#killer king always delivers
scarlet-star-witch · 3 months
His Sacrifice
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Summary: Aemond makes the decision to save the one he loves over his brother.
Reader is Rhaenyra's daughter and is in a secret relationship with Aemond
WC: 1.5 K
Tumblr is a piece of shit that deleted the request but to whoever sent this, hope you enjoy xx
Part 2
The screams of men below were almost inaudible over the roar of her dragon. She felt powerful, she felt vindictive, a smug satisfaction washing over her as she decimated the Green army below, the traitors who dared to usurp her mother.
Yet her heart was aching. 
Her eyes scanned the skyline, nervously awaiting Vhagar’s presence, awaiting his presence. 
Her throat tightened and she blinked rapidly to stave off the tears that threatened to fall. She’d cried enough tears over him, over the divide that wedged between them, threatening to break them apart completely. She had to be done. 
A trill made her perk up, looking over her shoulder, her eyes wide, her chest aching, but as she caught sight of the smaller, gold dragon headed her way, her devastation soon turned to anger. 
Her face shifted, her agony now hatred. Her teeth grit with effort as she pulled at the reins, swooping dangerously close to the soldiers below her, a smirk painting her lips at their cries of terror. 
“Vermithor… attack.”
The dragon below her roared, a mighty sound that shook the bones of those who watched from below. 
She distantly heard Aegon’s call and held onto the handles of the saddle in a white-knuckled grip as she swerved out of the way of the stream of fire Sunfyre spat at her. She winced, flinching away from the barrage of flames that met her too closely. 
The dragons fought a vicious and bloody fight, Vermithor’s talons tearing Sunfyre across her belly, her cries echoing, shaking the ground below. 
Over her dragon’s head that now had the other poor dragon’s neck in his jaws, she met Aegon’s eyes, her gaze alight with hateful glee as she noticed the fear in his eyes. 
But suddenly, his expression shifted, a smile growing as he breathed out in relief. 
Turning, she saw the enormous figure of Vhagar looming forward, like a killer stalking its prey, ready to devour her with ease. 
Her heart dropped, the grip on the reins slipping from her hands, as if she already accepted her fate. 
Swallowing against the lump in her throat that grew, she closed her eyes, refusing to see the look on her lover’s face as he ended her. 
They met in the dead of night, as they always had, meeting on a nondescript island halfway between Dragonstone and King’s Landing. 
He was already waiting for her as she descended from the skies, landing Vermithor beside the hulking figure of Vhagar. 
He was approaching her before she could unsaddle herself. 
His hands were on her before her feet met the ground. 
She was brought into his arms before she could say a word. She embraced him as she always did, desperately, as if it would be their last. With the state of their families, it might just be. 
“Are you alright?” She asked worriedly as she pulled out of his arms, her eyes frantically searching for his face, finding only despair.
“You cannot go tomorrow.” He told her swiftly.
“They commanded me to take Vhagar to Rook’s Rest.”
Her face remained impassive as she took in his words, though the storm that raged within her was devastating, shattering every ounce of hopeful excitement she’d felt when she received his raven to meet her that night.
“Aemond, I-”
“You cannot go. Please.” He begged her. 
Her gaze met his and the frantic desperation she saw in his lone eye stirred sadness within her, the divide between their families that had slowly been tearing them apart delivering another fatal blow. 
“I have to. You know I have to.” She answered quietly, mournfully, as if she was already accepting her fate. She couldn’t fight Vhagar, she couldn’t win against him. 
He cursed and took a step away from her, placing his hand over his mouth as he tried hard to rein in his anger, his fear of what would happen to her, to them, as they met on the battlefield.
They always knew it would happen eventually, but it didn’t mean they were ready for it. They had been content to live in a fantasy together, as if they could pretend they weren’t living their reality, that they could’ve lived a happy life together. 
He stepped towards her again, taking her face in his hands. 
“Please, you cannot- I cannot-” He stammered and let out a shaking breath, his tortured gaze locked on hers. “Love, please, don’t go.”
“We always knew this would happen.”
His anger flared at the resolution he heard in her voice, at how quickly she was willing to accept this, that they were to meet on the battlefield, with only one of them returning victorious. He couldn’t accept it, he wouldn’t.
He shook his head wordlessly, his brows furrowed as if in pain. Her arms wrapped around him and he was quick to return the hug, holding her to him tightly. He let out a shaking breath, his eyes squeezing shut as he held her, silently praying it wouldn’t be for the last time.
“We should’ve left while we still had the chance.” She spoke with a small laugh that held nothing but sadness. Aemond nodded, his hands gripping her firmer, his thoughts a mirage of what their life would be if he had taken her up on her offer to escape to Essos all those years ago.
He desperately wished he had agreed. 
“Whatever happens tomorrow-”
“Don’t.” He begged, his heart already aching at the thought of what they would face. 
“Whatever happens,” She repeated more sternly as she looked at him intently. “It won’t change what we have. Nothing will change how I feel about you, even if I cannot feel anything at all.”
He practically shuddered at the thought, the mere notion of losing her too much to fathom and bowed his head until his forehead met hers, their shaking breaths shared. 
“I’ll love you even after the end.” 
He couldn’t hear any more. He kissed her firmly, pouring every bit of love he had for her and had felt for her for years into every caress of his lips, every tantalizing swipe of his tongue, every heated touch that he bestowed onto her beautiful body he had worshiped in secret. 
I’ll love you even after the end
The words echoed in his mind all night. As he left her side to return to King’s Landing before the sun rose, they wouldn’t leave his head, torturing him over and over again, until he felt as though he couldn’t take another breath. 
Now, as he sat atop Vhagar, eyeing the battle in the skies above with bated breath, he knew he had only one choice to make. 
A choice that came all too easily, a choice he would make again each and every time. 
He commanded Vhagar to fly, her large frame taking to the skies slowly, his eye locked onto Vermithor, his heart in his throat as he saw her small frame duck out of the way just in time before Sunfyre’s jaws locked onto her. 
He felt nothing but relief as Vermithor trapped Aegon’s dragon in his jaws, he felt nothing as his brother’s dragon cried out in pain. 
But the blinding rage he felt as he watched Sunfyre swiped her claws against Vermithor’s face, dangerously close to her, made his blood boil.
His hands clenched, his jaw tight, his lone eye dark with resolve as he soon accepted the consequences he would face, the judgment the Gods would place on him. 
But he didn’t care. He would slay his brother if it meant she lived. He would slay millions to save her, without thought. 
“Dracarys!” He yelled, his eye remaining on Aegon who tried to shield himself from the flames that descended upon him. He grunted as Vhagar crashed against Vermithor, harshly nudging the dragon out of the way, Vermithor growling menacingly at Vhagar, before jerking to the side, her command of the reins forcing her dragon not to engage. 
He watched, his heart racing, as she flew away from the scene, away from Aegon as he fell alongside Sunfyre’s broken and burning body. 
He paid little mind to anything else and followed after her. They flew for a few minutes, away from the chaos of battle, away from any prying eyes that would reveal their secret.
He descended just a second after her, landing Vhagar next to Vermithor, his hands shaking as he undid his ties, jumping down his dragon’s frame unsteadily. 
“What the fuck was that?!” She yelled as she stomped towards him, tears in her eyes, unsure of what to make of the emotions overwhelming her. “Do you know what you have just done?”
He ignored her yells and grabbed her hands, pulling her to him, his arms wrapping around her tightly. She squirmed in his grip for a moment, her adrenaline still thrumming through her veins,  before finally giving in as she felt him shaking against her. 
She let out a trembling breath, her arms coming up to wind around him. She let her eyes fall closed as his hand rested on the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair. 
“What did you do?” She asked wearily, her voice hoarse and weak with exhaustion.
“What I had to.”
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what-even-is-thiss · 7 months
So Daggerfall is the only elder scrolls game where you don’t start out as a prisoner and you’re a friend of the emperor and the emperor is like my friend is haunting his old city for some reason find out why and also while you’re there I lost this letter sent to the queen just a side thing but it’s not a side thing and in fact the whole reason he’s sending you to Daggerfall is to track down that letter that got lost but the king that haunts his old city is there too and he tried to run away with his court wizard but he got killed by some guy trying to get rid of witnesses with getting support for his wife to be the heir of another kingdom instead of his wife’s stepbrother so you go to a witch or something and kill some people to find all this out and get his killer killed to death but that’s not the real reason you’re there because actually the letter got delivered to the wrong queen of Daggerfall because the old king’s son took over and married a royal family of a country they were previously at war with so there’s technically three queens of Daggerfall which is the old king’s grandmother, his wife, and the new queen but the letter wasn’t actually for her it was for one of her handmaidens who’s actually a spy for the blades who are like the emperors body guards and personal spies but anyways it never got to her and a maid stole it and sold it to the thieves guild who sold the letter to an orc king who’s trying to get support to make a kingdom for the orcs and he says he’s gonna sell a copy to everyone in the region but what did the letter say well
There’s a sentient remote control that can control a giant robot and the player character finds it but they can’t control it because they’re a dirty commoner and not a royal so you can decide to give it to
Well there’s also the under king. He’s here. He’s undead because he was betrayed by tiber septim a long time ago and he keeps in contact and there’s also manamarko a big necromancer edge lord who wants to become a god
Everyone wants the magic remote control now. The emperor wants it to keep control of the empire the monarchs of a bunch of kingdoms want it to conquer everyone else the orc guy wants it so he can get his people a kingdom the necromancer dude wants to become a god and the under king wants to finally undo his curse and die
But see all of these things happened because there was a dragon break which means find got all weird and everyone got what they want but also the under king and river septim and this other guy ysmir all turned out to be avatars of this dead god named shor or lorkan or something and the dragon break smushed them all three together and made the god talos who only started existing just now but also always existed at the same time so now there’s none divines instead of eight and there’s a necromancer god that lets you trap human souls in a gem but also since every ending happened he’s also just a guy still so there’s two manamarkos and also I’m skipping over some politics drama here but that’s kind of it I think
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thedeerman · 5 months
RadioApple Fic:
Do You Want To Know?
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Ch4: Notice
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
TW for descriptions of PTSD symptoms.
Niffty wasn���t someone that paid a whole lot of attention to the dynamics between the individual members of the hotel. She scurried around sweeping floors and stabbing bugs most of the day, but always seemed to notice when something seemed amiss with Alastor. How could she not, with how long they've been bound together? She can’t pretend to know quite how his mind works, but when there’s a shift in his moods, it isn’t missed by the little angel killer. 
And between Niffty’s keen eye and Shadow’s worried glances, she knew something was wrong. It wasn’t often that the two interacted directly, but they had their own way of communication, a lot like the way an old couple does. Looks, glares, shrugs. Glances when no one else is looking. Not even Alastor seemed to know of the odd relationship Niffty and Shadow shared. 
And so it shouldn’t be surprising that Niffty started spending a little more time bug hunting in the general vicinity of the tall, red demon. And maybe doing a little bit more eavesdropping than usual. After all, she might be the only soul in the hotel that could go unnoticed by the radio demon. And what she started noticing was that Alastor and the bad boy king were fighting less and looking at each other more. It started a week or two after the new hotel was put together, and slowly, ever so slowly, it started looking like something else was starting to form. Not hatred, not quite a rivalry even. Niffty couldn’t place it. The little maid shrugged and went back the task at hand: stabbing little bugs and running about the building.
