#and herbaon
jira-chii · 9 months
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I drew Herbaon for the 2023 #ElsCollABS3
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I hate Adrian
I used to be indifferent to him but then I did an analysis. And this is that analysis.
The tip off for this analysis was Adrian not calling Yuno by name. Ever. Well he might've done it once. Otherwise he calls Yuno 'child'. Yet. While calling him child, Adrian can, in the same breath, admit that he intended to scrap Yuno. Essentially murder him. And what is the reason given? Because Yuno questioned him. And it wasn't even questioning. With the dynamic set up between Yuno and Adrian, that was a child voicing concerns about a person to their parental figure. A person their parental figure allowed into their house no less. And instead of doing the good parental thing and reflecting on his decision and taking a closer look at Solace, Adrian decided murder was the way to go. Yuno wasn't acting the way Adrian wanted him to, despite the fact that it was Adrian himself that programmed Yuno, so Adrian's solution was to scrap him and start over. On top of that THIS IS A PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR. Eve only exists because Adam wasn't doing what Adrian wanted. And both times, Adrian didn't bother to inform the one being replaced that he was going to do so. Adrian straight up manipulated Adam's codes so that Adam wouldn't be suspicious of his replacement. Yuno had to hear it through the grapevine and back himself up to a smaller body. Yet Yuno continues to refer to Adrian as Father. Which is... Completely fucked. On top of that, unlike Adam and Eve, Herbaon is essentially a copy of Yuno, just limited to Adrian's desires. Worse, Herbaon is still allowed to think and feel for himself but he still can't act beyond what Adrian wants.
The Nasods in Elysion are another point. They cannot act without orders from the palace. But they're allowed to be concerned about what's going on. They've been concerned for however long since Solace closed up to fortress but they can't do anything about it until the El Search Party shows up because Adrian limited their ability to act. Since orders have to come from the palace, and Herbaon cannot act outside Adrian's desires, the Nasods of Elysion are not allowed to act outside of Adrian's desires either. BUT THEY'RE ALLOWED TO BE CONCERNED??? That just seems really fucked to me. It's a complete lack of respect for their autonomy. With autonomy comes the right to make decisions for oneself. And the only two Nasods Adrian created with autonomy he either abandoned or intended to scrap. With the Atlas Nasods it's even worse. They don't even have character at all. All they are is their purpose. But with King Nasod's Nasods you can see that while they are meant to fight, they synergize and work with each other towards a common goal. The Nasods in Atlas just do their thing. They aren't nearly as annoying to deal with because they aren't working together the same way the Altera Nasods are. But the only real difference is that the Atlas Nasods had Adrian behind their creation while the Altera Nasods had King Nasod behind them. Also, Moby and Remy, despite being nowhere near humanoid models have very clear personality. That's the problem with Atlas. They aren't humanoid Nasods so they don't even have that much. There isn't even the illusion of autonomy for Atlas Nasods unlike the Elysion ones. Then Adrian welcomes Eve back to Elysion while simultaneously seeming to pretend almost none of her friends exist. And the way he treats her hasn't really changed from her backstory even when he's had ample time to see that Eve has changed.
Also, Adrian left Elrios to create Elysion before the Nasod War. Meaning he left Eve and Adam, who were both inexperienced at the very LEAST to create a new better Nasod Kingdom. Like. Why didn't he take the Nasods that already existed with him? If he couldn't then, since he could leave Elrios presumably at any time, why didn't he stay long enough to give Eve and Adam the guidance that they would need to adequately lead their kind? Also, why only bother to inform Eve of her purpose in a moment of self-doubt? I will admit he could've been trying to encourage her but to me at least, even before I did this analysis, it always came across as condescending. And Adrian continually calling Adam 'it' despite the fact that Adam, while he doesn't have emotions, does have sentience and will, also rubbed me the wrong way.
