#kimber tag
rhinco · 28 days
stop here to get absolutely SNIFFED
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you may now resume your regular scrolling
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kkolg · 2 months
I recently thought abt this so
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Here’s a basic idea of them
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He’s a great father /vlh
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imkarkalicious · 1 month
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some of the expression memes ive done for characters from my friends and i's RP !!!!
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clankie4life · 3 months
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Surprise, it's Emmett's birthday and he's celebrating it with his kids! This is a VERRYY late post meant for Father's Day.. sorry haha. Also, ignore the terrible anatomy 😭😭
If you want more canon stuff of these lil guys, all the character designs are based on IDW's Jem and the Holograms Issue #15!
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onceupona-crossover · 7 months
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buster (transformers: super-god masterforce) & kimber benton (jem and the holograms) family moodboard with themes of mother and son, music, and hot pink
requested by: anon
- mod merida
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dinerfries · 1 year
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national cat day aggie art
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kujo1597 · 5 months
Alright! I’ve updated my fanfic. Posted some silly doodles after much frustration at Tumblr being a functional website. Bought a really cool Chun-Li action figure. Time for Jem! This is the last of the episodes that were originally Super Sunday shorts. It gets pretty crazy and it’s an entertaining way to pave the way for the full series.
When we last left off Eric hired a private detective named Malone who found Synergy. And after her highly advanced security system failed he smashed her with a chair. Now, I’m no Private I. but I feel like you shouldn’t be smashing the thing you’re supposed to be investigating.
Before you click on that Read More you should know that I not only hit the 30 image limit but I also embedded three videos. So this might be a slower load than usual.
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Synergy contacts Jerrica to tell her that there’s an intruder and she along with her sisters spot Malone leaving Starlight Drive-In. Synergy projects a disguise on them where they look like cute old ladies.
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D’awww look at them.
They follow Malone to the Bureau of Records where the self proclaimed greatest detective asks for the ownership records of Starlight Drive-In. Come on man, you must know who owns everything else with the word starlight in it.
Greatest detective my ass…
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That’s okay because Eric has no idea either. EMMETT BENTON GAVE YOU HIS COMPANY CALLED STARLIGHT MUSIC IN HIS WILL! Eric! Jesus!
Anyway, Malone proposes the idea to Eric that Jerrica and Jem are the same person. But Eric brushes him off because he’s seen Jerrica and Jem together. Malone says that’s weird and tells Eric that there’s something spooky going on. And also tells Eric that he’d better hurry up and pick up the machine in the photo because it’s currently blowing a couple fuses.
Because he hit the machine with a chair.
Malone is very good at his job.
Jerrica and her family walk into where Synergy is kept and see that she’s in pieces.
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But it’s okay! Synergy’s actual security system was pretending to get smashed by a chair. Upon seeing that Synergy is actually fine Jerrica tells everybody that they need to hurry up and move Synergy out of the drive-in.
Meanwhile we see Eric in a truck with Zipper and a new guy on their way to pick up the mysterious machine.
It is now a race against the clock to disassemble Synergy and load her up into a truck.
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They pulled it off just in time. Eric is mad that he missed his opportunity to seize something important to uncovering who Jem is.
After bringing Synergy to Starlight Mansion they reassemble her. It takes a bit for Synergy to boot up, much like an old computer, and her first action was to turn Jerrica into Jem. And this leads us into the first music video of the episode.
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She’s Got the Power. I like this song! I enjoy this music video. It’s a good time. It makes Synergy look really cool. She fires a bow and arrow made out of fire, sets off explosions, makes rainbows come out of her hands. And other neat stuff.
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Let’s see what Eric and the Misfits are up to. Roxy is complaining to Eric and saying that he needs to do something. Which he does. The battle of the bands is coming up soon.
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During this “conversation” Ashley knocks on the door and lets herself in. Pizzazz immediately starts criticizing Ashley, Stormer appears from… somewhere off screen. Ashley says that Pizzazz was never her friend and gives the $30 up. Pizzazz takes it without hesitation. And don’t forget guys, that was Stormer’s money. Well, she’s probably never getting it back.
