#kinda bury your gays
barelynotsinking · 1 month
The haunting of bly manor is depressing me the fuck out
The ending of haunting of bly manor always sends me into a depressive episode, and i think its because, dani and jamie were just such good people, and they were so happy together and they deserved that happiness, and then that happiness was taken from them as if it never happened. Which is also why i think the show physically ending and the cast going their separate ways is also so hard for me, because it feels as if they are being forgotten, even though they deserve that happiness, even just the memory of it. And it is so sad to me that someone so good and deserving, who finally gets what they deserve, just to have it taken from her and have her live an ordinary life, not even an ordinary life, a life without love or any upshot and that sucks because they definetly didnt deserve and i deserve more then them so what the fuck.
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"Bury your gays" is out "strangle your gays with hope, string them up with visions of a life where they can be happy until they rot away, have one of your gays fight against this god of hope and letting it bleed out on the floor, him and the man he loves breaking free as the sun rises but leave us with the possibility that your gays aren't free at all" is the hot new trope
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pm0 · 11 months
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@hajimedics revealing my #anonymous self to show how ur post inspired me 🫡
ok I guess I will explain what the symbolism in this drawing means under this cut now :)
BASICALLY Rave’s tags on his art got me thinking about mutual sentience theory & the idea that who these puppets actually are does not align with what playfellow workshop created them to be — specifically, the actual desires of the puppets in whps are not the same as what playfellow thinks they should desire — and it made me think about how it might apply to Frank & Julie.
We know that neither of them fall into (strictly) binary gender labels, we know that Frank is gay, we know that Julie was confirmed sapphic in a stream — and yet we see playfellow putting them into the roles of cisgender heterosexual man & woman respectively, that they cast them to be in the roles of each others romantic love interests (see julie-rella animation cels). So I wanted to draw something based on that concept, the contrast of who they are vs who they’re “supposed” to be.
This is why I included 2 Franks and 2 Julies here, one set in my usual style for drawing them and the other being more ‘on-model’ — the former are a representation of who the puppets actually are, with their agency, while the latter are who playfellow themselves outline the puppets to be. The playfellow puppets are a ‘perfect’ version of sorts, their canonical accuracy + their sparkling appearance being extensions of how true to the script they are.
The framing of these two sets, how they interact with each other within the image, is meant to show the situational helplessness Julie and Frank share. They are stuck together in a ring of lavender flowers (do you get it. wedding rings. lavender marriage. I’m a master of artistic metaphor /j), looking to one another in worry as they’re surrounded by playfellow’s expectations. Neither of them want this, for themselves nor for each other, but what are they meant to do? They aren’t trapped by something they can just escape from, they’re trapped by their own identities; the will of their creators and the will of themselves are intrinsically linked, each at their core are answers to the question of who “Julie Joyful” and “Frank Frankly” are, to try and sever that connection is an impossible task.
The circles above each of the on-model puppets’ heads are primarily meant to be halos bc well. you know how queer religious trauma goes (there’s a ‘playfellow workshop is a stand-in for american christianity and possibly god’ metaphor in there somewhere) BUT they are also supposed to represent wedding rings too, to show yet again how playfellow likely wants them to be a couple — and not in the “a couple of bestiesss(๑>◡0)~☆” way they’d like to be
I think that’s all????? not really much else I can say here. background is black + slightly red for that whrp undersite feel and the on-model puppets are drawn in white to contrast with the primarily black background but also because they’re technically Julie & Frank’s straightsonas & black+white=straight pride flag. ok bye
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reallygroovyninja · 7 months
This was inspired by the prompt - Kissing in a pillow fort
The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, speckled with fluffy, white clouds as Lexa made her way to Clarke's house. It was a Saturday afternoon, the kind that whispered promises of endless possibilities and adventures. Lexa’s footsteps were light, her heart filled with the familiar thrill of spending the day with her best friend.
As she approached the Griffin residence, the sound of laughter and music spilled out from an open window, guiding Lexa like a beacon. She rang the doorbell, a smile already blooming on her face.
Clarke opened the door, her bright blue eyes shining with excitement. "Lexa! You're here!" she exclaimed, stepping aside to let her in.
The Griffin house always felt like a second home to Lexa. There was a warmth to it, a lived-in feeling that made her feel instantly comfortable. She followed Clarke through the hallway, their conversation a lively stream of updates and shared jokes.
They reached Clarke's room, where a magnificent pillow fort awaited. It was a sprawling construction of blankets, pillows, and fairy lights, creating a cozy haven. Clarke's artistic touch was evident in the hand-drawn banners and colorful cushions that adorned their fortress.
"Welcome to our Saturday headquarters!" Clarke declared, her eyes sparkling with mischief and excitement.
