#king nasod
Eve: What animal do you think you could take in a fight?
Add: Maybe a horse???
Add: do I get prep time?
Eve: Yeah
Eve: but the horse gets it too
Add: then no
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So, weird somewhat out of reach tiny grain of salt theory.
What if Lilith "was" the new character who was then ordered to follow the El Search Party. I mean unless she was, but what if.
This theory would make zero sense and is not a fought boss battle, but I do remember few people wanting a villain or boss character being playable since Raven "was" one, but that was under the influence and controlled by King Nasod.
Which yes, that would be a big problem of her being playable. And it would be strange for Friedrich to allow it. Though would be nice, as we'd have Eve and Lilith because it sounds kind of enjoyable to me.
Though best to wait and see what Kr. gives.
the list of ideas are
a Scythe user.
A Dark Elf.
A Dragon
Yuria. Although a rather odd choice as she's not with the El Search Party.
Not enough observations for me to really get a good grasp.
Someone said there was a thing in the Abyss, that "looked" like an egg and no one mentioned it.
Though if they start that early ofc they'd have to have a own dungeon region, imo. And not related to doing Elrianode region that might be a given.
If any news or teasers are revealed or subtle, leave them in a comment or share. Fellow Elsword Theorists, consume the theory juice. We're going somewhere.
Though I kind of personally want a jiangshi character, but that might be because I played an unhealthy amount of Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior, even though Morrigan and Lilith are my favorite characters followed by Hsien-Ko
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Erbluhen Emotion
1/5 - 
Ain called this new combined power of the Goddess and the El energy from Elrios, Eids. He continued to create Eids and used them in battle, but he still doesn't know how to use this power to the fullest. Perhaps it's because he lacks training. Let's face more enemies.
2/5 - 
As he sees the El Search Party struggling against powerful armies and endless battle in Altera, Ain feels an emotion that he never had felt before. Ain pushes down this unfamiliar emotion and uses his inner growth to become stronger.
3/5 - 
After listening to King Nasod's story that the demon invasion began, and seeing Elsword and his party facing against the overwhelming demon forces, Ain feels trust and connection to his companions. With the emotion that started to bloom, his Eids became stronger. It is then that Feita's request for reinforcements is relayed.
4/5 - 
Demons, and demonic energy. Instinctual disgust pushes him to a critical moment. However, a call from his friends who remembered him transformed his confusion to something else. With an unfamiliar, yet pleasant feeling, Ain followed his friends.
5/5 - 
As Ain continued to protect his friends from danger out of his own free will, Ain realizes that a connection has been formed between him and his friends. A complete contract between the power of God and the El energy. He has reached a point where he can freely use multiple Eids, using the power of the goddess and the El energy to its ultimate harmonious form. Let's use this newly bloodmed power of harmony to drive out the enemies remaining in the shrine.
(recorded; 10/22/2022)
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mliter · 1 year
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Chung Seiker.
I won't let any demon roam this land! Be gone!
First there was Elsword, then there was Raven, and then there was Chung.
Chung was introduced to the NA servers of Elsword online in 2012. He's a young but very strong boy that's known as a protector. He loses his father to demons and joins the el search party in an effort to become every stronger. He even drops his royalty until he feels that he has earned it.
His design is absolutely awesome. A lot of players found him to be adorable in the face. He even was nicknamed Pikachu by North American players due to the design of his hair.
Fully armored, the boy carries around a large cannon like it's nothing. He utilizes it in all of his combos, with some paths even adding onto his arsenal. He's also in posession of a guardian stone, which transforms him into a far more powerful version as he uses it. it gives him long flowing hair and a cool mask. This mask changes as he grows.
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He also has 3 really cool class paths. The first is Iron Paladin, the path where chung decides to go all in on his cannon, the second is the deadly chaser, a menacing figure that protects Hamel beyond enemy lines. And the third is the tactical trooper. A Chung that combines nasod technology with his cannon to make a breakthrough project: the disfrozen portal. This class focuses on sheer artillery.
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While a little different in each one, Chung is still Chung. All of these pathes are different ways of him achieving his one true goal of becoming a king fit to protect Hamel.
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nasodz · 2 years
Do Nasods Dream of Electric sheep? pt 1/?
Fandom/Pairing: Elsword; Raven/Eve, Base!Classes
Rating: T
Word Count:  1040
Summary:  Raven can't sleep, tortured by memories which only serve as a reminder that his life is owed to the innocents he took away. Eve is just being herself.
Sweat ran down Raven’s forehead in cold streaks. It was not uncommon for him to wake up like this. There was no rest when his arm continuously showed him replays of his grief. He intentionally slept away from the rest of the party due to his nightly outbursts, it was better off that way. He tousled his hair and wiped off the sweat with his sleeve and decided to walk around and exhaust himself physically.
