#kidnapped isa and dolores au
dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Light in the Shadows
Inspired by this darker version of @toaverse​’s kidnapped Isabela and Dolores AU, even though it’s been a while since people have talked about it, from what I’ve seen, what with there being all the new interesting AU ideas to talk about, but I suddenly thought of this and wanted to write it. This is sometime after the girls return to Casita. Antonio and Luis are about three years old.
Antonio had an idea.
It was a good idea. His ideas were always good. Everyone said they were, except when they didn’t, even though his ideas were never as silly as Milo’s. But this one was a really good one! He was going to make friends with his new primo!
Antonio had been very surprised to have a new primo. To have three primos, really. Well, Lola was his sister, really. And Bella and Luis were his primos. But it felt weird to have a sister. The only sisters he knew were Mira and Luisa. So he decided that Lola was a prima too.
Papi had explained it to him, after Tío Agustín had come back from his trip with Bella and Lola and Luis. A long time ago, Antonio had had a big sister (Lola, except Mami and Papi called her Dolores), and Mira and Luisa had also had a big sister (Bella, except Tio Agustín and Tía Julieta called her Isabela). But bad people had stolen them away, and nobody had been able to find them for years and years, longer than Antonio’s whole life.
Antonio had already known that part, because Mami had told him that yesterday or last week or something when he had asked about the extra people on the family tree. But the new part was that Tío Agustín had found them and rescued them and brought them home!
With Luis, who was also his primo, just like Mira. He had been locked up with the bad people, too. Which Antonio didn’t understand, because the bad people had only taken away Bella and Lola, so how could there all of a sudden be an extra primo Luis? Where had he come from?
But Antonio wasn’t going to complain, because now finally there was another kid in Casita to play with! Antonio was the littlest. Antonio had always been the littlest, and he was tired of it. The ones closest in age to him were Mira and Milo, and they were big already. Almost grown-ups, really. And everybody else was already a grown-up. But now he had Luis, and they could be friends!
Antonio had to be careful, though. He had to be extra nice and not loud.
Papi had told him that, when he’d taken Antonio out on a hike into the woods and they sat together by a lake, just the two of them. He’d explained that Bella and Lola and Luis were sad and scared and sick, all because of the bad people (Antonio hated the bad people) so Antonio had to be very gentle with them and not shout, and not do things like jump on them for a hug like he did with Mami and Mira, because that would scare them.
This had been right after Papi explained everything about Bella and Lola being taken away and Tío Agustín finding them and everything. Papi’s voice had sounded strange, almost like he was crying. Which was weird, and also scary, because Papi was a big strong man, not little and short like Antonio was. He never cried.
But now Antonio was going to make friends with Luis and they could play games together and race each other and think of fun ideas and be the best primo friends ever!
Luis was laying behind the couch. He did that a lot. He wasn’t sleeping, like that one time Antonio had fallen asleep under the table and Mami had taken pictures of him to save in the family photograph album. He was just laying there.
Luis was sick or something. He was three years old, just like Antonio, but he was shorter and skinnier. His skin was the same color as Antonio’s, but it looked sort of grayish sometimes. He got out of breath all the time, and he was tired a lot. He never ran around and played like Antonio did. In fact, he didn’t walk much at all. Bella and Lola carried him around most of the time, so Antonio thought that maybe his legs just weren’t used to walking very much.
Since Luis was sick, he spent most of his time resting, on the couch or on the bed or with Bella and Lola, who also spent a lot of time resting because they were also sick, although not as much as Luis. All the grown-ups made sure Luis ate and drank a lot. It was very important for him to eat healthy food, because that would make him better. Tía’s food always made everyone better.
Right now, Bella and Lola weren’t with him, even though they usually were. This was because Tío Agustín and Mami had taken them outside for some fresh air, because fresh air was also supposed to make everyone better, or at least that’s what Papi always said. Except Luis was supposed to be resting, and resting was more important than fresh air, Antonio guessed, so he was here.
Whenever he wasn't with Bella and Lola, Luis hid. He would hide under the table or behind the couch or even in a cabinet. Antonio had tried hiding in a cabinet once, when he was playing hide-and-seek with Mira and Milo, but it had been so squished and he’d needed to stretch so badly that he’d only been able to hide in there for a few minutes before coming out. But Luis had hidden in there for a whole afternoon, curled up without moving at all
He was scared a lot, just like Bella and Lola, even though nobody in the whole Casita was scary. So he would hide from people. That’s why he was lying behind the couch now. And he hardly ever talked, like he never wanted anyone to notice him, even though Antonio always wanted people to notice him.
“Hello!” Antonio told Luis, poking his head behind the couch.
Luis blinked at him. He had never been scared of Antonio, probably because Antonio was just a kid like him. He was only scared of people like Papi and Tía, even though Papi and Tía weren’t scary at all.
