#({Tsuna Gets It By End At LEAST})
koushirouizumi · 8 months
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{R.E.B.O.R.N!} ~ Ep. #159 + Y A M A M O T O & T S U N A {80+27}
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
Ray, more of the Assassination Classroom Fem!Tsuna hit. This is entirely your fault, so you get to deal with it.
Tsuna has a sinking feeling in her gut the first day of middle school. She gets turned around and mixed up, and somehow she ends up on a bus, and she’s racing through the woods and into a classroom full of strangers. She’s too embarrassed to say anything so she slinks into a seat in a corner. She’s in the wrong school, the senpai at Namimori Middle have her in entirely the wrong town. Even a dame like her can recognize Kunugigaoka uniforms. Hibari-senpai is going to be so angry with her.
Nothing could have prepared her for Koro-sensei. — Tsuna is petrified. She’s too young for this. After all the ruckus, everyone’s attempts, that’s all that rings in her head. She’s too young for this. She’s not even supposed to be here. — Tsuna is stuck. She can’t afford to take the bus, or the time to take the bus, from Namimori everyday. In retrospect, she really does have to hand it to her old senpai. They’d gotten up early to ‘walk her to school’ and paid to get her on the bus. But it’s coming close to the end of the day, they’ve come no closer to assassinating Koro-sensei, and she doesn’t have bus fare home anyway. She’s not even sure Mama would be able to keep it together long enough to come get her.
Everyone in Namimori knows her Mama needs, help sometimes. Everyone is glad to give it to her. Tsuna just doesn’t trust that anyone would think helping her Mama help Tsuna would be a good thing. — Trembling, Tsuna stays in her seat at the end of the day. What should she do? What can she do? She’s just Dame-Tsuna, in the wrong grade, in the wrong class, in the wrong school, in the wrong town. She keeps her head tilted down to allow everyone to ignore her tears.
A gentle touch to her shoulder makes her flinch. She tilts her head up to see Koro-sensei standing at her shoulder. — Calling Mama was useless, just like Tsuna knew it would be. She’s just thrilled that her “Dame-Tsuna” managed to get into the prestigious Kunugigao despite her, everything. Tsuna loves her mama, she does. But sometimes Tsuna thinks she could hate her a little too. Karasuma-sensei and Koro-sensei are both very angry.
Tsuna wants to cry that it’s not her fault. Mama tries to love her and pay attention to her, but Mama is sick. Something doesn’t work right in Mama’s head, like something doesn’t work right in Tsuna’s. But while whatever went wrong in Mama’s head means that she has a hard time remembering things if she doesn’t see them, whatever’s wrong with Tsuna is just everything. — They get her an apartment. It’s close to the school and a market. It’s basic and bare and empty and tiny, but Tsuna supposes she’s tiny so that makes sense. Karasuma-sensei is her neighbor, but she’s left to basically make it on her own. She gets a small stipend, the only one in class to do so. It’s not much, but it should be enough for groceries.
She doesn’t know how to cook. She never learned how to do what her homework is asking her to do. At least she can tell herself it’s because it’s work two grades above her and not just because she’s dame. — Karasuma-sensei is kind enough to get her to school the next day. He’s also nice enough not to say anything about her still red eyes, or how long she sobbed last night. He just handed her a handkerchief.
Tsunami can’t remember the last time someone was so kind to her. She waits for the ridicule to start, but it never comes. — After a few days, when it becomes obvious and impossible to ignore that she’s just as stuck here as the rest of them, Nagisa-senpai gives her a girl’s uniform. It’s big on her, but at least she doesn’t stand out this way. As much.
Tsuna pricks her fingers bloody, and her stitches are crooked, and the seams are bulky, but at least it kind of fits her a little better now.
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katzkinder · 1 month
I just thought about how Tsuna would have to learn how to put his “seal” on official documents. The guy who still hasn’t figured out “not ending up in his underwear” and only remains clothed thanks to some very generous handmade clothing from Reborn and Leon.
Which at least tells me he’s got some subconscious idea of how to not turn his clothes to ashes
Using test papers doesn’t work, and using identical duplicates of actual important items doesn’t work because of Tsuna’s stupid intuition, and using real important papers is out of the question
So Reborn asks the kids to draw something for Tsuna
It’s fine if it’s burned but Tsuna really will not want to. There aren’t any “real” consequences if he fails… Except for the ones Tsuna gives to himself
“You’re so evil…” Tsuna mutters, staring hard at the crayon drawings in front of him. Out of all three, I-pin shows the most talent, though Lambo has the most. Interesting. Interpretations. Is that supposed to be a grasshopper or the couch?
“I could have made you use your birth certificate y’know.” Reborn says it so casually Tsuna almost doesn’t register it at first. “That’s what I did to Dino”
Tsuna gapes at him, “You’re really super evil?! That’s dangerous!”
Reborn shrugs. “It also failed.”
“So I tried it with Romario’s next. Perfect score.”
A long, drawn out sigh. Really… Reborn’s methods always produced so much misery. “I really don’t want to burn this…”
“And why not?”
“Because the kids made it for me!”
“Don’t you think they’d be happy to have your mark on it?”
Tsuna blinks, lips parting slightly in question. “My…?”
“The flame seal is something that cannot be copied, replicated, or forged.” It’s easy to tell, now that they’ve known each other for long enough, that Reborn is just the slightest bit relieved by Tsuna’s interest. “It’s more unique than even a fingerprint. A truly, one of a kind signature.”
Tsuna mulls those words over, and his eyes slide sideways. Contemplative, and just a little bit shifty. Something about it is reminiscent of Gokudera. “Can I see yours? Like. Really look at it. You showed me but I didn’t get to observe it much…”
“Observing isn’t going to do you much good.”
“Please?” Tsuna’s voice pitches with the plea, verging on whining. “Just… One more time. Let me look at how your Flame acts when you do it.”
Reborn sighs. “Sun and Sky—“
“I know! I know they behave differently. Still… I think I’ll get something out of it!”
“… Fine.” Lately, it feels like Reborn has been giving in to Tsuna more and more. It makes him happy. It also gives him the courage to reach out and stop Reborn before he can apply the seal to a random scrap of paper, instead looking carefully at the way his Flame appears when still on his finger, face pinched with concentration.
He knows what sun flames look like usually, but this is a tighter control than that. Even if they're different, he's noticed that Sky and Sun are the most similar when it comes to their "resting" states. So, logically, this should help give him an idea of how his own should look when it’s ready. Shouldn’t it?
“What happens if you try and apply it to a person…?”
Reborn stares at him. And stares. And stares. "Tsuna,” he starts, slow, incredulous. “You happen.”
Tsuna blinks back at him. “I was born?”
“The seal, you idiot. The one from when you were a toddler.”
“They’re the same thing?!”
“I dearly wish I could have started with you earlier. Much, much earlier.”
Despite the earlier acid, Reborn sounds fond when he speaks of the prospect. Tsuna thinks that’s worth something.
“Now that you’ve had your fill of looking.”
He manages not to turn the drawings he’s been given to cinders.
It really is all about having the right material to work with.
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rebo-chan · 3 months
OKAY so I did my last poll (Favorite arc) because I wanted to figure out which arc/aspect of an arc I should look at next. And Varia won. Also, as well my friend has been slowly scheming to get me into the Varia as a whole. Safe to say, it's starting to work. ANYWAY, since I've never done him before, the thing I wanted to look at here is Xanxus, his relationship with his wrath, and with his "pride". To start, Xanxus comes into the Ninth's care as a child being fooled into believing that he was the Ninth's son. Overtime, under the Ninth's care, he is led to believe that it is his birthright to be Vongola X. Pride as defined by my beloved Simon arc is something you can't give up on. This is no doubt Xanxus's pride. The only problem is that it was a fake one, so easily ripped away from him by the mere fact that he and the Ninth had no blood connections. This is where his Wrath "begins", furious at having been 'betrayed' that there was never any intention to make him the heir. The very thing he made his Pride. It's here, his wrath introduces him to Squalo who walks into the lion's den (or at least someone he had believed to be a Vongola Lion) wanting to see where that anger led him. Squalo, the series embodiment of the word 'Pride'. Eager to prove that Xanxus, who he believed to be the Ninth's son, he would be a valuable ally to.
Squalo and us the audience then get to see personally where Xanxus's Wrath had led him. Despite Xanxus's pride being fake, it was still not something he could give up on. He was going to take his pride back, no matter who bled for it. Hence the coup. His Wrath made him chase after his Pride, and what it ended up being was one.. big temper tantrum from the hands of someone with far too much power. It's not lost on me as well that the result of the coup is referred to as the Cradle Incident. A cradle, what you would do to calm down a screaming child. It's also here that Squalo finds out the truth about Xanxus not truly being Vongola X. In the midst of this family debacle, Xanxus's pride is confirmed to not just himself but to Squalo as well as false. Lucky for Xanxus, Squalo was never following his pride but rather his rage. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure that Xanxus sees it that way.
