pappypaws · 4 months
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fastdiet · 1 year
Are you or someone you know living with essential tremors? 🤔 Managing the condition can be challenging, but adopting a tremor diet can make a significant difference. 🥦🍎 In this article, we will explore key tips and dietary recommendations to help alleviate the symptoms and improve your quality of life. 💪🌿 A tremor diet focuses on consuming foods that promote brain health and reduce inflammation. 🧠🥗 Including nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and spinach, can provide antioxidants and essential vitamins for optimal brain function. 🍓🥬 Additionally, incorporating omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon can help reduce inflammation and support overall brain health. 🐟 It's also important to limit or avoid certain substances that can worsen tremors. 🚫 Caffeine and alcohol, for instance, can exacerbate symptoms, so it's best to reduce or eliminate their consumption. 🙅‍♀️ On the other hand, some studies suggest that moderate amounts of caffeine may have a positive effect on tremors for some individuals, so it's essential to find what works best for you. 🤷‍♂️ By making mindful choices and following a tremor diet, you can take control of your essential tremors and improve your well-being. 🌟1. Understanding Essential Tremors: Causes, Symptoms, and Impact on Daily LifeEssential tremors are involuntary shaking movements that affect millions of people worldwide. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics and certain medications. Common symptoms include trembling hands, head nodding, and shaky voice. These tremors can significantly impact daily life, making tasks like eating, writing, and even speaking more challenging. While essential tremors are not life-threatening, they can cause embarrassment, frustration, and anxiety. People with this condition may avoid social situations and experience a decline in their overall quality of life. Fortunately, there are treatment options available to manage essential tremors. Medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes can help reduce the severity of the tremors and improve daily functioning. It's important for individuals with essential tremors to seek medical advice and support. With proper management, they can regain control over their lives and continue to pursue their passions and goals. 💪2. The Role of Diet in Managing Essential Tremors: Key Considerations🍎 A healthy diet can play a crucial role in managing essential tremors. Here are some key considerations: 1. Include nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to support overall brain health. 2. Incorporate foods high in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, to reduce oxidative stress. 3. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds can have anti-inflammatory effects on the brain. 4. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake as they can worsen tremors and disrupt sleep patterns. 5. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to maintain optimal brain function. 6. Consider a low-sodium diet to manage blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, which can exacerbate tremors. 7. Consult with a registered dietitian to personalize a diet plan that suits your specific needs and goals. 🥦 Remember, diet alone cannot cure essential tremors, but it can significantly contribute to their management and overall well-being!3. Essential Tremor Diet: Foods to Include and Avoid for Symptom ReliefEating a balanced diet can help alleviate symptoms of essential tremor. Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 🥦🍎 Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine, as they can worsen tremors. ☕️🍔 Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce tremors. 🐟🥜 Incorporate these into your diet. Avoid alcohol, as it can exacerbate tremors. 🍷 Consider adding magnesium-rich foods like spinach, almonds, and avocados to your meals. 🥑🥬 Magnesium has muscle-relaxing properties that may help manage tremors. Limit sodium intake to reduce fluid retention and potential exacerbation of symptoms. 🧂 Protein is essential for muscle health. Opt for lean sources like chicken, turkey, tofu, and legumes. 🍗🥦 Avoid high-fat meats and processed meats, as they can contribute to inflammation. 🥩 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. 💧 Dehydration can worsen tremors. Limit or avoid artificial sweeteners, as they may trigger symptoms in some individuals. 🚫🍬4. Nutritional Strategies for Essential Tremor Management: Key Tips and Tricks1. Include foods rich in vitamins B1, B6, and magnesium to support nerve function and reduce tremors. 🥦🍌🥜 2. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake as they can worsen tremors. Opt for herbal teas and non-alcoholic beverages. ☕🍷 3. Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts to reduce inflammation and improve brain health. 🐟🌰 4. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to provide essential nutrients for overall well-being. 🍎🥕🍞 5. Consider trying a low-glycemic index diet to stabilize blood sugar levels and potentially reduce tremors. 🍽️📉 6. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day to support optimal brain function. 💧 7. Experiment with stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to minimize tremors. 🧘‍♀️🌬️ 8. Consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional to develop a personalized nutrition plan for managing essential tremor. 📋💼5. Exploring the Benefits of a Balanced Diet for Essential Tremor PatientsA balanced diet can have numerous benefits for essential tremor patients. 1. It can help manage symptoms by providing essential nutrients and vitamins. 2. Including foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can reduce oxidative stress. 3. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can potentially improve brain health. 4. A balanced diet can support overall well-being, promoting a healthy weight and reducing inflammation. 5. Incorporating whole grains and lean proteins can provide sustained energy levels throughout the day. 6. Hydration is crucial, so drinking enough water is essential for optimal bodily functions. 7. Avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol intake can help minimize tremors. 8. Consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist can provide personalized dietary recommendations. 🥦🍓🐟 Eating a balanced diet can be a delicious and beneficial way to manage essential tremor symptoms!6. Incorporating Exercise and Physical Activity into Your Tremor Diet PlanRegular exercise and physical activity can greatly complement your tremor diet plan. Incorporating these into your routine can improve strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. 