Lexa laughed, her heart light. "It's amazing, Clarke. You've outdone yourself!"
They crawled into the fort, the outside world melting away as they entered their own little universe. Inside, the fort was even more magical. The fairy lights cast a soft glow, creating a world that felt removed from reality, a place where only they existed.
Clarke and Lexa sat cross-legged in the pillow fort, surrounded by a sea of soft blankets and the gentle glow of fairy lights. The air was filled with the sweet scent of popcorn and the quiet hum of their shared laughter. Clarke, with a half-eaten popcorn in hand, suddenly turned to Lexa, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.
"Did you hear about Miss Diyoza in class yesterday? She got super mad because some kids were passing notes," Clarke said, her voice tinged with a hint of teenage drama.
Lexa’s eyes widened, her interest piqued. "Really? I missed that! She's usually so chill. What happened?"
Clarke leaned in closer, as if sharing a secret. "It was during the history lecture. And then, out of nowhere, she just stopped talking and stared at Monty and Harper passing this crumpled paper."
"No way!" Lexa exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of classroom gossip.
"Yeah! And she said, 'If you have something to share, please feel free to enlighten the whole class.'" Clarke mimicked Miss Diyoza's stern tone, causing both girls to giggle.
Lexa shook her head, smiling. "That's so like her. Did she read the note in front of the class?"
Clarke nodded, giggling. "Yeah, she did. Monty asks Harper to be his girlfriend"
Lexa laughed. "That’s embarrassing."
Clarke reached for another handful of popcorn, her eyes dancing with a mischievous glint.
"Did you hear about Bellamy and Echo?" she asked, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.
Lexa's eyes lit up with interest, a smile playing on her lips. "No, what happened?"
"They're apparently dating now," Clarke revealed, her words laced with the excitement of a juicy secret.
Lexa gasped theatrically. "Really? Since when? They barely even talk in class!"
Clarke shrugged, enjoying the shared gossip. "I heard it from Raven. She said they've been hanging out a lot after school lately. It's so weird, right?"
"Yeah, totally unexpected," Lexa agreed, her tone full of wonder. "School's been full of surprises lately."
The conversation spiraled into a lively exchange of school gossip. They talked about who liked whom, which teachers were rumored to be the strictest, and the latest drama from the school play auditions. Each revelation was met with gasps, giggles, and wide-eyed expressions.
Clarke, with a sly grin, leaned closer. "And guess what else? I heard that Mr. Pike caught Jasper and Maya passing notes in English class. But instead of getting mad, he read the note out loud, and it was a really bad poem Jasper wrote for Maya!"
Lexa burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "No way!"
After their laughter had subsided from the latest round of school gossip, Clarke glanced at the small laptop they had set up in the corner of their pillow fort. An idea sparked in her eyes, and she turned to Lexa with an excited grin.
"Hey, do you want to watch a movie?" Clarke asked, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Lexa's face lit up at the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds awesome! What should we watch?"
Clarke bit her lip in thought, scanning through the list of movies they had been wanting to see. "How about a rom-com? Something light and fun?"
"Perfect choice!" Lexa agreed enthusiastically. "Rom-coms are the best for nights like these."
Clarke navigated through the streaming service, her finger hovering over the titles. Finally, her eyes landed on a movie they had both been talking about seeing. It was a new romantic comedy that everyone at school seemed to be talking about.
"What about this one?" Clarke pointed to the screen, displaying the movie's poster, which featured a colorful and whimsical design. "I've heard it's really funny."
Lexa peered at the screen and nodded, her smile widening. "Yes, let's watch that! I've been wanting to see it ever since Anya mentioned it."
Excited, Clarke clicked on the movie, and the opening credits began to roll. They adjusted their positions in the fort, making sure both of them could see the screen comfortably. Clarke grabbed a couple of extra pillows for them to lean on and pulled the bowl of popcorn closer.
As the movie started, the fort was filled with the sounds of laughter and dialogue from the screen. Clarke and Lexa were soon absorbed in the story, commenting on the characters and laughing at the funny scenes. The outside world seemed to fade away as they delved into the world of the movie, enjoying the comfort of each other's company and the shared joy of a good film.
When the movie reached its climax and the two lead characters shared a tender, triumphant kiss, Clarke turned to Lexa, a curious glimmer in her eyes.
"Lexa, have you ever kissed anyone?" Clarke asked, a playful tone in her voice.
Lexa, taken aback by the sudden question, shook her head with a shy smile. "No, I haven't. What about you?"
"Me neither," Clarke replied, a bit of a giggle escaping her. She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Do you think it's like how they show in movies?"
Lexa pondered for a moment, her gaze turning back to the frozen image of the kissing couple on the laptop screen. "I don't know. It looks… nice, I guess? But probably not exactly like that in real life."