As Xanxus wakes up from the ice with years having passed, it does nothing to sooth the burn of his anger of his ripped away pride. He hatches up another plan, the ring conflict, in order to crush the one that his 'birthright' was given to. To spit on his father's choice and destroy what the Ninth had wanted for the boy, just like his wants were destroyed. "Show me what that old man saw in you." Is no doubt the wrath slipping through. It's a "What made you a better choice than me?" I don't doubt that the relationship between Xanxus and the Ninth is.. almost irreparable at this point, but he is still someone who thought highly of the Ninth's opinion just based on that and the fact he felt betrayed by the ninth's action. He again WAS proud to be his son, either that's from the benefits that being the heir for Vongola X brought or out of some genuine familial love. It's hard to say frankly and up to interpretation. (In the very least, we can at least say Timoteo did genuinely care for Xanxus but this post isn't about him<3) Either way, the ring conflict begins and it is Xanxus's chance at retaking his pride and getting his proper and true revenge for what was done for him.
But this time though, there are slight differences between now and the coup. Time either in the cradle or otherwise has morphed how Xanxus sees things. There's.. an added humiliation to Xanxus now, one that hates what happened back in the coup. Not in the way that he regrets what he did, persay but rather the way the Ninth's eyes looked upon him in pity, the way he sees that same look in Tsuna. The fact that Squalo was there, whether or not he had heard what happened. It burns Xanxus. He wants his pride back, but he wants it renewed. Freshly removed from his past. He wants the Ninth gone, and for the way Tsuna shares that same look in his eyes, he's going to take both of them down in one go if he can help it. (The cloud battle, putting Tsuna in the situation where he could be charged with possibly ending the Ninth's life. It would've been poetic, wouldn't it? The two gentle souls of the Vongola destroying one another.) Then, there's Squalo.. Squalo, who "dies" in the rain battle and Xanxus can only laugh. Because, finally, things are going his way. Now, everything is in place. He can now take the position of Vongola X without the threads of his past holding onto him tightly, reminding him of his failure, of who he really is, of his falsified pride. What's poetic is that it's the embodiment of Pride who appears, with an absolute refusal to die, for real pride isn't something you can give up, that reveals Xanxus's truth to everyone. Tells everyone what was essentially that no matter how hard Xanxus struggles and plots and rips and tears, his 'pride' will never be his again. Xanxus doesn't accept this, it wasn't Squalo's intention to make him to either, but the option isn't in his hands. It never was. The ninth, at the end of the cloud battle, blames himself for all of his happening. For not being strong enough to do what had to be done. This can be interpreted as him referring to not killing Xanxus during the cradle incident, but it can also be interpreted as him not being able to tell Xanxus the truth from the start. Not being able to deny Xanxus the chance of life away from the slums. His 'kind' action only served to put Xanxus's life down a path of the inability to choose. Almost paralleled to Tsuna in a way, who brought into the role of Vongola X against his will, Xanxus is kept away from Vongola X against his will.
Xanxus's wrath is a weakness, let me make that clear. It blinds him from the truth, from his unfortunate circumstances, from accepting that it just couldn't be. I'm not sure if he'll ever accept it, so long as he has that wrath. But, the good news is that we see ten years later into the future, his wrath is no longer an open enough of a wound for others to poke at and prod to get him to react the way they want. His response to Raisel was nothing less than a "Do you think I'm that easy?" He IS better there about it. The Vongola is STILL his family, no matter what inner conflict there is and no outsider is going to be able to rip into him half as easily as the people from inside did. As for what he's done with his pride ten years down? It's hard to say, he desires Vongola at its strongest and at that time it was the strongest under Tsuna's control. I won't pretend he doesn't still want the title, but the wound isn't fresh anymore at least by then.
OOGH. WELL, THATS IT. I'm curious to see if you guys have any interpretations about his "pride", if you agree, disagree, or if you have any interpretations of what his pride has become ten years down the line. Thank you for reading this far!!!
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tsunael · 7 months
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Despite all their efforts, the Light had returned. The Exarch was gone, and once again she was the one left standing when the dust settled. She was tired. So very tired.
The days went on.
There was a stiffness growing inside that went well past her bones; it seized the sinew and locked her joints, causing an ache in every move. With each morning that she still drew breath, she found someone new in the mirror: that morning's iteration showed a woman whose skin had turned a sickly pallor, whilst her dark hair had begun to bleach itself to unnatural blonde.
When it all becomes too much to bear, seek me out at my abode, in the dark depths of the Tempest.
Emet-Selch had invited her to retain her dignity, and a part of her would have gone without a second thought if she only had the means to do so. As if her stiff legs could carry her to wherever The Tempest even was in this alien land. As she was now, she lived the paradoxical existence of hurry up and wait while her comrades scrambled for a cure for something that they all knew could not be undone.
Thancred moved from towering over her to gently sit upon her bed. The weight of him pulled her in, though she made great effort to keep the distance.
"You look well," he lied through his teeth. "Just when I thought you could not be more radiant-- All that beauty rest has done much and more." Had he not sounded so sincere, she would have mistaken it for dry wit.
She looked over her shoulder at him, twisted as she was, and wrinkled her nose. "Surely you didn't come just to be cruel."
His amiable expression fell, and she felt a pang of guilt for for her lashing.
"Apologies," he frowned. "That was... not my intent," he added, his voice flat. He politely moved his hands to clasp firmly between his knees.
She believed him that time. Tsuna pinched her arm to keep from throwing herself at him in a desperate need for comfort. They both sorely needed it. She wouldn't give into something so base-- not again.
"You shouldn't be in here," she whispered.
It had been a few days-- from what she could tell-- since then he had become more sunkissed. His boots were ruddy with Amh Araeng's dusty sands-- a far, and queer destination for one who could not ride the Aether.
"I didn't mean to bother. I simply wished to see how you were getting on," he said, twisting to better take her in, his hand brushed her curled tail. "Would you rather I leave?"
He was kind-- much too kind. She much preferred when they were trading blows, at least she could take them.
"That's not what I meant..." she sighed, winded. "You shouldn't be near me. It's not safe."
He gave pause, then chuffed at her proposal. "Y'shtola gave no such warning about your... condition."
"Y'shtola does not know everything," she snapped.
"Ryne has contained it," he countered, and she half-expected a 'for now' to be tacked on to the end of it. It was silent, but it was there. She knew.
Tsuna huffed. Frustration was causing her voice to grow thick with emotion. "She's just a girl, Thancred."
"And I trust her with my life. As should you." His tone had raised in defense before softening. "...She would never lead us astray."
Gently, he reached out to touch her exposed shoulder, and she stiffened, jolting away from the touch.
"Gods--" she swore. "You can't-- Don't-- Don't touch me."
She had brought the Light back to Norvrandt simply by being alive. The swell of it was strong enough to be felt knocking against her seams in her weaker moments. Who was to say she could not corrupt him-- or anyone else-- simply by being.
He grabbed her outstretched hand that had pushed him away, and reeled her back in against her will. His fingers intertwined with her own, and for a moment she thought something may just burst from her. Not the Light, no, but equally as unstable. It was something far more devastating.
The bird in her chest beat its wings against its cage and she wanted so badly to let it free.
"You see?" he asked, soft. "Everything's all right."
She could only stare at their intwined hands, marveling at the difference of size, how his own dwarfed her in comparison. His smooth, Hyuran skin compared to her own scales was fascinating, but with enough callouses on his palms to pen a story.
He had never touched her quite like that. The word intimate danced on her tongue and her breath fell shallow. Intimate. She gripped him back, rooting her fingers between his own, and to her surprise, he did not let go.
When he lowered his lips to her shoulder, she didn't notice, still transfixed where they joined, growing concerned that she could not feel the warmth of his hand. The breath dancing against her collarbone brought her back to where she belonged, though she felt no heat.
He kissed her as if it were his only solution to placating a grieving woman. Of course, it would be. Of course, it was all he ever knew. She didn't know what to feel. She wanted him to continue. She wanted to know where the trail would lead him; higher, or lower?
She also very much wanted to kiss him back, if only she could. Would she even be able to feel it?
Oh, Gods. What was wrong with her?
Your friends are now your foes. If you do not kill them, they will kill you.
"I think you should go," she whispered.
With a short pause, he lifted himself from her, and thus slackened his grip. Their connection broke, and she immediately missed the loss.
Thancred finally pulled away to give her space without complaint, though his honey-dark eyes lingered to study, to see where he had erred. His jaw worked for a moment before beginning to speak, then deciding against it. He stood from her bed.
"Keep the faith," was all he said. It was all he could say.
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who1ssheesh · 7 months
NSFW Xanxus with s/o? 👀
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Xanxus NSFW Headcanons
Warnings: seks and swearing; fem!reader; huge OOC; 100% wrong grammar, english still is not my native (it will be one day is this how it works idk); no beta we die like tyl tsuna
Note: tbh, this is really short since I'm still holding back my filthiest thoughts?? The add-on section with sub Xus can be NOT considered serious but those make me raaaaaaaaaawrrr aooga
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• Fucking horndog end of the story leave lieks uwu
• No really, he riles up in a second and in the most inconvenient situations. And if you don’t give him what he wants, Xanxus will be very broody for the whole day. Good luck, you will need one ngl
• Xanxus obviously likes (LOOVES) seeing you in revealing tight clothes, this bitch will drop stuff on purpose just to see your bottom if you're wearing a short skirt that day. He will not hide it, man will just be sitting with the nastiest smile, and you know you have to get that thing up since he won’t
• More of a thighs and ass type tbh. Any breast is good if he can see a nice cleavage.
