misty-moth · 2 months
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Didn’t realize Rhodolite had horror movies… or movies in general… 👀
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manie-sans-delire-x · 2 months
"My, the Theskan Double Counter Gambit. Vicious! Exactly what I would have done."
Raphael: *sweats nervously* *doesn't actually know how to play* *has no idea what that is*
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quikyureblogs · 23 days
The vending machines at my school sell a pack of peanut m&ms for 4 dollars I’d rather KILL MYSELF!!!
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schsas · 1 year
did you see the Gabriel design for the Paris special?
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leclaren · 11 months
nando's kinda...
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lexivass · 1 year
Had a talk with my father tonight and, surprisingly, I do not wanna pack up and leave the planet. We had a yelling match, which was very relaxing to me because I got to rub a lot of stuff in his face. He didn't listen, but we came to an agreement about some things and I guess he realized I'm no longer the anxious, trembling mess I was the last time we had a conversation like this. Plus, maybe he will finally see I have a brain and won't put up with his bullshit anymore. I'm very proud of myself by the way, and as we were speaking I realized I can hold my ground against him... and that I'm definitely his daughter. 🥴🤡
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yaasirambles · 8 months
HeartRacer- Lee Jeno NCT
I wrote this a while ago for @jammingjaem and I decided to edit it and post it as a y/n piece!
Word Count: 2,687
Warnings: Mentions of illegal activities (street racing) and mentions of Consumption of Alcohol
Plot: In which you're Jeno's friend and he races with his motorcycle. He invites you out one night to come watch his race.
Racer!AU, SFW :) Cute lil thing
“Annndd done! Thank God. This essay was gonna be the death of me,” You say to yourself. You clicked the SUBMIT button and closed your laptop. You throw your head back on the chair. Closing your eyes and spinning slowly. 
You open one eye. Nothing around. You shrug your shoulders and close your eyes. Letting out a deep breath. 
*clink*---*clink*--- *clink**clink**clink*
You jump out of the chair and pull up your window, leaning out and looking down, scanning around the dark yard. Then, you see the cause of your disturbance. 
“UGH, YOU!” You shout in frustration
“Gee, nice to see you too.” Jeno rolls his eyes
“What do you want, Jeno?” 
“I’m coming up. Move back” 
“What? No, don’t you dare-” You back up. You hear him run, and his feet land on the wall as he climbs up the wall, the lattice screen on it helping him get a grip as he climbs, probably ruining the flowery vines on the way up. You saw his fingers at the edge of the window sill. He pulls himself up and jumps into your room, standing right in front of you. Barely an inch between you two. His face looked down on you. Your breath catches in your throat, and your heart flutters a bit. You back up and clear your throat. 
“I wanted to see if you’ll come to my race tonight. Please, please, please.”
“No, Jeno. I already told you. I just spent 4 hours on this essay, and my brain is burnt out.”
“Aha, see, I knew that might be the case. So I got you iced coffee, and it’s waiting for you. Chenle has it downstairs.” He looks at you with those stupid puppy eyes. 
“Uggghhh. Fine. But I’m going in the car. Not on that death trap you call a motorcycle.”
“Fine, fine. As long as you’re coming. Oh, there’s also gonna be a kickback/party type thing after, and we’re going to that too. It’s Friday, so I know you can’t use school as an excuse not to go.”
“Ok, whatever. Well, I need to change then in that case.” you sigh, walking to your closet. You didn’t hear anything, so you turned around. Jeno is staring at you, leaning against your desk. Arms crossed. “Ummm”
“What?” he raises an eyebrow at you.
“LEAVE. I’m not gonna change in front of you.” 
“Why? Scared we’ll end up kissing or something.” He smirks
“AGGHH, LEE JENO!” You throw a shirt at him. 
He throws his hands up in the air defensively. “I’m kiddiiing. I’ll be at the meet. Renjun and the other dreamies are waiting in the car downstairs. See ya there, my lucky girl.” He hops out of the window. 
You roll your eyes and rummage through your closet. You were slightly panicking because you wanted to look good. Not for him. Pfft nevvveerrrr. Okay, maybe just a little….whatever. You decide on a pair of ripped black jeans, gray vans, a red crop top that says “CHERRY BOMB.” and a light wash jean jacket. You rush down the stairs and hop in the back seat of Renjun's car.
