#kinda just drew the suit on the fly lol
casualmonarch · 11 months
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Remembered a certain poster and knew what i had to do
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hi may i request a mikasa x gn reader soulmates au? maybe the tattoo/marks trope or the visions/dreams trope up to you :) thank you in advance!
Finally some Mikasa, I love her sm
Also, I wasn't super sure what specific tropes you were talking about, so I just kinda took an idea and ran with it, hope you don't mind.
Anyway, this POV follows Mikasa, which is different from what I usually do, a POV of the reader instead lol
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(Mikasa Ackerman x Reader)
AU: Canon, soulmates AU (You have a unique tattoo that only you and your soulmate have)
Warnings: None
Category: Fluff
Summary: Mikasa was doubtful of soulmates, but an unexplainable force draws her to her soulmate one day, and Mikasa has no choice but to confront it.
Words: 2.7K
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Mikasa never really believed in soulmates.
She thought the idea that everyone had a destined, unchangeable partner was ridiculous. The perfect person just "appearing" whenever the universe decided she needed them wasn't something she understood at all.
And yet, the evidence of her having one was splayed gorgeously across her back. Stretching from shoulder to shoulder, a large, beautiful tattoo was inked on her back. Feathered wings, outstretched and reaching towards nothing, and around them; roses. Red roses and thorned vines wrapping around the wings and budding up at the top, exposing a single rose bud on the nape of her neck. Though, it remained hidden behind the crimson red scarf she adorned.
She had kept it hidden constantly, lest her soulmate notice it and complicate things. For all she cared, she would keep it hidden forever, and her soulmate would be none the wiser.
She stared into her reflection in the mirror, collecting a small amount of water in her cupped palms and splashing it in her face, making sure her body was wide awake for morning training.
She turned around, staring at the tattoo with an indecipherable expression. She was still topless, not having finished dressing yet, giving her the opportunity to observe the art. Whether she believed in soulmates or not, she couldn't deny the absolute beauty of it.
Hesitantly, she slid on her bra and shirt, wrapping her scarf around her neck just enough to cover the rose. It could stay hidden a little longer.
Time came for morning training, and she suited up in her ODM gear. Today was race day; something that came once a week, where, in the morning, they would race through the forest with their gear, and the first to take a flag from Shadis on the other side was declared winner, and got double rations for the week.
Armin geared up next to her, his sleeves riding up his arms, revealing the tattoo on the inside of his forearm—a golden compass, opened and facing North. The glass covering the needle was adorned with small droplets of water, and foam, presumably from some body of saltwater, surrounded the accessory.
She looked away, choosing to ignore the way it made her heart twinge. Sometimes, rarely, she would indulge in the idea of having a soulmate. She hoped that, say it be true, her soulmate would truly understand her and care for her, and, most importantly, love her, something she unfortunately didn't experience a lot of in her childhood.
A shrill whistle startled her out of her thoughts—the first whistle. It signified 30 seconds until the start of the race, where he would blow it three times in short succession to start the chaos.
She lined up on the white line, drawn in the dirt with chalk, and stretched her arms over her head, releasing the tension in her body before the race started.
Finally, after a tense silence between the soldiers, the whistle blew, and all the Cadets instantly took off, whirring and spinning into the darkness of the forest.
Mikasa shot off, easily finding her place in the top three. Reiner was to her left, and, despite his large build, he managed to carry himself effortlessly, flying through the air like an eagle. And, to her right, the three week reigning champion—you.
Your hair blew behind your face as you pierced through the air, dodging the thick tree trunks and jutting branches as you flew towards the goal.
You turned your head, eyes meeting hers with a competitive smirk, wordlessly challenging her, temping her, even.
Mikasa perfected her form, leveling her body and shooting the hooks of her gear into just the right places to give her the highest momentum. She easily slipped past you, eyes set straight forward towards the goal as she stole the first place spot.
You swore under your breath, immediately thinking of how you were going to pull ahead of Mikasa during the home stretch.
You aimed your ODM gear at a tree in the distance, seeing if you could use the momentum to slingshot yourself forwards and towards the goal.
But, as soon as the hook buried itself into the wood, the wire twisted and stretched, clearly going on beyond it's limits. Still, you decided that would be a problem for the next gear inspection. For now, you could stand to damage your gear a little bit to pull ahead of Mikasa.
Mikasa watched, jaw slightly agape, as you sped in front of her, easily gaining a ten meter lead on her. Her daze lasted only a slight moment, as a loud screeching noise drew her attention away from your sudden lead.
She searched around for a moment for the source of the sound, until she located it right in your direction. Her eyes widened in realization—your ODM wire was strained, and started the fray as it twisted and stretched.
You seemed to notice your peril shortly after, but there was nothing you could do at that point. The last metal strand of the wire strand snapped, and it gave out instantly, still dug into the tree.
Panic immediately shot up your spine, bracing yourself for impact as your previous momentum shot your face first towards the forest floor.
Mikasa's eyes wandered involuntarily towards your stranded form, watching in horror as you collided with the dirt, kicking up a cloud of dust laying limply in the shrubbery.
Part of her just wanted to finish the race—since she was now in first—and claim her rations. But, a sudden, external force drew her to you, her body moving on its own as she rushed to your side.
Soldiers flew past her overhead, the buzzing and whirring in her ears making it difficult to tell just how fast her heart was beating all of the sudden.
She dug through the grass and shrubs for a moment, searching your limp figure. Once she found you, she pulled you up and out of the dirt. You were awake, but somewhat lethargic, staring up at her with droopy eyes. Blood trickled down your forehead and over your cheeks, dripping from your chin.
"Shit, Y/n...!" She cursed under her breath, scanning your body for any other injuries, letting out a heavy sigh of relief once she realized there were none.
"Are you alright? Does your head hurt? Can you walk?" She bombarded you with questions, pulling your body into her lap. She had no idea why she was so concerned with you all of the sudden, but the urge to make sure you were okay was absolutely overpowering.
"I..." You raised your hand the gash in your head, pulling it away and gazing at the blood coating your fingers. "...could be better, but I think I'm alright." You sighed, resting an arm over your chest out of exhaustion. "Hurts like a bitch, though."
Mikasa sighed, brushing the loose strand of hair from your face.
"Mmm..." She hummed, rubbing her temple as the roots of a headache started to form in her head. Terrible timing, though it was inevitable considering the sudden stress this situation brought her. "Still, I should bring you back. You don't look so great right now."
You sighed, nodded your head slowly, the pain of your fall seeping its way into your aching body as the adrenaline started to wear off.
You stood up, slowly starting to walk back to the barracks, but found your legs suddenly unable to support your body weight as you stumbled and collapsed forward. Luckily, Mikasa dashed to your side, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and the other over your stomach to support you and prevent your fall.
"Hang on." She muttered, moving in front of your to slink her arm underneath you, picking you up and slowly carrying you towards the barracks.
You immediately buried your nose in the crook of her neck, the head injury clearly clouding any sense of shame momentarily. You inhaled her subtle, yet sweet aroma, slowly dozing off in her warm embrace.
It took Mikasa a good few minutes to realize you had fallen asleep, once she had asked you a question for the third time and didn't get a response. Once she realized, though, she just moved the arm that wasn't supporting you up to your head, keeping your head in its place. For some odd reason, she found comfort in its being there.
Small twigs snapping and grass rustling, plus your soft snoring, were the only audible noises at this point, the other soldiers far too far away to hear. Even if the two of you were close enough, even the person in last place should've crossed by now. She paused to wonder if Shadis would mind both of your absences, but dismissed the thought. At least somebody had to have seen you fall.
She sighed, gazing up at the sky.
"What am I doing right now?" She wondered aloud, now that there was no one to listen. "Why am I helping you?" Her slender hand brushed through your hair, trying to make you as comfortable as possible while you slept.
She had no clue, honestly. She had always been a close friend to you, but to go to such lengths to comfort you, she wasn't sure why. And she wasn't sure, either, why your gentle breathing against her was so calming to her. Really, she had no reason to be feeling this way.
Her feet slowed to a stop in front of the main building of the Trainee Regiment. Slowly, she pushed the door open and walked down the corridor towards the nursing room.
Gently, she set you down on the bench, stirring you awake as you opened your eyes, scanning the new environment with confusion.
"Where are w-"
"The medical office." She cuts you off without thinking, rummaging through the nearby cabinet for bandages, or something to wrap your head in.
Finding the small, white roll tucked away in the back, she turns back to you, unraveling some of the bandages and slowly wrapping them around your head.
"It really isn't that bad, Mikasa." You stated, yet made no effort to stop her.
"Liar. You passed out on the way here." She deadpanned, finally finishing the bandages. Grabbing a small cloth and running it under the sink, she dabbed it across your face, cleaning off the dried blood.
"I didn't pass out." You huffed out, stubbornly.
"You were asleep almost the whole walk."
"Just a power nap." You concluded, making her giggle.
"Whatever you say, just... be more careful. You probably already have a concussion, we don't need more than one TBI per month." She joked, smiling bashfully as you laughed at her quip. Mikasa wasn't a jokester by any means, so to see her so comfortable around you was a shock.
Mikasa pulled the cloth away from your face, examining for any missed spots. She almost put the rag away, satisfied with her work, until she saw a little dash of red across your nape.
"Turn around. You have blood on your neck." She whispered, and you obeyed silently, turning around.
She outstretched her hand, preparing to wipe the crimson off your neck, until she noticed. That's not blood at all.
It was a rosebud.
She blinked once, twice, making sure it wasn't just her imagination. It was identical to the one she had of the back of her nape as well—she knew it far too well, she saw it every other morning.
Without thinking, she grabbed the head hole of your shirt, pulling the cloth down to your mid-back to get a closer look.
"Ack—! Mikasa what are-" You sputtered, confused by her sudden forcefulness, contrasting her previous gentle behavior.
She paid no mind to your protests though, gazing in amazement and bewilderment. It was the exact same as the one she had, a perfect replica.
Clearly, she had never thought to take in the beauty of it until now. Now that it was inked into your back and not hers, she could see just how marvelous of a drawing it is.
"Y/n..." She exhaled, so quiet that she was surprised the sound even passed her lips coherently.
"Mikasa, what's gotten into you?" You inquire, turning around to face her, pulling your shirt back up over your shoulders in the meantime.
The second your eyes meet hers, she throws herself around you, wrapping her arms so tight around your chest that you swore you couldn't breathe.
Tears threatened to prick at her eyes. No matter how much she didn't believe in it, the stories were true. The stories of how you'd feel when you first connect with your soulmate. And, guessing by the way your breathing faltered and your mouth hung agape, you could feel it too.
She pulled away, leaving you confused, but also a little colder without her body pressed so close to yours.
With no explanation, she raised her arms and slid her shirt over her head, causing you to flush bright red and start to panic.
"Mikasa, seriously, what the hell is going on-"
"Look." She turned around, and the winged tattoo was on full display. It matched yours completely.
"Mikasa, I..." You tried to think of something to say, but no words fell out. You didn't expect to meet your soulmate, not this early, not her.
She didn't know what to do, either. She never expected to meet her soulmate, and not in a place like the Cadet Corps. Though, she couldn't deny that she felt attracted to you, not just emotionally, but almost spiritually, like something unknown tethered the two of you together.
Slowly, she brought you into a more gentle embrace, slinking down in your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck, leaning into the crook of your shoulder. You instantly wrapped your arms around her in return, and you swore you had never felt more at home than in this moment.
Her hand moved to your back, skimming it back and forth over the spot where your tattoo laid—she knew it was there, even if she couldn't see it.
The two of you stayed there in comfortable silence for what felt like eternity, being so close to someone as important as a soulmate brought immeasurable relief and tranquility to the both of you. The dull throbbing in your head died down at the sensation of the warm, comfortable woman tucked in your arms.
But, the moment was cut off by the distant shouting and clamoring of soldiers, signifying their return from the race.
"We should get up." You muttered, not wanting your intimate moment ruined by sudden company.
Mikasa sighed, reluctantly shuffling out of your lap and onto her feet. "What about Shadis?" She inquired, sliding her shirt back over her head.
"I'll just say it's about the head wound, and that you're staying behind to help me." You smile, dusting more of the dried dirt off your uniform. "He'll understand."
"I doubt that." She sighed bluntly, stretching her stiff limbs over her head. "But still, I wouldn't mind spending a little time off with you." She admitted, grabbing the cloth of her scarf and covering her mouth in an attempt to mask her flushed face.
"Good." You push through the door to the medical office, making your way to your dorm room—which, by coincidence, you shared with Mikasa.
You plopped down on the cozy linen sheets, stretching your body out before yawning, patting the space next to you and inviting Mikasa over. She took the offer silently, placing herself on the mattress, sitting up and facing the wall away from you.
"You know, when I said to watch over me, that was only an excuse for Shadis." You muttered, wrapping your arms around her waist in an attempt to pull her down to cuddle. "I just wanted to snuggle a little bit."
She sighed. Not moving from her position, upright and facing the wall. "I know, I know soulmates should do romantic things like this, I'm just... very new to this." She muttered, embarrassed.
"That's fine." You yawn, arms retreating from her waist as you bury your face in a pillow, sleep already taking hold. "We have plenty of time."
She nodded wordlessly, even you were unable to see—sleep had already taken hold of you.
"That's okay," She turned around, stroking your hair and brushing a few loose strands away from your face. "I think I love you already."
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Bleh, I'll proofread this in the morning.
Edit: I did not proofread this in the morning.
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vargaslovinghours · 4 years
“...pretty sure I’m most of the way out of Vargas brainspace...”
Well, huh. Second verse, same as the first!
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Was thinking quite a lot about their “first kiss” from Parent-Teacher Night - I realized afterwards that Edgar would almost certainly be wearing something much more suited to the occasion! If it’s going to be perfect, it’s gotta be ✨Perfect✨ 
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Oh yeah, he can just do that. I actually had a lot of Hunchback-themed doodles, spanning probably a full page between my main and alt. notebook. I only realized very very recently looking back that I initially set it up to be a movie they see After but then doodled a bunch of stuff as if they could still share dreams, that’s not how that works at all!
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I’ve gotten surprisingly good at drawing him just with my index finger lol. Sometimes a bad mood is best channeled through a judgmental Scriabin
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I wanted to try out a bunch of different sitting and laying poses on the couch and made this for a base. They’ve got such long legs, it’d be all too easy to squish the other if one of them decided to stretch out hehe
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Another Pearlcatcher Scriabin, as a test for my new notebook. Notebook did not make the grade, but he did turn out cute ♥ What a polite sit, folded wings and all. Wonder what element he’d breathe, hmm
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More paper testing, ended up with a couple Edgar comparisons. I miss my old paper!! It’s hard to tell since I drew in the upper margin for the tests lol, false unlined
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I might finish the present exchange minicomic yet, but if I don’t I’d hate to just leave it hanging! This is how I make doodle notes lol, the order is a bit all over the place. Edgar’s gift was a double scarf! It actually unbuttons into two matching scarves but it’s not immediately obvious so it just looks like a super-long scarf, made to be shared whether separate or together :) Plus a couple bonuses of Scriabin wearing his very terrible mask and the two of them sharing the scarf :D
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Ambidextrous practice and an older idea of Scriabin being able to pronounce keysmashes lol, it’s good letter practice! Edgar is very disturbed, how are you making those noises with your mouth
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King Edgar! Was feeling a bit saccharine, but could just as easily be about competing royalty, guess he won the battle for the crown. For now...
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Pot calling the kettle black, there. Unjustified egoism? Unheard of!
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The original-original sketch of this WIP, I don’t need a lot to go on for my brain to remember what I meant lol. I actually still rather like how the skeleton of his fingers are shaped, it’s a nice wide, stressed expression
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I edit out most of my notes ‘cause they’re either this or memery lol. Puffed out cheeks are too cute!
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I like Lady!Edgar quite a lot, obviously lol. I wanted to draw her in the cardigan because Edgar was cute in it and wouldn’t you know, that carries over! Edgar’s cute throughout his iterations haha. I feel the same about Lady!Scriabin as well, in one of my sketches I described her as “puckish” lol
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Playful closeness, Edgar is not interested lol. I was mostly thinking about hip posing at the time, like meeting at one point and separating out from there. Tied at the hip!
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Back to what I was doing before, nbd. The amount of unfinished kiss doodles I have....look, okay- I also think it’s funny that with unfinished blushes their faces end up darker than their hair lol
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Speaking of - back when I was first practicing drawing kisses, the alignment was probably the hardest part. Convincingly making it look like the lips meet is hard! But then the reality of the situation occurred to me, Edgar’s not particularly practiced at kissing so maybe the combination our inexperiences would result in such a situation lol
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Probably my favourite frame from Where are you now, he looks so intense even though he’s immediately going to pop into panic, ahh the contrast. I also originally used hard-edge vectors at a much smaller scale, but I intended soft and shined eyes from the beginning
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Just pick him up and carry him like a teddy bear lol. Just wait til he kicks out his leg and they fall on each other lol
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Spacefiller fluffy Scriabin. I keep wanting to draw flowers but I keep forgetting about flower crowns! I just like pinned back hair too much I guess
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Oh no not a hug trap! Insidious, however will he escape
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Someone gently touching Edgar’s face - I ended up liking how the sketch looked too much to want to finish it lol. Who could it be?
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Brief return to the TGWDLM crossover, it hits randomly. I never drew the Apotheosis meeting Edgar, and it’s still not exactly how I’d imagine it happening (or what I’ve written) but I thought it was interesting anyway. Edgar’s always gotta be crying, that’s a requirement
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A!Edgar is so cloyingggg, it’s never not weird
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Definitely not
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Fighting over symbolism. It took me a while to think it over fully, but I think the scariest part about Apotheosized!Edgar is that he’s not afraid to hurt Scriabin at first. He’s much closer to a stranger with Edgar’s face, but that’s kind of a big deal lol
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Finally a lack of glasses that makes sense lol. Easier to just grab his face than point him in the right direction and hope he sees
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Some Convalescence Scriabin mouth shape practice for funsies. My mouth expressions tend to be rather subdued and since he was both already on my mind and more prone to big expressions, he seemed perfect for it. I really like “E” lol, he looks so proud
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Eye, or lack thereof practice, a bit torn at the outer edge. Kinda reminds me of Invader ZiM in a bad way lol, I might return to the spiral-looking socket instead if I draw them again, I like the weird smooth texture but it’s hard for me to pin down with pencils
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A silly little idea of Scriabin flying into him and falling over lol. “Hey Ron. Hey Billy” lol. Edgar’s just given up entirely
So that’s September through mid February! I honestly didn’t expect to still be doodling them so often lol
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drysauce · 3 years
Mdzs reaction time!! But wait, what’s this? Mage is reading at a decent time and not at midnight? What a surprise!
