kevin said you don’t want to come because you can’t skate,” you gave a flat smile and a nod and prayed for the ancient elevator doors to open up so you could leave before the conversation reached its crux. 
“You should come. My family can’t make it out this year, and I definitely need someone to make fun of Kevin with. You don’t even have to skate, we can just hangout on the side, give Kev some shit,” his eyes twinkle mischievously and you’re toast.   
With a sigh you ask, “You’re not going to let me say no, are you?” He beams. “Not on your life,” the door pings and Jimmy hops out first, “I’ll see you tomorrow, dress warm.”
You’re not sure where Jimmy ran off to moments after you arrived, probably to do some media things and take photos with the team or whatever else athletes have written into their ridiculous contracts. Brady’s girl was kind enough to stand and chat with you, before someone else who knew her grabbed her away to talk about an upcoming baby shower, so now, you’re alone in your knife boots, knees wobbling like a baby deer, hanging onto the side of the rink in a death-grip. 
It’s December and it’s cold, but Rockefeller Center is gorgeous, not that you’d admit it. Being a native New Yorker, you avoid this area like the plague from November through January, but it’s not crowded since the team rented it out specifically for the event. It’s serene and picturesque, the sky is inky black and the tree glows bright against it above the rink. For the moment, you’re happy to indulge your inner tourist, since you would never get this opportunity any other time in your life. 
Brady and Gracia glide back over to you, both of them ethereal in their beauty, even bundled up as they are. They’re so in love it’s gross and you love them. They take pity on you and stop to chat, not daring to try to pull you along for a skate. 
“I’m so glad Jimmy got you to come,” Gracia smiles her wide, perfect smile and bumps your shoulder. Your legs give a desperate wobble, and your returning grin quickly turns into a grimace. 
“Easyyyy, I’m not stable,” you remind her through gritted teeth. Jimmy chooses that moment to return, a small hot-cup in hand. 
“Emotionally, mentally, or physically?” Brady laughs and Gracia gives a little eye-roll but still smiles at Jimmy's ribbing. 
You want to smack him, but your forearm strength is the only thing keeping you vertical right now, so you scoff, “Ooooo you have to come to family skate, my family can’t make it wahhhh,” you mock, “Shut up Jimmy, I’m struggling here while you guys yuk it up.” 
Brady and Gracia are gently nudged by one of the many children that are circling the rink with more skill than you have, and they smile and give chase to what you assume is one of the innumerable Staal offspring. 
“You’re mean, but I still got you a coffee,” he slides the cup along the edge of the rink and you stare at it while he smirks. “Just how you like it, no sugar and bitter as fuck. Now you just have to let go and grab it.” 
If he thought you were the mean one, he’s certainly runner-up as he watches you, barely restraining laughter as you try to inch one hand along the rail to reach for the cup. You struggle for a few seconds before he huffs, “Give me your hand, you are absolutely hopeless.”
It’s calming to grab his hand, gloved or not, he’s steady and strong and you’re finally able to grab the cup and take a sip. You’re all around grateful, finishing it quickly to warm yourself up. He takes the empty from you and returns it to the edge before taking your other hand in his. “Bend your knees, I’ll pull you.” 
The skeptical look you give him is only met with a raised eyebrow and a crooked grin, so you bend your knees, shins pressing against the stiff tongue of the skates, and say a silent prayer that you stay upright and don’t make a fool of yourself. 
He skates backwards, feet crossing over each other with ease as he picks up a little speed. “That’s too fast! I don’t like it!” Your voice is just shy of panicked, but you see Brady snapping a photo somewhere to your left and you try to paste on a smile that's less manic. Jimmy takes pity on you and slows down, no longer crossing over, but alternating his skates out in semi-circles to glide more gently along the ice. 
“You’re okay. I’m not going to let you fall,” he squeezes your hands and you realize that you’ve been holding him too tightly, fingers tense and hands sweaty inside your gloves. “Sorry,” you mutter halfheartedly, barely loosening your hold on him. 
