#kin research
pustostanie · 2 months
Even more research sites for therians!
I'm kind of disappointed in how little sites that focus on animals other than mammals there are, and some comments noticed it too.
alas, I've done my best to find some resources anyways! Enjoy!
Encyclopedia of insects/ www.encyclopediaofinsects.com isn't a site, but a pdf that includes info abt anatomy, phisiology, and evolution!
amentsoc.org or amateur entomologists society is another site for insects and/or invertebrates. They're 'a registered charity run by volunteers'.
animaldiversity.com is a resource of animal history and classification. source of lots of info, though to find an animal you must search by classification, name, or group/genus. it has more than mammals, but doesn't always have photos attached.
marinebio.org has a section on invertebrates, vertebrates, zooplankton and forests of the sea. you can also search by name of the animal, genus or group.
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Hai ^_^ i hope you're well! If it's alright, purrlease could i get some research ideas for a kirara (genshin) fictionkin? Thanks x3 /nf
Kirara Research Ideas
Different breeds of cat!
How to make a bento (signature dish!)
How post offices deliver mail - this is a nice video
Weird post offices!
Building on that last one, weird post office locations!
How and why do cats purr?
What do cats see?
Different types of youkai (here's the database!)
History of youkai
Everything about Nekomata!
Thanks for requesting, sorry for the lateness!
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jack-of-amulets · 1 month
- Researcher Adamo Smalls (3309 + Void Dancer Canon) - man got canonically unpersoned 💀 relatable- i mean FREE MY BOY HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING
- Junior Researcher James (682-J and other joke articles) - he’s just some kid! he’s so silly and goofy and I would give him chicken nuggies
- The entire SCP: Find Us Alive Cast (Self-explanatory) - SERIOUSLY GO CHECK OUT SCP: FUA ITS SUCH A GOOD PODCAST
That’s pretty much it! There’s more i probably missed that i will add to another reblog of this post/will edit in!
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bookofmac · 3 months
okay okay okay, thinking thoughts
So I find the concept of Names really interesting in Camlann, reading into the extracanonical stuff put on the tumblr is giving me food for theory crafting. The Catacylsm seems to be some kind of return of magic to the world (possibly heralded by the return of The King of the Britons in their hour of need?) and thus people with significant Names have access to something because of it. they fall into the stories of their namesakes; Perry, Gwaine, and Kay are Knights, Morgan is Morgana Le Fay, and we now have a Gwen in Shújūn.
Based on Kay's dicussion with Perry if more people can fill in the roles of their stories to more 'to plan' the stories will go, Of course this is not good news if you know the general end point of Arthurian legend (Betrayal, muderer, war, most everyone dead, the 'Glory' of camelot gone). It's inherently kind of a doomsday cult if you stay in those stories, you know where parts of this are going (i'll get back to this)
it also seems like there may be some, for lack of a better term, kin drama going on. There are 900 members of the court and Kay mentions that Peredur is a really uncommon name outside of Wales, meaning there are certain knights who are more common, i assume Lancelot's, Kay's, maybe a few Talisin's, a bunch of Gareth's, and like 50 Elaines like in the legends lol
We also dont have the context for how Names work full yet and neither do our characters. I think theres a lot of answers to be had with Shújūn/Gwen with how it works, how you know other than the buzzing in you're head and desire go through the motions and Follow the Story
Now, where does Dai fit in all this?
Dai doesn't have a Name, and I think theres going to be a point where he changes his name in a major way, but not to a Name, but a Bardic name. In welsh poetic and story telling tradtions Welsh poets, THE OG Bards, will take on pseudonyms tell their stories. This practice stems from the medievil era, but goes forth to today, and many modern Welsh and welsh heritage poets have connections to this tradition (Dylan Thomas' middle name was his great uncles bardic name, Sarah Williams published her work under the name Sadie), I believe it's also a requirement to have one if you intend to perform in the major Eisteddfod, (I am Australian so my experiance of Eisteddfods here is very different so if i'm wrong on that let me know)
Why would he do this? I think Dai is going to, at least try, to write him and his friends a way out.
