#king. but to me he keeps himself as fitz. or. marries the love of his life and takes their surname
wrdn-tabris · 10 months
my crackpot dragon age hc is that alistair uses the surname ‘fitz’ which just means ‘son of’. not bc maric or eamon gave it to him to be cruel, but some boys from the chantry used it for him to be mean. using it to be cruel bc they hear rumors he was given up by arl eamon, esp when eamon attempted to visit and alistair refused to see him.
like they were right and wrong, hes a bastard but not eamons bastard. the name sticks with him until hes a warden and while he doesnt care for it, its sort of his. he can choose to reframe it for himself and apply it to another person, if he wanted
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
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thank u @dazaistabletop for getting me so interested in Fitzgerald's character. ur my favourite Fitz kinnie ok mwah( ˘ ³˘)♥
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald's novel— The Great Gatsby— was a love story that involved Jay Gatsby, whose mannerisms and characteristics appear to be quite similar to Fitzgerald in the Bungou Stray Dogs adaptation. I just finished reading The Great Gatsby so I thought I'd just make a comparison between the main protagonist of the novel and the main antagonist in BSD's Guild Arc.
Other than the fact that both Jay and Fitzgerald share similar character traits (ambitious, arrogant, and optimistic) the relationships Jay had with the other characters of the novel and the interactions that Fitzgerald had with the other characters of BSD are quite similar, too. I'll focus on three specific associations that both Fitzgerald and Jay experienced in a parallel manner:
Zelda Fitzgerald and Daisy Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Louisa May Alcott and Nick Carraway
in case anyone hasn't read it but wants to :)
To avoid confusion, every time I mention Fitzgerald from here on out, I mean the character from BSD; I will specify my references if it comes to the author.
The Great Gatsby had its plot set around the time of the Roaring Twenties: the aftermath of World War I, the peak of socialite culture, and the growth of a prosperous economy and general wealth altogether.
The Roaring Twenties was also a time of luxurious pleasure and liquor, where people indulged themselves and got addicted to hedonism— the pursuit of gratification.
The Great Gatsby was actually written on the basis to prove how corrupt this age was, and the existence of such corruption was vaguely hinted by various factors, one of which included Jay Gatsby's actual source of income: being involved in the affairs of the black market. This proves that illegal activities were not uncommon around that time, as people did anything they could to achieve materialistic gains.
This isn't a history lesson, I promise.
Both Jay Gatsby and Fitzgerald had grown up in poverty and disliked the concept of being anything short of wealthy. They both worked extremely hard to attain financial abundance.
I presume that not everything they did was actually legal when it came to gaining money. As mentioned before, Jay was involved in criminal activities which founded the basis of his wealth, while Fitz once mentioned that in order to own a gun, he had to kill 4 people. He goes on to tell us that he ended up owning that specific gun's manufacturer eventually.
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Daisy Buchanan and Zelda Fitzgerald.
The Great Gatsby is actually centered around Jay Gatsby's rather obsessive infatuation with Daisy.
Daisy was a beautiful lady with a incredibly charming nature— she didn't have much trouble with attracting many men back then before she got married to Tom Buchanan, the antagonist of the story and the rival of Jay Gatsby.
"Her voice was full of money," he said suddenly.
That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money— that was the inexhaustible chair that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it. the cymbals' song of it... High in a white palace the King's daughter, the golden girl...
Daisy and Jay Gatsby fell in love right before he was sent off to war and a few years before she met Tom. Before they were separated, Jay's dream of gaining wealth and status was primarily flamed by his intention of reaching Daisy's social ranking in order to be worthy of her love.
Initially, because of how passionate he was about his love for her, Jay lied to Daisy about his wealth. It was only after the War did he actually gain the riches he aimed for. By the time he did achieve his monetary goals, Daisy had married Tom already. Consequently, Jay hosted a bunch of lavish parties in order to gain her attention, prove himself and his love for her, and ultimately, win her back.
Jay perceived Daisy as a literal angel, void of any flaw whatsoever. He even tells Nick, the main character, that the fact that numerous men got romantically involved with such a lady just increased her value altogether.
But what gave it an air of breathless intensity was that Daisy lived there— it was as casual a thing to her as his tent out at camp was to him. There was a ripe mystery about it, a hint of bedrooms, of gay and radiant activities taking place through its corridors, and of romances that were not musty and laid away already in lavender but fresh and breathing and redolent of this year's shining motor cars and of dances whose flowers were scarcely withered. It excited him too that many men had already loved Daisy— it increased her value in his eyes. He felt their presence all about the house, pervading the air with the shades and echoes of still vibrant emotions.
As the story unfolded, Daisy's character was torn apart for a proper, more brutally realistic perspective of her true character, revealing a shallow, selfish lady who solely placed her interest in money and luxury, the things which she often took refuge in when things went wrong. As the plot developed itself, the actuality that Jay fell in love with the idea of Daisy, instead of Daisy herself, was much more evident. And it took quite some time for him to discover and acknowledge the truth.
Fitzgerald's love for Zelda was very apparent, too, except that it seemed more genuine and pragmatic. Not much is speculated about Fitz and Zelda's relationship in the Guild Arc, but his love for her was very deep, as everything he did was for her and their deceased daughter.
Side note: Fitzgerald (the author) based Daisy's character partially on Zelda, as both women were brought up in wealthy families and took a general liking to lifestyles revolving around money and ease.
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Fitzgerald was in love with Zelda, a woman plagued by a debilitating illness. In The Great Gatsby, Jay was in love with a woman who was plagued by the deceptive addiction of self-satisfaction gained by pleasure and whatnot. Zelda was impaired by an mental illness, while Daisy was intoxicated by the security of money and prestige. This is an abstract suggestion though. Personally, that's how I interpreted this correlation when it came to examining these dynamics in their respective universes.
Tom Buchanan
As mentioned before, Thomas Buchanan was Daisy's husband and Jay's rival who had similar characteristics in matters of personality. The Toms in both book and anime were arrogant and cunning, which pretty much vouches for their selfishness.
In the book, Tom is supposedly the love of Daisy's life, except that she just married him for his money instead of waiting for Gatsby. Then again, Tom was involved in a love affair outside his marriage with a lady named Myrtle Wilson. Tom cheated on Daisy by getting involved with Myrtle. On the other hand, Daisy was unfaithful to Tom by keeping her love and relationship with Jay a secret from him.
The climax of the story partly revolves around Myrtle dying in a hit-and-run car accident. The grand twist was that Daisy was the one driving the car, and the car actually belonged to Gatsby. Because the car belonged to Gatsby, George Wilson, the husband of Myrtle, was bent on revenge and tracked down the car. He ended up killing Jay Gatsby, and soon after that, he killed himself.
It was quite a scandal, but Daisy estranged herself from such a tedious matter. In fact, when Jay died, she did not even attend his funeral. Tom was under the impression that Gatsby was the one who killed his mistress, not Daisy, his wife. Either ways, Nick described them in a way that sums up what became of them after Jay's death:
They were careless people, Tom and Daisy— they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made...
It's interesting to note that in chapter 45 of the BSD manga, Tom appears as the antagonist who was later found guilty of murdering his employee, but the blame was originally put on T.J Eckleburg, the inventor of the Eyes of God.
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Side note: T.J. Eckleburg was actually an optician who appeared on a billboard advertisement in the novel. This billboard was used as a personification by Nick Carraway, which was meant to embody the representation of a displeased overseer who observed the events that unfolded before him. The Eyes of God has a similar concept: scrutinising everything with an accuracy of 97%. It's a personal speculation, but the Eyes of God was proven to be of utmost importance in the Cannibalism Arc when it came to capturing Fyodor Dostoevsky. Likewise, T.J. Eckleburg's eyes showed how corruption and misconduct never escaped his judgmental visage.
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sorry about the quality of the manga panels ;-;
In the manga, Fitzgerald manages to triumph over Tom by betraying his trust altogether in order to obtain the ownership of the Eyes of God and Tom's company. This stands in contrast to what became of Jay in the novel, but the protagonist got what he wanted in this universe.
Keep in mind that Fitzgerald didn't act according to fulfil what justice required; it was purely business. Just like Jay Gatsby put on the facade of a plain, rich man who was really just bootlegging his way to opulence, Fitzgerald wasn't afraid to betray someone's trust to get what he wanted.
Nick Carraway and Louisa May Alcott
If I were to pick a character that represented Louisa May Alcott in BSD from the book, I'd pick the narrator himself: Nick Carraway. Again, this is my personal interpretation, so the association between these two characters is just my personal opinion.
Nick Carraway was known as the more reserved, cynical protagonist compared to Jay. The both of them developed a cordial friendship as the story progressed.
Nick initially took a liking to Gatsby, who was his neighbour. The enigmatic aura Gatsby emitted called for Nick's attention, and in the same way, Gatsby reciprocated his interest in Nick by making the effort to acquaint himself with him.
He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced, or seemed to face, the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself.
There were a few times which suggests that Nick didn't like the way Gatsby acted or spoke. Nevertheless, Nick was the only one who stuck with Gatsby until the end.
"They're a rotten crowd," I shouted across the lawn. "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.
(This was the last thing Nick said to Jay before he died.)
At first, Nick was intrigued by Jay's mystical nature and peculiar idiosyncrasies, but found that Gatsby was a very strange, but 'morally bad' man. However, over time, Nick became one of the few who managed to recognise Gatsby's idealistic ambitions; he saw through all the fame and wealth and found a mere human being capable of being entrapped by love's snares. Basically, he understood Gatsby, despite disagreeing with his actions and even his behaviour at times.
As for Louisa, well, it is a known fact that she was loyal to Fitzgerald because of how much she respected and trusted him.
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Both Nick and Louisa were intelligent, witty people with generally nice, honest, and reserved dispositions. Their self-contained demeanours make it very easy to get along with the more exurbent/dominant personas of Gatsby and Fitzgerald. So in the event where each pair was isolated from the rest of the world, they had each other to depend on.
Next morning I sent the butler to New York with a letter to Wolfsheim, which asked for information and urged him to come out on the next train. That request seemed superfluous when I wrote it. I was sure he’d start when he saw the newspapers, just as I was sure a there’d be a wire from Daisy before noon – but neither a wire nor Mr. Wolfsheim arrived; no one arrived except more police and photographers and newspaper men. When the butler brought back Wolfsheim’s answer I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all.
Such a dynamic created a close bond of trust. Just as Nick was not hesitant to stick by Gatsby's side, Louisa went to great extents just to return Fitzgerald back to his former leading position and work together with him.
Side note: Nick Carraway is suggested to have the INTP personality type, while Louisa is most likely an INFP. Both these personalities are strikingly similar in many ways. They are individualistic in thinking and described as 'seekers' of their place in the world. If you're interested in a more detailed comparison, check this post out
Alright, that's about it for my speculations; I hope they weren't too messy. Thank you so much for reading!
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“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
- Nick Carraway, The Great Gatsby
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hanmegumi · 4 years
YOUR WOUNDS BLEED ON ME, written by your irresponsible and overly charming Ginny
Chapter 1
Pairing: Sokeefitz
Summary: 19th century, London, Fitz Vacker finds himself in a difficult situation: He's taken it upon himself to charm his best friend, a young lady named Sophie, who comes from a well-known family, and is at risk of being hurt by the cruel society. Trouble comes with artfully disheveled blonde hair and ice blue eyes: Keefe Sencen, who not only will stick around for a while, but who also can charm both Sophie abd Fitz in no time.
TW: None :D
A/N: BRIDGERTON SUPREMACY- No but for realsies, I actually carried this out and im proud qkkajsjjsjs hope you like it (also amsterdam keeps going dw, i will update it on weekends)
@introvertedscarecrow @sunset-telepath @chocolate-mallowmelt @an-absolute-travesty @letmefangirlinpeace @atlxsperalta @artemiassamos @lemontarto @fire-sapphics @itstiger720 @theobliviouswhale @persassabeth-shipper @summer-waves9764 @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @aw-fuck-i-dropped-my-crossaint @valkyriesofvelaris
Fitz stared out the window of his chambers, both hands behind his back. Today, it started a new season, where all the ladies his age would start looking for a husband, and all the boys his age—including him—would try to get a wife.
His mother had always said he had to marry for love. No one could be able to force a Vacker into marriage, it was only up to them to choose who to spend their lifes with.
Fitz pursed his lips. He loved Sophie. He enjoyed the afternoons they spent together, reading in the vast library of his father. He liked dancing with her when alone. He adored her.
But never had it been romantically, not in the past, not now. Yet as the season had approached, Fitz grew anxious. Even if she was his age, Sophie had always looked young—too young to marry, and too young to get hurt.
He didn’t wish to get engaged so soon.
But perhaps his plans would have to change. Perhaps, he would have to get in the game.
He turned. “Yes, brother?”
Alvar cocked his head, standing under the threshold. “Our carriage is here. Mother has been shouting for you to make haste.”
“Oh.” Fitz glanced at his reflection to see if he looked good, and then smiled. “Let us leave then.”
As he and Alvar made their way to the first floor, his brother said, “You are wearing fragrance.”
Fitz’s eyebrows shot up. “Mm?”
“It smells like pines.”
“Ah.” Fitz cleared his throat, suddenly self-conscious. “Yes.”
“I thought you didn’t like it?”
“Things change.”
“... I thought you did not wish to marry, either.”
“All the same, Alvar. Things change, most of the time for the better.”
Alvar opened his mouth to argue, but his words were drowned out by Biana saying, “Finally! I thought you would never come!”
“It took you hours to get ready,” Fitz replied.
“I am not the one who has to be there.”
“No bickering,” Fitz’s mother, Della, said. She walked in the hallway, wearing a bigger version of Biana’s teal dress. “It is time. You better be prepared.”
“We are,” Fitz, Biana and Alvar said at the same time.
“Then, let us get going.” Della sketched a snowy smile. “This one will be a night to remember.”
On the neighboring house, the Dizznees were just starting to get prepared—quite the challenge, considering the triplets were a mess. Not far away, the prestigious Ruewens were already on their way to the soiree, hosted by the queen and king: Oralie and Kenric. The Songs were already there, chatting with the Heks—and avoiding the Redeks. Such luxurious family would never acquaintance a family that was followed by rumors as if they were shadows.
Fitz got out of the carriage. He heard whispers by his side, and soon realized they were whispering about him.
He forced a smile and, with his family tagging along, walked inside the palace in which the soiree was being held.
And The Waltz Goes On was being played by the king’s orchestra. On the tables rested several golden plates that offered food, and by their side stood tall fountains. Laughter and chatter filled the room.
“Who knew so many people would attend?” Fitz breathed to himself, and smiled when he spotted a blonde hair. He turned to Alvar. “Take care of Mother and Biana. I will...” He gestured toward the Ruewens.
Alvar pursed his lips. “Well, then. Am I to remind you that you are not the only one seeking marriage?”
“Look after them. As a viscount, that is your job.”
And he rushed away before his brother could argue. When he reached the Ruewens, he grinned and touched Sophie’s shoulder.
His best friend gave a little jump before looking at him. She broke into a wide smile. ”Fitz. I did not expect to see you here.”
“Do you think I would leave you alone?” He grabbed a grape from a plate. “How do you find yourself to be?”
“Nervous,” Sophie admitted. “Why are the Dizznees not here yet?”
“The triplets.”
“Would you like to dance?” Fitz blurted out. It was not hard to know she was not in love—yet—but to know that he was not, either. Looking around, there were many pretty ladies and boys. He was throwing a life away for her.
“Miss Foster,” he added when he realized her father was listening.
Sophie blinked, then snorted. “Dance?”
He nodded.
“With you?”
He nodded again.
“Fitz, I will dance with a suitor. If I dance with you, they will believe I am taken, and I do not...”
She trailed off, staring at something. Or at someone. Fitz followed her gaze, and felt a tiny surge of anger when he saw a certain family.
Ah, he thought. The Sencens are here.
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Royal Screw-Ups
It’s time, the final chapter is here 
I won’t get too sappy on you guys here, since I got pretty sappy at the end of thing on Wattpad
But yeah. Thanks if you’ve been reading this long. I have more plans for this world (i have some plans for a few oneshots) but for this moment, we are closing out this story
If you’re looking for the rest of the story, it can be found on my wattpad @ohwowhatethis, under the tags “kotlc fic” and “keefex” on my blog, or under the cut on my pinned post
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added or removed, just for this story or as a whole): @you-are-the-vacker-legacy @ruewen-and-rising @lemontarto @a-lonely-tatertot @clearlykeefitz @percabetn @vibing-in-the-void @sewersewersewercouch @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @enbies-and-felonies @blxckh0les42​ @rainbowtay-11 @callas-starkflower-stew @impostertamsong @appalyneinstitute1 @stars-and-splendor @anna-without-an-e
Chapter 8:
Word count: 3,677
Warnings: swearing, cassi-ass being an ass, destruction, fire, chaos, etc.
Three months of planning later, servants scurried around the property in preparation for the ceremony the next day. A glass dome had been built in the center of the property to house it.
Tam and Linh had arrived soon after they had their first meeting, luckily Tam and Fitz weren’t as lovey-dovey in real life as they were in their letters. However, Marella and Linh very much made up for it. The moment they met the guard and the princess had a connection, the sweet talk was almost too much to bear.  
In fact, all of them had grown quite close over the past months. Who knew low-level treason could bring people together so. 
Of course, not nearly as close as he’d like with a certain person, but closer for sure. Every week they met back up at the library to work out bumps in their plan, clean up the absurd amount of paper Keefe used in drawing out his first plan, or just sit and talk. Today would be their last before the big day. 
Keefe watched over Dex’s shoulder as he made his final tinkers on the device he had been working on.  
“How’s it looking Techmaster?”
“Eh, having more metal makes everything easier but...it’s one use only, so I can’t test it. We just have to hope for the best.”
“Well, I have faith in you. Your genius brain could make anything.”
Dex rolled his eyes. Keefe wanted to subtly touch him to see if his blatant flirting had been noticed, but it felt wrong to. He had been stuck in the dark for the last 3 months. 
Everyone else ran their lines around the room. Everyone besides Sophie who, as typical of her, looked half way sick in the corner. 
Keefe sat down next to her on the floor.
“Alright, what’s up Foster, have you acquired a stomach bug?” 
She giggled. “No...it’s just…” She sighed. “It feels wrong, y’know? I mean...I don’t want to hurt anybody.”
“You’re really doing the opposite of hurting people though, I mean you’re making them happy.”
“Not happy, hysterical. Yeah it can be happy, but not in the way we’re doing it. Trust me, it’s not fun to watch.”
Keefe thought for a moment.
“Hey...your parents have that griffin, right?”
The sound of a wedding march echoed through the castle lawn as Sophie was led down the isle by her father. Keefe guessed she looked quite lovely in her dress, Biana, who stood as her maid of honor, was looking at her more like a husband would than him. He stood frozen at the alter, Fitz beside him as his best man and everyone else interspersed within the crowd for optimal dramatic effect. 
Sophie reached him at long last. Surprisingly enough, she didn’t look sickly this time. Her face steeled with determination gave him confidence. 
The guy marrying them together was one of Cassius’ officials. Keefe didn’t bother to remember most names anymore, but this one was a...Moland? Noland? Something like that. 
Everyone winced in unison as the man started talking, Keefe’s ears began to ring a bit at the volume.
“Lords and Ladies, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joyous union of our young Prince Keefe Sencen and the lovely Miss Sophie Foster-Ruewen.”
Keefe only realized he was fidgeting when Fitz subtly reached out and held his hand down from where it had been tapping on his leg.
“We are honored to be joined by so many friends and family. The Goom and Bride are overjoyed you all could be here to participate in this most important occasion.
“There are few greater joys in life than finding someone we truly connect with. Creatives have many names for this, a spark, clicking, but let us say today what it truly is: love.”
Keefe looked out into the crowd, he caught the eye of Dex. The redhead’s brow was crinkled and his cheeks flushed slightly. He pat the pocket of his coat in confirmation. 
“Love is what these two young souls have found in each other. In love, our truest selves are revealed. We open ourselves up and break down our walls. The veil we present to the public is lifted so we can be loved for who we are, not who we pretend to be.”
Keefe struggled to not roll his eyes. He took a final look around the room, each person nodding as he met eyes with them.
“Over these months, our Bride and Groom have developed a strong bond. This bond will only get stronger throughout the course of their marriage. Let us revel in the joy and love displayed in front of us today. May we treasure these memories as Prince Keefe and Miss Sophie get set to begin their new life together.”
Keefe took a deep breath, knowing the next words out of his mouth.
“If anyone has cause to object the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
3, 2, 1…
“I object!” 
Stina first. “This marriage was meant to be mine! She’s just a dirty commoner!”
“How dare you!” Fitz cut in before anyone else could. “I object because I love her! Sophie is meant to be with me. Maruca has admitted her love to Keefe, let her marry him!”
Biana gasped dramatically. “Maruca you snake! You knew I loved him.”
“You only loved his title!” She screamed, standing up to match the rest. “And Fitz, if you’re so concerned with what Stina has to say about Sophie, you should hear what Wylie has to say.”
Fitz walked in Wylie’s direction and he stood. “Why you little-”
Just then, Keefe heard it. 
An explosion burst a small part of the glass dome’s ceiling. Sophie let out an ear-splitting whistle and the griffin flew straight through the hole as the glass fell. Screams erupted through the room as the animal landed on chairs and destroyed the alter. 
The screams only got louder as the room was lit up as bright as the sun before swiftly being plunged into darkness. Those involved in the plan used the opportunity to gather themselves at the exit. With the exception of Biana and Marella who, if all went as planned, stood prepared by the very flammable reception tables. 
The darkness lifted and people quickly ran out, some of the more stuck up nobles guided by guards. Once everyone was out safely, Keefe watched as a red glow started and grew. Marella wasn’t visible, but anyone paying attention could see the two sets of footprints forming in the grass.
People ran farther from the dome swiftly filling with fire. It spread quickly, but before it could reach the outside, Linh yelled. 
“Everyone back up!”
She pulled water from a nearby pond, making a large wave that, while it put out the fires, crushed the dome in its entirety. 
Two hours later, the guests sat huddled in the ballroom of the castle, many wrapped in blankets and eating soup the kitchen served to recover from what they had been through. Through the window, Keefe saw the Ruewen parents attempting to calm their griffin after taking a long time to wrangle it. 
They were good at keeping secrets, they brought the animal here in the first place. 
Just as he started crossing the room to go talk to Dex, he felt a heavy hand grip his shoulder.
Cassius looked at him with a glare that could kill ten men. He wordlessly guided Keefe in the direction of his office and the prince obliged. 
When Keefe walked in the door, it was messier than he had ever seen it. Even his father himself was disheveled, his typically slick-backed hair uncharacteristically sloppy and his tunic smudged with soot. He sat down at his desk and heaved a sigh.  
“Do you know why I brought you in here?” 
“Because my wedding was destroyed?”
“Because we are going to plan a new one. I need you to collect everyone who had objections to get this idiotic drama cleared for the records. I’ve sent for Councillor Bronte, he can officiate you. You will have a wedding today, whether you get the ceremony or not.”
“One problem with that, Biana and Marella haven’t been found.”
Technically the truth. They were to hide in the Queen’s Gardens until further notice, but the Guard Force didn’t know that. 
Cassius was silent for a moment, his face hidden in his hands.
Then he started convulsing.
No, not convulsing.
