#(T S U N A S EXPRESs I O N in last cap h E L L O!!!!!)
koushirouizumi · 8 months
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{R.E.B.O.R.N!} ~ Ep. #159 + Y A M A M O T O & T S U N A {80+27}
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nowitsdarkfic · 5 years
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chapter fifteen (subterranean pop)
“You got a kiss for me, it hits me hard; you got a fist for me, you love so hard. My hands on my head, your words are like arrows; my hands on my head, there's permanent damage.” -”Head Injury”, Soundgarden
October 15, 1988. Interstate 5 between Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington.
“Hang on, Joe.”
There are no seat belts in Nancy’s car except for the one that goes over my waist there at the base of the seat; in other words, every time she hits the brakes on a patch of traffic or a curve, I have to hold onto the door panel to keep myself from flying forward right into the dashboard. I raise my knees up and slide down into the seat when she goes around a tight corner. It’s only an hour and a half trip up there but it’s going to be quite long from all of the fact I’m holding onto the car for dear life. But on the other hand, the soft rich red interior of her car is pristine and carries with it a faint smell of lilac, and is as silent as a cold, still winter morning following a blizzard.
I’m amazed by the vast stretch of lush greenery on either side of us on the way up to Seattle: upon leaving Portland, I catch glimpses of Mount Hood and then Mount St. Helens off in the distance, both of them surrounded by wispy cold gray clouds: I wish part of those clouds would float over this way and cool things off over here over the highway.
Sometime before reaching the capital city of Olympia, I roll down the window to feel the wind, and it’s still humid and warm outside even if we have moved closer to the ocean. Indian summer, alright.
I push my bangs off of my forehead. I almost inclined to take off my shirt, and in fact, I want to take it off and feel the wind on my chest and on my stomach, but seeing it’s me and Nancy here in the front seat, such a primitive sight can wait.
Mount Rainier rises out from behind a line of tall skinny trees, much to my shock.
“Holy shit,” I blurt out at the very size of the massive cone coated in thick blanket of pure white snow.
“Yeah, Rainier’s big, isn’t she?” Nancy chuckles. In fact, it stays within our view all the way into Olympia and winding our way into Tacoma. The sky is so blue over our heads, and I have never seen it such a way back in New York. I lean forward to check it out better, and then I peek over my shoulder to see Rainier still looming large behind us against the blue sky. I remember the huge eruption down by Mount St. Helens just a few years ago, and I don’t want the big jewel of a city before us to experience the same thing here.
Even from a distance, I can see the Space Needle shooting up from the heart of downtown. So small and nestled down into the earth for a city: it looks smaller than Portland in fact. To our left stands the blue glimmering waters making up the Puget Sound, and past that are two ridges covered in rich green pine trees, and then a row of more snow capped mountains. Nancy and I wind our way through the southern side of Seattle, or Sea-Tac as one sign on the side of the road declares to us. She takes the third exit off of the freeway and we roll down onto the side streets of downtown.
“This kinda reminds me of New York City,” I remark.
“Not as rough, big, and tough, though,” she adds to it as we pull up to the first stoplight.
“Not at all. It feels a lot... homier, I’d say?”
“Definitely homey here. Here and Portland both.”
She hangs a right and pulls up to a low red brick building with big tinted windows peering out to the street.
“Welcome to the heart of Seattle, Joey,” she says, pressing the button on her key chain and killing the hydrogen engine in front of us. I relax for a moment at the feel of us stopping and I breathe out a sigh of relief. My stomach turns a little bit but sitting there feeling the breeze on my face helps out.
“You okay?” she asks me.
“Yeah... yeah, yeah.” I reach down to unbuckle the seat belt, and climb out to the street to better feel the breeze on my head and my neck. Nancy follows suit on the other side of the car with her purse over her shoulder. I run my fingers through my hair before shutting the door behind me. I round the front of the car, and step onto the sidewalk, and she leads me into the front room which smells of fresh paper and clean carpet. There are three guys and a black girl congregated on the right side of the room: one guy seated in a spindly blue chair, and the other two and the girl around him. They all look like they’re reading something.
“Chris?” Nancy calls out to them. The queasy feeling in my stomach keeps the feeling of butterflies at bay as the guy seated glances up at us.
“This is Joey. He’s a music guy and he wanted to meet you guys.”
He stands to his feet and strides over to us. He’s tall, a little bit taller than me, but he’s got wavy black hair like me and that same default grave expression riddled upon his face. He almost looks like me, albeit a little softer than me and his hair doesn’t stick out every which way like mine does, and he’s got larger eyes. He has on a black sweater underneath a dark green flannel shirt, black jeans, and heavy black boots. He reaches out for my hand.
“Joey,” he says in a soft mild voice, “I’m Chris.” His grip is firm but gentle.
“And this is Matt--” The second guy comes up behind him: he’s tall, too, but with long smooth golden blond hair down to his shoulders. He looks strong and fit, much like one of the Grey brothers.
“Music guy, you said, Nan?” he asks her as he takes my hand: he’s firm but gentle himself.
“I’m a singer and a drummer,” I tell them as Matt tucks his hands into his faded denim pocket.
“Oh, that’s bitchin’, man,” Chris compliments me. “You in a band?”
“Used to be. I got fired.” And he winces at that.
“Oh, man,” Matt feels with me. “What for?”
“No idea. No idea at all. I did drink a little bit but I stopped but I guess that wasn’t enough. I dunno what was going through anyone’s minds when the manager called me.”
“We came here because I thought he reminded me of you, Chris,” Nancy fills in, and he nods his head at me.
“It’s funny. You--kinda do. From the hair and the demeanor in particular. Would you like, uh--” He gestures behind him. “--a drink of water or something?”
“Oh, yes please, I got a little carsick coming here.”
“Yep, that’s Nancy’s driving for ya,” he jokes and she rolls her eyes at him. I follow them over to the other two people when Matt turns back to me.
“I like your accent, by the way. You sound like you’re from back East.”
“Upstate New York.”
“Phew, long way from home!” the girl declares at me.
“That’s what I said to him!” Nancy says with a chuckle. “And Joey, this is Matt’s girlfriend and my best friend, Dominique. Dominique, this is Joey. He’s yet another singing drummer.”
She’s a slim lovely girl with a full head of tight black curls and that light black skin with a light sprinkling of freckles over the bridge of her nose. She tilts her head to the side at the sight of me.
“You look familiar,” she remarks.
“I do?”
“He looks like me,” Chris covers for me, and the other guy bursts out laughing.
“Well, aside from that. I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere, like in a music magazine before... I’m studying to be a journalist.”
“She just got back from New York herself,” Matt explains, putting his arm around her.
“Oh, yeah?” I press my hands to my hips.
“Shadowing under a mentor and at the New York Times, no less,” she continues. “I was immersed in a bunch of music culture so I discovered a lot of music--lot of heavy music in particular--and so... I don’t know if I saw you in a magazine as part of it or what, but yeah. You look... very familiar, like I’ve seen your face.”
“You might recognize my voice,” I point out to her. “But we’re in a recording studio right now, so you know--”
“Yeah, there’s another band in there and we’re just waiting for our time slot to open up,” Chris explains. “You know, add... finishing touches to the production and make sure everything’s squared away and whatnot.”
“Oh, right, right--and who’s this guy?” I nod to the fourth member of their party, another blond haired guy but with a large nose like me and beady little eyes.
“I’m their personal mailman,” he says.
“Oh, I see.” And we can’t help but laugh out loud as he sets down a bunch of things on the chair right before he strides out of there.
“Did Nancy tell you that this is our first album, Joey?” Chris asks me.
“I think she did,” I recall, “pretty exciting, ain’t it?”
“Totally,” Matt replies, his face lighting up. “We just got signed, too--we were signed to Sub Pop and then we switched labels for our new record.”
“Sub Pop,” I say aloud.
They all glance at one another with excited expressions on their faces. Dominique gestures me even closer to the chair and the stack of papers in the seat.
“Our little holy Bible of sorts,” she says, picking up the stack, “I see Bruce sent us the last couple of copies, at least that’s what Mark was telling us a bit ago.
“Yeah, here, Joe--check this out.” Nancy gestures to the stack right as Dominique takes out a thin black booklet from near the bottom. It’s a zine, much like After the Watershed.
The thick front cover of the zine reminded me of scratch art with its cavernous black background and pure white silhouettes in the middle. Up in the top left corner, written in thick capitalized letters was “SUB POP 5″. I open the booklet to find several newspaper clippings bookmarking the pages throughout.
“Incredible,” I mutter under my breath as I pick out one near the front. “Oh, he writes about Metallica right here, wow, badass!”
“I think,” she begins again, stooping over to better shuffle through it all, “I think anyways, he might have written about you and your old band, too, if I recall correctly. There was just a lot of shit to learn back East when I was there so it more or less feels like a blur to me.”
“That’s the cool thing about him,” Nancy adds, “about Bruce--Bruce Pavitt--and his team over at Subterranean Pop as they were originally called.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t just write about lesser knowns in places like Seattle and Portland or maybe even people like yourself,” Dominique continues, “but all the punkie type peeps across the nation. It’s because of him that Chris and Matt and their band mates Kim and Hiro are here in this studio right now and they’re putting out our first album on Halloween.”
I slip the clipping back into the booklet before taking out another one from near the back.
“What’s that one?” she asks me as I scan it over.
“From... The Rocket.”
“That’s the last entry he did for the newspaper The Rocket. Like he wrote a column called ‘Sub Pop U.S.A.’ for a while--”
“And then ended it because of the record label,” I finish for her.
“Right, right!” 
“And it’s been a rough road for us, though,” Chris pipes up again, “from all the money lost and whatnot...” I think back to when I was with Anthrax and how we were struggling for money ourselves. I also think about the fact I’m struggling myself.
“This is your first album,” I recall. “For real.”
“Yeah, we already made a couple of EPs, but yeah, this is definitely our first real big thing, though.”
“You guys nervous?”
“A little. I think Kim might be because he’s the one who named it kind of as a joke.”
“As a joke?” I chuckle at that.
“Apparently things are more than mediocre for us. They’re... ultramega OK.”
“Reminds me of a sentiment my old band used to say a couple of years ago, and with kind of the same vibe to it. ‘Nice fucking life.’”
“Nice fucking life!” Matt snaps his eyes shut and imitates an air guitar.
“Now, let’s get you a cup of water,” Chris recalls from before. “I assume you’re not hungry.”
“Nah, I just ate a bunch of pancakes before coming here,” I tell him, patting my stomach.
“I say that ‘cause there’s nothing to eat here. And--pancakes courtesy of Nancy, right?”
“Hell yeah.”
“She makes ‘em--well,” he mouths that last word and flashes me a wink and an okay sign.
“I try my best,” she remarks with another eye roll, but this time with a shy smile to accompany it. “He helps me out a lot when the going gets tough.”
