#kinda wish there was Noble Heart too
bluefire-stims · 2 years
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True Heart Bear stimboard - for me! (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x)
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n0tamused · 3 months
Came across House of Dragons and kinda got invested then I saw you accept Jiyan requests so now I’m kinda thinking what a mixture of the two would be like….Jiyan with his own dragon riding in Westeros…Jiyan courting you despite protests from his court…Jiyan protecting his queen from anyone that tries to hurt her or his heirs…idk I am just a causal watcher I have no clue what’s actually going on in GoT and HoD tbh
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A/n: I'm uploading this from my phone because I just can't wait to post this, so if there's formatting or grammar errors - rest assured, I'll do my best to get to it once I get on my laptop. Where do I begin though? 😭 My goodness, you couldn't have sent me a better idea than this one oml. I'm smooching you on the head istg, thank you so much for this request! And I hope you enjoy this jumbled ramble <3 I'd love to do more of this little au and I most definitely will, and for some other characters as well.
Contents: Jiyan x Reader, headcanons, you/yours, written with a F! Reader in mind, dragonrider reader and Jiyan, Game of Thrones/House of The Dragon universe, pregnancy, angst, happy ending, somewhat arranged marriage lol, tell me if there's anything else to tag.
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-War had taken many noble houses to an early grave, leaving behind nothing but ghosts and ruin over the vast lands. The ones that remained standing were either the rich or the cruel. All except one.
-Jiyan, originally hailing from Jinzhou, and belonging to no noble or rich lineage. His mother was a notorious healer, and his father had long been lost to travels and war himself.
-He had joined the battles as a young green boy alongside his mother, moving beside the long columns of soldiers in their tattered armor and ringmail. All he could do was stare at them in wonder and question - Why do they spill so much blood? For what?
-There was no looming threat of the Others coming to claim their lives, it was just them - the people and the common folk, yet they fought each other like animals for a few extra inches of land or a few extra coppers in their liege lord's pocket.
-As much as Jiyan didn't wish to engage in the art of war and bloodshed and only wanted to heal and save, it became apparent, all too soon, that the way to survival and peace was through battle. Healing will get him nowhere, and if a good commander was not put at the front, it wouldn't matter how well he healed if two in three soldiers died, even after receiving his aid.
-The war changed him, hardened his heart and fortified his mind, until the healer he once was became only a distant memory. Spear replaced herbs, and instead of the tattered medic tunic he now donned armor and ringmail. A companion also joined his side after he ran into a deep cavern for safety during one particular battle. A large unclaimed dragon, which nearly took his head off now stood at his side like a mountain, guardian him day and night and heralding the doom of his enemies with a thunderous roar and loud snap of it's wings. The dragon was a beautiful pale green, with bronze horns and amber eyes with darker lines of green running over its back. It was a beauty as much as it was a beast. Men quickly took to respect him, and it became evident Jiyan’s person hid many talents besides that for medical aid and spear holding.
-The previous commander perished, another life taken by the savage ways of war, and Jiyan was appointed as the new commander by the soldiers after he rose to the occasion - having led them to success in war, as well as safety when the odds did not favor them.
-It was during his reign as the lead commander that the lands saw the end of the war. Blood was shed, yes, but not for naught.
-Upon his return to the central city, the throne was found vacant, the king slain along with his entire council. The word of it was that they were taken unawares from the seaside, and had no ways of defense, as all the manpower was at the front lines
-Jiyan came into his rule as king at a young age, far too soon, and yet despite all the doubt he had flourished quickly. Proving himself as an able and just ruler, unlike the ones that came before, his foundation as a commander giving him good wind in the back
-The city wasn't in good condition after the war, but in the years following Jiyan had sent many commands that would aid in its rebuilding
-Slowly, but surely, the common folk started to feel the dawn of a new age - summer has finally come.
-The one thing Jiyan has gladly forgotten about was marriage. As a king, it was expected of him to take a bride to be his queen, to have heirs and to start a new lineage that would, hopefully, carry better blood instead of the hot blood that sought destruction. It wasn't something he often thought about as other duties preoccupied him day in and day out. But it was neither something he was against.. Deep in his heart he would admit a thought of his own family did make him feel…alive. But how would that family fare in these conditions? With his status? This was nothing like his small village he grew up in, so the image he once had in his mind was no longer so clear.
-His mother was a person he'd eventually seek advice from regarding such tender subjects, earning himself a laugh occasionally, as his cluelessness was rather amusing. Where other Kings misused their power and gave commands as they saw fit, Jiyan exercised caution, and even sympathy for the bride he didn't even have yet.
-Eventually, a match was arranged, between him and a lady of a higher birth. His mother had met you before he did and vouched for your good character - but Jiyan remained nervous, vowing to keep his judgment and thoughts to himself until he met you himself.
-Your journey to the city was a long one, yet you entered the long and towering palace halls like a breath of fresh air. Keeping your lady wits about yourself and keeping your courtesies with you, you had quickly rubbed off on Jiyan. The wedding was still a matter of question, as Jiyan had insisted on giving you and your family the due time to explore the city and to see whether this was truly something they wanted to go through with. His compassion was answered in kind by many gifts sent from the city they hailed from, consisting of foreign fruits and vegetables to cattle and coins and silks.
-It was endearing. And the courtship between Jiyan and (Y/n) soon began, as the former began to make moves. He preferred to do so in some amounts of privacy, as the many eyes that followed him as King were uncomfortable and he swore he could never get used to them.
-This seemed to please and comfort his bride-to-be as well, and both of them would show their true colors. It was a rare thing for a royal match to be founded in love rather than simple responsibilities to make heirs, but it wasn't unheard of either.
-What they both had in common was that they were dragon riders. (Y/n)’s dragon was a stark comparison to his own with red scales and two pairs of black horns and dark amber eyes, the underside of the dragon’s wings being a shade of yellow that looked like gold under the sunlight. It was a terrifying dragon, arguably even more scary than his own mount.
-When no one was looking, the two would go down to the Dragon Pit and take their dragons to the skies, racing over the cities with one another or going over the seas to breathe the salty air. It was an escape from duty as well. The moment their dragons took to air, all status and responsibilities remained on the ground, and only the sky was the limit to their freedom.
-Jiyan relished in this freedom like a luxurious drink he could never tire of, and your laughter was a sound like no other.
-The dragons took to liking one another as well, and would dance in the air while the pair were seated on their backs, spinning and falling, and right before the ground came too close they'd pull away and take to the skies once more.
-The commonfolk took this as a good omen. The dragons ruled the skies again, and a good King was on the throne, with a good queen soon to join him.
-Jiyan would find himself inviting (Y/n) to his chambers in early mornings to break their fast together or late dinners to share their day with one another. It was as if the two were already married. And even that wasn't too far from coming true.
-The wedding was a big event. Tables and tents were set all the way out and around the keep as well as in the big ballroom inside. Although Jiyan would've preferred to keep the celebrations a modest one, the council insisted that this occasion warranted the eyes of everyone, the joy had to be shared. This once he gave in to their requests.
-Flower petals were thrown on them as they passed by the rows of commonfolk standing at the sides of the rode, him and his Queen riding at the back of an open carriage dragged by four horses, white and elegant with plumes in their manes. Everything was near perfect and out of a fairy tale.
-King and Queen would share their dance in the ballroom once they returned from the High Sept where they got married before the priest, sharing their first kiss - something Jiyan made sure to cover and hide to the best of his abilities by pulling your veil over both of your faces.
-The celebration lasted all the way into the eerie hours of the night. And both Jiyan and you were exhausted, and upon retiring to your shared bed chamber you simply collapsed onto the plush mattress.
-That night, Jiyan fell asleep with his lover in his arms, watching your soft breaths make your chest rise and fall in slow successions, his fingertips tracing the lines of your face and the skin of your back, until he couldn't resist the urge to sleep.
-This wasn't a life Jiyan asked for…but it was one he was glad for.
-Children came later. A lovely little daughter being the first to be born of the love from the King and Queen, bearing the signature feature of you. Jiyan was beyond happy.
-During the birth of his daughter he was in the city, conducting business over a new architecture project when news arrived that his Queen had gone into labor. It is believed he had never dropped a matter as quickly as he did that day, racing back to the keep and searching for his wife.
-Despite the protests of the midwives, he responded only to you, racing to your side and giving you comfort and encouragement if nothing else, welcoming the fruit of your shared love together. It was the first time Jiyan ever cried in front of anyone else. He had delegated some more of his duties to the others in favor of having the time to spend with his newborn and you, helping you recover from the birth.
-It wasn't rare to see Jiyan roaming the dark halls in the middle of the night to visit the kitchens for food for you, bringing back foods and snacks, whatever you wished, even the weird food cravings. Hell, sometimes he'd indulge in them alongside you. Once, during your first pregnancy you requested a big honeycomb, and it just happened Jiyan felt like a sweettooth that evening as well. That ended with you sharing quite a candid moment, lips sticky with honey with a waxy feel between your teeth as you tried not to laugh at one another.
-The second pregnancy was a boy, following two years after the daughter was born, and he came with a little more trouble. The new prince was quite a big baby, and the birth left you even more exhausted. A fever soon settled within you, greatly worrying Jiyan and the entire council. You could barely hold the boy to feed him without shaking, and the fever lasted for days.
-It was the scariest time of Jiyan’s life. Any moment spent away from you plunged a dagger into his heart that twisted itself further in. It pained him. And he nearly got sick himself from worry.
-There were maids around you constantly, when he couldn't assist you it was them that took care of you. His mother was close by as well, bringing you great herbal teas and green tea cakes and broths. The time for you was a blur, filled with uncomfortable heat of your body and sticky feelings of sweat.. does it ever end?
-It was as if the whe world was plunged into depression once you fell ill. Dark clouds corresponded with Jiyan’s bitter and grieving mood, and the dragons themselves were restless. In this time, the others, outside of his kingdom, saw it fit to attack and plunder the neighboring villages and cities.
-You had recovered enough to talk, but your days were still mostly spent by sleeping and eating.
-You could vaguely remember seeing Jiyan entering your chamber, holding your son for a short while before putting him back in his crib. A concerned look pinched his brows together, you could remember, as his gaze went to you.
- “My love?... Are you alright?” He'd ask as he kneeled by the side of your bed, taking your hand in both of his and kissing the knuckles that felt like they were ablaze underneath his lips. He was dressed in all armor, a sword at his hip. Why was he leaving?.. Where?
-It all seemed like a dream, an illusion borne from your illness, but it was real. He had a duty over the kingdom, and over you. Yet it pained him no less to leave the place he was closest to you. He had entrusted your care to his mother and the maids, and he had already bid farewell to your daughter. She had clung to him like a moss clings to a tree, asking him when he'd return.
-You couldn't give a reply, staring somewhere through him.
-Has the reign of peace perished so quickly?
-His dragon waited at the Dragonpits, and the troops were already marching out of the city gates when he took to fly over them, leading them to the front lines once more.
-You recovered in the following days, finding yourself alone - not literally, as there were maids and servants all flocking to you, but Jiyan wasn't there. His Hand sat the throne instead of him. And your children had grown significantly, as if years had passed instead of several days.
-Responsibilities choked you until you began to move, throwing yourself back into work and and duty. Your son was always at your hip or breast, making up for the time lost. And your daughter was always pulling at your skirts unless she was at her lessons.
-It was a restless period, and a terrifying one. The first letter you sent to Jiyan was met with an ecstatic response, him being overjoyed you were healthy again, yet he encouraged you to rest more.
-His other letters brought bitter news of losses and bloodshed and treason, but he reassured they were holding strong. You could only believe him.