🏋️‍♀️ Consider low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling to minimize strain on your joints. 💪 Engaging in strength-training exercises can help build muscle and support your body. Include resistance training, weightlifting, or using resistance bands. 💥 Don't forget about stretching! It can enhance flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness. Incorporate yoga or Pilates into your routine. 🧘‍♂️ Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Break it down into shorter sessions to make it more manageable. ⏰ Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and duration of your exercises accordingly. Take breaks when needed and stay hydrated throughout your workout. 💦 Consider working with a physical therapist who can provide tailored exercises and techniques to manage your tremors effectively. 🤝 can have numerous benefits, including improved balance, reduced stress, and increased energy levels. Stay motivated and make it a regular part of your routine! 💯7. Seeking Professional Guidance: Consulting a Dietitian for Tremor ManagementConsulting a dietitian can be a valuable step in managing tremors. They can provide personalized guidance on nutrition and lifestyle choices that may help alleviate symptoms. A dietitian will assess your current diet and identify any deficiencies or triggers that could be worsening your tremors. They can then create a customized meal plan to address these issues and promote overall well-being. Through their expertise, dietitians can recommend specific foods and supplements that are rich in nutrients known to support brain health and reduce inflammation, which may contribute to tremor severity. Additionally, a dietitian can educate you on the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. They can suggest exercises that target muscle strength and coordination, helping to improve motor control. By working closely with a dietitian, you can gain a better understanding of how your diet and lifestyle choices impact your tremors. They can provide ongoing support and guidance, helping you make sustainable changes for long-term tremor management. Remember, seeking professional guidance from a dietitian is just one aspect of managing tremors. It's essential to consult with your healthcare team for a comprehensive approach to treatment and explore other options such as medication or therapy if necessary. 🌱 In conclusion, a well-balanced diet plays a crucial role in managing essential tremors. Incorporating nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide essential vitamins and minerals. Don't forget to limit caffeine and alcohol intake, as they can exacerbate tremors. 🥦🍎🥕 Remember, staying hydrated is essential for overall health. Drinking enough water can help reduce tremors and improve muscle function. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance and support in developing a tremor-friendly diet plan. 🌊🏥💪 By making these dietary adjustments, individuals with essential tremors can take control of their condition and improve their quality of life. With the right nutrition and lifestyle choices, managing tremors becomes more manageable and allows for a more fulfilling and active lifestyle. 🌟🌈🌻 https://fastdiet.net/tremor-diet-key-tips-for-essential-tremors/?_unique_id=649f3d21767ba
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keystoheart · 3 years
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Avoid Burnout
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If so, probabilities are high you’re not content along with your paintings/lifestyles balance. Chances are excessive you may be dealing with burnout. Truly, if you’re now not content together with your paintings life, burnout may be the cause. And if you suspect it is, keep reading, due to the fact we have some insights in this post to help you keep away from burnout. Now, if the state of affairs described inside the starting is all you feel, take into account your self lucky. Why? Because a few hard-working human beings facing burnout attain a point where they turn out to be fainting, developing twitches, or even getting depressed. Hopefully, you have got yet to attain that point. Before we get into it, you must realize that getting burnout isn't always a hassle you face on your very own. Truth is, burning out is something all and sundry feel in some unspecified time in the future in their career. It can even start in excessive school, and in case you don’t fight to triumph over the “work dread”, it could stick around well into your retirement years. But don’t despair. Psychologists and workaholics everywhere in the globe have struggled with this issue, and they’ve discovered many approaches to conquer it. This article discusses 10 ways to avoid burnout, based on professional input and private experiences fighting this all too not unusual mental challenge. 1. Work Towards A Goal Students at The Harvard MBA Business School did a look at returned in 1979 about goal-placing. They discovered that 83% of graduates have no dreams whatsoever, 13% of them have a few dreams, and three% of them have clean, written-down goals. Want to bet who become extra successful? The 13% that had a few desires ended up making twice as an awful lot as those that had no goals, at the same time as the pinnacle three% that had clean, written down dreams ended up making ten times (10x!!) extra than their former colleagues. The validity of this take a look at has been questioned in the past, and monetary gain may not be the handiest metric for success, however psychologists, entrepreneurs, and CEOs agree that goal-setting is important. And it makes the experience. It’s less difficult to live focused and hold operating when you see a more purpose (and finality) in your efforts. But, you don’t need to JUST set some desires and write them down. This creates ambiguity for your unconscious mind, which creates an unclear picture of that higher purpose. To keep away from this, be as unique as possible to your goal-placing – don’t say you want to be wealthy, clarify how wealthy and in what timeline. 2. Schedule Your Day Goals appear unreachable when you just throw a 3 years decision out there, no matter how specific. For that purpose, you need to get nitty-gritty together with your destiny plans. The excellent way to try this is to plan each day in advance. I use the goal-setting planner(click to download) for that – You can without problems create responsibilities, you may colour-code them and you could proportion them with other humans. Once you have got a project list, make sure you stick to it. That’s a challenge in and of itself, however, the subsequent steps have to help with that as properly. 