#kicking my feet and giggling like I’m the one in this relationship lmao
deansmom · 11 months
If you've been following me for any amount of time you know that l'm not really that into celebrities relationships. Like if they're public about it and it's especially cute l'm only human y know, I'll be like "Wow that's so cute I love that for them"
But l'm on the verge of tears from *karma is the guy or the chiefs coming straight home to me" 😭😭😭😭 and the way that man BLUSHED?!?! Her dad looking at him and going "that's you big guy"?!?! 😭😭😭😭😭
Y'all, truly, to have been a fan of Taylor's for so long, to have seen most of her relationships play out in public - seeing a current partner being so publicly and loudly proud of her, letting her be the star she is, is just??? So???? Nice? Like he seems so secure and comfortable with himself and his own career and he has no problem being like “hey man, I’m just following her. She’s the star here” is so nice. The way they both support each other and loudly cheer each other on is so sweet and exactly what a partnership should look like. If anyone deserves a partner who is supportive and proud of her and to be with her, but doesn’t need her to be successful, it’s Taylor. She deserves a nice boy who will be good to her.
And I think she found one 🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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Happy Birthday David Dastmalchian 🎂🎉🎁🎈
To celebrate, I'm stealing borrowing from my friend's @polkadotjohnson amazing idea of making a Top 10 Loved/Hottest roles of his, with an honourable mention for both~ Here's 30 of my most adored characters of his with little snippets for each, it's a looooong read, and if anyone else wants to make their own, here's a tierlist I made for this exact purpose 💗💗💗
💘 Love of my Life - Dr Fearless
My cringefail boyfriend, I love every single headcanon I hear about him. He was so damn cute even before I fell in love, and now every time I see him I start giggling and kicking my feet lol 😚 I adore how much fun DD has with him, and honestly I’m gunna dress as a vampire for Halloween this year /)w(\ been like 20+ years but I really really wanna do it!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Whistling Marauder (Bird Box)
Mother of mercy. We rewatched the whole movie just for him, so naturally he shows up near the end and then died ;w; but that outfit, holy hell. Oh my god. I’m such a sucker for bad boys and this guy is going around forcing people to stare at this eldrich being that’ll destroy you or drive you mad. And he looks goddamn great while doing it. Gunna attach myself to the chain on his jeans. Okay I’m normal again, what a way to start off the list lmao
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Luke (Singled Out)
Douchebag. Shitty brother who’s also great if only to save his own ass. Thief. Pure idiot. Irresistible. I knew the moment I saw the clips on youtube that he would so be my type, and seeing the full pilot only proved that. Dude picked a burger over getting his sister, he would treat me so wrong half the time, but then he’d make me waffles and it’d be all better 😊
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💘 Love of my Life - The Writer (Making Love)
This one breaks my heart so much. I’ve been in a relationship like this before, and I really want to save him from his. He’s beautiful, he’s talented, his outfit is hot as hell with all the rings and bracelets and necklaces, not to mention the undone shirt buttons, he’s got the emo bangs, he is the complete package for me. The only reason he isn’t higher is because I fell for many others first. I almost never watched this one because my brain was going haywire trying to imagine what kinda scenes I’d find in something with a title like that, and sure enough my face was so red the entire time since I watched with headphones and it starts with him whispering right in my ear, like him asking, ‘Do you love me?’ nearly made me cry, I love him so much. If I could bring specifically him to life I would love the hell outta him until he stopped needing such a painful, self-destructive fake love with the Woman QwQ
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Nick (Love is an Elevator)
This one is just a silly little guy /)w(\ right from the start he’s so adorable, I would melt if anything even close to his interaction happened to me, and him just swooning and saying she was beautiful before bailing in tears is so me-coded TwT I would love to go out on a date with him!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Abra Kadabra (The Flash)
Abra was so tricky to place because I love him, but as soon as I remembered his buckle outfit from his second episode I knew he had to go under Hot. Like, again, I’m so weak. I love his attitude, I love how he just wants that applause for his showmanship, his ‘powers’ are cool as hell, and DD has the wand in his home now and I think that’s so damn cool 😊 The reveal with him wanting to bring back his alternate timeline family was so sweet I almost cried, and he definitely didn’t deserve to be killed out so instantly right after his redemption. Not even a fan/watcher of the show, but in my head I’m having Flash warn him about it since he’s from the future, so he’s fine now 😌
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💘 Love of my Life - James Lewis (Teacher)
James was also incredibly difficult to place because I love him so much ;w; The entire movie I was rooting for him, guy did nothing wrong in the face of what was going on around him, and granted he did take things too far, but… villains are hot 😳 so I won through that entire movie. And he lived! And kept getting to teach! I remember I pointed at the screen when he was putting books away cause that’s my job lol I felt truly close to him in that short moment 😂 Anyway, Arabella didn’t deserve him, like she wasn't into it from the moment they met, every single time he talked she would do this 😬 guy was going through hell and was very clearly in a bad place all around, I can’t fault him for drunkenly saying the wrong thing if it were me, even if it did really hurt me. Gunna give him a new wedding ring to put on when he gets outta prison.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hector (Premature)
He’s so cute!!! I may be weak for villains, but I adore his sweeter roles as well, I’m so glad I got to see him. If I moved to a new city and he was my neighbour I’d know I’d be okay, because honestly he needs to be my roommate like yesterday. A chef who’s afraid to cook because of OCD, I’m sure he’d be able to help me with my own cooking from a safe distance, and I already have some practice as my sibling has OCD and is very strict about how her food is handled, so I’ll have come full circle. I just need to make him more okay with cuddles first…
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🔥 Hottest Role - Denham (A Killer of Men)
Denham was another one that was hard to place, because that axe twirls makes me insane, but with what little screentime he gets it all evens out. Another great villain, he’s just senseless violence in a bloody wedding dress and he works it. Love the look, love the vibe, if the world ended and the whole gang was coming at me I’d be honoured if he was the one who got me (I swear I’m not that deranged lmao just thirsty)
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💘 Love of my Life - Simon Lynch (Almost Human)
Even now I feel like Simon should be higher, especially since I’ve written my fic about him as well as my deep dive. I’ve said it before but my heart really went out to him, the deep dive says way more than I can fit it here, which probably means he should be higher lol so give that (and maybe the fic too 👉👈😌) a read if you haven’t already, all my love for him went into both.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - James Harris (The Employer)
Another adorable character, the bar flashbacks had me blushing every time. We all knew it’d be him, but I’m so glad he pulled through at the end. I want this one to be happy, especially after everything he went through. Absolutely cutiepie, gunna be the one to pay for his dinner after he gets home 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Dwight Pollard (Gotham)
Since I go into all of his roles blind, I had no idea what to expect for this one, but from the start I was hooked. Having him be a crazed cult leader with the biggest, most feral smile and laugh ever stole my heart the things I would let this man do to me sakndskjds I liveblogged his eps to a friend of mine who’s seen Gotham and has been trying to get me to watch it for ages cause I love DC, so she was thrilled as I sat here screaming about everything leading up to his ending :’D I’ve gotten some encouragement to write him, so when I do it’s gunna be so insane I’ll have to tag the hell outta it lmao (btw making these gifs nearly killed me oh my god I need him)
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💘 Love of my Life - Joshua Whitmore (Cass)
All the pain I went through trying to get this movie was worth it because it all led to him. I love him, I adore him, I’m so incredibly glad that so many others got to see him and love him too thanks to my trials and tribulations. DD’s only artist role, I got to connect with him on a personal level not shared with the others, and my desire to make sure he’s safe and taken care of is so strong that I wrote 26k about him, they’re two of my most favourite things I’ve ever written. I’ve thrown the ending of the movie out and completely placed it with my own, which can be found in my fics, and until Hugh Schulze DMs me personally and tells me what his vision was, that’s what I’m sticking with forever. So rest easy, he’s free from New York and buyers and dealers and the street and he’s safe and happy and painting again ;w;
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Thomas Schiff (The Dark Knight)
The OG, a lot of people’s first roles of his, including mine. I remember seeing this movie in theaters when it came out so that means I saw him up there, on the big screen, and something about him stuck around in my brain until I finally realized my love QwQ Even if he isn’t as fleshed out in my mind to make the actual list, I still needed to include him in some way, I hope he got placed somewhere that wasn't Arkham after Batman stepped in.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Cam (Relaxer)
I will never watch Relaxer again. Couldn’t even do it while I was making his scenepack cause so many horrible things happen to Abbie I couldn’t take it. But Cam, oh my god, I need this man. Someday I wanna write this huge fic about the reader trying to date him, and there’s no redemption. He’s still terrible at the end. But that’s what we all love about him, how shitty he is and how the potential is there for him to make us all worse. He sucks, but in the best way, and I kinda need him to maybe bully me please 😳 (making that first gif nearly made me blackout why is he doing pushups)
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💘 Love of my Life - Bob Taylor (Prisoners)
When I started adding names to my list of men I loved, Bob wasn't even on it at first I think, despite liking him in the movie. Then I saw more with him and added him to crushes. Now I’m fully in love with him, and he breaks my heart every single day. He was hurting for so long, even when we were watching I couldn’t place the blame on him while the rest of my family were convinced just like Loki that he was the one, but no matter what I couldn’t. The second I saw his sweet smile I told them there was no way it was him, and sure enough I was right. Another character who didn’t deserve what happened to him, I’ve been slowly helping him with my headcanons, but in my personal queue I have a fic planned for him and he will have no more sad days when I do 😭 I also have a bunny plush I’d had for years, my dad bought it for me and it’s been sitting on my bed ever since, and when I’m sad I hold it and pretend Bob gave it to me, it’s honestly got me through some much needed therapy because if he could go about his day with that kind of trauma then I could be brave and call about my own mental health :’)
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lonny Crane (The Belko Experiment)
This one’s a bit of a double whammy, cause I love him, but the switch to violence had me staring 👀 Either way, he didn’t deserve his death, but since it is a killing game type movie he was doomed from the start, at least his seemed instant 🥺 Someday I’ll write a fixit for him too, it was just too much for him back to back to back, he really didn’t deserve his final moments to have him as a villain even though I would really love to be lifted up like that aklskjdskds okay I’m normal again
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🔥 Hottest Role - Ray Watkins (The Rookie)
Have you seen this man? No really, have you seen him? The twirl, the shirt lifting on his hips, the cold but also fun villainy, the nonchalance to mask the cruelness underneath. I need him. This one is not a Want, he is a Need and I need him. I hope that he gets to come back in the future to fully wrap up his plot along with the cop’s plot, pleasepleaseplease, otherwise I will die unsatisfied.
