#kidou yuuto the man that you are
soccerpunching · 1 year
POV: the guy with weird glasses is mocking you with insults you've never even heard of
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sobashahzadi · 1 year
more Inazuma eleven incorrect quotes, back by popular demand (kidding this is just for u @vraberika- love u btw)
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honeycrashed · 1 year
i want to hear the chess hcs!!!!
OKAY! If you're like a chess nerd and expected me to list down their favorite opening moves and stuff I'm so sorry I don't know the names. "Horsie go hehe and horsie go haha" , "average NPC move" , "OPEN UP THE GATES!!" is what I call some of the opening moves. I refuse to learn the names.
also like I'm a pretty mid chess player but I have some silly little headcanons for all stars anyways!
I like to think that all stars are all decent at chess and have a good win-loss ratio, generally understanding how the game works and stuff.
Kidou: He's literally the strategist of the field did you expect me to come up here and say yes Kidou Yuuto genius playmaker is bad at chess. that would be funny but no.
Instead, he always loses to Endou, no matter what. He often tries to bait Endou but Endou always missed the bait and just goes for the more obvious choices, revealing holes in Kidou's moves. it's very frustrating to Kidou but he appreciates Endou showing the faults in his plays, Even if Endou is unaware of it.
fave to go against:
-Atsuya, his fast-paced high-risks playstyle intrigues Kidou and he wants to see how fast he can keep up with him.
-Gouenji, Kidou likes messing with him <3
Gouenji : Exception on the "win-loss ratio"; Overthinking too much in matches, which usually causes the opponent to find a simpler solution to his convoluted plan. He was so sure that his delicate process would work and if he were able to do it it would've looked so cool (Note that his exception only counts when playing against all stars/people he knows well. he still overthinks but his overthinking pays off most of the time.)
Gouenji likes to take his time making his moves which makes it tougher when they decide to do blitz rounds, he hates blitz rounds he always gets very shaky afterwards.(Part of the reason they tend not to do blitz rounds unless Gouenji insists on it or its Atsuya VS Kidou)
fave to go against:
-Kazemaru, Kazemaru doesn't take chess too seriously until it's a blitz match.
-Shirou, their playstyles match very well with one another
Endou : Exception on the "General understanding of the game"; Endou doesn't understand and chess doesn't understand him either. He has sketches of the chess moves he could make on the side since he's easy to forget what moves the pieces make. He has a general idea of it but it still manages to slip past his mind.
Despite this he has never lost against all Kidou ever, which makes him the unofficial reigning champion.
fave to go against:
-Kidou. he finds it funny how frustrated Kidou gets when playing with him, even if he is very lost on how to play.
He just loves it when All stars overthink their moves against Endou and Endou ends up winning, he finds it very funny and it's the reason he hadn't given up on understanding chess yet.
Atsuya: fuckieinfnekl ate the chess pieces /j
Genuinely very good at the game, loves blitz matches the most. Likes to play fast and swift, making very risky moves in most cases. Against Kidou he slows down a little to think about his moves more, One time the two got locked in a 3hr match, having to call it off for the day since it was getting late, but continuing it first thing in the morning.
fave to go against:
-Kidou, same reason as Kidou. He wants to see how fast Kidou can keep up with him, often taunting that he can't. it's all for fun though, is what they say, but the room smells like someone's going to die whenever they're against each other.
-Kazemaru, While Kazemaru CAN keep up with the speed, Kazemaru can't keep up with the moves at all times unlike Kidou. Atsuya still enjoys playing against him anyways.
Refuses to go against anyone but Kidou and Kazemaru.
Shirou: also very good, but he prefers slower games as opposed to Atsuya's fast-paced playstyle. Also less likely to take more risks depending on how the match is going.
faves to go against:
-Endou: his light-hearted playstyles make for calm matches, Shirou likes teaching Endou over and over again on how to play chess and is generally very patient with him.
-Gouenji: the right amount of pressure when being put against someone to play chess, otherwise Atsuya goes against them/Instructs Shirou on what to do.
Kazemaru: Most of the time just watches everyone else play while tallying up the scores/moves, But when he does play he's pretty flexible for all styles of playing. He loves playing blitz the most but doesn't mind slowing down everyone once and a while.
faves to go against:
-Atsuya: He likes the challenge Atsuya brings by making really risky moves and having to make up his mind on a move against it in quick successions.
-Endou: He likes attempting to find out what's going on in that brain of his, and while most of the time he succeeds against Endou, he never succeeds on finding his thought process.
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honeycombhq-22 · 9 months
Episode 1: Pilot
[Jap dub] | [Eng dub]
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❝It's the tournament that every player dreaming to become big pays attention to, the greatest battle ever: The Football Frontier International Tournament. Boys and girls from all over the world gather together to fight for the title of the best in the world. Everyone from the biggest countries to the tiniest of islands.❞
*insert intro theme song*
Taken place in:
Episode 68: The Gathering: Who's the Japanese Representative?
"Uh...who's that behind Coach?"
Oh no... She thought to herself as she watched everyone's eyes shift to her figure standing behind the man she knew as Hibiki-san. She fiddled with the hem of her navy tracksuit top, her fingertips collecting silver glitter from her shiny sides.
She knew they shouldn't have made a pitstop for breakfast, she never ate in the morning anyway. But she really didn't want to seem rude and reject the man's offer. After all, this man made all her other complex arrangements work, something as simple as a quick bite was the least she could go along with, but now they were one of the last ones to arrive at the school.
And all the attention was on her.
"She's kinda cute— *smack*— OW!"
Coach Hibiki patted the girl's shoulder. "This right here is Alex Jones." He introduced. With his hand still on her shoulder, he guided her to step in front of him for everyone to see her properly.
Snow white long hair tied into a neat ponytail and her chin raised as her shiny eyes stared at the wall above the players' heads instead of looking into their eyes. She looked like a self assured player to the other candidates.
Her ears perked at the sound of a female voice greeting. She turned and met a trio of girls all dressed in school uniform. A dark green haired girl in particular, who she assumed was the one who said hi, waved to her with a smile. "Are you going to be another manager?" She asked.
She took in a breath, preparing to answer when Hibiki chuckled, "Nope, she's a candidate."
And then the murmers started again until a voice cut through it like a knife.
"Oh cool!"
Next thing she knew, her hand was taken and shaken enthusiastically up and down. Her honey eyes widened and finally focused after a minute of shock.
Her hand was trapped by a pair of hands that were a little more tanned than hers. She looked up from the hands and met a wide grin. A chunk of chocolate brown hair hung over his orange headband.
Endou Mamoru.
"I love meeting new people! It's Alex right? I'm Endou, Endou Mamoru. Do me a favour and play to the best you can, okay, Alex?" He spoke so fast all she could do was nod slowly. Mr Hillman did give her a warning about the passionate goalkeeper.
The auburn haired girl from the trio facepalmed, heaving a sigh. "Endou, let the poor girl's hand go."
His eyes widened innocently and looked down at her hand still clasped in between his. "Oh?" He let go of her hand then scratched the nape of his neck. "Haha... sorry about that."
She heard A bit of a deeper voice speak from the crowd, "What position do you play?"
She straightened her posture and put her hands behind her back, "Anything is fine." Her eyes took note of the blue straps on his goggles and the matching cape that hung around his neck casting down his back.
Kidou Yuuto.
His eyebrows raised. "Anything?"
Her head tilted to the side as her eyes looked away from Kidou's goggled vision. "Well, I prefer not playing goalkeeper. But, if I'm needed there, I can play it."
She responded well, but his crimson eyes squinted behind his goggles. The playmaker couldn't help but feel something gnawing at the back of his mind. He just couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was.
Why does she look so familiar?
Putting the feeling behind him, Kidou gave a short and simple nod. Hibiki looked around the room. "Looks like everybody's arrived."
Suddenly, a ball came flying behind everyone. Quickly, Jude turned and kicked the ball back to the source. The source's face twisted into a deranged smile and everyone's mouths drop to the floor.
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"Guess who's back like a vertebrae bitches"
"You're kidding me." A boy with an eye patch snarled. Soon, the expressions of many in the room turned sour, staring at the boy bouncing the ball off his knee.
"What the hek Fudou— What was that for?" Alex stepped back behind her comfortable spot behind Hibiki, hearing Kidou's once calm voice, raise as his fists clenched.
Fudou shrugged, continuing to focus on the ball he was playing with, his grin still as taunting as when the candidates last saw him. "It's just my way of saying hi. Looks like you guys still can't take a joke."
Eye patch boy— Sakuma scoffed, "A joke? Do you even realise—"
Then the three boys went back and forth.
The blue haired girl paged through the pages on the clipboard. "Fudou really did get called." She whispered in disbelief.
They didn't know what it was, but the trio soon became uneasy as memories came flooding into their minds. Flashbacks to watching Sakuma destroy his body with every kick, and all they could do was sit and watch in silenced horror.
Who wouldn't feel uneasy about Fudou's mere presence? He assisted in leading their friends straight into the hospital again.
Now, imagine what he could do at a high-pressure competition such as the FFI?
"Um...Excuse me."
The girls all turned to the source of the voice to meet the white haired— Alex. Ignoring the boys trying to hold Kidou and Sakuma back. She asked quietly, "Were you called in to play too?"
The auburn head—Raimon laughed as she shook her head. "Oh no no, I can't dribble a ball if my life depended on it! Aki and Haruna are going to be the managers for the chosen team."
Aki looked down at the clipboard. "Gosh, I guess you're the only girl called in."
Alex's expression dropped slightly. "Oh."
She looked at the group of boys then turned back to the girls, "Alright then, thank you." Then walked back to the group of boys fading away into the crowd.
"Do you know who she is, Haruna?" Aki asked her friend who was always up to date about players' data.
"Besides her name, not at all," she shook her head. "I've never seen a school team with that tracksuit either."
Nelly's arms crossed in suspicion. "And she's definitely not from Raimon." Being the chairman's daughter, she got quite familiar with the students of her school, even the unnoticeable ones.
She sighed, giving up on thinking too much about an issue that could be minor. "Oh well."
Man, will they regret not voicing their thoughts soon enough.
"I'm Chester Horse Jr and welcome to my amazing commentary!" He squaked into the microphone so loudly, and suddenly, Haruna and Natsumi jumped behind Aki.
"Oh Chester," she said calmly, "we didn't see you there."
"How did you not get surprised?" Natsumi asked.
"Oh?" Aki looked up at the sky while tapping her index finger on her chin. "I guess it's because I've gotten used to him."