3. Build A Positive Outlook On Life You might think “Easy in an effort to say, you’re now not caught with a shitty task that you need to warfare to preserve as a way to pay the bills” First of all, quite a few successful, happy human beings were on your shoes at some point in their lifestyles. Secondly, an advantageous outlook on lifestyles can be built (key-word built) no matter your job, debt or problems. Did I say build a tremendous outlook? Yes, I did, due to the fact a healthy mindset doesn’t appear out of nowhere – you may have fine thinking. You must paintings for it. What would possibly you do? There are a few matters that can assist: Focus on (re)building healthful relationships with the ones close to you. Spend extra time doing what you love (It can even change into a full-time gig if your consciousness is difficult enough). Eat healthily, sleep nicely and workout. Get support. There’s nothing incorrect with seeing a therapist even if your intellectual status incompletely wrecked. Developing excessive emotional intelligence is key whilst you suppose of how to avoid burnout. 4. Practice Deep Work to Avoid Burnout I must admit, Cal Newport is a massive source of thought for me. For those of you who don’t know, he wrote a book called Deep Work. It’s a very smooth read on the way to attention completely on what you’re doing and reap more in less time. If you haven’t examined it, I advocate it. It modified my standpoint on work ethic completely and it did help me obtain plenty more in less time. So what's Deep Work? Basically, someone that plays deep work is so immersed in what they’re doing (i.E. Writing, coding, talking) that there are truely no distractions. It’s a trance-like meditative state wherein the mind is absolutely focused on a singular project for an extended length of time (I practice it for approximately 2-4 hours a day). Practically, for 2-4 hours there aren't any telephone calls, no emails, no social media, absolutely not anything else apart from the challenge at hand. “I can’t try this, humans rely upon me, I need to provide set off answers to their queries over e email or phone”. You probably won’t be able, to begin with a four hour Deep Work push. That’s all proper, I started with 30 mins of deep paintings every day and worked my way up from that. Regardless of how you do it, try it out – you’ll reap a newfound feeling of satisfaction and completeness about your paintings, which continues the pressure at bay. 5. Exercise Regularly This one is frequently thrown around for a higher everything. Regardless of ways mainstream it is to say exercising for any type of improvement, it’s truly crucial for better work-existence. How come? Making time to workout gets your glad chemicals operating – serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, all mind hormones related to happiness are launched when exercising. And whilst you think about it, burnout is a chemical response in our mind, much like everything else we feel. When it became first coined in 1974 through Herbert Freudenberger, the term “burnout” referred to “emotional depletion” among other things. The jury’s out on that, normal workout is a deterrent to emotional depletion, so running each morning should assist. 6. Optimize Work We don’t become bored or mentally destroyed by creative and attractive in new duties. By nature, humans love a superb challenge, and we get excited while we ought to provide you with new thoughts, even supposing that’s at a meh workplace. What gets the stress wheel going are the tedious obligations – sending and answering emails, repetitive statistics entry, maintaining the equal workshop the 23rd time, etc. That’s why you should find approaches to work efficiently. If you could have enough money it, personal assistants assist plenty with that. They take the tedious part from your paintings so that you can awareness on the good stuff. You don’t even ought to hire a person full-time for that, you may locate awesome, tremendously trained virtual assistants on locations like Zirtual for as low as $four hundred a month. Don’t really want and/or find the money for a virtual assistant? That’s all proper, era is right here to assist. You can automate the boring parts of your paintings with a software programs like Zapier, Memberful and MailChimp. Emails, information access and scheduling are all done less difficult with those apps. 7. Do Fulfilled Projections Meditation is great for an extra effective lifestyle. It teaches you self-control, it improves your emotional stability and it’s a good device for removing pressure. There’s a myriad of sources online about why you should do it and how you have to do it. What I’d like to speak approximately now could be a special type of meditation, known as projections. So, as soon as you’re capable to do away with every concept out of your head for at least 10-20 minutes, you should strive to imagine yourself in certain situations. While you’re in a meditative stance, take your goals one at a time. Know them through the heart and start projecting yourself in a state of affairs where you’ve completed your dreams. Don’t simply usually consider them, be unique about how you feel, what you spot and what you do after you’ve made 1,000,000 greenbacks or quit smoking. Once you’ve got a clear photo of your exceptional possible destiny scenario, also venture your self in situations wherein there’s a battle. Imagine the obstacles along the way, which includes getting bored, being confused, and maximum importantly: failing. After that, also consider the way you’ve overcome the obstacle. This will make burning out an easier obstacle to triumph over, really because you’ve mentally been there before. It’s like a trick for your mind – if the unconscious believes you’ve been in this state of affairs in the past, and yet succeeded, it will likely be tons easier to live focused and stick with a schedule. 8. Sleep Well Any effort in the direction of burnout prevention is futile in case you’re tired. No rely how a whole lot inspired or hard-running you are, in case you don’t have a wholesome snoozing time table it'll be physically impossible to live focused and be efficient. Nobody knows why people must sleep, but all of us knows that they do need to Experts endorse that for the average person 7 to nine hours of sleep must do the trick, but all people are specific and you may additionally want more or less. The basic wholesome sleep time table is a superb 10 pm to six am slumber because that is the interval our brain secretes the most melatonin, a hormone that facilitates with getting a restful shuteye. You need to begin there and experiment with slicing or adding a few hours, based on how you feel. Can’t accomplish the whole lot you need with simplest sixteen hours of conscious existence every day? Is this proper for you? You can discover extra over here. 9. Take a Break Taking a well-deserved break doesn’t suggest giving in to burnout symptoms. It’s sincerely a wonderful manner to overcome them. Everybody has a breaking point and there’s no disgrace in either stopping for a talk at the water cooler or taking a three-day city break in the weekend. Disconnecting out of your each dayobligations is a exceptional manner to prevent burning out due to the fact your subconsciousrealizes the tedious tasks don’t go on forever, and there’s amusing on the cease of the dreadedtunnel. However, ensure you don’t spend an excessive amount of time within the Bahamas! Taking breaks that are too long (or too often) can have the alternative effect. To nice avoid this, define clean breaks for your agenda. 