#kim young woong
whumpetywhump · 3 months
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Begins ≠ Youth - Ep. 4
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justforthoughts · 2 years
Ah. But I love them.
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Vincenzo - Nutria/Park Seok-do
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Vincenzo - Tak Hong-shik
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Vincenzo - Gwak Huisu
The thing I love the most about Vincenzo is the chemistry between every character and not only the main leads. These are some of my favorite relationships which are just not talked about enough. I'm here cheering them on.
I realize it's two years late but I just love them so much.
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Happiness (Avis)
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stuff-diary · 1 year
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Bloodhounds (2023, South Korea)
Director & Writer: Kim Joo Hwan (based on the webtoon by Jeong Chan)
I'm gonna be honest: I'm not usually a big fan of these type of movies/shows and I only started this one because of the wonderful Woo Do Hwan. However, color me surprised, cause I ended up loving Bloodhounds. Sure, this story has been told a million times before, but the bromance, the incredibly lovable characters (and incredibly hateful villains!) and the showstopping action scenes take this show to the next level. I'm telling you, it's a really enjoyable experience.
On top of that, the cast absolutely delivers. The show is filled with knockout (pun intended) performances, there's not a single weak link. You can tell just how hard these actors worked to prepare for all the fights and action sequences. Oh, and I can't leave out Kim Joo Hwan's propulsive directing, which left me breathless in several episodes. I do think the final scene cut off way too suddenly, and the sort-of-time-jump in episode 7 is also rather awkward, but I guess it's understandable, considering all the trouble the show went through during post-production. Anyway, Bloodhounds took me by surprise, and I think most people who like action movies/shows focused on hand-to-hand combat will love this.
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somanykdramas · 10 days
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GENRES: Comedy, Romance
SUMMARY: An irresponsible dad, excommunicated from his family for years, returns to make up lost time and lost love.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Perfectly manicured puppies, web novel pseudonyms, financial conspiracies, arson, office apartments, feathered hair, toddler tae kwon do, chaebol romances, guilt, heavy responsibilities, love on your own terms, and the joys of adult freedom.
HOT TAKE: This is a silly show that goes down easy and is a perfect chaser for some of the more tear-inducing dramas that have the same weekly time slots.
Everyone is absurd in their own way, the plot mystery is just interesting enough to keep you guessing, and the writers don't take anything too seriously which lets everything play out slow and smooth.
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youmarin · 1 year
"The Smile Has Left Your Eyes" rant.
*Spoilers below*
Gotta get it off my chest. Mostly bc I hurt for Kim Moo Young .
I read the series summary and I was like, "Mmm okaaay there's gonna be trauma here." To be honest I didn't think grandly of him during the first episodes. Actually I didn't know what to think of Kim Moo Young. A very goodlooking mf who's a loner. He grew in an orphanage after the incident and well he seemed to care for the nuns there but that was it. He didn't let anyone close or felt anything for anyone (the closest thing before things developed was that coworker of his but even they didn't appear too close to be called friends? idk).
Until he overheard that conversation between Seung Ah and Jang Woo Sang, he didn't seem to do stuff that would make him go out of his way. He seemed to be looking to entertain himself even at the cost of other people's well being. That was because he normally was numb minded. He didn't understand people's behaviour, like for example, why people "had" to do things they didn't really want to do. So when he taunted Seung Ah (even though it must've been uncomfortable. I felt like that watching it), I thought, "He's being quite an asshole, but maybe that's his way to try and help her step up for herself?". Think about it, things are never as easy as just saying it. She thought she couldn't get herself out of that situation but Moo Young didn't see things like that. He saw things differently. And so he was like, "If you don't wanna do it then don't." Simple as that.
Seung Ah fell for Moo Young because of that. And I don't think she really loved him either. She was clinging to him to escape her own life, one that was mostly decided for her and that she didn't want. (Plus they've "known" each other for like 2 months. C'mon.)
Still at this point, Moo Youngs motivations regarding Seung Ah were obviously messed up. "I wanted to know what drives a rich girl.", the whole bunch of lies, working up people for the fun of it. I wasn't a fan. He really gave an uneasy feeling (and with that face too. I was like, "Damn he's so fine but something's really wrong with him. Can't say I like him but I don't unlike him" lmao). And all that game got two people killed (which of course he didn't plan on it to end like that, and it was her fiancé, speeding and being drunk off his ass that didn't even bother to press the breaks before they crashed. ). But feeling nothing over it? Something's up up there in his head.
