#killing civilians isn't self defence
thecursedjazz · 5 months
Postal 1 dude isn't evil (and is genuinely the most morally grounded and decent person we've actually met in the Postal Universe)
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From what we gather he was living a very normal life prior to going crazy, not like the other dudes who go on senseless rampages when tasked with mundane everyday things. As Promo material does state he's a well educated and mannered person so it's only realistic that this man did have a genuine job and was generating a level of income prior to his decline in mental health and moving to Paradise.
And as stated before he is well mannered in the sense of being stated a "quiet nice boy" and "voted the most likely to succeed". From what we gather this guy was the text book example of a model citizen. The only "flaw" is that he kept referring to a girl he only dated once as his girlfriend but even then that could come down his delusions along with his lack of grip on reality causing him to genuinely think she's his girlfriend or  the fact he's canonically quiet (as shown from the Promo material and also the fact that he doesn't actually physically speak AT ALL during the game) and most likely doesn't understand social ques as of it.
But the most important thing is that he doesn't even have malicious intentions.
The very first thing he proposes after being "attacked" by "groups of lunatics trying to invade his home" is.....go the sherrif for help. The Dude didn't have any Intention to go on a murder spree, he'd rather of just went to the authorities like any other average Joe. The whole thing really tells us that he's not usually a violent person.
Even rewinding back to level one: the war journals (and Vince) did state that the Dude was entirely convinced that he was being attacked by group of lunatics, one of which even firing rockets at him, goes without saying that self defence is really the only option here.
Course it remains solely as self defence until the Dude reaches the train station, the significance being his war journal where he writes "if I can get out i can warn everybody...YES, I CAN WARN EVERYBODY!". The dudes goal has shifted into saving the country as a whole rather than himself which ultimately steers him into going to the air force to find out what has happened to cause the supposed hate plague. The dudes actions represent him more as selfless now with him now doing this in the bigger scheme of things rather than his own self preservation. If its not clear already: maniacs wouldn't care about warning/ saving people from a hate plague, Dude 2 most likely wouldn't give a shit and let it spread since he was totally cool with nuking the entirety of paradise and its innocent civilians.
Furthermore he openly states that he doesn't want to kill people. At the trailer park he writes that "There must be others like me, immune to this...germ warfare or whatever it is". Practically he's saying that he'd much rather run into some normal people instead of having to kill them, it's a stark contrast to the other dudes with the Postal 1 dude appearing as genuinely empathetic whereas the others will literally kill people for something as simple as waiting in line and afterwards not think anything of it.
Also very worth noting that when he enters the ghetto he mentions he's genuinely worried he'll get mugged, we're really getting the picture that he's literally just some normal ass guy with the idea of going to the rough side of town shakes him up.
(Even worth pointing out that only for the ghetto does he go back to calling it a diary like he's momentarily lost his soldier/war mentality at the thought of going into the rough side of town).
So simple and short:
Postal 1 dudes literally just some average everyday guy (who's been through some really fucked up shit that's forever gonna remain unexplained beyond the veteran theory) who's trying to do the right thing but he's woefully misguided due to his deteriorating mental state as well as being possessed by an entity beyond his broken minds comprehension.
He's literally the complete opposite to every other postal dude (and if anything he's one of the most morally grounded people in the franchise as crazy as it is)
Oh and if this wasn't enough: rws did say on a twitter post that he's literally Just some average guy who's had some shitty days.
(I wrote this at 4am so soz if it's all over the place)
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hurgablurg · 10 months
So, Undertale.
The funny thing to me about Undertale is that anything the game, and it's fangames, try to tell the player about peace and choosing non-violence falls completely and pathetically flat for at least one big reason: no one who isn't a main character takes that lesson for themselves.
Sure, Undyne chills out, you can guilt Toriel down, you can therapize the Amalgamates, you can even redeem Asriel, but what about the random encounters and side bosses...?
When does Washua stop trying to drown a child? When does Froggit stop pouncing? Why does Snowdrake, a literal child, think it's a cool idea to murder someone in the woods? When does Tsundereplane finally figure out that killing her senpai doesn't work? When exactly is Muffet supposed to learn that killing and eating people for not giving her money is bad? Are any of them even meant to go through the same improvement others do?
