klaineccfanficlibrary · 11 months
Cinnamon roll Blaine ? Like he’s just so cute and sweet and small ?
Do you mean fics here he's small and young -and you may be best to look at the fics where they meet as boys and grow up together? kidsfic. Come back if you want something different ~Jen
Lynne has recommended this one in the past:
Companion by @flyblckbirdflyarchive-blog
At the age of five, every boy and girl of noble birth in the kingdom of Lima was assigned a companion. On Kurt’s fifth birthday, his present had been a small, shy boy named Blaine, recently orphaned. Blaine really was the finest companion in the entire kingdom. Kurt had no doubt of that.
Feliz navidad by villiageidiot
Blaine Anderson meets his best friend when he’s in Kindergarten. He doesn’t know it yet but it’s also when he meets the love of his life.
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mannatea · 11 months
This is about the post you made asking to send you questions about fanfic tropes! I'm excited, fanfic tropes are so interesting to me!
How do you feel about kidfics/pregnancy fics? I feel like that's a controversial one. Personally, it's a squick for me, but I'm always interested in hearing differing opinions!
Angst/torture is also a controversial one despite its popularity. I really like angst a lot but I will admit that there are some fics that drew out torture scenes a little too much for my taste.
What about fix-it fics? I'm fine with this one, I think it's completely subjective and depends on the fic. I've seen fix-it fics where I've loved the source material's ending, and other times, it can save a fandom from a terrible ending.
Finally, how about miscommunication? This is another controversial trope and most people will agree that it's a result of lazy writing. How about you? Do you think that miscommunication can be utilized well or do you think it's always a cop-out?
I apologize if I ended up asking too many questions! I'm really interested in your opinions when it comes to fic writing!
Send me a fanfiction trope and/or fanfic AU and I'll talk about my opinion(s) on it!
These are some great ones, thank you for sending them! 🙏 Even though some of these are sort of listed together I've broken them up into separate tropes because I feel like the nuance of their differences can and does sometimes matter to readers!
Kidfics: I have so many opinions about kidfic. I don't even know where to start. I feel like I could record a one hour long essay on this alone because there are so many subcategories of this trope and I feel a little bit differently about each one. I guess if you want me to expand on anything, feel free to ask. 🤣
I hate fankids. I just...do not like them as a general rule. No offense toward people who have fankids for their favorite blorbos, or even love the concept of fankids, but that specific subgenre just ain't for me.
I'm ambivalent toward stories that are like "the characters are married with kids and this story is about them as a family." These can be really fun stories but it depends a lot to me on the canon, the characters, and their kids—the "family dynamic" if you will. Sometimes this hits right and sometimes it's a huge miss. I feel like if the children are canon children this has a higher chance of hittig the mark, though.
I'm excessively picky about characters and characterization with kidfics because there are some characters I can't stand seeing written as a parent (usually because I find the portrayal chosen for them in that role as OOC). Have I written these characters as parents anyway? Yes, and I regretti spaghetti that choice.
Related to the above: I tend to not read many kidsfics because I just hate how the kids are written or how the parents are written in relation to their own children. (See: Single Parent AUs where the kids are LITERALLY NOTHING MORE THAN A PLOT DEVICE FOR ROMANCE! 🤮)
I'm obsessed with adoption storylines. It's a personal fave. Am I coping with something? Um...maybe. I was literally planning some bullshit about this yesterday wrt Regal.
I also like "oops there's a baby now" stories, but only as a writer (I don't trust others to write my blorbos in these situations).
Generally speaking I like to write child characters, but they HAVE to have a real place in the story and they have to have a believable and reasonable impact on the characters. Like, they're children but they're still characters and should be treated as such. This can be difficult as a writer because you're more or less creating a whole new character, but it's imperative that this be done properly or you end up with characters who feel more like table decorations than people...and nobody wants to read about that.
Lastly, I also very much believe in talking/discussing/exploring the negative (and neutral!) components of parenthood. I like including things like PPD, regrets, characters feeling overwhelmed in their role as parent, parents who need to get to know their kids as people to form a close bond to them, the stresses of work/home balance, and so on. I feel like this is just a very safe environment to talk about those things.
