#king Cyrus the Great
ashitakaxsan · 2 years
Ancient Iranian sword unearthed in Russia
Archaeological news of great significance:An ornate Iranian sword has recently been recovered during an excavation survey in the Black Sea Region,in the present-day Krasnodar Krai of Russia. Tehrantimes.com give us the whole image in details.https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/477732/Ancient-Iranian-sword-unearthed-in-Russia
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Dating back to the 4th to the 6th century CE, the sword, along with several relics, have been unearthed from a warrior burial, who was an inhabitant of the Taman Peninsula, Heritage Daily reported on Saturday.
The sword suggests a political and cultural connection with the Sassanian or Neo-Persian Empire from modern Iran and Iraq, likely given as a diplomatic gift or taken as a military trophy, the report added.
Also, the archaeological project yielded pieces of a harness, buckles, and belt tips, as well as high-status items such as glass jugs, wooden and metal utensils, and wooden boxes with decayed cloths.
There is no doubt that the cited warrior was a representative of the elite of Phanagoria and was a bearer of the military aristocratic culture of the Bosporan Kingdom in the Migration Period, said one of the members of the project.
The ancient city of Phanagoria was a Greek colony, first founded in the Taman peninsula by Teian colonists in the 6th century BC after a conflict with the Persian king Cyrus the Great. The city grew into a major trading center that, along with the associated necropolis, covers an area of over 2223 acres.
Image below:King Cyrus the Great. Source:https://heritage-history.com/index.php?c=resources&s=char-dir&f=cyrus1
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In many ways, Iran under Sassanian rule witnessed tremendous achievements of Persian civilization. Experts say that the art and architecture of the nation experienced a general renaissance during Sassanid rule.
In that era, crafts such as metalwork and gem engraving grew highly sophisticated, as scholarship was encouraged by the state; many works from both the East and West were translated into Pahlavi, the official language of the Sassanians.
The legendary wealth of the Sassanian court is fully confirmed by the existence of more than one hundred examples of bowls or plates of precious metal known at present. One of the finest examples is the silver plate with partial gilding in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The dynasty was destroyed by Arab invaders during a span from 637 to 651.
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dubstepdragon · 11 months
Team Mega Rainbow Rocket! Ft. Every gameverse evil team leader + Volo
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This took so long but I had to give the spin off guys some love
Also I figured out how to record a speedpaint!
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arioloyal · 28 days
This post for the occasion of the birthday of our father, Cyrus the Great
(590 - 529 BCE) first emperor of the achaemenid empire
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"This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut"
(Isaiah 45:1)
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Babylonian Captivity that had taken place decades before. Cyrus facilitated their return to the promised land and he became a notable figure in the Jewish scripture as a savior who helped them build the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
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If this cylinder was not made at his command, maybe there would be no such thing as "human rights" in today's world :)
Happy Father's day 🍀...
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To the people who think theres a logical reason antisemitism has historically been one of the most prevalent forms of discrimination, here’s why that’s false.
Typically, in civilizations, a religion pops up sooner or later. Maybe it’s polytheistic, maybe it’s monotheistic, maybe it’s something else entirely. Atheism being so widespread is a pretty modern thing, back then the church and the government were one and the same. When civilizations were first forming, that’s when the Jews showed up. Side tangent, Jews have been around since Ancient Egypt. It’s one of the oldest religions in the world. Anyway, so imagine you’re the religious leaders of your ancient country, you work hand in hand with the government, and then some people show up who don’t follow the same gods you do. At first you might leave them alone, but the existence of people who don’t follow your gods makes other people wonder if your gods should be followed. After all, these people aren’t doing it, and they’re doing fine. So, you make something up. Jews drink the blood of children. Jews poison wells. Jews want money. Something to get people to think that not following your religion is something that evil people do. Rinse and repeat, and you’ve got the entirety of Jewish history. Well, aside from modern(past 100 years) antisemitism, which is much weirder. Antisemitism in recent times is an amalgamation of scientific racism, misconstrued punching up, and nonspecific antisemitism, just general “theyre evil”
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souredvalentine · 2 years
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this was so much funnier in my head
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persianmeow · 1 year
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Cyrus the Great.
Cyrus II of Persia, commonly known as Cyrus the Great, was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire, the First Persian Empire. Under his rule the empire embraced all of the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East, expanded vastly and eventually conquered most of Western Asia and much of Central Asia.
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gobspeaks · 3 months
Love when i can tell a VA had a blast with a role
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underdoug · 5 months
God's Hand in History: Isaiah 45 and the Rise of Cyrus
God’s Hand in History. The Rise of Cyrus of Persia God’s Hand shaped the journey of Israel’s history. The rise of Cyrus of Persia puts a sharp focus on the remarkable impact on the world from God’s Hand in the history of humankind as well as the Nation of Israel. In the enigmatic landscape of biblical prophecy, few passages resonate with the clarity and precision found in Isaiah 45. Within its…
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello Neil. I hope you're doing all fine.
