#killjoys made from neon
inanearlierr · 2 years
Killjoys made from neon
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art-missy · 6 months
Overwhelmed (Gekko x Reader)
Part. 1 Part. 3
Part. 2
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Sorry in advance for my terrible English. I'm actually more of an English reader and listener than an actual speaker or writer. I also apologize for the dull writing style that could seem quite childish. I just wanted to test something by posting this.
If a few months ago somebody had told you that you would be spotted by a secret organization whose job is to protect your world against the threat of agents from another dimension, you would have laughed so hard that your guts would have spitted out. If that ‘somebody’ had continued with the fact that this organization would contact you in some way to recruit you just because you maybe took down a K-SEC facility by yourself and also because your skills interested them, you would have told them to sell their idea to a filmmaker. If that ‘somebody’ had then insisted that you would spend one of your days off with a few other agents of that organization by watching Disney movies and hearing them sing their guts out, you would have told them to stop.
Well, look at you now, exchanging astounded glances with Iso as Neon reached a note so terrifying that you were pretty sure she could have won the Oscar of the best scream in a horror movie. You were slightly worried about the state of her vocal cords. 
“And she’s not even drunk.” Muttered Yoru when he saw your dumbfounded expression as he finished his can of soda. Phoenix let out a booming laugh and nudged your and Iso’s arms playfully.
What the hell were you doing here ? You were so at peace in your hideout. How did Valorant find you ? Oh yeah. Cypher. No one can hide from the Moroccan sentinel and you understood it quite quickly when he appeared in each of your hideouts everytime you tried to run away. Hard to hide from someone whose eyes are literally everywhere. It has been quite hard for him too to convince you that the intentions of Valorant were noble when he appeared each time in the middle of the night like a sleep paralysis demon. The process of convincing you had been long and hard but Cypher was patient and quite stubborn. Especially when it came to visiting each of your hideouts (even the one under the Mediterranean Sea) and finishing all your different packs of tea. Well, at least you had now Big Brother as a mentor.
You jolted a little, startled when Raze and Killjoy suddenly stood up to start a duet while waltzing around the room. The level of love and affection in their eyes made you wonder if they weren't from a Disney movie themselves. You could literally see their eyes changing form to turn into hearts as their souls were screaming ‘I love you’ in their respective languages. And you found it adorable despite your exhaustion.
Jett playfully threw some popcorn at the couple, telling them to get a room. You’re pretty sure she didn't notice the few candy and crumbs of snacks in her ponytail. 
Clove were jumping on the different bean bag chairs, singing as if their life depended on it while Wingman cheered at their antics.
And you, you let out a small sigh as you took a sip of your bubbletea. All this chaos because of Frozen.
You swore that if you heard the songs ‘Love is an open door’ or ‘Let it go’ again, you would go apeshit.
You maybe should have join Deadlock for a reading session in her quarters instead of accepting Gekko’s invitation. Or just listening to music in your room. Or maybe drawing. You were certain that it would have been more peaceful and less mentally draining than this Disney night. And when you shared another glance with Iso, you knew he thought the same thing. It was visibly way too much for your introverted asses.
“Hey,” Gekko put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay ?”
You shot him a tired look. 
You sometimes miss your old life. You missed your different hideouts where you could see the sunset over the mountains, the sea creatures under the Mediterranean Sea, the snow in the Siberian desert or the rain falling on the trees of a random forest. Where you didn't have to interact with people every single day of the week.
You loved the Valorant protocol and you got along with the people you met there. But sometimes it was too much. You took down this K-SEC facility because you knew how shady the experimentations they were running were, not because you wanted to attract the attention of a secret organization. You sometimes resented Cypher for finding you, for stealing you from these calm moments, even though you knew that you accepted to be an agent of Valorant of your own free will and for a good cause. 
“Hey,” Repeated Gekko. “Are you okay ?”
You gently pushed his hand off your shoulder and stood up from your bean bag chair.
“Sorry.” You muttered.
And you rushed out of the room as Gekko called for you, his tone full of worry. You speed-walked towards the garden of the base, putting your headphones on your ears and slightly relaxing when the music reached your brain. You took a deep breath and the wind caressed your skin as you finally walked into the gardens. You took off your shoes and let the grass tickle your bare feet. The night sky watched over you as you finally took a seat on a bench.
You felt better. You breathed better. You lived better. The music in your ears relaxed your muscles, and the wind murmured on your skin, bringing the fragrance of the different flowers of the garden. You definitely had to compliment Sky and Sage. 
Your phone suddenly vibrated and you noticed that Iso sent you a link to a playlist. 
⟨Here. To relax your nerves.⟩
You internally smiled and sent a text message to the Chinese duelist to thank him. You started the playlist and relaxed even more when the first note of the first song reached your ears. Iso really did have good taste in music.
You were about to close your eyes when you suddenly felt a finger patting your shoulder. You jolted a little and turned your head to the side to see Cypher’s blue lenses staring back at you. You pulled your headphones down and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Big Brother is watching me ?” 
The sentinel let out a small chuckle and sat down beside you, a trap wire traveling on his knuckles.
“Overwhelmed ?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I thought I was Big Brother.”
You rolled your eyes but a small smile tugged the corners of your lips. You leaned on the backrest of the bench and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m not in the mood for a game of chess, Cypher.” 
The masked man nodded and hummed softly.
“I suspected it.”
“Then why are you here, Optimus Prime ?” You groaned, stretching your arms over your head.
Cypher’s head tilted slightly and by his body language you suspected a smirk to be present under his mask.
“To check on you, dear.”
You raised a skeptical eyebrow and your eyes squinted slightly.
“Right. And may I ask why, dear ?” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes again. “Wait. Let me guess. You saw me walking away from the common room through these cute little cameras of yours, got curious when you couldn't see me then came here.” You interrupted yourself then shook your head. “Nope. There are also cameras in the garden. Then why did you come here ?”
Cypher let out another small chuckle and patted your head with an odd but paternal affection. 
“Look who’s playing Sherlock, now.” 
You let out an annoyed groan as you tried to push his hand away from your head but Cypher’s mood stayed playful.
“What kind of mentor would I be if I didn't worry about my protégé ?”
You snorted but nodded with a sarcastic smile.“More of a stalker than a mentor.” 
“A stalker who is worried about you, then.”
You couldn't see it but you heard the soft smile in his voice. He leaned a bit more towards you, the brim of his long hat hid you from the night sky and the usual faint glow of his blue lenses looked like two little will-o’-the-wisps in the obscurity of the garden. It reminded you of the first time you met each other, a few days after you took down this K-SEC facility. It was in a dark alleyway and the first thing you saw was these blue lenses before you could make out his long and slender figure. But because of his long hat and the darkness of the alleyway, you had almost taken him for a mutated palm tree. Even today you facepalmed yourself when you remembered those thoughts as your eyes stared into his lenses.
“Who eats alone, chokes alone.” He finally whispered with a conspiratorial tone. Something was telling you that he winked under his mask.
“What ?” You facepalmed.
“It’s an Arabic proverb.” He leaned back and his head tilted again. “Loneliness is neither your ally, nor your enemy. It is impartial. In your case, you use it to recharge yourself, but it can also drain you without you noticing, making you depend on it. Use your loneliness but don’t be alone.” His voice dropped a few octaves lower and you felt his eyes sinking deeply into yours. “Use your balance.”
Something was telling you that he was speaking from experience. A slight twitch in his body language maybe. Or a tiny heaviness in his already thick accent, indication of the unusual emotions in his voice. And you realized just now how little you knew about your mentor.
Cypher nodded, as if satisfied by your visible confusion, stood up from the bench and started to walk away.
“Wait a minute, Darth Vader !” You exclaimed, pointing a frustrated finger at him. “I don't speak proverbial shit and neither does google translate. Come back here or I’ll tell Sky you put cameras in the garden !”
Cypher kept walking away, humming a soft tune.
“Speaking of balance…”
“I don’t understand the proverbial shit, you cheap Cyberpunk shit !”
“Have a good night, dear.” He turned towards you briefly. “Oh, and your strawberry teas are delicious.”
This fucker.
He kept walking away until going back inside and you suddenly heard hurried footsteps. You turned your head and saw Gekko and Wingman running in your direction before stopping in front of you. 
How did you know it was Gekko with the lack of light ? First of all, Wingman. Second of all, his hair.
Gekko was catching his breath with his hands on his knees while Wingman jumped on your lap, making a few garbling sounds. You raised an eyebrow and looked at them, confused.
“Are you dying ?” You asked Gekko and your eyes widened slightly when he started to wheeze. “Gekko ?”
“Dios !” He exclaimed as he finally caught his breath. “I looked for you throughout the whole base !”
“Did you have to run a marathon for that ?” 
Despite your dry tone, your eyes only showed concern for him. You patted the space beside you on the bench and he gladly sat down. He then looked at you and despite the obscurity, you were certain his brows furrowed in worry.
“Are you okay ?”
You shot him a deadpanned look.
“You put your legs through a nocturnal torture by running like a possessed fool throughout the whole base, found me here relaxing in the garden while the soft fragrance of flowers and the night sky kept me company, and ended up wheezing like a dying man about to spew his lungs out and you are asking me if I’m okay ?” 
You looked at his figure from head to toe as he chuckled at your small outburst. He was still a bit out of breath from his little run but he seemed quite fine.