“Where’s my coffee?” you demand, holding your hand out.
“Right here, Ma’am.” Chenle hands you the cup, and you take a long drink from the straw. 
“Ok, let’s go, kids,” you say. Renjun nods.
You end up on some long, empty streets. A crowd bustling in the middle. You thought it’d be smaller. It was a street race, after all. Kinda illegal… Not at all, somewhere you would be regularly. You walk with the dreamies, following them, trying to find your group. You’re a huge group, yet you always manage to lose each other. You spot your best friend and her Boyfriend, Jaehyun. They’re the couple of the group, and they've been together for two years. She’s in black jean shorts, fishnets, A black bralette, and boots. Jaehyun in black jeans, vans, a white t-shirt with rolled-up sleeves, one arm around her, the other hanging onto his Jean jacket slung over his shoulder. They are a power couple. You think to yourself, I wonder if Jeno and I could be like that...nope, no, ma’am. No interest in that hooligan. Cute, stupid, reckless-
“Y/N. YOU’RE HERE, YESSS!” someone shouts, snapping you out of your head. Your best friend was running to you. “I’m so glad you came! How’d he convince you?” she pulled you in for a hug.
“Bribery of the highest degree,” you say and point to the iced coffee. “I can’t resist free coffee.”
“Of course,” she laughs. “Well, c’mon. Everyone is further down. We’re all at the start line, so we can see Jeno come in first.” she grabs your hand and leads you to the rest of your group. Everyone comes walking towards you to say Hi. Johnny picked you up and squeezed you. You go through the round of hugs and cheek kisses as greetings.
You look around the area. Motorcycles are placed in the middle of the street, behind the start/finish line. Their riders hanging around, talking to people. You spot Jeno talking to some girl. A really pretty girl… Your heart drops a little as you see him smile at her. It's probably his secret girlfriend or something. He catches you, and his eyes light up. He jogs towards you, and the girl follows. He looks so good in that stupid race jacket. 
“Hey! Wow, you look… great,” he breathes out, staring you up and down. “Oh, um, this is my friend. She and Her girlfriend are race girls. You know, the one who waves the flags for us to go.”
“Ohh! That’s cool!  It’s nice to meet you! I’m Y/N,” You say
“I’m Min! So nice to meet you.” She pulls you in for a hug. “It’s almost time to start! I’ll see you at the party?” 
You nod, and she smiles and runs off to gather the riders at the start line. 
“You’re gonna be in the front, right?” he asks.
“Yeah, of course. It’s where the rest are. so you know..” You respond, playing with the hem of your shirt awkwardly 
“Awesome, cool, cool, cool. Um, well, I better get in position. Kiss my key?”
“Your key??” You raise an eyebrow at him 
“Yea. You know, for good luck. Please?” he holds it out. 
You roll your eyes and kiss the blade of the key. He smiles widely and runs off to his Motorcycle. Your heart flutters again…
You walk over to the front of the sidelines where your friends are. Jeno and another rider are the first, with four others behind them. Engines were revving up, and people were cheering for their chosen rider. You wave to him, and he waves back with a gloved hand. How the hell does he look so handsome with a helmet on?? You can’t even see his face, but you know he looks good. Ugh. 
“Are we ready racers?” Min shouts
“On our count!” her girlfriend shouts. 
“One!” Min raises her flags.
“Two.” Her girlfriend's flags go up as well.
“Three!!” the engines revving loudly. 
“GO!” they both scream, waving the flags down and kneeling as the bikes fly past them. You run into the street along with many others to see the bikes take off. Some people chase after them. The crowd moves back to the sides as the racers come back to finish the first lap—two more to go. Jeno is the 3rd to come in this lap. You bite your lip, praying he wins. The last lap comes around, and you peer out, waiting impatiently. You see his bike leading, and he burns through the finish line. Your group screams in victory, and he starts doing donuts in the street as the other racers trail behind. You run to his bike, and he hops off, pulling off his helmet, hugging you, picking you up, and spinning you. 
“See! I told you, my lucky charm.” He grins ear to ear. His eyes sparkled, and his chest rose and fell heavily. 
“I would have been so mad if I came and missed out on sleep just to see you lose” You rolled your eyes. Your heart flutters secretly. 
“Hey, you guys ready to head to the party?” YangYang says, walking up to you. 