Maybe when Antonio got his gift it would be something scary. Like if he could grow into a giant! That would be scary.
But Antonio wouldn’t want to be scary if Luis was scared. How could they be friends if he scared Luis?
“I’m going to show you a secret,” Antonio told Luis in a hushed whisper. That was how they would be friends, Antonio decided. Friends had secrets. Mira and Milo had secrets all the time.
“What’s a secret?” Luis asked.
“The secret is in the kitchen,” Antonio said, and he reached over and pulled Luis up so he could bring him to the kitchen, but then they both fell over onto the floor.
Luis took a hitching breath, like he was about to cry, but then Antonio started laughing, because that had been funny, and Luis started laughing a little too!
“That was fun,” Antonio said. “We should do it again! After the secret.”
“What’s a secret?” Luis asked again as they both got up and he followed Antonio to the kitchen.
“In the kitchen! I said already! I can’t tell you what it is yet, because it’s a secret!”
“But what does secret mean?” Luis wanted to know.
“Oh,” Antonio said. “A secret is something you don’t tell anybody else.”
“Oh,” Luis said. “Like hiding food under your bed?”
“Yes!” Antonio said. Luis was such a smart primo friend! “That’s the secret! Except it’s not under my bed, it’s all the way up in the cabinet.”
“It is?” Luis asked, as Antonio pushed over a chair. The chair was heavy. Maybe when Antonio got his gift it would be superstrength like Luisa’s, and then pushing chairs would be easy.
Then Luis started pushing the chair with Antonio. That also made it easy. Doing things was a lot more fun when you had a primo friend to do them with.
Antonio climbed on top of the chair, and then climbed on top of the counter, and then stood on his tippy toes to reach the shelf where Tía kept the box of polvorosas, sugar cookies.
He carefully pulled the box off the shelf. It was heavy. “This is the secret!” he told Luis proudly. “The secret is I know where Tía keeps the cookies! Whoa, it’s heavy!”
The box slipped out of his hands and crashed to the floor. It split open as it hit the floor, broken pieces of cookies flying everywhere. Tía wouldn’t like the mess.
“Oops,” said Antonio, but quietly, so the grown-ups wouldn’t hear.
He looked for Luis, to see what he would say, but Luis wasn’t there. “Luis? Where’d you go?”
He climbed down from the counter and searched for Luis. He found him hiding inside the cabinet again, curled up as well as the small space would allow him to with his hands over his ears and his eyes shut tight. “Why are you in here?”
Luis looked at Antonio. He looked puzzled. “There was a big bang,” he whispered.
“That’s the box,” Antonio explained. Maybe this was part of the thing Papi had explained to him. He wasn’t supposed to shout because it would make Bella and Lola and Luis scared. Maybe they were scared of loud noises, too. “The box made a big boom sound when I dropped it. But it’s okay, because it’s open now! Look!”
Luis looked at Antonio, and then very carefully crawled out of the cabinet and stared at the box and at the cookies all over the floor.
“You broke it,” Luis whispered, his eyes very wide. “Are we gonna get in trouble?”
“Nope,” Antonio assured him. “Because if we eat up all the cookies nobody will know! The floor will be all clean! So we have to eat them up, quickly.”
He picked up half a cookie from the floor and gave it to Luis. He took another piece for himself.
Luis held it in his hand and stared at it curiously, like he’d never seen a cookie before, instead of stuffing it into his mouth to eat it all up right away, like Antonio did whenever he got a cookie, even though Mami said that was bad manners. It was a cookie! He had to eat it up right away, quick! If he ate it too slowly he might forget about it, and then he wouldn’t get the whole cookie!
“It’s a cookie!” Antonio told Luis, except his mouth was full, so it came out sounding like “Ih a cthki,” crumbs tumbling down his shirt.
“Oh,” Luis said. He looked at Antonio chewing his cookie and then took a small bite of his own.
His eyes went very wide again, but in a different way - in surprise, and happiness. “It’s good,” he whispered, and then suddenly ate the rest of the cookie all at once even faster than Antonio. Probably because he was hungry. Luis was hungry a lot so all the grown-ups made sure to always feed him lots of healthy food so he could grow up to be big and strong like Luisa, although because he was also sick he had to eat carefully, just like Bella and Lola. That was what Papi had said, anyway.
“It is good!” Antonio agreed, and picked up two more cookie pieces for them both. “Let’s eat all of them!”
Eating cookies was even better when you could eat them with your new primo friend, Antonio decided.
Sometime later, Julieta found the two of them asleep on the floor of the kitchen, bellies full of cookies, powdered sugar and cookie crumbs covering the floor of the kitchen and their own little faces, snoring peacefully, and had to resist the urge to sit right down on the floor with them and weep.
