#khr: 159
koushirouizumi · 8 months
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{R.E.B.O.R.N!} ~ Ep. #159 + Y A M A M O T O & T S U N A {80+27}
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ravensilversea · 2 years
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I posted 6,685 times in 2022
That's 4,832 more posts than 2021!
91 posts created (1%)
6,594 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,861 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 1,005 posts
#taggy thing - 248 posts
#the untamed - 217 posts
#khr - 178 posts
#tolkien - 159 posts
#obi-wan kenobi - 153 posts
#lotr - 119 posts
#wei wuxian - 96 posts
#good omens - 94 posts
#jiang cheng - 82 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#because the computers were in public areas of the house and my parents could see if i was on a site they hadn’t given me permission to be on
My Top Posts in 2022:
‘Sup guys, the person I was watching Grimm with is out of town, so I can’t watch the last season at the moment. However, it’s still kind of eating my brain, so y’all get a ramble:
So like, here’s the thing about Sean Renard’s actions in like the second half of season 5...they just feel off to me. Like, this guy arranged for a goddamn royal to be assassinated because said royal did the show’s equivalent of touching a hair on Nick’s head. And to be perfectly honest, I really think it would have actually been to Sean’s benefit to have Eric alive because that’s when shit really started to hit the fan.
And also like... if the guy wanted power... the throne’s right fucking there?? Dude’s a literal royal bastard and has already proven himself willing to deal with his “family” when necessary (at some point, they have to run out of legitimate heirs), but no, he’s quite content to be police captain. A police captain with a pet Grimm- like JFC he goes out of his goddamn way to have Nick more or less trust him for literal years and he’s clearly invested in Nick A) sticking around, B) being on his side, and C) being a Grimm.
Then season 5 hits, and don’t get me wrong, Sean’s a shady bastard. If there had been a clear build-up to him being Black Claw from the get-go, I would have bought it and been A-OK with it. But the whole set-up really seemed like him going, “Someone set me up to do their dirty work, so I’m going to dig a little deeper and find out what they’re up to” and then getting WAY in over his head. And then I guess feeling like he had to double down?? Because he felt his people were in danger?? (”Sean Renard doesn’t take sides” YOU’RE RIGHT BUT HE DOES HAVE PEOPLE AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM *cue me ugly crying over that*)
IDK, I feel like if they actually wanted him to be a/the villain, the season finale wouldn’t have essentially been a return to the status quo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
13 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
A Successful Resurrection (Allegedly)
Summary: Verde is a necromancer (allegedly; he has the degree but has never managed to actually resurrect anybody), and Skull should be dead. It's been months since Verde attempted to resurrect Skull, and a belated resurrection has never been heard of. Yet, Skull is somehow dripping dirt across Verde's floors and eating his cereal.
Verde is… confused.
“Wow, you have like, nothing to eat. When was the last time you went grocery shopping?”
Skull de Mort… should be dead. None of Verde’s attempts at necromantic resurrection have succeeded in bringing even a zombie or skeleton minion to life, much less a fully resurrected, walking, talking person. Nevermind the fact that it’s been months since he made the attempt, and a belated resurrection has never been heard of.
Though, Verde pushes his glasses up his nose, this could be his chance to get published, assuming he can replicate the feat or at least definitively prove it happened.
Skull closes the fridge with a loud sigh and proceeds to rifle through Verde’s cupboards. A shower of dirt falls from his outlandishly purple hair as he tilts his head back and stands up on tip-toes to see. “Honestly man, there’s no way you can live like this. Necromancer means raiser of the dead, not secretly dead.” Another small shower of dirt- Verde twitches- as Skull tilts his head to the side. “Are you like a vampire? A vampire necromancer? Because that would be super cool.”
He pulls a box of cereal from the cupboard and starts eating straight from the box with his dirt covered hand. Verde will throw the entire box away the millisecond Skull’s done. There are so many potential contaminants in his house right now, including Skull. “Why,” he asks for the second time since Skull showed up on his doorstep aggressively ringing the doorbell, “are you here exactly?”
“Oh! Right!” Skull sets the cereal box down on the island and munches on what’s in his hand for a moment. “So like, digging your way out of six feet of dirt plus a partially decomposed coffin sucks right? Also, I’m mildly insulted that you couldn’t bury me in something more expensive then just plywood.”
“I did not bury you, nor was the coffin made of plywood,” Verde says. He tries to casually take the cereal box, but Skull grabs it again.
“Right…” Skull looks him up and down a bit dubiously, which Verde supposes is fair. “Anyway, when I got out, I figured there was really only one or two explanations for why I was presumably dead and buried and now suddenly alive and personally unburied. Judging by the distinct lack of desire for brains, I concluded it must have been necromancy.”
There are so many logical fallacies in that statement, Verde isn’t quite sure where to begin unpacking it. The cereal box once more evades his attempts.
“So I looked up local necromancers, and low and behold, you’re the only one in town!” Skull beams and holds his arms out like he’s presenting something. Verde takes the opportunity to throw the cereal box in the trash. Skull blinks. “Whatcha do that for? It’s perfectly good cereal.”
“Not after you put your grubby hands in it. No. Do not dig it out of the trash.” Verde smacks the hand that had begun to reach down. “You,” he says, pointing a finger in Skull’s face, “will go upstairs, third door on the left, and take a shower. I will lend you some clean clothes, burn the ones you are currently wearing, and then we will both go shopping for groceries and clothing for you.”
The grin that spreads across Skull’s face can only be described as ‘sly’. “Aw, so you do care, Mr. Necromancer sir.”
“That’s Dr. Necromancer sir to you,” Verde pushes his glasses up his nose again. “And you are my ticket to being published in several necromantic science journals. It is only logical I keep you in acceptable condition while I investigate the cause of your belated resurrection.”
