#kinda in honour of my little brother's birthday
dailyedgeworth · 2 years
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today, edgeworth and toby... toby's immortal.
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batsplat · 3 months
always am obsessed with motorsport champions that decide to run the number 1 plate vs those who’ve stuck with their number. because it reveals so much of each of their inner philosophies, whether they are deeply superstitious, or seek a tangible everyday proof of their victory, or concerned with branding/legacies, or trampling the inner critic that believed deep inside of them that they were cut out to be a champion. just so interesting to parse through possible motivations
you're so right anon!!
of course, a big part of it is historical context... you can't really disentangle the choice of whether to run the number one plate or not from the era within which they made said choice. until fairly recently, it was entirely the norm to pick the number one plate - and beyond that, even those who didn't finish in first tended to just adopt the number that represented the place they had finished in during the previous year's championship. so for instance in 1987, gardner was first, mamola second, lawson third, haslam fourth, macckenzie fifth, and so on. in 1988, gardner ran the number 1 plate... mamola 2, lawson 3, haslam 4, mackenzie 5, etc etc. the only champion who broke with tradition was british racer barry sheene (500cc champion in 1976 and 1977), known for being a rebel - and even the styling of his iconic number 7 was apparently a wee bit controversial:
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sheene stuck with the 7 both after his formula 750 title and then after his two 500cc titles:
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there's some ways in which sheene is kinda the prototype of the modern rider, and he was the first to reap the benefits of having a distinctive number associated with him
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in the eighties and nineties, it was all back to number one plates - but then of course another rider decided to break with tradition
incidentally, the generally purported story for why valentino took the number 46 is that it was his father's number. if his autobiography is to be believed, the truth is a little different:
I am Valentino. Graziano chose that name for me because he wanted to honour the memory of his best friend, who drowned at sea, near Pesaro, at the age of eighteen. The fact that St Valentine's Day is just two days before my birthday was also a reason. Number 46 originated when I raced minibikes. I was on a team with two kids from Gatteo a Mare, Marco and Maurizio Pagano. They are the brothers who lent me the Aprilia 125, which I used for my debut at Misano. All three of us had number 46 because we raced in three different categories. They too loved Japan and Japanese riders. One day we were mesmerised by a wild-card entrant at the Japanese Grand Prix who pulled off the most amazing tricks and seemed to have no fear whatsoever. He was number 46. And from that day on, so were we. For me, that lasted until I moved up to the Italian championship and, later, the European series. But when I finally made it to the world championship, I was asked to choose a number. I discovered that 46 was Graziano’s number when he won his first Grand Prix on a Morbidelli 250cc, back in 1979. Which was the year I was born. That’s why I decided that I, too, would be number 46. For me that number represents my career and, partly, my life. It certainly symbolises my massive, incredible, adventure. 
so valentino was only the second premier class rider who stuck with his number. the norm of just following the previous year's standings to choose your number was kinda starting to die out in the late nineties anyway. by 2002, when valentino was defending his title for the first time, if you look down the list it's basically personal numbers all the way. still, valentino was the one to break tradition for champions - the first to do so in a couple of decades. valentino did also know sheene personally as a result of the link through his father, who was a friend of sheene's and had raced him:
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^valentino with sheene, valentino wearing a tribute helmet with the iconic '7' on it after sheene's passing (also with the rainbow helmet colours and the word 'pace' or 'peace' on the back during the 2003 invasion of iraq), and valentino's 2005 championship celebrations for his seventh title, his shirt again featuring sheene's seven
hayden didn't follow valentino's example and instead went for the number one plate in 2007. casey made the same choice for the 2008 season, then jorge in 2011... so for a hot moment it really did look like valentino had been just another blip. if anything, the trend was going the other way, with a couple of high profile instances of riders who hadn't won the title rejecting their established numbers:
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this particular trend didn't catch on, and from 2010 onward dani decided to just stick with the 26. because all the non-valentino aliens just couldn't stop faffing about with their numbers, 2010 is the only year in which all four aliens are actually concurrently running the numbers we most commonly associate them with
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then, by 2012 apparently people were starting to get a bit superstitious about the number one plate. here, from an interview with casey:
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the idea is that you can't defend the title if you're sporting the number one plate. which is true! in the 21st century, three guys chose the number one plate, and they defended their titles a grand total of zero times. one bloke stuck to his number, and he defended his title five out of seven times. so yes, it is technically correct that nobody with the number one plate had defended their title, though it is equally true that nobody not called valentino rossi had defended their title. I suppose we'll never know what the bigger factor was
anyways, if picking the number one plate was already a sure thing before, I reckon this sort of silly talk about 'jinxes' would have made casey even less likely to change his mind for 2012. not only is he stubborn, but he also takes an extremely dim view on superstitions
That race was the twelfth in a row that had been won by a rider not starting from pole, which was a new record. People were making a big deal about it and questioning whether, psychologically speaking, it wasn't a good thing to qualify on pole position at all. Maybe to the superstitious riders out there it had become an issue but I have never allowed myself to be affected by outside influences like that and I put an end to the stat by winning from pole in the next round at Laguna Seca in California. It is amazing how many riders have superstitions, which to me are completely ridiculous. Pretty much every one of them has a little mascot or a lucky pair of undies that they once had a good result in and have been stuck with ever since (so to speak!). Superstition is basically just fear and as an athlete my view is that by allowing it to enter your mind you are effectively handing over control. My approach has always been to deliberately tackle it by doing things differently to the last time, just to make sure I don't get into a restrictive habit. Some riders look at their qualifying position and think, I never go well from fifth position, or arrive at a circuit thinking about past results there and say, 'I've never done well here before, it's not my favourite circuit.' You have to be in the mindset that every day is a new day, a new set of circumstances. Every corner is different, every situation is different, and if you are not prepared to open your mind to that then you will always struggle more than necessary. You might have been through one particular corner a thousand times before but with a slight change in temperature, a new bike, a different tyre or a rider trying to pass you on the inside it becomes a completely different challenge and you have to be ready to deal with that.
given that casey is like, neurotically anti-superstition - well, he was probably always going to do the same thing as he did in 2008, but now he definitely would never just stick with his number. unlike jorge... who did change his mind, having run the number one plate in 2011 - but decided against making the switch in 2013. funnily enough, this did not help him defend the title. the eventual 2013 champion ended up also opting to stick with his number... and, well, marc's title defence went a little bit more smoothly. after jorge's 2015 title, he once again stuck to his 99, while marc has used the number 93 throughout his career. by the time you get to 2020, it's easy to have a warped perception of how common it is to keep your number. if you're born in, say, 1997 or later, you think it's basically the done thing to stick to your number, and it's really only a few outliers who use the number one plate. but even in the 21st century... it's really just valentino and marc who were doing it, plus jorge two out of three times. but between the two of them, they sure were winning enough of the titles to make it feel like the established norm
by this point, there really was a bit of a superstition about how the number one plate was 'cursed'. obviously, this wasn't actually a 'curse' as much as it was 'the dominant force in the sport in the noughties decided this number one plate thing wasn't for him and the dominant force in the 2010s who also happens to a massive fan of the other guy also decided not to make the switch either so that probably explains it'. it's not 'you won't defend your title if you're sporting the number one plate', it's 'you won't defend your title if your name isn't valentino rossi or marc marquez'. but obviously, sports drives people insane, so it was always going to be something that prompted a lot of speculation until someone finally managed to defend the plate
following his 2020 championship, mir didn't depart from the new tradition, with a suzuki video to announce his decision:
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and fabio did likewise after his 2021 title:
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obviously, sticking to their numbers didn't actually help joan and fabio defend their titles, and after his 2022 championship it was pecco's turn to make the choice. pecco went about this in the most pecco way imaginable, with just a touch of public hand-wringing about the whole thing:
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just as a quick reminder, before pecco there had been 28 premier class champions. five and two thirds decided against the number one plate - sheene, valentino, marc, joan, fabio, and jorge twice. "I have always been fascinated about riders with number one" describes something that until very recently had been completely normal. not even remotely noteworthy. cheers valentino
eventually, presumably after some extremely extensive introspection, pecco decided to go for the number one plate:
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and also this:
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and also this (look he's got a lot of thoughts on the matter, please allow him):
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and talking about defending the number one:
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pecco has continued talking about it sporadically since then. he's spoken about it in the context of defending his title, which as he points out he can only remember marc and valentino doing:
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and then the pressure inherent to sporting that plate, from after he'd successfully completed his title defence:
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hm. right. let's unpack
the thing about this whole 'running the number one plate' business is that in motogp, each rider's individual choice has to be read with that history in mind. for many years, this wasn't even really a question... it's just what you do when you win the title. sheene was the rebel, the one who decided to do things differently, who wanted to be associated with his very own number. and valentino, who himself knew sheene and was already attached to his own number and has always had a good sense for personal branding, decided to stick with 46. of course, valentino being valentino, he's inescapable enough within motogp that ever since he made that choice, every single champion after him has had to actively make a decision one way or another
so you've got jorge, who had used the number one plate in his title defence during his 250cc campaign in 2007 - and also used it in 2011 as motogp defending champion. he ended up changing his mind for his following two campaigns... remember, he only started using the number 99 in 2009 after his fractious split with his manager during 2008 (see more on numbers lore here). here was what he said about his decision in 2011:
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versus his decision in 2015:
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jorge in particular does of course have a bit of a complicated relationship with the numbers he's used during his career - and unsurprisingly he's clearly put quite a lot of thought into the whole matter. he's determined to still have the number 99 represent him in some way even in 2011, while also thinking about how he can integrate the number one into his initials - and since it's jorge, of course it's particularly important that his fans approve. he "won't forget" his 99, it was still on his leathers because it's still 'in his heart'... but he explains it by saying he has "earned the right", that it's a "unique opportunity". then, a few years later, his main cited reason for sticking with the number 99 is how it 'represents' him
very much a question of identity, then, something about how jorge made the choice to use the 99 and how it was an expression of liberation for him... he was tempted by the number one once and only once - a statement in itself, following on from jorge's title win in 2010 where the oppressively popular defending champion had been taken out of contention through injury. jorge says he's 'earned the right' because he feels like he deserves it and he wants to tell the world as much. did his failure to defend the title play into his decision not to run the plate again or did he just decide it wasn't really for him after all? did he realise he had grown so attached to the number 99, what it symbolised to him, that he didn't want to give it up again? or did he just realise it was better for personal branding?
last year, here's what casey had to say:
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it's fun how the perception of it has changed so drastically, hasn't it? now it's kinda the brave decision to take it... and that's mainly the legacy of two blokes who happened to monopolise this century of racing and decided to make their numbers their own (you may have noticed that there's considerably less material out there on why they made the choice they did). it's gone from something that you just sort of did automatically to something that puts a bit of a target on your back. because that's the subtext, right - everyone wants to 'take the number one plate'... which obviously they do anyway, but all this talk of curses and jinxes attempts to give it a bit of extra weight. is it presumptuous to take that number? valentino and marc made the call to stick to their numbers - and years later it's become a statement to deviate from that path. in that fabio quote above, in context he's really just trying to say he feels like he's the number 20 and nothing other than that - but "I feel like I'm not number one" is still a teensy bit loaded. how did marc's injury affect the choice made by those in his absence?
casey is unsurprisingly very firm on the whole thing, "you are world champion and you should be wearing number one". as if doing anything else is shying away from this duty. defending the title is another "challenge" that he says he likes - almost like a way of putting extra pressure on himself. though in a different interview, casey also says this:
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just a number after all, then? it's also interesting how they frame it in different ways, isn't it? for casey it's "recognition" of an achievement, for jorge it's something you've "earned"... and for pecco, it's something you "need to respect". it's about something that puts "pressure" on you... perhaps that's partly because so much of the discourse about the number one plate has become about defending the title (or failing to do so), but pecco discusses it more as a responsibility than something he deserves. you can tell that it's clearly preoccupied him for a while - it's something he's "fascinated" by, he's "admired" people who have done it, he's "always loved it". for both casey and pecco, part of it seems to be about respecting the history of all the blokes who have used the number in the past, like it's an act that pays tribute to that heritage. you'd think this shouldn't have been such a tough choice in the first place, wouldn't you? goes to show how much of a break with tradition it's become - tradition, of course, that was really started by pecco's own mentor. would it be that surprising if that's part of the reason for the reticence? and, at the same time, would it be that surprising that his mentor's long shadow might make him feel like he needs that big and bold number one? what does pecco think it's saying that he went a different way? all this public hand-wringing just because he's breaking a trend
for jorge, the number one plate was a public declaration that he'd made it, naysayers be damned. to pecco, "the number one plate means you need to demonstrate you are number one". it's like giving yourself a point to prove... is it mainly a matter of pride or giving yourself something to live up to? both of them go to great pains to stress their continued attachment to their original number, how they're continuing to integrate it into all their cute designs... and that is something that has changed pretty definitively - not entirely as a result of valentino, but around the same time as valentino emerged as the figurehead of the sport, and he's certainly a big part of it. even the riders who go with the number one still want to have their number and to be known by it. the numbers have become such an integral part of branding and rider identity that riders want to make clear how important they are to them, whether they stick with the number as defending champions or not
at the same time, the fact that taking the number one plate has been de-normalised means that this decision places extra focus on the challenge of defending the title. pecco might not frame his choice in opposition to valentino and marc's to keep their numbers, but he does repeatedly link it to how they alone had been able to win successive titles. for him, then, it becomes an indirect way of living up to a legacy - counterintuitively by doing the opposite of what they did. "since I remember, was just marc and vale have repeated the title" “I thought about it many times this season in all the races we were struggling that the only two riders able to win two years in a row were marc and valentino"... that's what he's trying to live up to, this simultaneous source of inspiration and insecurity. are you lacking confidence if you need to see the number one to believe yourself that you are the number one? or is it conversely shying away from something you have rightfully earned if you can't bring yourself to take the plate? is it an expression of ego if you think your personal number is more meaningful than the number one could ever be? personal branding decisions aside, wouldn't manufacturers much rather you display the number one plate proudly on their bikes?