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toaverse · 9 months
Totally random but are Cesar and Daniela from the kidnapped au a thing?
No, not at all. If anything, they just tolerate each other.
Isa and Dolores did see them as their parents at some point, tho that quickly ended...
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mmollymercury · 1 year
I know that I probably shouldn't being this up because it happened like 5 months ago,but the person who you had the encanto discourse with @toaverse is known for villainizing the Madrigals (INCLUDING FELIX AND AGUSTIN) and turning Mira and Bruno into "lil babies who were abused by this evil family 😭"
They've also been known to shit on Isa,Pepa and Alma in particular.Also they have an au called the kidnapped Isabela and Dolores au which is basically torture porn.
Urm, okay??? Dont really know how that concerns me tbh. Not to be rude, but if you have to say 'I probably shouldn't be saying this...' maybe don't say it😭
I disagreed with a post they made about the family (excluding mira and bruno) being heartless, because the characters are clearly not 2 dimensional and I just had to express that when I saw their take, I never intended for it to go further than a counter argument but whatever, sometimes life is like that. And honestly having a back and forth disagreement like that online was (and still is) embarrassing to me and I'm not happy abt it.
Like,, I have no animosity for anyone, I dont mean any harm. And even though me and them had a disagreement, I dont think it’s really my place to make judgements on them. I don't know them, or their reasonings for what they choose to do, and given that they also dislike proshippers, if my recollection is correct, Id like to think that that au wasnt wrote with bad intentions; I don't really know the au you're referring to, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in not knowing that those subjects in said au, trigger me IMMENSELY, so please don't come into my inbox nonchalantly mentioning it, but even then, I don't see the point in me knowing that other than to gossip.
The small altercation I had with them was ages ago, sooo I don't see how talking about it now is in anyway productive, if I were to still talk about it and hold onto that, it'd be petty and rude, ya kno?
Cmon guys let's just be mature adults pls, I'm preparing for uni so I'm pretty busy right now, but all I really want to do on my tumblr is post art and things that make me happy😭
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Past life au
How about an au where Mirabel could help you see your past life? like a past life gift(I'm not sure what to call it).
She didn't know how to use it at first, like yeah she got a door and room but she didn't know what her gift was. Her room was filled with pictures of people she didn't know or at least didn't know in her current life. She touched a picture with a family on it and memories washed over her 5-year-old brain.
She had another mama, papa, and a little brother from a life she didn't remember.
For the next 3 weeks, Mirabel kept asking her family about people they didn't even know. She touched more pictures and more memories of people she knew grew in her mind. Mirabel was 5 yrs old in the body but she was 300 yrs old to reincarnation standards. She had many reincarnations about 10 of them. Some good and some others she would not like to talk about
She one day touched Julieta and Juli had memories of another brother, father, and mother appear in her memories. Mirabel did the same with Alma and Bruno and they remember the same thing. They were a family in a different life. Alma knows in her gut that her first husband was Pedro.
She then tried with her other family. Some memories were good and some were bad. Isabela and Dolores were sisters in their first life and were overjoyed to remember that. But they also had a bad life as well. They were sisters in this life but they were kidnapped and well(you know the rest). With that bad memory, they would stay conjoined at the hip and would not leave each other's sides. Nightmares would occur on a regular basis and they would avoid Felix and Julieta
The same happened to the other madrigals. They had good and bad memories. (all the bad memories are from your sad au's but they look completely different in those past lives)
When the bad memories show up they act completely different people. Isa and Lolo know that it was a past life and can differ from theirs but the memories would overcome them and look like their real.
Mirabel was never blamed or treated badly for these memories they know it's not her fault. When she was 8 she finally found a way to differentiate bad past lives from good ones. They are in the back of a human's subconscious and she can easily go inside the mind of someone and find the past life.
Once she's in somebodies subconscious there are never before seen memories in mirrors. The good memories are in beautiful and really decorated mirrors. The bad memories are in mirrors that looked cracked and unused. She didn't know this before, All she would do is touch and whoever many reincarnations you had would wash over you. Whatever memory would come out first was out of her control.
The way she did it was by touching her mama's head and Mira was transported into her subconscious.