Eric walks up to Ashley and asks who she is. Roxy calls Ashley a useless Starlight Orphan and this excites Eric. He’s hatching a plan and it’ll use Ashley. Eric sends the Misfits out of the room. Stormer didn’t leave at first but Pizzazz makes her come along.
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We cut to Starlight Mansion where everybody trying to figure out what to wear. One of Kimber’s choices is Shana’s dress. As much as I ship Kimber with a certain blue-haired Misfits I actually don’t think she would look great in dark blue. Kimber has a handful of blue outfits but they tend to be on the lighter side. So I think Kimber should pick something else.
I really enjoy these lighthearted moments where everybody’s joking around and just having a good time. My big four year writing project might make you think otherwise, but I do enjoy levity.
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The phone rings and it’s Ashley. She asks Jerrica to help her and says that she’s trapped. Of course she’s in Eric’s office and he tells Jerrica that Jem and The Holograms can’t perform and that Jerrica can’t tell anybody about this or else Ashley will pay the price.
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After the commercial break (Did the short end with the phone call?) we see the band discussing the kidnapping. Jerrica tells her sisters that she’s not going to tell them what to do, but she’s going to meet up with Eric. Naturally everybody says they’ll come with Jerrica and this is when Rio knocks on the door. Jerrica tells Rio that they need more time to get ready. But Rio knows something up with Jerrica, they are high school sweethearts after all. But Jerrica insists and after a sigh Rio leaves.
Shana says that he could have been a big help but Jerrica doesn’t want to risk Ashley’s safety.
A quick change into Jem later and everybody heads out.
We cut to the Music Bowl and hey-
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*squints* Nah, those are probably cardboard standees. Moving on.
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Wait no. What? What is going on? Those aren’t standees! Cosplayers maybe? News broadcast talking about the event. And then we see a garbage truck getting loaded up and crushing things in it with menacing music. Hm. Let’s keep this in mind.
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Eric dumps Ashley off with the Misfits and Pizzazz both has no patience for kids and is really mad at Ashley so she suggests sticking her into a trunk until the contest is over. But Ashley won’t take this lying down! She slips away from Roxy and Pizzazz and the two of them chase her all over the room. But unfortunately Roxy manages to catch Ashley and Pizzazz grabs her feet. They toss her into the trunk. Stormer isn’t too keen on this idea.
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Pizzazz and Roxy leave but Stormer stays behind to calm Ashley down. Sadly before Stormer can let Ashley out of the trunk her bandmates return. They pressure Stormer into leaving Ashley behind. She looks heartbroken but decides to go with them leaving Ashley alone and yelling for help from Stormer.
But she won’t be getting help.
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Oh look, it’s my favourite person. And Pizzazz is flirting with him again. She says that Jem’s not coming to the competition.
Ah! Sudden image quality boost! Anyway, I decided to embed the last two music videos of the episode. I knew from the beginning that I'd embed Jem's song from this competition but I decided to embed this song as well. I wasn't going to because these posts are so image heavy and I don't want them to take fifty years to load for people.
I really like this one. It’s one of the few Misfits music videos from this batch of episodes I find myself returning to somewhat frequently. Pizzazz’s singing voice was provided by Ellen Bernfeld who did a really great job. I praised Britta Phillips in the last episode recap and I need to give Ellen props too. We get a better showing of her abilities as the series goes on. She really captured Pizzazz’s attitude and energy. A perfect casting. All the musicians did great work on Jem. I applaud them. The backing vocals in Taking It All are also really good.
One of the things Pizzazz takes is Rio. She can have him. Haha, kidding. God that relationship would be a fucking disaster and everybody around them would get dragged into their fights.
Or maybe it could be like multiplying two negative numbers together and how that makes a positive number. Their awfulness cancel out and somehow turn into something really good. But that is extremely not something that would actually happen.
Besides, at this point in the story Rio is still a decently solid guy.
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Okay, now to catch up with Jem and The Holograms. Eric sent them to Starlight Drive-In. Jem’s pretty angry that Eric kidnapped one of her girls. Remember, six months have passed since the first episode which gave Jerrica plenty of time to form a connection with Ashley. It probably isn’t much of one considering how Ashley’s been feeling during these last six months. But it’s enough to make Jerrica protective.