The sound of crunchy, dry grass followed his footsteps. Crickets, frogs, and other such creatures of the night could be heard rustling in the bushes and trees which made him wonder how rural, farm folk could sleep through it. He quickly realized that being a commoner in a developing kingdom meant he was not built for this. Then remembering why he’s in this position in the first place reminded him to toughen up, get used to it. Annoying night ambience was the least of his problems when he remembers the people he killed inadvertently and intentionally. Both of which at this point he has yet to avenge or atone for. Let alone getting sleep, he hasn’t been getting much at all. These night crawls ended up the same way, with images of Owen’s cruel, unemphatic expression while the mob he rode in with, slaughtered him, his comrades, and his wife right before his eyes.
Left for dead and rebuilt with twisted ambition to carry out the will of others. The arm was another reminder. Raven shudders at the cruelty. If it was for his own, the Nasod, or Owen’s, it didn’t make a difference. Soon, Raven came upon the campsite where Elsword, Aisha, and Rena remained. The fire was dim but the sun would be rising in a couple of hours. It was routine for him to come back to the camp near morning as if he did rest amongst his comrades, in order to avoid questioning if they did notice he was gone.
What wasn't, however, was for him to spot Nasod, Eve. To be fair, she did tag along recently after King Nasod was finished off, his final words proclaiming that she was the ‘Queen.’ Raven could only assume why she didn’t join the party after the offer to stay behind and assess the damages the Nasod factory had done to Altera. Why she decided to come back and stay all of a sudden irked Raven. Right now, she was observing the others while they slept. One by one from Rena, Aisha, and Elsword she studied them like a hawk would hover its prey. Raven, as quiet as he could, marched over to Eve. Nasod must be more sensitive to sound or vibration because she turned around, unfazed by his presence. He quickly pulled her off to the side a few feet away from the camp.
“What are you doing?” It was less of a question and more of a demand that she explain herself.
“I was checking their vital signs. I discovered a spore that had the ability to affect Nasods, infecting them from the inside.” Eve blinked listlessly. “I wanted to know if any were present on their skin and clothes, or if they could get sick.”
Raven folded his arms. “You can run your wellness checks when everyone is awake, don’t do that when everyone is asleep.”
Eve cradled her hands. “Did I make another mistake?”
Raven sighed and scratched the back of his head. Technically no, in fact she was being quite thoughtful. “It’s just a bit creepy is all I’m trying to say.”
Eve perked up. “The Internal Dictionary defines ‘creepy’ as having or causing a creeping sensation of the skin, as from horror or fear or as of, relating to, or characteristic of a person who is a creep; obnoxious; weird…” Eve's voice began to trail off over her reciting as she held her chin and lowered her gaze. “I apologize. I didn't mean to make Raven feel put off by my actions.”
Eve didn’t meet Raven’s eyes and opted to focus on scooting a small pebble around with her shoe. Raven began to feel restless and awkward as well. He was rearing up to say something but was met with a finger in his face.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep right now?” She said inquisitively. “Everyone else is.”
Raven blinked twice before lowering her hand. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“I have a lot on my mind.”
“What about?”
Was she messing with him? “It’s not something that concerns you. If Nasods don’t have to sleep then you should sit down somewhere and don’t watch people while they sleep.” Eve was about to turn around and find said ‘somewhere’ to sit around until she started again.
“OK, I would like to engage in sleep,” Eve clasped her hands. “Can we sleep together?”
Raven steeled himself at her request. For a robot, she could talk like an airhead sometimes. On second thought, he should have expected as much.
“I read that companionship between humans eases their minds especially during sleep.” Eve found a soft patch of long green grass, sat down, then lied on her side. “Sleep Mode: Engaged.”
With that, she was out like a light. Raven played with the thought of leaving her there but quickly discarded the idea. By all accounts he hated Eve. Her robots ordered by King Nasod to reconstruct his body into a mangled, mind controlled hybrid was the reason why he committed atrocities and needed to atone for his wrong-doings. She was also the reason why he was alive to avenge those he left behind. He scoffed and reluctantly sat down next to her. Before resting his eyes, he studied her sleeping frame. Her breathing was slow, diaphragm expanding and contracting, fingers twitching ever so slightly like any human would. Do Nasod dream of electric sheep, he thought.
A tuft of her flew up and down from her mouth with each breath. The glance of a smile crossed his face as he tucked the hairs away, fingers ever so slightly caressing her cheek. Raven decided it was the sleep deprivation that made him watch her for a little while longer before deciding to lie down himself, back to back with the Nasod.
Author’s Note: I had a lot of fun writing this drabble/oneshot, I find these two as a pair to be very sweet and potentially angsty if given enough time together. The amount of fanfiction Elsword has is near nonexistent let alone Raven/Eve, who are a very underrated pair in general. I hope its a fun read.
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imagineelrios · 7 years
Imagine a happy nasod family starring:
Yuno as the older(?) twin brother. The outgoing and cheerful one! The cause of more than a few of Adrian’s gray hairs.
Herbaon as the younger(?) twin brother. The dutiful child. Always ready to remind his brother that father said we’re not supposed to eat cookies after midnight Herjuno.