The idea seemed to hang in the air between them, a bubble of curiosity in their cozy world of pillows and blankets.
"Maybe we could… you know, try it? Just a peck, to see what it's like," Clarke suggested, the words tumbling out in a rush, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Lexa's eyes widened slightly, but then she nodded, a mutual understanding of friendship and trust between them. "Okay, just a peck. Like a practice."
They both leaned in awkwardly, their eyes closing as they shared a quick, innocent kiss, more a brush of lips than anything else. As they pulled away, Clarke burst into giggles, the sound light and carefree.
"That was… weird," Clarke said, still laughing.
Lexa laughed too, though her mind was a whirlwind of new feelings and thoughts. It was a simple, innocent moment, but it sparked a realization within her, an awakening of sorts to new possibilities she hadn't considered before.
The movie resumed playing, but Lexa's thoughts were elsewhere, gently exploring the new emotions that the innocent peck had stirred. It was a moment of self-discovery, subtle yet significant, a first step in understanding herself better.
Clarke, oblivious to Lexa's internal revelations, chatted away, filling the fort with her cheerful voice. The night continued with more laughter, movie scenes, and shared snacks, a testament to the simplicity and beauty of their friendship.
As the movie credits rolled and the fairy lights in the pillow fort seemed to glow a bit softer, Clarke and Lexa lay side by side, a comfortable silence enveloping them. The laughter and conversations of the evening had woven a new layer into the tapestry of their friendship, each moment a thread of shared experiences and understanding.
Clarke turned her head to look at Lexa, her eyes reflecting the dim light. "Tonight was fun, Lexa. We should do this more often."
Lexa smiled, her thoughts still lingering on the revelations of the evening, but her heart full of warmth for the friendship she shared with Clarke. "Yeah, it was perfect. Best Saturday ever."
They began to tidy up the fort, folding blankets and gathering up the remnants of their snacks. As they worked, their chatter was light and easy, punctuated with laughter and plans for their next adventure.
Finally, with the fort returned to its former state of just being Clarke's room, Lexa gathered her things to leave. At the door, she turned to Clarke, a genuine smile on her face. "Thanks for today, Clarke. It really meant a lot."
Clarke hugged Lexa, the bond between them stronger than ever. "Anytime, Lexa. You're always welcome here. See you on Monday?"
"See you on Monday," Lexa agreed, stepping out into the cool night air, her heart light with the joys of youth and the comfort of a friendship that was more like family.
As Lexa walked home under the gentle glow of the starlit sky, her thoughts kept drifting back to the day's playful dare and the quick, innocent kiss she shared with Clarke. She could still feel her heart fluttering a bit, a mixture of surprise and excitement at the new experience.
The kiss was brief, a mere peck, but it left Lexa with a whirl of feelings she hadn't expected. She wondered what it meant, feeling a buzz of curiosity about the new emotions stirring inside her.
Skipping a little as she walked, Lexa felt a warm glow inside her. Today wasn't just any other day—it was a day where something new and exciting happened, a day she would definitely remember.
After Lexa left, Clarke lay in her bed, her room feeling a bit more special after their fun day. She couldn't stop thinking about the movie, the jokes they shared, and especially the quick, silly kiss they had dared to try. It was just a peck, really, but it made her heart beat a bit faster, and she found herself smiling at the memory.
Clarke hugged her pillow, feeling a mix of excitement and wonder. It was just for practice, she reminded herself, but it was also kind of cool and something totally new. She was happy it was with Lexa, her best friend who made everything fun and less scary.
As she closed her eyes, Clarke felt thankful for having Lexa in her life. They could share jokes, watch movies, build pillow forts, and even do goofy things like practice kisses, and it all just felt right. She drifted off to sleep with a smile, thinking about their next hangout and all the other fun firsts they might share together.
As the night wrapped the world in its quiet embrace, both Lexa and Clarke lay in their respective beds, miles apart yet connected by the memories of the day.
For Lexa, the stars outside whispered of new beginnings and self-discovery, each twinkle a reminder of the day's innocent revelation.
For Clarke, the familiar walls of her room held the echoes of laughter and shared secrets, a testament to the strength and beauty of their friendship.
In their own ways, they both cherished the simplicity and joy of their bond, a friendship that was evolving and deepening with each shared adventure.
As they drifted into dreams, their thoughts intertwined with the promise of more days filled with laughter, understanding, and the magic of growing up together.
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eremin0109 · 8 months
Not to dunk on the worst of evil on the eve of its finale but like gurl, you could never be the absolute whoreslut that is evilive.