10. Work For Yourself The easiest way to not be overcome through dread each time you take a seat at your table is to work for you. Your dreams, your desires, your thoughts, your pursuits and your beliefs. Stuck at a shitty, name centre activity whilst you dream to have your own business promotingconsultancy services? There’s continually something you can do to be towards your dream. If right now you are dependent on a task you don’t like, there’s nevertheless time after five o’clock to examine a newskill, cross returned to school, put inside the hours for a side undertaking, etc. You can believe your modern-day job as a tool – brings money in so that you can invest them in your own ideas later on. That in and of itself will make each challenge easier to complete, and you’ll be lots higher prepared on how to conquer burnout at work. The point is, you must continually align your efforts with your desires, and make modifications on your lifestyles accordingly: begin saving money, create your personal website, volunteer, get some other degree. -The Mojo Master Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheMojoMasterCoach Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mojo_master/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/the_mojo_master
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enigmaticpink · 5 years
That means there’s no he/him women, therefore no he/him lesbians. Shocker :)
You know what, I'm not even gonna get into he/him lesbians discourse
Just respect lesbians pronouns, its not that hard
(any one thinking of starting discourse here, keytip: Don't!)
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3 ways to activate windows 7
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johnrnelson · 3 years
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Whether you have an expansive construction business working on multiple projects at once, you’ve started small, and you’re still making your business plan and working on getting started, one of the most important things you have to consider is your equipment. Although the proper tools are important in most fields like construction, forestry, and similar trades, the right machinery is vital for getting your work done. That is why the construction industry choice is so important, and we understand that.
Here at Talon Recruiting, we provide long-term, ongoing assistance to our customers, and that often starts with helping you find the right machine for your needs. We’re not going to focus on tips for choosing specific types of machinery, but rather on some general guidelines that can help you out.
Tip #1 – Consider Current and Future Projects
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when shopping for or choosing construction equipment is to only think about what you need “right now.” That’s an easy mindset to get into, especially if you need a piece of machinery right away due to having something break down or you find that you’re dealing with an unexpected situation. While you want to choose equipment that can handle whatever you need to do now, you also want to future-proof your choice as much as possible.
You can’t completely future-proof your choice, of course, but you can do your best. The more you try to think ahead and plan for future projects when buying construction equipment, the less likely you are to regret what you buy a few months or a year later.
Tip #2 – Don’t Be Afraid to Specialize 
Generalization is pretty common when people are shopping for construction equipment – after all, when you spend that much money, you want to be sure a piece of machinery can handle a wide range of tasks. That’s a good thought, but it can also be a bit of a trap. It might seem a little counterintuitive to choose a more specialized piece of equipment, but it can be the right choice.
You don’t want to specialize so much that you’re not prepared for future jobs, but it’s worth keeping in mind as you look at your options. This goes for choosing equipment attachments too. You might be able to pick the right piece of machinery for a wide range of jobs, and then get a few specialized buckets or other attachments to handle specific tasks.
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Tip #3 – Go Big, When Necessary
There are two aspects to this one: make sure you buy a piece of construction equipment big enough to handle your jobs, but don’t go overboard. You certainly don’t want to buy an excavator or wheel loader only to later wish you had chosen a larger model. While these types of machinery can typically have different buckets and other attachments fitted onto them, there are size limits based on the size of the machine itself. Keep Tip #1 in mind here: think about future projects you want to handle and make sure you pick equipment that will be up to the task.
But, at the same time, you don’t want to buy construction equipment that is too big for the kind of work you do. For example, if you typically work in small parking lots or between buildings in an urban setting, then a compact excavator might be the best choice to handle what you need.
 Tip #4 – Research is KeyTip
Before buying construction equipment – or making any major purchase research is going to be your best friend. Do as much research as you can about different models on the market, their specs, and what they can handle, and how they will work for what you need. Pay attention to things like warranties and look for write-ups from people in your industry to see what they like. Ask around friends or family that might have experience with the equipment you need and see what they say.
And don’t be afraid to ask professionals that sell this equipment about their opinions on what you need. Sure, a salesperson is looking to make a sale, but if they’re good at their job, they’ll want to have you as a client for a long time. That means making sure you’re happy with what you buy – so there’s a reason for them to keep your interests in mind. You don’t have to follow the suggestions of friends, coworkers, or salespeople, but asking for help and hearing their advice can help you see things you might have missed or consider options you didn’t know about.