“You’re a lucky girl, Nan,” I tell her with a nod. There’s something about Chris, something that reminds me of myself, and not because we have a similar look to us. I think about this for a minute as he ducks into the next room, and Matt and Nancy start talking about something. Dominique strides up to me with a bright look in her eyes and a smile on her face.
“Joey Belladonna, right?” she asks me.
“Anthrax, right?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“See, I thought I remember you from somewhere.”
“Was it ‘nice fucking life’ that tipped you off?”
“Yes! Yes, that was it! I heard about you guys all the time when I was back in New York City. Like you guys were the next big metal band to come out of the East Coast next to Overkill and... Nuclear Assault, too. I think--I brought home a copy of you guys’ latest with me to share it with Kim and Matt later on. State of Euphoria.”
“That’s the one.”
Matt and Nancy fall silent right then.
“Hey, who’s this guy?” she notes. I turn around to find Lars striding up to the front door with a flustered look upon his face.
“What’s he doing here?” I wonder aloud, and I meet up with him there on the other side of the room.
“Hey,” I greet him.
“What’s going on?”
“I have to tell you something,” he states, out of breath.
“Tell me.”
“Apparently... you remember that wormhole I made over in Black Orchid? The one in the top stairwell? The one I opened up to get you and Maya back to your place?”
“Yes.” I pause for a moment. “What about it?”
“I guess every time you make a wormhole, it doesn’t close up all the way.”
“What’re you--”
He chews on his bottom lip. And then I realize what he’s trying to tell me.
“Oh, my God.”
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cryptidofthekeys · 6 years
Henrik x Tiny!Chase
Chase was walking to Marvin's room, he had a plan to prank the magician, it was nothing harmful of course just a fun little prank.
He crept into the magic man's room, noticing he was highly distracted with what appeared to be one of those spell books.
Now was the perfect time, since he was distracted... Chase slowly snuck up behind Marvin, he had a rather cheeky grin on his face as he proceeded to yell out "BOO!"
The magician was reading a part of the spell before he jumped and screamed, suddenly some green sparkles began to surround Chase.
A few moments had passed and suddenly Chase was... small?! The man blinked in surprise and stared up at Marvin with rather wide eyes "H-Holy shit... Everything's....huge now?"
(Gosh dammit Marvin, you and your fuckin shrinking spells)
Marvin looked down at Chase and glared "Chase! What the hell?! You should know not to interrupt a magician when their doing spells!" He reached down and picked the tiny male up.
Chase had a rather nervous grin on his face as he finger gunned "Eyyy it was still a good prank though, r-right dude?" and with that Marvin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "Chase... ...You know what I'm leaving you tiny just to teach you a lesson"
Chase's eyes widened and he pouted "Aw, C'mon dude... That's just cruel... Please turn me back to normal!"
It was Marvin's turn to grin "Good luck wandering around like this for the rest of the day~" He secretly held his wand behind his back and gave it a wave, he would at least put a protection spell over Chase so he couldn't be killed or anything SERIOUS.
Chase frowned "Not cool man... Not cool" He huffed and walked away, he could handle being tiny! It couldn't be too difficult ...Well... Unless he runs into Anti then things would turn into hell.
He walked into the living room and took a look at his surroundings, everything looked so different, so... huge, he was extremely grateful Anti was nowhere in sight, just Robbie who was laying on the couch.
He smiled at that, Robbie sure loved to sleep a lot, he was about to walk over when suddenly a giant foot slammed down in front of him which of course caused him to let out a screech of terror.
Chase looked up to see who it was and his heart froze... Of course, it just had to be Anti, he just had to come in here right now...
The glitch demon rose a brow, was.... he hearing voices? ...Well its not THE weirdest thing that's happened to him, he then looked down and his eyes widened a bit "͡T͠͞҉h̀͝'̵̷ f̸u̢c͞k̨͝͡?̵ ̴́.͏̛.̴.҉̧C̀h̀a̴̧s̶̡e͘͜? ͞Is̶͜͝.̷̡̢.̶̷́.͏ ̧͟҉I̴̢͜s̷̛͝ ̕͠ţ͝h͜a̴̕t͠ ͡͏̡y̷͡o̵͘ù͡?͏" He reached down and grabbed the other in a rather tight fist.
Chase began to squirm a little bit, no no no, okay this was bad, being tiny was fine he could tolerate that but being tiny around A N T I of all people? That is where he drew the line.
Anti looked a bit closer and suddenly grinned "҉Ẁé͝ĺ̸l̵ ͏w̴̷̧e̢l͏͘l͜͡͝ ̷̛͢w̴͞e̢͝l̀͘l̛͘~ ̸̛͝Ẃ̨h́a҉̛́t́͠ ̷h͞áp̧p̨̢̛ȩ̴n҉e̢ḑ͞ ̨t҉'҉ ̢͢ỳa ͘B͢͟ŗ́ờ͞d͝y͢?҉͟~̴̵͝ ̀Y̢͟e̵̷r̀͢ ̴͜á ̕L͟͜ ̛O͏͜͞ ͟͢T̢́͡ ͘͝s̢m̧al҉̷l̢͜҉e͡r ͟͠t͢h́́͡a̧҉̷n҉́ ̢̛I̶͡҉ r̡͘͝eḿ́em̕b҉͜҉e̵͘͢r͏~҉̴͞" He flicked at the other chuckling as he whimpered.
"A-Anti... Come on bro, put me down!" Chase squirmed some more, okay suddenly he didn't like being tiny anymore.
The glitch demon merely sneered and reached towards the other, snatching the cap off his head and examining it.
Chase's eyes widened "H-Hey! Give that back! T-That hat is important to me!" He began desperately trying to reach for it but of course Anti just held it away from him.
"̨͢͞Ţh̀' ̛͞f̨͏uc͟͟k̷͢͝ ̢͜ì͏s ̸̡̀s̶̸͜o̴̴ i̵͞m̢̕p̷̡̀o̢̕͏rtán̶̸͘t bo͢͜u͏̧͟t̡ ̵̨th̢̛i̴͘s҉̛͟ ̨th̡͠ín̕g͟͠?̀͡͞ ̢͜Į̀ţ̴s̵̛͟ ͏j̸̕u̸͢͢s̨͘͡t̷̡ ̀҉a ş͏̵t̷͝ú̴p̵̸̵į̸͏d̴ c̴͡a̧̡p̨͘" He teasingly held it just high enough above Chase so he couldn't get it.
The man whimpered some more and kept desperately trying to grab at it, he didn't want Anti to tear or damage it in any way "I...It was a gift from my kids..." He mumbled, jumping slightly when he noticed Anti got closer.
"W̢̛h́͟a̢͞ţ̷̕ ͢w͝a̵̕͜s̨̛͝ ̀t̴̛̀h́͞a͏t͢?̧̛ ̕͠S͞p̧e̡ak̀͘ ̢͝͠up͝ ̛͜d̢̧a͏̵m͢͠mi̷t҉̴, i̵ts͝ ͏͘ha̢̡r̴̶d̕ ̸͟t̵a̵̧̨ ͟͜h̀ę͝aŕ ̧̀͘y'͝ e̴͡n̸o̵u̵͜g҉̡͡h҉ ̵͟a̴̢s͘ ͟͞i̵̢ţ̶̕ i̵͟s" Anti grumbled a small bit, still wondering just what was so important about this... thing.
Chase sighed and glared up at the glitch "It was a gift from. my. kids." He bit his lip, he doubted Anti would just give it back...
And of course, the glitch demon merely snickered "O̸͢҉h̶ ͟͏̵i̛͞s ̸͢͡i̴t͞ ͢҉n̨̨o̴͟w̵͝?͡͠͞~͞" He took the cap and dangled over his mouth which instantly made Chase cry out "DON'T YOU DARE!"
Henrik was walking through the hall, coffee in hand of course, he knew today was going to be just as worse with all the work he had to do, his eyes widened however as he saw what was happening in the living room, Anti was messing with...what appeared to be a tiny... Chase? ...H e l l no, he would not let this slide, not even for a second.
The doc groaned slightly and walked up to the glitch demon "Anti I svwear to Gott... Put him down right now"
Anti looked over at the doc and merely glared "҉A͏̛n̷͢'̷̢ ̛̕͡jứş̀t͡ ͢͏͡wh͟a̛͘͡t͟ ͢a͘͢r͜͢ę͟͝ ҉y͟͡'͘ ̀g̵o̸̕͏n͡n̛͢a̕͝ ͢d̢̀o̵ if͘ ͜I͢ ͘w̛͟͡e̷r̵e ̴t̢̕'̶͠ r͘ ͝ę́ ͏́f̧ ̵͘͡u҉ s̛̕ ͞e̡̕͝?̶"
Henrik merely stared as he pulled out a needle "If you refuse und don't leave Schatz alone, I vwill plunge zis needle into your neck, how's zat sound?" He was definitely not putting up with the other's antics today.
Chase blinked, he had no idea what 'Schatz' meant, probably for the best considering it'd save Henrik some embarrassment later, he was just relieved to see the doc, he even looked back at Anti and grinned "Your fucked now dude, ya better put me down"
Anti growled lowly and just squeezed Chase tighter but froze as he felt the needle near his neck, looking back at Henrik who now wore a more serious and rather irritated expression.
"Anti I vwill not say it again, put. him. down. und leave. him. alone. You know me, I vwon't hesitate to push zis needle in" Henrik warned, sometimes he wished the glitch stayed in his room, it'd be for the better considering all the trouble he causes.
"̀͞...͏F i͢͡҉ ͟n̢͏ ̡è̸.́.͜͡.͝ ̵Y̴e̸̷r̕ l̸ú͟ck̨̨͝y͟ ̷̕t҉h̵͢͟e͘͏ ͜d̸oc͘ ̸w͡ąs҉҉ ́̕h͞e̶̴̸re͟ B҉ ̷͜͟r̸҉͏ ̸o ̀͘d̀͟͠ ̨y͟.̡͞.̡̢͢.̴͡ ͠ I͘f ̸h̶̛͠e҉̸̢ ̵w̴a̛͘s̵n'̨t͘ ̷Į͝ ̨̕w̡ ̢͟͜o̶ u ̨͢l ͠d̕͟ h̵͞a̡̕͟v̢͞e̵͞ ̷k͏̨i̶ll͘e̢͜d͟͝҉ ̶y̷̶̵a͝"̧̡́ He grumbled and placed Chase and the cap into the doc's hands and glitched away, well someone was definitely angry now.
Henrik sighed and looked down at Chase "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" The doc seemed more concerned now than ever "How did you even get zis schmall?"
Chase shook his head "Nah he didn't hurt me dude, as for how I got small ...Well... I may or may not have pranked Marvin and it backfired... So... He's leaving me small as a 'punishment'."