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i-am-the-curvytree · 8 months
i literally cannot focus on anything 😭 my WHOLE thesis was based on the fact that ofmd is unique because it does not queerbait not kill off gays 😭 and now IZZY'S FUCKING DEAD? 😭 like not only am i disappointed as fuck, i'm also kinda empty 😭 I feel like I trusted David and it backfired 😭 ALSO i feel like it pulled off a bury your gays, even though ppl are saying everyone is gay so it's different. I still feel like it is? Because of all the dissapointment I feel? 😭
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catwouthats · 8 months
Doing a deep dove into Loki to figure out if lokius is queerbait or queercode…
My theory…
So far-
Is that, in a sense, the multishippers are gonna win; let’s go
It’s that or dead dove do not eat so. Pick a side broskis.
It’s probably gonna end up being queer coded dead dove do not eat though- fml
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butchsophiewalten · 9 months
what do u think the likelihood of either sophie or jenny staying alive for the remainder of the series? i give them a like. 10% chance of both making it through, you know?
I've had a version of this in my drafts for like a week which was several paragraphs too long and contained nothing which I haven't said before (though that ask was from quite a while ago), but the whole crux of it is just that, for me, killing either or both of them just feels very unnecessary, narratively. It would feel very much like just inserting misery for misery's sake, since I really don't see the narrative value in kicking Sophie when she's down, here.
I'm not saying that it absolutely wouldn't happen. You can look at little plot points like Susan starving to death or Rosemary getting fired after Jack disappeared or even something like Edd dying a couple weeks before his birthday, which are all examples of cruelty being injected where it didn't strictly need to be, and apply that line of thought to something like Sophie and losing her sole emotional anchor (which she has in Jenny), but I don't know. It feels different to me. I think the tragedy within The Walten Files and surrounding Sophie is strong enough as it is without succumbing to genre stereotypes like killing your comic relief, etc, etc.
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 10 months
only bright side of jatp not being finished is that some characters are inconsistent so i get to give them characters traits i like.
like i can give them deeper music taste. like Bobby? He's into goth music i just know. Willie is into punk rock for sure. Alex is all about the heavy metal. Flynn is a k-poper.
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bowyooo · 2 years
⚠️ beartown the winners spoilers ahead
i’ve just finished reading the winners today and i’m honestly completely crushed and devastated
i enjoyed the trilogy so much, it brought me so much happiness that i don’t know what to do now. now when my happiness was ripped out of my fingers
i wanted to stay in this story for a while but i don’t know if i can. it feels like with benji i’ve lost a friend of mine. it hurts so much, imo it was very cruel to give a hint on the first page then set up a hope for a happy ending and just take it away.
i really need to find a way to cope because now i can’t even do anything
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suppenzeit · 7 months
i wish ofmd fans learned the definition of bury your gays
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gayspock · 2 years
i will say tho its weird sometimes when ppl talk abt idk... like, heartstopper, yah... & its not for me it is notttt i dont wanna watch it stop telling me its not 4 me.
BUT on tumblr - amongst this crowd -ive seen one or two ppl like "WEEEEEE dont need this" like ehh man cmon. i think a lot of younger kids do and i think its like... so counterproductive to try and push for, like, exactly "one type of show" for "THEcommunity" like. like say oh we dont need happy gay teen shows we need more for this, more of this- yadda, yadda like?
you know its not mutually exclusive, yah. like it isnt an actual factual "finite resource" - perhaps an imposed limitation that can be challenged, but even then in the most abstract of terms... like alice oseman's heartstopper isnt the reason the content u want doesnt exist, not really
. & thats not absolving criticism of, like, other actual aspects of this content vis a vis diversity- im not talking abt that, bc yah fair enough when ppl vent their frustrations abt the more genuinely sanitised aspects like how white some of these shows are, etc. but like... wrt just disliking it bc its a "happy teen show and i dont want that im an adult" like idk what the point of getting grumpy at a younger audience watching sth for them will do in the long run & it feels like a very weird misdirected vitriol for 0 reason...
bc yah its not for me either its cooool & irritating when ppl push it onto you but . just getting mad unprompted. its like idk... especially in 2022 its like. absolutely an important aspect of the whole: its time to move past the whole "there's an lgbt person in this!!" as a category of media pleaseeeee bc its kinda weird the way that categorisation starts to cannibalise itself when its like help... that isnt the enemy here i dont think<3
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francy-sketches · 2 years
I get being frustrated at one out of two gay characters getting killed off after one episode but also comparing joffrey to (show) loras who was reduced to a gay joke after s2 then spent s5-6 getting hatecrimed is um. Maybe not the best idea lol
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maddy-ferguson · 10 months
i think it's actually a good thing that babylon was only watched by ten people (i count for seven because that's how many times i've seen it) because there's endless discourse to be had and it would've been very annoying
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Luzu please, my heart isn’t strong enough to handle heartbreak  🥺😭
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kanyniablue · 2 years
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