After three times around the rink, you start to feel a little more confident, gently flicking each skate behind you and carefully avoiding any gouged ice that would create an obstacle. Jimmy notices and commends you, “Good! You’re doing good. This ice sucks and your skates are probably dull, but you’re doing the best with what you have. 10/10.” You’re not sure since your eyes are practically glued to your feet as they carve channels into the ice, but that might have been a wink.
Scrunching your nose, you answer, “Thanks, teach. I’m trying my best here.” It’s short of patronizing, but Jimmy smiles and lets go of your left hand, before swinging around to your side and looping your right arm through his left one. “You’re leveling up.” Your arm that’s wound through his tenses and you quickly bring your left arm across your chest and grab onto his bicep for more support. He huffs, “Don’t forget to bend your knees. Loosen up!” It’s easier said than done, because you’re all off balance now, leaning heavily to your right, where Jimmy is solid and dependable, not at all like when he was pulling you and you could evenly distribute your weight. 
It’s only a few more shaky revolutions around the rink before Kevin takes the opportunity to skate by on your left. He’s quick and catches you off guard, barely brushing your shoulder, but it pushes you off balance enough that your one foot slips and the other one wobbles and you’re hanging onto Jimmy for dear life as you prepare yourself to hit the cold, hard, wet ice. 
Jimmy yanks you upright before you can tumble, left hand securing you by your linked arms, while the other finds your hip to steady you. “Hey now, easy! You were doing so good; what happened?”
“Fuckin’ Kevin,” you spit, trying to right yourself with as much grace as possible. It’s not much. 
Kevin skates by again and shouts a quick “Sorry!” before he’s chased down by Jimmy, who was kind enough to drop you at the boards, before skating off to seek revenge. Jimmy stops short and sprays Kevin with some snow and they both laugh and skate over to you, playfully shoving each other as they go, Kevin a little more damp than before. 
“I’m sorry you’re having a terrible time,” Kevin leans against the boards next to you as Jimmy brings up the rear. 
“I’m not having a terrible time,” you consider your words carefully, “It’s nice to try something new, I guess. Just a little scary.” Kevin nods, because he’s nothing if not understanding. 
Jimmy interjects, tipping his chin in your direction, “It’s getting late, you have work tomorrow?” You nod yes and yawn. It’s a little later than you thought, plus it's a Sunday. 
“I’m hungry anyway,” Jimmy looks around, makes eye contact with Brady and gives a wave before looking over at Kevin, “Irish goodbye. Give my regards if anyone misses me.” They do a little bro-handshake, which is impressive on skates, and Jimmy grabs your bent elbow from behind and pushes you gently towards the exit of the boards. 
“Sit down,” you do as he asks, without any poise whatsoever, metal bench clanging as you plop onto it. “Give me your foot,” you tilt your head and look up at him, sure that Jimmy’s not about to baby you and remove your skates, but you’re wrong. 
“Gimme this,” he picks up your skate by the ankle and tucks the blade between his knees before starting at the bow and yanking the laces loose all the way down to the toe of the boot. “It’s hard to get them off sometimes. You have to loosen them all the way down if they’re tied as tight as they should be.” He grabs the back of your calf and gives a yank to the skate, and it comes off no problem. He places the loose skate next to you on the bench, letting your socked foot drop before repeating his actions on your other skate. 
You’re a little dazed, not used to being taken care of, so you grab at your Uggs and stuff your feet in, all the while trying to figure out why your brain feels so fuzzy all of a sudden. 
When Jimmy’s shoes are on and his skates are shoved back into his bag, he stands up and you follow. “Wanna stop at Bubby’s, grab dinner to go?” He looks down at you, eyes shiny in the dark, lit up gold by the lights in Rockefeller Center. You would like to grab dinner, so you nod and swallow and decide you’ll deal with the look in his eye another day. 
You know you’re going to be sore tomorrow, but you can’t bring yourself to care. 
March 2018
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this, seems like a big commitment” you bite your lip as Jimmy pulls the curtains over the window to block out the waning daylight. You wiggle down into the cushions, trying to get into a comfortable position. 