• I really imagine Xanxus as a big juicy man despite Amano’a art style. His thighs worth dying between, his tiddies look heavy I can hold them bb. And I think he also enjoyed someone not really slim? He loves something to GRAB
• Not even in a sexual way. He will always grab your ass even around people and he can't even give you a coherent answer why. He just stares zero brain head empty - he can't admit out loud he loves your body, what a loser
• HUGE size kink. The nastiest, craziest size kink, he is going to be feral with a small s/o like he really means to snap them in half
• Also has a big dick, so……..can’t complain
• Choke him. Never in your life you can even choke him a little bit, but Xanxus appreciates the effort. Your both fragile feminine hands cannot do anything against him and even grab his neck fully, and that feeling of power over you gets him going.
• Then you feel his hot touch around your throat. He is going to show you how it is done
• Enjoys the fight. Someone too obedient is not his type at all, he gets bored quickly, he loves his girlie to has temperament. Scratch him, grab him, bite him and never hold back. Xanxus enjoys smell of blood, seeing your marks all over him after
• Touch. His. Scars. I’m sorry for involving feelings, but he will like it
• You can never dumbfound him with love-bombing btw. Unlike SOMEONE ahemsqualoahem
“I-i love you”
“Yeah, who doesn’t”
But he still thinks that’s lame and kills the mood
• Yes to power play but GOD FUCK NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FREAK to Daddy kink. He has too much going on with parents and has big issues, especially with fathers. But props to being the first person Xanxus calls a freak
• Get on your knees for him and he’s so WEAK
• Speaking of weak. Xanxus thinks too much with his dick, and you won’t have much problem convincing him about something through a good blowjob (or sex in general). He knows your trick but doesn’t mind, since he’s had a good time, nay? Though sometimes he’ll fuck around and just go away “well, bye now”
• Corruption kink and no one will convince me otherwise. Having a confident skilled woman is good. But how about the most stoic, morally right woman turned into the filthiest nastiest whore just for him? Bonus point if she's a virgin, something clicking in his head. Xanxus enjoys the fact he's one and only or at least, if you break up, he's still your first and no other man will satisfy you she same way (those are his words, not mine)
• Such a dirty talker. But usually Xanxus tries to get an answer from you and just laughs and your fucked-out pathetic state. He won't stop until your eyes are glossy and absolutely empty, his dick is the only thing on your mind.
• Xanxus is shameless but still gets really angry when you two get caught. HOT TAKE. It's not about him btw, he doesn't give a shit about being seen with some one-night-stand but YOU as his partner are different. He wants people hear you and know how good he's making you feel, he wants then to see how hot, awesome, smart, pretty, confident you are BUT! Xanxus is the only one who sees you in the nastiest, most vulnerable state.
• Hot take again - he's not against eating you out. First - being between juicy thick thighs worth dying for, second - he again turns it into a dominating moment, where HE decides if you're having an orgasm.
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Secret-secret headcanons I myself BELIEVE
• Sit on his face. Xanxus will act like a bitch but in the end you will notice he likes it WAY too much and even has some shade of pink on his cheeks
• Just try to dominate him in general. Use the same dirty words he uses for you, don't be scared to insult him. You both are too fucked up and horny at this moment anyways, Xanxus' brain won't even comprehend what you are telling him and that actually he's supposed to get angry
• Xanxus didn't know this is his kink - a beast being tamed, huh?
• After the first time this idiot didn't even talk to you, trying to process what the hell happened. But seeing you the same as always, still treating him as a big smart boss, and that's what everyone believes, makes him hard instantly.
• Xanxus doesn't like sex toys at all (he can make you see stars without any help) but JUST MAYBE that's the first time you get whips? Question mark?
• Nah, he won't just become suddenly submissive, that's not the point. He will insult you, bite you, scratch, choke you, fight against you. If you can't handle him, you don't deserve him in this state, okay?
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hopeswriting · 1 year
okay, breaking my silence on this i guess, so have one of my author’s notes from one of my stories. sorry not sorry, peace and love on planet earth <3
Listen to me, LISTEN TO ME. I know in canon it seems like the 10th gen wants to become mafia, or that they're okay with it at the very least, and that they don't care that Tsuna very much doesn't want to become mafia until the very end, but it's because they look at a different choice from Tsuna. For Tsuna, his options are to either become mafia and Vongola, which'd mean dragging all his friends into it too, or somehow manage to make Vongola give up on him so none of them will have to become part of the mafia. And so of course he tries his very best and his hardest to somehow achieve the latter, however unrealistic it is and how little power he has to do that, if at all, as Vongola is the strongest mafia family in the world. But he has to try anyway so none of them will become mafia, but first and foremost so none of his friends he loves so much will become mafia against their wishes, especially when it'd only happen because they happen to love him back, the last legitimate Vongola Decimo candidate.
But for the 10th gen, the choice in front of them is to whether turn their backs on Tsuna so to be free from the mafia, or keep standing by his side even if it means they become mafia. Do you get what I mean? For them, it's always about Tsuna first and foremost before it's ever about Vongola and if becoming mafia is something they want. They look at Tsuna and the life he's being dragged to, very much caring that he doesn't want any of it and yet doesn't have the power to stop them from dragging him closer to that life, and ask themselves: "Do I love Tsuna enough to let myself be dragged to that life too, so I can help him see it through and find as much happiness as possible from it?". And of course, of course the answer is yes and comes to them as naturally as breathing.
And so they give in because they must, because they don't have (yet) the power to fight back against it and win. Because should they not be willing enough, they might decide they wouldn't mind making them part of their world even if it means breaking them to make it happen, and they wouldn't have (yet) the power to stop it from happening. To stop it from happening to Tsuna.
And so they willingly let them teach them how to be a mafioso so they'll be able to stand their own in the world they're forcing them to become a part of. They willingly let them teach them how to be a powerful mafioso so they'll be strong enough to protect each other from and survive in the world they're forcing them to become a part of. And then maybe to even still be happy in that world. (And then maybe to even break free from that world.)
They're all doing it for each other despite none of them wanting any of it. Because they care about loving each other and doing justice to that love more than being able to do the things they want. Do you get it? Please tell me you get it!!!!
i’m not saying their friendship is perfect in every way. i agree it isn’t and it’d be boring if it was anyway, but also it’s very much by design. because khr is all about growth, about being a better person than you were yesterday and doing better by the people around you than you did yesterday. it’s about this group of kids who were strangers and had many more reasons to not mesh well together than to get along, who came together anyway and built a bond so strong between them, it survived through and was the strength that allowed them to see through all the mafia bullshit thrown at them no kids should ever have to go through.
i AM saying that despite the... cracks on their friendship, the places where it comes together more loosely and superficially, the places where it doesn’t come together at all, they’re still genuinely friends. the 10th gen genuinely loves tsuna and cares about him and does care about the things he wants and the things he doesn’t want. like, is there room in canon to interpret all i said above in a less wholesome way that’d make their friendship less strong and genuine and organic? absolutely. is there room for interpretation in canon to extrapolate and explore how their friendship might not actually survive the test of time because they want and need different things from it? absolutely. and i mean that, because i myself am absolutely not against going down those routes and thinking about them and exploring them and reading about them (tho i do have yet to write about it haha). but canonically, whenever they look at all that sets them apart and at all that could break them apart, they always choose to overcome those things to come together anyway.
i’m also saying that it’s a little unfair to look at their friendship at the beginning of the manga, and base your opinion of it solely on it. because of course the early arcs, let alone the first one, is where their friendship was at the weakest and the least equal. it’s where they were the most and most often just not very good friends to each other. but that includes tsuna too. like yes arguably he was the one getting the short end of the stick giving and not receiving much back, but there’s a post on here saying he was (or is, i don’t remember) a bad friend to them, and like. yeah, he kinda was. because it’s literally his first shot at friendship, and then he doesn’t even get to try it in normal circumstances, far from it. it’s their first shot at friendship for all of them in their own ways and in less than normal circumstances, so of course they were clumsy and tactless and hurtful with it at times. but they put in the effort to learn to know each other so they could do right by each other, and it’s something you can’t possibly miss if you read the manga in good faith.
i mean, gokudera says this as early as the kokuyo arc, and entirely unprompted too:
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[ID copied from alt text: Panels from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
Bianchi says, “Let’s go, Tsuna.”
Tsuna hesitates, saying “Eh... but...”
"Please go ahead, Boss,” Gokudera says. “Get Mukuro!"
"Yes, I know, but still..." Tsuna says, still looking unsure.
Gokudera grins wide and reassuringly. "Once this is over, we'll all have some fun together."
Tsuna smiles, looking relieved and pleasantly surprised. "...Ri...right. We'll do that."