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💘 Love of my Life - Kurt Goreshter (Ant-Man 1-2)
I believe he might’ve been the second role I’d ever seen, but only after I really got into the MCU after Endgame. I skipped Ant-Man in my original watches, since I was mostly just into the Avengers and Cap (mainly Bucky lol) in general, but when I finally did a full marathon I really enjoyed the first movie. Cannot remember my feelings for him now since it’s been about 4 years, but I do know when I went back to rewatch in March I fell the second I saw him 🥰 the hair, the accent, the outfit AGAIN, and those hand tattoos, this is another Perfect Man. My crush on him is incredibly strong, it told me that yeah I was really starting to fall for DD (at that point I’d just seen Demeter a few times, and then Oppenheimer on accident) and it officially kicked off my marathon that eventually led me to my collection I have today. 
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lester Billings (The Boogeyman)
My family actually watched this without me way before my crush began, so when I saw he was in it I just had to finally sit down and watch it myself. Cue me hurriedly typing to my sibling when he showed up lol this man is SAD! He’s so beautiful and sad, I just wanna make a new family with him (I would be a parent for him, that’s the extent of my love) so he can be happy again. I love the backstory I made up for him way more than the original story, sorry Stephen King but you made him awful and I don’t want that one. I’m gunna save this man and he WILL smile again, that’s a Ray Guarantee.
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🔥 Hottest Role - The Vampire (Cora)
Now, to start, this one falls prey to Very Bad Writing Choices. I will not deny that. Like, even with the allegory of the whole thing (that I did not see cause I just saw a short vampire story honestly) it's very much Not Good. But that’s why I’m removing him from the short and keeping him. In fact, go read polkadotjohnson’s fics on him, they’re fantastic and I adore how she wrote him. I someday wish to do my own, because otherwise everyone who can’t look past the Very Bad Writing Choices are getting straight up robbed of this one. Those double fangs need to introduce themselves to my neck pronto, you see what I’m saying? He’s so goddamn hot, DD needs to play a very serious vampire role again so everyone can see the Vision, he wants to do it, I need to win the lottery so I can fund this movie myself, that’s my new life’s goal.
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💘 Love of my Life - Jack Delroy (Late Night With the Devil)
The first movie I saw in theaters after my crush began! My friend saw him in a tweet about it and linked me to it so I thought it was already out, but I ended up having to wait two weeks and it nearly killed me ;w; I went in completely blind, which is good cause the trailer spoils so many great shots unfortunately, and the entire time I was swooning. Like, I usually whisper to my sibling during movies if we have comments, we’re very talkative at home when we watch stuff, but this time I was just sitting there staring with hearts in my eyes without pause. I’m in love with this man, plain and simple, I’m so glad I was able to get to see it since it didn’t come to the theater closest, we had to drive an hour away and when dad joked about me paying for the tickets since I was the one who wanted to see it, I did in a heartbeat. I wanted to see it again, but it was only there a couple weeks, so by the time I was able to go it was gone and I’m still upset about it. I’d sell my soul for this man, I love writing for him so much, I’m so glad my crush on Wojchek bloomed just in time for me to see this.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hank (Virgin Alexander)
I avoided this one at first because the trailer was making me cringe and I was going crazy over what kinda sexy awkward role he’d have in it, but I was pleasantly surprised in the end. I think the movie is actually cute, despite some stuff still making me cringe, and Hank is literally the most perfect boyfriend. If he showed up randomly in my life I would date him in a second, hands down. He’s so shaped like a friend, I know I’d always have fun with him even when we’re not Having Fun, and that’s all you can ever ask for in a relationship 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Breck Montanari (Double Black)
Okay first of all I gave him that last name. Second of all, I wrote 70k about this man and I am so in love with him that I own him now. I’ve taken him from Sara Woomer, he’s mine now. He has a full past, gave him a future and a partner, there’s no way I couldn’t have fallen in love with him. Unfortunately that fic will never be shared as it’s private, but know that, again, until Sara Woomer DMs me personally and shares everything else about this world, this is my new canon for him. And the cult. And the entire area where he lives. And several of the members. And the new Double Black who was such a chill dude that I made my bff love him too. This is my secret legacy. He only lost out to my #2 because there’s no way he couldn’t be my #2.
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💘 Love of my Life - Wojchek (The Last Voyage of the Demeter)
The reason I finally learned his name QwQ I went into this movie blind, dad really wanted to see it and I love horror so I went with him, and the second I saw him I said, ‘Oh that guy! I know that guy!’ since by then I’d seen Kurt and Abner a few years earlier and vaguely remembered him. I spent the whole movie then dreading his end thanks to the opening lines, and I’m pretty sure I quietly yelled at the screen when he fell and then got got after praying he’d be okay TwT After Abner, he’s the first DD role I ever shipped with, and when my crush officially restarted I ended up writing my entire plot for him and Addy that night before bed. I love him so much, he’s my jolly sailor bold who stole my heart by crying over the thought of having to lose his home. He’ll forever own a special place in my heart because of all this, I can’t imagine anyone else taking this spot.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Murdoc (MacGyver 2016)
Murdoc was the first TV role of his I checked out after I saw as many movies as I could that interested me (mostly all the ones on Prime sans a couple, my collection was very very small by then) and the moment I saw him be mentioned I was ready to go. The Alice in Wonderland vague text, running and then getting shocked before falling two floors, showing up with that hair, I was not prepared for everything else they were about to throw at me. Murdoc is one of my most favourite characters now, he’s so much fun, I adore everything about him, I’ve only edited with him twice and written him once, but I need to do both so much more! This one is hot as fuck, he’s adorable, he loves his son, he’s got tools, he’s utterly sadistic, he’s a silly little guy. This is another Perfect Man, I cannot wait to decide on his plot with Addy because there’s too many fun possibilities I honestly might just make multiple.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Willy Cunningham (The Domestics)
Now… you might all be thinking… why the hell is this guy a #2 honourable mention in the face of all the others… and the answer is… I’m a freak 😀 I’ll never say, but my eyes were opened to him, and my god, I will literally never be the same. I just need him and that insanely feral energy okay, lemme have this.
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💘 Love of my Life - Abner Krill (The Suicide Squad)
The love that started it all, I think I fell for him the moment he walked outta his cell and got teased. The love I feel for him goes so deep, it only compares to one other, and whenever I work on my plot for him and Addy I always get choked up. The ultimate one who didn’t deserve what he got, I actually refused to watch the movie again after he died, straight up did not watch until my marathon started, and as soon as I saw him in that cell it all came back. I instantly fell back in love with him, and thus his Addy plot has the most love put into it to make sure he’s happy and safe. I thought that maybe there’d be another to win my heart as my marathon grew, but nope he’s still there sharing it with my other #1, and seeing him can instantly bring a smile to my face no matter how I’m feeling. 