Much ink is spilt over how Arthurian legend doesnt have an 'orginal text', and as such there are lots of stories that are inherently contradictory; Bedwyr is the best knight, but so are Gwaine, Lancelot, and Galahad. Mordred is some random king until his Arthur's son. Arthur has a sister, no he has two, actually he has three and one of them is an Elaine. This could be used to explain any doubles (are you my Gwaine), as well as why we see a few different spelling varients which are, the very welsh Peredur as opposed to Percival or Parzifal, the anglisised and more boarish Kay as opposed to Cei or Caius (this last one might just to keep Dai and Kay distinct tho). These variations are no more or less 'canon' than any other telling of the story, and so often the writer of a given telling of Arthurian legend is going to have their own bias. But things dont HAVE to end the way they always do, and sometime you need to have someone outside the story you're caught in to tell you a new one.
You are not locked into that ever looming cloud of Thomas Mallory and Le Morte d'Arthur.
Other evidence I have for this is that Dai sings at the begining of each episode, and sings in welsh at that. He also is, to a point our narrator, existing both in and out of the current narative. Also his name is an a lyric of Sosban Fach (a song i would be surprised if it wasn't in the show at some point) 'Dai bach y sowldiwr' which is also not from the text the song was based on. Tangential yes, but i think it's worth thinking about.
I think there is also something to be said about choice in what your name is and how it feeds into the overall theme of identiy, and how that plays into other themes at play in the story, like Transness, Imperialism, and Predestination
TL:DR; While he doesnt have a Name, Dai's gonna give himself an epic bard name and save them all by writing a killer hook to get them out of the story
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odessastone · 7 months
I don’t know what to do with this new info that Moira is apparently actively dying
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cringyspringrol · 8 days
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call me goofy, but i’m a act silly 🥵😭😰🥶😈😈🤭😎😎😎😎
(i was bored)
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Hello lovely people in my phone, I know I haven't been on much stuff has been stressful both with uni starting again and personal stuff, there's plenty of writing coming (even if some of it is yonks away in October for the big bang) but yeah one thing that's come out of it is settling into a label that works for me which is that turns out I'm not as straight as I thought I was (or some of my anons thought) so I'd like to come out to you all as Pansexual ❤️💛💙 love you all and stay tuned for some cool things I've got coming out soon.
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compacflt · 7 months
Fully support your desire to cut down on the extras as they're already so long, but as someone who was also looking forward to the sickfic section and is sad to hear it's been taken out, I will simply have to ask you about it instead! First off the discussion of home in the snippet you shared was delicious - when do you think Mav started thinking of the house as 'their' home? And Ice taking Mav to the hospital has a lot of crunch there around how they're seen and how they act in public, especially if Ice was worried and Mav was kind of out of it. Do you think Ice would have taken Mav in to the hospital if he'd really been spiking a fever and decided he needed it? How would he explain themselves? And I suppose a separate, related question: who are their official next of kin/emergency contacts?