Who the fuck is so arrogant as to think they could successfully outdo the El Lady's power? She is intrinsically connected to the El, the magic gem that gave life to the entirety of Elrios. Some things just cant be outdone. And to not realize that is just mindblowingly egotistical or stupid or some combination of the two.
Also, given his pattern of behavior, I'm almost certain Code: Nemsis and Code: Battle Seraph were not welcomed nearly as warmly by Adrian as Code: Empress was. Eve was not designed as a battle Nasod. She was designed to be queen. And while all three of them are a queen, Empress is the only one that is the queen Adrian wanted her to be. On the surface at least, because with her questioning the isolated nature of Elysion's existence, even Empress is no longer what Adrian wanted her to be.
In conclusion, Adrian sucks and I hate him. I'm aware that my analyses are usually a lot more objective than this but Adrian is a special kind of something. Murder should not EVER be your solution to your child coming to you with concerns about someone you let into their life. I'm still mad about Yuno's entire situation and I first reached Atlas and Elysion more than a year ago. A few days, weeks maybe, with the El Search Party was better than his entire time as Herjuno in Elysion and that fucking sucks.
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elsword-incorrect · 4 years
Herbaon: *cracks knuckles*
Elsword: Is that supposed to scare me?
Herbaon: *fingers glow like glowsticks*
Elsword: K I'm scared but that's rad.
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faces-and-morefaces · 5 years
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vannova · 6 years
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never finished...,,,n ever posted ....... gomen my boys
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imagineelrios · 7 years
Imagine a happy nasod family starring:
Yuno as the older(?) twin brother. The outgoing and cheerful one! The cause of more than a few of Adrian’s gray hairs.
Herbaon as the younger(?) twin brother. The dutiful child. Always ready to remind his brother that father said we’re not supposed to eat cookies after midnight Herjuno.
Eve as the eldest sister. The responsible sibling. Also the favorite child. Sometimes saddled with twin babysitting duties.
King Nasod Adam as the eldest brother. Old enough that he doesn’t quite understand what kids are into these days.
Adrian as the father. Too old, too tired. The joys of single fatherhood.
Add as the mysterious stalker(?). Can be found lurking near the house occasionally. Nobody is sure about how to confront him.
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xerxes-kun · 7 years
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mood: elsword NPCs
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neophix · 7 years
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[MBM 133]
It’s been over a year since the last comic, hasn’t it.
Welp. Still not motivated enough to start doing this weekly again.
Anyways. There are a lot of characters relevant to the endgame with names starting with “H”, aren’t there?
(Open the image in a new tab to get past the reduced image quality)
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amacchu · 7 years
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Part 2 of Elsword 4th path idea’s theory!!!
So as we know that Code: Antithese her passive, Warm Queen one of the effects works if a Code: Esencia is nearby. So my idea here is if 4th path Raven benefits from something similar but with different Eve or Add path’s nearby. say the passive is obtained right when he gets done with his job advancement from Altera to Feita. it’s called Nasod Arm Maintenance the effect and wordings as follows “ Raven, asks Eve for maintenance for the Nasod Arm to make it more versatile in combat. Eve helped Raven come up with the Arm to change forms.” Base Gains Critical Damage increase and Awakening Time. If Code: Ultimate or Mad Paradox is nearby Grant Raven 10% in All Skill Damage (Does not Stack, and will only work with one.) If Code: Esencia or Doom Bringer is nearby Grant Raven 15% Damage Reduction and 10% Physical Damage increase. (Does Not Stack) If Code: Sariel or Dominator are nearby Raven has 10% for Double Damage (Does not Stack) If Code: Antithese or 4th Path Add is nearby Grant Raven 5% All Skill Damage, 3% Physical Damage Increase, and 5% Double Damage a 1% to do additional Nasod Drill attack (Does Not Stack.) A