I'm from Iran. Iran always had such a glorious history. you have lots of fans in Iran and It would be such a great pleasure for all of us if you make a flashback in S3 where Aziraphale and Crowley are in ancient times of Iran. We have lots of stories you may find them interesting. For instance Cyrus the Great who was the king of the Achaemenid Empire, for the very first time, earned another empire without any war and violence.
It would be amazing if you have this in your mind too. Thank you so much.
With love by all of your Iranian fans.
PS/ Even if there is a reference to Iran's history, if there is a political problem, to show it fully, it is satisfactory for us. Thank you for your great mind
Iranian history is a wonderful thing. I'm glad that Crowley and Aziraphale have their supporters there, and if there's ever another chance to revisit their time in the past it would be great to see what they did in ancient Iran.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
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⤷ summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn't understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren't safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won't let you go so easily.
⤷ genre: yandere/dark!au.
⤷ pairing: yandere!Alexander the Great x Female!Reader, yandere!Generals x Female!Reader.
⤷ warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, eventual smut, pregnancy plot.
⤷ word count: 39,470.
⤷ initiate: 07/10/2023.
⤷ finished: ??/??/????.
— Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16;
— Christmas Special.
Tag list
— @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1, @kadu-5607 , @zoleea-exultant , @borntoexplore11-blog , @wisdomenlightener , @silmawensgarden , @deadunicorn159 , @elvinapandra , @jennifer0305 , @his0kaswife , @animetye-23 .
Side Storys
— poison | imagine; (Y/N) is not a virgin | scenario/reaction; bucephalus | imagine; opal necklace | imagine; sculpture | imagine; wedding gifts | drabble; cyrus and aella headcanons; yan!husband alexander the great headcanons; kitten pajamas | oneshot;
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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West Asian empires in the 6th century BC
“TaschenAtlas – Weltgeschichte”, Klett-Perthes Verlag, 2004
via cartesdhistoire
According to Herodotus ("Histories", Book I), Deioces became king of the Medes in 701 BCE in western Iran. He united the six Median tribes and repelled Assyria's influence from his capital, Ecbatana. His grandson Cyaxares destroyed the Assyrian Empire with the help of the Babylonians (612 BCE), and then they divided its remnants. Cyaxares also destroyed the kingdoms of the Mannaeans and Urartu and advanced into Asia Minor, where the Halys River became the border with Lydia (585 BCE). His son Astyages succumbed to the Persians in 550 BCE, and Media became a satrapy.
In western Media, Nabopolassar founded the Chaldean dynasty ruling over the Neo-Babylonian Empire (625-539 BCE). His son Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE) restored Babylonian greatness and built the Temple of Marduk (the biblical Tower of Babel) in his capital, as well as the fortifications known as the "Median Wall," palaces, and the Hanging Gardens (on terraces). In 539 BCE, the Persians seized Babylon.
Achaemenid Persian Cyrus II conquered the Median Empire, Lydia (546 BCE), Babylon (539 BCE), and the Greek cities of western Asia Minor, Bactria, and Sogdia (529 BCE). His son Cambyses II subjugated Egypt and the Greek cities of Cyrenaica (525 BCE). The Persians then adopted the Assyrian concept of an empire uniting all the peoples of the world under one great king ("King of Kings"). Darius I conquered the Indus Valley in 512 BCE and occupied Thrace and Macedonia (513 BCE).
The Assyrians and Chaldeans had already begun to politically and civilly unify much of the Middle East, and the Persians continued this tradition. Thus, Aramaic, already used as a language of communication, was adopted as the language of Persian administration.
Despite its power, the history of the Achaemenids is poorly known because the scribes used parchment or papyrus; apart from rare royal inscriptions, there are few accounts from reluctant subjects or passionate opponents.
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gx-gameon · 6 months
The roughest part of Gx is that Jaden doesn’t have a lot of real friends.
After watching DM and seeing how far the group goes to support each other. Even when they can’t help they still uplift each other. And ya I know Téa can get annoying to people. But as I rewatch DM Téa and Tristian are always supportive. Tristian’s not a duelist but he’s out here physically fighting people to keep his friends safe (duelest kingdom, battle city) they never tear each other down or put pressure on each other.
In Gx it’s different. (I’m going to rewatch it soon) but Jaden feels really alone even though he’s surrounded by people. Chazz might be a good duelist, Zane definitely is and Alexis can hold her own, but they don’t support each other. Cyrus is pretty useless for most of the show. I love Hasselberry but he quickly falls into the same trap the others do.