“Damn ! Your descriptions are always so…special. Clove would definitely love you to be the Dungeon Master of their next DnD game.” His laugh calmed down and he nervously cleared his throat. “Anyway. I wanted to check on you. You didn't seem fine in the common room. Are you feeling a bit better now ?”
You shot him a bored look and let a deep sigh out of your lungs. Wingman made a few high chirped noises indicating his worry.
“You really love wasting your time, don’t you ?” Your eyes wandered on the night sky. “Aren't you missing the end of the movie ? Shouldn't you be inside with your friends ?”
Gekko frowned and looked at you funny.
“You’re my friend too.”
You let out a small snort that only deepened his frown.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “We’re maybe not as close as you are with Cypher or Deadlock or… Iso, but I see you as my friend and I will always have your back.”
You looked back at him and even though you couldn't see him clearly because of the obscurity, you felt his eyes looking at you with a fierce determination.
“Plus,” he continued, “you always have my back on the field, fighting like a total badass against the enemies. Remember our last mission in Lotus ? I would have been dead meat if you weren't there.”
Wingman (who had gotten comfy on your lap) nodded with vehemence, agreeing with Gekko’s words.
“I’m not quite sure if you can be ‘dead meat’ when someone like Sage is around.” You said, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Gekko made a noise between an amused chuckle and a sigh of frustration. You couldn't figure out what was on his mind, which is quite surprising since he was usually so expressive. He then suddenly got closer to you on the bench, grabbed your shoulders and leaned a bit more towards you.
“My point is : you got my back and I got yours. You're my friend and I won’t leave you alone.” His fingers gently squeezed your shoulders. “And I’m sorry.”
It was now your turn to frown as you did not understand why he was apologizing for.
“I invited you to this movie night so I could have an occasion to get to know you better, so we could get to know each other and bond on something that is not mission related.” He explained. “But you clearly weren't at ease. I thought you were about to have a panic attack, back there.”
You felt his thumbs caressing your shoulders as his hands squeezed you a bit more tightly.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head and let out another sigh. “Don’t apologize. Your intentions were innocent and sweet.”
You couldn't see the blush on his cheeks but you noticed the slight twitch in his body language.
“Everything's fine.” You insisted. “I’m perfectly fine. Plus, with the new playlist Iso sent me, I can just relax and enjoy the quietude of the garden.”
“Oh.” He said simply.
His voice showed disappointment, sadness even. You vaguely felt his grip on your shoulder faltering a little while Wingman made a few sad garbling sounds.
“Gekko ?”
You couldn't see his face, but his body language showed a slight dispiritedness that didn't match his usual playful and confident personality.
“You and Iso are really close, huh.” He said with an uncharacteristically neutral tone.
His shoulders were now slightly slumped.
“Well, we had heard about each other before we joined Valorant. It was funny to finally meet the infamous ‘Dead Lilac’ in this secret organization.” You chuckled a little, finding the circumstances of your first meeting with the Chinese duelist quite embarrassing. You remembered knocking your head so hard against his chest that it spinned a little.
“That’s…uhm…kinda cute, I guess.”
You wondered what was on the mind of the piece of sweet-woman-heartthrob-trope that Gekko was.
“Well I don't know if it’s cute, but we’ve been exchanging playlists and book recommendations since.” You shrugged and Gekko’s hands slided down your arms at your action. “He’s cool. He has a sweet ‘older sibling’ vibe that put me at ease.”
The young initiator seemed to perk at your words and so was his radivore critter.
“‘Older sibling’ vibe ?” He repeated. “What do you mean ?”
“Well, you see how siblings sometimes banter with each other but always have each other's back ?” You started to explain and you saw his figure tilting his head. “Well that's our relationship with Iso. You probably know what I’m talking about. I noticed that you had quite the same thing with Neon.” You shrugged again.
His whole demeanor seemed to relax when he let out a laugh filled with relief. You frowned a little, not understanding this sudden outburst of joy.
“You alright ?” You raised a worried eyebrow and squinted your eyes a little. “Maybe you should get some sleep.”
It was at this moment that the moon finally decided to come out of behind the clouds, illuminating both of your faces. You both looked at each other, admiring your features. Your eyes wandered on his freckles without noticing his lovestruck gaze on you. 
“Maybe I'm a bit tired.” He whispered with a lost tone, as if he didn't understand what he just said.
“Hm.” You looked down on your lap to notice Wingman shrinking and hopping towards Gekko’s shoulder. “Wanna go back inside ?”
“You’re going back inside ?” Gekko asked.
“Then I’ll stay with you.” He got more comfortable on the bench and you felt him lean a bit more towards you. “Unless my presence is overwhelming.”
You shook your head and leaned against the backrest of the bench. 
“No. You’re fine.”
“Cool.” He nodded and let out a small sigh of relief.
A comfortable silence settled between you, slightly disturbed by the faint music from your headphones. Your eyes wandered on the night sky, unaware of Gekko’s longing glances in your direction. You were completely oblivious to his poor heart beating so fast and so loud that he feared you could hear it. You did not notice. You never did. Ever since you set your foot into the base for the first time, his eyes were always on you. At first it was curiosity. Curious about the agent recommended by the mysterious man that was Cypher. Then it was admiration for the fierce fighter that you turned into once on the field. And finally, it bloomed to be a small crush that never ceased to grow. Your charisma hypnotized him. His feelings for you were so obvious that his friends never stopped to tease him. Even Reyna said that he looked like a lost puppy everytime you were around and Harbor often asked him to focus when you were in his field of view. And of course, he was jealous of how close Iso was with you. The duelist could talk to you without any problem, he could receive your smiles, your laughs, your friendly fist-bumps while the only times Gekko could have a proper interaction with you was during missions or briefings. Even during training you stayed in your corner, avoiding interactions.
But right now, he felt so happy. This was the longest interaction you’ve ever had with each other and he couldn't help but smile.
He turned his head in your direction and softly called you.
“Yeah ?”
“I heard that you love to draw.” He nervously rubbed his neck but kept his eyes on yours. “We could someday, you know, draw together while chilling in my room. If it’s okay with you of course.”
You shot him an indescribable glance and he suddenly felt so stupid for not using drawing as a way to bond with you sooner instead of the movie night. But he relaxed a little when you ended up shrugging.
“Why not.”
It was a start. He will not confess his feelings for now. It was way too soon. But he will certainly enjoy these moments with you. He will enjoy bonding with you and get to know you better.
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Anecdote : the Arabic proverb mentioned by Cypher is something the father of a friend once told me when I was a kid. It's stuck in my mind, ever since.
I'm not proud of the ending ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ But it's fine. It is just a test, after all.
I don't know if I'll post the part. 2. I'll most probably keep it in my drafts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you a lovely day/night.
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dilemma-danger · 2 months
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☆welcome to my blog!!!☆
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haii :D im ash!!!
my pronouns r he/they/it/bite :3 im also pansexual and a trans guy!
im a high schooler :P
i have tourettes syndrome, epilepsy, mdd, and anxiety
my sideblogs r @clearingthroat (vents/gore), @against-life-as-a-symptom (art, though i also post art here), @d1lemmaaa (kjrp), and @gerard-ways-right-sock (mostly made that bc there's a left sock blog lmao)
im also a therian!!! my theriotypes are a jaguar, a black jaguar, and a northern long-eared bat :] feel free to ask about them!
my blog is matching with my friend, @gay-little-freak!!
i went to one more time tour and saw ptv and blink-182 7/11/24
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i lovelovelove music!!! lots of different types!! i have my headphones on pretty much 24/7, you'll never see me with em off hehe
i have lots of favorite bands!! in no specific order, they're my chemical romance, pierce the veil, blink 182, hozier, green day, tv girl, lemon demon, system of a down, slipknot, leathermouth, frank iero and the cellabration, mailpup, salv the dog, s3rl, sodikken, weezer, ghost, femtanyl, insane clown posse, simple plan, fall out boy, and h3artcrush :33
my favorite genres r emo music and loudloudloud stuff that i can blow my eardrums out with!!!!
please send music recommendations x3
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my current and past hyperfixations:
fnaf, gore, cannibalism, lobotomies, mcr, olms, plushies, ranboo, dsmp (this was like 4 years ago don't execute me please), furries, dinosaurs
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#thoughts : my og posts!!
#horny for frank iero : uh. i think this one is somewhat self explanatory :')
#asks : any asks people send me!!! (please send me asks ily)
i started doing these after i started posting, so its technically not all of my posts.
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homophobes/transphobes, ableists, zoophiles, racists, incest, and other basic dni. that includes assholes.
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other random stuffs!!!
-my favorite color is neon green
-my favorite animals are snakes and olms
-pleaseee use tonetags im really bad at deciphering things lol
-i love to draw and make things!! i make a lot of kandi and cosplays. lmk if you want to see any of my cosplays :3
-i have a youtube channel with 17.8k subscribers!! i dont like giving it out, but dm me if you want it :]
-i collect soda tabs and plushies
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pictures of me, my killjoy oc, and blinkies/stamps below the cut!!!
this is me!!!!
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my killjoy oc!!!!