Eve as the eldest sister. The responsible sibling. Also the favorite child. Sometimes saddled with twin babysitting duties.
King Nasod Adam as the eldest brother. Old enough that he doesn’t quite understand what kids are into these days.
Adrian as the father. Too old, too tired. The joys of single fatherhood.
Add as the mysterious stalker(?). Can be found lurking near the house occasionally. Nobody is sure about how to confront him.
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dtsukiartblog · 7 years
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Still a rough sketch.... But I need some motivation to finish this... *sigh* C’mon king, gimme a little more hype to make some artworks for ya :c
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I hate Adrian
I used to be indifferent to him but then I did an analysis. And this is that analysis.
The tip off for this analysis was Adrian not calling Yuno by name. Ever. Well he might've done it once. Otherwise he calls Yuno 'child'. Yet. While calling him child, Adrian can, in the same breath, admit that he intended to scrap Yuno. Essentially murder him. And what is the reason given? Because Yuno questioned him. And it wasn't even questioning. With the dynamic set up between Yuno and Adrian, that was a child voicing concerns about a person to their parental figure. A person their parental figure allowed into their house no less. And instead of doing the good parental thing and reflecting on his decision and taking a closer look at Solace, Adrian decided murder was the way to go. Yuno wasn't acting the way Adrian wanted him to, despite the fact that it was Adrian himself that programmed Yuno, so Adrian's solution was to scrap him and start over. On top of that THIS IS A PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR. Eve only exists because Adam wasn't doing what Adrian wanted. And both times, Adrian didn't bother to inform the one being replaced that he was going to do so. Adrian straight up manipulated Adam's codes so that Adam wouldn't be suspicious of his replacement. Yuno had to hear it through the grapevine and back himself up to a smaller body. Yet Yuno continues to refer to Adrian as Father. Which is... Completely fucked. On top of that, unlike Adam and Eve, Herbaon is essentially a copy of Yuno, just limited to Adrian's desires. Worse, Herbaon is still allowed to think and feel for himself but he still can't act beyond what Adrian wants.
The Nasods in Elysion are another point. They cannot act without orders from the palace. But they're allowed to be concerned about what's going on. They've been concerned for however long since Solace closed up to fortress but they can't do anything about it until the El Search Party shows up because Adrian limited their ability to act. Since orders have to come from the palace, and Herbaon cannot act outside Adrian's desires, the Nasods of Elysion are not allowed to act outside of Adrian's desires either. BUT THEY'RE ALLOWED TO BE CONCERNED??? That just seems really fucked to me. It's a complete lack of respect for their autonomy. With autonomy comes the right to make decisions for oneself. And the only two Nasods Adrian created with autonomy he either abandoned or intended to scrap. With the Atlas Nasods it's even worse. They don't even have character at all. All they are is their purpose. But with King Nasod's Nasods you can see that while they are meant to fight, they synergize and work with each other towards a common goal. The Nasods in Atlas just do their thing. They aren't nearly as annoying to deal with because they aren't working together the same way the Altera Nasods are. But the only real difference is that the Atlas Nasods had Adrian behind their creation while the Altera Nasods had King Nasod behind them. Also, Moby and Remy, despite being nowhere near humanoid models have very clear personality. That's the problem with Atlas. They aren't humanoid Nasods so they don't even have that much. There isn't even the illusion of autonomy for Atlas Nasods unlike the Elysion ones. Then Adrian welcomes Eve back to Elysion while simultaneously seeming to pretend almost none of her friends exist. And the way he treats her hasn't really changed from her backstory even when he's had ample time to see that Eve has changed.
Also, Adrian left Elrios to create Elysion before the Nasod War. Meaning he left Eve and Adam, who were both inexperienced at the very LEAST to create a new better Nasod Kingdom. Like. Why didn't he take the Nasods that already existed with him? If he couldn't then, since he could leave Elrios presumably at any time, why didn't he stay long enough to give Eve and Adam the guidance that they would need to adequately lead their kind? Also, why only bother to inform Eve of her purpose in a moment of self-doubt? I will admit he could've been trying to encourage her but to me at least, even before I did this analysis, it always came across as condescending. And Adrian continually calling Adam 'it' despite the fact that Adam, while he doesn't have emotions, does have sentience and will, also rubbed me the wrong way.
Who the fuck is so arrogant as to think they could successfully outdo the El Lady's power? She is intrinsically connected to the El, the magic gem that gave life to the entirety of Elrios. Some things just cant be outdone. And to not realize that is just mindblowingly egotistical or stupid or some combination of the two.
Also, given his pattern of behavior, I'm almost certain Code: Nemsis and Code: Battle Seraph were not welcomed nearly as warmly by Adrian as Code: Empress was. Eve was not designed as a battle Nasod. She was designed to be queen. And while all three of them are a queen, Empress is the only one that is the queen Adrian wanted her to be. On the surface at least, because with her questioning the isolated nature of Elysion's existence, even Empress is no longer what Adrian wanted her to be.
