#been seeing a bunch of true heart plushies so I decided why not?
bluefire-stims · 2 years
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True Heart Bear stimboard - for me! (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x)
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lilred8220 · 3 years
Well, yet another fic no one asked for😃
I wanted to write this because some time go, I was watching the fireworks when this song started to play↓↓↓
And I just thought how romantic it would be if I wasn't forever alone 🙃 so, I build a story around that. I hope you enjoy it!
P.s. This is a F!MC
I had been so excited for this day! In the human realm, my hometown this time of year had a huge festival ending with a huge firework show. I had asked to go a week in advance but due to being in the Devildom for the exchange program, I couldn't go. It definitely was a disappointment. However Diavolo, seeing me upset and now curious about the tradition, asked all about it and he thought it sounded fun. Thanks to him always wanting to do anything new, he immediately decided to do the same here in the Devildom.
So through the long week, he asked about everything we would do at the event to make it much more fun and quickly get everything ready to make this last second festival. It somehow all came together and it feels almost exactly like the festival from the human realm. The food, sweets and all! Now it was the time to enjoy the festival!
The brothers couldn't understand why I was so excited for this. Though we all went to festivals and saw fireworks, It was just something that I would always look forward to this time of the year and it's just more special this time around. It kinda feels as if I'm sharing something that I love with everyone I care about in a place where I like to call my new home. Hopefully they'll come to enjoy this as much as I do.
"So, this is called an Elephant ear?“ Beel asked, drooling at the large fried sweet in front of him.
I laugh, as I grab a piece before he can scarf the treat whole, "Yeah, it's just fried dough with powdered sugar on it. They usually sell these at any carnival or festival." I pop the elephant ear in my mouth, savoring the amazing taste.
The brothers each had something to eat as we took a break from all the festival games littered around. We all take two picnic benches for the 8 of us, well, us and Beel's giant pile of food he got. Everyone had won something from the games…well everyone but me and Mammon. Mammon was determined to win a game, yet his luck seemed to be the worse for wear today and all the games we'd gone to all ended up with one of the other brothers winning the game. My luck honestly wasn't any better due to playing the same games that the others had won.
"I'm telling ya! Those games are rigged! The people runnin 'em are just a bunch of con artists!“ Mammon yells, clearly frustrated that he hasn't gotten anything.
"Or maybe you just suck lol" Levi says, holding a Ruri-chan plush to his chest.
"Honestly, you really shouldn't be surprised, you were pretty terrible at all those games since you had no choice but to play fair." Satan adds on, which all the brothers nod in agreement.
Asmo laughs, "Well, what do you expect from a scumbag?"
I start to get annoyed as the brothers all start to bash on Mammon. He seems fine on the surface but I've been around him long enough, with him basically living in my room and all, to see all his little ticks. Like when he's excited, his hand gestures are more dramatic, to emphasize his point or how his eyes light up when something catches his attention, like something to make a quick buck. However, right now, with the way his mouth slightly twitches and his hand shoved into his pockets, he's upset. He really only does this when the brothers throw insult after insult at him, like right now.
I sigh as they continue their assault on him. But an idea comes to mind and it'll be easy enough to pull off.
"Does...that all that stuff apply to me too? Since I didn't win anything either, after all..." I say, putting on my best pouting face and looking down at the ground.
Immediately, the brothers started to panic, trying to reassure me that it wasn't true, successfully drawing their attention away from Mammon. I slightly looked up, passed the frantic brothers to lock eyes with Mammon. He stood there for a moment, a bit confused by my sudden comment. I flash him a quick smirk before looking up at the brothers, accepting their apologies. The brothers seemed to relax and drop the topic after that, returning to the food they have. Mammon, who had seemingly understood what my intentions really were, looked at me, with his face slightly flushed, then stared down at his food.
In Mammon's mind, he honestly doesn't know what force sent Y/N here but, she is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to him. At first, he hated the idea of being her guardian due to all of the extra work he was given. But, as days turned to weeks, her treatment towards him was nothing but sweet and loving. It honestly was a huge adjustment for him, since everyone treated him like scum or useless, having her place so much faith in him, even defending him and doing little gestures like this, it makes his head spin. He honestly couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but, his feelings for her drastically changed, he couldn't deny it now, how he longed for her, wanted her all to himself. How he loved her unconditionally.
I smile, quickly finish eating my food then stand up, "Ok! Time to get back to the games!“ I say, excitedly.
"Y/N, I'm glad you are excited but some of us still need to eat." Lucifer says, glancing at Beel and his mountain of food.
"Awww, come on Lucifer, I wanna try to win something before the fireworks start." I plop down again, putting my chin in my hands.
"Well, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time." Lucifer tries to cheer me up, eating some fries.
Mammon looks up at Y/N, upon seeing her upset. He honestly hated seeing Y/N upset, even if for something so small as to wait for everyone to finish eating. He wanted nothing more than to see her smile everyday, it honestly was one of his favorite parts of the day to see her smile so sweetly. He'll do anything to make her happy. He sits up and scarfs down his food before standing up. "Ok, how 'bout this,' ' Mammon gets up and walks over to me, ' ' since I haven't won anythin', I'm gonna go play some more games and I'll meet ya guys later. Y/N, ya can come if ya want to." Mammon starts to walk away, at a slower pace than he usually would.
"Yeah! Ok!" Before any of the other brothers could protest, I quickly got up and hurried over to Mammon. I can hear the brothers stumbling to get up to follow us.
"Hey! Mammon is stealing Y/N!"
"That's not fair!“
"That scumbag..."
I hear some of the things they're saying as they seem to be trying to catch up.
I grab Mammon's hand and start to make a run for it. "Come on!" I glanced back at Mammon, who seemed shocked. He looks back to see the brothers in hot pursuit of us. Getting the hint, Mammon picks up the pace. We high tail it out of there, laughing like a bunch of kids all the while.
Me and Mammon finally stop and I flop on the floor, trying to catch my breath as Mammon puts his hands on his knees.
"I…I think we lost 'em" Mammon pants, out of breath from running around.
"I…I think so…jeez, how…how do you always do this when you get in trouble?“ I wheeze out, my human body not used to running as much as a demon. Especially if that demon is Mammon.
Mammon straightens up, finally catching his breath, "Well, I'm not usually running from ALL of my brothers, just Lucifer mostly."
Mammon reaches his hand to me and after a moment, I let him help me up. He helps me to my feet and when I look up, his face is very close to mine. We stare at each other for a moment before both of our faces turn more flushed than we already were.
His bright blue eyes that have a hint of that golden yellow has me in a trance. When I first met Mammon, it was the first thing that drew my attention, it's honestly something that I always find myself staring at all of the time. They are very beautiful to me and never fail to make me feel relaxed when I see them. But not only that, he is a very handsome man. His rich caramel skin with his pure white hair makes his face stand out even more. He is just so captivating to look at, however his personality is what truly makes him shine. Even if he tries, and fails, to hide his true feelings, he always has his heart on his sleeve, rather if he realizes that or not. He tries so hard to help me or to even make my day brighter when I'm not feeling my best. He even tries to protect his brothers and is always there for them. He honestly is the most caring person I've ever met and I can't help but fall for him because of that.
Mammon looked down at her face, he honestly couldn't help but stare. In his mind, she was more beautiful than anyone he's ever seen. Her beauty not only stopped at her looks but the person she was. She was a true wonder to him, too good to be true yet, here she was, defying all logic. All he wanted to do was look at every detail of her face, her eyes as they shine, her soft skin as the blush covers her face, her parted lips as her breath finally slows down. Mammon was the first to turn away, catching himself now staring at nothing but her lips.
He clears his throat. "W-Well since we're here, let's get to some games!" Mammon says, his fangs flash with his grin.
We made our way to the nearest game booth, both of us looking at the various prizes. The booth in question is a simple ring toss, the bottles are organized by colors which show what size prize you can get. There are the ridiculously large stuffed bears that are taller than me to the very small animal plushies. Scanning all the prizes, one catches my attention, a black plush crow with a yellow tag on it. It was big enough to hold in your arms, it's wings dangled at its sides. It had its beak opened slightly to look like a smile. I glance over at Mammon, who is currently eyeing a plushie of a grimm, that also has a yellow tag hanging off of it. I laugh, thinking of how that plush crow reminded me of him.
Mammon looks at me, slightly confused, "What are ya laughing at?"
"Oh nothing, though I know what prize I want." I smile, looking back at the crow plush.
Mammon follows my eyes over to the plush, he tilts his head at my choice, "Ya sure that's what ya want? There are plenty of things better than that ol' crow."
I nod enthusiastically, "Yeah, I think it's cute, like someone else I know." I playfully push him.
His ears turn a dark red but he laughs, "Well, I know what I want so, let's go and win some prizes!“
We pay the demon running the game and start trying to make the rings reach its mark. However, as in most carnaval games, the rings in question are only slightly bigger than the top of the bottles, making it much harder to win. Not to mention the bottles for the better prizes are further back, making it much harder. As we try a couple times, we don't get much luck and we're running out of grimms to play. However as we reach our last game, even though I end up with nothing, Mammon manages to sink a ring on a yellow bottle.
"We have a winner!“ the demon behind the booth says, walking over to grab the ring.
"Yeah! This was nothin' for the Great Mammon!" Mammon threw his hands in the air, and I cheered with him, "You did it! You won!“
The demon walks back over to us, "Alrighty, you can pick a prize with a yellow tag. Which will it be?"
Mammon's eyes flick to the plush he was eyeing earlier and he goes to speak, but an announcement rings through the speakers all around the festival, "The firework show will be starting in 15 minutes, marking the end of the festival! So hurry and grab a seat to enjoy the show!“ a cheery voice says before the music from before starts to play again. Mammon looks down at me for a moment before a small smile appears on his face.
Mammon looks at the demon and points at the plush crow, "I'll take that one."
I look up at Mammon, "But, I thought you wanted-“ I get cut off by the demon swift return, "Here you go." The demon hands him the crow plush.
Mammon takes the plush from the demon with his usual bright smile and starts walking off, I quickly follow, still confused. Once I catch up, he looks at me with a blush on his face and holds out the crow to me.
"W-well, there wasn't really anythin' I wanted, so I figured I'd get this ol' crow since ya seemed to want it so bad." He says with his usual bravado, yet it was a bit more shy than normal.
"But, you said…" I start to say as I take the plush but, cut my thought short.
Even though I know he wanted something, that much he's been saying all day, he still got me this crow plush. Knowing how he struggles to do these things and becoming a stuttering mess when it's pointed out, I choose to not question him. Yet, I can't help but love him even more, him knowing that I wanted something as well and that he'll be going back home later with nothing. I'll have to repay him later but for now, I'll just enjoy the rest of the festival with him.
I shake my head and give him a smile, one that shows how much I truly appreciate and love him, "Thank you so much, Mammon." I hold the crow close to myself.
Mammon feels all the air in his lungs escape him. Y/N's smile, the sparkle of joy and something more…intimate in her eyes. Honestly, for a split second, he found himself jealous of that crow, seeing Y/N holding it so lovingly. He wanted, no, needed to show her how much he loves her. If not tonight, it'll drive him insane.
After looking a bit, me and Mammon found a perfect spot to watch the fireworks. We sat on a hill that was a bit further away from the festival and luckily, we could still hear the music playing from one of the speakers nearby. We sat in a comfortable silence, waiting for the fireworks to begin. Which based on the amount of time it took to find this isolated spot, it should start at any moment.
Mammon is resting his arms on his knees as I sit with my legs crossed, the plush crow close to my chest. I watch all the demons in the distance hurrying to find a spot to watch the show as well. Thankfully, none of them seem to look in this direction. So right now, it's just us, alone.
After a few moments, Mammon looks over at me and shyly starts to speak, "H-hey, Y/N?"
I look back at Mammon, noticing his face slowly forming a blush, "Yes?"
"I…I wanted to tell ya-" Mammon gets cut off by the first firework going off.
We slightly jump, but my eyes widen as the firework show starts, "It's starting!"
I watch as the firework starts to make the usual dark Devildom sky shine bright with many different colors. All the while, a familiar song starts to play on the speakers, making this a moment that I want to treasure always. It was a song from the human realm and it was a song that made this moment feel more intimate. I honestly couldn't ask for a better day, I got to go to the festival with all my favorite people and I even had, dare I say it, a wonderful date with Mammon. The thought of going on a date with Mammon makes my cheeks burn but I truly wish that this day would never end.
Mammon's heart starts to pound in his chest, his gaze never leaving Y/N. He watches as her eyes glow with wonder, watching the fireworks as if it were the first time. She never looked more beautiful, more perfect than right now. If he was ever gonna make his move, it had to be now. Mammon opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't find it in himself to break her trance. However, his greed for her attention, her voice, her touch, for nothing but her, was growing. So, he closes his mouth and takes a deep breath. He leans closer to her as his shaky hand gently touches her cheek to turn her face towards him.
When I suddenly feel a light touch on my face, I snap back to reality. Before I can react, I feel my face being turned and suddenly, Mammon leans in, his eyes close and gently presses his lips on mine, like he's afraid that I'll break. My eyes widen, taking a moment to realize what is happening. Mammon, feeling me not move, starts to move away, most likely worried he did something wrong. But, not wanting to lose the moment, I quickly filled in the space he left, pressing my lips a bit harder than he did. Mammon tenses at my sudden movement but quickly melts into the kiss, holding my face with his hands. I place the plush to the side, momentarily forgotten, I place my hands on his chest for support.
The air stills, the world around us starts to disappear. The only thing to keep us from forgetting the world completely is the sound of fireworks and the song playing so sweetly.
I snake my arms around Mammon's neck, then he takes the chance to pull me in closer by my waist, closing the gap between us. Even though he was nervous at first, he seems to have relaxed, even nips at my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. He swiftly slips his tongue in my mouth, tangling it with mine, deepening the kiss. We held each other close, like we were afraid that the other would vanish.
Needing to breathe, we lean away slightly. I'm not sure when it happened, but I managed to end up on Mammon's lap. Mammon seems to also realize the position we're in and his breath hitches.
His hand comes up and holds my face, "I love ya, Y/N."
My heart flutters and I lean into his touch, "I love you too, Mammon. I…I always have."
"Y/N, I care about ya so much and I…I don't want anyone else trying to steal my most precious treasure from me. The thought of it kills me, because I'm yer first man." Mammon stops, becoming more shy, "I w-want ya to be mine and…I'll be yers…if ya want me."
I feel as though all of the butterflies in my stomach would explode out of me. I can't stop the big smile that appears on my face, "Mammon," I hold his face in my hands, "no one could ever take me away. And not only that but…" I bite my lip, feeling a bit bashful, "You already have me. Now and forever."
If Mammon could, his eyes would have hearts in them. He looked at me with such lovestruck eyes, his face is probably the most peaceful expression I've ever seen. I look back at him in awe, honestly have never seen him so happy, like he's on cloud nine.
A smile is plastered on his face, "I promise that I will be with ya till the end of time. I gotta be the luckiest demon in the whole festival, no, the Devildom. But, I guess I did win something at the festival after all." His smile suddenly turns into a smirk, "What do ya say we go somewhere more private and we can continue…this?"
My face turns red, but I nod. We stand up, I grab my plushie so that we can leave when I suddenly hear someone, or rather, some people, running this way.
We spin around, both of us knowing too well who that voice belongs to. Lucifer and the rest of the brothers are running at full sprint in our direction.
"Oh shit!" Mammon yells out, quickly sweeping me off my feet, making a run for it.
Startled, I grabbed on to Mammon's jacket, making sure to not drop my crow plush, "Ah! M-Mammon!“
He looks down at me, " Well, I might get strung up later, but I'm yer man now. I want ya all to myself and I don't know about ya, but I'm not ready for tonight to end." He flashes his signature smile.
I can't help but laugh, as we make yet another escape from the brothers. This is truly the best day I could have asked for.
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, outtoshatter!
Dear @outtoshatter​. You requested fluff, getting together, alternate first meetings, and something!Stiles. This was so much fun to write, and I’m thrilled to have the chance to create something for you. I hope you have the loveliest of holidays!! <3
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Derek is a romantic. He dreams of finding his mate, of connecting with that special someone who will make his heart swoon.
"How did you know Dad was the one?" Derek asks his mom as he digs out a pink, glittery bear from beneath the pile of loose-limbed plushies. "Were there fireworks when you first met, or—?"
His cheeks flame. He can't tell his mom that the spun-sugar scent of Jenna's hair makes his heart race, or that the smell of Mark's baseball jersey gives him a boner. In fact, Derek's embarrassment is so thick she probably scents it despite being surrounded by a bunch of seven-year-olds with sugar highs from birthday cake and soda.
"The first time you meet your mate will always be significant,” Talia says as she hands the bear over to one of Cora's classmates. “It might be passionate and explosive, or it could spark a bond that builds and grows. It's influenced by who you are and where you are in your lives. But deep inside, you'll know. Your wolf, especially, will know."
"But what if my mate isn't a wolf? What if they can't sense the connection?"
"Humans cherish the notion of 'true love' as much as we do. And I bet your mate is someone who's sensitive and wise." She leans down and ruffles Derek's hair.
Derek wriggles out of his mom's touch. He's thirteen, not three.
"You think?" he asks. Maybe it is Jenna or Mark, although he was hoping his mate would be someone more… well, special.
"You'll see." Talia's smile disappears as she studies the line where Cora and her friends are waiting at the stuffing station. She counts their numbers under her breath and shakes her head. "Someone's missing. Will you help me find them, Der?"
Derek sighs. It might be Cora's birthday, but he's missing practice to babysit a bunch of second-graders at a Build-A-Bear. "Seriously?"
"Seriously. I know this seems like an unbearable chore, but it means a lot to your sister that you're here. And to me, as well." His mom runs a hand along the back of Derek's neck and gives him a gentle squeeze.
Perhaps it's because it's close to a full moon, but Derek feels restless and edgy. Guilt washes through him at his snappishness, and he apologizes to his mom, giving her a quick hug before starting his walk-through.
There are bins of bears and cats and dogs and dragons in every color imaginable, their limp bodies waiting to be plumped up with poly-fill. He’s surprised Cora wanted a party here; her interests run more along the line of laser tag than dolls or stuffed animals. Although there's a backstory, he's sure; Cora had mumbled something about wanting to invite her whole class 'unlike that Lydia Martin', whereupon Mom's fangs dropped and her eyes flashed red. The next thing Derek knew, they had made a reservation for all twenty children.
It's not until Derek passes the displays of the Marvel and Star Wars bears that he finds the errant partygoer. Unlike the other boys in the class who dress in athletic wear stamped with Nike and Under Armor logos, he's wearing a faded t-shirt and a plaid overshirt, topped off by a pair of worn trainers.
Derek looks down at the limp plushie in the boy's hand. "Hey. Are you here for Cora's birthday party?" he asks softly.
The boy raises his eyes. They're ridiculously large for his face, amber orbs framed by long lashes and a buzzed haircut that make them look even bigger. Suddenly, they narrow as he looks Derek up and down.
"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
Derek frowns, the defiance taking him by surprise. "Maybe I work here."
Any shyness the boy may have seems forgotten as he takes a step closer.
"No, you don't," he says, his tone raised in challenge. "You don't have a nametag and you're not wearing a vest."
The kid's smart. Derek is filled with the weird urge to push his buttons and protect him at the same time.
"You got me," Derek says, holding up his hands. "I'm Cora's brother, Derek." He points to the animal in the boy's hand. "Don't you want to wait in line with the others and get your bear stuffed?"
The boy straightens out his arm. "It's not a bear," he says. There's a slight hesitation, then he's turning the animal over. Derek sees that it has a long muzzle, pointed ears, and plastic blue eyes. "It's Can… um, Canis…”
"Canis Lupus. A wolf," Derek says, surprised.
The boy nods vigorously. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't it be?"
"I didn't know if I was allowed to get something that wasn't a bear." The boy hangs his head, his fingers digging into the wolf's ample fur. "I've never been to one of these parties before."
Ah. Another reject from Lydia Martin's party list. The news makes Derek inexplicably angry.
"If I was getting one, I'd get a wolf, too," Derek says.
The boy looks up, his earlier disapproval of Derek apparently forgotten. "Yeah?"
"Totally." Derek crouches down and strokes the wolf's fur. "It's pretty skinny though," he says as his hand lingers on the nape of its neck. "We'd better go and fatten it up. Maybe get it some clothes?"
The boy shakes his head. "Wolves don't wear clothes," he says, his exasperation plain. "Duh."
Derek snorts. "Well, how about one of those scent things?" The discs seem to be popular; most of the other kids have one in hand.
The boy lifts the wolf to his face and buries his nose in its fur. "Nah. He smells good the way he is. But he needs a heart."
"Okay. Let's get one, uh—"
"Stiles," the boy answers. "Stiles," he repeats with a small scowl as Derek stares, bemused. "That's my name."
"Oh. Okay, Stiles." Derek stands up and holds out his hand. "Let's go. We've got a wolf to build."
Stiles places his hand in Derek's. It's small and a bit clammy, but Derek doesn't mind, surprisingly. They head towards the front of the store where Stiles takes his time in choosing a red heart out of the bin of hundreds. There's another display close by filled with a selection of noisemakers.
"Do you want one?" Derek asks as Stiles stares. There's a lot to choose from. "They have some songs and animals noises, and—"
"They don't have any wolf ones, though," Stiles says, seemingly put out. He pushes one of the buttons, rolling his eyes as a dinosaur's roar breaks through the tiny speaker. He chooses the dog button next.
