#kinda just freeballed it
enthusiastic-nimrod · 2 years
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Magical Girl Red Valentine!
I used a very different approach to drawing her then I normally would, so I can’t tell if that made her take longer or slower. Overall though she was a lot of fun!
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soaps-mohawk · 5 months
Do you think Price uses the strings on his boonie hat to keep it in place? Or velcros out to his beard?
Lmaoo this genuinely made me laugh 😂 My first thought was bobby pins. Clips it in place lol.
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arodabi · 1 year
I have a lot to post rn but i just remembered when i got criticized in my creative writing class for making my demon character autistic bc it was super problematic to portray autistic ppl as non human and i had to just sit there trying not to say smthn bc i never intended him to be autistic, i just based him off of myself lmao. I wasn’t allowed to respond so ig that person just thought i was being shitty
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swiftfootedachilles · 7 months
Wait omg I just saw your post tagged narcolepsy core do you have narcolepsy??????? Or are you just joking. If you're just joking that's fine lol sorry I just got excited because I do have it
not officially bc i haven't gone thru all the sleep tests (the healthcare in my area sucks ass i haven't been able to get a sleep study in FIVE YEARS) but most likely yeah i saw a sleep specialist twice and he said i definitely have a sleep disorder and its probably narcolepsy 😋😋😋
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sea-jello · 1 year
I wouldn't use you like that lol!! You're the one who seem to actually be questioning what Jeffrey says, and you know it's not a SQUIP if it's telling the truth constantly. I won't infodump but mostly because you guessed it already. I will say, as fun as that last option is, that would mean Jeffrey would be some kind of robotic deity. Which is an awesome idea but Jeffrey is sadly not that. It's fun to see you engaging - thank you for talking with me about it :)
no i actually dont mind it was a joke i was just asking if you had a specific lore route in mind sjdkajd
what can i say we like to rally against the know it alls
last option as in jeffery being jeremys dead squip or the uploaded files code thing?? which option would turn him into robot god im assuming jeremys dead squip. so we can rule that one out
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
Tomorrow’s to do list:
A fuckload of laundry
Wipe down everything (especially the windowsill where Benji likes to walk around on his dirty paws even though he has a cushion to sit on up there)
Clean Benji because he will probably get himself covered in grass
Hand Benji and all of his things safely over to his dad
Pick up my prescription
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
*stages my room with a hastily bought bench thing and throw pillows from Target* honestly, it doesn't look half bad
(no photos bc I think it looks good in person but kinda dumb in pics, I think it's my sloppy camera angles lol)
but look, my prints which were freeballin on the walls have frames now!
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(these need to be hung up still lmao)
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user211201 · 5 days
I Was Just Being Ironic, Bro
--- Original author: realhankmccoy ---
That’s how it started, you see. With irony. With a joke. A joke Daniel made about grabbing em by the pussy. Jared said it was kinda offensive, man. Daniel doubled down, saying he was just being ironic, explaining how he’d never be that misogynist, obviously.
Jared did end up laughing, just not wanting to be rude more than anything. I mean, they were friends and obviously Daniel didn’t swing that way.
But one joke turned into another joke, days later. And another. And the ways things were spiraling, soon the two roommates – they lived in a shared house of four – were joking about it all the time. Pretending to be alt-right. Pretending because it was fun, it was funny, it was something to do, a way to make fun of guys who acted like that while simultaneously getting to feel what it was like to be that sort of guy themselves.
They were pretty regular guys. But it became funny to pretend they were jock studs, too. “I dare you to work out, bro,” Daniel goes one night. “I fucking dare you. If you can do 100 pushups consecutively, I’ll even let you grab me by the pussy,” Daniel goes, grabbing his own cock and balls through his shorts for emphasis, which wasn’t hard since he was freeballing that night.
“Oh yeah?” Jared said, “Watch this, bro.” He only made it to fifteen, laughing, but they kept up their dare. Jared was building some pipes on those arms. And months later, after a few shots of whiskey, he hit one hundred pushups for the first time in his life.
“Dude, if I’m gonna grab you by the pussy, I want to see you wearing those Old Glory shorts.” Yeah, the shorts Daniel bought to be ironic. Jared knew those.