In conclusion, Adrian sucks and I hate him. I'm aware that my analyses are usually a lot more objective than this but Adrian is a special kind of something. Murder should not EVER be your solution to your child coming to you with concerns about someone you let into their life. I'm still mad about Yuno's entire situation and I first reached Atlas and Elysion more than a year ago. A few days, weeks maybe, with the El Search Party was better than his entire time as Herjuno in Elysion and that fucking sucks.
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Happy Birthday
Elsword (Knight Emperor)
Aisha (Aether Sage)
(In celebration of Elsword and Aisha’s Birthday, December 27th)
Snoring, Elsword was sleeping on his bed back in Elder. He and his friends had saved the world and brought peace in the future between Humans, Elves, Nasods and Demons as well. Chung and Ara went back to Hamel to heal the king and Ran and restore the kingdom to it’s glory; Eve and Add went to back to Altera to rebuild the Nasod Empire and commit to an alliance with Velder and Hamel. Laby, Lu and Ciel stayed in the demon world to restore Lu’s status as queen, as well as starting up a treaty to end all skirmishes against human and other races. Rose returned to her world and continued her duty, however she would tend to come visit once in a while to see her friends. Elesis returned to Elder along with her brother Elsword and continued training more Red Knights in the future. Ain disappeared shortly after the El was restore, his mission was complete and he was no longer needed; they felt sadness when he was dusting away; but not Elsword. Instead, he smiled and said, “This isn’t goodbye, we’ll meet again someday, I promise.” Ain smiled as he drift away, agreeing to everything he said. Raven headed back to Elder to continue as a mercenary, but received a pardoned from Velder and was invited to be the commanding general of the Velder knights. Raven at first was not excited to be in Velder, after everything that happened to him; however, Rena said she’ll be with him and support him to the end, so he accepted with Rena being his second-in-command.  As for Aisha...
Elsword immediately woke up from the yelling downstair.
“Breakfast is getting ready! You better not be still in bed!”
Elsword sigh.
“I’m coming!”
Elsword got up and put on a red shirt as he went downstair to see Aisha, with her cream white sweater and purple skirt and apron, making breakfast for the two in the kitchen.
“Elesis went to the training ground to check up on the gears for training so I already made breakfast for her, she’ll be back in a bit, you know she wouldn’t miss today for the world.”
“Really? Even if there was whole invasion?” He joked. Elsword knew Elesis wouldn’t miss today for the world.
After all, it’s December 27th, Elsword and Aisha’s birthday.
You’re wondering why Aisha is there too? Well, after everyone started heading their separate ways, Aisha was gonna go back to her hometown. But Elsword stopped her for a second.
During their adventures, Elsword developed feelings for her, so he wanted to tell her how he felt. He would love to be with her forever, but he knew she must follow her path. As they say their goodbyes, Aisha felt uneasy. She too fell in love with him and knew what she must do. 
Afterward, she finished her business at her hometown and went toward Ruben. When Elsword saw her, she leaped toward him and kissed him, returning the love he gave her.
that was three years ago, now the two are married (He proposed on their birthday) and living happily in Ruben, with Elsword soon to become captain of the Red Knights and Elesis home guiding him to be a better leader. 
Elsword leaned toward Aisha and hugged her from behind, kissing her neck with love.
“I miss you in bed...”
Aisha blushes at the gesture of love. The two lovers still bicker and argue like their old selves, but most of them it’s playfully. And sometimes at night they get... well you get the idea. 
Elsword continue giving kisses to Aisha from behind, while his hands continue to roam around her waist, slipping underneath to feel her creamy skin that he desires to feel. No matter how many times he holds her, he never gets enough of her scent and feeling. Heck, despite joking about her chest, he loves her no matter what size she is.
“It’s almost noon, Elsword. We had to get up, I am not gonna celebrate our birthday; AS WELL AS, our anniversary,” Aisha yelled, despite loving the sensation from Elsword’s hands. Aisha tries to deny it, but she loves the way Elsword holds her and pleasure her with his hugs and kisses. What? Were you thinking of something else? Well... they are married... and living in the same house... BUT, Elesis is also living there, so no funny business... most of the time...
 “Now go sit down while I finish up breakfast.”
Later, Elsword and Aisha headed out to get some grocery for tonight’s event. It is their birthday, so many of their friends are visiting to celebrate it. However, Aisha has a special surprise for Elsword. After they gone to the market and grabbed what they needed, Elsword spoke.
“Hey Aisha?”
Elsword and Aisha rested at a park nearby and sat at a bench.
“You know, you being here with me, really made me the happiest man alive. I still can’t believe that you gave up your search for that ring just to stay here with me.”
“Elsword you dummy,” Aisha smiles as she puts a hand on his cheeks, “That ring may have taken most of my power, but you and everyone else have given me something more precious than my power...”
Aisha leaned in and kissed Elsword.
“...it’s love.”
Elsword sat there dumbfounded, he can never get use to Aisha’s kisses despite being married for a couple years now. He leaned toward her and rested his forehead toward hers. The two sat comfortably as they watch kids play around in the park.