-Months passed. Months. And a letter from Jiyan was yet to come in. It worried you. This everlasting silence, it was of more concern than the sorrowful letters.
-During one evening as you sat on one of the tall balconies of the palace, overlooking the city as your son cooed in your arms, you heard a shriek. One coming from your dragon in the Dragonpits. The dragon was as restless as you, her calls weren't foreign to hear, but this time her shriek was returned by a call of another.
-Your husband's dragon flew down from the murky clouds. The green dragon roared, splitting the sound mid air, earning another roar from your own dragon.
-Jiyan has returned.
-You’re unsure how you raced so quickly down to meet him, with a babe in your arms and not properly dressed either. Appearances didn't matter. Your husband's return did. He mattered.
-And once you saw one another, nothing else could hold you back from running into eachother’s arms, the baby carefully tucked between the two of you in a protective embrace as Jiyan kissed both of your heads, pressing his forehead against yours soon after, laughter shaking his shoulders and chest.
-He was sure he could cry right now, and seeing you shed tears of joy almost encouraged him.
-Jiyan knew he'd split the world in half if it meant keeping you whole and with him.
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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themotherofhorses · 2 years
Vic!! I have a request pretty pls hehehe,
Creepy dark! Aemond forcing his way with fem!reader as she sleeps after stalking him for many moons? PWEASEEE
what was mine is still mine, regardless of time.
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pairing: soft but dark!aemond targaryen x fem!targaryen!reader
warnings: explicit language. nsfw smut. slight breeding kink towards the end. consented abduction. aemond is (as usual) obsessive and possessive but is actually kinda a sweetheart in this.
notes: ok so small thing: i kinda put my own twist to this request, because this sort of idea has lived in my head RENT FREE since forevvaaa. hope u enjoy it :)
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Dragonstone was quiet when arrived, the sea tide calm and peaceful.
Aemond Targaryen could not remember the last time he stepped foot in the castle, if he ever did at all, having spent the entirety of his life behind the bronze doors of the Red Keep. He did not care for the damned island, nor did he hold any love for its people, but his twentieth nameday was fast approaching, and his mother was insisting more and more that he take a wife soon.
“Now, where will you be,” he mumbles to himself as he rips off his riding gloves and tucks them into his belt.
The castle hallways were without light, and no houseguards stood afoot. Aemond smirks. It would be much easier for him to find you, tucked away in your own chamber.
Your personal chamber was nicely furnished, in the colors and style of your shared noble house, and had an aura belonging only to a Targaryen princess. Thick wool carpets covered the floor instead of harsh black stone, and your windows were cracked open just a little, with pretty drapes swaying from the light ocean breeze. The walls were hung with different tapestries, all of horses and dragons, and the doors were flanked by Valyrian sphinxes.
And to the corner was your bed, where you, his niece, lay atop, fast asleep.
Aemond wills his heart to continue beating, and for his cock to behave.
He has not laid eyes on you in almost a full decade, ten years too long for him. Both your parents whisked you away to Dragonstone when you were still a child, soft-faced and in the mid of girlhood.
They refused his mother’s offer for a betrothal between the two of you, and broke his heart to the tiniest of pieces that he wondered if they were still scattered around the Keep. But that was so many moons ago, and time slipped by him.
“Gods be good,” Aemond whispers, moving closer.
What has happened to that little girl, that kid niece of his? In her place sleeps a living goddess, too lovely for mankind. You’ve grown beautiful, a mirror image to your mother, his eldest sister. He bends to kiss your bare shoulder- just a simple and tiny kiss- and you stir in your sleep. It is cute, he admits, but he also can not wait another second longer.
Only the gods above know how much he’s wanted you.
With a hard yank, Aemond draws back the bedsheet covers, causing you to jolt up from the bed. You look around, confused and scared and still half-asleep, purple eyes clouding from drowsiness. In front of you sits a stranger, a man- silver-haired and cloaked in black riding leather. Across his eye, an eyepatch.
Your heart quickens at the sight. “Aemond…?” you call out, unsure.
He smiles, teeth and all. “You do not know how happy it makes me to know you are still able to recognize me, my niece. After all, it has been awhile- ten years, has it not?”
You shrug, trying to wipe the sleep away from your eyes. “What…what are you doing here?” you ask, while patting down the bed, looking for the sheets to cover your chest. “Should you not be at King’s Landing? Why are you here?” Your eyes grow as wide as a dinner plate as you soon add, “Oh no, has something happened? Is it my grandfather?”
But Aemond scoots closer, bringing his face to yours. “Do not fret, nice. I’m here on my own wishes,” and he twirls a thin strand of silver hair around his finger, humming as he watches it fall back around your shoulder. In that sheer Dornish nightgown, you look good enough to eat, and the princeling is feeling beyond ravenous.
“I’m here to collect a debt.”
Lucerys…you think, a sinking feeling in your chest. His stolen eye, that night on Driftmark…
Ten years and Aemond still seeks revenge.
“No,” Aemond says, shaking his head. He moves even closer, grabbing at your shoulders. His palms are rough and callous. “I would dare not hurt you. Anyone but you. You…” he sighs, “-you were promised to me, back when we were children. You were meant to be my wife, and they stole you from me. The only good fucking thing in my life, and it was taken away…”
He studies you, his eye running across your face, down your neck and to your chest.
That Dornish nightgown clings loose to your body, and he can see your nipples perk against the fabric. It sends blood rushing between his thighs. “Tell me, niece, what did I do to deserve that?”
“No!” he hisses, tightening his grip on you. “No! You have not the slightest idea of the fucking torture I’ve endured these years. The nights I stayed up, begging to the gods that I might have you. I thought…maybe if they heard my pleas, saw my faith, they would…but no. Ten years, and not a single glimpse of you.” Your breath hitches when he meets your gaze, “I dreamt of you, every damned night. Fought the urges to fly over and collect you from here…”
You shake your head. “Aemond…” you say, softly. “I’m betrothed to another, this cannot be.” You press your hand against his cheek, feeling him lean into your touch, and kiss his forehead. “I have missed you greatly, uncle, but it has been years! So many years. I’m to be married soon.” You pull back, “It is best if you return home, and start finding a lady of your own choosing.”
Aemond sighs, and inside his chest, he feels his heart being ripped apart again.
“You are right, my dearest niece. My sincerest apologies for waking you up, it was quite wrong of me. I shall see myself out,” and he kisses your hand, brushing his lips against your knuckles. “I wish you all the luck in your marriage, and may your husband love and appreciate you till the dying days of his damned life.”
You smile at him, though a bit sad now. “Thank you, uncle. To you as well.”
The princeling turns to leave, and you sit up watching as he makes his way to your door, before sinking back into your bed. “Goodbye, Aemond,” you call out, one final time before your eyes close, failing to see him pause and turn around to look at you.
What was he doing? Foolish man, he thinks. Foolish, stupid man!
Was it in his nature to admit defeat so easily, and to some unnamed wastrel cunt of a man? No. Throughout his life, Aemond suffered nothing but tremendous losses, while being denied the goodness and fairness that a child should’ve had. His lips pucker at the thought.
You were right there, close enough for him to finally claim.
And so he did.
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“Shhh, keep your voice down,” Aemond tuts next to your ear, a heavy arm slung over your naked breasts as he holds you as close to his chest as possible. It feels as if he is frightened to let you go, worried you would disappear before his very eye, with another ten years slipping by until he finds you again.
His other hand lies between your trembling thighs, fingering you with such an intensity and speed that it leaves you utterly ruined and in tears. “Aemond…” you hiccup, nibbling at your bottom lip as he groans. “Fuck! You sound so good when you say my name like that. Gods be good, you are wet. Absolutely soaking my fingers. Doesn’t this feel good?” he asks, using his thumb to rub at your clit. “Yeah…it does, doesn’t it?”
You sniffle, fat tears streaking down both cheeks as you nod.
Oh, it feels good. So good, but so wrong as well.
You were to be married in less than a fortnight, to a highborn lord of House Stark, handsome and kind. How would you explain this to him? Or to your parents, who proposed the marriage between you two? How would you tell them that you were ruined? And it was your uncle’s fault.
“Please, Aemond…”
Aemond grabs at your jaw, cradling it in his hand before pulling it close to his face. “Shhh, it will be alright, my love. Do not fret. You will be okay, just give in,” he whispers, quickening his fingers as he fucks them into you, curling two to hit your sweet spot. You almost scream, so overcome with pleasure that it hurts. “This is where you are meant to be, darling, make no mistake in believing that. My bride, my love.”
My woman, he thinks gleefully, watching how your face scrunches up. Your eyebrows furrow and your mouth press together in a tight line, and it is the most beautiful sight.
My woman, made for me. Made for my love and protection and seed…
Goosebumps prickle along your arms as wet sounds echo across the chamber, followed by a strew of whimpers and moans. It sounds so dirty, so sinful and wrong that you pray to whichever god was listening in that no one would overhear such, especially your parents and siblings. Your father would have Aemond’s head, no doubt, and your older brother might rob him of his only other good eye.
“Oh, fuck…” you moan, flinging your head back, “-don’t stop, don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
A minute or so later, your vision blackens, the room spins, and your jaw slacks as you cum plenty around his fingers, all with such a high-pitched shriek that Aemond slaps a hand over your mouth to muffle the noise. “What did I say? Stay quiet!” he hisses before chuckling, smearing the mess around your folds while you make an attempt to catch your breath. “Very good, my love. You did so well for me.”
He brings a finger to his mouth, to suck at the taste. “Your taste is heavenly,” he moans, swirling his tongue around it. He then brings two to your mouth, swiping at the tiny bit of drool pooling before stuffing them in. “Suck. Taste yourself now.”
“Dirty girl,” Aemond hums, a smirk curving on his lips as he watches the way you lick and suck at his fingers. “You are digging a grave too deep to escape, darling.”
Ruin me, you want to say. If I’m to die, I rather it be in your hands than anyone else’s…
He lays you back down on the bed next, making sure your head rests comfortably against the pillows. Ten years, Aemond reminds himself. Ten fucking years. He can feel his resolve slowly weakening by the second. You’re too beautiful, too soft and womanly and perfect for him. Every fantasy he dreamt up during boyhood never claim as close as to this. “I dreamt of this for fucking years,” he admits while kissing your pink and pouty lips. “All the possible ways to take you, to fuck this pretty cunt of yours.”
Your legs wrap around his hips as he pushes his cock inside you. It is painful- undeniably painful- yet he swallows every cry and wince and moan that you give. Your fingernails dig into his skin from the terrible pain- the stretch and the sting and the weird feeling growing deep within your tummy.
“It is too much…!” you whimper against his lips. “Hurts!”
“Of course it hurts, darling, it is your first time. Every woman hurts when a man takes her first blood. But you can take it.”
“No,” you whine, trying to shove him away. “No, Aemond, it hurts too much-” But Aemond only kisses your temple, sweet and gentle and lovingly, while rocking his hips against yours. “It’ll feel so good soon, my love, trust me. I would never do anything to hurt you, not my precious and sweet girl,” he coos, leaning to rub your noses together, “-my brave girl.”
Ten years.
He could not stop, even if he wished to. No, not now that he finally has you, underneath his body and wet and ripe for his seed.
“I’ll give you our child,” he mutters beside your lips as he pinches your nipple between two fingers and keeps his thrusts hard, deep, and fast. All of it makes your face twist in a soft gasp, your body tightening as you feel that thick rush of pleasure from before, right before you creamed over his fingers.
“Take my seed and have our child. I promise to take you back to King’s Landing and marry you," he vows through ragged breaths, "and spend the rest of our lives making up for those ten years.”