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#5 – Try Before You Buy
You wouldn’t buy a new truck without taking it for a test drive, so why would you invest in a crawler excavator without trying it out first? There’s no better way to know if you’ll be happy with a piece of construction equipment than to try it out and see how it performs in real-world conditions before you buy it. Choose a retailer that lets you try out the equipment they sell so you can see if it will work for you. we offer There’s no guess-work involved, just a chance for you to feel how they perform and see what would work best for you. Call or come visit us to see Talon Recruiting and try out a piece of construction equipment today.
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enterinit · 5 years
Office Insider for Windows Version 1909 (Build 12026.20000) available
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Office Insider for Windows Version 1909 (Build 12026.20000) available.
New feature: XLOOKUP function XLOOKUP is the successor to the iconic VLOOKUP function! It named for its ability to look both vertically and horizontally (yes it replaces HLOOKUP too!). In its simplest form, XLOOKUP needs just 3 arguments to perform the most common exact lookup (one fewer than VLOOKUP). Let’s consider its signature in the simplest form: XLOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_array,return_array) lookup_value: What you are looking forlookup_array: Where to find itreturn_array: What to return Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which prevented CSV from appearing as a supported file type.We fixed an issue that occurred while working on a shared workbook when trying to save.We fixed an issue when Excel only lists the first 16 addins located in the '\Excel\Add-in Manager' registry values.We fixed an issue where the function Frequency returns incorrect results.We fixed an issue for Surface users where moving the mouse could be interpreted as a mouse click event.We fixed an issue where the name of some fonts were not displayed correctly.We have significantly improved the performance of filtering by color.We fixed an issue which prevented keyboard navigation in the Find/Replace dialog box.We fixed an issue where the keytip for Sensitivity was conflicting with another keytip.We fixed an issue to prevent GeometryCommand from putting a non-connector shape type in the Geometry of a Connector.We fixed an issue that caused a problem when using dock/undock from multiple external displays.
New feature: Save an illustration or a slide as SVG SVG is a vector-based image that does not use pixels to render; instead it uses vectors. Save an illustration such as a chart, a shape, an icon, or some ink, or even a slide, as a scalable vector graphic (SVG) to generate a cleaner and sharper image. NOTE: If you are saving a raster image (i.e. PNG or JPEG) as SVG, the image will be read as an SVG file but will still render as a raster image. How to enable the feature: Save an illustration as SVG Right-click the illustration you want to save, click Save as PictureClick Scalable Vector Graphic Format in the Save as type listClick Save. Save a slide as SVG Click File > Save As and select a location.Click Scalable Vector Graphic Format in the Save as type list.Click Save. Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which would affect the rotation orientation of a 3D Turntable.We fixed an issue which prevented some hyperlinks from working if they contained special characters.We fixed an issue to prevent GeometryCommand from putting a non-connector shape type in the Geometry of a Connector.We fixed an issue that caused a problem when using dock/undock from multiple external displays.
Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which could sometimes cause a crash after printing a Team Planner view.
Notable fixes: We fixed an issue where Japanese post card and greeting card related add-in resources are not found when the user takes action in the add-in wizard.We fixed an issue where multi-byte characters in vertical text box are shown overlapped in reading view.We fixed an issue where Word would occasionally crash in AListMarkerUtility.SetListDomAttributes.We fixed an issue to prevent GeometryCommand from putting a non-connector shape type in the Geometry of a Connector.We fixed an issue that caused a problem when using dock/undock from multiple external displays.
Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which prevented HTML content from appearing for some POP3 users.We fixed an issue to remove non-functional 'Planner' link from the overflow menu in the contact card when working in environments where it is not available.
Notable fixes: We fixed an issue where users could receive an "inconsistent state" error when using a shared database.We fixed an issue which could cause the date picker to appear when it shouldn't. Read the full article
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teachfromhere · 6 years
RT @alicekeeler: Accidentally close a tab? Try Control Shift T to bring it back! #keytips #googleEDU
Accidentally close a tab? Try Control Shift T to bring it back! #keytips #googleEDU
— Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) April 30, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/TeachFromHere April 30, 2018 at 09:15PM via IFTTT
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
Pro SDK Videos from Dev Summit 2017
The technical session videos from the 2017 Esri Developer Summit are now online on E360, and with them the ArcGIS Pro SDK sessions.  The videos are a useful resource for the latest Pro SDK information and patterns.  Below is a handy list with links.
Technical Sessions:
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  UI Design and MVVM
Learn how to write Add-ins for Pro with advanced user interface components including custom control, gallery, and dockpane. We focus on MVVM and integration of WPF to write compelling UIs with Pro supporting Pro themes. We also cover multi-threading considerations when developing UIs in Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Map Authoring and Exploration
Learn how to create map tools for selection and identify, layer pop-ups, custom pop-ups, and how to use the MapControl. We also cover Map Authoring APIs for renderers for 2D (unique value, class break, scale dependent – i.e. for working with Vector Tiles) and rule packages for 3D.
 ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Integration with ArcGIS Online
Learn how to take advantage of Pro’s API for accessing Portal and ArcGIS Online. We show use of ArcGISPortalManager, ArcGISPortal, EsriHttpClient, and Json.Net to search, retrieve and upload Online items such as feature services, Vector Tile packages, and web maps. The session will also delve into integrating the portal API into an ArcGIS Pro Configuration.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  UI Design for Accessibility and High DPI
Learn how to write dpi-aware Add-ins designed with accessibility in mind. Additionally, supporting high contrast mode and keyboard-only navigation is an important part of making your Add-in accessible. We cover scaling, layouts, fonts, styling, and high dpi considerations for Add-ins. We will also cover keytips, tab order, accelerators, and shortcuts for Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Configurations
Learn how to take advantage of the new Pro SDK Configuration extensibility pattern. We cover handling pre-initialization callbacks (i.e. before the application window is shown) and custom branding with the Splash Screen and Start up Page. We look at streamlining the user interface for specific workflows and user roles.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  An Overview of the Geodatabase API
This session will provide an overview of the Geodatabase API (ArcGIS.Core.Data) for working with data in ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Editing and Geodatabase Integration
Learn how to create editing tools in Pro. We show customizing the galleries, modify dockpane, using the sketch, and integrating construction tools into the Pro Editor and layer Create Feature templates. We introduce edit operations for creating and modifying Geodatabase features and Geometry.
Demo Theater Sessions:
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Road-Ahead for Data Validation Using ArcGIS Data Reviewer
Learn about new data validation capabilities planned for the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. These capabilities include implementation of data quality requirements using Data Reviewer checks, automated feature validation and workflows for sharing validation methods across the platform.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Getting Started
Looking for a walk-through on how to get up and running with the ArcGIS Pro SDK? Swing by for tips and demos on installing the Pro SDK and the SDK community samples and building your first Pro add-in with DAML. We’ll show you how you can get up and running quickly with the samples as a foundation for great add-ins using the Pro SDK dev patterns and also show you all the online resources and how to get the most out of them.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Building Configurations
Solution configurations are a new way to create a focused UI/UX experience in ArcGIS Pro for your users. We’ll give you a quick introduction and then walk-through a basic configuration to customize the Pro splash screen, start page, and UI.
from ArcGIS Blog http://ift.tt/2o6uaWa
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namebcom-blog · 7 years
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enterinit · 5 years
Office Insider for Windows Version 1908 (Build 11901.20002) available
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Office Insider for Windows Version 1908 (Build 11901.20002) available. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint New features: Sketchy Shapes Sketchy Shapes is a new shape style that lets you apply a less polished look to your shapes, allowing you to visually communicate the draft state of your content. Those shapes have all of the attributes of rendered shapes, allowing for manipulation, resizing, and usual shape properties, but they bring a little whimsy to your slides. How to enable: Create and select a shape.On the Shape Format tab, click Shape Outline, click Sketchy, and then select the Sketchy style you want in the list. Scenario to try: Apply different sketchy styles to your shapes.Apply sketchy styles to your SmartArt objects. Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which would degrade the quality of a chart when exported as a PDF. Known issues: Some performance regressions and downlevel backcompat issues when applying sketchy styles to Smart Art, still being worked on PowerPoint New features: Ink Replay You can apply the new Replay or Rewind animation to ink and get the drawing effect directly in your presentations! You can adjust the timing of these animations to be faster or slower to match the experience you want. In addition to timing options, you can also control how multiple ink objects contained in a group playback, by using the Effect Options animations. All at Once will start the playback of all ink objects at the same time, while By Ink Object will play back the ink objects in sequential order determined by the order the ink objects are layered. Scenario to try: Add some ink in your slides to callout or highlight some data or to add some flair. Then, apply the Replay animation to your ink and set the timings to what makes sense to your presentations. Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which would degrade the quality of a chart when exported as a PDF.We fixed an issue which prevented a tooltip indicating the distance to the center from displaying.We fixed an issue which could cause photos of the people with whom you are collborating to be misaligned on the drop down list. Word Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which prevented the See what's coming soon dialog from being displayed properly.We fixed an issue which could sometimes prevent new comments from being added.We fixed an issue where tables could sometimes cause a crash. We fixed an issue where invalid data could sometimes be added to the end of a mail merge.We fixed an issue preventing users from opening a PDF created in Word in Teams. We fixed an issue which could cause some LaTeX equations to render incorrectly. We fixed an issue which prevented a tooltip indicating the distance to the center from displaying. We fixed an issue which could cause photos of the people with whom you are collborating to be misaligned on the drop down list. Excel Notable fixes: We fixed an issue where changing the chart types could result in a runtime exception.We fixed an issue where the incorrect ribbon could be displayed when multiple windows were open.We fixed an issue which could cause an error when a macro opened a second instance of the workbook.We fixed an issue which could cause a crash when opening or creating a workbook, or switching between workbooks.We significantly improved the performance of Ribbon KeyTips. We fixed an issue which prevented a tooltip indicating the distance to the center from displaying.We fixed an issue which could cause photos of the people with whom you are collborating to be misaligned on the drop down list. Access Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which prevented some queries from returning large integer values.We fixed an issue which could make the SQL text box not editable.We fixed an issue where tooltips could be difficult to see on some High DPI displays. Outlook Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which could prevent a Disk Full error from being displayed.We fixed an issue which could cause attachments from being duplicated when updating a meting request. Project Notable fixes: We fixed an issue which could cause flag values to become not editable in new tasks.We fixed an issue which could cause a status update to improperly set Actual Start Date on Assignments and Tasks.We fixed an issue which could cause some resources to incorrectly appear as overallocated.We fixed an issue where the TaskDependencies Add method could fail when Lag is added, when the decimal separator is the comma, and when connected to a server. We fixed an issue where updating local custom field lookup table values via CSOM could PCS.We fixed an issue where the total work values appear incorrect if they contain a decimal. Read the full article
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teachfromhere · 6 years
RT @alicekeeler: Teach students that when clicking on a link to hold down the Control key. #keytips https://t.co/qSPnkNGced
Teach students that when clicking on a link to hold down the Control key. #keytips pic.twitter.com/qSPnkNGced
— Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) March 5, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/TeachFromHere March 05, 2018 at 11:54AM via IFTTT
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
ArcGIS Pro SDK at Dev Summit 2017 Update
The 2017 Esri Developer Summit is here!  This post is an update on ArcGIS Pro SDK offerings this year at Dev Summit.  The Desktop SDK Team has once again put together a comprehensive line-up of technical workshops to help you get up to speed with the Pro SDK and get caught up with the latest features and patterns.  The SDK team will also be available to show you more throughout Dev Summit at the ArcGIS Pro Island in the Showcase.