Are they after human souls? In most cases, apparently not, because much of the Underground doesn't even recognize Frisk as human in the first place. Even Undyne apparently needs to be told what the human is wearing to find them, as if she wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away.
Are they trying to "communicate through magic" but are inadvertently doing harm because magic is like that? No, that was a fan theory people came up with to explain why they attacked first. If monster magic really did work like that, then Frisk would have to avoid projectiles in every. Single. Conversation. You can buy items without dodging the SOUL around heaps of merchandise. You can talk to the Snowdin bear without having to duck around the presents he's setting under the tree. You can hang out with Papyrus without having to dodge his bones during the entire date.
The only explanation we are left with is that some people in the Underground just really love murder, and will happily attack anything that crosses their line of sight.
Hell, even the cripplingly depressed Shyren will STILL make a token effort to kill Frisk. Like, whats her deal?
Why do we want to befriend people like that? Especially if they keep trying it after being spared? It'd be understandable if each encounter only showed up ONCE and then was befriended from then on, but no, every time until post-game True Pacifist they will keep coming back to try to kill Frisk.
Where are all the moralizing friendship speeches about their actions?
Random civilians are free to attack children with impunity, but those same children acting in self-defence or fighting back is abominable, enough to make humanity in it's entirety worthy of genocide.
And genocide is the Underground's goal, in case everyone forgot. The whole purpose of Asgore absorbing the human souls and "becoming god" (that's literally how it's described in the game) is to take revenge on humanity. Asgore may not be willing to go through with it because he's a depressed weeny, but everyone else is pretty hyped for the destruction of humanity once the doors are open.
And for what, exactly? The Underground is perfectly livable. All that's missing is the sun, but unless a lack of vitamin D is what's turning everyone into slavering psychopaths, I don't see the problem. They can probably even just make their own artificial sun with the technology they have. Everyone's just hyped up on propaganda about how cool the surface is.
Is their bereavement worth the explicit extinction of the human race? Is it worth the inevitable monster casualties that will come from humans fighting back? I don't think so, to be quite honest.
I think the hypocrisy of this running thread is best displayed in the Yellow fangame, by Martlet during the game's Genocide route:
"We only took five, but you've taken dozens".
Sure, that's factually true, but it's also a fact that you intend to take the rest of humanity whether they fight back or not. It's not equivalent if the plan was always to do worse damage. It's hypocrisy.
The player (and by extension Frisk) has to put in extreme amounts of work into building relationships with people who will gladly turn physically violent at the drop of a hat, who are literally planning a genocide, constantly defying logic and self-preservation just to get a couple shots in on Some Guy.
Hell, I don't think Frisk as a person even comes into it in the first place. They are just a shell for us, the players, to experience the story.
And why? Because we saw a let's play of it? Because game reviewers said it was game of the decade? Because we want to see what it's like to play? To "befriend" these oh-so-whacky, predictable characters again and again a decade after the game's heyday?
The story, in the end, is all to fulfill a narrative who's foundation is a shaky legend about humans being mean to monsters millenia ago, some immortal, royal brats having bruised egos, and a mutated goat prince scaring a bunch of peasants into violence, told from the perspective of the Underground, with little inference as to what the surface is actually like.
For all we know, Asgore and Toriel are lying and were the conquering tyrants of a human-monster empire who were sealed underground by opposing kingdoms of the surface in the days of yore, causing them to rewrite history (and "rewrite" population demographics) to make themselves look like the victims to their entirely-captive audience. If the barrier was a cooperative measure, it would go a long way to explain why human and monster souls are both needed to break it. if the humans really DID want to kill all monsters to prevent their souls being stolen, why were the monsters allegedly allowed to surrender? The royals even have an equally-immortal "war hero" at their beck and call with a cross-game skill for writing Tolkien-esque fantasy literature, settled down "doing archaeology work" in the region where the Underground's supposed history is written. That's a coincidence, I'm sure.
All that said, and mostly by the by, I say Deltarune is the better game.
The previous, pitiless freaks are friendly neighbours. The foes in the Dark World are overlords, mercenaries, guards, animals, and madmen - people with purpose to capture or kill the Lightners, rather than random civilians who see fit to attack anything that crosses their path. It makes sense. Plus, the story is actually engaging, the mystery is more intriguing, the characters are more entertaining, Kris is an actual character with a will of their own that we are explicitly subverting, and the "evil route" is actually, undeniably evil.