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Some comfort/healing ideas for the kidnapping AU
Imagine Alma's attempts to comfort and reassure her grandkids that they'll get their parents and tio home safe without them needing to be in the rescue party
Imagine Mariano being the best boyfriend and holding not only Dolores so she can cry, but the other kids too, and distracting the younger kids (esp Antonio) so they can have a break from the worry
Imagine the kids all comforting eachother: Isabela and Dolores both being the big sisters and holding Luisa up, Antonio falling asleep in someone's arms, Camilo and Mirabel curled up together like they havent done since before he left the nursery
Imagine the confidence, words of affirmation and affection, and promises of sucess before they set out to save their parents and tio
Imagine the triplets sitting there hands clasped together in comfort, because they know their family will move heaven and raise hell to protect eachother, so it might suck for a bit but it will get better
Imagine the "well, you're doomed now" expressions on the triplets faces as the first vines creep towards the kidnappers
Imagine the endless group hug between the entire family once everyone is home safe, that inevitably turns into a mass sleepover because they aren't ready to let go yet
Imagine Alma insisting on taking care of her babies until they're all better
Yeah yeah yeah this is the kinda stuff I’m talking about now.
I hadn’t even been thinking about Mariano too much, but yeah I love the idea of him just stepping up to help take care of the kids and comfort them!!
And lmao the “well you’re doomed now” part, Isa’s getting her poison Ivy moment.
this family is holding onto each other and never letting go when they get back for sure.
thank you I love these!!
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angeleila · 2 years
A question About the Butterfly and Chameleon AU
If the other Madrigal grandkids where kidnapped what Animal genetics would Dolodes, Antonio, luisa and isabela have?
Hi! ✨ In fact, Luisa, Antonio and Dolores already have innate abilities.
Dolores has a very sensitive ear, she tunes musical instruments, she does not need any special device for this.
In Luisa's body, the production of myostatin is disrupted, her muscles grow literally on their own, and thanks to some training, she is the strongest person in Encanto. (Myostatin is a protein that inhibits and controls excessive muscle growth in our body)
Antonio produces with his lungs a special substance that attracts animals, birds and reptiles, making them calm, friendly and almost homely. Antonio cannot understand what they are saying, but he himself is very attentive and knows the habits of animals well and what it means, from the outside it seems that he actually understands them.
If they were kidnapped, these abilities would be deeply studied or maybe even improved.
However (I realized this in the process of answering, sorry! 😢), if they did not have their own abilities and they were also crossed with animals, like Mira and Milo, for Isa it would be a hummingbird, Antonio would be a jaguar, Dolores would become an owl or a cat, and Luisa would be a bear or a tiger.
Thanks for your interest in this AU! I'm still in the process of writing fanfiction and it gives me strength ❤️
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toaverse · 2 years
*crashes through ceiling*
Baymax meets the kidnapped Isabela and Dolores!
Kidnapped!Isa and Lola would be so happy! Like, a giant friendly marshmallow?? Wow!😍💗
And Baymax would be happy to care for the two girls. I mean, analyzing their behavior already makes it crystal clear these two need proper health care.
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toaverse · 2 years
Hello, it is I, the anon that sent the original ask for the kidnapped Isa and Lola AU and I have another kidnaping AU idea I must share with the world that revolves around teen Dolores and child Camilo because them being younger makes this even more traumatizing and angst-y :)
A mother and son have just died in an accident leaving a man heartbroken and without his family. While walking around the village he bumps into Dolores and notices that she has a similar appearance to his wife when she was a teenager. He goes to leave to his house, in the woods might I add, because of the reminder of his wife but out of the corner of his eyes he notices Camilo shapeshifting into other kids to entertain them. You understand where I’m going here, the two siblings get kidnapped when on a walk together. Dolores has to wear his wife’s old dresses, style her hair how the wife wore it everyday, wear her makeup and act like her while Camilo is literally forced to shape shift into his dead son and has to call him dad and call Dolores mom. Perhaps they only get rescued when a certain 5 year old gets his gift and a bird or another animal tells him about the nice lady and boy in the woods who feeds them everyday :)
They’re around 14 and 8 when this happens and I haven’t thought of names for the man, wife and son because I do not know Spanish names
Holy shit…
I actually considered not doing this one because of how dark it is, but then I figured I’ve done kidnapped Isa and Lola, so why not.
But now, I’m going to switch Dolores with Agustín. LoLo needs a break from suffering :(
Encanto fandom, plz don’t cancel me-
Trigger warnings: drugging, kidnapping, abuse, blackmailing, heavily implied rape, gaslighting, victim-blaming.
Just because the Encanto was a secluded village in the mountains build by war survivors, didn’t mean that there were only good people living there…
That had been proven when Reina's husband Felipe, and their 5 year old son Pablo, were killed in an accident involving a poisonous snake…
The now widowed woman was hit with grief, and lived alone in a house she lived together with her beloved husband and son.
After a month of not going outside and grieving, Reina's food and water ran out, and she had to go to the town to buy new supplies.
When she's walking around the town, she bumped into Agustín. Reina noticed how he looked a lot like her husband.
She was about to leave the town to got to her house, until she saw out of the corner of her eyes a a 5 year old Camilo shapeshifting into other kids to entertain them.
A realization than hit Reina. she could get her family back!