"'Course!" Gokudera says. /END ID]
he knows exactly what tsuna cares about and values the most: their peaceful and happy daily lives, and all of them being safe and having the freedom to enjoy life and each other’s company without worry. gokudera’s perfectly aware just why tsuna’s there and what he fights for: so they can go back to their peaceful and happy times safe and sound. so please don’t tell me gokudera actually doesn’t know tsuna and only cares about tenth/vongola decimo and the perfect version of tsuna in his mind he puts on a pedestal. (and i mean, don’t get me wrong because there is that too, but gokudera has always been able to see tsuna for who he truly is anyway, and it’s tsuna he’s always cared about first and foremost.)
now of course you still don’t have to agree with me by no means. you don’t have to think their friendship is all that deep or strong or equal or genuine and organic, if at all. it’s not that i don’t agree that both these takes are valid and based on canon, it’s not that i don’t see where these kinds of takes come from or that i don’t think there isn’t some truth in them, but if we’re talking strictly canon, if we’re trying to guess objectively and in good faith, independently of how we might feel about it, just what amano was getting at writing and portraying their dynamics the way she did, then you just have to agree that the intent was to show just how strong and resilient because of how loving and caring and trusting it is their bond is. i mean, it’s literally the heart of the story (that, plus tsuna’s and reborn’s bond). it’s those bonds that carry tsuna forwards, and so it’s the same bonds that carry the whole of the manga forwards. like i’m sorry, but you really just have to agree with me on this. (about how this is the take we’re most likely meant to take from the manga, that is, because again, whether it’s actually the way you, personally, receive it, or if you think amano managed to write it well and pull it off, etc, that’s of course for each of us to decide, and we’re not any less valid than each other no matter what our opinions are.)
so, yeah. idk how to finish this post lol. but i guess what i’m saying is that even tho i’m not gonna give examples here of the 10th gen caring about and loving tsuna and knowing who he is, and standing by his wants, wishes and needs, know that i very much could. so i guess this is also my “the 10th gen are genuine friends of tsuna who truly loves him and cares about him for simply being tsuna first and foremost, and their friendship is an equal one from both sides” propaganda post. which i actually already got to do once. and as long as we’re strictly talking canon, this is a hill i will die on.
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animeyanderelover · 11 days
May I request Tsuna gen yan hcs? From katekyo hitman?
I already did Hc’s for Katekyo Hitman Reborn but I haven't done the Lighting Guardian and the Mist Guardian yet so I will add them. I still can’t get over the fact that Lambo shares in his older forms the same VA as Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, guilt-tripping, jealousy, isolation, abduction, threats, sadism, death
Khr Hc’s
Lambo Bovino (10 Years Later)
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🐮​There is nothing quite like seeing Lambo age throughout the years as he turns from a demanding and spoiled child to a true lady's man, though he is still prone to reverting to his crybaby personality. The thing about Lambo now though is that he actually knows how to approach someone he finds attractive and that is quite useful for him the moment he develops an obsession with you. With an increased amount of awareness that he has earned over the years he is actually lucid of his obsession and is even tactful enough to decide that it would be wiser to not let you know about that for now. That is a problem for future Lambo for when you do find out eventually but it isn't something he should worry about too much in the present. He has had a lot of experience at this point already with receiving affection from other people, mainly women who swoon over him, and it is this experience that actually helps him to get successfully closer to you as he knows how to charm his darling with sweet words and gestures.
🐮​Despite the lazy demeanor that he often carries around with him Lambo actually pays close attention to you. His feelings are serious after all so it is in his interest to get to know you better and it is this attentive behavior that earns him a lot of points with you. After all it is very flattering to experience that he notices it when you wear new clothes or have a new haircut. Sometimes he still reverts back to the childish antics he often exhibited during his childhood, especially if he is upset or scared. It is a stark, and admittedly jarring, contrast to what you are used to, especially since he seeks you out for comfort afterwards. In such moments he is clingy and demanding, unwilling for you to leave him alone as he cries tears. You may have pity on him whilst he is in such a condition which he might use to his advantage or you might just find him annoying and plan to leave him alone which honestly only makes things worse as he would wind up crying only more when figuring out that you plan to leave him alone.
🐮​Jealousy is one possible emotion that can make him upset and reduce him to a crying mess. Luckily there is some time you have before it gets that far as Lambo figures that he doesn't help his image by letting you see him as a bawling and sniffling mess. He ends up digging his own grave more than just once though as he never rejects invitations when he is being invited to parties and he takes you in most cases with him which means that he lets you be surrounded by lots of other people. He doesn't mind if you socialise with others, he isn't that needy and insecure after all. What tends to get under his skin quickly though is when you start complimenting other people or gushing over them excessively whilst he is right next to you. He starts tugging nervously at his collar as the atmosphere turns quickly uncomfortable whilst he tries to save his face and slowly guide you away. If worst comes to worst though you are left with him sobbing and throwing a tantrum all whilst clinging to you.
🐮​In actual fights Lambo has grown a lot more dependent but he still needs another 10 years before he is completely unfaced. Still though, he will defend his darling or at the very least run away with them to ensure their protection if he realises that he is being overwhelmed in a fight. In preparation to hopefully never embarrass himself in front of you by running away from an opponent though Lambo is surprisingly thorough to ensure that you are well protected so that hopefully a situation will never even escalate that far. Being one of the ring bearers for Vongola brings its advantages after all which means that he is able to keep tabs on you and place you under special protection. During fights he'd probably have to ensure that you are not anywhere within his vicinity since he is not yet in full control of his powers and wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you with his electricity. I don't think that he has yet fully gotten the needed willpower to take someone's life, that is going to need another 10 years.
🐮​A certain amount of protection is going to be needed considering that he is the Lightning Guardian yet Lambo does ensure that there won't be any grand restrictions within your overall daily life. He can't let you walk around completely unprotected either though but he is actually able to reason pretty well with you as he explains the situation to you. Some small sacrifices have to be made but otherwise he promises you that you can go on with your life however you wish to do. In case of an emergency you will have to be escorted away though, especially if your identity is leaked to potential enemies of Vongola. That is probably the closest you will get to an abduction with this Lambo though even if this might already be a scary and equally upsetting experience. You're most likely going to be kept under tighter security from that day on, may even spend a longer time in their headquarters until the risk has been removed or until Lambo has regained his shaken composure which may take a while, especially if you were hurt or got dangerously close to being injured.
🐮​At times it feels like you are dealing with two different people. Sometimes Lambo is the more rational one in situations who acts for the most part calm and mature and in other moments you have to baby him as he loses his composure and starts seeking protection from you. You receive a ton of different gifts from him, he is especially fond of gifting you clothes he believes would make you look even prettier than you already are. Honestly, the relationship works pretty well as he flies very well under the radar due to his largely serious and calm attitude but the problem appears the moment his composure is stripped away from him and he is reduced to a crying and frightened mess. He knows that it's pathetic but he hasn't worked out just yet how to stop acting like a crybaby and if you were to be appalled by this clingy and unbearable part of his personality Lambo may grow more desperate and would in return be more prone to burst out in a tantrum in front of you.
Rokudo Mukuro
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🌫️​From his respective verse Mukuro is honestly one of the worst choices one could end up with. He's cruel, manipulative, apathetic, controlling and incredibly possessive of his darling. He owns you and for that he is free to do with you whatever he wishes to do and you can either give in and accept that or try to rebel, entertain him a bit before he punishes you and then slowly breaks you apart. It's no secret that he has a sadistic side to him and whilst he may claim that neither one of you enjoys it when he has to punish you for throwing a tantrum, you know better than to believe his words if the gleam in his eyes is anything to go by. The only small blessing that you have that Mukuro treats punishments very much like reprimanding a disobedient dog. As soon as he believes that you have learned your lesson he will stop tormenting you, though he won't be the one who will directly take care of you afterwards as he instead asks Chrome, Ken or Chikusa to cater to your basic needs afterwards whilst he observes from a distance.
🌫️​He can really get into your head. He's perceptive, he has done his research on you and to make things even worse he is a talented illusionist. It is terrifying to be within his presence as he notices every twitch of your fingers and every subtle move of your body, there is really only little that you can hide from him. He's scheming, he knows how to shut you up with a few simple words and he knows what spots he has to target to threaten you to burst out into tears and all of that whilst not even raising his voice once. There is this air of superiority and intimidation that he always carries around with him and Mukuro has no plans to lessen the fear you have whenever you hear as much as his name. He wants and needs that level of control above you. He's a terrible person and he has embraced that already long ago so he sees no need to play pretend with you. You're going to see the real him and you will fear and adore him equally for it the longer time passes and the more he starts messing with your mind.
🌫️​He is possessive, not jealous. He'd like for you or anyone else to not even dare to associate such a pitiful feeling with him as he sees himself above it. He is above it. Loyalty and obedience are after all two things he expects from you whether he is currently spending time with you or is taking care of business which leaves you a little room to breathe as his mere presence is enough to often make the act of breathing normally a task incredibly difficult. You would be sorely mistaken to believe that just because he is gone you can sneak away and meet people you haven't seen in months due to the isolation he puts you through. Just remember that Mukuro always finds out the truth and you would only get yourself in more troubles if you were to lie to his face in the naive hope that he wouldn't see right through you. Do you just enjoy being punished by him? If so you could have just asked him kindly instead of getting other people involved. Begging and apologising won't work on him as you plead to leave innocent people out of it. After all both sides have to learn a lesson, wouldn't you agree?