Pregnancy fics: I love writing them but I don't love reading them. I feel like too many authors have obviously never been pregnant or have never been around a pregnant person, and I tend to find those stories hard to read. They also tend to just skip talking about topics that are difficult, and lean into how cutesy pregnancy is (+ morning sickness weeee), which makes me want to shrivel up and die.
There's nothing wrong with liking that, and certainly nothing wrong with writing it, but it's not for me. I tend to lean into more complicated feelings about pregnancy and birth, and I think this might also be related to the fact that I tend to lean into characters who would also by default have complicated feelings about these things.
I think I'm mostly here to just explore how such a big life-changing event might impact a character/characters, not so much for the miracle of birth.
Angst: Used to really love writing angst, and I still do like using it in longer-form stories. That like sad heavy introspection thing is definitely right up my alley, though these days I tend to not write a lot of angst for its own sake. I like it to be mixed in with hurt/comfort and happy endings lmao.
Torture: Very much not up my alley if we're talking literal torture of a character. If we're talking about a more broad "blorbo torture" (i.e., putting guys in Situations That Suck), then sign me up. My stupid ass loves putting guys in situations. I do think this can be taken too far though, and then it becomes unfun to read (and I am not here for what is essentially torture-porn).
Fix-it fics: People who write fix-it fics are braver than any US Marine. I'm generally too lazy to write them myself but I will spew 3,000-word-long essays on how to fix a terrible tv show plot at my poor unsuspecting and innocent friends on Discord.
Miscommunication: Real life is full of dumbass miscommunication on the daily. I don't think it's unreasonable to use it in a fic, but it does have a tendency to feel quite dull sometimes, and I personally won't use it as a writer unless the miscommunication makes a lot of particular sense (and usually has some component of intention to it).
To explain that last point a bit better, I feel like the best "miscommunication" in a story relates to intentionally poor communication, rather than a misinterpretation of something someone said, or a misunderstanding regarding a situation.
The reason I feel this way is because miscommunication is used too often for great dramatic effect, when I think it serves its role best as a quieter sort of drama. People can and do misinterpret one another all the time, and they do leap to conclusions and suffer a misunderstanding, but if these things are done even a little wrong they just feel like cheap drama. Miscommunication that feels more subtle tends to not fall to pieces in the event that the author fails to present it perfectly.
As an example, the RP I'm doing now has my blorbos in a pretty bad situation. Tethe'alla has turned on them in the wake of a tragic event and they've been forced to flee under very poor circumstances and go into hiding. They've chosen to pass this time (that they both know could be years and years) posing as a married couple in a small town in Sylvarant, because it's pretty much the only way they can live in society without looking suspicious...and they very much need to be in society to stay up on what's happening in the world. They're both hiding a lot from the other but it's very intentionally done. They haven't had the time or space to process ANYTHING they've been through, yet. Naturally this lack of communication will cause problems later, but when it does it should feel like a natural progression of their lives and lived experiences—not something done for easy and cheap drama.
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
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Little Max drags his father to a reading in the local library. Alec finds himself fascinated by the Drag Queen who reads for the kids.
Read it in ao3.
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spilledinkstories · 4 years
‘Round the Mountain
She’ll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes…
We’ll go out to meet her when she comes…
“Have you ever seen it before?” Little Emma asked her grandmother. 
“When I was about your age,” her grandmother said with a soft smile. 
“I can’t imagine a world without the moon,” said Ben, a few years older than Emma, forgetting to try to be cool about the upcoming event. 
It had been ten long years of night. The world was lit by the glowing moon that never waxed or waned, turning the landscape of the small town nestled between the feet of three mountains into world of blues and purples and greys.
“When I was your age I said the same thing about the coming of the moon,” Ben and Emma’s mother said. They were seated around a scrubbed wooden table in their family home, Father and Mother at each end, and the children facing the large picture window with eyes wide.
“I’m going to be at work a lot more,” their father said. 
“Why?” Ben asked.
“We have to make sure the solar factories are working perfectly. We need to be able to store as much sunlight as possible before the next lunar season. It’s what powers the city.” 
“Not having to constantly have the lights on is going to be a nice change,” Mother said. 
“I can’t wait to plant my roses,” grandmother said, a wide smile splitting her face. 