After the movie I read the trivia again and my crush on DD himself began, so it’s all thanks to him and Wojchek that I’ve met the people I know today and have created so many things in such a short time. When I hit my lowest low in years I just sat at my desk and held the funko I have of him and just cried it all out, and it honestly helped me get out of that spiral. Thanks to him I now have a Polka-Dot Man collection (still missing one figure and maybe a signed print and poster 👉👈🥰) and if I could get a plushie of him to join the ton I already have I’d buy him in a second. Maybe someday, if I have any courage, I’ll bring my funko or something to a con where DD is attending and get it signed, either him or my other #1, and I’ll cherish it forever.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Jude (Animals)
Like all the others, I went into this movie completely blind. I didn’t know DD wrote it or its significance to him until after it was over and the credits rolled. So the entire time I was watching I was falling in love with him, he was so incredibly my type in the moments he was actually happy that it’s insane, I spent the whole movie just saying how much I would date him in better circumstances. We were sadly betting which one of them was going to die as things just got worse, me and my sibling were watching so miserably, and then we were rewarded with a happy ending despite the bittersweetness. And then the credits rolled, after me repeatedly wondering why he’d accept a role like this after knowing at least about his addiction and it all fell into place. I haven’t been able to watch again so far now that I know a lot of what happened to Jude also happened to him, it breaks my heart too much, but I still love him deep down and I hope he was also able to heal after the credits rolled.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Johnson (Reprisal)
Tied for first with Abner as the ultimate love of my life and claiming this one all to himself, Johnson is the Most Perfect Man. Literally, no other DD role can top him in my heart aside from Abner. I honestly almost skipped Reprisal entirely because the promo image on his imdb didn’t grab me (I’m such a fake fan I’m so ashamed of myself), but when I was done with everything else and wanted to see more, I downloaded it without ep9 since he wasn't in it, and started watching. What followed next was me falling so in love with the show that I spent forever trying to get that missing episode back from near dead torrents cause I needed to watch it even though he wasn't in it. Reprisal is my Roman Empire, I am constantly thinking about it and him and Matty, not just for my fic but just because I love it all so fucking much. 
Johnson himself is so fascinating, I’m incredibly in love with him and everything about him, he’s unlike any other role DD has played that there’s a complete disconnect in my mind, he’s just Johnson. He’s so goddamn hot I missed out on literally everything the first round because I was watching him so hard, Matty and Ethan were nonexistent to me and I’m madly in love with Matty now so let that sink in, and when I rewatched it immediately after with my parents it was like I was watching for the first time. I’m loving writing for him (and Matty and Ethan of course) so much that my thoughts go back to him daily, and it almost always includes me being on the verge of tears because of how insanely good this script is and how these boys bring me so much joy while also shattering my heart. 
Making the gif below no joke did make me cry like this show is my greatest weakness right now you guys don't even understand how much it and Johnson mean to me.
I need to edit more for him and them and the show in general, if I had endless money and all the confidence in the world I would truly fund this show single handedly so it can finish the way it was supposed to. I’m so mad at Hulu for giving me the greatest love(s) of my life before taking him away years before I’d ever know him, with no physical media or merch to at least collect to numb the pain. At some point I need to get some promo pics printed out as actual posters, I need this show on my wall so I can always see him.
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starryriize · 8 months
assign your moots with their bias & a trope!! tell us why too 👀
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| oh this made me giggle i love being cupid fr!! i’m not sure if these are tropes, but i hope you enjoy them <33 mwah mwah i love you (i also only did these for the mutuals that i talk to the most so to my other mutuals, i don't know you well enough to have a good judge of character)
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@chiiyuuvv | anton & stolen glances !!
first up, YUVIE! ik you're super friendly BUT you're also quiet and reserved. so, i think having stolen glances with anton makes a lot of sense! you're both cute introverts 😭🥹 i could see anton being nervous to approach you, but you're also stealing glances at him and then both of you blushing when you look at each other at the same time
@kehnarii | fuma & love at first sight !!
heheehe my bae <33 i think you'd be so cute with fuma especially love at first sight!! idk i could see fuma literally speechless bc of your kind personality and the fact that you could pass as a model is an added bonus for him 🥹🤭 it's so cute bc you fall for him at first sight too :( arghhh you guys would be an adorable couple fr
@hyvelxve | seeun & christmas love !!
Ahh hyve!! my child :(( i could seeun seeing you in the falling snow and being all wide-eyed and like "woah...." 😭 idk what gave me this idea but falling in love at Christmas seems to fit you so well?? (i could be wrong tho 🥹) BUT idk seeun gives off cliche-holiday romance vibes like buying the same ornaments and he finds it cute that you like silly ornaments like him
@rizzkisworld | maki & return to hometown !!
i feel like you and maki were the childhood besties who separated to chase your own dreams. 😭 and you travel back home to see that maki has also come back to his roots !! very hometown love coded with all the grandmas asking you both, "when are you gonna confess" lmao 😭 it's very spur-of-the-moment confession in a little record store or smth (PLS THIS IS SO CUTE 🥹 y'all are the duo of the century in that town)
@yuniniverse | zhang hao & love letters !!
yuni! my first impression of you was that you're so fun to be around oh em gee😭 maybe it's bc of valentines but i just know that hao is a romantic (fight me on this i swear) it's like putting notes in your books when you're not looking 🤭 and you open it and you're kicking your feet giggling bc he sounds cheesy. you eventually write back notes and stick them in his books for him to find. 😭 ARGH this is tew tew cute
@cherrycolaberry | jaehyun & long train rides !!
maybe it was my first impression, but you have such a sweet and introverted personality 😌 (which i think jaehyun needs bc that man is energetic as hell)!! anyways, i could see him falling for you as you both are seated next to each other on the train! you realize that you have stuff in common and you would exchange numbers🤭 and that's how your relationship starts (stop i should write smth about this fr)
@cupidseok | eunseok & roommates to lovers !!
argh the loml! i feel like you fit the roommates-to-lovers trope so well 🤭 bear with me bc i can see you and eunseok being roommates under the circumstances that you both need places to stay bc apartments are expensive.😭 he thinks you're cute when you wake up needing coffee :( and then he brings home flowers home one day with a gift and tells you that he's liked you since you became his roommate 😭🥹
@lunicho | taesan & friends to lovers !!
bunny! the taesan to my leehan🧚🏼‍♀️!! anyways, i feel like you and taesan would instantly click 🤭 you're a really fun and relatable person so i could see taesan being your friend, best friend, to lover!! idk if it's me but i could see you guys meeting as strangers because you both took a walk at the same time 😭 instant BFFs me thinks, but then you guys go on dates and say things that friends don't say...which leads to you guys dating and being the cutest couple fr🥹
@leejeongz | jeonghyeon & falling first but he falls harder !!
eeeek maybe it's your vibes but i feel like jeonghyeon would fall for your cool, nonchalant vibes!! i could be wrong but i also think you guys have similar personalities...you fall first (bc who wouldn't 😭) and he slowly begins thinking about you more and more...leading to him falling for you harder 🥹🤭 he goes home kicking his feet and giggling in bed lmao
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writerscafehub · 5 months
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@sunflowersteves || @sunflowerstevesmain
From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
3.5 bc I read an old fic the other day and I’ve improved soooooo much but there’s always room for improvement!
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? I feel like I’m really good at requests.
Sometimes I think it’s hard to imagine what someone is asking for, but as a daydreamer I feel like I can visualize it so well. 
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Famous authors include Toni Morrison, Stephen King (minus the cocaine💀), and Neil Gaiman. In the server, literally everyone inspires me all the time and is so so supportive. Some mutuals that I so aspire to write like are @moonlightprose, @fushic0re, @darkficsyouneveraskfor, @fluffyprettykitty
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I would have to say first time (a carmen berzatto x reader) or broken hearts (eddie munson x reader). I think I really capture Carmen and Eddie’s characterization, especially how they would act in a relationship. Also, for sure my best angst. 
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
I’m a hyperfixation girly so the easiest are ones that I’m currently obsessed with (joel, miguel o’hara, etc.) and the most difficult are the ones that I still love but have fallen off the obsession wagon (Steve Rogers, geralt, din djarin, etc.) 
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Smut bc I’m a hoe ✨ also it’s been a year and joel miller wont leave my mind, so 
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
This has literally been on my WIP for over a year, but it has to be a notting hill AU with Sam wilson. I’ve been excited to write that for ages. 
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Marvel. I wrote a spider girl fic when I was in middle school lmao
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? jealousy fics and protective fics,,, yum 
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Prolly the divorce trope bc I get so mad at characters. 
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
It was a request but eddie munson x reader with a guitar head in the coochie and it was great.