🌫️​Whilst he has no qualms Mukuro is actually not someone who actively gets his own hands dirty. He is the type who lets others do the dirty work for him as he often sends out Ken or Chikusa to do the crude part for him. He does get heavily involved in scheming plans or messing with the mind of other people. He doesn't even spare those who have done nothing wrong besides interacting with you when you were trying to escape or family and friends who you just wished to talk to without his permission. He wouldn't kill them but the illusions and threats that he puts them through have an even worse effect as he essentially turns them against you, installs fear into their hearts so that they won't humor your futile hopes the next time you attempt to reach out to them. His skills of possessing people and playing around with their mind are some of the most frightening abilities to have since he can torment their very sanity and souls, a method he thinks is much more entertaining than simply putting a bullet through someone's head as he can allow himself the time to even take it slow, basking in his sadism.
🌫️​Isn't it only natural to keep a priced possession to yourself? To Mukuro it is and it is his possessive attributes that wind up isolating you from everyone and everything you used to know and love. You are kept in a building, locked away for the rest of your life all whilst Mukuro continues roaming around freely. It is honestly painful to know that he doesn't even bother spending much time with you as he often vaguely informs you that he has other important things he needs to take care of, never telling you what it is he needs to do. Whether it is out of convenience or actual consideration from Mukuro's part, you aren't left completely to your own devices. Chrome is there, Ken is there and Chikusa is there as well, meaning you at least have some company. All of them are only an upgrade from Mukuro's terrifying personality yet none of them would ever help you to escape as all of them are loyal to Mukuro and even try to warn you of the consequences that were to happen if you would attempt to run away.
🌫️​Sometimes you feel like Mukuro doesn't really care about you at all if he is gone for weeks without you hearing anything from him and even if Chrome tells you that he loves you in his own way you almost feel hurt. For what did he take you after all if he doesn't even "love" you? Admittedly, if you happen to be someone who is a naturally very affectionate person and longs to receive lots of affection as well Mukuro would be the worst choice for you. He doesn't show any of the twisted love and the care he has for you easily to the point where you can't help but feel like he doesn't love you at all. He doesn't need to for as long as he has your obedience that is enough for him. Yet whenever he takes notice that you aren't doing well he mostly asks one of his subordinates to look out after you, specifically telling them what it is that they need to get for you before adding that he doesn't wish them to tell you that it was him who told them all of it. It is Chrome though who reveals that secret to you one day, assuring you that Mukuro is actually always watching over you when he returns.
Chrome Dokuro
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🟣​Chrome has been severely neglected and mistreated before she was saved by Mukuro and it is this past that has led her to be socially very awkward, inexperienced and shy. For quite a long time she has only ever really clung to Mukuro or the people he associates himself with and it is for that reason that she is quite overwhelmed when she finds a person she herself is interested in without Mukuro being involved in even a tiny aspect. Having only ever relied on Mukuro though initially she tries to avoid you and forget about you simply because she almost views her fondness of you as some sort of betrayal for the man who saved her life. Her obsession though has already gotten out of hand and it certainly doesn't help that she can't even control her own emotions very well either due to her insecurities. You are always a persistent thought inside her head and she doesn't know what to do with you. She wants to get to know you, wants to talk to you but she simply doesn't know how to do it.
🟣​Too shy and even frightened to speak with you Chrome resorts to being nothing more than a stalker for the following months. It is all that she seems to be able to do, watching you from a distance all whilst her own heart is doing sommersaults in her chest. She's still feeling conflicted though, torn apart between her loyalty to Mukuro and her newfound fondness for you. It feels like she is doing something terribly wrong which is why she attempts to hide what she is secretly doing from Ken, Chikusa and even Mukuro himself. She should have expected though that the Mist Guardian has already known about her little obsessive crush though but his disproval never happens as he instead encourages Chrome in his own subtle ways to follow her feelings, even trying to get her to be more assertive and controlling. It is only after she knows that Mukuro doesn't think of her new obsession as any threat or sign of disloyalty from her side that Chrome gains the needed courage to go for you herself.
🟣​Feelings of insecurities and a lack of self-esteem are problems Chrome finds herself fighting with even if she does want to get stronger on her own terms without having to depend on Mukuro. It is her clear inexperience though that makes her all the more awkward and insecure when she tries to get your attention all whilst you are busy talking to other people simply because she doesn't know what she should do or say to let you know of her current emotions. Chrome gets quite easily jealous though most of the time it isn't the kind of jealousy that you might expect. Chrome is just envious. Envious that other people can approach you as easily as they do all whilst she is a few feet away, her legs seemingly stuck to the ground as she stumbles over her own thoughts all whilst trying to come up with something to say to you. You will have to learn how to read her as she will most likely remain quiet despite her jealousy during the first few phases of the relationship until she eventually learns how to speak up and stand up for herself slowly.
🟣​Despite her connection with Mukuro she is not nearly as cruel or bad as he is though she is no saint either. She has a soft spot for people you care about and would never get them in harm's way as long as she knows that none of them are treating you badly. She doesn't hesitate to enter a battle either and she shares some powers with Mukuro, meaning that she is able to use illusions as well. Despite her shy and unsure appearance Chrome is actually willing to murder people but only if she deems them to be as too much of a risk if they were to be left alive for you. She loves you and whilst this realisation takes her a while to figure out she starts feeling a responsibility to protect you as soon as she has found out. Differently from Mukuro who is much more open with the cruel things he does, Chrome keeps very quiet about such things whenever they occur. She understands that you probably wouldn't react very well if she were to tell you that she murders people for you and assumes that for that you would appreciate it more if you would never find out at all.
🟣​She is still figuring things out. Emotions really are quite confusing, especially the love she is feeling for you. She longs to spend time with you but she is never able to shake off her habit to stalk you as her understanding of spending time with you seems to be that of her silently stalking you whilst you aren't even aware that she is there. People like Chikusa have already asked her why she isn't just trying to move in with you as he thinks that her behavior is quite pathetic yet Chrome gets much too nervous whilst considering moving in with her. She isn't used to such closeness and intimacy. It would be a new and unfamiliar experience and she tends to cling to what she knows and is familiar with, even if it isn't healthy. She does like your home though as she is familiar with it from her countless hours of stalking you. It's cozy and just so like you so she'd like to stay with you in there if she were to ever consider living with you. That's why you will always be brought back to your home though she does tell you that for that to happen you will have to follow certain rules and instructions or otherwise she might be forced to keep you somewhere else.
🟣​You should be mad with her and at times you definitely are but at the same time it is hard not to feel some sort of pity for Chrome. Whenever you lose your temper and lash out she just silently stands there and lets you vent out without even defending herself. She has written a lot of letters to you during the time where she was stalking you almost every day yet only a few of those letters she wrote were actually delivered to you and that only after a lot of consideration, hesitation and doubt. All the other letters were thrown away as she sometimes spent a couple of hours trying to figure what she even wanted to write to you. In general Chrome has an easier time standing up for you than she does standing up for herself which may lead you to feel somewhat more protective over her despite the situation you find yourself in and whilst she insists that you don't have to get yourself in troubles for her deep down she is very happy and the happiness only deepens her obsession.
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cloudvaria · 2 months
I know this is super late but thankfully I had some access to a relative who can can translate. - But so sorry I couldn’t translate the rest! >< They usually get grumpy so I only got one T_T And in this case I chose the Haru interview with Hibari.
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So nothing new.
In the sense…
- Hibari’s blood type is still unknown. Here he dismisses his weight and height. He only clarifies that he was born on the Japanese “Boy’s Day festival”, which is 5.5.
The only things I found interesting while in translation were:
- Apparently Reborn made Hibari promise to him not to harm Haru while she interviewed him. Because Hibari was actually annoyed, especially since she was from another school, Midori High, ahahaha. But ya, he actually was expecting Haru thanks to Reborn.
- At the end of the interview, Hibari made Reborn promise to him in return that he wants to fight Reborn THE MOST (a dream match we never see in canon T_T). But Reborn retorts that Hibari fights Tsuna first, and as usual that time, Tsuna ran so Hibari went chasing him.
- Reborn is the one who took Haru’s interview’s latter photos, as the one with her V-pose has, “Taken by Reboko-chan?”.
- Hibari actually says some funny- yet mean!- things here. Like….
1) He calls Haru a “funny girl” in asking him questions.
2) When Haru asked for his weight and height, he slyly says, “Same height and weight as you”, which Haru actually gets offended! Ahahaha…
Good HibaHaru crumbs for some (like me) TwT.
A funny interview!
I think good for character interactions and I actually kinda hate how the anime downplayed Kyoya’s playfulness, ahahaha. (And then Akira Amano toned it TwT).
Thank you @whatdoyouhavrenmind for posting and pointing to this❣️✨
Hope I can help at least a bit!!