In the kitchen off to the side of the dining room, a thin screeching started. Mother got up to take the kettle off the range and pour the hot chocolates, Emma racing into the kitchen behind her and grabbing the whipped cream out of the fridge. 
“I’ll go downtown to buy sunscreen tomorrow,” Mother said. 
“If there’s any left,” Father said with a dry chuckle, coming into the kitchen to help carry the full mugs. 
“I know, I should have gone last week. But it’s coming sooner than any of us thought.” 
“We all thought we had more time,” grandmother agreed. 
“What’s sunscreen?” Ben asked, taking gulp of the cocoa and licking the whipped cream moustache from his face. 
Emma clambered back into her chair, and stared with wide eyes as her father described how your skin can burn and sting and even peel off if you don’t protect yourself from the sun. 
“So the sun is bad?” Emma was too young to picture any world other than the one she knew. She wrung her tiny hands, pulling her nightgown over her knees that were curled up to her chest, as though hiding under the covers. 
“No, no. It isn’t evil or dangerous. You’ll love it. The sky will be bright, and the evenings golden, but it will never be perfectly dark. Not for a long time. You’ll be able to feel the warmth of it on you, just sitting outside.” 
“One thing I haven’t missed, the heat,” grandmother grumbled. 
“I can’t wait to not have to pile sweaters on,” Ben said excitedly. 
“Well, it shouldn’t be long now, we might as well hit the road once we’re done our drinks,” Mother said. 
Father looked at the clock that hung on the wall behind his head, and was surprised to see that it was nearing six in the morning already.  
They finished their drinks, dressed, turned all the lights off in their cozy home for the first time in the children’s memory, flicked on some flashlights, and made their way to the streets. 
Despite the early hour, the streets were packed with the residents of Canyon Springs. Everyone was wearing light jackets, and children were talking excitedly of what they imagined a golden world would look like. 
Grandmother was looking around her, committing everything to memory. The way the pavement was a dark and sombre grey, the deep indigo of the sky, the smattering of stars that twinkled merrily. The owls that could always be heard hooting, the silver light of the moon through thin, veiny leaves. The way houses themselves seemed to sleep. She would miss it, indeed. 
“I think a golden world would be magical,” Emma was saying. “If everything was gold, you could cut it up and buy things.” 
“It won’t be real gold, idiot,” Ben said, exasperated. 
“Benjamin,” Father said, though he was smiling. 
“Everything will be bright and colourful, like your picture books,” Mother said warmly. 
As they walked, passing the houses and entering the downtown where small shops and restaurants sat, windows unlit, their neighbours joined them, and they paraded in the dark down to city hall, in the centre of town in the heart of the mountains. 
“Here, live at the scene, we will broadcast the rising sun, for all you sleepyheads who couldn’t make it down here yourself!” A camera man was saying, clearly thrilled that he’d been chosen for the prestigious job of introducing the sun to the world of morning news television. 
“Ready to work like slaves, Paul?” A man said to Emma’s father, slapping him on the back.
“The overtime will be killer, but the money will be nice,” Father said bracingly.
“I heard they want to try a new storage method, gonna have a bunch of engineers come in to build it,” the man said. 
“Course. Their motto is ‘if it ain't broke, fix it anyway.’” The two men laughed. 
“How will we know where to look?” Emma asked, looking up at her mother. 
“You’ll know. The sky will get lighter, on one side of the mountains.” 
“That’s weird,” said Ben. 
“It’ll get all yellow and light blue,” grandmother said. “I should have brought a chair,” she added with a sigh, folding her thin arms across her chest. 
Ben and Emma wandered over to the large, round fountain at the centre of town square. It had been empty their whole lives, and so really just looked like a large cement basin, with a statue of some important man sticking out of the middle. The local children were running around the ledge and playing.
“My dad said since it hasn’t rained in a a while, the sky might look scarlet,” one of Emma’s classmates was telling her. He was an obnoxious little boy, with a turned-up nose, and seemingly permanent jam stains on his cheeks. 
“That’s silly, how could a sky be red.” 
“He said red skies at morning are a sailor’s warning,” the boy said defensively, as though this were an obvious truth. 
“We haven’t got any sailors,” Emma said, glaring at him. 