But Chester was too riled up with excitement to have noticed the girls and continued,
"Today's a special day, everybody. All the superstars from around the country are here to play the game of all games. The game that determines the make up of the national Japanese team. Team A are in blue, Andou Mamoru as their captain. And to my left is Team B in white with Kidou Yuuto as their captain."
Everyone on this field is here for a reason. And everyone here has a reason to want to be a representative for Japan in the Footbal Frontier International tournament.
Alex's eyes roamed the field filled with the other 20 players as they did a mini exercise, shaking away their nerves. Her eyes stopped and slightly widened when they met a pair of teal-grey eyes.
That's... that's Shirou?
Yeah, Shirou... Fubuki Shirou
Fubuki gave Alex an encouraging nod with a soft smile. She nodded back then faced the opposition. The corners of her lips rose as a light feeling bubbled in her chest.
Noticing her softened features she cleared her throat and straightened her expression into a more calm straighter face.
The whistle blew.
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🌅[31 Dec 2023]🌅
×Re-edited: 11 Aug 2024×
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oudkee · 1 year
inazuma eleven ask game
but im not gonna make you send me asks i am just answering all the questions out of boredom. original by @marmolao , post here
1-Favorite season/game/manga.
aliea season (2) my beloved. super nostalgic and definitely the arc i've rewatched the most
2-Favorite og character(s).
kidou yuuto my son. also desarm he's a funky alien. uhhh rococo and kazemaru too
3-Favorite go character(s).
TENMA, shindou used to be my fave but on my rewatch i was like ok he's kind of a dick in galaxy like he really leaned into it. kinako my beloved and most of all ray rukh. robot son. I FORGOT BITWAY okay no bitway is my favourite go character and prolly my fave inazumer of all time. sexy older alien man and probably the precursor of my love for the equally evil alien miss founder from deep space nine.
question 3 was actually missing from the copypasta and so was question 4. i took a wild guess what 3 was but no clue for 4...
5-Favorite areori character(s).
shimerigawa kageru. i have his license in my wallet and ive mistakenly grabbed it instead of my id at bars lmao. heres my ugly anime boy card.
6-Least favorite og character(s).
no one really occurs to me immediately. i used to be really hateful as a teenager i had like a whole list LMAO uhhhhhh i guess the evil mastermind from ffi season. garfield
7-Least favorite go character(s).
the bear
8-Least favorite areori character(s).
kind of like. everyone lmao. no one appealed to me and areori just feels like a soulless cash grab so absolutely none of the characters were even interesting beyond having some like surface level thing that got resolved immediately every time
9-Favorite coach(es).
kageyama. what a fucked up old man
10-Favorite scout character(s).
i never used them in the games lol but i like the designs of like. the machinery/mechanical themed ones
11-Favorite og team(s).
mikage sennou and all five aliea teams but especially epsilon
12-Favorite go team(s).
perfect cascade and ixal fleet........
13-Favorite areori team(s).
none oops sorry
14-Favorite hissatsu technique(s).
stargazer... shoot pocket uhh. god there were actually so many but i just don't remember any of them. i think perfect cascade had like the command ones that were cool but i dont remember im geriatric
15-Favorite hissatsu tactic(s).
REALLY dont remember any of these
16-Favorite keshin(s).
plasma shadow.........
17-Favorite keshin armour(s).
every single one of them slapped. they all looked so good. tenma's and ray rukh's were the best tho
18-Favorite miximax(s).
i dont like them.
19-Favorite soul(s).
bitway's fucked up tentacle monster
20-Favorite character design(s).
WAY too many. with a series with hundreds of characters im bound to be obsessed with a lot of the designs. so i really like all the ixalens from a design standpoint because they're almost... insect like but then they have that vorta paleness that's like okay you definitely came from a planet with a dense atmosphere that doesn't have a lot of natural light. the bird people had really good designs. tenma has that awful early 2010s shonen protag look about him but he's just so cute it works i love the cinnamon roll hair. chrono stone had a lot of random background characters that really slapped like engir and rudzhik it's baffling to me that this was the same season that had those awful mixi max designs. speaking of chrono stone i ALSO like the creepy factor of all the robot boys looking like. essentially the exact same like same height same body same skintone but with different eyes and hair it's so icky creepy i LOVE IT. i wish they were explored deeper because i love mechanical horror and the relationship between artificial beings and the organic life that surrounds them. not only that but their maker has like gendo ikari vibes. if u havent noticed i have a lot 2 say.
21-Favorite opening(s)/ending(s).
maji de kansha literally actually changed my life. i got through a lot of really low points because of maji de kansha this isn't even a joke. it's been a decade now and the song still hits just as hard. as for endings uhhhhhhhhhh katte ni cinderella was the best but i don't like the full version only the short anime version
22-Favorite character song(s).
ice road, starline, and yasashii mirai. OH and don't stop that's such a fucking banger from ibuki munemasa himself. he did that for us
23-Favorite friendship(s)/character dynamic(s).
i like the dynamic everyone has with endou like he actually becomes friends with like. everyone even the weird italian kid that thought it was okay kageyama tried to murder him. well he didn't think it was okay he just didn't even really care which is almost weirder
24-Favorite ship(s).
im almost 27 i dont really find fulfillment in shipping teenagers together
25-Favorite protagonist(s).
tenma and kidou my boyz
26-Favorite villain(s).
BITWAY OZROCK!!!!!!! and kageyama
27-Favorite character’s backstory.
i have this really messed up and long origin story for all the aliea season kids that i wrote years ago lmao... as for canon i just don't care i guess. it's not so much the backstory as how the character handles it in the end like the backstory can be Aww Sad all it wants but if the character acts like a dick or just unintersting in the plot bc of it then why should i really care. fudou akio im calling u out
28-Favorite sidecharacter(s)/NPC(s).
the clown
29-Headcanon(s) worth of sharing here.
i remember i had this whole kageyama family/shindou family/tachimukai family tree headcanon that was like basically shindou was kageyama's illegitimate son. kageyama's brother married tachimukai's older sister or cousin or whatever and they had hikaru. and way long down the line hikaru was related to sakamaki who created perfect cascade. much to think about
30-Free ask!
i need everyone to know that inazuma eleven is intrinsically linked with star trek: deep space nine by way of deep space nine's japanese dub. the lady who dubbed ezri dax was the lady who voiced toramaru. that is all
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starline148 · 4 years
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I couldn’t finish the colouring in time. I’ll update as soon as I have it. I LOVED drawing this, it was so funny to design their Magical Boys Clothes, they’re inspired in the Star Guardians from LOL and Fantasy Clothes, other Magical Boys designs are usually... not what I exactly like the most. They also have their own Magical Pet, I accept name suggestions :D I’m also working in another AU picture (mafia AU as I was suggested by Hiurakirina07), but this one will take more time, because I could only finish the sketch
Teikoku Week
Day 03: Magical Girls AU Warning: blood and deaths. Nothing could have prepared him for that and even months later when he relived that moment he only found the turbulence of agony running through his body. Blood. Death. A dark figure of at least ten feet bent over what was once a beautifully alive person, shreds of flesh and entrails and a foul smell of blood and decomposition that paralyzed his legs. He couldn't move, he couldn't scream. Just looking horrified as that thing opened the young man's inert body and ripped out his heart to make it disappear into something that must have been his mouth. And then it turned to him, the sad lights of the night street trembling sensing danger. But his body did not react. Its eyes were two pits of evil, an evil that would soon end his life like the rest of the people who were lying on the sidewalk of what was once a lonely street. Why had he decided to go that way to cut short from the academy? It would have been better to follow the usual path.The thing crawled toward him, and he knew there was nothing to do. That certainty hit him with the force of reality and he felt tears of frustration, fear and hopelessness running down his cheeks. It couldn't end like this, there was so much to live for. He thought of his sister, he thought of his parents, he thought of that trip to Italy that he could never make ... Moved by a spring that he did not know, he grabbed his backpack ready to defend himself until the end. How funny it would have been if he hadn't been caught in the spiral of terror.But then a beam of light blinded the boy and that monster who backed away. In front of the boy with dreadlocks, a boy of his age appeared with a scythe in his hands, standing between them."Easy boy. Don't be in such a hurry to die.”Their gazes connected for a few moments and Kidou Yuuto felt a strong jolt that ended his strength. He fell to the ground, watching with wide eyes as the boy turned the weapon in his hands and finished with astonishing ease with what had snatched the dreams of so many innocents.One light cut, two light cuts. Kidou Yuuto lost count and had to close his eyes because of the unbearable brightness; but when he could open them again the creature had disappeared. The boy with mohican hair held out a hand with something that seemed to be a trying smile."I was looking for you, Kidou Yuuto.”"Wh-what was that thing? How… how do you know my name? ” "It was a specter," the boy ran an imperturbable glance at the dismembered bodies of those who were not lucky enough to be saved "A big one, I wish I had come sooner ... I will explain everything to you if you come with me, I will save you from making the decision, you have no choice but to come with me.”The dreadlocks boy looked around and when he returned to reality he felt a strong acidity rising from the stomach that he had to empty. His mind entered a post-traumatic nebula from which it took hours to emerge, and when he did, he thought he was still hallucinating, since he was in the most unusual place he could have imagined, the sky seemed like a galaxy and everything emitted a soft white glow. Beside him was this boy, looking at something in a strange portable device that shone and emitted electronic noises. Noticing he moving, he raised his eyes."You finally woke up, Kidou Yuuto, The boss will receive you shortly.""Who you are?""Me? My name is Fudou Akio, although I am known here as Ruthless Scythe. I will soon be your partner in the battle against the Specters, I have high expectations of you, do not disappoint me ... Although I will let the boss tell you everything, explaining was never my strong.”
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inazumafocus · 6 years
Tagged by the sweet sweet @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 thank you dear❤️
Nickname: Nene! I’m Nene everywhere, even in real life, because my brother started calling me that when he was little and it’s usually the nick for the name Irene
Height: *deep sigh* 1.56cm yeah I am 22 and very smol, yeah, they usually think I’m 14 and I know I should be happy but IM NOT WHEN I WANT TO WATCH UNDERAGE MOVIES AND THE ASK IF I’M ABOVE 14!!