little too far. but the Add 4th Path is where I want to go a little deeper with here just liek Ara. but first Add. Add discovers the path of using his Dynamo’s in a more aggressive stance, by using blueprints from Nasod Inspector, now his Dynamo’s can take form of looking more like various Nasod like weapons at first they swirl in a fast forward motion like a drill. Most of the skills for 4th path Add is using his Dynamo’s, one of the references to Eve’s deleted skill, Illusion Strike is where Add’s dynamo’s pummel the enemy directly in front of him. When Add get’s his transcendance 3 of his skills will reference the attack done from Atlas dungeons and Elysion Dungeons. namely Herbaon and CODE: MAYA. I think Add using his dynamo’s in a more namely matter as a physical path will show that he could use those dynamo’s in a threatening manner. Ara as a Priestess, I want this to be a pair up like thing for a passive with 4th path Chung if he became corrupt by demons, not like the normal means, but the fact Chung becomes so aggressive becoming almost demon at hand, Ara intervenes him where she gains some stat buffs to herself and the Chung where the passive is called  Jangseung? but its where Ara uses more paper seals, using her magic abilities, even to assist allies, but the only Ara path where  Ara will use the seals and Haan family secret to seal and remove demons from people, but the risk of it, is that she can’t get close to Ran without him attacking her or preventing her from stopping him. So Ara decides to help Chung whenever he starts acting up from the demonic energy from himself. So what if once they reach 3rd Job, Ara has a more sorrowful smile as if she’s almost to the point of saving Aren, while Chung seems to look like he went at peace with this demonic aura giving a more with Ara’s help, Chung has finally, made it to where the entity has given up on trying to completely possess Chung. I know it sounds cliche, but I like to see some classes with some Passive or story related things involves another class for the passive to have another use.
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vermilionvector · 4 years
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This is the polar opposite of my usual look. The concept is “a golden lion angel” or something of sort. I’ve been working on it for a while. Although it’s still missing a few pieces, it looks okay for now.
The parts:
Hair - I don’t know what it’s called in English so I’ll just transliterate: ‘Relaxing Wig (Yellow). Of all the hairs, this one gives the feeling of a lion the most.
Top - Core Black. I tried many bare-chested avatars but this and Natural look cleaner (many have tattoos or accessories).
Bottom - Salvatore Gaia. For some reasons I came to like pants/shorts with cape (what do you call this type of pants anyways?).
Shoes: Perkisas. I tried many things but this one looks just right.
Gloves: Perkisas. Actually, I haven’t found anything which fits, so I kinda went along with other parts (in this case, the shoes).
Weapon: Royal Blood. The perfect weapon for this look. It even has a lion face.
Face (Top) - Arc Priest. A very popular accessory since it looks so beautiful. I was lucky and able to get it cheap from the board.
Face (Mid) - Herbaon’s Circlet. With the hair, I NEED something to cover that big ass forehead. I was hesitating between Salvatore Gaia and Arc Angel, but SG was green and AA was too bright so I ended up with this one.
Face (Bottom) - Solace’s Mark, though I also change to Dusk Sovereign sometimes.
Top Acc - Code of Honor. I tried Salvatore Solace but the color doesn’t match. DoSR was also too big and clunky. My ideal piece would be ET2 Taranvash’s Wing, but that is the most impossible thing to find.
Bottom Acc - Hopping Star. The ideal piece would be Seraphim’s Aura but that’s impossible to find.
Hand - Ancient Golden Arm Ornament. I can’t find anything better than this. I want to have something hard and gold on both wrists to match with the gloves though.
Necklace - Fire Aura Necklace. I also change to Ancient Golden Necklace sometimes, but it kinda blocks the view so I like Fire Aura Necklace more.
Weapon Guard - You can’t see it in this but it’s Tenacious Warrior’s Chronicle.
(Support Unit - I can get Sunny Side Mobile cuz I still haven’t used the Wardrobe ticket yet, but I can live without it.)
Overall, this is just a fun, alternative idea to my usual look, but I’m not going to use it that much because my dark/fire look is still the best.