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I love poly fics! Love Stucky x reader and steddie x reader are my fav. they’re just so good. 
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
I usually have to listen to classical or lofi beats bc I’ll get distracted soooo easily. 
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One shots 
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
As a certified day dreamer, absolutely. Any longer fic I’ve written, I literally day dream how it’s gonna play out. I did that a lot with ain’t no sunshine (joel miller x reader). 
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I am so bad at angst and I would love to write action/violent fics but I always feel like I can’t describe it for the life of me. 
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Someone commented that they turned my notifications on so that they could see when I posted the fic and that made me giggle and kick my feet. 
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
It’s currently a work in progress, but it’s a period smut fic. It’s not necessarily out of my comfort zone but more of I’ve never written a fic like that before. It’s for Miguel. I’m so ready 👀
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
tooth-rotting fluff 
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I do not ❤️ 
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
I would die in literally every sci-fi or fantasy world that I love (star wars, game of thrones, lord of the rings, the last of us, attack on titan, etc.) so I’m gonna have to pick marvel. I’d have a fighting chance. 
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
tbh the hardest part for me is starting. Introductions tear me down every time rip. Sometimes, I just start in the middle because it’s so much easier. 
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
You pause, just for a moment. You could feel the adrenaline kick into your system, and a numbing pain flushed out your senses. The blood felt warm and sticky—prompting the sleepiness to feel calming, and it urged you forward into its safe surroundings. But then you felt it. Panic. Panic rose in your neck as you looked around for someone. Your hand darted out to try and find them, but your mind was starting to become blank from the fuzzy warmth of pain. Joel. You needed Joel. 
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Ok listen, I wanna write so bad. The last fic I wrote was in March and I’m feeling that writing withdraw. My brain needs to get into hyperdrive so my fingers can type all day long. I have so many fics planned
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buttahpie · 18 days
hi!! i've been reading your timeloop fic and it's absolutely fabulous! made me tear up a couple of times and i'm only on chapter 7 i think. a couple of weeks ago i was like "i wish someone would write a mclennon timeloop thing that would deal with mental health" and how happy i was to see that there indeed IS a fanfic like that being posted at this very moment :) besides the mclennon aspect which is of course super wonderful, i really love the other paul's relationships you explore in your work, how you let your version of paul be messy and insane and flawed, but also deeply caring. i hope you get infinite inspiration and i hope you're having a great day, thank you for your hard work :)
me when i kick my feet and blush and giggle.
THANK YOU!! if you’ve teared up that early on… i am so sorry for what’s to come haha (based on my other readers experiences lmao)
also the mental health is SUCH an important aspect of Under the White Magnolia Blooms. while I was crafting my idea for this fic, I knew I wanted to take the issues of mental health and recovery head on. and i wanted to try and portray it in a way that was accurate and respectful. so hopefully i’m doing justice for you all. i’ve experienced my fair share of the tumblr-users-mental-health-plethora and so a lot of it is drawn from personal experience.
if there’s anything I can gab about for HOURS, it’s mental health, mclennon and God. so i just wrote a 100k word fanfic based on all those things and here we are :)
also— i love paul. i love my characterization of paul. writing real people is far more challenging than writing characters because real humans are infinitely more complex than characters. We can’t quite headcanon things as easily as we might with fictional characters. i don’t know paul, i don’t act like i know him, but i know humans. i know people recovering from mental health battles. i know people blinded by love. i know so many 18 year old little shits who are so talented and maybe a little (or a lot) egotistical (im getting a BFA in theatre rn so you can imagine). but i know their hearts are good. they have endless potential but are held back their families or their obligations or own personal concerns.
tbh i was one of them.
i just wanted paul to be really relatable. i wanted him to be flawed. because we are all flawed when we’re 18.
consider me infinitely inspired! this was the best ask the wake up to my day will go great!
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milogreer · 5 months
Grah (Milo 🥺🥺) ('send me a character' ask game!)
@darlinghowl asked: milo too!
YAAYYY HUSBAND TIME 🩷🩷 ↳ send me a character!
My first impression: i’m being so so serious when i say i had to pause milo’s first audio pretty much immediately after he started talking because his accent made me blush LMFAO it’s like he was built for me in a fuckin lab. werewolf with a ny/nj accent, the cockiness and bitchiness with just that hint of a soft side near the end when he talks about wanting dahlia to stay safe, and the FLIRTINESS my god. and that was ONE AUDIO LMAO that’s not even getting into everything else he has going on that felt tailored to me (*cough*heatingupinthebedroom*cough*) 🫠💖 
My impression now: unchanged baby he has been my number one since day one!!! not that this is surprising to anyone given my blog theme 🤣 i may not talk about him all the time but he’s never losing top spot in my heart. i’ve gotten butterflies from a handful of moments across the redactedverse but nothing that stuck with me as hard as the panic attack audio did, and he still makes me kick my feet and twirl my hair whenever he gets all sweet 💘 he’s truly the redacted love of my life
A favorite thing: as a massive horror media enjoyer, i think it’s so cute that he’s a little scaredy cat when it comes to ghosts and demons. the gameplay vids are super immersive for me bc whenever he jumps at something i start giggling and then he tells sweetheart to shut up for also giggling LMAO 
Least favorite thing: nothing. he’s the most perfect man ever. actually no least favorite thing is that he doesn’t talk abt his family enough !! i wanna know more about his family life so badly after the “worried about you” audio 😫 i wanna know more about marie other than that she likes ghostbusters and nags his ear off when he gets himself hurt and i wanna really dig into his feelings for his previously alcoholic/gambling addict father
Favorite interaction they have with another: AHHH THE ASHER MOUNTAIN INCIDENT. ok ok i’ve talked abt this before but i’m gonna say it again bc it always bears repeating. this was i think the first time we’ve heard about him shifting after regaining the ability post-inversion and it made me actually cry bc it was just two best friends having stupid fun together as shifters 😭😭 like even though milo came out of it injured he still got to wolf out and fuck around with asher and that makes me sooo happy for him after suffering through those 5-6 months being unable to shift
A character that I wish they would interact with more: DARLIN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE erik i’m on my knees!!! darlin’s gotten audios with david and asher, when will it be milo’s turn!! i’ve thought a lot about them as teens and how they got on and how they navigated being sort of the odd ones out wrt their family dynamics vs david and asher’s + how the pack meeting with darlin went ☹️ i need them to get a one on one audio
A headcanon: aggro is a black cat that milo adopted from a shelter specifically because of the stigma surrounding black cats. people think they’re unlucky or evil or whatever but aggro is the sweetest little thing and he was just a little baby who had been there for probably a month or two and when milo came around, there was an instant connection 🥺 i also think that if he wasn’t already a registered ESA then they definitely would’ve gotten it done post-inversion. milo doesn’t typically take him anywhere but sometimes sweetheart will take him with them to the office; he even has a cute little ESA vest 🥰
A song: this is so hard because i have a handful of good ones… one i don’t think i’ve posted before is just what i needed by the cars! really early relationship vibes, i like it a lot 💕
An unpopular opinion: [looks around cautiously before leaning close to the mic and whispering] i don’t think he’s into being called daddy. MAYBE I’M BIASED because i don’t usually vibe with it myself, but i just don’t see it. however i think if you called him “sir” you’d both be locked up in the bedroom for several hours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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yourlocalghoulette · 10 months
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Hearts and Ribbons Part One
Main Masterlist|Series Masterlist
Warnings: Eventual smut so MDNI, Relationship building, Joel being a flirt, mentions of abuse, swearing, brief horny thoughts, lmk if I forgot anything:)
A/N: here’s the first part for yall! This is literally the first long fic I’ve ever written so it’s kinda scaring me to share it to yall🥲 pleaseee send me any tips or helpful critizism!! Also, I’m going to focus more on the actual relationship of Joel x reader more than the actual getting to the relationship lmao, so this is gonna move pretty fast. Hope you enjoy!
W/C: 3.3k
"Dad, did you know that ballerinas can go through up to three pairs of pointe shoes a week?"
Sarah excitedly reads facts from a book that she borrowed from the library about ballet to Joel, who just picked her up from school. Joel hangs his arm out of the window, the cool breeze flowing into the car relieving against the hot Texas air.
"That so?" He hums, turning on the radio. Long, Long Time by Linda Ronstadt crackles through his old truck radio. "Sounds expensive." Sarah giggles infectiously, turning the pages of the book. "Ooh, listen to this, Dad," she exclaims, leaning back in her seat and resting her feet on the front passenger seat. "Apparently women weren't allowed to dance ballet until 1681! That's crazy." "Feet off the seat," Joel scolds gently. "Wow. That is crazy. Wonder why they didn't let 'em." Sarah rolls her eyes jokingly and removes her feet from the seat in front of her. "Dad...would I be able to take dance lessons?" She asks carefully, a small smirk growing on her face. "Damn ballet movies," he mutters under his breath. "Well....I'd have to probably work some extra shifts, but..." Joel hesitates. Anything to make his baby girl happy, right?
