hogans-heroes · 9 months
Watching the Battling Bruno episode (The Softer They Fall) and man let’s pause to think about Kinch’s perspective. He’s fighting with all the judges and ref against him and his opponent is cheating with brass knuckles. THEN he finds out he has to to keep fighting for several rounds, somehow stay conscious and afoot against BRASS KNUCKLES, getting hurt, or he and all his friends will get executed by firing squad at best, handed over to the Gestapo at worst. Talk about a horrible situation. Where’s the fanfic about his pov and the aftermath of how it affected him.
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benevolenterrancy · 2 years
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@rose-of-pollux this was very cosy, thank you (and feels a little bit like penance after drawing them so cold around the stove last time)
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tommy-gunn-4077-13 · 2 years
In Honor of the Legacy of Robert Clary I'm gonna list some of my favorite Lebeau Moments
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Lebeau being a drama queen in the episode Prisoner's Prisoner.
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In the episode Hogan's Hofbrau, the way he enters the kitchen area when Shultz spots him.
The way he sounds as a lady in the episode You look good Basic Black.
When Shultz thought that Lebeau was holding his hand when it was Freddie.
Lebeau driving the wittle tank.
Lebeau in the episode That's no Lady, that's my Spy.
The way Lebeau reacted to the painting that Burkhalter stole.
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I can't believe all of the original main characters are gone now, but at least they are all reunited, and that Robert Clary is now with the rest of his family and his wife. 🥲
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Come watch Hogan's Heroes, we have...
• Short king firecracker chef & self-proclaimed uncle of dogs
• Sweet goofy neurodivergent cinnamon roll who does the science & has the highest kill count in the show
• Fearless leader who definitely has favorite children & could probably convince you a brick was made of solid gold
• Lovably sleazy James Bond reject card shark who charms his way into your heart & your safe
• The quiet, capable sane one who holds everything together & has occasional bouts of sass
• Guy acting friendly & refined in an unfriendly unrefined business who wonders why he loses street cred daily
• Guy who can't always be bothered, but can always be bribed with food & we don't talk about how lowkey relatable that is enough
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california-112 · 4 months
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"Alright, hold it, hold it, small talk later. We've got work to do."
Hogan's Heroes | S03E03 'D-Day At Stalag 13'
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nessaadraws · 7 months
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It wouldn’t be a hyperfixation without a daemon / His dark Materials AU, right? Part 1/2
Hogan - fox
Klink - barn owl
LeBeau - hen
Kinch - jackrabbit
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lieutenantselnia · 27 days
Hogan's Heroes LGBTQ Headcanons
I don't know why, but I've been wanting to share my headcanons for these guys for a while now, and since I'm apparently going through a Hogan's Heroes phase again at the moment I finally got myself up to actually write them down (I've kind of wanted to do this since forever I was just lazy🫠 but I also didn't want to wait with posting them until next pride month). I apologise if the tone of my writing changes like 5 times throughout, I wrote them kind of scattered and partly sleep-deprived😅
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Mind you that these are just my headcanons, you don't have to agree with them, just be respectful! I feel like some of these are pretty widely accepted in the fandom anyway, but there are also some that I haven't seen mentioned as frequently.
Also I've mainly focused on sexuality headcanons here, since when it comes to gender I still see most characters as cis. After thinking a bit about it I could see Carter as being agender though, in the kind of way that he just doesn't really care about his gender (like upon being asked what his gender is he'd say something like "I'm just Carter. Why does that even matter?"). Also this is more gender expression related but I can imagine that Newkirk at some point discovers he actually enjoys crossdressing, after having to disguise as a woman multiple times for secret missions. I also feel like Schultz would be the type who doesn't particularly care whether he's gender-conforming or not (he didn't really seem to mind when they put him in a wedding dress that one time), he doesn't actively pursue nonconformity, but he also doesn't take an issue with it, all in all he's just really chill about it.
Feel free to let me know what you think of them :) (As long as it's respectful of course!)
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cpllouislebeau · 2 months
Court martialed, shot, or sent to the Russian front?
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funny boys
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scromgold-is-gay · 4 months
Some panels from a Hogan's Heroes comic that I like :3
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deer----teeth · 6 months
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Quick sketch of Kinchloe
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someguywriting · 10 months
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benevolenterrancy · 5 months
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bored pilots
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Stalag 13 Coffee Shop AU
Hogan is the assistant manager who takes better control than the actual head of the shop, much to his annoyance. He specializes in predicting what people will like when they ask for a surprise order as well as brewing the perfect black coffee.