“You know, I bet you’d make an amazing mother, Aisha.” Elsword said jokingly; however, deep inside, he hoped that it’ll become a reality. 
“And you’d make a good father, hopefully,” Aisha giggled. 
“Oh that reminds me,” Elsword grabbed a box out of his pocket, “Happy birthday and anniversary.”
He opened the box and revealed ear pieces with a small jewelry of Amethyst, Aisha’s favorite.
She gasp at the beauty of them. “Elsword...”
“I wanted to give something special to my princess. So I went to Elder to find this mineral and have it carved for you. Do you like it?”
Aisha smiled lovingly at him.
“I love it, you big dork.”
Elsword sigh in relief, glad that she loved the gift.
The two was at blissful peace before they realized it’s getting late and had to get back home. Elesis will be coming home a bit later today, mostly because she was told to wait a bit longer from Aisha. She has a special surprise for him.
“Elsword, can you put the groceries in the kitchen? I need to get something from the back,” Aisha asked.
Elsword agreed to put the groceries away and cleaned up a bit as well.
“Okay Aisha, it’s all good now... Aisha?”
As Elsword was gonna go look for her, she was already at the living room, holding a small present for Elsword.
“Happy Birthday and Anniversary, Elsword.”
“Aisha, you didn’t have to-”
“I know,” Aisha interrupted, “But I want to; I wanted to give you this for a long time, and now, it’s time I give it to you.”
Aisha handed him the present. “Go ahead, open it.”
Elsword unwrapped the present and was revealed a box. He opened a box and found shoes inside, however, they were too small for his size.
Elsword looked confused.
“Hey Aisha, I think you got my size, these one look like they can only fit on bab-”
It was at that moment that Elsword understood the gift’s meaning. Dumbfounded, he dropped the box and grabbed Aisha.
“Is it true?! A-are you really...?”
Aisha smiled and nodded.
with that gesture as his answer, tears started falling down as he grabbed her on the waist and spun her around lovingly. He started chanted, “We’re gonna be parents!” while Aisha laugh and agreed.
After a moment has passed, Elsword hugged her.
“Thank you...” He said. “You’ve given me so much, your trust, your love; and now, a family.”
“Oh you big dummy,” Aisha replied. “You gave me just the same. I wouldn’t be who I am now without you. You gave me courage, trust and love. You showed me that there’s more to that than just my powers. I love you Els.
Aisha kissed Elsword passionately, never letting each other go.
As the two continue embrace each other’s presence, the front door opened, revealing Elesis coming home.
“Ah, I take it you finally gave him your surprise?”
Aisha let go and nodded, “Yeah, and he loves it.”
“Well then, now can you tell me what it is?”
Elsword and Aisha laugh as Elesis was confused as to what was Aisha’s surprise.
Elsword insisted her to tell.
“Elesis,” Aisha answered. “You’re gonna be an aunt!”
Elesis took a minute to process what Aisha said...
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...Then ran toward the two.
“YOU’RE GONNA BE PARENTS!” She yelled, crying tears of joys.
Already, she was committing herself to a life of being the most lovable and protective aunt in the world, possibly universe.
Only one thing was certain.
Elsword can not wait to tell his friends the news.
For now...
Happy Birthday to these two lovable dorks!
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I hope to see more romance between these two in the future! THEY MUST BE CANON!
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els-imagines · 6 years
(Everyone 2st job change 2st line) The entire El Gang have fell in love with Raven , how each one of them would confess their love for Raven ? + What Raven thinks about everyone acting strange to him
Rune Slayer: Hey, Raven? You won’t really mind if…we become more than friends, would you? Eh? I mean, I’m saying that I love you. I love you, Raven. Not as friends.
Void Princess: Oh hi, Raven! Are you free today? No? Do you…no. Raven, I have to tell you something. Raven, I love you. I, I really do, honest! 
Grand Archer: Are you going somewhere, Raven? Can I come with you? Yay! Raven… I know that I bear resemblance to…someone else but I hope that you come to see me as my own person. I love you, Raven. Please, accept my feelings.
Code: Nemesis: I was unaware that these feelings will appear inside of me. I have always thought that my sole goal is to revive the Nasod race. Now, I see this is not so. I know that Nasods have been a painful part of your life but I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive us. This does not mean that I will allow this feelings to go unanswered. Raven, will you accept my offer of being the King of the Nasod race? Beside me?
Yama Raja: Ah, Raven? Do you have time right now? I realized recently, that you were right. I shouldn’t think that I’m alone when I think about brother and… Raven, would you accompany me? Till the end? I’m not- Raven! I love you, please remain with me. I can’t do this alone. Please.
Deadly Chaser: My father told me that there are some who like their own…gender. It hasn’t really been a problem until now. Raven, I like you. No, I love you. I still don’t understand what this could mean but I’d rather tell you this now than being unable to. You don’t have to feel the same way. I just have to tell you this. Thank you for everything, Raven.