Time: 01:20
Favourite song/band: gosh mmhh well one song that is forever in my fave list is “Amsterdam” by Imagine Dragons and rn I love the Måneskin, go check them out they’re italian but sing in english too and DAMN THEY’RE GOOD! But my fave artist EVER is Adam Lambert❤️
Song stuck in my head: “Royal Doulton Music Hall” from Mary Poppins Returns. That movie was sssso good and the songs were amazing and so damn catchy yo! Plus “Zero” by Imagine Dragons from the new Wreck It Ralph movie!
Last movie I watched: well when I started this test it was SPIDERMAN INTO THE SPIDERVERSE! (GO. WATCH IT. NOW. A masterpiece of animation, a diverse cast, a really good plot and awesome characters! Gogogo) but rn is the new Wreck It Ralph which is also super amazing with a RAD DESIGN AND REALLY DELICATE THEMES TREATED FUCKING WELL CHECK THAT OUT TOO MAN!
Last thing I googled: “blue screen of death 85” because I needed THAT as a reaction gif LMAO
Other blogs: ugh I have so many but I’m gonna tag my ask blogs @asktheb4andafuro @askinazumastuckanddigizuma  and my aesthetic one @extranaestheticinjection (pls go check that one out if you want/have time🙏🏻💕)
Do I get asks: mmmhh yeah I have some affectionate but only when I do an “ask thingy” I don’t really get asks outside of it and it’s a bit of a bummer because I LOVE to talk!
Why did I choose this url: because, as I mentioned before, I love to talk and I wanted a blog to do that but everything would’ve been about Inazuma. Therefore Inazuma (theme) + focus (as in “a focus only on Inazuma). Plus a funny thing: my bro runs a secondary blog about a video game and its called @fablefocus  so I just went and said “yo what if I made a focus blog just like you!” But I’m not serious like her, I love to create memes and shitposts and those are a focus on Inazuma as well ahahaha
Following: ...58. Look I’m kinda picky but I love everyone really
Dream trips: Japan, Oregon (and other places in America as well) and Cornwall but I really just want to travel ALLLL over the world, it’s my big dream
Favourite food: everything that has fish in it. Gods do I love fish mmmm- plus donuts!!
Instruments: uuhh kinda did piano when I was a kid but never stuck to it 🤷🏻‍♀️ so none
Hair colour: original was a dark blonde(?) but I dye it black bc I love it
Languages: italian and english!
Most iconic songs: mh for me? This is kinda dumb but the one song that really always makes me sing and dance is the Digimon Adventure Opening, the italian one ahahah, it will forever be part of me since it’s mu childhood
Random fact: I tend to get more depressed during winter, that’s why I don’t fancy those cold cold months...
Zodiac: Virgo (but I have so few things in common with my Sun ugh, I feel much more alike to my Moon in Scorpio)
Nationality: Iiiitaaaaliiiaaaannnnn, from Rome to be even more specific~
Favourite fruit: apricot and melon, gotta love those sweet summer delights
Seasons: SUMMER FOR THE REASON UNDER “random fact” also then I can wear shorts and CROP TOPS ARE MY L I F E plus vacation and the sea and summer nights and HHHHHH I LOVE
Scent: rain, any body of water, the air before and after the rain, delicate vanilla, delicate cinnamon, books (they really have to be mild scents or my nose will die! I can’t even pass by the detergents’ sector at the supermarket or entering a Home Decore shop and Lush is just an agony when I need a bathbomb ;u;)
Colour: black, purple, used blue jeans(?), ALL THE PASTELS, ALL OF ‘EM, but also neon lime and neon fucsia bc I’m a walking paradox
Animal: uuhm dogs and really all the animals? But not insects. Never the bugs. Only bumble bees are cute.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: ehm none- I don’t really drink many stuff, just water, coke and some fruit juice heh
Average hours of sleep: ...five at best? Six at times, eight/ten only on vacations- listen I have a fucked up sleep schedule
Favourite fictional characters: AAAAAAAAAAAA SO MANY!! Kidou Yuuto, Fudou Akio, Kaemaru Ichirouta and Afuro Terumi from Inazuma Eleven; Agon, Rui, Jumonji and Hiruma from Eyeshield21; Nabiki Tendo from Ranma 1/2; Nico di Angelo and Reina from Percy Jackson; Monoma Neito and Iida Tenya from BNHA; Yamato, Sora, Taichi and Ken from Digimon AAAAA LETS STOP I LOVE AND ADOPT TOO MANY KIDS I DONT WANT TO CHOOSE
Year in which this blog was created: few months ago tbh, 2018 :’)
Hogwarts house: Slytherin, the real kind not the stereotype thank you very much. I’m kind and friendly but sneaky as well and I’d kill for my friends FUCK STEREOTYPES
Favourite artists: uuhhhh too many tbh, just gonna tag some I’m friends with hejdkdkwlsk bc I don’t wanna annoy anybody @reaversgloriousmanbutt-art @ygreczed @zibiremu-ert @xxlovelyrose95xxartbook PLUS I LOVE VAN GOGH AND BOLDINI
aaand taaggiiing @reaversgloriousmanbutt @zibiremu @miyabinopenguin @midorikawawas @funips @des-det-fo if yall want ofc <3
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shirou-flake · 6 years
11 favorites from IE
Tagged again by the lovely @magicqueen13-stuff I love being tagged so thank you very much!
Rules: Pick your eleven favourite characters from any Inazuma series! They don't have to be in order and if you include a small explanation as to WHY you like that character, it would be even better!
1. Fubuki Shirou
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Okay so the very first moment I saw him, I was smitten like I felt actual real love at first sight. When I got to know more about him, I loved him even more. His strife for perfection, his split personalities, his kind heart, his sweet voice, his cute face, the slight cunning in him, the little flirty tendencies, the little jokes, his love for fun and literally everything about him. I fell in love with it all. He and I were like two drops of water, and he is the very reason I kept fighting.
2. Kiyama Tatsuya
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Honestly, at first when he was still with alius I was still kinda ??? With him but oh man, when he appeared for the selection match for Inazuma Japan, and I saw his hair, he grew on me. I know, just because his hair changed I got more interested in him but he kept my heart with his kindness, perseverance, his brains, his soft voice again, HIS EYES and literally everything else. When Shirou whent away during ffi he was one of the few reasons I didn’t skip the thing till the episode when Shirou came back.
3. Fudou Akio
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Okay so I gotta be real but at first I didn’t really like Fudou at first but idk, somewhere during the ffi arc I just grew soft for him and I was like “omg Fudou is actually such a softie I love him” but like,, he really IS a softy and he’s also super nice and super smart and super friendly but you just need to get past his wall and understand his kinda twisted way of showing affection and once I did that I was totally in love. I probably love his Ares version even more
4. Amemiya Taiyou
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Okay but do you even know how much of a soft baby Taiyou is?? He’s a literal ray of sunshine and such a hardworking fluff and the sweetest mochi I literally can’t handle his perfection. He is without a doubt my favorite GO character he’s just SO LOVEABLE and I wanna hug him.
5. Kidou Yuuto
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Okay okay so Kidou also took me some time to really appreciate him like at first I was just okay with him but he grew on me. His loyalty, his compassion, his perseverance, his friendship, his caring and his brains oh god his brains. Look, I like smart characters. I like characters who can figure stuff out, cause I’m like that as well. Kidou? He’s a character who can figure stuff out.
6. Tsurugi Kyousuke
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Okay much like Fudou, he is a total softie. Except in Tsurugi’s case, I actually fell for him right away. I just knew that he was a softie when I saw him, so I kinda just let my heart adopt him and make him my child. Like, I can’t even explain what exactly it is about him that I love so much, I can only tell you that I just love his whole being a whole lot.
7. Kariya Masaki
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Lmao Kariya.... I’ll be frank, it was love at first sight and honestly, I don’t even know why I love this guy so much. Maybe because he’s an orphan and needs love? Because he’s also a softie like Fudou and Tsurugi? Because I like his voice? His hair?? No one knows, I just love him.
8. Fei Rune
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Okay so Fei was just cool. I liked him a lot cause he seemed smart and he was funny and kind and from the future lmao. I also freaking love the moon so when I saw Fei’s hissatsu shoots and his avatar I was just like !!!!!! i love you !!!!!
8. Nosaka Yuuma
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Okay so this is funny cause when I saw him, I saw his eyes and I was like “pffff his eyes are stupid..... I like him” also I must say I love his hair and frankly put, I like characters with nice hair. Nosaka’s got nice hair. He also has an amazing personality and amazing brains and amazing skills and an amazing voice and just.... amazing. Also moon. He has a moon hissatsu. I’m sold.
9. Fubuki Atsuya
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Okay so you don’t know how hard I cried when I saw Atsuya in that outer code thing, but I cried like a baby. I love Atsuya as much or even more than Shirou does I kid you not. I don’t even know w h y, I just do. I want to protect him and joke around with him and hug him while he struggles and pouts and screams about getting tortured or something I just LOVE him!!!!
10. Kira Hiroto
Okay so well fuck Tumblr won’t let me another image ugh
ANYWAY, I have a thing for dead people y’know. Atsuya was dead, came back to life and stole my heart, so it would make sense that Hiroto who had died and came back to life would also steal my heart, right?? Well, that’s exactly what happened. Also, I must say, Hiroto is also a softie. I can feel it in my bones. And I love softies. I also love his friendship with Tatsuya it’s the most pure thing ever
11. Matsukaze Tenma
Okay so there’s something about Tenma that I like more than Endou. Don’t get me wrong, I love Endou, but I feel like Tenma is a bit... less soccer freak lmao. He’s still an absolute soccer freak, but a bit less than Endou and somehow that helped in making me like Tenma so much. Idk, Tenma is just a very likeable character, there isn’t much more I can tell you XD
I’ll tag @lunastarward @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 @fubuki66shirou but really, if you see this, feel free to do this as well and tag me in it, I’d love to see y’all talk about your fav characters
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inazumaorion · 5 years
School life part 1
It was a warm day, spring was in the air and it was a new year for school. Cherry Blossem fell onto the paths and roads. Takemi was walking slowly behind Nosaka "Im not ready for school" Takemi told Nosaka.
Nosaka stopped in his tracks and looked at Takemi "You'll be fine Takemi, i will be with you"
Takemi gulped and gave a small smile "there are gonna be so many parents there with their kids and yet there's us not having our parents there"
Nosaka put his hand on the younger boy's shoulder "Im sure we wont be the only ones without parents"
Takemi gave a nod and followed Nosaka to school.
"Nosaka its about time" Haoto yelled. Nosaka walked over to Haoto "What time did you get here" he asked.