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nikoshinigami · 3 months
My Takes on KHR Pairings
No one asked for it, but I do so love me some character analysis and head-canons. So here are my personal justifications and thoughts on 8059, D18, 6927, and 10051
8059 This is canon, isn't it? I don't even need to explain how Gokudera is the pressure Yamamoto needs in his life to apply himself and Yamamoto is the grace Gokudera needs in his life to not be so hard on himself? Even their fighting styles support each other. They are dating in the manga as far as I'm concerned. If you didn't read the manga and think half the reason Gokudera was so loud about his hate for Yamamoto was basically Unresolved Sexual Tension and Gay Panic, then I can't help you. The canon speaks for itself, and it speaks loudly. Where most KHR pairings tend to be of the 'two sides of the same coin' verity, these two are opposites attract.
D18 Dino and Hibari have the same core values. They protect their territory, they inspire their subordinates, they are respected leaders, and they love a good fight. They both admire and respect individual potential and don't garner unrealistic expectations of others--they know there are exceptions and not everyone can rise to their level, but those who can had better get their act together.
Dino initially sees a wild and beautiful brat of a creature when he looks at Hibari but learns to see his kindness and fairness as he reflects on their similarities. Hibari sees a never-ending battle that in truth he hopes does go on forever, because he's never before had someone in his life who could break him down, bare and bloody, no tricks and no respect lost, day after day, and follow it up with the proper care after to ensure they can both continue in the morning. There's the rocky post-trauma start considering the last time Hibari thought he was walking into a fair fight, he was deceived, tortured, and kidnapped all thanks to mafia foolery (Fuck you, Mukuro~). But after a while in the woods, knowing this time he won't be left to rot with many of his bones broken, trust and respect are built and last a lifetime.
The man with the bronco on his arm hasn't broken in the wild creature, because he himself has been considered a force of nature and he knows it's best to let wild things run free. Hibari is allowed to be his weird, unintentionally funny, and aggressively possessive self, while Dino gets to bask in that feeling of being the only one at a house party that the cat will let pet it, seeing the softer side of Hibari that others might see but still never quite understand the meaning behind.
Respect and admiration turn to passion and reverence. Even if mafia politics only ever let it be sexual trysts, their mutual assertiveness makes it a high-adrenaline encounter that lets Dino really let loose and enjoy enforcing his dominance since his partner needs him to prove he's worthy every single time, even if only for pretense. Meanwhile, Hibari gets to be gentle and quietly seductive with Dino in ways no one would believe, relishing in the power he has over the allied Don even without lifting a finger. In the end, it's a power play for both of them that works because Hibari doesn't prioritize a win so much as he is enjoying each fight, and Dino, head of his territory's criminal organization by birthright, needs to feel like he earned it sometimes in a way only adversity can prove.
6927 Put each on either side of a window and they'd think they were looking in a mirror. Mukuro was a child abused by the mafia, his future stolen from him for its ambitions without any consideration for his own wants and desires, made close friends with others put in the same position as him, has a strong desire to protect those close to him even at the sacrifice of his own life and security, and tends to overcome adversity against the odds--prison even proving only an inconvenience as he continues to exist in the wider world mentally at least. Tsuna is a child currently facing abuse within the mafia, his future stolen from him because Vongola decided his fate without any consideration for his own wants and desires. He's made close friends with others now pulled into the mafia's schemes beside him, has a strong desire to protect those close to him even at the sacrifice of his own life and security, and tends to overcome adversity against the odds--even seasoned assassins failing to take him down. In the end, they both came to the same conclusion: the mafia is corrupt and should be burned to the ground. Mukuro has been planning the destruction of the mafia since childhood, and Tsuna told Primo he would not uphold those evils but tear it all down. Mukuro's abuse is exponentially more egregious than Tsuna's, but with that, his reactions and responses to that trauma are also more exaggerated. At the end of the day, though, you have Tsuna forced on a transformative journey, and Mukuro who, having been there and come through the other side, possesses the knowledge that there is no excuse good enough to excuse this and no punishment more fitting than annihilation.
Because of this, though, Mukuro has a kindness towards Tsuna. A curiosity. He recognizes the fact that the mafia as it exists will destroy Tsuna and try to reshape him into something else. He didn't know Tsuna before their fight--he expected someone like Xanxus, someone already made cruel and warped by ambition. He didn't know he was advancing Vongola's objectives by engaging with him, but in his defeat like saw like. Their mental bond is almost a subconscious reaction to guilt at being a pawn yet again in another mafia family's power play and wanting to warn against obeying the established authority presented to Tsuna. Mukuro refuses any show of vulnerability, but without thinking about it, has shown Tsuna that he cares about people and that he's suffering. Reborn does not want Tsuna to forget about Mukuro's crimes and to potentially stop seeing him as a threat just yet, but Tsuna has regret about the Vindice taking the Kokuyou crew back to prison--sees them rightfully as victims and wants better for them than more mafia 'justice' when it was the mafia that created them in the first place.
Tsuna, whether by their bond or his intuition, sees through Mukuro in a way no one else can. He can cut through his bullshit, recognize when he's lying or being obtuse to avoid vulnerability, and see the frown hidden behind the smile. Mukuro, on the other hand, keeps Tsuna from the evils of complacency. Cognitive dissonance makes it easier to stop fighting your morals and go along with what everyone else is telling you you have to do when you have no alternatives. His right hand is a mafia shill, his other friends trust him and the mentors who have gotten them this far which were supplied by the mafia. Mukuro alone can and will comment on the true moral failings of the mafia and has no reservations in doing so. If ever Tsuna needs to feel like he's doing the right thing, all he needs to do is look to Mukuro for confirmation.
Mukuro is also the only one Tsuna can let his guard down around fully as a mafia boss. Gokuders is a fixer--if Tsuna vents to him, Gokudera takes it upon himself to tackle the problem rather than simply listen. Yamamoto is an optimist--if Tsuna vents to him, Yamamoto tries to cheer him up and make him feel better. When Tsuna vents to Mukuro, it's shit talking time and every petty bone in the illusionist's body is happy to be in on the action. Gurl, go on~ He enjoys some catty behavior and acknowledging that a lot of people are the worst and everything sucks is a topic he is here for. Does it help anything? No. But Tsuna feels heard and seen and validated and that is important. They grow closer because it's only with Mukuro that Tsuna gets that validation and he trusts Mukuro's perspective because they understand where each other is coming from. And Mukuro is never so loyal as to hold back on telling him he's being a dumbass--something the others might refrain from doing out of respect for their Boss.
Neither of them has strong, familial bonds. Tsuna was neglected and Mukuro was.. given up to human experimentation. They both crave soft, cozy, warm love and affection. Cuddles on the couch, maintaining touch throughout sleep to feel assured the other is there and assure them of the same, gentle caresses and soft, sweet kisses. It's almost a platonic love where playing with each other's hands and fingers is a high level of intimacy. They could probably be fulfilled and happy and loved without sex in their relationship. Which is good, because Tsuna is trying so hard to conform to what he thinks a straight teenager should be, he hasn't even had time to figure out who he actually is, while Mukuro has spent his life so untrusting and full of hate, the question has never required an answer.
10051 If Amano had written Byakuran a backstory, this would be easier to defend. What is Byakuan's perfect world? What's wrong with the current world in his opinion? What is he? Where did he come from? These would be really helpful to know. But instead, we learn about him through Shouichi. We learn they went to the same university so Byakuran is likely similarly a mechanic/engineer--or my choice of physicist (theoretical) if going to a school for sciences. We know they collaborate well together since they devised Choice, and that Shouichi is a simp for his charisma. We know Shouichi trusted and believed in Byakuran enough to join his mafia family and take on ranks and titles under him. We know Byakuran believed in Shouichi enough to give him it all, and even after their time at college, they both wanted to be invested in each other's lives forever (the mafia is not something you walk away from). We know Byakuran legitimately thinks the world of Shouichi, his best friend, even if he would sacrifice him for his ambitions. We know Shouichi legitimately thinks the world of Byakuran, his best friend, even if he would betray him.
While Byakuran is effortlessly endearing and boisterous, Shouichi is quieter and enigmatic. They are the Extrovert who adopted the Introvert trope except Shouichi is no wallflower. Shouichi is courageous, cunning, and manipulative while Byakuran can be playful, caring, and genuine--as well as the reverse. Neither is, necessarily, a better person than the other at their core, and their actions are equally as grey when we don't know what it is that Byakuran wanted to give the world that everyone was trying so hard to stop. Would World Peace have been worth a handful of deaths? The ambiguity leaves a lot to question if you don't fall into the "any sacrifice is too high a cost" set of values.