But as they bickered, an anxious murmur broke out, rippling across the crowd. 
“Why is it doing that?” Hushed voices were saying.
“Have we angered it?” A woman said, fear making her voice high and constricted. 
“It isn’t a person. It’s a ball of gas,” said a tired, bored sounding man. 
“Here at the scene of the Rise, locals wonder what the odd colour could mean,” the news-reporter was saying in harsh, quick tones, as though he was reporting a robbery. “Here with me now is Brenda, who thinks it’s angry. Tell us about this, Brenda.” 
“Well, Tom, I’ve read that if the sky burns red it means that we’ve angered the gods. It means that we’ve been evil, we’ve sinned, and punishment shall reign down upon our heads.” 
“That was Brenda, with a religious outlook,” said Tom, the camera following him away from her to find someone else in the crowd, a smirk tugging at his the corners of his mouth.
“Hello, Sir, how are you? Do you have a theory?” Tom the newsman thrust the microphone into a man’s face. 
“Well, my dad, he was a sailor, see…”
“That’s my dad,” said the jam-faced boy to Emma. 
“…and he always told me that if the sky was red, ‘specially at dawn, there’d be rain.” 
“Rain isn’t red,” someone from the crowd shouted, and people tittered and jeered. 
“Could be, could be,” Tom said, trying to comfort the man who now looked embarrassed. 
“Angry gods, rain, anyone else think they know why the sky is red?” 
As this commotion had been going on, Emma hurried back to her family. She stood with her back pressed against her mother’s legs, her brother close on her right. They exchanged nervous glances. This was not the golden surprise they had been promised. 
Above the peaks of the mountain the sky was blanketed with clouds that rippled and swayed, and were turned the colour of burning embers and ash. In contrast, the face of the mountain was deep, angry black. The world the children had known their whole lives as blue and purple and silver, as friendly and sleepy, had morphed in a matter of minutes. It was as though someone had lit the mountains ablaze, and the flames were licking over the town. 
“Daddy said it could burn,” Emma squeaked to Ben, as hot tears made her eyes itch. She scrubbed her knuckles across her face. 
“What’s that, little girl?” She hadn’t noticed that Tom was standing behind them, and he’d heard Emma’s shy comment. He squatted, and she looked at the crusty makeup caked on his face for the camera, smelled the old coffee and cheap cologne, and did not like Tom the newsman. She pushed back against her mother’s knees, ducking her chin to avoid looking at him.
“Don’t be shy, do you know about the sky?” She peered over his shoulder and saw the camera trained on her. She swallowed nervously, and leaned forward. 
“My dad told me the sun could burn you if you’re not careful. It looks like the sky is on fire. I’m scared we’ll burn.” 
“Goes well with the angry gods theory, I guess,” Tom said as he stood, apparently having heard enough out of little Emma. She was relieved not to have to say more. 
“Look!” Came a shout from someone on the other side of the fountain. Again, whispers and mutterings ricocheted through the rapt audience as they all watched the sky, for at the very peak of the mountain, what appeared to be the bottom of the sky, the angry red was giving way to a bright orange peppered by warm pinks. 
“The fire’s goin’ out, little girl,” said Emma’s father’s friend from work, smiling down at her. She said nothing, continuing to stare. 
The strip of orange and pink seemed to be getting higher and higher, and the red clouds morphed to purples and yellows, as though a foggy rainbow was engulfing the whole scene.
The orange got less foggy. It grew sharp, and bright, and yellow, and Emma thought of a searing yellow blade cutting through the clouds. Tears burned her eyes, and she squinted, determined not to miss a second. 
“Here we go, folks, are you getting this?” Tom said, his hand shielding his eyes. 
“She’ll be coming ‘round the mountain, any second now,” said the man who’s father was a sailor.
With bated breath the people of Canyon Springs watched as the sun pulled itself into the sky, up through the clouds from behind the mountain. The black face of the rock slowly turned from ebony, to graphite, to light grey, and for the first time ever Emma realized that there was snow at the tops, which immediately glistened from the heat of the great golden orb. The sky was still transforming, purples and oranges giving way to bright, happy blues. The moody, dark clouds became fluffy white, making Emma think of the whipped cream on her hot chocolate that morning. She looked at Ben, and was shocked to see that he didn’t look happy. 