kind of remarkable, isn't it? it should be such a simple choice... and yet. not only is it now a question of branding and identity, but within motogp it's also become one of how you relate to the legacy of two specific riders. maybe it'll gradually become more common again to take the plate - after all, the curse has now been broken. or maybe it will be the source of much hand-wringing forevermore... we shall see. we shall see
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Happy Birthday David Dastmalchian 🎂🎉🎁🎈
To celebrate, I'm stealing borrowing from my friend's @polkadotjohnson amazing idea of making a Top 10 Loved/Hottest roles of his, with an honourable mention for both~ Here's 30 of my most adored characters of his with little snippets for each, it's a looooong read, and if anyone else wants to make their own, here's a tierlist I made for this exact purpose 💗💗💗
💘 Love of my Life - Dr Fearless
My cringefail boyfriend, I love every single headcanon I hear about him. He was so damn cute even before I fell in love, and now every time I see him I start giggling and kicking my feet lol 😚 I adore how much fun DD has with him, and honestly I’m gunna dress as a vampire for Halloween this year /)w(\ been like 20+ years but I really really wanna do it!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Whistling Marauder (Bird Box)
Mother of mercy. We rewatched the whole movie just for him, so naturally he shows up near the end and then died ;w; but that outfit, holy hell. Oh my god. I’m such a sucker for bad boys and this guy is going around forcing people to stare at this eldrich being that’ll destroy you or drive you mad. And he looks goddamn great while doing it. Gunna attach myself to the chain on his jeans. Okay I’m normal again, what a way to start off the list lmao
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Luke (Singled Out)
Douchebag. Shitty brother who’s also great if only to save his own ass. Thief. Pure idiot. Irresistible. I knew the moment I saw the clips on youtube that he would so be my type, and seeing the full pilot only proved that. Dude picked a burger over getting his sister, he would treat me so wrong half the time, but then he’d make me waffles and it’d be all better 😊
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💘 Love of my Life - The Writer (Making Love)
This one breaks my heart so much. I’ve been in a relationship like this before, and I really want to save him from his. He’s beautiful, he’s talented, his outfit is hot as hell with all the rings and bracelets and necklaces, not to mention the undone shirt buttons, he’s got the emo bangs, he is the complete package for me. The only reason he isn’t higher is because I fell for many others first. I almost never watched this one because my brain was going haywire trying to imagine what kinda scenes I’d find in something with a title like that, and sure enough my face was so red the entire time since I watched with headphones and it starts with him whispering right in my ear, like him asking, ‘Do you love me?’ nearly made me cry, I love him so much. If I could bring specifically him to life I would love the hell outta him until he stopped needing such a painful, self-destructive fake love with the Woman QwQ
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Nick (Love is an Elevator)
This one is just a silly little guy /)w(\ right from the start he’s so adorable, I would melt if anything even close to his interaction happened to me, and him just swooning and saying she was beautiful before bailing in tears is so me-coded TwT I would love to go out on a date with him!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Abra Kadabra (The Flash)
Abra was so tricky to place because I love him, but as soon as I remembered his buckle outfit from his second episode I knew he had to go under Hot. Like, again, I’m so weak. I love his attitude, I love how he just wants that applause for his showmanship, his ‘powers’ are cool as hell, and DD has the wand in his home now and I think that’s so damn cool 😊 The reveal with him wanting to bring back his alternate timeline family was so sweet I almost cried, and he definitely didn’t deserve to be killed out so instantly right after his redemption. Not even a fan/watcher of the show, but in my head I’m having Flash warn him about it since he’s from the future, so he’s fine now 😌
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💘 Love of my Life - James Lewis (Teacher)
James was also incredibly difficult to place because I love him so much ;w; The entire movie I was rooting for him, guy did nothing wrong in the face of what was going on around him, and granted he did take things too far, but… villains are hot 😳 so I won through that entire movie. And he lived! And kept getting to teach! I remember I pointed at the screen when he was putting books away cause that’s my job lol I felt truly close to him in that short moment 😂 Anyway, Arabella didn’t deserve him, like she wasn't into it from the moment they met, every single time he talked she would do this 😬 guy was going through hell and was very clearly in a bad place all around, I can’t fault him for drunkenly saying the wrong thing if it were me, even if it did really hurt me. Gunna give him a new wedding ring to put on when he gets outta prison.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hector (Premature)
He’s so cute!!! I may be weak for villains, but I adore his sweeter roles as well, I’m so glad I got to see him. If I moved to a new city and he was my neighbour I’d know I’d be okay, because honestly he needs to be my roommate like yesterday. A chef who’s afraid to cook because of OCD, I’m sure he’d be able to help me with my own cooking from a safe distance, and I already have some practice as my sibling has OCD and is very strict about how her food is handled, so I’ll have come full circle. I just need to make him more okay with cuddles first…
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🔥 Hottest Role - Denham (A Killer of Men)
Denham was another one that was hard to place, because that axe twirls makes me insane, but with what little screentime he gets it all evens out. Another great villain, he’s just senseless violence in a bloody wedding dress and he works it. Love the look, love the vibe, if the world ended and the whole gang was coming at me I’d be honoured if he was the one who got me (I swear I’m not that deranged lmao just thirsty)
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💘 Love of my Life - Simon Lynch (Almost Human)
Even now I feel like Simon should be higher, especially since I’ve written my fic about him as well as my deep dive. I’ve said it before but my heart really went out to him, the deep dive says way more than I can fit it here, which probably means he should be higher lol so give that (and maybe the fic too 👉👈😌) a read if you haven’t already, all my love for him went into both.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - James Harris (The Employer)
Another adorable character, the bar flashbacks had me blushing every time. We all knew it’d be him, but I’m so glad he pulled through at the end. I want this one to be happy, especially after everything he went through. Absolutely cutiepie, gunna be the one to pay for his dinner after he gets home 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Dwight Pollard (Gotham)
Since I go into all of his roles blind, I had no idea what to expect for this one, but from the start I was hooked. Having him be a crazed cult leader with the biggest, most feral smile and laugh ever stole my heart the things I would let this man do to me sakndskjds I liveblogged his eps to a friend of mine who’s seen Gotham and has been trying to get me to watch it for ages cause I love DC, so she was thrilled as I sat here screaming about everything leading up to his ending :’D I’ve gotten some encouragement to write him, so when I do it’s gunna be so insane I’ll have to tag the hell outta it lmao (btw making these gifs nearly killed me oh my god I need him)
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💘 Love of my Life - Joshua Whitmore (Cass)
All the pain I went through trying to get this movie was worth it because it all led to him. I love him, I adore him, I’m so incredibly glad that so many others got to see him and love him too thanks to my trials and tribulations. DD’s only artist role, I got to connect with him on a personal level not shared with the others, and my desire to make sure he’s safe and taken care of is so strong that I wrote 26k about him, they’re two of my most favourite things I’ve ever written. I’ve thrown the ending of the movie out and completely placed it with my own, which can be found in my fics, and until Hugh Schulze DMs me personally and tells me what his vision was, that’s what I’m sticking with forever. So rest easy, he’s free from New York and buyers and dealers and the street and he’s safe and happy and painting again ;w;
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Thomas Schiff (The Dark Knight)
The OG, a lot of people’s first roles of his, including mine. I remember seeing this movie in theaters when it came out so that means I saw him up there, on the big screen, and something about him stuck around in my brain until I finally realized my love QwQ Even if he isn’t as fleshed out in my mind to make the actual list, I still needed to include him in some way, I hope he got placed somewhere that wasn't Arkham after Batman stepped in.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Cam (Relaxer)
I will never watch Relaxer again. Couldn’t even do it while I was making his scenepack cause so many horrible things happen to Abbie I couldn’t take it. But Cam, oh my god, I need this man. Someday I wanna write this huge fic about the reader trying to date him, and there’s no redemption. He’s still terrible at the end. But that’s what we all love about him, how shitty he is and how the potential is there for him to make us all worse. He sucks, but in the best way, and I kinda need him to maybe bully me please 😳 (making that first gif nearly made me blackout why is he doing pushups)
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💘 Love of my Life - Bob Taylor (Prisoners)
When I started adding names to my list of men I loved, Bob wasn't even on it at first I think, despite liking him in the movie. Then I saw more with him and added him to crushes. Now I’m fully in love with him, and he breaks my heart every single day. He was hurting for so long, even when we were watching I couldn’t place the blame on him while the rest of my family were convinced just like Loki that he was the one, but no matter what I couldn’t. The second I saw his sweet smile I told them there was no way it was him, and sure enough I was right. Another character who didn’t deserve what happened to him, I’ve been slowly helping him with my headcanons, but in my personal queue I have a fic planned for him and he will have no more sad days when I do 😭 I also have a bunny plush I’d had for years, my dad bought it for me and it’s been sitting on my bed ever since, and when I’m sad I hold it and pretend Bob gave it to me, it’s honestly got me through some much needed therapy because if he could go about his day with that kind of trauma then I could be brave and call about my own mental health :’)
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lonny Crane (The Belko Experiment)
This one’s a bit of a double whammy, cause I love him, but the switch to violence had me staring 👀 Either way, he didn’t deserve his death, but since it is a killing game type movie he was doomed from the start, at least his seemed instant 🥺 Someday I’ll write a fixit for him too, it was just too much for him back to back to back, he really didn’t deserve his final moments to have him as a villain even though I would really love to be lifted up like that aklskjdskds okay I’m normal again
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🔥 Hottest Role - Ray Watkins (The Rookie)
Have you seen this man? No really, have you seen him? The twirl, the shirt lifting on his hips, the cold but also fun villainy, the nonchalance to mask the cruelness underneath. I need him. This one is not a Want, he is a Need and I need him. I hope that he gets to come back in the future to fully wrap up his plot along with the cop’s plot, pleasepleaseplease, otherwise I will die unsatisfied.
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💘 Love of my Life - Kurt Goreshter (Ant-Man 1-2)
I believe he might’ve been the second role I’d ever seen, but only after I really got into the MCU after Endgame. I skipped Ant-Man in my original watches, since I was mostly just into the Avengers and Cap (mainly Bucky lol) in general, but when I finally did a full marathon I really enjoyed the first movie. Cannot remember my feelings for him now since it’s been about 4 years, but I do know when I went back to rewatch in March I fell the second I saw him 🥰 the hair, the accent, the outfit AGAIN, and those hand tattoos, this is another Perfect Man. My crush on him is incredibly strong, it told me that yeah I was really starting to fall for DD (at that point I’d just seen Demeter a few times, and then Oppenheimer on accident) and it officially kicked off my marathon that eventually led me to my collection I have today. 
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lester Billings (The Boogeyman)
My family actually watched this without me way before my crush began, so when I saw he was in it I just had to finally sit down and watch it myself. Cue me hurriedly typing to my sibling when he showed up lol this man is SAD! He’s so beautiful and sad, I just wanna make a new family with him (I would be a parent for him, that’s the extent of my love) so he can be happy again. I love the backstory I made up for him way more than the original story, sorry Stephen King but you made him awful and I don’t want that one. I’m gunna save this man and he WILL smile again, that’s a Ray Guarantee.
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🔥 Hottest Role - The Vampire (Cora)
Now, to start, this one falls prey to Very Bad Writing Choices. I will not deny that. Like, even with the allegory of the whole thing (that I did not see cause I just saw a short vampire story honestly) it's very much Not Good. But that’s why I’m removing him from the short and keeping him. In fact, go read polkadotjohnson’s fics on him, they’re fantastic and I adore how she wrote him. I someday wish to do my own, because otherwise everyone who can’t look past the Very Bad Writing Choices are getting straight up robbed of this one. Those double fangs need to introduce themselves to my neck pronto, you see what I’m saying? He’s so goddamn hot, DD needs to play a very serious vampire role again so everyone can see the Vision, he wants to do it, I need to win the lottery so I can fund this movie myself, that’s my new life’s goal.
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💘 Love of my Life - Jack Delroy (Late Night With the Devil)
The first movie I saw in theaters after my crush began! My friend saw him in a tweet about it and linked me to it so I thought it was already out, but I ended up having to wait two weeks and it nearly killed me ;w; I went in completely blind, which is good cause the trailer spoils so many great shots unfortunately, and the entire time I was swooning. Like, I usually whisper to my sibling during movies if we have comments, we’re very talkative at home when we watch stuff, but this time I was just sitting there staring with hearts in my eyes without pause. I’m in love with this man, plain and simple, I’m so glad I was able to get to see it since it didn’t come to the theater closest, we had to drive an hour away and when dad joked about me paying for the tickets since I was the one who wanted to see it, I did in a heartbeat. I wanted to see it again, but it was only there a couple weeks, so by the time I was able to go it was gone and I’m still upset about it. I’d sell my soul for this man, I love writing for him so much, I’m so glad my crush on Wojchek bloomed just in time for me to see this.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hank (Virgin Alexander)
I avoided this one at first because the trailer was making me cringe and I was going crazy over what kinda sexy awkward role he’d have in it, but I was pleasantly surprised in the end. I think the movie is actually cute, despite some stuff still making me cringe, and Hank is literally the most perfect boyfriend. If he showed up randomly in my life I would date him in a second, hands down. He’s so shaped like a friend, I know I’d always have fun with him even when we’re not Having Fun, and that’s all you can ever ask for in a relationship 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Breck Montanari (Double Black)
Okay first of all I gave him that last name. Second of all, I wrote 70k about this man and I am so in love with him that I own him now. I’ve taken him from Sara Woomer, he’s mine now. He has a full past, gave him a future and a partner, there’s no way I couldn’t have fallen in love with him. Unfortunately that fic will never be shared as it’s private, but know that, again, until Sara Woomer DMs me personally and shares everything else about this world, this is my new canon for him. And the cult. And the entire area where he lives. And several of the members. And the new Double Black who was such a chill dude that I made my bff love him too. This is my secret legacy. He only lost out to my #2 because there’s no way he couldn’t be my #2.
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💘 Love of my Life - Wojchek (The Last Voyage of the Demeter)
The reason I finally learned his name QwQ I went into this movie blind, dad really wanted to see it and I love horror so I went with him, and the second I saw him I said, ‘Oh that guy! I know that guy!’ since by then I’d seen Kurt and Abner a few years earlier and vaguely remembered him. I spent the whole movie then dreading his end thanks to the opening lines, and I’m pretty sure I quietly yelled at the screen when he fell and then got got after praying he’d be okay TwT After Abner, he’s the first DD role I ever shipped with, and when my crush officially restarted I ended up writing my entire plot for him and Addy that night before bed. I love him so much, he’s my jolly sailor bold who stole my heart by crying over the thought of having to lose his home. He’ll forever own a special place in my heart because of all this, I can’t imagine anyone else taking this spot.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Murdoc (MacGyver 2016)
Murdoc was the first TV role of his I checked out after I saw as many movies as I could that interested me (mostly all the ones on Prime sans a couple, my collection was very very small by then) and the moment I saw him be mentioned I was ready to go. The Alice in Wonderland vague text, running and then getting shocked before falling two floors, showing up with that hair, I was not prepared for everything else they were about to throw at me. Murdoc is one of my most favourite characters now, he’s so much fun, I adore everything about him, I’ve only edited with him twice and written him once, but I need to do both so much more! This one is hot as fuck, he’s adorable, he loves his son, he’s got tools, he’s utterly sadistic, he’s a silly little guy. This is another Perfect Man, I cannot wait to decide on his plot with Addy because there’s too many fun possibilities I honestly might just make multiple.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Willy Cunningham (The Domestics)
Now… you might all be thinking… why the hell is this guy a #2 honourable mention in the face of all the others… and the answer is… I’m a freak 😀 I’ll never say, but my eyes were opened to him, and my god, I will literally never be the same. I just need him and that insanely feral energy okay, lemme have this.
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💘 Love of my Life - Abner Krill (The Suicide Squad)
The love that started it all, I think I fell for him the moment he walked outta his cell and got teased. The love I feel for him goes so deep, it only compares to one other, and whenever I work on my plot for him and Addy I always get choked up. The ultimate one who didn’t deserve what he got, I actually refused to watch the movie again after he died, straight up did not watch until my marathon started, and as soon as I saw him in that cell it all came back. I instantly fell back in love with him, and thus his Addy plot has the most love put into it to make sure he’s happy and safe. I thought that maybe there’d be another to win my heart as my marathon grew, but nope he’s still there sharing it with my other #1, and seeing him can instantly bring a smile to my face no matter how I’m feeling. 
After the movie I read the trivia again and my crush on DD himself began, so it’s all thanks to him and Wojchek that I’ve met the people I know today and have created so many things in such a short time. When I hit my lowest low in years I just sat at my desk and held the funko I have of him and just cried it all out, and it honestly helped me get out of that spiral. Thanks to him I now have a Polka-Dot Man collection (still missing one figure and maybe a signed print and poster 👉👈🥰) and if I could get a plushie of him to join the ton I already have I’d buy him in a second. Maybe someday, if I have any courage, I’ll bring my funko or something to a con where DD is attending and get it signed, either him or my other #1, and I’ll cherish it forever.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Jude (Animals)
Like all the others, I went into this movie completely blind. I didn’t know DD wrote it or its significance to him until after it was over and the credits rolled. So the entire time I was watching I was falling in love with him, he was so incredibly my type in the moments he was actually happy that it’s insane, I spent the whole movie just saying how much I would date him in better circumstances. We were sadly betting which one of them was going to die as things just got worse, me and my sibling were watching so miserably, and then we were rewarded with a happy ending despite the bittersweetness. And then the credits rolled, after me repeatedly wondering why he’d accept a role like this after knowing at least about his addiction and it all fell into place. I haven’t been able to watch again so far now that I know a lot of what happened to Jude also happened to him, it breaks my heart too much, but I still love him deep down and I hope he was also able to heal after the credits rolled.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Johnson (Reprisal)
Tied for first with Abner as the ultimate love of my life and claiming this one all to himself, Johnson is the Most Perfect Man. Literally, no other DD role can top him in my heart aside from Abner. I honestly almost skipped Reprisal entirely because the promo image on his imdb didn’t grab me (I’m such a fake fan I’m so ashamed of myself), but when I was done with everything else and wanted to see more, I downloaded it without ep9 since he wasn't in it, and started watching. What followed next was me falling so in love with the show that I spent forever trying to get that missing episode back from near dead torrents cause I needed to watch it even though he wasn't in it. Reprisal is my Roman Empire, I am constantly thinking about it and him and Matty, not just for my fic but just because I love it all so fucking much. 
Johnson himself is so fascinating, I’m incredibly in love with him and everything about him, he’s unlike any other role DD has played that there’s a complete disconnect in my mind, he’s just Johnson. He’s so goddamn hot I missed out on literally everything the first round because I was watching him so hard, Matty and Ethan were nonexistent to me and I’m madly in love with Matty now so let that sink in, and when I rewatched it immediately after with my parents it was like I was watching for the first time. I’m loving writing for him (and Matty and Ethan of course) so much that my thoughts go back to him daily, and it almost always includes me being on the verge of tears because of how insanely good this script is and how these boys bring me so much joy while also shattering my heart. 
Making the gif below no joke did make me cry like this show is my greatest weakness right now you guys don't even understand how much it and Johnson mean to me.
I need to edit more for him and them and the show in general, if I had endless money and all the confidence in the world I would truly fund this show single handedly so it can finish the way it was supposed to. I’m so mad at Hulu for giving me the greatest love(s) of my life before taking him away years before I’d ever know him, with no physical media or merch to at least collect to numb the pain. At some point I need to get some promo pics printed out as actual posters, I need this show on my wall so I can always see him.
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emsuemsu · 10 months
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So, occasionally I do adventure out of my comfort zone and read something other than Harry and Draco falling in love for the 1246th time in a row. This month I've been enjoying some magnificent entries in HP rare pair fair (@hprarepairfest) - all the love for this fest. Also I've been exploring some jegulus which I'm absolutely obsessed, at least in theory. In reality I don't think I'm honestly strong enough for the marauders era at all, that shit fucking hurts and I salute all those who go through it day to day. You're amazing.
So, without futher ado, my november non-drarry favorites:
Apple Tree and Juniper by @trueliarose 💫 Harry/Charlie, 17,732 words
Charlie Weasley: dragon tamer, single, attractive and the man Harry had had a crush on for years - what will happen when said man has to take some time off at work and decides to occupy himself by helping out with Harry's business?
Now, the thing about me is that I'm the biggest simp for Charlie Weasley. He makes me absolutely feral. The whole idea of getting it on with your best friends brother is like fucking ecstasy to me, and this might or might not stem from personal experiences. Out of all the Weasley siblings Charlie with Harry is just 🤌🤌 Now this fic had it all. A little angst, lots of fluff, Harry being all crafty crafty, TENSION and PINING, amazing magical woodworking lore (??? idk but i love it).. and the best part is that I noticed the author started a series with this fic being the opening act - I've never in my life hit that subscribe button as fast as I did with this one. God is good.
Choices by @sophsicle 💫 Regulus/James, 624,178 words
People make mistakes, but they also make choices. It’s important to James, that difference. He does his best not to confuse the two.
This is an honourable mention on this list since I read this already in October. But listen, I'm fucking traumatized by this fic. This was my first jegulus, my first marauders I've ever finished, and my 13th goddamn reason. And I can't even blame anybody other than myself, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I binge-read this in a day and a half and in retrospect I should've taken it a little more easy. But what can I say, I'm an all or nothing kinda girl. Chapter 53 hits different at 4am, just saying. The writing was hauntingly beautiful and I still think daily about some quotes and scenes from this fic. This fic is a journey and I'm glad I took it.
Light Bringer by meanwhiletimely 💫 Albus/Gellert, 10,678 words
Gellert doesn't simply shine—Gellert blazes, casting all around him into shadow with sheer dazzling force of being. When he turns that beatific gaze on you, your whole body comes alive for him: heat flaring up from within, blood in your veins turned to light.
This story is EVERYTHING. I was holding by breath while reading this. Beautiful. I love grindeldore (even though my resentment of Albus is as deep as the Mariana Trench), and this has to be one of the most beautiful fics I've ever read. This was written in second person POV which made the fic even more intense. Like I felt every word in my soul. Lots of love.
Mystic Lake of Memory by @sliebman10 💫 Harry/George, 5,055 words
As George's thirtieth birthday approaches, Harry convinces him to go on holiday to Loch Ness, where he and Fred had originally planned to spend their birthday in search of the sea monster.
Fred and George remain as an open wound for me still after all these years. This fic was sweet and melancholic at the same time, I absolutely loved how their relationship had grown and this fic was pretty as a picture. Absolute joy.