She knew that Agustín was quite accident-prone, so she decided to stage an "accident".
When the moment was right, Reina "accidentally" bumped into him, and let him apologize for it, she offered him an Arepa (which was spiked) as a "It's okay".
Unfortunately, Agustín fell for it, and ate the arepa...
Reina took him to her house in the woods, where she locked him in "their" bedroom.
As for Camilo, she took the 5 year old when he was walking to Casita on his own...
When Reina finally got the two people she wanted, she'd make sure to get her family back...
Agustín had to dress like Reina’s dead husband, style his hair how the late man wore it every day, and had to act like him…
Camilo was literally forced to shapeshift into Reina’s dead son, having to call her mamí and call Agustín papí…
And when they didn’t comply, there would be consequences…
“If you don’t quit your nonsense right now, I’ll tell Julieta about how you left her for another woman. Just imagine how heartbroken she’d be.” Reina threatened Agustín one time when he refused to comply. “After all, a man can’t be kidnapped and raped. He would fight her off instead of letting her ride him like you let me.”
At first, Agustín didn’t believe her, and even attempted to leave with Camilo (which ended quite badly…), but as more and more time passed, he started to doubt…
As for Camilo, he had to shape shift into a different kid and being called Pablo. Every night when he was alone in “his” room, the 5 year old would remind himself that he was Camilo Madrigal and that Tío Agustín wasn’t his papi and that the crazy lady wasn’t his mami. But as the weeks, months, and eventually a year passed, Camilo reminded himself less and less. His memories of his actual parents, his sister and the rest of the family started to fade. And he began to believe that Agustín “Felipe” was his papá, Reina was his mamá, and that his name was Pablo…
This would cause a heavy identity crisis in the future…
About 4 years passed, and when Camilo “Pablo” was 9, he received the news that he was going to be a big brother.
While he and Reina were excited about the news, Agustín was absolutely shocked and silently panicked. He never wanted this, he didn’t want to bring another child into this…
but alas, it would happen, and 8 months later, a beautiful baby girl was born, who Agustín named Alejandra.
despite everything, Agustín didn’t hold anything against her. She was just an innocent child born into this crappy situation…
despite all of it, she was a little miracle…
after Alejandra was born, Reina started selling hand-made stuff in town to earn money, leaving Agustín to take care of the two kids.
And if he was honest, those times were he got to spend with his kids when Reina was gone were the best moments Agustín got out of this hell…
one day, when he and the kids were taking a walk in the jungle, a jaguar cub followed Agustín, even latching on to his leg as if the cub wanted something.
Eventually, the jaguar cub left, and that seemed to be the end of it. But not quite.
That jaguar cub would grow up to be Parce, and would befriend a certain Madrigal boy the same age as Alejandra who just got his gift…
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toaverse · 2 years
Au, Mirabel was kidnapped by a bunch of bad guys, whem she turned 8, but they saw how she was thanking them from taking her away from the bad place and even asking to help sew up their clothing.
Oh boy…
It was three years after Mira’s ceremony. Three years of being ignored and treated like a burden that’s always in the way…
Every day, Mira had to see her Abuela ignoring her, her mamá being too busy to pay attention to her, Tía Pepa snapping at her and giving her angry looks, Dolores telling the family every time Mira did something wrong, and Isabela and Camilo bullying her…
On most nights, Mira cried herself to sleep in the nursery, and the family didn’t even notice…
But one day, two men came to the Encanto, Rico and Wilfredo, who have heard about the town and the magical family living there. So, they decided to visit the place.
They came by horse and cart, and parked near the town. The two friends decided to explore said town for a bit, seeing if it’s anything special.
For Mira, it was one of the worst days. Isa had slapped her hair in her face again, Tía Pepa shoved her out of the way, and Abuela belittled her of being in the family’s way again.
Now, a few kids bullied her, chasing her around town while insulting her. Dolores, Camilo and Pepa saw this, but ignored it. That girl must’ve caused it herself…
Desperately wanting to escape the bullies, Mira hid in the cart under a blanket. Hoping that they wouldn’t see her.
Luckily, the bullies didn’t. While 8 year old Mira was relieved, she began to cry, just wanting to be hugged by someone. Why was everyone so mean to her? What did she do wrong?
Suddenly, she felt the cart move, and heard the wheels roll over grass. What? Where was she going??
Mira moved the blanket a bit to see where the cart was going, and saw that it was indeed moving, moving out of town!
Not knowing what to do, Mira stayed in the cart, not moving.
Meanwhile, Rico and Wilfredo were on their way back home. They had walked around the “magical” town for a bit, but weren’t really impressed. The family’s powers were cool though, but that lady who heard everything was a bit unpleasant to be around…
They stopped near a edge of Bogotá, taking a small break from traveling.