As everybody guessed it is a trap. Ashley isn’t even here. But Eric, Zipper, and his goons are.
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After demanding to see Ashley and not getting her Jem elbows Eric in the chest so hard that he collapses. It’s great. Good on her.
She tries to make an escape, leaving everybody behind, and Zipper pursues her on his motorcycle. He eventually catches Jem who had ditched her car. And Synergy starts shouting out Jem’s real name through the two-way communicator in the earrings. Thankfully Zipper is on a loud-ass motorcycle so he can’t hear Synergy. Jem removes the earring and throws it like a shuriken.
I wish I could say that she was throwing it at somebody as a weapon. But alas, no.
After the commercial break we see Eric going over his plan to win by default. What a coward, he’s not standing with his band. He doesn’t have faith that they can win on their own merits. And maybe at this point in the story they can’t.
And why is that? Well, the original concept for The Misfits was that they suck. They can only get sales and beat Jem by cheating. If you listen to the audiobooks you’ll get a lot of this. Constant telling kids that The Misfits are a garbage band. Which honestly makes me feel bad for the kids who watch the cartoon and do like their music. It’s basically telling those kids that their tastes are trash and that they should like Rude Jem instead. Fortunately in the show The Misfits actually improve as a band and become a really talented group with a ton of excellent songs. The Misfits actually put work into their craft and it shows. Stormer does most of this work. But still! They don’t need to cheat later in the series. They just have fun doing it. It makes them feel more like rivals and I wouldn’t be surprised if this shift was to actually legitimize them as the rival group.
Plus you know, I’m sure a lot of budget went into the music for the show and they probably didn’t want to pay musicians to sound terrible. Even these early songs are still well performed.
Tangent over. We see the Misfits exit the stage and Howard Sands explains the applause-o-meter to everybody. And the Misfits did pretty good.
Eric states the stakes to Rio and Danielle and Rio knows that Eric pulled something to keep Jem from performing.
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He grabs Eric by the collar but Howard breaks it up.
Now we cut to the drive-in and Zipper tells one of his goons, the fat guy we saw earlier, that he shouldn’t open the door. No matter what happens.
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And back to the battle of the bands a forklift is hauling the trunk Ashley was locked in. And for some reason this perfectly good trunk is set to be demolished by the garbage truck from earlier. What’s wrong with the trunk? Why are they destroying it?
Anyway, deep down Stormer isn’t a horrible person so she shouts out that Ashley’s locked in that trunk and Rio pulls it off of the forklift before Ashley meets her end. Rio lets Ashley out and she tells him Eric’s plan. Howard tells Rio that he only has fifteen minutes to rescue Jem. Though judging by the audience even fifteen minutes will be too much of a wait.
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Back to the drive-in, there are less cuts in the rest of the series, thankfully, and Jem hatches an escape plan. She makes sure with Synergy that she understands. Because boy howdy is it ever complicated. I'm going to link to it here so you can watch it too. (Assuming it's not blocked in your region.)
Oh god, this makes me laugh every time. Okay, first part of the plan, LIONS. They start screaming about lions being in the building and Synergy projects a pack of lions running towards everyone. Zipper is understandably freaked out by them and runs to the door screaming. But Dumbo isn’t opening the door, he’s following orders. Then part two of the plan, remember that earring Jem threw earlier? That’s being used to project a bunch of cops at the drive-in. So now Dumbo is panicking and trying to get inside. But Zipper is trying to get out.
Unfortunately Synergy’s specs aren’t as good as she claimed because the cops vanish. But not before Zipper sees that the girls have escaped.
Part three of the plan. Project Jem and The Holograms in a random place to distract Zipper as the real ones run towards the door. I think. Well, the door is fake so maybe the Holograms trying to escape were fake too. This is hard to follow. Zipper and his goons run straight into the wall. And now for sure the real girls are trying to escape.
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We know this is the real people because Zipper grabs Kimber’s arm.
I don’t know if this was part of the plan, but Synergy makes Jem, Aja, and Shana look like Eric Raymond and they tell Zipper to let Kimber go, and when he doesn’t they throw a crate at Zipper.