Sleeping With Ghosts by @ghaniblue 💫 Regulus/Harry/Draco, 27,902 words
Harry wakes in an unfamiliar bed to Regulus pointing a wand at his head, and then Draco moves into his house. Harry just wants the world to fuck off; being able to sleep through the night would be appreciated, too. This is the story of one very tired saviour of the wizarding world, a resurrected corpse and a mean little ferret living in Grimmauld Place together, drinking too much tea, talking less than is warranted, and falling in love.
I'm a slut for triads. Even more of a slut if two thirds of the triad is drarry. This fic was everything. It was so witty and funny and I was seriously laughing out loud reading this. I need this relationship tag to BLOW THE FUCK UP in 2024. I loved the build up and the ending was perfect. I really enjoyed Regulus' characterization and I think this fic really hits the spot with how I imagine him being. The interaction between the three of them was amazing.
Sweet Boy by @maraudersaffair 💫 Harry/Narcissa, 6,261 words
Harry agrees to date Narcissa to help her improve the reputation of her family. The intensity of their sexual chemistry takes them both by surprise, and it turns out there is nothing fake about their arrangement.
After reading this I decided that being a MILF is a state of mind and that being said I am one now. Do I have any kids? No. Will I have any kids? God knows. This fic was delicious in all the ways and more and I love Narcissa. So much.
Two of the Easiest Words in Gaelic by sky_watcher_rose 💫 Druella/Minerva, 27,902 words
Minerva will be the first to admit that Druella Rosier was the love of her life. But it’s been twenty years since they last saw each other, and she’s done her best to move on. When Druella unexpectedly arrives at a parents’ evening - the first she’s attended in the four years that Minerva has been teaching her children - both of them have to face up to certain feelings that never went away.
I usually shy away from muggle au's, but this was magical nevertheless. It was the first fic with this pairing I've ever read (and yes I have to admit I had to google who Druella was). The Scottish winter vibes were immaculate. I absolutely adore the "one that got away" kinda vibe in this one. There was this one quote from Minerva which was something like "I'm Scottish, nothing depresses me except bad whiskey" and I felt that in my core. Feel u sis, even though I'm not a Scot.
Unguarded-series by birdsofshore 💫 Draco/Albus Severus, 5 works, 38,834 words in total
Dilf-Draco is all I need in my life. So fucking hot.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Dearest snail! How are you? How's life going? The little snails? Chef husband? Music? Sorry to be kinda MIA hehehe the birthday and burnt out happened 😅 anyways i send you the biggest of hugs and lots of love!😺✨❤️
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Hello darling! I have been living life while recovering from a bout of illness - been going around the full state where I live and it's horrible. I gave a bit of an update about chef-husband, and some uncomfy stuff here recently.
Only thing new to add is my baby brother had his bday party at my place: D&D / Viking Themed Surprise Party. My SIL made his cake, and it was bloody spectacular.
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Happy birthday to you!! I hope you had a spectacular day filled with love, honour and adoration. Welcome back after your time away 🖤🖤🖤
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asksuccubussides · 1 year
(Hi, me again. Transferring my attention over to Roman in honour of his birthday.)
Hello Roman, how are you doing? I have a question for you about your tails. Are they prehensile or not? Or does it vary from demon to demon?
"Greetings my loyal fan! I'm living the fairytail life as always!"
Roman was having breakfast in bed at a fancy hotel with a big window overlooking Paris. The human that had paid for the room had already left and now he was placing the crossiants and pain de chocolate into a bag to bring back to his brother. Personally the feeling of eating was really uneasy for him but he could drink stuff.
"Our tails? Well yes of course! You see....uhm...." He looked up what the word perhensile meant before continuing "Buddy, They're super prehensible. Look"
He used his tail to lift his teacup and take sip from it before doing a lil cheers at you.
"I thiiink all demons can do this with their tails? I've never seen anyone who can't. Though I think the strenght varies. Like I've seen Remy hang upside down from the ceiling by their tail but I can't even pick up a bike with mine. Think like higher up demons can make their tails sharp as well? We succubi aren't supposed to be able to hurt or kill anyone so we can't obviously uhm do that" He laughed "Having an inbuilt sword tail would have been so extravagantly awesome though"
While he talked he was absentmindledly using his tail to puff up his hair and make sure none of his locs had been caught in his horns.
"...I'm not sure if Emile has a tail....I mean maybe he just has a really short one so I never see it? Hmm feels kinda rude to ask a guy about his tail situation yknow? But it's fun to gossip! Oh yeah!" He did a little shimmy.
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The Demigod From Asgard - Steve Rogers x Reader Masterlist
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The Demigod From Asgard - Steve Rogers x Reader Masterlist
This is an insanely long series as it will follow the events of the entire Infinity Saga from The Avengers to Endgame and a little further. Therefore it will contain MAJOR SPOILERS for the infinity saga!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Reader
Summary: After being taken from earth as a baby by your father Odin, you finally get the chance to visit your home planet. To save it from your older brother Loki. Using your powers over the elements you help the Avengers defeat him, finding a new home and friends. 
Warnings: Torturously slow slow burn! Language! Angst! Fluff! Alcohol Consumption! Canon typical violence! Description of Blood and Injuries! Character Deaths! SMUT 18+ ONLY! More detailed warnings will be given with each chapter. 
Status: Complete
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ for update notifications
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Part 1: Fell straight from heaven
Part 2: Galaga and Flying Monkeys
Part 3: Lack of Conviction
Part 4: The Battle of New York
Part 5: Some Shawarma and a See You Later
Part 6: Time to Catch Up
Part 7: Visiting Some Old Friends
Part 8: Back to School
Part 9: Everyone needs a hot lunch
Part 10: The First Mission
Part 11: A Lot Of Thanks To Give
Part 12: Reality Gone Haywire 
Part 13: A Hesitant Hello and Sad Goodbye
Part 14: Imitation Games
Part 15: Not an Illusion
Part 16: Converge on Greenwich
Part 17: Coney Island
Part 18: Modernisation and a couple of tricks
Part 19: Freeze The Room
Part 20: Even Gods Get Sick
Part 21: Not my idea of a cruise
Part 22: Get with the program Cap
Part 23: Ears and Eyes Everywhere 
Part 24: Kinda Feels Personal
Part 25: Honeymoon Planning
Part 26: Return of the Dead
Part 27: Everything Goes
Part 28: Making Room
Part 29: Moving Day
Part 30: Follow the trail
Part 31: Scary Big Brother
Part 32: Camp Harmony
Part 33: The Wrong Hostage
Part 34: Things that go bang in the night*
Bonus Chapter: Scary Good Time (Takes place at the same time as Part 34)
Bonus Chapter: Slow Mornings *
Part 35: A Trip Back In Times*
Part 36: A Year On*
Part 37: A Field Trip To Sokovia
Part 38: JARVIS, We got a buggy suit
Part 39: Firecracker Girlfriend
Part 40: They Have To Evolve
Part 41: That was Strange
Part 42: Son of a bitch
Part 43: You need to rest
Part 44: The Princess of Asgard*
Part 45: A bit of planning and some broken tiles *
Part 46: Fighting your double
Part 47: A big day and long night*
Part 48: The List*
Part 49: Hot and Bothered*
Part 50: Magic Mistletoe
Part 51: The rat that didn’t drown
Part 52: Your Buddy, Your Bucky
Part 53: Electromagnetic Headache
Part 54: Honourable Discharge
Part 55: Making Things Worse
Part 56: Mission Report: December 16th 1991
Part 57: Battered and Bruised
Part 58: Prison Break
Part 59: Night Terrors
Part 60: Welcome to Asgard
Part 61: Not Inadequate*
Part 62: A Skeleton In The Closet
Part 63: Chicken Noodle Soup
Part 64: A New Home*
Part 65: Out of the Ice*
Part 66: Steve the Goat*
Part 67: Pink or Blue
Part 68: Shred Of Hope
Part 69: Dramatic Arrival
Part 70: It’s all a bit too much
Part 71: A Big Day*
Part 72: We Don’t Trade Lives
Part 73: Get This Man A Shield
Part 74: Battle of Wakanda
Part 75: The Ones Left Behind
Part 76: The Garden
Part 77: The Five Stages to Moving On
Part 78: Finding Scout
Part 79: First Day Nerves
Part 80: Up In The Stars
Bonus Drabble: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Part 81: I Don’t Like Bullies
Part 82: A Chance
Part 83: A Bigger Brain
Part 84: The EPR Paradox
Part 85: Time to Brainstorm
Part 86: The Time Heist
Part 87: A Soul For A Soul
Part 88: Time Messed Back
Part 89: The Aftermath
Part 90: Bigger Than The Whole Sky
Part 91: One Last Mission
Part 92: Teething Problems
Part 93: Back To Work
Part 94: Birthday Boys
Part 95: Last To Leave The Party*
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daydreamingleclerc · 3 years
instagram files | a year in the life
are we calling this my hiatus comeback? idk but i’m back i guess
this is different but kinda fun i think! i saw someone do it under the tom holland tag AGES ago but i can’t remember who they were so this is not an original idea on my behalf 💓💞💕💗 if you liked it please let me know and i will do more because tumblr has a ten image limit and these let me live out a fantasy ❤️
*pictures are NOT mine. credit to the original owners. all photos were found on pinterest/google images and instagram. i do not own any of this content.
yourusername ✔️
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liked by taylorswift, declanrice and others
yourusername no point hiding it anymore. happy new year, mi amor🤍
view all 68,896 comments
masonmount 🤍
sasha__rebecca 🥳❤️
itsamelewigi it’s not like i introduced you two or anything...
january 1st, 2021
masonmount ✔️
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liked by benchilwell, landonorris and others
masonmount drinking before 5 and wearing my shirt? unacceptable 🙄
view all 78,649 comments
itsamelewigi she’s got to cope being with you somehow
masonmount rather me than you!
yourusername it’s not your shirt if you can’t iron it 💔
masonmount watch it, missy..
january 3rd, 2021
masonmount ✔️
cobham training complex
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liked by chelseafc, timowerner and others
masonmount first training session of the year!
view all 74,857 comments
chelseafc looking good, mase!
yourusername bit cold...
benchilwell calves are popping
january 5th, 2021
yourusername ✔️
novello theatre, london
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liked by laurenfryer_, taylorswift and others
yourusername my life dream came true😭😭😭😭 come and see me sing my little socks off as sophie sheridan at the novello theatre for a limited time from january 20th to april 30th!! ticket link in my bio💕
view all 85,763 comments
masonmount so proud of you, muffin 🤍
yourusername love you xxxxxx
declanrice yoooooo!!
january 8th, 2021
yourusername ✔️
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liked by laytonwilliams, sasha__rebecca and others
yourusername scored on the pitch and now you’ll score off of it too😉 happy birthday baby. love you more & more with every passing second 💖
view all 97,856 comments
chunkz captions a bit bold for a sunday night
yourusername mind ur damn business
declanrice oi oi... better freshen up lad!! @\masonmount 🤣
masonmount 🖕🏼
january 10th, 2021
masonmount ✔️
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liked by benchilwell, itsamelewigi and others
masonmount what a lovely round .... car wheel
view all 135,894 comments
yungchalobah bro, you’re punching so hard
tammyabraham stick to the day job brother
perrieedwards your constant harassment of the female gender makes me sick
masonmount i now understand that reference 🤣
february 2nd, 2021
yourusername ✔️
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liked by perrieedwards, leahmonroe and others
yourusername he insisted the birthday celebrations started tonight 🥺💞
view all 117,805 comments
masonmount forever & always my sweetheart 🤍💍
laurenfryer happy (early) birthday y/n! 💖
jazbenham a perfect start to your weekend! ❤️
february 17th, 2021
masonmount ✔️
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liked by declanrice, jesselingard and others
masonmount happy birthday, love. i am so lucky to have you. never, ever change 🤍
view all 298,653 comments
yourusername we took so many good pictures at dinner and this is the one you chose? 💔
declanrice time to get the ring out, bro 🤣🤣
masonmount not yet... 👀🤣
lukeshaw yeah, you’re whipped
february 18th, 2021
masonmount ✔️
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liked by benchilwell, cmpulisic and others
masonmount good win today, lads. such an honour to wear the captain band once again, @/chelseafc 💙
view all 98,784 comments
yourusername can i get this in a frame? 😍
masonmount that’s your christmas present sorted 🤣
benchilwell skipper💙
declanrice buzzing for you!
february 27th, 2021
yourusername ✔️
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liked by jackgrealish, perrieedwards and others
yourusername that two-show day feeling 😋 @/mammamiamusical
view all 70,674 comments
leahmonroe glowing 😍
yourusername thanks babe!💗
jazbenham 😍😍
yourusername love you jazzy❤️
masonmount 😍😍😍😍😍😍
yourusername original xx
march 5th, 2021
498 notes · View notes
Heyheyhey!! Can i request manager birthday and the team forget about it for seijoh, inarizaki, and shiratorizawa bcs tomorrow ma birthday hahah. Thank youuu and i love you
Anon-chan!! This is SUCH an important birthday request and I am beyond honoured to write it for you :D 💖💖💖💖✨
Our birthdays are so close too👉👈 mine's next week. (Exactly ten days apart from yours!!)
Anyways, happy birthday Anon-chan!!I hope you have a beautiful day, filled with lots of happy things, and a wonderful year ahead. you're wonderful, and I hope you always remember that !! 💖💖💖✨ I love you so very much <3
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The teams forgetting their manager's birthday
Characters: Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, and Inarizaki
Warnings: none
Oh btw!! since the type of manager is not specified, I'll go with my default fem manager :D she's cute and sweet (like you, Anon-chan 😺😆💖) and the boys adore her a ton. She's also very capable, smart, and confident, and she loves being physical with the boys, which constantly flusters them!
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The Seijoh boys would be so busy practicing for an upcoming match, they kinda forget everything that's happening around them.
Lots of focus. You smile fondly, because that's what makes them such a good team. Their ability to focus on their goals and eliminate all distractions.
Until one day, Yahaba is just scrolling through his phone's calendar when he sees “Manager Chan's birthday, 19th November.”
And he's just so shocked and guilty. He immediately calls the rest of the team and tells them what he just realized.
The team feels so guilty and disappointed in themselves. They're a day late to wish you, and they desperately want to make it up to you.
You're their precious manager after all, the one who bandages their injuries with a smile and who always gives them the motivation to do better.
How could they possibly forget such a precious human being's birthday?
That same day, they create a group chat excluding you, and begin to plan something special for you.
They break themselves up into teams with specific tasks of getting things ready for an impromptu birthday party for you.
Iwa-chan is in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly, and he makes sure to do it with zeal, hoping to make it the best birthday ever for you, eventhough it's a bit late.
The next day, you walk into the gym, and it's absolutely quiet and dark. The boys aren't there yet, which is pretty odd, considering practice should've started a few minutes ago.
You stand in front of the gym and dial Oikawa's number, because he's always quick to respond to your calls, but the number goes straight to voicemail. You're confused, and a little curious as to where they are.
Suddenly, you feel someone's hands covering your eyes, and Oikawa's voice saying “y/n-chan, don't be scared. We have a surprise for you.”
You laugh, realisation washing over you that the boys probably planned something because they forgot it was your birthday yesterday, and follow Oikawa as he guides you inside.
When he finally uncovers your eyes, you see the boys holding a huge, slightly odd looking cake, lit with candles.
Oikawa hugs you from behind and you pull him closer to you, snuggling in his embrace.
You then blow out your candles and make a silent wish. I wish to always be by their side
Iwa-chan is already hitting Oikawa for hugging you before the rest, so you hug Iwa too, then Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Yahaba, Kunimi, and even Kyotani, albeit him being slightly rigid.
“thanks guys, this is an amazing surprise!” you say softly, as your eyes tear up. It's obvious that they made the cake themselves, and eventhough it wasn't perfect, your boys, made it for you.
Your heart squeezed as you cut slices for everyone, and handed it to them, as they sat on the bleachers to enjoy it.
You sit next to Yahaba and leaned on his shoulder. “Thanks for remembering” you said softly.
He blushed. “how did you know?” you explained that Kunimi told you, and he smiled at you and ruffled your hair.
“We're sorry for not remembering sooner, Y/n-san. Thanks for being the best manager ever” said Iwaizumi. He seemed to be nonchalant about it, but his eyes and smile betrayed him. He was fond of you, and genuinely glad that you enjoyed the small celebration they had prepared.
You smiled and kissed his cheek as acknowledgement, which caused him to blush and Oikawa to throw a small tantrum.
You laughed as you looked at them bantering with each other, Hanamaki and Matsukawa teasing Kyotani, and Yahaba and Kunimi next to you. You really did love these boys.
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So I'm pretty sure it's exam week, and these boys are just so studious and hardworking, they're totally immersing themselves in their studies and books.
Until it's their calculus exam and Tendou just suddenly remembers “Oh my God, it was Y/N's birthday two days ago!!” as his pencil flies across the room, much to the sensei's disapproval (haha, miracle boy is so cute)
He pulls the other third years aside after the exam, like Ushijima, and Semi, and tells them what he just remembers.
Ushijima is just stoic, but internally he's like "how could I forget? I never forget important dates like these? Is something wrong with me?" And Semi's just so sad he wants to scoop you in his arms right away.
Tendou then proposes the idea of taking you somewhere after school to surprise you, and they agree, and run off to tell the rest of the team.
Goshiki is just close to tears he hates that he forgot his favourite senpai's birthday, especially when you remembered his (and the entire team's) and never failed to make it a special day for them.
So after school ends, you're getting ready to go back home, when Semi just scoops you into his arms and carries you to the rest of the team.
You're not all that shocked, since Semi does this pretty often, and so you let him. “where are we going?” you ask, and he just casually answers “to celebrate the end of exams”
You laugh silently. They're definitely planning more than that, but you decide to humour them, and smile at the team when Semi lets you down gently.
“let's go have udon” says Shirabu with a too-big smile. You and the team walk to an udon shop near the school, and enter quietly.
Goshiki sits next you, and he looks like he wants to say something, but can't, as he bites his lip. Ushijima sits in front of you, and rest of the team take their places and begin ordering.