Haoto sighed "like 7.30 my parents wanted to try that new coffee shop in town"
Nosaka chucked "is Nishikage here yet"
Haoto pointed to him with a small kid "He has a kid with him"
Takemi looked around at the kids with his parents, it made him feel sad and left out he took a seat on  a near bench when another kid came to join him "Im Asuto whats your name"
Takemi looked at the boy before him "Im Takemi, where are your parents"
Asuto looked down "My mom died and i dont know my dad what about you"
Takemi sighed "I dont know if their alive or dead"
Asuto patted Takemi's back "You know i can tell you something, you see the kid with the cap thats Mansaku Yuuchirou well he only has a dad"
Takemi looked at him then back at Asuto "I see but thank you for being nice to me, it means alot"
"MOM your embrassing me, my hair is fine" Ryouhei growled as Mitsuko was tiding his hair up. "Your mom told you like 4 times to get ready for school" Itsuke spoke up.
Mitsuko smiled as she let go "You got to look tidy on your first day"
Ryouhei looked at his parents "Crap you both have to  embarras me here"
Midoiun smiled "Students get into your color codes and listen carefully"
all the students went into their color codes and watched the man on the stage "Those ears tho" Yoshiya whisperd.
"He needs to sort those ears out" Ryouhei mutted.
Arashi walked up to the white blazer students "Im Arashi im your teacher"
Kudou walked upto the dark blue blazer students "Students i am your teacher"
Midouin smiled as all the teachers had gone to their students "Now teachers take your students and i'll take the parents on a tour, but before you all go the grey blazers go and wait near my office.
The grey blader students looked around "is this normal" Sakuma spoke. Kazemaru looked at him "I guess so"
Nosaka watched as they left "Nishikage why is your cousin here"
Nishikage looked at Nosaka "His mom wanted him to be in the same school where i was"
Takemi gulped "But you look nothing alike"
Nishikage looked at Takemi "Like how my dad has the same color hair as him and my mom has the same color hair as me, its all down to jens you know"
The students went to their classrooms and saw their names on the door "Outei" Ranto whisperd.
"Esei huh" Midorikawa looked at the golden letters.
"Tonegawa" Endou smiled as he hugged the door.
"Seishou" Kidou spoke calmly as he touched the gold letters on the door.
The Outei students went in and saw double desk apart from a single one which Ranto claimed.
The Seishou students went in their classrooms and saw 11 single desk in their "Mines by the window" Ryouhei spoke.
"Idiot" Yuuto whisperd. "Heard that rich kid" Ryouhei coughed.
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jounetsulovers · 6 years
Top 11 Inazuma Characters
Tagged by @blueberry-pastel! Thank you so much. <3
11. Senguuji Yamato.
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For all my talk about the villains of Inazuma, it feels fitting to have some kind of rep on that list, even though he’s more of the final rival than anything else. The first season of Go holds a special place in my heart, and I think Yamato is an especially fun and thematically appropriate final boss. His Avatar his cool, his relationship with his dad warms my heart, his design is nice, and the way he’s animated, especially when using King Fire, always looks really nice! He’s my go-to goalie in the Go games, and on that basis alone it didn’t feel right to have a list without him.
10. Raimon Natsumi.
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Natsumi was my favorite manager for a long, long time, and there’s a lot of things to absolutely love about her. Her arc, tracing from the beginning of the original series to the very end, where she slowly lets her defenses down and engages earnestly with soccer and the team. Her extremely sweet friendships with all of the managers. Her relationship with her dad, which is an often-underlooked but no less important part of the entire story. The little background details, and how we learn throughout the Chrono Stone games that she’s become the chairman of Raimon after Fifth Sector collapses. Her recent appearance in Orion had me grinning the entire time. For sheer character growth, it’s hard to compete with her.
9. Kidou Yuuto.
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Somehow, Kidou Yuuto exists, and the show is better for it. If someone were to ask me who had the best and most complete character arc, I’d point to Kidou without question. He’s the complete package: great and memorable character design, strong personality, growth, excellent moves, great character dynamics, downright iconic scenes. His backstory and everything involving his and Haruna’s family makes me cry every time, no matter what format it’s in. From enemy to rival to best, best friend, Kidou Yuuto is stellar character work on the part of Level-5.
8. Teres Tolue.
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The anime does not do Teres Tolue justice. For all the brief but excellent scenes he does have, they are nothing compared to the wonderful scenes he gets in the third Inazuma game. This is a shoutout to the defender who isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even at the cost of sounding callous. Who cracks jokes at the worst of times, but also has a heart of gold. Whose confidence is genuinely matched by excellent work on the defense line. Liocott Island is full of captains with big personalities and sad backstories, and it’s a shame Teres seems to often be left out of the conversation, because he was my favorite back in 2012 and now, finally getting to play the games in full, he’s even better than I remembered.
7. Yamana Akane.
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If the anime did not do justice to Teres, they did an absolute disservice to Yamana Akane. Much like Teres, she has wonderful moments in the anime. But they are limited, and do not capture the true delight that is her personality. Everything she is, she’s even more in the games, and I genuinely think she has the best one-liners in perhaps the entire series. Even if she isn’t the deepest manager, she’s the one that makes me smile the most. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s bold and not afraid to speak about the things she likes. Yamana Akane, best manager.
6. Saginuma Osamu.
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Saginuma Osamu is a character that exists in a constant duality. He’s a terrifying, imposing presence as Desarm, but also an admirable rival. He’s absolutely unmatched on the soccer field, with the technical know-how and talent to easily slide into three positions on the field, but also one of the hardest-working characters in the entire series. He’s also a huge, huge dork while at the same time being inspiring to his team when he’s in the captain role. He was my favorite Aliea captain, and continues to be my favorite kid to come out of Sun Garden. I’d personally choose him as the greatest rival in all of Inazuma, as he perfectly captures the thin, thin line between serious and ridiculous the series so eloquently toes.
5. Kira Hitomiko.
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Best coach, hands down. Not the most skilled, or the nicest, or the one with the best teams or most effective coach. But the best one. She’s complicated, and maybe her apology at the end of Season 2 doesn’t begin to make up for the bad calls she made. But the fact she’s allowed to make those bad calls... the fact that she’s part of a larger, extremely sad and complicated backstory that almost feels like it should come from a drama, and not a sports anime... the fact that she spends a lifetime of penance for it, actually doing the hard work of trying to do right by her own mistakes and continue to watch over Sun Garden... Man, I love Hitomiko. Ares didn’t even begin to do her justice.
4. Amagi Daichi.
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Amagi Daichi, best defender. Enough said.
...Okay, no, there’s more than that. I love everything about Amagi, from his character design, to his moves, to his personality and how much he brings a strong, brotherly presence to the team. I love his dynamic with Hikaru, and with the other third years, and how much he cares for his friends in general. But I think I love his story most of all, because it’s extremely relatable. It’s simple, but effective, and the presentation of his flashback--the sound design, the visuals, hell, even the editing--is some of the best Inazuma’s ever done. Episode 33 of Go is my favorite episode of Inazuma Eleven. Amagi Daichi, best defender.
3. Giris and Meia.
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Is this cheating? I don’t think so. Giris and Meia are two characters that demand to be taken and analyzed as a pair, and, well, you don’t really see them apart, ever. They are my pick for the most terrifying and interesting rivals in all of Inazuma, for their unique combination of memorable visual aesthetic combined with the encroaching fridge horror that is the true nature of the SSC. Two kids, whose entire aesthetic revolves around young love and death in all aspects: their avatars, their signature move, even the soccer team uniform, which could easily be reworked into something for a period piece. And yet, they’re also overdramatic. They get distracted by each other to the point where they forget to finish trash-talking the opposing team. They dance on the soccer field to summon their avatars. They’re ridiculous and tragic in equal amounts, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them, or the Second Stage Children, since I watched Chrono Stone.
2. Megane Kakeru.
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Not only is Megane one of the funniest characters in the series. Not only is he one of the most important and yet underappreciated side characters in the franchise. Megane Kakeru is the perfect example of the profound impact Endou has on everyone he comes in contact with, and here’s why: Megane Kakeru is a coward. That’s a fact established in episode one. He talks a big game, but as soon as Teikoku gets serious, he runs off in tears. And even if the anime will never let him live that fact down (seriously), he never runs from another match again. Without him, Raimon’s victory streak would have ended with Shuuyo Meito. With him, we see a self-centered nerd come out of his shell, and genuinely grow to love the game of soccer, even as he knows he isn’t cut out to play and cannot match the skill level of his peers. Even while he’s terrified, he still steps out onto the field against Zeus when his teammates are injured. He stands against Aliea, even as other teammates find the situation hopeless. In season 3, his easy out, what does he do? He joins the team as a manager. He supports the Resistance numerous times in Go, both in the anime and in the games. Even as the chips are down, Megane Kakeru does not run, because he loves the game just as much as everyone else. He’s got a protagonist’s heart. I just love this kid.
And now, some honorable mentions, because there’s far too many to list:
I initially intended to have a member of the Earth Eleven on this list, but I genuinely could not decided between Morimura Konoha, Kusaka Ryuuji, and Nozaki Sakura, so I decided in fairness to not pick any, as an omission would be doing a disservice to them. The same could be said for several Protocol Omega members. Senguuji Daigo and Saryuu Evan are excellent villains and I love them, even if one is significantly more developed than the other. Matsukaze Tenma is one of my favorite protagonists of all time, and I love him a lot. Edgar Valtinas would have taken Teres’ spot if I didn’t choose him, and it was a very close choice. Kudou Fuyuka and Seto Midori were also this close to taking one of the manager slots. Fei Rune and Nanobana Kinako bring me unending joy and tears in equal measure. Domon Asuka, Sangoku Taichi, and Mahoro Tadashi are wonderful side characters whom deserve more love than they get, and I don’t think anyone is surprised to know how much I love Kousaka Yukie. I am deeply enjoying Ares and Orion’s characters, but considering their story has yet to finish, it did not seem fair to include them on the list, so for now they’re relegated to this one. But I adore Haizaki Ryouhei, Kozoumaru Sasuke, and Goujin Tetsunosuke. Zanark Avalonic should just be on every list ever because he is the best.