Blazing Heart: Ahaha, Raven! Do you mind if you accompany me later? Oh come on, it’s only for a few minutes! Thanks! Hm? I just love the scene around here, it’s still hard to imagine we’re in a different dimension. Raven, you know I really treasure the time we had together. Haha…I love you. I love you, Raven. Hahaha, was it too much? Don’t worry, I’m not about to let you decide now.
Mastermind: Oi, do you have time to spare later? There’s something that I noticed in your arm. Yes, I’ll fix it, what would I do otherwise? I’m not that crude. Listen, I’m only going to say this once. I love you, would you go out with me?
Royal Guard: Ah, Raven. Are you alright now? That’s a relief. You shouldn’t exert your body like that. I got really worried. I mean- we were worried. Raven, do you…have someone you like? Then, you won’t mind if I court you, would you?
Noblesse: I am still in need for an emperor alongside me to lead the demon realm. Raven, will you take up the mantle? For the years that I’ve spent here, you were the most wise and kind-hearted that I’ve seen. Even I am not immune against that charm.
Crimson Rose: Raven, do you need some help with that? The dark el? No, there isn’t a problem. I’m sorry if this seems abrupt but I don’t want to leave any regrets ever since…(the princess got injured) Raven Cronwell, I am in love with you. Will you accept my feelings?
Erbluhen Emotion: Oh? Mr. Half-Nasod, you’re awake. I have something to ask. I feel as if I’m infected with an ailment although its unlike what I’ve seen before. Love? How do I cure this “love”? Then, will you take responsibility? For this love.
Reckless Fist: Where in the name of El did they went to for the previous dungeons?
Sakra Devanam: Ouch… Ah jeez. Oh, thank you Raven. W, wait, before you go. Um, are you seeing someone, Raven? Oh, that’s…a relief. I didn’t mean it that way! I mean, whew, Raven, I know that we haven’t really been together for long but, I wanted to tell you that I love you Raven. You don’t have to answer now. I know it’s overwhelming for you so I’ll wait.
Chiliarch: Uhuhu, be grateful human! For I, Luciela R. Sourcream, take you as my emperor. Just you wait, I’ll once again be an empress and you will lead the demon realm with me! Wha- I’m not joking!
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New idea of 4th path Raven!!! So I re-read a portion of the story, where yes Adam did use Raven, at one point. How about this is going to sound a little mean but fun, Raven’s First Job is explicitly called ‘Core Taker’.
This is where in this path, after Elsword, Aisha, Rena and Raven defeat King Nasod, Raven in turn despite that the Nasods used him, Raven takes a few things from King Nasod, I was thinking Raven’s Awakening Core mode, where it changes to the look of Adam’s original form, while the Nasod Arm looks almost to resemble Adam’s arm. Despite the travels Adam clearly wants to communicate with Raven about his assistance to him, Raven shrugs him off saying “ You nasods, used me why should I care. I’m only helping Elsword as I owe my debt to him.”
Adam states “ Yet, you’re using a Nasod, rather, an Arm that looks close to my armored body...” This is the first time where Raven starts showing some hesitancy towards the comments of that he is being used by a Nasod and in turn using said nasod for fighting. Upon 2nd class/job Raven becomes somewhat reluctant about asking Eve to upgrade the Nasod Arm despite that he and Adam clearly don’t know how to show any companionship despite what they both been through, Eve would take note of this and asks Raven if his arm is in need of any updates or maintenance. Adam intervenes Raven due to they can’t get along, “ Yes, Eve. It seems as if the arm is struggling.” Eve and Raven sit down for awhile, Eve busy with updating the Nasod Arm, Raven glances at Eve then looking away as he clearly doesn’t understand how to communicate with Eve despite the earlier road trip of him somewhat being rude towards Eve. Raven feels the need to apologize to Eve whether this is the influence of Adam or Raven. Eve however doesn’t seem to mind it as she reminded Raven once more, that she understands why he is the way he his. As soon as Raven becomes 3rd Class/Job Raven could be called ‘ King Nasod ‘  or a reference to the NA website of instead of Taker it was called Mercenary for some reason, to put ‘ Nasod Mercenary ‘ it sounds like a downgrade yes, but I`ll option for King Nasod as a class name.
This is where both Raven and King Nasod work together in a single unit. Although that might be a pointless idea for the two to work together but Raven takes a more armored look and a face accessory to resemble the head of King Nasod face. This would show a more menacing form that Raven and King Nasod are powerful, that I was thinking on Job/class 2 where awakening, Raven and Adam both speak a few times in some skills, but once 3rd job/class is hit, the player hears both of them as if, Raven and Adam are one whole being. It came to this where Adam somewhat seeing the world from a in class experience than rather being gone the whole story, this time he stays. I don’t know, I think a Raven and King Nasod *Adam* is the cool idea I was thinking on.
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Code: Failess
1/5 - Clear Altera - 'Nasod Foundry' [0/1]
Several more codes disappeared. It was a side effect of using the power of Code:Unknown, but Eve did not stop using the power of Code: Unknown.