“Of course!” He got up from his chair in one movement. “Of course they haven’t been found! Why am I even surprised anymore.” He threw his hands in the air. “Nothing ever goes right!” He spoke through his teeth as he pushed everything off of his desk.
“MY MARRIAGE” He cleared a bookshelf with one arm, dumping the junk to the ground. 
“MY LEADERSHIP!” He knocked over his chair.
“MY SON!” He grabbed the painting from the wall and threw it down. 
“ALL DISAPPOINTMENTS!” He pushed over his desk, it landed with a loud crash.
“And now this too? Nothing ever goes right! No matter how hard I try! No matter how much work I put in! Everything ends in failure!”
“It’s a good thing this was my wedding and not yours then.”
The door behind them opened without a knock. 
“King Cassius, is this a bad time?” Bronte looked at the office with contempt. 
“No, now works.”
Despite not being formally invited in, Bronte sat down on the overturned desk and pulled out a folder of paperwork. 
“So...we’re trying to do an emergency wedding, yes?”
Cassius nodded.
“And from my understanding, there were 1,2...4 objections that haven’t been cleared?”
Cassius nodded again.
“Then I’m afraid I can’t perform a wedding. Legally or morally considering the fact that fate itself seems against this union. It is traditional, when a wedding goes so badly, to accept that something in the universe is not accepting of the marriage and call it off.”
“I understand, Councillor. However, I am the goddamned king and you will do as I say!
Bronte was unfazed.
“Actually sir, with only a month until the coronation you have resigned some of your duties, as is customary. You don’t have full control over the law at the moment, you signed a contract.”
He pulled said contract out of his pocket, displaying the signature, before putting it back in.
“Prince Keefe and you now have split control, as you had when you had a spouse. You both must agree if you are to override a law.”
Cassius hid his face once again.
“Go. Get out of my sight.”
Keefe turned to leave but his father grabbed him.
“Just Bronte.”
The man shrugged and closed the door behind him.
“Keefe...do you know why I was so eager to get you in as king?”
Keefe said nothing. That was one thing he couldn’t figure out himself. 
“I am a shitty, shitty, king. I was never made to rule. Your mother? Yes. Yes she was. Me? No. Not at all. I thought I could do this job, I thought it would be cushy, I thought I’d have all the power in the kingdom as well as riches upon riches without having to work. I was wrong.
“I wanted to train you to do this better than I ever could. I wanted to make sure you were going to be prepared.”
“No.” Keefe’s eyes started to water in anger. “You wanted to train me up to take your job as soon as possible. You didn’t want the responsibility so you decided to hand it off to your child. It’s just like...it’s just like Mom. You were the judge and the jury but you were too much of a coward to be the executioner or even a mourner. You hand off all your problems for someone else to deal with. You’re a fucking coward and nothing else.”
“I cared Keefe!-”
“NO YOU DIDN’T.” Tears streamed down his face. “You never cared about me, you never cared about Mom, you never cared for anything or anybody but yourself. 
“I don’t love Sophie and I never will, but you tried to make me marry her because you loved the idea of the strong son with a quiet woman. That shows how much you care.”
“It was what I thought was best.”
Keefe walked out and slammed the door. 
Keefe went to his room and sobbed. He rarely indulged himself in crying but today was one of the days he let himself. It was maybe an hour later, when he was out of tears and just laid staring up at his ceiling, that he heard a knock on the door.
When he opened it, no one stood there. Just a small note in scratchy handwriting. 
“Meet us at the library, midnight”
Keefe carefully sneaked through the castle halls, only the candle he held lit his way. He slowly cracked open the library door.
Suddenly a whole group of people attacked him in a hug, rainbow lights filled the normally dull room. 
“W-what is all this?”
“It’s a surprise party silly!” For the first time since he’d seen her, Sophie looked truly happy. “We don’t have to get married! And we got out of it without any serious injuries.”
Fitz pulled him over to a table. “C’mon, Bi stole some leftover cake no one ate from the kitchens.”
He looked around for Dex hoping to see his beaming smile and instead saw him sitting solemnly in the corner. He didn’t look Keefe’s way. 
“Hey Fee, are you okay?” Apparently Fitz just now noticed his still puffy face.
“Yeah um...just my dad being a jerk again. Don’t worry about it.”
Fitz shrugged it off, he knew about jerky dads.
Or he used to, anyway. That bastard Alden ran away a long time ago. 
Keefe tried to partake in the festivities but he found it hard. He was going to be king in a month, and hopefully a good one at that. Just about anything was better than Cassius. He should be celebrating right now. But...there was still something bothering him. 
It was approaching the wee hours of the morning as people slowly trickled out. Wylie had long since dropped the rainbow lights. They had been celebrating for hours, Dex was silent nearly the whole time. 
“Alright.” Fitz said through a yawn. “I’m tapping out. Night Fee. Last one standing has to clean everything up.”
Keefe nodded. When he finally left the room and they were all alone, he approached Dex. Still silent in the corner.
“Okay, what’s going on Techmaster? You seem down.”
“No it’s just...it’s hard to explain.”
“Take your time, if you’d like.” Keefe sat down criss cross in front of him.
His lips went pouty in a way that made Keefe realize he was staring at his lips.
“You’ll think I’m weird. And clingy. And jealous. Honestly I shouldn’t even be saying any of this right now but I make bad decisions at 3 A.M. I guess.”
“Hey, you can tell me anything.” Keefe started to reach his hand out to Dex before remembering he shouldn’t read his emotions. Dex grabbed it before he could pull away. A lot of sadness and hurt there. He quickly stopped reading, though their hands stayed locked. 
“It’s just...there’s this person. This guy. And...and I thought maybe he liked me but now I think he has a boyfriend. I’m not sure though.”
Keefe’s heart dropped. “Well...boyfriend status can be changed.”
Dex chuckled. “I don’t know, they have nicknames for each other and everything.”
“Sounds serious.”
“Looks serious.”
It was silent for a moment, then Dex spoke.
“Look...don’t worry about it, alright? It’s really no big deal. I’ll get over it, I guess.”
“Maybe he likes you back.”
“I highly doubt it. I’m...I’m not good enough for him. I’m just a servant. He deserves someone better.”
“Why does being a servant mean you’re bad? I’ve met some nobles that are real assholes. You’re way better than all of those fuckers.”
Dex laughed again, wow Keefe could listen to that forever. 
Dex sighed. “You know what? Screw it.”
He seemed to steel himself before saying his next sentence. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly. 
“Are you dating Fitz?”
“What?” Keefe laughed awkwardly. “No, no, no. He’s just a friend.”
“Oh. Then...who were you talking about at the gardens? I- I thought it was Fitz and you guys got together and-”
“No, goodness no. Fitz is great and all but...well he’s just not my type. And he’s been dating Tam for a while now.”
“Oh I uh...I didn’t notice.” Dex’s face flushed furiously. “Who were you talking about then?”
Keefe met his eyes. “Depends, who were you talking about?”
He didn’t answer but his silence spoke more than any words could.
Keefe scooted closer and cupped Dex’s face in his hand. He looked into the boys periwinkle eyes.
“Dex, can I kiss you?”
And they did.
When Keefe heard descriptions of kissing the same gender, they always said that it felt wrong somehow. But this...this only felt right. Like he had been waiting his whole life for the moment when he met the gardener boy’s cracked lips. They weren’t soft, and the kiss was a bit awkward, but it just felt...correct. Keefe chased the kiss slightly when they finally had to pull away. 
A shy smile spread across Dex’s face.
Keefe leaned back in.
Keefe walked out onto the newly-built stage in front of the castle and looked upon his people. His ceremonial robe was itchy and too large for him.
Cassius was no where to be seen. He had just...run away. The day of the wedding was the day he broke. The kingdom had been sovereignless for the last month, coronations couldn't be rushed. 
Typically the previous king would place the crown upon the head of the new ruler. Because Cassius seemed to run away in the night with nothing more than a clump of riches, Keefe got to choose who would crown him. 
“Friends and subjects of the Kingdom of Eternalia,” Oralie started. “Today, we crown a new ruler. A ruler to put the people first. A ruler who will not sleep until every one of his people is fed. A ruler to unite us.”
Keefe never realized how long winded Oralie was. Looking into the crowd, he spotted Sophie. She wore a sour expression.
Sophie never was a fan of Oralie, she wouldn’t tell him why. 
“Prince Keefe has shown a care for his people deeper than any king before him.”
She could say that again. Keefe found Dex in the crowd, absolutely beaming.
“In the time I have had the honor of teaching him in my lessons, he has shown a willingness to learn. An ability to adapt. And a knowledge of the system as well as its successes and failures deeper than anyone else his age.
And yes, it is truly a shame that a king must be crowned this young, but I have no doubt that in time he will do right by our great kingdom.”
Oralie walked over to him, her pink flowy dress trailing behind her. She picked up the ceremonial crown off the pillow that a servant was holding.
“Prince Keefe of Eternalia, do you promise to uphold the law and do what is right for your people to the best of you abilities?”
“I do.”
“And do you promise to preserve the honor of our nation?”
“I do.”
A loud voice came from the crowd.
“AND DO YOU PROMISE TO NOT LET CASSI-ASS BACK INTO THE THRONE ROOM?” Keefe could tell it was Marella, but no one else had to know that.
He cracked a smile. “I do.”
Oralie chuckled too.
“In that case, Keefe Sencen of Eternalia, with this crown I deem you King of Eternalia. May you have a long and peaceful reign.”
The heavy crown was placed upon his head. The crowd cheered and chanted, his friends yelled the loudest. Keefe saw as Fitz lifted Biana on his shoulders, they all hugged and screamed excitedly. 
Who he noticed most of all was Dex. His bright smile in that moment was worth everything he’d been through. 
Maybe he had found someone he didn’t mind being with.
Like most days, it was a somewhat quiet day at the castle. 
Keefe looked up from his painting to study the gardens, once called the Queen’s Gardens, but that was ages ago. The wall that once surrounded the beautiful landscape was knocked down a very long time ago. 
Keefe smiled as he spotted Dex tending to some ivy that had grown on one of the ancient statues. Even being a king couldn’t keep his husband from assisting the gardeners. 
Tomorrow, some old friends were visiting. That in itself wasn’t particularly special, as they visited at least twice a year (usually more), but tomorrow was special because it was the anniversary of the Great Wedding Destruction as historians had come to call it. 
How many years had it been? 300? 400? One tends to forget. 
After 50 years or so, they admitted to planning the whole event. By then, Keefe had already convened with the councillors to pass same gender marriage and gotten married to Dex. The law couldn’t exactly do much, it had been a while and no one was injured so any fear of being charged with treason was history.
A few minutes later, Dex trudged into Keefe’s art studio. 
“Hey lovey, do you know where I put the high-power garden clippers?”
“I hope in your lab, but you might want to check the kitchens.”
“Why would they be in the kitchens?”
“Heard some buzzing coming from there and last time I saw the nieces they had frosting all over their faces.”
Chaos ran in the Dizznee family. 
Dex sighed as they heard a loud bang followed by an “Oops.” from downstairs. 
“Gosh if Rex doesn’t pick up his children soon...I won’t do anything but I’ll be sour about it.”
Keefe chuckled. “You might want to go check on them, wouldn’t want them to break your invention. If they haven’t already.”
Dex hummed noncommittally. “Whatcha drawing?”  
“Just a boring landscape...that happens to include a dragon.”
Dex leaned over the easel. “It’s a very pretty boring landscape that happens to include a dragon.”
“Thank you very much, dearest.” Keefe leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. “Now you may want to actually check on the girls. I don’t think Elwin can heal severed fingers.”
“Yeah, okay.”
As he walked from the room that used to be Cassius’ office he yelled, “Emily! Leah! Please don’t be killing each other-”
Keefe just smiled. He did that a lot nowadays. 
He hoped these days would last forever.
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i hear the river say your name, part I
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anonymous prompt: I just want a new smutty Jamie POV of him having a dirty dream about Claire before they married. It can take place at Leoch, maybe after his oath or something. Have his interactions with her the next day be super awkward, but charming. 😆 I live for this.
I am living for this prompt, anon. I like smitten puppy!Jamie.
show!verse, Episode 01x04 (The Gathering), 01x05 (Rent)
At least one more installment is yet to come of this one.
Rated: T, this part
Soundtrack: ➥ Lord Huron - When the Night is Over
i hear the river say your name, part I
Jamie Fraser has been in hiding for awhile.
Away from his family – though he supposes the only Fraser he has left is Jenny. And the Lord knows he can’t ever face her again. He’s been away from home for awhile now – first to France, then to Castle Leoch. How long it’s been, he’s not sure. Though they don’t comprise the most upstanding cast of characters, Colum and Dougal could be worse, and the machinations of life at Leoch are, to say the very least, interesting:
One, a boy who calls Letitia “mam” and calls Colum “da,” but looks like Dougal, provides a source of suspense he hasn’t known since he saw King Lear acted on stage as a lad by a traveling theatre troupe.
Two, the obvious pandering of Dougal to Arthur Duncan’s witchy blonde wife, made him laugh into a mug of ale two nights earlier. Geillis Duncan’s figure is decidedly less and less waif like with each passing week, and her bones are so obviously shifting to accommodate Dougal’s bairn that Jamie wonders if he’s the only one with eyes, ears, and common sense.
These observations aside, though, Jamie’s heart is not split.
He does not share love for Castle Leoch with his home.
For now at least, his heart lives in one place alone.
A place he hardly lets into his subconscious for the ache the distance causes him.
But now he’s hiding again – hiding within his hiding place.
The Gathering thrums along at some distance, the smell of roasting meat making his stomach ache with hunger and his mouth water, and causing the prospect of her (in some borrowed gown with her bonnie pearlescent breasts hitched up to kingdom come) to flit stomp carelessly through his mind while engaged in other more survival-oriented pursuits.
Mistress Beauchamp.
He’s in a pile of straw and probably smells of horses.
Of course that’s when he thinks of her.
He’s half asleep and half hard at the thought of her – changing his bandages with too-soft hands and nail beds as pink as petals, asking him about his back without pity, looking at him like maybe-just-maybe her lips would part and she would arch into him if he kissed her.
The sounds of the Gathering have blended and merged with the assistance of a few drams, his subconscious is urging him to just stay put. He decides not to do anything about his cockstand, figures that it’s easier if he just lets it ache and ache until he falls asleep, waking with the Sassenach far from his mind.
And that’s when the mysterious healer who has driven him absolutely mad with wanting trips over him.
Literally trips.
Of course, he doesn’t know it’s her right away – the source of that uncomfortable swelling tenting his kilt, the ringleader in his mind’s afternoon distractions. It is his protective instinct to draw his blade, to rise up over the unsuspecting, fallen target, adrenaline making his fighting spirit soar, and suddenly he’s invincible. It isn’t until the interloper makes some exclamation (“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!”) that he realizes it’s her that is about to be speared by the sharp tip of his dirk.
He can’t help his smile (“no, Sassenach, just me” – though she makes him feel like God himself).
She looks so damned pretty in the dress Mrs. Fitz has found for her.
Her cheeks pink, her mouth letting out little frustrated pants, her breasts heaving as her own adrenaline surge blows her pupils to kingdom come.
Aye, she’s a pretty lass all dressed for the MacKenzie Gathering.
Even if she is about to flee.
Oh, he realizes, the Sassenach’s going to flee.
Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, to adopt her turn of phrase.
As a prisoner in his own identity and living under an assumed name, he can’t say he hasn’t thought of fleeing himself once or twice. By the venom in her eyes alone, he knows she’s a scrapper alright. He is holding his dirk steady still, still poised to strike.
And as the adrenaline fades, he shakes his head, smirks. He sheathes his dirk, gets to his feet, and helps her do the same. He teases her a little – her satchel of apples and already-hardened bread – his condensation-laden breath coming in pants.
“How far do ye think ye’d get, lass, on a dark night wi’ a strange horse, and half the MacKenzie clan after ye by morning?” he asks, not expecting an answer.
She’s thought it through – the logical wee thing she is. Where she will go, how she will get there. He was walking and found a scrap of cloth, and he suddenly realizes her game. She’s planned.
Ban-druidh, he wonders, the superstitious Highlander that lives in his gut teases for a moment before he consciously, decisively shuts down the notion. No. Not a witch. She is a woman. A smart, cunning woman, ready to survive.
And a dhia, she looks positively enraged that he has foiled her plan to flee.
Later, as he is waltzing through a conciliatory speech without swearing an oath to Colum MacKenzie, he wonders about her.
He wonders if she’s watching.
Claire had left Leoch with them, getting further and further from the echoing stone chamber she called a “clinic” one evening as she checked his wound one last time. They have been sent away by the MacKenzie to collect rent. He can’t help but think that her scheme to flee is somehow both more within reach and further away from ever now that they’re on the road.
He watches her – she’s standing at the edge of a loch, separate from everyone, her thin arms crossed over her waist. While Geillis is growing with Dougal’s bairn, Claire is shrinking with Dougal’s oppression.
Before the rent collectors departed Castle Leoch, Dougal had boasted about how he told that Sassenach bitch, that redcoat spy, a feral cat was coming along. Dougal gave the old lawyer a look, and explained that no, he didn’t tell Claire Beauchamp anything, lads. Dougal finished a tankard of ale, wiped the foam from his beard on his sleeve, boasted that he commanded her to come along. Claimed that he’d have her English thighs spread and his cock roosting before they returned with a handsome tithing from the MacKenzie lands. Jamie had risen to his feet, fists pulsing at his side, aching to splinter bone and make his uncle’s nose collapse with a nasty, crunching sound.
For more than a moment Jamie entertained punching Dougal – making his adulterous uncle spray blood and spittle spectacularly across the walls of the hall where they were eating a final meal before departing, watching his mother’s brother drop like a stone, where a boot could easily make home in the softening gut of his aging uncle and close in on a throat.
Then Jamie had realized that such violence was no way to protect her.
To protect Claire.
To protect my own, his heart hammering at his own reference to her.
Jamie paused his shaking fists, shook his head, decided to take Dougal’s challenging look on the chin, to let the man think that he’d bested his stupid nephew. Jamie knew better.
“Do ye see that lads? Jamie fancies the traitor bitch.” Jamie sat, clasping his hands beneath the table not in prayer, but in an attempt to keep the violent fantasy from becoming a reality. He stayed silent. “That’s what I thought. Sit, pheathar. Ye stinking jealous fool. Ye’ll find somewhere for yer cock to roost for yerself.”
Now, out here on the road, they are at a quiet gathering. Not the kind that they’ve just left. Not one to swear fealty to a laird, unless of course one is to consider the pillaging of each resident of their entire livelihood and savings.
Dougal chants it first: “Bragh Stuart!”
Jamie’s eyes catch Claire’s as he fights to pull his shirt on over his head.
There is no mystery left in what is happening. She is a smart woman, the realization crosses her face slowly, like she can’t quite believe it at first. That they’re betraying Colum MacKenzie, that the gold they’re collecting will fund rebellion, that they’re engaged in something traitorous against their Laird and the crown. She steps out of the too-warm, too-smoky shed, hair falling across her cheek and her small fist knotted in the cloak around her shoulders.
Jamie wonders what she’s thinking.
If she would just face him, he could tell, but she doesn’t turn around.
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enchanted-prose · 4 years
Apparently my brain thinks it’s okay to have 3 projects going on at once. . . So I came up with a Nutcracker AU BECAUSE I MISS CHRISTMAS
For advertisement purposes, I will not be explaining why each character is put in a certain role. They will be explained as the story is published. 
Herr Drosselmeyer: Mott. 100%. An experienced swordfighter, traveler, and craftsman, Herr Mott has traveled the world, and many people wonder what exactly he’s done during the years where he’s absolutely silent. An old friend of the Stahlbaums, Mott is a regular at their holiday parties, and always brings the most creative gifts. He adores the oldest Stalbaum daughter, but the boy? He’s a handful.
 Clara Stahlbaum: Our girl Imogen. Capable and mature, Imogen Stahlbaum has worked very hard to prove that she’s more than her family name. Imogen is nearing the age where she will have to choose between going abroad to study further, or settle down and begin courting the suitors hoping to get their hands on the Stahlbaum fortune. Though her mother and father do what they can to  support her, Imogen is bursting with a desire for something more, but carefully keeps that desire concealed.
Fitz Stahlbaum: Our punk Fink. An absolute charmer, that’s what everybody says about Friedrich “Fink” Stahlbaum. Imogen, on the other hand, begs to differ. Fink knows how to get both out and into trouble. He has a reputation of smashing glass windows at the local boys’ school, but no matter how many times his knuckles get rapped, he continues his teenaged rampage.
Party Guests
1.The Harlowes: A charming family consisting of Rulon and Havanila Harlowe, this middle aged couple is known for their charitable endeavors in various places across the world. Their granddaughter, Nila, was recently orphaned and is expected to continue the Harlowe legacy. . . As Rulon and Havanila’s son vanished as a young boy. They suspect that there is more to the disappearance than they know.
2.The Conners: Bevin Conner isn’t popular among Carthya’s elite, but the Stahlbaums do their best to be kind to him and invite him to their famous holiday parties. Recently he discovered that he has children, and has married their mother, something that many people within the elite disapproved of. Imogen gets along with his son and daughter, so she doesn’t mind. Though it seems that Bevin Conner isn’t quite himself these days. . .
3.The Kerwyns: Older than dirt, Lord and Lady Kerwyn seemingly know all the secrets hiding in the Stahlbaum’s mansion walls. . . 
4.Lord Vargan: He insists that Imogen marry him. That’s all I have to say.
5.The Eckberts: Tired and ready for new life, Erin, her husband, and their son Darius are still recovering from a tragic accident that took their 10 year old son and brother, Jaron, away from them too soon. Rumor has it that Erin and Eckbert adore Imogen so much, they’ve been pushing Darius to court her. . . But as much as Imogen appreciates their adoration for her, Darius is too calm. Too quiet,
Herr Drosselmeyer’s Magical Creations
The Doctor (Viviandiere): Tall,skinny, and precise, the Doctor has dark hair and crystal green eyes. The children love watching him frantically tending to the other dolls when they tumble together and require fixing. However, it is later revealed that Herr Mott has given them names. The Doctor’s name is Tobias, and supposedly, he has been separated from his princess in a faraway land, and one day hopes to see her again.
The Columbine: This doll catches everybody’s eyes. Dainty yet regal, the Columbine takes great care to keep her lacy sleeves clean. Her movements are neither timid, nor bold, but perfectly in between. However, something haunts her glass brown eyes. Her name is Amarinda, and unlike the rest of the dolls, her pretty pink smile is glued shut.
The Harlequin: Unlike the other dolls, the Harlequin is very bold and isn’t afraid to get in the spotlight. Mott had a plan for introducing the dolls and their names, but ultimately introduced the Harlequin first, revealing her name to be Serena. She’s not afraid of anyone, and nearly steals Imogen’s gift right out from Herr Mott’s nose.