You notice Tendou talking to the shop owner intently, with Shirabu next to him. Ushijima knows that you might suspect something, so he tries getting your attention by asking you about your exams.
Suddenly, Tendou brings a cake to the table and team begins singing happy birthday for you. You smile happily and wait for them to finish before making a wish and blowing off the candles.
You smile happily at the team and their hearts grow warm, seeing you so happy like that.
“We're sorry for not remembering sooner, y/n-senpai” says Goshiki in a sad voice. Your heart tugs at seeing him so sad, so you ruffle his hair and assure him that exams are tough on everyone, and that it was better to celebrate it after they ended anyways.
You and the team eat the cake after having udon, and talk about the week together. They start reminiscing about memories with you, as they talk about their first impressions, and cute memories with a soft smile on their faces.
Tendou retells the story of how you first came to the team and how much you've grown ever since then.
At some point, Semi sits in your place whilst you've gone to the ladies room, and pulls you to his lap when you come back.
The team laughs when they see you desperately refusing, worried that you'll be too heavy, whilst Semi reassures you that you won't.
Goshiki adoringly smiles at you, and Semi pulls you closer to him. Tendou feeds you small pieces of strawberry left from the cake, as Shirabu records everything, excitedly typing in a caption on his social media.
Meanwhile, Ushijima is just carefully adding in a small reminder in his phone calendar, so he'll never forget your birthday in the future ever again.
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My sweet little fox babies! I think they would be excitedly counting down for your birthday, you're their precious manager-chan after all (and I can't bring myself to say they forgot 😅😭) when Atsumu suddenly sees a friend of yours post a "happy birthday y/n!!" on their Instagram story.
Atsumu immediately jumps on his brother's bed and wakes him up, whilst texting your friend. “Isn't y/n's birthday five days from now?”
Your friend replies. “no haha, it's today!” which cause the twins to desperately call Aran, Suna, Ginjima, and of course, captain Kita!
The boys are hurriedly awoken a few minutes after midnight, and absolutely frazzled! They had all planned something special, but now they would have to change the date, and some things (like the cake and venue) weren't ready so soon.
Osamu groggily got out of bed and began taking out eggs, butter, flour, and other baking ingredients. Eventhough it was extremely late, and he had a tiring day, nothing could compare to his love for you. And so, he started mixing the ingredients at one a.m.
Kita tried to remain calm, but internally freaks out. He and Suna are trying to brainstorm ideas of places they could take you to make your day enjoyable.
Atsumu was busy wrapping the gifts they had all got. He got way too many papercuts and had a bit of trouble, but it was for you, and the thought alone of you smiling was enough to motivate him.
Aran and Ginjima made their own preparations in their own homes for the next day, and Aran even facetimed Osamu to keep him company throughout the baking process.
They were determined to make your birthday a happy one, and genuinely wanted to let you know they loved and cared for you so much.
The next day, six terribly sleep deprived boys arrived at school, with the needed arrangements set. The cake was safely secured with Osamu, and Suna took the bag of gifts from Atsumu.
Kita went to go find you, and he saw you waiting by the entrance of school. “Y/n-san, let's go.” said Kita with a mysterious smile.
You were a bit confused. School was the other way and he was dragging you away from it, but you trusted Kita and followed him.
He led you to the rest of the team, and gently places his hand on your back. “Let's go, y/n-san. We're going to the beach.”
You were super confused. “but school?”. Suna gives you a sleepy smile. “Kita and me have already handled that. We told your teachers you'd be absent today, now c'mon.”
Atsumu gently holds your small hand in his and you guys walks to the subway. As you dig for your subway card in your pocket, the boys get seated. There's one less seat, so Atsumu pulls you to his lap, much to the rest of the team's disapproval.
They're all so jealous, Atsumu laughs silently, and pulls an oblivious you closer. Osamu just rolls his eyes, but internally seethes.
Two stops later, the team motions to exit, and Aran shyly comes closer to you, taking your hand this time. You smile at him and make your way to the small beach you sometimes spend time in, with the rest of the team.
Kita finds an empty picnic table and everyone sits down, placing the items they had brought with them down, and looking at you expectantly.
“Happy Birthday, y/n-chan.” they chorused together. Suna ruffled your hair from the right side of you, and Osamu begins lighting up the candles on your left.
You gratefully thank them for going to the trouble of bringing you here, the fresh beach air and breeze immediately putting you in a cheerier mood.
They then start singing you a happy birthday as you blush silently and blow the candles out, making a wish. I wish to be able to love these boys forever.
You lean over and kiss Osamu's cheek. He blushes red immediately. “Thank you for going to the trouble of baking this, Samu'” if only you knew, he thought silently, as flashbacks of him almost falling asleep in front of the oven came to mind.
Kita cuts the cake and gives you the biggest slice, much to your happiness. The boys all eat their cake and joke around about all the memories they've made with you.
“I can remember when y/n-chan just came. She was so small and sweet, Osamu said she reminded him of a macaroon” said Aran.
Kita fondly smiles as he gives you a pack off green tea from his grandmother.
Ginjima gives you the gifts the entire team had picked and you begin tearing up, much to everyone's dismay. You're just so grateful to have them.
Suddenly Atsumu leans over and swipes frosting from the cake on your face. The mood is once again lifted, as Suna takes a ton of pictures, and contributes to the frosting on your face too.
“hey that's enough now” says Kita. He looks firm, but his eyes betray him. The slight sparkle shows that he thinks it adorably hilarious how the boys are annoying you.
The water seems to be calling you, so you pull Suna to the shore and lean down to the water.
The rest of the day is just filled with the boys and you doing random things by the beach, like eating popsicles, and finding seashells. You're unable to actually get into the water, due to your school uniforms, but seeing an excited you gush over the seashells and smile happily over ice cream is enough for the boys.
At the end of the day, you and the team watch the sunset together, and swear to work extra hard for the upcoming nationals.
As they see you looking up at the sunset adoringly, their hearts squeeze in their chest, so grateful to be a part of your life.
Taglist: @osamusriceballs @k-sakusa-old
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sollannaart · 3 years
Hello, I've scrolled through your blog to make sure, this question wasn't asked before, but it would seem that it wasn't (though I could've missed it). Can I please ask you of prince Poniatowski's attitude towards Napoleon?
No, this question has not been asked yet, and thank you very much for sending it! It will be my please to write a answer to this.
Relationship between prince Józef Poniatowski and the emperor Napoleon Bonapart
I am sorry, this turned out to be a very long read, and on the topic a little bit wider than asked, so I had to specify the title and give the short answer for those who aren’t interested in details.
So in brief - Poniatowski respected Napoleon, but wasn’t a blind worshipper of the emperor. And in situations when in the balance there might have been Napoleon and Poland, and only one thing was to be chosen for prince Józef this one definitely would be his motherland.
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Bronisław Gembarzewski, prince Józef and Napoleon
Emperor Napoleon, as all fans of the epoch knows, first arrived to Warsaw in December of 1806. But to start the long-read about relationship between the emperor and the prince properly we need make a step backwards, to understand what these two thought about each other on the moment of their first meeting.
Prince Józef, in comparison with many of his country men, participated in none of general Bonapart’s campaigns. What’s more - when the count of Provence, future king Louis XVIII resided in Warsaw in 1801-1804 he was an often visitor of Poniatowski’s palace. (So it may be said that before 1806 prince Józef was kind of a “royalist”.)
However, with Napoleon’s victory over Prussia and the emperor’s arrival to the former Polish lands chances of Poland rising from the dead skyrocketed! And prince Józef realized that he couldn’t have stayed away any longer, that if he wanted to participate in his motherland reappearing on the map of Europe he had to join the French.
As for Napoleon - in 1806 the emperor of Frenchmen didn’t have any warm feeling towards the nephew of the last king of Poland. One of the reason was that Claude Carloman de Rulhière, with whose book Histoire de l’anarchie de Pologne Napoleon had studied history of lands he was going conquer, wasn’t sympnathising the Poniatowski family. As other reasons there may be named a fact, that that time in French Army there were other Poles, whom the emperor knew better, like generals Jan Henryk Dąbrowski and Józef Zajączek.
Nevertheless, because when leaving Warsaw the Prussians kinda left the city “in charge” of Poniatowski, Napoleon had to meet prince Józef on entering the city. And from the data I was able to find it looks like the first meeting of the emperor and the prince happened on the 19th of December.
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Prince Józef with Napoleon during the war campaign - drawing by Wacław Lipiński
With this image I am obliged to make a small digression. Napoleon, as recent investigation show, was not that short as he was thought to be because of English cartoons. Józef Poniatowski, on the other hand, was described by the contemporaries as a man of the middle height. So, in my opinion standing side-by-side these two must have looked like as people of the same height.
With the emperor so prejudiced against prince Józef, you may ask, how did it happen that less than a month later, on the 14th of January 1807, the latter was appointed as a Director of War? (In October of 1807, after the Duchy of Warsaw was created, Poniatowski’s post acquired the name of “Minister of War”.)
The answer is that behind the event there was a long and complicated intrigue, in which were involved such people as Joachim Murat (with whom, as you may remember, prince Józef quickly became friends) and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, that time Foreign Minister of France. (As for the latter - his protection was asked by Pepi’s sister, Teresa Tyszkiewicz.)
And I can’t help but mention that Poniatowski’s nomination nevertheless had some advantages, because in comparison with his “rivals” he was a representative of the aristocracy, what might have provided support to Napoleon from the Polish high-society.
And speaking of high-society I can’t help touching a rather delicate topic, related with Napoleon’s love life, with which Poniatowski - in comparison with what is thought about him - had nothing to do. Yes, I mean the story of prince Józef (and other Polish dignitaries) supposedly forcing Maria Walewska to give in to the emperor in exchange for “Poland’s resurrection”.
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SCREENSHOT FROM THE MOVIE “MARYSIA I NAPOLEON”. From left to right - Zdzisław Makłakiewicz as prince Józef, Gustaw Holoubek as Napoleon, Beata Tyszkiewicz as Maria Walewska, Ignacy Machowski as Duroc, Kazimierz Rudzki as Talleyrand, Juliusz Łuszczewski as Anastazy Walewski
Many people believe in it because it is written in so-called Walewska’s memoirs, but the investigations of Polish historians (like, fir example, Marian Brandys) prove that not everything might have happened like it was described in the memoirs. And prince Poniatowski’s involvement in the story is one of the facts. (The closest connection he might have had with this is that Mme Henriette de Vauban, his mistress, might have tried to influence Mme Walewska. But this is definitely a topic to continue in - if at all - a separate post.
So, let’s return to relationship between Poniatowski and Napoleon.
In 1809 the Duchy of Warsaw was attacked by the Austrians, and the Army of the Duchy showed its combat strength, winning the war and taking back from the enemy a huge a part of former Polish territories. The emperor was impressed by prince Józef’s inferiors’ performance, till such a degree that he awarded the latter with the highest imperial order of merit, the cross of the Legion of Honour.
But this was done “by proxy”, and the next, after year 1807, meeting of these two happened only in 1811 in Paris, where Poniatowski was invited to attend the christening of Napoleon’s son, the king of Rome.
Prince Józef arrived to Paris on the 23rd of April, and in the evening of that very day received an invitation from the emperor to appear next day in Saint Clou. What’s more, Poniatowski’s visit was to be happen at once, without an obliged advance as the ceremony of representation by the Saxon ambassador.
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Prince Józef with Napoleon during the ceremonial audience at the Tuileries Palace - drawing by Maria Artwińska
And this is the image I like, because both - the prince and emperor - seem to have there the “correct” height!
Why was Napoleon so eager to see prince Józef? Well, at least because the latter brought with him news, which was dangerous to trust to paper. Namely - about planning Russian invasion of the Duchy and the tsar attempts to persuade the Polish Minister of War to switch sides and join the anti-napoleonic coalition. (Can’t help but mention there that Poniatowski revealed Napoleon mere facts, but not the names of the people communicating with him, in order not to put them in danger.)
And what about christening? Of course, prince Józef participated in the ceremony, and was even allowed to have an audience with the child-king. And, no doubts, there followed other court events, huntings, balls, etc. Old friend, Murat, and Poniatowski’s sister’s love interest, Talleyrand, introduced Pepi to the highest Parisian society. Also Pepi paid a visit to the ex-empress Josephine.
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Prince Józef in conversation with Napoleon and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Talleyrand - drawing by Andrzej Zarzycki
And though initially prince Józef’s stay in the French capital was planned to be a couple of months, in fact it prolonged to four, till the emperor’s birthday. And leaving finally on the 27th of August Poniatowski received as a farewell gift a beautiful snuffbox planted with diamonds and a loan to… pay the debts of his sister Teresa.
And then there came the year 1812. Prince Józef was made the commander of the 5th Corps of the Grande Armée, and with the rest of the Army went to Russia.
However, above “The Polish corps” there was a commander not very competent and lucky, emperor’s younger brother Jérôme. And when it happened that the Russian Army under general Bagration managed to escape from the “second center” corps led by Jérôme, Napoleon blamed on this... prince Józef. 
In the battle of Smolensk, however, the Vth Corps managed to distinguish to such a degree, that together with its commander it was mentioned in a bulletin of the Grande Armée.
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Jean-Charles Langlois, The Battle of Smolensk, 17th August 1812, detail
But after that battle there happened a very dramatic scene between the prince and the emperor. Because, as you might know, the city of Smolensk was the most eastern town ever belonged to Poland. So, if Napoleon’s goal was, as it had been proclaimed in the beginning of the war, to restore Poland, the Grande Armée should have stopped there, at Smolensk. Not to go further east.
And Poniatowski, as a witness of the scene, count Ostrowski, recalled, “begged Napoleon on his knees if not to direct the whole French Army to the south, to the former Polish lands, then at least to separated the Polish corps and send it along the Dnieper river, in the direction of Kiev...”
But emperor was implacable. 
What happened next we all know. The battle of Moscow, fire, retreat…
In December Napoleon left his army and speeded to Paris. Prince Józef returned to Warsaw, to rebuild “the Polish corps”, to reenforce the people left with new conscripts and to be ready to join with these people the emperor. When the latter comes with fresh forces, to fight the coalition back.
But the emperor of French didn’t hurry to return to the East of Europe. Failing to wait him Poniatowski had to leave Warsaw, going with his soldiers to Kraków. And was waiting here, for almost three month.
To no avail.
At the beginning of May all the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw, except Kraków, was occupied by Russians. A lot of Polish officers, acquaintances and even friends of prince Józef, resigned from the army. A lot of them were persuading the Polish commander-in-chief to follow, to join the anti-napoleonic coalition.
And… well, here I can’t write that Poniatowski rejected these propositions, all and at once. No, he was listening, thinking over… Asking for terms and thoroughly pondering on what would have been better for his motherland - to stay with France or not.
And on the night from the 6th to the 7th of May, on the eve of his 50th birthday the decision was made.
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Prince Józef sees “the White Lady of the Poniatowski Family” on the night on 6/7 May 1813 in Krakow (drawing by Ludomir Ilinicz)
Having obtained no written guaranties from the other side, feeling that unconditional surrender - the only thing they were ready to accept from him - was not compatible with the soldier honor, the Polish Bayard decided to stay with Napoleon.
Although to make such a decision was for prince Józef extremely hard (especially if to take into account that he still had not got clear instructions from the emperor what to do). As Poniatowski confided next day to one of his colleagues that night thinking was so difficult to him that he even thought about shooting himself. Twice.
What is not proved - so this fact still stays a kind of legend - that that night prince Józef saw a ghost, the famous “White lady of Poniatowski family”. The fantom that was said to announce with its appearance very bad things to come…
And in 5 month there came… the battle of Leipzig.
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Jean-Charles Langlois, The Battle of Leipzig (?)
This image is often signed as „the battle of Leipzig” though judging by the emperor’s, the prince’s and their horses’ poses I suppose it might be another version of “the battle of Smolensk”.
Of course, before Leipzig there was truce, then the battle of Dresden, then retreat and preparations. And in the beginning of the battle there was a moment when French victory still looked possible. But soon it turned out that it was an illusion.
And then the emperor… named general Poniatowski a marshal of France. Thus making him the only foreigner among that cream of French military elite.
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Prince Józef Poniatowski receives the marshal baton, French engraving from the XIXth century
How did Poniatowski react to such a promotion? Did he become happy? Or, at least, glad?
No, not at all. (It looks like he felt that this appointment has more with his future attachment to France, than with military achievements.)
So prince Józef continued to call himself a general, sign documents according his old position. Furthermore, in the written explanation that Poniatowski sent to Warsaw it was stated that “if there was not war for Poland, no one would ever see him in uniform”. Which literally meant resignation. (In the very same letter, though, prince Józef announced that before leaving the army he had to escort Napoleon back to Paris.)
So, dear friends, who was interested in what might have happened with prince Józef had he not been killed at Leipzig - this is the answer. He would definitely retreat with Napoleon to Paris, than resigned and… here the certainty is a little bit less, but something tells me that he would have preferred exile to going back home. But I am not one hundred percent sure.
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January Suchodolski, Napoleon and Józef Antoni Poniatowski at the Battle of Leipzig
And what about Napoleon? In his memories dictated on St. Helene he wrote that he should have made prince Józef the king of Poland (ha-ha, what would he have done if the latter rejected the crown?), regretted not doing this.
But what is, in my opinion, more interesting, is to learn what the ex-emperor thought on other Poniatowski-related topics? Did he regret blaming prince Józef for Jerome’s mistakes? Had he doubts on not listening the Polish commander’s pleas to take back former Polish land instead of going to Moscow?
Alas, I am afraid, this is a thing we’ll never know…
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
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Originally written in honour of Magnus’ birthday but edited/reposted for Magnus Week :)
“Don’t!” Magnus warned.
He felt a lick on his foot and Magnus suppressed a giggle. He wasn’t going to encourage this behaviour.
“I told you I am working!” Magnus whined. “Give me five, please. Just one more email. Ragnor is waiting.”
He focused on the screen in front of him and felt the quick little lick on his neck.
“You really must stop being so needy,” Magnus chastised, a little impatient. “All this attention seeking is starting to get a little concerning.”
Suddenly all the licking and teasing stopped.
Magnus turned around. Nothing.
He looked under his chair. Nope.
“Chairman?” He called out. “Chairman Meow?”