“Aemond,” you pant, clutching onto his shoulders and dragging his face down for a kiss. His skin is sweaty and flushed, and he has never appeared so beautiful before. You love him. You love him so much, how did you spend ten years without seeing him? It makes no sense. You understand his woes now, clear as day, and you want to rid of them forever.
“I love you! I love you, I love you, make me your wife, please. Please!”
He feels your cunt tightening around his cock, and he is ready to give you everything: his heart, his soul, and his seed.
Come the morning, his son will be swelling within your belly, and he will have you seated atop Vhagar, flying back to the Keep to make you his wife, in both the eyes of the gods and the laws of the land.
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The next day, at dawning, Rhaenyra Targaryen’s only daughter does not join her family to break fast together. Her three half-brothers and two half-sisters raise eyebrows as they munch quietly on their meals but keep silent, all until little Joffrey asks where his older sister might be. Rhaenyra does not know, and neither do the houseguards, the men of the small council, and the maesters, and it worries her greatly.
Her husband, though, is quick to remind her that the princess- ever their trueborn child- enjoys morning rides on dragonback. “Give her a few hours and she will surely return with a new story to tell us,” Daemon says, while sipping on his wine.
But a few hours turn into the rest of the day, and soon evening creeps by.
A raven arrives from King’s Landing, bearing the family a note:
“I’ve taken what was owed to me. Such a pity you all forgot that what was mine is still mine, regardless of time.”
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akaridream · 1 year
please my prince (vegeta x reader)
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tags: vegeta x time patroller! reader, vegeta x saiyan! reader, mentor-mentee dynamic, afab reader
warnings: explicit content, MDNI; he’s kinda mean but not too bad, good girl, princess, bitch... but no spoilers for the fun stuff
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Vegeta had loved the female Saiyan battle suits since the day he hit puberty. The briefs left little to the imagination, showing off many warriors’ favorite assets. Though the story was that they allowed the most freedom of movement, attracting the eye of a potential mate was never too far from a Saiyan’s mind. As you stood in front of Vegeta stretching during a lull in your training session together, he admired your cheeky attire. You had the firm glutes and quads of a powerful warrior, after all. Your efforts shouldn’t go unappreciated. And they certainly didn’t.
Though your training sessions were productive, they were always plagued with an air of tension. As noble a warrior as he was, Vegeta was not immune to the wiles of a female, especially one of his own Saiyan heritage. Something inside him stirred at the sight of your tail swishing, hypnotizing him and making him wish he still had a tail of his own to flirt back at you with. His mind-numbing attraction to you made training sessions an exercise in self-control. When was the last time he had even seen a female Saiyan, let alone one of your impressive power? What would happen if he overstepped the line and made a move on you?
Little did he know, you also struggled to maintain your composure around him. With his widow’s peak and chiseled body, he was a living picture of Saiyan perfection. His narrow waist and hips were well balanced by wide shoulders and a tower of wild hair. His silhouette made you claw half-moons into your palms at the sight. How could any man be so fucking hot?
It was quite the privilege to train with him, too. Only a handful of Time Patrollers had adequate power levels to satisfy the prince. You had the honor of becoming his first Saiyan trainee, garnering special treatment, but not with extra leeway or praise. Vegeta’s regimen bordered on cruel, only because he knew you could handle it. He saw the fire, the passion for battle that blazed in your rich black eyes. He felt the immense power behind your blows. He heard the rage of the oozaru in your battle cry.
“Saiyan men crave strong women,” he recalled telling Kakarot once, and there was no denying it. You were strong. And he craved you.
Many shameful nights, he had gone to the locker room showers at the Patroller Academy with a raging erection thanks to you. Too proud to relent, however, he opted for a cold shower rather than gratify himself. Tonight was shaping up to have the same outcome. The sun had set and the gymnasium at the academy had long since cleared out, leaving only you and your mentor to train on the wrestling mats. The air conditioner had kicked off after dark, leaving you to pine over a shirtless Vegeta with drops of sweat racing down his pecs. You breathed deeply into your stretch, closing your eyes and folding forward to touch your toes. Vegeta closed his eyes too, if only to keep them off your ass. He still had plenty of combinations left to drill into you, he couldn’t deal with a hard-on now. There would be no hiding it in his compression shorts.
“Come on, you’ve slacked off long enough,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m sick of you wasting my damn time. Run the last combo again.”
You continued to stretch, unperturbed. “I’m feeling tight and trying to avoid pulling a muscle,” you snarled. “Plus, I know you’re enjoying the view.”
Vegeta’s face caught on fire, making him turn his back to you. “Shut the hell up, woman! The only thing I’m enjoying is knocking some sense into that smart mouth of yours.”
The tip of your tail twitched and your heart began to race. If there was one thing a Saiyan loved as much as a physical fight, it was a good verbal spar.
“Yeah yeah, I might take you more seriously if you had landed a solid blow on me today. Pretty sure I’ve blocked just about everything you’ve thrown at me,” you said.
Vegeta scoffed and turned back to you. Annoyed, he kneed you in the butt, knocking you off balance. You squealed and rolled forward into a somersault.
“The fuck was that for?” you asked, peering up from the ground at a smug mentor.
“Didn’t block that one, did you?” Vegeta said, raising an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes. “I could have swept you if I wanted. But I don’t want to continue to show up my own teacher. He’s got an ego the size of this planet, don’t want to bruise it.”
“Just get off your lazy ass and run the combo!” he roared as he stood over you. “Why the hell I tolerate you, I don’t even know.”
You smirked and got to your feet, wrapping your tail around your waist. “Like I said, you enjoy the view, Prince.”
Unamused, he came at you with a flurry of powerful blows before you were ready. You managed to dodge and block them, then came in with the combination you had been practicing. He blocked then countered with a swift palm strike, sending you flying. You landed on your feet, then launched back at your mentor, throwing in a wicked elbow straight for his head. With almost no effort, Vegeta slipped past you and kicked with a grunt. You barely leaned back in time, watching his muscled calf fly straight past your nose. Before you could recover, he grabbed a fistful of your black hair and smashed your face into the mat, knee on your spine for good measure. You groaned and tried to get up to no avail.
“Pathetic,” Vegeta growled. “Bragging about your blocking ability but you didn’t see that coming.”
“Because that was a dirty move, Jeet.”
He scoffed and pressed his knee harder into your back. “Do you think Frieza fights clean? Or how about Janemba? Or maybe you think Broly will fight honorably?”
You continued to struggle between his weight and the floor but he kept you pinned. You looked up at him over your shoulder as he leaned down to your ear.
“You’re weak. Just admit you can’t handle my training and give up.”
“Fuck you,” you grumbled.
“Huh? Couldn’t quite hear that, sweetheart. You want me to go easy on you because you’re no stronger than an infant earthling?”
Your nostrils flared and you clawed into the mat. Rage bloomed from deep within you and your hair began to glow blonde.
“I said fuck you Vegeta!” you roared as you threw him off and across the mat. A glint of pride flickered across Vegeta’s face as he stood and barreled towards you with another attack.
You traded blow after blow, matching his power and speed. You gritted your teeth as you sparred and he continued to block your every move.
“That’s it! Push it harder! This is your life you’re fighting for! I’ll send you through the roof if you hold back on me!” Vegeta yelled in your face. He watched as your eyes glowed with intensity in Super Saiyan form, hitting your stride as you fought.
You grunted with each strike, crying out in annoyance as he easily deflected you, then gave you a shove just to show how much of a gap there still was between your power levels. Teeming with frustration, you balled your fists and breathed deep, building your energy.
“I’m not holding back!” you barked with a fully charged punch. You caught your mentor on the cheek, but just barely, causing him to stumble for a moment. You lunged in with a swift knee to his solar plexus, driving him straight back and onto the ground. One knee on his chest and the other by his hip, you pinned him to the mat, crossing a forearm over his neck and holding one of his thick biceps down. His eyes narrowed as you panted over him like a raging bull, a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth.
“That punch was not part of the combo,” he snarled.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Princess. Did you think I was gonna fight clean?”
“Tch, you damn brat!”
Vegeta’s eyes flashed blue, his hair flaring to a brilliant gold as he quickly reversed your positions, rolling you onto your back. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them next to your head while he straddled one of your legs. His face was dangerously close to yours before you knew what happened.
Your breaths mingled in the thin air between you. Hearts beating wildly, you watched the inky black return to his irises as yours did the same. You unwrapped your tail from your waist and allowed it to brush against Vegeta’s leg. The golden glow faded from you both and you realized just what you were feeling against your thigh.
“V… Vegeta, are you…” you panted.
The look in his eye grew dark as his gaze darted to your lips. Bristling with a different energy, you extended your neck to meet him with a searing hot kiss.
His grip on your wrists grew tight as he mashed his lips back against yours. He allowed his weight to press into you as you kissed, his tongue beginning to explore.
“The hell was that for?” he breathed against your mouth. Your tongue met his and teased him, drawing him into you.
“You were practically begging for it.” He let go of your wrists to tangle one hand in your hair, giving him leverage to attack your mouth just how he wanted. His tongue was hot yet soft, enticing you to chase and play along. Your hands couldn’t stay off his body. You traced down his sides, feeling the dips between his sculpted muscles. You made your way to his hips, then his taut buttocks, gripping and urging him to drag his hardened cock against your leg. Vegeta chuckled.
“A prince begs for nothing, you damn minx,” he growled.
You moaned as his tongue swirled against yours. “Tell me you’ll fuck me, Vegeta.”
He kissed his way to your neck, sucking and nibbling your tender flesh. “Hmph, now who’s begging?”
You whined as his free hand started to explore over your breastplate. “I… I’m not begging.”
“Really?” He chuckled darkly. “Then what do you call those noises, hm?”
You started to move your hips, searching for friction against your throbbing clit. “I’m not some submissive little girl,” you said.
Vegeta stilled your hip and sucked a mark onto your collar bone. “No, you’re just a Saiyan bitch in heat who wants the prince to satisfy her.”
You roughly grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him back to your mouth. “I’m not that desperate, especially not for you.”
He denied your kiss and held your gaze. “Your actions speak louder than your words, woman,” he said, ghosting a finger over your slit. Your throat tightened as he pressed against your throbbing clit, trying not to let him know just how needy you really were. But as he locked his eyes with yours, you couldn’t ignore the intense, pulsing desire you felt for him, allowing a moan to fall from your lips.
“Fuck, so what if I am?” you whined. “What if I do want you that bad?”
He smirked. “You gave in to me so easily. Why the hell should I reward you?”
“Because you want me, too.”
He snickered and graced you with a rough kiss.
“You think you’re that special, huh?” he said.
You gave his lower lip a gentle bite, eliciting a low groan and hard drag of his cock against your leg.
“Not really. But I think I know a horny man when I see one.”
Vegeta smirked and repositioned himself between your legs, humping against your clothed core agonizingly slowly. A hot breath escaped you and your nails dug into his hips.
“Mm, Vegeta,” you moaned.
“You’re going to take me like a good girl, you got it?” he asked, creating a blissful rhythm against you. You nodded. “And you’re going to let your prince use you just how he wants, right?”
You nodded again. “Yes. You can have me Prince Vegeta.” Pleasure was building quickly as he dry humped you. Your whines echoed through the empty gym, reminding you that anyone could walk in at any moment.
Another desperate kiss betrayed the prince’s feelings: he needed you, too. He stripped off your armor, leaving you in a strappy sports bra and your briefs. He rolled you onto your stomach and ran his hands up the backs of your thighs.
“If it wasn’t for this perfect ass of yours, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” he said, thumbs brushing against the bottom of your buttocks. He gave a light smack, making you bite your lip and wiggle your hips.
“I knew you loved it,” you teased. He gave a harder smack as your tail began to flit excitedly.