Henrik sighed and was mentally face-palming right about now "Chase... You know better zhan to prank somevone like Marvin, zhere's no telling vwhat zat magic could do if your not careful, I don't mind you pranking, but don't do it vwhen somevone's busy like zat" He was slightly scolding but he couldn't help it, he just didn't want to see Chase hurt.
Chase only pouted "Hey... I thought it'd be funny, I didn't even know he was practicing an actual spell, I just thought he was reading..."
Henrik smiled slightly, the pout on the other's face was adorable "Vwell... Just be more careful next time, make sure ze person your pranking is not vworking or doing anysing important"
Chase nodded "Alright alright fine ....Er, can I hang with you for the day? Since I don't want Anti coming back for me or anything..." His face was slightly red and he mumbled the next part "And I really just wanna hang with ya in general..."
Henrik rose a brow and slightly smirked, he did know what Chase just said but he figured he'd tease the other "Vwhat vwas zat last part?~" and with that Chase's face turned even redder "Ah, nothin' doc!"
"Zat's vweird I could svwore--" Before he could finish he got a stern glare from Chase "Doc... Don't." and with that the doc patted Chase's head and walked off, being careful not to drop the other, it was a good thing as well because Robbie had just woken up and if he saw Chase like this then he'd definitely snatch him up.
A few moments later Henrik finally made it back to his lab and sat down on his bed, it was weird he kept a bed in here but then again, he was a bit of a workaholic so probably after he gets up he'd go straight to work.
Chase looked around, this place did slightly creep him out what with all the vials, the needles, and various other scary tools, being small made them look even more terrifying but he tried not to focus on it too much.
Suddenly Chase's phone started vibrating, luckily it must've shrunk with him, he slowly picked it up and saw it was a text from Stacy, he suddenly tensed up and honestly looked scared now.
Henrik rose a brow "Chase? Are you okay?" He frowned upon seeing how scared the other looked, if he had to guess who was texting him it'd have to be that bitch of a wife oh how Henrik absolutely despised her... if he could get his hands on her without Chase knowing he'd definitely have some fun 'convincing' her to be nicer to Chase.
Chase bit his lip as he read the text, his heart sank deeper and deeper with every word he read, it was all horrible words of course, she was belittling him, mocking him, calling him rather inappropriate names and worse she told him how terrible of a father he was, this made him break down and start sobbing uncontrollably.
Henrik grit his teeth together before he patted the other gently and held him close "Chase, don't listen to zat bitch, vwhatever she's saying none of it iz true" it broke his heart to hear Chase sobbing and crying "S-She called me all these 'names'.... Told me... T-Told... me... I was.. a-a terrible f-father... Its all true, I'm absolutely worthless..."
The doctor was absolutely livid now, he couldn't take it anymore, after he comforted Chase he'd be asking to see Stacy... "Chase, none of zat is true, you vwill never be vworthless, und you are a vunderbar fazher, your kids love you, they vwant to see you more I'm sure of it"
Chase sniffled and looked up at the other, his eyes were already red and puffy from crying "D...Do...Do...you... r-r-really... think so?" at this, Henrik nodded and smiled "I don't sink zhough I KNOW zhough!"
There was another sniffle before he slowly smiled "...Thanks dude... Agh, fuck, I'm sorry for gettin' all emotional on ya" He kinda felt bad for breaking down like that.
Henrik shook his head "Don't feel bad fo' zat, its good to let loose your emotions after all bottling zhem up might do more damage zhan you sink" He explained, he needed to get Chase out of the room however for a bit, just so he could have a lil chit-chat with Stacy.
Robbie then shambled in, perfect timing... "Hennnn... I'mmm...." Before he could finish his sentence his milky white eyes widened as he saw... "Tiinyyy hattt daddd!..." He then shambled over and made grabby hands "I... wannttt... holddd! Pleeeasee Hennn...?"
Henrik smiled brightly "Vwhy of course Robbie! Chase, you don't mind do you? Vwe can hang out more later, I promise, I just remembered somesing very important I need to take care of vright quick" He gave Chase to Robbie who immediately cuddled him and made happy gurgling sounds.
Chase nodded "Of course doc, I don't mind!" He looked up at Robbie and smiled, the zombie was so much like a small child sometimes, maybe that's why his dad instincts kicked in so much around the ego... "C'mon Robbie, let's go and let the doc finish his work" and of course the zombie was happy to oblige, he shambled his way out of the lab.
Leaving Henrik alone... Finally, he quickly pulled out his phone and sent a text to Stacy, luckily he managed to get her number fairly easily without Chase knowing... Once a text was sent back he grinned rather... insanely... He had to remember though he couldn't do anything TOO crazy, this was just going to be a small chit-chat with no bullshit involved.
~A Few Hours Later~
Stacy had arrived, scoffing as she entered the lab "You wanted to see me Henrik?" and with that the doc turned around from his seat "Zat vwould be Doctah Schneeplestein to y o u." He suppressed a growl, trying to keep this as professional as possible "Please, do come in und close ze door behind you."
Stacy rolled her eyes and kicked the door shut with her foot, she somewhat glared at the doctor, him and her definitely didn't see eye-to-eye "If your here to lecture me about that fucking idiot of an ex-husband then I don't want to hear it"
Henrik rose a brow "Ex-Husband? Vwhen did zis happen?" He questioned, adjusting the glasses on his face, it took everything he had to hold back from putting a scalpel to her throat.
Stacy huffed, a cheeky yet malicious grin spread across her face "Oh not too long ago, I could practically feel his worthless heart break when I told him that, I even told him I'm taking the kids away from him~" She began to cackle like the bitch she was.
Henrik had enough and stood up, slamming his hands down on his table, he took a deep breath and... smiled... However this smile looked neither pleasant nor friendly in face it looked... a wee bit...deranged.
He walked over and placed a scalpel to her neck "Listen, I've tried to have patience vwith you, I've tried my hardest but honestly I am quite sick of you~" He still had a deranged grin on his face as he spoke.
Stacy froze for once, now usually she could handle most situations but she had a scalpel to her neck "....You.... Your acting different..." Stacy knew Henrik could get angry with her but... this? This was...different.
Henrik stared at her, a burning hatred in his eyes "I'm a very patient man, considering I deal vwith patients on ze daily, I have to have patience... But you? You have tried mine fo' ze last time" He didn't make no moves to kill her, of course he wouldn't "Now... Look at me, und listen to me v e r y closely"
She looked him in the eyes, seeing that burning hatred and.... there was a look of possessiveness to his eyes but she was more so questioning this sudden... 'act' "Alright... I'm listening... Y-You have my...attention" She tried to keep herself from shaking.
The doctor was slowly giving into his... well, his mad doctor side, he usually tried to refrain from that but this was an exception "You are going to tell Chase zat you are sorry fo' all zhose horrible names, all ze times you called him a bad fazher or anysing of ze sort, you. are. going. to. apologize. to. him. Fo'... E V E R Y S I N G... Its your fault he's like zis now..."
There was a pause before the doc sighed "He's depressed fo’ one sing... und he's been drinking a lot lately.... Its all Y O U R fault, you... you..." Before he could say something that sounded 'unprofessional' he stopped himself "Eizher do zat or you may be vone of my future test subjects~ Und don't zhink zat's impossible... I can kill you vwithout a trace und frame it upon a natural cause~"
Her eyes widened at the doctor's threats, he's....never threatened her like this before, for once she was the one who was afraid and helpless, she shuddered as Henrik cackled like a madman "Aw, how cute, now your ze vone shaking und feeling helpless aren't you?~" He mocked "Not so fun vwhen ze tables turn huh?"
Stacy grumbled a small bit but reluctantly nodded "Alright... Alright, I'll tell him I'm sorry... Just... Get that scalpel away from me and leave me alone" She was shaking like crazy, she had never been this scared of anyone before... She had never even been scared of Henrik before this.
Henrik thought for a moment "Oh und vone more sing... You vwill let Chase see ze kids regularly, every vweekend, maybe even more zhan zat if he so vwants~" and that made the woman huff "Fine fine, he can see the stupid brats, I only kept them away to make him sad"
The doctor pulled the scalpel away, probably so he'd refrain from cutting into her when she said that "Now, remember, zis vwill be our little secret, besides no vone vwould even believe you if you told zhem zat I threatened you... You may go now, und have a 'nice day'~"
Stacy crossed her arms and turned around, walking out the door, she hated the doctor with a burning passion now... She hated him yet she was now terrified of him, even though she tried to hide it, she had no idea he could be so... possessive and...sadistic.
(I kinda made Henrik yandere-ISH by sheer accident and just sorta rolled with it, its more like a mix of yandereness and his mad doctor side, he won't be like that now though-- cause he actually doesn't wanna ya know terrify Chase)
Robbie was cuddling Chase while sitting on the couch, he was being extra careful however since hat dad was a lot smaller than he was "Hattt daddd... soo tinyyy... Cuuuteeee...!" He gurgled out, proceeding to then nuzzle Chase.
Chase chuckled, his face turning a bit red at that, he proceeded to give the zombie gentle pats "You sure are fascinated when you see a tiny person aren'tcha Rob?" He had noticed that now that he thought about it, anytime the zombie saw a tiny person or anything of the sort he'd immediately call them cute
Robbie smiled and nodded "Tiinyy peopleee... Cuutee... Alwaayss bee cuutee! Robbieee lovvesss sm....smmm... smoolsss" He actually said 'smols' well, tried anyways it might've sounded slurred but still it made Chase smile.
"Where'd ya learn the 'word' 'smol' Robbie?" He couldn't help but question but then Robbie looked up for a moment as if in thought, he then looked back down at the other "I cann'ttt rememberrrr whoo taughttt mee... Onlyyy rememberrr hearring ittt..."
Just then Henrik came into the room, smiling when he saw Robbie cuddling Chase, that was actually really adorable, he thought for a moment... He always felt jealously and stuff towards Stacy, especially if she was near Chase but when it came to the others he didn't mind ...He didn't question it, honestly he'd never hurt the others even if Chase went with one of them instead.
Robbie noticed the doctor and whined "Hattt daddd... Gotta go backk so sooonnnn?" The zombie pouted which made Chase just smile, how could a zombie be so precious? "Its okay buddy, I promise, we'll get to cuddle more later"
The zombie gurgled and gave the other a lopsided smile, before handing him over to the doctor, then yawning and curling back up on the couch, well he's going to be napping again.
Henrik took Chase but then gave Robbie a little pat on the head, before walking back to his lab once again "So, I'm assuming you had a good cuddle session vwith Robbie? I'm... surprised he let you go so easily as vwell..."
Chase chuckled and nodded "Yeah that surprised me too, he called me cute and such, pretty much like every tiny he's seen he calls them cute or something like that, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to hide his tiny friends so he can just keep them to cuddle for himself" He was... partially joking but Robbie actually probably would do that "So, how'd the thing ya had to do go?"