God, no, Derek thinks.
Thankfully, Stiles passes on that one, too.
"What about this one?" Derek asks, pointing to number eleven. When Stiles presses the button, they hear the lub dub of a human heart, steady and true.
Stiles' face breaks into a huge grin. "That's perfect."
Derek opens the drawer, takes out the sound chip and hands it to Stiles, who curls his fingers around its edges and holds on tightly. By the time they make it to the stuffing station, Stiles is bouncing on his feet, a bundle of barely contained energy. He's also staring with a horrified expression at a boy who's twirling in a circle while rubbing his bear's poly-filled heart across his chest and down to his belly.
"Uh, Derek? Do I have to do that?" Stiles whispers as a Build-A-Bear employee eggs the boy on.
Maybe it's the vulnerability in Stiles' face, or the wobble in his voice, but Derek wants nothing more in that moment than to soothe Stiles' worry. He leans over and whispers, "You mean, act like something's crawling up your butt?"
Stiles lets out a half-gasp, half-laugh. "I can't move like that! What if I do it wrong and his heart won't work?"
"Listen to me, Stiles. I'm thirteen and I know a lot about wolves. Rubbing your wolf's heart on your pants or doing ten jumping jacks isn't going to make him come to life. What he needs is for you to care for him. To love him, and believe in him with all your might. Okay?"
"Okay." Stiles gives Derek a grateful smile, his face radiating his happiness.
Derek stands a bit straighter and catches his mother's eye. He's sure it's his alpha's approval and nothing else that makes him feel warm and tingly inside.
Derek used to be a romantic. He once dreamed of finding his true love, of meeting that special person whom he could care for and be cared for in return. But a series of bad relationships with people who either wanted different things in life (sorry, Braeden), or were only interested in him for his family's powerful connections (thanks, Jennifer), or who were, to put it bluntly, vindictive, psychotic stalkers (hello, Kate) has left Derek realizing not everyone is destined to have a mate. Of course, that also means one of the great Hale legacies has come to an end, although he's not sure why the Fates decided to pin that dubious distinction on him.
He doesn't want to end up like his Uncle Peter who, after losing his mate, creeps around with people half his age, filled with snark and cynicism. So Derek tries to settle, without success. His friends and family blame his inability to have a meaningful relationship on 'being too choosy', or 'not trying', or his 'emotional constipation'. He supposes it's a damning statement when even his best friends have given up their matchmaking attempts and relegated him to babysitting duty.
Derek's trying to decide whether he has time for a quick run before he goes grocery shopping, or whether he has enough milk and butter to postpone the errand altogether, when an EMT kit lands by his feet.
"Any plans for tonight?" Erica asks. Her smile is a bit too bright, her tone a shade too innocent.
Derek frowns and gives his co-worker the side-eye as he tries to figure out her angle. He can't believe there was a time where he thought he and Erica could be anything more than friends. She's gorgeous, of course, but she's also too perceptive and blunt as hell, and she calls Derek out on his bullshit more than anyone else aside from his own sisters. She feels like safety—like pack—but his wolf knows there's nothing more. Besides, she's snagged herself a handsome and brilliant ED doctor in Boyd—along with a ring, a two-bedroom Murray Hill apartment, and a five-year old daughter.
"Catching up on the second season of The Mandalorian?" Derek grins, baring a toothy smile of his own.
"Are you thirty-five or sixty-five, Derek? Because seriously, I can't tell. And since you phrased your answer in the form of a question and this isn't Jeopardy, I'm assuming those plans aren't set in stone."
Fuck. Erica had promised after the last disastrous blind date that she wouldn't try to set him up again. "I'm really not in the mood for company—"
"Even if it's a little girl who loves her godfather more than anyone else in the world?"
Derek sits up straighter. "You need me to watch Hailey?" He couldn't love Erica and Boyd's daughter any more than if she were his own.
"If you're up to it," Erica says, actually looking contrite. "I know it's your first day off in almost two weeks and I normally wouldn't ask, except… Well, the New York Public Library's doing this Children's Authors series, and her favorite writer's going to be reading today."
"The Fox and the Spark? I'm somewhat familiar," Derek says drily. He's read the story so many times he could recite it in his sleep.
"Yeah." Erica lets out a small laugh. "So, there's a second book that's coming out and the author's signing copies. Boyd was supposed to take her, but he has to cover for someone who called out with a family emergency. Greenberg won't let me change my shift, and I know you just finished yours, but—"
Derek puts a hand on Erica's shoulder. Next to Laura, Erica's his closest friend, and it's not like he really had plans.
"Don't give it another thought. Of course I'll take her."
A wave of relief sweeps over Erica's face. "I owe you one, Hale."
Derek lets out a small huff. He's pretty sure that if they were keeping tabs, he's going to come out on the short end when it comes to Erica and Boyd. Besides, an afternoon out with Hailey is bound to be better than his last several dates, even if he has to put up with a bunch of screaming kids.
As it turns out, there are a bunch of kids, but none of them are screaming because the man in front of them's woven some kind of crazy magic and has them in his thrall. He has thick brown hair that's the epitome of hipster chic, a wide mouth that pulls into an easy grin, and is wearing a heather grey t-shirt paired with khakis and a red hoodie. He looks young—young enough that Derek thought he worked for the library at first, a notion that's dispelled once Mrs. Purcell, the head librarian, gathers everyone together. His smile is bright and engaging, although it falters a bit when Mrs. Purcell stumbles over his name.
"Mieczyslaw," the man says with a self-deprecating grin. "Like 'mischief'. But I'll tell you a secret. No one calls me that, not even my family. You can just call me 'M'."
The news seems to delight the kids, who shout "Hi, M" in a loud chorus. M shows his appreciation by running across the front of the room and handing out high-fives.
"Is that really him?" Hailey wriggles in Derek's arms and cranes her neck, trying to get a better look. The construction-paper fox ears that they super-glued to her headband earlier that afternoon gets pushed aside at a precarious angle.
"That's really him," Derek affirms, which earns him an excited squeal.
"Put me down, D!" Hailey says with all the imperiousness of her mother, and it's all Derek can do, even with his superhuman strength, to keep her from toppling over.
"You can find a spot up close. No pushing or shoving, and if you can't see, ask politely. I'll be back here, okay?" He leans in and nuzzles her cheek to let her know she's safe and protected.
"Okay!" Hailey gives him a quick squeeze back before making her way up front. Derek is glad to see one of the other girls make room for her as Hailey sits down in the second row and clutches her book happily.
Derek straightens and runs a hand through his hair. He feels someone watching, and when he looks up, he suddenly locks eyes with M.
M rubs the back of his neck as a light flush spreads over his cheeks. It doesn't help to diminish his already-youthful appearance; in fact, it makes him look vulnerable—like prey—and the thought causes something to flare hot in Derek's belly. It's only when someone nudges him impatiently that he realizes that he's gawking in the middle of the room, surrounded by a restless audience that comes up to his knees. Derek mutters his apologies, then takes his six-foot frame to the back of the room where he watches from behind a row of brightly colored, miniature plastic chairs.
M starts off by saying that his best friend Scott is a veterinarian who works at a wolf sanctuary, and that M always thought wolves were the coolest. The tidbit makes Derek straighten to his full height and he puffs out his chest, inordinately pleased.
Most of the children already own copies of M's latest but choose to watch as M holds up a giant book that's nearly a foot-and-a-half tall. The pages are filled with illustrations—courtesy, M says, of his friend Isaac. The pictures are warm and soft, and detailed in a way that appeals to both a young and older audience. But even though they're beautiful, Derek finds his attention drifting elsewhere. He's mesmerized by the way M's fingers dance across the pages as he reads, how his eyes grow bright and animated when he hears the children laugh at his vocal impressions, and the way M's mouth—god, his mouth—turns down at the corners when he reaches a poignant scene. His voice defies categorization: it's raspy yet young, melodious but slightly off-pitch, and serious yet mischievous, as if an old soul had somehow merged with an adolescent’s energy.
The truth is that Derek's too distracted by M to pay close attention to the story. But after his brain momentarily shorts out from watching M lick his thumb to turn the page, it manages to reboot and catch the his next words:
"You need to care for him," the fairy said as Milo hugged his wolf. "You need to love him and believe in him with all your might."
Derek listens in a daze as M tells the group how Milo's wish for his wolf to come to life comes true. His own wolf perks up, and against the stench of the colognes and soaps and sweat of the crowd, he can pick out the welcome scent of citrus and cottonwood from back home. It's intoxicating, yet soothing and breathtakingly familiar, and in that moment the thread of hope that Derek's long thought cut manages to wriggle into his heart and take hold.
Derek absolutely does not push his way towards the front of the line. He just has longer legs.
His heart is in his throat and he's holding tight to Hailey, who's clutching her copy of Build A Wolf close to her chest. Derek doesn't understand how he could have missed the signs: the smattering of moles that grace M's cheek, the adorable tilt of his nose, or the warm intelligence of his eyes.
"Hi," Derek says when they reach the table where M's seated, his voice catching.
The Sharpie that M's twirling lazily between his fingers falls with a clatter. M stares at Derek, seemingly lost for words. A beautiful pink flush highlights his cheeks that Derek wants to trace with his thumb.
"You're a bit older than my usual fan. Bigger, too," M croaks. His face turns even brighter, and Derek can smell his surprise and the faint spice of his arousal.
"Stiles?" Derek blurts out. Upon seeing M's shocked expression, Derek tries to backtrack. "I'm sorry, it's just… well, you remind me of someone I knew from back home." When M doesn't deny the assumption, Derek continues, "I'm Derek Hale. Cora Hale's brother?"
M scrubs his face. "Wow, dude… wow, yeah, I am." He looks around and lowers his voice. "I'm surprised you recognized me. Or that you even remember who I am." When he smiles it's small and embarrassed, but Derek can also detect the happiness that colors his scent.
"I know you're probably busy, seeing as you're on a book tour and all, but do you want to grab a bite after you're done?" Derek feels breathless, and it's totally unlike him to be so forward, especially in the midst of an increasingly antsy crowd, but he feels like he's been waiting for this moment forever. "I mean, it can be something low key," he adds hastily, in case he's laying it on too strong. "I haven't been home in a while and it would be nice to catch up, and—"
There's a strong tug on his shirt sleeve. "Hi, Mr. M," Hailey pipes up. She's wearing a sweet smile but her eyes are impatient and determined. "Can you sign my book for me?"
"Sure, I'd love to." Stiles gives Derek an apologetic look. He greets Hailey with a complicated fist bump after commenting on her fox ears, uncaps his Sharpie, and opens the book to the front page. "Who should I make it out to?"
"To Mommy and Daddy and Hailey," Hailey decides. She tugs on Derek's sleeve more forcefully. "Do you think Mommy will like that?" she asks in a loud whisper.
Derek bends down and kisses her forehead. "I think she's going to love it," he says, nuzzling her neck. When he stands back up, Stiles has finished signing, but his smile seems a bit forced. "So, about dinner..." Stiles doesn't answer immediately; Derek falters as he takes back the book, his hopes sinking with each passing second.
Stiles' eyes lower, his once-happy scent souring. "Sorry," he says, his expression unreadable. "I'm on a tight schedule."
Both the human and wolf sides of Derek are confused by Stiles' sudden rejection. "Maybe a drink?" he tries again, desperate. He may have been a terrible judge of character in his previous relationships, but he can't be wrong, not about this.
Stiles shakes his head. Before Derek can press his case, there's a cough as the father and son behind Derek fix him with matching glares. Derek and Hailey get shuffled towards the door, and by the time Derek regains his bearings and looks back he discovers that Stiles is posing for a selfie with the kid, his scent now off, his smile a bit too forced.
There are several truths about the holidays—and the end of the year in particular—which are that the crowds are larger, the stress is higher, and people tend to avoid hospitals as much as possible. It also means that Derek's unit is flooded with calls, from decorating mishaps and drunken shenanigans to medical emergencies that are so far gone they can no longer be handled by an urgent care. He hasn't hung out with both Boyd and Erica in nearly a month, and even though it's for a quick bite in the hospital's cafeteria, he'll take it.
"Seriously, Hale. You'd better have a smile on your face after your PTO."
Derek looks up from his burrito, his brows furrowed.
"I don't know why you think I have PTO, Erica, but I don't," he says, grimacing as a glob of beef and avocado drop onto the wax-paper wrap. He's never requested a holiday week since he started with the FDNY eleven years ago. His family's all on the West coast, and he'd rather leave the prime vacation weeks to his co-workers. It's not like he has someone special to share the holidays with, after all.
He ignores the ache in his chest as he thinks of Stiles.
"Yeah, well the thing is, now you do. The week between Christmas and New Year's," Erica clarifies as she takes a bite of her burger. "You never exercise the perks that go with your seniority, and don't think it's gone unnoticed. It's the department's gift to you. "
Derek stares, flummoxed. "Greenberg will never go for it."
"Are you kidding me? He was the first to say 'yes'. Said he's tired of seeing your grumpy mug whenever he rings in the New Year."
Boyd grins at Derek's obvious discomfort. Derek gives him the middle finger, which makes Boyd chuckle out loud.
"I don't even know if my family's around," Derek protests. Laura often spends the holidays with her husband's family in Sun Valley, and Cora's hard to pin down any time of year.
Erica and Body give him twin looks of guilt. "They are," Boyd says as he takes something out of his coat pocket and hands it to Derek. "We already spoke to Laura. She can't wait to see you."
"Ho, ho, ho." Erica grins.
"What's this?" Derek asks as he stares at the envelope in Boyd's hand.
Boyd shrugs but Derek's not fooled by his casual stance. "A first-class plane ticket. An early Christmas present from us to you." His usually placid expression grows sheepish. "Look man, we don't want to put you in a bad spot. If you really don't want to go, use the credit for another trip. But we knew that if it were up to you, you'd be spending Christmas alone, eating leftovers and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the hundredth time."
"Who says I need to be in a relationship to be happy?" Derek asks, his hackles rising. Besides, Boyd has it all wrong. Derek has Die Hard on his Christmas queue.
Yippee ki yay.
Boyd holds up both hands. "Not me. If you want to be a bachelor forever, I'm not one to judge."
"But I am," Erica says. "You don't date anymore, Der. Hell, when's the last time you even got laid? Which would also be fine, except it's not, because you're miserable and it's obvious that's not what you really want."
Sometimes Derek has a hard time following Erica's logic. Unfortunately, this is not one of those moments.
"It doesn't matter," he says, digging the excess rice out from his wrap. "I'm better off alone."
Erica and Boyd share a look. Derek feels a pang of envy at the way they so easily read each other's thoughts and their mutual love and support. He'd always fancied himself a romantic, but to finally find his mate only to be rejected flat out hurts worse than anything Kate had put him through. Which… well, it says a lot.
Boyd nudges the envelope towards the remains of Derek's burrito. "Do what's right to you." And just like that, he changes the subject as they argue over whether Brees or Brady will end the season with the most touchdown passes and have the better chance of securing a berth in the Super Bowl.
Minutes after Derek sets foot inside JFK, he remembers why he hates flying. It's the noise and the stress, the smell of impatience and sweat, and the lack of personal space as he waits to clear security. He jams his beanie down to cover his ears, and the glower he's wearing doesn't help the dubious looks being cast his way. By the time he reaches the concourse, he has to duck into a coffee shop to catch a break from all the commotion.
He's standing in line, trying to decide whether he'd rather have a green or carrot smoothie, when someone's suitcase catches his heel.
"Shit! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The stranger pulls back the offending piece of luggage, and Derek suddenly catches a whiff of a familiar scent amongst the flurry of clothing and limbs. "Are you okay?  I'm not exactly graceful on most days, but I'm working on like two hours of sleep and… " The man's voice trails off as he meets Derek's gaze, his whiskey-colored eyes widening further. "Derek?" he squeaks.
"Stiles," Derek answers, his voice equally strangled.
Stiles blows out a deep breath. "Oh, wow. What are the chances?" he mutters. His face turns blotchy.
Derek's wolf is pawing at his chest, begging Derek to not waste this second chance. "Uh… seeing as we're both here, I'm going to repeat my offer. For the drink. And a meal, if you'd like. Although I guess it's more like a grab and go." He's stumbling over his words and he feels the tips of his ears heat.
Stiles glances at the breakfast wraps and fruit bowls displayed behind the plexiglass counter. He pastes on a grin, although it seems strained at the edges. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, man; that'd be great." He orders an OJ and an egg wrap, while Derek finally decides on the green smoothie.
"Is that all you're getting?" Stiles asks after an awkward moment of silence.
Derek shrugs. "I ate before I got here. But you can order something else. I'm in a generous mood."
"Haha, big spender. I mean… " Stiles ducks his head and bites his lower lip. Derek watches helplessly as it reddens and swells. "Doesn't your daughter or wife want something, too?"
"I don't have a daughter or a wife," Derek says, his brow furrowing. "Or a girlfriend or a boyfriend, for that matter."
Stiles' mouth drops. "But who was the girl you were with at the book signing?"
Everything starts to slot together. Derek lets out a small chuckle of relief. "Hailey? She's the love of my life. She also happens to be the daughter of my best friends, Erica and Boyd, and my goddaughter. They couldn't make it to your signing because of a scheduling conflict, and I jumped in as a favor." He hands over a twenty to the cashier and deposits the remaining change in the tip jar, his shoulders suddenly lighter.
"Ohhh." Stiles wheels his bag around as they head out towards the gates. He stays close to Derek and his scent grows brighter and sweeter. "I totally jumped to the wrong conclusion," he confesses with a rueful grin. "And I don't want to make the same mistake twice, so I'm going to ask you straight out: are you heading back to Beacon Hills? Because if you are, I'd like to take you to a real dinner. If you're interested, of course," he hastens. "If not, that's cool, too—"
Derek stops and places his hand on Stiles' arm. "I happen to be going back to Beacon Hills. And I'm definitely interested."
A quick check of their tickets shows they're on the same flight into Sacramento International. When they reach the gate, Derek marches up to the counter and trades in his first-class ticket for a business-class seat next to Stiles. He hurries back to the waiting area, flashing a 'thumbs up' sign and grinning like a loon. The look of pure joy that lights up Stiles' face makes Derek's wolf howl with glee.
"So I was curious... why did you choose Mieczyslaw as your nom de plume?" Derek asks as he sits, resting his bag on the floor between them.
Stiles huffs out a laugh. "Mieczyslaw is my name—at least, it's the one I was born with. But it was too complicated to say, so my best friend Scott nicknamed me 'Stiles' when we were younger." He shrugs, as if to say, the rest is history. "Anyway, I wrote The Fox and the Spark for Scott and Allison's son and they finally convinced me to submit it to a publisher. I really didn't think it would go anywhere, and it seemed like it would be less of a rejection if I sent it as 'Mieczyslaw' instead of 'Stiles'."
"And then you ended up with a best-seller," Derek finishes with a grin. He stares at the label on his cup, rubbing an edge that's grown worn from condensation. "Hailey's favorite book is The Fox and the Spark. But I think I'm partial to your latest. The one where a boy builds a wolf out of snow and wishes he'd come to life."
Stiles sucks in a deep breath. "It's based on one of my greatest memories."
"The memory of a wolf? Or someone else?"
Stiles' cheeks stain a beautiful pink. "Uh, a little bit of both? I've always been drawn to wolves, but I've also never forgotten how nice you were to me at Cora's party. I mean, you're Derek Hale—Cora's cool, older brother. I kind of built you up after that, turned our meeting into some kind of mythos, but even then I hadn't been prepared for you to be so…" He gestures with his long, graceful fingers up and down Derek's torso. "I mean, look at you. You're ridiculously hot, plus you were so amazing with your goddaughter. You probably work saving kittens or puppies or endangered wildlife or something—"
Derek coughs. "People. I'm an EMT."
"See! I mean, your fucking perfect. It's a good thing I didn't know all these things before, because otherwise, like, mind blown." Stiles mimes an explosion with his hands.
"I'm hardly special. Although I do have a book written about me. How many people can say that?" Derek teases.
"Yeah." Stiles' grin fades slightly, his hands falling to his sides. "About that. I know it must seem weird, but I'm not some obsessed fan, I promise."
Derek shakes his head. It's too early to tell Stiles about werewolves and their mates, but he wants Stiles to know that the feeling is mutual. That Stiles' story is the same one Derek's been living in since they first met.
"It's okay, Stiles. I feel the same way, too." Emboldened, he takes Stiles' hand in his, his eyes dropping to Stiles' mouth as his mate licks his lips.
"Dude," Stiles whispers, awed.
By the time they touch down in Sacramento, Derek's learned all about Stiles' closest friends. He learns that Scott is a werewolf as well, though bitten and not born, and that Stiles is considered part of Scott's pack. He's surprised to know that the infamous Lydia Martin is now one of Stiles' closest confidants, and that they'd briefly dated before deciding they were better off as friends. He also discovers that the Sheriff who busted Derek and his friends on Senior Prank Day (and let them off with a warning) is none other than Stiles' dad.
Derek and Stiles eventually connect the dots and realize that Stiles' friend Isaac went to the same college as, and remains friendly with, Erica and Boyd. He's happy to know that Stiles also lives in New York, on the Upper West Side near Riverside Park, which happens to be one of Derek's favorite places to jog. And he discovers other things about Stiles—like how Stiles is ticklish along his sides (just below the curve of his lowest rib), and how his lips are just as soft as they look, and how Stiles goes absolutely crazy when Derek scents and mouths his neck.