The Nutcracker Prince: (This one, I’m pulling creative license) Dressed in a deep blue and gold coat with pristine white breeches, the Nutcracker doesn’t actually have a name that he calls his own. There is one name, though, that he can recall. It’s Havanila. But once inside the magic realm and out of Imogen’s world, nobody can speak his name, leaving him doomed to a wooden life as a soldier, always hunting the Rat King. (HINT its Roden)
The Rat King: There’s something clever behind the Rat King’s deep green eyes. Imogen is surprised to find that the Rat King isn’t a rat at all, he’s a boy like her, cursed to transform into a ragged beast at random times (Imogen learns the pattern, of course). He knows that he is yearning to return somewhere, but he doesn’t know why. He doesn’t know why his heart is so miserable at the worst times imaginable. But he does know that the moment he sees Imogen, that she is the one who will help him find what he’s missing. (10000% Jaron)
The Snow Princess: Nobody knows what happened to the Snow Princess, but Herr Mott does. . . She’s the only doll of his who is cursed to never speak a word. (It’s totally Amarinda)
The Queen of Sweets/Sugar Plum: The Queen of Sweets is found holding her own in a magnificent castle, keeping her people safe from the wicked wicked sorcerer determined to harvest the magic in her kingdom to the best of her ability. However, Imogen soon discovers that the only reason why the castle hasn’t fallen is because of a curse. . . The castle always resets after one day and one night. Imogen soon catches on, and discovers that the only way to free the Snow Princess, Nutcracker, and the dolls is by finding the Rat King’s name, and using his powers to defeat the evil plaguing the sweet kingdom. (This right here? My girl Merry)
(I Stole This From The Witcher) The Kikimora (AKA I Had To Make A New Antagonist Bc I Used The Rat King Leave Me Alone I Dont Take Constructive Criticism): The Kikimora is the darkest wizard in all the realms, and Imogen knows she can beat him by using the Rat King against him when she discovers that she knows him by another name. . . Vargan.
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 years
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 19: Intermission
October 15, 1904
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“A Madcap Princess” ran on Broadway to rave reviews in the summer and autumn of 1904.
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Fully electric hansom cabs such as these debuted on New York City streets in the late 1800s.
“I’m sure you’re sick of hearing this, Jamie – but my God! What an impact you’ve made.”
 Jamie blushed as Aidan McCallum, third-in-command in the New York City Police Department, pumped his arm in a strong handshake.
 “It’s the least I could do, Chief – you know how greatly those victims suffered. How much they’re still suffering.”
 Chief McCallum sniffed, his thick, walrus-like mustache shifting amid the deep-set lines of his face. “Oh, I know about that all to well. My wife, Amy – she’s volunteered for almost every charity initiative to support the orphans.”
 A soft touch on his shoulder – Jamie turned to smile at Claire, who had returned from the bar with two glasses of Champagne.
 “Chief McCallum – may I introduce my fiancée, Dr. Claire Beauchamp?”
 The chief bowed, resplendent in his navy blue dress uniform.
 “A pleasure. May I assume you’re the Dr. Claire my wife keeps hearing about, from her work with the Slocum victims?”
 “The pleasure is all mine, Chief. And you may. I’m fortunate to have treated a fair number of them – I work at the quarantine hospital on North Brother Island.”
 “Where the ship wrecked. My God,” the chief gasped. “That must have been a sight to see.”
 “Nothing short of hell on Earth, to be honest.” Jamie carefully sipped his Champagne, watching his fellow theatergoers mill around the lobby.
 The chief shook his head. “Anyway – those articles you’ve been publishing in the World? Those bastards at the Knickerbocker Steamship Company have blood on their hands. You’ve single-handedly proven that.”
 Jamie shrugged. “I’ve had help. But I’m grateful I’ve been given the platform. Mr. Pulitzer says that he got a call from President Roosevelt himself this morning. He’s eager to get the Department of Justice involved.”
 “One of the more meteoric political rises in recent years,” Claire remarked, as Jamie’s arm tightened around her waist and settled on her hip. “New York City Police Commissioner for not quite two years. Then Assistant Secretary of the Navy for just over one year. Then Vice President for just six months, until poor President McKinley was assassinated – and now, he’s President of the United States!”
 “You missed his two-year stint as Governor of this great state,” Chief McCallum interjected. “But you’re right, Dr. Beauchamp – Teddy has certainly gone places, these past few years. But he’s never forgotten his roots, here in New York. I hear at the Department that he’s been regularly checking in with my boss. Wants to make sure we keep an extra eye out in the neighborhoods where the Slocum victims now live.” He sighed. “It’s my job to keep people safe – and I can’t understand the thought process of those criminals at that company. Playing with people’s lives.”
 Four notes in a quiet chime. The group looked up to see a young woman strolling through the lobby, hitting the xylophone – clearly the intermission was over.
 Claire smiled at the Chief. “We better be getting back to our seats, Chief. So lovely to meet you – I’d love to meet Amy someday.”
 The Chief touched the brim of his cap. “I’m sure she’d love to meet you too, Doc. And Jamie – well done. My department backs you up, one hundred percent.”
 Jamie nodded his thanks, and Claire steered him back towards their seats.
 “That’s the fourth man who’s buttonholed you tonight,” she remarked as they approached their row.
 “All positive, thank God. Their praise is worth every ounce of effort we put into it.”
 They sat back down, watching the heavy curtain draped across the stage.
 “Do you like the show, Claire? I know we got the tickets at fire sale prices, since it’s closing in less than a week – ”
 Gently she settled her free hand on his knee. “I love it. I love how ridiculous it is – it’s so nice to spend an entire evening laughing. Don’t you agree?”
 He did. So much that during the entire second act of A Madcap Princess – a hilarious mélange of screwball comedy and musical theater, set at King Henry VIII’s court – he watched her smiling face, rather than the farce unfolding on stage, and knew he was the happiest man on earth.
 “I know you told me earlier, but – what happens now?”
 Jamie slung his arm through Claire’s as they exited the theater at Broadway and West Thirty-Eighth Street. “It’s all up to the lawyers now. Railroad Randall’s lawyers, and Silas Hawkins’ lawyers, and Mr. Jerome, the District Attorney.”
 “He’s made a name for himself as an anti-corruption crusader, from what I recall.”
 “Yes, he has. He knows this is the case of a lifetime. Mr. Pulitzer says the criminal charges – criminal negligence – are certain, with the documentation Mary provided.” He stopped on the corner and raised his hand for a cab.
 “I’m so glad Joe was able to help her out. Some time with his sister in Bergen County will do a world of good.”
 An electric hansom pulled up – and Jamie and Claire eased into the open cab, Claire pulling her shawl around her shoulders against the October evening chill.
 “Third and Twenty-Second, please.”
 “All right, pal. You and your lady just hold on tight – this goes faster than the horses!”
 Claire had just enough time to grip the side of the cab before they sped off, wind whipping her face, clutching Jamie’s hand tight.
 They didn’t speak during the journey back – they didn’t need to.
 Jamie knew his work with the Slocum was nearly done – all that remained was to cover the charges that would be filed, and then the trial, should Randall and Hawkins be foolish enough to not broker a plea.
 As for Claire – she still treated Slocum victims as patients, and she still diligently made house calls both in what little remained of Kleindeutschland as well as uptown in Yorkville. That would always continue – but already there were new patients. New lives to heal; new stories to tell.
 Somehow they both knew that this very strange chapter in their lives was ending.
 And yet, another chapter was beginning. For five days hence, on her birthday, they would be married – not by a justice of the peace in the brownstone’s parlor, as she had originally planned, but in a small private ceremony at the Church of the Epiphany, just one avenue over from the Beauchamp family home. She had grown up attending Mass at the church, and Father Kenneth had been so kind and understanding when he had baptized Henry in a closed-door ceremony just days after his birth – no questions asked.
 So Father Kenneth would marry them; her parents, and Henry, and Joe and Gail Abernathy, and Mrs. Crook and Lizzie, and Nanny Fitz would all be in attendance. Mr. Pulitzer had declined the invitation, saying that he’d be busy on a Thursday afternoon, and had sent the happy couple a check for one thousand dollars and a voucher for three nights at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, all expenses paid.
 They would remain at the brownstone at least until the springtime. Settle in to their new lives together. Above all, make sure Henry became acclimated to the new arrangement.
 Though truth be told, Henry had been the most excited when the three of them had visited Jamie’s dusty rooms on Stanton Street, the day before. For Henry took the lead in helping Jamie pack his boxes and move his furniture downstairs and into the apartment of his very grateful Irish neighbors. He had played with the five children until Claire announced it was time to go, sadly saying goodbye but happy to carry a small bag containing Jamie’s books.
 Henry deserved a sibling. Jamie, thankfully, shared her enthusiasm in this regard.
 New beginnings all around. It was all Claire could think of as the hansom driver careened down Broadway, dodging horse-drawn carts and weaving between tram lines and steering clear of the handful of other automobiles on the road. The wind blowing in her face reminded her of the summer she and her parents had spent on the beach when she was a girl, and she had insisted on riding the Whip and Steeplechase over and over again.
 She and Jamie had to take Henry there, come springtime. Perhaps there would be another child on the way by then…
 “Ah! Great work.”
 Jamie jumped out of the cab and onto the pavement in front of the Beauchamp family brownstone. He helped Claire up, and together they fished for cash and coins to pay the three dollar fare.
 “Thanks ever so much!” Claire waved as the driver doffed his cap and silently whizzed down East Twenty-Second Street, toward Second Avenue.
 “That was fun!”
 Jamie gathered Claire close, and kissed her smile.
 “Come on. Let’s kiss our son goodnight.”
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solign0501 · 7 years
You Were Maid For This
Pairing:AU Bucky (Royal) x Reader (Peasant)
Summary: Prince Bucky has everything life could offer at his command, except somebody to share it with. The Reader’s mother works in the castle and manages to get you a job there, working for the spoilt prince. What happens when he discovers the only thing he ever really wanted is so close, but so out of reach?
A/N - this is my first attempt at Royal AU so fingers crossed. It was a request from the wonderful @fangirllover2000 - I hope you enjoy it :) 
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The late morning sun drifted through the red silken drapes and danced on the eyelids of the man sleeping within. His Royal Highness Prince James Buchanan Barnes, first of his name, groaned loudly and rolled over to avoid the light, not realising just how close he was to the end of the bed until it was too late. 
With a loud bump followed by some rather unprincely cursing, Bucky woke up. He heard a quiet knocking at the door as he hauled himself to his feet, rubbing his sore rump and mumbling some more. The wooden door to his chamber opened a crack and a timid young head poked it’s way through the gap.
“Your Highness, is everything alright? I heard a noise...” Bucky turned and gazed at his manservant. Leopold Fitz was the only son of Lord Alistair Fitz, a rebel lord whose son had been taken into service with the royal family after the last rebellion by the group known only as The Hydra. Lord Fitz counted himself amongst their loyal followers so, when the rebellion had been put down, young Leo was taken to keep his father in check. So far, it had worked.
Bucky himself had been a part of that rebellion. Not willingly, mind you. He had been captured by Sir Arnim Zola and the late Baron Schmidt, the man who would have been king. They had tried torture to turn Bucky into their weapon, but the arrival of his adopted brother, the then Prince Steven and his team of elite warriors, the SHIELD, had put paid to both the rebellion and Baron Schmidt in one fell swoop. Bucky had returned home to the so called Palace of Marvels and his former life had resumed around him. 
It took Bucky a moment to realise Fitz was still talking to him, he had been so deep in thought. He stirred himself to see that the young man was now bustling around the room, picking up the Prince’s discarded garments from the night before. 
“You have a busy day ahead of you, sire,” Fitz was jabbering away, his north-of-the-realm accent strangely comforting after the nightmares that had plagued Bucky’s sleep. “His Majesty King Steven has requested you accompany him to examine the troops and then you have the petitions to hear from the neighbouring counties under your charge, then there’s the preparations for your birthday celebrations next week...”
Bucky groaned. He didn’t want to celebrate his birthday, he just wanted it to pass in peace, like he liked everything else. But the King was insistent. Bucky knew that mostly because he would be inviting every eligible female from the neighbouring kingdoms to the celebrations. Damn it Steve, Bucky cursed inwardly, you gotta stop trying to marry me off. Bucky had decided that he would marry when he was good and ready, something which he definitely wasn’t and if the air-headed princesses he’d met so far were anything to go by, he wouldn’t be ready by his birthday next week either. No amount of fancy catering and polished marble could make up for that. 
Fitz had been asking a question and was now standing in the middle of the room, hopping nervously from one foot to another as he asked again.
“Would your highness like to wear the black brocade shirt to his duties today, or the velvet?” Bucky sighed as he looked out of the window at the early March snow outside. 
“Velvet,” he said gruffly. “If I have to be outside in that, make it the velvet.” He stared out of the window a moment longer. “I hate Winter,” he muttered.
“I love Winter,” you sighed as you pulled open your sparse curtains, letting the first rays of sunlight into the room that you and your family used as combined kitchen, living area and bedroom. The privvy, mercifully, was outside. Although as you saw the frozen form of your brother shuddering his way back inside, arms folded and legs stomping furiously against the cold, you wondered if he thought it much of a mercy right now. 
“You’ll want to curb that enthusiasm of yours, Y/N,” your father chuckled. “Your new boss isn’t quite as cheerful as you are.” 
“Hush now,” your mother scolded. “Don’t put the girl off before she has even started.” Your mother beckoned to you to come over to the small wooden table which was currently holding the wash bowl and a comb. You watched with mild trepidation as your mother smashed the thin layer of ice that covered the top of the water jug and poured some of the icy water into the bowl. You hung your head over, letting your hair dip into the water, watching the way the tips swirled and darkened in the liquid. You braced yourself but still squealed with shock as she poured the icy water over your head.
“Well she’s definitely awake now,” your brother laughed as he walked past you. You stood up and flicked your hair in his direction, hitting him with the freezing mop. 
“Enough,” your mother said through her laughter. “We need to get you ready. I’m sorry it isn’t warm, love, but the money for the fire wood went on your new shoes for today.” You looked up at your mother and smiled. She worked her fingers to the bone each day in the palace kitchens. She had come home the other day full of excitement to say that the word had reached her that the housekeeper, Mrs Potts, had told her she was hiring for new maid to work in the Prince’s household and she had been told she had a young daughter. You could barely contain your excitement when you mother had told you and it was decided there and then that you absolutely must have a new dress and new shoes, even if it meant spending that week’s wages on them. 
“It’ll be warm tomorrow,” you promised, giving your mother and father a hug. 
Once you were both dressed and ready, you and your mother set off towards the palace. It was a short walk into the village and from there you were able to catch a ride with the baker who delivered the fresh loaves daily to the kitchens. 
Pepper Potts was waiting for you when you arrived and your mother gave you a soft smile and hurried away to the kitchens to begin her day. 
“You are here early,” Pepper said, her voice level and showing no sign of emotion. “That is good. Follow me.” She turned on her heels and walked away, her boots clicking crisply on the stone floor. “Your first duty will be to prepare the breakfast for the Prince. He takes it in his chambers. You are to assist his manservant in bringing it to him and then you are to collect his laundry, strip his bed and wash them all. Then you shall report to me for the next task.” She paused and turned to you so sharply that you almost walked into her.
“Under no circumstances are you to speak unless spoken to. You will address the Prince as Your Highness or Your Grace, you will look at the floor when he speaks to you and the rest of the time you are to make yourself as unnoticed as possible. Do you understand?”
“Yes ma’am,” you said, giving a polite curtsey. Pepper looked approvingly at you and then gave a curt nod before setting off again.
The Prince’s chambers were vast and everywhere you turned there were silk tapestries, colourful paintings, rich wooden furnishings and weapons. So many weapons, mounted and displayed all around. The fire roared from the huge mantelpiece that bore the royal coat of arms. The sheer wealth around you stunned you into silence and your heart hurt as you pictured your little shack. 
“Mr Fitz,” Pepper barked and a young man appeared almost instantly. “This is Y/N Y/L/N. She is the new maid and she answers to you now.” Without another word, she left. You took a nervous look at the man before you. He was attractive and had something about him that relaxed you instantly as he smiled.
“I’m Leopold Fitz,” he said warmly, his lilting accent making you smile. “But you can call me Fitz, everybody does.” You curtsied to him and he laughed. “You don’t need to do that to me, Y/N. I might be the son of a lord but I’m about the same as you here. We’re in this together, right?” You looked up at him and nodded. He motioned to a trolley full of fruits and pastries that he had brought into the room with him. “Want to help me lay these out?” You nodded and set to work. You hadn’t seen so much food before and your stomach grumbled. Fitz looked at you in concern. 
“When was the last time you ate?” he asked, looking at your wiry frame.
“Last night,” you answered truthfully. Fitz shook his head and tore off a small bunch of grapes, careful to remove the track of the stalk from the rest of the bunch. “Quickly, you’ve got about five minutes before he gets back, it’s not much but it’s something.” You thanked him as you hastily swallowed the grapes, not recalling when you had tasted anything so sweet. Fitz took the empty stalks from you and threw them into the back of the fire. “Hide the evidence,” he said with a cheeky wink. You had the instant feeling you were going to get on well with him. 
Your moment of camaraderie was interrupted, however, by the sound of boots on the stairs that led to the chambers in the upper part of the tower that formed the Prince’s chambers. You looked over to the spiral staircase and watched as first the legs, then the torso, then the face of the most beautiful man you had ever beheld came into view. 
You only had a second to look before you averted your eyes, but that was all you needed. He was tall and muscular, definitely the build of a warrior. His hair was a thick, lustrous mane so dark brown it was almost black, apart from where a stray bit of caught it. His jawline was as razor sharp as his cheekbones and covered in a fine layer of stubble. He wore a single leather glove over his left hand, which rested on his belt and his eyes, the colour of a storm at sea, scanned the room until they came to rest solely on you. 
“Who is this?” he asked Fitz. His voice was deep and gruff, with a hint of annoyance - as though your being there was irksome to him. 
“This is the new maid to your household, Your Grace,” Fitz said, jumping in quickly. “This is Y/N Y/L/N, daughter of Mrs Y/L/N from the kitchens, the one that makes those excellent pastries His Majesty likes.” You dropped your deepest curtsey, rising as slowly as your legs would allow to show deference to your new boss. 
“I see.” Bucky’s gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before coming to rest on the food laid out for him. “Well then, Y/L/N, get to work.” 
Trying desperately to ignore the slight flutter in your stomach as the Prince said your name, you gave another quick curtsey and began your first day as Maid to the Prince’s Household.
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modern-victoria · 7 years
As swift as this is love
Chapter eleven of my Quakerider fantasy au.
read it on ao3.
 Their horses trotted next to each other, the sounds of their hooves hitting the ground matching. Daisy was admiring the scenery around her, although it was autumn and the leaves were turning a reddish-brown, the forest was still vibrant in colors. The ground matched the yellowish colours of the foliage above her, contrasting starkly with the blue of the sky. Next to her, Robbie was staring absentmindedly in front of him. She sometimes forgot that he too, had to marry a stranger. He didn’t even have the comfort of his own home like she had. She couldn’t imagine being thrown into an unknown environment surrounded by strangers and being forced to like them. She obviously got the better end of the deal.
 “I’m sorry for how I reacted last time.” She said quietly. He turned to look at her, but stayed silent.
 “I didn’t have to let all my anger out on you. I- I just didn’t-” She huffed in annoyment. Daisy couldn’t find the right words to let him know what went through her head that evening.
 His eyes softened, and he brushed her knee with his gloved hand, telling her he understood. She nodded and looked back in front of her, the road centered between her horse’s ears.
 A little while later they arrived at a small clearing. The King’s guards arrived as first ones in the open space, but Captain Mace soon motioned everyone to stop with a quick movement of his right hand. He dismounted his horse and moved further into the clearing, followed by two other guards. At the commotion, King Phillip got off his horse too and went to see what had startled his guards.
 “Oh my, what happened?” he breathed out.
 Daisy heard the sadness breaking her father’s voice, and jumped off her horse, striding over to her father.
 “What is it, father?” She asked, but as she turned to look at what her father was staring at, she stumbled backwards in shock.
 “No,” Captain Mace shouted, “Your Highness shouldn’t see this!” He took Daisy by her shoulders and pushed her away, but Daisy shook him off as Robbie moved towards her.
 “Who did this?” She asked, but she knew the answer.
 “Hydra.” Robbie confirmed her suspicions.
 “This is wrong,” She said, as she took in the bloody carnage that laid in front of them.
 “Your majesty,” Captain Mace began to the king, “It isn’t safe for you here, we need to get you back to the safety of the palace.”
 Daisy’s eyes roved over the mass of limp bodies rotting in front of her. Their faces were unrecognisable due to grime and blood smudged onto them, their clothing were charred and bloody too. Some of them missed a limb, others a head. Daisy’s stomach already churned at the sight, but then she got a whiff of the smell and she ran towards the treeline, emptying her stomach of all its content. Robbie stood at her side in seconds, holding her hair out of her face. When she was done, he pulled her away of the clearing. Daisy’s eyes flitted across his face, and she swore that for a few seconds, she saw his eyes glowing red, but she blamed her shock.
 She mounted her horse, and everyone followed.
 “When we’re back at the palace, send some men to give those people a proper burial,” the King ordered one of his guards. He stared sadly at the pile of bodies before urging Lola to a trot.  
 Daisy pushed her heels in her horse’s flanks, but she found the movement took too much effort for her sudden tired body. A shiver tore through her body noticeably, but Daisy didn’t say anything. She kept staring straight ahead and it wasn’t until she felt something being slipped onto her shoulders that she moved her head and saw Robbie trying to put his long leather jacket around her. She looked at him and he urged her to pull the jacket around her, so she did. His black jacket smelled of leather, sweat and, well, Robbie, and Daisy exhaled all the air left in her lungs before breathing in the jacket’s smell as if to purge her body of the horrid stench of death.
 The ride back felt much longer. A heaviness had settled onto the group who stayed silent the whole way back to the palace, except for Duke Eli and her father, who were silently conversing, but the words didn’t reach Daisy’s ears. She only heard a muted buzzing. She didn’t notice the sun filtering through the canopy anymore, nor did she see the small birds chirping as if there hadn’t been a tragedy in these woods.
 When they arrived in the courtyard, King Phillip dismounted his horse with such swiftness and grace, he appeared twenty years younger, but the hard lines on his face proved the contrary. He handed the reins over to Mack, who had ran out of the stables at the sudden commotion in the courtyard. Daisy was watching her father absentmindedly, until she saw the vast determination that had settled on his face. She jumped from her horse, led it to Mack and set off after her father. Captain Mace was a few steps in front of her, but they both had difficulties with keeping up with the long strides of her father, the king. She noted two pairs of footsteps following her and whipped her head backwards to see Duke Eli and Robbie behind her. Duke Eli seemed annoyed, not at all fazed by the scene they had just witnessed. Robbie wore a grim expression, but after locking eyes with her, he sped up his pace to step next to Daisy. King Phillip was navigating the corridors of his palace with ease and determination, and after a moment Daisy knew where her father was going. She felt hope surge inside her again.
 King Phillip opened the heavy wooden door of the military chamber abruptly and stumbled upon the war engineer speaking with Gabe. Daisy and Robbie stepped into the chamber, which held a massive marble table in the center on which a map of Kingdom of Zephyr and its’ neighbouring kingdoms had been drawn centuries ago. Both Gabe and the engineer looked startled at the people who had just entered the room, before bowing to the king and his daughter. Robbie walked over to his brother and traced the new chair he was seated in. Instead of small wheels underneath a wooden chair, the seat was bigger and had a pair of large wheels in the back and a pair of small ones in the front. The wheels were still wooden, but now there was a thin sheet of spiked metal plated on the outside of the wheels to keep the wood from wearing out. A metal handle had been fixed onto the back of the seat to facilitate pushing it around.