The doctor couldn't help but let out a laugh at that "Vwell I definitely vwouldn't put it past him, ze poor boy, he just wants to cuddle zhem all day long sometimes he even fo'gets to eat" There was a pause, he held back a smirk and just kept smiling "Ah, it vwent quite vwell actually, I got it done quicker zhan I zhought I vwould"
Chase smiled "That's good..." Suddenly his phone buzzed again and his eyes widened, he shakily reached for it, he was absolutely hesitant to look at it, he didn't want to see all the horrible things she had to say... He was however, blissfully unaware of Henrik's smirk.
He looked at his phone and he blinked when he saw... A large wall of text, he scrolled up to the beginning and read every bit of it, word for word, once he was done there were tears streaming down his face, this time they weren't sad ones... He had the largest smile on his face, in fact Henrik could barely recall the times Chase was genuinely this happy.
"W-Wow... Sh...She's.... Really... Apologizing? AND she's letting me see the kids...? Even though she said she didn't want to get back together... She's still letting me see them... And... And..." He could barely form sentences, he was just overwhelmed with joy, so much to the point where he wouldn't even question it.
Henrik put on a fake shocked face "Vwow! Maybe she finally realized she vwas in ze vwrong... But, eizher vway zat's gut! She's letting you see ze kinder!" He couldn't resist, he then leaned down and gave the other a gentle smooch.
Chase was immediately flustered by the smooch, honestly it never did bother him when the doctor did that, after all he was divorced ...and maybe he had slight feelings for said doctor "...H-Hey dude, I... have something I've been meaning to tell you... For... a while now, I just... couldn't really since I was usually drunk off my ass"
The doc rose a brow "Oh? Vhat is it?" He secretly knew what the other was going to say, considering all the drunken rambles, the blushing whenever he gave Chase a cute nickname/compliment, or anything of the sort, Chase... could sometimes be read like an open book.
Chase took his hat off and hid his face with it "I...sorta... likeyoulikealotdude..." He mumbled out really fast, but of course Henrik merely smirked "Vwhat vwas zat? I didn't quite hear it~"
Chase let out a deep sigh "What I said was, Doc, I.... like you, like, REALLY like you, ever since the divorce happened you were always there for me ya know? You kinda took care of me too during all that, I think I remember one day passing out due to all that alcohol and just... I had a blanket wrapped around me, that was you I'm assuming"
Henrik smiled and gave Chase a nod "Yes, zat vwas me, you vwere passed out at your desk und I vwas coming in to check on you, I vwould have moved you to your bed but I didn't vwant to vwake you so I put a blanket around you instead"
Chase smiled slightly, placing his hat back on his head "Your too nice to me doc... I... I..." There was a pause, he bit his lip nervously, he was used to saying this sure but he... never got a response back unless it was a hateful one "I...love...you?" He squeezed his eyes shut, even though it was Henrik he was with his instincts told him to expect the worst.
The doc gave the other a pleasant smile, he leaned down and kissed the tiny once more, it was... rather difficult to kiss a tiny but worth it in the end "Und I love you too  Schätzchen~ I vwill be honest, you did sometimes mumble sings about me vwhile you vwere drunk or asleep, or all ze blushing so I vwas pretty much sure you vwould say zis soon enough"
Chase opened his eyes, of course his face was all red again due to the smooch, he nervously grinned and finger gunned "Of couurrrseee I had drunken rambles or said things in my sleep... That's...embarrassing..." There was a pause "...What does that... word you keep using mean?" He tried to pronounce 'Schätzchen' but pretty much butchered it all.
Henrik couldn't help but chuckle "It means treasure or darling, und you definitely just said it vrong as vwell, don't vworry zhough, you'll be hearing zat so much you'll probably be able to pronounce it before... a vweek even" The doc then walked over and laid back down in his bed, he had pretty much stood this entire time and his feet were killing him by now.
(blame the writer for forgetting that people get tired and standing all day doesn't help it, aha, sorry--)
Chase's face got even redder than before, at this point you'd think he had a fever but nope, it was just because he was flustered, he then yawned and slowly curled up on Henrik's chest, not... much else he could do, after all if he were to sleep on the same bed as the other things could get...dangerous given his size.
"Ah, sleepy meine liebe? You have had a razher long day by now, vwith all ze schtuff zat's happened I mean... Maybe you should rest" Henrik slowly placed a hand over Chase, letting it act like a blanket, admittedly the doctor was pretty exhausted himself, some sleep wouldn't hurt ...just this once.
Chase nodded, smiling as he felt the hand over him, it felt... oddly warm and safe, then again Henrik always gave him a feeling of comfort and safety "Yeah dude... Let's take a lil nap... together ...hopefully Marvin will turn me back to normal size soon"
The doctor laughed at that "Aww but liebling, you look so cute zis vway~ Your so schmall you can fit in ze palm of my hand" Well either way big or small Chase would be cute to him ...but small Chase definitely just up's the cuteness factor.
Chase whined however "Nooo... I got shit I gotta do man, being tiny would make that difficult...!" He snuggled up and finally got into a comfortable position, he then slowly closed his eyes "...Love ya dude..."
Henrik had the biggest smile on his face, he really did love the other, and the fact he seemed much more happier now that the stuff with Stacy's basically over just made the doc feel warm inside "Love you too... Schatz" And now it was his turn to close his eyes.
And with all that being said, the two fell asleep, Chase got to have peaceful dreams of him and Henrik instead of nightmares between him and Stacy and the good doctor could sleep peacefully knowing Chase would be much happier now, truly a peaceful way to end the day for the pair.
(OKAY WOO BOY-- this is delayed and late as always I actually kinda just ran out of motivation for awhile but then it came back and bam this story happened, now let me explain some things, Henrik had not intended getting that violent with Stacy tbh-- /I\ didn’t even intend for it  I got to thinking about a lil bit of Yan!Hen and well that happened--
 I dunno if I’d call it full blown yandereness given Stacy is the only one he cant s t a n d, he hates when she’s even just in the same vicinity as Chase-- but I kinda just rolled with what my idea was and bam he got a bit violent with Stacy and kiindaa fed into his mad doctor side just-- just a small bit also Marvyouandthemfuckingshrinkingspells)
Btw I NEED  to clarify: When it mentions Chase being depressed, I will not roleplay/write Chase in that way for a canon-wise sorta deal, yeah I know he canonically kinda has depression but I just don't know enough about it and I DO NOT want to offend anyone at all
Tag: @chase-brody-protection-squad
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wickedookyspooky · 7 years
a thing
Got tagged by: @soddingdeeproads
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers, put in yours, and when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
A - Age: 23 B - Biggest fear: Dying alone. Also not being able to succeed in my industry and being that one sibling that’s 34 and still trying to get into animation but works at a Petsmart while all their siblings move on to be successful and I’m the joke of the family that begs mom and dad for money at Thanksgiving. Also not doing something with my life. Being forgotten. I say this literally every day, nobodys promised tomorrow and if I end up wasting my last days then what was the point? C - Current time: 12:34 D - Drink you last had: Peach Snapple E - Every day starts with: sleeping through my alarm for two hours then slowly getting up to make coffee. F - Favorite song: My song of the now is Macho Man by The Village People and all time song is Rainbow Connection by Kermit The Frog (that song really touches my soul in a weird way) G - Ghosts, are they real?: Fuck yeah I saw one once H - Hometown: Westborough, Massachusetts. J - Jealous of: People with money, people who can just be content in their own skin naturally, and people with a steady job. K - Killed someone: *insert funny answer L - Last time you cried: Like August? I was back home driving to the dentist crying to Rainbow Connection…. its a long story. N - Number of siblings: Ok officially I have three older brothers (Chris, Scott, and Tucker) and one younger sister (Katie) who I love, but and I’ll fight anyone who challenges me on this my two “Blood Brothers” are Dusty and Jason. I love these kids so goddamn much. I really miss my family, and new england. O - One wish: Just the ability to know that all of this, will be for something. it’ll all be ok. and like a million dollars! Q - Questions you’re always asked: “Wow how tall are you?” “How old are you?” “Why do you like Gremlins 2?” “Why can’t you ever take things seriously?” “What happened to Benjamin? What did you do Will? LOOK AT ME” R - Reasons to smile: my friends, that it’s Halloween season, that i have halloween plans, my amazing family, my new friends,foliage, the idea that one person can make a difference. Dusty and Jason visiting for thanksgiving! S - Song last sang: The Seinfeld theme T - Time you woke up: 10:15 am. U - Underwear color:  None. Not in like a sexy way, just like I dont have any on? V - Vacation destination: VEGAS! Taking all my friends to Vegas! Or Ireland. W - Worst habit: Being incredibly self-critical, and not being able to express my feelings without a lot of pre-planning and writing it down.Overthinking everything. Oh and I’m lazy and spend money I don’t have. And I’m awkward, but it’s like that awkwardness that one develops in high school but uses it as a security blanket when really theyre not really that awkward its just easier to be likable if you act awkward and clumsy. X - X-rays you’ve had: on my mouth, my leg when it twisted around, on my chest when i swallowed that bottle cap. Y - Your favorite food: Chicken Burrito or Lobster! Z - Zodiac sign: gemini
Im like 99% sure they’ve already done this but: @angelbabyspice @nervous-bitch @psychictwat @cannedviennasnausage
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craft-rose · 7 years
change (pt. 3)
Title: change
Pairing: Seokjin/Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut.
Description: One ordinary night, your friend Seokjin approaches you with a surprising matter and a rather unorthodox solution.
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You knocked gently on the bedroom door. “Everything okay in here?”
Seokjin bounced a look at you, quickly draping the covers over Taehyung’s drunken form before meeting you in the empty, dimly lit hallway of the Bangtan dorm.
“Thanks for your help tonight,” he uttered to you quietly, keeping his voice down as to not wake the other members. “I had no idea anyone Taehyung’s size could consume that much alcohol and live to tell the tale.”
You pressed your lips together to keep from laughing, quietly following him through the hallway and into the kitchen. Given the fact that the boys had spent the past three months preparing for an album, their dorm was in a less than presentable state. There were clothes, phone chargers, shoes, hats and all sorts of items scattered all over the place.
With immense effort you avoided stepping on anything, leaning against the kitchen counter after, bouncing a quick, unnoticeable look at your friend as he grabbed two bottles of beer, popping the caps off of them before handing one to you.
Although you had work in the morning, you were already too far gone to give a fuck.
Leaning against the counter opposite you, Seokjin tilted back a mouthful of beer, exhaling after. “What a crazy night.”
You nodded. “I’m sure Taehyung’s going to have fun at practice tomorrow.”
Seokjin chuckled into his beer, using the back of his hand to wipe the dribble from his chin after. “That’s what he gets for not staying at home like I told him to.”
“Yeah, absolu — wait, what? He told me that you asked him to go to the club with you tonight,” You interjected, suddenly confused. “That’s the reason I came out in the first place. He said he needed company while you were hanging out with that girl from the bar.”