In fact, by the time they disembark, their mutual attraction is pretty much apparent to everybody—including the Sheriff, who pointedly avoids looking at Stiles' neck, and Laura, who just laughs.
Stiles lifts the hem of his scarf to hide the evidence, his cheeks flaming. Derek's just glad that neither the Sheriff or his sister can see the other places Derek's marked.
"Looks like you've finally found a flight you enjoyed, baby bro," Laura says as she wraps her arm around his shoulders and squeezes. "I'm so glad you're home."
Derek closes his eyes and breathes Laura in, his wolf settling at the smell of her shampoo, the warmth of his skin, and the feeling of home. "Me too."
Laura nuzzles the crook of his neck. "You smell different," she says as she leans back, her gaze sharp and assessing.
Derek glances at Stiles, who looks over to Derek at exactly the same time and waves at him with a blinding grin. "Um, yeah. About that..."
"I don't mean in that way," Laura says, wrinkling her nose. "Although he is a cutie. What I mean is that you smell... happy."
"I am," Derek says, realizing he means it. He can't wait to introduce Stiles to the rest of his family and begin formally courting his mate. But for now, he and Stiles know they have something special. They've entered the next chapter of their lives, one that already has a great beginning.
And the romantic in Derek knows this story will have a happy ending.
22 notes · View notes
coffeeew · 4 years
do you love me? | wen junhui
❀ → genre: |fluff | school au! |
❀ → synopsis: Everyone knows how much they like each other. They know the feeling is mutual but they are just too scared to ruin it, too shy to say it and too terrified to make it formal because of the feeling that it´s just too good to happen.
❀ → pairing: jun x female reader
❀ → warnings!: swearing | mention of alcohol consumption | my first language it´s clearly not English, excuse any grammar mistakes.
❀ → word count: 3.3K
 ❀ → note: I don´t know if it´s offensive that I upload this while the whole situation involving some of the members is going on since I´m not part of the culture that´s being affected, if it is, please let me know and I will take it down and upload it when the apology is given. Treat People With Kindness Loves.
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You raised your head from the cave made by your arms when you felt the scent of coffee coming into your nose.
"Brought you Starbucks."
Said the boy sitting in front of you and smiling slightly.
You responded with a raspy voice because of your lack of sleep since you had to finish an extremely large essay for your writing class at around four am and your first class of the day was at eight am. So now you were here, with an empty stomach, looking horrible, feeling even worst, and wanting to just pass away on top of the table.
Minghao sat in front of you and sipped into his cup with that green logo printed on it. It was unfair, he probably was in the same situation as you but still looked stunning with his beige turtle neck and his light brown coat. You frowned and opened your eyes, almost offended by the fact that the bags that were supposed to be under his eyes were barely noticeable and his hair looked good even though it was kind of messy. 
"God must hate me."
You told yourself while graving the cup that he had brought you, noticing that was a caramel macchiato. He brought me my favorite drink, I can´t get mad at him.
"What was that for?"
He asked with a laugh due to your comment. You sipped into the cup and raised one of your eyebrows.
"Cause I look like fricking trash while you´re looking like a fashion model on a runway, and we both got the same sleeping hours."
"But I literally grabbed the first things I saw." 
You pressed your lips together making them into a straight line while raising your eyebrows. There are two choices, or he was lying or all his closet was filled with good clothes that made him look like a drama protagonist. 
"Yeah, that made me feel better."
Your lips suddenly curling into a fake smile and he just laughed. Is my misery that funny?
"You look okay, don´t be dramatic."
"It´s me, What do you expect?"
The black-haired boy was about to respond when two hands slammed into the cafeteria table both of you were sitting on making a loud stud.
"I got an A+ on my Calculus Test!"
The male voice hollered making you jump in your place while Minghao smiled again and raised his hands in the air, giving the brown-haired boy a thunderous high five.
"That´s my boy!"
You looked at both guys with a "what the fuck" expression while they hugged. Were you the only one who thought that greeting someone like that wasn´t appropriate and that it could cause you a fricking heart attack?!
"Uhm... Excuse me but what the actual fuck?"
Jun looked at you with an excited smile in his face that faded a little bit by your comment. You felt a small heartache by watching how the slight shine is his eyes faded a little bit as well.
"I didn´t mean it like that! Like, I´m excited for you but you almost made me have a heart attack."
You said by standing up and walking towards the brown-haired boy and wrapping your arms around him.
"I´m sorry."
He responded with a slight murmur. You felt bad now, you didn´t mean to ruin the mood but you were feeling a little bit like shit because of your lack of sleep and the terrible headache that was starting to form in the front of your head. That was obviously no excuse to treat him like that and literally ruin the moment but you didn´t think about it and just opened your mouth, terrible mistake.
"It´s okay, just... don´t scream and slam your hands into a table as a greeting next time.”
You slightly pulled away just to see his face and give him a warm smile. Now you felt a little better, seeing him so excited about something that he worked for made you feel almost like a proud mother, except that fact that if you were his mother you would be liking your son and that´s definitely disgusting and sick and.... your thoughts were getting off the topic.
“I´ll invite you to eat meat as a celebration, okay?"
He nodded and you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead just to then giggle about his surprised expression.
"I´m going to get tired of third-wheeling one of these days"
Minghao was looking at both of you with a burlesque smile. You felt a slight blush come up your cheeks and you couldn´t help to just laugh as Jun hit the back of Minghao´s head by the embarrassment.
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The laugh coming from your mouth was almost inevitable. Seungkwan, Soonyoung, Solji, Jihoon, Seokmin and you were at Vernon´s place, he had planned a "party" with some friends. Actual university parties weren´t as movies painted it, just a bunch of drunk friends playing stupid games and singing to the top of their lungs to "dancing queen" by ABBA or "bohemian rhapsody" by Queen. But right now you weren´t going to get drunk yet since some people were still missing, so Solji decided it was a good idea to put the comic trio of Booseoksoon into a game of guessing songs, and jeez, the were competitive as heck.
It was really funny overall watching how they screamed and pushed each other or shut themselves to say the answer. You and Jihoon were watching from afar laughing your asses off. Everything was okay until you, being the scandalous laugher you are, started clapping and leaning to the front as you laughed, causing you to fall into your knees and end up on the floor. You wrapped your hands around your stomach, it was starting to hurt because of the constant tension in the area due to your laughter.
You felt the tears in your eyes and since you made all the attention go to you when you fell, Solji ran to you and kneeled in front of you, making you sit and graving your shoulders, she started shaking you, telling you to calm down since it was the game´s "finals" and they needed to concentrate.
You ended up calming yourself and Soonyoung ended up winning the game. Vernon finally entered the room with some bottles of alcohol and told Seokmin to go get the beer that was on the kitchen´s counter.
"There are taking way too long."
You said while looking at the clock on your phone. Minghao and Jun hadn´t gotten there yet and they were the only ones missing.
"Should I text them?"
You whispered to yourself.
"You worry too much, they said they were going to be a bit late."
Said Solji while sitting beside you and sliding her arms into your shoulders, giving you a little squeeze. You bite your bottom lip, feeling a little bit anxious.
"Yeah, but a little late is not forty-five minutes."
"Actually Minghao told me they were going to be late because Jun was going to pick him up and he lives kinda far from here."
Answered Vernon, sitting on the floor in between Seungkwan´s legs. You pressed your lips together and tried to wash away all the bad thoughts and try to concentrate on your friends´ words.
"It´s cute seeing how much you worry about him."
You looked in Soonyoung´s direction, just to see him sipping into a can of beer.
"Well they´re my friends, I obviously worry about them."
"You know what I´m talking about."
"No, I don´t?"
Soonyoung rolled his eyes with a smile in his face.
"You can fool yourself but can´t fool us y/n, no one else in this room is as worried as you are about them, and we both know you are mostly worried about one of them."
You were going to protest but Solji talked first.
"I still don´t understand why you both aren´t dating. You like each other and I´m sure you both know about each other's feelings."
The heat started going up your face until you couldn´t take it anymore and just pulled your legs into your chest and hid your face between them, wrapping your arms around them.
"I just- I know he likes me and I think he knows I like him but us dating can go wrong in so many ways. I don´t want to ruin our relationship with a breakup."
You talked out loud for them to hear your muffled words throughout your legs. Solji started caressing your back and you were way too embarrassed to raise your head and comfort your friends' faces. You´ve never said that out loud to them, only to the cute Rilakkuma plushie Jun had given to you on a Valentine´s Day as a "friendship" gift, but it was way different to say it to your close group of friends.
"It´s understandable that you feel like that, you know it, right?"
You expected everyone to talk but the voice you heard.
"You already have a beautiful relationship with him and you feel like the fact that dating him could be that kind of relationship but without compressing some feelings may seem too good to be true, isn't it?"
You slowly raised your head and nodded into Jihoon´s direction, he wasn´t looking into your eyes, and you knew he wouldn´t but you already appreciated the fact that he was speaking to you in a way that he hadn´t before. He was really reserved and you both never been that close even though being in the same circle of friends, and you kind of felt closer to him when he started talking in such a serious way towards you.
"I understand it, and everyone does, but think about this. If you don´t speak up about this and try to have something with him, someone else is going to do it, and maybe he could fall in love with that someone and you are just going to be left with the thought of something that actually never was something, you know what I mean?"
Your teeth were bitting hard into your bottom lip again as you nodded. You know that was true, and you had thought about it some times but as you looked more into it, the more scary the thought of losing the one that could be the love of your life, only because you were scared.
The sound of the doorbell interrupted you. Vernon looked at you, like looking for approval, you just nodded and he stood up, walking out of the living room.
"Just have that in thought, right now let´s have fun, okay?"
The warm smile that Jihoon gave you made you feel a strange wave of calmness through your body, you responded with another smile, more of a "thank you" smile than a warm one, but he got it.
The two guys greeted as they entered the room and as it was meant to happen, Jun´s eyes were already looking at you when you did, he was slightly frowning and you noticed he might have seen how you smiled to Jihoon. You just made a gesture with your hand, indicating there was nothing to worry about making him nod and start to greet everyone, finishing with you, leaving a small kiss on your forehead and sitting beside you.
"So what are we doing?"
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"Are you almost finished?"
You placed the cup of tea on the small coffee table that was in the middle of Jun´s living room. He was sitting on the floor, with his laptop on the coffee table as he was writing at a pretty fast pace. He was writing an assignment for a class that you´ve already forgotten the name of. You were in his house mainly because you needed the English dictionary you had borrowed him, but ended up staying with him to, in his words,  "keep him sane during this night." You sat beside him and passed your hand through the hair that was in his forehead, pulling it back.
"Yeah, now I just have to write all the sources that I got the information from.... and that´s like fifty-three different web pages."
He let out a sigh from his mouth and rolled his head, making his neck crack as he let out a small holler of pain. You bit your bottom lip and sighed as you grabbed the cup of tea and extended it to him. He looked at it and gave you a small smile while taking the teacup and sipping into it.
You shook your head, indicating him not to even bother about it.
"It´s okay, but I think you should rest a little bit, you can finish it tomorrow."
This time the one shaking his head was him.
"I have to finish this now or I´ll never do it."
"Jun, come on, you´ve been sitting here for almost four hours without looking away from the screen, let yourself rest and finish it tomorrow, please."
He seemed to think about it for a couple of seconds until he let out a kind of short sigh and nodded.
"Ok, but you are going to sleep here."
You raised your brows in surprise. It wasn´t the first time you stayed in his house, but the last time you had your bag with clothes and the sleepover had a purpose, like watching a movie you both wanted to see or a series you wanted to watch together, but today, there wasn´t any movie or series or anime or event. 
"But I don´t have other clothes with me."
You responded, trying to avoid staying there, it wasn´t like you didn´t want to do it or you felt uncomfortable with it, but you were nervous about it, you always were, but this time you didn´t have a couple of days to prepare yourself mentally about the fact that you were staying in your "crush´s" home. 
"I can borrow you some sweat pants and you´ll wear one of my hoodies or something. Please, I wanna see Avengers End Game with you."
He whined while shaking your arm a little bit. You ended up agreeing and now you were in Jun´s bedroom restroom. You were looking at yourself in the mirror with a sweat pant that didn´t fitted into him anymore and a white hoodie that had a weird illustration on the back, it was kind of big on you, enough for it to go a little past the half of your thighs and for your hands to become sweater paws. You were there just staring and thinking about Jihoon´s words.
"Should I say it today?"
You asked yourself in a whisper then licked your dry lips and putting the hoodie´s cap up and pulling the strings. I´m such a coward. 
"Are you okay y/n? You´ve been there for a while."
You opened your eyes on surprise and pulled the hood down, arranging your messy hair and graving your folded clothes into your arms, then walking into the door and opening it.
"Yeah, I just.... needed to pee."
Jun nodded and smiled slightly.
"You can put your clothes on the desk right there."
He said while pointing into the desk´s direction. You nodded and walked to it, placing your folded clothes on top of it. When you turned to face Jun again something unexpected happened.
His face was in front of yours as he whispered the words. You let out a small squeak as you jumped away from him, pushing his face away in the process.
He said with a little giggle. 
"You stupid piece of shit."
You said just to then start slapping his arm slightly. He just laughed as you whined about how dangerous that could´ve been, like you falling and hitting your head against the desk or something.
"Okay I´m sorry~ I honestly didn´t think you´d even jump since you don´t get usually scared with jumpscares."
"Videogames and movies are different from a human face just popping in front of your´s IN REAL LIFE."
"I´m sorry."
He said quietly, making a puppy face that was honestly kind of weird but since you were so fricking whipped for him, it was like a mortal weapon against you. You snorted and rolled your eyes and hugged him, he responded to your hug almost immediately and kissed the top of your head. And then it hit you, like, R E A L L Y hit you, the fact that if you didn´t speak up now, he could find someone else to do this with as fast as tomorrow. You felt kind of overwhelmed by that, making your grip looser and looser until you weren´t giving the hug back anymore.
Jun pulled away and looked at you, frowned eyebrows and worried eyes.
"What´s wrong?"
He asked while looking at your face, searching for any sign of sadness or hurt, but it was just blank, which made him way more worried.
"I... I need to talk with you about something."
You said in a murmur. He tilted his head slightly but ended up nodding.
"Let´s sit down."
He directed you into the end of the bed and you sat down in there, telling yourself if you were actually gonna do this. He sat beside you, keeping a little distance, you knew he was waiting for you to talk, but you felt like your tongue had been pulled out of your mouth and your lips stitched together. You gulped and cleared your throat, breathing in and sitting correctly. You can do this,  I can do this.
"I like you, we both know that, right?"
You said, taking enough courage to look up and stare into his eyes. He pressed his lips together and nodded slightly.
"And we both know that... that you also have some kind of feeling towards me and that we have this weird "more than friends" relationship that everyone knows about."
You breathed in yet again, feeling how your chest was compressing due to the nervousness and your nails were starting to press roughly into your palms because of the anxiety. 
"I talked about this with the guys and Jihoon told me something that has been on my head since I first started liking you."
You felt how his hands landed on top of yours, caressing and pulling your fingers open for you not to press into your palms. Your breathing stopped when you felt the touch.
"I´ve never said anything because I was scared to ruin what we already had. I felt like it was impossible for us to be more than friends because it was already perfect and the fact that it could get better just seems way too... too."
You nervously laughed for not being able to remember and pronounce such an easy word.
"Yeah... Bu then Jihoon said that if I didn´t try and if I didn´t stop being a scardey cat, someone else was going to do it. And that´s even scarier as selfish as it sounds, but not only because I had lost the chance to be with the person I consider the love of my life, but the fact that I lost it because I didn´t speak up about my feelings."
You felt your voice become shaky at the last words, and that´s when you noticed the tears flooding your eyes that now were staring at the ground again.
You felt Jun´s hands cup your face, making it look in his direction, he raised it and left a single but long kiss in your forehead, then he gave you a warm smile, making you sob and letting the tears go down your face.
"No, don´t cry, it´s okay y/n."
"I´m sorry."
"Don´t be sorry, I´m actually happy you were the one that spoke up about this. If I had done it, it would be a mess. Can you imagine me literally showering in my sweat because of the nerves I would have?"
"That´s disgusting."
You laughed. He smiled again.
"But I made you laugh."
"You are stupid."
"Oh, you love me."
"I... I do."
"And I do too."
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Peter Parker-Peter’s Tingle
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Requested by anon! Angst alphabet letter B with fluffly ending! Although is not really angsty! I hope you like it!!
Plot: Peter’s tingle must always be trusted; through the good and bad.
Warnings: pregnant!reader, pregnancy problems (sightly), giving birth. Let’s pretend Peter’s 18 for this fanfic! ALWAYS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT
Cravings were weird, and yours were definitely the weirdest of them all. You were sure of it when, at eleven thirty of the night, you were walking down the aisle of a store that was fifteen minutes away from your house just because of those snacks that you used to have as a child. Walking into the store and greeting the old man in the front, you looked around until you spotted what you came in there for. They were ordered by colours, the weirdest flavours displayed in front of you. You smiled at the thought of shoving a bunch of them in your mouth, and you almost clapped. While you were picking as much of them as you could in your arms and balancing them in your pregnant belly, you thought about him.
Probably, it would have been a good idea to tell Peter.
Peter, your boyfriend and the father of your child. Peter, the super hero of Queens that fainted when you went to the bathroom on the cinema two weeks ago. Peter, who didn’t know where you were and probably was coming back from patrol in a few minutes. Yeah, it seemed a pretty stupid idea, coming down all the way to the store when your boyfriend is fucking spiderman and could just swing there.
But he had left the toilet seat up once more and you didn’t want to deal with him. Not when you knew you would melt with his cute brown eyes and his innocent self.
Arms full of snacks and weird things, you walked back to the counter; only to stop by the third aisle, where the baby section peaked. You were over the 7th month of the pregnancy, yet you had decided to keep the gender of the baby a secret. It was Peter idea, who wanted to surprise everyone with the little bundle. He liked to have arguments with Tony, saying that it would be a boy, smarter than Tony that would make the most incredible suit the world had ever seen. To what Tony proposed to create a bubble paper room in the tower just for the baby.
It had been an accident. The unsafe sex, the pregnancy, the baby. Yet you knew that Peter and you would love that kid, either if it was a girl or a boy. Shuffling through the clothes, you tried to pick gender neutral ones when your phone rang. The annoying tone of Spiderman, does whatever a spider can started sounding, and thank God it was so late and there wasn’t anyone around.
“Hey babe” you answered, putting on a happy smile even if he couldn’t see you.
“Y/N! Thank God you’re alive. I-I came from patrol, and I didn’t see you. Thought you would be over Tony’s? But he hadn’t seen you either. S-so I got a bit, uh, worried?”
“I’m fine, just needed a quick run to-where are you?”
In the background, you could hear strange sounds. At first, they seemed a machine working, yet the more you focused, the farther the sounds were from being that. You sighed when you realised that it was Peter’s swinging by the buildings, the metallic suit colliding with the air.
“Peter, you better not be talking while swinging.”
There was a pregnant pause, where Peter could only keep silence shamefully; but he didn’t stop. You left the yellow onesie on its place and turned back to pay for all your items; apart from the snacks, two Spiderman’s plushie and a sippy cup themed like captain America.
“I swear, this stress is bad for the baby”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking though” a new voice interrupted the conversation, your eyes widening. “Hey Y/N. How’s it going?”
You let your mouth fall open when Tony’s voice came through your phone, and had to tighten your arms around the products to keep them from falling. Your adoptive father had been against the relationship since you had known Peter, and actually made the show of chasing Peter around New York with his ironman suit. Your mother, Pepper, and you had to stop him before it actually got bad.
When he found out you were pregnant, Peter ended up unconscious in the med bay and, once more, your mother and you had shouted to hell and back. Now, seven months later, Tony Stark and Peter Parker made the best team in keeping Y/N Potts away from danger; danger being opening a can by yourself or doing some shopping.
“I can’t believe your brought him into this, Pete” you said, half angry half i-knew-it-would-happen. “I thought we said no more Tony in your paranoias! His old heart can’t handle it!”
“Hey, I heard that!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Y/N, but my senses kept bugging me and I’m really worried. And-then I called Tony, to ask him if you were with him, you know I can’t lie to him!” Peter rushed out, actually afraid of what you might do against him. “I’m sorry.”
“Okay, good. Good” you rubbed your eyes slowly, suddenly dying for a warm bed. Was it you, or it was too cold in that shop? Damn the hormones and the cravings. “I just want to go home, I’m really tired. I don’t care anymore, just be here quickly”
“Minutes away, Y/N. Promise”
You decided to sit in ones of the chairs that was exposed on the shop. It was a weird shop, that sold too many things. But it felt amazing to have somewhere to sit. Peter insisted in keeping on the line while he got there, and something in his voice made you reconsider your quick nap and hum in approval. Then, he began talking about his patrol and about how he almost broke his leg rescuing a lost kitten.
Tony made the occasional appearance, adding some snarky remark or just making sure you were okay. It didn’t worry you that he was so overprotective; they always were. Teen pregnancy was always a risk. From school, to people and social media, to health problems. A lot of things could go wrong in a teen pregnancy.