1. Nishiki Ryouma.
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No character in Inazuma can make me smile like Nishiki Ryouma does. No character brings me quite as much joy as Nishiki Ryouma does. He is not the deepest, nor the strongest, nor the user of my favorite hissatsu or owner of my favorite Avatar. But he’s the complete package: relatable, funny, courageous, and even inspiring in his own goofy way. I love his passion, and how he tries not to sweat the little things, and that he isn’t afraid to do things in the name of trying, no matter how ridiculous he may seem. He has a large heart that is open to the world around him, and even for his enemies. He has stellar moves, a genuinely awesome aesthetic, and a smile that’s infectious. I knew pretty early on in my watch of Go he’d be a favorite, and every time since my love for him has grown more and more. I can’t even explain in adequate enough terms why I love him so much--I just do!
Not directly tagging anyone, but if you haven’t done it, DO IT. You know who you are.
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ygreczed · 6 years
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-Just pretend-
Fandom, characters : Inazuma Eleven (Kidou Yuuto, Fudou Akio, mention of Takanashi Shinobu) Ship : KdFd / FdKd Tittle : Just pretend (½ I guess ? I should do a part 2 sometime) Credits to @funips for the Rock Band au idea !!! I hope my english will be good enough ;; I feel so embarassed and anxious to post a fic in english, it’s my first time aaaaah…(′︿‵。)
@dragonesskunoichi, @calmystorm-saltycandy, @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9, @therealruney, @chibineko-akio maybe you’ll be interested ? ;)
《Hey. What you doing here ? Thought you were on stage tonight ?》
Fudou raised his head, feeling Kidou’s hand in his neck like a butterfly kiss. He couldn’t help the hint of a smile when he caught his friend’s crimson eyes ; sometimes, it felt like everything he needed was here, deep hidden in those two precious, flawless rubies.
《Taking my smoke break》he answered with this little smirk of his -a smirk he knew was driving Kidou crazy sometimes. He took his cigarette in his hand, blowing a white toxic cloud towards the new comer, who turned his face and cleared the smoke with his hand. Fudou’s neck felt suddenly alone, the young man supressed a chill.《What’s up ?》
《Hm, just… tired of this shit.》Kidou shook his book before the brunette’s face and Fudou let out a chuckle.
《Pff, is that your daddy’s biography ?》
《What’s so funny about it ? It’s a required reading for my economy class…》
《And is daddy as awesome as you are ?》Maybe Fudou shouldn’t have asked this, but he didn’t realise what he had done at first. Kidou only glanced at him, then at the greyish sky above their head, then at him again. A gust of wind came out from nowhere, and Kidou’s light hair floated away for a couple of seconds, framing his thinking face.
《He’s way better, actually.》Kidou finally sighed. Fudou was sure a hundred of deadly knives just stabbed his stomach. Shit he- he fucked up again. He stayed silent, puting his straight face on while Kidou was glaring at his shoes. 《That… That’s why I came here. We’re the same, right ? Everyone say so. So hum… if I think you’re bright, talented and handsome I… I guess I am too.》
Fudou blinked. Twice. The cigarette was consumed, it was a real waste but Fudou only dropped the cigarette end without saying anything. Kidou raised an eyebrow seeing that :
《You okay ?》he asked.
《You’re an asshole.》Fudou whispered, licking his lips, eyes down.《You’re a bright, talented and handsome fucking asshole.》The guitarist took his cigarette pack out of his military shirt pocket ; he grabbed a white rod betwin his lips, Kidou looking like the big idiot he was, with his eyebrows raised up and his dubious look.
《Fudou, you’re back on stage now !》a woman yelled from the back entrance.
《Yeah yeah, I just need one more cig..!》
《You should go -maybe. 》advised Kidou.
《Don’t fucking tell me what I should do when you’re— anyway, go back in the bar if you wanna see Shinobu, she’ll probably start with a solo song.》
《No I- I came to see you… Fudou please I… you know what I need.》
《You think you can show up out of nowhere and… ask me this right in the middle of my concert ?》
《Not now -of course. I’ll wait here for you. Tonight I treat you somewhere. Anywhere, just choose. Okay ?》
Fudou grunted. He was mad at Kidou for this : was he just aware the musician was crazy about him ? Maybe he was just toying with him. In any case, Fudou couldn’t help but let it be : even for fun, even if it was all pretend, being in Kidou’s arms was just like a taste of paradise, he couldn’t stop it. Playing at being Kidou’s lover, for a couple of hours, was a dangerous game, and every second was drowning him more into his own illusions… And everything was so hard to pretend when back to reality. Pretend Kidou was his friend, pretend this “boyfriend roleplay” thing was fun and that it was okay with him.
《Yeah, okay.》Fudou mumbled, his voice rough because of the smoke -and because he was feeling like crying. He dropped the cigarette end on the wet ground and put it out with his shoe.
《You’re the best.》Kidou sighed in relief.《Now go back on stage, I want to see your hot ass in the spotlights.》He gave him a soft pat on the shoulder as Fudou headed to the back entrance and grabbed his arm suddenly. Fudou turned around to face him, irritated, and was about to tell him he was late already and that Kidou was definitely annoying right now…
He couldn’t say anything : Kidou kissed him, softly, slowly, passionately, and Fudou’s anger faded away in a blink. Thoses lips were a gift, so soft, so kind. So Kidou. The brunette drew back reluctantly, licking his lips, his hands keeping Kidou at a safe distance -and even in that safe distance, Kidou was still the most attractive man Fudou had ever seen.
《I really have to go.》he whispered, Kidou’s mouth dangerously close.
Fudou needed to go now, far, far away, before Kidou did something again, something he could only love and hate, both at the same time, something that could break him and fix him at once… Something Fudou wanted to hear so bad, something that could never be true though… A painful paradox.
Too late. Fudou turned his head, facing the young man smiling in the doorway with a straight face.
《I love you.》Kidou said with a soft tone. Fudou gulped, nodding evasively.
It was heart-breaking.
Thank you @funips for creating this rock band AU ! It’s all thank to you ! This idea was definitely so inspiring !
About the fic, I know it can be pretty angsty for now BUT don’t worry, It’s not a bad ending (I hate bad endings). I’ll write a part two when I’ll be inspired ~ (I still don’t know if this “boyfriend role play” idea was awesome or stupid ahah)
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IEGO Bonds Gryphon Novelize
Note: I’ve been working on this translation for a while, but due to my hiatus I decided to just start uploading it right now. YES I know barely anyone cares about GO, and I should probably focus on Ares (I WILL!) but Inazuma GO will always be the most special to me and, no matter what, I WILL translate this novel! One day I’ll finish the whole thing!
Chapter One (Part 1) - Unlimited Shining
“Hey, wake up! Tenma!”
The next thing Tenma knew, Shindou Takuto was shaking him awake.
As soon as he regained consciousness, he was suddenly hit with the strong scent of grass. He was lying on his back on a grassy terrain. As his eyes gradually came into focus, he noticed Shindou peering at him anxiously.
Tenma mumbled, pulling himself upright. A sudden strong wind hit his face and he cringed in response. The gust shook and rustled through his hair’s natural waves. As he stood up, Tenma only now began to observe his surroundings with wide eyes. In front of him was a dense growth of unfamiliar trees, and behind him was a vast, seemingly endless ocean. Sunlight glistened across the surface of the rolling waves and wild grass grew haphazardly along the shore.
“The ocean…?! Where… where are we…?”
“...I don’t know. Nobody knows what’s going on.” Following Shindou’s cue, Tenma turned around to see the other members of the Raimon soccer club in disarray. Some were only just beginning to stir; some were looking around in bewilderment; some were waking up nearby teammates; and others were simply standing still in shock.
“Tenma! Are you okay?” Nishizono Shinsuke hurried over to him. The small boy ran with a bounce, his hair bobbing up and down with the movement.
“I looked around this place just a second ago but there’s nooooothing!”
“...I guess we must have fallen asleep without realizing it.”
Third year Sangoku Taichi furrowed his eyebrows and said, as Nishiki slapped his own cheeks and added: “I bet it was sleeping gas.”
Nishiki scrunched up his thick eyebrows and began shaking his head. His high-ponytail shook furiously from side to side.
First year Tsurugi Kyousuke was the only one cautiously surveying his surroundings in silence. He grit his teeth, a dark expression on his face. His narrow eyes were clouded over in confusion.
Though he had previously been a Seed and an enemy of Raimon, he was a now a firm member of the team. Only at this moment his expression was reminiscent of his natural instinct as a Seed, but his teammates hadn’t noticed his sudden change of demeanor.
“...Is this the training camp?” Puzzled, first year Kageyama Hikaru said to no one in particular, but everyone knew deep down that something was very wrong. Though he was normally easy-going and cheerful, Hikaru couldn’t hide the anxiety he felt at this minute.
“...That’s right. We were supposed to go to a training camp. Fifth Sector’s orders… They sent a bus…” As Tenma muttered to himself, Shinsuke looked up at him with unease…
They lost track of time but Tenma and the other Raimon Eleven members boarded a bus sent by Fifth Sector a couple of hours earlier. 
Though they couldn’t be sure of how much time had passed, evidently it had been several hours ago that the Raimon Eleven members boarded a bus sent by Fifth Sector. Prior to that, an order had come from Fifth Sector for the Raimon Eleven to go to a training camp.
Raimon were right in the middle of the Holy Road tournament, having just won their third match against Kidokawa Seishuu. Yet apart from knowing Fifth Sector would escort them there, everything about this training camp was a mystery, even the location. The entire team protested, including their Coach - Kidou Yuuto.
Chairperson Kinzan, who brought along the news, was a man sent in by Fifth Sector. He had predicted the Raimon Eleven’s refusal, and countered their opposition with a few words he knew would have an effect.
“You mean you don’t want to know? What your former coach Endou is up to? … He’s giving us a helping hand, you know.”
This stunned the Raimon Eleven. Still reeling from shock, Kidou carefully considered Kinzan’s words. For him to go as far as mentioning Endou’s name… That had to mean something. If Endou was any way involved with this so-called ‘training camp’...
Kidou remembered the words Endou had left him with, after entrusting the position of Raimon’s coach to him.
“Fifth Sector’s true objective is probably not just controlling soccer. I want to look into it.” This was the last thing Endou said before he left Raimon. Suddenly, Shindou’s voice pulled Kidou out of his thoughts.
“Why don’t we go and see, Coach?”
Shindou, Tenma and the others looked at Kidou.
“Isn’t it possible Coach Endou learned whatever they’re plotting and went there to try and stop them?”
That was very perceptive of Shindou, Kidou thought. Though the Raimon Eleven had originally objected to Kinzan’s order, at Shindou’s words they reconsidered their willingness to go investigate this ‘training camp’. However, in Shindou’s judgement, a few members of the team should stay behind at Raimon.