That's how Joel found himself perched on his office chair in front of his computer, scrolling through various dance studios. Being in the busy place of Austin Texas, he wasn't surprised that there were a lot of dance studios around him. He finally found a ballet studio that looked welcoming, immediately letting out a sigh of relief as he tapped the link. The home page of the website catches his eye, with phrases like 'We welcome all levels and ages of dancers" and "Friendly family atmosphere" snagging his interest. He takes out his phone, dialing the number from the website.
You're just finishing your choreography for the intermediates, a lyrical dance to the song 'Fear of Water' by Noah Kahan. Your Apple watch buzzes against your wrist as you solidly land a double pirouette, notifying you that a call is coming in. You quickly grab your phone, clicking the green 'Accept' button.
"Hearts and Ribbons Dance Studio, how can I help you?" You say sweetly into the phone, slightly out of breath from dancing. "Uh..Hi? I wanted to enroll my daughter in a ballet class," the voice says from the other end. You immediately know this man is hot just from hearing his voice. It's deep and slightly gravelly, his Texan accent apparent through the phone. You, however, have just moved to Texas a year ago, so you didn't quite have an accent yet.
"Totally! How old is she and what's her dancing level?" You inquire, nestling your phone in between your cheek and shoulder you can pull out your notebook and pen.
Joel loves how sweet and kind your voice sounds, and he knows he's definitely going to have Sarah go to this studio. Because he thinks it's a good fit, no other reason of course. "She's twelve years old, and she ain't never touched a dance floor in her life," he responds, kicking back easily in his chair. "I hope that's alright?" "That's totally fine. I believe no one is ever too old to start dancing," you say into the phone, and Joel can tell how passionate you are about your work. "OK, so I actually have a class open every Thursday afternoon for beginners, ages 12 through 14. Does that interest you?" You continue, flipping through your calendar. "That sounds perfect, actually," he responds. "Great!" You exclaim into the phone, a little too excited to be able to meet this handsome-sounding man in person. "Oh, before I forget, what is your and your daughter's name?" "I'm Joel, and my daughter's name is Sarah." "Sarah and Joel, huh? Both great names," you say sweetly, taking account of their names in your notebook as you tell him your name. "Uh..thanks, darlin'," he says, wondering why he's so flustered at what is normally a common compliment. "Your name is beautiful too." You feel heat creeping slowly up to your cheeks. "Thanks," you murmur, then quickly gain your composure. “I-I’ll see you guys tomorrow at four, then?” Joel runs his hand through his graying hair. “Sounds great. Can’t wait to meet you.”
You grin widely as you hang up. Staring into the wall-length mirror, you sigh. “What the fuck are you thinking, girl? He has a kid. He’s probably married. You haven’t even met him yet,” you scold yourself.
Tomorrow finally comes, and you are trying to round up the littles class so they can go home. To your surprise, a man and his daughter walk in. You can already tell that it’s Joel and Sarah. Joel’s face definitely lives up to your fantasies, dark chocolatey brown eyes and a patchy beard sprinkled with streaks of gray. He’s tall, and you can tell by the way that his arms are squeezed by the flannel he’s wearing that he is a strong man. The girl, whom you assume is Sarah, is really pretty, with dark, short, tight curly hair. She's wearing a black leotard and pink tights, with a white wrap skirt.
They watch as you struggle with the crazy kindergartners, your face filled with annoyance as a little girl named Ada breaks down into tears. “Hey, baby, it’s alright, don’t cry,” you say softly, and Joel admires how patient you are as you ask her what’s wrong, what happened, blah, blah, blah, the same script you use with every kid.
“Need a hand?” You jump slightly as Joel touches your shoulder lightly, standing right behind you. “I-uh- no, I think I got it, but thanks,” you smile up at him, slightly flustered as Joel nods and withdraws his hand. You finally get the kids with their parents and out the door, letting out a deep sigh before you turn to face Joel and Sarah. “I take it you’re Joel and Sarah?” You shake hands with Joel, savoring his strong grip around your hand. “I appreciate you coming early,” you continue. “It’s so fucking annoying when people come late and I’m not able to show them around.” You immediately cover your mouth with your hand. “Sorry,” you say sheepishly. “I’m still working on this whole ‘professional’ thing.”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I have the same problem,” Joel assures you.
You blush, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “And you must be Miss Sarah?” You ask, turning to face Sarah with a wide smile. She nods eagerly. “That’s me,” she grins. “I’m so excited to dance.”
“Well, great, we love some enthusiasm here,” you say, flashing a smile at Joel. He immediately feels his face heat up. He can’t deny the fact that you are beautiful, he would even go so far to say you’re stunning. He admires the way that your eyes light up when you talk to Sarah, clearly passionate about your job. “Ok, let’s get in a short tour before the rest of the girls get here,” you glance at your watch. “We got about ten minutes.”
Sarah nods eagerly. “Ok, I’m so excited!” She exclaims again.
You show them around the studio, pointing out the main dance floor (obviously), the barre, the bathrooms….there really isn’t much to a dance studio. “And there ya go!” You grin, glancing at your watch again as some girls start to walk into the studio. “Perfect timing.” Sarah bounces up and down excitedly and runs to the other girls, leaving you alone with Joel.
“Hey, I really appreciate this, darlin',” he says softly, smiling at you. “Y'know, for taking her in a class on such a short notice.” God, his eyes alone could make you melt. You instinctively glance at his left hand. No ring.
“It’s my pleasure,” you smile back at him. “I love making kids happy. It’s my passion.”
Joel nods in understanding. “Me too, in a sense,” he nods towards Sarah. “So, are you new to Austin? I swear I would remember a face that pretty if I ever saw it.” Your cheeks immediately flush bright pink. “Yeah, I just moved here about a year ago from Michigan. Looking for a fresh start, y’know?” You lean against the wall, admiring how easy he is to talk to. He nods. “Why’d you come to Texas?” He asks, hoping he’s not prodding too much. “Well, I partially became here because it’s warm, and my boyfriend lives here. Well, my ex, now.”
His eyes brighten slightly as he hears that you’re single. “Well, welcome to Texas. I guess I’ll see you in an hour?” He reaches out his hand to shake yours. You shake his hand, your fingers lingering together for a second before you pull away. “Yep. I guess I should probably start teaching the class,” you laugh, a sweet sound to Joel’s ears.
As soon as Sarah climbs into Joel’s car after the class is over, giddy and happy from the excitement of her first dance class, she punches Joel jokingly on the shoulder. “So, when are you gonna ask her out?” She smirks. Heat immediately rushes to his cheeks, but he keeps his eyes on the road, hoping Sarah won't see it. “Who? I-uh-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sarah rolls her eyes. “You’re an awful liar, dad. I saw you talking to my dance teacher, all pink and giggly around her.” Joel lets out a defeated sigh. “OK, maybe I think your dance teacher is pretty, but that doesn’t mean anything, okay? Do not tell Uncle Tommy,” he says firmly. Sarah giggles. “I knew it! A few hours later, you're still at the studio, working through a tough turn combo that you came up with. Three a la secondes, three pencil turns, two fouettes, three pirouettes....you're thrown out of your turn when your phone rings, the monotonous tone breaking your concentration. You pick up your phone, eyes widening when you recognize Joel's number. You quickly press accept. "Hey, J- I mean, hello, Hearts and Ribbons dance studio, how can I help you?" You gain your composure quickly, trying to hide that you knew exactly who was calling you. "Hey, sweetheart, this is Joel. The-uh- the new dancer's dad?" You almost laugh at the fact that Joel thought that you would forget him. "I remember you, Joel," you giggle sweetly into the phone. "I'm honored," he responds with mock exaggeration. "Listen, I just wanted to thank you again for today. Sarah is abso-fucking-lutely overjoyed." You laugh. "That's amazing. I'm so glad she's liking it. So I'm guessing she's going to keep taking classes here?" You ask hopefully, secretly crossing your fingers. You'd take any excuse to be with this Joel Miller that you could get. "Oh, absolutely." You can tell Joel hesitates through the phone. "Listen, I-uh-I was just wondering if you'd like to go out for coffee sometime? Just to...you know....talk about Sarah's progress and shit," he mutters nervously into the phone, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yes!" You almost yell into the phone, then take a deep breath to contain yourself. "I-I mean, yeah, of course, Joel. That sounds lovely." Joel laughs into the phone, making the butterflies in your stomach take flight once again. "Sounds good. I was thinking...Saturday morning, say, 10 o'clock? At that new coffee shop downtown." You glance at the calendar on your wall. "Um, I actually have a class then. Could you do twelve and we could get lunch?" "Sounds great, darlin'." The two of you continue to talk for what feels like hours, and when you finally hang up, your heart is giddy with excitement. You turn to look at yourself in the mirror. "Jesus fucking Christ," you mutter to yourself. "Am I really going on a date with the hottest fucking man in Austin? Maybe....maybe he truly does want to do it to talk about Sarah. Don't let 'em get in your head, girl," you scold yourself sternly. After Joel hangs up, he leans back in his chair and runs his hand through his grey-streaked hair. "Was I being too forward?" He thought to himself. "Maybe she thinks I'm some sort of creep. No, she reacted pretty well to me asking her."