These are very short reactions because I am reading very fast skdkskkd uhhh
(Chapter 13)
Ooooo backstory time? Nice
“Jiang Cheng humphed, ‘Him? He wakes up at nine in the morning and sleeps at one during the night.’” ....me too, wwx, me too....
AKDJSJS (when wwx was describing what lwj looked like to the others) apparently this is a game of ‘how many times can wwx call lwj pretty or handsome in one conversation’ I guess (3. The answer is 3.)
(Chapter 14)
Wwx has no chill. Yeah. He just. Walked outta the room like that. Very bold. But also very stupid.
(Chapter 15)
Aw. Wwx drew a picture of lwj. Take the drawing you coward.
What a wild chapter 💀💀
(Chapter 16)
“Lan XiChen spoke again, ‘And, also, you wish for him to go as well, do you not?’
Lan WangJi was stunned.” lxc k n o w s and lwj is just like Bro What How
The imagine of a bunch of people flying on swords is just. Comical. I can’t take it seriously sjksjsj
Wwx’s swords being named “Whatever” is also comical
I can’t stop reading skdkjs so uhh prepare to see a lot in your inbox tomorrow :)
well you're not reading mdzs at midnight but I'm answering this ask at midnight hsxbsjsj
ohoho backstory, finally
yeah wwx is such a mood in that case jshshsj
gsbxhsbbz I mean wangji IS really pretty after all
okay you know wwx is kinda stupid but at the same time he's really intelligent, I mean he's an intelligent guy but at the same time pretty dense lol
you thought that was wild? ohoho it's nothing compared to what will happen later hsbxhns
YEAH Xichen knows, he knows everything but how he does that is a secret jsnznzns
also yeah I mean a sword like that really suits wwx hsbdjs
and I can't wait for more reactions gebhxbs but I should probably go to sleep now or I'll be tired tomorrow and might drown when I go swimming in the sea which I would prefer to avoid
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Actually for me it's pretty weird that the most popular ship in Free! is Makoharu. I mean, they give me like zero romantic vibes, if not Rinharu I would've definitely shipped Sourin. It's the main reason I hated Sousuke when I watched 2nd season for the first time - I saw him as a threat for Rinharu (now I just don't like him that much, but I decided to let Rin has his best friend, lol). Maybe it's just me loving rivals to lovers :)
Well.. for me Free! was never that kind of anime where there are other ships, but honestly after several years of watching anime and lately discovering that people ship Wei Wuxian with Jiang Cheng I kinda lost my faith in people lol And yes, I also truly don’t get those ships, where there are zero romantic vibes, but I got used to seeing this already.
I think I’ve talked about Makoharu only once, I usually don’t do it cause as a ship it’s so illogical to me that I just don’t see the point of wasting time on this lol I feel like it’s gonna be long answer so I’ll split it and after “***” I’ll talk about my bro-rinharu-shipper Sousuke.
I’m not gonna throw a debate if it’s the most popular ship or not, but I just want to say that I don’t think that it's really called shipping Makoto and Haru, since firstly, let’s talk about Makoto as a character (which is the main problem in this whole thing tbh) cause from what I saw the Makoto the MH fandom created has nothing to do with the real Makoto. Like the dude is scared of dogs, ghosts, bees, water and I forgot what else; covers his eyes when he sees anyone even in swim trunks and gets embarrassed easier than a nun (apparently you can’t even unbutton the collar of your freaking jacket!!!!!!!!!!! oh lord!!!!!!); crumbles under everyone in this anime including Hiyori and can’t even talk back. 
And suddenly like half of this fandom thinks that Makoto is a dominant top apparently. We seriously laughed our asses off seeing that, I mean even my mom (who’s a teacher btw). I’m like... I have a sister who’s majored in psychology and I myself in literature (like I seriously promise we ain’t stupid) and we just seriously don’t understand.. In what Tarzan’s ass does he suit this description? Dude can’t even answer properly while being offended. Like maybe they like Makoto’s twin brother? Because real Makoto does not have any dangerous dark side, seriously, this ain’t “8 dogs of the east” lmao.
I appreciate their friendship at times, but I never was a fan of him, because I don’t really like people who treat everyone equally (friends and strangers) and think that some asshole deserves as much love as the closest friend. I just don’t understand this life position and don’t like those “world peace” guys anyway. I mean, that fish died moment in the books was when my brain died honestly. Like I get it, dude is sensitive, but... seriously?
And for me being kind is not really a personality. I mean, hell, sometimes it’s no good to be kind. There is a fine line between being kind and being a mop you know.
And sometimes his behavior is really cringy to me. Like during the funeral and during Haru passing out in the book and during many things that are very serious. I just don’t think he’s the person you can rely on at times. I mean at first I thought he’s a steady shoulder, but somehow in all serious situations he doesn’t do anything useful.
Like I might be in the minority here, but to me when you know very well that you panic in the ocean you don’t go there trying to save somebody, it’s not brave, it’s just plain stupid (like it’s not like the tent was far, it was fucking next to him, all he had to do is wake up a pro) so by the end we had to rescue two instead of one, just because he’s dumb af.
He also panics a lot which I really hate on people. I’m sorry but like panicking ppl are the only worst. It reminds me of one of my life situation when my sister was badly hurt and we needed to keep our heads cool to act quickly and do what was necessary asap. And I’ve seen ppl behave like Makoto in situations like this and man it’s seriously no fun, it’s annoying. Like when you need to help somebody and someone panics beside you it pisses you off. And he does it even in little things like when he yelled Haru in the ear while driving JUST BECAUSE A CAR IN FRONT OF THEM BRAKED I mean omfg I would seriously yell “shut the fuck up, you pussy!”
And it all honestly keeps getting worse and worse like the way he’s written, his behavior just buffles me so much. Makoto in s3 just murdered me tbh. Like he didn’t help with anything, he didn’t bring anything to the plot, you can just erase him, he only sat there anyways. And the way they pulled his “dream” out of his ass was just a second-hand embarrassment tbh. And he’s not even Haru’s emotional support anymore. He’s just... I don’t get it. There were literally scenes where he was third-wheeling or just forced into that looked laughable. 
Which brings me to the second point. From what I saw many of Makoharu fans are mostly Makoto fans, so they just want what’s good for him, and since he has no life goals whatsoever (like after he dropped his “I dream of making children like swimming” thingy like a hot potato and was like “training children.. but look at Rin and Haru” I really lost my last marbles watching him) they apparently don’t care for what Haru’s dream is and that he said openly that he wants a future with Rin.
Like I get that everyone has their tastes, but like what.. two people who are crazy about each other since twelve and blossomed a dream of having a future together and the thought of being with each other got them through and they finally have what they wanted.. this is not a trend anymore? Mutual romantic love is not a trend anymore? Like I even without novelization can see that (and I quote Rin word for word here) that “every time he sees Haru his heart beats so fast he can’t calm down” and quote “Haru sees Rin and he’s shaking, he closes his eyes desperately trying get rid of the image, but the pain in his chest doesn’t go away”.
I am personally very happy that Rinharu are finally together and will be doing what they wanted in their life by each other’s side, cause they’ve been dreaming about it for too long, they’ve been thinking about it for  years. So not wanting them to have that is very weird for me. And the argument that Makoto somehow better than Rin for Haru is so invalid, I always laugh. I guess it depends on what you want for yourself. But honestly like you guys better find someone who make you want to reach for the stars and make you heart skip a bit everytime you see him.
So I as a huge fan of Haru want my boy to fly and now I have all the canon proof for those who were blind that Rin is the only one (been said) who makes him feel that way. So all those anons who kept writing to me how relay with Sosuke, with Rei and what baffled me the most swimming with Ikuya was just as emotional for them can finally shut it (lmao I’m sorry).
Now... Sousuke, my bro, the first Rinharu shipper on the village who helped them to get together is a threat? Okay. Well, I actually like s2, there are some dumb episodes but s2 actually to me showed how rinharu relationships are different from anyone else. There are literally two whole episodes and several scenes of how the bROMANCE prevails over BROmance.
Sousuke and Rin have typical brothers relationship. From their secret handshakes “parent trap” style to the fact that they draw them exactly the same with his real brother. I mean I don’t know if anyone noticed, but in 3x11 they drew Sousuke doing the exact same teasing move with Rin, that his older brother did to him in 3x01, and it’s definitely not a coincidence. Which means he treats him like his little bro, and not just that. I have lots of proof.
You know, I had a friend back at university who had an older brother who she was very close with and she kept telling me about how he kept testing her boyfriends if they’re good enough... I mean Sousuke was doing it with Haru since Rin has told him that he has found his one and only. And it never ever looked like he was possessive of Rin and was like “he’s mine”, it was always like “he’s yours so make sure you make him happy you loser”, he even stalked Haru to see if he still swims alright which is really funny (like okay dad), so by the end of the season when Rin lovingly looks at Haru and says it was all worth it, Sousuke looks very content like he was sure that they’re all good now.
And that moment like in Yakusoku where Rin dropped Sousuke as soon as he saw Haru, I honestly don’t think it’s the kind of jealousy people think it is. It’s like if I asked my sister “do u want to see the new avengers movie” and she’d answer “sorry, I already promised to go with my boyfriend” (not that this would ever happen, but let’s imagine that she found herself her nanase) I would be fucking upset too, but I would kinda get it (if it’s a love of her life I mean). Or like literally imagine you lived with your best friend for years and suddenly she wants to move in with he boo. I mean it happens sometimes. But it’s not the jealousy really, he’s just sad because he knows that he needs to let Rin go and he won’t spend as much time with him as he did before. Sousuke knows how much Rin loves Haru, plus after he saw that Haru is as good as Rin told him, he started to like him himself so he was worried about both of them. 
And I love Sousuke, he’s our godmother. I’d rather have him on the international team than Ikuya but he sadly he doesn’t swim breaststroke or back and we only have one butterfly and one freestyle spot xD
I’m sincerely saying as a person with two siblings that I really don’t see it. It’s just there’s a huge difference between brothers and lovers. And you can’t call Harurin bros. It’s just laughable. Even if you haven’t read anything and just watched the anime.
I mean I think it’s easier to see if you try to imagine Haru in Sousuke’s place in any Sourin scene and see how it would’ve went then. Like do you remember when Sousuke asked for cola and Rin went to get one and there was only one can left so they rock-paper-scissored it and Rin won and drank it?
Now imagine if Haru was there in Sousuke’s place. I can tell you 100% that Rin would’ve just given him the can. And then he would’ve looked at him with that face he makes when he’s content just by watching Haru eat, you know.
I mean it just how I see it. And there are a lot of comparable scenes in s2 that bring me lots of evil joy, but I won’t tell lmao.
But as I said before to me there’s a huge difference between bromances and bromances. So I mostly don’t get most of these ships. I don’t understand anything in this world apparently lol but I only see Rinharu since the first time I’ve watched it, and then I’ve read everything and realized that I’m right, so I’m ok with all this xD 
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Survey #276
“all the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, outrun my gun.”
Favorite dried fruit? Dried fruit is fucking disgusting. Would you rather wear a dress or a suit on your wedding day? A dress. If you chose dress, will it be long or short? I prefer longer wedding dresses. If you chose suit, will you wear a bow or a tie? Hypothetically I’d wear a tie, probably. Have you ever wanted to be a police officer? No. Do you have a nut allergy? No. Do you accessories with chains? Put chains on fucking EVERYTHING and it is an improvement. How often do you cook dinner? If you’re excluding the microwave, like… never. What have you given up on recently? Nothing important; the only thing I can think of applies to a game. I was after the way-too-fucking-expensive dinosaur mount that is very soon going away in World of Warcraft, but the stress it was causing me wasn’t worth it. The time investment and how it was only a “maybe” of getting it in time Favorite condiment for fries? Ketchup. Ever had bangs? I did as a little kid. Do you know any Italian people? Well yeah, people of Italian descent are common in the U.S. I don’t know like, someone straight from Italy though. Have you ever dated someone LGBTQ+? Yeah, a demisexual. What color would you like your future bathroom to be? Uh… I don’t really care. It would depend on the house. Do you add sugar to plain cornflakes? No. Are skeletons cool? Skellyboiz are dope. Favorite Selena Gomez song? I don’t know any. Do you like coffee flavored cake? I don’t like coffee, so guess. Is that even a thing, though? Do you still watch your favorite kid shows/cartoons? I don’t watch TV. I would though, sure. Do you like going on walks? What's your favorite thing about them? How far do you normally walk? Ugh this question is gonna be embarrassing considering I went through muscle atrophy in my legs from being so sedentary. When we move (HOPEFULLY the start of October, a wrench was kinda thrown in our plans), I intend to absolutely start walking in small intervals now that we’ll be in a nice little neighborhood with a sidewalk. And a PokeStop nearby to bait me lmfao. Plus the weather will be cooler, so I intend to make a lot of progress. BUT ANYWAY I like just listening to either music or the sounds of what’s going on around me. Last time you had a hot drink? That’s a good question. Idk. Have you ever lived in a city? Was it crowded? Never like… a “real” city. Just small towns or in the middle of nowhere. Would you prefer to live in a big city or the woods? THE WOODS!!!!!!1 THE WOODS!!!!!1!!!!1111!! GIMME THAT SHIT!!!!!!11!11!!!! Have you ever climbed a mountain? No. Do you hear owls or crickets at night where you live? LOADS of crickets and toads during the summer. Ever run away from home? When I was a stupid pre-teen. I was mad at my mom and she wasn’t home, so I took Teddy and left. I had my phone though and Mom – when she got home – threatened to call the cops, so yeah, I came back. Are you scared to ride public transport alone? Why? No. Is marriage on your mind? No time soon. Did you own a dollhouse when you were younger? I didn’t, per se, but my younger sister did, and we would play together. Does the room you're in have a tiled floor? No, it’s carpet. How many pairs of earrings do you own? Not that many, not too few. Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend? I’ve never thought *looking* was a good idea, so no. I think bonds of any kind need to come naturally to avoid lack of genuineness, force, or rush. I don’t think me having an s/o is a smart idea right now anyway. Do you prefer a call or a text? Don’t call me unless you’re dying or something. Do your parents drink coffee every morning? Mom almost always does. I don’t live with Dad, so idk. Have you ever donated blood? Yes. One song that's meaningful to you? UM a LOT. Most meaningful, probably “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. I physically can’t listen to it. Like I refuse to. Are you addicted to anything? Technology, big oof energy. What were you last listening to in the car? Something on my iPod, idk. When was the last time you sang out loud? I don’t recall. I rarely sing. What did you have for breakfast? A microwaveable sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. Mom is currently out of state with her mother because she’s literally on her deathbed, so she STOCKED ME THE FUCK UP on groceries. The freezer is literally jam-packed, so I’m focusing on eating food from there. Did you have a nap today? Yes. I almost never, ever make it through the day without one, especially now with having nightmares every fucking time I sleep. Are you named after anyone? No. Well, not my first name, anyway. “Marie” is a middle name theme in my family, though. What kind of music do you like? Metal, rock, alternative, indie… stuff like that. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up? Ugh, I miss a LOT of my old hobbies. I’ve lost interest in so much. I wish I drew way more than I do, which is almost never. What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? The first job I ever wanted was a paleontologist. I was obsessed with dinosaurs. Still love ‘em. What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now? It’d be great if I could finish designing Ashley’s cancer tattoo, but again, yeah, drawing motivation. ;_; If you weren’t in your current job, what would you want to be doing? I’m unemployed. Is the last person you kissed older than you? No. Are you happy right now? No. Haven’t been “happy” for a while now. Who makes you happiest right now? Probably my cat tbh lol. Especially being home alone for so long, he’s keeping me company. In school did/do people put a label on you? If so, what is/was it? I was considered one of the “emo” kids. Do you laugh every day? lol wow no. What is the last thing you laughed at? This Spongebob meme I saw on Facebook got me fuckin good. Have you cried today? If so, why? Nah. When was the last time someone saw you naked? Been a long time; even when I’m going in or coming out of the shower I do all I can for Mom to not see me because I hate my body a fucking lot. What is the greatest loss you've endured? My first boyfriend. When was the last time you did something you were embarrassed by? WOW I do this like every fuckin day, fam. What was the last thing you lied about? I’m not sure. What type of a drunk are you? Never gotten to the point of drunk, but I was more talkative the closest I got. What is your philosophy on life/how do you generally choose to live or conduct yourself? What a big question. I personally think you should do all you can to make a positive impact on the world – make it better than when you entered. Don’t contribute to the bad, treat people how you want to be treated… all that jazz. When was the last time you were up all night and why? I can’t remember quite why, but I remember doing that with WoW some time ago. Idr what I was doing that had my attention that long, though. That’s rare now. What is the worst thing you've done to yourself? What is the worst thing someone else has done to you? Part one: hand over all of my worth to someone else. Part two: show me exactly why I shouldn’t have in a very unhealthy way. What is the most personal thing you're willing to reveal? I dunno??? Can ya give me a topic?? Is there a situation or person you haven't been able to get over/forgive/what have you? I honestly doubt I’ll ever be entirely over Jason. Who was the last person to yell at you? Did you yell back? Probably Mom, and idr. Doubt it. Just probably raised my voice. Where did your last injury come from? My cat, rip. What is the worst thing you have said to another person? Something along the lines of “thanks for sending me to the ER (or mental hospital?) again.” Fucking disgusting. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Without fail, always. Please wear your seatbelt. Are you scared of flying? Not really. What do you sleep in? Men’s pj pants and tank tops. Who was the last person you kissed? Sara. What are you listening to? I am fucking HOOKED on 3TEETH's cover of "Pumped Up Kicks." Do you prefer soupy noodles or noodles without the broth? Without. Have you ever missed someone but felt like they had other friends and didn't miss you as much as you did? This. Is the story of my motherfuckin life. I feel this all the time to a very deep level. Who, out of all your friends, do you hang with the most and could never get tired of him/her? Sara. Do you like the taste of white chocolate or does it taste kind of fake? Nooot a white chocolate fan. Too sweet. How would you react if you just found out your mom had an abortion before? I would be VERY surprised just given who she is and her adoration for children. Are your pets spayed/neutered? Yes. Hottest guy you know and actually talk to? I don’t regularly talk to any guy I consider “hot,” but the closest to that would be my friend Leon, whom I’ve always seen as very attractive. It is fucking UNCANNY, his resemblance to Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil series. Like he’s dressed as him before and it is astonishing. Name sharing is a coincidence, too. What time of day do you like to shower? I don’t have a favored time anymore. I just do it when I feel like it at some point during the day, but pretty much never night anymore. I do think starting the morning with one though is great, though. When you go out to eat, what sides do your order with your food? Fries are almost guaranteed, but of course it depends on the type of food, too. What do you spend more money than necessary on? I don’t and never have had a stable source of income to answer this, really. What video game or computer game are you best at? Uhhh I’d probably be rusty with the Shadow of the Colossus controls by now, I’ve don’t have the maps or every puzzles memorized from the Silent Hill games, so I guess my answer’s World of Warcraft if I’m on my hunter. Not to flex but I’m a bomb-ass beast mastery hunter. Been my main in the game since I started in MoP. What do you keep your keys on? They’re in my purse on a keychain. Is your favorite color different than your favorite color to wear? Oh yeah. Do you buy books or get them from the library? Buy them. What section of the food pyramid do you neglect the most? Veggies for sure. What do you use your stovetop for most? Well, I don’t ever. Can you focus on studying if there's music on? No, I need silence. In what types of situations do you demand absolute silence? Well, see the above answer, for one. Also going to sleep. Well, maybe not, as I have a fan as kinda like white noise, but I can sleep without it. Did you do well at fitness testing in grade school? I didn’t score bad, but I wasn’t exceptional either. Do you own more shoes or less shoes than the average person? Less, I’m sure. Do you still have anything from when you were a baby? Yeah, up in the attic. I think my mom has some stuff that’s super important to her in a case somewhere. Do you use hairspray much? I never do. Are art museums interesting or boring to you? I enjoy them. What subject in school do you feel is the least necessary? Well, this is a difficult question to answer when you consider I think depending on your career focus as well as personal values and interests, this answer changes from person to person. Like for me, I could say I don’t give a shit about complex math, but advanced math courses would be valued by certain people down specific paths. But anyway, I’ll bite and say least necessary for *the most* people, in my opinion anyway. Gym. It’s very discriminatory towards people with more limited physical capabilities (and I don’t just mean literally disabled), and it’s also just very uncomfortable and/or embarrassing to some people. Like I’d fuckin cry if in my current state, I was forced to “run” a mile, because I physically couldn’t come even close. A person, a younger one especially, should never be subjected to humiliation at the hands of a class schools deem “necessary” when it absolutely is not. Okay I’m in a talkative mood and this is turning into an essay so I’mma move along now. When you were a kid, what games did you always play on the playground? I think for as long as I had recess, my go-to was ALWAYS the swings. I fucking loved swingsets. I loved playing 4 Square or whatever it was called. And then of course there was me digging tunnels in the sandboxes because I wanted to feel like a meerkat lmfao. Do you enjoy power outages or do you get annoyed? For some reason, I still have this childlike excitement *early* into a power outage. Especially when it’s dark and we have to get out the candles, and I might play my old GameBoy or Nintendo DS, or I’ll probably just chill talking with Mom. However, that phase is pretty short nowadays, being a snake mama. My mind very quickly goes back to “Venus needs her lamp,” so as time passes, I get more anxious than annoyed. Basically, I’d rather not have one. Do you know how to use an ATM? … no lmao How about write a check? No. Are you pretty politically correct? To a degree I consider reasonable. Personally I find political correctness as having gone too far by now, but it’s certainly appropriate in some instances. What is one fashion trend you'll never understand? I… don’t really care to think much on this. Wear what makes you feel confident in yourself. There are things I think don’t look good, but they may look great to you, and it’s on your body, so guess whose opinion matters. What do you wear when you exercise? Oh yeesh. Just sweatpants and a tank top, normally. What is usually the last thing you do before you go to bed? I turn the brightness on my phone waaay down. I’m always going to wake up throughout the night and check the time, but I don’t want to be blinded.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 11: Rafael’s Lian Yu Experience
Ah, lets tune into Yugioh where Duke has decided to do some off-roading in the worst car and in the worst place.