The idol raised an eyebrow at you, thinking for no longer than a moment before the answer came crashing down on him. “Ah.”
“He did this on purpose,” Seokjin explained, nodding to you, cheeks flushing with colour. “I, uh, I told him what happened the other night, after I dropped you off, and I guess this was his way of trying to mend the situation.”
You gulped down some beer. “I had no idea the situation required mending.”
“__________-ah, I propositioned you,” Seokjin reminded you with a small laugh at the end.
Covering your mouth to keep from dribbling beer, you quickly nodded, chuckling. “Good point.”
“I’m starting to wonder if he’s even that drunk,” the idol voiced, pointing a look into the hallway as if contemplating whether he should check.
The silence that followed lasted only a few seconds. You leisurely glanced around, allowing your gaze to shift towards your friend as he knocked back another mouthful of beer. His hair was all messy and out of place, his cheeks were flushed from dancing and drinking all night and his shirt was untucked, clinging to his broad shoulders as he lifted the bottom part to wipe the sweat from his face.
You felt your skin turn hot at the sight of his abdominal muscles, the image of them burned deep into the depths of your subconscious as you quietly drank, allowing the beer to cool your insides.
“I’ve been meaning to apologize,” he suddenly said, breaking your train of thought.
Glancing up at him, you felt your eyebrows twitch upward. “For what?”
Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck. “For avoiding you these past few weeks.”
“Ah.” You nodded, quickly catching on. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing we have Tae. And beer.”
“To Tae and beer,” he announced.
You smiled, clinking bottles with him. “To Tae and beer.”
Swallowing another mouthful, you slowly found yourself thinking back to what Seokjin had said to you at the club. I’ve always felt a spark with you. At the time you had chalked it up to alcohol, a drunken confession in the corridor of a crowded, smoky club.
You pressed the opening of the beer bottle to your bottom lip, discreetly glancing over at Seokjin before you asked.
“Do you still want to?”
He looked to you, a brush of uncertainty in his gaze. “Want to what?”
“Do you still want to have sex with me?” You furthered.
Seokjin fell silent for a good, long moment, the uncertainty in his eyes slowly tapering away. “If I say yes, I’m a shitty friend, a creep and an opportunist,” he uttered into the quiet of the kitchen, the others fast asleep in their bedrooms. “And If I say no … well, then, I’m a liar, too.”
Ignoring the rapid beats of your chest, you emptied the slender glass bottle between your lips and then released it with a gentle pop as Seokjin watched.
Within moments, the atmosphere had changed completely.
The distant hum of traffic faded so deep into the background, you could barely hear it anymore.
“I’ve been thinking about it,” You said to him. “About everything you said to me the other night, your reasoning for why you want me to be the one, and I-I’m honestly surprised that you would even think of something so stupid and reckless, let alone suggest it to me.”
His face fell, but only briefly. “I-I understand.”
Sparing only a few seconds, you swallowed the nervous lump in your throat before uttering the rest. “I think I’m in the mood for something stupid and reckless tonight.”
He bounced a look at you, his expression unreadable. You weren’t sure what you expected out of him in that moment, but it certainly wasn't what came to be.
“_________-ah, I’m not going to have sex with you on a whim,” he said to you, unexpectedly.
Your cheeks flushed red. “But I-I thought you wanted t —”
“I do, but I don’t want you to wake up sober in the morning and regret it.”
“That’s assuming I wouldn’t want to sleep with you sober,” You countered.
“We both know you wouldn’t. That’s why you said no the first time.”
“It sounds to me like you’re the one saying no.”
His fixed his lips to the side. “You know I want you. That’s not the problem here.”
“Then what is the problem?” You asked. “I’m not drunk if that’s your concern.”
“Prove it.”
You snorted. “What, do you want me to recite the alphabet backwards or something?”
He folded his arms. “If that’s what it takes.”
“Fine,” You uttered, stepping up. “Z-Y-X-W-V-U-T-S-R-Q-P-O — this is seriously the most dull, unsexual thing that any guy has ever asked of me by the way — N-M-L-K-J-I-H-G-F-E-D-C-B-A. Happy?”
“Not quite,” he decided. “I’m going to need you to walk in a straight line, one foot in front of the other.”
You frowned for just a second, turning around and doing as he asked in perfect, undeniably sober fashion. “There. Are we good now or do you have a breathalyzer handy?”
“__________-ah, you know I’m only looking out for you.”
You absolutely did know that and you appreciated the fact that he was making you jump through hoops, but you felt embarrassed anyway. In the past, all you had ever had to do was vaguely hint at wanting to have sex with a guy before he whipped out a condom and got to work.
As expected, Seokjin was different.
His expression softened in the seconds that followed. “Come here.”
“What? Why do I have to go there? Why don’t you just come h —”
“__________-ah, get your ass over here right now.”
Your eyebrows bounced up, and you simply looked to him for a moment, shocked that he would use such a tone with you. The shock lasted only a second before your lips twitched with laughter at the same time as his did. You slowly came forward, stopping within a few inches of him as he tilted his head down and brushed your hair back, behind your ears.
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you,” he apologized to you, rather sincerely.
He was close enough now that you could smell hints of his cologne. The scent itself was soft and cool, like the rain, and the second you breathed it in, you felt your eyes flutter shut. On that same wavelength, Seokjin titled his head even further down, burying his head into the curve your neck and brushing his lips along your pulse.  
You sucked in, startled by the feeling of it. “Are you sure you’re a virgin?”
“Pretty sure,” he quipped, slowly and carefully coming back up again to meet your lips in a kiss.
It was light at first, tentative the way first kisses are. You almost weren’t sure where to place your hands, whether it was too soon to part your lips for him or to tell him how badly you wanted him just then and in how many ways.
Seemingly having read your thoughts, Seokjin pulled back for only a second, brushing his thumb down the middle of your bottom lip and then leaning in again, kissing you so deeply that you felt it everywhere.
Within seconds, you felt his tongue and your body ached for it elsewhere.
“S-seriously,” You panted, pulling back to catch your breath. “Are you sure you’re a … a …”
He kissed down your neck, chuckling. “I promise you, I am.”
“B-but virgins don’t kiss like this.”
“Maybe you were just kissing the wrong ones,” he teased.
You bit down on your bottom lip, tugging gently at his clothes and then grasping his shoulders as he lifted you up, carrying you out of the kitchen and onto the large couch in the living room.
Given that he shared a room with Yoongi, you figured it wasn’t going to happen on a bed. Either way, you didn’t care. The second he dropped you on the couch, you tugged him close, creating a tangled mess of clothes, limbs and body heat.
The silence was quickly interrupted by the sound of zippers and torn threads.
In a matter of seconds, he was shirtless, his jeans undone but still on, and you were on top of him in nothing but your bra and underwear.
You felt it all in that position, his size and how badly he wanted you.
He sat up very briefly, popping your bra open and taking your nipples into his mouth one by one, licking around them and sucking just hard enough to leave you grinding on his lap.
Okay, so he’s a virgin, but maybe not a full virgin.
You quickly regained control, pushing him back down, taking a second to enjoy it before shifting down the length of his body. Going by the way that he held his breath, he knew what was coming and you could see in his eyes that he wanted it badly.
Without a word, you slid your fingertips inside the waist of his jeans, and gently tugged at them, taking his boxers off at the same time. Slowly, every last inch of him was revealed to you. In all honesty, you had never really enjoyed giving blowjobs in the past. You enjoyed the control and you enjoyed giving your partners pleasure, but the actual act of having a dick in your mouth, had never really appealed to you beyond those two things.
But the second you grasped his dick and wrapped your lips around the tip, his leg and abdominal muscles tightening and then releasing, you loved it.
You decided to take it slow, lightly swirling your tongue around the tip while rubbing him up and down with your hand. The deeper you took him in, the harder it was for him to remain quiet.
Once you found a comfortable rhythm, gradually picking up the pace, releasing the tip from your lips with a gentle pop like you had the beer bottle, and then taking it all the way in again, Seokjin tilted his head forward and watched, biting down on his lip, inching closer with each second. He twitched and squirmed and panted so loudly, it was a miracle the others didn’t come rushing out to see what was going on.
You sucked and licked all the way down to his balls and back up his length, your eyes watering and the back of your throat contracting as you took him all the way inside.
“__________-ah,” he gasped, barely managing to get the words out. “I-I’m g-going to —”
You could pulled away but you didn’t. Instead you sucked harder and deeper and allowed him to come into the back of your throat as you hurriedly swallowed.
When you finally came back up to collect you breath — hair a wild mess, eyes bright and cheeks flushed as if you had just finished a workout — he shifted his body upright and met you face to face, brushing your hair back and kissing every inch of your face before making his way to your lips.
You knew he could taste himself on you, and you were really turned on by the fact that he didn’t care.
The moment he guided you back down onto the couch, tugged your underwear off and settled his mouth between your legs, you could sworn you blacked out from anticipation alone.
You were considerably wet already, and going by the way he groaned with his tongue and his lips grazing your clit, you could tell he loved the taste of it. His movements were slow and steady, in a way which proved to you that he had never done this before. He had never used his mouth on a girl before. This was the first time for him, and the more he tested you and teased you and tasted everywhere, the better it felt.
After only a few seconds of exploration, he slowly came to focus all of his attention on your clit, gently sucking and flicking on it as you tugged gently on his hair and squeezed his head between your thighs, mostly without meaning to.
Lips shaking around each moan, you gasped as he slid a finger inside you, and then another.
In a matter of seconds you were twisting and coming, and he kept going, making you twitch and  choke and squeeze until he finally stopped, his lips glistening as he lifted his head up to look at you.
“How was that?” he asked, as if he didn’t already know.
You resisted the urge to wipe that smirk off his face, far too breathless to think straight, let alone speak.
You weren’t sure when it happened, but at some point he got up and ducked into the kitchen, two glasses of ice cold water in he returned moments later. He handed one to you as you sat up, your insides thanking you the moment the cool liquid touched your mouth.
After a moment of thought, you decided to ask. “You’ve never done that before, have you?”
“Was it that obvious?”
“Not in a bad way. Honestly, I-I’ve never come that like from just oral before.”
He blinked his eyes wide, but only briefly. “Really?”
You nodded, thinking back to how it felt just a moment ago. Granted, you hadn’t slept with very many guys, but you had slept with enough to know that it felt different with Seokjin. There was a rush of feelings inside you that couldn’t explain.
The second you met eyes with him, you knew he felt it, too.
Setting your empty glass aside at the same time as him, you looped your hair up, allowing a few strands to fall loosely around your neck, and he grabbed his jeans from the pile of clothes on the floor, tearing open a tiny foil packet a moment later.
Once he rolled the condom on, his dick hard and ready again, you climbed on top and breathed in  as he gently kissed you.
“I don’t want this to be over,” You quietly confessed.