Rico went to grab some food from the back when he saw the girl.
“Uh, Wil, I think we have a visitor…” He called out to his best friend.
“What do you-“ Wilfredo was about to ask when he also saw Mira. “Oh…”
The two men stare at the kid with confusion for a few seconds, not knowing what to say as Mira looked down in shame.
“Well, looks like we accidentally kidnapped a kid…” Rico said, his tone dry but terrified at the same time.
“Why did you hide here?” Wilfredo asked the girl, obviously concerned.
“It was than that Mira broke down and told them everything. That she was chased by bullies, that her parents were too busy to pay attention to her, that her Abuela, Tía, primos and oldest sister were mean to her, everything…
Rico and Wilfredo listened, and were horrified of what they heard. Apparently, this child is from that magical family, and they abused and neglected her because she didn’t get a gift… They all sound like entitled assholes…
“What should we do now?” Rico asked his best friend. No way would they return her to those snobs, and they would certainly not bring her to an orphanage! Wilfredo had experienced first hand on how awful the system is, and Rico knew that. No way would they put her through that same hell.
Well, there’s only one solution. One of them would adopt the girl.
“Huh, looks like you’re a dad now!” Rico said after Wil decided to adopt the girl, seeing how Mira already liked both of them.
Wilfredo simply rolled his eyes. He expected that from Rico. He’s his best friend, after all.
But over time, that friendship slowly grew into something more😊
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toaverse · 2 years
how does the village reacts to the kids in the dark kidnapping au cause I swear if anyone blames isa or pressures Luis into getting a gift or opening a door imma get my chancla and imma raise my hands 🙌
The townspeople were actually pretty worried about the kids. Like, they got taken by four strangers and abused for more than a decade, of course they would have trauma.
Some townspeople even argued that it would be better if Isa and Dolores didn't have their gifts anymore. The girls already had so much trauma due to those...
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toaverse · 2 years
In the Kidnapped AU, another reason the girls could have thought that Luis was their brother is because the only babies they remember, from when they were little girls only shortly before they were kidnapped, are Mirabel and Camilo. They remember Mirabel and Camilo being shown to both of them as their respective sister/brother. So they assume that any baby connected to them in some way is automatically a sibling.
That actually makes a lot sense.
Like, the girls were 6 when they were taken, when Camilo and Mirabel were babies, and they were Dolores’ and Isa’s respective siblings.
So why isn’t Luis their little brother?
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toaverse · 2 years
An AU idea I had: What if the Madrigal grandchildren from some of your AUs just randomly swap places with the canon Madrigal grandchildren one day? Like kidnapped Isabela, blind Dolores, abandoned Luisa, seer Camilo, cursed Mirabel and cursed Antonio just wake up one day in the places of their canon counterparts. How would all the adults react on seeing all the kids so suddenly messed up like that? And how would the kids react to umm...everything?
Holy hell...
That would be chaos...
One night, something strange happened. The Madrigal grandkids get swapped with alternate versions/variants of themselves...
Those alternate versions/variants were, kidnapped!Isabela, blind!Dolores, abandoned!Luisa, seer!Camilo, cursed!Mirabel, and cursed!Antonio.
Kidnapped!Isabela obviously freaked out upon waking up, not seeing Dolores anywhere. She immediately went and try to find her "sister". Why wasn't she with her? Where's Lola??
Meanwhile, blind!Dolores simply woke up and and got ready for the day, thinking that it was a normal day in her own universe, only for kidnapped!Isabela to burst into her room. It scared blind!Dolores a bit, not having expected someone entering her room. And why was Isabela acting strange?
Abandoned!Luisa was quite surprised to wake up in her room. Why was she here? Why wasn't she in Señor Rendon's farm?
Seer!Camilo pretty much had the same questions, confused why he was in Tío's room instead of in the walls.
Cursed!Mirabel and cursed!Antonio also thought it was a normal day for them, the former dressing up as far as she was able to (looking a bit odd), while the latter just kept to himself in his room...
"Breakfast is ready!" Alma called out from down stairs.
It was then that the adults saw that the kids seem...different...
As for the canon adults' POV on the variant kids...
Alma didn't understand why Luisa and Camilo were suddenly so scared of her? Whenever she tried to talk to them, they seemed so tense and scared, as if they're afraid he'll upset her over the littlest mistake. What did she do?
It broke Julieta and Félix's hearts to see Isabela avoid them like the plague. And they sometimes heard her talking about people named Cesar and Daniela? who were they?
Julieta was even more confused when Isa seemed to favor Agustín way more over her, seemingly to the point she didn't refer to Julie as "mamá" anymore... Gus didn't even know how to deal with it...