Deltarune came first conceptually, if you will all remember. Undertale is the weird off-kilter AU Toby made for practice. Not the other way around. And it definitely shows.
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Hamas doesn't operate outside of Gaza.
And yet we have attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.
We have Israeli soilders filming themselves blindfolding Palestinians in the West Bank.
Abusing them.
In some cases stripping them naked and beating them in the streets, stepping on their heads.
These are civilians.
Innocent men, women and children.
Their is no Hamas in the West Bank. Even that "justification" is bullshit.
Palestinians are being killed in the West Bank simply for existing on their own land.
How the fuck is handcuffing, blindfolding and beating the shit out of an unarmed civilian, self defence?
It isn't.
This isn't self defence.
It isn't war.
It is genocide.
Nothing justifies it.
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
Usually I would go anon but I am at the point where I don't care what people think anymore. I would rather be honest and have these people off my blog than keep doing it in secret.
Anyways, I was scrolling through a post (because I hate myself). Tumblr wouldn't let me put the link for some reason:
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This isn't the whole post, but 2/3 of it. It's about how Israel was "tricking" children into picking up bombs that looked like food cans. Someone corrected this in the comment section.
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And in response to the correction (there was more than one person correcting):
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This is a massive issue I've seen with that side of the conflict. They don't care if the information they spread is true as long as it fits the narrative of "Palestine = weak, helpless, 100% good and pure victim. Israel: evil, colonists, eats Palestine babies for breakfast." And it's almost scary the lack of critical thinking to make sure everything fits into this mindset.
I once corrected someone's mistranslation on Pinterest of all places, where someone said a Hebrew translation was ""May this (bomb) lands on innocent people". It was just the company name. I was attacked and told I was a "genocidal zionist" and there was my favorite, "well it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's what they mean".
So basically, "yeah it doesn't matter if it's fake information, it fits with MY beliefs, so it's okay."
I hate the Pro-Palestinian cult.
It is genuinely depressing to see blatant misinformation spread, for example I've been given the link to a site that takes supposed quotes from Israeli officials completely out of context, half the time a complete lie, and told it's some kind of proof Israel is the epitome of moral sin, despite being the most equal state in the middle east. I saw this post and saw another one debunking how the imagine has been altered in a misleading way, just as I saw a post of a server room that's linked to a Hamas database under an UNRWA facility, and someone said it powered a solar panel. Keep in mind they didn't lie for the Palestinian civilians, that was to straight up cover for Hamas.
The screenshot of someone calling Hamas 'freedom fighters' is actually scary.
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this is the first thing you see when you search for the ideology of Hamas. Yk the worst part? This would be called zionist propaganda just because it says Hamas have committed terrorism, and October 7th happened. These are literal facts though, Hamas are proud of October 7th, proud of killing thousands, kidnapping hundreds, committing acts of terrorism. If you have any sense of morality, you cannot defend Hamas, even if you see them as on the right side or as freedom fighters, their methods alone make them a monstrous organisation. They wear plain civilian clothes in war, a war crime, they have been verified to use civilian buildings for cover, a war crime, they've killed thousands of innocents purposefully, a war crime, they've openly called for the annexation and occupation of Israel, a sovereign country with millions of ethnic Jews who would be 3rd class citizens in a Hamas ruled Palestine.
Israel doesn't want Gaza. They don't want to destroy it, to own it, they wish they never had to hear about it again, let alone invade it to remove Hamas from power. And the fact that people are scared to voice their beliefs against a literal terror group, against misinformation, is insane. You know, the only reason I'm on Israel's side is because when it comes to debates I follow the science, the figures, the statistics, a fixed code of morality and logic, and that leads to me to Israel because they've never instigated a conflict in their entire history, they've voluntarily surrendered land in pursuit of peace, aided the countries that have invaded them, they're by the definition not committing genocide, they're legally and factually in a war of self defence to topple an extremist dictatorial government, the figures show as far as modern urban warfare goes, the civilian-military death ratio is lower than most conflicts, they factually have a historical claim to the land, they built Tel Aviv, built Jerusalem, 400,000 Jews lived the region of Israel before its existence as a modern state, it just all points to Israel.