DILEMMA DANGER!!! (name by @gay-little-freak :3)
dilemma is mostly based off of me, so we're kinda similar!!
pronouns: he/they
gender: male (trans)
sexuality: panromantic asexual
he lovessss music, and he plays the guitar xP
he wears this a lot!!!
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this is what he looks like!!! i havent actually drawn them a full reference yet, i still need to. look out for that!!
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i roleplay as him sometimes!!!
whenever a post is him talking, itll be set up like this:
text goes here
-dilemma danger
sometimes it wont have the "-dilemma danger" part, but only if ive already stated it earlier in the conversation :]
he is a MAJOR crash king. he has a singular brain cell and he does not use it hehe
hes got sharp teeth and a dirty blonde fluffy mullet that usually covers his eyes.
he actually is very good at fighting, when he needs to be!!
hes tall and lanky and has a diagonal scar from his cheek to his nose from a clap with some dracs.
he hatesssss firefights and hes not very good at shooting, so he usually carries around a knife! he still uses his gun though, just not often.
he likes zone five the most and is debating finding a place there to live, but he currently lives on the cusp of zone three and four.
he does have a group, but im still developing them :]
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thanks for reading :D this ended up really long hehe
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apanwithnoplan · 11 months
Valorant Halloween Costumes
Cause why not
Brimstone: doesn’t dress up but hands out candy
Viper: mad scientist
Omen: was stuck with “cat” for third year in a row
Killjoy: Sapphire (matched with Raze)
Cypher: The man in the white van
Sova: wizard
Sage: Witch (third year in a row)
Pheonix: A Pheonix (his mum made it )
Jett: can’t go out and stuck at base (Phoenix brings her candy)
Reyna: Day of the dead outfit
Raze: Ruby (Matches with Killjoy)
Breach: Frankenstein
Skye: werewolf
Yoru: werewolf Hunter
Astra: Doesn’t do Halloween but likes the candy the duelists don’t want
Kay/o: doesn’t compute Halloween
Chamber: Vampire (not Dracula)
Neon: Pikachu
Fade: zombie
Harbor: seastar (Brings Astra Candy)
Gekko: Ash (from Pokémon)
Deadlock: doesn’t do Halloween but in it for the movies
Iso: Zuko (ATLA)
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thedeepstate69 · 1 year
Valorant sexuality nd gender hc’s
I’ve have so many thoughts abt val characters gender istg
(also maybe don’t take this too seriously)
Straight but the biggest ally you’ll ever meet
Angry gay
Very cis
Kind of the cool gay uncle
Raze came out to him and he just sat there like??
Breach: Lesbian? I thought you were Portuguese 
Raze: ...Breach I’m Brazilian 
KJ came out to him and it went smth like:
KJ: Brim i’m gay
Brimstone: Hi gay im brimstone
Straight but he’s for the gays
His pronouns are U/S/A (eagle screech plays in background)
Queer and homophobic in a way only Europeans can be
Bisexual perhaps with a side of genderqueer
Women lover
A she/they
Would cry over beautiful women
They are so nonbinary 
They/She/He Fade is so real to me
Also a women enjoyer just isn’t a fan of labels
Ace spec fr
Green hair nd pronouns
No one really knows???
He’s either very supportive of his bros or is somewhat fruity
Him nd Astra kinda goals ngl
My boy is made of 1′s nd 0′s i do not think he could care less
Her gender is science
Blue hair nd pronouns fr
My little silly
The voices
I told a friend of mine (who doesnt play val) that phoenix has two mums and she just looked at him and said “he looks like the type” ????
Bisexual but scared of women
The biggest women lover 
gender is whats in your pants??? alright *pulls out several explosives*
Men anti 
Trans, cottagecore lesbian
Aro Ace as fuck bro
Sex?? Romance?? nah mate the forest
Her nd dealock r in a queer platonic relationship 
*Rubs my hands together evily*
Trans, gay Sova
You can pry this hc from my cold body
Straight but still anti men
Homophobic homosexual ngl
Phoenix tries to show any affection nd hes just like >:0 thats gay
Ruben pontes nd Oran McEneff:
Both gay
My actual OTP
I get sad when I think abt them
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xhanelia · 1 year
Headcannons for how and what is going on in Valorant HQ pt.1
When special occasions arrive like christmas or easter egg, Chyper is the one that prepares all the little things like the eggs or the presents, decorations and so on. He is the one that makes agents excited for the special days.
HQ is too big that everyone got lost at least one time and either Sage or Brim needed to find them for like an hour and a half.
Then when KAY/O got into protocol, Killjoy made him learn the architecture of the HQ and now he is the one in charge if anyone gets lost in HQ (he gets grumpy all the time if this happens. "I am a killing machine not some kind of gps!")
When Fade sleeps, her room is covered by nightmare veins. Like demonic tree roots is coming from her and spreading all over the room. So she never sleeps near someone. (And when they have a long operation and need another day to complete the mission, she forces herself to stay awake with coffee. Its risky to sleep away from her safe zone.)
About sleeping, KAY/O and Omen does not sleep. In the nights, they keep company to eachother. And maybe to Fade too when she couldnt sleep from nightmares.
If Raze and Breach get near eachother, there is no kind of way to shut them up.
One time Raze blew up the kitchen when she was trying to cook and it started a big fire. Now she is banned from the kitchen.
Yoru has a sweet tooth. Idk why i wrote this but i really think he does.
Its forbidden for Neon to train inside the HQ because one time she accidantely made the whole HQ short circuit and it took hours to recover.
Cypher tecnically could hire a man from darkweb to kill Sova and get away with it but he just does not want to.
Chamber takes pride about being French and the teen agents makes fun of him because of this.
In the protocol, only Chyper and Brim can afford any of Chamber's custom guns. (Dont ask Cypher where did he get all that money.)
Viper helps out Sage and Skye if there is so many wounded people.
The most introverted in the HQ is Deadlock. Even Fade and Yoru was more open when they first step in.
Phoenix is the official heather when its winter time. Altough he is pretty hot by touch, he gets freezing cold when its below 10 celcius. (He is just paranoid theres no way he feels cold.) So you can only hug him because he wont take his coat or his hands off of the coats pocets.
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mezzy-1 · 1 year
A Bunch of WHOLESOME Valorant Headcanons
Damn I shoulda posted these a week ago but here goes. Also thank you to @eviethelesbian for coming up with the prompt. Gotta give credit yknow.
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Is always challenging people to race her or beat her in some way.  Competitive as hell but just likes the thrill of it
Misses her old home, but brought a lot of her mementos along and has a story behind every one of them in her room
She’s worried about her powers acting up, but Sage and Reyna helping her out has given her a little more confidence.  She’s grateful to both of them
Sleeps like a rock after a hard day, to the point where it's usually impossible to wake her and not get shocked in the process
Has big sister energy with most of the other young agents and lightly teases them if they lose to her.  Always lets people rechallenge her and may or may not let them win 
Complete menace to the fridge because of the calories she burns running so fast, but shares the food she preps.  
Gets excited when she meets dogs and will absolutely lose her mind if someone lets her pet their dog
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Despite being the leader and ex-military he’s not really harsh on any of the younger agents
They still hate him for the PT he makes them do, especially because he knows how to bring out the best of them.  
Usually it's reminding them about not letting someone close to them down, but other times it’s about proving themself
A lot of personal records have been set thanks to Brimstone, but the aches and pains from intense exercise are the price of hard work
He is always there for agents when they have self doubt or regret.  A hand on their shoulder, giving them some time to themselves, or a quick story from his ‘younger days’ that manages to provide some guidance
Him and KAYO sometimes take a few extra minutes after a briefing to go over ‘potential strategies’ or ‘advanced tactics’ but everyone knows it's for them to talk about something pleasant before getting back to work.  
When agents return from a successful mission and are unharmed, the look on his face is of pure relief
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A lot of her ideas come from something someone says or suggests, she’s always listening to people intently because of this
The chicken design on the turret was in reference to a chicken she kept after her school did one of those agriculture/biology programs.  She named it ‘Gelbie’ and the turret shares the name.
She may build her gadgets, but she prefers to have people weigh in on the colors (hence Raze helping her out a lot).  She lets people pick out some of the colors of things
She’s the tech support for a lot of people and likes using it as an excuse to get to know people.  Also has left notes for people who don’t understand tech as well, signed with little doodles 
Can and will outdrink other agents, and loves dragging people to go clubbing.  If whoever she brings isn’t the most social, she’ll keep close if they need it and encourage them to try dancing with someone
Huge nerd for everything and somehow part of every fandom.  Will definitely rewatch or replay things with fellow agents.  Enjoys talking about the nerdiest stuff with anyone 
While working for Kingdom, she’d hack the coffee machines and vending machines to spit out free drinks for her favorite coworkers.
Absolutely loves her jacket, and it was a gift from one of her friends back in Germany and she does her best to keep it in the best condition she can, despite the firefights
If an agent is a little shaken from the last fight, she’ll lay her jacket on them if they need it or if they’re sleeping.  She sees it as extending a bit of good luck.