“You big baby. I know you; you’re gonna love it.” he smiles before he turns out the lamp in the corner and settles in under the blanket next to you, reaching his big hand into your popcorn bowl. “We have to make sure you’re caught up before the new season starts and you’re like, 7 seasons behind. It’s going to take a while. Better buckle down.” He clicks play on the remote, and you’re officially welcomed into Game of Thrones. 
The moment the episode ends, you peer over at him and you hate when he’s right, especially with how he looks right now- expectant with the widest shit-eating grin plastered on his face, but he is. You’re hooked. “Okay, one more. We have time right? You don’t have any plans?” 
Jimmy shakes his head no, “I knew you were going to love it. I told you!” His face is all crinkled with his smile and you can’t help but smile back. 
He’s your best friend these days and you’re so happy the guys are here in your building; even if it means you rarely leave the house in favor of gathering around their coffee table, sitting on the floor playing rummy or scrabble in your pajamas more often than not. 
“Give me one sec, I’m just going to grab a water. Do you want anything?” Jimmy tells you to get him one too as you head to the kitchen and he queues up the next episode. You race back when you hear the HBO intro’s static screen and flop down half on the couch, half on Jimmy's leg, giggling and complaining, “You’re supposed to wait for me! You already saw them all!”
He shrugs one shoulder, “Gotta motivate you, we have a lot to get through.” You shove him with your shoulder, and end up under his arm as he tries to make room in the wake of you sprawling across him in your race to make it back before he succeeded in started without you. He’s warm and he smells a little like mint and coffee. 
Halfway through the second episode, you get a little squirmy. Khal Drogo mounts Daenerys from behind and you know it shouldn’t be hot, but it’s been a while and he’s got the whole viking vibe going on, so it kinda is. You’re slightly uncomfortable to be so affected while sitting next to Jimmy. Opening the water bottle that’s been in your lap long-forgotten until now, you take a sip. 
“Jason Mamoa getting you a little warm?” His eyebrows raise as he peers down at you, mischief in his eyes. His arm’s still around you, but you will by no means cop to being any sort of worked up about this, so you backhand him across the chest, scoffing and rolling your eyes. But he catches your hand with his, the one not resting along the back of the couch across your shoulders, and holds it against his chest. 
Your face flushes and your heart lurches before you can tell yourself that this is Jimmy, for God’s sake, and calm your pulse down. Jimmy’s hand on the inside of your wrist gives you the most irrational fear that he can feel your quickening heart rate, but then the front door clicks open and you hear a pair of shoes thud heavily as they’re kicked off in the foyer, and Jimmy lets go of your hand allowing you to return it to your lap. 
Kevin plops down guilelessly on the other side of you, “Oh! The beginning. I haven’t seen the old ones in forever,” he kicks his feet up on the ottoman and leans back, but Jimmy’s arm stays tucked around you. 
April 2018
“Let me in!” You scramble out of your room, one sock on, to meet Kevin at the door at his very loud behest.
“You have a key for this very reason,” you remind him, but his hands are full, so you open the door wider to let him in. “What’s in the box?” 
His grin goes slightly sharp and he puts it down on your coffee table. “I got you a present.” 
Holding your hands out, you make grabby motions, “Gimme, gimme, gimme,” you joke, but also can’t wait to see what he deemed important enough to cut into his pre-game nap. You haven’t been to a game before, and tonight will be your first one, but even you are aware of the sanctity of a pre-game routine. 
Shaking out a large piece of fabric, Kevin holds a jersey in front of you. “Do you love it?”
You stare at the royal blue jersey, Rangers embroidered diagonally across the chest. “It’s super official,” you state as you gingerly take it from his hands. You assume he brought you a blank one until you peek more embroidery on the back. “Seriously?”
“I got you Jimmy’s,” he beams. “Figured you guys have been spending a lot of time together, so I’m just making it hockey official.” You pick up your pillow off the couch and hit him over the head with it. 
“I can’t wear this, he’s going to think it’s weird!” 