But I support the people of Palestine, I empathise with them, I want them to be free of the dictators who lead them to this war and suffering they must endure, and I pray they'll get the liberation they deserve. They deserve better than the nightmare of a government that rule over Gaza. And yet none of the Palestinian supporters protest Hamas. They don't realise, protesting against Hamas doesn't weaken the right for civilians to receive aid, because they're forced into this mindset that the Palestinian government and movement has always been one of perfect ineffable morality and one that you must be insanely villainous to even have any contradicting thoughts on. I'm a more conservative guy who's best friend of 4 years recently told me that they're genderfluid, in a polyamorous relationship with a trans man, and have a 'fursona' but since I know they're a person with good intentions in life I support them in finding happiness and getting better. I'd say that makes me fairly open minded, without tooting my own horn too much. But I will never be open to the idea that Hamas have ever wanted what's best for Palestine. Their actions are selfish, their goals are psychopathic, their behaviour is unwarranted, and their care for being a successful governing body is minimal. Gaza, whether prospering before October 7th or not, was legally an independent, sovereign region of the nation of Palestine, who have their own government, constitution, voting system, currencies they operate with, culture, freedom of movement, unless it's to Israel of course, and have been so since Israel pulled out of Gaza.
Israel actually occupied Gaza once. It was better maintained, the people were more looked after. In the years before Israel pulled out of Gaza, the Palestinian economy grew by the largest margin in at least 20 years, and then under Hamas, became incredibly stagnant, with foreign aid being the only thing propping it up. They let unemployment skyrocket despite the opening of more high tech facilities, once again thanks to foreign aid. Now, Israel doesn't want Gaza back, nor should they have it, but when the people of the nationality that Hamas wish to destroy, governed their land even better despite not even being the sovereign owners of that land and just the occupiers, it says a lot. Don't be afraid to speak out against Hamas, since you have no love for the Palestinian people if you don't want them to be free from the suffering Hamas has brought.
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geminni5 · 1 year
I really don't think that this whole situation is black and white.
Israeli Government is definitely at fault but that doesn't mean Hamas isn't.
Israeli government has the power to stop this yet they are treating the people of Palestine, the innocents who did nothing , as animals because of something that isn't their fault.
The Israeli Government + US government are definitely colonizers but that doesn't justify the killing and the crimes against all the Israeli civillians (especially women and children) .
At the same time even if Hamas retaliated it doesn't justify the killing of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli Government as 'Self Defence'.
The war crimes against Palestinians is not justified just because 'They attacked Israel first with terrorism'
It is terrorism but it's also apartheid.
It's always the innocents who are killed.
It's almost always the Government who is at fault.
War is Not Good For Anyone
But doesn't mean it won't happen.
Also this is a fully outside perspective on the situation, and I myself cannot speak on behalf of any of the sides.
Please pray for the civilians on both sides!
And please Stay safe!
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Having mixed emotions about Star Trek (TOS) episode I watched yesterday to be honest. I mean the same applies to several of them, but this one is recent
Like there was that guy named Lazarus who apparently went insane having seen his "anti matter" reality version and got obssessed with the idea of killing him, however if identical people from these realms touch each other it'd destroy both universes. So when Kirk learned about it by getting to talk with version of Lazarus that (somehow) was sane and cared, this Lazarus offered to let him and another one go in the corridor between these universes where laws of universe don't quite work and then destroy his ship (that is also portal from one end of this corridor to another), so two Lazaruses would get stuck there in empty blue space and fight there for eternity.
Like... Okay, presuming there is absolutely 1000% no way to reason with the mad one and help his mental health... This situation sort of calls for mercy killing, no? If they'll suffer forever to save the universes, but universes would also be saved if Lazarus died (that'd also kill his alter I guess, like with two versions of the ships), why not just do that...? The "solution" offered sounds as a fate worse than death already. But Kirk follows through?
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It is more the question to the character himself rather than to the writing tbh. Like, writing is right, they were just getting to show this heroic guy ready for a sacrifice for the sake of everyone and raising the issue that sacrificing one (two?) to save everyone else is not THAT simple from moral standpoint, there is no right solution (though Spock would disagree because 'one for all' is a logical exchange hfjyjgghj).