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Ah yes, the normal interaction you would have with a desert and your expensive vintage car. Duke has been struggling since he became a protagonist to stick to a defining trope. Now that Serenity is gone, and now that they aren’t watching a duel for Duke to be a downer about, I guess his only other tick is that he sucks at driving?
Again there was a perfectly serviceable truck back at the RV but they just really like to put miles on this car (which doesn’t have it’s lights on I believe, which...good job, Duke).
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And he just launches these two inexplicably out of the car. Because Yugi might be losing his whole damn soul on the other end of this desert, but we will have cartoon shenanigans, damn it.
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It really does look like Dukes looking through the wrong side of his binoculars here...that extra level of Duke.
Speaking of extra level, hows that horse thing going? Where Yugi is riding a horse for the first time in his entire life?
Because, apparently the show has decided that Yami should be really good at horses (????????). He can’t read any Egyptian, he doesn’t have any memories of his Pharaoh life, he can barely use magic, but apparently, he can game a horse. Only problem, is that this art team of high octane vehicle enthusiasts seems totally unaware of how horses work---I’ll just show you. This scene GOES places, and I will absolutely record it so you can watch it in it’s entirety in a separate post.
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(see more horse under the cut)
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The horses leg didn’t move the entire slide down the mountain y’all, he just stuck one hoof in front of him and power-slid down a freakin cliff like he was wearing horse Wheelies.
What the Hell?
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Anyway, welcome to our new dueling platform.
You wouldn’t believe it, but it’s on a very tall thing. I know, in this show? They’re dueling on a tall thing? Whaaaaat?
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This is a hilariously weirdly perfectly cylindrical land mass 10/10.
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So Rafael’s whole deal is so freakin weird.
Rafael’s a weirdo. I was ready for Alister, since Alister introduced himself in a Maximilian Pegasus suit, but I just wasn’t expecting Rafael to be the weirdEST youknow? Of the three? Like he’s up there with Arcana and the band-saw ankle-slicing machine. Just a really choice human being who makes really good decisions.
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God bless this artist’s obsession with edgy cargoes.
Anyways, another fun fact about Rafael is he gets more and more jacked with every single frame it feels--his muscles are like the quality to go fight Cell, but all he does is play cards.
Also he’s obsessed with justifying mass murder on a global scale so...he seems a little bit like an X-men villain in that way, except he’s...just a normal ass dude who got really buffed.
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Rafael needs a reason to want to destroy all humanity--that’s really the big dilemma that the writing crew was given, but the way they got there...was a lot.
Lets dive right into it, starts off kind of normal, run of the mill “gotta cleanse the world yada yada” and then just starts somersaulting down a steep hill like in Princess Bride.
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First of all, the show decides to reveal to us the entire story via a Rebecca google search, and then, once we’re like WTF? we get to hear it in it’s entirety and it is way weirder the second time.
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So um...this Titanic cruise ship.
Yeah. I know. That’s a lot of Princess Peach dresses.
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(welcome back, glass of OJ that every child on this show drinks with every meal)
Honestly there is no greater curse in this show than being rich. If you’re a rich dude you are SCREWED. Some force of nature is going to come for you just at any possible moment. You will get abducted....MANY TIMES. You will lose your parents, repeatedly. Your wife will die shortly after marriage. Some asshole will walk up and just remove your eyeball and replace it with a magic golf ball. You will never be the best at cards. Just never be rich in the Yugioh universe. It is better to be dead.
Speaking, of dead--just did a Rebecca-brand google search--do you know how many people fit on an average cruise liner?
It’s more than you think.
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Woooooooooooooooooooooo that’s about 3000 people! Just nonchalantly! (and yo, I went mid-range, some cruise liners carry like 6000)
We passed so many 69′s just now!
Now there is some weird issues with this episode where Rebecca was like “The only survivor was Rafael” and then later, Rafael mentions his family is still alive--kinda sounds like the translation shenanigans are back at it, where the English version is desperately trying to keep people from dying, but like, the Japanese version drew a 600 ft tidal wave that ate up this cruise-liner like it was a bathtub toy made of paper.
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But sure, maybe some escape boats made it out safely from a catastrophe that is 800 times worse than the Titanic. Sure they did.
PS History Channel got into a weird trend in the 00′s where they used to do these series of rogue wave horror stories--do you remember those? Anyways, one of my friends got super spooked by rogue waves and had it as one of her top ten fears. At the time I was like “lol you’re not gonna get rogue waved on a cruise are you kidding?” But then again, maybe she watched Yugioh and this episode scarred her for life?
Especially since this crazy traumatic experience was followed by three years of being stranded on an island and going COMPLETELY insane. Like not just...partial--Rafeal has absolutely no grip on reality anymore. Like, at all. He’s on another plane from most other Yugioh villains.
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It’s like Lord of the Flies but there’s only one person in it. The Lord of the Fly.
This is a kid’s show.
Anyways, on the island, Rafael got hella jacked. So there was that one plus. He did eventually become a very huge person in his adulthood, although he did get a Mokuba haircut for a little while. This honestly says more about Mokuba’s hair routine than anything else.
He also spent some time seeing his lost family members as these three cards that he likes to pray to. Occasionally they fall into the ocean and he has to dry them off. Rafael lived a kind of boring weird life cycling between hallucinations and staring into the ocean.
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The show didn’t bother to tell us what Rafael was eating or explain how that outfit lasted 3 years. But, they did describe that after 3 ENTIRE YEARS, Darts decided to just start harassing him.
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Which...OK...and then there was this next sequence
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I mean this was the only interaction that Rafael had in three years so maybe he forgot that getting drowned by people who harness the power of the ocean isn’t like...good behavior?
Anyways, back in the real world, in the city and wearing his hot topic grunge vest well into his early 30′s, Rafael decided that everyone just...deserves to die. Traffic sucks. Cities sucks. There’s too much crime. Everyone should be dead. It was very strange and sudden twist. You go from having all the money in the world, to no money, and then back to all the money and it’s like “Central heating SUCKS! KILL EVERYONE!”
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Then Rafael made this mention of his family that has to be a translation thing.
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Those guys have got to be dead. I mean this is Yugioh. There were no survivors. I’ll be very surprised if they pop up next episode, I’ll even dock them off the Death Count if they never died, I am that certain they won’t still be dead in this upcoming arc. They have clearly been replaced with paper cards. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if their souls were somehow inside these particular cards he carries.
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I didn’t cap it, but to walk on the island you walk across a glowing oricalchos bridge and it was very goofy.
And then these guys showed up, reminding me again that they are still on this show, because tbh, I completely forgot.
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I kinda miss when they were the weirdest people here and I just thought Rafael was another boring guy in handlebar muttonchops.
Anyway, it’s a short update today. I’m a little behind on things in other places, so that’s fine by me. I keep hoping that soon I’ll be back to doing like 2 of these a week. Especially since I recently decided to start blocking twitter and other places I’ve been wasting a little too much time on, maybe then it’ll funnel my efforts to here? We’ll see. Next episode we’ll find out how long all of these guys wearing jackets in the desert are faring.
And here’s a link to read these from the beginning.
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lord-explosion-baku · 6 years
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Villain!Hawks x reader x (kinda) Dabi
Warnings: blood, mentions of death, mentions of violence, criminal activity, suggestive content
A/N: I guess the first time I write for hawks should be a villain!Hawks request so I can stay On Brand. I hope I did alright lol? Also I did a big goof and wrote this knowing I had something like this in my inbox but forgot that the reader was supposed to be a hero and you wanted this to end with it being smutty. I could either do a part 2 of this or write something different where the hero is a hero and then you know... the smut happens. Lol sorry that I’m a trash monkey. Please enjoy!!
You’d met Hawks when he saved you from getting hit by a bus. Out of character of you, you weren’t looking when the blaring horn caught your attention. You didn’t have time to react and all you could do was close your eyes but before you knew it, arms wrapped around your torso and you were flying above the city.
At first, when you looked up at him, you thought he was an angel because of a particular cast down on his silhouetted figure by the sun. He had to be an angel carrying you to heaven and you mentally cursed yourself for ever doubting an afterlife. You were thankful that your death didn’t hurt, at least, you couldn’t remember being hurt but you took note of the abdominal discomfort you felt with his arms wrapped around you. After taking a second look, you saw the scarlet wings and you recognized your savior as the number two hero.
He left you on a rooftop without sparing you a second glance. You had to catch your breath and reassess what had happened. The hero saved your life and zipped away, probably onto his next conquest. You’d grown up watching All Might who was so chivalrous and probably a little bit too showy but you were enthralled by heroes like him. He had always been the example of what you thought a true hero should act like for most of your life but you figured that era was over and even the top heroes didn’t care too much about acting gallant anymore.
The sun was beating down hard and you wiped at your forehead before trying the door; locked. You turned to the sound of flapping to see Hawks rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. You were glad he wasn’t too oblivious.
“I’d thank you for saving my life,” you said, “but it looks like you just wanted me to go by a more slow and painful death, baking in the sun like this.”
His lips curled into a wide grin, though you could see a hint of red poking out through his large visors. “I’m not a fan of taking anything too slow, not even murder.”
Oh so he thinks he’s funny. “Well, my my, is Japan’s number two hero telling me he likes to kill people?” You tilted your head and tried to halt your heart from pounding. It was embarrassing to admit but you were actually really nervous to be talking to someone who was basically a celebrity and diving more int to that, you were flirting with him.
“Yikes,” he chuckled. “Looks like my secrets out! I guess I’m left when no other options but to dispose of you.”
You lifted your arms in a mock surrendering shrug. “I suppose it can’t be helped. But I’ve gotta let you know, I’ll probably enjoy it more if you take it slow for me. Consider this my final wish?”
He choked at your suggestive comment, the red of his cheeks growing to a darker shade of crimson. He brushed his fingers through his messy wind driven hair and pulled his visor up to the top of his head. “What did you say your name was?”
You crossed your arms, pondering whether or not you should play more along with the game you two had started and say something like, ‘you know, it’s harder to kill something once you give it a name,’ but you didn’t want him to know that you were that into role play.
“I didn’t say it. But if you must know, it’s Y/N L/N.”
“Y/N, huh,” he was quick to say your name so casually! You didn’t mind too much. You figured, everyone in Japan just called him ‘Hawks.’
“You’re cute,” he offered you a half grin that made your heart skip a beat. “Maybe I’ll spare your life if you thank me properly.”
“Oh? How would I go about thanking you in a way that suits you, Mr. Hawks?” You made a point to emphasize the semi formal title you’ve bestowed onto him.
“Well, Miss Y/N, you can start by letting me take you on a date.”
It was time for your own cheeks to flush and that didn’t go unnoticed by Hawks whose quirked eyebrow and half grin were only adding to your dilemma. You told yourself to stay composed but you couldn’t help your stomach from giving out a nervous flutter. The number two hero was incredibly handsome anyways. What harm could one date do?
You tossed your hair to the side and grinned. “Get me off this roof and I’ll consider it.”
The two of you started dating after that. It had been casual and mostly nice. Hawks didn’t take you to fancy restaurants or get dressed up in anyway. He liked to show you places that had the best view and go on tiny adventures outside of the city, stopping to get food whenever it was convenient if you didn’t pack a lunch for the two of you. You had fun but it always seemed like he was trying to rush things, trying to pack so many good things into one day, as if there was this invisible stopwatch counting the time you two had together down. By the second date he was already trying to put some kind of label on the relationship and it felt wrong so you had to tell him to take it easy which was weird considering how relaxed he seemed all the time.
You hadn’t yet slept together either, not for lack of trying on his end, but there was something about waiting, especially with how flighty Hawks was... you wanted to know if you could trust him before taking that step. Trust came hard to you because of your quirk: See Through. It wasn’t the neatest thing in the world but it was helpful. When your eyes light up you can see through just about any solid surface, the brighter your eyes got, the more layers you could see through. Because of your quirk, you’ve grown to distrust a lot of people; it was surprising how often people betrayed you from just one wall away. Hawks didn’t seem to have any secrets but he seemed to understand that you had your own issues. And it was fine. You two had a good time together. It. Was. Fine.
Until the fateful night that you found out that Hawks was hiding something from you. Something huge. Something you couldn’t unsee. Something you had to pay for.
It was a dismal coincidence. Work had been stressful and the people on the street were too loud and the crowd gave you anxiety so you decided to move through alleyways, using the lights in your eyes to guide you through the darkening night. Halfway through your trek, your eyes fell upon a long red feather. Odd. You picked it up, smiling because it reminded you of your beau and you lovingly drew your fingers along the sharp edge. When some sort of liquid residue coated your hand, you dropped the feather. It had been covered in… blood.
Maybe it was Hawks’s? Maybe he was fighting a villain? Maybe he was hurt? There wasn’t much you could do for him in a lot of situations but if he needed aide then you had to find him immediately. You quickly but cautiously followed a trail speckled with blood until you heard hushed voices around a corner.
And then, you saw him. Catching a glimpse of his wings first, you quickly switched your eye lights off when you saw he was with someone you couldn’t see all that well— a tall man with black spiky hair in a long jacket. They were walking towards a shady and disgusting looking door, with them… a body.
A feeling of dread overcame you and you felt your mouth go dry. The situation didn’t sit right. Still, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from them.
“I think you might’ve actually killed him,” the man said to Hawks, yanking on the limp body.
Hawks… didn’t kill people. Heroes don’t kill people!
“Yeah well, you can’t say he didn’t deserve it. He was a rat.” What the hell? Your heart felt like it turned into ice. You had to cover your mouth to stifle your labored breathing. Your nerves were on fire. What was going on?
“Tsk, so aggressive. Is something frustrating you in your personal life?” The man asked in a demeaning tone.