The quietness that followed made Magnus shiver. He bolted up from his chair and ran towards the balcony, which he usually kept open in the morning to let the breeze in.
“Babe!” He called out from the balcony. “My little ball of snow!! I am sorry I shouted at you.”
Chairman, who usually enjoyed playing hide seek, did not meow back in response. Magnus was really starting to get worried.
“Come back to me, my precious,” Magnus whined. “I’ll let you lick me all you want.”
Someone coughed. Very loudly.
“Excuse me?”
Magnus turned around sharply to find an utterly gorgeous human specimen standing merely a couple of feet away from him on the other side of the balcony. The man blinked at him, and his eyes traveled further down. Magnus felt a blush rising in his neck and felt ticklish all over.
“My cat,” Magnus spluttered. “He is missing.”
Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome bent down (and what a view by the way) and picked up something small in this hand, like a ball of cotton.
“Baby!” Magnus all but screamed. “Come here!”
“He climbed over the fence,” the man pointed out. “Brave little fella.”
“I don’t know how to thank you,” Magnus gushed, maybe a little too much. “You saved him!”
“I didn’t do much,” the man blushed a little and Magnus' heart leaped over the balcony. “I was unpacking my things and I heard him.”
“Oh,” Magnus said. “You are the new guy who is moving into 21C!. Hell of a first impression by the way.”
The man blushed again and Magnus decided he should do everything in his power to make him do it more often.
Chairman, who apparently left out of the conversation, growled loudly. But of course, it only came out as the most adorable meow.
“Come to papa, cotton ball,” Magnus held out his hand for the white tabby and carefully took Chairman from his new neighbour.
“Magnus,” he introduced himself.
“His name is Magnus?” The other man chuckled. “Cute.”
“Actually, that’s my name,” Magnus pointed out. “Is it still cute?”
The man blushed again. Yay!
“What’s his name?” The man asked. “Don’t tell me it’s actually cotton ball.”
Magnus bit his lip.
Raphael had once told him that Chairman’s name was too dorky. Magnus did not want to come across as a dork. The other man had made an excellent first impression. Magnus was not going to  come across as a neighbour who is horrible at choosing pet names. Not today!
“His name is Raphael,” Magnus said casually as possible. “I take pet names very seriously, you see.”
Chairman squinted at him then and gave him a traitorous look.
All was fair in love and war - and meet cutes. Chairman would understand one day.
“Nice to meet you, Magnus,” the man smiled and Magnus wanted to break into a Disney song. “And hello, Raphael! I’m Alec!”
There was another meow then. But not the soft sound Magnus was familiar with, but rather a loud and exasperated one.
The neighbour bent down again (and once more Magnus couldn’t help but sigh inwardly at that perfect view) and picked up an a slightly bigger orange tabby.
“Awww,” Magnus cooed. “Who is this?”
“Uh,” the man blinked. “This is…Jace.”
What a pretentious name, Magnus thought but decided not to pass any judgement at this stage of their relationship.
And yes, there was going to be a relationship here, goddamnit!
“Welcome to Brooklyn, Jace!” Magnus waved at the cat. “And you too, Alexander.”
Another blush.
This was going so well.
“Are you from New York?” Magnus asked, because he didn’t want to go back inside just yet. Fuck that email. Ragnor can wait. “You do sound like you are.”
“I am,” Alec replied. “I moved from Manhattan!”
“Well, I must say you have gotten yourself an excellent place,” Magnus grinned. “I heard the neighbours are nice and friendly. And apparently easy on the eyes too.”
More blushing. Magnus was positively in love.
“Yay!” Alec threw up the cat in mock celebration and the little creature meowed in annoyance. “Hush, you. Magnus seems nice. He won’t be like Sebastian.”
“Is Sebastian your….” Magnus pretended to be aloof although he was desperate for more information.
“My ex-neighbour,” Alec grimaced. “Real piece of work. He lied to me about his family and his job and his…You know what? It doesn’t matter. He was just a pathetic liar. I am glad the new neighbours are nice and friendly…and easy on the eyes.”
Alec was genuinely smiling at him and Magnus felt horrified. This poor man had been lied to by his old neighbour and Magnus had started their relationship (yes, it is happening okay!!) off with a lie.
“I’m so sorry,” Magnus said.
“Oh, that’s okay,” Alec waved him off. “I don’t talk to him anymore and I-”
“No, it’s not about that, although he sucks big time and I am sorry about that too,” Magnus said quickly. “I’m actually sorry because I kinda lied to you.”
Alec stiffened. “You did?”
“My cat’s name is not Raphael,” Magnus pointed at the cat. “Raphael is actually my friend. A super judgemental friend, by the way.”
“Why did you lie?” Alec asked, as his body relaxed a little.
“Because Raphael told me my cat’s name is ridiculous and I didn’t want you to judge me or think I am some weirdo and then our relationship….as neighbours will be ruined.”
Alec took all of that in for a moment and then smiled.
“What’s the little one’s real name?”
“Chairman Meow,” Magnus said quietly.
Alec, who he thought would roll his eyes, grinned brilliantly.
“My cat’s name is not Jace,” Alec lifted the orange tabby. “Jace is actually my brother. A super pretentious brother, by the way.”
Magnus smiled back. “What’s this one's real name then?”
“Chairman Meow,” Alec lifted his cat a little higher. “I’d like you to meet Captain Cutebutt.”
“Oh my god, I love it!” Magnus almost yelled.
“I’m glad,” Alec looked actually relieved. “I thought you didn’t like dorky shit - like my brother.”
“I love dorky shit!” Magnus actually did yell this time.
Alec laughed at that, with his entire face. Magnus reminded himself to google how many cats were too many cats to adopt as a couple.
“Now that everyone has properly met every one,” Magnus grinned and pointed at his apartment. “Why don’t you get that cute butt in here so we can have a cup of coffee?”
Alec blushed furiously at that. “Are you talking about me or my cat?”
“Yes,” Magnus winked and walked back in with Chairman.
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zukoscomet · 4 years
I realised recently that I never actually collated all the ideas I had about my Zutara kids so here, have some steambabies! Idk I just really like the idea of Katara and Zuko having a big family after all they’ve lost when they were young, and as an only child, I guess I kind of romanticise the idea of having siblings. 
TW: I hc that Katara would have had a miscarriage, so if that is a trigger for you then maybe don’t read on.
Shameless plug but if you wanna read more about this, my series on AO3 is roots and wings.
Their firstborn is a boy who they name Kai after Kya. His full name is Kaito but nobody who knows him ever calls him that, not even when he’s in trouble. I’m not going to go into too much context about like the pregnancy bc you can already find that stuff here. He turns out very much like Zuko physically - tall, golden irises, straight black hair, narrow angular face - but he has mixed tawny skin and his eyes are shaped round and wide like Katara. He’s born on the last day of summer in 109 AG, so because of superstition that firebenders are born in peak summer, there’s some uncertainty about what he’ll bend - if at all - but then when he’s three and a half, he makes a flame. Iroh trains him to firebend until he’s about 16, then he goes off to the Sun Warriors for a year to finish off, and he ends up a very spiritual firebender. Kai is like the dream first child - the softest boy ever to live - and when Katara and Zuko go on to have more children, he’s a really great big brother, like wholeheartedly adores his little sibs even if they drive him completely nuts about 95% of the time. He’s quite a conflicted and confused kid growing up. He’s never quite sure of what he wants in life but finally, when he’s 17, he decides that he realises that he doesn’t want to be Fire Lord and passes along the heir status to his sister. After that he joins the Sun Warriors and eventually marries the chief’s daughter, Himari, and they have two firebender girls, Aiko and Sol. 
Izumi arrives not long after her brother in 110 AG. Katara and Zuko planned to wait but it ends up that there’s barely a year between Kai and Izumi and it comes as an extra shock as Katara didn’t figure out she was pregnant again till like 18 weeks in. Katara goes into labour early at 35 weeks and Izumi is born really small - she never completely catches up either and it’s hilarious because after successive generations of tall male Fire Lords, they get Izumi who’s barely 5 feet - but she’s otherwise fine. She’s physically a mish-mash so overall she resembles nobody especially - Katara’s hair, complexion and big round eyes, Zuko’s irises, Azula’s heart-shaped face and highly arched brow line, Hakoda’s facial features. The superstition about summer births for firebenders peters out real quick when Izumi, born in the autumn, bends blue fire at two and a half and, taught by Jeong Jeong, she grows into a prodigal master. When she’s young, Izumi is the polar opposite of her brother - feisty, stubborn, determined and whip smart - and she’s a heathen teenager but by about 15 she mellows and matures, and part of Kai’s reasoning for abdicating is that Izumi seems a better fit for Fire Lord. Izumi was always kinda apathetic to kids but at 19, she accidentally gets pregnant and has her son, Kazuo, then her daughter, Kira, eleven years later. Izumi becomes Fire Lord at 37 but she only rules for about 14 years before retiring. Since she had Kaz so young, if she stayed on the throne much longer, Kaz would also be an older man when it came time for him to inherit, so she decides to step aside and Kaz is coronated just after his 33rd birthday. 
(Kazuo takes after his Gran Gran in more ways than just his blue eyes; he’s a waterbender so Kaz is the first waterbender Fire Lord)
After a break, Katara and Zuko decide to try for a third addition and Katara gives birth - in the Southern Water Tribe, for the first time - to Bashira, four years after Izumi. Shira looks probably the most like Zuko out of all the children, even more than her elder brother does. They share the same tall and lean physique, the same long black hair, Shira is mixed but still the palest of all the steambabies and their faces are practically identical. They’re characteristically very similar, too - serious, intense and reserved. The only differences is that her hair is curly, her eyes are blue and finally, Katara gets her waterbending child. Both of them suspected that Shira was going to be a waterbender even at the early stages of the pregnancy, but it’s still super exciting when Shira tosses a wave at her elder siblings when she’s two. Katara is teaching her as soon as she possibly can but over time some tension develops between them when Shira turns out to be quite different from her mom in terms of natural bending style. Shira is very fight-oriented, she learns dao swords from Zuko and never shows as much of an interest in the healing arts, but when things blow up and eventually Shira is able to explain that she wants to be able fight like her mom did during the war, things straighten out and Katara guides Shira all the way through to mastery. She eventually moves to the South in her late teens to lead the tribe’s warriors. There, she has three children - waterbender twins Kenzo and Kenji, then a daughter named Kanna who’s a firebender like Grandpa - but the marriage to their father doesn’t last and in her 50s, she ends up in a relationship with Aang and Toph’s daughter, Lin.
Katara gets pregnant for a fourth time - planned - just after Shira turns two, but this time she has a miscarriage. Zuko was overseas when it happened so she went through it alone. Katara is devastated and resents Zuko for not being there. She knows it’s not his fault but she can’t help her emotions and that makes her feel even worse so she just shuts down - stops doing her Fire Lady work, stops spending any more time with Zuko and their children than necessary, won’t let the rest of the family visit them and spends most of the day lying in bed. Zuko doesn’t know how to help her so initially he decides to give her space to grieve however she feels she needs to, but it just deteriorates until one day Zuko suggests that maybe they should both go to therapy or marriage counselling or something because it can’t go on like this. Katara just completely loses it at that and ends up yelling at him all the things that she’d been bottling up over the last couple of months. Katara says some awful things and she’s expecting Zuko to take it poorly, hence why she kept it all inside up till now, but Zuko just accepts every bit of it and after that, she’s finally able to grieve properly and mend.
About six months after they come back together, they decide to try again and Katara eventually falls pregnant. The pregnancy itself goes smoothly but both of them are so stressed about something going wrong like last time and the effect that might have on both of them, then Gran Gran passes away when Katara is in her thirtieth week, so the full ten months were incredibly hard-going. 
It’s a big relief when the baby is finally born on Ember Island, three years after Shira in 117 AG. They name her Lili in honour of their recent losses, since lilies can ease scars and Iroh once referred to them as lights in darkness. From the beginning, Lili is the image of Katara in every way physically and characteristically - kind, patient, gentle, but does have quite a temper if she’s pushed too far. She’s also a waterbender, though it takes her a little longer to manifest her abilities than any of her siblings, first gaining control of the water at the age of six. Lili is incredibly endearing, as both a child and an adult, and she becomes so particularly popular with the Fire Nation public that the firebending qualification to be considered an heir to the throne is reversed, so Shira and Lili are inducted into the succession. Born in the same year, Lili had a long-term relationship with Tenzin, Aang and Toph’s thirdborn, but as they grew older, Tenzin was concerned that if he married her, their children would have heritage of all four elements and degrade the chances of Tenzin producing airbenders and continuing the Air Nation. That concern resulted in a kind of on-again-off-again thing but eventually Lili sent him off with an "I don’t want to be with someone that isn’t even sure he wants me" and went travelling the world for a few years. When they’re both in their thirties though, Lili and Tenzin reconnect and get back together, eventually marrying and producing five children - Jinora, Aya, Hiro, Rohan and Kano, the elder four airbenders and the youngest a waterbender.
A few months after Lili is born, Sokka and Suki have a baby girl and when Katara and Zuko go to visit their new niece, they agree that night on a spur-of-the-moment that they want one more child. The morning after, they talk about it properly and decide it’d be better to wait till Lili was a bit older, but Katara found out six weeks later that that one time had been successful. About halfway through, they find out that they’re expecting a boy and Katara is especially excited since their son had always been more closely attached to her whereas their girls were very firmly Daddy’s girls. Sure enough, when Kallik arrives in 118 AG, he’s a big Mama’s boy and remains so his entire life. Apart from his curly black hair, Kallik is the spitting image of his uncle, to the point that Hakoda says that seeing Lili and Kallik together is like seeing young Katara and Sokka. Kallik is the hardest to handle out of their children - loud, playful, mischievous and an exhausting troublemaker. All of the siblings fight like cat and dog but Kallik and Izumi are by far the worst, on the level of one walks into a room and the other is like “And I took that personally” and they never seem to grow out of it even when they’re both old and grey. Kallik is the only nonbender in the family and initially he struggles with this a bit but he spends a lot of time hanging out with Uncle Sokka, learns dao swords with Shira and Zuko, and by the time he hits his teens, he comes to view it more as something that sets him apart from his siblings. When he’s 18, he goes to join the United Forces and he stays in service till his late thirties, when he meets Ren, another serviceman from the Northern Water Tribe. After beginning a relationship with him, the pair settle in Republic City and end up adopting two daughters, Kirima and Alasie.
About a decade after Kallik is born, it seems like things are kind of slowly drawing to a close as the kids are getting older - Kai is 19 and has left home, Izumi is 18 and living away in Republic City while she studies at university, Shira is 14 and already talking about moving South the first chance she gets, Lili is 11 and wanting to go Northern Water Tribe to train with the healers there, and Kallik is 10 and dreaming of being a great military commander like Grandpa Koda and Uncle Sokka - when suddenly Katara starts to get really, really sick. Zuko is absolutely terrified, thinking that there’s something seriously wrong with his wife, but after some deduction, it turns out that Katara is actually pregnant again. The relief at realising she’s not dying is short-lived and the reaction from both of them is basically holy shit holy fuck we are too old for this our other kids are practically all grown up now we are done with babies we can't seriously have six children what are we going to do. There’s a lot of discussion, especially since Katara is 43 by then and the risks for her to be carrying another child are higher, but they ultimately decide to go through with it. Ironically, it’s the easiest of all her pregnancies and when Katara delivers a baby girl in Republic City in 128 AG, there hadn’t been a single complication to speak of. Iroh had passed away two years earlier, devastating the whole family but Zuko in particular, but the baby is born with his irises - a darker gold - so they name her Ilah. Her eyes are big and round like Katara’s but other than that, Ilah resembles her Grandma Ursa most strongly, with her thick chestnut-coloured hair and slight, delicate facial features. Naturally, Katara and Zuko think all their babies were the cutest baby but Ilah is probably objectively the cutest, with her big honey-coloured eyes, chubby cheeks and soft little curls.
Inevitably, since Kai, Shira, Lili and Kallik had all either left home before she was born or did so when she was still a little girl, Ilah gets a lot more concentrated attention from Katara and Zuko. She’s completely spoiled and doted upon by the whole family, including her elder brothers and sisters who visit her as often as they can manage. Since Izumi still lives in the palace permanently as the Crown Princess, she and Ilah are close, but Ilah ultimately ends up being closest with Izumi’s son, Kaz, who is only a year younger than his aunt. Ilah was even in the room when Kaz was born, though it wasn't an intentional move. Zuko was supposed to be watching Ilah when things got intense with Izumi’s labour but things escalated from 0-100 real fast and Katara didn't have time to hand Ilah off, so she stayed tucked in a sling on her mother’s back as Katara helped her eldest daughter to deliver her own baby, somehow sleeping through all the noise and commotion. Ilah and Kaz end up more like a brother and sister or best friends than an aunt and nephew, though Kaz always calls her Auntie Ilah when he’s teasing her. Ilah is perhaps the shyest around strangers of her siblings, uninterested in celebrity and attention, but she’s the most adventurous, determined and creative, interested in science and invention from an early age. Growing up, Ilah felt a little pressured by the renown of her family, especially when her firebending turned out to be just about average in power, but when she’s 12, Ilah figures out that she can combustionbend. From there, she applies her bending abilities to science and when she leaves home for university, she invents the combustion engine at age 20. The rest of her adult life is spent travelling virtually non-stop, working on innovation projects for the different nations. She never has children, on the account that it would be unfair to expect a kid to move around as much as she does and she’s happy enough with her numerous nieces and nephews, but she eventually marries her long-time girlfriend Li-Mei, an Air Nomad tasked with searching the world for new airbenders. 
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farfromharry · 4 years
always (part six) | harry holland series
summary: you finally give birth to your little angel, reveal her special name to harry and let the holland family hold her
word count - 3.3k
warnings - language? , mentions of birth
Being 9 months pregnant was ridiculously difficult. You yourself felt like the child, rather than the one you were carrying, at this point. You couldn’t do anything without someone else to help you. The Hollands had been utter angels to you, helping you with every little thing to make sure you were completely prepared to give birth.
“How you feeling today, mama?” Tom teased as you entered the kitchen to fulfill, yet another craving.
“Tired, and huge.” You whined, pouting at the oldest Holland. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and hugged you.
“Not long now, then you’ll have your adorable little girl.” You nodded your head, smiling at the thought.