They throw Jaden under the bus a lot. They put a lot of responsibility and leadership on him that he doesn’t want. It’s not that Jaden won’t step up to the plate, he always does, but they aren’t supportive of him in the same way the DM cast is.
He doesn’t have a Joey who stands by his side no matter what. Joey’s a lot of things but above all he’s a great friend. His best friend tell him, “I’m going to fight to save the world against a cult because if the spirit living in my pendant. You know the spirit that possesses me.” And Joey immediately is like “you mean WE are fighting a cult to save the world. Love that spirit.(platonic) Love you. (Platonic) We’re best friends. You’re never alone.” Like Joey is THE ride or die. Yes he’s stupid. But his heart is in it.
Jaden doesn’t have that. Not until season 3 when Jessie, Axel, and Jim arrive. Jessie is definatly the most ride or die of the whole group. But Axel and Jim are right there to. They are the team going out into the duel world to get everyone back home. They save Jaden from himself/supreme king. Like he has support for the first time and it’s immediately removed.
Like I get why home boy went crazy. And the Gx crew see him rushing to save Jessie and go, “he’s selfish, he’s rushing ahead without us, he doesn’t care, this is his fault.” Like he didn’t ask you to come. You decided to come and complain the whole time. Most of you haven’t carried your weight since season one.
This is another reason why it’s going to take Jaden so long to tell people who his parent are in my Yugi raises Jaden au. Like homeboy grew up on Téa’s friendship speeches. He was probably so excited to go and find friends like his dad’s.
Cyrus is just not it, like he’s not a bad character, I don’t hate him. I just wish that instead of the writers making Jaden the only one who can do anything they let his friends help. But instead Jaden is constantly standing alone. They are there “cheering” him on, but it doesn’t have the same feel until season 3
I’m going to watch Gx again soon so maybe I’ll feel different.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Achaemenid Kings List & Commentary
The Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) was the first great Persian political entity in Western and Central Asia which stretched, at its peak, from Asia Minor to the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia through Egypt. It was founded by Cyrus II (the Great, r. c. 550-530 BCE) whose vision of a vast, all-inclusive Persian Empire was, more or less, maintained by his successors.
The Persians arrived in the region of modern-day Iran as part of a migratory group of Aryans (meaning “noble” or “free” and referencing a class of people, not a race). The Aryans – made up of many tribes such as the Alans, Bactrians, Medes, Parthians, and Persians, as well as others – settled in the area which became known as Ariana (Iran) – “the land of the Aryans”. The tribe which eventually became known as the Persians settled at Persis (modern-day Fars) which gave them their name.
Artaxerxes V (r. 330-329 BCE) was the short-lived throne name of Bessus, satrap of Bactria, who assassinated Darius III and proclaimed himself king. Alexander the Great found the dead or dying Darius III (the original accounts vary on this) in a cart where Bessus had left him and gave him a proper burial with all honors. Afterwards, Alexander had Bessus executed and took for himself the honor of the title Shahanshah, the king of kings of the Achaemenid Empire.
Although the Achaemenid Empire was no longer what it had been under Darius I, it was still intact when Alexander conquered it. He attempted a synthesis of Greek and Persian cultures by marrying his soldiers to Persian women, elevating Persian officers to high rank in his army, and comporting himself as a Persian king. His efforts were not appreciated by the Greek/Macedonian army and, after his death in 323 BCE, his vision was abandoned. Since he had named no clear successor at the time of his death, his generals went to war with each other to claim supremacy.
These wars (known as the Wars of Diadochi, 322-275 BCE), resulted, in part, in the rise of the Seleucid Empire (312-63 BCE) under Alexander's general Seleucus I Nicator (r. 305-281 BCE). The Seleucid Empire occupied approximately the same regions as the Achaemenid and, though it rose to a position of strength, gradually lost territory, first to the Parthians and then later to Rome. The Seleucids were succeeded by the Parthian Empire (247 BCE- 224 CE) which fell to the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE). The Sassanians revived the best aspects of the Achaemenid Empire and would become the greatest expression of Persian culture in the ancient world.
The Sassanian Empire preserved the culture of the Achaemenids and, even after its fall to the invading Muslim Arabs, this culture would endure and spread throughout the ancient world. Many aspects of life in the modern day, from the seemingly mundane of birthday parties, desserts, and teatime to the more sublime of monotheism, mathematics, and aspects of art and architecture, were developed by the Sassanians drawing on the model of the Achaemenid Empire.
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calisources · 7 months
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 : here are a list of 55 female names, 55 male names and 55 a song of ice and fire valyrian names and last names. You can do variations to the names and eveything because, you know fantasy, but I chose those that I thought sounded good. If this list is good, I found a generator for more fantasy names centered in ASOIAF for different kingdoms and lands. you don't have to give credit but please like or reblog if you find useful.
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Male Names.
Kallias, meaning beauty.