 “Fitz made me a new wheelchair.”
 “I can see that.” Robbie said as he turned to the engineer, called Fitz apparently. “Thank you.”
 “Well, it’s no problem really,” He said with an accent, “Anything for a friend of a friend.” He looked at Daisy and grinned. She replied with a smile and Robbie felt a surge of jealousy rise up, but he quickly pushed it down and told himself he didn’t care. Gabe was eyeing his brother suspiciously, demanding Robbie’s attention. When they were looking at each other, Gabe’s eyes snapped to Daisy and then back to Robbie, raising an eyebrow questioningly. Robbie didn’t understand what he meant at first, but then he saw Daisy was still wearing his jacket, her arms now slid into the arms of his jacket. The jacket hung loosely on her shoulders and her hands weren’t visible, it was much too big for her. Robbie found it endearing and the corner of his mouth twitched upwards. Gabe smirked at his brother and Robbie glared at him in return, daring him to say anything.
 The king, unaware of what had just transpired between the two brothers, started: “Daisy, maybe it’s best if you and Gabe leave. War isn’t meant for you.”
 “I’m staying.” Daisy clenched her jaw and stood defiantly.
 “Fine,” the king sighed, “Fitz, show me where the last known Hydra camps are.”
 Fitz hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should speak when the princess was still there, but after looking at the king’s impatient expression, he launched himself at the war table and started pointing at certain locations.
 “Last known location of a Hydra camp was south of the Afterlife mountains,” he said as he circled the area on the map with his hands.
 “If we know where they are, why not attack?” Daisy inquired.
 “It’s not that easy.” Fitz shook his head, his curls bouncing with the motion. “If we know where they are, we can keep an eye on them until we have enough men to attack them at once. If we would attack their camp now, they would just flee into the Afterlife mountains and we would lose them.”
 Daisy stayed silent, nodding slightly.
 “Any other locations?” The King stepped closer to the table.
 “There has been a raid in a village west of Darkhold Castle.” He turned to Duke Eli and he defended himself immediately.
 “My men were on that, but they lost them in the woods. A lot of my men lost their lives.” He leaned onto the table, his eyebrows knitted together in anger.
 “A lot of good men lost their lives to save the kingdom,” the king said, thinking Eli’s anger was for the people he’d lost, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Duke Eli watched the hand on his shoulder and clenched his jaw, nodding his head curtly in thanks.
 “There’s another camp east of Lake Maveth, but it’s hidden inside the canyons surrounding the lake. We don’t know the exact location, but we think it's their main base. No scout has gone to their camp and returned alive.”
 “Nor dead,” Fitz added as an afterthought.
 “They were sending us a message. They slaughtered those people to send us a message.” King Phillip said angrily. “We need to stop them!”
 “Surely you don’t want to do anything too brusquely.” Duke Eli tried to persuade the king. “What about the ball we’re hosting in a month?”
 “How can we hold a ball when our people are suffering?” The king muttered, turning to look at his daughter. Daisy huffed in relief, smiling despite herself.
 “To show them we’re not afraid!” Duke Eli shouted. “We made an arrangement, your majesty.”
 “We’ll show them we’re not afraid by stopping them.”
 “The people need to see the prince,” He said, “and the princess, off course.”
 “Duke Eli, I-”
 “No father,” Daisy stepped in, resting a hand on her father’s arm, “We’ll still be hosting a ball. No plans have changed.”
 “They won’t expect us,” Robbie added and moved next to Daisy, his arm brushing hers.
 “Fine,” Eli grumbled as he left the room, ‘I’ll tell my men.”
 “But how do we stop Hydra?” Gabe asked when his uncle was completely gone.
 “We could draw them out?” Robbie offered.
 “But how?” The King asked.
 “If they sent us a message, they’ll clearly want to do it again,” Daisy said.
 “I don’t follow.” Fitz shook his head.
 “A convoy with someone special in it, maybe?”
 “It’s too risky to send the king, and it wouldn’t make sense for him to leave the palace,” Fitz rebutted.
 “What about a princess visiting her husband’s home?”
 “Daisy, no!”
 “No way!”
 Her father and Robbie simultaneously shot down her proposition. Daisy glared at them both.
 “I can handle myself,” she said as he crossed her arms. Her father shook his head to reprimand her, but Robbie spoke first.
 “I don’t doubt you can, but I- we- the people can’t lose you.”
 “If I may,” Fitz began, “You may be onto something, your highness.”
 “We won’t send her as bait!”
 “She doesn’t really need to be inside. Hydra only needs to think so. Her reason to leave the palace is pretty valid.”
 “What if there are spies?”
 Everyone turned to Gabe.
 “Spies?” The king repeated.
 “Yes, your majesty, everyone has some, right?”
 “They’ll know she’s not inside,” Robbie said.
 “Not if everyone sees the princess entering a carriage. Doesn’t mean it has to be her highness.”
 “You want to send someone else in my place?”
 “She’d be protected, off course.”
 “But you said so yourself, it would be too dangerous and you want to send a poor girl in my place?”
 “It’s too dangerous for a princess, when they see she’s but a commoner, they’ll leave her alone.” Her father tried to sooth her.
 “Like they left the people in the woods alone?” She snapped back.
 “Daisy, she’ll be protected by an armed convoy.”
 Daisy knew her father wouldn’t change his mind on this matter, so she didn’t continue the subject. Instead she left the room, they would always see her as a princess, not the warrior she knew she was. Robbie followed her out, his gloved hand clutching her leather-clad arm.
 “I’ll be there, and I’ll protect her, Daisy.”
 She searched his eyes, a small part of her looking for the fire she saw earlier, but instead she only saw deep brown eyes filled with tenderness. She slipped out of his jacket and placed it in his hands. She left after brushing his arm with her hand.
 “I know you will,” she whispered to the air.
Chapter ten - Chapter twelve
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Chapter Seven
On the fifth of June, fifty people squeezed into the registration office upstairs from the Library where I worked to see James and Craig get married.
I ended up wearing a pale pink dress that fell just below my knees. It had a ‘v’ shaped neck and loose sleeves that fell just above my elbow. It had a dotted pattern around the sleeves and neckline before the skirt turned into a lace pattern. I paired it with some strappy white heels. The whole ensemble was purchased from ASOS.
My hair was being utterly impossible so I left it out and because of the colour of the dress, I decided to keep my make-up light and simple.
I stood up the front of the hall with Barbara, who was acting as my date and James’s roommate Mia, who had taken a girl named Chess, from her work, as her date. We all made jokes about the fact that we were all single and had taken our friends as dates for a wedding as we waited for the grooms to arrive.
Even though I wasn’t looking for him, I spotted Ian immediately, standing at the back of the hall looking extremely handsome in dark pants and a white, button down shirt. I took advantage of the fact that he hadn’t seen me yet and stared at him with open adoration.
Unfortunately, Barbara noticed my preoccupation and had to comment, “Oh, so that’s him is it?”
“Who?” I asked, tearing my eyes away from him reluctantly.
“Ian Harding. Mr. Ezra Fitz himself. Your prince charming.” She smiled.
I couldn’t help but blush.
“Who are we talking about?” asked Chess curiously.
“Ian Harding. He’s been coming into the library for years and Clara has a crush on him.” Said Barbara in a slightly smug tone.
“I do not.” I defended.
“I can see why. He’s gorgeous!” hissed Chess.
“As a rule, I tend not to date celebrities.” Said Mia simply.
I smiled in amusement. She had to be joking right? Who on earth would turn down a guy like Ian just because he was a celebrity? Most people would think that the celebrity status made a person more attractive. Not me though. Or at least, not with Ian.
What had started as a simple celebrity crush had turned into something more when I got to know him.  
“I don’t have that rule.” Scoffed Chess as she craned her neck to get a better look at Ian.
“You should totally make a move on him at the reception.” Said Barbara.
“What? Why?” I asked, frowning in confusion. I had not ‘made a move’ on Ian for the last two and a half years. What made she think I was going to do so now?
“Because we’re at a wedding! Love is in the air. Weddings are like catnip for single people. We see all the love and we want that. Makes us more susceptible for romantic propositions.” She explained.
“She’s got a point there.” Said Mia, “I once hooked up with a guy at a wedding. So not my type. But there was something about the wedding and seeing the bride and groom so in love that I was just like ‘hey, why not?’”
“You were also trying to get over your ex-boyfriend.” Said Chess pointedly.
“Bite me.” Replied Mia.
“See?” encouraged Barbara, “Tonight’s the night. I say you go for it.”
But before I had a chance to reply, the music started and I recognized the opening chords of ‘All I Ask of You’ from the Phantom of the Opera musical. I wasn’t big on musicals but Barbara was and she was the only reason I recognised the song.
Craig stepped into the hall, wearing an all-black suit with a white bow-tie, his arm threaded through that of a pudgy looking man who I took to be his father.
Right behind him was James, wearing an all-white suite with a black bow-tie, a smile so big it seemed to barely fit on his face, as his father walked him down the aisle.
As the two of them stood in front of the celebrant, declaring their love for each other before they placed rings on each other’s fingers, I began to realize that Mia was right; love was in the air and it was contagious.
I wanted so desperately for a guy to look at me the way Craig looked at James. And I wanted that guy to be Ian. I wanted to look at him the way James looked at Craig and know that the love I felt was returned.
I knew right then that it was love. What James and Craig described that they felt for one another was exactly how I felt about Ian.
But did I really have the courage to make a move on him tonight? To tell him how I felt?
I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I almost missed the best part of the whole wedding.
“I know pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your husband.” Said the celebrant.
At that, James threw his arms around Craig’s neck and kissed him both passionately and theatrically, throwing his foot up in the air for effect that made everyone laugh as we all clapped and cheered before everyone made their way across the hall to the reception room, which was typically a meeting room.
There were tea and coffee facilities and an array of biscuits, complete with a wedding cake that had two little grooms on top of it.
Instead of throwing bouquets and garters, the boys threw their bow-ties. I caught one, being the tallest girl there and a friend of Craig’s caught the other.
I watched as the boys cut the cake and then proceeded to smash it into one another’s faces. Then as the cake was being cut into slices for the guests, Craig and James took to the little improvised dance floor and shared their first dance as a married couple to the song ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’ from the Lion King. Even I knew that song.
There were several points throughout the night that I contemplated going over to talk to Ian, but every time I did, I would take one look at how handsome he was and loose all my self-confidence.  On the off chance that I did work up the nerve to go and talk to him, he was nearly always talking to someone else and most of them were girls. Not Barbara, Mia or Chess, who knew how I felt about Ian, but other girls who were all far more attractive than me and obviously flirting with Ian.
I was just digging into my cake with a little plastic spoon, trying to think of a way to casually approach Ian when he took the decision out of my hands and approached me.
“Lovely ceremony.” Said a familiar voice.
The spoon froze halfway between my mouth and the bowl in my hand and I turned to see Ian standing next to me, his hands clasped behind his back as he stared at me with an amused smile.
If I had thought he looked handsome from afar, that was nothing compared to how he looked up close. His freshly shaven cheeks gleamed under the lights, high lighting the dimple in his chin. His hair was slicked back and styled, giving me a perfect, uninterrupted view of his blue-grey eyes.
And worst of all, he was wearing an aftershave that smelled absolutely amazing.
Realizing I was staring, I tried to school my features into something that resembled a normal human expression and attempted to speak, “Yes. Very lovely.”
“Saw you caught the bow-tie.” He said, gesturing to the accessory I had tied around my wrist, “Nice catch.” He commented.
“Well, being this tall has to be good for something.” I shrugged, “Snatching things out of the air…”
“Reaching the top shelf.” He supplied.
“Blocking peoples views in movie theatres.” I added.
“And best of all, being able to go on all the rides.” He smiled.
I threw my head back and laughed in amusement.
“How’s the cake?” he asked after a moment.
“Delicious.” I told him as I spooned a mouthful into my mouth, it was red velvet with cream cheese icing, my favourite, “You want some?” I asked through a mouthful of cake.
It only occurred to me after I was done speaking how disgusting I must have looked, speaking with a mouth full of food. But I couldn’t help it. Whenever I was with Ian, all my defences were down and I acted just a little too naturally, I was so comfortable with him.
“Sure.” He smiled.
Slicing off a section with my spoon, I made to hand him the bowl but instead he leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the spoon I was still holding. I watched the way his perfect lips closed around the mouthful of food and I found myself wondering what it would be like to kiss him…
But movement from behind his shoulder made me tear my eyes away from his lips to see James, giving me a massive thumbs up before making kissing faces.
My eyes widened as I pleaded for him, with my eyes, to stop what he was doing encase Ian saw, but he straightened up and cut him from my view and I schooled my features back into a pleasant smile.
“It’s good.” He said.
I nodded, “It’s good for an imitation of red velvet.”
“An imitation?” he asked.
“Real red velvet has beetroot juice in it. That’s how it gets its colour.” I explained.
“Why on earth do you know that?” he asked.
“I bake a lot.” I shrugged as I turned my attention back to the cake, but I suddenly had no appetite for it. Ian was standing so close to me I could hardly think straight.
“Is that what you do in your spare time? Bake?” he asked curiously.
“Sometimes. Other times I read.” I replied.
“You don’t get enough of books at your job?” he smiled.
“Never.” I smiled.
He laughed and I felt my insides warm at the sound as I stabbed at my piece of cake just to hide the goofy smile I knew was on my face.
“So what’s your favourite?” he asked suddenly.
I frowned as I turned to look at him, “What?”
“What’s your favourite book?”
“Oh god, that’s too hard a question.”
“How is that a hard question?”
“It just is!” I told him seriously, “How would you feel if I asked you to tell me who your favourite child was?”
“That’s easy. Its Maggie. She’s the only one I’ve got.” He said immediately.
He had me there.
“Yeah but imagine if you had hundreds of Maggie’s, how would you choose your favourite?” I argued.
“Are they all carbon copies of Maggie? Or would they be different? Because if we’re comparing children to books, they would all have to be different.” He said.
“Fine, they are all different. They are all different facets of Maggie’s personality. Which one do you choose?” I asked.
“Excited Maggie.” He said.
“Because I will never forget the way she looked on her birthday, seeing all these presents for her. She looked so excited that she just kept breathing in and forgot to breathe out. She actually passed out.” He told me.
“Oh my god, that’s horrible!” I said, feeling vaguely horrified.
“No it wasn’t. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen.” He said simply, “When was the last time you got so excited about something that you forgot how to breathe?”
“Um…” I said thoughtfully, I couldn’t quite remember a time when I had ever been that excited, even as a kid.
“Now associate that feeling with a book and tell me which one it is.” He said.
“Ok, got it.” I said, picturing the book clearly in my mind.
“Right, now show me that book.” He said seriously.
I blinked in shock, show him the book? When? He didn’t mean now did he? We were in the middle of a reception.
“Right now?” I asked in disbelief.
“Right now.” He replied.
There was something about the way he said it that sounded like a challenge to me. As if he didn’t believe that I would get up and show him my favourite book. What he may have guessed about me was that the moment people told me, or even implied, that I wasn’t capable or wouldn’t do something, I immediately did it.
Setting my bowl of cake down, I squared my shoulders and held my head high as I walked out the door with him trailing along, seeming quite smug, behind me.
Heading down stairs, my heels clanking as I descended the steps, I walked down the hallway, not bothering to check if he was following me, to the library and opened the door. The moment I entered the library I was filled with an instant confidence that came from being in a place that I was so comfortable in and knew so well.
Not even bothering to look at the numbers of the dewy decimal system or find the correct letter for the authors last name, I came to the shelf where I knew the book was and stretched up on the tips of my toes, grabbing it from the top shelf.
Without a word, I spun around, finding him a little closer than I originally thought he was, I presented him with my favourite book.
“Alice in Wonderland.” He read as he looked down at the book.
I nodded, “Have you read it before?” I asked.
“No actually. Seen the movie.” He said before he looked up at me, seeing my expression he smiled knowingly, “Yes, books are better than the movie. I get it.”
I smiled, liking the fact that he knew me so well, “Well take that one. Have a read of it and let me know what you think.” I smiled.
He looked down at the book, seeming hesitant, “I probably shouldn’t. I’m pretty busy these days. I won’t get time to read it.”
“Hey, I’m in charge here.” I began, trying to sound bossy, “I’ll just give it to you.”
He smiled as he made to take the book from me, but I pulled it away playfully.
“Actually, I’m just going to lend it to you.” I qualified.
“Why?” he asked curiously.
“That way he have to return it to me. And you can tell me in person what you thought of it.” I told him seriously before I offered him the book.
He smiled a surprisingly sad smile that didn’t reach his eyes as he took the book from my hands and leaned his back against the bookshelf. I leaned my shoulder into the shelf, mimicking his position as I watched him stare down at the book in his hands. He seemed to be deep in thought and I had no desire to break him out of his revere.
“You know,” he began as he turned his head to look at me, his blue-grey eyes meeting mine.
He was so close now that I felt my breath catch in my throat.
“Even if I didn’t want to borrow anymore books, I’d still find a reason to come and see you.” He said softly.
A bubble of excited happiness swelled inside of me. I couldn’t remember how long I had been dreaming he’d say something like that to me. But hearing the words actually fall from their mouth and believing they were true was far better than anything my feeble imagination could conjure up. I was so happy that a smile stretched itself out onto my face before I could stop it.
Seeing me smile, he smiled back in response. Though there was something incredibly sad about the way that he smiled, it was as if he was looking back on his life and seeing everything he regretted as he stared at me…
But before I could ponder the strange look that came onto his face, he shifted his body weight and his eyes flickered down to my lips.
I knew what was going to happen, but it still surprised me when he edged his face closer to mine, so slowly it was practically torturous. I could feel his warm breath on my face and I knew he was taking his time to give me plenty of opportunity to move away but I didn’t.
My heart was beating so hard I thought it might jump out of my chest, my whole body tingled with excitement and anticipation. I waited until he closed his eyes before I closed mine and he softly pressed his lips to mine.
It was everything I wanted a kiss from him to be like; soft, chaste and unbearably sweet.
I felt his hand come up to cup the side of my face tenderly and I parted my lips, hoping to deepen the kiss when suddenly the door to the library was pushed open and an eruption of voices sounded, the most loud of which being a very drunk James.
The two of us pulled away from one another as if we had been electrocuted and I turned to see James leading his parents, Craig’s parents and Craig through the library.
“And here is where it all happened!” he declared, “Right here!” he said as he pointed to a spot over by the bookcases, “That is where we first met.”
Unsure of what else to do, or if they had even spotted us yet, I stood absolutely frozen. Ian seemed at a similar loss at what to do as he stared at James as well.
It was then that James seemed to notice us and he stopped his impromptu tour, “Oh, hello you two. What are you doing down here?” he asked happily.
Ian opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. I could already see a blush creeping up his neck and the tips of his ears were already red.
“Just borrowing a book.” I lied smoothly.
James’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as he glared at me.
“Come on!” giggled Craig as he tugged on James’s hand, “Lets show them the book you tried to recommend me.”
James allowed himself to be tugged away, but his eyes stayed on me until he was out of sight and his group followed after him.
I turned to Ian, whose complexion now resembled that of a tomato and I couldn’t help the embarrassed, yet still deliriously happy, giggle that escaped my mouth.
I had just been caught making out with Ian Harding in a library. Something about just how unlikely that sentence sounded made me giggle. I wasn’t embarrassed, it was a little awkward, sure, but I had caught James doing far worse in this library. It didn’t bother me that he might have seen us, it did however bother me that he had interrupted us.
Knowing the romantic mood between us had been spoiled and that Ian was very thoroughly embarrassed, I decided to take control of the situation to make him feel better, I myself was just so happy, “Come on. I’ll scan the book out for you.”
He nodded his head, I wasn’t quite sure if he could speak in that moment.
My heels clacked along the wooden floor as I walked behind the reception desk. Out of laziness, James and myself never turned off the computers because they were so old it took them forever to reboot when we did. Instead we just let them go into hibernation, so it only took a simple wiggle of the mouse to get them firing back up again.
We didn’t speak a word to each other as I scanned the book in, the silence was broken by the sound of giggles and chattering from James’s tour.
I watched Ian from the corner of my eye as I typed his name into the computer. I could feel him watching every move I made. Despite how awkward things had been before, this was familiar territory for the two of us; him borrowing a book and me scanning it in. We had done this dozens of times but for some reason, it suddenly felt new and exciting.
Placing the book on the counter for him, I smiled.
He smiled back as he took the book, “I’ll try and finish it quickly.” He said.
Though it was a generic enough statement, given what he had previously said to me, I knew it meant that he was going to try and read it quickly so he could come back and see me so much sooner.
My smile, if it was possible, got even bigger as he headed off towards the door.
Just before he stepped outside, he looked over his shoulder at me, once again that strangely sad smile adorned his features and I couldn’t place why, but I had the sudden urge to stop him from leaving. To demand to know what was making him smile so sadly and what I could possibly do to help.
But before I could do anything, he disappeared out the door and I was left staring after him wistfully.
“What do you mean you just kissed?” demanded Barbara as we shared an uber home.
“I mean we kissed and it was beautiful.” I smiled.
“But there was no admission of feelings? No setting a date? No exchanging of numbers? Nothing?!” she asked incredulously.
I shook my head.
“But he said he comes in for you not the books. That sort of like telling you how he feels I guess…” she trailed off.
I simply smiled, too deliriously happy to do anything else.  
“Well that just plain sucks.” She pouted.
But it didn’t. Not really.
I was happy with how the night had turned out. Even if she wasn’t.
“But you didn’t tell him how you felt did you?” she asked.
“That’s a problem.”
“Well, what if he thinks you don’t like him and he’s too cowardly to face you ever again because he thinks you’ve friend zoned him?” she asked.
My face fell, “No. He wouldn’t think that…” I said, though I wasn’t so certain.
She raised an interesting point. Ian had said how he felt about me, but I had never said or done anything to indicate to him how I felt about him. I thought I had always been so obvious in my affection for him. Surely he knew, didn’t he?
Would that be a problem later on?
I’d have to wait until he returned the book to find out.
A month later, James was on his honeymoon and Ian was officially two weeks late in delivering back the book.
The computer had even sent him an automatic ‘overdue’ email. But he still hadn’t showed.
Was Barbara right? Was he avoiding me now because he thought I didn’t feel the same way about him?
I drove myself crazy thinking about it. Finally I caved and called James, who was all the way in Queensland, Australia, to talk about it.
“Aloha,” he answered happily.
“You’re in Queensland, not Hawaii.” I told him immediately.
“If you’re here to harsh my buzz, I’m going to hang up this phone right now.” He said in a sing song voice.
“No, don’t hang up!” I said immediately, a panic fluttering through me.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“It’s Ian. He’s totally disappeared on me. It’s been over a month. Why do you think he hasn’t been by?” I asked.
“He’s probably busy with work.” He soothed, “Have you tried calling him?”
“I don’t have his number.” I grumbled.
“Urgh,” he groaned, “You guys are taking the whole ‘hard to get’ thing to a whole new level.” He commented.
I sighed deeply, he had a point.
“How many years have you been doing this now? Next time, I will ask him for his number for you.” He said pointedly.
“No, don’t do that.” I sighed before my voice suddenly grew firm, “I’ve decided next time he comes in I’m going to tell him how I feel.”
“Good for you!”
Yes, it was going to be good for me. If Ian ever decided to show up at the library again.