Strong headcanon, but I believe Byakuran wanted a world that he could be a part of. He is obviously not human, even without the Mare ring he was able to see across alternative dimensions, and he seems to be completely detached from consequences. If you've seen an infinite number of Shouichi's, is there such a thing as the 'real' Shouichi? If you've seen kingdoms rise and fall based on a butterfly's wings, is there any permanence in institutions? If people love you in one world and are indifferent to you in another, which is the truth of their feelings? If all things are possible, then nothing is concretely true, real, or genuine. You are a player character surrounded by NPCs and worlds you can load up as you like where you can simply move on if you get tired of the scenario. Byakuran was already a god, but he was a god railroaded into living a life of limited possibility despite infinite options. I think he wanted one timeline, one truth, one world in which things were perfect and he knew he was with the Shouichi, and he was the Byakuran who got to live his life. This makes the most sense of why they had to stop Byakuran in that future specifically--because all other parallel worlds would cease to exist if the Byakuran of their future specifically won. And if the toll of his victory is an infinite number of casualties, then the stakes are so high that it makes sense why the burden of it crushes Shouichi and physically pains him at every step but also why he still cares deeply for his best friend despite it all. Because he can't offer an alternative solution; there is no cure for the level of insight Byakuran has gained and the level of detachment it has caused him over the decade. Even telling him that no matter how many Shouichi's exist, he is himself and unique and special to Byakuran is hollow because surely every version of himself would wish to think so too. He knows how happy Byakuran would be to live in a "real" world with "real" people and there is no way to give it to him--in fact, he knows he is what caused Byakuran to begin to lose his connection with reality in the first place.
Both of them will lie, cheat, steal, and murder to get what they want. And I think Byakuran is constantly amused when he is reminded of how calculating and cold Shouichi can be. Shouichi, on the other hand, is exasperated by Byakuran's childishness, but uncomfortably attracted to the sheer force of his personality. They are a switch couple. Shouichi hates it when Byakuran starts to treat him like his sweet, docile bottom and will turn the tables on him to prove he is and has always been a perfect match for Byakuran's cunning. And Byakuran doesn't care if he's baby girl or daddy so long as he has a good time. Friends, to lovers, to enemies, to… friends? Their relationship is tangled in the memories of people they will never become. And that makes them even more fascinating.
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einsatzzz · 19 days
Hiiii Ein! Hope the pain has lessened, huuno! For everyone: "Does your OC love anyone? (romantic)",  Kurumi: "Who would your OC say is their best friend?", Kana: "Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?" And Yui: "Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?" Sorry for sending so many djdjd take your time!!
Nimaaaa!!! Thank you!!! I was gone for a bit so I couldn't answer this sooner, but the pain has lessened a good amount during that time 🥰🥰✨ Please don't say sorry for sending asks, I love receiving them, it gives me a topic to yap about for my ocs dskjghdvhs I just get bad at answering them when my health spirals down 😆😆
Here's a sketch inspired from this ask, yipeeee kana triooo
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For everyone: "Does your OC love anyone? (romantic)"
Ooohh!! 👀✨ I love this question, very juicy hahaha 🤣💕 This would depend on which point of the story they are, but the trio will eventually love someone to some romantic extent (at least).
For Kurumi, that's a big YES, as she's quite the hopeless romantic! She loves shoujosei series(or just the romance genre in general) and dreams a lot of being in a relationship like the lead couples there. Add to that her cuteness aggression, it's quite inevitable that she gets crushes of varying degrees on quite a good amount of characters 😆🫶✨ (examples are Tsuna, Kyoko, Haru, Chrome & Enma - if you feel like there's a pattern then yes sjdfbhjsdv). Of course, a simple crush is different from really falling deep in love with someone, but it's a good start. Her only problem is that she can't commit and go through with it (like confessing, etc). I don't know if you know already, but if you see my previous ship arts with her, maybe you already know who she does fall in love with lol
For Kana, it's a vague/complicated type of love that can be romantic so I guess that's a "yes"??? Anyway, getting it to even develop slightly towards that direction is technically not impossible, the chance is non-zero, but it's gonna take...A LOT of time, patience, persistence, understanding & survival skills (and acceptance that u can't ever fix her lmao). She already has a ridiculous amount of issues caused by her love(/obsession?) on the platonic side of things ngl mxhdkbddmdn
For Yui, that's a HELL YEAH! Among the trio, he's the only one with dating experience but he really can't say he loved the people he dated romantically. It's more of trial and error run for him. Fortunately for him, he does eventually find someone he likes a lot! I don't think I mentioned this before unlike for the other twins, so I'll put it here lol The person he ends up falling for is Hiyori (Oniyanagi 10th Gen Sun Guardian).
Kurumi: "Who would your OC say is their best friend?"
Kurumi's bestest friends in the whole world are definitely Kana and Yui! 🥰💖✨ They've been through a lot and are very much ride-or-die. Yui is Kurumi's very first friend. They initially became friends out of obligation and loneliness, but after some rough events here and there, it became a genuine friendship. He's stuck with her/supported her during difficult times in their childhood and Kurumi will always appreciate him for that.
Then there's Kana to Kurumi. Where do I even begin? That's a whole rabbit hole right there. They're platonic soulmates, a set package. Do not separate OR ELSE. 👁️👄👁️
Kana: "Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?"
Oh, from the top of my head, that would be Hibari. I'll just make separate post if I can think of another canon character who can dethrone him in this lmao His respect for her is based on the respect that he would have for strong and worthy opponents. Kind of similar to Reborn? But more chase-able/bully-able (since she's a fellow student, their paths would cross more often).
It all started when Kana attacked and tried to kill him this one time to take over the school (they went ham at that time, Reborn just stopped them). This is what happens when you think murder is always the answer to your problems. You get some guy, with a passion of at least 180 hardcore soulslike game players, who wants to keep on retrying that boss fight @ you.
Yui: "Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?"
Yui doesn't really like being in the spotlight. He's not even that fond of having the right-hand man role designated to him and the "formal" responsibilities that come with it (this is why Gokudera criticizes him often). But one of the main reasons he still stuck to this role is so that he can get to watch over the twins in his own way.
He did bear witness to a good amount of Kana's character arc, but since we're talking from start to finish of someone's character arc, then that would be for Kurumi's. No matter what happens, whether this bestfriend of his grows into a fine person or falls into ruins, he will be there to witness it all 🙂
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 months
Any piece of media you’ve changed your mind on significantly? Bonus points if the only thing that caused the change was passing of time and not other material.
I really rewatch, so I judge things mostly according to what my mindset was back when I experienced them. The closest I have to a proper answer here is how Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Fairy Tail were my least favorite manga around high school and years later I had a sudden "Oh, I understand this part now" realization about a few things a decade later.
Reborn's example is, unsurprisingly, about the final chapter. It made the extremely controversial decision of ending on Reborn musing about how Tsuna learned nothing and is still the same person he was in chapter 1, except with friends now. Everyone hated that because the overarching narrative provided plenty of evidence to the contrary and because if the statement was true, the manga would be calling itself a waste of the reader's time. That was a sentiment I shared immensely.
My random epiphany on this one was that the "Tsuna learned nothing" quote comes from the perspective of Reborn, the character who wanted to teach him to be a mob boss and a killer, so it's celebrating that Tsuna remained a good boy through and through. It's thematically consistent despite the poor communication. In hindsight, Reborn couldn't have ended any other way.
And Fairy Tail's case came from looking back at the series through the lens of its core theme of mourning. Zeref was the one character I always considered good despite the rest of the series, and his deal was ultimately that he got cursed because he failed to cope with his brother's death and the curse causes him to autokill everything around him until he learns to get over it. Throughout his long life, Zeref created many tools that were exploited by half of the villains that came before him, and looking in hindsight, all of those were tools meant to cheat and control death.
And these ideas delivered in one of the main villains are obviously reflected in the main characters as well. Gray kills and mourns his dad 3 times in addition to carrying the guilt of indirectly killing Ur because he had mourned his dad properly the first time. There's a timeskip that sorta only exists kill off Lucy's dad and make her deal with that. And most importantly to make FT feel thematically consistent, Natsu's initial goal to find his dragon dad is ultimately revealed to be a quest to finally accept he died.
Grief is a constant theme in the series, but its importance only becomes evident in the final arc. Which is not something I can complain about because the only reason I stuck with Fairy Tail until the end is because I liked Rave that much to trust it to have at least a great ending, and Rave is another manga whose main theme is prevalent but only gets super evident with the final arc. Maybe the great difference in enjoyment came down to simply reading Rave as a finished story and reading Fairy Tail as an ongoing story. Who knows?
Does that mean I like those two now? No. I never reread them, so my first experience is still what counts. But at least now I believe I have a more fair and good-faith perspective of their flaws. And maybe an interest in checking Eden's Zero after it finishes (I'm not checking if it already finished because I think this post is funnier if it already finished 3 years ago and I don't know about it).
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rayshippouuchiha · 9 months
Tasea au
Tsuna and Skull kiss at least once on their road trip
No romantic feelings they just did it for funsies
(Does this get caught on camera? Who knows. Maybe Hibari and Reborn will see it or maybe they won’t. It’d be funny if they did though)
If Tsuna and Skull were to seriously kiss while out on their road trip (instead of Skull just smacking a loud and obviously playful kiss to Tsuna's cheek or something of the like) it would absolutely be while they were cuddled up together on Skull's airship doing cliche teenage girl sleepover activities because Skull learned the cathartic beauty of nail painting and face masks years ago and he will be sharing them with Tsuna.
They're gossiping and it comes out that, despite all the bullshit and drama in his life, Tsuna's never actually kissed anyone before and he's honestly super nervous about it.
Skull: We can fix that right now if you want?
Tsuna: *brain rebooting* Y-you? Me? K-Kiss?
Skull: I mean, I can get Oodako if you'd rather?? No judgment, chase your bliss.