PS. Hmm... It seems like I really love monotonous looks.
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chibiisukee · 7 years
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Yay! I finally managed to solo clear a hero dungeon ^^ (normal hero but still hero)
I’m so happy!!!! ^^
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Master Road story was a fuckin trip
I'm on mobile so I cant do a read more but there are spoilers in this so... Read at your own risk I guess???
Gaia is pure and such a GOOD DAD. Laby is too pure for this world and always will be. I will personally physically fight anyone who is mean to me daughter. I'm glad that she got to learn that it's better to talk about her feelings than to not do so just to avoid a fight tbh cuz otherwise that would've been really sad. Also, I really do love Ara and Eun's relationship. Just the way Eun calls Ara an "overly righteous child" even while sounding soft and appreciative??? I love it.
Rosso is an angry boy. He has every right to be though after everything he's been through good lord. Also, I really liked Elesis's reasoning for not wanting him to go into the Demon Realm. I also did kind of like the fact that he and Lu didn't get along??? Like, she was really rude to him and he was rude back and then she tried to push all the blame onto him and thats fucked up but I feel like it would've really jarring for them to get along. Idk it just seemed natural for them to "get along" the way that they did. Also Ciel being "lightly" sassy is everything I needed in life.
I'm very curious about the elf Lincy says she saw. My first thought was Lua but I'm not 100% on that. It's quite nice to finally get an explanation for what happened to Rena back in Feita too because that was fuckin weird. If I remember correctly she mentioned someone having beautiful eyes or something..?? Idk but it was weird. Ventus walking back in the front door because he forgot he snuck Rena out was honestly so damn funny. Rose's part was also very nice. It was nice to see her get some spotlight tbh. I have a soft spot for her not gonna lie (it started since shes my younger sibling's main but I did come to really like her). I noticed in the comments of Rose's videos that people were confused as to why she was so calm, but I wasnt really. She did mention to Zero that she's known for a while. And considering how much time she's likely had to think about, she's likely accepted that there's very little she can do about it in her current situation. So she focuses on what's in front of her right now. She's a soldier. She has to focus on the things in front of her before she can worry about the things that aren't and she's trained to do exactly that. So I didn't find it particularly weird for her to be calm in that situation.
CHUNG HURT ME. I was honestly just shot in the heart when Chung said looking for his father was him being greedy. That whole thing sucked. Aisha was super sweet to him though and that was amazing to see. Aisha was so confident too. That was really nice to see. I'm curious about the Landar family secrets now. Also the Denif in the seal didn't have to get that fuckin deep. Like holy shit. Also, Ciel comparing Chung to a sad puppy in the rain was so cute. Ciel wasn't wrong but at least Chung has cheered up some now.
I didn't think I could hate Adrian more than I already do but mY GOD. He makes me want to throw up. I hate him so much. I'm super pissed. The stories he told Add and Eve were WAY too different too. Ngl I apologized to Eve out loud because her "father" is a disappointment. I am honestly worried about what Adrian's going to do with the data he collected on Add... I just. That whole part made my skin crawl. I hated it. It was super nice to see Add drag him through the dust and for Eve to tell him off though. Also, I have never been more proud of either of them in my entire life. They've both grown so much. Hearing Add talk to his mom was so sad and yet so nice at the same time. And when Eve talked about Elsword, Aisha, Rena, and Raven, it was honestly amazing. AND HERBAON IS FRIENDS WITH NONO I'm so glad. Nono isn't alone anymore and Herbaon has A FRIEND. Also, Eve is such a good big sister to Herbaon and you cannot change my mind. Tbh I feel like if Raven hadn't said "see you soon" Add could very well have made a very different choice. Raven is so good.