Dimitri, earth lover.
Teivel, the devil.
Kaiser, Emperor or ruler.
Harvey, Strong warrior.
Lysander, liberator. 
Erel, angel and messenger.
Asael, made by god.
Laurent, the bright one.
Perseus, avenger, destroyer.
Chrysander, golden protector.
Zale, strength of the sea.
Cahir, warrior, battle man.
Magnus, great and powerful.
Nikolai, people of victory.
Kian, king.
Damien, to tame.
Micah, who resembles God.
Kaemon, joyful.
Arsenio, strong, potent.
Lucius, light or genius.
Loan, light.
Calix, very handsome.
Rowan, brilliant red.
Egan, little fire.
Adonis, lord.
Declan, full of goodness.
Arzhel, bear prince.
Thaddeus, courageous heart.
Alastor, vengeance.
Carden, wool carder.
Leone, lion.
Osian, little dear.
Ezekiel, strength of god.
Zion, highest point.
Asher, blessed.
Kratos, strength, might.
Zadkiel, righteousness of god.
Arwan, king of the other world.
Malakai, messenger.
Acheron, river of sorrow.
Elijah, the lord is my god.
Jace, lord of salvation.
Killian, little warrior.
Cyrus, the sun.
Deimos, personification of fear.
Bryson, child of a noble.
Conan, little wolf or little hound.
Maverick, independent one.
Lennone, keen.
Anteros, god of required love and defender of unrequired.
Denarius, silver coin.
Lorcan, little fierce one.
Ariston, excellent.
Vortigern, high overlord.
Female Names.
Naima, tranquil.
Freya, noble woman.
Alora, beautiful dream.
Danyi, sweet.
Juniper, evergreen.
Arcadia, adventurous.
Cora, virtuous.
Rosela, rose in italian.
Rhea, river.
Kyra, sun.
Solasta, shining, light.
Evangeline, messenger of good news.
Narcissa, flower.
Nyssa, new beginning.
Nyx, night.
Elodie, great fortune.
Gemena, intelligent.
Elis, god’s promise.
Irene, peace.
Samira, wind.
Melantha, dark flower.
Odeliah, praise god.
Aleyah, noble, elevated.
Sariah, princess of the lord.
Ilaria, happy and cheerful.
Odessa, long journey.
Jezebel, pure.
Brielle, heroine of god.
Emersyn, brave, powerful.
Marilla, shining sea.
Braelyn, meadow.
Enora, honor.
Sereia, mermaid.
Seraphina, fiery ones.
Kaena, praise.
Zenaida, of zeus, eternal life.
Isadora, gift of Isis.
Faera, bringer of gifts.
Fayra, gift of god.
Lilibet, pledge to god.
Orlaith, golden princess, sovereign.
Thalassa, sea or ocean.
Visha, deadly poison.
Sora, sky.
Leysa, defender of man.
Cassiel, angel of saturday.
Calia, beautiful person.
Aloisia, famous warrior.
Isleen, vision.
Elowen, elm tree.
Davina, beloved.
Elysia, from the blessed isles.
Gwenna, blessed ring.
Mairween, blessed rebellion.
Esmeray, dark moon.
ASOIAF Valyrian names.
Daenar Tarreos
Baesenyx Barreos
Jaererys Laeraellis
Tyraerion Laenaenor
Jacaegar Laeneneos
Gaedar Aglaeris
Raenor Gonnalys
Rhaegon Maentigar
Vimar Arnalys
Vahaegaron Nargyreon
Laegor Naeltigar
Aeron Taeltheon
Maerya Barnaris
Alyhna Caeneneos
Vysenera Naeltaris
Daessa Baelnaris
Baessa Rahmaereon
Haelera Veltheos
Saerena Arinarys
Alaenna Lenyreos
Elaessa Narnareon
Jaelanya Galgyreon
Vhaenys Dortalor
Saerera Raeldaerys
Visegon Goniar
Jaedor Gaelennis
Malaelor Maentheos
Rahaelon Baeltigar
Maerion Laergaris
Visegon Qargaeron
Vahaeron Arreos
Gaelyx Arlaeris
Garaevon Calnalys
Naelara Dalreos
Eraerla Raenlaeris
Daenenera Maenanyon
Haerys Narnalys
Hera Aergaris
Vysessa Qarareon
Elaerya Aerlaeris
Maeharys Malreos
Tahaenyx Rahiar
Aeganar Gaelralis
Balaevar Lendaerys
Daegar Valanyon
Gaegar Nohaellis
Matagor Vellaeris
Rahaemon Laendaerys
Daelon Aeraeris
Aerena Mallaeron
Daenelys Callaeris
Renaera Raelennis
Daenelys Dortheos
Raevor Daerlaeron
Bamera Caenennis
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persianmeow · 1 year
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