Minutes passed and, before you knew it, you heard the owner of the shop gasp in surprise. A male voice called your name, and you answered half-heartedly, almost ready to fall asleep there. From where you were sitting, you saw Iron Man impressive suit peeking over the shelves, and calling with one hand to a small figure, who ran to your side in seconds.
“Hey” Peter’s soft voice made you smile, and soon his fluffy locks welcomed you.
Peter kneeled on your right, his suit covered hand resting on your thigh and squeezing it carefully. He had bags under his eyes and a tired smile adorning his face. His locks were all over the place, still not used to the new mask Tony had gave him. You couldn’t resist the urge of running a hand through them.
As if it was a routine, his other hand travelled to your belly, covered by a horrendous pre-mom jacket he had made you wear. Still, both of you felt the baby kicking softly where Peter was touching it, and you smiled happy.
“Young woman, consider yourself the main cause of my grey hair” Iron man’s voice said.
Tony stepped out of the suit, leaving it on guarding mood on the beginning of the aisle; Spiderman’s identity was yet to be revealed. Although he looked slightly annoying from being out of his lab, he had a fond shine on his eyes, that was only directed to a few people in the world.
“I’m sorry I got you out of bed, old man” you heard Peter’s stiffen a laugh. “I just wanted something to eat.”
“Next time you can just call me” Peter said. “You know I can drop anything for you”
He would, and you knew it more than well. When he had discovered you were pregnant, you expected a lot of things. Walking out on you, insulting you, questioning the father of the child, excusing himself of its life. But Peter Parker had only hugged you tight and promised you that he would never move from your side, whatever you wanted or decided. And even proposed to leave highschool and search for some job.
Thankfully, aunt May and Pepper took that idea out of his mind quickly.
“I could use some spiderman swinging right now” you said, using your best puppy eyes. You faked a small pout and watched as Peter’s eyes widened. “I’m really, really tired… I walked here and all. And I want to go to sleep. Like, now.”
“What? Why?” Peter panicked. “Do you feel sick? I can bright you a paper bin. Mr Stark, can you bring a paper bin? Or do you need anything else? Karen, can you call-“
“Kid, she’s fine” Tony rolled his eyes. “I’ve been living with her long enough to know those eyes. She’s just trying to get away with being lazy.
You chuckled and Peter relaxed his shoulders, muttering something to Karen about not bringing the ambulance. With his help, you got up from the chair and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He hugged your back and rubbed his nose against your neck, curls tickling your cheeks. Tony said something about keeping it PG and going to pay for the snacks, but you didn’t move from the embrace.
Peter’s arms had something that made you want to stay between them all day, even if it was weird with a huge stomach in between. The hard plates of his suit felt uncomfortable against your skin, and it was too chilly for you liking; yet you enjoyed yourself for a little bit, not aware of what was waiting for you.
It had probably passed only a few minutes before you heard the man in the counter walking angrily towards you. Your lips were awfully close to his, previously having kissed his neck, cheeks and chin, when Peter pushed aside and the mask covered him quickly, just in time to see the man walking in the aisle with Tony hot on his heels. He was speaking so fast you couldn’t understand him, although it was true that your mind felt a little foggy. The lights bothered you, the noises were too loud and it was cold in that dammed shop. You only wanted to go back to bed.
Peter gripped your hand and managed to push you a little behind him, not liking the way that man was pointing an angry arm at you.
“…pay! You have to pay for everything! Now it’s useless!”
“Hey man, I already paid for everything. And gave you a tip!” Tony raised his arms, and with a sharp look stopped the suit from frying that man. “This is ridiculous, you can’t even properly speak my language.”
“No, you pay more! She sat, and now useless! No one is buying the chair no more, and shop close if doesn’t have money! Pay!”
“Mr Stark?” Peter asked, voice unsure but ready to jump into the argument. By then, you were leaning on his back, cheek pressed against his shoulder blade while his thumb caressed your palm.
The man shouted something in his language. Judging by the small black moustache, dark skin and long clothes, he was probably muslim. He kept pointing to the chair, as if he wanted desperately for you to notice something.
And, in an ironic way, you were the first one to do so. You should had probably noticed earlier; the discomfort, the constant need to pee. Those were alarming signals, but you had just confused them with cravings and maternity hormones. While Tony shouted back and forwards with the man, you got stuck looking at the red stain on the chair you had been sitting on mere seconds ago. Some of it had leaked to the ground, and just then you were aware of the sticky feeling on your legs. Looking down, you saw the grey leggings darkened, and you gasped.
“You al-“
Peter stopped at midsentence when he noticed the blood on your thighs. Once you were up and not sitting, he could see the beginning of a larger stain of red. He didn’t mind when his mask fell off and the muslim man stopped talking in surprise, neither when, in an attempt to catch you, he crashed with the shelves on his back and knocked over some diaper’s boxes.
Tony had never heard such a desperation in the boy’s voice. He had you gripping on his forearms, face suddenly face and sweat rolling down your neck. His face wasn’t much better; wide eyes, tears already forming in them, and mouth open.
However, Peter didn’t get to say anything before you finally crumbled down on his arms while your world turned black.
As Peter swung through the buildings of New York, bag on his shoulders, all he could think was about the crib. The half-done crib you were trying to build in what would be the kid’s room, in the tower. You had decided to stay there, with Peter, and although he would miss May, he had been happy with the idea.
Until the moment came, and he had been too busy fussing over the avengers to build the crib; then, he felt miserable. It couldn’t have been his fault, as the little bundle had decided to come three fucking months earlier.
His heartbeat was wild on his ears, so loud that he couldn’t see or feel the wind that passed through him. If you were there, you would shout at him for going to fast. If you were there, you would make him focus on the task and forget about the damn crib. But you weren’t, you were in an hospital bed giving birth while he went for the bag, that thankfully he had already prepared.
In a daze, he found himself in the hospital. The whole ‘protect the secret identity’ was long forgotten, and he ripped the mask off his head in front of the nurse in charge.
“C-Can I help you?” the lady said, voice trembling. She blinked a few times, surprised to see such a young boy in the spiderman’s suit.
“Yes, yeah. I’m… Y/N Y/L/N. She’s-She’s my girlfriend. Pregnant” Peter stumbled over his words. “She-well, not any more. I guess? She’s giving birth. Early, thought. We had a problem in a shop and-“
“Room 311. That’s the third floor” the woman cut him, kind smile on her face. “Take the elevator, then it’s down the hall and to the right”
He didn’t even think. His mind was only a mix of white noise and blurry images passing through him. Peter ran to the elevator, resting his forehead against the metallic wall of it as it rose, exacerbating the swooping feeling he had been fighting since you fainted on his arms; like someone ripped the floor out from beneath his feet. He had been trying to prepare himself for that moment for months, reading all the available books he found and asking for advice to every person he knew.
But, the moment had arrived and he didn’t even had the crib.
There was a woman waiting outside room 311, sipping from a water bottle and wearing awful expensive clothes. She had her hair tied up in a bun, and Peter barely recognised her as the lawyer Tony had gotten for you. Without sparing her another glance, he sprinted past her and almost kicked the door open.
It was sort of a nightmare, what lied behind that door. Peter thought his mind filtered out the worse of it, yet when he opened it and found you sitting on a bed, the end of it covered by blood, he was ready to faint himself.
Tony was by your side, shouting something over the phone with a frown on his face. And you were crying. Fat, big tears were making their way down your chest, and Peter’s knees became jelly. He managed to step up to your bed.
You looked up at him briefly, eyes squeezed in pain. You didn’t make any sound of recognition, but grabbed his hand in an iron grip and squeezed it. Peter immediately got the hint, and used his other hand to avoid the sweat getting into your eyes.
Tony got out of the room after nodding to Peter, taking the bag out of his white knuckles and placing it on the chair. Bile rose up to Peter’s throat when a particularly pained scream left your lips. You leaned over for a second, before relaxing slightly.
He took that as his cue to start whispering soothing words to you. They didn’t do much, and you only wanted to push him apart. But his voice was trembling, his hands were shaking and Peter had also tears on his eyes. So you let him keep talking while the next contraction hit you.
“You seem awfully close to passing out” you tried to joke, enjoying the few seconds of rest. Peter let out a nervous chuckle.
“That’s probably because I am” he whispered. “But I’m not! I promise, I’m not moving. Squeeze my hand, do whatever you want. I’ve read that maybe insulting me might-“
“Pete” you interrupted him, breathless. “I’ll be okay. The baby will be okay, doctors get preemies in here all the time, they know how to take care of them”
Peter’s thought went back to the unfinished crib, how he might had been the one not prepared. He would willingly give his life away from you. But taking care of another life? He wasn’t so sure about that. Even with the financial support of your mother and Tony, they were still a lot of things to solve. Like, highschool, life changes, his schedules.
He didn’t get to continue the list of things he could do wrong because it happened.
One second he was whispering just one more push to you, the next the room was filled with the sound of crying. It was like the first time he heard the heartbeat; it came from everywhere. It came from inside him, he could heart it in his bones. Already, Peter knew he could never forget it.
It wasn’t loud, just tiny mewling noises. The nurses rushed forward with clean towels to wipe away the blood. They were swaddling something in their arms, talking in hushed whispered. He can’t hear your voice calling him over the kid’s low cries. A blonde old nurse came forward, looking at you with soft eyes and asked you something.
Peter’s ears seemed to snap open to her words.
“Would you like to hold her?”
Vaguely, he registered the doctor talking to you about delivering the placenta next, but you nodded excitedly. Peter turned everything he had heard, seen or felt in his life down, and only focused on the blonde nurse standing by your side, offering up a bundle of blankets with a baby, his baby. The room became blurry because of his tears, and he had to sit down.
Next to you. So, Peter saw the little head between the blankets. And he cried.
“Remember to support her head-yeah, like that! I feel like you’re gonna be a natural.”
Peter didn’t actually heard what came after, neither did you. His ears aren’t ringing anymore, either. It was just him, the love of his life laying on a bed, and the bundle of happiness the world had decided to gift him with. A wriggling and squirming little baby girl, with her rounded cheeks flushed with red. Her tiny daughter.
The words made him choke on his sobs, and he covered his mouth with his hand. The love that crashed him was like anything else; it eclipsed everything, warmed him like a rising sun and washed away the thought about the crib.
There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do, there was nothing that meant more to him that that moment.
“Hi, baby” you whispered.
Blindly, she reached towards the source of the voice.
Ten years ago, you had met Peter Parker. A boy with asthma, thin and a little nerdy; that had given you a silly necklace with a self-made atom. The same way it had captured your attention, and since that moment you had stuck to his side, your daughter gripped it with chubby fingers, and her cries died down.
Peter felt as if he was staring at the sun. He put one hand on her head, and the baby, his baby, made a soft little whining sound. Her eyes fluttered open and, if Peter could, he would sit down again.
He couldn’t control the urge of turning your head to the side and crashing his lips to yours. You squealed in surprise, and some nurses gasped. You were both sweaty and with tears on your eyes. The kiss tasted salty, it was awkward because the position and couldn’t last long because they had to take the little girl to the NICU. But it felt like the most perfect kiss of all times.
“I love you” he cried, not bothering to hide his sobs anymore. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
You giggle wetly at him, and pulled him closer for another kiss.
Things were going to be hard. Teen pregnancy, highschool, a premature baby and a whole new world waiting for you. But something in Peter’s gut, his Peter’s tingle, told him everything was going to be just fine.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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March 27th
Master List
“And the sky, it's this amazing shade of blue, and all the clouds change color during sunrise and sunset.” Jae gushed, waving his hands in the air as he spoke. “I can’t wait for you to meet him, Brian, Younghyun, he’s literally the coolest dude ever.” You laughed along with your best friend, truly happy for him, but your heart still clenched at his words. You weren’t even sure what the color blue looked like. 
In your world, everything was shades of black and white, no other colors. This was a common occurrence, everyone was born seeing the world in black and white, only gaining the ability to see in a full spectrum once you encounter your soulmate. For most people your age, their soulmates had been found ages ago. Jae was an exception, at 27 he should have met his soulmate ages ago, but that had only happened over the weekend when he encountered Brian, Kang Younghyun, at a bar and upon bumping into him, found out beer was yellow. You wanted to be happy for your friend, and you were, but part of you still aches when he talked about his boyfriend. 
“He’s a songwriter, you know Park Sungjin? The cool guitarist a year above me?” You nodded blankly at Jae’s words, staring out the café window as you sip your drink. “He’s in a band with him and a couple other kids from here.” Jae gestures to the campus around you. “A keyboardist and a drummer. They’re playing at Club Xion next Saturday, you should come with me.”
“Are you playing?” You ask, opting not to answer his question. 
“Yeah,” His face erupts into a grin. “I’m heading over to Brian’s tomorrow for some practice, you should roll up, meet everyone, bring me lunch.” Your friend’s words bring you back into the present and you can only shake your head at them, not the least bit shocked at his audacity.
“So that’s the real reason huh? To bring you food?” You laugh, rolling your eyes slightly. 
“And because I think you should meet my new friends.” He reasoned, sighing at your grimace. “Come on, you and I have been besties since we were in diapers, it’s only right that you met my soulmate and judge them to the best of your abilities.” You chuckle at his remark, sipping your drink again. “Please?” He whines and you finally cave, sighing and looking away from him. 
“You owe me.” You huff, slumping slightly in your seat, and as you expected Jae is leaning over the table to shake you vigorously in excitement.
“Oh my god I love you, I’ll buy you dinner for a week, or that giant shark plushie we saw at the store the other day. Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you, promise.” He cheers. 
“This better be worth it Jaehyung Park, or I’m going to tie weights to your ankles and throw you in the Han.”
“It will be I swear, Brian tells me they’re awesome. You’re the best, I love you so much.” 
“I know, calm down.” You finally push him away, picking up your drink once more and gazing back out the window. “This had better be worth it.” 
“So, he’s really your soulmate.” Wonpil sighed dreamily, elbow resting on his keyboard. “That’s so cool. Was it romantic?” Younghyun chuckles, shaking his head as he tunes his bass. 
“Oh not remotely. We bumped into each other at Xion, he dropped his beer on me and we both started seeing colors instantly.” 
“What color did you see first?” Seungjin asked, eyes still trained on his guitar.
“Yellow.” Younghyun grins and Dowoon has to physically stop himself from gagging. Colors, of course, they were talking about colors. Dowoon was sick of hearing about colors, it’s all any of the boys wanted to talk about, Sungjin had found his soulmate back in middle school, Wonpil found his during the gap year he took in college, and now Younghyun had found his. 
This was bullshit in Dowoon’s opinion.
“What’s with the sour face kid?” Jae’s voice filled the room, jolting Dowoon from his thoughts. 
“We’ve got a sour little brother, cause he’s the only one who hasn’t found his soulmate.” Wonpil teased, earning a drumstick thrown at him. “Ha, now I have your drumstick, what are you gonna do about it?” Wonpil jokes, and in retaliation, Dowoon picks up another drumstick. 
“Alright that’s enough,” Younghyun interjects, “Hi babe,” He greets his partner with a kiss that has Dowoon rolling his eyes. “Everyone, this is Jae, Jae you already know Sungjin, and this is Kim Wonpil, a genius with the keyboard and synth,” Wonpil flashes the older man one of his charming smiles and a peace sign. “And this is our baby brother, Dowoon, an excellent drummer and the best boy.” Dowoon only offers the older man a wave of a drumstick. “He’ll warm up to you.”
“It’s nice to meet you two, I hope you guys don’t mind, but my friend is bringing food later, for everyone.” 
“You conned someone into buying food for a bunch of strangers?” Sungjin asked. 
“Why are you complaining?” Wonpil inquired, glancing over at Dowoon to find him trying to balance a drumstick on his upper lip.
“I didn’t con her, she’s my best friend, she’d do anything for me.” Jae defended, setting down his guitar bag. The sound of a drumstick clattering to the floor alerted everyone that he had failed in his balancing attempts. “So, did we want to start practice?” 
It’s almost two hours before the group breaks for a breather. Dowoon has almost successfully gotten his frustrations out via his drums, and now that he’s worked up a sweat, he’s hungry as fuck. 
“Hey, Jae hyung, when is your friend going to be here?” Sungjin whines, flicking his pic at the oldest man. 
“Soon, she said she was just down the street a few minutes ago,” Jae tells the group, just as a knock echoes on the door. “And there she is, the love of my life.” Jae cries, throwing open the door. Dowoon wasn’t paying attention at first but the moment the door was opened his eyes landed on the person standing there. You were rolling your eyes at your tall friend, holding bags of food in each hand. 
“I’m only your bestie cause I bring you food.” You scoff, to which Jae feigns hurt. 
“Not true, you’re my bestie cause I’m the only one who puts up with your crap.” He jokes and you gasp in shock. 
“Someone come take this food, I gotta beat this punk’s ass.” You hold up both bags and Sungjin and Wonpil immediately surge towards you to take them. Dowoon remains hidden behind the drums, not wanting to get too close to you, meeting Jae was enough for one day. Once the food was out of your hands, you kicked your leg up and would have nailed Jae in the face if he hadn’t blocked it. It was actually really cool watching you fight Jae, and while neither of you actually managed to hit each other, the two-minute brawl was flashy, to say the least. That was until Jae knocked you over and you almost toppled onto Dowoon’s drums. 
The man had never moved so fast in his life when he saw your figure stagger towards his instrument. One moment he was sitting playing with his sticks, the next the clattering of wood resounded on the floor and he was grabbing you by the shoulders to keep you upright. His fingers barely brushed the skin under your sleeve, but it was enough to send sparks across his whole body. In the instant your skin touched, the crimson of his drums lit up his vision, a similar red to the stripes on your bag. 
You all played it off pretty well for the time you were with them, sitting as far away from Dowoon as possible as you ate with the boys. Neither of you spoke about the colors and didn’t speak at all about your soulmates. It isn’t until you’re leaving that someone finally asks.
“Hey, Y/n, have you met your soulmate?” Brian finally blurts. You paused at the doorway, and it became obvious that Jae was growing uncomfortable. At that moment, you decided that yes, it was time to be a pain in the ass.
“Hey maybe we shouldn’t-” Jae started, trying to play it off. 
“I’m not sure.” You began, shouldering your bag, and turning back to the group slightly. Your gaze raked over the boys before landing on the youngest. Your smile broadened before you shifted your gaze to his drum set. “Maybe.” You mused, chuckling as Jae practically began to vibrate. “Either way, I like your drums.” All the eyes landed on the drums, except for Dowoon, who continued to stare at you. With a wink and another small laugh you properly left the room, calling out: “Red suits you.” 
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thefaithie · 5 years
WC, Chapter 6
Wrong Conclusions Chapter six: Echoed Farewells
For a long time, Raven and Robin went from roof to roof, looking for their friends. The entire time, Raven continued to tell Robin how silly he was acting and how the their friends were likely just shopping together, while Robin ignored all of her insults and unnecessary comments. Finally, after almost thirty minutes of searching, they saw two familiar figures stepping out of an amusement park. Robin stared blankly for a moment from his hiding place at the very top of a Ferris Wheel, looking around at the rest of the park.
"No wonder I couldn't reach them. All these electronics are jamming the signal," he muttered to himself before getting a closer look at Beast Boy and Starfire in particular. His eye twitch came back as he noticed that the two had even changed out of their uniforms, just like Cyborg had insisted. Beast Boy had put on a pair of normal black jeans, and a purple-and-black sweater, making him look considerably less silly than he usually did in his Doom Patrol uniform. Starfire, though she still wore her Tamaranian armor, was wearing somewhat of a light-purple sweater that reached up to her elbows instead, and a matching knee-high skirt, causing her to look considerably more innocent than usual. Even though it was actually less skin than she normally showed, Robin for some reason felt almost uncomfortable seeing her like so, like there was something private and intimate about it he wasn't supposed to see without her explicit permission.
"Okay. They went on a Roller Coaster or two. Whoop-dee-do," Raven said sarcastically from behind Robin, her hood covering her face. "Can we go now, oh paranoid leader?"
"Not yet!" Robin hissed, looking at Starfire laugh at something Beast Boy had said, and the green boy blushing a moment later. The Boy Wonder gritted his teeth, desperately wishing he could hear what the two superheroes were saying to one another...
"You did not expect for it to have been a true villain?" Starfire asked Beast Boy, hugging a tiger-plushie Beast Boy had won for her to her chest. They had been talking about the strange villain attack from the previous week, and Starfire found the story to be very amusing from Beast Boy's point of view. Beast Boy had been rather short in his official report to Robin; this version was much more interesting.
"Well, no," Beast Boy said honestly, blushing even darker than he had a moment before. The memory was an embarrassing one. "He came into the hospital and started to bother the doctors, right? So I tried t'calm the dude down! Next thing I knew, when my back was turned, I was sailing right through a wall!"
Starfire giggled once again, finding the mental image amusing, of course, knowing that Beast Boy was currently safe and unharmed. A second later, though, she paused in confusion. "Beast Boy, why is it you were in the hospital? Usually, people go to the hospital when they are wounded. Were you in pain after the attack of the Trigon?"
Beast Boy blinked in surprise, not having expected Starfire to ask such a question. Yeah, I was in pain, but not in the way you're thinking of, Star…he couldn't help thinking. For a moment, he scratched the back of his head, wondering whether or not he should tell her the truth. He looked her over for a second, trying to decide. Her green eyes stared back at him in worry and confusion, and her lips were pouting in mild distress. Without realizing it, Beast Boy's face began to grow red again, but for a different reason, now.
"...Beast Boy? Your face is turning the same tint as friend Raven's when she finds something she does not like within her room."