The morning started out like every other recent one for Lucifer. Open eyes, remember where he is, think of his daughter, think of Alastor. That last part was actually getting ridiculous, thank you very much. Coffee time, he thinks to himself as he rolls out of bed. And then, unexpectedly, I miss sharing my bed with someone. He shakes his head. His loneliness really can’t rear its ugly head this early in the day. As he stretches and yawns, he struggles to remember if he was scheduled to be doing something today. Charlie will let me know, he thinks. Snapping his fingers, he changes from his comfy apple patterned pajamas into his usual outfit and glances at himself in the mirror. He decides that maybe today he’ll shake it up a bit, but can’t quite decide on how. He almost gives up, but then has an idea. With a wave of his hand, his plain black bowtie transforms into one that's a deep blood red with black accents. He looks at himself in the mirror again and acknowledges that in all likeliness, no one will notice the change. But he smiles, thinking that it was nice just to change something for himself for once, not to look a certain way for someone else. 
As Lucifer gets ready to leave his room, he remembers the envelope on his desk. He looks at it for a moment and thoughts of its recipient flood his mind. He rolls his eyes at himself and stuffs the letter in his pocket. Lifting his hand to open a portal downstairs, he paused. Maybe… I should walk. He thinks. Maybe I’ll run into… His thoughts immediately screech to a halt as there’s a knock on his door. He panics for a moment, wondering if his rogue thoughts really could summon the bastard. But then he hears “Dad! Are you up?” and relaxes. “One second honey!” he responds, taking one last look in the mirror before heading to the door. 
Charlie’s surprise visit only took a moment, as she quickly explained that something important had come up and the morning meeting was canceled. Before Lucifer could respond to this, Charlie held out an envelope and piece of paper. “It’s your letter for the day, and the prompt for the next one. I already talked to the person who had your name, so I figured I could deliver it before I’m off! Oh! And do you have yours? I can make sure it gets to you know who on my way out!” Charlie’s smile always put Lucifer at ease, even with the mention of the demon that was always clouding his thoughts. He strode over to his desk to grab the letter he wrote and happily handed her his envelope for the day. “Oh! One last thing before I go- Please don’t forget to check the chore board for the day!” Ah yes, the chore board. Whenever Charlie was going to be out of the hotel for the day, she made sure to fill out a whiteboard with everyone’s tasks. He nodded, still smiling. “Of course. Anything for you, duckling.” With that, Charlie smiled and turned to go off and do whatever else it was she needed to get done before leaving. 
Lucifer’s curiosity got the best of him and before he could even get back to his desk, he was tearing open the letter. Dropping the envelope on the floor next to the first one, he sat and read the letter. 
“Name one thing that you’re curious about in regards to your person.”
One thing I am curious about is your absence throughout the day. Aside from scheduled meetings and chores, you almost always seem to be missing.
Lucifer’s face drops a bit. Could it be Husk? No, he didn’t seem like the type to make it so obvious, but then again… The fallen angel sat at his desk pondering for several minutes and thought about his recent interactions with the bartender. Remembering his drink. Listening to his woes. Those golden eyes drilling into his soul… Lucifer shook his head. I suppose it doesn’t really matter much either way. Then he looked at the paper for his next letter. His next letter to… Alastor… He’d spent the past couple of weeks doing everything in his power to avoid the radio demon, both physically and mentally. Thinking about him always led to unpleasant thoughts and feelings, so he would just shove it down and out of his mind whenever possible. But when he was forced to acknowledge the guy, there was just no denying his magnetic energy. 
He looked at the paper in front of him. The new prompt reads “Name three interesting things you’ve noticed about your person.” The devil groans. There are tons of things about Alastor that interest him. Everything from how he talks to how he slinks through the shadows to his talent on the piano that he’s only very briefly experienced but would honestly like to again and- UGH. Come on, Lucifer. This isn’t that hard. After a few more moments of being lost in his endless thoughts, he decides that this can wait until later. He remembered Charlie’s instruction to check the white board downstairs and opened up his portal, this time deciding for sure against walking, and stepped into the lobby. 
Alastor’s night was long and restless. Images of his battle with Adam flashed in his mind one after another, and sitting in the dark and quiet of his room made it so much worse. There were no external stimuli to focus on to keep himself grounded. Instead, despite his best attempts, every time he closed his eyes, he saw Adam’s masked face again. The carelessness of his fighting style. That guitar/ax monstrosity. The blinding light that broke his staff, rendering him defenseless. The swing of the holy weapon that tore through his very being, sending him flying against a wall. Those terrible bright golden wings looming over his damaged body as he melted away into the shadows in his last effort to survive. That laugh. The buffoon’s last words before nearly taking Alastor out of existence may have just been a shitty remark, but for a terrifying moment, radio really was almost dead. 
In the early morning hours, the restless demon decided sleep wasn’t worth the effort anymore and got out of bed. His never-failing smile was feeling a bit more strained than it should. He picked up his microphone staff, clutching it in his hands, again remembering the sensation of light tearing through the middle of it. The radio demon closed his eyes for a moment before putting a happy demon face on and snapping his fingers to change into his usual outfit. With that he melted into shadow and made his way down to the kitchen, where a certain mug desperately needed to be filled with hot, bitter, beautiful caffeine. 
Before he can get there, however, he hears movement coming from the meeting room. He peers past the doorway to see that Charlie is scribbling names and chores on a board in a hurry. Alastor raised an eyebrow as he considered whether or not he should disturb the girl in the middle of her task, but then remembered his reason for heading to the kitchen to begin with. He continued down the hallway, this time walking instead of traveling through the shadows. After last night, he needed something to wake him up.
And something certainly did. It wasn’t the coffee, or the flurry of demons coming and going as they got breakfast or prepared for their day. It wasn’t the princess, first asking for his envelope from the day prior- to which he reached into a small portal to grab it from his desk- or even the second time she spoke to him a while later when she was on her way out and handed him the newly acquired envelope from his anonymous writer. At the time, he placed the envelope, and new prompt paper, into his coat pocket to bother with later on. But no, it was none of these small events that woke him up. It was an even smaller one. It was when he decided to check his assigned duty for the day. His eyes grew wide and his smile grew tense as he read the board two, three, four, five times just to make sure that he understood what he was seeing.
Unfortunately, his sleepless eyes were not deceiving him. The task itself wasn’t awful- Clearing out a room that had been being used as storage for various things and then redesigning the room in a new layout. The details were left in a folder pinned to the board with a magnet. Simple. Easy. A ONE person job. But no, of course dear Charlotte wouldn’t want any of them taking on too big of a project on their own… Alastor sighed. He may as well accept that the outlook of his day was not great. He took the folder containing the plans for the new room and his third mug of coffee to the lobby, where he waited for his majesty to arrive.
It wasn’t terribly long before the king made his appearance, opening a hole in the fabric of Hell and stepping through it into the hotel lobby. The radio demon watched, silently, as the king started towards the meeting room and the chore board. When he came back moments later, the king’s eyes scanned the lounge area until they landed on the radio demon. Waiting for him. Alastor noticed that the king’s demeanor seemed flustered all of a sudden, and tilted his head to a degree that wouldn’t have been possible were he alive. Lucifer sighed and slumped his shoulders (in acceptance?), as he started walking towards Alastor perched on his favorite chair. 
Time to put on a show, the demon thinks to himself. His smile grew and his eyes widened as he made eye contact with the short king himself. Before he could stand, Lucifer held his hand out. Alastor glanced at his open palm and then back up at the angel standing before him. His glowing yellow eyes seem to pierce through his soul for just a moment before Lucifer finally says, “The folder?” Alastor blinks. Lucifer sighs and continues. “The folder with the plans that Charlie left? Mind if I take a moment to look it over?” Alastor blinked once more, feeling completely frozen. He expected the fallen angel to demand that he hand over the instructions and storm off to do the task himself, or at least give the sinner some sort of jab about his involvement being too much, or something, anything- “Uh, hello..?” Alastor is ripped from his thoughts as Lucifer speaks up again. “Why of course, your majesty!” The demon stands up, enjoying how much the king of hell himself had to tilt his head back just to look up at him. Alastor loved looking down at the king. Figuratively and literally. 
After supplying Lucifer with the folder of notes, the radio demon started walking towards the room in question. The devil didn’t follow immediately, first looking over the papers left to them by his daughter. Eventually, Lucifer catches up and starts talking. Alastor struggled to keep his face from showing his disinterest in the words coming from the fallen angel’s mouth, and yet his mind fails to wander the way it usually does when he’s ignoring someone. His attention stays firmly in the present, on the voice of the angel walking beside him. The words meant nothing, but his voice was-
“Hey, are you even listening?” Alastor feels his ears perk up a bit at the angel’s tone. “Yes, of course, sire. How could I ever fail to acknowledge the royalty walking beside me? You have my full attention!” His response was heavily coated in sarcasm, but it wasn’t a lie. He was paying attention to Lucifer. Just not to the words coming from his mouth. Either way, he was listening more closely now after being called out. “So, as I was saying,” the king continued, “Charlie wants the hotel staff’s stuff on the third floor, in that room next to the elevator, so we should probably do that part first. The new guests are going to have to keep their things to what they can fit in their room so we can have this space open before we remodel.” He continued listing off the steps to finishing the task as smoothly as possible while Alastor continued walking in silence beside him. 
Lucifer wasn’t exactly thrilled at being partnered up with the radio demon for this little task, but the faster they got it done, the faster Lucifer could stop forcing himself to keep his eyes off of one of the most interesting beings in the building. Why was that so hard? They worked without speaking at first, but Lucifer couldn’t get his mind off of today’s writing prompt. 'Name three interesting things you’ve noticed about your person.' First of all, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that these prompts are phrased really weird. 'Your Person?' Who says that? Alastor was far from what the angel would call “his person.” Lucifer’s cheeks warm just a tad as he shakes the thoughts from his head. Secondly, he didn’t want to be interested in this guy, not one bit. And yet… 
In the middle of his wandering thoughts, he noticed a slight movement from the corner of his eye. When he looked, what looked back was Alastor’s shadow. Lucifer scanned the room. Alastor himself had left a few moments ago, but his odd shadow thing remained. It smiled, and although it was creepy just like Alastor’s, it was also… Warm? Friendly? Lucifer had to admit, the ability to pick up on the intentions and emotions of beings around him was always useful when it came up. He couldn’t read most souls very easily, but for some reason this shadow was expressive enough to make itself clear, even without speaking or moving. Lucifer cocked his head just a bit and opened his mouth to say something, but before any words could come, the shadow frowned and fled out of the open door. In an instant, Lucifer was left alone in the room again. But now, his curiosity about the odd thing that followed Alastor around was at the forefront of his mind as he worked to sort through boxes of stored items. I’ve already mentioned his shadow, so maybe it wouldn’t be super weird to put that in today’s letter too… 
Lucifer’s mind continued to wander further and further as he stood in the mostly empty room, briefly contemplating how to proceed with the task he was given. There were only a few things left that had to be removed from the room, so he used his magic to start gathering them up to move them. It was only after a floating box broke under the weight of whatever was in it that he realized, too late, that not all of the boxes were exactly… sturdy. He rolled his eyes and started gathering up the miscellaneous things that ended up on the floor. He was nearly done cleaning up his mess when something from the broken box caught his eye. A…radio? I wonder if it belongs to Alastor… It was an older style, round on top and made of shiny reddish wood that felt beautifully smooth when Lucifer picked the object up. He flipped it around a few times to make sure nothing on it seemed damaged and went to place it back with the other objects from the box. 
Of course, before he could get there, Alastor comes back into the room. Lucifer freezes momentarily, looking rapidly between the demon in the doorway and the radio in his hands. Shit shit shit “Uhh… It fell from a box, but it seems okay, uh, is- um, is it yours?” The demon didn't move at first, only his eyes fell down to the radio in the fallen angel’s hands. After a brutal second of nothing, Alastor speaks. “Well, it was mine, but it seems to have found a new owner.” Lucifer’s mouth falls open but fails to produce any words. The radio demon continues, “I have plenty of them, of course. I’d noticed that you’ve never mentioned my radio show, so I suppose you’ve been unable to listen, hmm?” Lucifer is still in shock. He’s definitely blushing. Why? Don’t ask him, he sure as fuck doesn’t know. But what he does know is that Alastor, Radio Demon Alastor, the batshit crazy asshole that seems to hate Lucifer with a passion, just offered him a gift. And not just any gift, a beautiful old fashioned radio, so he could listen to… 
“Shall we move on to the next phase of this little project?” Alastor asks, as if he didn’t just shatter Lucifer’s understanding of him as a person. Why would he give him something, without asking anything in return… “No.” Lucifer frowns a bit at the radio in his hands. “You wouldn’t give me this without expecting something back.” The demon’s eyes opened a bit wider at the accusation. “What is it that you want from me?” Lucifer demands. 