“At this point in time, Raimon is the center of the anti-Fifth Sector boom. We can’t leave here unattended.” It was decided that second years Hayami, Hamano, and Kurama would stay behind at Raimon. The three saw off their teammates as they departed with a feeling that something was not quite right.
Read part 2 here.
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uraberika · 6 years
So, this small fic was requested by @funips a long time ago from an old prompt list and I finally finished it! (I’m sorry it took so long!) Their prompt was 22 (”I love you”) + KdFd. So here it is, I hope you’ll enjoy it!^^
Kidou Yuuto slammed the door of his apartment with much more force then it would have been necessary. The sound of the door made him flinch and awakened him from his angry thoughts that were circling around in his head. He caught himself and quickly recomposed his composure. A faint sound of shuffling could be heard from the living room. Kidou sighed. He must have awaken Fudou.
“I’m home!” he murmured, a bit embarrassed of his previous outrage at the innocent door. Fudou didn’t reply.
Kidou headed to the kitchen. He made himself a cup of black tea and went to the living room. As he had expected, Fudou was prolonged on the couch, blinking up at Kidou with sleepy eyes. Kidou pushed his green glasses up to observe his boyfriend.
“Oh, you’re home,” Fudou stated the obvious, and sat up to make space for the dark blond haired coach. He crossed his legs as Kidou sat down next to him, his posture stiff. They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes, Kidou sipping his tea and his fingers drumming on his left knee. He was deep in thoughts, Fudou could easily tell, but this once, he stayed silent and waited. After a few more minutes, Fudou finally spoke as he slid one arm around Kidou’s waist.
“So… what’s the problem?” he asked nonchalantly, his voice sounding careless but Kidou knew better. He turned his head towards Fudou, a bit of surprise gleaming in his eyes.
“What makes you think that I have a problem?” he asked raising a brow.
“Oh, please, Kidou-kun, even the neighbours on the tenth floor could tell that you are mad about something. And we’re living on the second floor!” Fudou smiled mischievously.
“Well, it’s not my fault that the walls are too thin,” Kidou shrugged. “And I’ve told you already to stop calling me that, we’re not kids anymore!” he added with an almost invisible blush on his cheeks.
“Don’t try to change the subject!” Fudou huffed. “So?”
“Argh,” Kidou gave in. “It’s just… work. All this… sneaking around under Fifth Sector’s watchful gaze… is harder than I had thought it would be. I know Gouenji does all he can as Holy Emperor but it’s kind of nerve-racking when I get yet again a card with the results of our next match,”’ he sighed and deepened his voice in an imitational tone. “Kidou-kantoku, lose this match to 5-3, Kidou-kantoku, win this match to 3-2, Kidou-kantoku, do this, Kidou-kantoku do that” he mocked the ambassador's voice who usually gave Teikoku the orders from Fifth Sector. “It’s not so easy figuring out a tactic which is both successful and believable enough to the public and to the Seeds on the team!”
Next to him Fudou snickered. Kidou turned to him, shooting a death glare in his direction.
“What?” he asked with a grumble.
“Well, well, look who’s talking,” Fudou said with a great deal of amusement in his eyes. “Looks like The Great Kidou Yuuto can’t bear a little being ordered around…”
“Pft, it’s not like that,” Kidou protested but then reflected on Fudou’s last sentence. “It’s true though that giving orders is much easier for me…” he mumbled almost inaudibly. Much to his dismay, Fudou had an absolutely fine hearing.
“See?” Fudou said smugly and shifted his position. He starched along the couch once again, placing his head in Kidou’s lap. Kidou looked down on him and furrowed his brows.
Fudou grinned triumphantly at his successful attempt to distract Kidou from his problems. When Kidou sent a fake smile in his way, Fudou’s expression turned serious. “Just endure a bit more… soon, it will all over,”Fudou said in a sleepy tone but he was lacing their fingers together at the same time.
“Yeah,” Kidou replied, not entirely convinced. “But you know, there’s a great risk of getting caught too. If higher authorities find out that I belong to the rebels they will come after me. But not just after me but my family, the whole team, and their families. This is no child game, Fudou…” Kidou sighed in a slightly scolding but not degrading tone.
Fudou closed his eyes and hummed in contentment as Kidou involuntary started to stroke his hair. Half a minute passed like this, no words have been exchanged. It was Fudou who broke the silence, smirking smugly but not opening his eyes as he said:
“You’re underestimating me, Kidou-kun. I have always been a better striker than Gouenji-san.”
“Yeah, well, do you happen to have an army of well trained soldiers slash players who can crash anyone if the Holy Emperor wishes so?” Kidou asked with a half smile tugging at his lips.
“No, but I’m working on it,” Fudou grinned in a playful tone. “Besides…” his voice trailed off.
Kidou raised a brow in response, urging him to continue.
“You don’t have to endure them.” Fudou shrugged and opened one eye.
“Who?” Kidou asked, confused.
“The Seeds. Endou’s team can join the resistance now, I think.” Fudou said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Also, Teikoku lost the last match and are out from the Holy Road for now. Now you can give those Seeds the damn sack that they deserve.” Kidou hummed to himself as he thought about Fudou’s idea. Yeah, this could work. Getting rid of the Seeds meant that he could finally have a team consisting of people with the  same opinions and without fear among the members. Besides, minus the Seeds meant diminishing the amount of supervision on their backs. He started to like the idea more and more.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Kidou said finally. “I’ll get rid of the Seeds tomorrow and invite Endou’s team to the rebellion.”
“What? Did I hear that correctly? Did The Great Kidou Yuuto admit that I, Fudou Akio, a humble commoner, was right about something?” Fudou asked, teasing.
“Oh, shut it!” Kidou murmured but he was smiling. Yes, Fudou was right. Which was an occurrence that happened more and more frequently since they had moved in together. And no matter how annoying Fudou was, or how much a careless hobo he acted like, Kidou knew that Fudou cared about him. Just as Kidou cared for him. Fudou wasn’t that bad, if you get to know him under that hundred layers of solitude and cold roughness. Kidou had realized this first when they started dating. Fudou could care and take care of people, especially Kidou. He always tucked him in bed (well, dragged him out of his office and tossed him gruffly on their bed but that’s a minor detail) and made sure that Kidou didn’t put salt in his coffee in the morning instead of sugar and listen to Kidou rambling about the company’s financial stuff even though he didn’t understand a word of it. And Kidou loved him for it.
“I love you,” he let the three words leave his lips without thinking. Fudou chuckled.
“Took you long enough to figure that one out, you fucking genius,” he huffed. He closed his eyes contently, only to find himself a second later on the hard floor.
“Oi, is that how you love me?” Fudou complained rubbing the back of his head where it hit the wooden floor. Kidou just grinned in response. “If I say I love you too, can I skip tonight’s washing up?” Fudou tried, his voice pleading.
“In your dreams, idiot,” Kidou shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you used such a moment to-” but Kidou’s sentence was cut short by Fudou suddenly pressing his lips to dreadlocked midfielder’s. The last thing Kidou thought before giving into the kiss, is that Fudou is indeed not a man of words. When they parted, they both were smiling like mad.
“You still have to do the dishes though,” Kidou grinned.
“Oh, come on!” Fudou groaned but his eyes were giving away that he didn’t really mind it.
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daedaliaaan · 7 years
So I stumbled upon a rather interesting fact during my Japanese class.
Apparently, the word “great” is translated to Japanese as ごうぎ (gougi) or ごうき (gouki). And the word “great” shares the same translation as “grand”, “obstinate” and “stubborn”.
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Now, the word ごうき (gouki), reminds me of my favourite ship of all; Gouenji Shuuya and Kidou Yuuto.
(Which is hilarious and I cracked up in the middle of the lesson.)
Now, there’s no arguing that yeah, GouKi is a great and grand ship (among other ships of course). But the fact the word “gouki” can also mean obstinate and stubborn gave me a headcanon that they can be pretty stubborn with each other.
I mean, Gouenji and Kidou are pretty dominant in personality, to say the least. They probably have the same share of values and all but they also different opinions and perspectives when it comes to certain things and sometimes they are really persistent and won’t back down from an arguement in order to justify their opinions. Sometimes they are too stubborn to admit that they were wrong and would continue to argue and frustrate each other more. Eventually this leads to the silent treatment.
It’s Kidou who gives in first to apologize and admit he was wrong. Despite being the most prideful, it is indeed Kidou who apologizes first since his anger oftens clouds his statements when arguing with Gouenji and ending up angering the other man greatly. And when Gouenji is mad, he gives him the coldest cold shoulder ever which terrifies and saddens Kidou. Kidou is a bit touch-starved and loves the affection Gouenji gives him in private, so to get the silent treatment from Gouenji is physically and emotionally painful for him since Gouenji tends to avoid him whenever he gives Kidou the silent treatment. Gouenji eventually feels really guilty for ignoring Kidou because he knows how hurtful his actions are towards the other man and apologizes to Kidou since despite his pride Kidou is actually sensitive. Gouenji actually misses Kidou a lot and misses the smile on his face whenever they don’t fight. Usually the silent treatments last for a day or two, the longest being three days. Silent treatments aren’t always for arguments about different opinions but the worst are usually caused by heated debates between the two. After the both apologize they often lie down on the sofa or the bed and cuddle with each other and sharing kisses while whispering apologizes and compliments.
“I’m really sorry I yelled at you.”
“I’m sorry too.”
“No, shush, I’m the one who should be apologizing, Shuuya. I was the one being a dick.”
“I gave you the silent treatment. I know how much you hated it but I did it anyways because I was mad. The biggest jerk between us would be me.”
“I deserved the silent treatment, love. Besides, I shouldn’t have called you a dumbass for disagreeing with me. That was rude and insensitive of me.”
“I literally said that your head was shoved too deep up your own ass you don’t know what common sense is, Yuuto. That makes us both huge jerks.”
Kidou laughs softly and it's music to Gouenji’s ears. “That was actually pretty hilarious. And a good comeback. You hang around Fudou too much.”
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
Kidou hums and snuggles deeper into Gouenji’s chest, inhaling the soft scent of coconut and palm trees of his cologne. Gouenji strokes Kidou’s head in a careful manner as if he were glass that might break at any moment.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Now, kiss me.”
With a small smile Gouenji leans up to press his lips on Kidou who is sprawled against his chest, legs tangled with the bed sheets. Kidou lets out a sigh from the contact on his lips and grasps the blonde’s shirt and surges forward, deepening the kiss. They both smile into the kiss as they embrace each other tightly.