He deepened the kiss, pulling back but only to speak. “Neither do I.”
Within moments of that, you lowered yourself onto him, holding your breath as he gently pushed inside you.
Gasping at the last second, you felt yourself squeeze around him, tightening and then relaxing as you slowly began to ride him. As hard and as fast as you wanted to go, you held back. Although he had come not five minutes prior, you could tell he wasn’t going to last very long.
His lips were on you the entire time. On your mouth, neck and around your nipples, causing you to ride faster and harder, and to bring him so close to the edge, he could taste it.
“Y-you’re going to m-make me c-c —”
You timed it perfectly, using the upward curve of his dick to hit your spot with every motion, and after only about a minute or two of sex, you came at the same time he did, smothering your moan against his lips as the two of you kissed through it. His body felt hard everywhere, softening only as he released the breath that he had been holding in.
He couldn’t even speak properly. “That was … that was … you … we …”
I completely agree. 
“We … we might have to do this … again,” You managed to say, chest rising and falling as you tried to collect your breath. “Just to … just to make sure you get the … full … experience.”
He lifted an eyebrow at you, choking on a sudden burst of laughter at the same time you did, that same rush of feelings bubbling inside you as he cupped your cheeks and left a trail of kiss from your forehead to the bridge of your nose to your lips.
The End
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txtsoft · 6 years
txt as best friends.
requested: yes!
word count: 902
a/n: i hope you like it! gifs are not mine, credits to owner.
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Yeonjun is a playful friend, the kind who sends memes 24/7 to you and came at 2 in the morning with something like "listen, I just woke up from a very strange dream about carrots and I need to tell you". He's very affectionate, always hugging you and making sure to stay close. He buys random gifts like the same jacket or the same cap for the two of you to wear (and you really wear). He takes pictures all the time, from you, from the two of you and asks you to take from him too! It's definitely your #1 fan, no matter what you do, there he is supporting you with all his strengh. He like to take you out to buy ice cream with him, even if it's cold. Always compliments you, even on the small details that you think he doesn't notice and he feels very lucky to have you in his life (maybe because you're the only one who really finds his jokes funny). Your relationship is very light and fun!
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Soobin is the cute friend! He's super helpful and is always with open arms for you, either to comfort you while you cry or just to hear you telling him how your day was. Talk to you is one of his favorite things in the world because he feels that he can be himself with you and he love to hear what you have to say about everything. Always cares about you and ask things like "how are you today?", "did you eat?", "do you need anything?". The kind that appears in your door with a blanket and popcorn saying "hey, I came to watch a movie with you". He loves to take you to new restaurants that he discovers around town and definitely let's you wear his jacket if you're too cold. Shares his earphone to show you the new song he found. You can call him at any time, he'll be by your side in 1sec. Your relationship is cute, like brother and sister.
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You're a loud duo, you're always talking and talking and talking, mostly him. He doesn't care where you are, he always has something very interesting to tell you. It's impossible not to notice both of you, especially when you're laughing so loudly in the middle of the street. When he's not talking, he's taking a millions photos (of you, the two of you, the landscape, selfies, all kinds of photos). He is naturally cute and knows how to use it in his favor. For example, whenever you are eating something, a wild Beomgyu will come up with a cute smile that's impossible to resist and it will say "can you feed me?". He's just a baby that needs love, so give it to him! He likes to go out for walks without destination, just to be able to spend more time with you and when it's time to going home, he lets you rest on his shoulder. Your relationship is chaotic (but in a good way!), but very nice and the kind that lasts forever.
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Taehyun is a rational boy, so he's the logical part of your relationship. When you have a problem, you can look for him and he will tell you only logical reasons to explain things. He is very mature, so he is good to talk to. Also, he is very cute and a living meme! He loves to hear your stories and you love telling him because he is the king of reactions and it's so cute to see his eyes shining, even with such small things. He likes to take you into karaoke to sing with him. Honestly, he looks at you as if everything you do is very incredible, even if it's as simple as cutting onions. If you stumble on the street, he's the type to laugh a lot first before helping you out (of course, if you're not hurt!). You have many philosophical conversations at night, inner jokes and memes that only the two of you understand! You always support each other and he shows you everything he does, only to see your expression of happiness when you sees him succeeding in something. Your relationship is sweet and soft, just like him!
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Kai's a baby, don't fight me. You must give him a lot of love and protect him! He loves to make you smile, even if it's doing stupid things because your laugh illuminates his heart. He would play piano for you when you're sad because he knows you like to hear him playing. The kind of friend that sends you memes of himself and laugh to his own jokes. He doesn't like to admit it, but your hugs are the best thing in the world for him. It's a habit between you two to sleep in each other's house and spend the whole night playing video games. Always asks you to buy snacks and sweets for him. The kind that touch your shoulder and runs off in the middle of the street, screaming something like "can you catch me?". A bit loud too. Your relationship is carefree, you like to have fun and being together all the time.
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noticulous · 8 years
Bucky Barnes Series -Your attraction to the brooding Winter Soldier is instant, but when you overhear him talking badly about your appearance those feelings of desire quickly turn to hate.
Part One
Part Three
Part Two
"Hey Doll." The dark haired man smiled, flashing all his teeth in an obvious attempt to attract you. The attempts to flirt made your skin crawl yet your icy responses did little to deter him, the unwanted attention you were receiving causing you to become restless. Your eyes soon began searching for the much kinder Steve. "Something on your mind, Doll?" He asked sweetly, reaching for your hand as he noticed your distracted eyes. 
"Yeah." You replied shortly. "Steve." That got a reaction out of him, he reared his head back and you took that moment to snatch your hand back. 
 "Excuse me?" He gasped, shocked. 
 "You heard me. You don't interest me, you're not attractive and your attempts at flirting are absolutely abysmal. It's a wonder you were even let into an establishment as classy as this-" you emphasised, motioning around you with your hands, "in a suit like that." You finished, prodding his chest and the material that covered it. 
 "I-" he began, only to be interrupted. "So I won't be wasting my time on you- in fact- there's Steve now." You brushed past him, bumping shoulders as he stood in the same spot, completely shocked by your unexpected and sudden rudeness. The smile of petty victory overtook your face and you puffed your chest out with pride. 
"And one last thing, Buck." You sang, putting sickly sweet emphasis on the nickname. "I'm not your Doll." And with that you sauntered off, feeling his eyes on you the whole way. 
It felt like the beautiful beginnings of a new enmity.  
As it turned out, your gut feeling about a promotion was right. The next evening you were being called in SHIELD Headquarters as Nick Fury told you all about your new position, as part of the Avengers Initiative. You couldn't help but feel it to have been precipitated by Natasha's meddling, which rubbed you up the wrong way. 
"Agent Y/L/N." Fury barked, "Stop giving me that look like I just kicked your baby puppy in the face and tell me what's on your mind." 
You huffed and ran a hand over your face, feeling the stress run through you. "I don't deserve this position." You stated simply, earning an eyebrow raise from your superior. "I know I don't. And this is clearly because of Agent Romanoff's doing, otherwise you wouldn't have even considered me for the position. I don't need any favours- or least of all any pity. I'm fine working where I am." 
Fury frowned and stood up from his desk, making his way over to you. "You wanna go back working in Russia for another three years undercover?" You looked away, refusing to meet his eye. "I think not." He declared, folding his arms. "I'm offering you this job regardless of what Agent Romanoff had to say. Which was a lot, by the way. And rather uncharacteristic, you must've made quite the impression, as you have on me." 
Your eyebrows shot up at that, you'd made an impression on Fury? Nick Fury?
"Three years undercover is tough work, Y/N, and the shit you pulled off out there.. Hell, Rogers would've struggled. Now I don't do favours and I don't feel pity. You've earned this position and I won't accept no as an answer. They need a fresh set of eyes up there and someone to reign in Tony's ego, quite frankly." You allowed a laugh at that and nodded, picking up the file Fury had set aside for you. 
"We'll have moved in all your things into the compound by Monday." 
Living with the Avengers was amazing. As you'd suspected, Wanda and yourself got on like a house on fire and the pair of you, as well as Nat, were as thick as thieves. The ongoing flirting between Cap and you had become the subject of discussion within the compound, as well as the feud between you and Barnes which kept everyone entertained. 
You were in the gym, your feet hitting the ramp hard as you ran, feeling the burning sensation in your hamstrings as you pushed yourself to beat your record. With seconds to go, you were sent flying after the machine abruptly shut down.
"What the hell?" You hissed, jumping up and moving to survey the malfunctioning machine, only to notice the plug- which had been completely removed from its socket. 
"Barnes!" You yelled, throwing off your workout jacket and sprinting towards the nonchalant looking metal-armed man on the other side of the gym. "Yes, Doll?" He hummed, smiling at you a little too widely. 
By this point you'd gained the attention of those around you, who had grown accustomed to the dramas that would frequently unfold between the two of you. 
"You think you're funny, hu?" You spat, working yourself up into a frenzy, his calm demeanour only adding to your fury. Bucky looked around a moment, acting confused. "Well of course I do." He declared, placing a hand on his hip. "Because I am hilarious." You shoved his shoulder and stalked towards him. "Quit messing with my machines when I'm working out." You shouted in his face as he stared at you, his eyes cold. 
"I have no idea what you're talking about." The string that you had in your hand you lifted, tugging at it as it revealed to be attached to the dislodged plug. You watched the fleeting guilty expression on his face be replaced by a cocky, nasty one. "Practising our knitting are we? Already given up the dating game? Practising being an Old Maid?" 
You ignored him and reached a hand onto his shoulder, picking up a piece of string identical to the one you held in your hand. 
"Oh." Was all he said, before he bolted. 
You ducked down and swiped at his ankles, leaping over him to trap him on the floor. But he was too strong and he was quickly pushing your lithe figure off of him. You wrapped an arm around his knee and pushed it forward at the joint, making his left knee buckle as you used the leverage to push him up and flip him over. You quickly trapped his wrist beneath your foot and pushed down, making attempts to crush it earning a grunt that made your lips turn up in a devilish grin. With your free hand you squeezed at his throat, attempting to choke him out, the other holding his metal arm down with great difficulty. 
Soon, he freed his arm and grabbed you by the waist, spinning you off him and jumping atop of you. He used his elbow to trap your windpipe but made the mistake of leaving your legs free, so you thrust your hips up just enough to give yourself enough room to kick him in the back of the head and roll from underneath him, gasping. 
You both jumped up in a fighting stance and were about to lunge at each other again when you were interrupted by a familiar, stern voice shouting: "Enough!" You met the blue-green eyes of Steve as he scolded you both, yet you managed to smile despite him and sauntered over, watching his frown waver.
"You're paying tonight." You reminded him with a wink, which he responded with a chuckle. "How could I forget?" He laughed, exchanging smiles with you.
"Forget what?" Bucky snapped. 