Alastor slowly steps into the room, towards Lucifer, never breaking eye contact. The angel does everything in his power not to step backwards, to hold his ground. This is going to end in another argument… At least another week in group therapy if I can’t keep my cool. He stands there, unmoving, until Alastor is only inches away. Please don’t turn this into a thing… Face to face, the two stared at each other for a very long moment. Too long of a moment. Just as Lucifer began to consider fleeing through a quick portal back to his room just to escape the sudden tension, Alastor put a small piece of paper in Lucifer’s hand, careful not to touch him directly. The demon never broke eye contact, not until he quickly turned and left the room. 
Lucifer was left awestruck at what just happened. The whole exchange couldn’t have lasted longer than a minute, and yet it felt like it had been a full hour since picking up the old wooden radio. Breaking from his trance, he remembered to look at the paper in his hand. It was a… business card? In a delicate cursive font, it read “Tune in every evening at 4:30 for a broadcast with style” Under that was a number. A radio channel. It took a moment to sink in that this was one of the cards Alastor handed out to some of the guests as an invitation to tune in to his evening broadcast. He’s… Inviting me to listen to his show…? Lucifer wasn’t sure he would be interested in whatever it was Alastor considered to be a “broadcast with style,” but if he took the radio, it was an unspoken deal. He would be expected to listen at least once. He looked down at the device’s shiny surface, thinking of where in his room he could set it. Sighing, he accepted that this might not be a terrible thing. Hopefully it’ll at least help with these damn letters. 
It’s some hours later when Alastor retires to his tower to prepare for the evening’s broadcast. He didn’t host a live talk show every night, more often than not his broadcasts were of his preferred music. Tonight, he was planning on throwing on some jazz tunes. Who didn’t like jazz? More importantly, he was also planning on leaving the tower during his show. He couldn’t help it, his curiosity had gotten the best of him. He had to know.
Earlier, when Alastor walked into the room he and Lucifer were tasked with organizing, he caught the fallen angel holding an old radio, looking over it with care, and the radio demon had an idea. His smile became manic, his eyes sharp. He slowly, menacingly, tried to back the startled king into a corner. But the angel would not budge. He trembled the tiniest bit, holding the radio close to his chest, his eyes widening as he waited for Alastor’s next move. The demon absolutely relished the look on Lucifer’s face. It wasn’t fear, no. That tremble was in… anticipation? Anticipation of what, he wondered? Another spat? Alastor didn’t have the energy today. Besides, he had much bigger ideas…
And now, at 4:45 in the evening, the first step of that plan was put into motion. He slipped through the halls in the shadows, thankfully not seen by anyone on the way. As he reached the other end of the hotel, he pondered what the best option was to go about this. He wanted to be discreet, he only needed to know if Lucifer had taken the bait. The demon sent his shadow ahead, into the king’s room. 
Alastor made his way back to his own side of the building after getting the piece of information he needed. He didn’t bother snooping around this time, he’d wait for Lucifer to be out for that. His smile widened as he walked down the long hall back to his tower. He wondered how many terrible things he could put on the air right now, things that would rattle the king, make him wish he had never set foot here. No… Alastor thought. Wouldn’t be worth the effort… Just need to have patience. But right alongside the thoughts of how to get under Lucifer’s skin, how to make the king squirm under his gaze, there was another thought lingering. A thought that just kept repeating itself, over and over and over again. But unlike the more recent times these intruding thoughts had happened, this wasn’t one of fear or panic or death. It was two simple words. Words that meant nothing. Words he shouldn’t even bother acknowledging. But his mind was far from under his control, and the radio demon’s smile slightly fell into a look of annoyance as he allowed the thought to be heard. He’s listening.
Back in his tower, he decided to turn his attention to the letter in his pocket. He had completely forgotten about it in his exhausted early morning state. Alastor removed the letter in the same fashion that he did the day before, once again burning the envelope into a pile of ash as he watched. Opening the folded letter, he read the words on the paper before him. 
“Name one thing that you’re curious about in regards to your person”
One thing I’m curious about is your shadow. Is it a part of you? Its own being? Does it make its own choices? Does it have a name?
The demon’s face doesn’t give away his irritation, but the shadow notices nonetheless. It looks over his shoulder, reading the letter. Alastor brushes the entity aside, giving it a clear warning glare. The shadow frowned and settled on the floor, unwilling to further upset its master. Why would anyone be curious about this…thing? It was a tool. No more, no less. Of course it doesn't have a name. Alastor paused, imagining all of his possessions being named. His microphone? Coat? Coffee mug? Ah yes, perhaps they ALL deserve a title! The demon chuckled to himself at the thought. The questions in the letter do make Alastor think for a moment, however. The shadow wasn’t him, but it wasn’t not him. And it did make some choices without direct orders. Maybe it was a tad more than a tool. Perhaps it was more like an extra limb that sometimes had a mind of its own. Yes, that was more accurate. 
After deciding on that, Alastor turns to the day’s letter prompt. It reads, “Name three interesting things you’ve noticed about your person.” His eyes close for a moment. This shouldn’t be entirely difficult. It would be easy to throw a couple of insults in there as well for good measure. The demon calmly listened to the jazz song playing on his show, glad for some quality music as background noise. He spent several minutes there, leaning back in his desk chair with his eyes closed. He was tired, but not tired enough to fall asleep. He sat there, without a single violent thought, thinking of the angel living on the other side of the hotel. Alastor let his mind wander farther than usual. He let his mind wander towards Lucifer.
His power. His potential. His sudden, (previously absent) dedication to the hotel and his daughter. Ah, yes. That’s a good one for the letter, the demon thought. What else? His likely struggle with being tall enough to ride any of the rollercoasters at his flashy little theme park? Ha, he’s just so small! The demon laughed to himself quietly, thinking of his many ‘short king’ jokes. Such a tiny thing. And without that ridiculous hat it’s even more noticeable. He thought for a moment about being so close to the king earlier today, when he tried to intimidate him into backing away and failed. The way the angel had to arch his neck just to look up at him, their absolutely ridiculous height difference making it impossible for the demon not to look down at him. It was amusing, that’s for sure. But as Alastor’s mind continues to wander, he wonders how else he could manage to get close enough to the tiny king to get to look down on him like that again…
Alastor’s eyes shot wide open. He wanted to hit himself. What the fuck? He could attempt to lie to himself, say that his desire was a simple manifestation of his need to be the most dominant energy in the room. And in some ways, it was. But there was more. More that Alastor just could not figure out. Why was he planning to be around him again? He needed to get this letter done and over with and move on with his evening. 
“Name three interesting things you’ve noticed about your person.”
Alastor sighs as he gives in to his frustration and starts writing whatever he can come up with.
On the other side of the hotel, Lucifer fought with the very same piece of paper, barely managing to put the thing together before bed. He attempted to do it earlier while listening to some music, but… Let’s be fair, Alastor’s radio show was distracting! It was… surprisingly nice. Lucifer kept waiting for the calming music to stop and the strange, demonic talk show to start, but it never did. Instead, he slowly drifted to sleep only 30 minutes in. 
Lucifer awoke later that night, having missed dinner by at least an hour. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, reaching for the radio now playing nothing but static. After turning it off, he once again remembered that he hadn’t yet completed his daughter’s assignment. Turning to the empty page again, he begins to write. 
Chapter five below!
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kingsandbastardz · 11 months
I've reached episode 38 of MLC.
Cheng Yi's acting in the dungeon was impressive and the sequence it took for Li Lianhua to rescue Di Feisheng was super satisfying. So many micro expressions and subtle hints of his growing worry while he kept a rapid patter up to get information! While being starved/ denied water! LLH is great at multitasking!
Honestly, it was this episode that finally made me decide to watch the other dramas under this tragedy king's filmography. If I can battle my second-hand embarrassment to watch Ryan Cheng act out the role of a husky for longer than 5 seconds, surely I can watch Cheng Yi spit blood and die in misery 10x in a row.
Anyway thoughts:
While I enjoyed what I watched, instead of all this taking place in the palace, I wish the entirety was a rescue arc for DFS with the queen bug ending up in Shan Gudao's hands through other means, or uncontested and in his lair. Or maybe Jiao Liqiao had it all along! If only so we get more of the trio learning about each other and group stuff going on. They're the best when all 3 are together so DFS spending half the series away kinda puts a damper on that. And the emperor's arc seemed like a cop out. I'm aware of the ending before I even started watching so imo if they wanted a tragic ending, they absolutely could have nailed that home in several other ways. The tendon healing feels rushed bc they had less time to work with.
Fang Duobing what the hell kind of name for newly invented martial arts is that? You live and breathe heroic jianghu stories and you decide to go with a DFS style "sword", I mean, Mr Worrier's Swordplay? He do be worrying, though, so he's at least upfront about it.
If DFS and LLH ever decide to bump uglies, they would totally get distracted halfway through and go off to solve a mystery or something, wouldn't they? 💀 like DFS just randomly looks at the wall and being like ???? Why is it suddenly a different material and pattern? I need to see why it's so ugly. Also the fact that it's DFS doing this and not LLH. Xiao Shunyao says his intelligence is highly specialized to martial arts - but the guy is a natural investigator. He's just very tactile about it and prone to ripping things out of the wall or ground while checking it out. His instincts are spot on, though
I like how confused DFS was when LLH was like, "Come on JL totally told you the thing." DFS's expression screamed, "Why would I know? Did you not notice I've been doing my best to ignore her??"
I would have liked to see Wuyan deliver the salt to LLH just to see what else he does or doesn't tell him - I would also like to know when he received instructions to deliver the salt to LLH. Was it before or after DFS got paraded around and locked in the master bedroom?
DFS using grey wall or grey rock tactics to deal with JL. Ppl forced to live with narcissists/abusers do this. His version is more like what prisoners do when they have to face torture but that usually is refusal to speak. What he's doing is not just silence, but also refusing to look at her and trying to minimize any reaction to her play, which is an attempt to deny her anything she can feed on. I'm guessing he's had to do this growing up too.
Speaking of that - what exactly was Di Fortress doing with their method of training kids into killers? I somehow missed or forgot that part and can't tell if they ever addressed that. Did they rent them out as assassins? Is it a weird death cult that worships battle and uses that energy as human sacrifice to their war god? OHOHOH you know what they could have done instead of the Enperor arc? If they'd freed up the episodes and put the Nanyin bugs into a Di Fortress arc instead. Since they were already using some sort of bug mind control technique anyway.
Fang Duobing, what do you mean you always knew DFS was on your side? All you do is yell at him for being a villian! 😂 also what's with everyone just accepting that DFS was going to stand there and join them without even a bit of protest or trying to arrest him or anything?
It's interesting, the parallels between LLH and DFS's situation. They're both regular dudes trapped under some mythic narrative where everyone thinks they're these story archetypes. But they're not, they're just two martial arts nerds trying to live their life (one to do good, one trying to survive) . They both had someone they trusted not only betray them- but demand they get on their knees and become publically subservient to them. DFS's situation would have evoked sympathy by itself but LLH probably felt extra understanding about how he must feel. Especially bc he knows what his own reaction would have been in the past to that kind of humiliation. Like, aside from JL's implied intention of sex slavery, how is SGD's plan for LLH any different than what JL did to DFS when she dragged him back home?