Same with Lim Yu Ri. He keeps her from ending her life and she catches feelings (he collects broken girls and broken girls love him 💀). He learns she's on a tough spot with another girl who's extorting her. And he intervenes again and helps someone who's also clearly not in her right mind to commit murder. Moo Young stands and watches. And then goes and cleans it up. ( 🚩❗)
Seung-Ah's and Jeong Mi Yeon's death were not his doing. Directly. But he did stuff that lead to that end. And still, no remorse, no guilt. Nothing. Again, technically he didn't do it so why would he feel those? But well, any other person would, wouldn’t they?
It's understandable and logical for Jin Gook to be a worried brother and not want Jin Kang near him. Oh but wait! Jin Gook might know the guy! From way back when he was a little boy! He's aware of the great possibility that Moo Young might be actually the son of a criminal he accidentally shot to death more than twenty years ago. And that Jin Kang and Moo Young's pasts are linked. But Jin Gook is scared for Jin Kang and more scared for himself to face the past and burst the bubble he's been trying to keep for so long (though it's still eating him alive).
Unfortunately for him, Jin Kang falls in love with Moo Young and for her, Moo Young decides to try an be a good person and stop acting as he had been until then. With her help.
"Promise me you'll be a good person." "Then teach me."
And he starts getting curious again about the past he'd forgotten about thanks to (funny, huh) the car crash he was in with Seung Ah and Jang Woo Sang. And what does Jin Gook decides to do? Stab. the. guy. A police officer. Oh and after calling Moo Young a murderer, a devil and everything he could come up with. Talking big when he had also killed someone (be it an accident, that the person was a murderer and that he might've ended up sentenced with death anyway, it doesn't take away that he killed someone).
And then everyone at the station being normal about it?? "Oh there was no report." Nobody investigated shit. Tak So Jung saw the footage and still did shit about it. But that also lead to Moo Young seeking the doctor (the doctor who let go an amnesic 7 year old boy from a hospital alone to who knows where with nobody to take care of him. Just relying on chance, "Maybe it'll be better". Like some sort of study subject.).
More questions were brought to Moo Young. The only thing the doctor could tell him was that his father fell to his death. But he knew that wasn't it because every time that the memory came he saw and heard a gun fired. So he goes to where they say his father died, finds his house (that scene when he's inside the house and the memories come back full force that he falls to the ground. Ok, kill me now that was so intense.) And he finds out that his girlfriend's brother is his father's killer. Now, how can he tell her that?
He goes back, he's angry, he has to know the rest. He breaks into Jin Gook and Jin Kang's house. Finds an old missing child poster with his picture in it. Then he reaches out for help with Jang Woo Sang's older sister (from the people he got tangled with in the beginning and that Jin Kang had stopped him from getting involved with again. And Jin Kang had told him that those people were capable of anything. Honestly didn't get that woman's deal. She was really a bitch who loved nobody and loved toying with people. Girl, get a life won't you. Mind your business.) He asks for a gun and breaks in again into their house. When Jin Gook arrives he sees Moo Young's shoes in the entryway. And he admits that he shot his father. Moo Young asks why and tells him he ruined his childhood and family. But was he really going to shoot him? I don't know. I really want to believe he wouldn’t shoot him. Because Jin Gook is important to Jin Kang. And I know he said a couple of times "You're just you to me." Which basically I translate to "The hell with your brother." (plus he stabbed him. I have resentment over that lol. Like, what was the reason?).
But I'm glad we didn't see that happen (for Moo Young. The grudge again 💀). Later he finds out that the story he had made around his drawing, the sole clue he was left with for a long time was actually not true. His dad, who he thought had in a moment searched for him, was not a police officer (that was Jin Gook, in fact), it was a murderer. A murderer who killed his mom and two others (when I heard about the other two people that's when I realized, "Ok those are Jin Kang's parents" and the idea that popped into my head when Tak So Jung told Jin Gook "If that's the boy you were searching they can't be together.", that Jin Kang and Moo Young were siblings, was wrong. But they scared me for a sec. with that. I was like, "Hell nah I love SIG but what's up with his dramas always having smthn (the age gaps in Café Minamdang and High School King of Savvy? Mostly the Minamdang one. Don't get me wrong I still loved the shows but there was that fact that eek! Aand now incest? Pls no. And thank GOD it wasn't. Phew 😬😅😂)
Continuing, Moo Young feels disgusted (for someone who barely felt anything now he feels this great love for Jin Kang and is so troubled with all the things he's found out, and the things still left for him to know) and that it now makes sense his way of being. The Dr. tells him his past and his father's doing have nothing to do with him and that he's an example of that.