“What’s wrong, isn’t it great?” Emma asked. 
“Where did the stars go?” She blinked, and looked back up at the sky, and realized he was right. They were gone. They’d always been there, and while everyone had told them the moon would be missing, no one had warned them about the stars. 
“They’re still there, next to the moon,” grandmother said, smiling a little sadly at them. “They’ve earned their rest.” 
“I’ll miss finding pictures in them,” Ben said, though he looked reassured. 
“You can do that with the clouds,” his father said, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
Everyone stayed in the square for about a half an hour, making sure the sun was good and steady, before slowly dispersing to go back to their lives, flashlights hanging uselessly by their sides, some of them taking their jackets off and slinging them over their shoulders. The years of night had come to a close, and as they bathed in the new warmth radiating down on them, none could help the smiles spreading on their faces.
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lilacfarm · 6 years
3. rant. just do it.
i kinda want ice cream rn and we have some in the freezer so thats great but i don;t wanna get up cus im sp comfy also i gotta pee but lord.....im so comfy. the chair i have in my room is a butterfly chair which means it has legs that fold out and you like put a big cushion over the frame and my old one actually broke bc the legs bent too far and ive had this new chair for like a couple months but i can already see the frame is quite bent so im wondering if its my fault for being heavy or for putting stuff on it or if its the chair bc i know this chair is adult sized so idk
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strangemyg · 7 years
Something you want to do again next year? ohhhh, i was a lot more social this year than in the past, so I’d like to keep that up. hang out with friends more.
send me things?
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feelylix · 2 years
leo’s masterlist
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→ requests: OPEN
→ please read guidelines before sending a request !
stray kids
♡ bang chan
coming soon
♡ lee know
coming soon
♡ changbin
coming soon
♡ hyunjin
it counts (smut fic)
♡ han
coming soon
♡ felix
some kind of a sleepover (smut fic)
♡ seungmin
coming soon
♡ jeongin
coming soon
coming soon
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glitterandgrunge · 7 years
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Happy New Year to everyone! Especially all my wonderful friends! @kidsfic @zulubunsen @robots-wow (these three are in the above. The rest are all irl friends lol)
I’d also like to tag some other online friends: @patchvvork @inn3rstar @whyareyouheremate @fourtytwoblu @taray97 @theelemento158  @faythinthemusic @moonshinechic 
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ao3feed-pharmercy · 7 years
My Greatest Everything
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HaADWY
by WhiteravenGreywolf
Seven kids. Six Couples. So many things can happen in a family, and even world-saving heroes are not always prepared. A series of one-shots kidsfic. Each chapter focuses on a different couple.
Words: 1776, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The New Generation Universe
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree, Hanzo Shimada, Emily (Overwatch), Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Hana "D.Va" Song, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes, Roadhog | Mako Rutledge, Mei-Ling Zhou, Sombra (Overwatch), Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani
Relationships: Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Emily/Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Lúcio Correia dos Santos/Hana "D.Va" Song, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Mei-Ling Zhou, Sombra/Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani
Additional Tags: Kidsfic, One Shot Collection, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HaADWY
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autodidactylous · 7 years
20 Questions Tag
I was recently tagged by @climberstudy to do a 20 questions tag so here it goes!
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better!
Name: Kimiko
Nickname: I’ve had so many nicknames, but I don’t really have one right now
Zodiac Sign: Aries sun on the cusp of Pisces, Cancer moon and Scorpio rising (I’m a meSS ™)
Height: 5′7″
Orientation: Something!? I Like people?!??!
Favorite Fruit: Figs are delicious, but I also love raspberries and bananas
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: FALL
Favorite Scent: So many! Sandalwood, cedar, tobacco, violet & lavender, warm sugar, just about anything earthy and spicy
Favorite Animal: I don’t know if I can pick. Snakes? Dogs? Cats?