He removed your briefs slowly, revealed your muscular ass in all its glory. “The fact that it belongs to the hottest Saiyan woman I’ve ever seen doesn’t hurt either.”
You grinned as he tossed your briefs aside, his eyes devouring your drooling slit. Your tail swished with an enticing rhythm. Vegeta couldn’t keep his hands off you and he ran his calloused palms over the developing spank mark before gliding a fingertip over your most sensitive parts.
“Need it, my prince,” you sighed.
His cock ached. “You’ll get it when I decide you’re ready.”
He plunged a finger deep into your velvetty walls, but it only served to make you want more. You craved the deep stretch his cock would provide. Vegeta twisted his wrist as he withdrew his finger, then penetrated back into you with force. The slick, shiny arousal coated his finger and began to drip down his knuckle as it rammed against you. Your tail wrapped tightly around his wrist, urging him to continue.
He positioned you with one leg bent up and your ass arched high into the air, a gorgeous angle to see your aching pussy. Impatient and painfully hard, Vegeta added a second finger, scissoring the pair apart as he pulled out from you. The pressure against your insides caused you to cry out and press your forehead hard into the mat. You balled your fists and moaned his name as he gradually stretched you further.
“Please, need your cock,” you breathed between moans. Vegeta gave a dark chuckle and began removing his shorts. You watched him over your shoulder, his cock heavy and thick as it sprang free. You salivated at the sight.
“Can I have you in my mouth?” you asked, starting to sit up.
He grabbed the back of your neck and returned your face to the mat. “No. I want you like this. Now get your ass up nice and high for me.”
You obeyed, arching your back to display your cunt for the prince. He kept his hand on your neck as he caressed your backside, then allowed his cock to rest against you.
“Good girl. Now take me. Take me like the bitch you are.”
He teased your entrance with his cockhead, dragging it to brush against your clit then back to your awaiting slit. On his knees over you, he firmly started pressing the head into you, watching it disappear, then reappear with your arousal covering it. He moaned your name in praise as he pushed himself in further.
“That’s it, take my cock,” he panted. Your back muscles clenched as he sheathed himself.
“Fuuuuck, you feel so good!” you cried. “Fuck me Prince, please.”
Vegeta’s hips rocked into yours as he bottomed out, giving you the delicious stretch you craved. Your tail instinctively wrapped around one of his thighs as he withdrew. Your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as the prince worked up to a rough rhythm, pounding you into the mat.
“Ahh! Fuck yes, fuck yes Vegeta,” you moaned as your hands clawed the mat for purchase. You dug your elbows in and threw your hips back against him as he fucked you, flesh smacking flesh in a sinful sound that echoed off the concrete walls.
“Your cunt is perfect,” he grunted. “Fucking perfect.” He watched each thrust ripple through your ass, driving his quickly approaching orgasm. Laying over you, he kissed, sucked and bit at your shoulders as he fucked you. His cock drove deep and hard making you whine in delight.
“Keep making those sounds for me, princess,” he commanded in your ear. “Knew you’d be a good girl, knew you’d beg for your prince.”
“Mm, anything for you Vegeta. Wanted you to fill me up for so long!”
His speed and power increased as he neared his climax. His breaths were short, exasperated gasps of pleasure accentuated by groans and moans from deep in his throat.
“You want me to cum in your tight little cunt? That what you want?” he asked, biting at your ear. You couldn’t even form words and only nodded and moaned.
He grunted with a fiery passion as he pounded you with bruising force. He held your hip firmly in place, fucking you like he’d never get another chance. His sounds became more broken, more honeyed until he finally snapped his pelvis against your plush ass with a guttural moan.
“Gahh, ahh ah ahh!” Vegeta cried out, nearly knocking the breath out of you as he came with powerful final thrusts. You whimpered beneath him, squeezing his pulsing cock with your walls. He panted desperately as he came down from his high, collapsing fully onto you while staying sheathed in your heat. As your tail loosened its grip on his thigh, he reached down to twirl it between his fingers. The intimate gesture filled your stomach with warmth as he laid his weight into you. Once the prince caught his breath, he brushed your wild hair away and nuzzled into the back of your neck. 
“Fucking perfect, perfect little cunt. But now that I’ve gotten my way,” his voice rasped. “It’s your turn, my princess.” Your heart jolted at his suggestion.
“Not tapping out?” you chuckled as he played with your tail.
He scoffed. “Just because I come first doesn’t mean you don’t come at all. Need to feel you shaking in my arms.”
Vegeta finally pulled out from your pussy, causing his cum to spill out and onto the mat, leaving you empty, but not yet spent. You rolled onto your back and sat up, finally stripping off your bra. The prince’s eyes grew hungry at the sight of your breasts. Vegeta returned his lips to yours in a slow, sensual kiss, surprising you after how forcefully he had fucked you. His hands roamed all over your neck, into your hair, over your nipples as he lapped at your tongue. You wrapped your arms around his muscled shoulders, pressing chest to chest as you made out, steamy breaths in between kisses.
Vegeta sat back on the mat with his legs wide and invited you to sit between them, back against his firm pectorals and abs. He brushed your hair away and bit your ear before breathing sweet nothings into it.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “So incredibly sexy, it’s been driving me mad.” You sighed as his hands caressed your skin, kneading your thigh and breast as he kissed your neck. “Took you damn long enough to make your move, you know,” he said.
You laughed and melted into his touch like a wilting flower. “Oh, you know Saiyan women. We like to tease. But I just couldn’t keep my hands off you any longer.”
Vegeta licked and sucked your skin, his head dizzy at the soft mewls you let out. His fingers began to tease your sensitive entrance, still slick with his cum. He traced around the perimeter, then upward over your clit. You shuddered and moaned.
“That’s it, princess. Let me make you tremble,” he growled.
He pinched and pulled at your nipple with one hand and worked your pussy with the other, dipping his fingers deep inside and using the heel of his palm to rub your clit. You writhed against his chest and clawed into his thigh while he twirled your tail around his hand. He gave it a light squeeze, sending a pulse of pleasure up through your spine.
“Mnnh, Vegeta, you’re so fucking good,” you breathed as he finger-fucked you. You matched his rhythm with your hips as the intensity began building. You turned your head to the side and kissed him feverishly, moaning into his mouth. The taste of his tongue was addicting. 
His fingers slid into you with the most perfect friction, hitting your sweet spot thrust after thrust. Vegeta wrapped an arm around your waist, as if any space between your bodies was too much. He pressed his head against yours as you chased and humped his hand. You clutched his bulging forearm, guiding him to touch you just right.
Feeling the steady approach of white-hot bliss, you squealed. “Mm! Gonna cum!” 
“Do it. Cum for me. Cum for your prince.”
You called his name, clinging to him tightly as the rush came. “Haaahhh, fuck Vegeta!” you cried out. Your back arched like a cracking whip and shock waves of sweet euphoria crashed over you. Your body quaked just like he wanted, making him chuckle in pride.
“That’s it,” he cooed in your ear as he stroked your tail and nuzzled against you. You clenched his fingers within you as he pressed his palm into your clit, coaxing out more shuddering pleasure. “That’s my princess.”
“Goddamn, that was so good,” you praised, collapsing into him completely as the aftershocks pulsed through you.
He kissed your shoulder, licking the salt of your sweat. “You’re too fucking loud, you brat. You want the whole city to know what we’re up to?”
You laughed and shoved Vegeta to the ground so you could lay on top of him. “I don’t give a shit. They deserve to know who made me cum so hard.”
He smirked and held you against his sweaty chest. “Damn right.”
“And you weren’t exactly quiet either, Prince of all Saiyans,” you teased, feeling his cock had hardened again. You reached down to stroke it, but he caught your wrist and brought it to his lips.
“I have self-control when I need to.” He closed his eyes and kissed your wrist and fingers. “We should hit the showers for the night.”
You hummed and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you made quite a mess of me. Thought you might be interested in another round, but if you don’t have the stamina-”
His eyes shot open and he squeezed your hand. “I didn’t say we should hit the showers separately, did I?”
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Tengen with a Tamaranean! Reader
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Fandoms: DC, Demon Slayer
A/N: YEAH, NO, MY BRAIN HAS BEEN HAVING THOUGHTS. If you don't know what Tamaraneans are; they are an alien race in DC comics that Starfire comes from. Obv a Tamaranean would be too OP in Demon Slayer. ANOTHER GREAT THING ABOUT TAMARANEANS IS THAT POLY RELATIONSHIPS ARE NORMALIZED
Warning: Reader kisses characters out of nowhere (this is because Tamaraneans CAN speak other languages but they have to kiss someone in order to do it)
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- He was probably fight a demon and you had just crash landed on Earth and while you had no idea what was going on, you stepped in when you saw the large and ferocious demon looming over him and used one of your star bolts.
- To be honest, I honestly think Tengen wouldn't think too much about aliens (my guy is wearing crystals) probably thought you were a demon at first but then you smiled at him and his brain went blank. Yeah, no, definetly not a demon.
- HIS WIVES CATCH UP, THEY'RE CONFUSED ABOUT WHO YOU ARE but are very fascinated by you. But then when they ask you questions, you can't understand them and you try to signal that to them with your hands but then you sighs and kiss the nearest one.
- That one happened to be Suma and she was shocked and when you pulled away, her face was beat red and she looked like she was about to faint. EVERYONE ELSE WAS BAFFLED BECAUSE THIS HAPPENS IN THE SPAN OF, LIKE, 30 MINUTES.
- "I'm sorry about that, I couldn't understand you before and I could not speak your language. My people overcome that obstacle through lip contact, I hope you understand."
- And they just accept it tbh. You seem very earnest and noble and you did save Tengen's life.
- NO BECAUSE YOU STAYING WITH THEM AND HELPING WITH CHORES. Lifting Hina up when things are too high for her to reach so she doesn't have to deal with smug Tengen, Holding Suma because you're so warm and your arms feel so strong and safe when she gets a bit too hysterical, and Makio getting all flustered when you tell her how beautiful she is when she's angry and she reminded you of a fierce war queen.
- TENGEN LITERALLY THINKS EVERYTHING YOU DO IS FLASHY. The way you can lift up all three of his wives and HIM with ease, the way you fly around with such joy and look so angelic as you do so, and how you try to support his fellow Hashira against demons and is always impressed by your strength in battle.
- BRO, IN ALL FAIRNESS, They were hesitant to confess to you because yeah, you were kinda flirty and free in your own sense due to the nature of your people, but then when they ask about polygamy and stuff and you tell them that it's not uncommon on your planet and that you wish to find your love or lovers, then they all perk up and bring up the idea of you becoming their partner.
- AND OF COURSE YOU ACCEPT. They have been nothing but kind and gracious to you and it didn't hurt that they were all so attractive.
- At night, they all definetly cuddle as close as possible to you because of how warm you are so you often times have to be in the middle (Tengen and/or Suma are the blanket stealers, I know it-)
- Your people are very affectionate so sometimes your lips might heat up during kisses and leave light burn marks on their skin. You apologize as Makio just pouts and gives you the silent treatment, Tengen is just smirking because tbh it's kinda hot to him, and Suma is a flustered mess along with Hinatsuru whose currently helping apply ointment.
- But yeah, no, Tengen would be showing you off all the time and ALSO, THE EGO BOOST HE'D GET WOULD BE INSANE BECAUSE HE'S LIKE: "DO YOU SEE THIS!? I HAVE FOUR WIVES, ONE OF WHICH IS AN ALIEN WHO CAN EFFORTLESSLY KILL DEMONS." to anyone who'd be listening.
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alkaisen · 2 months
Maybe you run a flower shop which had William’s favorite flowers for sell! :3
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: this was a really cute request, thank you :)
: fluff, slice of life, william j. moriarty x gn!reader, kinda ooc?