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richincolor · 2 years
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As I was coming up with a shortlist of books to review later this year, I noticed that there were some really great looking fantasy books headed our way in 2023. Here are three that caught my attention, all by Black authors:
Blood Debts by Terry J. Benton-Walker Tor Teen
Thirty years ago, a young woman was murdered, a family was lynched, and New Orleans saw the greatest magical massacre in its history. In the days that followed, a throne was stolen from a queen.
On the anniversary of these brutal events, Clement and Cristina Trudeau—the sixteen-year-old twin heirs to the powerful, magical, dethroned family—are mourning their father and caring for their sick mother. Until, by chance, they discover their mother isn’t sick—she’s cursed. Cursed by someone on the very magic council their family used to rule. Someone who will come for them next.
Cristina, once a talented and dedicated practitioner of Generational magic, has given up magic for good. An ancient spell is what killed their father and she was the one who cast it. For Clement, magic is his lifeline. A distraction from his anger and pain. Even better than the random guys he hooks up with.
Cristina and Clement used to be each other’s most trusted confidant and friend, now they barely speak. But if they have any hope of discovering who is coming after their family, they’ll have to find a way to trust each other and their family's magic, all while solving the decades-old murder that sparked the still-rising tensions between the city’s magical and non-magical communities. And if they don't succeed, New Orleans may see another massacre. Or worse.
That Self-Same Metal (Forge & Fracture Saga #1) by Brittany N. Williams Amulet Books
Sixteen-year-old Joan Sands is a gifted craftswoman who creates and upkeeps the stage blades for William Shakespeare’s acting company, The King’s Men. Joan’s skill with her blades comes from a magical ability to control metal—an ability gifted by her Head Orisha, Ogun. Because her whole family is Orisha-blessed, the Sands family have always kept tabs on the Fae presence in London. Usually that doesn’t involve much except noting the faint glow around a Fae’s body as they try to blend in with London society, but lately, there has been an uptick in brutal Fae attacks. After Joan wounds a powerful Fae and saves the son of a cruel Lord, she is drawn into political intrigue in the human and Fae worlds.
Swashbuckling, romantic, and full of the sights and sounds of Shakespeare’s London, this series starter delivers an unforgettable story—and a heroine unlike any other.
Sing Me to Sleep (Sing Me to Sleep #1) by Gabi Burton Bloomsbury
Saoirse Sorkova survives on lies. As a soldier-in-training at the most prestigious barracks in the kingdom, she lies about being a siren to avoid execution. At night, working as an assassin for a dangerous group of mercenaries, Saoirse lies about her true identity. And to her family, Saoirse tells the biggest lie of all: that she can control her siren powers and doesn't struggle constantly against an impulse to kill.
As the top trainee in her class, Saoirse would be headed for a bright future if it weren't for the need to keep her secrets out of the spotlight. But when a mysterious blackmailer threatens her sister, Saoirse takes a dangerous job that will help her investigate: she becomes personal bodyguard to the crown prince.
Saoirse should hate Prince Hayes. After all, his father is the one who enforces the kingdom's brutal creature segregation laws. But when Hayes turns out to be kind, thoughtful, and charming, Saoirse finds herself increasingly drawn to him-especially when they're forced to work together to stop a deadly killer who's plaguing the city. There's only one problem: Saoirse is that deadly killer.
Featuring an all Black and Brown cast, a forbidden romance, and a compulsively dark plot full of twists, this thrilling YA fantasy is perfect for fans of A Song Below Water and To Kill a Kingdom.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
What do you think about the deaths of Laenor, Harwin and Lyonel? I myself am convinced, thanks to Preston Jacobs, that Laenor was simply killed in a skirmish with people to whom Qarl owed money. On the other hand, I do not necessarily agree with about Harwin and Lyonel - Preston claims it was most likely an accident, which is possible, but I am more inclined towards Daemon setting the fire out of jealousy (maybe to prevent Rhaenyra from getting back together with him, now that her husband is dead?). I am mostly thinking of parallels between this scenario and Blood&Cheese incident, where Daemon is motivated by emotional reasons to order a hit on someone, which results in unintended collateral damage (in the case of Harwin's murder Lyonel).
I still have yet to watch a vid from Preston Jacobs.
This is the account of Harwin and Lyonel's deaths plus the speculations of people in-world about them:
The cause of the fire was never determined. Some put it down to simple mischance, whilst others muttered that Black Harren’s seat was cursed and brought only doom to any man who held it. Many suspected the blaze was set intentionally. Mushroom suggests that the Sea Snake was behind it, as an act of vengeance against the man who had cuckolded his son. Septon Eustace, more plausibly, suspects Prince Daemon, removing a rival for Princess Rhaenyra’s affections. Others have put forth the notion that Larys Clubfoot might have been responsible; with his father and elder brother dead, Larys Strong became the Lord of Harrenhal. The most disturbing possibility was advanced by none other than Grand Maester Mellos, who muses that the king himself might have given the command. If Viserys had come to accept that the rumors about the parentage of Rhaenyra’s children were true, he might well have wished to remove the man who had dishonored his daughter, lest he somehow reveal the bastardy of her sons. Were that so, Lyonel Strong’s death was an unfortunate accident, for his lordship’s decision to see his son back to Harrenhal had been unforeseen. ("A Question of Succession")
And this is the quote for Laenor's death:
The Lord of the Tides and his lady were still in mourning for their beloved daughter when the Stranger came again, to carry off their son. Ser Laenor Velaryon, husband to the Princess Rhaenyra and the putative father of her children, was slain whilst attending a fair in Spicetown, stabbed to death by his friend and companion Ser Qarl Correy. The two men had been quarreling loudly before blades were drawn, merchants at the fair told Lord Velaryon when he came to collect his son’s body. Correy had fled by then, wounding several men who tried to hinder him. Some claimed a ship had been waiting for him offshore. He was never seen again.
The circumstances of the murder remain a mystery to this day. Grand Maester Mellos writes only that Ser Laenor was killed by one of his own household knights after a quarrel. Septon Eustace provides us with the killer’s name and declares jealousy the motive for the slaying; Laenor Velaryon had grown weary of Ser Qarl’s companionship and had grown enamored of a new favorite, a handsome young squire of six-and-ten. Mushroom, as always, favors the most sinister theory, suggesting that Prince Daemon paid Qarl Correy to dispose of Princess Rhaenyra’s husband, arranged for a ship to carry him away, then cut his throat and fed him to the sea. A household knight of relatively low birth, Correy was known to have a lord’s tastes and a peasant’s purse, and was given to extravagant wagering besides, which lends a certain credence to the fool’s version of events. Yet there was no shred of proof, then or now, though the Sea Snake offered a reward of ten thousand golden dragons for any man who could lead him to Ser Qarl Correy, or deliver the killer to a father’s vengeance. ("A Question of Succession")
I don't think Harwin and Lyonel's deaths were accidents. Felt too convenient.
List of Suspects for the Strongs' Deaths and My Conclusion
gains nothing guaranteed by killing Harwin and Lyonel--maybe the Hand position for either himself or Rhaenys but Laenor died BEFORE Harwin & Lyonel. Wasn't him.
knew Laenor was gay, and he was very willing to just let Rhaenyra’s sons live as Laenor’s trueborn sons for his own ends. He cared for and loved Jacaerys
was not very violent (unless publicly pushed to affirm his authority, like with Vaemon's relatives after Vaemond's death).
was not a very proactive person in comparison to people like Daemon or Rhaenyra or Alicent or Larys
was not a person given towards underhanded schemes, preferring open partying, feats, and as little conflict as possible except when Vaemond’s relatives mention bastardry again after he already ruled it forbidden, preferring to be open and aboveboard as much as conventionally possible.
very much loved his grandchildren and never resented their presence or the fact that they weren't Laenor's.
could have killed Harwin much earlier before even Rhaenyra birthed her second son if he actually cared so much about Harwin "ruining" his daughter. If for anything for his father, Lyonel’s, continued service. Viserys, even though later reinstating him, didn’t want Otto to have an easier time coming back after already dismissing him for questioning Rhaenyra.
knew what he was getting Rhaenyra into by marrying her to Laenor, a gay man, for the sake of political "peace" with Corlys. You can read why Viserys accepted Rhaenyra's kids HERE. Wasn't him.
had far more to gain and was more willing to kill Harwin and Lyonel since I very much believe he was in love w/Rhaenyra AND wanted to be a direct ancestor of any and all Targ rulers after her. Or responsible for their training, make a name for himself in history.
HOWEVER -- Viserys would have never allowed Rhaenyra to marry Harwin Strong after Laenor's death so he could protect the secrets of the V boys' parentage. Viserys put the Strongs out of court, so Daemon had no reason to see Harwin as a legitimate rival for her hand in marriage. As for romance alone, still, Harwin was exiled from the court and no longer a rival.
If Daemon wanted to kill Harwin, again, he would have done it much earlier -- if he loved & desired Rhaneyra -- at least sometime after Lucerys' birth.
was allied with the greens nearly from the jump, knew that Viserys would go for familiarity above all and avoid Rhaenyra and Daemon as candidates for the Hand position, thus opening the Hand position for Otto
killing Harwin/Lyonel opens up the seat of Harrenhal for himself AND allows a strategic location for the war definitely coming (even without Lucerys' or Jaehaerys' deaths) -- which is why Daemon himself even went there later
during the Dance, proved nearly invaluable to the greens while being the very sneaky, calculating/shadowy, deceptive manipulator willing to betray anyone for his own goals and was the person in the shadows spreading those rumors about Rhaenyra -- even his own family
Both Rhaenys and Corlys, again, lived close to Daemon when he was with Laena and moved her and their twins to Driftmark for 3 years. They would have witnessed his habits, etc. It's possible that they were too grief-stricken to actually be able to discern his involvement or lack of involvement, but to be so unobservant after the worst of the grief (from shock) went...eh, unlikely.
Harwin and Lyonel's deaths benefit Larys and the greens most of all. Larys is the best suspect, and I personally think he killed Harwin and Lyonel. Ironically, I agree with HotD on how those deaths turned out.
List of Suspects for the Laenor's Death and My Conclusion
Laenor's death is a dicier thing.
Debt Collectors:
accidentally -- in them trying to get Qarl OR to get Laenor to pay for his debts OR in the streetfight
Qarl had no characterizations or described traits in the account I could point out other than:
being gay/queer
had "low" birth
being Laenor's second-known lover
was a gambler with huge & many debts
Qarl argued with Laenor, and I personally think it had something to do with his debts. Perhaps Laenor refused to pay them off and Qarl got angry, feeling jilted and rejected. It's a possibility, but I don't think that this is 100% exclusionary from Qarl also under someone's else pay OR promise of escape.
like Harwin, removing Laenor opens up the path to Rhaenyra's hand, whether or not he loved her or not (personally, I believe he did love her)
and he marries Rhaenyra mere months after Laenor's death
Qarl Correy managed to evade capture despite Corlys putting out alerts and Driftmark being smaller than other regions -- not many places to hide ... unless you know your way around or have capable people hiding and guiding you to safety
Qarl had debts to pay and wasn't rich despite being Laenor's lover
HOWEVER -- also lived with Laena and their daughters in Driftmark with the Velaryons for 3 years or so BEFORE Laenor died. He still seems to live close to or with them, after Laena dies, so Corlys would have had a better sense of whether or not Daemon killed his son and take some action against him BUT he never does. It would have been beyond stupid for Daemon to try to kill Laenor being so close and knowing that people will suspect him. Corlys sent out rewards for Qarl’s capture, with no indication of suspecting Daemon.
he and Rhaenyra married 4-5 months after Laenor and Laena die and even that time was too little for everyone else. In this context, the idea that Daemon killed Laenor to get to Rhaenyra is less likely. Because if he didn’t care about the “appropriate” time to wait to marry his target, why would he wait 4-5 months after killing Laenor?
has a cousin, called Princess Rhaenys, mother to Laenor. There’s no indication that she ever actually liked Daemon, yet we hear nothing of her suspecting Daemon. With her personality, if she ever suspected Daemon, she'd never let him go.
still needs the Velaryons for Rhaenyra's claim. Even if he only wanted Rhaenyra for power, the risk of the Velaryons finding out he killed their son would remove Velaryons' support for Rhaenyra-Daemon and any of their kids or at least significantly reduce it and open up the path to retribution. Simply not worth it.