"Huh?" Beast Boy stared blankly for a moment, and then began to laugh, tearing his eyes away from the Tamaranian. "It's nothing, I just thought I saw something. About the hospital - I was there mostly because I wanted to go visit some sick people. I used to do that a lot before we were big superheroes and had to run around the way we do, now. But after Trigon's attack, I decided to do it again. It's made me appreciate life a lot more, y'know?" He smiled at himself, feeling proud for having done something he thought was in the past. He loved kids, and sick ones needed a good laugh a lot more than others. "It was a good thing, too, because that Vampire-dude wanted something from one of the kids. If I wasn't there, I don't think we would've made it in time."
"What is it that he had wanted to obtain?" Starfire asked. And a second later, she added. "And what is this 'Vampire' of which you all continue to call this villain?"
Now it was Beast Boy's turn to laugh. After all of the horror movies he had forced the Titans to sit through, Starfire still didn't know what a vampire was? She still ad the weirdest knowledge gaps sometimes.
Starfire tilted her head in confusion, feeling a very light blush beginning to appear on her cheeks. "I was not aware that what I had uttered was meant to be taken as something entertaining..."
"Huh?" Beast Boy stopped in his laughter for a moment to see that he had actually embarrassed the girl. He coughed for a second to try and cover his laugh and rubbed his arm a bit, feeling awkward. For some reason, embarrassing Starfire simply wasn't the same as embarrassing Robin, Cyborg, or Raven. He felt almost guilty for doing so. After all, she didn't know too much about their culture. Why should she have paid attention to any of his horror movies, anyway?
"Er, no, you didn't say anything. I just saw somethin' really funny," He lied, before beginning an explanation. "Well, I have no idea what the guy wanted, really, but whatever it was, he wanted it from a certain kid. The jerk hurt a bunch of ladies at the front, trying to get the kid's information. I gave the kid a Communicator, just in case something happens again. As for what a vampire is, they're these big myth things we have from Romany."
Starfire stared at Beast Boy in confusion for a moment. "Ro...many?"
"Yeah, Romany. It's a country in Europe or Antarctica or something, vhere dey all speek like diiis!" Beast Boy did his best to impersonate the Romanian accent. Starfire tilted her head at him.
"But Beast Boy, is that country not called 'Romania?'"
Beast Boy winced in realization. She was right.
"Well, yeah, but you can call it Romany, too!" He said, not sure himself if that was right or not, but it sounded like it must have been. He found that it was very easy to not seem like a total fool in front of Starfire. She not only believed everything he said, but she also knew what it felt like to be embarrassed for not knowing something. She was nothing like cold, cool, smart Raven, who never fumbled for a word. "Either way, Vampires have long fangs and are supposed to drink the blood of other people. Usually they have super strength and can disappear into the night and stuff. It's just these creatures based off of vampire bats, which are actually totally docile and only like to take blood from farm animals. So the real bats technically drink blood, too, but these Vampire things are totally fake. Oh, and Vampires, if they bite someone, that person's supposed to turn into their soulless zombie slave of theirs and...Star?"
Beast Boy cut himself off, looking back to notice that Starfire had stopped floating and had fallen out of step with him. She was now on her feet, shivering a bit with every word said. Her green eyes were brimming with tears of horror.
Shrieking laughter and words as cold as ice were echoing all across Starfire's mind. She remembered hands all over her body, in places she did not like being touched, and the scars they had left behind at her early age. She remembered every scar, as though they were back on her body, once again being inflicted by claws, fangs, and whips. She remembered all the horrible things she had seen within iron and stone walls, all of the horrible screams of agony and death she had heard. Tears quickly began to flow down her cheeks and her knees to felt weak. Her heart began to pound faster than it ever had before, and she began to emit whimpering sounds without even realizing it. She remembered everything, though she had spent so long trying to forget and push those memories away.
"Starfire!" Beast Boy ran back to her, feeling very confused and flustered. Great. He'd said something stupid! Augh, when was he going to learn to shut his mouth!? "Star, I'm-I'm really sorry! I have no idea what I said, but I didn't mean it, really! I'll make it up to you!"
Starfire swallowed for air, trying to find the strength to talk. It felt like she was drowning. But finally, she found her voice. It was barely more than a squeak as she spoke. "N-No, B-Beast Boy, i-it was nothing you had s-said. M-Memories of s-similar creatures plague my m-mind..."
"..Similar creatures? Star, you...you can't be serious," Beast Boy said, laughing a bit. But his laugh was more nervous than anything. After all, if huge insect-women who ate only Tamaraneans in their chrysalis form existed, why couldn't vampires? But still, it wasn't something Beast Boy wanted to accept yet if he didn't absolutely have to. "Vampire's aren't real."
"I-I know!" Starfire managed, feeling the heat from the tears on her cheeks. She felt very foolish for overreacting the way she was, but she couldn't simply shake it off. She'd managed to shake off the thought when she'd first seen the villain from far away a week ago, but now, with a description like that... "But you-your mention of the villain...H-He looks and s-sounds so m-much like one of them-!"
"Starfire, calm down...It's okay..." Beast Boy said, more quietly now, as he put his hands up in front of him to try and show her that everything was alright. "You're okay now..." As a friendly gesture, Beast Boy wrapped an arm around Starfire's shoulder. He hoped it would help snap her back into at least some form of reality. But his ears drooped a bit, as she did nothing more than shake her head to and fro, trying to force the voices from her mind.
"Star...Star, come on -- tell me what's wrong."
He whispered this closely into her ear, hugging her to him as he did so. In all of his years with the Titans, he had never seen Starfire in such a vulnerable state. She had always been powerful and giddy, or confused and curious. But never frightened to the point of crying, and in truth, it caused Beast Boy's heart to speed up in fear as well. After all, if there was something out there that could cause Starfire such horror, who knew what was in store for him or the other Titans.
"Please, Starfire, tell me..." He repeated, his green ears drooping even further.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Starfire's breath began to steady, though her face remained puffy and pink. Her shivering did not stop, but it lost some of its zeal. She took three steady breaths and gave a weak nod to Beast Boy's request.
"Y-yes, I sh-shall tell you."
The birds twittering above their heads in the orange and red leaves heard nothing. All they saw was the scene of two strange beings becoming closer, hugging, whispering to one another. And to the two Teen Titan birds atop the Ferris Wheel were no different.
"He-he's HUGGING her!" Robin shouted, surprising even himself. He saw only their backs, so he had not seen Starfire's tears. Only that Beast Boy had gotten close to her face, and then wrapped one of his arms around her. "He's hugging her! Right in the middle of the day, where anyone can see them! He probably told her something, lied to her about something! Augh, I'm going to kill Beast Boy when I see him, I swear-"
As Robin continued his threats and plans on what to do once Beast Boy returned home, Raven merely stared at the two as they slowly, ever so slowly, began to walk off, step-in-step. She felt their auras. She felt Starfire's face growing hot, her heart pounding, her gasps for breath. She felt Beast Boy's chest tightening, and him yearning for something from Starfire.
How...how could this have happened? How could those two -- of all the people in the universe -- have gotten together...?
And most importantly, why was she, Raven, so angry about it? She wasn't angry at anyone in particular. She didn't want to hurt Starfire or Beast Boy (though she felt like tearing Robin a new one if he didn't shut up soon). No, no...Raven felt angry with herself. She felt angry with herself for not having realized her feelings sooner. All of the times Beast Boy had made her laugh, all of the times he had caused her heart to freeze, all of the times he had made her worry ceaselessly, and Raven had never realized.
For a moment, Raven felt a sting in her eyes. Water...? No. No crying here. Not now. It was dangerous. She had to stay together. Together. Together.
Augh, Robin just wouldn't shut up!
"Give up!" Raven suddenly barked, causing Robin to pause his endless banter. "They're together, okay? We see that now. Starfire likes Beast Boy, Beast Boy likes Starfire. As long as they don't end up having kids running around the tower, who cares?"
Robin blinked in surprise, looking at Raven's shadowy figure in disbelief. Slowly, he turned his heel to look back down towards Starfire and Beast Boy. Starfire was so calm around Beast Boy. Beast Boy was just as calm around her. Beast Boy didn't feel ashamed putting his arm around Starfire. Beast Boy didn't feel like he was endangering the team. Beast Boy had gall that Robin had never been able to find, not even when Robin and Starfire had been alone together.
Beast Boy deserved Starfire more. Beast Boy had won.
"...You're right," Robin muttered weakly, forcing himself to look away from the two down below. The words tasted like acid. "We should let them get back to their date."
"Yeah, we should," Raven said in a moody tone.
But even though the two Titans had agreed, neither moved. They both looked down longingly at the pair below. Both of them shared feelings of heartache and self loathing in that moment, for not having realized their blatant feelings earlier. For not having said anything in time to have made any difference. For not doing anything to try and make themselves like their counterparts below.
It had been Beast Boy, after all, who had tried countless times to make Raven laugh. He had been shot down by her every time, without even a smile to keep his hopes up, no matter how Raven had felt like smiling on the inside. And there was Starfire. A free, innocent spirit who smiled at the slightest funny word, even if she didn't understand what the fuss was about. She appreciated Beast Boy rather than pushing him away like Raven did.
And Starfire had tried millions of times to get Robin to open up to her. She had made him feel awkward time and time again, and it had made Robin appreciate life all the more to know she was there. But Robin had not done as Starfire had wanted. He had refused to allow her to see any of his true emotions, his true feelings. But there was Beast Boy, who allowed everyone to know what he was feeling at all times. He was loose and didn't take life so seriously. He could enjoy a date without worrying about whether the bank was being robbed. He could make life fun for Starfire, rather than forcing her to always think of work.
As the two watched Starfire and Beast Boy walk off into the nearby, both Raven and Robin found themselves thinking the same words at the same time.
Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Robin, Cyborg, Silkie, and pretty much everything but the plot at hand belongs to © D. C. Comics/Cartoon Network/Kids WB
9/2019 Update:
Whoo! I'm keeping up! It's nice to see people still like reading this fic, even years later. I think it's a good sign of how good this cartoon had been when it came out.
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Hello dear Sheep! Since you want it so bad, here's your BATIM ask: Norman, Shawn and Susie and Reader taking care of a bunch of orphan puppies and/or kittens. This is super cute, you can't deny!
(Pls someone do the same, I need more BATIM asksthank you :’) )
Shawn Flynn: 
Shawn is a very nice man, he gets excited with little kids and animals of all kind, there is no kid that he can’t befriend. He can even befriend little demons, so 2 to 5-year-old kids are no problem to him. ;)
And count the fact he’s a toymaker, little kids and animals love some good old plushie! Boris can say it himself. Everyone can be old in age but be a child in heart! So, it’s very normal that he loves baby animals.
When you said to him that you didn’t want kids he was…kinda devastated. We wanted kids since he has known himself. He would have been an excellent father and he’s pretty sure you have been an excellent parent as well! But hey, he just has to wait right? Everyone wants kids someday. 
It’s the 20′s, give him a break.
When you saw him down for a whole week, (even if he said various times that he was okay) you decided to make his parenthood dream reality. But not kinda exactly the way he was thinking about…
When he came home one day and saw a kitten and a puppy on your lap sleeping…his hearted stopped from the happiness. 
If he was a cartoon, his eyes would have stars on them.
You had never seen him so happy before, he was like a little kid with a new Christmas gift right in front of him, the one they have been talking about since July when people don’t even think about Christmas. 
He’s not a dad of a little human, but of two beautiful little animals. He’s so happy that he has you as his lover. Just you to have that kind of idea when everything around you seems hopeless. 
You swear with all your heart, he would have been the perfect father. He takes them for walks, he builds them toys to play with, he pets and plays with them for hours when he can. Heck, you even think that he cares more about the babies being near him sleeping than you being near him sleeping. He spoils them more than he spoils you!
Alright, that is a lie, sometimes the truth, but he can’t help it! They are like little balls of fur.
The only thing he really lacks is punishments. They are so cute that he evens forgets that they can be really naughty sometimes. You lost count of how many times your pets had nibbled the furniture and he said absolute nothing instead of scolding them. You’ll have to talk to him about that and scold him yourself. 
He’s very happy about this new life. You had, maybe, sacrificed your own peace to make him happy and he doesn’t believe that anyone besides you would have ever done the same thing. He’s very glad about having you in his life.
Norman Polk:
Alright, I’m pretty sure some of you have those relatives or parents in your life that “hated” animals and “I swear to God that if you bring any disgusting creature to our home, you and it will have to find a new place to live!” but then when you brought a pet, after 2 months or less they treated it better than they treat you.
So, that’s Norman.
He already has lots of work, you know! It’s not just Mister out-of-his-mind Drew that makes him want to pull out his own hair out of his head. Mister Sammy Lawrence is super annoying as well and the projectionist’s life would be way easier if everyone started to use their own common sense and worked together as a family instead of talking about each other behind closed doors (and even you cause him some headaches sometimes). 
One day, while he was drinking his tea at home, you got inside with a little black puppy in your arms. You claimed that you found him in a box outside the supermarket and decided to adopt him to bring a little more of joy into your household! Your love seems always so tired, maybe you and your new little son can help!
…Oh man, why.
It’s not that Norman doesn’t like animals, it’s just that he’s not the young guy he was 20 years ago and his patience is below hell now that Joey decided that would be a good idea to have an angel diva living in the studio. Besides, pets are just another annoyance in everyone’s life. They make messes everywhere, they poop on the floor, they fight with other pets, they destroy your furniture, they need too much attention and time and the list goes on for our Mr.Polk. But it seems that he will have to accept his fate, is not like he can kick you out because of the dog. 
(Because he even tried to convince you to not adopt the puppy but you threaten to leave as well if the dog left and he doesn’t want to lose his precious yet stubborn light of his life. Sooo here we go Norman, you can’t run from this one.)
At least you could have chosen other color. Black remembers him of that stinky ink, ugh.
At first, Norman didn’t really care about the new being living in your house. He didn’t pay attention to them and rarely petted or played with them. The newspaper seemed more interesting anyway. The only thing that he didn’t miss was his food. He can not like the pet at all but he’s not letting anyone starve under his own roof. About the walks he just gave the excuse of his legs being tired from work but that’s bullshit.
After a while, things got better. He started to play more with him, take him for walks, even taught him some cool tricks! He even asks you every day if your pet needs something so he can go to the supermarket and take care of it. Seems that your grumpy boy has now changed his view about animals and sees life with more happy colors instead of black and white. 
You are relieved that you change your man at least a bit. Your relationship/life has never been so good and you both love that dog like he is your own children! The only thing that would improve this whole new fantasy is Norman getting a job on a better studio. Things are starting to get suspicious there…
Susie Campbell:
Oh Susie, Susie…Susie. This dreaming big diva is very possessive of you, completely unintentionally! It’s not like she wants to be jealous of everything! It’s just…gosh, if you had her life, you would understand her side. 
So, as she knows she’s wrong in that matter, (even if she hates to admit when she’s wrong) she decided to change this way of being and decided to adopt a kitten! Y’know, you both live together and that kitty will always be with you two no matter what! It’s not like she can be jealous of a kitten for being with you! It’s a kitten! A pet! It’s impossible that she gets jealous of such cute thing!
Oh man, how wrong she was. 
It all started well. She bought the things behind your back so it would be a surprise and you never knew something was going on until the day you saw a tiny white ball sleeping in your couch. 
Heh, at least the money Susie was gaining from her job in that “cursed studio” like you called it has proven to be useful. After all, that smile in your lips and your shining eyes seemed to support her decision.~
You didn’t even think Susie was being serious when she asked you your opinion of having a little pet! You thought that it was to, like, know you even better or something! You were not suspecting at all two big eyes looking at you with curiosity! 
Yes! You were happy, Susie was happy, she hoped your new little girl was happy and everything just had to be the way Susie wanted so soon enough she could prove to herself that she can be a better person!
But not everything in life is perfect and, soon enough, Susie got caught in her own web.
You tried to do your best to give equal affection to both of them and you kind did well your job. But Susie is your girlfriend, so she should be getting all the attention! SHE’S THE LITTLE AND ADORABLE ANGEL HERE GODAMMIT!
Susie knows she’s wrong, it’s a kitten. Kittens and animals, in general, need attention like anyone of us. And she’s adorable! Who wouldn’t be in love with those little paws? But it feels like you love more that ball of fur than her! She knows that is not true, even if it feels like it for our angel. Why is she getting jealous of a pet????
You notice that Susie is quite down and thinking all the time when you are around her with your little daughter. It confuses you, Susie normally isn’t like that. Is something wrong? And if it is, why hasn’t she told you? You are there for her and she knows, at least you mentioned it to her. 
One day, you kinda “trapped” her in your bed, you on one side and the white kitty on the other, and order her to tell you what’s going on. Not completely at ease about the matter, she ended up telling you everything, very nervous and afraid of what you might think of her after this. Gosh, only a psycho would be jealous of a fluffy little creature. You hate her now, don’t you?
No, you don’t. You are used with Campbell’s possessiveness so it doesn’t surprise you at all that she’s jealous of your kitten. With your help, she will overcome this negative feeling and you will be the perfect family that anyone could ask for to your little kitty cat.
One of your favorite activities is too lay down together while cuddling and playing with your daughter on top of your bed. Lazy afternoons with cats are the best!
- mod sheep
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inazuma-hq · 6 years
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Inazuma Showcase Spotlight: @yuumanosaka / @lulurionu
[tumblr] [art tumblr] [twitter] It shows two girls holding plushies of the person they love the most! obviously, the right is Nae holding Norika, which represents my current Inazuma OTP! and then there’s the girl on the left, which actually shows my OC holding Gouenji. she just represents as myself holding Gouenji, who is my favorite character in inazuma hhgjkd
Introduce yourself! Hello everyone! I'm Lulu. I'm 20 years old, I live in the Philippines, and I've been a fan of Inazuma Eleven for a really really really long time! I'm a mainly illustration artist, but I'm also partly a writer in the Inazuma fandom! Though, I did start out as a fanfiction writer, I gradually shifted to becoming an artist, mainly because of my interests towards art and desire to have it as a career in the future.
How long have you been a fan? How did you discover Inazuma Eleven? Somehow, I still remember how I first knew about Inazuma. It was around August 2010, and I was at home during that time. It was nighttime in our place, but it happened before dinnertime. I walked to the living room of my house where I saw that the TV was on and my brother was watching something. The channel that was on was Cartoon Network, and the show that was airing right now was...?
It was a bunch of kids playing soccer, against...aliens?! It was that episode where Epsilon was introduced, and Kogure (or Scotty, as how I first knew him) first played for Raimon. Intrigued, I sat down and continued watching it with my brothers. And then the episode finished, but it was around then that I caught on the name of the show that I watched. Inazuma Eleven, huh? Oddly, I can't remember myself watching the rest of the episodes after that...sort of. I somehow remember watching the last few episodes (of the Aliea arc), and honestly, I really enjoyed those episodes so much that I wanted to watch it all again! It was September 2010, and I began my habit of watching continuously the Aliea arc episodes from Gouenji's return, up until the finale of the Dark Emperors...with the dub version. Somehow, CN Philippines' website had those episodes, and I would find myself watching those episodes everyday after school. But as time went on, I craved for more. I was curious if there was more to Inazuma than just fighting aliens. So I searched it up on Google, and the answer I had wanted was true. There were MORE Inazuma episodes! More than A HUNDRED! I quickly typed up Inazuma Eleven Episode 100 on Youtube, because I was curious to know what was the 100th episode. And I watched it, obviously, and to my surprise...it was about Xavier...and Scotty? Why are they called Hiroto and Kogure?? Why are they together??? It was October 2010, and around this time, I discovered the original Inazuma series...in JP audio! I just continued watching the series after, finishing the original series immediately after it aired and moving on to the GO series. I also constantly rewatched a lot of the episodes during that time! I was really obsessed with Ina11, but it honestly really made me happy so I'm not complaining!
How has Inazuma impacted you since discovered the series? What does Inazuma mean to you? What has made you stick around? I think, if anything, Inazuma is the series that really cemented majority of my interests and made me who I am today!
Inazuma is the series that really made me start out both writing and drawing, it's the series that made me realize that anime is my main interest in media, and it's what got me engaged in the Internet and fandom engagement!
Also, because of Inazuma, I made so many friends! Many of my friends I met here, we all came from Inazuma! And I would like to meet and make even more friends!!!
And this series, it...really means so much to me. I really, really, really love Inazuma??? It's hard to explain how much I love this series. I honestly feel like I fundamentally wouldn't be where I am today without Inazuma, seriously! Despite it being such a pretty unpopular series, I love this series so much to bits;;;;;
I mainly stuck around because...I guess, the series really kept me interested?? Inazuma is one of those series I don't think I would ever let go,. It's too important to me! It's hard to say with words why exactly I stayed hdhhfksj;;
Who are your favourite characters from Inazuma Eleven and why are they your favourites? I started out without really having a solid favorite, until the episode where Raimon and Epsilon Kai happened. Episode 52, specifically.
Back then, I was in despair that Raimon was losing against Epsilon! And there was also a mysterious boy in a orange hoodie who kept popping up. He seemed to be in danger, why? (Please note I started watching Inazuma from Fubuki's debut.)
And then after going through a lot of trouble with aliens, the mysterious boy came to the field. I was confused to who he was, until he took off his hoodie and all of the Raimon cheered happily to see who he was.