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the bell above the door jingles as you, owner of a well known flower shop in your town enter, carrying a floral arrangement. it is early, you're getting ready to open up for today and you can hear the chirping of morning birds.
you hum to yourself as you put the finishing touches on the arrangement, carefully arranging baby's breath amongst blue tulips. satisfied with your works you step back with a smile and place the vase on the counter, just as the sun beams in through the large storefront window.
a few locals stop in for their weekly bouquet purchases. you chat with them while putting together their orders. mrs. murphy orders lilies for her kitchen table while the johnsons need assorted flowers for their son's wedding this weekend.
as you box up the johnson's order, the bell above the door jingles once more, and you look up to greet the new customer. "good morning and welcome! how can I help y..." your voice trails off when you notice who walked in.
it's william james moriarty, one of the noble brothers that had moved in town recently. you'd seen him walking to work recently, but were hesitant on whether to introduce yourself.
he smiles at you, "hello, i just moved in with my brothers and was hoping to find some flowers to brighten up the new place."
you feel your cheeks flush pink. you'd heard that he was handsome, but not to this extent. you wipe your hands on your apron and step around the counter. "well, william, let me show you our selections. i think I have just the thing."
you lead him over to the rose display. "our roses are always a good choice for a new home. the reds and pinks give a nice pop of color."
william gazes admiringly at the roses. "they're beautiful, my favourite flowers as well. but i was hoping for something a little lower maintenance. my green thumb is more brown."
you laugh at that. "no problem at all." you walk william to the back corner where miniature rose bushes sit in terracotta pots. "roses are your favourite, aren't they? well, these mini roses are perfect for beginning gardeners. they don't require much care but the blooms last for weeks. they come in a variety of colors as well — red, pink, yellow..."
he runs his fingers along the velvety petals of a soft yellow rose. "these are lovely. i'll take one of each color, please."
"excellent choice!" you beam. gently, you lift the pots and carry them to the counter. as you're ringing him up, william strikes up a conversation. "have you owned this place for a very long time?" he asks curiously.
"about five years now." you reply, smiling at him. "i've always had a passion for flowers so when I saw the shop was for sale, i took a chance."
"it seems to be working out well for you." he notes, glancing around at the thriving shop. "do you live near here too?"
"just around the corner, actually." you hand william his bag of roses. your fingers brush slightly as you doe and you feel a flutter in your heart. clearing your throat, you speak: "let me know if you need any gardening tips for the roses. and.. free to stop by anytime."
"i think i just might take you up on that offer." william smiles warmly, bidding goodbye and leaves the shop with roses.
you sigh happily, watching him leave.
having a good looking neighbour doesn't sound too bad...
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a few weeks have passed. it's a busy saturday morning at the flower shop. you're putting together floral arrangements while also helping customers. as you finish boxing up a large wedding order, the bell above the door jingles.
you look up hopefully, wishing to see a certain neighbor... and sure enough, it's william.
"good morning william," you say, hoping you sound calm and not too giddy. "what can i do for you today?"
william holds up a potted rose bush, it's blooms now drooping. "i'm afraid i may have over-watered rosie here. i was hoping you could give me some tips on reviving her?"
you raise an eyebrow; "you named a flower?"
william smiles shyly, shrugging.
you grin. "of course, let me take a look." you examine the soil, which is soggy & heavy. "hmm.. too much water does seem to be the culprit. don't worry though, it's an easy fix."
you lead him to the backyard greenhouse, "we'll transplant little rosie to fresh soil and trim away any rotted stems." a pause. "a dose of fertilizer should do the trick, too."
you work in comfortable silence together. you feel your pulse quicken at williams's close proximity and wonder whether it's just you that's feeling this way. when they finish replanting, your eyes meet and both share a shy smile.
"there we go... that should do it." you stand up and brush the dirt from your hands. "be sure not to over-water again! one good soak per week is plenty."
william reaches for his wallet but you stop him. "ah, nono. please. it's fine. i didn't do much anyway."
he pauses, hand still in his pocket. "are you sure?"
"mhm." you nod. "completely."
"well, then. thank you very much for your help, (name)." william says sincerely, eyes creasing at the end as he smiles down at you. "i'm not sure what I'd do without my favorite florist. is there... any way i can repay you?"
you feel yourself fluster at the title. before you can second guess yourself, you speak: "you know, the grounds are looking a bit overgrown. i could use an extra pair of hands weeding. any interest in helping out for a bit?"
you watch as his face lights up. "i'd be happy to."
you spend the afternoon with him, laughing and chatting as you work side by side in the garden. william is a willing pupil, and he soaks up whatever you have to say. when the sun starts to set, you realize hours have passed.
"i think that about does it. thanks so much for your help today, william." you say with a smile, although a twinge of disappointment is apparent now that the time is over.
"my pleasure." he replies sincerely. there's a beat of awkward silence before he speaks again. "(name), i was wondering...would you like to get lunch with me sometime?"
you beam. wow, was this really happening? "i'd love to," a pause." if you bring me a bouquet of those roses you like."
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tsibeyantiger · 5 months
I had the inconvenience to read a post where it said that percabeth was a bad ship because they don't seem to LIKE each other and I'm like??????????? How can anybody not get THAT? Like seriously, think about it for just a minute.
Imagine you are Annabeth. Your family pretty much abandoned you. Your newfound sister died so you could make it out alive. When you were just seven years old. It is hard for you to trust anyone because you keep on losing who matters to you. And you know about the prophecy and that you won't leave camp until the kid from the prophecy shows up (if Chiron hasn't said that, I'm sure Annabeth was able to connect the dots). The kid who's gonna die when he turns 16 to save Olympus OR destroy it. So you're NOT supposed to like him, even though you know your pathes will cross. You expect him to be a son of Zeus, which would be fine. You can be his deputy in battle, just as your mom is Zeus', and when he dies, it's gonna be "Farewell, my lord, it was an honour to fight under your command". Not very delightful, but you are used to worse.
Then Percy shows up. And he is a son of POSEIDON. Not at all what you expected, yet it's your destiny to interact somehow with him. What if he turns out evil? What if you're the one who HELPS him destroy Olympus? Okay, no, no, no, stop. You are NOT SUPPOSED to like him AT ALL. But- he is kinda charming. Not the arrogant, wrath filled rowdy you'd expect. A troublemaker, yes, but he's trying to be nice to everyone, always roots for the underdogs, doesn't care about your parents' rivalry and is incredibly skilled yet totally unaware of it. You go on the quest. You safe the world. And you realise he is kind and brave and just and will never turn evil. This is the hero who will die while defending Olympus. And you're the fool who couldn't avoid falling in love with him.
Fast forward. Percy keeps on doing annoyingly cute and noble stuff you wish you never saw because it makes you like him even more. The photo. Tyson (you don't like him, but it IS wholesome that Percy chose to be his friend when no one else was). The moment he gave Clarisse the fleece. Then you get kidnapped and he travels across the whole country to save you, even lifts the sky for you. And then he says he chooses the prophecy and you give up all hope (you've spend hours and hours thinking whether you'd want Thalia to die or Percy, and you feel so guilty for it). He doesn't even know the full meaning, but you are just sure he'd make the same choice if he knew it means death, all to protect a little boy he hardly knows.
And you're like: Fuck this. Too late to run from your feelings. You're already in love. Your heart's gonna be broken anyways. So, you decide to try your luck. If you're gonna miss him for a lifetime, it shall be worth it. And THEN, suddenly, Rachel shows up. Like, this is no average teenage love triangle drama bullshit. OF COURSE, Annabeth explodes like a volcano. Any of us would.
Meanwhile, Percy doesn't know shit and is just hella confused. He doesn't know the content of the prophecy, doesn't know much about Greek mythology and whenever he does, he doesn't care. He just gets the impression that Annabeth hates him, yet somehow seeks his company. Percy has close to zero confidence, due to him also being often abandoned and ending up as a failure and an outsider, so it's probably the second part that's harder to understand, but he tries to make the best of it. He is kind and patient, offers Annabeth his friendship and ultimately, she accepts. Not for a second he'd imagine she might be in love with him, Because This Is Not How People Behave. From his perspective, Annabeth tends to act like a bitch out of nowhere, sometimes she pushes him away, sometimes she wants him to come closer. He accepts this somehow, but of course he gets frustrated sometimes. Who wouldn't?
But still he never even thinks about going low contact. He never questions their friendship, he always wants Annabeth as close as possible. And people say they don't LIKE each other? Please!
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ellewritesalright · 1 year
Second Best - Part 1
Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Masterlist --- Part 2
A/N: Look, am I starting a new series when I haven't finished nly? Yes, I am. And I would proudly do it again because this story has been in my drafts for so long and I want yall to see it. Hope it's coherent enough :) also, I gave the mc reader a last name :)
Synopsis: When you were a child, the Lantsov king and queen arranged for their second son to marry you, a rich Ravkan noble family's only daughter. After many years, after all the destruction of the war, and after Nikolai was crowned king, Nikolai breaks off the engagement. But the complications of your past and your strict parents make it a nightmare to find a new fiance, so Nikolai promises to help you, yet he slowly realizes the mistake he's made.
Warnings: strict and mean parents, very slight self-image issues because of said parents, kinda confusing and purposefully ambiguous details that will be important later in the story (bear with me please)
Word Count: 1700
It was going to be a very important day, your mother had said. She sat in the corner of the room as a gaggle of maids did you up. Everything needed to be perfect for your meeting with the new king of Ravka. After all, he was your fiance, but there were rumours that he did not wish to marry you.
The engagement was made when you were both children and he was only supposed to be a prince, but now circumstances had changed and he was king of a fractured nation. He would need to marry for the good of Ravka, so a political match would be much more beneficial. You wouldn't blame him if he chose to marry a foreign princess or noblewoman, but your parents insisted that you would be the future queen of Ravka.
"Stop fidgeting," your mother commanded. You straightened out, averting your stare as you mumbled an apology.
It was cold outside the front door of your parents' home in Os Alta. Goosebumps had broken out on your skin and you struggled to not rub some warmth into them. All you could do was wait for the king to arrive. He was more than ten minutes late, but your father had insisted that you all remain standing at the entrance until Nikolai arrived. 
As you heard carriage wheels in the street you swore you could leap with joy that you would soon be allowed inside again, but you stayed perfectly poised. The royal carriage swung around the corner and you felt your heartbeat pick up, kicking into double-time. You pitied any nearby heartrenders, for the thumping must have been utterly annoying; but you came about it honestly.
There was always a fear in the back of your mind that you would be found out. Someone would discover your family secret and you would be exiled from respectable society before you could marry your Lantsov fiance. But you couldn't worry about that now, not when the carriage had stopped and the king was getting out.
If you had been worried about the cold earlier, it was now the farthest thing from your mind. King Nikolai's stare was enough to make your face heat up, and you thought you might burst into flames without a moment's notice as you curtsied to him. He still looked a little like the boy in your faded memory of him, the boy that you met when you were twelve and he was fourteen. He had a boyish countenance, a light-hearted look to him as he stepped out of his carriage.
You were prepared for a bit more resemblance to his older brother, but he was comparatively more handsome than Vasily ever was. His smile was charming and warm, not greasy or snide as his brother's had been; he had a stronger chin than his brother, and really just a better bone structure in general. But perhaps the lack of similarity between him and his brother gave credence to the rumours of his lineage. You often wondered if people thought that way about the differences between you and your parents.
Whatever the case, you were too conscious of the way he didn't offer you his arm as the four of you entered the house to care about any of that. In Ravka it was common for engaged couples to do that sort of thing, even when they were practically strangers, so it seemed the whispers of his detachment from you had some truth.