Septon Eustace (who disliked Daemon and wasn't given towards elaborate or detailed descriptions unless he detested a person [Rhaenyra and her cut from the throne]) maintains that Qarl was responsible for Laenor's death
Daemon is the only person ever suspected of having Laenor killed apart from those who were after Qarl for his debts (by Mushroom, who though given to embellishment, also was still close to nobles to hear their whispers and understand quiet implications BUT he also wasn't there and there is the stuff I already speculated). But I can't put all my faith in the possibility of him being responsible for Laenor's death with the information we do have AND those I've speculated above. I'm given to thinking that Laenor was just killed by Qarl in a passionate confrontation.
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mylifeinfiction · 4 months
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You Like It Darker by Stephen King
I sit at this desk thinking of galaxies beyond galaxies.
Here we are, again... another Stephen King Short Story Collection. I feel like I probably bash short story collections more than I actually should. The fact is, some of King's very best writing resides within these collections. The same is true with his latest, You Like It Darker , which includes several stories that I'd rank among King's best since C*vid. But the same issues are also present, especially the fact that too many of these—even some I thoroughly enjoyed/loved—feel too much like promising ideas rather than finished pieces. Also, most don't get nearly as dark as I was hoping for. In the end, though, this is a rock-solid short story collection and extraneous proof that King is the king... not just of horror fiction, but of American fiction, full stop.
Anyway, let's not fix what's not broken... here are my thoughts on each story:
*As Always With This Type of Review... POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!*
Robert Frost said home is the place that, when you go there, they have to take you in. It’s also the place you start from, and if you’re one of the lucky ones, it’s where you finish up.
Two Talented Bastids: A creative slant on the roots of talent; those inexplicable gifts bestowed upon unassuming people. It’s a likable if unevenly paced study of fate, and the actual origin of these men's talents is straight up my alley. - 7.5/10
The Fifth Step: I liked this one significantly more this time around. It’s very short and has a fantastic ending that isn’t only brutal, but plays into the story’s themes of addiction brilliantly. The idea of the addict fully giving themself to the recovery of one addiction by embracing another, more destructive addiction is so effectively executed, and shines a bright light on King's understanding of the addict’s mindset and the horrors and desperation that dwell within. - 8.5/10
Willie the Weirdo: Ooh, this was fun. I thought it was going to be a pretty straightforward serial killer origin story, but that ending made it so much more. Super dark and weird and I really dug it. - 8/10
"Belief is hard."
Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream: Fantastic! A thematically compelling read boasting a gripping plot that delivers a creative, wholly satisfying and utterly nightmarish approach to familiar tropes and has a cast full of interesting characters. - 9.5/10
Finn: The first one that feels like filler. Not to say it’s bad, necessarily, it’s just kinda meh. There are some interesting ideas about luck, but aside from that it’s just a nightmare that doesn’t really go anywhere. - 5/10
On Slide Inn Road: I still dig the atmosphere and the grandfather—and what his relationship with his son and the contrast of their character has to say about the rift between generations. But, overall, it felt a whole lot less substantial than I remembered. - 6/10
Red Screen: I love alien stuff so this works for me. It's short and sweet, and while there's nothing amazing, it is a solid idea executed in a fun, mean way. - 8/10
The Turbulence Expert: An interesting, anxiety inducing premise, and very little more. It feels like the first chapter of a novel. It is well executed, though, and filled with characters that feel real. How King can do that so thoroughly in so few pages is always impressive. - 6.5/10
He watched the sunset. Laurie found a dead fish and peed on it. They both went home satisfied.
Laurie: This is a quietly beautiful story about that sneaky manner in which dogs tend to save folks. The first time I read this story, I unfairly disregarded it as being 'too light', and I was positive this would be one of the filler stories in this collection. I have no clue what happened in the last ~7 months, but I liked this a lot more this second time around. - 8/10
You get crazy ideas sometimes, ones that would seem ridiculous in broad daylight but seem quite plausible in the small hours of the morning.
Rattlesnakes: Nothing close to the story I was expecting—or hoping for. But it’s still a damn good, effectively creepy ghost story about the manner in which grief tends to overstay its welcome. I really was hoping for at least one more terrifying encounter with actual rattlesnakes aside from the flashback (which is awful in the best possible way), but I still really enjoyed this for what it was. - 8/10
"Barriers are usually there for a reason."
The Dreamers: I LOVED this story. This is a great premise with pitch-perfect execution. And while it's another one that doesn't quite feel like a finished piece, that works in its favor. I love cosmic horror, and this teases some seriously terrifying cosmic sh*t. In addition to that, it’s an interesting and deeply poignant exploration of PTSD in a time when nobody gave a sh*t about the soldiers coming home from hell. Still, I would've loved to see this expanded into a full novel. - 9.5/10
The Answer Man: Wow... King went and ended You Like It Darker on a major f*cking high note, didn’t he?? What a beautiful and tragic and emotionally exhausting story. I am a mess. Stories like this hit me hard in general, but this one is just so perfectly crafted. I am utterly wrecked. Go read this story... now! - 10/10
"Do we go on? After we die, do we go on?"
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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Killers of the Flower Moon Film Review
When oil is discovered in 1920s Oklahoma under Osage Nation Land, the Osage people are murdered one by one, launching an FBI investigation.
In my AP US History class in high school, I remembered learning about the Osage murders and how it led to the FBI being created. However, I didn't remember much of the subject other than its impact on US history. However, this tragedy has never been told from the Osage point of view. Not even in the book that this film is based upon is told from their perspective. Their side of this sad tale would not come to light until legendary filmmaker, Martin Scorsese decided to bring this essential history lesson to the big screen. As in classic Scorsese fashion, he brings this grim and harrowing story to life that no one else could. However, not all of the story elements came together as well as I would expect.
The closing words of the first trailer, "Do you see the wolves in this picture?", was a haunting precedent of evil hiding in plain sight. This theme of a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing is at the heart of Killers of the Flower Moon. This theme is delicately explored through the eyes of the couple who were at the heart of this tragedy. We witness their world, or should I say her world, fall apart before our eyes. We follow her slow decent into paranoia and fear as she witnesses her family being murdered one by one. It feels like we are watching a real American Horror story, but instead of ghost and ghouls causing us pain, it's what humanity will do just to get a little more money. These tragedies are walked in is a delicate line. Scorsese treats this subject matter with as much respect towards the victims, but he never hides the crimes that happen to the Osage people.
However, despite the constant marketing saying that the Osage people were at the heart of this film, they didn't feel like they were. Now they are the emotional hear of this film, but the story was not focused on them. The story was focus on Ernest Burkhard (Leonardo DiCaprio) and William King Hale's (Robert De Niro) crime syndicate and their crimes against the Osage people. The story became repetitive and as we witnessed one murder to the next. Which is important to see, but the question of how many times began swimming through my head. It felt like a missed opportunity to tell this story from Mollie Burkhart (Lily Gladstone) point of view. I feel like that would have been a more compelling story that really could have dived into her paranoia and fear that she was experiencing. Instead the story sidelines her character for reasons unknown to me. It would have been very interesting for this story to dive into different perspectives of this tragedy instead of seeing entirely from the eyes of the perpetrators.
Moreover, Killers of the Flower Moon is not your typical fast pace and "fun true crime" film. This feature takes its time establishing characters, their relationships, the crime and the criminal syndacate responsible for these murders. Its a honest and brutal take on one of the darkest eras in American history. Thus it is not going to be for everyone due to its graphic nature, as well as its incredibly long run time. I can watch a 3+ hours-long movie any day of the week, but it must have enough substance to justify its runtime. I personally thought the film was too long by at least half an hour due to its repetitive story or more of its runtime should have been allocated to the FBI investigation and the trial.
With every Scorsese film, you know there will be several Oscar nominations handed out. Leonardo DiCaprio delivers his best as always. Though it is not his best performance, it is defiantly in his top five. He masterfully portrays his characters moral grey but wicked gullibility was frightening to watch as he slowly descends into a life of sin and greed. Robert Di Nero plays one of the most horrifying villains I have seen in a very long time. His subtly of showing his character wicked and psychopathic tendencies is horrifying. And the fact he is able to portray that wickedness under a friendly smile is enough to earn him an Oscar nomination easily. However, the emotional heart of this film was Lily Gladstone as she gives the performance of her career. Her performance carries the gravitas of grief and paranoia perfectly. She encapsulates all of the emotions with ease and she will rightfully earn an Oscar nomination. I just wished her character wasn't sidelined throughout the majority of this film. Jesse Plemons is great despite his very limited runtime. I wished I would have seen more of his character. While the remaining ensemble perfectly encapsulate their respective characters.
Though Scorsese story might not have come together as I would have liked it to, there is no doubt that Killers of the Flower Moon is a technical achievement. Rodrigo Prieto cinematography is absolutely breathtaking as we are taken to Osage County Oklahoma. From the beautiful prairie side to its criminal underbelly, we become fully immersed into this tragic time period. The costume and production design further enhance this immersion into the 1920s. Then when this stunning ambiance is paired with the late Robbie Robertson's fantastical score, you have a technical masterpiece delivered by Martin Scorsese.
Killers of the Flower Moon is a well executed and well crafted film that should become a required viewing in education. However, part of me feels like this feature was a massive missed opportunity. The film felt like it played it safe with its narrative, instead of really trying to do something different like it was suggesting in its advertising. It was reliant on its graphic material to deliver its emotional climaxes instead of the film itself. Overall, Scorsese still is delivering fantastic films at the age of 80 but I expected more from this feature.
My Rating: B+
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lookthetart · 2 years
Child Ballads, rated (1-10)
Because I can :)
1, Riddles Wisely Expounded: 8/10. Dated at least 1450, the morning after a wild night, the knight puts the woman's wits to test. Only if she can answer the riddles he'll marry her. I like the contrast between the sweet melody and my girl fighting tooth and nail for a life of spouse support, and the riddles are actually very sweet.
2, The Elfin Knight: 7/10. It is ballad 1 on steroids. The elf knight makes a series of absurd request to the woman to marry her, she uses a UNO reverse card and makes more absurd requests to him. This chaotic energy conquers the knight, who marries her. Also, the Scaraborough fair (10/10) ballad is a more recent evolution of this and they have been classified as the same ballad! Minus: i don't like the "blo blo blo blo blo the winds blows", I hear blo blorbo blows and I'm not confortable. I may actually prefer Scaraborough Fair.
3, The Fause Knight upon the Road: 3/10. Not even a beautiful rendition (fiddler's dram) can save this ballad from being boring. The child doesn't fall in the devils tricks and goes to school and listens to his parents... boring, 0 edgy. Strong stranger danger rethoric
4, Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight: STRONG 10/10. First murder ballad!!! The princess is feeling naughty, she steals gold and horses from the castle and runs away with the elf. But here the elf knight is actually a serial killer!! After bringing her to the banks of the sea he reveals that he has already killed 6 of the King's daughters, Isabel is to be the seventh. She asks for a last kiss by him, and takes her chance to throw him off his horse and tosses him in the sea 🥰 he begs for his life but my girl is all "lie there, you false young man, lie there instead of me, for if six maidens thou hast drowned here, the seventh has drowned thee" 🥰🥰 Honestly SLAY Isabel! In some versions she returns home and her parrot (wtf, barbie animated movie moment) helps her to keep the story from her father
5, Gil Brenton: 0/10. Difficult to find a decent adaptation, also not a fan of the "cutting the breasts of the wife if she is not a virgin" theme. The plot twist that he was actually the one who raped her earlier in the woods doesn't make things a lot better and it's unclear how they manage to not recognize themselves. Eww.