Both of you went to bed that night with looming doubts over your head, along with anticipation for Saturday to come.
“Fucking hell,” you mutter to yourself. The numbers 11:43 glare back at you and you still haven’t picked out an outfit.
Finally, finally you settle on slightly baggy jeans paired with a button up, cropped shirt that had a cute tie in the front. A little more skin than you usually show, but you know Joel will appreciate it. Not having time to put on real makeup, you quickly apply some lip gloss and mascara. After triple checking yourself in the mirror, you deem yourself worthy of Joel’s attention. You glance at the clock again. 11:56. You’re definitely going to be late. You throw yourself and your belongings into your car, driving the short ten minutes to the coffee shop. You see Joel already waiting outside, wearing a button down black and green flannel with black pants. You can tell he’s nervous, and you feel bad for being so late.
“Hey,” you call to him, rushing out of your car. “I’m so sorry I was late- I got caught up-“
“Hey, darlin, it’s okay,” he says soothingly, standing up to awkwardly pull your chair away from the table for you. “You look beautiful.”
You giggle, making his heart flutter as you both sit down and pick up a menu. You can’t help but notice how your knees brush together under the table, sending electric shocks through your body with just that simple touch.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, hot stuff,” you grin.
“Me? Hot stuff? I think you got the wrong guy,” Joel laughs, but secretly inside, he was raving at your compliment.
“So, what was it you were wanting to talk about Sarah?” You initiate the conversation after ordering your coffees, an iced caramel macchiato for you and a hot black coffee for Joel.
“Just wanted to see how she’s doing in your class. ‘F she has potential, you know, all those basic ass parent questions that you probably get every day.” He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of him, enhancing his muscular biceps and pecs.
Eyes up, keep your eyes up, you tell yourself.
You laugh easily. “Yeah, I do get that question a lot. But you seem…different. Like you actually care about how your daughter’s doing, unlike some parents who force their kids to dance well so they can win some gold medals. I admire that, Joel.”
Joel feels his cheeks flush as you say that. “I do truly care about Sarah. She’s m’heart and soul, y’know?”
I nod in understanding. “Yeah. I love a lot of my students like they’re my own daughter.” You bite your lip as you try not to smile at the thought of Sarah being your own daughter one day. “Anyways, Sarah is doing great. Even with just having one class, she has a great sense of rhythm and a good concept of the movements it takes to execute dance skills properly. She’s fairly flexible, and with a lot of training she could be one of my top dancers.”
Joel raised an eyebrow, a proud look in his eyes. “That so?” He shakes his head. “That kid is something else, I swear. She’s fucking talented at everything.”
“Well, she had to have gotten her talent from somewhere, huh?” You smirk at Joel. “Are you a dancer? Not that I’m saying you could not be. I think everyone’s a dancer at heart.”
Joel flushes bright red, shaking his head quickly. “No, no. I don’t dance, darlin’.”
“Oh, come on, I’m sure you’re great at it,” you giggle, gently swatting Joel’s shoulder playfully. His skin feels like it was electrified with your touch.
How can a man like someone so much the second time he met them?
“So, tell me about yourself. This is a date, ain’t it?” He asks with a smirk.
You bite your lip, trying to keep yourself from grinning widely. “Yeah, I guess it is. Well, uh, I’m 26, I like to dance-“
“No shit,” Joel interrupts, making you laugh.
“Yeah, I know, crazy, right? Well…let’s see. I moved here from Michigan…you already knew that. I have a dog named Javi, and my favorite color is sage green. I- Jesus, why does it sound like I’m writing my tinder profile?”
Joel smirks. “No need. You got everything you need right here.
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“No, I’m serious. You truly are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on, you know that?” He says softly, and you can’t help but notice how his hand scoots closer to yours slightly.
“You’re pretty easy on the eyes yourself,” you joke, but you can’t hide the heat climbing up your cheeks.
“So, what about you? Tell me what you’d put on your Tinder profile.”
You stick your tongue out at him playfully.
He quickly shakes away the thought of that tongue wrapped around his cock, tears dripping from your pretty eyes. “I-uh, well, I’m pretty fucking sexy, so there’s that.”
You roll your eyes. “Ok, ok, I know that, but actually tell me about yourself, you bastard,” you giggle.
“Ok darlin’, I’m a contractor, I have my own business alongside my younger brother Tommy, who got the less handsome gene of the family,” he smirks. “I’m 35, and my favorite color is…red, I guess? I don’t have much time to think about that shit.”
You lean back in your chair, smiling easily at him.
“Fair enough.”
You two continue to talk effortlessly for almost three hours, before finally, you have to leave to go teach an evening class.
“This was so great, Joel,” you grin, standing up to hug him. “I hope we can do this again in the future?”
”Of course, darlin’. I love talkin’ with you, pretty little thing,” he hugs you back, fighting the urge to kiss you on the cheek. “Call me when you get back to the studio, alright?”
“Will do,” you give him a thumbs up before gathering your stuff up from the table.
“See ya, Joel.”
“See ya, darlin.”
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miupow · 3 months
crave gyu always drives me crazy!! HE'S SO CUTE BUT AT THE SAME TIME SUCH A SON OF A BITCH‼️‼️ 😫
anyway, he's still my favorite 🥲👍
i tried to imagine myself in that situation where yn is, and it would be too horrible
firstly, I'm not a sub and don't even try to convince me to be one, and secondly, I can't keep quiet and my patience is zero, so there would be so much fighting, but... for some reason, I feel sorry for them, I guess? Idk why, but it seems like they really need love and someone by their side to give them attention and affection sooo that would definitely make me cling to them, but living in those conditions is absolutely impossible
I just wanted to say that I love the universe you created and since I love werewolves, and that made me fascinated in crave so pretty much 🙃💖
I'm looking forward to seeing tyun's headcanon, and yes, there's still Yeonjun, but I'm more curious about Taehyun
this ask made me giggle and kick my feet tbh !! yes let’s talk let’s converse let’s discourse i love it i love it
i’m so glad you love crave!! it’s definitely for the submissive and breedable girlies lol but it warms my heart that you love it anyway lol!!
mc definitely feels some kind of pity for them which is part of why she gets so stockholm-y and sticks around like she does lol. especially since they have troubled pasts. she’s a sweetheart and it gets the better of her
the way i talk about crave makes it sound like they’re fucking and sucking 24/7 and it’s really not like that !! there’s a big sexual tension element to it because i’m a sucker for sexual tension lol and most of the smutty smut happens either during their rut cycles or because their relationship is blossoming or wtv you would call it. i’m not sure how else to word that i hope you get what i’m talking about lol
but yes mc is definitely a strong soldier for living the way she does lmao !! originally crave was set in a kind of medieval/rural victorian (?) time period so mc was already kind of used to being a bangmaid iykwim.. she went from taking care of her family to taking care of these men essentially. there’s kind of a theme about women / misogyny
but i flip flop on it a little i’m not sure if i want it to be modern now or not ?? idk
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lilioopdf · 27 days
This is also amazing comfort after my “best friend” (we’ve been disgustingly down bad for each other since we were fifteen but just never did anything about it) left for uni again (we’re in our second years so this is the second goodby) and he kissed me right before he left for uni last year lmao because I wasn’t coming back home for either Xmas or Easter and my family and I had a long ass summer vacay planned so he panicked coz he wasn’t gonna see me for over a year then and we’re not dating because we’re on separate continents for uni 🫶 basically she fell first he fell harder but we just didn’t get the timing right like Jim and Pam
SHUT UP OH MY GODDDD i did not expect to receive an ask like this today but im so grateful i did because
1) i’m SO HAPPY to know that you loved the fic aaaa 💗💗this one is definitely very close to my heart so to know that it influenced you into wanting a uni romance too?? my job here is done 🤭🤭
2) cutest yet most heartbreaking thing ive read today like all that just for the timing to not be right?? ☹️☹️ are you both still in contact though? like as friends or best friends or… otherwise? idk if im just delusional or if i just have a very innocent viewpoint on relationships but i always think it could work out if you really wanted it to (if not now, then later) but i also believe that sometimes things just can’t work out if there’s too much hurt surrounding certain things in the relationship even if you really do love the person yk?