Now more cops!
But Dumbo isn’t falling for it this time!
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Oh wait, this is a real cop and Rio. Dumbo gets put in handcuffs and Rio enters the warehouse. I’m just going to call it a warehouse. He sees everybody just calmly sitting around. They greet him as if nothing’s happened.
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And hug and a kiss later Rio tells Jem that the contest is about to end. She takes a second to pick up her earring before they drive off to perform the last song of the episode.
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Well first I have to point out that Rio is driving a police car.
When we see the stadium Howard is telling everybody that Jem won’t be performing because she didn’t arrive on time. But wait! We hear the beautiful sound of Jem singing. Eric is extremely unhappy.
Music is Magic is really good. Really really good. Please do listen to it.
I recently watched an interview with Britta Phillips and she talked about how when she was recording for Jem she was quite young and her singing voice was loud and high. The director for the singers, sorry don’t know the term, kept asking Britta to sing louder and higher. And she had trouble with some of the songs. But she nailed it almost every single time. It’s impressive as hell. Like, damn she knocked it out of the park as Jem.
To nobody’s surprise Jem wins the contest. The applause-o-meter completely fills up. Even if the Misfits were written like they’re actually a good band with real musical ability they would have lost. That high note Jem hit sealed their fate.
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Stormer and Roxy are in shock and honestly kind of dejected. But Pizzazz is their leader and smacks them on the shoulders and tells them that they are going to get even some day.
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With the triumph at the battle of the bands we cut to Starlight Music. Jerrica and Rio go up the elevator to celebrate her victory over Eric.
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But wait! Eric is in the office! Jerrica demands to know what he’s doing there. And also wonders how he isn’t in jail. Eric says that lawyers can do amazing things if you pay them enough. And then well, I’m embedding the video because getting a screenshot will be very difficult.
He backhands Jerrica in the face and she falls to the floor. Rio is not going to take this sitting down so he punches Eric square in the jaw and sends him flying. This scene didn’t air in every country and I totally get why. We have a grown man smacking a teenage girl in the face. When I make my other Jem posts I take screenshots from the uploads on the Jem Italy YouTube page and noticed that this scene is missing from those uploads. So I’m guessing Italy is one of the countries it was cut for.
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And we end the episode on a high note. Jerrica and Rio embrace while looking out at the city. Jerrica vows to make Starlight Music something that he father could be proud of. And then the couple kisses.
That’s where the Super Sunday shorts end. Boy, what a ride. The main series gets a little less crazy than this. It still has its moments but it’s also overall a lot more grounded. I hope I do post these more frequently because at the rate I did these first five episodes it’ll take years for me to do the entire series.
Hopefully in future recaps I won’t be pushing my fanfic as much as I have been. Though that being said it did earn a couple Kudos since I started posting these. So it has gotten some attention. And I did start doing this to get back into the Jem fanfic writing mindset. And it's helped! A lot! I'm basically done writing that darn wedding.
In the next recap you guys will see an improvement in how the characters were drawn. The show looks a lot less janky and some characters get some redesigns. Some more drastic than others.
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panur · 8 months
Ok but a jem fanfic collection that's just a series of reddit posts
The misfits AITA and nuclear revange posts
Jerrica and Kimber's /relationship ones
someone please write this and @ me I need it in my life XDDD
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gypsybelladonna · 9 months
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tag drop for kimber kingston
0 notes
rhinco · 3 months
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hey have you seen this thing. now you have
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kkolg · 3 months
Abyss - Scraton
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nightospheresims · 2 years
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Planet AxA 2021 Collection (For The Sims 3)
Sooo i converted (almost) all of the clothing items in the axa 2021 pack! Some of them come with patterns, others are just solids. The only item not included with this was the joseph crop. The body was super hard to delete in blender for some reason so i just kinda.. gave up. Maybe ill be able to convert it one day when im not shit at this. Anyway, info for each is below the cut this time cuz it's super long.
Let me know if there's any problems (aside from those mentioned in the notes). Enjoy!
06/10/2024: got rid of the option to download everything merged, as it was causing crashing when sending sims to university. If you don’t already, please make sure you have the individual files downloaded, and not the merged one!