“Shut up. He’s going to love it.”
You and Gracia walk down to wait for the boys after the game, high on the win and giddy with champagne. 
Brady comes out first and scoops his girl up after bumping your fist. They wait with you, Brady catching sight of the numbers on your sleeve and smirking down to Gracia. “Nice jersey,” is all he says, but it’s enough to make you supremely self conscious, knowing Jimmy’s only minutes away from seeing it himself. 
“Shut up, Brades. It’s sweet,” Gracia chastises her boyfriend and you have to set the record straight. 
“Kevin bought it for me. I had to wear it. I didn’t want to be ungrateful!” It’s half true. The other half of you is all too happy to support Jimmy with his name across your back, but that half is a little shy-er and definitely doesn’t want to share that out loud. 
As a few more players exit, Jimmy comes out behind Zuc in his game-day suit, and you wring your hands nervously, not wanting to have an awkward conversation in front of so many of his friends. 
He hugs Gracia first since she’s closest to the door and comes to you after, hugging you before getting a good glance at your outfit. When it dawns on him, he grabs your hand and spins you to read the back of your sweater. 
“Where’d you get this?” He asks with his brow furrowed.
Swallowing, you try to remain calm as you answer, “Kevin gave it to me earlier today.”
His smile ticks up, carving into the left side of his cheek, “Awesome. Seems like a good luck charm.” 
Kevin exits the locker room just in time to catch this exchange and winks at you over Jimmy’s shoulder. 
As your quintet makes its way back up through the Garden, Kevin drops down near your ear to whisper a totally unnecessary “Told you so,” into your ear. 
July 2018
Jimmy’s family is sweet. It’s big and Irish and their house is beautiful and you’re just so happy to be here.  The large group has spent the better part of the day in the Vesey’s yard, lounging around, playing drinking games, grilling, and floating around their pool (which is way nicer than the small one in your building). 
Clad in only your bathing suit, for the first time in front of Jimmy, you were a little nervous at first. You know it’s just in your head, but you got over any reservations you had pretty quickly after he pushed you straight into the pool and yanked you onto his shoulders for a round of chicken against his brother and sister.
You like this version of Jimmy. His accent grows thicker each time it's answered with a matching one. He hardly leaves your side, choosing to sit down on the pool deck next to you, feet slipped into the cool water and planning more touristy activities than you know you can fit in the few days you're occupying his family's guest room. 
“You look like you need sunscreen,"
His shoulders are red, and so is his face, but that may have more to do with the beers he’s been steadily sipping all day. “Don’t tell me what to do, this is my house.” You take the initiative and squirt some sunscreen into your palm anyway. “Turn around, you’re burning.” He spins without argument, muscled back tinged pink in the summer sun. Jimmy’s varied group of cousins, aunts, and uncles haven’t insinuated anything all day, accepting without question that you’re just a friend visiting from New York (which is the truth) and treating you as such, asking questions about your job and how you’re enjoying your first time in Boston. 
Of course Kevin chooses that moment, your palms trailing innocently up and down Jimmy’s back, to show up and catch you red handed. 
“Ayyy! My favorite couple!” he jokes from where he’s shaking hands and slapping backs with Jimmy’s younger brother. His loud voice draws eyes your way and you instantly notice your skin heat-up. 
For the rest of the day you can’t help but notice the whispers you’re sure Kevin ignited, the air between you and Jimmy more charged than it was before.
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abriefingwithmichael · 15 years
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Misfits of Science 1.1
"Deep Freeze" People with super-powers stop Military bad guys.
Nifty pilot, this. Fast moving and lots of fun.
The first third introduces to Billy Hayes and Elvin Lincoln, scientists working for a group called Humanidyne, which has links to the Military. Something Billy and Elvin are not too happy about. The new boss at Humanidyne doesn't like their pacifist ways, and the odd bunch of super-powered people they are always trying to help, so he shuts down their department and fires the two guys.