You settled in the drawing room where tea was presented to the four of you. Mere minutes of small talk passed before your father broached the topic of the engagement. He set down his cup and saucer, leaning back in his seat as he stared at the king. Nikolai had just told an anecdote about the tiring details from his coronation several months ago and your father was ready to pounce.
"I suppose the wedding will be as much of a headache to plan, but this time you'll have my daughter to shoulder some of the weight," he said, a cheerful air to his voice despite the trap he just laid.
"Lord Antonov," Nikolai smiled politely, "I don't suppose you've heard any news from my father or mother."
Your father shook his head, a confused twitch in his brow.
"They were the ones to arrange this marriage, but, as it is, they are not around to see it through. They approved the match back when I was a boy and my father was still king." Here it was. The rumours were about to be verified. Nikolai kept on, "Things have changed since then; I am no longer a boy, and my father is no longer king, so you will forgive me if I would like to drop the agreement that my parents made you many years ago."
"Promises and plans were made, your highness, and they cannot be easily undone--"
"And yet they must be undone." Nikolai levelled your father with a heavy stare. "Ravka needs strong diplomatic ties, and I believe that one of the best options to achieve this is through marriage. I cannot sacrifice the good of this country for an old arrangement made by a party that is no longer in power."
"But what will my daughter do?" Your mother piped up. "She'll have to find a new suitor, but who would want her now that she gets older?"
As much as you would have liked to say that her words did not affect you, you couldn't deny their sting. To your parents, all that their daughter–their only child–had ever been was a bartering chip for well-born men to marry and continue their noble lines, and it showed in your mother's primary concern. If you weren't young, you weren't beautiful, and if you weren't beautiful, who would dare marry you? 
Nikolai nearly laughed. "She is twenty, that is not old. And if you're so concerned that she needs to be married, I will see to it that she finds someone suitable. I know enough barons and marquises who would be glad to marry her."
"For centuries we Antonovs have dedicated our lives--our entire estate--to this country and the Lantsovs, and this is how we are to be repaid?" Your father narrowed his stare. "Have you no honour? That you would go back on your word--some king you are."
If your mother's superficial worries weren't enough to make Nikolai rethink the marriage, insults from your father definitely wouldn't change his mind.
"Father," you gasped as a sorry attempt at admonishment. When you felt eyes on you, you couldn't help but speak, even if your parents wouldn't like what you were going to say. "You should consider the importance of his highness' role in Ravka. If our country needs a political marriage to strengthen diplomatic ties, then perhaps it is for the best that we sever the arrangement you made with the former king."
"My daughter doesn't know what she's saying, your highness," your mother tried to backtrack, but you weren't having it. You'd be in deep shit with them for that first comment, and you figured you should continue since they were already angry.
"If you two are as patriotic as you often say then you would understand that the good of your country comes first. If the king asks you to forgo an old agreement, you should forgo it."
"There you have it," Nikolai said. "The two most important voices in this conversation have spoken." He stood and looked at you. "I must be going now, but perhaps could you walk me out, my lady?"
You stood and set aside your tea, eager to be out of the room. In the hall, you caught Nikolai staring at you. He smiled, looking forward.
"You handled that well," he said.
"I should hope so." You glanced at him. "Like you, I was educated at Ketterdam University where most of my classmates were hog-headed boys who went on and on about the most insignificant topics. I found the best way to assert my voice in the classroom was through a light shaming of those who couldn't figure out when to shut up."
"Very effective," Nikolai remarked, his eyes alight. "What did you study at school?"
"Economics for the most part, but there was also advanced physics as well as debate classes."
"You must have made quite the student." There was approval in his voice.
You held back a proud grin. Men are frightened by smart women, your mother often said. She maintained that you must hold back your brains until after you had a ring on your finger, but because you weren't marrying him, you didn't see the need to hide your intellect. You straightened out and replied, "I was always top of my class."
When you reached the front door Nikolai fastened his jacket and turned to you with a conciliatory smile. "I hope I haven't bent your parents too out of shape."
"They'll get over themselves." But you weren't too certain of your words. You amended, "They'll have to."
"I meant what I told your mother," he said. "I can help you find a fiance. Though I'm sure you wouldn't have difficulty finding one on your own."
You chuckled. "Yes, undoubtedly my mother is already scheming to entrap the next richest bachelor in Ravka into a marriage."
"That's not what I meant." At your quizzical brow, he smiled and fixed the cuffs of his coat. "I only meant to say that you're highly intelligent and quite beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to marry you."
You dared to look away from his hazel eyes, tracing the gold frame of a portrait as you quickly dispelled the heat from your face. When you looked back he was trying to hide a smug smile that told you he knew exactly what game he was playing at. 
"You've scrapped our engagement, and yet now you're flirting with me," you observed with a tsk. "Are you always this contradictory?"
"When the mood strikes me," he said. "Now, it has been a pleasure but I must be getting back to the palace."
You parted ways with a handshake, Nikolai returning home and leaving you to face two very upset nobles.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Feel free to like, reblog, and comment if you want to read more, I really appreciate the feedback! If you want to be tagged in the other parts of this series or to be added to the Nikolai taglist please comment on this part or send me an ask. Otherwise, I hope you have a great day/night :)
Part 2
Nikolai Taglist: @notoakay
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krysanthii · 9 months
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I find Olrox to be a interesting character because he always speaks in double meaning which everything can be put into interpretation. For example: first episode; “Don’t listen to her Richter there is always a choice.”
Kinda found it strange why Olrox spoke to Richter first and even at all! Why communicate with the kid if he was solely there to kill Julia? Than it’s followed up years later where Richter pulls the same question on Olrox too. Perhaps he gave Julia a choice between sparing his lover’s life or he’ll hunt her down and kill her. Or if he hurt her son which is unlikely because I don’t see Olrox hurting kids.
Another example with Olrox seeking Mizrak out in the courtyard when he straddles Mizrak and playfully says: “let’s do this again, somewhere more comfortable”
That did itch my brain a little and I assume it was just queer baiting or a funny innuendo for the fan service or that Olrox wishes to discuss some where comfortable that is environmentally friendly because he is a vampire and they were out in the sun. Next scene they were in bed and oh— OH! congratulations on the show writers for not pulling back any punches! In the inn scene it’s far more insightful when Olrox drops in that “there are demons that were gods and some that still are” which Mizrak throws a hissy fit that there is ONE God. He doesn’t humor Olrox on that any further and stalks off. Olrox walks into the window watching him leaving while standing around direct sunlight and scoffs at Mizrak’s “one god” as if there is only ONE and that his only one god can protect him. Which brings to mind that Olrox being the avatar of Quetzalcoatl is far stronger and completely on the nose. As if saying Mizrak’s only one god will not protect him and it’s Olrox that protected Mizrak in the big fight in the end.
In the alley Drolta finds Olrox eating his Happy Meal and asks if he likes “striking terror in the hearts of children.” Which Olrox assumes the scrappy boy that ran off and he prefers to eat zesty blue bloods from the nobles. Drolta clarifies she meant Richter which he responds to “oh, him.” Richter was not in his mind at all. Richter didn’t have make much of an impact compared to how Olrox had on Richter. He calls Richter “SON of an old foe.” He doesn’t see Richter as a foe or enemy. He sort of smiles and is blasé about it. Julia was his enemy who killed his lover and his revenge died with her. Richter was simply collateral damage and not his enemy. So he doesn’t have any ill will towards Richter.
Another with Drolta and Olrox having a mid night stroll in the cemetary when she talks about creating a new world. Those can be two different things. One of them can be and OBVIOUSLY the fall of the Aztec empire where conquistadors wanted to convert the Aztec empire to Christianity and Catholic. Reading back in history the Aztec Empire became New Spain and the rest of South America like Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela were combined into a really powerful empire from New Spain or Viceroyalty of New Spain to The New Grenada and later The Grand Colombia. But that’s like years later.
His interactions with her are my favorite when he looks up at the sky and knows when the sun is coming up. Nor does he clarify when Drolta says vampires feel it because it’s dread. Olrox looks unbothered and asks her if she should be inside and concerned for her safety. Olrox si like Alucard and can be in the sun because of being the avatar of Quetzalcoatl. She asks flirtatiously where Olrox is staying while Olrox answers reciprocates the flirtation and says he likes “to keep his ear on the ground.” As if answering he likes to be a fly on the wall and to go unnoticed while watching everyone else tear down each other’s throats.
The most obvious part we see Olrox a little distress and and looking a bit vulnerable when he’s in the presence of Erzsebet. Olrox tends to butter people up with his interactions with playful banter but he doesn’t even hide his disgust on Erzsebet and doesn’t even let Drolta finish her introduction. His eye twitches whenever Erzsebet he refers to “dragon.”
Olrox is not a dragon but a serpent and dragons are a European creatures so referring Olrox a dragon is not only offensive but erasing his heritage and culture and who he is. Olrox is the avatar of Quetzalcoatl AKA the Feathered Serpent and it’s literally on the nose. Olrox gave a teeny tiny half ass bow when Drolta told him to and gave a full bow when Erzsebet showed off her glowy ball. The sheer disgust on his face not only tells me he had done this before. A lot of times from many conquerers he had to swallow his pride and bow. Anger, humiliation and that scathing look tells it all. He was forced to help these conquistadors to colonize his empire and slaughter his people and he’s reliving it again.
Another can of worms where Olrox pulls a Zuko officially joining on their side to take down Erzsebet. He has an ulterior motive and doesn’t want the world to be in eternal darkness. Olrox isn’t here to fight Richter at all and has nothing against him so their animosity is one sided. Olrox keeps a safe distance but not for himself but also Richter so he won’t get spooked. There is no audience to show off his influence like he had in cellar he was basically flirting or fucking with him. Calling Richter “Little Boy Belmont,” to unnerve him establish dominance and control of the situation so this fight won’t continue any further and mostly to protect Mizrak because Richter and Mizrak were about to brawl. Olrox was putting on a big show to showcase his powers and influence for the Abbot and Drolta to witness. Olrox has a reputation all the way across the ocean so he wanted to make a good impression and all he had to do was stand there and he made Richter Scooby Doo Run out of the cellar. The fight was neutralized and went on his merry way.
Olrox isn’t here to hurt Richter both physically or psychologically like that stunt in the cellar. It’s just them now in the woods. When Olrox says “I could’ve killed you three times by now, ironic I think for the both of us I need a Belmont.” I think there is more history between them that we did not see. Maybe it was with his mother and Olrox and Julia were friends or allies way back when. Olrox treated her with respect and calling her by her full name before the fight and was only here to kill Julia. He says he needs a Belmont but WHICH Belmont? It could be any Belmont! Julia was his go-to person before he killed her and Juste was in France and Richter was a child. Now he’s grown up and a fully realized hunter he’s capable of helping Olrox. I really don’t know what Olrox meant killing Richter “three times.” Maybe as a child, or in the cellar or now during the fight in the woods. There is an unspoken debt between Olrox and the Belmonts and during his long life he knew the Belmonts really well and had contact with them in some way.
Olrox is so mysterious of what he says or does and it isn’t subtle because there is always double meaning behind his words.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
OMG I got an idea. How about Kit Walker x Reader during the asylum and like maybe Kit learned origami to probs keep himself sane. But also like he made little presents for the reader like paper hearts, sweet secrets messages, PAPER RINGS.
Paper Rings
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note: a person after my lil taylor swift heart 🥺
warnings: just like fluff, kinda mentions of sadness/abuse bc asylum ofc
Kit's POV
My neck ached. After hours of being hunched over on my bed, my shoulders cramped and my head felt heavy.