“Yea. We’ll see you there.” Jeno said, taking your hand. “C’mon.”
“Uhhhh. I’m going with Dreamies,” You said, raising an eyebrow.
“Uhhhh no, you’re not. Ride with me. Please? I just won the race, and you saw I’m a safe driver, pleeeasssseee” He begged, again with stupid puppy eyes. 
“Fine. If I die, I’m killing you.” You huff and let him lead you to his motorcycle. 
He takes an extra helmet out and places it on your head. Smiling at you. He climbs on, and you get behind him. Your hands grip his shirt tightly. Too scared to wrap your arms around his waist. He revs the engine loudly, and you roll your eyes. What a show-off. Suddenly, the bike jerks forward, and your arms wrap tightly around him in fear of falling off. You can feel him laugh lightly.
“You did that on purpose, so I’d hug you like this,” you grumbled. 
“Maybe. Maybe not. Prove it.” He chuckles. You roll your eyes again, and he takes off. You keep your eyes closed the entire time. Too afraid to open them. The sound of you guys whipping past cars and the loud wind was already terrifying. You didn’t want to see the flying lights just yet. 
We arrived at a huge white house. It's seriously huge—pillars at the front porch. Magnificent garden. Different colored lights on the lawn, music blaring out the front door. You grabbed Jeno’s arm tightly, and he patted your hand. 
“Is this too much?” He asked, concerned
“No. No, it’s okay. I should be fine.” You smiled at him.
He nodded, and you walked inside. He was being greeted by people who knew him, congratulating him on his win at the race. 
“Ah, it was all thanks to my Lucky Charm here.” He says to the people,  smiling at you.
You continued to walk through the house, trying to find your group.
“Who’s house is this?” you asked. 
“Mins. Her parents left her everything since she has no siblings.”
“Oh. Is it just her alone here? It must be hard for her.”
“No, her girlfriend lives here. And she rents out the rooms to people for cheap. Mostly college students since the university is close by. Or for free if there’s a family or individuals who need help for a bit.” 
“Her parents are probably super proud of her for that. Wow.” you sighed.
“Hey!! Glad you got here in one piece.” Min came running up to you, hugging you both. “There’s tons of food in the kitchen, so please help yourself with anything you want. There are drinks too. Pool in the back as well if you wanna swim.” 
“OH, FOOD, thank god!” Jeno exclaimed. Throwing his head back. “Okay, we will be in the kitchen. Thanks, Min!” He started pulling you away, so you waved goodbye to her as she laughed. 
Mark was in the kitchen as well. He was getting pizza and a drink. 
“Hey, y/n. Do you want a drink?” He asks, “There's some jungle juice in here.”
“What’s that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Like just a bunch of alcohol and juice or soda mixed. There's also Soju Lemonade.” 
“Soju Lemonade, please,” you say, and he nods and fills up a red solo cup with the drink. 
Jeno looks at you questioningly. “I didn’t know you drank.”
“Sometimes. Not often.” you sip on the lemonade. It was refreshing
“Hmm, hiding a wild side from me?” 
“Find out,” you smirk. The alcohol was making you a little brave already.
“Sheesh. I might” 
You walked out to the back, finding the rest of your group playing beer pong against each other. You watched and finished the rest of your drink by the time they were done with the game. 
“Wanna play next round?” Johnny asks you.
“I’ve never played before..” you say shyly.
“Don’t worry! I’ll be your partner,” your best friend says. “We can play against Jaehyun and Jeno.” 
“Oooooo, Boyfriends vs. girlfriends, I like that!” Johnny exclaims, 
“Jeno is not my boyfr-” you start to say before someone hands a ping pong ball to you. 
“Ladies first,” Jaehyun says, smirking at your best friend.
“You guys are going down,” She laughs. 
The game was competitive. A small crowd gathered around to watch. Unfortunately, you did have to drink as many cups as you made them drink due to making the ball in the cup. It was down to the last cup on both sides—your turn. If you miss, you lose. You concentrated on the opening and threw the ball. It landed, and the boys hung their heads in defeat. The crowd cheered, and you and your best friend high-fived and hugged. 
“I will request my prize later tonight,” She said to Jae, kissing him on the cheek. 
“And what do you want for yours,” jeno asked, looking at you. “A kiss?” 