Blushed a lot when Raze joined the VP and stayed up late to help her with any kind of work.  She’d make excuses for it too and try to avoid letting people see how red her face was.  It made it even more obvious
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Didn’t realize how serious she seemed at first and used to scare some of the younger agents, much to the amusement of Viper.  Apologized a lot after she realized it
Has moments where she drops her formality and everyone kinda stops what they’re doing.  When she isn’t restraining herself to monotone or quiet it’s really noticeable
Nobody knew she could laugh at first but it came out once.  It’s one of those really loud and tearful ones that she can barely breathe through.  Borderline snorting laugh
On occasion she’ll tell people how they remind her of her ‘sisters’ 
Will sit in with the other agents while they watch dramas and whatever else, despite her obvious confusion.  
Is blunt, but tells people what they need to hear to get things done.  Never leaves any room for miscommunication or anxiety at all
Understanding and observant with the other agents, and is often able to bring an element of calm to tense situations
Kept the tags of her Staljaeger unit and has them in a locked box in her room, along with a group photo
Enjoys doing her weapon maintenance because she can sort of lose herself in the work, but doesn’t mind doing it with others
Wears a ton of sweaters, like absolutely lives in those ultra-comfortable ones that are constantly warm
Gekko (+ Wingman)
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Wingman will grab people’s hands and try to lead them to things.  It’s always the fridge cause he isn’t tall enough to reach the handles
Wingy will bring things to his favorite people, and most of the time its things from Chamber’s room cause of how shiny they are
Neon loves that Wingman steals from Chamber and lets him into Chamber’s room for the hell of it
If asked to grab things by anyone other than Gekko, he brings the wrong item most of the time.  Cypher once asked for a soldering iron and Wingman brought back a minifridge that let cans and food everywhere
Dizzy passively floats in Gekko’s room like a helium balloon and is usually found on the ceiling.  All curled up and sleeping like a cat.
Thrash will follow a laser pointer around and yes there’s a video of it 
Gekko may not have a lot of battlefield experience but he’s always ready to charge in to save someone.  
He also gets along great with everyone by keeping things light and throwing compliments around.  Phoenix and him brighten up a room, and behave like brothers
Loves having dinner with the protocol, it feels like the dinners his familia would have 
Will attempt to do challenges from the internet with other agents.  Most of the duelists are usually game but getting Brimstone to try something makes his day
Discussed working with the protocol with his mom before leaving, and sends her little postcards from the places he’s visited.  The radivores sign them with paw prints
Will help people dye their hair no questions asked and knows all the places to get tattoos and dye in LA.  Loves showing his home to the agents.
Loves getting together with people and hitting up food trucks, doesn’t matter what kind of food either
Protocol Wide Headcanon
One time someone (Neon or Jett take ur pick) put a Jalapeno in someone’s (Harbor’s) food as a prank.  When he ate it no problem, that’s when some other agents chimed in saying that Jalapenos aren’t spicy.
This began a debate as to what is and isn’t considered spicy, and to test their theories more chiles, peppers, and habaneros were eaten.
This led to almost the entire protocol having a contest to see who could eat the spiciest food.  A lot of people were either trying to prove a point or show how tough they were
It got so heated that Brimstone stepped in, and decided to make a point as to who knows spicy food the best
He made a chili the next night that had people turning red, downing milk and chewing ice, and generally rolling around in pain
Undiluted spice hell
Brim said he used a family recipe and that nobody would ever be able to handle the chili his grandpa came up with
Viper had poured straight capsaicin into the chili the night before, she just wanted to stop the contest and since capsaicin is a neurotoxin she had a ton of it lying around
Brim still thinks it was his cooking
Now from time to time, small contests of spice tolerance break out over dinner but not enough to get the attention of the higher ups, fear of the chili haunts them
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paingoes · 2 months
Crash Out
(Content: drugs, noncon touching, physical violence, minor gore, allusions to past abuse)
The constant attempts on their life did not get in the way of partying. Music venues were a built-in part of the map Lorelai had constructed. She was still the one guiding their course. Even if she hadn’t been, Paris wouldn’t have objected. He needed somewhere to pick up from — and he felt less and less comfortable with the alleyway rendezvouses. They arrived at the function, outfits hastily assembled from the capsule they’d been living out of. Under the DayGlo light, it all looked the same.
In the crowded warehouse, they could enter and exit each other orbits easily; some invisible line existed to tether them. Lorelai hung at his side for a moment, clinging to his arm She pointed to something in the crowd, stood up on her tiptoes to speak into his ear. The music mostly drowned it out.
All he heard was “friends” and “middle school”. Nothing could have held his interested less. He nodded, pushing her gently in their direction. She disappeared again. He had his own mission there anyway — seeing how much free shit he could score by pretended he’d never heard of drugs. Everyone was so eager to be someone else’s first time. He found that he was enjoying parties a lot more when nobody there knew who he was. They’d believe anything the way he said it.
He was explaining to some stoners how he’d been born in a scorpions nest when the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He twisted around. The air in the room had become charged. It was the exact sensation that came when Delta’s collar clicked off — the impulse of overgrown psychic energy. He had only ever felt it in the seconds before cataclysm. His body reacted out of habit, anticipating the whole scene to be rendered into wreckage. But the feeling lingered without striking.
He knew intuitively that she was the source of it. She didn’t look any different than the others there, maybe a bit more muscular, a touch older. She wore fishnets over her legs and arms, just beneath the thin neon of her crop top and shorts. Her midriff was exposed; there was a bone piercing right through her belly button. Two long braids — pink and purple — went down her back and all the way to her knees. She danced carelessly, unbothered, bouncing up and down in between the clusters of people. 
Psychics weren’t that uncommon, but it was getting increasingly rare to see them walking around unfettered. All the higher level ones were getting snatched up for the war effort. The smart ones had made efforts to mask. Her aura wasn’t as overpowering as Delta’s had been — nothing was — but he could tell it wasn’t weak. Still, nobody else seemed to notice. He figured repeated exposure had just made him sensitive to it.
He went back to lying to the stoners, trying to ignore the deep instinct that told him to take cover. He got bored of them, taking the one-hitter they’d given him and moving on to find some new victim. In his drugged state, he almost forgot about her, his body gradually adapting to the sensation until he couldn’t feel it anymore. Then it returned all at once.
“Hey, cutie.” She grinned. He had been leaning back against the wall with his eyes to the crowd and still had not seen her approach until she was right in front of him. She leaned eagerly towards him, playfully running her hand along the purple plait of her hair. She was shorter up close than she’d appeared to be from across the room. There was pale makeup on her face, covered up with brighter hues. She looked like a clown.
Slowed down some by the high, he did not immediately pull away when she slipped closed. Her hands ran over his shoulders and along his chest. He gave her an unamused look. She had to be fucked up. To be fair, he was too.
“My name is Johanna,” she said it as if it was supposed to mean something to him. She didn’t stop touching. Hooking just his thumbs around her wrists, he pushed her hands off. She was undeterred, letting them hang limply in his grasp. “What’s yours?”
“Not interested.” He said.
“Ha! Ha ha. Ha. That’s a weird name.” Johanna winked. Her fingers brushed against the back of his hands, all curled up and poised like insect legs. 
“Can you leave me the fuck alone?” He was visibly uncomfortable. He was certain if he let go of her wrists, she’d try to feel up his chest again. It was fucking annoying. She had to be cracked.
She laughed. It was a low, wheezing sound. Her head rolled like it was about to come off her neck.
“You’re not the brightest, are you, Your Highness?”
Paris closed his grip around her wrists, immediately switching their positions so that it was her back to the wall. He pinned her arms above her head in a swift and practiced motion.
“Don’t. You won’t like how it ends.” He promised her.
She smiled as if in a daze.
It was his fault. He’d leaned in too close. She took advantage, headbutting him hard.
If his nose wasn’t broken before, it was now. He instinctively clutched at it. She took the opportunity to free her hands and shoved him backwards.
He was quicker this time than he had been, ready to brace against it. Her next hits fell ineffectively against the cage of his arms, missing his face. He swung at her just as she bent her torso backwards and drove her leg into his side. It was such an unnatural motion that he’d not been able to ward against it. He felt the full blow. She caught his outstretched wrist, trying to use the momentum against him, but it wasn’t a perfect maneuver. They both ended up on the floor with no clear advantage one way or the over. 
He drove his fist into the side of her face. She laughed stupidly, eating the punch. She crawled back up, almost quadrupedal in her movements. She punched him back. He didn’t take it well; he was already bloodied. His knee landed up into the tender spot of her ribs. She laughed again. Even over the music, he could hear it was pained. He kicked her further back. She caught his ankle.
Lorelai suddenly appeared, all hurry-scurry. She was trying to separate them as if it was a bar fight, almost like she’d been expecting it. He didn’t have time to be offended. In spite of the fight response that’d been triggered in him, he had the restraint to not strike out in her direction. Johanna didn’t. She seemed both annoyed and amused at the intrusion, like a good joke at a bad time. Just as Paris was getting to his feet, she swept Lorry’s leg out from under her, her grin enormous. She yelped in surprise, landing hard on her hip. Johanna made as if to stand and nearly got there.
He drew the sword on her. It didn’t matter that she was unarmed. She was an off leash psychic. He wasn’t about to play around with that. He swung it down, leaving a bright red slash along her torso. She fell back into the wall.
Screams, immediately. They’d been there before, but they only got louder after that. Johanna had seen him draw the sword, but she stared back at him with a dumbstruck expression, like she hadn’t expected him to actually use it. Lorelai shared in her surprise. He realized her scream had been among the many. Way to crash the party.