"You're just you."
The "I love you" text. She knew he was in pain.
"Are you really ok with who I am?" "I want to be born again." 🥺💔
"To be born again you have to live in a warm house. A warm house smells like warm rice."
And when she got burnt and he was so worried and it brought another piece of the puzzle of his memory. He and Jin Kang had been together all along.
(Also that scene of them comparing their scars? I was not okay.💔) "They look like a map. And we followed that map to get here."
But he got it wrong and believed they were siblings (also bc of that lying bitch of Jang Woo Sang's sister. Honestly I didn't think he'd believe her. He always was so "Don't trust people, people are nothing." So clever, used to lie and play around like that that I thought he'll ask for proof or something. But that was how he remembered it and well the bitch hadn't lied to him until that point so oh well) and couldn't tell Jin Kang because he loved her. But not the way a brother loves a sister. And how could he tell her that yes, your dad is the same as mine, a murderer who killed our mom and two more people. And even when he found out that thankfully they were not siblings he still didn't want Jin Gook to tell her anything because still the truth wasn't much better. His father killed her parents.
And then Kim Moo Young commited murder trying to protect Jin Kang when he didn't have to.
"I killed someone when I felt human the most."
Jin Kang unable to believe it and breaking down saying he couldn’t have done it, that he couldn’t even stand seeing a bird or a fish hurt. Because she knew him better than anyone. He truly was sensitive.
How Moo Young hugged Jin Gook (See that? No need for hurting him more, man.) Left him a note. Signed with his real name. 💔
"When I met Jin Kang I was able to breathe again." 😭
And when she pointed a gun to her forehead his façade vanished.
"Go back."
"To where? You've been there from the start."
The fucking ending. She made him admit that he wanted to live right before that mf came in and shot her first, that being the last thing he saw, breaking his heart one last time before he was shot and died too.
How she didn't get to say "I love you" back. He only got to say it while he was dying and she just texted it to him. And it was probably the first time he remembered ever saying it to someone. Like when Jin Kang asked him if he had ever really liked someone and he said, "you."
How in the beginning he was the one who looked over and treasured Jing Kang but no one looked over him for so long until she came around again years later without remembering him and finally showed him love.
(And how it was her voice now that woke him up from the nightmare/memory.)
I hated that they always kept Jin Kang in the dark. Like, tell her something pls. Enlighten the woman too. She died and never got to know the mess that made Moo Young break up with her. She missed so much. Trying to protect her that much ended bad.
How different would've been things maybe if Moo Young also had had someone like Jin Kang did. (?)
If Jin Gook had told them everything!!! Instead of being so against them. Moo Young made mistakes but he then tried (and it really showed in his eyes how he instantly regretted it when Jin Gook treated him like that. Because he wasn't doing it for him, he was doing it for Jin Kang.). And Jin Gook was always like, "You can start afresh" (even though he always carried his grief and regret but still, he tried to believe that but apparently that didn't apply to Moo Young or wtf).
Loved, loved, loved the scene when they first slept together, how full of love and how they couldn't help their laughter because of how happy they were at that momemt. All the times she squished his face. So cute hahah. And when he carried her inside his house. How she helped him make his house a home. He didn't even have a single glass because, what was the need for those things? He's the only one who's ever there.
And that scene when he's looking at the night sky and cries and Jin Kang appears there. "How didn't I know? There are so many beautiful things in the world." And then the shot shows him lying there alone. I don't have a heart anymore, this show stepped on it and shattered it. 💔 It was so sad but such a beautiful scene.
When she told her smthn like, I hope you always have things like plants to water and food you have to eat before it spoils and that those stuff cling to you and all that. For him to keep living and enjoying the simple things. Things that in the end they didn't have the chance to live for. 🥺🥲
Other stuff that ended me:
"You planted love in her heart". "I don't believe it but I hope it's true."
"You protected her with your tiny body." "Now I feel proud of my big, ugly scar." (And this got me thinking how he protected her back then and then she did the same and took the bullet for him. But in the end both got burned and both were shot 💔💔💔)
And the songs "Lost", "Star". Loved them. And "Hidden Memory" (again, that whole scene).