Newkirk is the tea guy, insisting it’s waaaay better than coffee, thank you. Makes the best London Fog you’ve ever had and scoffs at everyone else brewing their tea too long or too short. Gets in debates with LeBeau about what the best drink is like it’s not a matter of taste. One of the better baristas to have working the register because he’s really friendly and flattering, but he also flirts with the guests a lot and some people love it, some people not so much.
LeBeau always calls out ‘un café’, giving the shop that much more upscale and legitimate appeal. Makes a mean espresso and always bakes all the pastries labeled ‘handmade’ in the case. Is convinced he can get Newkirk on the coffee side like his coworkers isn’t literally British. Also flirts with customers sometimes, but he’s less forward and more cute about it. Also the only one who knows how to work the pourover machine.
Carter is the one they have to pull off register because he’s too friendly, talking for so long it’s good for customers but bad for business. He takes people their orders by hand and strikes up even more conversation. Little old ladies love him and some of the female guests actually prefer him just because he’s the only one that doesn’t make moves on them and just treats them like people. Carter’s the only barista there that knows how to fix all the various machine ailments and he also has a near-magic touch with the latte steamer. Newkirk’s only latte rival for real.
Kinch is the other one that makes the guests feel safe, being so polite and respectful to them but always managing to slip a joke in that brightens their day. The one who usually works the phone to schedule supply orders or just to help customers and pickup services. Then they proceed to come in and tell him how nice the guy on the phone was and he can’t help smiling. Kinch’s specialty beside service is all the blended drinks.
Klink is the actual manager but he knows nothing about running a shop, just everything in the paperwork and employee handbook which he tried to cite frequently. Couldn’t do it without Hogan which he has occasionally, very sparingly, admitted. It’s a running joke how every drink Klink makes besides his Americanos are terrible but hey, when someone orders one it’s his chance to shine. The name was his idea because it sounds EdGy. He made the playlist for the shop too and is incredibly proud of that fact.
Schultz isn’t a barista, just the security guard who stands outside the shop. Always, of course, managing to finagle a free pastry and maybe a drink from the baristas. It’s part of his payment and all, you know. He keeps them safe. Also helps taste test when our dear Louis is experimenting with some new baked goods to try selling.
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hoganherofanatics · 4 months
The New Hogans Heroes Remake Looks Like Certified Ass.
I recently read an article on MeTVs website about one of the original creators of Hogans Heroes working on a new show. Apparently it’s supposed to be about the descendants of the main cast going on a treasure hunt. They said having a comedy that takes place in a Nazi prison camp wouldn’t cater to modern audiences🙄 Please, spare me.
The sad part is, Hogans Heroes is actually a really diverse show. Pretty much all of the European characters were played by actual Europeans. Most of the Nazi characters were played by Austrian Jews who were affected by Hitler in very real ways. Robert Clary(Lebou) was a holocaust survivor, and he’s really strong for being able to play a prisoner of war in a Nazi camp.
The American heroes themselves represented different men during WWII. Hogan was a quick witted leader who kept his troop in line. Kinchloe is one of the many black soldiers, and Carter is a young man drafted into service. The production team clearly put a lot of time and thought into the characters and cast. Nowadays, directors will just hire whoever ticks a box on their diversity quota(or whoever sleeps with them)
And all this just a mere twenty years after the war. (I’d also like to add that many people on the production crew were veterans themselves.) Just because a show has some sensitive topics in it, doesn’t mean it can’t be funny or entertaining. Just because it has Nazis in it, doesn’t it mean it has to be about preaching messages about nazism being bad, WE ALREADY KNOW THAT!
I’m also confused on how there’s going to be a descendant of Klink in this new show. By the time Hogans Heroes ended, he was at least fifty three and unmarried. I guess he had a bastard child???? That doesn’t seem like him, but whatever. Schultz better have some semblance of a role because he has like six or seven kids.
I think the original cast had so much chemistry that it’d be hard to recreate it. It doesn’t how many times they tell us “This character is supposed to be (insert character)s grandchild!” Because it just won’t work. There’s a reason the actors won so many awards, especially Werner Klemperer. They FELT like they were the character, not just somebody make believing as them.
Anyways, sorry for the rant, but I hope this show never gets made.
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nessaadraws · 1 year
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Them ✨
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