The lost codes can be replaced with something similar.
There's nothing to be worried about.
In order to find a replacement for the lost code, Eve headed to Nasod Foundry.
2/5 - Clear Alter - 'Altera Core' [0/1]
The creation of the replacement code was progressing smoothly, but Eve was facing another problem. The learning AI installed within Eve was sending error messaged every time she used Code: Unknown.
Why is it saying it's wrong? She tried fixing it multiple times, but the error messages kept piling. Perhaps Altera Core may have the solution to this annoying problem.
3/5 - Enter 'Feita Village'
There was no solution found at Altera Core, and the error messages kept piling.
She felt strange whenever she saw the red messages pop up. An emotion no perfect Nasod would feel... Humans would call this, uncertainty.
Eve stopped, not knowing what to do, when she hears a request for help from Feita. Demons... a new enemy King Nasod warned her about...
Let's suppress your emotions and head to Feita.
4/5 - Clear Feita - Enter 'Shrine of Dedication Entrance' [0/1]
Perhaps it's because of demonic energy that's known to amplify negative emotions, but Eve finds it hard to control her emotions once she arrives in Feita.
At this rate, she will not be able to achieve her dream of rebuilding the Nasod race. As such, Eve decides to create a code that will provide a solution to this problem forever, instead of just replacing the lost code.
Once she activated the code she named Failess, the failed values were forcefully changed to success values. As the red error messages decreased, Eve felt relief. It seems she can continue with battle.
5/5 - Clear Feita - 'Underground Chapel' [0/1]
As she forcibly controls the error created by Code: Unknown with Code: Failess, Eve felt strange.
At the end of joy there was endless despair, and after sadness, there was uncontrollable rage. It was due to the unresolved errors overloading her emotion core, but Eve did not notice as even this error was forcibly changed to success values before the red error message popped up.
Everything is perfect. There is no problem. Eve continued onward even as the emotion core went out of control. She believed she could rebuild her race as she is right now.
(recorded; 11/07/2021)
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rainsonata · 7 years
Fandom/Shipping(s): Elsword, MMDE Rating: K+ for language Word Count: 1,327
Summary: Mastermind finds someone occupying his spot in the living room on a chilly winter night. Early Christmas gift for @dezimaton.  
Mastermind let out a happy sigh when his back hit the couch and covered himself with blankets. It was woven with a tacky design of a Christmas tree and a pair of reindeer tap dancing around it in cozy hats, but he wasn’t going to complain when it kept him from shivering while reading a book. His head rested on the armrest, eyes every so often wavering to close for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes.   
After waking up to make a cup of coffee and run scans on his newest project, the rest of the day ran like a blur with the scientist only aware of time because he had to stop for meals. It was a rare moment of peace for Mastermind lie down without having to worry if he left the stove on or if he needed to finish a project by the next day. There was no need for every fiber of his being to be productive and he wondered didn’t he discover this feeling sooner. 
Music played from Dynamo as he turned a page and smiled. Underneath the warm blankets, his chest rose with each even breath. He was the sole occupant of the room and he was planning on taking full advantage of it before his counterparts come in to bother him for something stupid.
“Oh, Add~”
Instead of using the door like a normal person, Esper slipped into the house through a portal with his head sticking out, waving at Mastermind with a razor sharp toothed smile. The time traveler ignored Mastermind glaring at him for tossing his winter jacket onto the coffee table. Dynamo shook in response to their owner’s excitement to see Mastermind with Esper sliding over to plop himself next to the scientist on the couch.
Mastermind sat up with a straight back when Esper held himself close to him. The asshole was hugging him after coming back from outside, in the winter! He gave a side eyed glare at his counterpart, who gave him a cheeky grin in response.
“What do you want?” Mastermind didn’t look up from his book. He was not going to let Esper win this time and steal his attention from his research.
“Lusa’s coming home late,” Esper cupped his hands to his mouth to blow warm air into them and rubbed them for heat. “He said to go ahead and eat leftovers from last night.”
“In a bit,” Mastermind said, only to realize he has been reading the same lines repeatedly. Esper was cold, but at least the blanket was warming them both. He turned to look at Esper sinking into the blankets with his face hidden, “Hey, don’t steal my blanket.”
Esper whined, “You took the warmest one. It’s freezing!” Placing his icy hands on Mastermind’s cheeks, he exclaimed, “See?”
Mastermind shot up from his seat and hissed, “Esper, that’s my face!”
The other closed his eyes in happiness and pulled his hands away, “I told you!”
It was so childish. Mastermind had to stop himself from laughing when Esper caught him smiling, feigning a scowl that was falling apart as quickly as King Nasod. Esper giggled when Mastermind threw a pillow at him and missed. His counterpart stole a cushion from behind and hugged it to his stomach.
“Where have you been?” Mastermind asked.  
“Unlike you, some of us have to leave the house sometimes,” Esper snickered.  
“Excuse you, but I do leave the house when I need to.”