ive always wanted a childhood best friends to lovers trope like its been my favourite trope for years and will continue to be until the day i die but i don’t have any male childhood best friends i could marry and the only ones that come close are the sons of my dad’s friends that i met like… once or twice when i was 5 and 7 so no way
also im just not attracted to people in my country for lots of reasons but anyway! the things i would do to experience a childhood best friends to lovers trope (teenage love to adult lovers just doesn’t hit the same in my opinion) UGDHHDDJ and pepe just fits that trope perfectly though don’t you think 😊💞
have a lovely lovely day/night ahead!! thank u for sharing this with me because it made my very busy and fun day 100x better so i hope everything ends up working out with you and your best friend (if you still want it to ofc 🫣🤭) take care! 💗💗
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aettuddae · 3 months
i very much understand why those anon are doubting jimin, but like, let’s have a lil faith in her shall we? 😭
that woman has been in a relationship w a MAN for idgaf how long, she’s just a lil confused yk? but i gotta say, if jimin were to fuck things up ( again ) after what happened, i DONT EVEN KNOW HOW SHE COULD POSSIBLY DO THAT AFTER LETTING SERIM EAT HER OUT
now i’m really curious on what’s abt to happen next 😓 kai finding out? maybe. i don’t think they’ll find out what happened thru serim tho, feel like that woman don’t eat 😸 and tell. and btw, THAT WAS THE MOST FLUFFIEST SMUT I HAVE EVER READ. not an expert at all, i’ve read some but that’s the only one that has me giggling and kicking my feet yk?
i also agree to that one anon, those two are really bad at communicating 😭 i also feel like that’s how they could tell e/o what they really feel
OOOOOHHHHH what happened will do good for ryujin’s manhwa 🤪
plus, jimin fucking things up once again just adds spice to the story 😋 ( i will forever defend that woman ‘till i die )
if yu jimin has one supporter is this anon
how horribly consuming and blinding it must be to date a man, praying for business matter!karina she had it the worst. also yeah once you had someone between your legs and called them yours maybe just maybe you don't fuck things up again, hope she knows what she's doing
"DON'T EAT AND TELL" LMAO 😭 fabulous comedic timing
it was meant to be fluffy, hopefully i complied. and great you liked it 🫂
ryujin needs to find out now, no one is gonna be happier
i'm telling you, at least jimin has you anon
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seongminiz · 4 months
i’m sorry ur feeling sick again :(( pls there’s no rush to respond of course i’m just going to drop these nasty thoughts here in response to urs but i hope you feel better soon😓😓
.. cuz everything u said about vampire hoon is sooo good, i’d like to think that it gives u such a high to be fed on, therefore turning you on so u get wet just at the thought of him feeding off of you and he love humiliating u for it (u love vein humiliated<3333)
i feel like generally vampire x human relationships are gonna be at least a little toxic and is it really so bad if ur getting off to the way sunghoon degrades u? /hj
omg and js , anon talking about u n matt licking at jiwoong’s boxers while he uses u and makes u suck him off at the same time is so good wtff so nasty but i could see it :((( poor matthew just wants to make both u and jiwoong happy he’s so loyal he’ll do whatever u ask him, but now ur at the bottom of the food chain too since jiwoong’s broken u down to nothing but a dirty little slut who can’t think of anything else but his cock :( the licking at his boxers IS SOOO nasty like just trying to get a taste of him :((( so pathetic my head is spinning /pos 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i’m just thinking about other nasty scenarios now too.. jiwoong making u ride his thigh while he’s on the phone with a sponsor for the country club? he has ur panties shoved in ur mouth to keep you quiet, says if u make a sound he’ll make sure u have to explain it to the guy on the other side of the phone but also if u stop moving he’s not going to let u cum :(
i imagine jiwoong lives on site or nearby, in my head his huge mansion or smth is like just behind the country club or smth so on weekends he’d take u and matthew home with him to play with you if he’s feeling really depraved maybe he makes you both stay naked for 48 hours or just in ur undies, so he can implement free use with you for the next 2 days is that too crazy like i’m just imagining being jiwoong’s little cumslut for days and probably doing nothing other than having sex with him :((((
or. jiwoong buying u two a panty vibe n cockring so he can play with u both at the same time while ur supposed to be working, he can control both toys from his phone n likes to put them on the same settings to see which one of u breaks first <333
- 🧁 anon
aaa im sorry i forgot to answer this :( im still not feeling that great (so maybe my thoughts wont be outstanding lmao) but im not extremely sick now , thank u for worrying my love 😕🫂
exacltyyy wheres the fun in a human x vampire (or rlly , any non-human) relationship if its not at least a little toxic‼️‼️‼️
riding jiwoongs thigh ofmdhfn i need that so bad .. N THE PANTIES THING TOO OMFG tbh everything u say has me giggling kicking my feet !!
also the whole seeing who breaks first is so .. like yea jiwoong is the one who actually has the upper hand in this situation but nothing is stopping u from making matthew's life a little harder and teasing him so u can 'win' .. tho if u do put ur plan into action , matt will probably retaliate n give u a taste of ur own medicine (or at least , try to)
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moonjxsung · 7 months
ugh your response just ugggghhhhhh speaks to my soul. giggling and kicking my feet at how much u fit the minho agenda
i haven’t really been in too many relationships, but the ones that I have been in have been so terrible for my sexual identity. let’s get into it.
I’m extremely introverted, (but very open and bubbly around my friends/fam/inner circle ykwim?), but most of the time super shy and anxious ESP in public places that involve advocating for myself with ordering food or asking someone else for anything etc. I HATE IT I JUST WANT TO RUN AND HIDE AND RAHHHHHH
haven’t always been like this, i was a super extroverted kid, but i think as I’ve grown up and gone through a number of experiences in which I’ve lost that confidence and ignorant bliss that i used to have, my personality evolved as a result.
anywaysssss, my most recent ex was very extroverted but also very controlling, (which i ignored for way too long to not be affected by) however he lacked the ability to give me that safe feeling that i need in a relationship—i need a dom partner who uses that power dynamic in a loving and affirming way towards me, if that makes sense? like i get a lot of comfort from affirming words from the person im with in that dom position.
( the ex was a fucking waste of human . When i tried testing the waters to come out to him, he told me that if i was “gay”(meaning anything but straight) he would immediately break up with me and would have never dated me, he never made me cum even one time, and cheated on me :D )
I’m such a sub but tbh would maybe be open to versing IF my partner was into that? yeah i feel like that was an even more submissive thing to say than saying I’m a sub goodbye🧍🏽‍♀️
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had to add the babygirl princess himself
Thank u for adding babygirl hanji he cleansed the palate after listening to your shitty ex story good LORDDDDD….. the part about you trying to come out to him????? Sheesh what a fucking loser
I totally get what you mean about someone needing to establish a safe environment for you to be in that sort of dynamic. I definitely feel the same way in that I need to feel safety and security before literally anything else in a relationship and because I’m usually the one who prefers to be in control, I try my best to keep things as safe as possible, like opening the door for clear communication, making sure we’re both on the same page about what we want, establishing clear boundaries, etc. It sounds like your ex never valued any of that and that’s why it wasn’t the fit for you. I think it’s very easy to get caught up in that mindset of feeling like you have more control over someone outside of a romantic or sexual sense when you’re the one wearing the pants in a relationship, so I definitely just advocate for very clear communication and being able to express what we both want out of something. And I usually expect it back (though I always somehow get stuck talking to women who like to reap the benefits of a woman w inherently masculine traits without wanting to date an actual woman and it sucks lmao) but yeah, in short I just like to sort of be the person initiating everything and taking care of another person and establishing a safe space for both of us to just be comfortable and safe with each other. That’s another reason I’m really attracted to introverts and shy people because I can sorta facilitate those conversations and check in w them to make sure they’re comfortable and the dynamic is just…. something I’m very attracted to lmao
You’ll definitely have your share of SHITTY fucking people and you’ll have to sort of learn what you want out of a relationship but I have no doubt you’re going to find someone who treats you like the absolute angel you are 🫶 don’t ever settle for less than you deserve and know that your scummy ex doesn’t determine what’s still out there for you. You deserve to be safe and loved and taken care of and your ex deserves to rot in hell
Sending u all my love little angel xoxoxoxo 💞💞💖💗💝💞💕💓👼🫶
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shibaraki · 11 months
monteh!!! i LOOOOOOVED an observer of longing !!!!!! i love hajime so much my cutie pie beef cake 🥹 it had me giggling and kicking my feet! and after finishing i gotta ask .... what was the immediate aftermath like ?? everyone else getting to the shared room knowing ... ya know! the teasing and looks and sex jokes galore heheh! i can only assume haji and reader shared the one room while the guys slept on their futons :3c and the onsen !!! so cute to imagine 🥹 love love love ! i'm placing a big fat juicy kiss to your brain <3 love ya !>v<
NONNIE !!! AAAAAH THANK YOU for reading and for your question! I am very very happy to hear you loved it!! they were a total delight to write as usual lmao. as for the aftermath,, I was going to include it but then realised if I did I would end up writing that, and then another scene, and then another… my plans started to become never ending! so I cut myself off lmao
after, they shower and get in the onsen and spend time talking about how to navigate their relationship. oh and they leave the doors open to air out the smell of sex from the room LOL. but the guys come back partway in and start making a bunch of noise sldjdjh whooping and cheering!! they also get in the onsen. they are all very happy. like tooru cries alsksksn
mostly I wanted to explore their dynamic as a group more, like, how it would change after too. I hoped to address all of the physical affection they give each other and what (if any) boundaries would arise now. the scene in my head was vaguely:
tooru kisses the top of your head and hajime’s cheek in group hug or something (mind u they are literally naked in the onsen together): I’m happy for you
issei makes a thoughtful noise: is that still allowed? all the kissing and hand holding?