6, Willie's Lady: 9/10. Sweet ballad. The witch mother of king Willie (his mother did him dirty already with the name) despises the foreigner woman he married. The mother (who has always voted Tories and supported Brexit) curses the daughter in law to be always pregnant, but never deliver. She tells her son to leave his wife to die and remarry, but the son will not tolerate his mother's bullshit further. He comes up with a plan: he creates a doll of wax and invites her mother to the christening. She doesn't realize the trick and is furious that somebody undid all her spells, and in her rage reveals how to actually undo them.
7 and 8, Earl Brand and Erlinton: 3/10. Not tragically bad, but unremarkable. The Earl loves the lady, they cannot marry, they run away together. Her brothers pursue them, wound him, in Earl Brand he dies, she dies of sorrow, in Erlinton they escape. Already seen, next.
9, Fair Flower of Northumberland: 11/10. This late 1500s ballad screams that people have always been people. The support of the mother to the daughter (even if she broke all social expectations by freeing the prisoner, stealing from the parents, running away with him, "her love was easily won" ) actually moves me. The contrast between her begging the scotman to either kill her or use her as a servant in order to not face shame at home, and the mother welcoming her home with a smile and reassuring her she is not the first to make mistakes, and she'll have everything as it was (bread, wine, silver for a marriage) and that she is STILL the fair flower of Northumberland moves me to the core 🥺🥺🥺
10, Two Sisters: 9/10. Murder ballad that has everything: family drama, hauted instruments made of human bodies, an interesting relationship with many similar ballads in Scandinavian countries.
For this post that's all, but I may continue to review them when I've time
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'tis the day of Valentine and I actually have (fictional) people I care about, therefore it is time to be obnoxious and kind of ridiculous ngl
only OCs here though, namely Clay, Griffin, Darrell, The Patron, and Iris
chances for out of character-ness are existent
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Cylas and...
pink Valentine's Day themed beer, cider, and/or energy drinks that probably taste awful but that's kinda the point
chocolate and maybe cupcakes?
idk why but I see them hanging out consuming that stuff while watching someone dig their grave #romance
for gifts... I don't remember if he's got a green thumb, but a flower pot they painted themself would be an option
knitted blanket
at this point they probably already have friendship bracelets
pretty sure that he is the king of romance /s
if he suggests going out - are you sure? there are probably couples around. being all lovey-dovey. the horror.
probably just normal drinks?
self-made cigarettes with pink filters
favourite snack but also casual
watching stuff like My Bloody Valentine maybe idk
(both by @rottent33th)
self-made blanket or sweater or both (because we know his clothes tend to mysteriously disappear...)
heart-shaped, possibly pink or red food
just hang out and make heart pizza?
also definitely some treats for the hogs because it is law
Skulk and Red can be included as well, Cylas won't "hog" Darrell (badum ts)
or maybe picnic?
omg heart-shaped burgers
(by @bluecoolr)
The Patron:
waking up to a slightly exorbitant bouquet of red roses, a box of the finest chocolates, wine, obviously some kind of note/letter, and one gift that matches his muse (I asked @solmints-messyocdiary for this one)
idek gift her a necklace or knife or blanket
also potted plant > cut flowers
will totally do a uno reverse and probably leave a note where he'll see it first. might go all out with making it pink and heart-shaped or something.
also very cheesy self-made biscuits
might also make a bracelet? maybe? or just like a key chain charm. macrame ftw.
Iris (platonic, besties)
probably stolen sweets and candy etc
what do you mean "is that blood on the chocolate box?" Finley? of course not (it is)
pink nail polish
over the top cutesie clothes/pyjamas
horror films? with lots of blood? unless Iris wants romance or smth
maybe take her out to a cabin in the woods or something where some poor fool (and pedophile!) who fell for Cylas' shenanigans is waiting for whatever fate awaits him. maybe that fate is Iris. hard luck.
(both by @solmints-messyocdiary)
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Candy and Cade:
pink soda or energy drinks
also pink heart-shaped candy and pastries
the school has this thing where students can sign up to have a card, rose, and or chocolates delivered to a person of their choosing, Candy always helps
every year some kids end up getting sick, stuff like diarrhea, vomiting, strong stomach pain. shouldn't eat that much chocolate, huh? that it often tends to hit bullies is a coincidence and Candy has nothing to do with it
will also get something for Dipper
gift her a cute knife I dare you
(Cade by @immortal-velociraptor / @the-catacombs-killer)
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divider by delishlydelightfuldividers
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adamwatchesmovies · 9 months
The Dead Zone (1983)
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You walk into The Dead Zone with certain assumptions based on the names on the poster. Though David Cronenberg has directed many different films in various genres, when you see his name next to Stephen King’s, you expect a lot of gross corpses and nightmare fuel. With Christopher Walken in the lead, you might think the film will be… a bit goofy? I mean let’s face it, he’s basically become a living meme at this point. That’s not what you’re getting. I’m not sure I’d even categorize The Dead Zone as a horror film; it’s a blend between several genres, a great Twilight Zone-type story with an excellent performance from its lead, strong emotions throughout and a great conclusion.
After a date with his girlfriend, Sarah (Brooke Adams), Johnny Smith (Walken) is injured in a car accident and left comatose. Waking up after five years, Johnny discovers he now has psychic abilities. By touching someone, he can learn about their future, past, or parts of their present even they may be unaware of.
In many stories, we’ve seen superheroes lament their extraordinary abilities - it’s never sat well with me. Rotten luck with the girl next door or not, everyone wants to be Spider-Man. In The Dead Zone, Johnny’s power feels like a curse. While he manages to save someone soon after waking up, news of this extraordinary skill quickly spreads and in no time, he’s being hounded by reporters who want to turn him into an exhibit and strangers who want his help for trivial matters like finding a lost dog. The man’s already having a difficult enough time accepting that he no longer has a job or a girlfriend, that he’s missed out on half a decade of living and now this? It’s no wonder he wants to return this gift.
What follows are a series of episodic “adventures” that always ultimately return to Johnny and his relationship with the rest of the world as seen by the way he interacts with children. When the film begins, he is a school teacher. When he wakes up from his coma, he has lost his job and learns that Sarah now has a husband and a young child of her own. She represents the life he missed because of his accident. Later, a 15-year-old girl is murdered by a serial killer and authorities briefly convince Johnny to return to the world from his self-imposed exile to help with the investigation. In another film, this hunt for a murderer with Sheriff George Bannerman (Tom Skerritt) would’ve been the whole movie. Here, it’s just a snippet of a bigger story as Johnny figures out how and when he wants to use his abilities. His desire to have a family, to keep children safe or to follow his calling as a teacher always bring him back to our world but his ability to see beyond pushes him away. Meanwhile, the mysteries to solve always remain secondary to the emotional journey. It’s a perfect marriage delicately balanced by director Cronenberg, who infuses so much humanity in this fantastic tale.
As Johnny, Christopher Walken delivers an excellent performance. You can feel the whirlwind of conflicting emotions within him. The heartbreak of losing his sweetheart, the daunting questions regarding his abilities, the frustration and isolation that come with his newfound fame. He’s aided by an excellent screenplay by Jeffrey Boam, who improves the novel by King by tying every episode together thematically and condensing the story into an efficient package.
The Dead Zone easily ranks among the best adaptations of Stephen King’s works. It’s so much more than its premise, which is saying something considering the potential of Johnny’s abilities. The characters are rich, the interactions are emotional and human. The conclusion is perfect. I’m not sure how it would play out a second time when you know the answers to each of the mysteries we encounter but I intend to find out. It’s a movie you’ll want to revisit. (August 20, 2021)
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themosleyreview · 11 months
The Mosley Review: Killers of the Flower Moon
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Capitalism is one of the core founding motivations in the creation of America and of the American Dream. Its a way of business that can make the poorest of men and women rich beyond their wildest dreams, but there is a side of that philosophy that is kept in the shadows. Capitalism sometimes brings out the best in genuinely good hearted people, but the majority are as crooked as they come. Its a beast that drives good men and woman to greed and unspeakable evils that are usually buried by powerful organizations and social clubs. This was especially rampant during the oil rush that led to many murders of Native American tribes and families all in the name of prosperity and industry. It's a tragic true story that is rarely told and what's especially rare is seeing those responsible being held accountable for their crimes. That's what this film does to an uncompromising degree. You get to see first hand the dirty negotiation tactics and how the slippery snake element of business effects the lives of many. It was brutal, somber, gangster, and exactly what I expected for the veteran filmmaker to showcase.
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Leonardo DiCaprio delivers a stellar and somewhat restrained performance as Ernest Burkhart. He starts off as a good hearted man that has seen the horrors of World War 1 and I liked that he wasn't overly expressive about that. He was shy in the beginning and like many others during that time, he got the taste of money and that's when changed. He did have a big heart though, but it was greed that slowly poisoned him. Scott Shepherd was great and somewhat creepy as his younger brother Byron. I was always on edge once he was on screen as the plot went along. He was always there for Ernest, but he was definitely one of the dirtiest characters. Robert De Niro was excellent and charming as his uncle, William King Hale. He was always at the heart of the town and was a "man of the people". De Niro delivers that trademark wicked charm as he gets you to trust him. When he shows heartbreak, its underlined with a bit of unsettling delight as his plans begin to come to fruition and it makes him one of the despicable characters of the film. Lily Gladstone was out of this world as the wife of Ernest, Mollie Burkhart. The determination to raise her family while wanting to continue to keep her sisters close was truly interesting to watch. The amount of heartbreak and descent into despair was tough to watch and all too real. It was a testiment to her immeasurable skill as an actress. Jesse Plemons is fantastic as you'd expect as BOI agent, Tom White. The moment he shows up on screen, the tension for the villains of the story begins and he delivers a light hearted performance that is quick to be neutral in expressing an frustration. I loved how he calculated and figured out everything happening to the Osage people.
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The score by the late Robbie Robertson was outstanding and was a driving force of the story. The opening piece as we get off the train with Ernest really set the tone of chaotic yet steady. He underscored the more dreary moments and helped elevate the few moments of justice. Its definitely going down in my book as one of the best film scores of the year. The tone of the film was consistent throughout and that was a reason why I say it was a good film to see, but not something I see myself just watching again. The message was clear and heartbreaking. The only problem I had is that the story perspective went from the Osage people to gradually increasing the focus on the white settlers. It never really felt balanced and that was something I felt was a missed opportunity. Overall, it still was a great story that needed to be told and it was handled by a master storyteller. Even with the 3 and a half hour runtime, I didn't feel it dragged once which is very rare. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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"Your majesty, The Bureau has arrived.” - Nancy McPhee
Biographical information
Full Name: Nancy McPhee
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: Alive
Age: 31 (season 3)
Birth: 1984
Race: Human
Nationality: British
Origin: Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Bristol, England, United Kingdom (formerly)
Profession(s): Royal Nanny
Partner(s): Lois Kane (girlfriend)
Affiliation(s): Sultanistain Royal Family
Height: 5'3" Age: 31 (season 3) Weight: 129lbs Eyes: blue Blood: A+
Nancy is a royal nanny in her early thirties with an average height and build. Her fair skin has a slight tan from her time in the sun, and her dirty blonde hair is always pulled back into a tight bun with her bags brushed to the sides to frame her sparkling blue eyes. She wears a long black dress which reaches her ankles, with full-length sleeves and a high collar. She also has dark boots and a black hat with a matching black feather stuck in it.