the reason i got rid of the sickfic is cause all those questions were answered better elsewhere in the extras ❤️
i was kind of annoyed that the house inconsistently appears to be the property of whomever the plot calls for at the moment -> another reason to cut the sickfic
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Yes Ice would take mav to the hospital. it happens elsewhere LOL, maverick is extremely incident-prone
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obviously a fun surfing injury with friends != the sickfic’s ice taking “a friend” to the hospital in the middle of the night for dangerous levels of illness-related dehydration… implies familiarity, intimacy above everyone else… the hospital staff would probably assume they’re together, yes, & i don’t think ice would challenge that at all, especially if he had to make sure all the paperwork was filled out right. just not worth the effort. “is there anyone else we should call for mr mitchell?” / “Um no. Just me.” Yeah i took him to the hospital at 4am bc i love him and im worried about him what r u gonna do about it 🤨 violate his hipaa rights? It’s 2009 gay people exist grow up🙄 hospital staff isn’t gonna tell anyone, so who cares
(Luckily for ice in the sickfic he didn’t have to take mav to the hospital)
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the point of the sickfic was to establish a precedent for one of them voluntarily taking care of the other who is unable to take care of himself, to set up the parallel of maverick taking care of Ice when he Really gets capital-s Sick. but then i still can’t bring myself to write ice actually being capital-s Sick because i have some weird neurosis where i simply dislike thinking about ice (powerful guy) being helpless or incapacitated or, um, dead. so the mav-sickfic isn’t really relevant anymore because i haven’t written (and never plan on writing, besides that one half-assed one-shot) the corollary ice-sickfic. so the sickfic became the Nixed-fic ❌
And according to this wip wednesday snippet, they are each other’s emergency contacts. don’t ask me how that works or how they figured that out, idk. some stuff you do have to talk about for logistics purposes i guess. which is kind of the point of all the house-related/money-related discussions I’ve written throughout my fics—they Have to talk about the logistics because that’s real life. But they don’t INTERPRET those logistics or assign them a normative value.
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for instance debriefing presents (maverick’s) death & taxes as the only two things that ever get them to actually talk to each other lol. logistics become a vessel through which they can talk about their situation without actually talking about it. The state of being each others emergency contacts might be a death-and-taxes discussion—acknowledging permanence without acknowledging permanence
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tropical-kins · 3 months
could i have a moodboard for Researcher James Talloran (SCP Foundation) with themes of red eyes, files and knives? (if comfortable)
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Researcher James Talloran with themes of flies, eyes and knives for anon!
if you dont like this feel free to re send the request and ill redo it!
[ different middle picture bellow ]
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brightside-brigade · 10 months
Senior researcher bonding hour!!! (Going around the circle and trauma dumping to eachother in the broom closet)
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solradguy · 1 year
I joined an otherkin webring on Neocities and my neighbors are a cat, a catgirl (Nepeta), and an angel whose site has an 18+ warning. This is fantastic and all I could have ever asked for
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grimsalts · 2 years
Person #01 : So what genre of books do you read?
In my head : The ones with powerful sarcastic asshole AI's who care very deeply about *insert main character.* The ones who would do anything and exploit every bit of power it has have to just witness *main character* alive and well. The AI's who act tough and rough to others but personality is caring for *main character.* The asshole AI's that unexpectedly put all it's trust to the *main character* it just met. (Also applicable: the kindest eridian to every exist -> Rocky)
Me: Oh... I like sci-fi
Person #02: Ah, so like Dune!
Me: yeah totally 😀👍
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jack-of-amulets · 5 months
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tally sketch cause i wasn’t feeling too hot
3999 ver + textless
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before I desperately try and get more sleep I’m very much thinking about the implications that what c!dream was specifically conditioning and manipulating c!tommy for was the revive experiments bc like. not only is it the most sensible answer we have, since it seemed to be his main priority since he believed it’d (somehow) make people like him and stop fighting. and he repeatedly tried to get c!tommy involved with them again through both persuasion and force (and was fascinated as shit by c!tommy's time in limbo) but also like. god we know how awful death and revival were for c!tommy. imagine being forced to go through that, and being forced to put other people you love, through that again and again and again and again. and by that point you’re so thoroughly conditioned into not thinking for yourself you literally can’t even fully realise why you feel that way. because it’s probably been framed to you as a “bonding experience” like all your prior abuse and you’re too scared to think otherwise. like. man.
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ghost-t-cryptids · 3 months
I'm gonna be taking an art break (or at least a break from fully rendered art) to focus on my writing and other hobbies for a lil bit!
I want to work on the epilogue for my main LoZ AU fic and...I also want to write an essay on the legend of zelda and why I (and so many other queer people) relate to Link and Zelda!
Wish me luck!
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angeldustanalog · 13 days
in hell there are only two genders. ppl who say designer drugs and people who say research chemicals.
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