04/14/2023: Updated the bottoms and got rid of all the holes. They should now move seamlessly with the thin/fat sliders. I updated the names of the files that i fixed, as well as the merged package. Please delete the old ones and redownload!
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all of these meshes and textures were made by aharris00britney and ayoshi. These aren’t mine, I just converted them. Full credit to them. 
original post
@katsujiiccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds​ @pis3update​ 
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af alice blouse
1 recolorable preset w/ 1 channel
af avril top
7 presets; first 6 nonrecolorable, last 1 recolorable w/ 1 channel
af chloe jeans
everyday, outerwear
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
af ciara pants
everyday, outerwear, career, athletic
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
af hailey shorts belted
everyday, athletic, outerwear
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
af isabella shorts
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
af jasmine corset
everyday formal sleepwear
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
af kimber top
everyday formal
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
* contains a small tear in the right shoulder during animations sryy
af lou sweater
everyday outerwear
7 presets; first 6 nonrecolorable, last 1 recolorable w/ 1 channel
af olivia skirt
everyday formal
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
af sydney top
everyday formal
1 preset w/ 1 recolorable channel
am aiden shorts
1 recolorable preset w/ 1 channel
*may be holey on big morphs*
am angel top
7 presets; first 6 nonrecolorable, last 1 recolorable w/ 1 channel
am anthony polo
1 recolorable preset w/ 2 channels
*may clip with some bottoms*
am brandon hoodie
everyday, athletic, outerwear
7 presets; first 6 nonrecolorable, last 1 recolorable w/ 2 channels
am cameron pants
everyday, outerwear
1 recolorable preset w/ 1 channel
*small tear on left side of hip during animations. srry. for some reason the bone assignments are screwed on all the male pants :/*
am elijah jeans
everyday, outerwear career
1 recolorable preset w/ 1 channel
*may be holey on big morphs*
am gabriel jacket
everyday, athletic, career, outerwear
1 recolorable preset w/3 channels
am isaiah shorts belt
1 recolorable preset w/ 1 channel
am nicholas sweater
everyday outerwear
1 recolorable preset w/ 1 channel
4K notes · View notes
felidae-rook · 7 months
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I haven’t stopped thinking of Borrasca since I first read it a while back. I hope this art finds the author that I somehow gained the courage to tag in this post.
I hope anyone who sees this will enjoy my take on Sam, Kimber, and Kyle.
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wonderlanddreamer · 3 months
Busy Being Shelbys.
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[1919] Garrison Lane, Birmingham.
In the shadow of giants, six year old Lydia Shelby proves that courage comes in all sizes.
[Part of The Lydia Saga]
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The cobbled streets of Small Heath were alive with the sounds of a bustling day, a cacophony that painted a vivid picture of daily life in this vibrant part of Birmingham. Market vendors bellowed their wares from behind wooden stalls, their voices competing with one another in a bid to attract customers. Freshly baked bread, ripe fruits, and an array of colourful fabrics were just some of the treasures on display. The air was thick with the mingling scents of fresh produce, roasted meats, and the occasional whiff of coal smoke from a distant factory.
Children darted through the maze of adults, their laughter ringing out like the sweetest music. They played games of tag and hide-and-seek, their joy unburdened by the worries of the adult world. The rhythmic clip-clop of horse-drawn carriages added a steady beat to the day's soundtrack, while the faint clink of glasses and the murmur of conversation drifted from the open door of the Garrison Pub, where patrons sought respite and camaraderie.
Among the children was Lydia Shelby, a striking figure with her bright blue eyes and unruly dark hair that framed her face in wild, untamed waves. She was a miniature replica of her older brothers, though her features still retained the softness of childhood that had long since been etched away by the harsh realities of life for her siblings.
Lydia was lost in her game of hopscotch, her delicate leather shoes tapping out a rhythmic pattern against the uneven cobblestones. Each leap and skip seemed to lift her further into a world of her own making, where the only things that mattered were the chalk-drawn squares and the simple joy of play. Her giggles rang out like tiny bells, echoing down the narrow street and adding a layer of innocence to the otherwise gritty surroundings.