And he did grab Daniel’s cock and balls through the shorts, holding onto them tight, laughing, squeezing. “Ouch, dude, that fuckin’ hurts,” Daniel said. It was hilarious. They were so drunk.
But then it was Jared’s turn to dare Daniel, saying he should get as pumped as he was, that is if he could ever catch up. “I’m working on 120 pushups, bro, and look at you. Fuckin’ puny. Little Daniel. I dare you, bro. You can grab me by the pussy if you ever catch up.”
Daniel wasn’t one to back down from a challenge. And soon his guns were just as big, if not bigger. Their jokes were becoming almost infamous in the house.
“Drop and give me 20, Daniel. ‘Merica!” “Come on, tiny hands, let’s see if you can beat me at arm-wrestling.” “Aww, so hot, bro. You and that MAGA cap. I bet you’ll be able to score all the pussy you want if you wear that out to the bars.” “Lock her up, lock her up!” Daniel said to Jared when he was drunk off his ass, trying to tie him to his chair with rope. The guys loved horsing around.
Jared and Daniel both had American flag shorts, now. They had flag tank tops, t-shirts, hats, even MAGA caps. They were getting to be pretty buff guys. Acting like right-wing jockbros had been ironic, but now they looked pretty convincing in the part after working out so much and buying the gear they bought. Vocal inflections, ironic at first, now sounded more and more legit as they got their impersonations down pat. Sometimes they’d go out and hit the bars, ham it up, see who they fooled, which was pretty much everybody.
They were good at this. It was fucking funny and fun as hell.
Drunk one night, Daniel found himself confessing to Jared that he thinks it’s really hot when Jared acts like a MAGA guy. “Yeah bro?” Jared said, “I think it’s hot too. Makes me feel hot. It’s like everything I secretly want to be when I’m like this.”
“Yeah bro?” Daniel said, “I think that’s so fucking hot, man. You look great as one of those guys. I almost feel like I could grab you by the pussy for real, bro.”
“Why don’t you do it then, bro,” Jared said, “When we’re home. I fucking dare you, bro. Get those tiny hands on this big cock of mine. Bet you don’t have the balls.”
But turned out Daniel did have the balls, and when he took Jared’s cock in his mouth behind that locked bedroom door, all Jared could say was, “Fuck, bro. MAGA, bro. That’s so fuckin’ hot, bro,” before he came, five minutes later, flooding Daniel’s mouth with white hot cum.
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beemers-hell · 7 months
OK so what if Funfetti's Literally-born-a-Juggalo ass except I dress them up in a sort of Gyaru inspired fit
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I dont really know what substyle this would be I just kinda freeballed it lmoa. This was mainly inspired by all the Gyaru Lagoona Blue restyles I've been seeing on my twitter fyp cause WOW are they all gorgeous!! I don't think this really fits any style of Gyaru, i mainly just tried to capture the energy of it lmao
Anyway have the alts!
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khalixvitae · 10 months
I HAVE NEVER SEEN SOMEBODY CONVEY IDIA'S CHARACTER AS WELL AS YOU DID OMG I JUST READ WHEN YOU SAID IDIA ISNT AN INCEL so many people misinterpret his character as just being shy but that just sets him up as a stereotypical introvert. It's not that he's SHY it's that he physically doesn't know hoe to deal with people and instead of trying to learn he just assumes there is no point so he perpetuates his own loneliness. IM SO GLAD IVE FOUND SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS HIM LIKE I DO AAAAAHHHH
Aghhhhh hello anon! Im glad you enjoyed my silly little post, that’s so sweet of you! Yea I feel like there’s so much going on with Idia (frankly with both of the Shroud brothers and their whole deal) that gets kinda bogged down by tropey perceptions. Like yes Idia is introverted and mostly opposed to interacting with people, but there are a lot of layers there. He’s agoraphobic, under-socialized, and painfully anxious. he’s scarily smart and prefers to scheme behind the scenes until he’s positive whatever he’s cooking up is fool proof (which I don’t think is an inherently bad trait) because things are easier and require less effort when there’s a script. freeballing social interactions with people and a broader environment you have no interest in connecting with is both taxing and in no way gratifying (in Idia’s mind, and in most cases). Its inefficient, which I also think is a good way of summarizing his attitudes towards social interaction.