But most importantly and worryingly, all the adults didn't understand why Isa followed Dolores all the time, and why she acted so...childish? different? Strange? She didn't understand the littlest things, ate flowers, and seemed to have the mentality of a 6 year old...
All the adults really didn't know how to communicate with Mirabel. They tried to talk to her, she didn't answer and seemingly ignored them. They tried to get her attention, she sometimes only looked at them before walking away with her arms stretch out. Antonio later explained that Mira was blind and deaf, to which the adults were quite surprised. How did that happen? How could they communicate with Mira now?
Blind!Dolores didn't recognize Bruno's voice, not knowing who it was. Who was that voice?
Whenever Bruno was in the walls for whatever reason, he'd always run into Camilo... :(
Pepa couldn't stand how unhappy Antonio looked, isolating himself from everyone, not looking at anyone and covering his eyes. Both Pepa and Félix didn't know the reason why...
Despite not knowing how the kids ended up so messed up, all the adults wanted was to simply hug their children, comforting them...
As for the variant kids themselves...
Blind!Dolores did not understand why kidnapped!Isa followed her everywhere, nor why her prima was acting so childish and strange. Like, what?
Kidnapped!Isa saw blind!Dolores' second ear, and was happy that that her "sister" somehow had her ear back. But when kidnapped!Isabela found out that her "sister" was blind... Ó.Ò
Abandoned!Luisa tried to avoid cursed!Mirabel, afraid that she'd hurt her. But at the same time, she wanted to protect her younger sister...
Seer!Camilo also avoided kidnapped!Isabela, afraid that she'd get mad at him...
All the kids tried to get cursed!Antonio out of his shell and hang out with them, but the boy was too afraid to see their deaths...
Overal, chaos...
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toaverse · 2 years
I have an idea for a angsty AU centred around Dolores and Isabela (because I love them :D)
It basically came from the idea that since it’s pretty much canon that travellers from outside the village can venture into the Encanto, they would obviously leave with stories about a magical village with a magical family and this would intrigue some people who want this for themselves. When going to take this magic for themselves they decide to take the two girls because kidnapping two six year olds is easier than three adults. This would obviously wreak the family and probably make the adults more protective and loving of their family. Maybe they even got casita to hide their dimmed doors because they couldn’t stand to see them everyday thinking their children were dead
Only after 14-15 years do they finally succeed in escaping and 1-2 years later find themselves back at their old home
This takes place when Dolores and Isabela are 6 year olds so they would have their gifts but Luisa wouldn’t and Mirabel, Camilo and Antonio aren’t born yet.
Anon, what are you doing to me :(
Warnings! Child abuse, mentions of force feeding (to a child), mentions of amputation (to a child), angst!
Yup, this is quite a heavy one…
The Madrigals didn’t know it, but there where travelers coming in and out of the Encanto.
Some have seen the magical house with the magical family, and told others stories about that, and some of those travelers wanted to have that magic for themselves…
So, they made a plan to kidnap at least one member of the family, wether that being an adult or one of the kids.
As they spied on the Madrigals, they saw that the two kids also had powers, and seeing that they where alone without their parents, the travelers saw their chance…
They grabbed the two girls and put them in a (quite huge) chest so that they couldn’t escape.
Isabela and Dolores were panicking, not knowing what was going on, who these people were, or why they’re being taken away.
After hours upon hours of being trapped in a chest together, the two girls where finally let out, only to be thrown into a room with two mattresses on the ground.
Unbeknownst to them, they where far away from the Encanto, specifically in a small town near the city Bogota.
Their captors, consisting of three men and one woman, interrogated them about the magic, their powers, and how to get it.
Obviously, Isabela and Dolores didn’t know anything about how to get magic, so they could only shiver in fear.
Though the travelers soon found out what the two girls’ gifts where. The pink dressed girl could make flowers bloom, while the curly haired girl had superhearing.
Figuring out that they couldn’t get much info out of the girls, and figuring that their families had taken extra measures to secure their place, the four travelers decided to keep the girls around, and make their lives a living hell…
They would shout or purposely make loud noises (clapping and similar sounds) at Dolores, trying to deafen her as much as possible. While they constantly put Isabela down, saying that the flowers she grew where ugly, and even force her to eat them…
(No, Isa didn’t discover that she could grow actual food…)
Throughout their captivity, Isa and Dolores actually began to think that they where sisters, because one of their captors made a remark (“You don’t want to end up like your sister, so behave!”).
Unfortunately, due to being constantly abused, they forgot about their parents, and only had each other as support…
The girls tried to escape once when they where 11, but where caught…
Their punishments weren’t pleasant to say the least… Isabela had to grow roses and got them force fed (by the woman, who looked quite like Julieta…), while Dolores had her left ear cut off (by one of the men, who looked like Félix…).