Not that he needed to mention that the time traveler rarely left the house either, but Esper knew that and kept his mouth shut when Mastermind gave him a sly grin. With portals, there was no need for Esper to move beyond his room, but he did because he wanted to bother Mastermind and Psyker when the house became too quiet.    
“Go heat up dinner,” Esper mumbled and tugged in the blanket to cover himself.
“Let me rest a bit,” Mastermind closed his book. Looks like he wasn’t going to finish reading the book today either, not when he was busy conversing with his counterpart. “I just finished cleaning that mess Arc made.”
It took him hours to untangle the mess of codes Arc showed him from his notes. Things didn’t help when it turned out that his younger self combined different languages to create his own, albeit a sloppy attempt. But still, it was impressive for what Arc had been doing before he met Mastermind. With time and guidance, it wouldn’t take long before the Arc Tracer suppressed him if he wasn’t careful. Ha, maybe.
“I went shopping for food,” Esper said. Oh, Mastermind saw the bag of groceries beside the coffee table. It was enough to last them for a little over a week, but notice that Esper bought more than usual. “We’re out of eggs again.”
Mastermind hummed in acknowledgement and pressed his forehead against his book with closed eyes. After years of having meals at the inns he stayed at or shopping for himself if he ever bothered to cook, it was nice to rely on others to provide him warm meals (His cooking was superior, of course.). Yet, the effort to push himself away from the comforts of his warm blanket to heat up food already made seemed too cumbersome for the lazy scientist. No, let him nap for a little bit. That seemed like a better idea.
“You bought a lot,” Mastermind said between sleepy yawns.  
“I missed your cookies. Can you make them again?”   
Esper’s question stopped him from drifting to sleep and had him flutter his eyes open again.  
“None of Ciel’s?” Mastermind rose a brow at the idea that his counterpart would fail to mention the half demon butler’s superb baking. It was Ciel who taught him the basics because he wanted to replicate the Dread Lord’s cookies without having to rely on him so much.    
“Yours is sweeter,” Esper said.
“And not as chewy or moist,” Mastermind argued, trying not to smile from the praises or how something in his chest elevated in hearing someone appreciate his baking efforts.
Embarrassed, Mastermind hid under the blankets as he felt his face heat up. He always joked about Esper stealing heat from him and Psyker, but cuddling with the other wasn’t a bad thing. The initiate shock from his counterpart’s cold skin was gone and Esper was quiet. The time traveler curled himself against Mastermind’s body with his head resting on the scientist’s shoulder and his arms wrapped around his waist.
Even without the plug suit he wore for the rest of the year, he could imagine Esper’s tails moving in happiness to Mastermind’s warmth and being with him. Esper was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, a colleague of bright colors that blinded anyone who stared too long.
Esper’s stomach gurgled.         
“Hungry?” Mastermind asked.
Flustered, Esper buried his face into Mastermind’s shirt, “Sorry.”
Mastermind patted Esper’s shoulder with awkwardness, letting him cling to him before gently prying his hands off so he could get up. He picked up the bag of groceries off the floor to move them to the fridge and the pantry in the kitchen. It wasn’t long when he came back with two bowls of heated food for the two of them when he caught Esper with his blankets wrapped around him like a burrito. He pushed Esper’s jacket aside to place their dinner at the edge of the already crowded table.
Mastermind moved Esper’s jacket off the table to place their dinner, moving his eyes over to Esper’s sleeping form. He shook his head with a small smile, how foolish of him to leave his spot for the other to steal it from him. With a chuckle, Mastermind let the time traveler be and ruffled the top of his hair before taking a seat opposite to Esper to attend his food. He could keep the other bowl warm if Esper woke up and was still hungry.    
Author Notes: Here’s an early Christmas gift, dez! Hope you have a good week and stay warm = w =. You’re going to see a lot of Christmas gift fics for the next several weeks. I plan on slowly uploading them every 1-2 weeks to avoid cluttering everyone’s dashboard.
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imagineelrios · 7 years
Headcanons para nasod king add and human eve
Add is a bit of an iron-fisted ruler. His nasods seem almost as if they are scared of him, and as a result, obey them unconditionally; they fear they may be broken (or worse) if they defy him.
Eve, while still obsessed with Nasods, seems quite outwardly stable. She keeps a serious demeanor, and tends to stay on the quiet side.
Add is suspicious of Eve’s intentions towards him, as she frequently seems to stare at his Nasods, and occasionally, his own core.
Eve rarely makes advances, but she tends to stick to Add’s side in battles, inclined to pay close attention to his fighting style to learn and understand it.
He frequently challenges her and tells her to leave him alone, but she’s rather defiant and still stays around him, and occasionally makes it even more of a point to do so out of spite.
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dtsukiartblog · 8 years
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That moment... King Adam looks like more a 3º Generation of Nasods.... o.o’ holy shit....
/WIP of his VU/
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justice-ranger · 7 years
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@ovenbreaker You will now face the king of Nasods.
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