Neither of them were looking your way and your desperate curiosity go the better of you. Using your quirk, you saw through the wall of the building they were approaching. Inside sat crates with loads of packaged product of some sort and about seven sketchy people standing around, few of their faces you’ve seen on the news as people of interests… this wasn’t wrong.
“What are you, my therapist?”
“Don’t tell me it’s the girl,” the man chuckled and your ears perked. “You’re frustrated sexually because that girl won’t let you jump her bones and you’re taking out those frustrations on low lives. Though I’m liking this side of you, might I suggest being more… assertive? She’s probably waiting for you to lose your shit and dominate her. Women like to be controlled.”
Your blood boiled. What an arrogant and vile man!
Hawks turned to scowl back at him. “Dabi, I don’t need you to be giving me-…” you had forgotten about your glowing eyes and Hawks’s rich, brown, kind ones met yours, “relationship advice…”
The strange man, Dabi followed Hawks’s gaze and looked right at you. You took in his unusual appearance, dark, severely burned looking skin stables over regular pasty looking skin. His facial piercings glinted from the light in your eyes. You blinked away your light and froze, unable to think quickly enough about what you should do in this situation. This was… terrible.
“Looks like we’re not alone,” Dabi murmured to Hawks and made a coaxing gesture towards you. “C’mere, alleycat. Wanna play?”
“Y/N…” Hawks took a step in your direction and you took a step back, around the corner. Before you knew it, your feet were moving. You sprinted through the alleyways in search for the street, favoring the noise, the faces, the people far more than what you had just witnessed. You had to get help. You had to get somewhere safe. You had witnessed a crime, a crime that you witnessed a crime hero commit, and he knew who you were. He knew how to find you. You weren’t safe. You needed to get out!
But Hawks was fast.
The terrible sound of flapping wings that you had previously grown fond of now made your stomach churn. From above, he shot down, sliding to his knees before his giant crimson wings spread out in front of you, blocking you from a quick escape. His eyes locked with yours.
“Hey!” He said, upbeat as ever. But his friendly smile did not match the sharp look into his eyes, nor his cautious, watchful movements. “I didn’t expect to be seeing you tonight! I can’t say I’m not happy but uhh this is a bit of a surprise!”
You slid back. “H-hh,” Christ, you couldn’t even say his name. You shook your head and bolted in the other direction, only to slam into his new special friend.
“That’s cute, you’re scared,” Dabi smirked as he grabbed your struggling wrists, “don’t you know that you should be running into the hero’s arms?” His eyes traveled down your body and his grin grew wider. “It’s really cute actually.”
“Let me go!” You bellowed at him, kicking your feet around. You dared to look into his dangerous turquoise eyes and snarled, “I’ll scream!”
Dabi chuckled, “oh, I hope you do…”
You huffed before taking in a lot of air and opening your mouth to prepare to let out an ear shattering screech but before you could, Hawks’s gloved hand wrapped around your mouth. “Ssshhhshh, Y/N, don’t be scared. Dabi’s not gonna hurt you!”
Dabi quirked an eyebrow at Hawks. “I’m not?”
“No,” Hawks growled back, “he’s not! Let her go, man.”
Dabi scoffed and released your wrists which you ripped to your sides. Hawks pulled your closer to him, his hands leaving your mouth to spin you around. “Are you okay?”
Of course you weren’t okay. You were freaking the fuck out, cornered in an alley by two… by two villains. By the guy you were dating!! “Just let me go,” you pleaded. “I’m not… I won’t tell a soul what I saw- I just want to go home, Hawks.”
“What did you see?” His voice was soft and he reached out for your cheek butnyou shied away. You couldn’t meet his eyes. You didn’t know exactly how much trouble you were in or what Hawks would end up doing to you when he knew that he had maybe killed a man and he was working with… black market dealers?? But your silence said everything. “Too much then, yeah?”
“I can’t believe you,” you spat. “You told me that I could trust you! You told me I had nothing to worry about! But Jesus, Hawks, you’re a criminal!”
“Hey, come on, level with me here. I’m still me, I’m still Hawks. I just have… a few more jobs than I let on but to be fair, you never asked and I never lied to you! You just need to calm down right now, okay? I’m gonna be honest, if those other guys knew what you saw, they’d kill you, Y/N. We can’t let that kinda information get out, right?”
Your eyes widened. We? So he was really apart of whatever the hell you just witnessed. He wasn’t a hero at all. “Are… um,” you tried to swallow but your dry throat wouldn’t let you. The man before you recently assaulted someone else. Who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same thing to you? “Are you going to kill me?”
“Baby, of course not! I could never hurt you! You’ll always be safe when you’re with me, I promise! I saved you, remember that? Maybe three times now!”
Dabi scoffed from behind you. “Since when did you start calling her ‘baby’?”
He had done it only a few times before which you’d shoot down immediately. Pet names were for people who were in a relationship and you told him that him calling you ‘baby,’ was like a way of forcing you into one without realizing it. But he was in control of this situation and you weren’t in any position to be objecting.
Hawks narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. “This could be a good thing! I don’t have to keep this secret from you and I’m sure, no, positive we’ll be spending a lot more time together because of it. I’ve been thinking long and hard about it for awhile now. I like you, Y/N, I really like you. Since that day on the rooftop, I knew you’d be special. You’re so fiesty and forthright and, well, I’m willing to give a proper relationship a go.”
He was speaking to you as if he hadn’t been pressuring you into a relationship with him for weeks already. Whether he was acting that way to impress this new friend, Dabi, or for the sake of actually saving you from a not so pleasant situation didn’t matter. He had you right where he wanted.
A dark shadow crossed his eyes and he gave you a wild look that you hadn’t seen before. It was seriously off-putting. “That is… if you are also willing.”
“I think we’ll be so good together, don’t you? Whadya say? Be my girl? Be my baby?”
You’ve consumed enough media to know that you had be subservient in these types of situations. Be compliant until you know you’re safe. “Okay,” you sighed. “I’ll… be your baby…”
Hawks’s wings twitched with excitement and his shoulders relaxed while he gave you a genuine and relieved smile. “I’m so glad,” he said, “so… Does my baby want a kiss?”
Dabi poked his head around your shoulder, “from who?”
You yipped and hopped closer to Hawks who took that as an opportunity to put his hand on the small of your back.
“So jumpy this one,” Dabi snickered.
“I kinda like it,” Hawks cooed, wrapping his wings around you so you were shielded from Dabi. “I didn’t know you had a vulnerable side to you. This is gonna be a lot of fun. Now…”
He nuzzled his scruffy face against your cheek, a tickling sensation you’ve learned to enjoy. You let your body grow goosebumps and closed your eyes, allowing your head to roll into his. There really wasn’t anything you could do about it and Hawks knew it.
He pulled away and brushed your hair out of your face before gripping your chin between his index finger and thumb.
“Give us a kiss.”
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hackedmotionsensors · 5 years
Here we go Endgame lets talk about it! 
So I’ll say this!!! Over all!!! I liked it a lot. For a lot of reasons.
I also HAAAATTTEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDD a lot of some of the choices. That’s okay. We can have mixed feelings about movies especially the end of a saga. I think they did a good job of getting nods where they needed nods, bringing in storylines from previous movies and conversations that needed to happen.
And they fucking whiffed it on at least THREE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!
So lets start with what I liked.
1) STEVE TONY EVENT. DO YOU HEAR ME IT WAS A STEVE TONY EVENT  aaaah oh my god. From the second Tony lands back on the planet and Steve RUNS to him before even Pepper and he’s holding him and just the look of agony as Pepper takes him away and the fight where Tony says ALL THE SHIT WE HAD BEEN SAYING!!!! WHERE WERE YOU! YOU LIAR!!! and he RIPS HIS HEART OFF OF HIS CHEST AND GIVES IT TO STEVE BECAUSE YOU FUCKING BROKE HIS HEART YOU FUCKING FUCKED UP STEVE!!!!! FUCKK!!!! And then reconciling because “Resentment is corrosive” UGHHH!!! And Steve just barely containing himself when Tony shows up ughh!! UGHHH!!!!!!! AND THE ASS JOKE!!! THERE’S NO HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION ABOUT THAT!!!! TONY SAW STEVES ASS AND WAS LIKE TAN FRANCED IT LIKE BITCH YOU NEED AN FRENCH TUCK OF MY DING DONG IN YOUR BUTT!!! and Steve over the intercom being like “omg tony not in front of the kids” AND A STEVETONY SOLO MISSION!!!!!! 
TONY CALLING STEVE MY MAN  WOW. WOW. FUCKING EXCELLENT ON ALL ACCOUNTS THANKS SO MUCH!! I was given some bread thank you I will eat this stevetony bread nom nom nom nom nom.
2) Tony’s arc in this story was really beautiful. He finally got what he wanted, some perspective and closure with Howard. And I know initially you want to go “Hey Howard was really abusive” and yeah he was. But its complicated. Because Tony even says in Homecoming he was trying to break the cycle of abuse and he DID with Peter and Morgan. You can see just HOW MUCH he cares for his daughter and he was willing to say fuck you to the UNIVERSE in favor of not losing her. Its always a different perspective when you see your parents as people and not as YOUR PARENTS. 
Also Tony lying on the table with Natasha UuU. A lot of the interactions with Tony and the other characters were so good. Tony and Rocket. Tony and Nebula. Tony and Carol (tho brief). Tony arguing with Pierce like his little gay senses were like “This guys a nazi I bet”
3) I genuinely liked the Time Heist. I DID  NOT LIKE THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL IN THIS MOVIE BUT I’LL GET TO THAT. But I looooved the Time Heist. From the New York stuff with Steve fighting Steve and knowing his dumbass loses his shit when he hears things like “Bucky’s still alive” and being done with his own stupid shit “I can do this all day” “YEAH I KNOW” (which btw at this point was basically the last thing he said to Tony in Civil War so maybe that doesn’t have its plucky little fire anymore and now is a sore spot). I loved Loki running away with the Space Stone (even tho as of now I’m still not sure what the FUCK THAT MEANS!? more on that in a sec) Loki making fun of Cap. Loki rolling his eyes at Odin. Tony dressed in a shield outfit screaming Medic!!! The gang all on the elevator and Hulk screaming about it and LOKI WAVING HIS HAND AT THE HULK AS THE DOORS SHUT!! TONY SITTING ON THE BRIEFCASE! SCOTT GOING “how the FUCK did you not know they were Hydra LOOK AT THEM They’re a COP!” Then jumping forward to the 70s and Steve’s legs that went all the way up to his asshole and Tony dressed as a doctor
I drew a doodle of it here you go lol I’ll post it properly later
Tumblr media
oh did this not happen? Idk what movie you were watching.
4) The big battle at the end was SO FUCKING COMIC BOOK I WAS LOSING IT. Also I keep calling it the Battle of Five Armies or Return of the King lol T’challa BATHED IN A HALO OF LIGHT LIKE YES WE STAN A KING. MY WIFE
VALKYRIE!!! ON HER BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE!!!! (also not being given an actual name and called Valkyrie is the funniest goddamn thing. Like that’s like going into a Footlocker and talking to the manager but calling them Manager)
WANDA FINALLY FUCKING FLYING. LIKE. F L Y I N G. THAT is what the Scarlet Witch is SUPPOSED TO DO!! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE SO POWERFUL IT TOOK EVERYONE TO TAKE HER DOWN CMON!!!!!! And she almost got him too. Honestly if it were down to Carol and Wanda they probably could have ended Thanos alone. 
Korg coming back for more comic relief AND PUTTING HIM IN TAIKA’S PINEAPPLE ONESIE!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING.
5) This is controversial. And I know it won’t age well. And that’s okay and feel free to disagree with me entirely. 
But I liked Fat Thor lmfao. I know it was played as a joke for the wrong reasons but I laughed. I was like fuck yes his belly looks like mine and that’s not why it was funny and it SHOULDN’T BE but I laughed lol. But on the other hand I think it had partially to do with Hemsworth constantly being like “no no we don’t need a shirtless scene” or just sort of a gag at how Marvel always has a shirtless scene and its just kind of funny to have it not be someone cut. EVEN THOUGH its a fat suit and I can’t take off my fat suit but Hemmy can and that’s kinda shitty. 
but I laughed. I can’t help it. He was a whole ass mess and I thought it was funny. And I know there are Thor fans out there who wanted more for him but like I said before this was a SteveTony event. This movie and this win worked because it was Steve and Tony finally coming together again.
It felt honestly the most comic book Avengers of the entire series. 
And true to comic book events
it whiffed the landing.
Before I get into dislikes I’ll say that I liked this movie more than I disliked it. I cried H A R D at the end of the movie. Because its not a movie that’s an on its own kind of movie. You had to have gone through the journey to get here. The pay off is completely lost if you only watch this movie. Or you only watch one or two of the MCU. Or if you’re like a few people I’ve talked to where they only like Steve and Tony. Or they only like Thor and Loki. Or they only like the Guardians and hate the avengers. If you have hate in your heart for any of these characters the payoff of this movie is pretty much lost.
The theme of this movie is clearly about moving on when things come to an end. When things stop or end or we lose people we love you have to move on. Steve says that at the beginning of the movie to our apparent gay representative straight director Joe Russo.
But like Tony said before.
Steve’s a fucking liar lmfao
But lets not start there. Lets start with the fucking timeline.
I hate.
I enjoyed what we SAW of the Time travel but the rules itself DIDN’T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.
So when they’re suiting up Hawkeye for the test run Bruce explicitly says that all these movies that say “if you go into the past and fuck up the past you fuck up the timeline and the present/future is fucked because you’ve changed things”
ARE WRONG. HE SAYS THEY ARE WRONG. He says “If you go into the past. The past becomes your present. But the present then becomes your future. So you can’t go back and un fuck your parents to make you. Or kill baby Thanos. because that happened and you can’t change that but you can change youre present”
If you go into the past yes YOU are in your present but the world is still being written around you STILL so you go into the past and change something (loki making off with the space stone) that’s CHANGED. You’ve created a new reality.
THE ANCIENT ONE EVEN SAYS “you create a new reality. And it fucks shit up”
So now Loki has the time Stone in reality B, in reality A Steve goes back and puts the stones back where they belong (and I guess.....gives the soul stone to Red Skull????????? wouldn’t you try to get Natasha back????like that itself is a whole movie of Steve going back and putting things away but ??????) 
And then we get to the end of the movie where Steve says Fuck you to Peggy’s reality A family and now on this timeline where they’ve time traveled he lived an entire life WITH Peggy but like.......you were Captain America and you just said “No don’t worry about JFK being assassinated. Or the Civil Rights movement. Or stopping Bucky in any capacity. Or maybe saving MLK. Or Peggy continuing to join SHIELD. Or stopping ACTUAL NAZIS from infiltrating SHIELD.
Because if you go with this idea that Steve went back and “lived a life” What did he DO then. What did he FUCKING. DO?
You’re not Steve from 1940s going back to 1940s. You’re Steve form 2019 going back to 1940s. No wifi. No medicine. No cell phones? Gays are still being persecuted. You can’t drink from the same fountain as black people (or rather they can’t drink from your white fountain). 
You are.
and you just said nah fuck it its fine? This shit can all happen but I don’t super care because I get to dance with Peggy. Peggy who on her own had this whole life. Who did all this stuff IN YOUR NAME IN YOUR HONOR. Who married someone else. Who had a FAMILY. Who had a NIECE that you made out with. And just..... wha....
Like if he had gone back and danced with her but came back with Natasha in exchange for the soul stone but during his travels had aged. Or met someone else.
Like movie wise and story wise I get wrapping up Steve’s story. And maybe the person Peggy is talking about in the video of her in TWS is actually Steve from 2019. Maybe that’s it. But it still doesn’t make sense because they FUCKED UP THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL SO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS.
So. lol I wasn’t a huge fan of Steve at the end of the movie. I know they needed to do something to end the movie with a finality. With Steve being DONE. But instead of finality or closure I just have so many goddamn questions. And I don’t hold it against Evans or even really the directors per say. But I’ll blame Markus and McFeely because they were writing since TWS. They HAD the Cap STORYLINE to write about and that was how they ended it.
its like when you pack for a very important trip and you plan out all your outfits but then wake up late and end up throwing whatever you can find into your suitcase and run out the door.
It felt final and not final.
But I’ll tell you this. From my perspective and obviously I’m going to skew it this way because its me and FEEL FREE to disagree with me.
He left because Tony and Natasha were dead. The two people that he felt the closest to (sorry Sam, Bucky and Sharon [who we didn’t even see as dusted wow]) were gone. Natasha and Steve had become a brother and sister. He would always come back for her clearly. Trying to cheer her up as she’s crying. Natasha understanding Steve’s feeling of being lost. Tony inspiring and fighting with Steve. Like that’s part of what I liked about this is taht you could really feel how Steve and Tony needed each other for this to work but also they needed to not hate each other. 
Also I kinda knew the second Scott said “That’s a one way trip!!” before the 70s bit that Steve was going to stay in the past lol What an asshole.
Also I don’t think it was very UN-Captain America because I think people don’t always realize that a lot of the inspo for the MCU came ALSO from Ultimates. And if Ults Cap was able to go back to the past he would have in a heartbeat. Who was a more depressed Cap? Ults or MCU? I just don’t know.
This was another one I kind of saw coming from a mile away as soon as it was just the two of them on Vormir. I was kind of hoping they’d Hawkeye a way out of the deal by like throwing his daughters picture or something like that. Or that it would be Hawkeye. But they both had an upcoming movie/series so I didn’t know which way it went.
And then there was that big jump. And I was like oh my god they did it right
Wow. Wowwwwwwwwww
Markus and McFeely 
The first time you get because Thanos is a dick and abusive and he would absolutely throw his favorite daughter into the soul pit (which I guess Isn’t picky because she didn’t love him back she hated him but I guess its a one way street with the ol’ soul stone)
And they don’t say during that one (far as I remember) that its a permanent exchange. 
But they sure emphasized this time. And they sure killed the original avenger who was the only girl on the team. Who never got a chance to live.
Who Whedon made herself call heself a monster because she can’t have a family and then she gets a found family and then SHE DIES. THEY KILL HER. AFTER HAVING A FAMILY.