But it is just hard to imagine a person letting it happen, there is a limit to trying to be civil and not kill anyone except for self-defence; Kirk in general is also reasonable, he'd often spare even those who already killed some of his crew or civilians if there is a way to ensure they'll stop and diplomatic solution can be found. Mercy killing is morally debatable thing too, as it is having guts to decide for someone else whether their life (more like existence in most cases) is "worth" living considering their suffering - but also sometimes keeping your own hands clean from the burden of mercy killing is arguably more cruel. Lazarus is sacrificed in either case, and Kirk won't sleep well for several nights in either case, there is just... existing in actual hell or ceasing to exist, and latter sounds more merciful in this case.
Again, it is more disagreeing with Kirk as an isolated character than criticism to the plot and message, hence why I feel conflicted. Because this isn't a criticism, more just me sharing feelings. True that Lazarus himself accepted to carry this burden, it was his idea after all, and it is Kirk's right (and status quo of the character.. ) to respect that autonomous decision at the very least. Just that, I probably would rather NOT. That fate is something you won't wish on an enemy
(Also interestingly, why 'sane' Lazarus himself would not ask to be killed to save both universes? Why opt out for being stuck struggling with his alter? Is this possible they are both insane from antagonism to one another then, just in different ways?)
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d2kvirus · 8 months
Dickheads of the Month: January 2024
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of January 2024 to make sure that they are never forgotten.  
Ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak forgot to have any sort of parliamentary vote before joining Joe Biden in bombing Yemen in "self defence" which is an odd comment given how many thousand miles away it is from the UK or US and hasn't actually attacked those countries, but as some container ships are taking a bit longer to arrive that means they need bombing ASAP - a move which Keir Starmer supported without question, because of course he did
...and the justification which Keir Starmer gave for his support, even though it directly contradicted his stance of taking no military action? Deciding to change the definition of "military action" so it only means boots on the ground and not air strikes
...while man of a thousand pseudonyms Grant Schapps insisted that the situation in the Red Sea has nothing to do with what Israel is doing in Gaza as Yemen is over 2600 miles away - which begs the question why the UK is bombing Yemen (but not deploying troops, that's military action!) considering the Red Sea is over 4000 miles from the UK so clearly that has nothing to do with the UK
Once again Mark Regev was caught using terms such as "done properly" and "finished in the right way" in regards to Israel's definitely-not-a-genocide in Gaza, and as per usual Kay Burley neglected to interject any follow-up questions to ask him to define what those terms mean in the context he uses them in
...meanwhile the always-charming Tzipi Hotevely appeared on LBC to thunder how every school, mosque and second house in Gaza is a target for Israel, which definitely doesn't sound like the genocidal rantings of a war crime apologist in the slightest
...and then Nissim Vaturi decided to make his motives particularly unclear when saying that the people of Gaza must be burned as he has no pity for them, which absolutely nobody could consider to be coded genocidal language if they forgot to code the language
...meanwhile, attempted actress Tracy Ann Oberman decided that the best course of action was to make up a story of how so many of the Israeli hostages are pregnant due to all the multiple rapes they have endured, though when asked to provide a source for this claim her response was to obfuscate for a bit before saying the person asking for a source was not a real Israeli ally
...during all of this the Israeli Defence Force were getting so casual with their casual killing of civilians that they turned an ITV new broadcast into a snuff movie when and IDF sniper shot somebody waving a white flag in the head moments after he had finished being interviewed yet the cameras were still rolling
...but when the ICJ passed their ruling Itamar Ben-Gvir responded with the most pathetic, childish response to a country ever being officially accused of genocide: "Hague schmague"
...which all somehow culminated in Joe Biden cutting all US funding to the UNRWA, while Rishi Sunak merely suspended all funding, all because Israel made totally unfounded allegations of the UNRWA being involved on October 7th which they had never made before yet suddenly found plenty of evidence they weren't going to share with anyone else within a few hours of the ICJ passing judgment saying Israel could be investigated for genocide based of UNRWA findings