It was Gouenji (or Axel back when I first watched)! I didn't know him at all, but from the past episodes I've watched, everyone seemed to admire him a lot. I wonder why?
And I got my answer when he began to play.
Oops, sorry for...that. I'll be honest though, I fell in love more when he was Ishido??? Though, initially, I wasn't...accepting of this change of his. It was pretty hard for then 13 year old me at the time to accept that he was playing the bad guy! But I've changed my ways and realized...Ishido good. All Gouenjis Good.
Though, enough of Gouenji! I have other faves in the series as well!
In the OG series my faves are Kazemaru, Fubuki, Hiroto, and Haruna! My faves in GO are Kinako, Kariya, Taiyou, and Manabe! And my faves in Ares/Orion are Nae, Nosaka, and Norika!  
It's hard to explain why I love them so much?? Since I got to know most of them when I was much younger and just liked them if they gave me...feelings. Anyways, yeah! Tbh, I love most of the  characters in Inazuma anyway! They're all good and I appreciate them for what they are, even if they don't get to shine so much!!
Any favourite pairings? OTPs, BROTPs? Initially, I never really liked any ship in Inazuma, but I think the first pair I fell in love was RanMasa! It's my very first otp ever, so it holds a special place in my heart!
Now, aside RanMasa, I also really love NoriNae, KazeSaku, Honoo no Pride poly (Gouenji, Fubuki, & Someoka), HiroMido, Taiten, and NishiYuu!
As for BROTPs, I love Break Trio, Ares Teikoku, GO Raimon First Years, and Ares Hakuren!
Has there been any particular favourites moments within Inazuma Eleven so far? Why are they your favourites? Obviously, my favorite has got to be the Gouenji's comeback in the Aliea arc! Mainly because it's what solidified my love and appreciation for the flame striker! Though if there two other scenes that left a huge impact on me, it was probably Chrono Stone's Episode 18. Particularly, Kirino's inner struggle on how he feels that he can't keep up with Shindou, and then Kariya comes in and helps him by pretending to be sick so Kirino can go with Raimon instead to the France era. And the other, is the whole Dark Emperors versus Raimon match! I loved that episode with Kirino's struggle, mainly because it's kind of what made me love RanMasa and also appreciate both characters a lot more. Kirino is more than a pretty face, and despite Kariya knowing that he isn't on best terms with Kirino, decides to help him. It's really touching, actually, it made me love the ship!
As for the Dark Emperors versus Raimon match, it's...hard to explain why I like it so much? I think it's because I've always liked the trope of friends to enemies (for a time), and it kind of made me appreciate Kazemaru and Endou's friendship a lot!
What do you hope to happen for the next 10 years of Inazuma? Anything on your Inazuma wishlist you hope to happen in the future? Whether it be in Orion or any future IE series? I just hope nothing bad happens to the OG and new cast in Orion, please let them all play happy soccer ;____; and also, maybe an alternate GO series that follows after the Ares-verse??
Mention some awesome people, blogs or twitter accounts in the community To my long-time Inazuma PH pals, Lou, Sukki, and Ven, thank you for sticking with me for a really long time! Without Inazuma, I probably wouldn't have met you guys!! Also to my new Inazuma PH pals, Aru, thank you and hopefully we continue screaming abt Inazuma for the years to come!!
And to all the new Inazuma pals I've made during the past months since I got back into the fandom, thank you for all the fun times!! You're all cool and I love you all!
Thank you for taking part in the showcase Lulu! If you’d like to take part in the Inazuma Showcase Spotlight event, please follow the details in this post here!
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r0siep0sey · 2 years
The Runaways//Original Story
Chapter 1
Part 2: Preparation
Tomorrow was the 4th of July and just a few more days after would be Olivia and Alexander's birthday Olivia was in her room working on a gift for Alexander a little red fox plushie since those were his favorite animal her sewing skills weren't the best but good enough to make plushies she almost wanted to get him a real fox but realized that it wouldn't work out Winston sat next to Olivia watching her curiously after a couple hours the fox was finished it looked better than she could've imagined almost as good as if a professional made it she sat the newly finished plushie on her bed and cleaned up her sewing supplies before putting them up on a shelf she had been so distracted she hadn't realized Winston was no longer there her heart dropped when she realized he wasn't where she last saw him and to her horror the door to her room was slightly open Olivia frantically checked every hiding place in her room just in case he had hidden but her worst fear came true when she heard a surprised shout coming from outside her room she ran out of her room to see Winston running towards her she quickly picked him up and saw her mom standing in front of her looking furious "I TOLD YOU YOU COULDN'T HAVE A PET AND YOU WENT BEHIND MY BACK AND GOT ONE ANYWAYS!" Olivia had never seen her mom this furious she felt frozen in fear "I-" she was cut off immediately by her mom "I DON'T NEED ANYMORE EXCUSES WHEREVER YOU GOT IT WHEREVER YOU FOUND IT TAKE IT BACK NOW!" the harshness in her mother's voice made Olivia feel sick all she could do was run back to her room and slam the door shut before locking it she ignored the banging on the door followed by the shouts of her mom and now her dad if they weren't going to let her keep Winston she wasn't going to stay here anymore
Olivia grabbed all of the money she had put away as well as the little fox plushie she had just made and whatever else she could carry and stuffed it into a backpack she grabbed her phone and threw the backpack over her back then picked up Winston she looked at her door for a few seconds before running to her window and opening it she didn't bother closing it back when she climbed out she jumped onto her bike and rode it away as fast as she could she could barely see from the tears in her eyes but she didn't stop until she made it to the park instead of waiting by the seesaw however she ran into a patch of woods before stopping at a tree and moving a bunch of leaves and sticks away from the bottom revealing a makeshift hatch made from the tree bark she moved it out of the way revealing a hole without a second thought she climbed into the hole which opened into a small space similar to a fox den but much bigger on the walls were maps of different states and drawings of mountains Olivia leaned against a wall before sitting down why did things have to be this way?
Alexander had just made it to the park today had been pretty horrible his parents had decided they wanted a divorce and now they were fighting for the right to everything including him he couldn't take it anymore and snuck out while they argued he felt slightly regretful but there was no way he could go back now he wasn't an object but his parents made him feel like he was Alexander noticed something felt off he stopped at the seesaw and froze Olivia wasn't there but her bike was laying next to the seesaw something was definitely wrong he looked around for any sign of where she had gone it didn't take long for him to spot some footprints in the ground it had rained all night so the park was still all muddy he followed the footprints into the woods but eventually lost track of them but Alexander noticed they lead towards the tree they had made their hideout and ran in the direction of it the leaves and twigs used to hide the entrance were scattered everywhere and the makeshift hatch was tossed at least a foot or two away carefully he climbed into their hideout in the far corner of the space Olivia was sitting against the wall her face was resting on her knees Winston was curled up next to her Olivia clearly was crying but it was muffled and faint
Olivia had been so busy crying she hadn't noticed Alexander come in "Oliv?" His voice startled her and she looked up before quickly wiping away the tears in her eyes "What's wrong what happened?" Alexander asked sounding really concerned at first Olivia couldn't answer because every time she tried talking she almost started to cry again but eventually was able to talk without bursting into tears
Once Olivia had explained everything Alexander couldn't help but feel bad for her she was always in good spirits he'd never seen her this upset before she did have a pretty toxic home environment so he wasn't really shocked when she admitted she was going to run away "Well...I guess we both had the same idea...I was going to run away too" Alexander admitted Olivia didn't seem quite as upset when he admitted that "Yeah I rather run away then stay with my parents another moment" Olivia replied just then Alexander got an idea it was a bit crazy but maybe it would work out for both of them "Why don't we both run away together? I'm not sure where we should go but at least we won't be alone" he suggested Olivia didn't seem hesitant in the slightest she instantly got up "Yeah! That's a great idea!"
Alexander pulled down the map pinned to the wall and placed it on the floor "Ok so if we do run away where should we go?" Alexander asked "Hmm what about...Alaska!" Olivia replied "Uh it might be a bit too far though...and cold" Alexander said Olivia looked at the map at all the different places there were so many choices how could they pick just one? "How about...New York!" Olivia exclaimed "Yeah! Let's go there!" Alexander agreed Olivia picked up Winston and they both climbed out of the hideout before grabbing their bikes and heading out no one would tell them when to come home and what they could do now for the first time in their lives Olivia and Alexander felt free
End of part 2
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leefelixs · 7 years
boyfriend seo changbin • stray kids
genre: fluff
pairing: seo changbin & you
word count: 2341 words
summary: dating changbin and all the quirks/aspects of your relationship
note(s): everyone’s favorite dark loving kid i’m actually really excited to do this one haha (i’ve been excited for all of them of course but i feel like this one might vary a little)! this is the fourth part of my boyfriend series... as per usual it’s in bullet point format. <3
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you had met changbin on the first day of high school as a freshman as your locker was placed next to his
as you tried to mentally prepare yourself for the long and exhausting school year ahead of you while putting away some extra supplies, a boy had walked next to you and began putting his stuff away
your palms had already been sweating at the thought of meeting new people so bumping into him only made them even more sweaty
“oh i’m sorry,” his eyes meet yours for a quick second as he bows his head politely and quickly focuses back on his things
although you really hate making judgement on people when you first meet them something about him seems really mysterious and cool
“it’s fine,” you smile as you continue putting away your things and take a deep sigh
the boy next to you seems to has turned and is walking down the hall but his locker is wide open
you lean over and wonder if you should say something or close it yourself and decide it will be easier to just close it until you notice something poking out of the locker
it’s a little munchlax plushie with a note on it that reads “have a good day changbin!” and a little heart
it’s actually really cute...just the slightest bit embarrassing but who are you to judge? actually it’s such a nice gesture and tells you a lot to see him carry it around...maybe you should tell him
you chase after the boy who you think is named changbin and politely tap his shoulder
“hi! sorry i don’t mean to bug you but you left your locker open and this was inside. i don’t think you meant to leave it there so i just wanted to bring it to you.”
his eyes go wide and he grabs the plushie quickly and stuffs it into his pocket and looks around for a moment to see if anyone else saw before giving you a small smile
“hey thanks, i don’t know what i would have done without him. i owe you.”
you’re pretty sure you’ll only see him every morning by your lockers but as you trudge to class you make quite a nice discovery
this kid is in most of your classes
his name is seo changbin and not only is he polite but he’s a funny character who is a lot kinder and goofier than he lets on, and ridiculously smart
he always has a headphone in while he does his work and seems very focused but you quickly catch on and realize he’s not really doing work, he’s writing a bunch of lyrics
“you’re the person that saved changbin’s little friend huh? he mentions you a lot.” the boy who sits next to you in your homeroom asks with a small smile as you shrink a little in your seat because why does he mention you...you’re just a stranger doing a nice thing for a probable nice person
it’s not until later in the school year that you deliver his forgotten lyrics book to his locker the next morning that you both form a friendship
he jokes that you’ve saved him too much and he’s really in debt to you
he has big dreams of being a rapper with his two friends, chan and jisung (and you quickly realize jisung was the boy next to you telling you about how changbin mentions you a lot)
the link to his soundcloud becomes on your bookmarks and you eagerly support his music because it’s just so good... he’s a good person and deserves any credit he can get
and as the school years progress you really get to know seo changbin at a more personal level. even with his strong aura and dark clothes he’s a good person with a kind heart and even bigger interest in making people around him happy
your senior year with him is the one you become closest to him and even rival chan and jisung (who always whine and complain you need to stop stealing their friend from them because they need him to work on music)
every big moment in your life is shared with changbin and the same goes for him
he practically lives in your home and your parents welcome him with open arms every time he’s there
from your first heartbreak, to your first time cheating on a test, to your first wild case of rebellion...all of it is shared with him
and in return changbin shares most of his important events with you and the biggest one is watching him and 3racha gain success and popularity
and even past high school that bond continues
you’re there with him when they go to buy their studio...the smile on his face is unbelievable and you’re so lucky to see it
the drive back is full of tears from the both of you because it’s just such a big deal and being in each other’s lives has been such a privilege
it’s always been on your mind how changbin has never chased after someone in terms of romance and you often wonder if he just doesn’t care or if he’s just too busy to care 
but for some reason knowing he hasn’t had anyone ever since you met him gives you great relief
because somewhere along the way in junior year you began to see him in a different light and even up until now you still feel the way
“he’s just not romantic material,” chan teases changbin while he sulks and nags that it’s not true and to ignore him
“i’m just waiting on someone who can understand the grind.” he mumbles and the four of you burst into laughter
one day changbin drags you to the studio with him (as he usually does) and calls you over to read some lyrics with him
it’s actually pretty different from most of his material...it’s a lot softer and more romantic than you had expected
“could it be binnie’s in love?” you tease and nudge him annoyingly as he laughs and shrugs while scribbling more to his work
“you’re a little late to notice.” and you just blink because what the heck he’s in love?
“well you’re supposed to tell me i’m not gonna be able to tell on my own. how come we haven’t met them?” there’s a bitter feeling of jealousy burning your throat and your voice is cracking with all the fake kindness you feel
changbin looks up at you with a quirked eyebrow and drops his pen
“you really haven’t noticed?” and for a moment your heart stops because oh my god is it...could it be chan or jisung? what the heck...it probably is and you’ve been too blind to notice
“not really?” changbin nods to himself and laughs
“oh, it’s you. i thought you knew.” and just goes back to writing
what did he say
in the spur of the moment you smash your hand down onto his back and he jumps in his seat and rubs the spot with a whine
“you suck! you can’t just do and say that like nothing changbin, oh my gosh i thought you were going to tell me it was jisung or maybe chan or maybe even hyunjin and you just say it so nonchalantly as if it’s nothing big that the person i care for the most is in love with me, what is wrong with you? why are you like this??”
and he just smiles and holds your hands to calm you down and keeping you from flailing and breaking his back yet again
“because it’s not a big deal to me at this point. maybe in the past but i’ve gotten so used to it now. i’ve always treated you like it right? i’m not afraid to tell you something i show with my actions anyways even if...” he eyes his pen with discomfort “even if maybe you don’t feel the same. it’s what you do when you care about someone.”
“you’re wrong about that, you had me boiling in fear over the thought of you liking someone else. i like you. i love my best friend but i don’t love him as just my best friend.”
when chan comes in later in the night and sees you and changbin sleeping on the couch he smiles
“look at you bin, you finally did it. hey, make some space for me too. i feel lonely now.” but chan shuts up after dodging a flying pillow
truthfully being in a relationship with changbin is a delight, he really is the type of boyfriend to still be your best friend no matter what
it’s no secret that most people interpret him to be cold at first and he does carry himself like that at moments, but he’s always got a soft spot for you
whenever he takes you out at night and he sees you didn’t bring any outerwear without any hesitation he’ll just take off his jacket and put it on you
you look up at him with a big smile because it’s so cozy and smells like him and it’s so nice and he acts like it’s nothing but you look really happy and it makes him happy
*coincidentally* he “accidentally” ends up leaving most of his jackets for you at your house
“don’t you need it back?”
“no i have plenty of more...i’ll remember to get it one day and it’ll be a nice surprise then.”
always always gives you a headphone to listen to music with him because he loves sharing things he cares about with you and he just enjoys the closeness
after a while his playlist even has some more songs about love and you’re like hmm...interesting and changbin is like huh how did that get there i just don’t recall
“changbin you really look and sound like those stereotypical clout soundcloud rappers” he fights back a laugh every time you tease him about it and he just gently flicks your forehead and grabs your hand
“does that make you my goth clout girlfriend?” he won’t let you live it down ever you brought this onto yourself for being with him
he loves lying his head on your lap while he writes lyrics or works on beats 
at some point in time you start realizing he’s not writing lyrics...he’s writing little things he loves about you and key qualities about you
without a fail will send you good morning and good night texts and add little emojis every time
whenever he talks to you he looks you in the eye and even if it’s serious he starts smiling halfway through and resting his head on his hands because he just loves you that much
will always move hair your hair from your face or fix any lose strands
“out of curiosity if you had to chose between a teddy bear or couple rings what would you chose? asking for a friend”
“could you be any more obvious?”
“i said it’s for a friend”
whenever you sleep in the same bed he wraps his arms around you and has one leg nudged in between both of yours and it’s just enough for both of you to sleep in bliss
until it’s 1 am and you hear someone moving around and changbin isn’t next to you anymore
“gyu fell of the bed...i had to save him’
that thing is his life and you have to respect it gyu is king of the house and you’re just a guest living in it
when he’s feeling extra quirky and playful he calls you ‘baby’ but usually calls you ‘babe’
without a fail when it comes to 3racha you’re there for him always. you’re his #1 fan and always there to support him and you run the online merch store
when he gets shy or embarrassed he looks down and tries to hide his face from you
in moments of silence he’ll suddenly look up at you and try to be cute to get a reaction of out of you
sometimes when he really wants something he’ll act disgustingly cute...smh...but it always works
he’s really good at understanding your needs and doing what you need to be comfortable or happy
he loves showing you off in front of people which you never expected...the boys will tease him when you’re together and you tell him you love him because they don’t expect him to say it back, they think he’ll get flustered
but he just grabs your face and kisses you before telling you he loves you too and everyone is like OOOO WHAT THE HECK
he always introduces you to the rest of his friends with an arm around your waist “hey guys this is the light of my life”
he says it so nonchalantly and like it’s just a fact, he’s so confident in it and it makes your heart burst
at any events or shows 3racha has he constantly makes eye contact with you through out the night
eventually he points you out to the crowd too
“that’s my baby!” and you’re like uh who
arguments aren’t common because changbin is very calm when angry. he hates having issues and has no problem telling you the truth 100% and listening to your side too and things are usually solved like this
but when he does get angry he just takes some time to his self because he wants it to pass peacefully and texts you to remind you he loves you in case you fear his feelings have changed
puts his hats on you cause he thinks you look really good in them
he loves making playlists he thinks you’ll like or that remind him of you and sends them to you all the time
his kisses are usually a little hesitant at first and you can always taste his chapstick because he’s a good boyfriend who doesn’t want you to kiss gross lips
sometimes...if you’re okay with it his kisses can get a little more intense and he likes to bite your lip
he does that cheesy stuff like pretending to yawn before putting his hand around your shoulder but he does it in public and in a very exaggerated fashion to have you laugh
changbin has no problem with how the world sees him because at the end of the day he knows you see him as one of the most important things in your life and that’s all that matters to him
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wannawrite · 7 years
Alpacas Over Flowers
who? : MXM’s Im Youngmin fluff bullet-point ver. 