Here’s a listing of the Pro SDK offerings at Dev Summit 2017.  For even more information, you can also go to the detailed agenda and do a search on “Pro SDK” here.
Technical Sessions (listed by date/time):
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  UI Design and MVVM
Tuesday, March 07, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm / Primrose C-D
Learn how to write Add-ins for Pro with advanced user interface components including custom control, gallery, and dockpane. We focus on MVVM and integration of WPF to write compelling UIs with Pro supporting Pro themes. We also cover multi-threading considerations when developing UIs in Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Map Authoring and Exploration
Tuesday, March 07, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm / Primrose A
Learn how to create map tools for selection and identify, layer pop-ups, custom pop-ups, and how to use the MapControl. We also cover Map Authoring APIs for renderers for 2D (unique value, class break, scale dependent – i.e. for working with Vector Tiles) and rule packages for 3D.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Integration with ArcGIS Online
Wednesday, March 08, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm / Mesquite C
Learn how to take advantage of Pro’s API for accessing Portal and ArcGIS Online. We show use of ArcGISPortalManager, ArcGISPortal, EsriHttpClient, and Json.Net to search, retrieve and upload Online items such as feature services, Vector Tile packages, and web maps. The session will also delve into integrating the portal API into an ArcGIS Pro Configuration.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  UI Design for Accessibility and High DPI
Thursday, March 09, 9:00 am – 10:00 am / Catalina-Madera
Learn how to write dpi-aware Add-ins designed with accessibility in mind. Additionally, supporting high contrast mode and keyboard-only navigation is an important part of making your Add-in accessible. We cover scaling, layouts, fonts, styling, and high dpi considerations for Add-ins. We will also cover keytips, tab order, accelerators, and shortcuts for Pro.
Creating Rule Packages (RPKS) for ArcGIS Pro and CityEngine with CGA
Thursday, March 09, 10:30 am – 11:30 am / San Jacinto
Learn how to use and author Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) rules. These rules can create 3D models representing buildings, zoning volumes, streetscapes, parks, natural landscape, and various other feature.  We’ll do some hands on development of a Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) rules, and learn how to export them to RPKs for sharing on ArcGIS Online and in ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Configurations
Thursday, March 09, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm / Smoketree A – E
Learn how to take advantage of the new Pro SDK Configuration extensibility pattern. We cover handling pre-initialization callbacks (i.e. before the application window is shown) and custom branding with the Splash Screen and Start up Page. We look at streamlining the user interface for specific workflows and user roles.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  An Overview of the Geodatabase API
Friday, March 10, 8:30 am – 9:30 am / San Jacinto
This session will provide an overview of the Geodatabase API (ArcGIS.Core.Data) for working with data in ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Editing and Geodatabase Integration
Friday, March 10, 10:00 am – 11:00 am / Mesquite C
Learn how to create editing tools in Pro. We show customizing the galleries, modify dockpane, using the sketch, and integrating construction tools into the Pro Editor and layer Create Feature templates. We introduce edit operations for creating and modifying Geodatabase features and Geometry.
Demo Theater Sessions (listed by date/time):
Getting Started with the ArcGIS Pro SDK for Raster and Imagery
Tuesday, March 07, 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm / Demo Theater 2- Oasis 1
Learn how to get started with the ArcGIS Pro SDK in working with raster and imagery.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Road-Ahead for Data Validation Using ArcGIS Data Reviewer
Wednesday, March 08, 10:30 am – 11:00 am / Demo Theater 2 – Oasis 1
Learn about new data validation capabilities planned for the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. These capabilities include implementation of data quality requirements using Data Reviewer checks, automated feature validation and workflows for sharing validation methods across the platform.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Getting Started
Thursday, March 09, 10:30 am – 11:00 am / Demo Theater 2 – Oasis 1
Looking for a walk-through on how to get up and running with the ArcGIS Pro SDK? Swing by for tips and demos on installing the Pro SDK and the SDK community samples and building your first Pro add-in with DAML. We’ll show you how you can get up and running quickly with the samples as a foundation for great add-ins using the Pro SDK dev patterns and also show you all the online resources and how to get the most out of them.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Building Configurations
Thursday, March 09, 11:00 am – 11:30 am / Demo Theater 2 – Oasis 1
Solution configurations are a new way to create a focused UI/UX experience in ArcGIS Pro for your users. We’ll give you a quick introduction and then walk-through a basic configuration to customize the Pro splash screen, start up page, and UI. We’ll cover how to design and develop your configuration in Visual Studio with the Pro SDK and Esri’s Desktop Application Markup Language (DAML), and then test your configuration in ArcGIS Pro.