As per her suspect appearance in Lights, Camera, Death! it is known that Nancy wears sunscreen, has read The Ringed Lord, and drinks SunCola.
Nancy was a suspect in the murder investigation of her girlfriend, Lois Kane. She is a nanny for the royal family of Sultanistain and spends most of her time with the child king.
After hearing about what had happened to the king's previous nanny, Nancy was nervous to follow in their footsteps. She knows she would never be capable of killing someone like Hilda Tipton did, but the thought of following such a horrendous predecessor was terrifying. However, Nancy vowed to prove she wasn't like the king's old nanny and would do everything to keep the boy safe, besides killing, that is!
Several months after moving to Sultanistain, a team of reporters arrived from the US to film a documentary about the country and its new king. Nancy was starstruck to meet the head reporter Lois Kane; she had been a long-time fan of the woman ever since watching her war documentaries. She was also embarrassed to admit that her admiration had developed into a burning crush and convinced herself that Lois would never return her feelings.
But to Nancy's surprise, Lois seemed to want to spend time with her outside of their work. The two had hectic schedules but did everything they could to make time for each other. Nancy enjoyed being alone with Lois, and the other shared her sentiments. After a couple of weeks of getting to know each other personally, Lois asked Nancy out on an official date.
However, they would never get to have their date… Lois was murdered the night before, and Nancy was heartbroken by the news of her death. She couldn't believe someone would kill Lois out of petty jealousy! She hopes Lois's killer will rot in jail for robbing the world of such a wonderful person. Nancy will miss tuning into the 5 o'clock news to watch Lois deliver her reports and wishes she could have gotten to see her as head anchorwoman.
And while Lois might be gone, Nancy knows she wouldn't want the nanny wasting her life away in grief. So, Nancy has committed herself to live on in Lois's memory. She is happy that the other reporters on Lois's team were able to finish the documentary and looks forward to watching it. She knows Lois is proud of her friends' accomplishments, and Nancy hopes the rest of the world will be too.
Story Information
First appeared: Lights, Camera, Death!
She is based on the character Nanny McPhee
She has poor blood circulation and is always cold. It's why she wears so much black despite the hot heat of Sultanistain
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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myhahnestopinion · 2 years
THE 2022 AARONS - Worst Film
I could make a long, elaborate joke here about needlessly bad movies, but I’d rather get right to the category than Babylon. Here are The Aarons for Worst Film:
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#10. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 
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A Final Girl spends decades preparing for a rematch with the masked killer who murdered all her friends? You’d be forgiven for thinking you saw this film before. Billed (once again) as the one-true sequel to the seminal 1974 horror film, 2022’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre (once again) butchers the franchise. Linking a lazy approximation of the ‘legacy-quel’ format popularized by 2018’s Halloween to generational trauma, gun culture, and gentrification, the film’s skin-deep themes are even more meaningless than the original’s nihilism. No amount of gore can mask the fact that this franchise has clearly run out of gas.
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#9. Firestarter
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With Stephen King setting movie-goers on fire in the wake of It, there was every reason to think returning to his other early works would yield similar results. The problem is that the 2022 adaptation of his 1980 novel doesn’t know where to start with updating the story to present day. Following a pyrokinetic girl and her father on the run from government forces, the movie makes no mention of modern expansions to the surveillance state, and its simplistic tale of gifted individuals feels helplessly quaint in a culture dominated by superhero cinema. The music, composed by the legendary John Carpenter, is admittedly straight fire, but the movie’s murky cinematography snuffs out any other remaining appeal.
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#8. Choose or Die
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Choose or Die has a clear survival instinct, opting to throw anything and everything at the screen to keep its thin premise alive. The only real winner in the film about a cursed 1980s video-game contest is horror icon Robert Englund, cashing in on his clout with a few minutes of voiceover work. Everyone else struggles to jump through the hoops of its inconsistent rule-set and inadequate budget (The on-the-fly filmmaking has all the visual-flair of the text-based adventures it’s inspired by). The prize for powering-through is the offer of a prospective franchise; Netflix browsers would be better off choosing any number of the streamer’s other options.
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#7. Halloween Ends
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Heavily promoted as the final confrontation between Michael Myers and Laurie Strode, the thirteenth Halloween ends not with a bang but with a wimp named Corey Cunningham oddly hogging the spotlight. Spending the majority of its runtime on a coming-of-age Romeo-and-Juliet romance, the film’s shake-up of franchise formula is a smug trick on the audience that never turns into a treat. Hypothesizing on why evil endures, Ends is undone by an inability to express its ideas intelligibly, and by robbing agency from its most important character. Despite its definitive title, the latest installment will almost certainly not be the last, but it does leave the franchise in bad shape yet again.
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#6. Margaux
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Margaux is a smart house; Margaux is a dumb film. To be fair, even a regular brick-and-mortar building would seem intelligent compared to the group of college students lured into the titular deathtrap. Not even self-aware jokes at their expense can turn the characters, played by a collection of CW stars, into tolerable company. The only other expense not spared by Margaux is the budget for its nauseating white goo, the sickly sustenance of a house-wide 3-D printer, that swamps every frame of the film. The oozing substance is reflective of Margaux’s unsound foundation: an utterly illogical series of events is what brings down the house. 
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#5. Mr. Harrigan’s Phone
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It was always going to take an inspired touch to bring Mr. Harrigan’s Phone to life, and John Lee Hancock couldn’t answer the call. The Blind Side director delivers a dreadfully faithful adaptation of Steven King’s short story, a hodgepodge of the author’s familiar hang-ups including a decade-late technophobia around iPhone applications. The script does no service to stars Donald Sutherland and Jaeden Martell, both doing their best to sell an undying connection between a rich, cranky old man and the young boy who reads to him. In a clear-cut generational divide, King’s son undisputedly took the crown for phone-based horror last year; curious parties should just call up Joe Hill’s Black Phone instead.
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#4. Umma
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Umma isn’t the mother of all bad films but is highly-derivative of far better ones. The horror film manages to be only the third-best film from 2022 about an Asian-Immigrant mother overcoming generation trauma to become less overbearing to her daughter (The others being Aarons-Winner Everything Everywhere All at Once and Pixar’s Turning Red). This familiarity doesn’t stop at just one medium either: the mother’s self-induced electro-phobia also invites unfavorable comparisons to the TV show Better Call Saul. This all might be more forgivable if Umma wasn’t so neglectful of its jump scares, putting in only the minimal effort needed to raise the film up to feature length. 
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#3. Grimcutty
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The Hulu-Original horror film starts off looking especially grim but is ultimately a cut above those worse fears: the meme-based movie is merely incompetent, rather than incompetent and ignorant. Writer/director John Ross is well-aware that the bygone Momo Challenge his concept is based on was a hoax but that seems to be the extent of his comprehension, especially when it comes to the basics of filmmaking. His laughable script and languid pacing spread thin the legend of the Grimcutty, a lopsided monstrosity that’s meme-material for all the wrong reasons. The film is successful in at least one regard: it will unquestionably convince viewers that cutting back on screen-time isn’t always a bad thing.
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#2. Morbius 
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Yes, it’s Morbin’ time. The maladroit movie Morbius turns The Living Vampire into a lifeless vestigial entry in Sony’s speciously-named Spider-Man Universe. Despite decades of comic history to draw from and even more years of tragic movie monsters, the anti-hero’s origin offers viewers absolutely nothing to sink their teeth into. The dramatic tension is as hollow as the character’s bones, as the story constantly shies away from any moral complexities to receive a wide-appeal PG-13 rating (which didn’t stop the movie from bombing… twice). If there was any remaining doubt, the desperate post-credits scene makes it obvious: this is the work of vultures scavenging their IP for everything they can get.
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#1. After Ever Happy
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One after another, the adaptations of Anna Todd’s Wattpad novels have lowered the bar for romantic movies and romantic partners everywhere; the fourth film doesn’t break that cycle. Encompassing everything from arson to overdoses, After Ever Happy untethers the unceasing ups-and-downs of Tessa Young and Hardin Scott’s relationship from any semblance of structure. Starting with a sensible climax for the last entry and hanging up its hat without resolving any of its new plot threads, the franchise’s footage seems to now spill over from entry to entry with no rhyme or reason. As such, the fifth film is now mandatory viewing, if only because one can never be happy before confirming this story is over for good.
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newmusickarl · 2 years
Album & EP Recommendations
Can You Afford To Lose Me? By Holly Humberstone
Although I hail from Nottingham these days, my original hometown is in Lincoln, Lincolnshire. Now other than being known for the renowned Lost Village Festival that takes place once a year, the music scene in the area is kind of dead. Once upon a time, bands would regularly play there on their way up to superstardom (indie titans like The Killers, Kings of Leon and The Wombats all passed through back in the day), but nowadays most will just head to nearby cities like Sheffield or Nottingham instead.
With this being the case, it also means that rarely new artists emerge from Lincolnshire. So when one does eventually break through and get some national exposure, it’s kind of a big deal. Back in the mid-00s, emo-tinged synth-pop outfit I Was A Cub Scout were the band that looked most likely to put Lincolnshire on the map, but sadly they quickly disappeared almost as quick as they arrived. Now it may have taken nearly 15 years, but Lincolnshire finally has a new hope and she’s already making waves that no other artist from the area has done previously. Her name is Holly Humberstone.
Holly has already had quite an incredible 2022, having been named as this year’s Brit Awards’ Rising Star winner before then going on to support pop heavyweights like George Ezra and Olivia Rodrigo on big UK and US tour dates. She also overcame her nerves to deliver a memorable Glastonbury performance on the John Peel stage over the summer. Now as she gears up for her as-yet-unannounced debut album to be released some time next year, Holly has combined her latest single and highlights from her recent two EPs into an impressive “Story so far” compilation.
If her brilliant EPs passed you by previously, then Can You Afford To Lose Me? Is the perfect introduction to Holly’s music. An unconventional pop star in every sense, her music is always beautifully written and tastefully understated. The album’s opening title track is a great example, with her soft vocals gracefully gliding over a Bon Iver-esque folktronica accompaniment. Scarlett is then an upbeat, instantly catchy track in which Holly reflects on some tough love advice given to her friend over a one-sided romantic relationship. Her very first single Deep End then continues to hit home thanks to the rawness of the words and guitars, before Haunted House presents a gorgeous stripped-back piano ballad offering up an ode to her childhood home.
Structured almost like a live set, Holly ultimately saves her real big hitters for the album’s back end. Thursday remains my favourite song of hers to date, a spiritual sequel to Scarlett with the lyrics “Let it burn, this is hell on earth and you're enjoying the weather” giving a playful nod to Earth, Wind & Fire’s September, which is also directly referenced in the track. Popular single The Walls Are Way Too Thin then radiates with a Lorde-esque melody, emotive lyrics and shimmering instrumentation. It’s all then wrapped up with the glorious duo of Falling Asleep At The Wheel and Friendly Fire which combine to deliver a stunning grand finale.
Obviously I’m going to route for her anyway because of her Lincolnshire roots, but I do think Holly Humberstone is an exceptional talent who already has an impressive catalogue of just great pop songs. At only 22 years old she’s only just getting started too, with plenty more room for further artistic growth. I’ve enjoyed following her journey to this point, but I have a feeling next year things are going to go up another level – so use this compilation as an opportunity to jump aboard.
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Mareas De Oro EP by Gold Tides
Mama Mañana Records are quickly establishing themselves as a record label that just doesn’t miss. Following up Hubba’s brilliant Empty Dreams EP last month, the attention now turns to the latest offering from Sante Fe’s desert rock heroes, Gold Tides.