Favorite Book: Way too many to list but some all time favorite comfort books include: Infinite Jest, This Side of Paradise, Franny & Zooey, Nine Stories, To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Dalloway, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Jacob’s Room, Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, The Will of the Empress, Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History, And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, and A Separate Peace (that list is way too long fuck)
Favorite Flower: Irises
Favorite Color: Grey, warm yellow
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: All together at once. I want to say coffee, but I really love licorice tea
Average hours of sleep: 4 most of the time, but if I’m exhausted 7
Favorite Fictional Character: This is way too difficult. Today, I’d have to say Tsukuru Tazaki, but if you ask me tomorrow it’ll probably by Sydney Carton or Amory Blaine or Sally Seton
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2
Dream Trip: Everywhere. But I would most love to travel through France, or do a tour of much of Asia
dogs or cats: Dogs, but I recently befriended a neighbor cat and I like him very much
blog created: Sometime in July, but I’ve been on tumblr 5ever
I’m tagging just a few but if anyone sees this PLEASE DO IT AND TAG ME I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU
@piiess, @sourcoat, @looolcoooool, @kidsfic (what does ur url mean it’s mysterious), @creative-anchor, @bscn-studies
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
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"Pleeeeease, Daddy. She's so beautiful!" Max whines as he tries to pull Alec to the event room in their local library.
Alec rolls his eyes and looks at his watch. "Okay. But you need to stay absolutely quiet, okay? She started five minutes ago."
A squeal leaves the little boy and he quickly puts both hands over his mouth. Alec chuckles. Max hasn't been this excited since his mother—Alec's childhood friend—died. Seeing his son like this shatters his heart into a million pieces and glues them back together instantly.
They tiptoe dramatically into the room where the reading just started. There are no seats left but a single one close to the front. They sneak into the row and Alec pulls Max on his lap. Next to them, a boy, maybe two years older than Max, smiles at them before he turns his gaze back to the Drag Queen reading from a children's book.
Alec looks around. The crowd is diverse in any way. It makes him happy and uncomfortable at the same time. He fits right in. A single dad on one hand, a gay man on the other. Not that everyone is queer in the audience, but he feels it's a safe place where he could really be himself, open and proud. But he knows that his identity as a gay man is valid, no matter if he's out or not. No matter if he ever kissed a guy.
But with a kid that shares his dark hair and beautiful eyes resembling his own, even though they aren't biologically related, it's hard to get a date. Not that he would have time between work and Max anyway.
The Drag Queen is really good at her job, both style and reading-wise. Her soft baritone is easy to the ear and Alec finds himself thinking about what the man under all the make-up might look like.
His eyes are beautiful and his lips, too. Alec never thought he might have a thing for lips glossy and slick-looking. But the way this mouth moves around the softly formed syllables is magical. He can't pull his eyes off them. The words themselves don't register in his ear anymore as his eyes travel up the bridge of the Drag Queen's nose and down her perfectly accentuated cheekbones.
Alec pulls his eyes away from the piece of art in front of him. Not every man doing drag is gay. And no matter what, he'll never gather the courage to ask someone out who looks so comfortable in his own skin, who doesn't shy away from attention, who is so disturbingly beautiful that the sheer thought of talking to this man sends a blush to Alec's cheeks.
The reading comes to an end and the Drag Queen invites all kids to ask questions. Max, shyer than his dad shy Maxwell Michael Lightwood, stands up on his fathers thighs and raises his hand. Impatiently he wiggles around until it is his turn.
"Hello. Who are you?" the Drag Queen asks, and Alec is glad that his face is hidden behind his son's back.
"My name is Max and you are so beautiful!"
"Why thank you. You look quite fantastic yourself. Like a little blueberry. I love your hat."
Max's hand goes to his head and he grins proudly. "My dad knitted it for me because blue is my favourite colour."
The little bugger moves slightly to the side to give a free view to Alec, who raises his hand awkwardly and waves.
The Drag Queen grins widely and scans him for a moment before she turns her eyes back to Max. "You have a very talented father, Max."
"Yes." The boy grins. "He's the best."
The boy next to them chuckles. "No. That'd be my dad," he says for everyone to hear. The audience laughs and Max sits down again, snuggling his small face against his father's chest in embarrassment.
"They're not laughing at you, Max. Everybody thinks their dad is the best."
"Not you," Max retorts.
Alec worries his lip and stays silent. He never wanted his son to know about his strained relationship with Robert. But kids are so much smarter than adults give them credit sometimes.
The boy next to them turns and cocks his head to the side to face Max properly. "Sorry. I just love my dad."