“Feels like it’s taking forever.” You complained.
“Why don’t you go take a nap?” You nodded, thanking Tom before heading upstairs to Harry’s room. You weren’t sure where he was, assuming he was doing something with either his twin or his little brother.
Little did you know that this sleep was not going to be as peaceful as you originally hoped.
A sharp pain in your lower abdomen woke you from your sleep, jolting upright and cupping your large belly. You took deep breaths, letting your eyes adjust to being awake before checking the time on the clock next to Harry's bed.
You convinced yourself it was nothing, pushing yourself out of bed to use the bathroom before you’d go back to sleep like nothing happened.
However, another sharp pain followed by a gush of water made you panic.
“Harry!” You shouted, not knowing where in the house he was. He ran into his childhood bedroom with a scared look on his face, finding you standing in the middle of the floor, cupping the bottom of your belly standing in a puddle of water and squeezing your eyes shut in pain.
“Hey.” He placed his hand on your lower back, the other lifting your chin to look at him. “What happened?” You panted as the contraction wore off.
“I-I think my water just broke.” His eyes widened, yelling for his Mum.
For the last few weeks of your pregnancy, you’d been staying in the Holland household just in case anything were to happen. It also meant you had Nikki’s help when you finally went into labour, just like right now.
“What’s wrong?” Harry looked at his mum in fear.
“Her water broke.” He simply stated. Nikki nodded, refusing to show any sign of panic as she made her way over to you.
“We need to get you to the car, Harry can you-“ He nodded, taking your hand and being careful to walk you downstairs, stopping halfway to help you wait out your contraction.
When you were finally in the car you noticed Sam was now driving, giving him a tight lipped smile and a thank you.
“You’re doing so well, y/n.” You laid your head on Harry’s shoulder, squeezing his hand as you took deep breaths to try and calm the pain.
“So proud of you, bug.” You smiled, looking up at him.
“You haven’t called me that in years.” Truthfully, Harry stopped calling you that after he met Nate. there was one time where he let it slip, like a habit in front of him and he didn’t react too kindly about it.
“It just kinda slipped out.” You tucked your head into his neck again.
“I like it, don’t worry.” The drive felt as though it was never going to end. You wanted nothing more than to make it to the hospital and get your baby out of you so this pain would stop. Every few minutes you’d squeeze the life out of Harry’s hands, crying out in pain.
“We’re here.” Sam announced. You were helped into the hospital where you were led to a private room, your contractions growing closer together and, arguably more painful, as time passed by.
“Harry.” You whimpered, clutching his arm as another contraction shot through your body. “I don’t think I can do this.”
“You can, you’re one of the strongest people I know.” He said, pressing his lips to your head to try and calm you down.
“It hurts.” You looked up at him with tears threatening to fall from your eyes, his heart shattering as he had to witness the pain his favourite person was going through.
“You can do this, I know you can.” Half an hour later you were giving birth, one of the most painful, and if not, the most painful experience of your life. Harry stayed with you the whole time like he’d promised you all those months ago, letting you squeeze the life out of his hand. All while he’d whisper words of encouragement and praise to you.
“One final push, y/n.” You panted like a dog that needed water, listening to the doctor countdown from 10. The final push was the most relieving one of all, your baby girl finally being brought out into the world, her hearty wails echoing around the hospital room.
You leaned your head on Harry’s chest while they cleaned her, utterly worn out. The tiny girl was placed on your chest, a small sob slipping past your lips as you stared down at her.
One by one the doctors started to leave the room, checking you and baby were okay first.
Once you, Harry and your girl were left alone, you finally grinned widely.
“I can’t even believe she’s real.” You said.
“Did you decide on a name?” He asked, bending down to be closer to your height. You nodded with a grin, taking his hand into yours.
“What is it?” You turned your attention back to her.
“Happy birthday, Lily rose y/l/n.” You kissed her head, tears running down your face as you stared at your perfect creation. Harry grinned, tearing up slightly as he put it altogether.
“Roses for Lily?” You looked at him and nodded.
“My way of honouring you for everything you’ve done for me.” He leaned down and hugged you, trying to not let you know that he was secretly crying over the sweet gesture.
“A december baby, just like Paddy.” You giggled, nodding your head. You stroked her cheek as gently as you possibly could, feeling too emotional and filled with adoration to even speak. Her tiny, bright eyes fluttered to a close, feeling content enough with being in her mother’s arms to fall asleep.
You and Harry didn’t speak for a while, scared that even a quiet noise would wake up your precious angel. This continued until Harry eventually broke the silence, just to tell you how amazing you were.
“ ‘m so proud of you.” Harry stroked his fingers through your hair, disregarding that you were a sweaty mess as you finally held your little girl. She slept soundly as the two of you admired the little bub.
“Thank you Harry, really.” You whispered. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“For what?” He asked.
“For helping me through this, all of it, I wouldn’t have survived the last 9 months without you.” You told him, tearfully.
“You don’t have to thank me, I would never make you do this alone.” He kissed your head, a small smile permanently glued to your face. Both of your attentions were directed back to Lily.
“She’s absolutely perfect.” He confessed. You nodded in agreement.
The little bub started to blink open her eyes, her sleep not lasting very long, showing you the gorgeous orbs that were the same colour as yours.
“Hi pretty girl.” She let out a yawn, the unknown action scaring her, you watched as her face scrunched up and she began to cry.
“Oh no, you’re okay, was just a yawn.” You nuzzled your nose against her head, gently placing your lips against her skin to soothe her.
“I know, it was scary hm?” The little one calmed down after a little while, entranced with Harry who sat in her eye line.
“That was the cutest thing ever.” You giggled, motioning for Harry to take a seat on your bed. He carefully leaned over and traced her cheek with his thumb, tearing up when her tiny hand wrapped around his much bigger thumb.
You smiled at the sight, laying your head against his chest. You didn’t want to kill the happy mood, but you couldn’t help but let your mind drift off to thinking about Nate.
“Should I text him, just to let him know?” You wondered aloud. Harry looked down at you and noticed the uncertainty clouded in your eyes.
“Did he ever respond to your last text?” You shook your head. Even though he said he wasn’t ready to be a father, you’d still sent Nate updates every now and then, sometimes pictures of sonograms, or sometimes if she was kicking, just to let him know his girl was doing okay.
“Just leave it, he clearly doesn’t care.” You nodded sadly, glancing back down at your bub, you noticed the discomfort on her face before she began to tear up, quickly turning into a heart wrenching wail, your own heart aching not knowing what was wrong.
“Y/n?” You lifted your head and glanced at Nikki standing in the doorway of your hospital room. “The midwife said she might need feeding, she should be in soon.” You nodded, cooing at the baby to try and stop her cries. You motioned for Nikki to come inside, letting her take a spare seat beside your bed, looking down at Lily with a watery smile.
There was a knock on your hospital room door a few minutes later, opening just slightly for the woman to pop her head around and announce her presence.
“Hi y/n.” You looked up, spotting the nurse and giving her a warm smile. “Are you ready to try and feed her?”
You nodded your head, Harry’s eyes widening when he realised what was happening and that you would have to partly undress.
“I’ll wait outside.” He offered, trying to be a gentleman.
“Oh, are you sure?” You didn’t mind Harry being here while you fed Lily, but you respected that he might feel uncomfortable. He kissed your head before leaving the room, going to update his brothers on how everything was going.
Feeding Lily for the first time was a strange experience, but you were glad you had Nikki and the midwife by your side to tell you it was completely normal and you would eventually get used to it.
After feeding, burping and rocking the girl to sleep, Harry came back in, switching with his mother to take the place beside your bed. Nikki kissed your head in a motherly way and decided to leave to let you sleep.
“Nikki, if you want to go home, you can.” You said, feeling bad to make the family wait with you.
“Are you sure, we can always stay?” You smiled and nodded.
“I’ll have to stay here until tomorrow anyway, i’ll come straight to you.” She nodded, bidding you, Lily and her son goodbye.
You and Harry both sat in silence for a few minutes, just watching the baby in your arms sleep peacefully. Harry was, once again, first to break the silence.
“Why don’t you get some sleep, in the nicest way possible, y’look exhausted.” Harry commented, stroking his fingers through your hair as your eyes fought to stay open. Lily sleeping calmly in your arms.
“Don’t wanna miss a second.” You whined, looking over at Harry with a pout he found adorable.
“I'll watch her, I promise.” You nodded reluctantly, Harry carefully took the baby wrapped in the fluffy, white blanket into his arms, listening to your instructions on how to hold her properly, then assisting you in getting comfortable on the hospital bed.
For the next few hours, Harry stayed mesmerised with the newborn in his arms, while you got some well deserved sleep after an extremely long day.
Harry drove you to the Holland house before driving you home from the hospital the next morning, watching you be completely entranced with your little creation. You were so careful with every movement you made, trying not to scare or overwhelm her.
She was properly introduced to each of the Holland siblings, giving the boys the chance to hold her and just talk to her. The whole thing turned out to be a lot more chaotic than you would have originally anticipated.
“Where does my hand go?” Tom asked frantically. You guided one to the back of her head and then the other to hold her back. You told Tom he was doing perfect, calming his nerves slightly.
Paddy was much less of a nightmare than Tom, not even needing the help to position his hands. He looked in awe of the tiny human that was staring up at him, his heart all fuzzy and excited.
Sam was a pro, clearly having held many babies in his lifetime, probably because of all the Holland siblings he could be trusted the most with a human life. “She’s gorgeous, y/n.” Harry and Tom nodded, Paddy still not taking his eyes off the girl in his brother's arms.
Nikki cried while getting to finally hold Lily, her heart swelling with pride. You were practically a daughter to her and she couldn’t find the words to explain how proud she was of you. Harry watched your eyes grow heavier and heavier, deciding it was time to take you back to your own home now. They were all reluctant to let you leave, making you promise you’d be back as soon as possible, which of course you were more than happy to do.
Driving back to your own home, you were filled with the excitement of the idea of introducing Lily into the place she’d grow up.
It didn’t take long to get there, Harry helping to carry your stuff inside while you cradled your babygirl.
“This is your home Lily.” Harry watched you both, practically with heart eyes bulging from his head. You showed Lily around some more. You were fully aware that she didn’t understand anything you were saying, but you were hoping that just your voice was capable of soothing the girl. Harry was carrying your hospital bag with him as you led him to the nursery.
You had some hesitations about leaving her in a separate room from you, knowing that she’d need you multiple times in the night anyway.
“Would it be too much trouble to put her crib in my room?” You asked him, hoping he’d be able to move it for you. He shook his head no, taking your bag to your room first. When he came back with the crib you could see he was visibly struggling to get it through the door. You felt bad for laughing, but watching Harry struggle like this just seemed to crack you up.
“I’m glad you find this funny.” He muttered sarcastically, pushing his curls out of his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered through your giggles, rubbing Lily’s back.
The crib was rolled into place a little space away from your bed, letting you lay your baby girl down on the soft fabric of the blanket inside.
“There we go.” You watched the girl quickly fall asleep in her new crib, your heart warm and happy. Harry sat beside you, shoulders and thighs touching you were that close.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Incredible, I never thought i could love someone so much.” He couldn’t help but smile at you, you looked perfect to him right now. The dopey smile never left your face, the same giddy feeling sitting in the pit of your stomach since the night before. A small yawn escaped your lips, Harry thinking it was the cutest sound ever.
“You tired?” He asked. You nodded, laying your head on his shoulder.
“Come on.” You furrowed your eyebrows, tilting your head like a confused puppy.
“What?” You asked, rubbing your tired eyes.
“Get some sleep, you’ve had a long day.” He kissed your head. You checked on Lily one more time.
“What if she needs me?”
“She doesn’t need you right now, at least get some sleep while you still can.” You sighed before you climbed into bed, already in pyjamas. You pulled your covers up over your body, right up to your chin and almost passed out as soon as your head hit the soft pillow, not realising you were this unbelievably tired.
“Will you stay?” You asked quietly, the idea of being without him seeming to scare you slightly. Harry smiled, nodding his head, laying down beside you. You cuddled into his side, resting your head on his chest comfortably.
“Sweet dreams y/n.” You hummed, nuzzling your face in his warm hoodie.
“Love you, Harry.” You mumbled. He blushed, a silly smile spreading on his face.
“Love you more.” He mumbled, right as you drifted off.
Just as you had suspected, Lily needed you sooner than your body appreciated, seeing as from the time on the clock you’d only been asleep a couple of hours. You woke up to the sound of her cries from the crib, pushing yourself up out of bed and shuffling over to her.
“Oh no, you’re okay.” You hadn’t realised that you’d woken Harry in your haste to get to Lily, the male stretching his muscles, confused himself about when he had fallen asleep.
“She okay?” He asked, voice raspy and full of sleep.
“ ‘m not sure.” You’d already checked her nappy, finding it clean, your next thought being that she was hungry.
“Do you mind if i try and feed her?” Harry was slightly taken back, eyes wide, reduced to a stuttering mess as he thought about you having your bare chest exposed in front of him.
“No, of course, s-she needs to eat, go ahead.” He turned his head away to give you some privacy, finding anything else to put his focus on. He heard you huff, a small whimper coming from you as well.
“Everything okay?” He asked, hearing you sniffle.
“She won’t latch on.” You complained, pulling your shirt up and cradling Lily to your chest. He knew you well enough to know you were getting stressed, not knowing how to help her.
“Can i try?” He asked, noticing the tears welled up in your waterline. You nodded your head, assisting Harry in taking Lily into his arms.
He cooed at the small baby, shushing her and holding her head just under his chin. It didn’t take long for her cries to begin to quieten down, Harry’s scent or presence must have had a strong effect on her because she was calm again in a few minutes.
You didn’t have the energy to be sad or mad that Harry was able to handle her better than you already. You simply rested your chin on his shoulder, kissing his cheek as a thank you.
“You go back to sleep, I'll hold her just a little bit longer.” You nodded sleepily, climbing back into your bed and falling to sleep with the knowledge that Lily was in perfectly good hands.
“You’re okay, aren’t you?” The girl blinked up at him, her eyes curious as she watched the curly haired man talk. She obviously didn’t understand a word he was saying, but that didn’t matter now that she was calm and happy.
“Goodnight Lily.” He carefully placed her down in the crib, watching over her until she drifted off. Harry climbed into your bed as quietly as he could, trying his hardest to not wake you with all the movement.
He froze when you rolled over, accepting your warmth as you cuddled back into his side like you were earlier.
“Is she okay?” You asked, half awake.
“She’s perfect.”
always taglist - @hopelessly-harry @iwearheadphones @thevelvetseries @minejungwoo @siriuslyslyslytherin @givebuckyhisplumsnow @itstaskeen @icyhollands
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thelarryficrecplace · 5 years
2019 Summer fics I’ve read and enjoyed
Hello friends! As some of you might know already, I took a small break from Tumblr and Fic reading as I had to focus on life for a few months. Honestly, I was almost sure I was going to delete this blog after coming back from travelling but now I’m home it turns out I’m more into reading fics than ever so here’s some fics I’ve read after my break that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed:
Delicate by FallingLikeThis:
Summary: They say opposites attract.
Maybe that’s why nerdy, shy Harry Styles has such a huge crush on rough, brash Louis Tomlinson.
And now, he's stuck in a lift with him.
Word count: 1,492
2,870 Miles by SadaVeniren:
Summary: Harry hated the BT Sports commentators, but considering he couldn’t fly to Baku while eight months pregnant this was all he had if he wanted to watch his husband in the Europa League final.
Word count: 1,508
Moon Dances Over by LadyLondonderry:
Summary: Louis knows that his tail is, frankly, stunning. His iridescent blue scales shimmer in even the slightest sunlight, and his fins have grown since he presented, delicate and almost transparent in their webbing.
He also knows that that means he’ll be one of the first to pick tonight, as the most beautiful omegas are blessed to pick their mates first. It’s considered a huge honour, since the guppies they’ll eventually birth will certainly be beautiful as well, bringing favour on the whole clan.
Louis has a stubborn streak, though. He’s always been rather a fan of mating for love, and there’s someone he’s had his eye on for a long time now.
Word count: 1,982
On the edge of the next nine years by forreveries:
Summary: In which Harry and Louis come out at the Met Gala.
Word count: 2,503
Public Display of Erection by dinosaursmate:
Summary: Louis has moved into his new flat and is surprised by what he witnesses out of his window.
Word count: 2,283
White Stripes by allwaswell16:
Summary: Harry’s roommate is gorgeous, kind, generous, and basically everything Harry has ever wanted in another alpha. The only problem is that he isn’t even sure that his alpha roommate is into other alphas. In an effort to finally get over him, he lets Niall set him up on a blind date.
Word count: 3,148
or are you giving it to someone else by louistomlinsons:
Summary: or, louis hears his neighbor having loud sex through the walls and it's not a problem until it is
Word count: 3,337
Understanding Silences by Jennifer_Kaid:
Summary: Staring at the black swirling ink was something everyone did, fantasizing the voice speaking those words, picturing the scenario that would lead them to find their soulmate. Harry did that too, only, he wondered why would those be his soulmate's first words. It was not a light curiosity, it was big question in his life.
Word count: 3,486
tiny exaggeration by jaerie:
Summary: Louis is frustrated that they've been dating for months and still haven't taken their relationship to the next level. Sometimes the foolishness of the past lingers in the present. Louis wants that to change.
Word count: 3,812
Roll the Dice by allwaswell16:
Summary: Louis has been in love with Harry since they were eighteen. It isn't until Harry's thirtieth birthday in Las Vegas that Louis must finally decide to either tell Harry how he feels or let him marry someone else.
Word count: 3,870
getting high in mine by bottomlinsons:
Summary: Getting home from a festival is miserable by any method, but a three-hour train ride is truly the bottom of the barrel.
This time, though, with the help of the cute guy sitting on the floor, it might not be so bad.
Word count: 3,951
Nothing Can Come Between by HamPalpert:
Summary: Louis comes over for film night, and Harry keeps his hands to himself. Literally. But what's supposed to be a secret self-love session quickly spirals out of control.
Word count: 4,121
take on me by bottomlinsons:
Summary: Louis is an assassin. Normally, he's a very good assassin. This hasn't happened to him before.