The market's vibrant noise began to fade as an unspoken tension gripped the air. Conversations stilled, and the clatter of commerce dulled to a murmur. Heads turned and eyes widened as a sleek black car, polished to a mirror shine, rolled to a stop in front of the Garrison Pub. The vehicle, an imposing presence amidst the horse-drawn carts and pedestrian traffic, seemed to absorb the light, casting an eerie shadow over the cobblestones.
A hush fell over the street, the silence broken only by the creak of the car door as it opened. Billy Kimber emerged first, his sharp suit impeccably tailored, accentuating his lean, muscular frame. His eyes, cold and calculating, swept across the scene with the precision of a hawk. He moved with the confidence of a man who knew he commanded respect, his very presence a silent threat.
Behind him, his men followed, each one a mirror of their leader’s predatory demeanor. They fanned out, creating a semi-circle that seemed to cordon off the area, their eyes scanning for any sign of the Shelbys. Kimber's face was a mask of determination, his jaw set as he prepared to confront his rivals. The air seemed to thicken with each step they took, the tension rising like a gathering storm.
Lydia, oblivious to the shift in the atmosphere, continued her game. Her small figure, clad in a simple dress, darted from square to square, her laughter a stark contrast to the growing unease that enveloped the street. She was a picture of pure, untainted joy, her world still untouched by the darker elements that lurked in the shadows of Small Heath.
Kimber’s gaze landed on Lydia, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Lydia looked up from her hopscotch grid as the long, dark shadows of Kimber and his men fell over her game, casting a chill despite the warm day. Her bright blue eyes blinked up at the unfamiliar faces, her expression more curious than afraid. Her unruly hair bounced as she straightened up.
Billy Kimber, sensing the girl's defiance, allowed a slow, amused smirk to spread across his face. He crouched down slightly, bringing his sharp, predatory eyes level with Lydia's. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his voice dripping with condescension. "A little girl all alone."
Lydia’s eyes narrowed slightly, her stance shifting as she planted her small hands firmly on her hips, a stance that was unmistakably Shelby. Despite her tender age, there was a steely resolve in her gaze, a flicker of the same fire that burned in her older brothers. She tilted her chin up defiantly. "I'm not alone," she said firmly, her voice steady and clear. "My brothers are inside."
Her unwavering gaze unsettled some of Kimber's men, their eyes darting between the girl and their leader. But Billy Kimber was not so easily intimidated, especially not by a child. He crouched down to her level, his eyes narrowing to scrutinize her more closely. "Do you know who I am, little girl?" he asked, his voice a low growl that usually elicited immediate submission.
Lydia nodded without hesitation. "You're Billy Kimber," she stated simply, her tone devoid of the fear that usually accompanied his name. "You run the races."
Kimber's smirk widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "That's right. And do you know why I'm here?"
Lydia shrugged, a gesture so casual it bordered on insolent, her small shoulders lifting and falling as if to say that his presence was of little consequence to her. "You're probably looking for my brothers. But they're busy."
One of Kimber's men chuckled, but it was a nervous, hesitant sound, the laughter of someone unsure whether to be amused or alarmed. Kimber's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of irritation. He was accustomed to fear and respect, not this calm defiance from a mere child. "Busy with what?" he asked, his patience thinning, his tone sharper now.
Lydia’s eyes met his unflinchingly, her voice carrying an edge of pride. "Busy being Shelbys," she replied, as if that explained everything. And in a way, it did.
Kimber's eyes darkened, his amusement giving way to a simmering menace. He extended a hand, intending to ruffle Lydia's hair in a gesture meant to assert his dominance rather than convey any genuine affection. His fingers, adorned with rings that gleamed ominously in the daylight, reached towards her.
But before he could make contact, Lydia took a deliberate step back, her eyes locked onto his with a mixture of defiance and warning. The movement was subtle, yet it spoke volumes. Her small frame seemed to grow taller, her presence more commanding, as if channeling the collective strength of her family.
"You shouldn't touch me," she said softly, her voice steady and clear. The softness of her tone contrasted sharply with the steel in her words. "My brothers wouldn't like it."
Kimber's hand hung in the air for a moment, frozen by the quiet authority in her voice. He slowly retracted it, his fingers curling into a fist at his side.