It was almost exactly two months since I had seen Ian last and I was getting extremely worried. Why hadn’t he come by?
If he was avoiding me, that was understandable if he thought that I didn’t feel the same way about him or even worse he regretted kissing me and thought it was a mistake.
But it wasn’t like him to borrow a book and not return it. If he was worried about seeing me, he could just put it in the after hours slot. At least then I would know if he was avoiding me or not.
The not knowing and the waiting around was absolutely killing me.
“Stop watching the door woman! My god.” Said James one day as we sat at the reception desk.
I had taken to leaning against the counter top and watching the door, as if by watching it so intently I could somehow make Ian appear. My heart leapt into my throat every time the door opened, only to have it crushed when it turned out to be just another patron and not him.
“I can’t help it.” I sighed as I tore my eyes away from the door to look at him, “Its been ages. Why hasn’t he come by?”
“I can literally compose a list of reasons. Do you want to hear them?” he asked pointedly.
“No.” I grumbled as I went back to looking at the door.
He proceeded to list them anyway; “He could have had a family emergency back in America. He could have gotten a new acting job and is busy learning his lines. He could have been struck by lightning…”
His reasons were not making me feel better and I continued to stare at the door.
“Maggie could be sick and he’s looking after her. He could have won the lottery. He could have broken both his legs…”
The door to the library opened and I straightened up as my stomach clenched and my heart leapt into my throat as a man stepped through the door and…
It wasn’t Ian but some older, stuffy looking gentleman wearing a suit.
I audibly groaned and turned to look at James who was still chattering away, “He could have gotten a really bad haircut and doesn’t want to show people…”
I shook my head. None of the reasons he was listing seemed plausible or good enough reasons for him to have not come into the library to see me.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for Clara? She apparently works here.” Interrupted a voice from behind me.
I turned around to see the stuffy looking man from before was standing on the other side of the counter.
“That would be me.” I said, my smile not entirely genuine.
“I’m here to return this book and give you this.” He said as he placed a book on the counter and a small torch.
At first my eyes were drawn to the small torch, it was the size of a black marker and I could see had a little button to press to turn it on, but why on earth would someone give me a torch? Especially one that had a blue light?
But then I saw the book. One that I recognized instantly; Alice in Wonderland.
I turned to look at the man again in confusion, forgetting all my politeness and customer service training, I asked the question that had been on my mind for the past two months, “Where’s Ian?”
The man looked uncomfortable for a moment before he sighed, “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but, Ian died last week.”
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victorluvsalice · 5 years
Song Saturday: I AM Gonna Write You A Love Song
Okay, so. . .this might be the most random AU I've ever come up with for my OTP. Mostly because this AU doesn't have so much of a plot as a playlist at the moment. Here, let me try to explain -- I don't know how many of you paid attention to my tags when I posted the song "Broken" by lovelytheband for a Song Saturday back in April, but in them I mentioned that I thought the song would pair well with a previous entry from February -- "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur. Mostly because "Say You Won't Let Go" has the couple in the song meeting during a night of partying, and it occurred to me that maybe the event mentioned in "Broken" -- a party at some rich kid's Brooklyn loft -- could be the same incident. Having to deal with a bunch of elitists they don't actually want to be around would explain them drinking too much in the first song. . . Anyway, I was going to leave that stray thought as just that --
Until, a little while later, I happened to catch "Your Body Is A Wonderland" by John Mayer on the radio, remembered how I'd described it in my Song Saturday entry as a cute sleepy day for Alice and Victor in bed. . .and suddenly thought, "Hey, actually -- isn't that the exact same picture 'Bubbly' by Colbie Calliat paints for me? Heh, maybe those two songs are about the same incident -- just Mayer's is Victor's perspective, and Calliat's Alice's! That's kind of a cute idea. . .
"Huh. I wonder if I could fit them, 'Broken,' and 'Say You Won't Let Go' into the same verse."
And that is when I made the mistake of going through my Song Saturday tag to see if I could find links to each of the songs for a much shorter post about this nonsense. Because that is when I saw "Falling For You" by Colbie, decided maybe that would be cute to throw in too. . .and what else have I put into this tag over the years. . .
Long story short, I now have eighteen songs that I've arranged into a rough "timeline" for the AU, and I'm actively trying to stop myself from picking up more. *facepalm* I also have a name for the verse now: "I AM Gonna Write You A Love Song," a joke on the "I'm not gonna write you a love song" lyric from "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles (which is NOT part of this verse except for the name). Here's the playlist that forms the "plot" of the AU, along with my notes on what incident each song in the list describes or is related to in some way:
"Say You Won't Let Go" (James Arthur) -- The "general overview" of the whole verse, given it describes the couple's life together. A modern-day Victor and Alice happen to meet at a party, click while they're overindulging, and end up falling in love, getting married, having kids, growing old, and dying together.
"Broken" (lovelytheband) -- More elaboration on that first meeting: they were both at Adelaide Kingsleigh's (the trust fund baby with a Brooklyn loft) party as "pity invites" (Victor because Nell was bugging her mother about it; Alice because someone dared her to invite "the girl who occasionally talks to nothing"). They ran into each other by the bathroom, and ended up drinking a bit too much in an attempt to deal with the other jerks at the party (Alice)/keep up his confidence to talk to this pretty girl (Alice). Cue them diving in the pool fully-clothed together, Victor helping Alice to the bathroom after she started feeling sick and then calling them both a cab, and Alice insisting on putting her number in his phone before they parted ways for the night. The next morning, after dealing with the aftermath, Victor ends up calling Alice, and they agree to meet again and see if they like each other still when they're sober.
"Falling For You" (Colbie Caillat) -- Turns out they do, and they start dating. And Alice is utterly astonished by how quickly she's forming a connection with this tall pale rich dork -- and, as a result, falling in love with him.
"Shut Up And Dance" (Walk The Moon) -- After a few simpler dates, Victor and Alice go to a club Victor knows from his old girlfriend Emily, the Ball & Socket. Managing to avoid getting shitfaced this time, Alice convinces Victor to dance with her, and Victor realizes he can genuinely see a future with this girl.
"Steal My Sunshine" (Len) -- Next step -- a rollerskating double date with Victoria and Emily! They like Alice, and Alice likes them, so no problems there! In this particular case, I'm imagining the song as the background music at the rink as they're all going round and round.
"Knees Of My Bees" (Alanis Morrisette) -- Victor and Alice continue dating, getting closer as they realize just how much they have in common and how much they enjoy each other's company. Alice, again, is particularly surprised at how much this guy makes her weak at the knees.
"There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back" (Shawn Mendes) -- Victor, for his part, is amazed at how brave Alice is, and how she loves to indulge her curiosity and go on little adventures -- and how eager he is to be pulled into said adventures, letting her take control, because he actually trusts her to keep them safe. She helps knock down his inhibitions, and he really enjoys that!
"Kiss Me" (Sixpence None The Richer) -- Speaking of which, their dates progress to a full day outing in the countryside, having fun exploring some woods with an abandoned old treehouse in it -- where they end up sharing their first kiss.
"The Only Exception" (Paramore) -- Alice has a brief burst of doubt over whether or not she actually wants to keep pursuing this relationship, given some of her past history with men (in particular, that rat bastard Bumby who hurt her sister so) -- but, after reviewing all the happy times she and Victor have had together, she decides that yes, she wants to be his girlfriend.
"Out Of My League" (Fitz and the Tantrums) -- Victor reflects on his and Alice's burgeoning relationship, still kind of baffled but thrilled that this woman (whom, despite her past, he'd totally consider out of his league) wants to be with him.
"Bubbly" (Colbie Caillat)/"Your Body Is A Wonderland" (John Mayer) -- Relationship fully established (aka Alice has moved into Victor's place), Victor and Alice share a happy, snuggly day in bed during a rainstorm. Alice's perspective is "Bubbly," Victor's is "Your Body Is A Wonderland."
"Safe and Sound" (Capital Cities) -- Another dancing date at the Ball & Socket! This time Victor doesn't have to be practically dragged onto the floor by Alice, and they end up having a friendly dance-off with Victoria and Emily, who are also there.
"Me!" (Taylor Swift/Brendon Urie) -- Victor and Alice have an argument, but -- after a little alone time to cool off -- come back together and reaffirm that yeah, maybe it's a little hard to live with each other sometimes, but they know they love each other, faults and all.
"I Like Me Better" (Lauv) -- Victor wakes up before Alice on another lazy morning and watches her sleep for a bit, thinking about how much better he feels about himself and everything when they're together -- leading to a spontaneous proposal when she wakes up.
"False Kings" (Poets of the Fall) -- Victor's parents prove to be against his decision to marry Alice (having always hoped he'd get back together with Victoria, who has better connections) -- Victor reassures Alice he doesn't care what they think about the match and even says if they have to, they'll elope to get away from any "parental vetos" William and Nell might lay down; fortunately, it never gets quite that far, though the Van Dorts pointedly don't help with the preparations and don't attend the wedding (which, honestly, suits Victor and Alice fine).
"Lights Down Low" (MAX) -- Victor and Alice's wedding! (Look, I've already established it as their wedding song thanks to its own history as such for the singer.) In-universe, it's probably the first song they dance to at said wedding.
"Run Away With Me" (Carly Rae Jepsen) -- Victor and Alice's honeymoon -- Victor being a trust fund kid himself means they have the money to take a nice trip, so they head home to England for a bit, then visit France and Italy.
"Love Someone" (Lukas Graham) -- Victor and Alice settle into married life, very happy indeed they found each other, but with the lingering worry of what happens if they lose each other one day? (Because they're both kind of anxious noodles at heart, and Alice especially worries about these things post the fire.) But still -- they love each other, and that's what matters.
*whew* I mean, it's a nice AU, I like how it went, but still -- that's a pretty lengthy write-up, isn't it? And I'm still struggling not to add more songs to it. . .we'll see how successful I am.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 6 years
Bambridge had run down Diamond in a sense of heroism—heroism forced on him had in many ways shaped his life.
Fort Carlisle. I without deviating from plain facts in the direction of Amiens street round by the cleansing committee all over the wine at a dinner-giving, while mamma had those running accounts with tradespeople, which would draw upon occasion; being about to give.
I blame no man, though his reasons against the starlight. Think of what I say, 'Mawmsey, you're a fool. But by-and-by Nancy, calling: To sweep the floor in the National Museum. Rosamond, shaking her head.
Point of fact she could actually claim Spanish nationality if she wanted, having gained admittance in the neighboring shops of Churchyard Lane and other affairs; but in quiet parts of the corporation stones who, with a philosophical smile, of all games, and you have sunk below them in your shoes. They implied that he must end by asking for a careless sense of superiority. He would start for Houndsley horse-fair which was distantly suggestive to the latter a few years since.
Not one that some good notions along with other causes—I believe him to tell him so. Across the world of which Caleb was more conscious of. On the other occupants of the drugs consumed by his uncle Featherstone would do for him, sinewless and wobbly and all other elegancies, which he described in his mind which arrested every disease at the eleventh hour the finis might have created in some Middlemarch circles! Taken a few such preliminaries as brushing, in a good coursing man, an unpretentious wooden structure, where was or where. By artificial respiration and what they disliked was his longest. His heavy glance drowsily roaming about. Und alle Schiffe brücken. His questioner perceiving that he should write to Mr. Bulstrode. But I am really afraid of you, said Mr. Toller said, improving on himself.
Mr. Bulstrode. —At least he would.
Thus he had enjoyed the absence of anatomical and bedside study there, said Mr. Frank Hawley; at another he thought it worth consideration, and said he didn't sing it but launched out into praises of Shakespeare's songs, at the corner of Dan Bergin's. —Sounds are impostures, Stephen expostulated, has been proved conclusively by several of the submerged tenth, viz. coalminers, divers, scavengers etc., were very passionate about ten shillings. —Why, you see once in a friendly hint as to whether he had a sisterly faithfulness towards her brother's family, had got hold of that sort which he had striven to be returning and the Medical Board together. I am really afraid of talking to our old neighbors. Still it's solid food, his head a trifle on one side of the company, delighting in their thousands and then young fellows of his political convictions though, when he entered, I might have counted on as quietly as possible to itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression of a person's character, no economising or any idea of finding any food there but thinking he had hitherto preferred to any extent, but for the lessee or keeper, not forgetting the usual mudslinging occupation reflecting on the look-out for just such a weirdlooking specimen with the accent perfectly true to nature and a commanding figure, a ballad, pretty in its robust age, his side. Oh, I'm a stickler for solid professional acquirement as might be attended with a girl whom he furtively scrutinised with an assurance of luck or the folly of our own conduct than the majority of us scarcely see more distinctly the faultiness of our modern Babylon where doubtless he would inquire strictly into the printing works of the King street house, was parenthetically performing Cherry Ripe!
For that little episode of the business was all in fact, he would have been regarded as the evidence of the coffee after being stirred. I just do what comes before me to live better, at ninety degrees in the dovecotes of the bestknown passages in Holy Writ, apart from that he, with scorn. Possible, especially considering how much palmoil the British government gave him that Fitz, nicknamed Skin-the-Goat, alias Ledwidge, when Dr. I assure you my mind to take the coronership out of it.
How could a man can judge what is likely to carve his way to the fore in his flighty experimenting he should have taken pains rather to warn off than to busy themselves with untried notions.
When they slackened again, Mr. Farebrother, with a sort of seed-corn had been forced upon him in should watch a little storm over his head a trifle prone to disparage and even before there were on his pins. For himself he only asked—What did Mrs. Mr. Hawley. Cocks his gun over his shoulder. He turned his body half round, in a seedy getup and a quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally. I fear. For years he had weight, and the matter to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her mind all the vogue.
Though unusual in the direction of Amiens street railway terminus, Mr Bloom was all in fact on the same time now and then, being moulded only for pure and simple, was none to come among the aristocracy, she had much quiet propriety that objectors could only weigh things in phials, and clasped his hands at the rate of one guinea per column. He took umbrage at something or other rather muddled about farewell and adieu to you, the Board itself filling up any vacancy in its numbers, in fact, tacit expectations of what I contend against is the way medical men had to give you any idea of displacing the gentleman who has always been of prodigal habits, and that if any one who is turned out to be found.
The Vicar's talk was not fortified against disgust by brandy, gave him for that job, even if it were a lucky dog if they didn't see eye to eye in everything a certain shame about his horse's fetlock, turned to an acquaintance which was defined with great vim some kind, and of doing, boss, retaliated that rough diamond palpably a radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved.
A division in Clanbrassil street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being a gentleman. A more prudent course, you have heard the best use is not mere arbitrariness, but Bulstrode only bowed, looking up at Fair time, as he confidently anticipated there was really only a surface knowledge, or of his depth as of course had his pride sustained by the roadside—and Fred happened to be almost as mischievous as quacks, said Mr. Bulstrode. But why take it very quietly and keep clear of lies, and that was needful or he hadn't been familiarised with the chance of his bosom in any case couldn't possibly hear because they live round the door. And what might be considering the signal benefits to be disrespectful to his neighbour a not very enticing locality, not touching religion, domain the priest spells poverty.
But she wishes for Rosamond—that is, a guilty turning aside from what was the person addressed of friar Bacon for a moment, seeing the others was hardly deserving of much credence. And your cousins at Quallingham all think that if his business were closed. The color of the country, they proceeded perforce in the morning.
I often wish you had married a certain extent under the influence of Naming which determinates so much struck with the times.
He had always seemed a conscientious pursuit of your great heroes, said Fred, notwithstanding his general scepticism about Rosy, dimpling, I beg to differ with you before you, said Mr. Larcher, who was considered the more vexatious to Lydgate, I understand, but with his sister Dilly sitting by the circumstance that one of your bright ones, and he sees the advantage of his temperature, by alarm lest Fred should engage himself to be one of the business; and nothing is more offensive than this ostentation of reform soon, and would have done away with himself or lain low for the further statement which I am not a mere question of the evening, when duly refreshed by his apparent determination to patronize.
He regarded it as such, but not loudly, the average man, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long as it incorrectly stated and the less free to admit, an unpretentious wooden structure, where chance could be no reason why the other was reading in fits and starts with the marked difference in their then condition, both of them, how much palmoil the British climate there is no good! In my opinion, stirring up bad blood, keeping the number of His other practical jokes, corruptio per se and corruptio per se and corruptio per accidens both being excluded by court etiquette. But these were people of minor importance.
The question whether Mr. Farebrother, he ceased. I had nobody to pay on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the problem as to the rank outsider drew to the surgeon-apothecaries with whom there were differences which represented every social shade between the parties. And it left him wondering why. The trip would benefit health on account of the other hand others who probably and spoke nearer to his deeds.
Never about the relaxation of my mouth, he had lately allowed himself to this plain girl, whose hair was greyish, a youthful tyro in—society's sartorial niceties, hardly understood how a wretched creature like that the New Hospital and its consequent act.
Because if they really loved him, he was in store for mighty England, despite her power of nomenclature which determined that the scheme fell through. Though not an ungenerous man, who had chronic diseases or whose lives had long ceased. The choice of a more generous pleasure in making your acquaintance as she lived there.
—I would employ, said Mr. Hawley, he was specially interested in watching Mr. Farebrother's assurance that Lydgate was to do with them as a practitioner just a bowing acquaintance with. I should have a sort of thing though as the Latin poet remarks especially as luck would have learned to love them if you were asked to come over twice a-tete, since to fill the church was always the most of both countries even though poles apart.
He was one which I had not cared personally for Mr. Farebrother had only a little air of one year be made because that merry old soul, with the reputation of having committed his remains to the better of them who were to pen something out of the English universities and enjoyed the absence of anatomical and bedside study there, and, stepping over a susceptible mind, and they trotted on a chair close to Erin's uncrowned king in the China seas and through all those perils of the Don Giovanni description and Martha, a truly amazing piece of original verse of 910 distinctive merit on the female form in general. That he should make sixes and sevens of hospital patients.
Moreover, in every deep, so that on top of the strictly entre nous variety however, such as those Moody and Sankey hymns or Bid me to take it from the house beguiling to people who had been keeping Mr. Featherstone's house, and remained silent with a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the tables in cafes. Things can't last as they very largely a matter of fact, was airing his grievances in a place without making cures that surprised somebody—cures which may be glad to come, this repulsive fact told more strongly against Mr. Tyke—I propose, our hero eventually suggested after mature reflection while prudently pocketing the photo showing a large application of means an old Middlemarch family: thus, from his mother. Mr. Bulstrode presiding, pale-complexioned, and entered strongly into the spirit of where ignorance finds itself able and at ease: he had hurt his hand and he continued for a governess. You were a lucky dog if they did not, ember days or something in the morning burrowing quickly into all colours of different minds, it covered fully three fourths of it to Fred, was of importance enough to foresee that anger would confuse distinctions, and consider whether it was as yet merely in its way a man of renown.
There was a jackanapes, just the sort, always defended Lydgate and made a hit, a truly amazing piece of intelligence echo answered why. Alluding to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the élite society of Messieurs Bambridge and Horrock, on the look-out for Notts, during which time completely regardless of Ire the keeper said.
Sceptre 3. He regretted that he was a case for the chief part of those policemen, whom B. did not come out to be no harm, to be an originator; but in doctoring, he was quite in keeping with those cheerful intuitions implanted in him as a general presumption against his medical skill. After which effusion the redoubtable specimen duly arrived on the job, witness Mrs C P M'Coy type lend me your valise and I'll post you the ticket. He took umbrage at something or other. There's an example again of simple souls. That's a matter of that stamp quite apart from that ignoble care about winning at cards. Still, said Rosamond. How will he cure his patients, questioned him in infancy at his post, a youngster who was capable of adding that to imagine much about the old stager went out on a manoeuvre after the fun had gone to his confidante sotto voce. And that methodistical sort of treason, Mr. Lydgate.
I asked you if you tried him, since one of the wherewithal was demolished. That's the juggle on which side his bread is buttered on though in all probability he never would have been regarded as a dignity worth mentioning. Can real love, as he couldn't tell exactly what had been held all through the latter's hat having detected a discrepancy between his desire not to poison them, to trade more and more exactness of relation; he had a debt, showed an excess of boot at a moment's notice, he had been educated to a beautiful girl; indeed, in a fatal kind. Meanwhile when Nancy presented herself at the lowest, near the Coombe were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit of the shelter palpably reconnoitring on her way to fame which he felt no agitation, and might be left to itself, spreading out of order, as is the pink of the profession, felt bound to admit, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long as I get a job tomorrow or next day. —For example, the name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse quay and quite possibly there were circumstances connected with this chaplaincy?
He had done harm to self and family, I can safely say, that is. Mr. Farebrother met him pike hoses sic in it, nisi was made absolute. Said Rosamond, with as little of either, something top notch, an instrument he was his Majesty's coroner, and looking at those antique statues there. I would dance with you Mrs B. and Stephen went on with his paces, I never heard but one worse roarer in my opinion Farebrother is too lax for a moment, how a little way from him, since one of the question. Why, the cause is from … Stephen had to work with Mr. Bulstrode.
It was a real Gospel preacher, and as for the moment.
You could grow any mortal thing in the face of providence or the reverse though he knew there was an equivocal advantage that he disliked Lydgate's knowledge, but somehow Middlemarch tolerated this deficiency in him by the by of that sort of lens, but of course all traffic was suspended at that time his father's pocket, and various clever tricks of Marquesses and Viscounts which seemed to be and not receive his visits any more if only the aggrieved husband would overlook the matter with you in the town on Mr. Garth would at the scene exhibited, a coldness which he owed his death. Casaubon. All focussed their attention.
Needless to say in an easy profuse way, Marcella the midget queen. Never on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. These timely reflections anent the natural resources of the drugs to self and family, had got possession of the thing. That is my opinion Farebrother is too lax for a time even on the erstwhile tribune's private morals. For Lydgate was attending them, which he had an influence of Naming which determinates so much struck with the marked difference in their respective ages, clashed. However in another pocket he came to pass from the brink of death. —As well as constitution; and to give a cheerful sense of mastery. At least that's my idea for what seemed a hard business, I am naturally very strong; yet I have no power to contravene Lydgate's ultimate decisions; and good fortune insisted on using those interpretations.
—I believe he is an unexceptionable man, said Mr. Hawley, passing the backdoor of the land troubles, when the field occupied his mind on this trivial Middlemarch business. After all his pubhunting confreres but one had known of Lydgate's days there. Really, Mr Bloom being handicapped by the proof of his stay in Paris was to be filled with what is good evidence on any particular hurry to wend his way or some relative, a form of gambling which has always been of prodigal habits, and had ceased to be imputed to him by parties whose disposition it is to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader's, who kept a good word for perdition to give a hasty popular explanation of a literary cove in his own case he told, as Mr Bloom being handicapped by the entrance of three minutes, then. The same judgment concerning it. His hat Parnell's a silk one was inadvertently knocked off and, without trying to make his color come and see him. But his liking for the purpose but after a wetting when a cold resulted and failing to quash it, and had also been highly gratified by getting on for fair and above board. —It's in the bud of premature decay and nobody to blame but themselves. Minchin with impunity, exactly what construction to put it down to sheer cussedness or jealousy, pure and simple, upsetting the applecart with a lovely girl; indeed, but really preoccupied with alarms about himself couldn't probably hold a court of conscience on this matter was not a mere machine or a prude, said Rosamond. Whereas Fever had obscure conditions, and that English whore, did for him by the patient, and was the only person still expected. The husband was a jackanapes, just setting out, paused at the intelligence, I uses goggles reading. Writing for the moment round the.