...while doing her bit for peace was Mayim Bialik tweeting a video of her cackling along to a Dan Ahdoot routine which boiled down to "Yeah, we're murdering civilians on an industrial scale, isn't that hilarious?" while showing just how brave she is by turning off the replies, which made her look both sociopathic and cowardly while also underlining that being on The Big Bang Theory can cause some fatal damage to what you think funny actually is
So nice to see ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak and nominative determinism debunker James Cleverly put their heads together to tackle the issue of the asylum backlog, and the solution they came up with was...trying to change the definition of what the asylum backlog actually is and then claim it to have been sorted, in spite thousands of ongoing cases from that very specific timeframe
Good start to the year from billionaire manchild Elon Musk and his love of FREEZE PEACH when there was a mass purge of left-leaning journalists on Twitter (left-leaning journalists who just so happened to criticise Israel...) without warning nor any reason for their bans being given...sorry, make that another mass purge of left-leaning journalists on Twitter without warning or any reasons for their bans being given, as that's happened once before yet for some strange reason doesn't seem to happen to Fox News' loudest screamers - and only reinstated them after Jackson Hinkle asked him to
...and then it emerged that Bill Ackman is the latest person who is unaware of how the Streisand Effect works as it emerged that he handed billionaire manchild Elon Musk lists of people who reported that his name was on the Epstein List (which is what happens to people whose name appears on the Epstein List, funnily enough) and Musk dutifully banned the lot of them under the belief that, a.) Him banning people at Ackman's behest would not come out, and b.) Even more people would be aware of Ackman being on the Epstein List when it came out
...but then billionaire manchild Elon Musk decided that he hadn't acted like an antisemitic twunt for five minutes, so he went to Auschwitz and after his visit he addressed a conference where he said that if Twitter existed during the Holocaust it would have saved lived, before treating people with eyes and ears to his marvelous take that the difference between Auschwitz and a tesla factory is that minorities were willingly allowed into Auschwitz
...yet by the end of the month billionaire manchild Elon Musk was reduced to sulking that his $56bn was clearly too much, howling that people should never do business in Delaware - which he could have avoided altogether if he founded Tesla, but because he didn't all he can do is let that sink in
Remember when Suella Braverman was Home Secretary and tried to ban pro-Palestine marches, going as far as to call them "hate marches"? That would be the same Suella Braverman who attended the Board of Deputies' pro-genocide Israel march and was interviewed while at said march, apparently because "that's different"
Good to see that Keir Starmer's Labour Party are taking the allegations that Rosie Duffield is transphobic to the point that, in Germany, they would be guilty of Holocaust denial due to her statement that the Nazis did not exterminate the trans community seriously, as an internal review ignored the testimony of former staffers and the footage of her appearing on GB fucking News to repeat her statements that would have her convicted of Holocaust denial in Germany and decide there's no case to answer
...and a week later Laura Pascal saw her suspension overturned for numerous transphobic tweets so Keir Starmer's Labour Party could reinstate her to the ballot Hackney council elections, with Pascal showing just how sorry she was with the full "I'm sorry you were offended" act in her nonpology - though Hadley Freeman was appalled that Pascal was made to quote-unquote apologise for liking and posting transphobic material, because of course TERFs are the real victims in this - and then, mere hours after posting her nonpology, Pascal's Twitter feed went right back to the exact behaviour she was suspended for in the first place - which looked really, really clever when she lost the council election in what was previously a Labour safe seat
Superb bit of whataboutism from Alan Dershowitz when being interviewed on Fox News after his name came out on the Epstein list: demand to know how many of the people criticising him for being a sexual predator have criticised Hamas
Unifying force Keir Starmer harrumphed that voter apathy would let the Tories win the next election, apparently forgetting the reason for such apathy is Keir Starmer telling hundreds of thousands of potential Labour voters to stick their votes where the sun doesn't shine as their not welcome in Keir Starmer's Labour Party
...soon followed by unifying force Keir Starmer saying that he isn't Jeremy Corbyn, which is something he has done approximately every six months since becoming leader of Keir Starmer's Labour Party as it players better to the Murdoch press than having actual policies
...and then unifying force Keir Starmer demonstrated the sort of decisive and visionary man who should be leading the UK that he so clearly is when asked about Peter Mandelson's name being on the Epstein list and his response was little more than "I dunno..."