He pulled Lorelai off of the ground, making for the exit. His head was a mess of chemicals. Too easy. Too easy. He pushed the barn doors open, stepping out into the cool night air. Too easy. He walked further out into the night, far away from the warehouse. She’d been a psychic, but she hadn’t fought like one. She only used her body. It had almost been a bar fight. Why hadn’t she done anything else? What the fuck just happened? Who the fuck even was that?
“Paris, let go!” Lorelai’s voice cut through his thoughts with sudden urgency.
He looked down to find he’d grabbed her wrist instead of her hand.
He dropped it.
“You fucking stabbed her?” Lorelai screamed.
“Slashed,” he corrected, blinking back to reality, “She was a bounty hunter. She’ll survive.”
It surprised him how level his voice was. He didn’t feel it.
From the other side of the field, the barn doors creaked open. The music poured out from inside, then faded away as it was slammed back shut. He whipped around, anticipating some security force. The mafia, if they were really unlucky. But they could both make out her silhouette even in the dark night. Blood poured off her body in rivulets. She was walking again. She was supposed to live, she wasn’t supposed to walk.
“Get in.” Paris said, not taking his eyes off the approaching form. Lorelai scrambled up into the ship, slamming her keys in the ignition. The ship’s lights flooded the plain and the figure came into full resolution. 
She smiled. Beneath the slash in her shirt and along her midriff, the gore glistened and glowed. It moved all on its own. He watched as the strands of flesh crawled over the gap he had left inside. Her skin methodically stitched itself back up. She smiled wider as their eyes met.
Lorelai’s hand found his collar, roughly tugging him into motion. He was sure he wouldn’t have been able to move if she hadn’t. He climbed up into the passenger seat. The ship rocked from how hard he slammed the door shut.
But Johanna wasn’t moving with any urgency, not before or after the ship was in motion. He could still see her slow and deliberate approach even as they pulled away. She extended her left arm up. It shifted the flesh of her torso, disrupting the healing process. It must have been worth it to her. She waved them goodbye very cheerfully. Her smile didn’t falter for a second.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
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aftmostreaper · 9 months
Morning Memories (Cypher x Male Reader)
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Memories of what had happened swim across his mind as he makes breakfast
its been some time since i written somethin, but i still hope you like it
Fluffy and stuff:)
The morning sun shone through the curtained windows, seeping into the small kitchen where a man stood in front of the stove, humming to himself as the sun kissed his shirtless torso, the scars from his previous occupation littering across the surface. 
He smiles as he pours the pancake batter onto the heated stove, turning around to look at the clock as he waits for the side to cook. He taps his fingers on the countertop to the beat of a song lost in time, fond memories of his past as an agent working along with his crew swimming across his mind.
“So tell me, what made you want to join this protocol?”
The masked man in front of me asked as he moved his pawn forward, his gloved fingers dragging the piece across the board, his ‘eyes’ never leaving mine
I chuckled and moved my horse, raising the piece up before placing it down.
“I got a phone call from an old friend”
“Brimstone? Well, that isn't a surprise, but why did you agree in the first place?” 
He leaned in closer. Eyes still burning into mine. As he moved another piece.
I casually shrugged, countering his advance with a rook
“I have my reasons”
It was times like this that the man remembered fondly, the small times when he and his husband met and interacted and talked like normal people, calm and enjoying each other’s presence.
But not all memories are always positive. And in their line of work, there were not many.
The symphony of gunfire rang across the dry and sandy air. The sun blazing down along with the bullets. Radiant abilities were thrown and radiant tech was scattered along the site.
He held his gun close to his chest, ignoring the searing pain in his leg, he pressed the earpiece.
“Enemy Jett B site, got nicked in the leg. Hearing 2 more footsteps” he said through gritted teeth before pulling out a flash grenade “Flashing” he yelled and threw it into the air, the blinding light giving him cover to back away into Hall
“Need backup” but he was met with static “Fuck” he cursed and ran up to elbow. Catching jett off guard as she dashed up to the air and into site. It didn't take long before a bullet was shot into her head.
Ducking behind cover, he didn't have time to catch his breath before the screech of a hawk echoed into the air and a blinding light filled his vision. He gasped and tried to recover as more footsteps approached the site.
He held his breath, listening to the sandy footsteps, as he held his gun close to his chest.
That was when the familiar sound of the spike being planted pounded across the sand.
He was under the pressure of time.
“Coming up behind them through window”
The voice of his comrade echoed silently in his earpiece. Momentary relief filled his head as he threw another flash grenade outside the opening, a shot rang in the air.
“Skye down”
The beeping of the spike rang faster.
“You should run”
The enemy Killjoy placed her device, a sea of lights dancing across the walls as the neon dome formed above them.
“She is behind the radianite boxes, spike is in front of site”
Cypher’s voice once again echoed.
I nodded, pushing up to elbow, shooting at the nanoswarms littering around the spike. The beeping became faster as the lights pulsed quicker. 
I ran towards the radianite boxes, cypher ran towards the spike the diffuser in his hand. I pulled out my gun and swung. Crosshair pointed at Killjoy’s head, and hers pointed to mine. A second didn't last before 2 shots rang with the lights and beeps.
Blood splattered the sand as two bodies fell to the ground. The lights went dark, the beeping stopped and a loud shout echoed with the dry winds.
He was at the medical bay for a few weeks after that. The damage to his head was quite severe and Sage needed multiple sessions and healing orbs to try to heal his brain and head together.
And the person who stood beside him through the weeks and more months of recovery was no other than Cypher. His scarred hand is always there to guide his comrade back to full health.
The details were after a lot. Fighting, misunderstandings, and therapy for both of them and their pasts. But in the end, they still got together.
The man’s smile got softer as he added another pancake to the pile, His gaze drifting to the ring on his finger. The memories of the starry night bring a sparkle to his eyes.
“Amir” I looked up at him as I got down on one knee, my heart beating loudly in my chest as I fished out the red box from my pocket, opening it to reveal the ring glistening under the starry moonlight “Will you marry me?”
I hopefully looked up to his shocked eyes, realization quickly setting in as he tackled me to the ground, burying his head into my shoulder and muttering “I do” repeatedly before bending back to look at me.
The kiss we shared that night was nothing short of passionate and full of love. Eyes twinkling in adoration as we settled under the moonlight.
The wedding was small and sweet, the guests only being that of the members of the protocol and a few close friends and family members.
The honeymoon was….
The man chuckled to himself, touching the nape of his neck as he remembered the events that night. 
It had been years since they became a couple. Time passed by as they soon retired, having enough money to comfortably live on a peaceful farm in the countryside until death came knocking at their door.
But before he could dwell on those thoughts and memories. The door to their shared bedroom opened and a set of footsteps soon stopped at the doorway behind him.
The man turned around and looked at his husband, his mature features being kissed by the morning sun. A smile quickly grew on his face as he set the second stack of pancakes down at the table. 
“Good morning, Love” he greeted, Turning around to grab their morning drinks and setting them at the table.
He was met with a small and sweet “Good Morning” before the other approached and gave him a peck on the lips. They looked at each other’s sparkling eyes before kissing once again and sitting down at the table.
They ate their breakfast in relative peace, talking about what they were going to do the day and the days after. And that was when a notification popped up in the man’s phone, his smile quickly growing wider.
“What is it?” Amir asked as he took a bite from his pancake
“The adoption agency said that we could adopt her”
Hope you liked it, i just started playing valo again so yah:3
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redvolet · 2 years
Valorant Hunger Games
i was really bored so i made the valorant agents compete with each other in the hunger games simulator.
there was 24 places but only 21 agents so i improvised using wingman, a riot gun buddy and a frenzy. also mixed day 1/2 and 4/5/6 cuz i was running out of space. why can you only have 10 pics damn
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DAYS 1 & 2
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DEATHS: Phoenix, Frenzy, Fade, Cypher, Sage
tbh i wasn't expecting phoenix to die this fast 😭
the frenzy deserves it, i hate the frenzy
i hate breach i wanted fade to win
i like how the riot gun buddy helped brimstone, that's a real friendship fr
if someone was gonna explode another person i thought it should have been raze
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DEATHS: Kay/O, Brimstone, Neon, Sova
You is a menace. at least kay o died in the same place as brimstone, together forever ig
riot gun buddy should have let Cypher kill brimstone cuz is not worth it if the next day he dies the same way phoenix died the first day like.