“No. You can buy me coffee for a month,” you smiled. Chance at free coffee for a month. Imma take it. Hhehehe
“Fine,” He huffed. “Sure you don’t want a kiss with that?”
“I’m okay, thanks.”
You walk back into the house. You realize how much you drank and start to feel a little tired. You sit down on the couch, and Jeno follows. 
“You okay?” He asks. 
“I think I had a bit too much. But I'm okay.”
Then Haechan comes up and slumps down next to you, trying to give you another drink. Jeno shoots him a glare and takes the drink. 
“Don’t. No more for her tonight” He says, concern and sternness in his voice. Haechan nods and says sorry. Your heart fluttered again at Jeno’s words. 
Jisung walks up to you. 
“Do you need anything? A blanket? Food? Is it too loud? You can have your earbuds to listen to your playlist,” He says. What a caring boy. 
“No, I’m okay. Thank you, JiJi.” you smile at him. 
You spend the rest of the time watching your friends, talking and Laughing. Enjoying being with them. 
“How are you feeling? Ready to go home?”
Jeno asks, patting your head.
“Mm. Yea. I think I’m sobered up enough. Let’s go,” you say, standing up. 
You say goodbye to everyone, and you hop back on his bike. Your arms around him comfortably. This time, you keep your eyes open. The lights look pretty as you speed by. You look up and see the stars and the moon moving with you. It’s mesmerizing. You arrive at your house. He holds his hand out to help you off. He takes off your helmet and walks you to the front door. 
“Did you have fun?” He asks,
“I did, actually. A lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me.” You said,
“Thank you for coming. And supporting me. It means a lot to me.” He leans in and kisses your forehead.
Maybe it was the last bit of alcohol giving you courage, or maybe you were finally not overthinking things. But you kissed his lips without thinking. He froze a little. Surprised. Then his hands were on your waist, pulling you closer to his body, and the kiss deepened a little. His lips were soft. You pulled away. His face was full of shock.
“What was that for?” He asked.
“Part of your prize for winning the race. And you know, good luck for your drive home,” you said, trying to seem casual while your heart was beating up and out of your throat. 
“Ahh. Thank you. I hope I get those often.” He smiled.
“Maybe. You’ll have to find out. I’ll be expecting you with my coffee tomorrow.” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” 
you smiled and unlocked your front door. He doesn’t leave until you close it behind yourself. Maybe you’ll think less and just let things happen…
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stormoflina · 6 months
hear me out... alexis and dom... that hand holding made me ship them
Guys, what?! 😭 Don't let that one cute moment distract you from the whole Domitrent lore!! Omg, I can't wait for Trent to be back and show everyone that he is the boyfriend!
Kiddiiing, of course I have nothing against your ship anon, personally, they are just like with Darwin, much more found family coded, than romantic. The hand holding was indeed very cute tho!
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schaoching7 · 4 years
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小拉自製 #底片照相機 重點是⋯可以轉😎 #camera #camerakid #diykids #diykidscrafts #kiddiy #kiddy #cameras #cameragear #cameraoperator #diy #diyprojects #diycrafts #diyproject #diyideas #diycraft #diyvideo https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQPgbmAMlN/?igshid=24hpzi3udzl6
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pomfiores · 2 years
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the thought of Vil poisoning someone via kiss then laughs and goes, while holding onto their shoulders “no okay serious, for real this time, come here. serious this time.” FASKJFAS
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misty-moth · 8 months
You know, Cybird gave easy story events with Arthur, Leonardo, Clavis and Gil at the same time. And I think that’s pretty cool of them.
But where’s Gil tho
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fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
Us: “So we’re kind of tired of the bury your gays trope, it’d be nice to have some representation that doesnt die immediatly!”
Marvel, immediatly: “Okay so gays that don’t die. Got it.”
*Proceed to yeet them into another dimension instead*
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julynisims · 5 years
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DIY aux couleurs dautomne avec mon mini 😍 #diy #diywithkids #kiddiy #kidsdiy #deco #decorationinterieur #faitmain #activitesenfants #activitesmanuelles #automne #diyautomne https://www.instagram.com/p/B3JwfCxC-0E/?igshid=yongj2qpa0dw
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floodnetworks · 3 years
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years
I follow you because you draw people to you like moths to a flame <3, and I like your Darcy energy too!!
I follow you because... || Accepting.
let them b u r n
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miamignonette · 4 years
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