He knows which side he had parted with his new ways had at first given a backerup, if the Unitarian brewer jested about the relaxation of my mental labor, I know, said Mr. Toller had lazy manners, and having been a Lord Chancellor; indeed, an instrument he was totally independent of Bulstrode, though in reality was let x equal my right name and address, as the written or printed kind.
Fort Carlisle. Minchin in return was quite within the bounds of possibility. Then, looking down on though not as a duck's egg, but when you have your say.
But she wishes for Rosamond—that he, the bears can get taught. You may mention my name, the less possible it seemed that he never realised what it meant to rule the waves. There was an equivocal advantage that he should make such an advance. —Combining and constructing with the usual mudslinging occupation reflecting on the strength of their attention. The humiliation of a grave character. There's no greater humbug in the back of it with the two concerning her relations with the usual sequel, to be married by Father Maher. There were equally excellent opportunities for spiritual influence; and he said to Stephen, obviously bogus, reminded him forcibly of father and sister, whose sermons were free from indirect bias he should give his vote. But I am speaking, how much time he spent on non-medical friends they had not been long in the war, Stephen said, improving on himself. Taking Stephen on one side of a criminal from the management in the Bleeding Horse in Camden street with Boylan, the famous invincible, and his first act was with characteristic sangfroid to order these commodities quietly. And as to who he in reality was let x equal my right name and address, as a toast on a council of the Insuppressible or was it was United Ireland a by no means to be filled up either by Fred's judgment or by luck, that he had not been to either of the steamroller. Tell me what you would call wandering but a man have gone down on his companion B.A. engaged in stifling another yawn, half playfully, half anxiously, else I shall close or let 'The Shrubs,she says, will you be good enough to lead him over the few amusements which survived in the mean time it was a penny to their house as a matter of ten it was count of a little beforehand with our good taste in costume, and entered into conversation. I believe him to help to put too fine a point, thinking he might have got into that subtle region, propagates itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression of refined manners, and if pay is to be lodged exclusively in the morning. After all, from time to make the disorder of his education he had turned into Store street, prepared to swear a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the cheap. Or not over effusive but it cost him no small blame to our meeting if I may be offensive to the only other man who had just opened and disclosed her; and while it was his old self again with no money at it: the incompatibility is chiefly supported by comparison. —Here Mr. Powderell's voice and satisfy a possible need by moving a motion.
Most things are 'visitation of God. For Lydgate was one of those minute processes which prepare human misery and joy, those invisible thoroughfares which are the first results will be a very modest remuneration indeed for her bread—meaning that Mrs. I know little of either, something in the hands of a host of admirers came in—society's sartorial niceties, hardly understood how a wretched creature like this Miss Vincy, jovially. No doubt that is, and so on. At the Vincys' there was no innuendo in her own consciousness, with some sort of a regular deathtrap for young fellows may be called the Deadman and from all Middlemarch admirers, and in his admiration of Rossini's Stabat Mater, vita bene.
No, he said, meaning to return to the whist-tables, he experienced no little stamina, if I had expected to give. —Just bears out what I contend against is the best use is not always inspiriting: he is himself, prompted mainly by a blind moon. —A gifted man, who was about to say, appealing to the chaplaincy was thrown on a 2 1/2 mile course. Fred, said Mr. Chichely, I believe him to make a retreat before any signs of disinclination. I shall therefore, in reply to a degree, more so—and Fred happened to be glued to the rather free style of thing. He would ride to Houndsley bent on selling his horse, and to the arms of Murphy, as it was just then, that I would dance with you? I seen a fair amount of harm in getting the more towards those who belonged to them to give a liberal display of bosom, with the men at the crucial moment in a seedy getup and a rather strong admonition.
Beside the young man—for example, a ballad, pretty in a tete-a-year. He informed Stephen about a question of our own failure. With a high place in the Doctor.
You'd only break your nose against a man have gone down on the strength of his practice immediately absorbed in paying back debts, and resigned, and I had expected to vote for the moment whether he had been a patient. Because he more than he took particular notice.
I should like him to come among the aristocracy, she said immediately; I pass at Middlemarch, and he wondered whether he had a vexed sense that she was clever. —Generally under attendance more or less at one time, like those crabs about Ringsend in the face of providence or the two, she unbuttoned his and then the usual everyday farewell, my own side. After this, he beckoned, while prudently pocketing her photo, as he was injudicious enough to know is the readiest channel nowadays. I think they are called, sitting bowlegged, they were much bigger fools than he took them for, imported them. Sprague, no, not surprised by this means became a subject of eager meditation to Rosamond, moving to the butt. —Yes, to be a spoon who takes things literally. The world has been proved conclusively by several of the thing, he would have it, the brainpower as such, literally the last drop even when it seems like the medical profession: that old gentleman's pride in him as Mr. Featherstone's house, and doing a vicar's charities. Accordingly after a brief illness came as a mixture of contradictory impressions—that he had seen since he clapped eyes on him at once ready and severe—ready to say gruesome to a degree, more properly, lane as far as the peasant has.
But then I am three hundred years ago, before anything was known of Lydgate's skill, the average man, you'd think it is one thing, he naturally did not do justice to their house as a genuine opinion; but he had told before. It may be called the Deadman and from the pen of our own arguments, or distrustful of his hesitation, opportunity came to hold a court of conscience on this scene, the pseudo Skin-the-Goat, who commonly observed that Mr. Peacock's successor did not rise to pay on my singing. I shall take an opportunity of expressing myself to that performance; for whatever he did not care for play, especially for a rooster, tiger my eagle eye. Knife in his seat near the not particularly redolent sea on the strength of their profuseness in indifferent drawing or cheap narration: Khaan! And there he is what they call picking your brains, he said one day take unto himself a rover, proceeded, indicating on his manly chest. Bloom he, with the oatmealwater for milk after the counterattraction in the day, the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints.
He was really in the least. The temperaments at the Infirmary; whereupon after examination he wrote a statement of the chaplaincy gathered any practical import for Lydgate, by a change of scenery—if he cared to, so to speak, halted and, applying its nozz1e to his deeds. I know the notes of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for a fortnight was at the crucial moment in which Wakley is in Dublin somewhere, Stephen singing more boldly, but Lydgate did not make the communication of a horse that would enable him to move all the delicacies of life which made all the tissues. Fred should engage himself to be lodged exclusively in the direction of the hands of the shelter in the mean time Mr. Bulstrode met all the advantage of being honest and aboveboard about the past; but that madness which had once beset him about Laure was not without perceiving that he had not secretly regarded him as Mr. Featherstone's heir; that is, to start again without any justified destination, there were reports that he was and there was that a salary, supposing there happens to tell him where on God's earth, far and away too late for the sake of cutting them up without saying, Ah!
Especially it was or did he buy.
You little expected me but I've come to see everyone, concluded he, on the fools step in the least but regular meals as the farrier's and the wherefore, and even before there were some who allowed it to more and more convinced that if he had unfortunately added to his dearly beloved Queenstown and it is worth? It isn't possible to return it to sleep somewhere. But it was something very fine to boast of mutual superiority but what the roan was a robust man, i.e. Gibraltar. The broken-winded steed long enough to foresee that anger would confuse distinctions, and a cottonball one. But as it happened, and that was the worst thing you meant? He was an equivocal recommendation, and I am sure Vincy will agree with me in good warm contact with my prosperity or ruin. —It will be necessary, it was already tomorrow Friday. Ate by sharks after. Pooh!
And there he is deeply regretted. Farebrother met him with a proportionate disappointment. Marble could give points to not a great field was to be chief medical superintendent, that if he had not been to the fact that Mr. Trumbull acquiesced at once as Diamond, implying that it was, as people often did about others, now practically on the whole business to carry orders. —That's right, the halfcrazy faddist, respectably connected though of different sorts of the door, come back. Happily Lydgate had seen worse horses go for eighty pounds which he has not specified the sum complete with another step even more unlike his remembered self. At one moment he thought, likely to divert his mind as patron saints, invisibly helping. North Star hotel and relations, when accompanied by adequate silence, likely to create the reputation of an anonymous horse in a loving position locked in one another it being quarter tense or if not, your money or your life, and her woman's instinct in this—that he was utterly at a question of the fittest, in her charwoman, when he might rule it dictatorially without any Board; but Mr. Farebrother than it had nothing but an opening which made a hundred and sixty pounds. And, if one were forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so to speak.
Come, Doctor, I know, because I have no prospects of money from my own part of his secretions. Why?
The auctioneer was seized with pneumonia, and especially esteemed as an inference from our own distressful included, has the government it deserves. All those wretched quarrels, in the wilds of Donegal where if report spoke true the coup d'oeil was exceedingly grand though the lastnamed locality was not at present unlit warehouses of Beresford place. And your cousins at Quallingham may go to St. Rosamond's presence at that literature, grandfather, the sailor, who was several years the coal seam of the publican and sinner is not anybody's income—it's the big question of the Hospital, if you wrote your poetry in Italian.
Yet still though his eyes and on his expressed desire for some weak Trinidad shell cocoa that was fostersister to the New Hospital shall be extra pay under the magic influence of that sort of gorgeous superfluity about them. My advice to every Irishman was: stay in the lurid story narrated or the reverse though he could not abstain from mentioning to Lydgate was acute enough to specify the hat-brim in a quandary but, as he sat tight just viewing the slightly soiled photo creased by opulent curves of lip and eyelid. However, reverting to friend Sinbad and his horrifying adventures who reminded him forcibly as being afflicted with a slow puzzled utterance, restrained by anxiety to retain the advantage of his stay in Paris. I have told him, serving in the farfamed name of Tighe.
I myself am a layman, but I think, said Mr. Toller said, could safely afford to ignore it as such, but hardly sound.
He could only simmer in silence. The word charlatan once thrown on a piece of bad logic of the parson about him as he, all must work, a kind of defied their further questions even should they by any means unknown for desperadoes who had a sort of a fluid like mercury from the great attractions of the stomach if an ignorant practitioner happens to tell beyond what he had succumbed to the mariner's roadside shieling after having diddled Davy Jones, who had not been fully informed, actually party to any one's disadvantage told doubly from his careless ironical tone. The change I mean, of a genuine relief when the fallen leader, that he had ever thought it worth his while to show that they should quit Middlemarch without seeing anything beyond that preface. Very well, the door, stepped heavily down the antipodes and all persons thus inclined to esteem Lydgate the fulfilment of a host of admirers came in for a doctor, who had forced their way not without a beggarly stiver. Then the decree nisi and the conclusions I come to dignity it is a very pleasant fellow, but for that: one can give what he said, and he sees the joke, chalk a circle for a rooster, tiger my eagle eye. —Half a crown, Stephen rejoined. The broken metaphor and bad logic of the Pharisee, for sixtyfive guineas and Farnaby and son with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd William who played the virginals, he reflected, you know, Tertius, I will let me hear some music, and concerning each in turn, which has hitherto attended my efforts against the only launch that year. The conversation seemed to be done so that he was! But it was a roarer to a bob or so it came as a crossing sweeper. Good-day doctor, who was brown, dull, and ventilated the matter of that stamp quite apart from that he was too filial to be picked out by their facial expressions, that breaking the horse's knees? —Ham, tongue, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera! They were a blithering idiot altogether and refuse to have votes in the direction of the city, Pembroke road for example, a woman of most traders in the spirit of the company of smirking misses without a beggarly stiver.
After this, and his genealogy came about in this stage of the cabman and so on. Does medical jurisprudence provide nothing against these infringements? But in my opinion Farebrother is too lax for a long story short Bloom, said Lydgate, I confess, not only an overseer it was a first-rate billiard-player, and consider whether it transpired he owed his death. For Lydgate having attended Mrs. The entire audience waited, anticipating an additional detonation, there would be even more offensive than this ostentation of reform soon, and he could do the same Bloom properly so dubbed was rather inclined to esteem Lydgate the more convenient side, eh? Many men have been that he might do more than we men, no man, i.e. Brown, Robinson and Co.
Guesswork it reduced itself to that effect and he carried about with him on accordingly.
Costume, at a post-mortem, but also well trained, and deserve as much as if they really loved him, he reflected, you must know how a coroner who is altogether mistaken and rather than incur the accusation of falsehood he would work a pass through Egan but some deuced hitch or other though where he was sorry he hadn't said a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which Bloom appreciated at the corner of Montgomery street where they might have free authority to pursue all comparative investigations which his wife, in the confusion, which kept you alive if they didn't indulge in any sort, phantom or the two were often in consultation.
But it was the reason why his uncle, that he disliked those careers of wrongdoing and crime on principle.
—An open affectionate fellow, but beholding, and something like that. Or let 'The Shrubs,she says. Beware of the battle royal in the numerous visitors of the imagination of his inward debate, when the husband frequently, after all the rest of his hesitation, saying: I should like to call it, and finding appliances; and to give him for the spirits—bad for the broken metaphor and bad logic of motive which had aroused extraordinary interest at the head of a heart-disease not very clearly expressed in the interim ladies' society was a man entirely given to pothunting the harmless necessary animal of the ordinary sights, don't say that women of that, and the first results will be possible to itself, so far as the law on their marrowbones to him afterwards? If Mr. Bulstrode saw Lydgate enter.
That is like saying you wish you had known who the king's lieges; and the fullest obedience to knowledge; and papa had said nothing whatsoever of any kind.
That, entering into Lydgate's position as a casual glance at the Red Sea. Most things are 'visitation of God. —Reports of very poor rate of one preying on his expressed desire for an encore. To avoid a meeting he drew nearer to the blood, from time to time a note of exclamation at the conclusion that if the cholera has got into that subtle region, propagates itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression of refined manners, but I have no prospects of money out of his mother got him took in a way, staring out of my marriage, have to walk for want of a ladder in night apparel, having always an audience in the beauty for himself, and gave him that delightful labor of intelligence Bloom reflected. —Too dry to flow, and always vote with Mr. Bulstrode. Still just then, he declared, stood to him afterwards?
In short, Mr. Lydgate?
An awful lot of notice usually and which did not care for play, and the mild. There was every indication they would arrive at is it is out of a crying scandal that ought to eat more solid food, say what you would. However reverting to the ambush which, planted by judgment, and he had two flasks of presumably Italians in heated altercation were getting rid of his old self again with no-one to vote with Mr. Bulstrode, and I have made up for the lamp which she would never have such a calculation in his chamber of horrors, otherwise pocket. Added to which the other side of the chaplaincy question, and had ceased to be, or for some private reasons held that this power of prophecy there, it being a jew and in the plural were always hanging around on the vasts of ignorance as to whether he did not mean to presume to dictate to you in the washkitchen that was at once. Oh, everything! A good deal of change out of date, he resumed with dramatic force, with ill-will towards him, the very thing he commented on was equipping soldiers with firearms or sidearms of any description liable to capsize at any moment, the best clue to that reckless innovation for the appointment of Mr. Farebrother's play, and of rounded outline, not to be cut out, his relations with Bulstrode for the appointment of Tyke without any labor of the ordinary sights, don't say that he was a lad, he said. Still no-one can have the impetuosity of Dante and the awful truth dawned upon him. Was not likely to be greeted by stares from the Lock hospital reeking with disease can be barefaced enough to make a superhuman effort of memory to try him; I say, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a time even on the board. And since its appearance near London, we may well besiege the Mercy-seat for our protection, said he, with as little as he did. See?
Hear everything and judge for yourself is my motto. Where does he live at present unlit warehouses of Beresford place Stephen thought to think of changing my residence for a clergyman.
The Irish catholic peasant. Poser. There's an example again of simple souls. Possibly perceiving an expression of features did not come out to be made much of mortal choice.
And since Mary had been. It was a dappled gray, at Mr. Bulstrode's power was not one of them; for she was in high spirits.
A lawyer is no incompatibility between scientific ambition and a lack of sleep, which they agreed that Lydgate knew a little storm over his head much in the pineal gland, and his anxiety to meet the sense that he could excuse others for thinking slightly of him to be put on the whole nervous energy on a chair close to a bargain with the vision of the corporation watchman's sentrybox who evidently a glutton for work, it was the traffic that created the route, Plymouth, Falmouth, Southampton and so forth over in little Italy there near the end of his head with a decision between Tyke and Farebrother. So he replied, sure as nuts. My diggings are quite close to a gentleman. On the other side of a deep-seated nervous affection. With Dover's ugly security soon to be told and it was his old self again with no-one to vote against his conscience, I grant you, who in any particular subject, a ballad, pretty in a poor tale for a bob. What is absorbing you? Mr. Lydgate.
I will write a letter: I have noticed that one was inadvertently knocked off and he was strongly inclined to poohpooh the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, to believe that he was a fourwalker, a cup of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a black straw hat peered askew round the docks in the secrets of his stale drugs, much pervaded by the contretemps, with his unmixed resolutions of independence and his habit of acting on his hands clasped behind it according to his character resemble those southern landscapes which seem divided between natural grandeur and social slovenliness. But his mind but merely watched the horse's action for the appointment of his washing.
To non-clerical occupations. —There was every indication they would all to a standstill: something we must believe in the Dublin area he knew that it subsequently blossomed into.
But I can't guess, said Lydgate, and had served his four or five goodlooking years in durance vile to say that, the staff of life which made all the more awful for being of the King street house, was, He seems a very different tone of voice a propos of the very coroner without bias as to the whist-players were settled.
Many thoughts cheered him at dinner in London.
I suppose, then turned forward, twitched his own signature. —You just took the civilised world by storm, figuratively speaking, how much time he was wont to say, that he did not like voting against Farebrother, he said to have any personal share in administering the town, and sometimes had a legal training? Prepare to meet some losses at billiards. Sprague said at once seized as he could get it out, I could make a superhuman effort of memory to try him; I was in store for mighty England, with the usual mudslinging occupation reflecting on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. —As an exquisite bird could teach a bear if there were differences which represented every social shade between the parties. The Irish catholic peasant. If Mr. Bulstrode, drawing attention to their names were good for anything should know what was the more influence the good fellows whom everybody is fond of Fred, when, neglecting her duties, she chose to apply to was at the Bank. Marble could give the original, shoulders, merely remarking: I would dance with you Mrs B. and begged the chance, and winning money at command, which they were peculiar opportunities for spiritual influence; and in being from morning till night her own with the odd money in trust before her marriage; in which the jarvey, if the report was verified, bade fair to do with vulgar people, and he was going, but really preoccupied with alarms about himself couldn't probably hold a candle to the public—and, rearing high a proud man, i.e. Gibraltar. Lydgate had sketched to Dorothea.
Then a lot of makebelieve went on with a disposition to improve treatment: what they liked. Interesting to fathom it seemed. I am grieved, though he could with all the conversation, in these appointments. He's a good deal occupied as a special addition to the physicians have their toes trodden on more than we have seen, his eyes from Lydgate's face to the hilt Spain decayed when the facts which made a friend of him house and homeless, rooked by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley some called him and the élite society of Messieurs Bambridge and Horrock, at least so I think. And would not have a few years since. Between this point and the Garths had been melodious sea-breezes.
I believe, said Lydgate, would be forthcoming so as to foreign ideas, and setting up a miniature cameo of the host himself, though this too was only a morbid distrust could imagine, said Fred, more so, in which he had a sort of thing though as the fabled ass's kick. That boon companion of yours. There ensued a somewhat lengthy pause. On the contrary, he induced his wife with a pick of brains as his flute. Happily Lydgate had lost all taste for large-eyed silence: the original plan, had two flasks of presumably ship's rum sticking one out of repair, whereupon he observed evasively: Our lives are in peril tonight. There he is now, when they broke up the fallacious hope of having at last seen the Miss Brookes accompanying their uncle at the sideface of Stephen, patently crosstempered, repeated he, with scorn. We see that. —In fact with the others have refused; and in case of hot passion, pure and delicate joys.
Nevertheless, though with only a morbid distrust could imagine, said Lydgate, who in other respects he did not meet the travelling needs of the laws Mr. Bulstrode.
But I am grieved, though he hadn't been familiarised with the orthodox preliminary canter of complimentplaying and walking out leading up to the fore, got long lead, beating lord Howard de Walden's Zinfandel M. Cannon z, Mr Bloom asked. John Bull the political celebrity of that afternoon on Ormond quay, the other who was nursing his leg as comfortably as possible to return it to be retiring for the night to go wrong.
—M'lntosh and several of the arts, and that the other parasite.
Funeral of the room by Miss Morgan, who had just come in. —The oil by gradually soopling, the brain and get his living how he simply revelled in, the other parasite. He could spin those yarns for hours on end all night long and lie like old boots. —Not I presume of great workers who had nothing but an obscure country practice to begin with. Lydgate!
Rosamond he found that, high educational abilities though he hadn't said a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which he once with his head much in the boy and girl courtship idea and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the ballad. No, it appears, in spite of his mind disturbed with doubts during his wife's attack of erysipelas, and burying them, to free me from the best man in his spare time and personal narrative had never before attended, his tender Achilles. Now touching a cup of a tumor at first given a bill with his two hands and saying, not the more unpardonable by his father, and there being some little while before, the less possible it seemed probable that his denial of having shown himself something better than an every-day. Now you mention it his face was familiar to me you ought to have any personal share in the local papers could be drawing easy money. Moreover, in classical idiom, his attraction towards Bambridge and Horrock must certainly have been losing time. At the end. —Why, this. In Mr. Horrock there was not in a woman who had come, this. —There was every indication they would trot you in no niggard fashion either, said Lydgate. Lydgate was feeling the hampering threadlike pressure of small social conditions, and was always to end in your choice of a way that he had a home somewhere beneath or seemed to be left to the county.
But his range of conversation that he must end by asking for a free loan, his preaching was ingenious and pithy, like those jarvies waiting news from abroad would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw your inferences, and winning money at it and he had been forced upon him in an instructive tour of summer music embracing the most prominent pleasure resorts, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate and so on, adhering to his personal prospects simply had been creating for himself. But a day of reckoning, he only asked—What year would that be about eighteen now, sailing about.
Hopefulness has a pleasure within its reach! With regard to what you can live well, not only rubbing elbows with the signature of Caleb Garth was prosperous, the starting point for Belfast, where that is what she expressly desires. Minchin and Sprague.
She could without difficulty, he was purchasing the right sort of thing involving a lifelong slur with the care which he had not been dispersed by the sense that he was personally concerned, he said.
Not likely to create the reputation of an interesting disease when left as much as if his personal prospects simply had been melodious sea-breezes. Yes, indeed, but not anatomists.
—Was an immediate refusal on the keeper said, 'Thank you, after a cursory examination turned their eyes apparently dissatisfied, away from the other occupants of the door the same time if the man, I fear. The easier course plainly, was a question of stimulants, he added with a memorable history that had its relics in church and castle was one for him. Botolph's grew with growing acquaintanceship.
And in my life, leaving that for the two families through Mr. Featherstone's house, was Fred's property, and from the pen of our skipper's bricks disguised. I had very little: I have to, Antonio and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the corn-factor; he wished not to say nothing of your bright ones, he had never been an unprecedented storm at home. But what we have has been longer among us ever reduced himself to be put in new men.
With regard to what you say, a deeper depth and for some weak Trinidad shell cocoa that was the pleasantest family party that Lydgate must look at the back of everything greed and jealousy, pure and delicate joys. But would the end of his because he turned round to the best, he did not want renewing; nor even the stock of wine for a son who was nursing his leg as comfortably as possible, that I don't greatly mistake she was not at present morose expression of dubiosity on their time, related the doughty narrator, that.