what did neon do to have 4 people against her like that damn
Sova kinda deserved it
DAYS 4, 5 & 6
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DEATHS: Yoru, Omen, Skye, Raze, Astra, Gekko, Breach, Jett, Riot gun buddy
a lot of deaths omg
why does the Omen one seems a littleeee canon friendly
You totally deserved it
i would never expect that from Skye, she died without killing anyone too, i love her. i do expect it from Riot gun buddy tho
Raze is so me for that
Reyna killing 2 at the same time damn, she would never kill Gekko tho
Breach deserved it too
i like how Harbor protected Kj
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DEATHS: Reyna, Viper, Chamber, Killjoy
sad Reyna died honestly
viper didn't deserved that a lot, i hate chamber
chamber totally deserved but killjoy didn't, she didn't even kill anyone, i love her
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tbh i kinda wanted him to win but i didn't expect it first try 😭😭😭 but we all know he's the best, totally deserved
the code to this is ZcwcroPH if anyone wants to do their own valorant hunger games
bye ♡
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notaspectator · 10 months
valorant headcanons 5 while i stall doing anything productive: Omen is always fidgeting. Even on missions, he taps the side of his gun as they walk and never stops moving. This has, on occasion, ended poorly for him since he gets distracted trying to tap to a specific rhythm and gets swung and shot. Most of the other agents don't understand why Omen does it, as Omen has repeatedly stated this isnt because his anxious- on the contrary, Omen is the most calm when he's in high-stress fights. He doesn't really like the idea of getting shot, or anything, but it feels like his only purpose is to fight and kill for the protocol. He feels at ease when it is only him, his enemies, and one goal. Idle time only makes him think, and if there's anything Omen cant stand, its his own mind. Viper denies it, but she's awfully like a shitty mother figure toward Omen. Everyone sees it, because Omen often quotes her and shares many of her mannerisms. Omen tries to comfort wounded allies in fights by saying "You're still useful." just like Viper does to him. Viper has privately admitted to Brimstone that she regrets being so harsh with Omen. Omen doesn't understand that it isn't at all comforting. Omen can't really smell or taste very well, and relies very heavily on sight and touch (though his sense of touch often fails him when he's struggling to remain whole). Omen strongly prefers muted and dark colors and rough textures because it feels grounding. Smooth metal and plastic make him worry that he wont be able to keep his grip, and darker colors are easier for him to take in. Sometimes, though, he can vaguely make out a specific smell. He prefers the smell of meals being made- like what Neon, Cypher, and Raze would make. He isn't a big fan of sweet smells of things like desert, though. It, strangely, makes him queasy. It reminds him of some of Viper's poisons. Cypher hates the smell of blood. He's shockingly squeamish for someone who was familiar with street-fights and tending to his own injuries privately before VALORANT. Sometimes, after a mission, even if Cypher's been shot, he'll flee far away because he knows he'll throw up and he doesn't want anyone to see him without his mask when he does. Sage hates that Cypher hides when he's wounded and fears that someday it'll get Cypher killed. Cypher is pretty sure he'd rather die and never come back than to risk throwing up with his mask on. Omen has a love hate relationship with nighttime. He likes being able to wander around the empty halls, but at the same time, he can't stand how quiet it is. Despite everything, he finds himself unbelievably lonely every night. He lingers in the workshop's of the nightowls of the protocol; sometimes Killjoy, sometimes Cypher, and sometimes he'll just sit with Fade. He doesn't really talk, but they all know that Omen is happy to just sit and listen. Killjoy finds this behavior unnerving, so Omen usually just lingers by Cypher because Cypher is the most keen about talking to the ghost and rambling on while Omen watches him work. Cypher has urged Omen out from time to time while he works on more sensitive information, though Omen really doesn't know why Cypher bothers since Omen couldn't care less about whatever Cypher's working on.
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para-socialist · 3 months
hello i am so curious about your ocs :3c
HI DEN thank u so much for asking!! sorry it took so long to answer lol
when i say “my OCs” sometimes i am talking about guys i have written 50k words of content about and sometimes i am talking about guys who only exist in my head LMFAO
my oldest OC i still think about regularly was originally a killjoy oc based on billie joe armstrong. here is vintage art i made of him (circa 6th grade age 12)
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but then i think i changed his personality and appearance so much and then also changed the lore of the world he’s in from the danger days universe so much he kinda just became his Own Guy. his name is Saint he’s a traumatized bisexual himbo 👍 he’s missing an eye and he has a cat 👍
i can’t see myself ever properly writing something about him - like, this is one of those things where it’s very much just something that lives in my head. i love the world building i’ve done though idk!! i just don’t know what medium i would ever want to tell this story in :(
but basically america is fractured into like, city states all with varying levels of dystopia and fascism, with what used to be california controlling most of the country. most of the cities are surrounded by walls with armed guards and no one can get in or out (with exceptions) and the areas between the cities are completely lawless and self governed and have various Dangers depending on what happened there during the war that fucked up the country.
there’s a spot in the mojave desert that’s basically a dumping ground for anyone california deems a threat to the government. they’re tortured for information (or publicly just to make an example of them), experimented on, and then left to die. saint is one of these people but he’s found in the desert by a girl named neon and they have fun chaotic bisexual adventures in the wasteland while they try to get to vegas
you can see why this is never being published it’s very derivative and me personally i think it’s obvious that the idea was originally conceived by me when i was 13 lol. fun to think about though
anyway i’m talking about this and not the actual novel i’m writing because this is so much more interesting. and i have not been doing much writing lately and i have completely changed the plot and focus of it within the last few months to the point where i’m just stressed when i think about it. and i think i need to just write a New Thing instead of trying to finish something i started 3 years ago.
but it’s following a guy trying to figure out why his famous folk musician ex fuckbuddy bought his childhood home and then burned it down with himself in it. he’s doing this by going around the country and trying to get the full story from people who were close to his ex. except a lot of them are dead or insane and hated this guy who is now dead and can’t defend himself.
i. i was going to end this here. but i found something i thought i forgot about.
my fucking 90s boy band OCs i made as a joke and then fell in love with
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but i’ll put a read more because this requires SO MUCH EXPLAINING and i have a lot of pictures
how do i even start. so basically when i was like 17 i was planning on being a music journalist. i was going to major in communications at portland state university and then covid happened so i never went to college. i was planning on starting a music blog and i was like oh i need practice writing about music. what if i uh. what if i made a fake boy band and wrote a bunch of fake interviews and reviews about them???
so it was kind of a role playing thing with a bunch of friends but we weren’t role playing as though we were the characters. we were making album covers using sims. we were telling the entire story of this universe through like, fake interviews written with our characters and writing, i shit you not, entire wikipedia articles 10k+ words each about each of their albums and tours.
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here is their lore from what i remember.
Chester Coleman (left): gay. outed circa 2004. guitarist. the only one who ended up sort of normal
Cliff Coleman (middle): lead singer. scientologist. homophobic but eventually reconnects with Chester. he ends up being assassinated i’m not sure why i think i just wanted to kill him
Clive Coleman: token emo. heroin addict? i think he dies too? leaves the band to become an actor and make weird avant garde films that are all a metaphor for him being nonbinary. he has twins whose nicknames are Reef and Beef????????? you can see why i eventually had to stop doing this it went off the rails. however i have two screenshots of him from the sims that i think are the best screenshots i’ve ever taken
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also he played drums he was actually soooo cute can you see i like making tortured musicians.
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i never actually played the sims normally with them btw i spent HOURS on all these screenshots though. i also made animations so i could make music videos and fancams. what a strange period of my life. how could anyone have known i was mentally ill
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poison’s very good danger days fic list after aprox. 1 yr in the fandom. (and only spending 4m of that time reading anything bc it’s got the attention span of a bumblebee.) (all on ao3, i dont have the spoons to link them all rn) (i think several of these are really popular but theyre also good so we should be celebrating)
Angels From The Neon, by The9thDoctor
The first Danger Days fic i read on a whim, did not read the word count and got completely caught up in it and had to read it twice again the first time i read it. Singlehanded fucked over my interpretations of Party Poison for the rest of my life. Also fucked up my brain chemistry. I don’t remember much that happens for Reason + i havent read it in forever. 
One shot, but 44 thousand words
Understanding a Car Crash, by Magazine_Immortals
Emotions like a car crash. Short and to the point. I think about this specific fic at least twice a week at this point. 
One shot
doesn’t all have to be destruction, by spellingbee
My favorite danger days multichap fic. I love this fic so much. I cannot stand nor put into words how much i love this fic. Party Poison x Jet Star and theres superpowers. I will say nothing else except that this fic has better plot and characters than big films with multimillion dollar budgets. 
Multichap fic, long novel length
The Science of Sleep, by chimneythunder
This one!! Oh my god this ones neat, its got like a trope/plot thats been used loads but it does not feel tired in this and doesnt lower the stakes. Very solid as a story. Frank is the main character, and it starts before the Great Fires of 2012. 
Multichap fic, novel length
We Stole the Fire and its Burning Bright, by demondogs
Party Poison in the zones with a supernatural twist (the magnus archives [the fear entities]). This also fucked how i think of poison, i cant untangle them from this fic for this life of me. So many different feelings poured into a 7,967 length fic. If i can never write something that makes someone feel the way this made me feel there js no point in existing. 
One shot
I Believe We’re the Enemy, by Test_subject_306
Uhh probably the most angsty one on this list (possibly rivaled by doesnt all have to be destruction, but that one has balance) follows frank and is pretty funpoison centric. Angst. I thijk ill cry if i think abt it for too long. 
Multichap, long novel
A Spark Set to Flame, by turps
The vibes in this one are phenomenal. Im pretty sure its their origins/coming into their own as killjoys. Pretty tense & great dynamics
One shot, fairly long
Ones either in the process of getting to or have downloaded to read: (which i think are all multichap but im not sure)
don’t tell me to rest in peace while you’re still picking the bones of my memory, by omegalomania
Draculoids Will Never Hurt You, by sassbandit_were_duck
In Sand Dunes You Are Walking, by Alenoriana
the rise and fall of party poison, by KilltheDJ
Playground Eyes, by spellingbee
We’re All Just Born To Descend, by cedarbranch
And everything else by spellingbee and cedarbranch (unless by some evil twist of fate i wind up disliking we’re all just born to descend)
*also dont forget to read tags if you need to, several of these also have tws per chapter. Im sensitive to about 1 rare thing so i do not pay attention.