He considers it pointless for everyone involved since he’s just going to disappear one day. Not to mention his upbringing and that hot mess of socialization, I think anybody would be fucked up from that. Plus his whole complex about his appearance and the fact that it’s not exactly been pleasant to just exist publicly. With all these factors in mind It’s important to remember that he’s the one who has decided he MUST be alone and that his fate is predetermined. In the name of efficiency/practicality and his sanity (while ironically undermining both) he just gives up before he’s even started. The world doesn’t end for the people around him, but he’s miserable and would be regardless. I mean he outright says so in book 6. The worst part is that he’s really self aware about it - he just doesn’t think he can change his circumstances or himself. I think the rest of his character really relies on that point. Honestly that’s what makes him so tragic and why I think his overblot is so interesting. It calls into question this focus on efficiency because it’s really just a bluff- as smart and rational as he wants to be, he’s quick tempered and honestly very emotional. We actually get to see just how far he can go with this almost martyr like philosophy because it hinges on his low self worth, but once someone he loves is brought into the equation, he completely jumps the gun. He may not see himself as worth saving, but for the one person he cares about/who understands him??? Who he believes he failed? Rationale goes out the window.
Anyways sorry for the little tangent there, I just think he’s so interesting and the incel trope really downplays the nuance there. He’s so smart but so emotionally driven despite being emotionally stunted and tbh I think that’s his downfall.
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saeranthis · 1 year
okay!!! belatedly as promised here's some of my dol hcs!! I play with everyone as male so if you were excited for fem hcs sorry loves
whitney: blonde -> fringe/ swooped over one eye, obnoxiously wears his shirt with 3-4 buttons open all the time. is a whore but isn't open about it and certainly doesn't let other people acknowledge it. super into leashes, 7-8inches (shower), freeballs 24/7, american/French but no accent and not rlynin touch with his roots 5'8-5'11
robin: ginger!! (but more like obnoxiously orange than ginger, think Childe genshin impact) adhd, victim complex, can pay bailey but lies about being able to, slightly manipulative but not inherently in a malicious way more like a constantly kicked puppy way, league player: (derogatory) , Irish/german/Dutch, lots of face freckles, sunburns easily, 5ft 6, 5-6 inches (grower), has a journal filled with poetry, secretly likes whitney but won't admit it, likes being bullied
kylar: has cameras all over town, has a computer room with like 6-8 monitors, parents are NOT vampires are just eldritch esq monstrosities 8-12 inches (grower), has a birdhouse, knife collection (small), extremely good at Chem and math, like international competition winner level good, TERRIBLE at English, the teachers know about his knife but let him carry it anyway "bc he keeps to himself", afro-mexican, black hair, always wears a hoodie despite dress code, has a pet cat, was obsessed with another orphan prior to pc (didn't end well) 5'2-5'4, cock rings cock rings cock rings, breeding kink, hates exhibitionism, doesn't like sharing but will if it's the only way he can have you, is related to the scarred inmate, knows mickey but they don't really talk much, not really manipulative but will force you to get abortions for kids that aren't his, has reverse engineered the pink substance but doesn't really care to do anything with or about it, purposefully flunks the math competition so pc can win, uhhh I can't think of anything else rn
sydney: big on this my boy is indian!! their family def was Hindu before moving to dol town and his mother who did not approve of the town they moved to or sydneys fathers behavior when they got there left and is still practices Hinduism while Sydney and his dad converted to fit in. Sydney has long hair that's kept in a high ponytail most of the time. suuuuper into history and will talk about the history of dol town for hours if you let him. 7-8 inches (shower originally but chastity trained his dick to be super flaccid) but his chastity cage is too small for him so it's constantly bulging against the frame and making his dick sore. once his virginity is taken he becomes an ass FANATIC he is so obsessed with anal its unhealthy, strawberry ice cream enjoyer, won't admit it but kinda likes watching pc be used by other guys
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darktrainer · 6 months
hey there ;))
5. best orgasm you have had in the last few months?
8. what position/ angle never fails to get you cum?
19. what underwear are you wearing right now?
42. Have you ever been caught or walked in on while masturbating? Have you ever been caught or walked in on while fucking?
Hey thanks for asking!