At that moment, the door of the Garrison swung open with a force that made the hinges groan in protest. Out stepped Thomas Shelby, flanked by Arthur and John, their presence immediately commanding the attention of everyone in the vicinity. The three brothers moved with a lethal grace, their expressions murderous, their postures taut with barely contained fury. The atmosphere grew dense with a palpable tension, forewarning of the storm that was about to break.
"Kimber," Tommy began, his voice slicing through the air like a blade of cold steel. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Each word was enunciated with an icy precision that sent shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot.
Billy Kimber straightened up, attempting to reclaim his swagger now that he was facing adults. His sneer was a thin veneer over the unease that gnawed at him. "Just having a chat with your little sister, Tommy," he said, his voice carrying a faux lightness that did nothing to mask the underlying threat.
Tommy's gaze turned to ice, his eyes narrowing with a deadly calm. He took a deliberate step forward, closing the distance between them. The intensity of his stare was enough to make even the bravest of men falter. "Keep away from her, get back in your fucking cars, and leave," Tommy said, his tone a low, menacing growl that left no room for misinterpretation.
Kimber laughed, but it was a hollow sound. He knew better than to push his luck with the Shelbys. "I'll see you soon, pikey," he said, but there was no real conviction in his words. With a sharp gesture, he signaled his men to follow him back to the car.
As the car sped away, its engine roaring and tires screeching, a cloud of dust hung in the air, slowly settling back onto the cobblestone street. The square, which had been a tense battleground moments ago, began to return to its usual hustle and bustle, though an undercurrent of unease still lingered.
Lydia stood frozen for a moment, watching the black car disappear around a corner. The adrenaline that had surged through her tiny frame started to ebb, leaving her legs shaky and her heart pounding in her chest. Her earlier bravado was giving way to a wave of relief.
She turned and ran to her brothers, her small feet making soft, rapid taps against the cobblestones. Tommy, Arthur, and John watched her approach, their expressions softening in unison. Tommy crouched down just as Lydia reached him, and with a gentle but firm grip, he lifted her into his arms. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, feeling the rapid beat of her heart against his chest.
"Good girl, Lydia," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm against the tension that still clung to the air. "You did us proud,"
Lydia's lips curved into a small, proud smile as she wrapped her arms around Tommy's neck, seeking the comfort and security that only her brothers could provide. She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath. "I know," she said confidently, her voice a mix of lingering fear and newfound courage. "I was brave, just like you."
The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting an amber glow over Small Heath as Tommy took one last vigilant sweep of the streets for any lingering danger. Satisfied, he turned and carried Lydia towards the Garrison, Arthur and John close behind. As they stepped inside, the familiar scent of whiskey and smoke enveloped them. Lydia, nestled in Tommy's arms, exchanged a glance with John, who walked just behind them. She smiled, a mix of relief and affection, and John responded with a warm grin, ruffling her hair gently. Inside the Garrison, with the comforting hum of conversations and clinking glasses around them, the weight of the day's tension began to lift, leaving them with a fleeting sense of tranquility.
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mordremrose · 4 months
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Enjoy ur bees, give magic swords to little girls and baked beans to slublings— and be wary of rogue noodles
EU doodles: my own Mehndra, Hey Barbie, Tai of the Order and their cursed snack choices, the never ending bench, Strongessst, Necrotechnician Fip, Soft Skunk, Ruárn and Lux Pyrefaith
NA doodles: Khynain (ft a very tiny goofy version of my lad Draikôs) Wet Gunk, Harley Vuong, Tine of Nice Dreams, Kimber Truthspeaker, Zuutes and Master Dokks
As always, if you would like to be tagged with your toon, please let me know!! Otherwise, enjoy ur mischief
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kimberbohwrites · 2 months
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Started a solo honor run because I'm tired of waiting for my husband to keep going on ours. We're running Luna as a barbarian rn (one of my favorite classes to play in D&D). I like to play what I call, a throw-barian where you really utilize throwing things and improvise weapons. Will be tagging "#Kimber Does Honor" if you don't want to see game screenies but I'll try to keep them limited.
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