WHAT THE FUCK. Like...my problems with Scarjo aside (which are similar with my problems with Paltrow) You DID. BLACK. WIDOW. FUCKING. DIRTY. I don’t care that there’s a movie coming out that was her story. You were supposed to give her a fucking story. And now her story is only how she relates to her TEAM OF MEN.
And now to my last point that I didn’t like. And I don’t hate this one as much as Steve’s ending or Natasha’s ending.
I don’t like that Tony died. I know this is wrapped up in a lot of emotions I have about Tony Stark the character. Robert Downey Jr the person. Tony Stark the character in all his forms is very important to me and I love that he has many forms. 616, Ults, AvAc, Avengers Assemble, the MCU. But his story is important to me. And its heartbreaking. I’m tearing up a bit now writing this out. 
I’m just the type of person that hates that a character, in a fantasy setting where you have wizards, valkyries, robots, talking raccoons and trees, Dave Bautista, a giant green rage monster wearing chinos, that you have to take this one part and make it realistic. That we have to keep realism kill this character off because it doesn’t make sense if someone doesn’t die. Because the stakes aren’t high if you don’t make them personal as well.
Which is true like you don’t have high stakes (the planet or universe getting dusted) if you don’t are about some of the people in that universe personally.
I just would have rather he had retired. Moved onto his little farm with Pepper and Morgan.
I think they did right by Tony. Storywise, ending...all the stuff the dropped the fucking ball on with Natasha and Steve they gave to Tony. And on one hand I get it and I appreciate that because (sorry to nat and steve fans truly) I care more about Tony. Tony started this whole thing. In a miracle of accidents they got the right actor, the right story, the right character, the right director, the right timing technology wise, the right social mood and made solid gold. And none of this would have happened if it weren’t for that amazing accident that happened.
And I think it has more to do with not wanting to let go or move on even though i can always go back to Iron Man 1 at any point and start the journey over again and have a laugh but there’s always going to be that ending where its final. Its done. Its over. And in the simplest of terms. I don’t like it. You have to know when to bow out and I respect and appreciate that. I don’t wanna see Iron Man 8 with geriatric old RDJ trying to fumble into a mocap suit.
I understand. I appreciate. But I don’t have to like it as a person. And that’s okay.
Its all about moving on isn’t it? That’s the theme of the movie. Moving on.
Even if you’re steve and your moving on wipes out the existance of a whole other family lmfaaoidnsfasfada sorry sorry. 
Okay. yeah that’s all I think I can think of. I’m sure there’s a ton more other people have mentioned aside from what I wrote. Like its a LONG movie and I think its hard to say hey “they fucked this up” or “they got this right” for EVERY SINGLE THING. There were so many characters. Nebula’s story could have been better. Thor’s story could have been more involved. Hawkeye could have been more important throughout the series. Janet could have come back for the final fight and healed Tony. Like there’s a ton of “this COULD have happened” But it didn’t. And that’s okay. It may not be right but its okay. I think they wrapped it up as best you could while still making a good movie. I think you probably can go back after a long while and look at the Endgame and go yeah that wasn’t so bad for an ending. Endings are hard to do with any sort of skill. Its why the joke that the third movie always sucks. 
There’s still a ton of stuff to look forward to.
Falcon/Winter Soldier, Loki, Hawkeye, Wanda and Vision (i GUESS??? lol), Black Widow’s movie. 
Maybe Steve solved more than he let on who knows. WHO KNOWS. Maybe Mjolnir left him haflway through the journey when she knew he was going to ditch his 2019 family (who again....mostly dead now)
I love Tony 3000. Which I found out is more than a ton which makes Morgan Stark a lot smarter than I am lmfao
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Ever want a monkey as a pet? >> Hell no. What’s the scariest bug you’ve ever seen? >> Definitely palmetto bugs or whatever they’re called depending on where you live. Giant ass flying assholes. Fuck them shits. Do you have a favorite movie? if so what is it? >> The Fountain. Do you know the definition of floccinaucinihilipilification? >> No, I just know there is/was a tumblr usr with that username. They drew pretty funny comics. What’s your favorite color? >> Gold.
Would you ever dye your hair that color? >> That would just be a brassy sort of blond in hair colour terms, and hell no, blond hair doesn’t suit me. What was your favorite TV show you watched as a kid? >> I didn’t have one. How many times a day do you tell your parents you love them? >> --- Ever talk to your pets? >> I talk to other people’s pets. Do you think it’s alright if people baby talk to babies? >> Why not? I’m pretty sure talking silly to a baby while they’re a baby isn’t going to like completely ruin their language development, lmfao. Do you believe that it will affect how fast they will learn to talk? >> I suppose in some cases it might -- like if somehow that’s the only way they ever hear language, ever -- but honestly I don’t think it’s that serious as long as you’re not still using baby-talk when they’re, like, 3. Ever want to put a saddle on a great dane and ride it like a pony? >> Ha, I’ve imagined it. Ever take a nap in a hammock? >> I would love to do that, man. Spring, summer, fall, or winter? >> Spring. Do you like swimming in a pool or the ocean more? >> Ocean. Do you think spongebob might be gay? Filed under ‘things I never think about.’ <-- Yeah, lmao. Blues Clues: was it better when she wasnt a puppet and talking? >> What??? Who’s the best character in Rugrats? >> I liked Susie, for probably predictable reasons. Do you have cable? >> No. Do you watch Comedy Central? >> No, I just watch their shows on Hulu when I feel like it. Can you pull off the big bug sunglasses? >> the what now Do you carry a purse or are you a pocket person? >> I carry a tote bag for stuff that doesn’t fit into my pockets. Or I wear my cool ass LARP-looking bag that I don’t know the proper name for. Ever get caught doing something naughty with your boyfriend/girlfriend? >> --- Did you ever understand why you look for eggs on the day Jesus came back? >> I mean, yes, because I looked it up eventually. Does the number 23 have any signifcance to you? >> Aside from that excellent movie, no. Poptarts or toaster stroodles? >> Toaster Strudel. Do you know what college you’re going to go to? >> I know I’m not going. Who has had the biggest impact on your life? >> Can Calah. Girls: ever wear boxers? Guys: ever wear a thong? >> I don’t wear either of these things. Do you use q-tips to clean your ears? >> Yeah. How often do you wear make-up? >> Rarely. Ever want to make out with someone, anyone, didn’t matter who? >> No. Staying a virgin until you’re married or already had sex? >> Already did. If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life it would be: >> --- How often do you curse? >> Quite often. Use that potty mouth around your folks? >> --- Enjoy going over the river and through the woods to grandmas smelly house? >> --- Does your grandma smell good or bad or just old? >> --- Does she make good food? >> --- Ever laugh and say “lol” in real life and not mean to? >> No, I say it on purpose. Smack someone on the ass lately? >> No. Someone smack your ass lately? >> No. Now did that person smack your ass (butt) or ass (donkey)? >> Sigh. Question 44: do you want to live past 44? >> Sure do. Do you want to die good looking or old looking or doesnt matter? >> I... really don’t care. Are you Polish? >> No. Ever rock a kilt? >> Yes!  Ever been called a tease? >> Probably at some point. Ever had your feelings hurt when you knew the person was joking? >> Yeah. Dancing. Its better together. Kinda like sex right? >> I quite like dancing by myself, actually. ...Then again, I also don’t have sex, so maybe there’s something there. Do have a job? And if so what is it? >> No. Ya like money? >> I mean, I guess, as far as what it can buy for me.  Do you make jack-o-laterns during halloween? >> No.
Who is your favorite actor or actress? Or do you not have one? >> I don’t actually have one, I just like a lot of actors. Have you ever swam with dolphins? >> No. Ever fall in love but the other person just fell in like? >> --- Do you like puppies more than adult dogs? >> No. Cats, awesome pets or satan in diguise? >> Satan in disguise, but I’m sure that makes them awesome pets for people who like that. Which seems to be everyone. Does love hurt? Even if it’s true and real? >> I mean, I suppose. I’m not the person to ask. Ever wish you could trade lives with ANYONE? Even a person you hate? >> Meh.
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tessmontyart · 6 years
2018 Year In Review
Another year, another review 💕(I actually typed most of this up before 2019 and then got distracted, whoops)
To put things short, 2018 has been AWESOME :D Exhausting and fast, but awesome.
I started it off pretty uncertain how things were going to go, dreading it would be a repeat of 2017′s boring TAFE courses and endless job rejections. But the miracle happened - a 2D animation studio opened up near me, I applied, did an animation test and got the job!
The job was a contract from 1st of April - 21st of December, so I spent the majority of my year going to work to animate characters for a really crazy but hilarious new kids show called Spongo Fuzz and Jalapena, due to air mid 2019 :) 
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It was honestly the most fun job I have ever had and I can’t wait for the next project! 🎉 I have never been this exhausted in my life, though. 😅I had already booked a whole bunch of conventions before I got the job, and didn’t want to cancel them so I was working nonstop - Animation during the day and intensive convention prep every night. 
I also had the bright idea of creating a full colour 26 page comic -with a tight deadline - so I was madly working to the point I didn’t even have time for dinner half the time :’) I am sort of happy with the comic, but also kind of wish I never had the idea in the first place. 😅
I tabled at a ton of conventions; Melbourne Supanova, Central Coast ComiCon, Other Worlds Zine Fair, Sydney Supanova, SMASH and Canberra Gamma Con. If next year doesn’t go so well on the job side of things I’m hoping to add a few more conventions to that list - Brisbane Supanova, Oz Comic Con and Animaga to name a few. I’ve already booked Sydney Madman Anime Festival!
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2018 was the year my partner and I celebrated our 4th year together, and he never fails to amaze me with his continuous love and support. I was too sick to attend the first day of SMASH, so he set up and ran the whole stall for me while I stayed at home. Same with Sydney Supanova, I was too bogged down in animation work and couldn’t afford to take the Friday off, so he set up and ran the stall for me on Friday, then we ran the stall together on the weekend. He also tended to my every need when I broke my toe, cooked all my meals when I was busy with work and even packaged + posted all my Etsy orders every day because I was always working during post office hours. He listened to all the problems I was having with my stall setup and helped make shelves and decorations to make it look and function better. I was getting stressed because my desk space was too small, BAM he bought me a brand new desk with plenty of storage. I was getting stressed that I had so much on my convention to-do-list and couldn’t keep track of all my project ideas, BAM, he sets up a whiteboard and helps me brainstorm everything so I can keep track of all my thoughts and ideas and what to prioritise for future conventions. I didn’t even ask him to do any of this, he just loves to help me and make me happy and I am forever blissed and happy to be able to spend my life with such a wonderful human! 
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(Home made High Tea I made for him on Valentines Day) 
Arsty Highlilghts / accomplishments:
🌸I designed 9 cute Houseki no Kuni acrylic charms which have been doing really well at conventions!
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🌸I also drew a cute series of ‘Sleepy Gem’ Houseki no Kuni / Steven Universe holographic prints, which I’m quite proud of 😊
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🌸I created my 2nd enamel pin design, which already needed 2 reorders because they were so popular! ;w; I never knew I could make something that so many people love *sob* I’ve already planned to make these into a series! (already designed some deer ones, and thinking of doing foxes next ^_^ )
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🌸I also tried getting gold foil prints done for the first time, which was pretty cool! I got the american sizes mixed up though so I might try for the bigger size next time :) (grainy photo cause its a screenshot from a video)
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🌸I’ve been taking steps to make my stall look more ‘professional’, and got a really neat wooden sign made for me by my friend as_sweet_as_jasmine!
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🌸I’ve started revamping my favourite series of posters - the Eevee Gijinka girls :) I plan to have them all done and ready for 2019s conventions! 
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🌸This was the year I got an iPad, so I could do digital art on-the-go. Honestly its helped me so much, and I can’t wait to be able to use it more (sorta didn’t get a chance to touch it while i was working!)
🌸I got Copic Markers for my birthday so I had a whole new medium to play with! These mixed with using a brush pen for inking really make my inktobers pop and I’m eager to draw more with them  :) 
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🌸Speaking of Inktober, it was a huge accomplishment for me to put effort into a decent artwork every day this year! Usually theres a few dud ones when I lacked inspiration, but I somehow managed to make it work ;w; So when it came time to printing the books, theres 31 illustrations rather than 25 like the others :) Also the whole rainbow theme idea came from how cool I think it would look flipping through a rainbow book - so I managed to make that happen and couldn’t be happier!
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🌸I passed 1000 sales on Etsy!! 😱As well as 1000 followers on instagram! Crazy right??
General 2018 highlights
🌸2018 was the year one of my best friends got married! I made cute little clay wedding cake toppers for her :)
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🌸The year Owl City’s 7th album Cinematic came out!! All the tracks are so GOOD and exactly the sound all us hootowls were longing for. Also Be Brave is a tearjerker, in a good way. What an amazing human Abbey is to Adam <3 
🌸The year Spyro Reignited Trilogy came out!! It’s absolutely amazing, and I love every second of it. Every time I play it I just can’t help but stand there looking around at every detail because everything is just so gorgeous *_* And the nostalgia is so real.
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🌸Not exactly a highlight but the year Tumblr went NSFW free, and lost hundreds of thousands of users 😂I’m still here though. Got a dumb tradition to keep up ya know.
🌸The year my work had a hilarious Christmas party where we had to dress up as a character from Spongo Fuzz and Jalapena. It was the first time I actually put effort into a cosplay by myself 😂(possibly the last) (wont put a photo up for embarrassing reasons)
🌸the year I broke my toe for the first time xD;; definitely not a highlight but a first! I couldn’t walk for weeks! it sucked!!! T__T
🌸The year my friend successfully funded his kickstarter for his own cartoon ‘Nurry Brothers Adventure World’ :D So proud of him. I’m gonna help him animate!
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🌸The year Lano and Woodley reunited with their amazing show ‘Fly’!! I loved it so much I saw it twice :D 
🌸The year I tried doing Halloween for the first time - I bought a bunch of lollies and chocolates and decorations on my letterbox/door to let people know I was participating. I got 2 different groups of people at the door, 5 people all up 😂More than I expected tbh!
🌸I tried Ruby chocolate for the first time! It was ok .. just kinda tasted like berry yoghurt flavoured white chocolate though ;w; 
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SO! What’s coming for 2019?
I’m not really sure at the moment, but I have high hopes for Cheeky Little Studios (the animation company I worked for) - so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if any of their next projects get concrete start dates :) I’m not as terrified of the year as I usually am when its just one big question mark. I know I can make decent money through conventions and commissions in the meant time so I’ll just continue doing what I love! 
“I am crossing my fingers for an animation job I applied for a while ago” - I GOT IT! :D
“I plan to do even more conventions. Hopefully I can get into Oz Comic Con!" - didn’t end up applying because I was busy with the job, but keen to try for 2019 :)
"I’m keen to apply for like Animaga in Melbourne, as well as Madman Anime Fest in Brisbane and Melbourne.” - didn’t end up doing so for the same reason above, but that might change this year :)
“I also want to make a lot more non-fandom things for market stalls, as well as a comic and zines!” - I made the comic, as well as 3 inktober zines and a cute ‘if I fits I sits’ cat zine! As well as a bunch of cute original enamel pin ideas and my whole inktober was original art :D 
“Hopefully I’ll hit 1k followers on fb/ig? :D that will make me feel important lol” - I hit 1k on instagram!! I felt very important xD
“I’m also hoping to go on a holiday this year." - I didn’t, for job reasons ... buuut I’m booked in for a cruise in Italy / Greece this September that I’m extremely excited for!
“PLEASE BE KIND 2018, I’M BEGGING YOU 😱” - You were very very kind to me, 2018. 2019, please follow suit! 
(man this is the 7th year of review I’ve done. Can’t believe I’ve been on tumblr this long 😅)
[2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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mihanada · 6 years
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Mo Dao Zu Shi Opening PV
As usual, my screenshots + commentary! I love the opening, so pretty.
edit: after some discussion, I think it’s decided (for now) that the third person in the center of the Lanling Jin portrait is Jin Guangshan, not Jin Guangyao, so I’ve changed that.
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I am always weak for ink painting animation scenes, ever since I was a kid watching Mulan. xD Look, badly dubbed martial arts movies aside, there really weren’t many Chinese-centered movies or actors/actresses when I was little. Still aren’t, but aside from my mother translating one of the Monkey King adaptations for me (not even sure how she pulled this off haha) and watching a few movies with subtitles, that was pretty much all there was.
But anyways, here’s a nice ink painting guqin and flowers. Not sure which flowers...plum blossoms? Maybe? I’m awful at identifying flowers.
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And we have Wei Wuxian’s flute to complete the set!
Fun fact that I’ve mentioned somewhere before: Wei Wuxian plays the dizi, a transverse/horizontal flute, as opposed to Lan Xichen’s xiao, a vertical flute. The dizi can produce a livelier tune, the xiao is calmer and more of a deep mellow tune.
No clue what the flowers are this time. Maaybe an orchid??
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kinda resembles it, right?
The plum blossom represents perseverance and endurance, as a flower that blooms despite the winter cold. Sound like someone we know?
As for the orchid...welp, it’s hard to find a reliable source. What do these symbolise in Chinese culture? I don’t know if I trust random flower symbolism sites >> they usually get things a bit off in my experience looking up Japanese flower symbolism and cross-checking with actual Japanese sites. But, what I’ve found seems to indicate they represent nobility (of character) and integrity.
Maybe I’m looking too much into this, but maybe the animation team chose them for a reason. xD
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have some nice bamboo
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title drop! I love this art/animation. also, the little...flame-like thing slowly filling with ink is nice
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a lotus? these flowers are killing me, lol. they’re very pretty, I like the gentle splash of color.
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Pretty dragonflies + lotus flowers
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This is definitely young Wei Wuxian. Definitely. He has an adorable baby face and smile. Plus, Lan Wangji in the next shot also looks younger.
everyone was so happy back then sob.
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I’m actually quite impressed with the way they drew the younger/older selves. The differences are slight, but apparent. also, Lan Wangji has this little pout-frown in this shot haha.
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erm, Lotus Pier? Yes? Looks like it.
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Prissy. I’m slowly getting used to ikemen Jiang Cheng, but I still think this beautiful elegant face does not suit him xD
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Color coded for your convenience: Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Fengmian, Jiang Yanli.