Speaking of Raven... RAVEN IS DYING???????????????????? I AM NOT OKAY??? I mean I cant say I'm surprised tbh but OUCH. And he knew this whole time too. Like damn. I highly doubt they'll actually kill off a playable character so I'm honestly hoping it'll result in some Raven and Eve bonding since she's realistically the only one that could help him with the situation he's in. I'm really hoping we get updates on Owen too since Elesis mentioned Velder nobles and then Raven started to ask. And typically something like that is used as foreshadowing and I would love some sweet Raven angst. It'll hurt but it'll be great. Also, Elsword not realizing his friends are his power was very fitting and honestly funny to me. I officially have a LOT of questions about Elsword. Though it's nice to know that he is in fact Rubenian. I haven't had enough time to mull everything over so rn I have a lot of questions and no answers. Also AIN HAS ANXIETY MY SON. Honestly, anxiety like that isn't anything I'd wish on most people but it makes a lot of sense for Ain to have it and I'm glad he got to know that nothing was wrong with him and that fearing change was completely normal. Hernia was so sweet and good in Ain's story. I especially liked when she mentioned that she wasn't a picky eater. Like it seems like such a small insignificant thing, but it pulled Ain out of his thoughts and his own head, which really did keep him from spiralling further. And I loved it.
All in all, the amount of character development and new information we got was good. Raven and Gaia both get dad of the year rewards because they're just such good dads (you WILL have to pry Eldad Raven from my cold dead hands). I kinda hope Adrian dies at some point because he's literally so awful but at the same time I don't want my Nasod children to be sad and unfortunately Adrian dying would make them sad. Anyway I'm proud of all of the El Search Party and the growing they've done. Still worried about some of them (*cough* Raven *cough*) but I was glad to see all of their individual stories touched on. I'll go more in depth on my thoughts of certain parts in other posts soon. This was mostly just a collection of my overall thoughts and like... initial impressions.
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elsword-confessions · 6 years
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I recently got to the Herbaon fight, and... They're already difficult to fight as they are, adding salt to the wound, they also remind me too much of Yuno (even if that's a given)... It feels near impossible to defeat Herbaon both because of emotions and difficulty...
Submitted by Anon
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elsword-imagines · 8 years
Imagine Mod Mochi not flipping her lid about Raven, Yuno, and Herbaon all having the same voice actor.
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ainchase · 7 years
[Ep.27] A Boy and the El: The End and the Beginning
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Elsword: I don't need either. I will not choose your method. Solace: Why? Elsword: If we sustain this El with Diceon energy and use up all of the Diceons... then what happens to Elysion? Solace: ... Elsword: See, in the end, you'll end up losing something precious again. Elsword: I cannot let the place Yuno and Herbaon tried to protect descend into ruin.
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Solace: Then will you go back to the system where the Lady of El is sacrificed, turning your sister into its next victim? Elsword: ... ...You said it before, that I’m the one who has connection to the power of El. Then shouldn’t I be able to do something about this? Solace: How foolish; yes, your power definitely is strong. There’s no way a single human can handle the Giant El. Elsword: You might think it’s foolish but for me... I cannot surrender my friend’s home or my sister. This is my decision! Elsword: Now, Solace. You said Diceon energy is concentrated in this center, right? Solace: ?! Solace: ... Wait, Elsword. What are you doing...!!
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Rena: W-What’s going on? Elsword? Eve: I am sensing a giant energy in Elrios. It’s big enough that I can sense it even here in Elysion, what is this...
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Solace: All the El shards scattered across the continents have merged into one. Solace: And this familiar energy... Elianord...? Is the ancient Elianord restored? Elesis: Elianord...? But where is Elsword?! Solace: Elsword used all of his energy to restore the El. ... He probably is inside the El right now. Elesis: Inside the El...?! Dear God...! Then what happens to Elsword?! Ara: Ah, hold on!! There’s a light coming from the device over there...! Solace: ...!