Collecting together six songs crafted during pandemic writing sessions, Mareas De Oro is a hazy and brilliantly trippy listen, filled with jangly guitars and mind-altering musical passages. Sunni, Pt.1 opens the shortplayer with deep, warped vocals and gorgeous sand-stained guitars, before Monsoon Seduction chimes in with its playful keys and punky vocals from frontman Gabe Koehler. Recent single Satanas then sees Lorenzo Aragon take over vocal duties for a hypnotic moment sung completely in the Spanish.
Sunni, Pt.2 then presents a complete contrast to the similarly named opening track, channelling imagery of cool, deep blue oceans over a rambunctious refrain of “stop fighting it and run to it.” The appropriately titled So Far So Good remains my personal favourite, featuring a psychedelic central guitar groove with an instantly catchy refrain of “Through the Void I Saw It / Through The Flames I Saw It.” Before you know it, the rumbling bassline of Sweettart arrives to carry you into the sunset on a wave of joyous surf rock.
Overall, this another brilliant EP from Gold Tides and also another excellent release from Mama Mañana Records. You’d do well to keep an eye on both band and label going forward as they continue to deliver the goods.
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Life In Miniature by Low Island
“As the name of the record suggests, it is a snapshot of the last two years in which frontman Carlos Posada seemed to encounter all of life’s blessings and curses during one quite intense period. From love and loss to happiness and grief, to sad endings and new beginnings, here Low Island present a beautiful tapestry of treasured memories that, although personal, impactfully resonate out of the audio through lyrical gut-punches and life-affirming sonic uplifts.
With Life In Miniature, Low Island have successfully built on last year’s debut with another strong collection of songs that simply radiate with electronic majesty whilst also frequently moving you to your core. The songwriting really is the star of the show this time, gifting a beautiful reflection on life, love, death and memory that is just stunningly poetic in its blend of joy and melancholy. This may be Life In Miniature but the lasting impact is closer to the max.”
Read my full review for Gigwise here
Listen to the album here
Ultra Truth by Daniel Avery
“A grooveable record with no interest in hanging at the club, for every floor-filling moment like “Wall of Sleep” that features newsletter favourite HAAi offering heavenly vocals over synths and a skull-crushing foundation, there’s a slower, atmospheric comedown which gives pause to the trek. Perhaps no song demonstrates this idea more than “Overflowing With Escape,” the auditory equivalent of being crushed by a wave under layers of compressed distortion. The listener is forced to confront the track’s heaviness, but there’s beauty in staying in the demanding moment.
Ultra Truth is one of those albums that skirts description, instead begging to be experienced with a fully devoted ear. Daniel Avery crafts a moment that gloriously combines electronic music with pure humanity.”
Read Kiley Larsen’s full review here
Listen to the album here
Brothertiger by Brothertiger
“Musicians usually give the self-titled treatment to their debut album. Still, when a vet decides to go down this path, it typically means pursuing a reset with an offering that plays to their strengths. After his acclaimed Tears For Fears Songs From the Big Chair cover album and four compilations of lockdown-era livestreams in the form of the stunning Fundamentals series, it’s only natural Jagos is looking for new trails.
Not only is Brothertiger a successful reset, but it’s also Jagos’ best official album. Even when hanging on to his chillwave roots, like on “Summer Wave ’98,” a song that wouldn’t sound out of place on Nick Hexum and George Clanton’s collaboration album, Jagos’ technical explorations are evolved. As we head into another turbulent week, make space to float away with Brothertiger. You’ll thank yourself for it.”
Read Kiley Larsen’s full review here
Listen to the album here
Protector by Aoife Nessa Frances
“Throughout eight tracks, Frances takes us on a journey though love, loss, angst and hope. There are a wealth of female influences throughout the album, with ‘Chariot’ recalling Alanis Morrissette’s ‘Uninvited’ in particular, while shades of Kate Bush and Tori Amos are plain to hear, as well as even Madonna on ‘Only Child’. Whether consciously or subconsciously, Aoife is definitely drawing on what has come before.
Everyone will find something to relate to in these songs and the sonic melodies will haunt you long after a first listen, but perhaps what is most intriguing will be to see how this music translates live.”
Read the full HeadStuff review here
Listen to the album here
Other Worlds by The Pretty Reckless
“Supporting their forthcoming UK tour, The Pretty Reckless release an album of covers and alternate and acoustic versions to wonderful effect.
Other Worlds is built around a tribute to the band's hero Chris Cornell. They were touring with Soundgarden when Cornell sadly passed, and you can hear their influence. The cover of "Loud Love" is a perfect nod to the Soundgarden sound, with lead singer Taylor Momsen bringing her A game.
This record is a fan service dream. That said, if you aren't familiar with The Pretty Reckless and their work, then this would actually be a smart place to start, there's a lovely, warm feel to the record, and it offers you a great look into the band and their influences.”
Read Stu Evans’ full review for XS Noize here
Listen to the album here
English Leather by Nancy
“Hailing from the north-east, the psych-pop provocateur created quite the buzz last year off the back of his well-received mini-album, the interestingly titled The Seven Foot Tall Post-Suicidal Feel Good Blues. That record introduced listeners to Nancy’s bizarre artistic vision, where he draws inspiration from vintage sounds of the 60s and 70s and blends them into a carnival of eccentricity. Wasting little time delivering the follow-up, English Leather is Nancy’s latest offering which sees him build on his previous effort in every way – both the good and the bewildering.”
Read my full review for Gigwise here
Listen to the album here
Also worth checking out: Where I’m Meant To Be by Ezra Collective, Myself in the Way by Turnover, How can I Sleep? I’m Wide Awake EP by Beaux, Smithereens by Joji, Alpha Zulu by Phoenix, The Hunna by The Hunna
Tracks of the Week
You Better Mean It by Nimmo
Rejoice as the UK’s finest dance act is back and preparing for their next era. As we’ve come to expect from the duo of Sarah and Reva, You Better Mean It is another straight-up banger to add to their extensive catalogue, powered by bassy synths and rich soulful vocals. Glorious!
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The Delicate Nature by Bob Vylan featuring Laurie Vincent
Fresh off the back of dropping one of the Albums of the Year, grime-punk duo Bob Vylan have now teamed up with Slaves’ guitarist Laurie Vincent for another hard-hitting thumper. With harsh heavily distorted guitars and steaming hot bars from Bobby, it all erupts into a frantic and ultra-aggressive final 20 seconds. Awesome!
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CYAN1DE by nothing, nowhere featuring Pete Wentz
And finally just in time for his highly-anticipated UK tour getting underway this week, emo/rap/pop-punk sensation Joe Mulherin has teamed up with scene legend, Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz, for another passionate and mind-melting genre crossover. With a big anthemic chorus and a balanced mix of clean and scream vocals, its sure to go down a storm on his upcoming live dates.
Listen here
Also out, also great: Running Up That Hill (Like A Version) by The Wombats, Mother by Matt Maltese, Pretty Boy by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
I once came across a person saying that having Larys kill his brother and his father didn't make sense because he seemed to like them (book or series) and that it was a demonization of the character, while next the series cleared Daemon of the murder of Laenor... Yes. What a headache. Already, Larys is among the options among the suspects, in addition to being the most probable, with perhaps the direct complicity of the Greens. And Daemon isn't the only one proposed for Laenor's death.
One, there is no indication that Show!Larys liked or disliked his father or brother. The one scene where we actually see him with either of them is at Rhaenyra’s wedding feast where Larys tells Harwin green is the color of the light of the tower of Oldtown. And there is absolutely no scene where he interacts with Lyonel. So  this idea that Larys liked his brother and father comes from nowhere even in the show and is a wish fulfilling thing.
Two, there is also no indication -- overt or subtle -- that Larys felt strongly either way for his family in Fire & Blood. So again, where is this idea coming from? Why can’t Larys truly want power and kill his family to get it? It’s possible that people, maybe including his family, ignored, mocked, historical underestimated, were disgusted with him since childhood due to their own ableism or Lyonel frequently passed him over, but there is nothing that shows Lyonel interacting with Larys negatively even when Larys is master of whispers. Since Larys served this role during his father’s service as Hand.
Three, here is what Gyldayn says are our options for who killed Harwin & Lyonel:
The cause of the fire was never determined. Some put it down to simple mischance, whilst others muttered that Black Harren’s seat was cursed and brought only doom to any man who held it. Many suspected the blaze was set intentionally. Mushroom suggests that the Sea Snake was behind it, as an act of vengeance against the man who had cuckolded his son. Septon Eustace, more plausibly, suspects Prince Daemon, removing a rival for Princess Rhaenyra’s affections. Others have put forth the notion that Larys Clubfoot might have been responsible; with his father and elder brother dead, Larys Strong became the Lord of Harrenhal. The most disturbing possibility was advanced by none other than Grand Maester Mellos, who muses that the king himself might have given the command. If Viserys had come to accept that the rumors about the parentage of Rhaenyra’s children were true, he might well have wished to remove the man who had dishonored his daughter, lest he somehow reveal the bastardy of her sons. Were that so, Lyonel Strong’s death was an unfortunate accident, for his lordship’s decision to see his son back to Harrenhal had been unforeseen.
(A Question of Succession)
And Laenor’s death:
The circumstances of the murder remain a mystery to this day. Grand Maester Mellos writes only that Ser Laenor was killed by one of his own household knights after a quarrel. Septon Eustace provides us with the killer’s name and declares jealousy the motive for the slaying; Laenor Velaryon had grown weary of Ser Qarl’s companionship and had grown enamored of a new favorite, a handsome young squire of six-and-ten. Mushroom, as always, favors the most sinister theory, suggesting that Prince Daemon paid Qarl Correy to dispose of Princess Rhaenyra’s husband, arranged for a ship to carry him away, then cut his throat and fed him to the sea. A household knight of relatively low birth, Correy was known to have a lord’s tastes and a peasant’s purse, and was given to extravagant wagering besides, which lends a certain credence to the fool’s version of events. Yet there was no shred of proof, then or now, though the Sea Snake offered a reward of ten thousand golden dragons for any man who could lead him to Ser Qarl Correy, or deliver the killer to a father’s vengeance.
Viserys couldn’t have killed the Strongs because he would/could have killed Harwin much earlier before even Rhaenyra birthed her second son and he obviously tolerated his presence, if for anything for his father, Lyonel’s, continued service. Viserys, even though later reinstating him, didn’t want Otto to have an easier time coming back after already dismissing him for questioning Rhaenyra. Viserys has also long accepted Rhaenyra’s sons though seemingly knowing they aren’t Laenor’s (as he also knows Laenor was gay). Viserys also was not a person given towards underhanded schemes, preferring open partying, feats, and as little conflict as possible except when Vaemond’s relatives mention bastardry again after he already ruled it forbidden. 
Same for Corlys. He knew Laenor was gay, and he was very willing to just let Rhaenyra’s sons live as Laenor’s trueborn sons. We never hear of any protests from him and after Laenor dies, we hear nothing of him blaming Daemon or Rhaenyra.
Finally, Daemon lived with Laena and their daughters in Driftmark with the Velaryons for 3 years or so before Laenor dies. He still seems to live close or with them after Laena dies, so Corlys would have had a better sense of whether or not Daemon killed his son. It would have been beyond stupid for Daemon to try to kil Laenor being so close and knowing that people will suspect him. And Corlys sent out rewards for Qarl’s capture, with no indication of suspecting Daemon. Rhaenys, with her personality, would not have let Daemon pass, and there’s no indication that she ever actually liked Daemon, yet we hear nothing of her suspecting Daemon. Daemon and Rhaenyra married 4-5 months after Laenor and Laena die and even that time was too little to everyone else. In this context, the idea that Daemon killed Laenor to get to Rhaenyra is ridiculous because if he didn’t care about the “appropriate” time to wait to marry his target, why would he wait 4-5 months after killing Laenor?!
Annoying as hell.
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