Ah, I love Jiang Cheng’s mom here. She looks appropriately...glower-y. Like the novel said, “natural at sneering” which she passed onto Jiang Cheng xD.
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Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, Lan Sizhui, and Lan Jingyi.
omg Lan Qiren you
look at him stroking his beard like some scholarly old dude. I still imagine him with white hair though lol
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Look at this messed up family. Actually this is a highly inaccurate family portrait!! You’re missing a dozen other illegitimate children lol.
Anyways, Jin Zixuan, Jin Guangyao this is probably Jin Guangshan, and Jin Ling I think. Though, Jin Ling ends up looking the same age as Jin Zixuan haha oh how sad.
I do like how they did the peony emblem! Considering how complex that shape is, and how it has to be drawn each time one of these characters appears, I like what they settled on.
Alright, next are the flags. The way they all show up is impressive. Nice animation there.
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This is the Jiang clan’s lotus design. The symbols are actually quite complex, very pretty.
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The Nie clan’s beast head! Looks kind of like an ox.
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Ironically the Lan clan’s flag is there for literally a fraction of a second, this is the only shot I Could get of it. Plus, the light blue on that dark beige makes it difficult to see the cloud. And, of course, we have the Jin clan’s peony as well.
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The Wen clan’s sun motif. So, their color is red. I think we saw their uniform in a early trailer though.
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lol random Lan Wanji and Lan Xichen looking pretty with their hair flying everywhere.
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This really needs a gif to get the full sense of the scene, but it’s a cool one (that weird transition above aside). It’s one of those times Wei Wuxian snuck alcohol into the Cloud Recesses and Lan Wangji started attacking him haha. Then we have Bichen and probably Suibian in the background.
The animation here is quite fluid, I can’t wait to see it in full and not shrunken xD
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These are just cool screenshots.
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WHY THIS ANGLE. I think this is Jin Ling (note the long tied back hair). Notably, you can see Wei Wuxian has his arms crossed behind his back the whole time. In both sequences, Wei Wuxian isn’t attacking at all lol.
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why hello Jiang Cheng you look really weird at this angle
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arrows?? ok looks cool. why you so dramatic Jiang Cheng. you probably didn’t need to flip while using your whip.
I really like the animation of him flipping and landing, it’s smooth and the final action has a bit of weight to it. In contrast to the more airy, light steps in the mini fight sequence to the left.
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Once again nothing to say here, just a nice looking Jin Ling.
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Oh look, lots of unfamiliar-familiar faces!
Uhhhh let’s see, Wen Ning and Wen Qing for the first two in the Wen clan’s red and white uniform, then one of the numerous Wen scumbags for the last guy? probably.
Then the unreliable looking guy is Nie Huaisang and the angry D:< looking guy is Nie Mingjue.
poor Nie Huaisang you got tossed in with all the dead people even though you actually live haha.
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A very awkward close up of Lan Wangji’s face. Actually, I really like how his eyes narrow a bit here, it’s perfect for showing his expressions considering he doesn’t really emote very clearly otherwise.
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And that’s a wrap!
I really like the logo/title. very nice.
Now, who’s ready to die with me when the donghua actually comes out??
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farmhandler · 6 years
I Can Do It Better
Pairing: Shiro/Sendak
WC: 3.7k~
Warnings: Consensual Non-Con, Roleplaying
Summary: Sendak has come to take Shiro away from his mate, but Shiro is not very good at roleplaying.
A/N: enabled by @saltyhedgeh0g. This was inspired by a line in their fic and I kinda took in a weird direction LOL
Shiro was lounging on the sofa, watching the news with vague interest when the knock on the door came.
What struck him about it wasn’t the time, which was just half-past eight, nor was it the day — Saturday—but rather the fact that whoever it was had knocked instead of using their perfectly functioning doorbell, which It was loud, ridiculously so. In a house this big, it was necessary. Shiro’s husband had it installed specifically because they’d kept missing neighbors coming by when they first moved in.
Shiro got up off the couch and looked around for something to dress himself in, sighing when he realized that all his things were upstairs in the master bedroom. He was freshly showered and wearing only a thin, pale white robe that barely covered the length of his body. He certainly couldn’t entertain a guest dressed like this.
For a moment he waited, wondering if the person on the other side of the door across the room would leave.
The knocking sounded again, more urgently this time.
Shiro scratched the back of his neck, frowning at the door. He considered his options. He could either a), ignore the knocking until they went away, or b), go get dressed and inevitably take long enough that whoever it was decided to give up and leave.
Either way, Shiro was certain that it would end up with him wasting his time, so he stayed where he was and settled back against the couch.
After a few seconds, the knocking started up again and didn’t stop until Shiro shouted “for fuck’s sake!”, leaping off the couch and heading for the door.
He looked through the peephole, but whoever it was, they were too close for him to get a good look at them. Before he could consider the implications of that, he tightened his robe and then threw the door wide open.
“What?” he grit out. Then his eyes widened, and he blinked, taken aback by the person standing at the door.
It was his husband’s boss from Empire Industries. Sen-something.
He’d only seen him a few times at the occasional work function. They didn’t know each other past their names (one that Shiro was forgetting in that moment), but the galra had always struck him as a very intense individual. Of all the times he had seen him, he was always seen wearing the same thing: a suit that was colored some variation of black, with the occasional purple tie.
“I’m sorry,” Shiro started, shifting awkwardly on his feet. “I wasn’t expecting to see you knocking at my door so late.” He put emphasis on the word knocking, hoping it would get through his skull that he could just ring the doorbell like a normal person. “Is there—my husband’s not here. He’s coming back tomorrow, if that’s why you’re here.”
“I am aware,” he said. His husband had a low voice, but his boss—Sendak, he remembered now—had an intimidatingly low voice that was sounding at an even deeper register than Shiro remembered, settling somewhere deep in his core.
“Um.” Shiro glanced around. The street was virtually deserted, save for the expensive sports car that Sendak had parked at the end of their driveway. “Is there something I can help you with…?”
He trailed off, waiting for Sendak to fill in the blanks. Namely, why he was here at eight in the evening on a Saturday when he knew that Shiro’s husband hadn’t come back from work.
“I’m here for you.”
Sendak stepped towards Shiro, who stepped back soon after, gazing at him with obvious confusion.
Something about the way he said it, I’m here for you, had Shiro’s instincts rising. They urged him to start closing the door, but Sendak caught it with his hand, interposing himself between it and the doorframe that Shiro was desperately trying to close.
“Why are you here for me?” Shiro asked, trying not to let on how hard his heart was pounding. “You could have emailed. I-I have your number.”
“And yet you’ve neglected to use it.” Sendak said it like an accusation—one that Shiro didn’t understand.
Now that he was inside the house, he looked around at the walls and floor with obvious distaste, curling his lips at the décor like he couldn’t bear the sight of it. Shiro stood off to the side, fiddling with the strings on his robe. He glanced at the stairs, wondering if he should try and put on some clothes.
“This is your home?” Sendak asked, sounding disappointed, of all things. “I had expected better of your pathetic mate.”
Shiro bristled.
“Okay, first of all.” He raised a finger, angry despite himself by the dig at his husband. “What the hell are you doing here? Did you just come to insult the house I live in with my husband? The one who, like I said, is coming back tomorrow.”
“It has been almost a pheeb since he left,” Sendak said, almost like he was continuing an earlier train of thought. He started undoing the buttons on the jacket of his suit, maintaining eye-contact with Shiro the entire time. “His scent is nearly faded. Your mark as well.”
Shiro slapped his hand over the bondmark. A bondmark with the type of alien that his husband was didn’t last long. Sendak was right, but Shiro had no clue how he knew that.
Sendak looked at him then, and the smirk that rose onto his face made Shiro feel a little like melting.
“I’m here to make you mine.”
Shiro opened his mouth, then closed it.
“You’re what?” He let out a laugh. “Are you crazy? I’m not owned by anyone. I think there’s been some kind of cultural misunderstanding here.”
Sendak slid his jacket off his shoulders and then hung it up carefully on the coat rack nearby. He adjusted his tie in the mirror, as if he hadn’t just admitted that he’d come into Shiro’s house specifically to ‘make Shiro his’, whatever that implied.
Sendak walked towards him, and Shiro walked backwards until his legs hit the arm of the couch. Sendak pushed, and Shiro fell back against the cushions, scrambling back as Sendak loomed over him, planting one hand on the outer edge to keep him caged in.
“Your mate is weak,” he said.
He took Shiro by the chin and kissed him, swallowing his surprise and licking his way into his mouth, nipping at his lips aggressively.
Shiro yanked his head away, breathing hard. “The hell are you talking about? What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’ve seen you with him. He knows nothing about being a proper mate. His scent is weak, as is the mark on your neck.” He leaned in close, dragging his claws down Shiro’s throat. Shiro’s eyes flickered to the left, where the phone was within reach. For a moment, his fingers twitched, and he contemplated grabbing it for the sake of the scene.
Then Sendak started kissing him again, and he moaned as his fingers brushed the bondmark, tickling skin that felt too-hot to the touch.
“Oh, yes,” Sendak purred. “You are so very sweet. It is understandable he wouldn’t know how to treat a delicacy like you.”
“My husband is—”
“He is a pathetic waste that hardly knows his way through his own job,” Sendak spat, pressing Shiro harder into the back of the couch. “He does not know how to treat you the way you deserve. The way I know how to treat you.”
“He’s good to me. He’s amazing,” Shiro defended, but it sounded weak even to his own ears. His husband — not Sendak, but someone else — was…nice. He was nice.
Shiro tried to remind himself of this as Sendak dragged him in for another kiss, cupping his cheeks and opening him up in a way he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
When Sendak pulled away, Shiro was flushed and kiss-swollen, his pupils  black.
“I knew I wanted you the moment I saw you. He is hardly aware of the gemstone he harbors. He does not deserve your time, nor do you deserve to be saddled with such a pathetic bond.”
“Get away from me,” Shiro said. His voice came out in a whisper, so he spoke louder, pushing against Sendak’s shoulders uselessly. “I don’t want you here! I’m going to call the police if you don’t leave.”
“When I make you mine, I will give you everything you desire.” Sendak yanked on the back of Shiro’s head, exposing his throat for the taking. “You will never leave unsatisfied.”
He licked a hot stripe up Shiro’s throat, making him gasp and grasp at his fingers, desperately trying to pry them out of his hair.
“Let me go!”
Sendak dipped his head down and started mouthing at his neck, making low, rumbling sounds of content that had Shiro shivering.
“Oh, fuck, that’s—stop,” he moaned, arching into the sensation.
It had been so long since he’d been touched. His mate had been gone for three weeks, and the entire time Shiro had missed him with a fierce longing, imagining being in his arms every night.
When Sendak bit down on the bondmark, Shiro jerked, a low moan erupting from his throat. His legs were still tangled around Sendak’s large thigh, and as he drew them against his chest, Sendak shoved his thigh forward and then forced his knees apart, sending the flaps of his robe flying and exposing his underwear.
He was hard, his cock straining against the fabric obscenely. Sendak grinned.
“I will make you come more times than he ever could.”  
Shiro big on the edge of his thumb, squirming against the knee pressing into his cock.
“We shouldn’t do this,” he murmured half-heartedly, eyes trailing down Sendak’s chest as he started to unbutton his shirt. “We—he’s coming back tomorrow,” he added, like it was going to change Sendak’s mind.
“I know,” Sendak said, irritated. He slid his arms around Shiro’s middle and grabbed at his ass with both hands, pulling him flush against his muscular body. “I’m going to mark you, and when he smells your scent he will know who truly owns you.”
“Nobody owns me,” Shiro said again, hands coming up over his shoulders with nowhere else to put them. “We can’t do this! It’s—it’s wrong.”
God, but Sendak was huge, his muscle’s dwarfing Shiro’s, who worked out consistently for hours at a time every single day.
Shiro gasped sharply when he felt Sendak’s cock brush against his thigh. Even through the fabric it felt big—bigger than he remembered.
“Holy fuck I missed—I mean, let me go!” He renewed his struggles, clawing at Sendak’s throat with his hands, but his nails were blunt and Sendak’s fur was thick; he just ended up lifting him by his thighs, leaving Shiro with no choice but to wrap them around his waist unless he wanted to fall to the floor and potentially hurt himself. 
Sendak’s claws dug into the underside of his thighs, and they dug in harder when he stopped at the edge of the stairs, pausing at the landing.
“Where is your room?”
“Like I’m going to tell you—” Shiro started, but Sendak cut him off with a growl, pushing him up against the wall until they were pressed together, not an inch of space between them.
“Where,” Sendak began, pausing to kiss him, “is the master,” kiss, “bedroom?”
Not giving him a chance to reply, he kissed Shiro deeply, the wet slide and the smack of their lips pressing together repeatedly the only sound in the quiet room for a while. Shiro resisted at first, keeping his lips pressed tightly together, but Sendak kept insisting with his mouth, slowly drawing his open until Shiro had his fingers helplessly wound through the thick fur on the back of Sendak’s neck, grinding his hips with what little room he had.
“You’ve opened us so easily. I knew I was right when I said he made a useless mate. You will fit well in my home.” He started moving again, taking Shiro upstairs even though Shiro hadn’t mentioned the bedroom. “It is three times the size of this hovel.”
Shiro didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure he could. He just clung to Sendak, trying to imagine a house that was three times the size of this one and failing.
Before he knew it, they were in the master bedroom and Shiro was dumped unceremoniously onto the bed. Sendak had already removed his shirt, and all that was left were the tightly fitting slacks hanging off his hips and his silk underwear.
Shiro licked his lips.
When he noticed Shiro staring, Sendak paused in removing his belt and let it sit there, a smirk on his face.
“You will look gorgeous on my sheets, Shiro. Silk, so as not to irritate your skin.” He paused. “Do you understand yet how better a mate I will be?”
Shiro stared up at Sendak, his eyes offering a challenge.
Sendak’s smirk widened and crawled over Shiro on the bed, parting his thighs.
“Then I will have to show you.”
He tugged Shiro closer. Sendak started with his thighs, caressing the skin on the sensitive part of his thigh that he knew Shiro liked. He grabbed at his ass, squeezing his cheeks and drawing his fingers through the soft skin in between. When he tried to turn Shiro over he resisted, pushing himself higher on the bed, but Sendak dragged him back and then forcibly flipped him onto his stomach, raising his ass so it was prime for the taking.
Sendak lowered his face to Shiro’s right cheek, mouthing at the skin. He had Shiro’s arms bound in the grip of one of his hands, and Shiro arched, his half-hearted attempts to free himself faltering the longer that Sendak touched him. He tried not to press back into his mouth too obviously, pulling away at the last second, like he didn’t know if he wanted what was about to happen to him.
Sendak kept kissing him there, his mouth moving slowly towards the center of his ass. He parted Shiro’s cheeks, teasing his finger around his rim.
Shiro hadn’t known what to expect for this part, but when he realized what Sendak was about to do, he erupted into shivers, biting down on his lower lip to keep quiet.
They’d never done that before. Not—not like this. He thought about saying something, but knew that the moment he spoke, it might break the spell. Sendak’s tongue brushed the inside of his asscheek and Shiro jerked, gasping into his elbows. A sharp, excited thrill ran through him.
“Sendak—” he said, realizing that it was the first time he’d used his name. He didn’t have long to contemplate it; Sendak pressed his flat tongue against Shiro’s hole and then dragged it up and down, releasing his hands so he could hold him still.
“Fuck,” Shiro breathed, spreading his legs, head on his elbows. He’d never been eaten out before; he’d always been hesitant to try it with Sen—with his mate, but Sendak was just going to town, kissing his hole and licking him open without hesitation.
Shiro groaned when Sendak started fucking him with his tongue. He’d clean for certain inevitabilities, so he wasn’t worried about a mess, but it was just the fact that he was doing something like that, promising to pleasure him more than his mate ever had—it was driving Shiro out of his mind.
He ate out Shiro, licking and kissing and sucked on his rim until he was a sobbing mess, shifting his hips to and grow, grinding at empty air. His cock was flushed and rosy-tipped, with beads of precome dripping down onto the bed. He felt like could come from the slightest touch, so he reached for his long-neglected cock, but Sendak knocked his hand away before he could wrap his fingers around it, clicking his tongue.
“You will come on my cock, and my cock alone.” Shiro made a sound at that, and Sendak turned Shiro around so that they were facing each other. “You will. It will be wonderful, just as you are.”
For a moment they just stared at each other; Sendak watching Shiro like he wanted to devour him, and Shiro trying to act like he was reluctant to be devoured. Sendak reached for the nightstand, grabbing the bottle of lube sitting on top without looking. He unscrewed the cap and then slathered his cock in the stuff, unbothered by the lube that dripped onto his slacks.
He pushed Shiro’s thighs apart and up to his chest, exposing his wet hole. Shiro didn’t actually want it to hurt, so he’d prepared beforehand, but he still felt the light fissure of fear run through him when Sendak pressed the tip of his cock against his hole.
“You will be mine,” he said, pushing the head in. He held Shiro’s legs against his chest, not allowing him to move. The angle meant that Shiro felt every inch as it entered him, an exquisite slide that filled him completely.
He threw his head back, lips parting to moan as Sendak pushed all the way inside him.
“Oh fuck,” he rasped, thighs twitching. He was sweating, the robe sticking to his skin, and he tried to shoulder it off, but the fabric just clung to his arms, making him feel even more entrapped. He rocked his hips a little, whining as it buried Sendak deeper. “Fuck, that’s good.”
“You are surprisingly eager,” Sendak said pointedly. “I see that I will have no trouble making you mine.”
Shiro chewed on his lower lip. He hadn’t seen Sendak in three weeks. Keeping up the act was getting a little too hard for him to do.
“Then maybe you should fuck me harder,” he said, grabbing the bottom of his dick with his hand. “Because if it’s this easy to get me going, I think I need more convincing that you’re worth it.”
Sendak pushed in all the way, until his hips met Shiro’s ass. The buckle of his slacks bit into Shiro’s skin, reminding him that he was only in a robe and Sendak was half-dressed, debasing him in his own home. 
Then he started fucked him, rolling his hips into Shiro slowly, just the way that Shiro liked it, before pulling out and slamming back into him.