“For the record, it’s the cereal first, then the milk.”
“Falsehood. You put the milk first then the cereal.”
“Jesus, Yuuto, for the last time that’s not how you make cereal.”
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starline148 · 5 years
[KDFD FF] New Chance
Title: New Chance Couple: Kidou Yuuto x Fudou Akio, from Inazuma Eleven Words: 4112 One-shot Summary: Fudou moved to Italy with his family and lost touch with his friends, his life became grey, but who know what the destiny has for him in the end? Warnings: It can be a bit sad at first. Fudou focused. Long distance is hard. Author’s note: I wrote it a lot of time ago, it was going to be a gift for @inazumafocus‘ birthday, but well, I submit it now because I’m ill at home and I have the little time I haven’t had to do it before. I dedicate it to all KDFD lovers. If anyone wants to comment, it’s apreciated, I love reading the comments as it gives sense to the work. If not it’s fine too. Also, I don’t know where else I could submit fanfics, can someone tell me which sites are good to submit them? Thanks.
New Chance
-Don’t leave me!
Those words echoed in the crushing silence of the night like a gunshot. A frightened boy sat up suddenly in his bed, his chest ached and he sweated despite a cold breeze coming through the open window making the curtains move. It was his own scream that had woken him up.
He put his hand to his face and discovered that there was a tear in his eyes, wiped it with fury and remained stiff.
His dark brown hair fell on his forehead and his eyes narrowed in a grimace of agony. It had been a while since he had dreamed of him.
His heart took a lot to stop hurting in that rapid throbbing, when he calmed down a little he lay down again, although he could not fall asleep until much later.
When the young man woke up he still felt a strong pain in his chest, the sun was entering the room with wooden floor lighting the dust suspended in the air with some magic. The white and worn over time curtains continued to move at the mercy of the sea breeze.
He got up slowly, trying not to remember the dream, from the window it could be heard the lullaby of the sea and the screams of the seagulls. 
He dressed in a sports outfit: white cotton T-shirt, sweatpants and running shoes. He put on his headphone and left his room, he went down the stairs that creaked at every step and went to the kitchen where the smell of toast and orange juice came from.
"Good morning, Akio” an adult woman smiled, turning with a tray. “I was going to go upstairs with your breakfast.”
The young man shrugged, took the tray and sat down on a wooden table that had lived a long time, for breakfast.
The woman sighed and sat next to him, looking out the window at a blue sky that reflected in her eyes. 
Eyes like the sea, hers were a calm sea and his, a stormy sea.
“Soon you’ll start college again, are you happy to go back to classes, Akio?
He looked up from his breakfast and again just shrugged. 
“Surely you’ll make friends this year.”
The young brunette did not bother to answer that. If he had not made friends in the previous two years he doubted that year was going to be different, but he just didn't have them in class, on the football team it was different.
After breakfast he got up, washed what he had used, kissed his mother's forehead and left without saying anything.
She was left with a sigh and a haze of sadness, watching her son go down to the beach and run away, she knew that it would take him even longer to return from his morning training.
The suitcase as black as the thoughts that overwhelmed both of their minds was open in the middle of the room, half done. 
“Do you want me to help you, Akio?”
He shook his head, his mother kept coming in to see if he needed help and that took away the little mood he had to finish packing. The woman had interrupted him again when he observed a peculiar object with which he was ashamed to be found.
“What do you know about him ... about them?”
The boy looked down, forcing himself to show no weakness and simply said nothing. The woman said nothing either, everytime she asked about her son's Japanese friends, she didn't find an answer, like so many things. Since they had left the country her son had barely spoken.
The woman could remember perfectly the times she had heard her son speak more than three words since they had arrived in that Mediterranean country six years ago, that the University where he was studying was in the capital when they lived on the outskirts of a city by the sea didn't help their communication either.
She looked at him sadly dotted with regrets and left the young man's room. That place could have healed her wounds, that place could have been a new opportunity for her, that place could have been the beginning of a life together with a new love full of pink; but there was a dark spot in the bottom of his son's heart she felt guilty about. 
Once again she had proved not to be a good mother by not realizing that the bonds that linked her son with her Inazuma companions were as important as her relationship with her current husband.
Sometimes she tried to console herself thinking that Akio never said anything about not wanting to leave Japan; and when that thought reached her, she only felt worse, how could she blame a teenager who had difficulty expressing his emotions that she didn't know him enough because of her own bad decisions? How could she let the weight fall on him when she hadn't been able to get him out of the abyss he had fallen to before playing football and again she couldn't do anything for him? As she descended the stairs to prepare dinner for the family a tear of rage and frustration slipped down her cheek.
He put the object in his suitcase in his suitcase, after six years he still couldn't look at it without being tormented by a surge of intense emotions that shook him like a hurricane; but he could not separate from it yet knowing that that time would not return, even knowing that maintaining it did not allow him to close that chapter of his life, even knowing that he could only get harder.
But how could he do it? That object, that object reminded him that he could not fall back into darkness. That object reminded him that he had to get ahead and be a person that someday someone, perhaps himself, could be proud of.
He leaned back on the open window frame, watching the sun set by the sea, with a delicate thread of pearly thought that simply begged the sky that wherever he was, he would be fine.
The rattle of the train had a sedative effect on him, his elbow was leaning against the window, his head resting on his hand and his legs stretched out on the other seat where fortunately no one had appeared. He preferred it that way, he preferred to be alone while watching the landscape change leaving the coast behind, leaving his family behind, leaving the summer behind.
He arrived at the capital late at night and yawned when he left the station, stretching without worrying that he might seem uneducated. He started dragging the suitcase to the exit where he would take a taxi to reach the University Residence where he lived during the school year. The night air of late summer was cold, but instead of bothering him he managed to at least relax the grimace on his face, a frayed memory of years ago had passed through his mind like a cottony cloud through a spring sky. 
The lights of the residence welcomed him from the beginning of the street, he got out of the vehicle tiredly from the long journey from his house and directed his eyes towards the end of the road. He felt at the same time how his heart was comforting and writhing. That bittersweet feeling of familiarity.
He entered the building and the first thing he saw was several young people talking animatedly, with their large suitcases next to them. Yes, the meetings were exciting, but he would not meet who he longed for.
Several voices called him when those boys saw him enter through the glass doors. He shook his head and approached them.
“How was your summer, Akio?”
The boy shrugged and the others laughed, as they continued talking including the newcomer in their conversation, although he barely intervened more than making a gesture.
After a long time they heard an adult voice hurry them to go to dinner, and all the boys ran to their respective rooms to leave their bags before going to the dining room and get together again.
The brunette’s eyes traveled with reassuring monotony the food options presented to them, while his noisiest friends kept talking and laughing for anything.
They were a not very large group, five boys. All of them from the university soccer team, although he knew them before, he knew them from the same time he was trying to leave behind.
But it was difficult, especially when one of them continually revived his past with his mere presence. A bistre-colored boy combed in dreadlocks that fell on his shoulders and gray eyes, a boy who once tried to be a copy of him.
He snorted as he moved the food from side to side noticing that he was really inappetent, it was a problem that had haunted him for a few years. He forced himself to eat, mentally telling himself the reasons why he could not refuse to do so.
That night he could barely sleep, every time his unconscious took over in his mind it presented the image of that boy, that red-eyed boy who grabbed his hand in a desperate attempt to hold him. Why did he have to dream that again and again when in reality that had never happened? Why did he still feel so betrayed because they had let him go without doing anything? Why hadn't he been able to verbalize how much he cared before he disappeared from his life? Why couldn't he close that chapter of his story?
He covered his eyes with his forearm suppressing the tears that flowed from them, while the memory of his farewell shook him like a small boat in the middle of a storm. That day in his sea-colored eyes was hidden the plea that was never made, a plea that perhaps they never managed to decipher. Although when he grew up, he faced the reality that they could never do anything. They were only 15 years old then. 
He took off the blue rubber glasses he always wore, always except on rare and intimate occasions that they shared throughout that year together. The only and last year. The brunette sometimes wondered how it was possible that a person who was so short in his life would have had such a strong impact. He himself responded to tell himself that what they lived together was very intense from the beginning. 
They started hating each other, though perhaps it was more accurate to say that the red eyed boy was the one who hated him, the sea eyed boy had never hated him, never. Not even under the effects of that stone that strengthened the darkness in him, despite not remembering with great accuracy those moments; Or rather, not wanting to remember. He had done a lot of harm to innocent people and still did not forgive him completely, no matter how much his most rational side told him again and again that he was the first to be manipulated and hurt. But even then, all he experienced was a fatal attraction to the boy, a feeling of wanting to show himself better, that he looked at him, that he saw him, that he recognized his place in the World. 
How stupid of him.
Then they met in the nomination for the national team, after that time the boy kept hating him, and he, even without the stone that altered his behavior, felt that fatality. They went from hatred to distrust, to cooperation in the game, to personal confidence, to friendship. And then the brunette took the last step, discovering that at some point during that long process he had fallen in love.
He kept that feeling to himself, a bomb in his heart that he had, without him knowing, the countdown activated. It exploded that same day that her mother gave him the news that they were going to live in Italy, since she was going to marry an Italian man she had met years before and with whom she had been dating without the brunette knowing until shortly before that announcement. 
The rain fell on him while he wanted to drown when that boy found him. He noticed that an umbrella protected him from the inclement rattling of the drops and raised his eyes as wet as the ground around him. He lowered his glasses and opened his mouth to ask, but he was speechless when he hugged him crying loudly, desperate. The same despair that led him to put his lips together, the same despair that made him run after putting his lips together, the same despair that consumed his soul from that moment. 
The other boy never said anything about that kiss, said nothing when he followed him to his house holding him by the hand just in time and preventing him from being hit by a car without ever knowing if it would have been an accident or not, he said nothing when all the friends from the football gave him a farewell party, said nothing when he went to say goodbye to the airport with tears in his eyes with the other three boys closest to him. He said nothing, nor would he, since those two boys did not cross their paths again. 
The brunette received many goodbye gifts; but none as shocking as those glasses of dark googles at the airport, like a forget-me-not flower, like a petition that was still bleeding, like a painful memory of what it could have been but never was.
Sometimes the brunette regretted having lost touch with the Japanese boys, should he have resisted the fate that separated them? Should he have sent that letter he wrote so many times but never sealed? Should he have made an account on a social network and looked for someone he knew?