It was for a noble cause, though. I sat, cross-legged, folding a piece of paper desperately. An attempt at a present that was all too important. It was quite possibly the only thing keeping me sane anymore.
See, when I was thrown into this place, I never thought I'd find a purpose in life again. My determination to escape dwindled by the day and I feared it would never come back. They were making me weak. Complacent. Altogether incapacitated.
In my spare time before the asylum, I wrote. I liked to keep a journal. I wrote down my thoughts. Sometimes I'd draw funny pictures for Alma. It was calming to me. At Briarcliff, though, writing was banned. Fountain pens and pencils were considered weapons. In a place like that, it could turn bad. So I had to find something different to occupy my time.
After receiving my pills one morning, I kept the small paper cup they were handed to me in. I folded it into a little triangle while sitting idly in the common room. I folded the corners down, and it kinda looked like a penguin. I chuckled softly to myself before an orderly came and stripped the paper out of my hands.
It became a daily routine after that. I would take my cup and stash it for later. Hide it in the waistband of my pants. I started shoving them in my pillowcase, or in cracks in the walls. When I'd lay in bed at night, unable to sleep, I would grab out one of the cups and begin to manipulate it into different shapes.
When Y/N got admitted, I was amazed to find that my mind felt clearer, and more and more reasons to try to get out made themselves apparent to me. She was light. Her soft skin, the way her hair bounced as she walked, and the glint in her eyes, all made me fall for her. She was a total doll. A marvel.
I watched her from across the common room. She tied her hair up messily as she looked down at the chess board before her, engrossed in thought. Strands of hair fell into her face and her brow furrowed. Her perfect soft lips pursed in concentration. I wanted to attack her and take her right there on that table.
Always the gentleman, though, I formally began a friendship with her. Over the weeks following, we found that we had more in common than I expected. She gave me a reason to want to live.
I fell in love with her quickly and wholly. I kissed her for the first time in a tucked-away supply closet in the women's wing. I was alive.
My nightly routine gained a new meaning. Every scrap of paper I collected went toward daily gifts for Y/N. She loved birds. She would always talk about she wished she could hear the birds sing outside again. So I figured out how to make all kinds of birds.
This present was different, though. Very different. I was very focused on the daintiest little project. One that was more important to me than anything I'd ever done up to that point. Finally satisfied with my handiwork, I tucked it into my pillow and curled up for a restless night's sleep.
The next morning, I rose with a start at the wake-up call. I couldn't bear to wait until common room time to see Y/N. Nevertheless, I persevered. The passing hours moved so slowly. But at long last, it was time to see Y/N.
She moved with such grace and beauty into the room. Her head was held high, eyes searching for me. I couldn't help but crack a smile when we finally met eyes. She made such a bleak place fill with air.
'Hiya doll,' I smiled, standing to greet her.
'Hi Kit,' she replied brightly. We both flopped down onto the small sofa in front of the window. I took her hand in mine and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. 'Today has been such a drag.'
'I couldn't agree more,' I sighed. 'But, I have somethin' for ya.' Her eyes brightened at my words. I let go of her hand and reached for my left pocket. I stopped before taking out my newest craft.
'Another bird?' she laughed, looking expectantly at my hands.
'No, beautiful. This is somethin' a little different. I gotta tell ya something first, though,' I explained. I removed my fingers from my pocket and placed them in my lap.
'Oh? What's that?' she asked, smile fading slightly.
'I know we haven't known each other for long, but Y/N, you mean the world to me,' I began. 'I'm not very good with my words, so. you'll have to bear with me.' I chuckled softly, putting my head down suddenly embarrassed by my feelings. 'I'll just come right out and say it. I think I love you, Y/N. I hadn't known the type of peace you give me until I met you, a-and I wanna show ya how much I mean this.'
My hand fumbled into my pocket and fished out a paper ring, perfectly smooth and thick enough to last.
'Oh, Kit,' she breathed.
'I wanna give ya this because I can't give ya anything more right now. But know it's a promise from me. When we get outta this place, I'm gonna buy you a real one a'these. A beautiful gold one. I love you,' I gushed.
'I love you too, Kit,' she smiled, tears forming in her eyes.
'I know it-it's kinda stupid but,'
'No Kit, it's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you,' she assured me. I slipped the paper ring onto her ring finger and it fit perfectly. I sighed inwardly in relief.
'Paper or gold, whatever it's made of, just know that it's a promise to you that I am for you. I love you. And we will get out of this place,' I continued.
And I meant every word.
GOD I think this sucks I'm so sorry haha. Love y'all hope you're doing well and are safe and happy.
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lividcryptid · 6 months
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Wish fulfillment timeeee
I’m rewatching Black Butler since the new season is coming out in March, and I wanted to draw my persona (she/they) in the series. I used to do that a lot when I was younger too so it’s kinda nostalgic in a way haha
Some goofy info of my sona in the black butler universe:
Normally, they’d go by the name “Cryptid” since it’s the closest thing to what they are. In this universe, they’ll probably go by an alternate name since they realized that “Cryptid” isn’t a normal name. Maybe they’ll go by Cecilia cause it starts with C
They’re a witch who works in a small medicine shop in one of the smaller towns near Phantomhive Manor. It’s the closest she can get away with magic and potions without seeming too suspicious. Though, time and time again she’ll supply the underground world with powerful potions and posions.
Following up from the last bullet point, Cecilia aligns with chaotic neutral the most. She doesn’t question the reasons why humans would want to buy her poisons, but she finds it pretty amusing. Humans can be so careless with what they want.
Cecilia is a major yapper and will barely shut up. Whenever someone (cough cough Ciel or Sebastian) wants to stay quiet, they just shove candy in her mouth and hope for the best. Along with that, she has a habit of uh- breaking into the Phantomhive manor whenever her store is quiet. The servants are used to it by now and just lets them wander around. They aren’t a major threat anyways.
Their favorite shape is a heart, so those motives are present throughout their outfit. (That’s just in any universe tbh hahshaha)
Her favorite people to be with are actually Prince Soma and Agni. Yes, Cecilia will always follow Ciel around because of his missions, he isn’t the best conversationist. She finds Prince Soma quite funny to be around and enjoys talking to him whenever she can. Agni also helps her out with cooking cause uh,,,,,she has a 50/50 chance of making her food good. Potion making is one thing, but cooking is a whole other science that she can’t handle. They find Agni remarkable and a noble man.
They have stolen Sebastian’s cat once. A gray kitten crawled out of his closet and found Cecilia as she climbed into the manor window. Thinking that the cat distribution system chose them, they scooped up the furball and walked around with it all day. Sebastian found her with the cat and scolded their ear off about it.
The witch sometimes sees Ciel as a younger brother. He’s a traumatized boy with no proper adult figure in his life (Sebastian isn’t a good adult figure tbh 💀💀💀 bro is a manipulator). Yeah sure they sneak into the manor once in a while, but they’ll always keep an eye out for him and try to socialize with him as much as possible. He doesn’t go out often.
Sebastian and Cecilia has an on and off kind of relationship. Sebastian is aware that Cecilia is not human, but can’t put a finger on what exactly is she. He’s also annoyed at the fact that she sneaks into the manor almost every week. On the other hand, Cecilia is jealous at the fact that Sebastian is way too perfect, especially at cooking. He blends in with society extremely well, yet gets to pass off his powers as talent.
Anyways here’s the giant list! More ideas will come to me eventually and I’ll just post it without sketches
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confused-wanderer · 2 years
Okay so I LOVE modern family right? As much as- fuck that - MORE than the next person, literally rewatching it to the point of memorisation.
So yeah, I love that show but a few details didn’t really sit well with me as the seasons progressed. None of this is said with hate, so please don’t come for me.
He was an adorable inquisitive child always searching for out of the box ways of exploration. Sure he was kinda shown as dumb as a child but that could be attributed to his childish innocence or just asking “why not?” . But as he grew into an adult, I really wish we got to see his character progress. I want to see Luke who sure likes girls but isn’t OBSESSED with him. Let him grow out of his teenage phase. I want him being as dorky as Phil with weird extravagant but incredibly sweet ways of talking to his crushes, I want to see Luke who sure may not have done the best at school but had different strengths too and was deducted points due to his out of the box thinking and forgetting to abide by the rules. A Luke that becomes the idea guy at a good company or entrepreneur. Luke who is surprisingly very emotionally perceptive. Luke who stands up for Haley when the adults overshadow her with Alex. Luke who protects Alex from the constant stress of being lonely and feeling like no one understands her. Give me Luke and Manny shenanigans that are reminiscent of “put two brain cells in a room and suddenly they’re stupid”. Luke bonding with Lily over creative inventions, Luke sharing Phil’s interest in trampolining and dancing and does it for the girl he really really likes. Luke who isn’t dumb, just not as strict and academically inclined but does well in what he sets his mind to. Luke who has Claire’s business sense and Phil’s mind for inventions. Luke who is sharp and kind, Luke who is the glue of the family. Luke who is quick to tell when someone’s being manipulative, Luke who can easily charm a guy into giving him their own wallet, Luke who is business smart and Luke who loves corny things but will defend them with all he’s got. Luke who is the go to person everyone calls when they’re lost or scared. Luke who is actually crazy rich because he invests in stock market. Luke who donates a lot of money for noble causes such as forest fires, dog shelters etc because he has a kind generous heart. Luke who doesn’t tell anyone how rich he is and continues childish shenanigans that are hilarious.
Cuz I believe Luke’s character was never meant to be portrayed as dumb, and seeing his potential keeps me wondering what more we could’ve seen him become.
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vulpes-z3rda · 2 years
Voicelines About You
author’s notes: Hiya guys! I’ve seen this idea floating around so I figured I’d write a short one myself. Let me know if you want to see any other characters with this idea :)
Warnings: there may be some things that are considered suggestive or innuendos
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About you - loving you: (Friendship lvl 4) OHO so you wanna know about my y/n, do ya? Well, they’re my other half! They help keep the boys in the gang in check haha... They’re super special to me you know? Don’t look into that too much, they’re just my bro... nothing else!
About you - hobbies: (Friendship lvl 6) Whenever we’re together we always end up having arm wrestles... who wins?? ME?? DUH, I can’t believe you just asked me that. what do you mean they said they do? LIAR!!! Yeah that’s right, I, Arataki “Numeru Uno” Itto, definitely won. Don’t believe them.
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About you - learning to love: (Friendship lvl 4) Hm? That’s a rather personal question isn’t it traveller? Well, it took me a while to open up to them given my position within Inazuma. I was also hung up on what my parents may have thought given their none noble status. I can’t just open my heart to anyone after all, but they... they’re showing me slowly that it’s okay to love and display that love.
About you - work: (Friendship lvl 6) They’re always nagging me to spend less time on my paperwork or else I’ll end up burning myself out. My my, you’re getting rather bold with your line of questioning aren’t you? I guess they’re just missing me in an... intimate sense. Now, off with you, I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do. Unless, you wish to help with this paperwork?
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About you - meeting you: (Friendship lvl 4) Y/n? Ah, where do I even begin with them? They’re a local from Inazuma and one of the first people I met when I finally arrived here. They used to work for the Kujou Clan but gave that up for a more peaceful village life. You should come with me when I next visit them, they make a great hotpot!
About you - interests: (Friendship lvl 6) We both love to look after the stray animals in their village. In fact, their love for animals was one of the first things that caught my eye! I must admit though, I get kinda jealous when the dogs or cats fuss over them... huh!? I’m jealous of y/n obviously... not the animals.