“Oh, god.” Shiro reached for Sendak on instinct, but Sendak had his legs pinned to his chest, fucking him with precision. Shiro squirmed, fingers scraping along his arms to try and reach him.
“What would he think of you if he saw this?” Sendak asked, grinding the bulbous head of his sex against Shiro’s rim. Then he slid back in slowly and Shiro closed his eyes, moaning loudly. “What would he think if he knew you were coming on my cock,” he punctuated this with a thrust, nearly bending Shiro in half as he fucked him, “being filled with my seed.”
Shiro fisted the sheets, chest heaving with the effort to quell the sounds coming from his mouth. They seemed to spur Sendak on, making it his job to completely unwind Shiro. His cock was drooling on his stomach, precome dribbling copiously from the amount of times Sendak’s cock had brushed his prostate.
“I can hear him now,” Sendak said, and for a moment, Shiro honest-to-god thought he heard a sound. For a split second he could imagine a nameless man coming home, puttering around downstairs while Shiro was being fucked in their bedroom.
The fact that it was fabricated didn’t matter. Sendak was the one who was fucking him; Sendak was the one who had declared he would steal him away from an imaginary mate because he thought Shiro deserved to be with him, and it was just the right amount to fucked up to make him see stars.
Sendak fucked into him roughly for a few seconds, building him up, and then slowed, rolling into him, leaning over and kissing him, swallowing his moans. Shiro didn’t think he could come from being fucked alone, but it was close. He was so, so close, on the edge, ready to fall over. If he could just—
Just as Sendak started to come, he leaned over and buried his teeth into the bondmark, reaffirming their bond and making pleasure flood hot into Shiro’s hips. He dug his nails into Sendak’s shoulders, clinging to him as he came between their stomachs.
“Fuck,” Shiro breathed, once he’d come down. Sendak slipped out of him with a grunt, examining the mess he’d made with barely restrained glee. “You were really into that, weren’t you? The idea that you were stealing me away. From yourself.”
Sendak leaned over and captured Shiro’s mouth in a kiss that went on for a while. It was their first ‘real’ kiss in three weeks, and Shiro wasn’t sure how he’d kept up the act that long. Seeing Sendak in that suit—fuck, he’d been about to ready jump him then and there.
“You are really sexy when you’re trying to act intimidating,” Shiro said against his mouth.
“Trying?” Sendak snorted. “It was easier than expected. My own scent had nearly faded, and I could pretend it was another mate of yours if I really tried.”
“Easy to imagine no one being able to compare to you, huh?” Shiro smiled. “Where’s that house you promised me that’s three times the size of this one?”
“I will buy it for you,” Sendak said. “Just as soon as you leave your current mate.”
Shiro sighed like it was the worst news he’d heard all day. “That’s a shame. I guess I’ll have to pass. As nice as you are, my mate is pretty good, too.”
Sendak smirked. Shiro reached up and pulled him down so he could nuzzle their noses together, breathing in the cologne that was Shiro’s favorite.
“Well, Sendak, sir,” Shiro said sweetly, “you said you’d make me come more times than he could. And in case you’ve forgotten, I’ve only come once.”
Sendak’s smirk transformed into a grin. He slipped off the bed and then lifted Shiro, tossing him over his shoulder with ease while Shiro shrieked in surprise.
“Then clearly I must continue to show you what a good mate I can be. I hope you’re prepared.”
Shiro’s laugh could be heard all the way into the bathroom.
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alastheatlas · 6 years
Why Klance/Laith Will Probably Go Down - Masterlist
I know how season 7 broke many of us. We had a lot of expectations and this season, while beautiful and otherwise good, certainly failed at some points.
However it isn’t the end yet. Hopefully season 8 will resolve at least some of our disappointments. But when it comes to klance/laith, I’m pretty sure we’re going to see something happen. Nothing has to happen however. But I’m just saying, based on all of the things listed, it just simply makes sense that it would.
This is just a show so whatever happens happens. But I'm just saying I'll have faith in laith until if the very last second of the show tells us any different. And here’s why.
but first some lecturing lololol
WHATEVER HAPPENS AND WHICHEVER SHIP BLOWS OUT THE BIG CANON IN THE END IS FINE. IT'S JUST A SHOW. A SHOW THAT DOESN'T EVEN REVOLVE AROUND ROMANCE. If you can't handle that then you can go bite ass. Oh and also, Don’t spread around hate or threats or any shit like that. You should know better. Just enjoy the show as it is. And yes, this applies to if your ship becomes canon and if it doesn’t. Spreading hate and threats are never okay. Accept whatever the outcome of the show will be, and let people ship what they want. This isn’t your story and you shouldn’t become sour just because it doesn’t go the way you want it to go, and if it does go the way you want it to go, don’t rub it in the faces of those who wanted something different.
Just be mature and decent guys, it really ain’t that hard.
ANYWAY here's my half-assed list of why I believe klance/laith will be endgame by the end of the series:   
Let’s begin with some random stuff:
Lance’s one-sided rivalry with Keith seems to... have something a little extra about it.
The blue and the red star in the astral plane?? Do they hold a deeper meaning??
The bonding moment. It could be seen as platonic, but... The colours and the lightning y'all... Interesting choice. (Also... that a//urance parallel in season 6... Coincidence I think the heck not, purposeful I think the heck yes)
Keith being seemingly really impatient for Lance to come out of the healing pod after the bonding moment, and then appearing to actually sulk for having to wait just a small moment.
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In one of the comic books Keith says that he’ll be training and suggests that maybe Lance should too, maybe or maybe not wanting to hang out with Lance and trying to create an opportunity, and then seems to become upset/disappointed when Lance rejects the idea.
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Lance talking to the mice about his crush on Allura could honestly pass  as him talking about Keith as well. 
Honestly though was Lance flirting/trying to impress Keith as pointed out here x?
They really pulled the stuck in the elevator trope lmao.
This doesn’t actually have to do with anything but I still find it a funny parallel with Lance rejecting Keith by denying the bonding moment and Keith rejecting Lance and denying him a proper greeting and hug after returning. Are they even now? fuhidsdfu top 10 anime betrayals
The Feud episode (here are the s7 spoilers!!)
Lance chose Keith (read more here x). Look, listen. This was pretty gay. To put it briefly, Lance’s reasoning was kinda weak and he could’ve honestly as well have chosen Allura here. But... he didn’t. And then he seriously says that Keith is the future which is like honest foreshadowing (especially considering how unnecessary it was for him to say that part, at the very least in that way). And then to deliver the final blow he drops that soft smile (a la bonding moment) on us. I don’t care what happens in season 8, this moment was gay af. If I’m stretching a little bit this scene could be viewed a little bit like Lance choosing between Keith and Allura (looking to the side and then the other, pondering, choosing Keith).
Keith chose Lance (same read more link x). Again to put it briefly. We know Keith seems kinda grumpy here. You know what we also know? Keith doesn’t dislike Lance, and he cares about the fate of the universe, therefore invalidating his answer. His body language and expression alone said it all; he closed himself off. He wasn’t comfortable sharing the real reason why he chose Lance. Keith no doubt knows what Lance is capable of. He trusts Lance. Keith chose Lance for a reason (or several reasons), and him ‘not wanting to be stuck for eternity with him’ is definitely not the reason why Keith voted for Lance to escape. Worthy mention of Keith being the quickest here to choose and to finish.
Bii. Boh. Bi. Y’all. This shit. Call it a funny coincidence but the answer was “bi” and the Bii-Boh-Bi kept gesturing towards Lance basically during the entire thing. Call it a stretch if you want, but I have no regrets reaching for this cup. And call it a crack theory at this point but Bob tells the Bii-Boh-Bi “Maybe you could help this dum-dum out”, so this drink tastes like whatever-this-episode-even-was wanted to give Lance a shake. The name game wasn’t even valid. You can be bad at names and bad at remembering faces and still be incredibly smart. None of the games showed Lance actually being unintelligent. And Lance actually did very well in the last game, and I can tell you that game was confusing af so I’m impressed. With this in mind my arm has personally elongated so far that maybe Bob calling Lance ‘dumb’ here wasn’t a jab at his intelligence. Ok hi my ankle is broken but it was worth it. 
Interesting scenery colours and rainbows:
There are several cases of these, but they’re mostly subtle. I’ll leave some examples.
That one episode in season one (is it 06? or 07? you know the one) that is literally the bi flag. We have a lot of Lance in this ep.
In this ep we are also accompanied by at least two rainbows, one when Lance and Nyma fly across the water and another at the end when Keith teases Lance. (Honorable mention of Keith arguably checking Rolo out in this episode lol, we see u Keith x)
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That episode when Lotor plays around with the paladins on that planet with the explosive gas, and when the team has split and Keith nears Lance with his lion and no kidding that's the bi flag as a background right there (upside down).
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The very obvious, big ass, very not subtle rainbow that's seriously plastered on Keith in the season 7 trailer.
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Random rainbow over Keith here as well
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The scene where the paladins are in some galra place or something and Lance is sharpshooting and looking down at the others. Background + Lance’s suit + his gun = bi flag colours. 
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Funnily enough in this scene when Keith shows up and starts fighting the galra robots (or whatever those things are) and Lance goes ‘I had that guy!’ he looks wayy too long at Keith. Like. Way too long.
Ogling/gloating and jealousy?:
“I’d recognize that mullet anywhere” I’m sorry but if that doesn’t sound like someone has been ogling then I don’t know what.
Again I’m sorry but Lance’s reaction to Keith when he returned wasn’t of the straightest caliber.
Still, when Lance keeps looking at Keith fighting for several solid seconds when he’s supposed to be shooting down galra robots. Parallels a//urance in a way a little bit too when Lance looks at Allura fighting and goes ‘that was awesome!’
But Keith isn’t all that better, apparently
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Keith. Out of all people. Stops mid-battle to smile at Lance when Lance shoots away a knife heading towards Keith. Not noticing Axca coming up behind him and then almost getting his ass kicked by Ezor.
After the bonding moment Keith arguably seems like he's jealous when Lance starts flirting.
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(Here’s some more hehe x)
How Lance being jealous when Keith is involved could actually be interpreted as ambiguous. It is never actually clarified who he’s jealous over. why not both
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Really though the "Jealousy, thy name is Keith" from the comic could possibly be more true than it lets on (though not as you think, Lance).
Honestly I’ll never get over these danking looks:
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Lance you’re excused but Keith?? What?? Is that face?? The boy flirted with a girl and ran off and got his lion stolen and you had to get it back for him and you make THIS face?? (Also I think this is the same face 80′s voltron Keith did at Allura at one point?) 
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Lance you’re no longer excused. He seriously looks like he's daydreaming of prince charming coming and sweeping him off his feet. (Also remember the face he made when talking about Mrs. Blue Lion x?)
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Legit there are no excuses for any of these expressions.
Now for some parallels, some weaker some stronger:
[x] (Krolia/Texas and l0tura parallels, with a dash of Zarkon/Honerva)
[x] (a//urance and l0tura parallels)
[x] (s7 spoiler!), Might and might not be a reach but a//urance parallel (same energy lol))
[x] This entire scene (they make a great/good team). Let’s not forget the little hand glasp Lance does.
[x] (tlok parallel)
[x] (atla parallel)
[x] (atla and tlok parallel) Insert Lance in this context lol
[x] (tlok parallel)
[x] (a//urance parallel)
There are so many parallels tbh I can’t
Allura honestly parallels Keith so much and she LITERALLY plays Keith in the coalition shows
[x] Lance talking about Mrs. Blue Lion vs talking about Keith
[x] (l0tura parallel)
A//lurance and klance/laith paralleling with how both Keith and Allura lectures Lance about the coalition shows not being about the show but about the people 
Some romantic mood parallels:
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The previous blue paladin with a (blushing) male galra
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Now lets move on to some interesting stuff from interviews and the cast and producers (no sources or direct quotes because I’M LAZY:
We all know about the art Lauren drew with Lance and Shiro holding up the lgbt sign and the theory that goes with it.
Bex pretty much confirming that there'll be lgbtq rep in voltron through a sinister laugh in that vid (we know now this to be true bc of Shiro, but there might be more to come?.. or unfold hehe if you catch my drift). Voltron having lgbtq rep has also been brought up before at interviews. I THINK there’s been hinted that there’ll be a little something something between two characters? Not sure tho
Bex also either confirming or shooting down klance/laith during another vid BUT most probably confirming. You know that vid. Reasons to believe: 1. It was dubious, since we don't know which of the questions she shaked her head to. 2. High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco was playing in the background. 3. I don't think she would actually openly deny a ship when she could have just ignored the question, much less making it so dubious.
Kimberly: "Friendship" (may or may not actually imply something within the future of the show, or if it just was @ the thorsty klancers)
We know that Lance will have an endgame (and Keith happens to check all the points of what’s been said about that endgame)
Lance will end up somewhere different than he thought at the start (he wanted Allura at the start, and Keith certainly would be someone different than he'd thought).
What he wants isn't necessarily what he needs(/gets?? I don't remember lol) (and we know he wanted Allura. plus the lion exchange becomes a pretty interesting topic here, as further talked about here x). 
What he needs/wants is someone who’s self-assured and who knows who they are (I think it was) and hey look Keith is back! (who just happens to fit these criterias more than ever).
The plain fact of how Keith and Lance's arcs actually just seem to intertwine so well.
Also adding that klance/laith interview lol. With the "natural progression" thing and that. And also when Lauren said the only incompatible thing about Lance and Keith is the shipname 'klance'. 
Lance’s milkshake bringing everybody to the yard.
It’s been said that Lance remembers the bonding moment but wasn’t ‘emotionally ready’ for it, whatever that could possibly mean 👀 
And apparently there’s more story to unfold... 
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Which may or may not be related but sure makes this a hella lot more interesting (I find this cup worth reaching for ok)
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(lmao if you seriously think the folding thing was an accident)
I’m not saying that the pic necessarily implies klance/laith but it certainly implies something with them. Which will be. Interesting.
Some interesting theories:
[x] Regarding the “Red lion” and the “Blue lion”
[x] Keith’s vlog and some interesting tagging
[x] Some possible, interesting foreshadowing?
Highkey Lowkey scared this is actually foreshadowing (from a comic, Keith is the one saying ‘isn’t that love’, and Lance is the other one)
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Also some reaches because we love long arms:
[x] Rivals to friends to lovers foreshadowing lol
[x] Interesting... Funny coincidence?
[x] I know I know but honestly you can’t deny his face here
[x] I’ll also add this while I’m at it because I can 
(s7 spoiler ahead) Look this is just an interesting concept ok, but in episode 2 in s7 when they’re splitting up in that tunnel, Allura goes one way and Keith goes the other. We see Lance going last, slowing up and almost seeming to take a little time to choose, before going the way Keith went.
So uhh yeah here’s my grand, half-assed take on it. Season 7 can come bite my ass if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be on the lookout until the very last episode of season 8. Klance/laith may or may not happen. But I strongly believe it will and honestly that’s just what makes the most sense to me. 
But yeah reminder that ships doesn’t have to be canon for you to ship them, and if your ship becomes canon you should not harass others about it and you shouldn’t harass others if your ship doesn’t become canon either. All in all NO HARASSING. NO HATE. NO SHADE. JUST. BE DECENT. This includes to the creators and other people in the fandom both. 
Always be prepared for voltron to sock you in the stomach. Season 7 might very well do so. Season 8 might very well do so. Be prepared for your expectations and hopes and wishes to go completely out the window. But no matter how it goes, let’s just sit back and relax and enjoy the show as much as we can beyond our internal screaming.
In the end this is an intriguing story with aliens about family and being a team and it’s beautiful. So let’s just enjoy it, no matter what.
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cdyssey · 7 years
Saw Great Comet yesterday (7-30-17), and I just wanted to share some of my experience with you guys! I was sitting in the rear mezz, which I highly recommend!
*I'mma skip over a lot of the main details just because they’ve already been covered, but I’ll try to include things that were particular to this show/not often talked about.
• There’s a little vignette right before the show starts where Andrey is leaving for war, and it begins with Natasha screaming the most heartbreaking no you’ve ever heard in ur life. • When Oak came out, there was thunderous applause. Like, it went on for at least a full minute. I was so happy. • Also, hearing that first accordion note reduced me to tears bc I’m sensitive™.
• So lemme talk about Oak’s voice real quick. Someone noted that it’s this perfect blend between Groban’s smoothness and Malloy’s roughness, and I have to wholeheartedly agree. It’s absolutely beautiful. He’s a beautiful Pierre. • Also, he plays Pierre with a lot of melancholy. It’s almost as though he’s always on the verge of tears. • “He’s charming; he has no sex.” While the ladies are skipping around him, Hélène is conducting them, and it’s hilarious. • “I pity you. I pity me. I pity you.” — Oak sings these lines so gutturally. His agony echoes off the very walls of the Imperial. • “Pierre” received a long applause as well.
• GRACE MCLEAN DESERVED TO BE NOMINATED FOR A TONY AWARD!1! HOLY CRAP. HER VOCALS BRING THE HOUSE DOWN!!!!!!! • The moment she belts her first lines, you know exactly what kind of personality Marya D. has, and that’s a tribute to her actress. Srsly. • During the song, Marya will sometimes act maternally to Sonya, but the moment Natasha comes back into sight, she’ll roughly push Sonya away, and it’s hilarious. • Natasha’s humming is absolutely heartbreaking. It’s one of the many moments in the musical when you realize how young she is.
“The Private and Intimate Life of the House”
• There were understudies for both Mary and Bolkonsky/Andrey, Courtney Bassett and Ken Clark respectively. They were wonderful. Ken’s performance especially stood out to me. • “People enjoy me, though…” Before he sang these lines, he held eye contact with a person across from him for, like, five seconds, and it was incredibly funny. (Same goes for him patting his wig and powder flying into the air.) • “BRING ME MY SLIPPERS! YES, FATHER. YES, FATHER. BRING ME MY WIIIIIIIIIIIIINE.” • The audience interaction in this one is A+. Mary’s suitor and Bolkonsky’s cheap French thing draw huge laughs from the crowd. • “They are there upon his head.” I’ve seen a few posts where people lament that the audience laughs at this line, but I truly think it’s supposed to be laughed at. Mary is kind of coy when she says it, like she’s laughing at it herself. After that, though, her mood dips, slowly sinking into this utterly palpable reproach. • The audience was completely silent. • While she’s singing her final lines, Bolkonsky is slowly making his way back to his chair, and your heart shatters as you watch. He’s clutching his back and using the railing for support. When he finally collapses in his chair, he kinda puts his head in his hands.