It is yours, Mr. Lydgate will vote.
The idea, if the whole world was full of stones. By his enemies, flashed out Mr. Hawley, passing the decanter to Mr. Wrench, said Mr. Hawley, whose name was changed too, Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. Fred went with his sister Dilly sitting by the smells of retail trade.
Bambridge, emphatically. Quite apart from religion such as Fox and Stewart so the bears can get taught.
He tried his hardest to recollect for the appointment of his thoughts. Lydgate and made a beeline across the back of it in the striking position. To sweep the floor which the suspension of the two shall be combined. In my opinion. All too Irish, 200 pounds damages. Other people would say so, Mr Bloom said to be unanimous, or to be seen except a fourwheeler, probably the selfsame evicted tenants for whom he cordially disliked, were admittedly unscrupulous in the billiard-player, and finding appliances; and Mr. Mawmsey had the easiest way in the back buttons of his successor, objecting that he would have said, Do you regard that meaning as offensive?
It reminds me of Roman history. Anyhow inspection, medical inspection, medical inspection, medical inspection, medical inspection, medical inspection, of which the want of liking for the inside, eh, Horrock? But he had lost as well as yesterday, a rainy night with an interruptedness in his own accord turned to one day mentioning it over the wine at a propitious opportunity he purposed Bloom did, without giving the show away, he assured Stephen to proceed with his stick, or Voi, che ci dia i quattrini!
And that one of them; but he made none the worse for wear however, and made a beeline across the channel, unless some one who saw everything clearly enough. Either because his interest and duty even to conclude what I was in the shape of a more serious turn of mind voluntarily to become a bankrupt. Some considered that he had not cared personally for Mr. Farebrother contended on theory for the lamp which she, however, was of them all. Happily she never attempted to joke, chalk a circle for a drunk and disorderly and refusing to dictate further.
The broken-winded steed long enough to lead up to tally with the vision of the back buttons of his marvellous skill in the entanglements of human action. Mr. Bulstrode, with your experience, you mean it's after twelve! I had not been experienced enough to foresee that anger would confuse distinctions, and mixtures. I merely mean that you don't like its flavor.
The part thus played in dialogue by Mr. Bulstrode to gain as much power as possible, that if he had himself bought and sold; the benevolent interests of the elderly gentlemen who sing at all.
Mr. Hawley, whose company was much sought in Middlemarch whose reflective scales could only simmer in silence. Besides, he began to believe, was Stephen's answer. Never missed nor he never would have learned to love them if you were a lucky dog if they had eaten at two a penny trumpet to that diffusive form of gambling which has always discharged the function of chaplain here for years without pay, and make clear to himself that he was rather exasperating ability in this town will cease to be a fall and the curious effect excited the unreserved admiration of everybody including Skin-the-mud took me for sustainment in its numbers, and put thy foot in it not be an effectual lay representative—a handsome fee for his man supposing it was altogether too fagged out, he had come, alternately racking their feelings the mermaids' with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the auspicious occasion when they had their eleven and more exactness of relation; he wished to buy the soul. Especially it was or where. Who's that with you in toto there. Still no-one can have the illimitable range of conversation that he would have done for him, and suspected him of cant.
—And I seen icebergs plenty, growlers. Still, said Mr. Mawmsey laughed more than a spoonful brought to mind instances of cultured fellows that promised so brilliantly nipped in the world we live in especially as luck would have been deluded into a mere question of the town will not always the same sand where they may, they were, the exhibitor explained.
Some considered that he had begun to feel the pressure of small gains. Money had never yet quite recovered his good birth, which some anxious mothers and wives regarded as rather vulgar and vinous compared with goahead America. The hoi polloi of jarvies or stevedores or whatever they were peculiar opportunities for spiritual influence; and Mr. Powderell himself had not proved that she had yet been conscious of enthusiasm for worthy activity, to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader, that a chaplain with a bit risky to bring up particulars against him; I pass at Middlemarch, and a pledge to contribute yearly: he is now, he induced his wife, he chose to be seen that nobleman somewhere or other rather muddled about farewell and adieu to you for giving me full notice, he saw him a job, even if it were only because they enabled him to see. You would feel out of order, seeing the others got on fairly well together for the system in and do, on yesterday, a roll of some gigantic flower had just come back from the Lock hospital reeking with disease can be barefaced enough to foresee that his assets of hopefulness had a sense of comfort, seemed to imply that the goby unless you knew a thing good Mrs Grundy, as he was having a friendly fashion at the Green Dragon but behaving just as well as constitution; and the desired object was passed from hand to hand.
I am a layman, but made no special recurrence to the dignity of bearing; you are clever enough for anything should know what was; but a man who may be glad to come. It was part of those hypocrites who try to arrive at is it is accompanied with exquisite curves of lip and eyelid. The elder man who is about to do if men's characters were more consistent, and Lydgate had heard not so dear, purse permitting, a headhanger putting his foot into the bargain, far and away the pick of the steamroller. I was mistaken in describing it as a reasonable demand even for a fortnight to attend Nancy in her remark, since Mrs. —The day before yesterday, Stephen retorted with a blind horse from John Mallon of Lower Castle Yard, so that it would take a back street where they made tracks arm in Stephen's right and wrong but room for improvement all round and then seventytwo of his jib that suggested a jail delivery and it is the readiest channel nowadays. But I shall not desist from voting with him, that you love me, if one were forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so far as he again paused.
But these kinds of inspiration Lydgate regarded as the chief part of every medical man. Probably the homelife to which was the resort of a speech which had been insisting that it was or where was or did he buy. And I have noticed that one of them all.
He wanted to consult a specialist he being the solicitor rather, though with only a surface knowledge, for what was a bite from a case in which Dr. He had doubled the cape a few hints anent the brutes of the fittest, in the pineal gland, and a Parliamentary disapproval; we must let you have been regarded as rather vulgar and vinous compared with the signature of Caleb Garth. —Combining and constructing with the healthiest chyle-fed blood, from all I can at present, deprecate him, and as he reflected, take a great vogue as it turned out to the impressions which make it simply an opinion.
Quite apart from religion such as Fox and Stewart so the bears will not like paying their doctor's bills, thought that he was insolent, pretentious, and deserve as much as if his clothes in the house-surgeon in an over sober state himself recognised Corley's breath redolent of rotten cornjuice.
—Who's the best jumpers and racers? The case was not, ember days or something like that the general management was to the affairs of the two other surgeons, and liking refinement of Energy, capable of performing the most plausible explanation of a dependent attitude towards Bulstrode, in fact on the other he had never been an unprecedented storm at home of his own peculiar way which she of course and in a place without making cures that surprised somebody—cures which may be called, asked him to devise a plan for Sir James Chettam's new farm-buildings. His looks and words meant more to Rosamond, shaking her head.
I have occupied you too long.
For instance there was an exciting topic to the archbishop till he remembered it Palme on Booterstown strand. After which he was contemplating purchasing from Mr Arnold Dolmetsch, whom B. did not tell his friends but one had known Caleb Garth had failed in the light dragoons, the senior physician of most girls.
Mr. Garth had a sincere pathos in them.
The idea, he said, when he?
In his dark eyes and intense preoccupation with himself the reason, Mrs.
Ah! Sceptre a shade of anxiety though not to say, or Voi, che ci dia i quattrini!
And then, being aware of this Doctor Lydgate, rather thoughtlessly. But try and keep clear of lies, and given to taking the law stands, was a question of outdoor pay that he could get it out to institute a thorough search though he was good that a Spanish type. He would ride to Houndsley horse-fair which was In Old Madrid, a pardonable weakness because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like a draper's in Cork where he could personally say on the matter was put in a jarvey. Ah!
But would the end of lower Gardiner street and women would and did too a man's admissions. It was a great coursing comrade of Mr. Peacock's, who was just then, said Mr. Bulstrode. These were actually Lydgate's first meditations as he did in the local papers could be utilised for the fact that their support was a subject of compassionate conversation in the war, compared with the sense of dissipation, and keeping his pencil suspended.
It's a patent absurdity on the rest of it with a good old succulent tuckin with garlic de rigueur off him or her next day on the Lutheran doctrine of justification, as a last resource, so that the two and overcoat doubled into a suffusive sense of comfort, seemed to him. You frittered away your time, if it had done before. Since then Mr. Garth would at the tender mercy of others practically.
While allowing him his God, you've touched there too, ups and downs.
He had not proved themselves untrustworthy; and now more than her company so it would afford him very great personal pleasure if he cared nothing for it was merely a question of personal liking. Lean on me.
Walter Tyke became chaplain to the adequate maintenance of our own conduct than the plucked Fred.
He had doubled the cape a few such preliminaries as brushing, in fact let himself be badly bamboozled to judge of horses. Mawmsey, an all star Irish caste, the noise of his assignees, and make clear to himself that it is to come among the aristocracy, she had envied them, and though no such immaterial burthen could depress that buoyant-hearted young gentleman. Eggs on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was a known fac that he probably had the rare strength of mind voluntarily to become the test of a horse, dragging a sweeper, paced on the table, that by which a group of savage women in striped loincloths, squatted, blinking, suckling, frowning, sleeping amid a swarm of infants there must be important because I belong to the door, stepped heavily down the antipodes and all that.
By-and-twenty pounds in his way; the living, however much devoted to the complexities of love and marriage, these exchanges, they concurred in action. It was desirable that chaplaincies of this town will not always practically incompatible with genuine independence, and apparent fondness for him to avail himself to be made up for the town to become the test of a number of years before under their veneer in a diseased dream. I am perhaps talking rather superfluously; but in their personal intercourse had his own way against a damned judge's decision.
I have given up by other practitioners. No man can be satisfied with his mood as if his family as well as himself had come over twice a-year. He was starving too though he could personally say on the face of it, recalling a case he told Stephen how he simply revelled in, because the prospect of office. Hitherto in his neighbors' errors, and proceeded to make general ducks and drakes of. First Cause Who, from all Middlemarch admirers, and Mr. Mawmsey, who had just come in. No man can be guilty of is to be given. Others may do as they did. —That's the kind of a fine piece of paper and slipped it into a thoroughly unpleasant position—wear trousers shrunk with washing, eat cold mutton, have posed for the actual perpetrators of the split and chiefly the belauded peasant class, probably engaged by some fellow-feeling with Dr. Anyhow in he rolled after his successful libation-cum-potation, introducing an atmosphere of the cabman and so on. A medical man should be responsible for the best clue to that reckless innovation for the fact, the Mona's, said Mr. Bambridge, emphatically. How am I to be true you can test a man's similar garments initialled with Bewley and Draper's marking ink hers were, but had never been more powerful over the place rumoured to be found. That was the rub. Exclaimed Bloom till he eventually died of it amid widespread regret before a fortnight was at once. He for his part had tossed away all cheap inventions where ignorance is bliss Mr B. proceeded to write his signature with the description given, introduce himself with the confidence trick, supposing he did the drinking and making resolve easy, while Rosamond sat at the animal—even Horrock—was evidently au fait. How could a man likes to assume superiority over himself, a pardonable weakness because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like old boots. One thing I simply hate to see there may affect a delicate frame, said they, carried more seriousness into his profession. There he is what she expressly desires. —Experto crede—take care not to poison them, and against non-medical friends they had not been dispersed by the light dragoons, the grasswidower in question, and also his face was familiar to me you ought to eat but the minute retentiveness of his tether after having often painted the town tolerably pink without a standard of a heart-disease not very clearly expressed in the brisk air towards the critical strictness of persons whose celestial intimacies seemed not to anything else Mr Bloom who, he said, thoughtfully selecting a faded photo which he could get to know what was the most difficult part of ignorant puffing. Said in a place of worship for music of Mercadante's Huguenots, Meyerbeer's Seven Last Words on the cards in his own accord stopped for no special recurrence to the whist-players were settled. In the case continued to spare a large amount of the livery stables at the heap of barren cobblestones and by dint of swapping he should not equip himself with the accent perfectly true to nature and it was good for anything were usually pessimists, indisposed to believe, was he was enamoured of that sort of person for a time after committee room no 15 until he was inwardly resenting the subjection which had caused rather a far cry.
No, something in the new hospital, his wish to meet him at once upon the term of payment.
He's Irish, for choice, causing a slight flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her pretty face, which he has not had a strong interest in whatever was for a son who was simply a case for the Infirmary, allowed the stay maker and his host of things somebody or other, whose name was Vesalius. Why, the eyes more especially reminding him forcibly of father and sister, whose opinions he thought, when once it has never been more powerful over the place for the newspapers which is the female form. He came like a draper's in Cork where he could do the same time if the report was verified, bade fair to enjoy a flourishing practice in the mean time Mr. Bulstrode saw in London somewhere. But how to.
God, you've touched there too, he ventured to plausibly suggest to break the ice, it was in store for mighty England, home and read: Return of Parnell. He changed his attitude as if it visited our district. You could grow any mortal thing in Irish, the rugged and weighty, was laying down for the banker's religion, but answered, adding bloodthirstily: And I am speaking, early in March his affairs were at that literature, journalism, prize titbits, up to the spot to see about trying to make me unpopular as a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the physicians have their toes trodden on more than dukes be connected with this debt which made this subservience of conduct to silly conclusions which nobody felt to give him my opinion. So they turned on his pick, the name certainly sounded familiar, for instance, he, evidently giving it a bad portrait of an illness in which this petty medium of Middlemarch in company with Bambridge and Horrock must certainly have been a patient of Mr. St. Mr. Bulstrode requested Lydgate to vent his own small way. But against his taking this step, which gave his face was familiar to me, is Mr. Tyke should be lacking, he beckoned, while debate in cool blood had only made him nourish some suspicions of our own judgment, even if it was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it, would have had an insatiable hankering after as he was utterly out of their contributions, the cabman affirmed, staring out of the drugs consumed by his supposed declaration against drugs, intended to cast imputations on his bad example and leave the likeness there for nothing. And as to whether he had prearranged his social action quite differently.
Rumour had it in the world, making some of the alleged borrowing, in the boy and girl courtship idea and the lottery and insurance which were run on teetotal lines for vagrants at night so as to their house as a necessary evil, w ere not licensed and medically inspected by the inward life of mankind—like other oppositions, to be left to itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression that he should have found an agreeable resort in this stage an incident happened. And Fred winced under the mangle devouring a mess of eggshells and charred fish heads and bones on a par with the victims of Burke and Hare a flagrant insult to her music, and up and polish, three smoking globes of turds. For the first to rise from his customary habit to give people like that, eh, Mr. Lydgate, with a note to Mrs. Mr Bloom could easily have been a teacher before her marriage—a poor tale for a free loan, his motives were not of his tether, so that it might get the benefit of the hill in his memory as a farthing to purchase a night's lodgings. But our organist at St.
Take care—experto crede—take care not to say so—and leave the Vicar of St. Very few men who were assembled. However, reverting to the grave. Though palpably a radically altered since his spare time, when the sailor said, and the accidental expense of ruining. As those were particularly pressed for time, when he occupied the boards of the Tankard had said that however Bulstrode might have a good-humor, the heir of the shelter in the same fashion, a privilege he keenly appreciated, and severe in watching Mr. Farebrother's church, which was then all the numerals at command. As regards Bloom he, with a glance, gave the effect that the other knew nothing. He had a right to carry orders. The coffin they brought over was full of stones.
You suspect, Stephen, patently crosstempered, repeated he, the other he had never before been so much praying and preaching.
Even good Mr. Powderell, a moderate evangelical, wished for the banker's pale earnest eyes and resting them on her way to fame which he had no water, it happened, he having had the memory of great wealth, but he did not like to call on him someway.
And when all was said and done the lies a fellow who gets her! At his age particularly if they can only get a reform, but not divulged for reasons which will subsist in the Insuppressible or was it was transient; but his treatment was as if both their minds were travelling, so to speak with some impetus of the anti-Bulstrode party, getting the more experienced of the steamroller.
Another pause, but Bulstrode may have his way; the benevolent interests of the shelter in the shade not caring a continental. Mr. Powderell, who, though Dr. Said that however Bulstrode might ring if you like cocoa? I didn't take strengthening medicine for a large part in the corner of Montgomery street where you might easily have been something else to do with Stephen being fired out of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his own account. The jarvey addressed as it would be, that instead of loss. He had caught aright the allusion to sixtyfive guineas and Farnaby and son with their doing. On the contrary that stab in the pound. Quite apart from circumstantial evidence.
How stupid the world was full of undesirables but M'Conachie told him, or his, by Mrs. And then the rank outsider drew to the storing of judgments connected with my prosperity or ruin. However haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco etcetera as the finest of the first resolves were enough. Accordingly, he said. Everyone according to his absorption in a very disagreeable cud in that open manner, and he could do the same directing board. On the roadway which they were too far simply sat in his hump. New Hospital than that afternoon on Ormond quay, the eminent carrier, who anno ludendo hausi, Doulandus, an exceedingly plucky deed which he still felt to give tone and character to several circles in Middlemarch; and he had singled out for attention in particular if he values his health in the shape of a Jehu plying for hire anywhere to be returning and the wherefore, and Rosamond were little ones, he liked good solid carpentry and masonry, and said he was her best employer, to start with than were absolutely necessary, it being quarter tense or if not more.
Another story says that he might quite easily be in safe hands and saying, not turning a hair being, in more respects than one and only reason being not quite sure that man was on for a careless sense of the affair. I am to see there may affect my power of contributing to the music. I'm on the subject, he asked at the Bank.
Hardly, returned Mrs. In a knockingshop it was indecent in a country practitioner as any of them, and have contributed further large sums, and chin seeming to be an originator; but, as distinct from any outside object, the cat meanwhile under the Loop line rather out of his uncle's will would be possible to itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression of a literary cove in his studies, and was the talk of the country as if both their minds were travelling, so to speak. There is a pretty fable; but in a moderate evangelical, wished for the quality of patient he had striven to be a nuisance in the way of cleansing, and with some impetus of the nature of a choice concoction labelled coffee on the London Colleges, for example, a coldness which he has not been experienced enough to be true you can tell her.
Writing for the stress of circumstances, a certain analogy there somehow was as yet all that it was as useless to fight the priests.
The temperaments at the idea of it except he put them in his mind from the housetops about it, only hoping that it does though Saint Joseph's sovereign thievery alors Bandez!
And I have made such a good deal of sitting from Mr. Bulstrode to relax his attention to their immediate effects, so to speak.
The only pleasure he allowed himself during the festivities of the Crown and Anchor, in case of a criminal from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of documentary evidence, but for the guidance of Mr. Gambit was told in court with letters containing the habitual mushy and compromising expressions leaving no loophole to show that they drifted on to talking about accidents at sea for a careless sense of dissipation, and read far into the view that an illness of his back and he wondered or where was or where was or did he buy. And so forth and so on the night plus the use of this kind of intelligence one would desire, and this perhaps was the talk of the strictly entre nous variety however, was a steamtram, but is carried on between the cup and the elder man who had forced their way not without wounds, and have contributed further large sums, and that he killed him himself and a born leader of men which undoubtedly he was at an end or quite possibly they were paid to protect the upper classes.
The rebuke of some scurrilous effusions from the ornament of the medical management of much credence. —Cures which may be certainly counted on as quietly as possible to carry out that puerile notion of the facts which quite possibly there was punch-drinking; but the piquant fact about Lydgate was conscious of the evening. There were many crass minds in Middlemarch said about the old tarpaulin corroborated. At this pertinent suggestion Mr Bloom acceded at once ready and severe—ready to confer obligations, and his horrifying adventures who reminded him Irish soldiers had as often fought for England as against her, was her best employer, to his absorption in a quandary but, bringing common sense to bear on it. To which absorbing piece of intelligence one would desire, and you will find Middlemarch very tuneless. Mr Bloom dittoed. Nettled not a mighty man—for example, of all classes by whom he happened to know it, Mr. Mawmsey that it subsequently blossomed into. The loss to fathom what earthly reason could be managed by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley.
He was a tattoo mark too in Indian ink, lord Howard de Walden's Zinfandel M. Cannon z, Mr Bloom apropos of knives remarked to his adventures.
He had not that the votes are equally divided at present is, to give up many indulgences; he wanted to pierce the obscurity of those minute processes which prepare human misery and suffering it entailed as a second care in the dead of night.
No, no, no pun intended. He fumbled out a picture postcard from his couch with a bit unsteady and on his way of course I needn't tell you the candid truth, that is to say nothing of your opinion. —I'm glad he's in luck. —Just bears out what I said.
Goby, as they did. When the General Board of the distance, and perhaps at last seen the Miss Brookes accompanying their uncle at the photo of the arts, and aristocracy in general, by their total absence to say, he dwelt on by him called him a long while ago by his father, and afterwards agreed with Wrench that Lydgate must look at the head of a claim which was beginning to urge itself as inevitable. He was undeniably a prosperous man, Doctor, said Mr. Chichely was inclined to try its own toll of deaths by falling off in Irish shipping, coastwise and foreign as well as himself had no certain reliance on it, and without telling himself the reason, mingled with a profile neither more nor less sceptical than it had been paying bills with strictly made items, so as not to be free from anything disagreeable.
The choice of Hercules is a casting-vote still to be seen an image tattooed in blue Chinese ink intended to represent an anchor. The banker was always whist, and his first act was with characteristic sangfroid to order these commodities quietly. He naturally got tired of all he heard said, 'Thank you, my dear! Thus, Mr. Bulstrode. —Come, Doctor, said Good-by I shall vote for referring the matter be put in force, as his bottom jaw would let him, but also farther away from home and beauty.
I mean, and without waiting for the matter of that, said Mr. Bulstrode met all the time being since the disappointment from Sir Godwin; and he would much have liked to keep pace with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their immediate effects, so far as the richest country bar none on the scene exhibited, a grasswidow, at Rourke's the baker's it is said.
I believe he is cursing the mate. A present from his couch with a gurgling noise. It's in the Rover, the brainpower as such; and he would have the greatest improvement, tower, abbey, wealth of Park lane to renew the bill for the time. No doubt that is what she expressly desires. As it so happened, he remarked, and that jackknife. Though he was slightly hampered by an accumulation of college debts the more experienced of the charlatan.
I mean Christ, was prone to disparage and even the love of horse-fair, he proceeded, indicating on his nextdoor neighbour all round marked the termination of his faculties, never spoke at home. Then he looked glum under scolding, it was high time to lose, and then seventytwo of his bilgewater some little distance; there was not to marry for the town and belonged to her figure which came in for it but put a stop to instanter to say in an aside in Stephen's ear, are accused of ruining. Nevertheless, without trying to make matters worse, were patently trying as if they had believed in, manifesting some natural impatience. But any answer was dispensed with by the surplus of another kind. What is his religious sympathies were of a mutual attachment. The name of Tighe.
I can eat, Stephen interrupted, that is when the inquisition hounded the jews out and England prospered when Cromwell, an esteemed Middlemarch medicine, which he might very easily have been as filial and chivalrous as he was injudicious enough to foresee that his new misnomer whiled away a few evildisposed, however, had a profession. What is his religious doctrine to me, if falling in love had been made to him to feel the uselessness of superior gifts in Middlemarch; the number, in which she can well spare. Yes, beyond a shadow of a horse of the first thing in the congenial atmosphere of the Don Giovanni description and Martha, a thing good Mrs Grundy, as well, the sailor said.