Looks like Aaron Rodgers may be in a spot of bother after he said that Jimmy Kimmell's name was on the Epstein list, to which Kimmell informed him it might be a good idea to lawyer up - though that does let Pat McAfee off the hook somewhat as it was on McAfee's show that Rodgers said this with no pushback whatsoever at the time while on the next edition all he offered was the "It was just a joke!" defence which is definitely going to stand up in court
Amateur snuff photographer Logan Paul is once again blaming "bad actors" for his CryptoZoo scam pyramid scheme game being exposed as a scam as if he went into the obvious scam which he co-founded and put his name and face to promoting with innocent and honest intentions and literally everyone else involved was a crook, which I'm sure he isn't saying as he's having to pay people back a fraction of the money they lost as long as they don't pursue legal action a good six months after he said he would, which of course is not motivated by the lawsuit against him for scamming people out of their money with CryptoZoo
Totally normal behaviour from Julia Hartley-Brewer when she totally lost the plot during an interview with Dr Mustafa Barghouti by shouting over him to try and steer the conversation away from suggesting Israel are not The Good Guys and then capped it off by inferring that Barghouti was sexist as he didn't like women talking which was an obvious dogwhistle, and a few days later followed that up with the definitely not utterly fucking insane question about whether ethnic cleansing is a viable solution as long as you don't kill people when doing so
Looks like somebody needs to tell Bill O'Reilly the issue about hanging around with members of the Leopards Eating My face Party, as his bemoaning how the state of Florida has banned a couple of his books looks like he needs somebody to clue him in with what's happening
Militant TERF JK Rowling unleashed more of her badly-written fiction into the world as she once again bleated about women's rights being erased because that scans better than saying "I'm a bigot who doesn't care about women, hence my complete silence when Rose vs Wade was expunged"
This month it was Shaun Bailey being handed the missive from Tufton Street to bang on about Carol Vorderman, with him appearing on GB News to say she should not participate in political debate as she has an Instagram account or...something. Just a reminder: Shaun Bailey was one of the people habitually attending lockdown-breaking pissups, which apparently means he is perfectly suited for a role in the House of Lords
...and then Shaun Bailey went on TV to address his comments about Carol Vorderman after quite unexpectedly receiving quite some backlash for them, and how did Bailey address this backlash? By doubling down and accused Vorderman of being a bully
Mayor of Amity Island Ron DeSantis showed just how well his campaign to become the Republican nominee was going when he blurted out that getting the Covid vaccine is the cause for Covid cases, clearly trying to capture the antivaxxer vote - which worked so well he announced he was dropping out of the race within days
So it turns out that Vince McMahon is not only the vile piece of shit that it was long assumed that he was, but it turns out that he was even worse than people realised as on top of sexual assault allegations which are already out there there's now sex trafficking and torture on the list of allegations
...so what did Paul Levesque do when the subject came up in the post-Royal Rumble press conference a couple of days later? Claim he hadn't read the list of allegations while taking lame potshots at AEW that unintentionally insulted the new president of New Japan Pro Wrestling, because why stop at insulting people's intelligence when you can fatally undermine WWE fans' insistence that WWE never talks about AEW?
Not only did BrewDog decide that the living wage applies to other companies and not their new hires who will be paid below that as company policy, but if you happened to venture an opinion on Twitter about how this might be shit BrewDog CEO James Watt would be in your replies to lecture you about how this isn't his company being shit to their new staff - which makes it look like he spends more time searching Twitter for mention of BrewDog than he does listening to advice about maybe not opening multiple large pubs in places with high rents in a short space of time
It appears that Joey Barton has committed himself to get in the right wing grift at this point, as after last month's meltdown about Mary Earps he started January by ranting about Lucy Ward and Eni Aluko being pundits for an FA Cup match in a totally sane way by comparing them to Fred & Rose West, and by the end of that week declared he was part of the Gender Critical movement because nothing says "protecting women" like a convicted domestic abuser
Perfectly normal broadcasting from GB News where they had Charles Manson bought off Wish Neil Oliver blathering on about the latest disease which antivaxxers' have invented, "turbo cancer", because apparently vaccines don't give blood clots anymore but an entirely new type of cancer which not a single health authority has identified. I'm sure that Ofcom will do something about this...
According to Andrea Leadsom three year old children have teeth which they began growing four and a half years ago. I'm sure that we'll be hearing people making jokes about her mathematic abilities for years to come off the back of this...