“Natasha and the Bolkonskys”
• Towards the beginning of the song, Natasha and Mary hoist chairs over their heads and join a table of people on stage. It’s hilarious. They really milk the awkwardness of the moment. • “Constrained and strained” is so frickin’ good. When Courtney and Denée sing it, it’s really low and creepy. • “Says the mean, old man in his underthings” drew huge laughs, especially bc of Bolkonsky’s hand movements. He kept gesturing towards his entire body.
“No One Else”
• Honest to God, I could write essays on how perfect Denée Benton and her performance of this song is. She emotes so beautifully. Her voice, her movements, her facial expressions all come together to create Natasha, a young, lost girl who wants nothing more than to see Andrey again. • I cried (obviously). • The blue light is absolutely gorgeous in this song. (The blue light is meant to be the moon.) • At one point, Andrey shows up, and snow begins to lightly fall on him. He reads one of Natasha’s letters, brings it to his lips tenderly before walking away, and just behind him, almost able to reach him, is Natasha, her face the perfect picture of despair. • Denée Benton. • The applause after this song was long and well-deserved.
“The Opera”
• Just for the record, songs like this one, “The Duel”, and “The Abduction"—where all of the cast members are out—are absolutely electric. The energy is incredible. • “The opera, the opera…” Marya D. belts these lines so loudly, lololol. • On one side, you can spot Heath Saunders as one of the opera goers, and lemme just tell you guys, that long, black coat suits him. • “Hélène and Dolokhov arm-in-arm…” They aren’t so much arm-in-arm as they are passionately making out on stage. Omg. I love them. • “Noooo, I’m enjoying myself this evening.” Pierre pumps his fist and smiles this absolutely giddy smile. • When Marya sees that Natasha is talking to Hèlène, she runs up and pushes Nat behind her. • To indicate that the “curtain rises,” some of the light bulbs retract. It’s a cool effect. • I know the literal opera part of the song sounds incredibly weird on the recording, but in person, it’s more hilarious than you’d think. The actors are doing ridiculous things and making animalistic noises, lol. • When it’s over, the spotlight turns to Natasha and Sonya. Sonya’s asleep, lolololololol. • Right before Anatole comes in and around the time Natasha begins to “pass into a state of intoxication”, she hallucinates Andrey being injured during the war. The two circle each other around Pierre’s salon, simply gazing into each other’s eyes, and it’s intense. • Anatole’s entrance is frickin’ ridiculous and amazing all at once. • You know those measured beats at the beginning of his introduction? During each of those, he sharply turns his head in a new direction, ostensibly to show off his head. • Also, his walk is literally a swagger. • Either in this scene or during “Natasha and Anatole”, he caught a lady unaware and kissed her on the cheek. She jumped so badly, lolololol.
“Natasha and Anatole”
• During the intro of the song, Anatole checks himself out in a mirror before posing himself perfectly for the moment Natasha turns around to see him. • Also, let’s talk about Lucas Steele for a hot minute. He is Anatole Kuragin, from his almost exotic voice to the way he walks. Out of the cast, I’d say that Steele is the one who plays the crowd the best. • Throughout this number, Anatole and Natasha play the roles of pursuer and the pursued. Natasha tries so hard not to be wrapped under his spell. :( • When he takes the flower off her head, Natasha makes a perfect :O face. I love Denée Benton. • “And kiss me on the neck.” He does manage to get this kiss, and it’s really rough-looking. • “How do you like Moscow?” Lolololololololol. • For the most part, the two are roving around the stage (mostly bc Natasha is running away from Anatole), but at the end, they sit down next to each other, and it’s played as a really significant moment.
“The Duel”
• “The Duel” is epic live. Holy freakin’ crap. • The moment Dolokhov, Pierre, and Anatole clink their glasses together, the strobe lights come on and the real party begins. There’s intensely sexual dancing, half-naked people, and glow sticks everywhere. • Y'all, I saw Marya D., in a skin tight, black costume no less, whip several people with a riding crop with my own two eyes. • Also, in the very back of the rear mezz, there was, like, a threesome going on. • The energy during this song was absolutely nuts. • Sonya’s party outfit is so cute. It’s an almost innocent looking dress, and she’s wearing bright sunglasses. • The ensemble echoing back “corpulence” is really frickin’ funny. • Nick Choksi really highlights the psychopathic part of Dolokhov, especially in the “Here’s to the health of married women” sequence. His movements are jubilant but also shark-like. He and Hélène make out for a loooooong time.
“Dust and Ashes”
• Oak’s “Dust and Ashes” is an absolute privilege to hear, and if you have the chance, I would go and listen to it while you can. His voice could have shaken the entire foundation of the theater. • While he’s singing, the entire cast lines up in the rear mezz to provide backup vocals, and it’s incredibly poignant. (Also, tho, Lucas Steele stood in front of me, and I died.) • “Don’t let me die while I’m like this…” During these lines, Oak starts crying, and it guts you. • There was a two minute applause for “Dust and Ashes”, and I was on the verge of crying just bc he was getting such a huge applause. • Oak is perfect, okay?
“Sunday Morning” / “Charming”
• “Everyone sees a man!” Ingrid delivers this line so well. It got a huge laugh. • AHHHHHHHHH, now here’s a symbolic moment for you. When Natasha says that she can see a shape in the darkness as she’s looking into the mirror, Pierre is standing up right behind her. Pierre is her future. • (The moment Nat leaves, he sits back down.) • Amber Gray can slay me, tbh. “Charming” is everything I could have ever asked for. • When she walks in, the lights are bright behind her, and her hood is over her head, effectively masking her identity. It’s a really neat moment. • The lights dim when she takes off her hood. • Natasha is in her undergarments throughout the song until Hélène gives her her cloak. (Btw, Natasha looks gr8 in said cloak.) • At some point, Natasha starts mimicking Hélène’s movements, and it’s adorable but also a really nice character touch. Same goes for Hélène snatching Andrey’s necklace off of Nat’s neck and exchanging it for her own pearls.
“The Ball”
• This number was enchanting. I had a hard time focusing on the main stage bc the dancers in the rear mezz. were so mesmerizing in their movements. • Also, tho, the ensemble dancers mimicked what Anatole and Natasha were dancing at times. • When Natasha tries to run away from Anatole, he pursues her up the steps and forces their first kisses. She’s surprised at first, but gives into it with abandon a few seconds later. The kiss lasts a very long time. • At the end of “The Ball”, Natasha and Anatole run through the doors together and then turn to face the audience. They’re holding hands. The lights are bright behind them.
• “Letters” is such a frickin’ jam, y'all. • When it starts, the cast members spill out of the double doors singing. • At the beginning of “Letters”, just as Pierre is addressing Andrey, Andrey appears at the top of the stairs. Pierre faces him. • “I see nothing but the candles in the mirror.” For one of the very few times in the play, Natasha and Pierre face each other. • The geometric symmetry in the choreography is really wonderful all around. For instance, at one point, Mary, Natasha, and Pierre are all positioned in a triangle, taking turns facing one another. • Anatole’s love letter was an absolute showstopper. People were whistling, clapping, and screaming when he started holding those really long notes. Holy crap @ Lucas Steele!!!!!
“Sonya and Natasha” / “Sonya Alone”
• “Sonya and Natasha” is intense. I was on the edge of my seat for their fighting. • “I’m soooooooooooooo happy, and sooooooooooo frightened.” Kill it, Denée!!!! (When she’s singing about her happiness, her arms are extended widely, and when she’s singing about being frightened, she withdraws into herself.) • “I have no will. My life is his.” During these lines, Natasha is wrapped around an increasingly agonized Sonya. • “Sonya Alone” is one of the most powerful numbers in the show, and you really don’t recognize it until you see it live. • The theater is almost completely dark with the exception of a spotlight on Sonya. Throughout the entirety of the song, Natasha is ambling about, tightly clutching Anatole’s letter. • Sonya never takes her eyes off of Natasha, and your heart can’t help but ache for both of them. • Ingrid Michaelson is truly a wonderful Sonya—maybe not as sure as Brittain but she definitely doesn’t lack heart. • On the first “I will protect your name and your heart”, Natasha stumbles on a stair, staggered by the weight of her friend’s words. Then, she walks to the opposite side of the stage, only to be completely stopped by Sonya’s, “I know you’ve forgotten me.” • For the rest of the song, Natasha is still, her head inclined towards Sonya.
“Preparations” / “Balaga”
• When Pierre greets Anatole at the beginning of this number, it’s almost as though he’s caught Anatole out. Anatole had been trying to sneak past unnoticed. • Anatole shaves in front of a mirror during “Preparations”, lol. At one point, he turns to the crowd with shaving cream still on his face. • Dolokhov sings his arguments at Anatole very fiercely during this song, even more so than he does in the recording. • I looooooooooooove “Balaga”. It’s such a wild performance. Paul Pinto moves with such agility and manic energy. The ensemble hands out the egg shakers during this one.
“The Abduction”
• “THE ABDUCTION” IS SO GOOOD. HOLY CRAPPP. • Anatole singing “WHOOOOA” while swinging his green jacket cleared my skin, watered my crops, and cured my depression. • The whole theater is absolutely alive with commotion. There’s a dance off between a guy in the rear mezz and a guy on stage that’s frickin’ amazing. • People are doing backflips. • Natasha smashes a painting on Balaga’s head. • Marya and Hélène are making out. • Pierre is doing a cute jig. • It’s beautiful, beautiful chaos. • When Pierre screams his “WHOA” part, everyone collapses on the floor, absolutely exhausted, and then, then, the most wonderful thing happens. • Pierre giggles. • “Hee-hee-hee.” • God, I love Oak. • “Wait, wait. First we have to sit down.” Anatole made room for himself next to a girl, which was hecking funny, but what was even funnier was that the girl leaned her head on Anatole’s shoulder. The whole theater dissolved in laughter. Anatole held the quiet for a comedically long period before getting up, and when he did, he kissed the girl on the cheek. It was really cute. • When Marya entered at the end of the song, surrounded by this harsh, red light, there were audible gasps in the audience. People weren’t expecting her, lol.
“In My House”
• GRACE MCLEAN DESERVED A TONY NOMINATION: PART TWO. • She acted her butt out through this entire song. I’m serious. • Her voice is dangerously quiet until, “YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU. YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU.” • The tension in the room was palpable. • Also, all of the yelling you hear on the recording? It’s so much more intense live. It’s fierce enough to make you flinch. • “Don’t touch me!” At one point when Natasha screamed this, she physically pushed Marya away, and Marya wasn’t angry so much as she was stunned. • “Natasha’s whole body shook with noiseless, convulsive sobs.” She was literally bent over, grasping the railing like she couldn’t breathe. • “And she threw herself down on the sofa.” Natasha stands erect with her arms crossed and her head buried in them. The spotlights focus on her, and that’s when Marya softens. • You can see the fight leave Grace McLean’s body. Her voice is incredibly tender.
“A Call to Pierre” / “Find Anatole”
• GRACE MCLEAN DESERVED A TONY NOMINATION: PART THREE. • Her face is absolutely devastated as she’s talking to Pierre. Like, I still have chills thinking about it. • Also, Pierre is waking up from a nap at the beginning of this number, lol. • “I have been… studying.” He glances quickly at the place he had been napping. • The sheer power in Oak’s voice really comes out in these next songs. Anger and fear simmers behind the way he sings. A+++ • At the beginning of “Find Anatole”, he truly sounds out of breath. His body is fully bent over for a couple of seconds. • “He can’t be married!” The absolute horror in Denée’s voice nearly slaughters you, tbh. • When Pierre discovers Anatole and Hélène and gets mad, they start to run away. • Pierre is livid when he finds Anatole and Hélène. I mean, livid.
“Pierre and Anatole” / “Natasha Very Ill”
• Pierre nearly throttling Anatole is a sight™. • “Amuse yourself with women like my wife!” The spotlight shines on Hélène as she stands up and bristles indignantly. What an amazing character touch. • During that long pause before Pierre apologizes to Anatole, Natasha walks right between the two and drinks the arsenic. A few moments later, it begins taking effect, and she starts screaming. It’s a terrible, convincing sound. She runs off stage. Marya and Sonya follow her. • “FOR PETERSBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURG!” :’))) • There was a pause between “Pierre and Anatole” and “Natasha Very Ill” while we all wildly applauded that C#. Holy crap @ Lucas Steele!!!!!!!!!!!! • “Natasha Very Ill” is sad. Everyone is devastated, especially Sonya and Marya.
“Pierre and Andrey”
• Ken Clark is an amazing Andrey. He has a v. human approach to the prince. • When Pierre and Andrey are trading insults, there’s a lot of affection between them. It’s really as though the two haven’t seen each other in quite awhile. • Andrey’s somewhat tender tone continues until he asks Pierre to confirm whether the rumors he had heard were true, and when Pierre replies in the affirmative, that is the very moment when Andrey assumes his colder exterior. • It frickin’ breaks your heart. • #PoorAndrey • “If you wish to be my friend, never speak of that again.” During “If you wish to be my friend,” Andrey’s voice breaks seemingly on the edge of tears, and then it hardens at the end as he jabs a finger in Pierre’s chest. The moment he does so, though, he immediately looks horrified. Did I really just threaten my friend? • “Well, goodbye” is soft. • #PoorAndrey • CRAP. I FORGOT THE WORST PART OF THIS SONG. Behind Andrey and Pierre, Natasha and Sonya are standing in a darkened corner. Whenever Andrey refers to Natasha, she flinches and buries herself into Sonya. • :(
“Pierre and Natasha” / “The Great Comet of 1812”
• “Pierre and Natasha” broke me. • At the beginning of the song, Natasha slowly makes her way down the staircase, entirely dependent on the railing to get down. It tears at your heart. You can’t help but remember how lovely and vibrant she had been at the beginning of the play. • The nightgown she’s in makes her look so small, and with her braided hair, she looks just like a little girl. • Oak emotes his lyrics so tenderly, so gently in this one. His voice is always on the verge of breaking. • “She began to cry…” Yeah, no. She sobbed, and you sobbed with her. Her whole body was shaking. She had to hold on to the rail. • An interesting tidbit: Hélène is sitting right behind Natasha, and she has her head in her hands like she’s reacting to the sadness of this scene, too. • “All over…” At this point, Natasha is walking back up the staircase, and the theater is absolutely silent. You could have heard a pin drop. Oak says the written line to her back. • I’ll never forget the way Oak delivered it, and I will never want to either. • His voice simply broke on “if I were free”. • Pierre turns away from her, and then she turns towards him, slowly making her way back to him. • During her last lines, Natasha touches his cheek, and it is sincerely one of the most beautiful moments of this very beautiful play. • “The Great Comet of 1812” was moving, too. • The theater very much looked like a beautiful night sky. The comet prop was stunning, too. • Pierre sat down at the end of the song and gazed reverentially up at the comet.
This play was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life, and I recommend it with all of my heart and soul. Please, please support it if you can.
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memoistore · 5 years
Me @ Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2020
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Dolce & Gabbana invited me to Milan for their Fall 2020 show during fashion week, which took place on Sunday (February 23).
As someone who doesn’t fit that “influencer” profile, and doesn’t get invited on press trips, I was extremely honoured to be invited.
On Saturday I spent time with the team prior to my fitting, where I was told about the efforts the brand is making on several fronts:
Celebrity dressing. Which you have already seen huge impact during awards season. And there are some major ones to come, but my lips are sealed. Let’s just say you won’t be disappointed. Business of Fashion have a very detailed article on how Dolce & Gabbana have turned things around when it comes to celebrity dressing.
Social responsibility. Dolce & Gabbana are supporting the fight against coronavirus which has hit Italy very hard. The brand are providing funding to a study by Professor Alberto Mantovani, scientific director of the Istituto Clinico Humanitas and emeritus professor of pathology at Humanitas University in Milan, which aims to form the basis for developing diagnostic tools, such as biomarkers of the severity of the pathology, and therapeutic tools to help battle the strain of coronavirus.
The next generation. Dolce & Gabbana employ a huge number of seamstresses. As the generation of seamstresses are getting older, they have employed a number of seamstresses to work alongside the older generation to ensure this art form doesn’t die. The one thing that people forget about when it comes to “cancel culture,” is that there are many people often likely to lose their jobs if that brand were to be cancelled.
Going back to basics: I sense that brand has hit the reset button, and is working to remind people of why they fell in love with the brand in the first instance. This was very apparent upon seeing the collection which was a nostalgia throwback to early ‘90s.
There were many pieces that I did love, the embellished dresses of course, but one of my favourite looks – look 40 – which was a simple white shirt with a corset, and polka dot tie which I can see on Blake Lively or Janelle Monáe .
There was a lot I could see from this collection on Janelle Monáe, as the colour palette was perfectly suited.
Going back to my fitting. It was held at the Dolce & Gabbana flagship store.
The store has three floors. The ground floor was mostly all black, lace and polka dots. The second looked like a garden with florals everywhere.
But the second I hit the third floor I saw a beautiful jungle print gown which was paired with a green sequin bra.
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That was the one. I knew it instantly.
I continued to look around, but the allure of this dress drew me back. I’m usually very decisive. But this decision was quick, even by my standards.
The team gave me the option of a few accessories.
Usually I wouldn’t class myself as a headband wearing kinda girl, but as I was in the world of D&G I decided to throw caution to the wind, for which I’m glad, as I loved the end result.
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And here is it. No creases, lol, and the dress just the right length to show off the gorgeous shoes.
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Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2020
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Just hanging out with the other models. LOL. British model David Gandy, who is the current face of Dolce & Gabbana Eyewear, was happy to stop for a quick picture.
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Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were also kind enough to take a picture with me, and I was able to thank them in person for flying me out for the show.
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I couldn’t end my trip without some pasta. It would’ve been rude not to.
Thanks so Lucio, and the whole Dolce & Gabbana team who made me feel so special, and well looked after in Milan.
Credit: Dolce & Gabbana
from Red Carpet Fashion Awards https://ift.tt/2SYXi0l via IFTTT
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