 Nothing, Terminator." You spat, "Don't be so nosey." 
"Oh I swear to-" 
"No!" Steve shouted, frustration in his words. "Y/N, at least try to bite your tongue and Bucky control your temper. It's pizza night tonight." 
Bucky grumbled and folded his arms. "You know I love pizza." 
You smirked at this, relishing in his bitterness. "Yeah! And you're invited too!" Cap said enthusiastically, you could feel your smirk physically drop. 
"What?" You spluttered, hating Bucky's snort in triumph. 
"Everyone's invited!" Cap cheered, becoming enthusiastic, then after a moment, sombre. He turned to you with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry.. I know this is usually our thing I didn't think I-" 
"Don't apologise, Cap." Bucky sniggered, "We'll all have a great time tonight. And don't forget to order double pepperoni." You stuck your tongue out at his retreating figure, he knew that was the one topping you disliked. 
"Y/N-" Steve began, but you waved him off touching his bicep softly. "It's fine.." You hummed, "It was a nice gesture inviting everyone, would've been nicer if you left out Robot Man but what can a girl do, hey?" You laughed, rubbing his arm. "We can have a movie night together some other time." You walked off quietly, sensing Steve's desire to say something more.
"Y/N I-" 
"It's fine Steve." You called over your shoulder, not turning to face him. "Don't worry about it." 
Part Three
tags list for this series:
@sebsmeatball@38leticia @purplekitten30 @softwhispers @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @fandayo @mictapeandcoughdrops @aweways @barnes-and-noble-girl @b-l-u-e-g-h-o-s-t
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toushi · 8 years
Thank you to everytone who tagged me and sorry for the late response c’:  
I tag: @tsukis @gintoukis @nikiforv @josenji @sarapyon @aomine-s @sougu @ackermanss @oohiras @ferid for any of these (or none at all, it’s up to you c:)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people ^^
a - age: 20 
b - biggest fear: failure 
c - current time: 2:40pm 
d - drink you last had: water 
e - every day starts with: "no” f - favorite song: Perfect, by Ed Sheeran 
g - ghosts, are they real: yes 
h - hometown: Somewhere near Paris c: 
i - in love with: Anna and Kuroo ♡ 
j - jealous of: envious of wealthy & healthy people 
k - killed someone: :^) ... no(t yet) 
l - last time you cried: two-three days ago because i was very anxious m - middle name: Sin i dont have one 
n - number of siblings: two 
o - one wish: tranquility p - person you last called/texted: called my mom to let her know my sis who went with her forgot her phone at home q - questions you’re always asked: "why are you so quiet” :)))) i strongly Hate™ this question 
r - reasons to smile: wonderful people with beautiful souls ♡ 
s - song last sang: Barcelona, Ed Sheeran t - time you woke up: 11:10am (finally could sleep in after waking up all week at 5am rip me) 
u - underwear color: blue  v - vacation destination: Japan + Philippines (I really miss it) 
w - worst habit: i procrastinate way too much now 
x - x-rays you’ve had: one for my back y - your favorite food: mom and dad’s cooking 
z - zodiac sign: leo
Tagged by @juminss & @sarapyon ! thanks bbies ♡
1) Coke or Pepsi? coke  2) Disney or Dreamworks? disney all the way !!! but i love dreamworks too c: ♡ 3) Coffee or Tea? coffee 4) Books or Movies? books but i dont have time for them anymore ; u ; 5) Windows or Mac? windows, i dont understand mac tbh lmao 6) D.C or Marvel? i dont have a preference since i’m not a fan of either  7) Xbox or PlayStation? PlayStation 8) Dragon or Mass Effect? are those videogames ? because idk what they are lol c’: 9) Night Owl or Early Riser? early riser, though i love to sleep in lol 10) Cards or Chess? cards 11) Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO ♡ 12) Vans or Converse? vans  13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Canadash or Adaar? what 14) Fluff or Angst? both :^) but angst man ... i def need more of it and see my faves suffer bc i’m a sadist. but an emo sadist bc i cry when they suffer even though i asked for it. *cough* 15) Beach or Forest? beach 16) Dogs or Cats? DOGGGSSSS !!! but i love @aomine-s‘s cats c: 17) Clear Skies or Rain? clear skies 18) Cooking or Eating out? simply eat ; i dont like to cook and i dont wanna go out lol  19) Spicy or Mild Food? SPICYYYY :^) 20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS ♡ 21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? a little too hot (i cant stand cold at all)  22) If you could have a superpower what would it be?  time travel 23) Animation or Live Action? animation, but i love stage plays :) 24) Paragon or Renegade? again, i’ve no idea what this is c’: 25) Bath or Shower? shower 26) Team Cap or Team Iron-Man? iron man 27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi? fantasy 28) Do you have three or four favorite quotes it so what are they? "When you’re hungry, eat” (Monkey D. Luffy) :^) ; “Give back double what people do to you” (Sakata Gintoki) ; “Always help someone. You might be the only one that does” (Unknown). 29) YouTube or Netflix? youtube 30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? HARRY POTTER !!!!!! 31) When do you feel accomplished? when i’ve done something i’m satisfied with  32) Star Wars or Star Trek? i haven’t watched neither  33) Paperback book or Hardcover book? hard cover have a beautiful charm imo c: 34) Fantastic beast or Cursed Child? i havent read/watched them but i’m drawn to fantastic beast contrary to cursed child 35) Rock or Pop Music? pop-rock  36) What is the most important thing in your life? my family/friends ! 37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean? sea/ocean 38) How do you express yourself? i rarely express myself irl because i’m shy and introverted ... but when it comes to texting / group chats with people from tumblr, it’s easier for me c: 39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? i cant remember c’:  40) What’s your element (air, water, etc)?  water 41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Japan  42) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Archaelogist 43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? Be rich without working, let my family and me be healthy, and let there be peace and equality in the world.  44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? My mom’s fish amok  45) What’s your Spirit Animal/Patronus? Ibizan Hound, according to Pottermore 46) Would you kill yourself and save your friends or kill your friends and save yourself? Save them  47) If you had to become a mythical creature which would you be? a phoenix 48) Your favorite song? Perfect, Ed Sheeran 49) A4 or A5 notebooks? A4 50) If you had to give up on someone you love, making this person forget about you, and never see him/her again, to save his/her life, would you do it? I would, which I already am doing, kinda.  51) Did you ever wish to become someone else? If yes, then what would you do to make yourself better? Yes. but I’ve learn to accept who I am c:
tagged by @aizawashoutta​ & @sougu thank you so much <3
rules: answers these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: with kuroo single
favourite color: blue, pastel colors, red
lipstick or chapstick: i dont wear makeup at all lol
last song I listened to: We don’t talk anymore, covered by Jungkook
last movie watched: Moana
top three tv shows: dancing with the stars is the only reason i’d turn my tv on lol / as for animanga : hq!!, gintama, one piece
top three ships: it’s very difficult for me to have ships but i love iwaoi, hakyona & hijigin
Tagged by @akutagawah ! Thanks mom ♡
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
first-aid kit
an umbrella
pills/pain killers/etc.
a bottle of water
Five Things In My Bedroom: 
my laptop
tons ... of school books
i have my own little “pharmacy” as well lol
family pics
the Philippines flag
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life: 
travel aboard a ship
travel to other countries and get to know the people who live there
do a road trip with friends (so much travelling ikr lol)
i ... dont know lol
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
friends & family
kuroo tetsurou
make gifs
historical discoveries
Five Things On My To-Do List:
graduate asap 
buy a car
get my own appartment
get a summer job
learn more languages
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
it’s really hard for me to start/keep up convos in real life
i have a bunch of beauty marks here and there all over my body
i’m patient and understanding, but i can bite the Hardest :)c
i’ve been through depression
i’ve a strong attachment to ancient asian beliefs / tradition
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hyodo · 8 years
tagged <3
tagged by the ever lovely kim ( @toushi​ ) 
i tag: @josenji @nozumu @dicennio @yaoyorozus @shgieo @yuus 
feel free to do whichever you want, all, or none at all! 
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people ^^
a - age: 20 b - biggest fear: failure c - current time: 14:50 d - drink you last had: water e - every day starts with: opening my eyes f - favorite song: currently “play” by somo ft. maty noyes g - ghosts, are they real: i gotta see them to believe them but lowkey yes i think so h - hometown: in wisconsin i - in love with: my bed j - jealous of: people who have their shit together and are successful k - killed someone: no l - last time you cried: last night because i watched age of adeline m - middle name: dieu n - number of siblings: two younger siblings o - one wish: success p - person you last called/texted: my aunt q - questions you’re always asked: "how do you pronounce your name” i just laugh now (and sometimes i think about changing my name) r - reasons to smile: “wonderful people with beautiful souls ♡” what kim said s - song last sang: play by somo ft maty noyes t - time you woke up: uhhh so i woke up at 08:36 but then i went back to sleep and didn’t get up until 11:24ish u - underwear color: blue  v - vacation destination: jeju island or japan w - worst habit: i just settle and become too complacent with how things are when they could be better x - x-rays you’ve had: idk if i’ve ever had one y - your favorite food: my mom’s pho <3 z - zodiac sign: leo!!!