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About you - Protection: (Friendship lvl 4) Oh, traveller! You want to know about Y/n? Well, they’re an adeptus much like Xiao. They were tasked by Morax with protecting Liyue during the archon and they are also a personal guard for adepti like Yanfei and I. Yes they’re aware we’re more than capable of defending ourselves, but it feels nice being able to depend on someone.. Oh! I’ve spoken far too much on them...This is embarrassing..
About you - Friendship: (Friendship lvl 6) Getting to know y/n was arguably one of the most difficult tasks of my life. I guess being surrounded by such gruesome sights will make you shut off from others... but behind that tough person exterior they’re very sweet! I cherish them and their companionship, I just wish they could loosen up a bit and enjoy the little things in life. Am I rambling again?
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mono-blogs-art · 19 days
Alright, I finished GAP the series. I can't lie, I finished it in 2 days so, it was very addictive. I liked the first half more than the second, in later episodes it all just kinda dragged out a bit and the arguments felt a bit cyclical. But overall, I really liked it! Plus, the show is entirely on YouTube, I love the accessibility of it!
It's my first time watching a Thai drama, and I was somewhat aware before that GAP was one of the most popular lesbian shows coming out of the genre (and also one of the first Thai lesbian shows ever??). It's the kind of show everyone just knows through osmosis or has at least seen a few episodes of. And now that I've seen it I understand why that is the case :D
Overall: I will give the show a 6/10! It definitely has more of a silly, telenovela type edit and structure which is great, but not necessarily always for me. But because of that it also hooks you in immediately. Over time, the pace really starts to show however and it's just too slow for me. The shots are also sometimes a bit inconsistent, some of them look like a straight up painting and others are baffling to see in a finished product. I definitely laughed a few times because of that, but I find it more charming than anything else. It's a silly show after all.
The Plot: Is barely relevant to be honest, the main plot (Sam's company being in a tough spot) is just kind of abandoned after a while in favour of the love story. I didn't mind it. The romance is what I'm here for anyway. It has a very "my parents sold me to one direction" fanfic vibe, and I mean this only in the best way. Getting to intern at your idol's company, then becoming her personal assistant and eventually conquering her heart is a classic. Lesbians need that messy shit too. And brother I ate it up. I also understand now why people were comparing Chaser Game W (2024 lesbian jdrama) to this show, it has a somewhat similar vibe and is also about an unhealthy relationship in the workplace. However, GAP does literally every single thing better than Chaser Game did, and I still thought CGW was fun.
The Characters: I love them. They're simple but well executed.
Mon is understandably a bit boring, suffering from being the protagonist, but she does have a few key moments that were either really fun or really made me emotionally connect, so I like her. She's cute! And I loved her boldness and rebellious nature in the first half of the show, sadly I think it got lost a bit in the second. Overall this show isn't really interested in exploring sexuality that much (even though it's very steamy), so Mon just kinda goes from "Don't be silly, she's a woman, I'm not interested in her like that" to making out with Sam. Like girl, I get it but also... I wish we could've seen a bit more of that discovery and exploration (we do see it much more on Sam's side though). Mon also doesn't have a ton of agency, she's kinda powerless in a lot of situations because she's just a normal girl, not an... insanely rich noble lady CEO with powerful connections. You know, unlike her boss.
Sam is the true main character of the show, driving pretty much the entire plot in one way or another. She is also by far the most entertaining and charming character and I'm obsessed with her. She's a horrible person, wildly inconsistent, toxic and emotionally immature in every way, and seeing her ice-cold facade thaw every so slowly throughout the episodes is just so much fun. Underneath it all she's just a Weirdo who is so deeply traumatized by her upbringing that she's still just a kid at heart. I say all these harsh things because they are true, but also because despite it all the show somehow pulls it off to make her really likeable. Sam is funny, mean, extremely cute, pathetically down bad and horny, and just going through all the emotions ever, and her actress Sarocha Chankimha really pulls it off and I can only be impressed. Sam's development in the second half of the series also really works because it's surprisingly consistent, her falling back into her bad habits and eventually accepting her tragic fate made so much sense. She couldn't have achieved her freedom on her own and I'm glad the show didn't go that route either.
As for the supporting cast, Sam's friends are definitely the most interesting. I just wonder how Sam, a cis "straight" woman, ended up in the coolest queerest girl gang in town. Only because they were friends in elementary school? Honestly that's the most unrealistic part of the show for me LMAO. Sam's fiancé Kirk is The Man in the lesbian show, he's alright. Mon's friend Nop turned out to be surprisingly sweet in the later half of the show, which was a delight. The big villain of the series, Sam's grandmother, is ... Well, it was certainly a choice to have her end up where she did in the end. I wish they'd have done something a bit more bold with the character - I found it a bit of a cop out. Not all villains need to turn out to be nice in the end, especially not this one. But I can respect the choice, and I'm ultimately more in favour of a character working to become a better person than a villain succumbing to more evil.
One thing that's undeniable about the show is that it's hot. The leads have some insane chemistry going on and you can't look away, every scene with them feels electric, especially in the beginning. I was also surprised at how sexy the show is overall, like okay, we just dedicate an entire episode to Sam and Mon wanting to fuck. And there is an honest-to-god eating out scene that made me go 😳 I appreciate the show for that :D
Overall, I'm glad this was my introduction to Thai GL, I understand why it's a somewhat foundational text and I really enjoyed my time with it. I'm also happy to hear that it's been a kickstart for the actor's careers, and that the two girlies are doing more sapphic shows together now. I'm actually already watching The Loyal Pin (trying to watch and stay up to date as it's currently airing!) and that show is much more my style, even though it's also quite slow. But it's fun to see the same actresses play completely different roles. I loved Sam a lot, but overall I think I will enjoy Anin and Pin more.
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vivakitkt · 1 year
A place you only know
Synopsis: You watch as your Empire falls apart into ashes. But only one thing is on your mind. Your precious lover, the reason why you haven’t lost who you are yet. But the heavens gather his soul too soon. Any where he would be, you would as well. But this time it was a place they only knew.
Warnings: Cringe(?). Angst/no comfort, fem implied reader!(reader is suggested to be a princess of imperial blood), bad grammar/spelling, !not completely proofread!
A/n: this is a refined, improved version of other fix I wrote when I was starting this writing thing so I decided hey I’ve kinda improved? Let me try writing it again! So that is what we have here! With that being said(here’s the fic Heavens Promise)
Please enjoy!<3333
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You ran to the burning enchanted forest at full speed. Ignoring the way that your feet hurt from being barefoot and the way the thorns tore at your dress. As you made your way over to the palace that was once your home now reduced to a giant fire. While covering your nose from all the smoke coming from the fire you frantically started searching around for a blue and sliver familiar uniform.
You tried yelling out their name hoping they would be able to hear you. Pleading that they weren’t dead just yet. Finally, you spot a glimpse of a glimmering sapphire gemstone immediately rushing towards it, jumping over the palace rubble and flaming pieces of wood from the villages nearby. Hardly anyone could tell that you were royalty by your disheveled look.
Huffing and running across the fallen trees and burning bushes as you make your way to them barely laying against a rock clutching their side. Not breathing.
You pled to no one in particular but to yourself to ignore the creeping thoughts in your head.
Almost as if someone heard your call, your lover suddenly erupted in a unsettling cough
/name..do not grief for me please/ they said with the faintest smile on their face completely smoother by your beauty even in the state you were in. As they weakly attempted to raise their blood filled hands to your face to comfort you as they always had done.
/ I don’t wish this to be the last impressions of each other./ They grinned towards you, breath becoming more unstable by the second
You knew you couldn’t save them. But you were the goddam princess. The crown princess. From the earliest age you could remember, you were trained to one day become this empires empress. But look at you in this state. No future ruler should be sobbing on the floor, covered in blood, and clothes tattered. No ruler could display themselves in such a vulnerable state. But not in front of them. You no longer felt the heavy weight of the crown and suffocating glares from the other nobles. You had to grow up so quickly that you couldn’t savor the moment of weakness. Being a child. Being around your loved ones.
But now those memories were gone now. Burned away along with the rest of your family and nation you cared so deeply about. And now the person that got you this far, was about to leave.
/Do not be afraid my love/ they spoke with tenderness, clutching their hand on their heart
/We will be reunited once again and nothing shall stand in our path./ They said with one final breath and soon life fled out of their eyes. Slowly but surely, they were now gone. All was left was their empty body that once contained the most precious soul. Silence filled the air with the remains of the raging fire dying down due to your people coming close to you. But surrounding you felt nothing but your own domain of sorrow and grief.
You feel a burning sensation in your throat that just won’t go down no matter how hard you swallow. And a constricting feeling starts as you continue to struggle to breathe. That silence is not held any longer as a threatening scream is let into the cold air. Uncontrollable tears run down your face hitting the ground, leaving a small drop of tears that is soon joined by others rushing down.
You feel empty. But you have your soul. It was not taken by those above yet. But you lost your life. You feel hopeless and don’t bother to wipe the multiple streams of tears rolled off your cheek. Your eyes and nose starting to hurt from how hard you were sobbing. Your vision getting obscured from the tears that brimmed your eyes. You don’t stop for several more minutes.
The blurring of your vision clears a bit now so that you could see the glistening sun hitting your eyes and various people yelling your name in the back. The lilies that gone through the blazing fires, seemed to have survived somehow. By a sorcerer or perhaps by miracle, they started to sprout once more as if to grief your lost loved one with you. As you began to recover and stand back up, you looked down onto your hand, that had been covered in blood and dirt, and stared at the ring your loved gave you as a promise. You continued to look at it and gave it a quick peak, despite how dirty it was, turned once again to your beloveds body and gave it a warmth felt smile before moving to where the voices led.
Thanks for reading (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
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makiaan · 1 year
Variety!AOT x noble!Reader
You were a strong noble woman and had royal blood, how would the scouts react when Historia introduces her to them at a military ball?
The man was indifferent at first (maybe even hostile because of ur noble title)
Before he quickly noticed that you we’re different from the average arrogant noble
After getting to know you he grew to favor you, he liked the confidence in your posture and voice.
His a man of few words though- it was mostly you talking with Levi’s short answers occasionally chiming in.
At the end of the ball he was kinda disappointed, he secretly wished that he would see you again, maybe even become actual friends.. or maybe more then that?
At first he was suspicious of you, I mean, his experiences with government officials were pretty bad, what makes u any different?
When you introduced yourself and offered to shake his hand his perception quickly changed like a switch
The longer you talked the more chaotic it got-
The two talked about the stupidest shit the entire time, trying your best to not inappropriately laugh too loud
At the end he asked if he could hang out with you again, you said yes and now u had a assumed date at your manor.
Was open minded at first sight, though deep deep inside he assumed you were arrogant
Introduced himself first and offered a friendly handshake
After that first greeting he was quick to develop a crush
The man was beside you the entire duration of the ball 🥲 he was smooth with his cling though
He enjoyed talking about his time in the military and his passions as the commander
When he found you too had something to be passionate about he was immediately in tranced
The way your eye sparkled in sheer motivation and dedication lit a unlit heart shaped candle inside of him
When the first ball dance came up he immediately took your hand with a bow, asking so confidently “May I have this first dance with you m’lady?”
At that moment the world stopped, he looked so beautiful his rizz execution was immaculate
At the end of the ball he had promised to visit your manor with sweet little gifts
That night he slept well, instead of the countless lives he’s sacrificed haunting him you had came in as a much more pleasant replacement.
The poor boy fell in love at first sight, before Historia had introduced them they had met previously at the yard of the ball
Previously: (Armin while tripping on a stone had been caught by the reader before face planting on the ground)
He offered to grab you drink and snacks and constantly checked up on you during the ball
Armins face was so red the entire ball that you thought he had a fever-
After the ball he barely had the courage to ask you to a date
Man’s was terrified
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