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i23kazu · 2 years
valorant found family brainrot below: disclaimer: these are all my personal hcs. if you disagree, please just move on :^) they may be very ooc also im very new to valorant so some things i say may or may not be canon. pls dont hate huhu
ok i intentionally made the young adults abit more kidlike FOR A REASON bc they make my brain go weewoo in a very very good way.
firstly – roles!
• dads of the year go to cypher and brimstone. cypher can be a gentle dad and he's usually the comfort / gentle dad that the younger agents like. brimstone tends to more of the discipline / also comfort side of being a parent, but its safe to say that both dads can switch roles easily. the agents love them :) (also the voiceline from the killjoy-cypher interaction talking about the dark web makes my brain go to mush.)
• moms of the year goes to (obviously) sage! and more distantly viper and reyna. i love the idea of the other two being more mentor-like towards some of the agents – like viper to raze and reyna to jett and killjoy. i read about it somewhere and i'm not sure whether it's canon but its defo fanon in my mind. sage is #1 mommy (heh. sagemommy69) and she's genuinely so gentle and loving its unreal. it hits harder for jett because of the whole omega-alpha counterpart venice confusion thing that left her and her bio mom's relationship cut off.
• uncles include breach, omen, chamber, kay/o, harbour. the tough love uncles: breach, chamber, sometimes omen. i can see kay/o and harbour being uncles that offer a bit more TLC when people need it though. i like to think that killjoy and chamber have a somewhat okay relationship because of them being brainiacs <3 again im not too sure what's canon and what's not but this just made sense in my head
• aunts include fade, astra and skye! i was debating on whether or not i should put skye as one of the moms but she defo gave me more of a big sister/aunt vibe so she's here. fade is one of the agents that the younger agents can talk to about their problems – she's more down to earth than anyone else and can often get phoenix and jett out of their heads. astra has a super comforting vibe but i love the hc that she can do really good girl talks with the female agents. and skye is just comfort. she lets neon and jett play with her wolves :D
• second to last; sova gets his own category because i wasn't sure where to put him – as a kid or an uncle? but i realised there was a middle ground hehe. therefore, i give him the burden of being the oldest sibling – the innate nature to protect and care, but also the longing to be cared for the way he does for others. all the younger agents regularly go to him for advice because of his calm, cool and collected nature! he also just generally gives good advice while instilling confidence in his younger siblings teammates.
• lastly, the kids <3 phoenix, yoru, jett, raze, killjoy, neon! i loveloveLOOOOVE the idea of the five being siblings since they're all relatively close in age – yoru albeit reluctantly, i think. phoenix and jett get along so well ; a bit too well, the older ones think. they're often up to pranks around headquarters and regularly get raze onboard, and neon likes to tag along with her squish-squish attached to her hip. yoru begrudgingly takes care of the younger ones like killjoy and neon, although killjoy protests that she doesn't need his protection. (yoru does it out of his respect for reyna.)
secondly – more headcanons!
cypher knows how to do the girls' hair because of his daughter.
brimstone has a soft spot for the younger female agents (/p) and often lets them out of training early, much to phoenix's disdain.
sova gives HELLLAAAA good advice!!! plus he's literally free-flow confidence. he oozes confidence to his teammates.
cypher can cook really well and often makes dinner.
astra loves sitting down with her girls and talking them through whatever problems they have.
secretly, yoru goes to reyna to talk to her (get comfort) when he wants to (when he desperately needs validation from a parental figure)
harbour and breach both train the younger team!
when missions go well, brimstone and sage treat the whole team to a good meal.
when neon gets nightmares, the #1 person she goes to for comfort is cypher!
yoru also likes to hang out with omen because #emobois support group is definitely a thing
sage tries to get jett and raze to read more as a pastime but that usually fails. because the both of them cannot sit still for the life of them
skye and sage try to get everyone to sit down and have a meal together every week bc team bonding! but ofc that doesnt always happen bc of how tired the agents are from their missions.
sometimes neon feels left out bc of how young she is compared to the rest of the agents — even the younger group :,) ♡
the team likes sharing songs from their native languages!!!
also hc that cypher knows how to speak multiple languages and once he heard neon listening to pano by ZT and he just went “sweetheart who hurt you”
and neon is just shocked bc tf???? dad knows how to speak my language??? yes he does hes a cool dad
sova sometimes gets torn between the whole needing to protect and wanting to protected and the parents definitely give him the option sometimes when he looks so burnt out
sage loves talking with him because of how reliable and collected he is and she loves to give him advice when he needs/wants it! (ofc, he defo asks for it)
cypher uses a lot of petnames!! sweetheart, darling, dear, etc <333
brimstone’s knows all of the agents favourite foods and he tries to cater to everyone’s likes for dinner at least once a month bc the smiles on their faces are #worthit #loreal #becauseyou’reworthit
honest chamber is just there and viper just. does not vibe with him. she tries to leave the room when he enters but i love the hc that once he tried to kabedon her to stop her from leaving but she flipped him around and kabedon-ed him instead. then left like the girlboss she is
skye takes over the medbay healing when sage needs a rest!!!
also i think sage and omen’s relationship is slowly getting better but i like the idea of them being able to communicate without talking. just body language — nodding heads, eye contact, head pointing, etc
reyna trains the agents very hard but she also gives good breaks!!
once she tried to squeeze neon’s shoulders because the girl was clenching and neon yelped. turns out she’s not a massage person yoru is though and he goes to her when hes alone (/p)
game nights!!! phoenix beats everyone and got cocky until he played with omen and omen TRASHED him. so bad to the point where yoru started patting phoenix’s back out of sympathy
riot please just give yoru a good support system he needs to work out his anger issues and aggressiveness
brimstone and kay/o can often be seen hanging out together i like that
kay/o tried knitting once and hes not bad at it! just that it was too tedious and now he has a half done scarf in his room.
raze and cypher like to bake together :) <3 (theres a fanfic about this on ao3 but i cant rmb the name)
harbour is the second agent the younger ones go to for advice, next to sova!
also movie nights. when they watch horror movies, fade can be seen putting a palm on whoever’s knee to comfort them a little bit :,) its her own way of loving others
ok this is getting very long i’ll make a part 2
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punk-baby-moved · 1 year
all of the killjoy cg mood boards I made! (with photo IDs for each one which is why it's under the cut)
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Party Poison mood board
[mood board ID: there are nine photos all in a grid pattern with a red, yellow, and blue gradient background.
The top three photos in order from left to right: A picture of a lizard plush with a blue body, red head, different patterned legs, different colored paws, and three different colored shapes on the body; an orange square, a red circle and a green triangle. A picture of some crayons with a bright filter over them. A fabric pattern that is rainbow blended waves with white stars over it.
middle three photos from left to right: a red kandi bracelet with the word "baby" on a white background. A picture of Party Poison, played by Gerard Way, with a white background. A red, yellow and blue kandi bracelet with yellow and red star shaped beads that says "poison".
bottom three photos from left to right: a picture of comics stored like how you would find them in a comic store. a picture of The Girl's boom box. a picture of a blanket fort lit up with fairy lights. /.End ID]
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Fun Ghoul mood board
[mood board ID: same layout as the party poison mood board this time with a neon green and black gradient background.
top photos left to right: multi-color black light reactive paint splatters on a black background. Spray paint cans with multi-color black light reactive paint splatters on them. Green glow in the dark plastic bugs.
middle photos left to right: A kandi bracelet with green star shaped beads, black round flat beads with white stars on them and the word "gremlin". A picture of Fun Ghoul, played by Frank Iero, from the Na Na Na music video. A green, yellow and black kandi bracelet with black and yellow stars that says "Ghoul".
bottom photos left to right: glow in the dark stars stuck to an all black ceiling. A green black light reactive cassette tape labeled "classic UFO hunter". Blue and pink neon lights of shooting stars on the ceiling. /.End ID]
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Kobra Kid mood board
[mood board ID: same format, black, red, and gold gradient background.
top photos left to right: a lot of brown/tan/clear cassette tapes in front of a red background. Someone holding a red electric guitar with stuff drawn on it with sharpie. A screen shot from the movie Mary Poppins, it's the measuring tape and it says "Extremely Stubborn and Suspicious".
middle photos left to right: an orange, red and yellow bracelet with round beads that says "Da Bomb" on a white background. A picture of Kobra Kid, played by Mikey Way, from the Na Na Na music video, it shows him sitting in the car (the trans am). a red and black kandi bracelet that says "kobra" on a tan background.
bottom photos left to right: a cut off photo of a yellow music record playing on a yellow record player. Two red converse tennis shoes with unreadable words on them with a grey background. a red, yellow, and black crocet snake plushie on a white background with a hand hoilding up the head. /.End ID]
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Jet Star mood board
[mood board ID: same nine photo layout with a gold, medium blue and dark blue gradient.
top photos left to right: A blanket fort with star shaped fairy lights in it and a purple filter put over it. A corner of a bed with a star plush, a light blue night sky themed pillow, a yellow crocheted blanket and dark blue sheets with little gold stars printed on them. A line of star shaped fairly lights in a dim room.