"Why? He's not even here with you?" Max pouts.
The boy's eyes grow tight around the edges. "If you stay a little, you'll see how he appears out of thin air."
Max looks at the other boy wide-eyed. "Is your dad a magician?"
"Something like that." The boy grins like a Cheshire cat.
Somewhen during their little talk, the reading has ended and Alec puts Max on the floor. "Let's go. Time for our Monday ice cream."
"No, I wanna see his dad."
"Come on, Max. I'm tired."
"He'll only need a few minutes," the boy says. "Maybe we could join you. I love ice cream!"
Before Alec knows it, the boys are absorbed in a deep conversation about the best ice cream flavours, pros and cons of cones and cups. The only thing they can settle on is that sprinkles make everything better.
"Rafe, I'm finished. Are you ready to wrap up?" A familiar voice comes from behind and with it the heat in Alec's cheeks returns.
He takes a deep breath before he moves around. Sparkling eyes and still shiny lips greet him as he takes in the man in front of him. Quite magical indeed.
"I'm Magnus. I don't think we've been formally introduced," the magical man says and stretches out his hand.
"A-Alec," he stutters. "Oh, uh… We should really…"
"We should what, Alec?" Magnus asks with an amused smirk dancing over his face.
"I meant Max and me. I would never," he trails off. Great. He sounds like he wasn't able to finish a single sentence.
"Max and I want ice cream," Rafael saves him from saying more stupid things.
"Do you? Well, that depends on Alec. I'm open to everything," Magnus says and winks at him.
Alec nearly chokes on his own saliva. "I—"
"Daddy only likes one flavour," Max says, rolling his eyes. "Salty caramel."
Magnus raises an eyebrow, mischief sparkling in his eyes. "Is that so?"
Alec moves his lips but he's unable to form any words. His cheeks are burning crimson now.
"Stop flirting with the audience, Papa," Rafe whines. "You always say it's bad for business."
Magnus chuckles. "You're not wrong. But I have a hunch that this might be the exception that proves the rule."
He looks Alec square in the eyes.
"That—that would be nice," Alec says.
Magnus' smile grows wide. "It would be nice indeed."
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frerardrecstoshare · 11 years
The 'Youngling' Series
by iamdali | AO3 | Ray/Mikey, Gerard/Frank kids!fic | 3 chapters 
  Part 1 | Youngling | R | 2,679 words
Ray laughs. “Uh huh. You do realise this is going to make it harder to convince everyone that we didn’t name our child after a Star Wars character?”
  Part 2 | Youngling Ficlets | G | 1,391 words
A group of ficlets in my Youngling!verse for father's day :)
  Part 3 | Birthdays in Bed | G | 638 words
Its Mikey's birthday and he's about to get a special awakening.
  [I know this is now exactly frerard, but it was just too cute and i couldn't resist... sorry]
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glitterandgrunge · 7 years
Favorite female characters!
I was tagged by @zulubunsen thanks man!
Rules: write out your favorite ten female characters and tag ten people!
1. Amethyst- Steven Universe
2. Marceline- Adventure Time
3. Starfire- Teen Titans
4. Luna Lovegood- Harry Potter
5. Penelope Bunce- Carry On
6. Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim
7. Storm- Jem and the Holograms
8. Kim Possible- Kim Possible
9. Wendy Corduroy- Gravity Falls
10. Daphne- Scooby Doo
I tag: @moonshinechic @taray97 @patchvvork @inn3rstar @whyareyouheremate @theelemento158 @kidsfic @toast-with-bananas @kingoffantasy516 @fourtytwoblu and anyone else who wants to do it!
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lilacfarm · 8 years
Shane Dawson???
never watched him before. probably sucks. he looks kinda like onision so No
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frerardrecstoshare · 11 years
Skeleton Princess
by lovebashed | AO3
Frank/Gerard Kid!Fic | G | oneshot | 770 words
warnings: none
Frank and Gerard take their daughter trick-or-treating.
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frerardrecstoshare · 11 years
by lonelyapparition | AO3
Gerard/Frank kids!fic | G | oneshot | 1,286 words
warnings: none
“W-what is that?” Frank’s little voice trembled.
“That’s a firefly!” Gerard giggled.
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