the ‘Our Two Lips’ flower boys LDH PJH PWJ KJW
LGL [ coming soon ] | JH [ coming soon ] 
blog navigator. ndlahdkdhdj last few instalments of the flower boy AU series….for now. Please don’t request anymore for this series until further notice but I thank you to all who requested, these were really fun to write and experiment with but it is not something I want to dwell on for too long. I don’t think I’m very good at it either…lol rip. There’s still Guanlin and Justin left. Since it is October, it’s time to get spooky. 👻 Request Halloween, fall-related things, please! Never had a go at them but I will try. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to this series, especially all the sweet and kind comments you guys leave. 💕 It was fun, and until Guanlin’s! - Admin L
• so there’s this cute adorable lovable amiable guy in your uni lecture • you have a major • major • major crush on him but honestly, who doesn’t ??? • but he doesn’t attend classes very often bc he’s sick • jokes • he’s just out there being an underground rapper • you don’t really pay attention to that scene but your best friend found out and pretty much told the whole squad • and she also spilled the part where you really liked him • wow thanks a lot andrea 
• 2017 best friend award • it’s embarrassing asf • now everyone ships you too together • Jinsoul offers to accompany you to one of his gigs but you decline since it’s super close to mid-terms and you aren’t sure how Youngmin can keep his grades, music and life balanced • plus, you can’t exactly picture cute, red haired Youngmin with an alpaca keychain on his backpack as a rapper • let alone one that spits utter fire • it’s lit 🔥🔥🔥 • you listened to two seconds of his diss track for Mnet and shut your laptop • contemplating life and sobbing over how good he was • it was that good • howdareyoumnet • the track was titled was titled SnakeNet™ ft. Park Woojin • bouta catch snakes with my net • * insert badly edited picture of Admin L swinging a net at Mnet and SM * • I need to stop making Mnet snake jokes i’m sorry • so • yeah, Woojin, that shy, awkward kid who majored in dance • Brand New College thrived with the talent • so anyway, your alpaca boy rarely came to class but whenever he did, you tried to sit as near as him as possible • he radiated sunshine and happiness • it made you all fuzzy and happy on the inside too, it was like he rarely had a bad day • trying to suck some of that positive energy • moving on…………….. • somehow, you always ended up like three seats away • Youngmin seemed to always be flanked by his best friends, Jeong Sewoon and Kim Donghyun • they always protected him from the world • asdfghjkl stop separating me from my man • but it’s cute to have such an amazing protection squad, they’re a force to be reckoned with • one day, you decided to approach him after your lecture • yes you did it • two steps away • his back was towards you, displaying some expensive brand of the shirt he wore • one!!! • unfortunately, he seemed to be hurried and rushed off,  a few pieces of paper dropped out of his backpack • even his cute little plushie alpaca keychain thudded to the ground • “hey! Youngmin!” you had yelled but he was already dashing down the corridor with his friends struggling to keep up • you were the last one in the lecture hall • deciding to return it to him another day, you picked up the soft plushie and the sheets of paper that fell out of his bag • c'mon you were a decent classmate • as you shuffled through the papers, a pastel coloured flyer fell out from one of them • it was very pretty • puzzled, you picked it up and examined it • “Our Two Lips?” • you showed it to the queen of knowing everything that happened in your city, Jennie • “ahhh, so the rumours are true.” she said, amused • furrowing your brows and frowning, you cocked your head to one side “what?” • “ahhh, Im Youngmin, Park Woojin and Lee Daehwi are rumoured to have been hired to work at this new cafe” • you swore you walked passed the place before when it was all boarded up and had no clue what tf it was • you nodded as Andrea cackled away • “oh my god Y/N you would love that place so much” • your friends confused you beyond imagination • “huh, why?” • Jennie and Andrea burst into laughter • “It’s a flower boy cafe!” • oh my god • w a s t e d • i’m still confused by this idea though…never heard of it until now and even though I’m able to grasp the basic concept, idk much i’m sorry :(( • okay just imagine • Im Youngmin as a barista • Im Youngmin as a barista in a flower boy cafe • Red-haired Im Youngmin as a barista in a flower boy cafe, Our Two Lips wearing a flower crown • Red-haired Im Youngmin as a barista in a flower boy cafe, Our Two Lips, wearing a flower crown as he serves you coffee • and food • food is important I hope you guys are eating well • you pretty much spit out a bunch of gibberish as your face becomes tomato red • “Oh! Wasn’t your last lecture today? Looks like you’ll have to visit him if you want to return his charm” • a s d f g h j k l • you really can just wait until the summer is up but that’s mean and he might want his charm back immediately • of course, he loves his charm, it is adorable • you love it too • it’s a soft, small plushie that has been patched on the side • :“) • you make it sit on your bed side table so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see when you sleep • also because you’re scared of losing it • how would you explain to the flower boy? • it takes you a couple of days to visit the place • a few of your classmates went on the opening day • it’s safe to say they almost fainted from the cuteness • they facetimed you right after • "oHMy gOD y/N yOu goTTa cOMe anD SEE YounGMIn” Jinsoul yelled as she shakily held her phone • “yO i’m shOokeTH” - Andrea, about the cafe, 2017 • “bye bye sweetie” • honestly, you were a anxious mess, your palms were sweating, your legs felt like jelly • it’s just to return his charm! • and his lecture notes • calm down!!!!! • nah • you fretted about it until you reached the cafe and put on a fake relax look • the plan was simple, approach the counter, ignore the food, pass Youngmin his charm back and leave • that was the original plan • until you saw how breathtakingly beautiful he looked • it was probably the first proper glance you had gotten at him • that was not from your seat, far away, through the lens of a pair of binoculars, like a creep • “hello! I’m Youngmin, and I’ll be your flower,” proceeds to grab a rose out of his apron pocket, “boy for today” • you weren’t joking when you said you felt a teensy bit light headed • your hand closed around the plastic-wrapped rose and you stared at it in awe • stick!! to!! the!! plan!! • you cleared your throat, “actually-” • “ahhh, table for one” • youngmin wasn’t being rude - at least he hoped you thought so- he just wanted to get to know you a bit better, plus, you willingly came to the cafe • “you’re in the same friday and wednesday lecture as me right?” he asked as he escorted you to your seat, ignoring your reluctant protests. Youngmin was going to keep you here • “um yes.” you replied softly, heartbeat accelerating by the seconds • he nodded, “ahhh, no wonder your face seemed familiar” • eye contact, charming smile, faint tinges of pink of his cheeks • “i knew i’d never forget a beauty like you” • he left you with the menu and your red face with a disorganised plan • that boy is smooth • @ Youngmin, I see you • it’ll be rude if i reject him as a server…..no i can’t do that • you ordered something because you were hungry though, it seemed too good to resist • “what’s a beauty doing here all alone?” Youngmin posed as he collected your menu • you mumbled out an incoherent, embarrassed reply • he chuckled, “will my aegyo get you to open up?” • instead of speaking, you plucked the plushie charm from your pocket. “i found this in the hall the other day, I figured I should return it.” • “oHmYgoD!” • truthfully, Youngmin allowed it to fall, hoping you would return it and take it as a sign • Donghyun had taught him a trick or two on how to be the nation’s boyfriend and he was ready to win your heart • “are you serious? I went crazy trying to find this! Thank you so much! Isn’t your name y/n? Can I call you that?” • he appeared a little flustered and surprised, clutching his plushie close • he genuinely treasures his plushie okay, fight me • it was cute • ugh • “y/n, and yeah sure” • Youngmin opened his mouth to speak but he was called away by another server. He smiled apologetically and thanked you again, promising to be back with your order soon • you scrambled to text your friends but your hands were trembling like a leaf that you missed all the keys • do leaves tremble? • your texts to them were a mess but they got your drift anyway • Youngmin arrived with your order, “I’m here to give you your food and my heart.” • you really couldn’t help but burst into giggles • “will you accept it, Y/N?” • beaming brightly, you nodded but was still unable to keep the laughter at bay • youngmin chuckled along with you • boi i kid you not hearing his laugh was a blessing • b l e s s • since the cafe was pretty empty, Youngmin settled down in the seat across from your own because “everyone should have company” • he wasn’t much of a talker but he was a good listener, the more he warmed up to you the more he spoke • his eyes lit up when you mentioned you listened to his mix tapes • “you’re a really great rapper” • he just blushed and mumbled a 'thank you’ in reply, the ability to speak left him • “ahh, t-thank you.” • you took note of how well his red hair contrasted against his peach coloured flower crown. It only made him all the more charming and prince like • Youngmin’s company was enjoyable and you could foresee him becoming one of your good friends • you were reluctant to leave • he felt the same way • Youngmin isn’t the kind for a hella lot of aegyo but he has a way with words • even though he says he doesn’t • “y/n? do you have a map? cause honey, I’m getting lost in your eyes,” he said, tapping the pot of honey on your table • o i love puns • “you’re so sweet, are you made out of sugar?” *lifts up jar of sugar* • you’re just out there dying at his lame ass puns • but at the same time, dying bc he’s FLIRTING WITH YOU • imagine your crush flirting with you • hah can’t relate • “y/n, we’re like a four-leafed clover, you are C, I’m R and there’s love between us” he purred out, making finger hearts • you’re nearly dead and although these are somewhat awful, it’s cute • “i never knew you were like this, you never really talk in class…..” you muttered. “so innocent…” • “the only crime I’ll commit is stealing your heart” • bYE BYE IM • it gets late and you eventually have to bid him goodbye • but before you leave, he slides you a note and says, “y/n, if you can accept my love, how about accepting my number?” • “yes! I’ll text you.” • you hastily punch his number into your phone, nearly messing up because you’re still freaking out • there’s an alpaca, llama emoji next to his name, whatever you can find on your phone • suddenly, you become the envy of all the customers, especially when he gives you a matching alpaca plushie • *makes a mental reminder to attach it to your uni bag* • Youngmin smiles bashfully at you but says nothing • when you hand back the board to him after writing your signature - because you paid by credit card, he whistles • “damn, i was looking for a signature on you because a masterpiece always has one” • you are about to punch him • but only out of love • your heart is going to explode • he winks from behind the counter as you head out • “see you soon, Y/N.” 
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beatrixacs · 7 years
25 Words - TIVA
Hello there! Me and @dazzlingstarlight decided to try this writing challenge from @promptlywritingideas. We sent each other 25 words so the other could write 25 sentences. Well, in my case these aren’t sentences. I just couldn’t stop myself and developed it further, so most of it is pieces of unrelated conversations.
Enjoy my TIVA take on the wonderful writing challenge and don’t forget to read magnificent Harm/Mac version of dazzlingstarlight!
(1)  House
Ziva sighed in content, letting the sunrays to caress her skin as she watched her little daughter and her little son playing in their playground from her place at the porch. It was truly a brilliant idea to buy a house for their growing DiNozzo family.
(2)  Movie
“What movie are we going to watch?” Tony asked Ziva nervously, fidgeting in his armchair. As a huge movie fan and self-proclaimed movie expert, he didn't feel excessively comfortable with someone else choosing a movie.
“Stop being so mistrustful.” Ziva shoved him the bowl of popcorn into his lap, feeling slightly annoyed as she had heard the exact same question for umpteenth time this day.
She sat down next to him and pushed the play button. Tony just opened his mouth wide as the opening credits for The Little Prince movie began to play. Then his lips formed into a grateful smile as Ziva squeezed his hand.
(3) Heart
“With this ring I thee wed and I give you my heart under your guardianship. I cannot imagine any other person suitable for this job than you, my love. You may have not always treated it well, but it has belonged to you since the first moment we have met. And there is so little I can do it about it, that is why I am giving it to you to take care of it as I know that I can trust you with my life. I love you with all my heart, body and soul and I will spend the rest of my life by proving you that.”
There have been silent tears at Ziva's eyes at first, then sob escaped from her lips. She has never heard such a beautiful wedding vow. And being the bride, it had been twice emotional. Her soon-to-be husband slightly caressed her face, wiping away the tear in a way only Tony DiNozzo could.
(4)  Bug
“Bitten by a love bug, DiNozzo?” Gibbs looked at his agent inquiringly. He was unfocused, seemingly having his head in the clouds, daydreaming all the time instead of properly working. All proofed that he was head over heels in love. And judging by the ‘secret’ look between him and Ziva, he had no doubt who the lucky woman was.
(5) McGee
“Do you keep any record on how many nicknames you have already invented for McGee?” Ziva asked Tony out of sudden curiosity.
“I have no idea.” Was the answer as Tony tried to count on his fingers.
(6) Undercover
“Do you realize that we are undercover and also under the covers?” Tony said while throwing the sheets across his body and Ziva rolled her eyes. He would seriously never stop with assessing their situation of being on an undercover mission and sleeping in the same hotel room AND in the same bed as they had posed as a married couple.
“Shut up and watch the movie, DiNozzo.” She growled, trying to force the fantasy of them using this cover and these covers for entirely different kind of activity.
(7) Autopsy
“Stop laughing! I couldn't sleep because of this nightmare!” Tony exclaimed, regretting that he had ever decided to tell his co-worker about the dream he had had last night.
“Ok, so let me summarize it.” Ziva said between her occasional laughs as she tried to subdue her amusement. “Me and Jimmy had an affair and we decided to kill you by performing autopsy while you were still alive?”
“Yes, and whenever he cut me, you kissed him.” Tony flatly added while Ziva was overpowered by another wave of laughter.
(8) Gremlin
“It’s a 1984 comedy horror classic, Jimmy. I even found a plushie for you.” Tony waved the plush toy in front of the face of pale Jimmy Palmer, setting in it on the DVD cover of Gremlins movie.
“Thanks, Tony.” Jimmy said hesitantly, hoping that Tony would never come up with ‘personalized’ gifts as he called it. Ziva, who had gotten a box of paperclips, silently agreed with him.
(9) Dress
“Can I talk for a second with Ziva in private?” Tony asked Abby, the bridesmaid, anxiously. He needed to see Ziva before she would walk down the aisle and marry CIRay right in front of his eyes. She nodded in agreement and slipped out of the room, letting him to go inside.
The moment he saw the Israeli bride, all words left him. Her wedding dress was the definition of beauty. The rich fluffy skirt, the lacy bodice hugging her curves perfectly, the perfect cleavage showing just enough of her natural treasures, the sequins, pearls and other decent decorations, the long veil waiting for her to place it into her hair – she looked like a Disney princess.
And in that moment he forgot all of his prepared speech about his true feelings for her. He realized that all he wanted for her was to be happy. Even if he wasn’t the man with whom she would spend the rest of her life with.
(10) Smash
Sound of breaking glass as she smashed everything made out of transparent material against the wall. Hebrew curses. More sounds of things being thrown in many directions. Thuds. Anger of losing a loved one, the person she loved the most on this world, prevailing over any other rational thought. All that was left was remorse. Wrath. Sadness. The second stage of grief over the loss of her husband Tony has just begun.
(11) Abby
Abby persistently pushed the elevator button down in her floor, wondering why the hell the elevator just wouldn’t move. She had important results to show to Gibbs and considering his injuries from the previous case, she didn’t want him to trudge to her lab. When the elevator finally arrived to her floor and the door opened, she found herself face to face with Tony and Ziva whose reddened cheeks were telling enough. Abby slowly smiled, no longer annoyed. Her suspicions were confirmed. Those two were making out in the elevator!
(12) Language
“How many languages do you even speak?” Tony wiped his eyebrow that got wet under the drops of sweat on his forehead. He was getting too old for such quick running. He was no Usain Bolt. Yet, he was forced to start dashing when Ziva had uttered apparently pretty vulgar remark towards the man they had been speaking to. It was better to run than to involve in a fight with a bunch of the man’s friends who appeared out of nowhere.
“It doesn’t matter, as long as I speak with the language of love.” Ziva replied, pressing her lips on his, stealing his breath away.
(13) Boss
“Are you saying that I’m supposed to be boss now, boss?” Tony asked incredulously, watching the older man in front of him. Gibbs’ retirement was something he expected to happen one day, but still dreaded it in the same time.
“You’re competent enough for that job, DiNozzo.” Gibbs squeezed his shoulder, expressing confidence in his successor.
(14) Phone
“Tell me, what are you wearing?” Tony whispered sensually into the receiver, his legs propped up against his desk. He was alone in the darkened office, ruining his back over the pile of paperwork.
“I’m not having phone sex with you, Tony.” Ziva refused and ended the call, throwing her phone on the couch in her apartment. She stared at it for a moment, biting her thumb in contemplation.
Half a minute later, the phone in the NCIS bullpen on the desk of Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo rang.
(15) Investigation 
Tony stared at the file in front of him. He refused to believe that the investigation was over. Well, over... It was seized. Suspended. Listed as unsolved. When you have no witnesses, no cameras, no traces of tires, simply nothing to hold on to, you can hardly investigate a crime. And yet, Tony felt that he hadn’t done enough. His father was killed. Ran over by a car in the middle of an unlit street. Nobody head heard or seen anything. No clues. No hints. No traces. No suspects. Only a victim.
A warm hand squeezed his shoulder and he was immediately grateful to have her here with him. “How could you deal with it?” He asked her as she knew the feeling of losing a father like no one else.
“The official investigation might over, Tony. But the one in your heart and your mind will never stop until you know who did it and bring him to justice.” She said in a knowing tone. “And I promise you we will find the bastard who killed him. I will personally take care of it.”
(16) Magic
Her eyes lowered and her cheeks flushed with dark crimson. The magic of Anthony DiNozzo’s smile was sometimes embarrassingly efficient and she found herself in a state when she couldn’t deny him a single thing. Maybe it had also something to do with the face she was a little bit in love with him.
(17) Explosion
The steady beeping sound of the life monitor seemed like a music to her as opposed to the terrifying sounds of the explosion she’d heard and witnessed a couple of hours ago. Tony lay in the hospital bed in barbiturate-induced coma with scratches all over his body as the shrapnel had cut into his flesh while the building he had been in had blown into pieces. She’d never felt to scared in her life. And it had awakened something in her, as well. It was different than with the members of her family who had been taken away from her too soon. They were hers, they were part of her. Tony had never belonged to her as she had been to coward to tell him how she felt about him. But she vowed, at this very moment, that if he would pull through this, she would change it as soon as she had the chance. Tony DiNozzo was about to find out the extension of her love for him.
(18) Agent
“I’m Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, nice to meet you.” Tony introduced himself to a witness they were supposed to question in their latest case. “And this is my wife, Special Agent Ziva DiNozzo.”
(19) Paris
Ziva stood in front the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France and watched its glow as the darkness settled in. She was getting nervous, feverishly wondering whether Orli hadn’t been joking and Tony had really found her secret message in Israel where she’d informed him about couple of things that needed to be said, including where he might find her. She had suggested a place and time for their ‘date’. She couldn’t imagine any better location for their reunion. Paris was the symbol of their friendship, their love. She could never forget what had happened here a couple of years ago. Suddenly, she had a feeling that someone was watching her. When she turned around, her eyes welled up with tears as she saw her daughter she’d missed so much over the last few weeks in the arms of the man she loved more than herself.
(20) Wedding
She walked down the aisle on her wedding day and observed the faces of the people she loved dearly and who came here to celebrate her and Tony’s happiness with them. For a moment, she had doubts about being able to go through this but in the end, it seemed as a piece of cake. When you marry a man who had crossed the world twice for you to find you, defying all orders and rules, you just know that he is the right one. And there’s nothing easier than seal the mutual love in front of those who had witness their hardships and supported them in their hard times.
(21) Father
“There’s something I want to talk to you about, Gibbs.” Ziva started, feeling more nervous than ever in her life. “You are probably the closest thing I’ve had to a father. Especially after my coming to the United States. You somehow filled the void in my heart that was left there after my parents divorced. And considering my own father is now dead and the wedding is just around the corner, I wanted to ask you... Will you give me away?”
Gibbs approached her and kissed her on her cheek. “It’ll be my honour, Ziver.”
(22) Family
“With this ring I thee wed and I fully accept you as part of me. You once told me that family is more than blood. That it’s something I build around myself. My friends. People I trust. And people I unconditionally love. I couldn’t ever imagine how right you were. You are the one I unconditionally love. You are the one I trust with my life, my heart and my soul. You are my dearest friend. You are my family. And I will do everything to preserve it until the end of time and beyond that.”
Ziva’s quivering voice as she recited her vow had almost caused a heart attack to Tony. This was really a wedding of their dreams. And he was marrying the woman he loved the most. He was the luckiest guy on this planet.
(23) Friend
“Well, that’s the problem, Ziva.” Tony countered to her words, “I can’t be friends with you anymore. My heart just can’t accept it. Not when it knows it has a chance.”
Ziva stood in front of him, running out of words. That was not how she’d imagined their conversation, how she would tell him that he needed to be patient as she was in a hard place and she had to be careful while making her decisions. She couldn’t mindlessly enter a relationship with him, but he couldn’t and didn’t want to understand it.
He turned away from her and started to walk away. That was end of their friendship and practically everything between them. He couldn’t continue in being friendly to her when all he was thinking about constantly was to show her how much he loved her.
He was more than surprised, then, when her hand reached for his arm, turned him back to her and her lips crashed on his in a passionate way that made him lose his mind. That certainly wasn’t a kiss between friends.
(24) Daughter
“How are you going to name her?” Abby asked as she held the newborn daughter of her friends in her hands, while McGee stood behind her back, gushing over the baby’s cuteness just as her.
Tony looked at exhausted, yet smiling and incredibly happy Ziva. “Tali.” They both answered in unison.
(25) Gibbs
“Hell, it’s about time.” Gibbs uttered, seeing his two agents breaking the Rule 12 right in front of his eyes. (This is sort of a honour of a character named Tychus from Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty video game. I just can’t get the sentence out of my head, always imagining Gibbs saying it.)
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Happy Birthday Yurio (>*o*)><(*o*<)
I absolutely wanted to do something on this special day so here is a little Yuriyuu fanfiction about my favorite character of the show. Thank you Kubo-sensei for creating such a beautiful and complex character. It takes place between “One step at a time” and “Pork Cutlet Bowl”
Title : Octakaideca (Eighteen in Greek)
Rating : Explicit
Pairing : Yuri x Yuuri
Disclaimer : The characters are not mine sadly. They are all the property of Kubo-sensei !
A pout appeared on his pale and delicate face, covered by a bunch of blonde locks that he placed behind his ears every now and then, incomprehension clearly visible in his bright green eyes as he climbed in the passenger seat of the luxurious black car, and he grumbled under his breath, a bit annoyed, when the person who sat next to him, in the driver seat, wasn't the one that he expected on this special day. Not the least.
He didn't understand what was actually happening. Why was he even here ? Beside him, there should have been his beloved, the one person that made his heart beat so fast that it was too painful to stay calm and not kiss him wildly, the only soul that could shook his entire body with just a simple laugher, true and full of feelings, he who looked like an adult and sounded like a child, the man that inspired him during all these years of skating, his Agape, and they should have enjoyed a date without caring for what others could think of them, not like their first one.
However, fate seemed to think otherwise and on his left, turning the key to start the engine, stood Viktor Nikiforov who had been his spiritual rival on the rink during all his competitions since the very beginning but also, to win the heart of Yuuri Katsuki, the most beautiful and kind person he had ever met. Hopefully, even though the tiger Russian had been really mean and hurt him in many ways on their first talk, he had apologized in his own manner after that and had claimed the older man as his, stealing a precious thing to the silver haired skater. But, as if he wanted to get some kind of revenge for what he did, the five times champion took the lead on this important day and didn't explain why Yuri couldn't spend it with his lovely boyfriend.
After all, today was supposed to be his eighteenth birthday, the most important one in his young life, and he had waited for it since they had begun to go out with each other, hiding their relationship to everyone so they wouldn't be in the middle of a scandal because he was still a minor. Their group of friends had learnt about their situation just a year after his confession and all of them had easily accepted the truth, especially Chris who was hoping for it since the trio had formed in Hasetsu, and only Otabek had been shocked by the revelation, going back to Kazakhstan right after that to assimilate the information. Yuri didn't blame him and had been ready to face rejection since he had developed these feelings, but he had had a hard time to cop with his loss. One of his friend had left him because of one decision he had taken and it was difficult to endure.