5. Hmm well I had pretty great sex for my birthday last month. My husband let out a new side and it was v hot
8. I'm a pressure kinda guy so if there's any form of straining or tensed muscles or weight then that's a winner
19. None, just freeballing in some trackies playing video games, but usually boxer briefs
42. Masturbating: there were definitely some close calls as a teenager of course. None in recent years other then like my husband walking by while he's getting ready for work 😅
Sex: don't think so. I've been snuck out of houses/flats a fair few times, and been in public and had to lay low from a passerby, but never caught in the actual act...
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asterkiss · 11 months
Knock Knock - Part III
This is gonna end up as some oneshot compiled together on AO3 by the end of it. Still kinda freeballing this but the main idea is there. Part I | Part II
‘Her vitals are all reading as normal,’ Stanford muttered, crouched beside his niece’s bed.’
‘Then why isn’t she waking up?’ Dipper asked, unable to hide the panic in his voice as he shifted from one foot to the other repeatedly.
‘Where’s Bill?’ Stanley asked, looking around suspiciously. ‘This definitely has something to do with him.’
‘Somebody call for me?’ The triangle flashed into the room, twirling his cane with dramatic flare although that faded as he noted the angry glares shooting in his direction. ‘Yikes, tough crowd.’
‘What did you do to Mabel, you bastard?’ Stanley snapped, raising a fist.
‘Hm? I didn’t do anything.’
‘Really?’ Stanford asked, looking disbelieving as he remained knelt beside the bed. 
The demon glanced down at the sleeping girl, drawing closer as his eye scrutinised her keenly. ‘Hmm.’
‘What does ‘hmm’ mean?’ Dipper asked, voice sharp. Yeah, they were “allies” with Bill now in a weird dysfunctional way but the demon still annoyed the heck out of him. (Mabel claimed Bill only bullied Dipper to get his attention but that didn’t make it any better!)
‘It means… your sister messed up.’
Bill floated over the girl, reaching out to poke and prod her face. Dipper scowled, about to tell him to piss off when the demon retracted and folded his arms with a click of his tongue. ‘Ah Shooting Star, what’ve you gone and done now?’
‘What has she done?’ Stanford asked. ‘Give us answers.’
Bill glanced aside at the men, thoughtful for a moment before he responded. ‘Easiest way to describe it would be that Shooting Star’s gone ahead and invited some nefarious something-something’s inside her mind.’
‘What the hell does that mean?’ Dipper asked, eyes wide. ‘Why would she ever do that?’ A pause, and his face fell as he slapped a hand over his mouth. ‘Wait. Don’t tell me, this monster looked hot.’
‘Heh heh, you think so? Thanks, Pine Tree.’
‘I suppose I am quite attractive,’ Bill said, posing.
The men stared at him flatly.
‘Wait, you’re the one she let in?’ Stanley snapped, eyes wide as he looked murderous. ‘So you did do this! You son of a bi-'
‘Well, yes but also no,’ Bill replied breezily, before his care-free attitude slowly slipped and he looked serious. ‘Alright, lemme see if I can explain this…’
Mabel wasn’t sure where she was.
It looked like Gravity Falls but everything was bleak and devoid of colour. And everytime she walked, it felt like there were a pair of eyes watching her every move, it felt like someone was stalking her.
But whenever she turned around there was nobody there.
There was nobody anywhere.
It was just her.
Until it wasn’t.
She turned around, feeling a surge of relief at the sight of the dream demon. ‘Bill! Jeez, I’m glad to see you. What the heck is going on?’
The demon began to approach and Mabel wasn’t sure why but something inside her began to feel anxious.
He was drawing closer.
And closer-
‘Wait, stop,’ she said, beginning to back away.
Bill blinked. ‘Why?’
‘I…. I don’t know.’ She frowned, rubbing her right arm which suddenly had goosebumps upon it. Mabel wasn’t sure why but suddenly every fibre of her being was feeling on edge, adrenaline racing through her body for a reason she didn’t know. ‘Um… Look, can I wake up now? This is a dream right?’
The triangle paused. ‘Sure,’ he replied. ‘Just come here and take my hand, I’ll wake ya up.’ He held out a singular black hand towards her.
She’d taken his hand plenty of times before.
It was easy.
So why did the notion of taking it right now fill her with dread?