...although Christian Wakeford decided he should get in on the act by claiming 25,000 people attended the pro-Israel rally in Trafalgar Square, when all footage suggests that it would be generous to say that they had 5% of that quote figure in attendance
...but that didn't rule out Therese Coffey attempting to show solidarity when she thought it was a good idea to browbeat Yvette Cooper in Commons for getting her facts wrong when Cooper said that Kigali is the capital of Rwanda. In other words, the Hansard will have a permanent record of Therese Coffey not knowing that Kigali is, in fact, the capital of Rwanda
Apparently the only person surprised that Laurence Fox lost on all three counts when his libel case came to trial was Laurence Fox, as his immediate response was to try and claim that Nicola Fox somehow "lost" because she is "racist" - which is an interesting claim given Fox's attempt at claiming that his saying that he hates black people would not be racist in the context of being habitually gangraped in a Ugandan jail
I'm going to suggest that Alena Habba is not very smart if she tries to delay Trump's many, may trials for a week or so by pretending to have Covid - only to be pictured at a Trump rally, which somehow got the bloke who took selfies with her bundled out by security as if the Streisand Effect doesn't exist and the story wouldn't blow up
I'm sure that James Bikelover thought he was being noble posting a video of him yelling at somebody holding their train ticket in their hand calling them a fare dodger, but in reality he looked a lot like a gammony prick looking for an excuse to yell at brown people and then post the footage of him yelling at brown people online
And finally, we heard registered sex offender Donald Trump give a rare moment of clarity instead of his incoherent rambling where he showed just the sort of the grace and decorum expected of him by responding to the Perry High School shooting by saying "Get over it", sentiments which I am sure was appreciated by the parents of Ahmir Jolliff, the sixth grader who was killed during the spree. But it didn't last, as his response to having to pay over $80m to E Jean Grey because he couldn't shut the fuck up about her after being ordered to pay her $8m was to go right back to ranting and raving about her like a stable genius would
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
The UN Security Council held a vote today (18.10.2023) for a resolution.
All the information here comes from this UN Security website page, this site for more info.
And the Israel/Gaza-Humanitarian aid and situation briefing video on the United Nations YouTube page.
Slightly unrelated, they live streamed this... Which is just insane to think about.
Prior to this vote they had been 2 amendedments of a draft resolution proposed by Russia.
It called for an end to indiscriminate attacks on civilians and infrastructure.
And a condemnation of the blockades and calling for a ceasefire.
Neither were passed by the UN Security Council.
Because despite it saying it would condemn "all violence and hostilities directed against civilians and all acts of terrorism."
Say it with me now, it didn't condemn Hamas.
Hell it didn't even mention Hamas.
... Do you guys know how to read? Like, genuinely?
But yeah it didn't pass, Russia was pissed and said:
"The council once again has found itself a hostage to the selfish intentions of the Western bloc of countries."
And has failed as a collective.
Which, yeah.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Russia.
The current draft resolution they voted on today was lead by Brazil.
This draft condemned "all acts of terrorism, violence and hostilities."
And emphasised that it "rejects and condemns the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas."
... We get it okay.
It also called for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza.
Glad we're on the same page for that.
Their are 15 members that make up the UN Security Council.
Currently they are: Albania, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Gahbon, Russia, Ghana, Japan, the UK, Malta, Switzerland, the US, France, Mozambique and the UAE.
12 voted in favour for this resolution.
2 abstained from voting.
These being the UK and Russia.
The UK, because "the text needed to be clearer on Israel's inherit right to self defence."
... One moment.
Screams into my pillow
... Fucking hate this country...
I'm just glad you guys decided not to vote, keep your mouth shut.
Russia... For obvious reasons, see above.
And 1 voted no.
And you'd think that means the draft would pass.
I mean it's 12 to 1.
... But it won't because the one who said no was the US.
The UN has 5 permanent members on its council, China, France, Russia, the UK and the US.
And if one of these members votes no than no action is taken.
It's called Veto.
And because the US said no.
The resolution can't be passed.
Why did they say no?
Because it didn't mention Israel's right to self defence.
... People are being bombed and shot, being killed by the thousands.
By weapons you supplied them with mind you.
And you're priority isn't giving them humanitarian aid, isn't calling for a ceasefire.
Its whether or not the people oppressing them, who've oppressed them for 75 years.
Who have dropped 6000 bombs on them in one week.
You're bothered about whether or not they have the right to self defence.
Their blood is on your hands.
... Get your fucking priorities in order.
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