And then he wondered, for what? What would have helped to see how they continued their lives without him? What would have helped to see him grow and become a young adult? What would have helped him to cry bitterly to see that he was no longer part of them? Of him.
The presentation of the course was the next day, and that boy with wild brown hair and eyes like the sea came with the relief of knowing that he was returning to a routine that removed the most turbulent thoughts from his mind.
Although it was not until a week afterwards he began the activity he liked most, the activity that somehow embraced his suffered being with invisible hands of calm. 
“This year do you have the dorsal number fourteen again, Akio?”
The boy raised his eyes to the person speaking to him, a boy with dark skin and black eyes who shared nationality with him and raised his eyebrows.
It was one of those rare occasions when the boy spoke outside the matches, and the other, Hidetoshi Nakata smiled.
“Have you heard the rumors, guys?”
All the young men who tried on their new uniforms turned their heads towards the person speaking. A boy with pale skin, light hair and freckled who was eating a candy. 
“What rumors?”
“My father told me that a player who is going to play in the Professional League will enter the team too.”
There was a fuss, Luca's father was the team coach so they could ensure that the information was right.
“It is not as if we did not have level to play in a Professional League.”
The brunette grunted surprising everyone, he had not said something so long for a long while.
"But Akio is right," said a short boy with blond hair and an androgynous appearance. “Especially Fidio, Demonio, Hide and Akio. Surely you will end up entering a Professional League.”
They shrugged, the one with the most interest in that was the black-eyed Japanese.
"We're going to fill ourselves with Japanese in the Italian team," Luca murmured suddenly.
“What do you mean?” asked the one called Demonio Strada.
“The new one is also Japanese, and although my father has not told me who he is, he has said that he was Akio's teammate.”
The boy narrowed his eyes, feeling his heart soar with panic, while the other companions wondered who that boy would be.
“I hope it's Mamoru!” exclaimed the captain, that blue-eyed boy.
The others seconded it.
"We haven't heard from Mamoru for a long time," a boy with blue eyes, though lighter and dark brown hair, murmured.
"I think he is in a professional team but in Japan, Gian," said another boy with burgundy hair and olive green eyes.
"But I'm already a good goalkeeper," protested a large boy with long brown hair.
Demonio turned to the brunette Japanese to ask him something, but discovered that the boy was gone. They did not see him again until several days later.
He realized how much he was disturbed and the immense discomfort generated by thinking that someone from his past would return to his life. He couldn't stand it, the news burned him inside, not letting him sleep. His short sleep time was splashed more than ever by memories he rejected. If only he had sent that letter. 
That day he went for a walk in the Historic Center of the city, full of tourists with cameras and sandals with socks up to mid-leg. He sat on a bench watching the traffic of people. Who would it be? Who among them would be crazy enough to go to Italy to play football? Maybe it was Endou. He lowered his head, what if it was him? He shook his head as a poison spread from his stomach.
His eyes widened, was that the reason? He looked up and saw a couple kissing with the Colosseum in the background. He ruffled his hair and laughed bitterly. The reason he was tortured so much by the possibility that the new team member was one of his old friends was because he wanted it to be him? He wiped the tears that flowed down his cheeks and rose.
He was never going to be able to close that chapter.
The day, the important day, he woke up discouraged, that day the new player was finally going to enter the team and they would finally know his identity. The coach kept it a secret and the Professional League had not announced his name since it was scheduled to start at the beginning of the following month.
The classes that day were especially dense, his mind was not where it should, to his disgust. Memories surfaced without compassion. One time and another. One time and another. His eyes, his lips, his hair, his neck, his smile, his teasing. One time and another. One time and another. 
He walked to the training camp with steps of melancholy and despair. With mind in black and the eyes absorbed. When he arrived and saw his hand on the door handle to enter he felt his guts twist. The next thing he was aware of was that he had run away. Looking up, he found himself in one of his favorite places in the city, a tree-lined hill from which there was a beautiful view of the ruins that in another era had been majestic pride buildings of his Empire.
The cold air blowing in that place eased the burning that consumed his head, dropped on a bench and buried his face in his hands. His heart ached.
Suddenly he felt a strange nervousness in the stomach, the wind had brought him a smell as peculiar as painful. He felt his emotions overflowing like blood from a wound he had not managed to close.
-Fudou ... Akio ...
The boy's fingers twitched and he felt his own nails dig into his face. A hand landed on his shoulder and he fell apart.
Tired of running away, tired of resisting, tired of getting up every day, tired of people saying him to smile,  tired of living.
He was not able to move, he was not able to say anything. The hand was still on his shoulder, burning. The wind shook his hair, grown since they had last seen each other, so many years ago. He felt the tears slip between his fingers, losing themselves in his body. He noticed his red eyes glaring at him. He felt a strong pain in his heart.
The boy sat next to him while the brunette lowered his hands slowly and left them with his fist clenched above his knees. He was not yet able to look at him, but something in his desperate expression implied that he could run again, because he was not able to cope with that turn of destiny.
And he noticed, that boy with red eyes reddened by tears trying to surface, noticed. His hands closed around the brunette, with force, with pain, with regret and he buried his head in the chest of him. His heart ached so badly that it seemed like it was going to break, and somehow when he heard the beating of the sea-eyed boy, he knew that his was also struggling not to go out.
-Kidou ... Yuuto ... -kun ...
Saying that name was strange, hearing the name in his own voice was strange. He never thought to hear it again. He never thought to see him again. He never thought that perhaps his life could regain a meaning.
Until that moment, that moment in which he hugged him and with his head sunk in his cinnamon hair in dreadlocks came the same citrus smell of the shampoo that he remembered with the clearness of the stars on a dark night in which going hand in hand dreamed a future that for years they believed stolen.
And then their eyes met, finally Fudou Akio had the courage to look at his red eyes, his body shuddered with a feeling of agony and at the same time peace flooded his soul. They were dark eyes, in which time had left traces of bitterness and loneliness. The boy's whitish hands held that face, while his eyes still connected. Kidou Yuuto barely breathed lost in those eyes like the sea, filled with such a long time of helplessness and resentment, as a swirling wave brought to the surface a new glow of hope.
His hands, of a more vivid color, grabbed his face at the same time, thus remaining indifferent to the passage of people, indifferent of the time swirling like autumn leaves around them.
The brunette’s lips moved trying a gesture that had not been seen on his face for so many years that it only became a try; but for Kidou it was enough. The small gesture of those lips made the boy's tired face shine.
Kidou moved forward, towards Fudou. His face anxious over his, his eyes still in that unperturbed connection. 
Kidou lowered his eyebrows in anticipation of apology and then to the surprise of the brunette he finally responded to that request that the boy had made years ago.
His lips felt warm, rough and remembered the taste of a "cappuccino". And his, softer and finer, of the salty tears that had traveled his cheeks for so many years. 
When they separated and despite the fact that both had closed their eyes, immortalizing that moment in their memories, Fudou's eyes were wide open. Showing in them a profound impact.
That made Kidou burst out laughing, a laugh of relief, a laugh of engagement.
“I think we have to talk about many things, Fudou.”
The boy felt a slight blush on his cheeks, looked at him. His face reminded him of when he was planning a mischief as a teenager. A mocking smile, a roguish glow, colored cheeks. Kidou contemplated that expression with absolute enthusiasm, feared for a long time being late to see it again.
“My residence is not far. My room is a quiet place.”
Their eyes met again and they laughed. Stretching among the trees that waved their branches to the sound of a wind of change.
Their hands entwined on the way to that place. There they cried about the grey like ashes years that were reaching their end and held really close the other with fear of fading. With a blooming of light  in their hearts. With a new story full of love. They could finally close that bitter chapter of their lives.
Months had passed, bells sounded far from them while were walking to the training field, they both, hands entwined, smiled with the consolidation of a promise of love for eternity glowing in their ring fingers.
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inazumafocus · 6 years
A small reflection on Kidou
Episode 6 of Orion made me think a lot, firstly as a lover of character’s analysis and secondly as a Kidou stan.
Kidou only one year before Orion (kinda, maybe not a full year), had a case of emotional breakdown after he met Endou and the desire to play fairly had arisen in him. Until that moment, he had never doubted what he was doing, he had a purpose in his life: win to get Haruna back. He trained to improve himself in order to be always on top not because that’s what he desired per se, but because he wanted to see his sister, his only loved one at the time, again. And let’s admit, being powerful and winning aren’t at all bad thing to experience or wanting to achieve either, but he suddenly felt the urge to reach both Haruna and victory with ONLY his abilities (despite what someone may think, Kageyama only added few dirty and morally dark tricks, Teikoku’s members were still top quality players since his team had ti be strong to begin with. So Kidou already had the tools to be victorious, he simply didn’t rely solely on those).
Therefore, he started to ask “who am I?”
Being only twelve/thirteen, he still didn’t have enough life experience to fully grasp himself and his situation, so he found himself stuck. He had obeyed without the blink of an eye up until that moment, so how come he was feeling so lost and bitter at the thought of cheating once more?
Who am I?
A blind follower?
A traitor?
What defines me as a person?
Were maybe the questions roaming his mind at the time, and the answer came from the same man that had indirectly put him in that situation.
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And you might think: “what a stupid answer, of course he’s Kidou Yuuto!” But let me tell you that this answer is The Answer.
Kidou is no one if not Kidou himself.
He’s no pawn, no traitor, he’s simply him.
Kageyama’s telling him that he his his year of experience, he is his desire to win, to strive toward his own goal, his dream to have Haruna back and even his need to play fairly.
And being Kidou also meant everything he was going to do in the future as well.
Kidou is caring, loyal, headstrong, Kidou is a reliable friend and an analytical mind.
And it’s fascinating to me how now, in Orion, he’s losing himself once again with this whole Ichihoshi’s problem. Because he’s not being true to himself, not entirely, he’s lettig his emotions and fears getting to him.
And exactly what is the signal that he’s getting lost? More than what, is actually a “who”. Someone who’s been very close to the same man that answered Kidou’s question months before, someone that has learnt a thing or two-
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Kazemaru, despite agreeig that Ichihoshi is a pronlem to be solved, warned Kidou (and us watching) about the turn of event that the thing was having. Because he knows who Kidou is, he knows that now he’s not being his usual self and that he’s slowly losing track of himself.
And nothing, this was only a random thought I had and I said “small reflection” but turned out way longer than I expected ahaha! Anyway I hope you found this reading pleasing, I surely loved thinking about Level5 good work on Kidou’s character’s arc 💕
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