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Aisha: It can’t be... That person is... Lady of El...?! Solace: Wait, Harnier. You shouldn’t get up so fast. You have to rest... Harnier: I’m okay, Perihart. Don’t worry so much. Harnier: Hello. This must be our first time greeting each other face to face. Elesis: ...... Harnier: ... I was watching over you, El Search Party... And Elesis nim... Elesis: ... So it was you. The one who called out to me. Harnier: That’s right. Excuse my rudeness. I just didn’t want to repeat the situation where we have to sacrifice someone again. Elesis: (... To protect me, Elsword...) Ara: Lady of El, where is Elsword nim? Please tell us! Harnier: I can sense him within the El. The pure power of El, developing on its own. This power must belong to the one inside there. Harnier: ... Thanks to Elsword nim’s power, El is being restored to its complete form, as much as it did before. I was able to awaken by being guided by his power. Harnier: ... But if El continues to absorb him, Elsword nim will disappear. Aisha: Wait wait, Elsword will disappear? But that can’t be?! Solace: When Elsword was uniting with the El, I injected some of Diceon Energy. That will prevent him from being absorbed right away, but we can’t help him if we run out of time. Raven: Elsword... did he make such a decision for our sake. ... We made him bear too much burden on his own again. Elesis: We have to rescue Elsword right away! What... can we do...? Tell us! Harnier: There will be someone waiting in Elianord, to guide you to Elsword nim. I can sense his power in Elianord. Harnier: He is a dragon, and have spent the most time with the El as one of the Masters, so he must know a way. Chung: Then we must head to Elianord right now! Add: Hey, are you coming too? Solace: I no longer have the right to be the Master. I can’t leave Harnier in Elysion either. Harnier: Then I will go to Elianord as well... Solace: No, I don’t want to sacrifice you to the El anymore. Harnier. Solace: And there’s something we must do using this Elysion Tower here. Rena: Something you must do? Solace: We must find the ones that... manipulated the El to explode. They will come after the El again if it’s restored. Solace: Since Elianord is restored as well, they will show themselves from somewhere. We cannot repeat the past. Eve: We don’t have much time. We must depart for Elianord. Harnier: I can help you. I will send you to the Master closest to the El right now. Elesis: We’re counting on you! Harnier: Thank you... and I am sorry. Please rescue Elsword nim. Elesis: Of course! Neither of us is planning to be sacrificed to the El. There must be a way so don’t worry too much. Harnier: You’re right. I’ll also do my best to help you. May the Goddess watch over you guys.
Ciel: ... This is... Elianord...? Chung: Look over there! There’s a huge El! Raven: That’s the fully restored El? Amazing. Elesis: ... Elsword is... inside there... Denif: Who goes there. Elesis: !! Denif: I haven’t seen you before. State your identites. Add: Tch, we never saw you before either. Why don’t you introduce yourself first? Elesis: Excuse us. We are the El Search Party, led here by the Lady of El... Denif: Lady of El...! Are you talking about Harnier?! Artea: Ah, isn’t it the El Search Party...?! To think we’ll meet you here...! Ara: Artea nim! Denif: You guys, do you know each other? Artea: El Search Party members, this is the Master of Water, Denif nim who was sealed away with Elianord and have awakened with the city. Ara: Then can he be the one the Lady of El was talking about? Aisha: Denif nim!! We came here to ask you for a favor!! Denif: ... A favor? Denif: I see. So that’s why Elianord has awakened... Artea: We were surprised too. The Els we were protecting united into one and put all of us in one place. Denif: After the El exploded, us Masters restored the scattered El fragments by pouring our energy into it and thereby giving them elements, and created a seal to protect Elianord, falling asleep with the city in the end. Denif: And Elianord was restored by the power of that boy named Elsword and I was able to wake up with the city as well. Rena: Denif nim, then what about other Masters...? Denif: Well... I’m not sure. When I woke up, there was no one but me and these priestesses. Denif: Perhaps they woke up outside of the city... if not, then they still might be asleep. Denif: Now that I think about