middle photos left to right: A kandi bracelet that has silver sparkley beads, glow on the dark beads, iridescent blue beads and says "moon light" with a star shaped bead in between the two words. A photo of Jet Star, played by Ray Toro, turning their head to the side with nature, like trees, in the background. A kandi bracelet with blue and black beads as well as glow in the dark star shaped beads, the words on it are "Jet Star".
bottom photos left to right: A dark blue fuzzy blanket with shiney gold stars printed on it. Two MAM style baby pacifiers, both are blue with stars or night sky images printed on the front buttons. A lava lamp with light blue and dark blue stuff in it, gold stars are printed on the outside. /.End ID]
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Show Pony mood board
[mood board ID: nine photo layout with a three different color blue gradient, ranging from medium blue to very light blue.
top photos left to right: a pair of roller skates being worn, they sparkly medium blue with sparkly green wheels, one of the skates is lifted up slightly from the heel side. A blue themed makeup pallette with blue, silver, and white eyeshadow colors. A photo of medium blue glitter.
middle photos left to right: a blue and light purple kandi bracelet with two sparkly clear star shaped beads on either side of the word "Dreamer". a picture of Show Pony, played by Ricky Rebel, skating down route guano from the beginning scene of the Na Na Na music video, the background has a blue sky and a road behind them. a bracelet with round purple and blue beads and blue star shaped beads, it says "Dream on".
bottom photos left to right: a photo of white and very light blue mini peal and glitter mix. A blue and white tiger plush from the TY Pluffies line, it had medium blue stripes, light blue base, and white cheek fluff, ears and paws. Different colored blue nail polish, top down view with all of them open and some spilled nail polish around the bottles. /.End ID]
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Dr Death Defying mood board
[Mood Board ID: same layout, with a light and dark brown gradient background.
top photos left to right: an LP vinyl record playing on a brown record player. An old radio microphone that says "on the air" on it above the main part. a panel from an old comic book that shows a cartoon-y explosion with the word "boom" over it.
middle photos left to right: a green, dark brown, light brown and tan bracelet, the green beads being wooden, the bracelet says "bug". a picture of Doctor Death Defying, played by Steve Righ, holding a phone up to his ear and looking somewhat concerned. A bracelet made out of different sized gem stone or rock beads.
bottom photos left to right: an original Polaroid camera. a tan beanie baby bear with a brown ribbon tied around it's neck and brown fussy ears. a pile of cassette tapes, the photo take in a top down view all of them are black with neutral colored stickers on them. /.End ID]
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Vaya and Vamos mood board
[Mood Board ID: same layout with time with a half and half blue and pink gradient.
top photos left to right: a pink spotted white puppy plush from the TY Pluffies line on a light pink background. two makeup pallettes right next to each other, the left on being pink and the right one being blue. a blue spotted white puppy plush from the TY Pluffies line on a light blue background.
middle photos left to right: a bright pink and blue kandi bracelet with the letters "xoxo" on it with a heart separating the XOs. an image of both Vaya and Vamos from the True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: California comic, Vamos is on the left with a light pink back ground behind them and Vaya is on the right with a light blue back ground behind them. Two kandi bracelets one with a bunch of different shaped blue beads and the other with a bunch of different shaped pink beads.
bottom photos from left to right: a light pink and white marching band jacket with little stars printed on it in front of a light pink background. a picture of a lot of Starburts mixed together but there's only two colors, blue and pink. A Blues Clues letterman jacket with medium blue for the main part and lighter blue for the sleeves and accents on a light blue background. /.End ID]
and that's all of them, if you read through all of those IDs thanks, and I'm hoping that they're helpful to people :]
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[Picture ID: A banner that says "DNI if you sexualize age regression" DNI standing for Do Not Interact. It is shown in big white text over a purple space background with a drawing of the Sanrio character Cinnamorol wearing headphones and sporting a purple mohawk /.End ID]
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mezzy-1 · 1 year
Agents Reacting to Deadlock Joining the Valorant Protocol
Another of Evie’s headcanons that I’m slowly but surely going to do some more of and hell, probably more of my own stuff.  Thanks again @eviethelesbian for the ideas!
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He ran up to meet her at first when she got released from the medical wing after being stabilized and allowed to walk around the premises
When Thrash appeared behind him, she panicked and grabbed a nearby kitchen knife to defend herself
Gekko had Thrash revert to a globule and instead grabbed Wingman to show Deadlock that there was nothing to fear
Wingman waddled up to her and kicked him away 
Gekko’s reassurance didn’t work and she called him childish for keeping the radivores around and made it clear she wanted nothing to do with them
In his eyes, she was being cruel and he didn’t let her off the hook for reacting with hostility
Neither tried to back down in this confrontation and it was broken up only by Killjoy insisting Gekko go to Neon for training and that she needed Deadlock’s measurements for the prosthetic 
Afterwards, she would often consider killing Gekko’s pets if she saw them.  The only thing stopping her is the retribution from the protocol
They hated each other for a while, passively avoiding each other and trying to keep their distance as much as possible
It wasn’t even that they got off on the wrong foot, they have fundamentally different philosophies a wedge issue
Wingman is used to wandering the headquarters, and whenever she sees him she can’t help but remember the events at the facility 
She and Gekko didn’t have respect for each other and a mixture of Deadlock’s trauma and Gekko being unaware of this meant they would continue their conflict
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Her and Iselin are on a first name basis, but initially she was a hesitant to get to know Kirra
Because of the animals she could create, Iselin initially thought that there was some kind of tie to the radivores 
Then when out hiking, she met Kirra and to be accommodating Kirra dismissed one of her summons
Additionally, Kirra and her started hiking together to let her get out of the facility.  It was Kirra’s idea because she knew Wingman never leaves the building if Gekko is inside
Both of them bonded over a shared love of nature and also from working out together.  Iselin could easily see Kirra being on the Staljaeger team and that gives her some comfort
When Kirra showed her ability to heal, Iselin got somewhat intrigued by the regenerative process.  Both of them were thinking the same thing
They attempted to regrow Iselin’s arm, but it wasn’t effective and both walked away with with disappointed looks
That evening they both apologized to each other one of the overlooks on their typical hiking path.  They agreed that it was nobody’s fault and they just got their hopes up too much
Iselin trusts Kirra with her life, and has even asked for her to produce the totems before so she could see how they worked.  Kirra being able to influence them fully and use them as an extension helped Iselin’s anxiety
The pair like each other, enjoy each other’s silence while hiking and have deep respect for the other
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When Deadlock woke back up at the HQ, Sova was in the room with her and one of the first faces she saw at the Protocol
Sova’s understanding nature and general compassion helped to ease her during some of the initial shock
Also there was a lot of gratitude towards Sova because of him finding her and taking her to medic immediately
When she received her first active mission, it was with Sova
Yeah they have a lot of sibling energy, but weirdly nobody can tell which one is the older sibling
Example: Sova will absolutely have no idea what’s going on if he zones out in a briefing and Deadlock will grab his attention 
Other Example:  Iselin will completely focus in on something so intently she’ll forget things around her and Sova will remind her 
She’s literally forgot one of the fingers on her prosthetic before, back when it was being adjusted
They’re both capable, mature people but together they have no brain cells 
Also drinking buddies, especially cause Sova isn’t a lightweight and neither is she so they take their time sharing progressively funnier or sadder stories
Deadlock and Sova don’t use first names though, which is strange considering how close they are
The ‘thumb incident’ at Sunset is the perfect microcosm of their entire relationship.  They are basically brother and sister and have no shortage of loving and confusion for one another
Deadlock feels safe around him, and trusts his judgment when things get difficult and she needs a confidant
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Her and the Protocol were on ok terms and the Radiants there convinced her that Radiants were just human, and above all could be dealt with if needed
Fade was another matter entirely though, as she not only had Nightmare but also the knowhow to blackmail Valorant.
It didn’t exactly help that Nightmare fed off of Iselin’s fear at times, tendrils and sinew crawling up her while she dreamt
Fade noticed the Prowler she let around sniffing around Iselin’s room and when it took the appearance of a bear she decided to investigate
Iselin’s terror had been sent into overdrive by Nightmare, visions of the Landfall facility and the bear leaping out at her, severing her arm 
She woke up to Fade holding back Nightmare and shaking Iselin awake
The two didn’t talk much before, but seeing as they needed to have a discussion about what happened they retreated to Fade’s room
Fade explained to Iselin that Nightmare fed on fear, and the stronger the fear the harder it was to control and Iselin confronted her about keeping it away from her
What made this difficult was the fact that Fade knew Iselin was still holding on to enough terror that it would haunt her regardless of what Fade did
That’s when Iselin decided she was done with the constant nightmares, and because Fade was the only one who could help she was basically forced into triggering an episode
Fade and her held hands throughout the ordeal, Nightmare coming within inches of the two but Fade reassuring Iselin it couldn’t harm her if she controlled her fear
After about an hour, Nightmare couldn’t get energy and slunk back into shadows.  Iselin and Fade just kinda talked about what happened at Landfall after that
The following morning, the two shared some coffee and began talking more.  Very goth kid meets jock kind of relationship
Since Fade saw Iselin at her most vulnerable and kept it between them, Iselin feels at ease around Fade more than she lets on.  The two of them keep the other emotionally well
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