tooru looking distraught: what?
hajime is confused: why would he have to stop? it’s just tooru
basically highlighting the trust and security in their friendship etc etc. my queerplatonic heart says they are committed to each other 💔 would love to write a sequel where they wake up one day to realise they’ve been in a relationship the whole time sljdkskdkdk but that would take a while to get to. man. I’ve rambled!! I just love them a lot. and I love you too!!! mwah!
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andvys · 11 months
You hate the way you wonder about how things could’ve been if you never let him go so easily. 
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“We both made mistakes.”
*Tries to figure out how R got to that decision*
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“Yeah,” he whispers, “I would have stayed with you.” Because this is what he wanted. He wanted you to fight for him, he wanted you to make him stay.” BOY BYE. THAT WASNT OUR JOB.
“I should have given you the locket,” he whispers as he turns your hand around and places the little box into your palm, “I shouldn’t have given you the fucking bracelet that you never wanted.” *slow claps for Steve realizing and stating the obvious.*
Steve and Nancy need to just figure themselves out. They’re exhausting. (😂😂😂)
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‘There is an innocent look on his face but his eyes are filled with mischief.’ Eddie, our menace.
‘He leans his chin on your shoulder and pulls your hair back,’ *giggles rolling back and kicking my feet in the air*
You reach for the ring. The skull ring that you have seen in the window at the Gothic shop that you passed by when you spent a weekend in Indianapolis, back in February.  *screams like a banshee* OKAY LISTEN HERE ANDY, I KNOW STEVE IS TRYING TO BETTER HIMSELF, BUT LOOK AT THIS!!
“you’re not pregnant with a Munson baby, are you y/n?” He smirks.’ Me: *knowing damn well they’re just friends. But you know I’m a slut for this.🥹😭😩*
He puts a blanket around you when the night gets colder and you still scoot closer to him, reaching for his hand in search of more warmth and when he kisses the top of your head, a new pair of eyes catches sight of you with him.  
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He sees you smile and even though it breaks his heart to see you with him, he can walk away with a calm feeling in his chest because he gets to know that this night won't end for you in tears this time. <- see, even Steve is thinking it’s better this way. 😂
You know I have to give you a hard time about this because everyone is blowing up your page with Eddie vs Steve lmao BUT I love this story (and you 🥲) so much!!
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It really really wasn’t readers job to make Steve stay or to even fight for him — she should’ve been the one to leave in the first place
Steve and Nancy are finally over and their relationship is history
Steve is really trying to be a better person but Eddie is definitely doing way better than him …. and yes even Steve knows it 🤭
Thank you for reading and for this amazing review, it’s always fun to read it!!! 🩷🤭
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lioncunt · 1 year
Lestat for the character impressions!!
fjdjsksk ok buckle in this is gonna be long
first impression: just like with armand it was the movie as a high school freshman, and i was immediately extremely obsessed with him. that kind of lovable antagonist has always been my favorite archetype, like spike from buffy etc, so it was very easy to become attached to him, especially in CONTRAST to movielouis who sucks. when he “died” i was very surprised and disappointed, which i think then colored my initial viewing of the second half of the story lmao i was like where the fuck is lestat why is antonio banderas here. after i watched the movie i looked up the books, and when i realized he was the protagonist for the rest of the series i was like oh ok i’m gonna read them now. i really did start reading them exclusively for him. when i read the book, i was taken aback by how he was much more of an abusive piece of shit, because i think the movie skips past a lot of his more cruel acts with louis and claudia and boils it down to claudia just growing up and louis being sad for no reason. (i have issues with the movie.) (the musical does this to an even more ridiculous degree.) anyway i was like wow he actually really sucks but that made me even more obsessed with him because it made him much more interesting to me, a real multifaceted dynamic character! and once the ending scene with him and louis occurred i was so struck by the entire tragedy of the book and how there wasn’t a true villain in the end. anyway then i read tvl and i lost my mind
impression now: i have a whole other post that i think encapsulates all my bookstat feelings so i won’t type it all out again. as for showstat, he’s less of my best friend who i have to berate for being a fucking idiot and more of my favorite science experiment, something thrilling and terrifying that i’m enamored with and am dying to dissect until i understand every inch of what he’s made of. it was very much a rollercoaster for me watching it week to week because i was never totally sure where they were going with him, but now that the dust has settled i think they made some really fantastic choices with him. they didn’t shy away from his horrific acts of abuse like anne did in the movie and musical, while also keeping the thread of tvl lestat. it’s interesting, because while bookstat also commits absolutely heinous, unforgivable crimes, most of them are from his point of view, so we have a much clearer idea of why he’s committing those crimes. with showstat, we get no explanations, no internal monologue, no perspective, which makes my brain burst from all the different ways one can interpret him. i love showstat with all my heart and soul but i viscerally hate him but he is also my girlfriend so there’s that to contend with as well
favorite moment: wolfkiller. idk the book started with that and i giggled and kicked my feet “wow you killed a pack of them wowww” just call me nicki de lenfent. for showstat “this CHARLATAN” he looks like he has rabies <3
idea for a story: i wanna see him go back to acting and he’s in a soap opera and he has joey tribbiani’s storyline from friends
unpopular opinion: i do think showstat loved claudia despite everything, that one interview sam had where he said he was proud of her gave me enough energy to power a small town. for bookstat i think he deserved to be the main character of the book series even though i wish that didn’t mean anne lobotomized everyone else. but like he’s written specifically for my enjoyment so i’m glad that i have a wealth of text of widely varying quality to enjoy him from lmao
favorite relationship: romantic relationship is loustat both in the books and the show, nothing will ever compare to them i want them trapped in a jar on my shelf for eternity. non-romantic relationship is him and claudia “my dark child, my love, evil of my evil, claudia broke my heart” what if i killed myself
favorite headcanon: he loves the phantom of the opera. i think he actually mentions it in memnoch, they’re playing something from it in the background. anyway he’s pro phantom/christine
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word-wytch · 2 years
“Ah, ok.” You stared down at the paper, the words blurring.
“You know he got a D on the pop quiz I gave on Friday.”
You gave a single nod, lips forming a hard line. “Well, he wasn’t able to study, was he?”“Course not, it’s a pop quiz. You know I’ve gotta give it to you for trying.”
“Yes, well, so is he,” you said curtly. You left the paper crumpled on the table, turning on your heel toward the door. 
This part frustrated me beyond aaaaall get out. Pop quizzes are bullshit and so is this teacher. I strongly felt our girlies frustration here, both with her panic that Eddie isn’t in school and her anger towards the teachers who write off Eddie as a failure. Bitches.
“So he would concede and meet her eyes for just a moment from across the classroom. Behind them, equal parts desire and remorse.”
Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy. Desire???????? MA’AM!!! I feel like she’s going to be an issue in the future chapters and that scares me.
I really, really love this story and this chapter and how you can feel their relationship blooming. Your writing…just wow. It makes me feel like I’m on the edge of my seat just like Eddie and our girlie are with all these soft touches and longing looks. Kicking my feet and gigglingggg like I have my own forbidden romance.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!! I love seeing your reactions omg.
Doris O’Donnell — we love to hate her lmao
As for Chrissy — equal parts sympathy and annoyance
When I set out to write this fic one of the main reactions I was striving for was kicking feet and giggling so I’m really glad I achieved that. It thrills me to no end to see you so excited over my creation!! 🥹💕✨🙏
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