it, you guys. You were talking about the Lady of El; how did you meet her? Aisha: Ah, well that’s... Denif: ... Solace... was the cause of this disaster... I should’ve done something about it first back then... Ara: But that was not a part of Solace nim’s plan? Solace nim feels responsible about the incident as well. Denif: I know. I can understand, knowing their close relationship. Denif: But that does not erase their mistake. So much was sacrificed because of their personal emotions. Ara: ... Yes... Denif: But now’s not the time to place blames. I am not planning on degrading Solace’s effort because of what happened in the past. It could’ve been dangerous if it wasn’t for the device called Diceon. Denif: And I can’t believe the power the El has right now is all because of one boy named Elsword... I cannot believe it. Rena: Help us, Denif nim! We must save Elsword. ... Even if it means making the El unstable again... Denif: El... becoming unstable again... Artea: Denif nim... Elesis: ...... Denif: Okay. I will help you. Denif: I understand that the peace gained in this way is not a good thing. A completion attained through sacrifice will only birth another tragedy... Denif: Except, if you want to look after the unstable El and make sure no other casualties are created, then it will require even more effort. Are you ready for that? Chung: Of course! We’re ready! Eve: It’s only natural to accept the consequences of a reasonable result. Master Denif. Add: We can’t avoid it so there’s no other way. It’s bothersome but we have to do this. Aisha: Good, then we all agreed to go save Elsword, right?! Let’s go! Denif: Us dragon race were entrusted with guarding the El of the Ellian Kingdom for generations. So we know more about the El than any other. Denif: In order to rescue the boy Elsword, then we must first wake him up and draw him out of the El. Elesis: ... What can we do to wake him up? Denif: Hmm... There must be no other way than to just call him. Add: Hey, there’s no way we can call out for him outside the giant El no matter how much we yell. Give us a more realistic solution. Elesis: Add, stop being rude and be polite to him. Add: Tch, I only pointed out the problem. Denif: Of course, it’s no use calling out to him out here. But near the El there are small dimensional rifts that resonate with the El. Denif: Maybe your voices can reach him in there... Ara: ...! Is there a way to go there, Denif nim? We have to rescue Elsword nim...! Denif: I do know the way. But that place is too dangerous. Denif: And I cannot guarantee that your voices can reach him there either. Eve: If the possibility is not zero, then it’s worth to try it. Chung: If there’s a way to save Elsword, then we want to try it. So please tell us, Denif nim! Denif: ... You guys really want to save him. Denif: I know the way to the dimensional rift and I can send you there, but the giant energy of that place will try to test you guys, so you must be careful. Denif: That rift is where the El is most active, and you can end up being consumed by the El. Aisha: Uh... being consumed by the El... that’s scary. Let’s be careful, everyone. Lu: Ho~ I am ready. Ciel: We can have tea time with Elsword when we bring him back. Rena: By the way, isn’t something strange? Elesis: What is? I don’t think we need anything else? Rena: No~ Um... it feels like.. we’re missing someone? Aisha: That’s because Elsword is not here. Rena: That’s true but, someone besides Elsword... It’s weird. Raven: Maybe it feels even more empty because it’s Elsword. Let’s hurry up, everyone. Denif: ... Is everyone ready? Take a deep breath... Denif: Good luck.
The Cloister of the El Dungeon
Elsword ended up being absorbed into the El by the El Restoration phenomenon. The El Search Party enters the Cloister of the El to save the boy who became one with the El...
Within the “Cloister of the El”, the El Search Party members come face to face with light clone versions of themselves, who constantly tell them to back off and go back home because the mission is over. Our characters tell themselves that they cannot leave Elsword here, ignores their shadows by defeating them, and head into the heart of the El, where they battle against a white figure, a boss named “The Will of the El”. The Will of the El tries to stop the party from waking Elsword, and you must defeat her to reach Elsword.
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