“Wait a minute! Belated?!”
“Yes, yes, it has been months since I attempted to resurrect you, Mr. De Mort. Now, please, shower before you continue to spread contamination throughout my house. I have several delicate experiments that may have adverse reactions to graveyard dirt.”
Skull gulps and looks rather a bit paler under all the dirt and grime, but he shuffles off to take a shower without any more complaint. Verde takes it as a win.
He turns and faces the mess in his kitchen with a sigh. Perhaps he should hire a maid.
14 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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[Image description: The “Corporate would like to tell find the difference between these two pictures” meme. One reads: How Jonathan Harker writes his travel journal. The other reads: How my grandmother wrote her travel journal. The woman in the next panel is labeled “Me”. /End ID]
17 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
This week I learned that there are mummies hanging on the walls of the Palermo catacombs, and ngl, I kind of want to make it Squalo's problem. Just Xanxus dragging him down there because "It's a shortcut" or something and not entirely understanding why Squalo's so freaked out about it. Or maybe it was on purpose and he's enjoying how freaked out Squalo is
18 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bram Stoker really did know just enough about how Southerners speak to get Quincey into the ballpark, but also had literally no actual idea about the subject at the same time. And tbh, I’m not sure what’s more disconcerting: The fact it’s not quite right or the fact the South has sounded like that for over a 100 years
53 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tsutuna · 6 years
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kinoshitayuri · 2 years
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Editor Change Volume 18
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seitosokusha · 4 years
Writing Evaluation 2020
last year’s one 
List of fics published this year
Burning Lifelines [ch 5] -  287
break me gently for i am small and the world is large [ch 8] - 613
Safeguard Synchronization - 157
on the editing room’s floor [ch 3] - 569
da capu AU [ch 2] - 233
KNY titles [ch 2] - 188
Persona Titles [ch 4] - 159
FFXV Titles [ch 3] - 240
Pokemon Titles [ch 2-3] - 270
KHR titles [ch 19] - 306
The Raw Power of Marriage - 127
Made of Metal and Music - 776
our intention creates our reality - 2659
our story starts with hello 496
as transparent as glass - 684
i wanna put on a cute dress and slay all my enemies - 2069
steal you away - 1386
we weren’t born to follow [ch 40-43] - (ch 40/41 counted previously) 10493
what does the mirror see - 191
that world where we see the worth in growing old - 4186
4th seat AU - 1095
let this be your crown of thorns - 6655
sharp edge of a knife au - 590
Echo in the Mirror - 742
We Have Cookies AU [ch 4] - 508
The Joker in Play - 6452
starve me, feed me (love me, leave me) - 17051
Give Them Shelter [ch 4-7] - 9687
they say history likes to repeat [14-17] - 3145
Inside my heart feeling the Inferno - 4445
the thrill of a future bright and brave - 6510
dripping like a saturated sunrise [ch 14-15] - 11189
you are the ocean’s gray waves [ch 13-17] - 17146+2465(ch 17)
Impossibility is just a Mindset [ch 6-9] - 4643
Perception -1050
this is a soap opera (not an action movie) - 131040**
** completed with an estimate word count. Future!sei don’t count this fic next year!
Total word count: 250502
Fun Fact:  Your original novel averages between 60k-80k
lmao so we can contribute this word count because the last 3 months has been a spiral of obsession into BSD. (Also missing in whatever little bit I wrote for Graveyard Shift and what the last week of fevered writing because that’s really another 16k right there, but you guys will see those fics sometime in the new year)  
Ao3 Stats: December 2019
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Ao3 Stats: 12/31/20
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Wow wow. Look at that growth in a year :D
Total WIPs on ao3: 9 works left
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somehow-still-sane · 6 years
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag bloggers that you want to get to know better
ho what this is a first... Thank you for tagging me @daycarat (sorry it’s so late i didn’t see this till now)
Name: Choi
Nickname: ...choi (not gonna put my actual name on the interwebs)
Height: ~160cm i think. some machines tell me 162 and some say 159 so who do i trust in this economy
Orientation: ace
Nationality: that one little red dot singapore (”oh is that somewhere in china?” “eh close enough”)
Favourite Fruit: WATERMELON
Favourite Season: used to the summer but i think i would like autumn?
Favourite Flower: is “all flowers” counted? those soft delicate ones are nice tho like baby’s breath?? jasmine is nice too
Favourite Scent: ...flowery scents
Favourite Colour: yellow but i have a lotta green things so maybe my subconscious is telling me something
Favourite Animal: HAMSTERS and cats
Coffee/ Tea/ Hot Chocolate: tea tea tea okay hot chocolate is good too but i will not touch coffee
Average sleep hours: 3 or less hours on weekdays and 10h or more on weekdays (i make awful decisions it is. 2am rn)
Dog or Cat Person: cat person af (dogs are good too)
Favourite Fictional Character: hhhhh the first one that comes to mind is gokudera hayato (khr) my son my everything i love him sorRY
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 but i have 2 blankets for different purposes
Dream Trip: anywhere with friends. also if it’s free. maybe france so my french can actually improve perhaps
Blog Created: uh my oldest post is may 2014. but i rmb not reblogging anything for a couple of months when i first created my blog
Number of followers: 180 (i see you porn bots i hope yall enjoy all this content)
Random Fact: i once had a dream where my relatives and i went into a room with knives on tables and then we just sorta... slid them into my faces like “mmhm yes this is completely normal” and this is one of the like 3 dreams i can recall
I’ll tag: @hweehweehwee @aaxe21620 @genelf15 @pettyfruitcake @thegreatpigeonking @lordmeowdemort @juhaku-inspired
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