Word count: 4,155
hard for me to know i might see you around by coffeelouis (silverspoonharry):
Summary: [or, a TINDER AU where Harry swipes left on Louis' joke of a profile, then ends up stuck next to him on a trans-Atlantic flight.]
Word count: 4,204
Home Remedies by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie):
Summary: Louis’ hiccups just won’t stop. Harry, his roommate and best friend, is willing to do anything to help.
Word count: 4,230
Finally Their Time by lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes):
Summary: (Or, Harry and Louis attend the Met Gala together, and suddenly the whole world knows)
Word count: 4,230
Stealing Flowers by lululawrence:
Summary: Or the one where Louis pines after the Sexy Stranger on the Subway and almost asks him out. That's when the strange posters start showing up around Brooklyn.
Word count: 4,287
to be a king beside you somehow by nauticalleeds (metamorphosis):
Summary: Or, Harry and Louis come out at the 2019 Met Gala. It's not supposed to be easy. Somehow, it is.
Word count; 4,723
bloom! by turnyourankle:
Summary: Harry is a florist, and Louis is the very taken repeat customer he can't get out of his head.
Word count: 4,835
My love, he makes me feel like nobody else, nobody else by SilverShadow1:
Summary: The one where Harry screams, 'Daddy!' at a party and what follows is the best night of his life.
Word count: 4,963
Whisk me off my feet by allwaswell16:
Summary: When Louis locks himself out of his apartment in just a pair of novelty underwear, he hopes his new neighbor can come to his rescue.
Word count: 5,054
Thumbing My Way Back to You by 13ways:
Summary: Louis is on his way back to London after the Hits Live Birmingham concert. Harry is flying to New York for the Met Gala. They connect.
Word count: 5,286
I’ll Show You Magic by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie):
Summary: Louis didn’t mean to go home with a Muggle, and he didn’t mean to sneak out of his flat in the morning. He definitely didn’t mean to wind up in that same flat a month later, attempting to steal a magical object before the Muggle gets home.
Word count: 5,330
Hey, Mr. DJ by allwaswell16:
Summary: Harry really, really does NOT want to go out to a club tonight and be hassled by a bunch of alpha knotheads, but against his better judgement, he finds himself alone on the dance floor, barefoot, with an orange in his hand. This is all Niall's fault. At least the DJ is the most strikingly gorgeous alpha he's ever seen...
Word count: 5,513
wild love twisting all over for you by angelichl:
Summary: Harry and Louis meet on the set of a video.
Word count: 6,067
Easier by allwaswell16:
Summary: The last person Louis wants to see is his ex-boyfriend who also happens to be his soulmate.
Word count: 6,148
burnt & tied up by tilthesundies:
Summary: Come to the show tonight, Harry told him. Begged him. Pleaded with him.
Louis isn’t doing this for him.
Word count: 6,327
Won't You Love Me? by Halos_Boat:
Summary: Where Louis is Spider-Man, Harry is oblivious, Liam has a problem with communicating his feelings, Zayn is frustratingly handsome and Niall has a pet turtle.
Word count: 6,478
Stay forever by allwaswell16:
Summary: For the last year and a half, Harry has spent his coffee break at the same cafe every day, not because he loves their coffee, but rather because of the gorgeous omega behind the counter making the coffees. As a beta, he’s sure he doesn’t stand a chance with him, so he goes online to find as close a substitute as possible.
Word count: 6,481
Graphic design is my passion by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie):
Summary: Graphic design student Louis Tomlinson has exams to study for and final art projects to complete, if it would stop raining long enough for him to walk across campus. Luckily Harry Styles has an umbrella, and he’s perfectly willing to share.
Louis doesn’t plan to get his heart broken and he doesn’t plan to make almost a hundred silicone dildos. One of these things definitely happens.
Word count: 6,482
'Sup by MediaWhore:
Summary: Gemma really wants her little brother to sign up for a dating app and get back in the game after a messy divorce. Harry thinks he’s way too old to swipe. They compromise to devastatingly embarrassing results.
Meanwhile, all Louis wants is to finish the play he’s been commissioned to write, but one of the regulars at his local coffee shop keeps distracting him.
ft. older larry, pushy gemma, harry being a disaster gay and silver fox louis.
Word count: 6,712
Act Out by feermartsant:
Summary: Harry and Louis try to spice it up a little for their 10th year marriage anniversary. Cliché role play ensues.
Word count: 6,721
Traffic Light by dinosaursmate:
Summary: Harry, a university student fresh out of a relationship, attends a Traffic Light Party. He knew all about the red, yellow and green cups, but the blue one confuses him. What does DTF mean, anyway?
Word count: 7,120
streetwise hercules by bottomlinsons:
Summary: Uni AU, where Louis pretends to be Harry's boyfriend to scare away his one night stands.
Word count: 7,272
A Little Bit Like Fate by Galaxie:
Summary: Louis stumbles upon a kiss-in protest for LGBTQ rights, and he meets Harry. They click. It feels a little bit like fate.
Word count: 7,744
i was getting kinda used to being someone you loved by werebothstubborn:
Summary: Louis has a brilliant idea. Harry begs to differ. Until he doesn't.
Word count: 8,376
The Charles Compass Trilogy by SadaVeniren:
Summary: Louis Tomlinson is a successful writer who rents a beach house on the Cape to try and finish the final book in his successful Charles Compass trilogy.
Word count: 8,671
The way you smile by allwaswell16:
Summary: Harry doesn’t need to go on holiday. Unfortunately, his mum and sister disagree, which is how he ends up alone on holiday in the Caribbean. Luckily, he's not alone for long.
Word count: 9,619
You Turned Up (Like a Friend of Mine) by lululawrence:
Summary: Or the one where Harry disappears on graduation day only to show up on Louis' door looking exactly the same ten years later. Through a series of strange events, maybe they can finally figure out that they're destined to be together, no matter what.
Word count: 10,070
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy by lovelarry10:
Summary: Harry's a barman at Flaming Saddles, a country and western themed gay bar.
Louis’ a customer who’d like to see if the tall barman is as good on the ropes as everyone says he is...
Word count: 10,222
Everything I need I get from you by jaerie:
Summary: In a world where music and sound are just as vital to health as food, Harry is stuck in a town that thinks professional music is a scam and a relationship he never wanted. One chance event changes his life.
Word count: 10,456
all the strings attached by floweredhalo:
Summary: “He wasn’t good enough for you anyway, H,” Louis says and continues eating. Harry’s still reeling from the fact that Louis is jealous. Part of him wants to prove that Louis has nothing to be jealous about, that Harry is fully Louis’ and no one else’s. The other part wants to punish Louis for acting spoiled. But Harry can’t act on either urge, he tightens his hand into a fist in his lap instead.
“No, he wasn’t. He didn’t quite fit the job.”
“Harry, it wouldn’t be a job to date you. It would be lovely,” Louis says, almost in a whisper. They’re sitting closer, Harry just now notices. Louis’ body is completely angled towards Harry and Harry’s body is not far behind.
Word count: 10,517
come together by bottomlinsons:
Summary: Harry and Louis slept together three weeks ago, and haven't talked.Their coming group project is gonna change that.
Word count: 11,079
couldn't be more in love by cabinbythesea:
Summary: Louis Tomlinson is thirty-one. Harry Styles is not. (Best friends with a seven year age gap who fuck because they are both actually smitten and, let’s face it, hot as fuck together).
Featuring an engagement ring without actually being engaged, a Medicine by Harry Styles reference, and a painful playlist.
Word count: 11,502
Eyes Wide Open by lovelarry10:
Summary: The X Factor House. Louis wanks. Harry watches. Everything changes...
Word count: 12,046
Waste the Night by wickedarcher_08:
Summary: Harry is excited to finally see his favourite band in concert and his favourite person, the guitarist of the band, Louis Tomlinson. Little does he know what the night has in store for him.
Word count: 12,196
Breathe In, Breathe Out by dinosaursmate:
Summary: Louis Tomlinson begins visiting a new pub on his lunch break, mostly because he really fancies Harry, the cute, curly-haired barman. As Louis gears up to ask him out, he doesn't realise that there is a huge stumbling block in his way: Harry is taken, and by someone rather familiar.
Word count: 12,408
No Bunny But You by crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks):
Summary: A slow Monday night behind the bar turns into something else entirely thanks to a new mural and a new customer.
Word count: 13,043
In a sky full of stars, be my Northern lights by we_are_the_same:
Summary: Harry: Hello! Harry: Thank you for swiping right Harry: I have a proposition for you
Word count: 13,420
Could you love me anyway by SadaVeniren:
Summary: aka Harry and Louis begin playing ping pong during the X-Factor Tour. It quickly gets out of hand.
Word count: 13,444
The Boy With The Pearl Earring by lovelarry10:
Summary: Harry heads home after the Met Gala to get ready for the After Party, but there's a surprise waiting for him...
Word count: 14,252
just one look (and i fell so hard) by disgruntledkittenface:
Summary: Harry has wanted to go to the Shubert Theatre ever since he moved to New York and lucked into a rent-controlled apartment just outside of the Theatre District. When he finally gets his chance, he hopes the night can meet his sky-high expectations. But the last thing he could have expected was the man seated next to him.
Word count: 15,274
tonight's not over (come over and stay) by louistomlinsons:
Summary: or, harry is a famous singer and louis is a student who just wants to write his novel
Word count: 16,990
Fiction Romance by rougeandtonic:
Summary: Harry has a type.
He likes older, sophisticated, mature men. Well-educated men. Men with life experience and passion for arts and social causes. Men who are established in their careers, who've sorted their lives out.
Niall knows this.
And so Harry can't understand why he's sat here opposite Louis Tomlinson.
Word count: 17,560
I Want You S'more by 2tiedships2:
Summary: Or the one where the least alpha-y alpha and the least omega-y omega show that secondary genders aren’t set in stone and sometimes it works when you kinda share that.
Word count: 17,939
You Have to Retreat to Advance by 2tiedships2:
Summary: Or the one where Harry is expected to bring his longterm omega to the company's mountain retreat. Since he hadn't told anyone that they'd broken up months ago, he now has to find someone willing to play the part.
Word count: 18,056
Leather And Lace by DEAdea:
Summary: Or a short BDSM AU where Louis wants someone to make him forget how to speak and Harry will do everything to make him say all the words.
Word count: 19,319
say that you can see me (i'll speak up i swear) by coffeelouis (silverspoonharry):
Summary: [or, the liberal arts COLLEGE AU where Harry knows Louis as the best friend of the boy he has been hopelessly in love with for years now and Louis knows Harry as the boy he wished would look away from Zayn long enough to notice him.]
Word count: 20,053
Be Mine, Dear by louisgrindsonharry:
Summary: The one where Louis just wants to meet his mate, and all it takes is for him to get a new neighbor.
Word count: 20,104
Drunk in Love (last thing I remember) by MrsStylinson:
Summary: Or the one where Louis wakes up, naked, in a stranger's bed and has no idea how he got there. Maybe it's foul play. Maybe it's just the kindness of a handsome stranger amused by his drunken antics.
Word count: 22,102
I Drove All Night (To Get To You) by lovelarry10:
Summary: Harry’s job as a chauffeur for the rich and famous was not as flashy as he’d thought. Late nights having to listen to the ridiculous demands and whims of these high profile clients leaves him disheartened with the world he thought was all glitz and glamour.
One night his boss asks him a favour. To collect one last client before he clocks off. Only problem is when that client gets into the car it’s Louis Tomlinson. As in Harry’s all time crush. As in future husband and father of all his children Louis Tomlinson.
He can be cool and professional, right?
Word count: 23,481
The Daddiest Place on Earth by lovelarry10:
Summary: Louis. Harry. Instagram. A whole lot of confusion and a whole lot of laughs...
Word count: 23,558
Whipped Cream by writingstylinson:
Summary: [Harry is a deaf photographer in charge of taking Lottie's wedding pictures. Louis is determined for Harry to be his plus one.
Word count: 24,186
I Can Be Your Hero Baby (Just Let Me Get My Sword) by CalamityK:
Summary: Or that AU where Louis is a private investigator with London's biggest crime boss out for his head, and Harry is the Musketeer he accidentally calls through time to save him.
Word count: 24,531
you are half of me (and I am all for you) by angelichl:
Summary: One Direction, an obscure indie rock band, is about to embark on their first cross-country tour, living out of Louis' beloved van named Patricia.
Harry is in love, and Louis is oblivious. Or is he?
Featuring skinny-dipping in Texas waterfalls, getting lost in the desert, stargazing under the New Mexico sky, performing in front of crowds that grow in size each night, and falling in love on the road during the greatest summer of their lives.
Word count: 24,731
(Something's Been) Hiding In My Heart by lululawrence:
Summary: Or a Sweet Home Alabama AU where Louis comes home to finally get his divorce from Harry finalized so he can move on with his life. Alderford holds its own set of challenges when he returns, but by facing his past maybe he can find the healing he so desperately needs.
Word count: 25,569
Play Me A Memory by jacaranda_bloom:
Summary: Louis lives with his nine-year-old son Jake in a peaceful beachside community on the east coast of Australia, working as an entertainment coordinator at the local five-star resort. Harry is a recluse who lives on millionaires row and writes musical scores for blockbuster movies. When the roots of a wayward willow tree create havoc at his home, Harry is forced to stay at the resort while repairs are carried out.
Cue matchmaking storms, muffin preferences, laughter, love, and a whole lotta music.
Word count: 26,932
And That's The Tea by 2tiedships2:
Summary: Or, the one where Louis loses his soulmate before even getting the chance to meet them, and he is in no way prepared for the kind of distraction his new friend Harry proves to be.
Word count: 27,590
i can reflect the moon by bitterlee:
Summary: it's 1976. harry writes songs. they're about louis. it's none of his business.
Word count: 28,577
gorgeous (it makes me so mad) by resurrectdead:
Summary: or: Harry is a hot mess. Liam is a brilliant roommate. Niall is a wise lesbian co-worker. Clifford is a good boy. Louis is a bad boy. Circumstances are bizarre.
Word count: 29,940
the act of making noise by suspendrs:
Summary: Or, Louis's famous, Harry has no idea who he is, and they get snowed in together at a ski lodge in Vermont.
Word count: 32,084
Welcome Back From The Friend Zone by 2tiedships2:
Summary: Or the one where an idea to create a fake wedding with the sole intent to receive gifts from billionaires took a turn no one, but also everyone, saw coming.
Word count: 32,354
Latching Onto You by reminiscingintherain:
Summary: Or, the one where Louis wants to book Harry Styles to perform at his best friends' wedding.
Word count: 34,313
Found My Hallelujah by crimsontheory:
Summary: As an engagement gift from his parents, Harry and his fiance receive an all expenses paid cruise trip for two. But one week before they're set to sail, Harry walks in on his fiance cheating on him. Newly single, with the cruise tickets in hand, and his bags already packed, Harry brings along his sister instead. And maybe the cute bartender on the ship might just be the person Harry needs to help him put back together all of his broken pieces.
Word count: 34,753
Counterbalance by YesIsAWorld:
Summary: Harry Styles loves two things: teaching ballet and racing motorcycles. Those two worlds collide when his greatest rival on the track, Louis “Tommo” Tomlinson brings his tiny siblings to Harry’s class.
Word count: 44,777
That's What I'm Here For by taggiecb:
Summary: Louis Tomlinson is a dairy farmer on a tiny farm in eastern Canada. His wife of nearly thirty years has left him and his children are all grown up and out of the house. Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking. Luckily for him his children know just the man for the job.
Word count: 46,838
Tied to Fate by littlelouishiccups:
Summary: After his estranged father’s death, Harry inherits a castle in England that has belonged to his family for generations and he knows nothing about. When he breaks up with his boyfriend, Harry decides England is the perfect place for a small vacation. He isn’t prepared to meet Louis Tomlinson, a ghost who once lived in the castle and has haunted it for over five hundred years. He’s even more unprepared to fall in love with him.
Word count: 52,313
Shine On (You Crazy Diamond) by larrymaybe22
Summary: The year is 1974 and Britain’s glam rock scene is in full swing. Enter Louis, a broke and dejected student who finds himself on a tour bus of all places, working as a roadie for the enigmatic “womanizer” Harry Styles. Along the way, Louis discovers the cruelty of fame and that maybe there is more than meets the eye beyond the curls, cocaine, and crazy suits.
Word count: 58,750
 waiting for the tides to meet by nauticalleeds (metamorphosis):
Summary: Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
Featuring a lovely cup of OT5, a road trip down the coast, and a scene where Harry eats a whole head of lettuce. Don't ask why.
Word count: 59,871
Becoming Us by sweariwouldnt:
Summary: Married at First Sight is a television show in which hopefuls looking for The One are matched by experts deeming them to be the perfect match. The twist? They meet each other for the first time at the altar. When they exchange their 'I do's'. And get married for real.
One Harry and Louis find each other at the altar. They have five weeks to make or break the set-up marriage.
Word count: 59,880
Consequences by allwaswell16:
Summary: Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
Word count: 78,566
Face Your Fears by SadaVeniren:
Summary: Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. He’s getting by just fine raising the twins when Louis walks into his bakery. Too bad him and Louis will never be a thing.
Word count: 92,219
Tired Tired Sea by MediaWhore:
Summary: As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
Word count: 113,303
Take Me As I Am by lovelarry10:
Summary: “Suppressant? But… why would I need a suppressant? Alphas don’t take suppressants.”
“You’re right, they don’t.”
Secrets. Lies. Deception. Betrayal. Self-discovery.
Alpha. Omega. How far will they go to hide the truth?
Word count: 117,895
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astaralys · 5 years
*watches Frozen 2*
I started this blog when I wrote my first Frozen fanfic, The Sky Is Awake. It’s been five years. FIVE. YEARS.
I need more snow sisters. And I need answers and closure but I ain’t got a pretty water horse to ferry me to Ahtohallan to find them, so I started writing my own ‘Frozen 3′ fanfic. I humbly and sleep-deprivedly (it’s a word okay Anna invented it for Elsa) present the first chapter of a new multichapter story that I may soon regret starting because it’s already consuming my life with “AND THEN WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS BADASS THING HAPPEN” epiphanies.
Which kind of explains why the first chapter is, like, 7000 words. I’m sorry.
Here’s a snippet from my favourite scene (it’s not really a snippet. it’s the whole scene. I love them together. I love them together with chocolate). 