Their remaining 8 years in captivity weren’t any better for the two girls, especially after their punishments…
They didn’t dare to escape again, but when they where both 19, they tried again, and succeeded…
Meanwhile in the Encanto…
Everyone was obviously shocked when they couldn’t find Isabela and Dolores anywhere around town, especially Julieta, Pepa, Agustín and Félix…
They turned the entire Encanto upside down, but they couldn’t find the girls anywhere…
Alma was just as shocked as everyone else, and decided, to protect her family, to dim the doors, fearing outsiders would see them.
Luisa, Camilo, Mirabel and Antonio would never be left alone in town without one adult around, all the adults fearing that the same scenario would happen…
For years and years. The adults held hope that Isabela and Dolores would find their way back home, but as each year passed, that hope became smaller…
In those years, something just told Agustín to go back to his home city, Bogota. He couldn’t quite place what it was, but his gut told him.
And finally, 13 years after Isabela and Dolores vanished and where presumed dead, he decided to go…
Julieta heavily protested, saying that he couldn’t leave his family, that Luisa and Mirabel need him and that they couldn’t lose him too.
Agustín however, promised that he would be back, and that he would write to them.
So, he left the Encanto, going back to the city he was born in, not knowing what, or rather who, he would stumble upon…
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toaverse · 2 years
Some more info on the kidnapped Isa and Dolores AU
Luisa kinda became the “golden child” after Isa and Lola disappeared, and especially after her own gift ceremony. She was the oldest now, and had the gift of super strength, so it’s only logical that Alma poured a tiny bit more attention to her. Not that she favored Luisa, or wasn’t protective of her, but still…
After Isabela and Dolores figured out the whole color coding thing of the family, they started to wear blue to match with Agustín and their sisters. (It broke Pepa’s heart a little…)
Despite everything, Isa and Lola would eventually call Alma their Abuela, Pepa their Tía, and Bruno their Tío, while they didn’t with Julieta and Félix… (because trauma…)
The first time the girls heard music was when Mirabel played her accordion!
The girls where quite fascinated with Pepa’s gift! Like, their Tía’s mood affects the weather? Wow! (Well, not exactly wow…) It was like bringing the weather inside!
Isabela wouldn’t use her gift much, if ever, even when knowing she was safe in the Encanto. And when she accidentally grew a flower, she would eat it. ‘Cause, well, what else where you suppose to do with a flower? Look at it?
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toaverse · 2 years
For the Kidnapped AU how do Isa and Dolores react to suddenly having younger siblings? Like are they scared of their siblings or do they latch on and swear to keep anyone from hurting them like Isa and Dolores were hurt?
Let’s go from oldest to youngest :D
Isa and Dolores would definitely look up at her as their older sister (despite the two being older…), and would be quite fascinated with her gift of super strength.
Luisa would be feeling kinda weird. Like, these two are her older sister and cousin? How?
The two girls would instantly be protective of him! Like, he’s 15, and he has a gift?? The kid could get taken away as well, so Isa and Lola basically encourage him to not use his gift.
“You could get kidnapped!” Isa would say.
“Yeah, and they would use your gift against you!” Dolores would say. “Such as them making you shape shift into someone else, or-“
Yeah, Camilo got a bit paranoid after that… :(
Despite all that though, he got along with his sister and prima. Though Camilo did wonder why Dolores only had one ear.
Since Mira didn’t have a gift, Isa and Lola didn’t worry about her all that much, and instead smothered their little sister with hugs, and even sometimes drag her with them on one of their outdoors adventures!
Though while Mira loved to spend time with her sister and cousin, she couldn’t help but correct something.
Dolores: “We didn’t know we had a little sister.”😊
Mira: “Actually, I’m only Isa’s sister. You are my cousin.”
Isa and Dolores: ??
The two still didn’t get it :(
Isa and Lola would be extremely protective of him! Like, they wouldn’t let him walk when he’s with them!
Not only that though, they even took him (and sometimes even Camilo) away or wouldn’t let Antonio near Félix, paranoid and afraid that the boy would get hurt as well…
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toaverse · 2 years
In the kidnapped Isabela and Dolores AU, would Bruno have stuck around even after Mirabel’s failed gift ceremony or would he have left just like in canon? If the family was more protective and not wanting anyone else to go missing I feel like he would have stayed
Bruno stayed!
Since the adults where far more protective of the kids, Alma constantly asked Bruno for visions, at least once or twice a week. He didn’t mind though. It’s to protect his family.
As for after Mira’s failed ceremony, Alma didn’t ask Bruno for a vision that time, because she was so relieved that her youngest granddaughter didn’t get a gift, that she wouldn’t be a target.
She even told Mira that they, as Madrigals who have no gifts, should protect their family from bad people who want their magic. And Mira agreed, not knowing yet what happened to her oldest sister and cousin.
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