Billy and Elvin are licking their wounds over this, when Billy gets a short and mysterious call from their original boss, who tells them that Humanidyne are mis-treating one of their previous charges/patients: a guy who can freeze anything. So, in the middle third of the movie, our two scientist heroes (one of whom has the power of shrinking to 6 inches tall) contact two previous subjects (each with super-powers, too) and they mount a rescue operation to get their cold-hearted friend, and their previous boss, out of the clutches of the heavily-armed bad guys. Cue: lots of action and rock music.
Final third finds the whole group together for the first time and realising that a huge and very, very dangerous weapon has been built out in the desert. So, since nobody else on the planet can stop it, they work together and save the day.
And, as I said before, it positively zips along. For many reasons.
It's funny. The whole affair is peppered with gags and comedy that works. A minor character (played by Diane Civita) is shown many times and always raises a chuckle. The main characters have an easy going camaraderie (think The A-Team) and their banter is good-natured and easy on the ears.
The guest cast is top notch. Larry Linville, Edward Winter and Kenneth Mars are three of television's more reliable performers. Linville is well-served by the script, Mars makes the most of what he's given and Winter is completely wasted. But it's always good to see him. Winter could have played the Linville role, since he had played characters like that in the past, but it hard to imagine anyone being better than Linville here. He's a hoot.
The main cast are superb. Dean Paul Martin and Kevin Peter Hall make great leads. They have great chemistry and it's fun to watch them and root for them. Courteney Cox is the best of the rest. She's cute and sincere. A lesser actress would not have made the material work.
The story, cleverly, waits a long time before introducing Johnny and Gloria and their super-powers. It relies on humour, good characters and an interesting story get the first third out of the way and then it unveils the super-fast guy who shoots lightening bolts, and the girl who can throw anything - big or small - around with the power of her mind. In this way, the middle-third - which you would expect to flag a bit in a two-hour pilot - is actually cool and fun. An example of great pacing.
The soundtrack is catchy and upbeat. The show's theme music (not heard properly until the end) appears on the score many times as a catchy melody. So, whenever the guys go into action as team you hear this catchy little ditty on the soundtrack from a few seconds. After an hour, it's impossible not to hum along. The big battle at the end is edited to match a great Kim Wilde remix and the climax of this movie is one of my all-time favourites.
With all this goodness going around there are only a few weak spots.
When the pilot stops to devote time to the romances between the characters it gets boring very fast. Luckily these scenes are brief and infrequent.
A+ all the way, from me. Fast moving and lots of fun.
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Black History Month: Poetry Recommendations
Golden Ax by Rio Cortez
From a visionary writer praised for her captivating work on Black history and experience, comes a poetry collection exploring personal, political, and artistic frontiers, journeying from her family's history as Afropioneers in the American West to shimmering glimpses of transcendent, liberated futures.
In poems that range from wry, tongue-in-cheek observations about contemporary life to more nuanced meditations on her ancestors - some of the earliest Black pioneers to settle in the western United States after Reconstruction - Golden Ax invites readers to re-imagine the West, Black womanhood, and the legacies that shape and sustain the pursuit of freedom.
I Am The Rage by Dr. Martina McGowan
I Am The Rage is a poetry collection that explores racial injustice from the raw, unfiltered viewpoint of a Black woman in America. Dr. Martina McGowan is a retired MD, a mother, grandmother, and a poet. Her poetry provides insights that no think piece on racism can; putting readers in the uncomfortable position of feeling, reflecting, and facing what it means to be a Black American.
This entire collection was created during 2020, many shortly after the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, to name but a few.
Best Barbarian by Roger Reeves
The poems in Best Barbarian roam across the literary and social landscape, from Beowulf’s Grendel to the jazz musician Alice Coltrane, from reckoning with immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border to thinking through the fraught beauty of the moon on a summer night after the police have killed a Black man.