Anyways, great name. I have puffy eyes thanks to this drama. The smile left me eyes.
I'll edit this if something else comes up in my head later but I had to write all these so I can process what I just finished watching yesterday evening.
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ourfanthings · 9 months
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Man from the Equator (2012), ep. 07
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novelswithariana · 8 months
How come no one thought that a pink bunny in a Killer's video is odd is beyond me. But I have to admit they are building the suspense pretty good. Right now I am leaning toward Mr. Lee being connected to The Killing Vote more than Ji Hoon. Doesn't mean I have striked out Ji Hoon's name. But Professor was right, it's suspicious how Moo Chan is so closely connected to the case.
Another question I have is that who the boy from Professor's drawings is? The boy is in every drawing but we don't know anything about him. Also from where did Jin Soo recognize Mr Lee?
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realllllmew · 10 months
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Believer 2
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may8chan · 2 years
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Believer - Hae Young Lee 2018
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fluffyyewon · 7 months
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Characters Relationship Chart
cr: tvn.cjenm
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Bloodhounds (2023-)
🎬Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.
📝On the edge of your seat kind of stuff. You will love it if you didn't like John Wick, and you will also love it if you loved John Wick! The first two episodes are about setting the scene so stick with it. It's really a fantastic show. It's a teen story, an adult story, and a superhero story. It's really a very good and original show and I highly recommend it.
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day6source · 1 year
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🌙 𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙍𝘼𝘿𝙄𝙊 𝙒𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙡𝙮 𝙂𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 26 (Mon) Jungsu & Gaon of Xdinary Heroes 📺 27 (Tue) Kim Jaehwan 📺 28 (Wed) Dongheon of VERIVERY & Jeon Woong of AB6IX 📺 29 (Thursday) Ren 📺 30 (Friday) Hashtag 1 (Sat) HiFiUnicorn 2(Sun) Young D ————————————————————— ☑️ This week's open studio will be held Monday-Thursday. ☑️ Without prior consultation with Kiss the Radio and the agency We don't accept gifts from you. —————————————————————
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k-drama-thoughts · 4 days
The Dude in Me
Dong Hyun (Jung Jin Young) is a high school student and Pan Soo (Park Sung Woong) is a member of a criminal organization. In an unfortunate accident, Dong Hyun slips from the roof and falls on top of Pan Soo. When the two men wake up in the hospital, they discover that their bodies have been switched! Trapped in each other's bodies, will they be able to carry on with their daily lives?
The Best Things About This Movie:
Jung Jin Young was flawless
Park Sung Woong was equally delightful
Being told you're handsome the way you are
The ensemble
I'll give it a 4/5. There were so many ways this script could have gone gross or creepy really quickly, and it avoided all of them. Instead, you got a fantastic story, exciting action fights, and some really endearing moments of family. Absolutely recommend.
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stuff-diary · 9 months
Night Has Come
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Night Has Come (2023, South Korea)
Director: Im Dae Woong
Writer: Kang Min Ji
I've been obssesed with the Mafia game for years, so I was really excited when this sort-of-adaptation was announced. But tbh, it's nothing extraordinary. While it's very fun and it keeps you glued to the screen, it's also very silly. What's more, pretty much all the characters are incredibly dumb and frustrating. Although I have to say that's part of what makes the show fun. You just can't help but stick around to see how these characters mess things up even more. Hell, they make so many stupid decisions that I actually found myself screaming at the TV more times than I'd like to admit. Some of the twists did catch me by surprise, but the ending was... not good. I had already guessed the writer would pull something like that, but it was actually worse than I expected. Anyway, Night Has Come isn't good, but I had a fun watching it and it kept me entertained, so that's something.
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somanykdramas · 9 months
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GENRES: Romance, Supernatural
SUMMARY: A wandering Silla-era soul decides to get centuries-old revenge on the woman he loved more than anything in this world.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Boot-cut jeans, heroic rescues, orphan firefighters, amusement park trips, worried lawyers, bad parenting, good parenting, steely looks, supportive roommates, living room ponds, grief, monks, lotus seeds, and learning to love your enemy.
HOT TAKE: This wasn't a spectacular show overall, but the historical flashbacks were so so much better than the modern-day mystery they supported. There's just something about Kim Young Dae with his romantic steely looks and silk noble robes that sells it. Conversely, I think Pyo Ye Jin made a better Seoul citizen than someone from the past.
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