The Next Unknown
Summary: Some things never change; after Ahtohallan, though, quite a lot did. Now Anna and Elsa somehow need to find their own paths without losing sight of each other. But the world won't wait, and when more trouble washes up on Arendelle's shores, the sisters learn that sometimes you can't do the next right thing without the courage to confront what last went wrong. A post-Frozen 2 story.
[this scene comes from the middle of chapter 1 but now that I look at it, it’s practically a oneshot on its own??]
Elsa didn't need to knock because the doors were wide open
Technically speaking, there was no physical room for the doors to close at all. The floor of the study was littered with books and papers in precarious stacks, tracing a haphazard maze towards the desk, which was by contrast, unexpectedly uncluttered—except for the queen of Arendelle sprawled across it on her back, reading a missive held above her head, her bare feet tapping a gentle rhythm against the side of the desk. The same rhythm that had stubbornly rained down on Elsa's door for thirteen years.
Elsa stood at the doorway for a moment, soaking in the sight of her sister being both Anna and the queen at the same time. And something unclenched inside her, just a little, while something else tightened in its place. If only Father and Mother could see Anna now.
"It must take all of Kai's self-control not to come in and tidy this."
Anna's head turned, the candlelight illuminating the joy in her eyes at the sight of Elsa picking her way across the room. "Oh, he tries. But then I tell him, 'If I can't find last year's shipment records where I left it next to the window with my pet rock on top, I won't be the one explaining to Elsa why we can't import the nice chocolate from Switzerland.' Works like a charm. Am I late for charades?"
"Not yet. Olaf is still going around asking the staff to write more words. Also, please stop terrorising the kingdom in my name."
Anna scoffed and raised a finger to make a point. Then stopped to sniff the air. She shot upright. "Is that hot cocoa?!"
Elsa held the mug out of reach. "It looks to me like our chocolate imports are faring quite well indeed," she teased.
"Looks to me like I'm the one being terrorised." Anna's give me motions intensified.
Smiling, Elsa gestured for the missive that had fallen into her sister's lap. "I'll trade you."
"Be my guest; it concerns you more than me anyway." Anna all but poured the beverage down her throat. "Ack! Hot hot hot!"
Sighing in fond exasperation, Elsa reached over and wrapped a hand around the mug to cool it. Then she leaned back against the desk beside Anna's crossed legs and skim read the letter, though the familiar crest of arms on the top made it easy for her to predict its contents.
She grimaced.
Anna nudged her, mirth swimming in her voice. "Well? Should I write back to Lord Nilsen and let him know it would be my honour to have his son as my brother-in-law?"
"Lord Nilsen's son could easily have been my brother-in-law. I received his proposals for your hand year after year."
"Too bad, already spoken for. You, on the other hand, are not. Are you sure you don't want to give what's-his-name a chance? I hear he's quite a looker!"
"He is." Elsa refolded the parchment along its creases. "We met him two years ago, do you remember? He attended Buferdsdagen with his father."
"You played hide-and-seek with him."
"… I what?"
Elsa handed the letter back to her sister, trying not to laugh. "If I remember correctly, Tobias Nilsen just turned twelve years old."
Anna blinked. Then she dissolved into snorts and giggles. "Twelve!" she gasped. "That's worse than the old baron who wanted to make me his third wife!"
"Fifth wife," Elsa corrected mildly, as she rescued the hot cocoa.
"Twelve!" Anna screeched again, collapsing over Elsa. "Everyone wants their own snow queen," she giggled, wiping her eyes. "Well, they can't have her. She's all mine." Her tone descended into suspicion. "... Unless she's interested in someone?"
"She is not," Elsa replied smoothly.
"Ryder?" Anna took one look at her expression and moved on. "Yeah, can't see that happening either. Honeymaren? Because you know I'd be totally cool with that—which is not to say that you need my approval to be interested in anyone… well. Maybe. Actually, yes. Let me at 'em."
"Anna." Hiding a smile, Elsa tugged on a pigtail. "I'm not interested in anyone, or in anything more than what I already have. I am spoken for. I have a sister I love more than anything, even if she is at times unbearably nosy."
"Nonsense. You love my nose." Anna rested her cheek atop Elsa's head. "But you'll tell me if that changes?"
"My sentiments on your nose?"
"You know what I mean!"
Don't I tell you everything? It was there on the tip of her tongue. It was so easy to say.
Until another voice stole over hers. But you didn't. You haven't.
I won't. I can't.
Tell her you're making her a scarf. Tell her why. Tell her that you know.
Hiding her clenched fists in the folds of her dress, Elsa heard herself say, "Who else would I tell, silly?"
Maybe if Anna hadn't yawned at that moment, she would have noticed something. But she only rubbed her eyes and said, "I don't know, sis—the way you've been starting to smell like reindeer, it's only a matter of time before you start talking to them like Kristoff."
"You're incurable." Elsa's voice softened. "Tired?"
"Nope. Maybe. Kinda. But I'll not be called a workaholic by you of all people. See, I know how to delegate. This is all I have left for today!" Anna made a grand sweeping gesture at the modest stack of missives on her desk. "Which reminds me: I need your advice on a few things… well, alright, a whole mountain's worth of things. But we can go over it later. How long are you staying this time?"
It was her effortlessly light-hearted tone that gave her away. On any other person, it could have been a question about the weather. Only Anna was neutral about exactly nothing, especially when it came to Elsa. And Elsa had to bite back the urge to say 'As long as you need me to' because Anna, of all people, had managed not to ask 'Can you stay?'
They were both dreadful liars. But Anna she was getting very good at being queen.
Elsa set aside Lord Nilsen's letter and straightened, habitually steadying Anna before she could tumble off. Then she turned around and raised a hand to her sister's face, gently brushing away a curl. Anna's curious stare melted into a contented smile as she pressed her cheek against Elsa's hand. "What's up?" she asked, her eyes crinkling with faint mischief.
There you are.
Elsa shook her head slightly and smiled back. "I will be around long enough that we can postpone games night until tomorrow."
"What about the tomorrow after that? And tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow?"
"Yes, Anna."
Now Anna's expression was radiant. "And Olaf's birthday?"
"I'm always there for Olaf's birthday."
"But you'll be around until then?"
Elsa cupped Anna's face in both her hands and leaned in so their foreheads touched. "Yes. I'll be here."
"Okay," her little sister whispered, her hands pressing over Elsa's.
A moment of stillness cocooned them. Elsa could not freeze this moment, either.
Then Anna jerked up and cracked her nose into Elsa's brow. "Wait—why are we postponing games night?"
The rest is on ff.net here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13467233/1/The-Next-Unknown. Thanks for reading!
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apathycares · 6 years
general relationship headcanons for Bakugou, shoto and dabi? btw, any rules for this blog like NSFW and hard limits?? good luck with this blog!!!💗💗
General Relationship Headcanons
First of all, thank you so much 😀
To answer your question though, I did plan to put up some rules or something along those lines but I thought about it and I’ve decided against it. I kinda wanna try writing stuff I’d generally avoid. Once upon a time, I only wrote for humour, and now look at me! Getting all romantic and shit. So, if you’d like me to do some NSFW or some sketchy shit, let’s tussle.
Thanks again. I hope you like this.
※ Warnings: none!
※ Pairings: Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou is in a relationship?!
And honestly, who would believe him, knowing how he was.
You knew about his crush on you before he knew about his crush on you. The guy wasn’t really subtle when he liked someone a little more than the rest.
At first you thought he was a little more gentle towards his friends in general, up until he “casually” asked what type of guy you’d be into.
You gasped, to his chargrin, then with a sly smirk asked him out on a date.
Bakugou holds that against you. Any disagreements, any fights you ever have always ends with a “Well I guess you shouldn’t have asked me out on a fucking date first!!” or “Guess you’re regretting asking me out first huh?!”
He’s a little insecure.
For your anniversaries, valentine’s day and the like, unless you spell out what you’d like a few days prior, he wouldn’t really do anything special.
To him, stuff like that is unnecessary and dumb.
If you really want him to be a certain way, you’d have to bait him.
“You know, I was talking to Yuki the other day and apparently her boyfriend bought her some diamond earrings.”
“And apparently, it was for no special occasion. No reason. It was just a token of his lov-”
Proceeds to buy you a whole set.
He’s a little private with this relationship.
Therefore, your regular dates consists of taking walks in secluded areas (ex: beach in the night), chatting and snacking in each other’s rooms, and the occasional lunches in slightly pricey restaurants.
Bakugou becomes handsy when your attention is away from him. Especially if you’re ignoring him. He will either disrupt what you’re doing with an angry pout at the least or wreck it at most.
In terms of affection, he likes playing hard to get. He’ll demand invite you over after a while of not seeing each other and you’d think that any normal boyfriend would jump you immediately.
Oh no. Bakugou grunts at your arrival and continues to do whatever he was doing prior. He gets off on seeing you irritatedly climb onto his lap or grab his shoulder and jerk him around to face you.
He’ll keep the uninterested act going for a bit, looking away and avoiding your touch. Depending on your mood you’ll either -
Kiss him because you’ve missed him, and he’d loosen up almost immediately, so that when you pull away you both smile at each other lovingly before going in for another one.
Ditch him because he’s being annoying, and he’d barricade the door first before ravaging you.
Since his parents are in the fashion industry, Bakugou always critiques you on what you’re wearing. He even steals a few pieces he likes from their collections and gifts them to you, claiming you’d make it work better than those hungry models.
His mom doesn’t like you immediately, his dad does.
Not that Bakugou cares.
During a particular dinner date with his family (it was his dad’s birthday and of course he announced to his parents that you’d be joining them) his mother made a snide comment about his choice in partner.
“Actually Bakugou-san, I’m the one who initially asked him out.”
The table went quiet for a moment, before the older woman bursts out in an obnoxious laughter eerily similar to her son’s, who was glowering angrily at you in silence. You politely smile despite your confusion, and glance at the only other sane person on the table, Papa Bakugou, who nervously chuckles, knowing exactly what his wife was on about.
“Oh, I was so wrong about you!”
“…excuse me?”
“I never knew Katsuki would take up from his father in his love life!” Mama Bakugou leans in with a warm grin, her eyes full of mischief. “Safe to say the Bakugou men like a woman who knows what she wants.”
You’ve never heard Bakugou cuss someone out as much as he did that night.
But, you got along better with his mom and that’s all that mattered right?
“We are never going back there.”
Guess not.
“Sure, I got what I needed anyways.”
You lean in until you’re inches from his face, enough to think that you’re about to kiss him as his eyes fall to your stretching lips, only for you to whisper, “Apparently you like a girl who takes charge huh?”
He grunts, pressing his forehead to yours, just about to kiss you, when you confess -
“And baby pictures for future blackmail reference.”
Todoroki Shouto
Todoroki is in a relationship?!
All the females (and the occasional few men) were devastated when this came to light.
Thanks to Endeavour’s A+ parenting skills, this boy was pitifully clueless in everything not heroics.
So, when he first feels…differently about you, he thinks something’s wrong with him.
Of course he asks his mom the next time he visits her, whom, with a gentle smile, tells him he has feelings towards you.
You’re a little confused as to why he pulls you aside and asks to talk somewhere private, and even more confused when he has the gall to tell you about his newfound feelings and not ask you on a date but rather he has to think about them before he acts upon them (or not).
You don’t know whether you’re flattered (because it’s Todoroki) or offended (because he asked you to remain single until he figured it out).
Deciding to humour him a bit, you agree and go about your week.
It takes him about two weeks before he decides he wants to experience a relationship with you and approaches you at lunch. As soon as he voices these thoughts, you nod your head, fighting back a smile as you tell him you need to think about it before answering.
“Yup. I’m going to disappear for a while and see if I like you.”
He tilts his head, eyebrows raised as he says, “If you didn’t like me back, you wouldn’t have agreed or waited for me back then.”
Your smile drops like hot potatoes.
“In fact, I don’t think any normal person would do that. Maybe you like me more.”
“N-no! I…uh…”
“That’s why I like you too.”
Todoroki is a precious good boyfriend.
If he meets someone, anyone, he’ll immediately introduce you as his significant other.
That may not seem out of character for any regular boyfriend, but imagine stopping conversations just to make that announcement.
“Midoriya, Iida, this is my girlfriend.”
“Oh it’s a pleasure to finally meet yo-”
“Yaoyorozu, this is my girlfriend.”
“Oh, ah -”
“Kaminari, this is my girlfriend.”
“Kirishima -”
“Shouto! Stop running up to people only to cut them off, that’s rude!”
Todoroki turns away from Kirishima, looking between you and his shocked classmates, before nodding. You smile, about to start a conversation with Midoriya and Iida (i.e. where he left you) when you notice Todoroki tapping furiously on his phone. You exchange looks with his friends before approaching him and asking what he was doing.
“I’m texting a picture of you to everyone I associate with.”
“Oh boy.”
Todoroki is totally the type to research on how to be a good boyfriend.
You’re always recieving flowers and the like so often that the particular store he buys them off of know you two by name.
He is very diligent with anniversaries and special occasions. He’ll go more than all out for you.
Eventually will stop referring to online when he gets to know you, but leaves a long review on a site that he preferred to follow about his findings and experience in order to help the next lovesick fool.
Todoroki is touch starved.
You grab his hand one day and at first he doesn’t seem fazed or affected by the change.
But the next time you see each other, he immediately holds your hand like he missed it. It breaks your heart every time (in a good way).
He likes it when you play with his hair.
Your usual dates can be anything from movie marathons, going to fairs and amusement parks, and chilling under a kotatsu telling stories to each other.
It’s probably after a few months of dating that he kisses you.
After that door is open, congratulations, you’ve just won a koala bear.
As in, his clinginess is OVER 9000!
You meet his family soon after his affection skyrockets, starting with his mother, whom is a little weary but gradually warms up to you after she sees how happy Shouto is.
His siblings like you instantly and attempt to get you to spill stuff about their baby brother, before he promptly pushes you out of the house.
And of course, he runs into his father as he’s leaving.
“So you are the distraction!” Endeavour booms as soon as he sees his son’s hands on your shoulders.
Before your boyfriend blows up on his dad in your honour, you touch his hand, bringing his attention to you, before you bow graciously to Endeavour and drag Todo with you. You both aren’t out of earshot when Endeavour calls out to you two with a sly, “If you are able to tame my Shouto so easily, young lady, I will allow this little courtship.”
“Hmm, that was easier than I thought.” You admit non-commitedly as soon as you two were alone. His opinion didn’t really matter enough to Todo for you to care anyways.
“Let’s see what that bastard has to say when I propose to you.”
Shigaraki asked Dabi to go get information from the LOV’s personal source, and when Dabi didn’t find anyone to dump the burden on, he grudgingly went himself.
What kind of person would help that twit enough for him to trust anyways?
Who would’ve thought that the personal source for the villains would be so…
Well, you.
He crudely asked if you were seeing anyone right off the bat, and when you replied with an irritated, “Yes, now cork it and listen.” he could’ve sworn you said you were taken.
But all he heard was “Yes, now cork them and listen.”
As in you gave him permission to snuff them out.
Shigaraki was royally pissed and threw a whole tantrum when Dabi came back and told him the wrong information, only finding out when one of his villains were captured by the police.
He was tasked with getting the job done in the end.
“ - and Shigaraki Tomura has decided not to send you to our source in the coming future.”
Dabi took to the streets after that, avoiding populated areas, and occasionally threatening to burn the scum who attempted to talk to him. Why did assholes decide to bother him when he least wanted to be bothered?
He’s turning a corner when he stumbles upon you and a random group of thugs, in what seems to be like you exchanging information with them.
Dabi leans against the wall and waits for you to be done, when one of the thugs grabs your hand out of nowhere.
He burns them all to ashes.
You stand there, shell shocked, as you watch the men scream in pure agony before they’re reduced to nothing, and then your horrified eyes look up and see the same asshole Shigaraki sent days ago.
There’s something sickeningly beckoning about the way the blue flames barely lick your face before diminishing before your eyes, pulling you to nearly step over the remains of your associates to follow it. As soon as you realize what’s in front of you, the spell is broken and you’re focus is snapped back on.
“What is wrong with you?! These people pay me good money and now you’ve gone and did that!” You scold him, waving at the pile in front of you with disgust. “Oh god…”
“I save you from those pigs and that’s all you have to say to me?”
You sneer. “Don’t get all presumptuous, you’re no Hero.”
“Hmm, you’re probably right but,” he’s walking towards you as he talks, tone absolutely smug when he steps over the grotesque mush and you stare dead into his eyes. Eyes bluer than his flames. “You’re still blushing like I am.”
“E-even so,” you push past him, nose scrunching as you evade his mess. “I don’t like what you did.”
“Me neither.”
“I don’t like what you did either.”
You don’t stop again to ask him what he meant, and you don’t see him much after that.
In fact, the next time you see him is weeks after that and he began to drop by wherever you were as often as possible.
A little too often.
Often enough to find out about your significant other - your child.
At first he’s torn between relief that you weren’t really involved with anyone, surprise that you of all people had a kid, and doubt on whether or not he could deal with that.
You tell him about your little girl Yuki, who wasn’t biologically yours, how you found her abandoned and hungry. She made the bleakness of your days a little more bearable.
Dabi decides then and there that he’d protect the both of you, and leaves without a word.
You think he’s not interested in you anymore and feel a little heartbroken for a while, only for him to return the next day, pursuing you as if nothing happened.
You don’t really date as much as you two meet up and spend time together, as that was the most ideal thing for two villains in love.
Was he in love with you? A hard yes. He wouldn’t be going through all the motions of sneaking out of the bar and finding you if he didn’t.
One of his favourite things to do was tease you enough to get you blushing. Amongst other reactions.
Dabi loves it when you kiss him out of nowhere, your body pressing onto him as you claw at his own, begging for his attention, only for you to abruptly pull away with a sly smile and run off leaving him flustered and irritated.
The needy dance you two had was addicting.
Eventually, when you learn of his past, you give him a gentle kiss and assure him you’re there to stay for however long your run may be.
“And of course, you’ll quit helping that twit as proof.”
“As long as you’re willing to get a relatively normal job and -”
“Nope sweetheart, not happening.”
“Well then, that twit stays.”
And if you’re wondering, Imma keep using Yuki as a filler character every. Time.
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