The ravenette had comforted him for one whole week after the event, saying that Otabek needed some time to get used to it, and had taken care of the youngster until he had felt better, kissing him all over his face and pampering him like a child, proving him how much he loved his partner. That's why, the blonde had thought that this day would also meant something to his boyfriend. Maybe he was wrong ?
Shaking his head to chase those bad thoughts away, the Russian boy bit his bottom lips before opening his mouth, to ask the question which was burning inside of his head, and turned to look at the guy next to him.
"Where are we going ?"
"Shopping of course ! I have to buy a few things for Makkachin and I wanted to have my hair cut a little. It's getting long again" the adult answered with a cheerful smile, the ones Yuri didn't like at all.
"And why do I have to come with you ? You could have just go alone !" He groaned as the car moved onto the main road, toward the commercial district.
"You would have left me ?! You're so heartless my little Yurio ... I'm hurt"
"You're so annoying."
The blonde put his elbow on the window sill, his right cheek against a closed fist, and sighed heavily, hoping that this day will end quickly so he could hug his katsudon and whine about the fact that he wasn't with him during this important event.
For more than five hours, when he had imagined himself curled up against his beloved, watching some dumb movies on TV, Viktor dragged him in different kind of shops to buy random clothes or toys, talking nonsense while trying a brown shirt with a tight jean, showing him cat plushies that almost made him squeal in happiness, pulling him toward the same pet store he had gone for his first date, taking a lot of time to choose something for his poodle, hesitating between a collar and a cute pillow to lean on, and if he wasn't used to give such efforts during his training, he would be panting hard by now.
Not knowing why the five times champion would take the youngest of their group with him, except for sharing his taste in terms of clothing and crying on his shoulder when he couldn't get what he wanted, the blonde Russian tried to enjoy their trip throughout the city, also looking for something to buy to his lover, in hope to thank him for what he did for the youngster the past two and a half years, and was relieved when they entered the hairdresser at the end of the afternoon, the last trial before they could go back to Yuuri's apartment.
"Good afternoon ladies, I have an appointment at 4:45 PM" Viktor said in a flirty manner, wearing his best smile to impress the two women behind the counter.
"O-oh right M. Nikiforov, come this way. Let me take your bags, I'll put them in the wardrobe"
Her answer was so sweet and sugary that it almost sounded false to the eighteen years old Russian, making her look like any other of his fan, and he wanted to puke when he heard her talk with that high pitch voice all of a sudden, when she had spoken normally to the rest of their customers. Hypocrite, he mumbled to himself while the silver haired man followed the person who was going to take care of his hair.
"Pardon me but, this little one needs a new haircut too !"
"What ?!"
"You can't look like that on your own birthday Yurachka ! If you don't want to cut them, then let her styling your hair at least !" He answered with a grin.
"You piece of ..."
Yuri held back the curse he had wanted to throw at his face, remembering that his katsudon didn't like it at all when he talked this way to people, and grunted when the second girl came next to him so she could lead him toward a chair. During these two years, his hair had grown quite a bit and he had added fifteen centimeters to his height, catching up with Yuuri who was now smaller than him by five. And to be honest, the blonde was happy to be bigger so he could take him easily in his arms and put his chin on the other's shoulder when they were cuddling, smelling that calming sent of his.
"So, what haircut do you want me to do M. Plisetsky ?" The hairdresser asked behind him, holding a comb and a scissor.
"Could you just ... tied them up in a ponytail ?"
"You don't want me to cut them ? Even a little bit ?"
Yuri shook his head and she shrugged before starting his work. The moment her hands touched the scalp of his head, he thought about the different times when his boyfriend would braid his hair, caressing him gently while doing it, brushing them with care so he wouldn't hurt him, and understood one thing during the next thirty minutes.
He didn't like it when someone else touched his hair.
And Yuuri's hands were softer and kinder.
Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the woman finished to do her job, spraying some hair spray on the ponytail so it would stay like this until he removed the elastic band, and showed him what she had done with a mirror. Even though he didn't wanted it at first, it was pretty satisfying and beautiful to look at. He thanked her quickly and waited for Viktor to end the annoying conversation he had with that stupid girl. When the adult finally decided to stop his incessant chatter, he went to the counter and paid them, laughing at the one who had taken care of him because she had a bit of his hair on her sweater, making her blush vigorously.
Disgusted by all this, Yuri exited the building first and began to walk away, toward the man's car, without turning back to be sure that the driver was following close behind. Actually, the silver haired adult was waving at the women with a smile, holding his coat under his arm, and joined his friend who was standing next vehicle, an impatient expression on his face. He couldn't wait any longer. The younger Russian needed to see his katsudon. His body suffered from his absence and lack of contact.
"That was an incredible day, don't you think ?" Viktor said before turning on the engine.
"Remind me not to go with you on a shopping trip in the future ..."
"Aww ~ Yurachka ! I wanted to be with you for your eighteenth birthday. After all, it happens only one time in your life ! And I'm sure that Yuuri is ... Oh !"
"What ? What is it ?" He questioned, eyes growing wide in anticipation.
"Never mind. You'll see when we'll arrive."
With just that, the oldest of the two drove back to the Japanese's apartment and didn't say anything more during the ride, making his companion anxious. What was going on ?
When the car stopped in front of the block of flats, Yuri opened the door in a hurry, running through the corridors, climbing three steps at a time, and didn't have the patience to knock, entering the vestibule without being invited. He didn't announce himself and just removed his shoes, advancing until he was in the living room. What he saw before his eyes, confused him at first and then, brought a shaking smile on his pale face. The table was covered with a bunch of decorations, a large cake placed in the middle, eighteen candles standing proudly on top of it, and he could smell the delicious fragrance of katsudon being prepared by his beloved. His stomach grumbled a bit at the thought of eating a good meal after this exhausting walk in town and he searched for his boyfriend in the little place, not seeing him in this room.
"Happy eighteenth birthday Yurachka !" Screamed different voices behind his back.
When he turned around to see who were those strangers, Yuri couldn't help but jump in surprise at sight of all their friends at the entrance of the apartment, Yuuri standing in the front with a heartwarming expression. Next to him, there were Chris, Viktor and Phichit, who was taking some pictures with his phone, and they seemed to hide something from him. He could see it because it was moving slightly. The blonde didn't have the time to ask what it was because a pair of lips sealed his mouth shut, and two hands came to caress his cheeks. The black haired man pulled away after ten seconds and hugged him tightly against him, his head resting on the youngster's shoulder.
"Happy birthday Yurio ! Thank you for being born !" He murmured so he would be the only one to hear it.
A burning blush appeared put of nowhere, making him look away so no one would notice, and his heart began to beat faster than usual beause of the japanese's declaration.
"Thank you piggy. It's the best surprise I have ever had !"
They kissed again. Just a simple peck but it was full of passion and love. They heard the Thai skater squeal like a fangirl, snapping another set of pictures, and the Swiss let out a small Aww before coming to greet their cadet. That was at this moment he noticed it. Just between Phichit and Viktor, the moving thing he saw just a minute ago, was actually a person that he thought he would never see again, and he almost tackled him into a powerful embrace, hearing Yuuri complain about it.
"Calm down Yurachka ! You'll smother him if you keep tightening your grip like this." The five times champion told him with a pat on the back.
There. Inside his arms. There was Otabek. His only friend. Even though he had been grossed out by their relationship, the man had come to celebrate his eighteenth birthday, forgetting about the actual situation, and he looked happy to be able to see him again after almost a year.
"Happy Birthday Yuri ... I'm sorry I didn't contact you earlier. It was, well, not a good time for me to ..."
"There is no problem. You're here, that's what matters the most for me."
"I'm sorry for leaving you like this ..."
They exchanged a bunch of apologies for almost five good minutes before letting go of each other, the other watching the show with soft smile on their face, Yuuri putting his little jealousy aside, and they went to the table so he could blow the candles and the host could cut the cake in twelve slices, giving one to each of their guests. In the beginning, they just talked about nothing and everything, the blonde Russian telling to his best friend what had happened during the last year, the other listening to him with a new interest, and the arrival of Mila and Yuuko, brought a new warmth to the party, where there wasn't any woman. The redhead girl had come all the way from Russia to celebrate with them, explaining to Yurio that his grandfather wanted to come but was too weak to make the journey, so he sent him a letter to wish him a good day, and true to herself, she couldn't come without a stupid gift to give him.
As for Yuuko, she had formed a solid bound with the young man when he came for the first time in Hasetsu to take Viktor back to Russia, and had asked Yuuri if she could come on that important day, the other agreeing without a second thought. After all, the more we are, the more we laugh. So, here she was, teasing him about the way he looked at his boyfriend while the latter was cooking the katsudon pirozhki for dinner, talking to Phichit, and even though he was way taller than her, she continued to bother him like she did so three years earlier.
At 7:25 PM, everyone removed the dishes from the table to place new plates on the tablecloth, the black haired man bringing what he had cooked during the day, and Yurio understood why he didn't want him near the kitchen this morning. There were all sort of Japanese and Russian meal. Everything that the eighteen years old teen loved and had discovered with his lover during their dates. It was beautiful and touching.
Just before they sat down, those who had brought a gift, gave it to the young Russian and a lot of expressions appeared on his face during the opening of his presents. Mila had come with a sweater on which there was a tiger printed on it and also, a cap with cat ears on top of it. To thank her, he punched the woman on the shoulder. Phichit and Chris offered him a new pair of skates. Otabek placed a beautiful silver chain around his neck, earning a joyful grin from his best friend. Yuuko gave him a black t-shirt on which was written You can't beat me and Viktor went to his bag to take out all the accessories he had bought at the pet store, saying it would pleased his little Svetia, the feline his grandfather had adopted when he was a child. The black haired male didn't mention or show his own gift but the blonde paid little attention to it.
"Thank you for coming today. I know that you were really busy with the new championship but it means a lot to me that you've come to celebrate with us." Yuuri commented with a brilliant smile and the other applauded him.
"Yura, where is your speech ? We are waiting for it." Viktor said while taking a sip of his glass of champagne.
"W-what ?! I don't want to do that !"
"Oh come one Yuri ! It's nothing. We've all done it before you" The Thai said, trying to ease the tension around him.
"No ! I won't do it !"
"Pretty please."
"Stop it guys" The Japanese adult laughed. "If he doesn't want to do it then, don't force anything on him."
"You're no fun Yuuri-kun" Phichit whined, bitting down on his pirozhki.
They all burst out in giggles at that, forgetting immediately about the speech, and enjoyed the rest of the evening without any incident ruining the mood. After drinking a bit too much, Chris and his best friend began to sing without minding the fact that their host had neighbors, and soon, the tan skinned skater joined them in the fun, the two girls filming their prowess with their phone.
Otabek preferred to stay by Yuri's side, even if his lover wasn't far away, and continued to talk to catch up a bit, mocking the oldest men or looking at pictures on their phone. It was obvious that he didn't want to let go of him. But when it was time to leave the couple, the Kazakh skater seemed quite sad, staring at the blonde like he was some sort of love interest, and his best friend reassured him by saying that they would see each other again. Then, the hardest thing was to call a taxi so Phichit, Chris and Viktor could go back to their hotel without causing any problems, the latter being quite drunk at the moment, and the Thai promised he would take care of them and call if anything happens during the ride.
And now, they were alone in the quiet apartment.
Yuuri was actually washing the plates and storing what was left of the food in the fridge, humming quietly for himself. The sight was really pretty and the Russian was enjoying it from afar, chuckling silently, his arms crossed against his torso, eyes shining with a lustful glow. Now that he was eighteen, he could overcome the limits between them and decided that it was time to claim what he thought was his. Walking discreetly behind him, Yuri placed his hands on his lover's hips, caressing his skin under the blue long sleeves t-shirt he was wearing, putting his lips on his exposed neck, repressing the need to mark him, and pressed their bodies together, earning a little sigh of pleasure from the Japanese male.
"We are alone at last. Thanks for today. It was ... incredible."
"That's nothing. You are the one I should thank" the black haired adult answered, leaving his chore aside to turn back and embraced his beloved. "You grew up so much and became so beautiful."
"Stop flattering me piggy. You are the one whose beautiful ..." he muttered shyly, hiding his face in the other's neck.
"That ponytail suits you !"
"But yours are better. I thought she was going to rip them from my skull ..."
Exchanging soft and lovely compliments to each other, the two men drowned into their passion, closing the small gap between them, sealing their feelings with their wet lips, their tongues engaging a furious fight for supremacy, lost this time by the older skater who was distracted by his lover's fingers on his back, searching greedily under his cloth, and the youngster let his need for contact swallowed him completely, forgetting that they were still in the kitchen.
While he explored Yuuri's mouth, making him moan inside their kiss, his hands traveled along his spine, tickling his katsudon a little, and soon, he was approaching his firm butt dangerously, lifting his pants so he could enter easily. The ravenette shuddered under his touch, trying to focus on what was happening up there, his own members getting tangled with his hair, and whimpered when the other squeezed one of his butt cheek. He pushed the russian far enough so he could catch his breath, eyes wet with tears and pleasure, and he put his forehead against his torso to ask some support.
"You want it that badly ?" The Japanese asked, panting.
"I've waited for that day since I fell in love with you. So, yes."
"I thought that you would be patient enough so I could give you your present when we would have been in the bed but if you are that eager ..."
"Wait ! You were going to ... offer me your virginity as a gift ?" The blonde half-yelled in surprise, looking seriously into the brown eyes in front of him.
"D-don't say it like that ! It's really embarrassing !"
A burning sensation spread through Yuuri's body, his face going red from it, and the cat lover couldn't help but laugh at the sight. It wasn't a secret that this little piglet was a virgin and that he never had any experience in love, but it was adorable coming from him. Plus, Yurio was in the same boat so, he couldn't feel superior to him.
"If it's not to your liking, I-I can think of something else !" The black haired man stuttered in despair.
"No no no ! I'm happy ! I really am. You're just so ... cute when you're blushing like that. I want to eat you slowly, my present."
At that, the pork cutlet lover freed himself from his powerful grasp and led him in the bedroom, that he wanted to call "theirs" from now on, his hand trembling from apprehension. Yuri knew that his boyfriend had some issues with anxiety, not loving his body at all even if he had gone back to the way he was before, giving him the nickname "Fatso" and "Piggy" not helping at all, and he was sure that it would be a problem when they would begin to undress. The ravenette wasn't fat anymore. He had the perfect silhouette to skate and was quite handsome to be honest. So, he will have to appease his fear as soon as possible before a panic attack comes to ruin the mood.
Sitting on the edge of the mattress, the blonde pulled his beloved gently by the wrist, forcing the oldest to kneel on top of him, and he admired the man he cherished so much, stroking his thighs with one hand while the other was busy with his cheek to reassure him about what he had guessed, was some kind of anxiety. Yuuri didn't say anything, bitting on his lower lip to hold back his stress, and leaned in his touch, searching for comfort in this cold palm.
"If you're not ready, I don't want you to force yourself ! We can do it another time and ..."
"No ! No ... I w-want to do it. It's just that ... I'm not too sure about what my body looks like" the adult answered, looking down as if he was ashamed of the way he was.
"Listen to me carefully, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life and everyone who say otherwise, are just jealous about you. Yuuri, you are kind, intelligent, fun and attentive to everyone's needs. My feelings for you won't change even if you gain some weight. I'll love you no matter what !"
Hearing those words seemed to help the ravenette a lot, a sigh of relief escaping his parted lips, and tears flowed behind his glasses, falling on his t-shirt, showing how much pressure he felt. Yurio wiped them with his thumb, murmuring soft compliments to his lover, and pulled him into an innocent and pure kiss that lasted for almost a minute.
Without saying anything more, the Japanese began to remove his clothes, throwing them at the end of the bed without any care, ignoring the sight of his belly which was magnificent in the blonde's eyes, and put his glasses on the nightstand next to the couch, closing the distance between them so he would be able to see his face.
"You're my most precious treasure, Katsudon ..." He breathed next to his ear, licking his earlobe to tease him a bit.
"And you're my everything Yurachka !"
Then, everything went very quickly.
Overcoming his fears with all his might, the twenty seven years old man helped his lover to undress as well, leaving them in just their underwear, and they started to make out while the Russian was playing with his locks, tracing a line to the top of his head to the end of his back, slipping one finger inside his boxers. Moans echoed in the room as their kiss became more heated, their tongues intertwining like two snakes, and when they separated, the youngster sucked on his skin at different places, biting on his shoulder to claim his whole being, and the other whined in displeasure and need, running his hands through his beloved's hair.
"Aaah ... Mmh ! Yu-Yurio ... Ah !"
A wave of lustiness hit him like a truck when he felt one finger enter his butt-hole, preparing him for what was coming next, while the Russian kept kissing every part of his body, licking his pink nipples like he was some kind of hungry baby, using his other hand to play with the second one. Never in his young life, Yuuri had been so happy and excited to do something with someone, and if it had scared him a little at first, everything had been forgotten along the way, giving him just plain pleasure and satisfaction.
Soon, the space in his underwear was reduced to the point that a bump had formed, some precum showing as his cock rubbed against the material, and if it wasn't for the finger thrusting in him, he would have moved a while ago to the next level.
But the cat lover seemed to enjoy his game, letting another finger in to join the fun, and when he had finished to torture the hard nipples in front of him, Yuri got down to his lover's navel, using the tip of his tongue to explore that place, snatching a bunch of moans from his katsudon. Against his own crotch, the younger male could feel the hard on of his boyfriend, smiling at the thought that he was feeling good, and he left his hair to come and take care of this little one.
"Mmph ! Mmh ! Nnh ! Aah ... Y-Yurio ! How do you k-know all this ?" The Japanese asked between shaking breaths.
"I had dreams about you during the last two years so, I'm just doing what I saw in them."
"W-what ?! Aaha !"
He had spoken without thinking about his words first and that was embarrassing when he realized that he had just revealed one of his most shameful secret. It wasn't weird to have wet dreams about his boyfriend, but saying it bluntly like that, and to the subject of his fantasies. The sex was making him say things he wouldn't have admit even if he was drunk. That was surprising.
After removing the last piece of cloth that prevented them to go all the way, a condom being placed skillfully on the Russian's dick, Yuuri propped himself on his shaking knees to be above the erection of his partner, a third finger preparing him to welcome that new presence, and lowered his body slowly so it would penetrate him without hurting. It took a minute or two for the adult to accept that unknown but wanted member in his hole, and when he was fully accustomed to it, he began to rock his hips forward and backward, putting his palm against his mouth to muffled his groans.
"Don't hide yourself Yuuri ! I want to hear your voice ..." the blonde requested, standing in a sitting position, hands on the oldster's back to support him.
"B-but ... aah ! The n-neighbors ... mmh !"
"Why do you care ? It's not like we are friends or something." He growled like an upset animal.
"W-what are you doing ?! Ahaa !"
Not wanting to hear anymore of this, Yurio pushed him back on the bed, placing his legs on his shoulders, hands on both side of his head, and moved in a sustained rhythm, the other letting small gasp of pleasure coming out of his mouth.
"How does it feel ?"
"I-it feels good Yura. Mmh ! Nnhn !"
Taking his cock between his long fingers, he stroked him until he reached his climax, kissing him on the lips while doing that, and looked at his lover, panting and covered in sweat, black hair all messed up because of their movements. He was so beautiful. If he had a camera, the blonde would have take a picture to immortalize that moment. But he could just appreciate it and engrave it in his memories.
It wasn't long before Yuuri came from all this pleasure, the youngster hitting his prostate more than one time, moaning loudly inside his boyfriend's mouth, cum spreading on his torso, and at this very moment, the cat lover understood that it was the expression only him could see. His privilege.
"Ahaa ... aaha ... I'm sorry ... I couldn't h-hold back"
The Russian didn't reply and thrust in him again, until he exploded in a wild groan, bitting his shoulder again to show to everyone else that he was his property. Then, they kissed again to link their bodies and souls, and parted with a heavy sigh, Yurio taking off the condom to throw it in the trash can of the bathroom. He came back with a wet towel to wipe the sweat off of their skin, taking care of the marks he had put on him, and when they were clean enough to go to sleep, the blonde covered them with the blanket, snuggling up against his lover, tangling their legs together.
As he was putting his hand under the pillow to support his head, something brushed against his fingers and he took the paper out of his hiding place, looking at it with a raised eyebrow. The ravenette turned around to see what was going on and was almost as surprised as him, before recalling what it was about.
"I wanted to give it to you before, you know ... but you were too impatient so I forgot about it !" Yuuri explained while putting his palm on the other's hip.
"What is it ?"
"I know you love cats a lot so, I was thinking we could take one in the apartment, now that it's yours too. I'm sure Svetia would be happy to have a friend !"
At his confession, the cat lover almost jumped out of the bed to hug him tightly against his torso, squealing like a little girl who just received the last version of his doll, and he covered the man's face with little peck, thanking him again and again for this. When he looked at the picture on the paper, his green eyes lighted up and the Bengal he saw, was just too cute to be real. He read quickly what the document said before placing it on the nightstand next to his lover's glasses and cuddled with him more to show him his gratitude.
"When are we going to adopt it ?" He demanded with a cheerful smile on his face.
"Tomorrow if you want. The pet store gave me all the documents already and Viktor bought a lot of accessories for it to be comfortable on day one" he said, thinking that Yurio might be eighteen now but he was still a kid in his head.
"I'm looking forward to it."
And with that, they hugged each other like there was nothing else that mattered in the world and let sleep overtook their exhausted bodies, eyelids closing after only ten minutes.
That was the best birthday someone could hope for.
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