They end up actually kissing because Tsuna knows Skull won't make fun of him and Skull knows from experience just how damaging a bad first kiss can be sometimes and he'd rather that not happen with Tsuna.
And it's not horrible but it's not good either. Like, the kiss itself is technically good but, well, they're not actually attracted to each other. So it ends up being very educational for Tsuna instead with Skull giving him little hints like "tilt you head" or "breathe through your nose" etc.
In the end, Tsuna gets a confidence boost and they end up a lot more comfortable with each other physically than they already were, which is saying something.
That new comfort level may or may not get translated into some of the videos that Spanner ends up showing the others being a bit more heavy on the Tsuna-Skull touchy-feely scale.
Which is, of course, enough to make Reborn and Hibari want to chew glass.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
what if different skies have different baseline levels of aggression for other skies even without provocation?
Some get territorial and can barely make it through a meeting without hissing like a cat that caught fire. Others get sharp tongued and passive aggressive even if they don’t make a move to physically cause pain (often the ones with guardians more than ready to do that for them). Many can’t help but go for the throat since their skies are weak enough that they feel threatened by just about everything.
It’s an issue when it comes to alliance meetings and trying to churn out strong leaders for the future of the family.
So reborn decided to test Tsuna’s baseline by introducing him to Dino who’s a relatively tame sky in the grand scheme of things (if you ignore the whole of his first year being bonded…)
Reborn figures that even if they have a particularly bad reaction to each other he’s hammered enough control into Dino that he wouldn’t go straight to murder unless Tsuna went straight to murder which maybe won’t be an issue since he’s seen tsuna apologize to a door for running into it. Maybe. Possibly. Okay reborn should get his tranquilizers ready.
He’s both relieved and very confused when Tsuna’s baseline turns out to be unaffected unless he’s being directly, undeniably, 100% actively threatened
Perfect yes amazing I love this yes
After seeing Tsuna with all the others Reborn is all but convinced that Tsuna simply doesn’t have the innate aggression that most skies do. At least not until one of the people he considers his is threatened. He certainly was quick to forgive which was all but unheard of for a sky who felt they had been slighted.
He didn’t notice it the first time. In the chaos of the ring battles. He has assumed the constant clenched jaw and bared teeth were because of the stress of the situation. Tsuna certainly didn’t show that aggression to Xanxus, so Reborn didn’t think anyone was the direct cause.
(A sloppy oversight on his part. A mistake he would not make again)
It wasn’t until Iemitsu returned for the representative battles and Tsuna wouldn’t allow any of the kids close to him that Reborn noticed. Wasn’t until Tsuna didn’t so much as bare his teeth to Byakuran and was barely held in check by his mother when Iemitsu spoke. Wasn’t until Tsuna raged at his father taking out Team Reborn’s allies and injuring them in the process before breaking their own alliance that he saw it.
Tsunayoshi Sawada did have sky aggression buried deep deep down. Enough of it to end worlds if he wanted. All of it laying dormant until someone hurt one of the people Tsuna had claimed.
The only person that could spark that aggression without first attacking was none other than Iemitsu himself.
Reborn had the feeling he would be running a good deal of interference for the rest of the battles so Iemitsu didn’t end up murdered by one of the skies that had claimed Tsuna in return if not Tsuna himself.
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dearcat1 · 1 year
(Knock-Off Telenovela)
Part 1 of The Advantages of Thirsting
It's not that Tsuna isn't taking this seriously. He is. His friends are on the line, his own safety is on the line. It's just that this is all too chaotic and ridiculous to be his life. He just fought a robot, a real life robot. A machine gun robot. A robot who is using his apparent grandfather as a battery. Again, how is this his life? Tsuna blinks, mind wandering for a moment as the old man gives his speech. Because of course he needs to give a speech, this is not real life this is a Mexican telenovela. Or something. Except with evil, less technologically advanced Iron Man. Tsuna wants a refund. If they're going to make his life into a telenovela, the least they could do is get a proper evil Iron Man. They're a knock-off telenovela.
Story of his life.
All he wanted was to go off to college, leaving tiny Namimori behind. Start over somewhere where his Useless-Tsuna nickname has never been a thing. But no, instead he's stuck here with a tiny gremling tutor, fighting for a position he doesn't even want.
Ah. The villain has started his own monologue. Tsuna eyes him. Fine, so they have an appropriately intimidating-looking villain. Sexy, too. And with a smell that's doing things to Tsuna's tiny alpha brain. Which might make this all worth his time, honestly. Tsuna will sit here, looking disheveled and beat up, as long as it's under the heel of those boots. Tsuna would beg to be under the heel of those boots. This man will kill him and Tsuna will die happy.
Poor Reborn, he tried so hard, only to be defeated by Tsuna's alpha instincts and his horny, horny hindbrain.
"...I will destroy everything you love."
Tsuna catches the end-tail of that monologue and nods because: understandable. "Please do."
The sexy, mouth-watering villain blinks. "What?"
"Go ahead," Tsuna answers, readily. "I will die happy."
Somewhere in the background, Reborn hisses.
"...What?" This time, the hot-as-fuck, evil assassin is staring at Tsuna like he's not sure how hard he hit his head. Which is fair.
"I will never find somebody as gorgeous as you to kill me, ever again." Tsuna admits, earnestly. "And your boots are very nice."
"My boots?" Those red eyes look down, staring at said foot-wear.
"Lussuria made those," the screaming one clarifies, like it means something.
Maybe it does, Tsuna doesn't care. "Hayato," he turns, but keeps his eyes on the beautiful demise coming his way, "we're sending this Lussuria flowers."
Hayato's response takes a moment but Tsuna knows he can trust the bomber with this.
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Hello and welcome to Day 11 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Today I wanna talk about a plot bunny that has been on and off inside my brain and that, currently, has been going nuts ever since I explained the MDZS Magic Kaito AU.
The fandom for this plot bunny is not one I have spoken about on my blog yet - Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
More precisely, I have this as a Kakeyo Hitman Reborn (Detective Conan AU).
Working title: (A Mafia Boss?) No, I am a detective.
The idea starts with a change brought by the sealing of Tsunayoshi's Sky Flames.
Basically, instead of stunting his growth and clouding his mind (and you can't tell me those symptoms weren't at least halfway caused by the seal), Tsuna's seal acts a bit... weird. Weird as in, Tsuna ends up with "Kudo Shinichi Levels of Luck in Finding Dead Bodies."
Because of this, not only is Tsuna constantly encountering criminals (big or small), but also he is pretty much adopted by the police department of Japan. Yes, all of it. (Don't ask him how he ended up with more uncles and aunts than there are kids in his class.)
Tsuna, since he is pretty much followed by death everywhere besides his home and Namimori School (where Tsuna doubts even Gods would try to start shit because Hibari Kyoya is scary as fuck), ends up gaining an interest towards the law and towards the work of a detective. Hibari Kyoya, whose family is part of the police force, definitely approves.
In fact, he approves so much that he is giving lessons in self-defence (read: beating up) to Tsuna from a young age. All Kyoya has to say is that the "sky omnivore" is promising.
As the years go on, Tsuna ends up with a rag-tag team of kids that help him (read: get themselves involved) in solving murders/kidnappings. Tsuna even has a phantom thief that he faces every other week against. (I DO want to make that phantom thief be Kaito KID just because he is definitely a Mist Flame with Lightning secondary and Cloud Tendencies.)
The end result is that when Reborn comes to tutor Tsuna for the position of Vongola Heir, Tsuna has already (mostly unknowingly) gathered a separate set of Guardians on his own; is already trained by Hibari Kyoya in hand to hand combat and trained in armed combat by the police and, most importantly, IS part of the police force... and is vehemently against taking the position of Vongola Heir.
(Reborn is really going to kill Iemitsu for his blatant disregard towards his family's daily affairs. The idiot COULD'VE stopped his own child from joining the police force if he cared enough.)
Things to note:
Tsuna can still get his canon Guardians in this, but the way and the order in which he gets them will be different.
Hibari Kyoya is still scary as all hell in every universe, this one included. He is just more Alaudi (or was it Alaude?) coded than before cause handcuffs are more prominent in detective/police work.
Byakuran is probably gonna start laughing like crazy for about half an hour when he learns Tsuna is with the police force. Why? Because the irony of World's Best Mafia Boss (in other universes) being a detective and member of the police force in this universe is killing him.
Let Tsunayoshi have friends. Like seriously. Let him make friends through this profession/curse of his. (Whether the friends he makes OUTSIDE of Japan are part of the Mafia or not is another story)
Iemistu fucked up by not being around his family more. Now, he is definitely paying the price... Reborn wants to take his kneecaps as compensation for the bullshit he has to deal with now.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!
Honestly, I have soo many ways through which the seal could affect Tsuna and make him go a different path in life. But the Mafia still catches up to him. At least in this AU, Mukuro should be more... chill towards Tsuna cause he makes it clear he is part of the police - which isn't that much better in retrospect, but at least Tsuna is not ,nor does he want to become a Mafia Boss. Also, Tsuna probably has memorized all laws of Japan but mathematics still give him a headache (mostly because of his teacher).
Either way, I will end it here for today. I hope you guys have a great day/night and that you take care of yourselves!
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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