The teenager swallowed thickly, shuffling on her feet. ‘Um, is there no other way?’
‘Huh? What’s up with you, just take it. I ain't got cooties or a flesh eating disease. Not this time anyway.’
Mabel grimaced. She stared at the demon, trying to pinpoint why exactly she was feeling so on edge. It was Bill! Sure, he was still an ass at times but he was alright otherwise. He was like a mascot for the family who sometimes switched the salt for washing powder or stuffed nettles in their shoes. 
So why was she feeling such dangerous vibes where every part of her intuition was telling her to run?
‘...Uh, you… you are Bill, right?’
The demon stared at her.
And then he slowly retracted his hand.
‘Yeah,’ he replied. ‘And you let me in. Remember?’
‘You opened the door.’
The door?
That door.
“Don’t open it!” That’s what he’d said, repeatedly. Mabel swallowed thickly, and forced a nervous laugh as Bill continued to stare. ‘Oh, haha, yeah I guess I did. Oops. That’s…. Um, is that bad?’
‘Depends on who you ask.’
Okay, that was an ominous response. She didn’t like that. She took another step back. How the hell was she meant to wake up? 
‘What do you want?’ she asked instead, stalling as she tried to figure out what to do.
The demon blinked. ‘You.’
‘Eh? Me?’
‘You opened the door and started this, so it’s you who’s gonna finish it. That's how it goes, I don't make the rules.’
‘Um, what?’ She was totally confused here. ‘What the heck are you talking about?’
‘I lied by the way.’
She froze. What?
‘Earlier.’ His eye creased in amusement. ‘When I said I was Bill. Well, kinda lying, kinda not. But it stalled ya long enough for me to do this.’ 
He snapped a finger and Mabel released a gasp as she suddenly fell down a foot into the ground. When she dropped her gaze, she found a dark and shifting pool of shadows beneath, slowly swallowing her up like quick sand. She yelled and struggled, trying to break free as she sank but this stuff had the consistency of glue. As it swallowed her up to her waist, she raised her head and looked at the triangle with alarm. 
‘Who the hell are you!? Let me go or else!!’
He appeared before her in an instant. A hand grasped her face, and she flinched as the demon cradled her jaw. She was no longer sinking any further, but she still couldn't pull free. Her heart beat erratically as she stared at the bulbous eye inches from her face. 
‘Me? I’m a fragment,’ he said, sounding oddly serious with no sign of his usual cavalier attitude. ‘And I’m here to get things back to how they should be.’
‘That just raises like a bunch more questions, you weirdo!’
‘He likes you.’
‘Bill. Me. Us.’ His finger brushed across her skin, eye narrowing. ‘How else would he try to warn you away from me?’ A pause and the dark look melted as he spoke in a light manner once more. ‘Oh well, lucky for me you don't listen to others and steamroll ahead with your own ideas. I can see why we like you. You're quite the troublemaker, arent'cha?’
‘Urgh, I have no idea what you’re talking about! Quit monologing and let me go!' She was gonna punch him in the eye. At least, that's what she planned on but she suddenly found both her arms had been caught by the churning shadows beneath and she was unable to raise them.
‘Hmm, nope.’ 
The triangle retracted his hand and floated back, offering a small wave. ‘See ya, Shooting Star.’
She was sinking again. Her eyes widened and she kept scrambling to escape but it was no use. The last thing she saw before her head went under was the sight of “Bill” watching her with glee.
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669ratz · 1 year
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I did in fact finish it however
I do not feel satisfied with this piece at all. using cardboard for this was a bad idea.
I don't like the lighting on the skin and I know I can do better at the anatomy. this was supposed to be a self portrait of sorts and instead of just taking my own body as reference I freeballed it.
I do also feel sorry that it's on such a small scale. it doesn't have that 3d elements or texture that I actually like
I mean. I still kinda like it but more in a "prototype of a future project" way and not the "finished piece" way.
I need to remake this so bad auuugh
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crypt-void · 1 year
If I just keep acting delusional and telling myself that shits going great then I've convinced myself it's going to get better. I'm kinda just yapping at the wind here. Freeballing to an insane degree.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
mmmhm and of course megatron has a rust infection because he has large, deep, and open wounds just kinda freeballing it
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