Hands-On Training:
If you weren’t able to make this year’s Pre-Summit Pro SDK training class, don’t worry!  There are great opportunities for learning the Pro SDK starting in April with the brand new Pro SDK training course – Extending ArcGIS Pro with Add-Ins.  This great new 3-day course from Esri Educational Services provides a comprehensive introduction to the Pro SDK.  As of Dev Summit week start, there are still available seats for the first online offering of the course scheduled April 3 – 5.
We hope you have a great Dev Summit!
from ArcGIS Blog http://ift.tt/2m8tZqo
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
ArcGIS Pro SDK at Dev Summit 2017
The Esri Developer Summit in Palm Springs is just a couple months away, and once again you’ll find a comprehensive line-up of technical workshops and sessions on the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET.  Whether you’re looking to get started, or to get updates on the latest SDK features and patterns, there will be something for everyone.
Here’s a listing of the current Pro SDK offerings at Dev Summit 2017:
Pre-summit Hands-On Training:
Once again, there will be a pre-summit hands-on SDK training course available.  The course is titled “Introduction to Programming with the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET” and will be offered March 5 – 6, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at the Palm Springs Hard Rock Hotel.   If you’re looking for a great opportunity to get started with the Pro SDK, this is it.  You’ll receive training from the Educational Services team that will be offering the upcoming official course.  Plan to bring your own machine and Visual Studio .NET skills and get ready to learn.  You can find out more information from the Pre-summit Training page.
Introduction to Programming with the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET 
This two-day hands-on training course will introduce you to the fundamentals of using the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET to customize and extend ArcGIS Pro. Participants will work with Microsoft Visual Studio, the .NET Framework and the Pro SDK to create Pro add-ins to automate existing processes and to add new capabilities that you design and write. The ArcGIS Pro API exposes core aspects of Pro, including: 2D and 3D maps, sharing, integration with ArcGIS Online, Geodatabase, Geometry, Editing, Layouts, and more. The Pro API is also asynchronous and supports multi-threaded programming, and the Pro SDK patterns will be introduced in the workshop.
One-hour Technical Sessions:
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Editing and Geodatabase Integration
Learn how to create editing tools in Pro. We show customizing the galleries, modify dockpane, using the sketch, and integrating construction tools into the Pro Editor and layer Create Feature templates. We introduce edit operations for creating and modifying Geodatabase features and Geometry.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Map Authoring and Exploration
Learn how to create map tools for selection and identify, layer pop-ups, custom pop-ups, and how to use the MapControl. We also cover Map Authoring APIs for renderers for 2D (unique value, class break, scale dependent – i.e. for working with Vector Tiles) and rule packages for 3D.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Integration with ArcGIS Online
Learn how to take advantage of Pro’s API for accessing Portal and ArcGIS Online. We show use of ArcGISPortalManager, ArcGISPortal, EsriHttpClient, and Json.Net to search, retrieve and upload Online items such as feature services, Vector Tile packages, and web maps. The session will also delve into integrating the portal API into an ArcGIS Pro Configuration.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Configurations
Learn how to take advantage of the new Pro SDK Configuration extensibility pattern. We cover handling pre-initialization callbacks (i.e. before the application window is shown) and custom branding with the Splash Screen and Start up Page. We look at streamlining the user interface for specific workflows and user roles.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  UI Design for Accessibility and High DPI
Learn how to write dpi-aware Add-ins designed with accessibility in mind. Additionally, supporting high contrast mode and keyboard-only navigation is an important part of making your Add-in accessible. We cover scaling, layouts, fonts, styling, and high dpi considerations for Add-ins. We will also cover keytips, tab order, accelerators, and shortcuts for Pro.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  UI Design and MVVM
Learn how to write Add-ins for Pro with advanced user interface components including custom control, gallery, and dockpane. We focus on MVVM and integration of WPF to write compelling UIs with Pro supporting Pro themes. We also cover multi-threading considerations when developing UIs in Pro.
Demo Theater Sessions:
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Getting Started
Looking for a walk-through on how to get up and running with the ArcGIS Pro SDK? Swing by for tips and demos on installing the Pro SDK and the SDK community samples and building your first Pro add-in with DAML. We’ll show you how you can get up and running quickly with the samples as a foundation for great add-ins using the Pro SDK dev patterns and also show you all the online resources and how to get the most out of them.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET:  Building Configurations
Solution configurations are a new way to create a focused UI/UX experience in ArcGIS Pro for your users. We’ll give you a quick introduction and then walk-through a basic configuration to customize the Pro splash screen, start up page, and UI. We’ll cover how to design and develop your configuration in Visual Studio with the Pro SDK and Esri’s Desktop Application Markup Language (DAML), and then test your configuration in ArcGIS Pro.
For information on the latest ArcGIS Pro SDK resources, visit the Pro SDK landing page.
from ArcGIS Blog http://ift.tt/2iXG0zg
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