Tagged by @juminss & @sarapyon ! thanks bbies ♡
1) Coke or Pepsi? coke 2) Disney or Dreamworks? disney!!! 3) Coffee or Tea? tea! coffee is too bitter for me 4) Books or Movies? books! movies cut out too much and i don’t like it 5) Windows or Mac? windows bc macs confuse tf out of me 6) D.C or Marvel? marvel 7) Xbox or PlayStation? PlayStation 8) Dragon or Mass Effect? mass...effect??? 9) Night Owl or Early Riser? both bc i don’t sleep 10) Cards or Chess? cards 11) Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate 12) Vans or Converse? converse  13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Canadash or Adaar? what is this 14) Fluff or Angst? both pls 15) Beach or Forest? beach 16) Dogs or Cats? DOGGOS 17) Clear Skies or Rain? clear skies 18) Cooking or Eating out? cooking bc eating out is expensive unless someone else is paying for me LMAO 19) Spicy or Mild Food? spicy!! 20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? christmas 21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? a little too cold bc you can always put on more clothes to keep warm but you can only take off so much when you’re hot 22) If you could have a superpower what would it be?  psychokinesis ohoho 23) Animation or Live Action? animation 24) Paragon or Renegade? what 25) Bath or Shower? shower 26) Team Cap or Team Iron-Man? team cap 27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi? fantasy 28) Do you have three or four favorite quotes it so what are they? “the heart is an arrow. it demands aim to land true.” -leigh bardugo, six of crows 29) YouTube or Netflix? netflix 30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? percy jackson 31) When do you feel accomplished? when i finish something that needs finishing 32) Star Wars or Star Trek? star wars 33) Paperback book or Hardcover book? hardcover aLL THE WAY 34) Fantastic beast or Cursed Child? idk??? 35) Rock or Pop Music? both 36) What is the most important thing in your life? my family and friends 37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean? mountains -- they’re sturdy, unmoving, and constant 38) How do you express yourself? by writing, talking, or playing the violin 39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? koizora omfg 40) What’s your element (air, water, etc)?  i’m a fire sign but i’m more associated with water...hot water??? 41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? japan 42) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? nurse practitioner  43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? for those who matter to me to be healthy and happy, to have a lot of money to pay my parents back and let them live comfortably, and to be successful in all my future endeavors 44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? lemon-pepper salmon 45) What’s your Spirit Animal/Patronus? according to pottermore, a fox 46) Would you kill yourself and save your friends or kill your friends and save yourself? i’d gladly give my life if it meant my friends were safe 47) If you had to become a mythical creature which would you be? a phoenix 48) Your favorite song? currently play by somo 49) A4 or A5 notebooks? what is the difference 50) If you had to give up on someone you love, making this person forget about you, and never see him/her again, to save his/her life, would you do it? yes 51) Did you ever wish to become someone else? If yes, then what would you do to make yourself better? sometimes but you know, you will be a different person tomorrow than you were today, and in one lifetime, i think you will have lived through as many different people
rules: answers these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: single af
favourite color: neutral colors and blues
lipstick or chapstick: tinted chapstick
last song I listened to: play by somo
last movie watched: age of adeline
top three tv shows: grey’s anatomy, haikyuu, chicago med
top three ships: hak and yona, mirai and akihito, me and my bed
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
a pen
Five Things In My Bedroom:
my laptop
my bed
my nursing books
my clothes
my violin and guitar
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
get a boyfriend
get married
have kids
work in all kinds of units as a nurse
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
friends & family
playing the violin
my doggo
Five Things On My To-Do List:
get a job
help my parents out
be successful
be confident in my abilities
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
i don’t keep online friends very often bc i’m bad at staying in touch
if you don’t make a good first impression, i will generally not like you at all
i’m the cheesiest romantic ever
idk why people think i’m smart???? i’m really not that smart lol (but i suppose this is only my opinion)
i cry easily lmao
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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THE PROPHECY OF OSEE - From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 12
Osee, or Hosea, whose name signifies a saviour, was the first in the order of time among those who are commonly called lesser prophets, because their prophecies are short. He prophesied in the kingdom of Israel, (that is, of the ten tribes) about the same time that Isaias prophesied in the kingdom of Juda. Ch. --- The chronological order is not observed in any edition. The Sept. very from the rest. They place the less before the greater prophets, and read some of the names rather differently, as Prot. do also, though they have nothing but novelty to recommend the change. We shall here specify the Prot. names, (H.) in the order in which these prophets appeared: (C.) 1. Hosea, 2. Amos, 3. Jonah, 4. Micah, 5. Nahum, 6. Joel, 7. Zephaniah, 8. Habakkuk, 9. Obadiah, 10. Haggai, 11. Zechariah, 12. Malachi. H. --- It is not known who collected them into one volume. but the book of Ecclesiasticus (xlix. 12.) speaks of the twelve; and 4 Esd. i. 39. specifies them as they are found in the Sept. Osee, Amos, Micheas, Joel, Abdias, Jonas, Nahum, &c. as in the Vulg. C. --- Many other prophets appeared before these, (W.) but Osee is the first of the sixteen whose works are extant. He must have continued his ministry about eighty-five years, and lived above one hundred and ten, if the first verse speaks of him alone. But some take it to regard the whole collection, and may be added by another hand. C. --- The style of Osee is sententious and very hard to be understood, (S. Jer.) as but little is known of the last kings of Israel, in whose dominions he lived, and to whom he chiefly refers, though he speaks sometimes of Juda, &c. C. --- By taking a wife, and other parables, he shews their criminal conduct and chastisment, and foretells their future deliverance and the benefits to be conferred by Christ. We must observe that the prophets often style the kingdom of the two tribes, Juda, Benjamin, Jerusalem, or the house of David; and that of the ten tribes, Ephraim, Joseph, Samaria, Jezrahel, Bethel, or Bethaven; and often Israel or Jacob till after the captivity of these tribes, when the latter titles refer to Juda, who imitated the virtues of Jacob better than the other kingdom. W. --- Then all distinction of this nature was at an end. H.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin.
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 12
Israel is reproved for sin. God's favours to them.
[1] Ephraim feedeth on the wind, and followeth the burning heat: all the day long he multiplied lies and desolation: and he hath made a covenant with the Assyrians, and carried oil into Egypt.
Ephraim pascit ventum, et sequitur aestum; tota die mendacium et vastitatem multiplicat : et foedus cum Assyriis init, et oleum in Aegyptum ferebat.
[2] Therefore there is a judgment of the Lord with Juda, and a visitation for Jacob: he will render to him according to his ways, and according to his devices.
Judicium ergo Domini cum Juda, et visitatio super Jacob : juxta vias ejus, et juxta adinventiones ejus reddet ei.
[3] In the womb he supplanted his brother: and by his strength he had success with an angel.
In utero supplantavit fratrem suum, et in fortitudine sua directus est cum angelo.
[4] And he prevailed over the angel, and was strengthened: he wept, and made supplication to him: he found him in Bethel, and there he spoke with us.
Et invaluit ad angelum, et confortatus est; flevit, et rogavit eum. In Bethel invenit eum, et ibi locutus est nobiscum.
[5] Even the Lord the God of hosts, the Lord is his memorial.
Et Dominus Deus exercituum, Dominus memoriale ejus.
[6] Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and hope in thy God always.
Et tu ad Deum tuum converteris; misericordiam et judicium custodi, et spera in Deo tuo semper.
[7] He is like Chanaan, there is a deceitful balance in his hand, he hath loved oppression.
Chanaan, in manu ejus statera dolosa, calumniam dilexit.
[8] And Ephraim said: But yet I am become rich, I have found me an idol: all my labours shall not find me the iniquity that I have committed.
Et dixit Ephraim : Verumtamen dives effectus sum; inveni idolum mihi : omnes labores mei non invenient mihi iniquitatem quam peccavi.
[9] And I that am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, will yet cause thee to dwell in tabernacles, as in the days of the feast.
Et ego Dominus Deus tuus ex terra Aegypti : adhuc sedere te faciam in tabernaculis, sicut in diebus festivitatis.
[10] And I have spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and I have used similitudes by the ministry of the prophets.
Et locutus sum super prophetas, et ego visionem multiplicavi, et in manu prophetarum assimilatus sum.
[11] If Galaad be an idol, then in vain were they in Galgal offering sacrifices with bullocks: for their altars also are as heaps in the furrows of the field.
Si Galaad idolum, ergo frustra erant in Galgal bobus immolantes; nam et altaria eorum quasi acervi super sulcos agri.
[12] Jacob fled into the country of Syria, and Israel served for a wife, and was a keeper for a wife.
Fugit Jacob in regionem Syriae, et servivit Israel in uxorem, et in uxorem servavit.
[13] But the Lord by a prophet brought Israel out of Egypt: and he was preserved by a prophet.
In propheta autem eduxit Dominus Israel de Aegypto, et in propheta servatus est.
[14] Ephraim hath provoked me to wrath with his bitterness, and his blood shall come upon him, and his Lord will render his reproach unto him.
Ad iracundiam me provocavit Ephraim in amaritudinibus suis : et sanguis ejus super eum veniet, et opprobrium ejus restituet ei Dominus suus.
Ver. 1. On. Lit. the wind. H. --- To trust in men is no less vain. W. --- Sept. "Ephraim is an evil spirit," &c. --- Heat. Heb. "eastern or burning wind." H. --- Manahem attempted to engage Egypt on his side, but he was frustrated in his hopes, (4 K. xv. S. Jer.) as Osee was likewise; to which king the sense conducts us better. C. xiii. 15. --- Oil. That of Palestine was very excellent. Ezec. xxvii. 17.
Ver. 2. Judgment. Heb. "trial." What follows refers to all the people, whose impiety is contrasted with Jacob's virtue.
Ver. 3. Brother Esau, thus foreshewing what would happen. Gen. xxv. --- Angel. Sept. "God," whose place this angel held. Elohim implies both. v. 4. Gen. xxxii. 24.
Ver. 4. Wept. Sept. "they wept, and besought me." Other interpreters agree with the Vulg. --- Us. By changing a vowel point, in Hebrew, it might be, "He spoke to him." Cap. Grot. --- The most magnificent promises were made, at Bethel, regarding the Israelites: this made the profanation of the place more horrible. C. --- Sept. "They found me in the house of On, and there the word was addressed to them." --- Bethaven was the name of Bethel, among the pious Jews, in the days of Osee. H.
Ver. 5. Memorial, and the object of worship; or this great Jehovah spoke to Jacob.
Ver. 7. Chanaan. The Phœnicians were so called, and all merchants. Here the title is given reproachfully (C.) to all the posterity of Jacob. H. --- None more ignominious could be used. Dan. xiii. 56. Thus Rome is styled Babylon.
Ver. 8. Idol. Heb. also, "vanity." Riches are vain, and lead to idolatry when people place their affections on them. Mat. xiii. 22. Eph. v. 5. --- Committed. I am conscious of no injustice. C. --- Yet he had used a deceitful balance, and his judgment is equally perverse. H. --- "What rich man shall be saved?" Clem. Alex.
Ver. 9. Egypt. At Sinai the covenant between God and Israel was chiefly ratified. The former ceased not to perform the conditions, but the latter repaid him with ingratitude. --- Feast. The people shall be brought back, (C.) or they shall again be forced to dwell under tents. Theod. --- "Shall I still cause?" &c. Tournemine.
Ver. 10. Prophets. They have represented me as it were under visible forms, that you cannot plead ignorance. The prophets prefigured Christ, the end of the law, &c. C.
Ver. 11. Idol. That is, if Galaad, with all its idols and sacrifices, be like a mere idol itself, being brought to nothing by Theglathphalassar, how vain is it to expect that the idols worshipped in Galgal shall be of any service to the tribes that remain. Ch. --- Will these idols be more powerful? Sept. copies vary. Rom. ed. has Galaad, and Comp. Galgal in both places. But that of S. Jer. and of Theodoret is better. --- Heaps of stones. They are in ruins, or very numerous: (C.) yet have not secured the country. H.
Ver. 12. Jacob. The history of the patriarch, and of his posterity, serves to place the ingratitude of the people in the clearest light. W. --- The prophet had interrupted the account of Jacob, (v. 4.) who had signalized his piety in Galaad. Gen. xxxi. 46.
Ver. 13. Prophet. Josue put the people in possession of the country, and offered sacrifice at Galgal, where the rite of circumcision was performed. This place is now defiled. What perfidy (H.) and ingratitude. C.
Ver. 14. Him. He shall suffer for his crimes. M. - He can blame only himself. C.
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