Daring and formally elegant, Best Barbarian asks the reader: “Who has not been an entryway shuddering in the wind / Of another’s want, a rose nailed to some dark longing and bled?” Reeves extends his inquiry into the work of writers who have come before, conversing with - and sometimes contradicting - Walt Whitman, James Baldwin, Sappho, Dante, and Aimé Césaire, among others. Expanding the tradition of poetry to reach from Gilgamesh and the Aeneid to Drake and Beyoncé, Reeves adds his voice to a long song that seeks to address itself “only to freedom.”
And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou's poetry - lyrical and dramatic, exuberant and playful - speaks of love, longing, partings; of Saturday night partying, and the smells and sounds of Southern cities; of freedom and shattered dreams. 'The caged bird sings/ with a fearful trill/ of things unknown/ but longed for still/ and his tune is heard/ on the distant hill/ for the caged bird/ sings of freedom.'
Angles of Ascent edited by Charles Henry Rowell
This is not just another poetry anthology. It is a gathering of poems that demonstrate what happens when writers in a marginalized community collectively turn from dedicating their writing to political, social, and economic struggles, and instead devote themselves to the art of their poems and to the ideas they embody. These poets bear witness to the interior landscapes of their own individual selves or examine the private or personal worlds of invented personae and, therefore, of human beings living in our modern and postmodern worlds.
The anthology focuses on post-1960s poetry and includes such poets as Rita Dove, Ai, Nathaniel Mackey, Natasha Trethewey, Kevin Young, Terrence Hayes, Elizabeth Alexander, Major Jackson, Carl Phillips, Harryette Mullen, and Yusef Komunyakaa - artists who, using a wide range of styles and forms, are cultivating a poetry of personal voice and interiority that speaks against the backdrop of community and ancestry.
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chriskreider · 26 days
i hope someone checks in on kevin hayes i cant fucking imagine how hes feeling right now
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Who are your favorite artists or what songs do you listen to most? (new songs that have stood out to you recently count too)
This varies widely headmate to headmate, but I’ll start with a band we all agree on & some songs that everyone sings along to, & then the favourites/replay songs of the current fronting crew (the people currently front or co-conscious). We can obviously add on more people later if anyone’s curious 🤷‍♂️
Favourite Band We All Agree On: Citizen Soldier
(some songs we listen to, not specifying who likes which songs)
Songs We All Sing Along To: This Is Me (Greatest Showman¹), Radioactive (Imagine Dragons), & What About Us (P!nk, but we’ll also listen to a cover by Jeb Havens sometimes)
(¹ we haven’t even seen the movie or musical or any rendition, just know some of the songs 🤷‍♂️)
Songs We Tend To Play On Loop (regardless of who’s front): My Days (Joy Woods), Go Find Less (Riley Roth), Home (Phillip Phillips), Grow As We Go (Ben Platt), This Is How I Learn To Say No (Emeline), I Am (Emhahee)
(including a couple of these:)
Current Fronting Crew: Jack (he/him), Serenity (she/they), Nico (he/they)
(Ward & Zen are in the background, but they “don’t have strong preferences” for our music (they’re gatekeepers). This includes some vulnerable comfort songs, but I won’t point out which ones - if you know, you know 🤷‍♂️.)
Nico’s Music Taste: Truck Candy (Abi), Shallow (cover by Kevin Karla y La Banda), Burden (Citizen Soldier), Dear God (originally by Hunter Hayes, but he has a Nightcore ~Serenity), Off (Jake Scott), Your Daughter (Dina Rebekah), Smoke It (Haley Mae Campbell)
Serenity’s Music Taste: NVM (Faith Marie), The Table (Valeree), My Boyfriend’s Back (Paris Bennett), Nothing Is Required (Mia Stegner), W.I.T.C.H. (Devon Cole (all-time favourite, can summon her to front))
Jack’s Music Taste: Love Who You Want To (Jordan Suaste), Last Man Standing (Livingston), For Your Entertainment (Adam Lambert), Him (Sam Smith), Scream (Usher), Montero (Call Me By Your Name) (Lil Nas X), Closer (The Chainsmokers & Halsey)
Obviously this is non-exhaustive, we tried to limit it a bit 😅. But we love to share music tastes so if y’all want more feel free to ask 💜
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