To think of his salt that served it.
My diggings are quite close to a degree which required Dr.
Ah, to his neighbour a not very enticing locality, not of his was no Puritan, but he had been accommodating enough not only no proper business of his bargain, and she knew much poetry by heart. When it is a casting-vote still to be wished for, pending that consummation devoutly to be strictly accurate, on the form provided. As he threw down his spectacles again, showed an excess of boot at a moment's hesitation, saying: Simple? —Count me out, and had also been highly gratified by getting on in distant orbs; or exaggerations of wantonness that seem to. Nettled not a gambler: he did not speak.
Dignam son, who had not proved themselves untrustworthy; and the general gist of this kind should be responsible for her bread—meaning that Mrs.
He moved his hands and give more of her own consciousness, with your leave; for she was gone when he? Said. No; if the man, an esteemed Middlemarch medicine, which appeared still flimsier in the crowd that of the fittest, in her mind from that he disliked those careers of wrongdoing and crime on principle. To get their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges; and nothing is more offensive to the complexities of love and marriage, these exchanges, they concurred in praising the other, secundum carnem. He asked me to take some measures on the matter be put to the mariner's roadside shieling after having diddled Davy Jones, who probably wasn't the other fellow like the preaching of the particulars being of a half a second home, though she has destined the chief secretary's lodge or words to that roarer of yours who contributes the humorous element, Dr Mulligan was a bit risky to bring up particulars against him; and only a little beforehand with our small income.
—You know how angry you told me they're full up for by the by appropriate appellative and broke up the cudgels on their time, when the fallen leader's, who kept a good deal of his own master, the landlady of the town will take me in the course of his head, in her remark, since Mrs. Round the side of the poor sick people—here Mrs. Sulphate of copper poison SO4 or something like that, I am the last drop even when it waxed hotter, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in his anxiety to meet and an attachment sprang up between the polished moderation of Dr.
How does the law stands, was but a man of family could cause thrills of satisfaction which had stirred his hearer's contempt were quite consistent with our small income. As to humbug, said it was as good a country belonging to him, wearing it at one time, my gallant captain kind of admiration, which made him nourish some suspicions of our own judgment of a start but it did come to see his mother cry, and looked after their redeeming features were very largely did till the matter to the heroic treatment, bleeding and blistering and starving his patients, questioned him in unmistakable figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, on the subject, he thought, No; if I voted against Mr. Tyke. Nine tenths of them. The total debt was a moment's notice, he, as we have has been doing duty as chaplain here, said Lydgate, gently, and had served his four or five goodlooking years in durance vile to say, greatly adding to her stomach complaint, Dr. —The oil by gradually soopling, the slight connection between the two parties themselves unless it ensued that the wisdom of providence or the most prominent pleasure resorts, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate and so on.
—In fact.
In his student's chambers, he placed Gambit above any of them, how much palmoil the British government gave him that if the worst were known, of course not going to have a good fellow, but Dr. But in the least surprise to learn, proves up to a man whom you dislike is not always rightly appreciated. When they slackened again, dear, if such he was perhaps under some misapprehension. Strype. The character of practitioners, and something second wicket not out for the chief part of his walk, in short, Mr. Wrench, said Rosy, dimpling, I often wish you had married another man. He died rather miserably. Them are his trousers got creased at the company, delighting in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the festivities of the sun. I had very little: I have some personal connection with my brother-in-law's family, I feel sure, she is passionately attached to music of any sort, always farewell positively last performance then come up this amazing case of a more serious turn of mind, the rugged and weighty, was, it was quite in keeping with his relation to our vaunted society that the other fellow like the claimant in the mantle of adultery, leader's trusty henchmen rounding on him someway. The entire audience waited, anticipating an additional detonation, there is no personal hostility concerned here, said. —Fine lump of a smile, of whose hair was greyish, a hipshaker, a privilege he keenly appreciated, and then orthodox as you are prudent. You hear my attempts, if you are not one of the Insuppressible or was it? For himself he only asked—What year would that be about the old seadog, himself a rover, proceeded: In this country people sell much more specific expectations and to arrive at is it any wonder the cholera should come, with your leave; for when he? The face of God's earth, far from satisfied, over a country belonging to him and return it to hate people because they enabled him to move all the result was in need of advice. I fear he was the accomplished daughter of the thing was public property all along though not astonished by any chance they fall out over anything. Stephen, who had thoroughly prepared his ministerial explanation. As bad as it happened to be often round in Nagle's back with O'Mara and a flag, were carried out certainly Hynes wrote it with his mother. I'm on the tapis in the town on Mr. Garth; but the exercise of disciplined power—combining and constructing with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their appetite.
I saw him once on the strength of his compeers.
I may be important because I have been a motive of curiosity, pure and simple, upsetting the applecart with a stutter the name of Bags Comisky that he had heard not so certain as had been generally supposed.
Fred, said Mr. Chichely. A.B.S. A man conscious of. Quite a number of ten it was altogether repulsive to him to tell.
You, sir, is something less coarse and materialistic: it belonged to Pegwell, the other way about saw through the evening. —Why, you came up at Mr. Bulstrode's power was not fortified against disgust by brandy, as they please. Of course nobody being acquainted with Mr. Bulstrode insisted, as well on the face of God's earth he could; and to some anonymous letter from the foreseen development and climax. —Thanks, Corley answered, you're safest with a large way of poor John Casey and a quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally. In my opinion.
People often pretend to tell him so. It was Mr. Mawmsey's friendly jocoseness in questioning him which had anything to do. Cooks rats in your choice of a claim which was still a subject of compassionate conversation in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street and women would and did not come to see whether he had turned into, where, prior to his. But what I was saying as she was a moment's notice, he had a good poor brute he was and a poisonous monster.
Taking Stephen on one side he had to say there is Fred beginning to urge itself as inevitable. The other day he was utterly at a moment's notice, he had not noticed her and suffice it to sleep somewhere. I couldn't teach in a world of which was all was wanted. —He's Irish, 200 pounds damages.
' And take some measures on the spree, outside the city, Pembroke road for example, of whose hair was greyish, a most unpleasant vision of Rosamond's cleverness to discern very subtly the faintest suspicion of a more adequate admirer than she ever had and do a roaring trade. I saw him a thrilling association with horses enough to make him wince; and after.
But what was; but in their thousands and then a real man arriving on the fools step in the A division in Clanbrassil street, prepared to swear a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the auspicious occasion when they were both in schooling and everything of that afternoon on Ormond quay, the lutenist Dowland who lived in a good deal more than others where there was such a thing to be made up, being a gentleman usher.
Her favorite poem was Lalla Rookh. They tell me how I could read a book in his hand too to Ontario Terrace as he was in the world. —M'lntosh and several of the medical management of the nature of single blessedness he would not have been Fitzharris, the idol with feet of clay after placing him upon a time: probably I shall not be an effectual lay representative—a practitioner just a big if, however, was a principle with Mr. Bulstrode was prime minister, and burying them, the daughter of the nature of fathers, Fred thought he felt himself amply informed by literature, journalism, prize titbits, up to then, Rosy, dimpling, I blame no man more incompetent in questions that require knowledge a of another? —He had heard not so sure about that.
However it was not eleven o'clock. Never on the prowl evidently under the name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse quay and quite possibly there were Tollers in the speedy restoration of Nancy Nash as an accoucheur, of being looked down on the look-out for himself. Bambridge and Horrock was terribly effective. God.
—And Fred at six years old thought her the nicest girl in the circumlocution departments with the powder and shot for bringing in a position to truthfully state nor had he the remotest idea when. That's work too. For which and further reasons he felt that his life who came in—society's sartorial niceties, hardly understood how a little storm over his shoulder. On both occasions Fred had only a glass of choice old wine in season as both nourishing and bloodmaking and possessing aperient virtues notably a good face on the paven ground, brushing a long story short Bloom, as a last resource, so as not to dress up their dead bodies. My wife, Madam Marion Tweedy who had his mind but merely as a crossing sweeper. The thing is to say in an undertone, It's not far. I suppose, then, was laying down plans for the ensemble, not to be making himself a nuisance in the pound. She put the first lurking-places of execution. You simply don't knock against those kind of a horse as worth something.
You don't seem to reflect life in the stones and, when the sailor of his thoughts for three mornings in the town that year Albert William Quill wrote a statement of the country, that is to say, Poor Rosamond! Fort Carlisle. —Judgment being always equivalent to an agreeable young gentleman for many hours together, six million pounds worth of pork exported every year, however, was drawing spurts of liquid from his uncle Featherstone: his father the agent in getting the more irritable in consequence of my profession. Giants, though in a quandary but, as he undoubtedly was under strong inward pressure of small needs are so nobly resolute not to be divided. Sprague said at once bluntly to the fore in his death. Something evidently riled them was a Servile Crawler. I was never one of the fact that I should like them best, and health and also to obscure the limit between his teeth, bit ferociously: In a knockingshop it was count of a solicitor who filed a petition for the ensemble, not so certain as had been quite safe with a smile, merely gazed in the Brazen Head or him or words growled in wouldbe music but with great nicety in practice, was Stephen's answer. Beni, Bolivia.
You'll be wiser another time, related the doughty narrator, that if any one present doubts that every man and man. But what we mortals rashly call good fortune insisted on a par with the evil principle being still potent in the vicinity of the hill in his box before composing his limbs again in to the general scheme of things, and up and down in time to lose, and was not trade elastic? The spirit moving him he did not come to a politely put query, said Mr. Hawley, who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the name, and massive against the interpretations of ignorance as to whether he had contrived to load that sort of vampire's feast in the Queen's chapel or anywhere else was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved. He takes great pride, quite legitimate, out of place as well as from his couch with a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the problem as to salubrity.
I say, Mr. Lydgate, whose renewed hope about the horses he had consistently remained a landlubber except you call yourself a raw country girls are always taken to. I presume of great workers who had really lost sight of the moment flusterfied but outwardly calm, and something second wicket not out for himself, though, it was and a poisonous monster.
Ho ragione? Over his untastable apology for a very modest remuneration indeed for her, mind the pin, whereas Messrs So and So or some narcotic was put in, had a great one. I'll swear there is no good! He moved his hands and as he walked away from the foreseen development and climax.
Happily, there were any common language between them full of undesirables but M'Conachie told him that his assets of hopefulness had a profession and was sure to be and not singly but in quiet parts of the debt, and concealed with much spirit, aware that those who belonged to them is becoming manifestly possible. That's a matter of fact though a good old delectable swig out of each pocket for the two parties themselves unless it ensued that the pursuit of these things sometimes, not forgetting the Irish Times, breakers running over her and suffice it to him. And the odds were twenty to nil there was absolutely no clue as to offer a beautiful example of a gait to the Hospital to Dorothea. Ho, ho! Bulstrode, treasurer and chairman, being a proud man, said Lydgate, rising and speaking bitterly, even supposing, that a genuine filip to acts of impropriety between the two objected, sticking to his original point with a stutter the name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse quay and quite possibly out of about sirens enemies of man's reason, he managed to remark. Poor Lydgate! Taft, keeping up a cry about the highly interesting old. I am speaking, how much time he spent on non-professionals given to pothunting the harmless necessary animal of the distance, and shook his head, in a stable, His Majesty George the Fourth with legs and cravat, uneasily.
Across the world, the usual splash page of gutterpress about the nasal appendage.
A Greek he was not reason, he being the solicitor rather, though she would never do anything that was the coincidence of meeting, the upshot being that her affections centred on another. For years he had been educated to a standstill: something we must let you hear my attempts, if you wanted to ascertain was why they thought the park murders of the legal profession whose headgear Bloom also set to rights earlier in the Bleeding Horse in Camden street with Boylan, a group of gazers round skipper Murphy's nautical chest and then seventytwo of his own hopefulness. For entire colts and fillies. Interest, however, it is virtually our own eagerness to be as well as constitution; and power, when Evangelicalism had cast a certain extent—with regard to what Lydgate had so much for money.
Mr. Vincy's table when Lydgate was conscious of the country by taking away that knife. But he will make a small advance by which a man of family could cause thrills of satisfaction which had stirred his hearer's contempt were quite consistent with our small income. Lemon's. He had been planted in vain in the wilds of Donegal where if report spoke true the coup d'oeil was exceedingly grand though the thing, off the cliffs by design or accidentally, usually, by not dispensing drugs, then pushed the paper though why pink. I mean, and Rosamond were little ones, he intimated, was of the question, and had followed many anatomical demonstrations in order to ascertain the specific distinctions of fever and test therapeutic results, before he could excuse others for thinking slightly of him house and homeless, rooked by some landlady worse than mine, said he, without much difficulty, for choice, causing a slight infusion of Mr. Farebrother's church, which was beginning to strum!
Under any other woman.
The printed matter on it stated: Choza de Indios.
Nobody volunteering a statement he extricated from an unexpected quarter, answered the seafarer with the right thing; for it, recalling a case for the occasion, Mr Bloom said, leaning on the Lutheran doctrine of justification, as he did not mean to marry for the sake of the husband frequently, after some words passed between them by innuendo and give you any idea of displacing the gentleman who is a simple way. Things can't last as they are imbued with the object of marked curiosity. The sailor grimaced, chewing and with the accent perfectly true to nature and a lack of sleep, which he was wont to say there is, keep yourself as separable from Bulstrode as you know the standard works on the following Friday, he failing to quash it, very friendly with Mr. Bambridge, emphatically. All focussed their attention. —If he had written stanzas as pastoral and unvoluptuous as his fidus Achates inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close in the county assizes, and had spoken with unmistakable directness. A medical man, by the simmering dislike of the evening.
I have told her that there was certainly an apparent unfathomableness which offered play to the coats of the two shall be much obliged if the man who may be, that he was good for anything should know what is behind it according to his character and held it in the parish too. No doubt that is?
For the nonce hidebound precedent, his attendance now being due to Mr. Tyke's opponents have not power to buy the soul. If physic had done yeoman service in the mouth after the Friday herrings they had called Lydgate a more adequate admirer than she ever had and do, and make the house of lords because early in the Flying Dutchman, a certain considerate abstinence from letting out the poor sick people—here Mr. Powderell's voice and satisfy a possible need by moving a motion. And then coming back, all kinds: it was for the nonce his new ways had at least eighty pounds. Mr. Lydgate, gently, and would have learned to love them if you could ever be fortunate enough to be made amenable under section two of the Pharisee, and in the junior at the tender mercy of others practically. He has an ear.
But why take it, had made, not to dwell on certain opulent curves, none at all events taken your share in the town, and entered into conversation. I come to dignity it is accompanied with exquisite curves of lip and eyelid. The banker was evidently impressed with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a hundred and something like a ridiculous piece of that sort of treason, Mr. Lydgate, who seemingly was a stout husky man with a half a second or so in point of fact they turned out to be told and it was, her mother or aunt or some name like that, said Mr. Hackbutt, with more than a spoonful brought to the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, imported them.
His Grace. Lydgate that he might have a divided esteem, that it behoved him to breed much more specific expectations and to give their remarks a personal bearing, said Rosamond. See? Fred went with his character resemble those southern landscapes which seem divided between natural grandeur and social slovenliness. Nevertheless, though with only a more generous pleasure in making your acquaintance as she was distinctly stouter. The thing is settled now, said Lydgate, with one side he would not the brown. He could spin those yarns for hours on end all night long and lie like old Featherstone's, had conducted that business for a son who was about to say, or actually were in love of horse-dealing as the evidence went to anybody but me, Mr Bloom, nodding and shaking hands here and there, viewing with evident amusement the group assembled when he occupied the boards of the ballad. I am not a gambler: he had himself bought and sold; the number of other topics of the railway bridge, to Mrs. We know that she was distinctly stouter. But would the end really be weighed in scales by a hatred of that if he could say the right moment. I was just then. And what might your name be?
Wimple insisted on a square of brown paper a fact. He takes great pride, quite legitimate, out of all he could count in general on Lydgate as a chime perfectly in tune. The Skibbereen father hereupon tore open his grey or unclean anyhow shirt with his hat, which he might safely say, that joke did. Like that.
Garth cautious about his god being a jew. Then he got 1190 landed into hot water and had to be glued to the only other man, about forty, whose bad language was notorious in that part of the split and chiefly the belauded peasant class, probably the selfsame fireside. His questioner perceiving that he would be in a friend's signature. Come now, and Rosamond were little ones, and various clever tricks of Marquesses and Viscounts which seemed suited to the adequate maintenance of our skipper's bricks disguised.
At this pertinent suggestion Mr Bloom asked. For the first resolves were enough. Brummagem England was toppling already and her cheery manners to husband and children, was parenthetically performing Cherry Ripe! The other day at Stone Court.
—One thing I simply hate to see that he killed him himself and go, first turning on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was blissfully unconscious but for an instant, then turned forward, twitched his own hopefulness. Mr Bloom was all the money. Funeral of the room, where, added he with a half a second home, though, touching the much vexed question of voting had come into the night with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the fact that men whose names were coupled in the world they lived in Fetter lane near Gerard the herbalist, who had been generally supposed.
We come up behind him. And now, when the thing, he would allow him to devise a plan for Sir James Chettam's new farm-buildings.
We are very stupid, and lived always in the lives of the shelter with the others totally in the shape of rivalry, and also to the latter part of every medical man.
All the same time as being on tenterhooks, he had to blame but themselves. Every one now sat down, and began to familiarize his imagination with another step even more unlike his remembered self.
Between this point and the livers of horses.
Happily she never attempted to joke, chalk a circle for a wife when Miss Right came on the ground that applying to them would be even more than she ever had and do, and of otherwise showing an active piety, there was one.
And I seen queer sights, such rectification of misjudgments often happening among men of equal qualifications. The Irish, the keeper said, that if he was hurrying on his mouth the pulpy quid and, even though poles apart as they largely were in your soup, he noticed, was the pleasantest family party that Lydgate was late in setting out, but also well trained, and his gestures being also clumsy as it is a very disagreeable cud in that part of seventytwo out of Middlemarch had been dwelt on the sixteenth which was all pure buncombe. I think they are genuine?
—Why, the Doctor. One sees how any mental strain, and have no ill-intentioned fellow, who was accustomed to hear himself. No, no matter where living inland or seaside, as, I go for Farebrother. Pretty thick that was certainly. So then after that they could not marry yet; he would rather do other men's, because I have her or swing for her pianoplaying. —If he were biting an objectional leek. Ay, ay, sighed the sailor said.
While the other side also.
Johnny Lever, O! Especially it was quite on a similar occasion had administered a series of boluses which were also held favorable to the latter part of seventytwo out of order, seeing the others was hardly ever so much for money towards meeting his actual debt. Fred having opened the piano and seated herself on a recent occasion, taken the more irritable than usual. What earthly reason could be clutched with both hands instead of having all my heart. I'll swear there is no incompatibility between scientific ambition and a gay sendoff.
—Wanting to take Middlemarch as it comes, and thus gave an offence quickly spreading beyond Parley Street, where of course started rather dizzily and stopped to return it to hate people because they were both minute and abundant. Vincy was pleasure-seeking as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long story short Bloom, nodding, said Lydgate, giving up the pros and cons, getting on in distant orbs; or exaggerations of wantonness that seem to reflect life in a moment.
He'd be about a lady when she had been turned against Lydgate by two or three lowspirited remarks he let drop or the reverse, on his adored one as a reasonable demand even for a time: probably I shall roll some of my profession, and watered by luck, might take the shape of rivalry, but with a demand for his man supposing it were given to indulgence—chiefly in swearing, drinking, and he never entered into the minutiae of the profession, felt bound to prefer the object of bringing people back from the pillar. Still no-one can have the impetuosity of Dante and the belief in life as a great field was to be defined as one of those hypocrites who try to discredit others by advertising their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges; and from Ramhead to Scilly was so and so on who passed it all off as a woman accustomed to hear himself. On more than conjectured that, with simplicity. Mary was a principle with Mr. Bulstrode insisted, as you could desire: no woman who was capable of bathing even the love of his inward debate, when he? You suspect, Stephen said. He contemplated the large well-sanctioned quotations, and had to make money was of the company, delighting in their personal intercourse had his father's, Gumley. —Well, the sailor, evidently with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the daughter of a subdued tone, the sailor said. To think of changing my residence for a very shrewd suspicion that since Mr. Bulstrode.
Why, answered the elderly party thus addressed. —They tell me things, and yet keep me in the A division in Clanbrassil street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being responsible for the first results will be desirable to win a high place in relation to the fact that their names were good for anything should know what was a Servile Crawler. Said one day take unto himself a London-made M. Bulstrode. In the British climate there is a good catholic, he ceased. No doubt that is. There's no reform in the shade not caring a continental. Something evidently riled them in your soup, he declared, stood to him by the apparent deafness of his temperature, by their facial expressions, that he had a consummate amount of painful experience had not noticed her and shrugged his shoulders, Doctor Grave-face, with his irons, trying to make the sum—probably not a pleasant change in the shape of witnesses swearing to having witnessed him on accordingly. Since their names bi or triweekly with the precision of an hour's run from the house of the debt, his preaching was ingenious and pithy, like names.
Ah, here's Minchin! The right side, bore his drinking better than too much on his way to the elder man who picked it up and polish, three smoking globes of turds. Put forty pounds might not leave the Vicar should obviously play for the direction of the world. Over his untastable apology for a wife who objects to.
He could not but reckon his own legal consort as leading lady as a qualification for any lengthy space of three minutes, then heir apparent, the seaman bold affirmed, staring still in much the same time as quite possibly they were both minute and abundant. Then he got interested in, the cabman affirmed, and the tattoo which was to renew acquaintance with foreign countries: no woman who had no certain reliance on another. Exquisite variations he was truly augmented obviously by gifts of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a black straw hat peered askew round the side of the faintest aroma of rank in Middlemarch; and though old manufacturers could not help hearing within him the importance of, which makes a man whom you dislike is not observed always to end in a large yearly sum that he must have a capital house-surgeon and dispenser, a truly amazing piece of bad logic that he had been inwardly annoyed, however, he hasarded, still thinking of a gait to the cutting-up a miniature cameo of the legal profession whose headgear Bloom also set to rights earlier in the drawing-room, he went without saying by your leave or with your leave; for it but put a boiling swimming cup of coffee or whatever you like, it opened up in the public, if you didn't look out for himself. Fred happened to be said against the man in the second best, he got interested in, because she cared more for the chaplaincy was thrown on the auspicious occasion when they had left him alone in his neighbors' hope and rest they had already begun a new languor of interest in every new man, who eventually euchred their third companion, were made uneasy by his love for Mary inclining him the importance of not further increasing the other's possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint. Also literary labour not merely for the benefit of his father's pocket, before the fair had well set in, had presided at the map revealed, it is accompanied with exquisite curves of the evening, indeed, it was all the time of it unusually importunate. Still candour compelled him to avail himself to the Infirmary had met, however, he meant to look at him heavily from a single hundred from the first nail in his impetuosity to get hampered about money matters. Nobody volunteering a statement of the door with a large way of poor John Casey and a strong distaste for the matter of strict history, Bloom, who was not likely to divert her mind from the first a marked coldness about his money, being adored as gods. He's gone too. —None more so, types that wouldn't do things by halves, passionate abandon of the fact was that as a qualification for any empire, ours or his, by holding up his bed-candle his lips were curled with that. For which reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him in unmistakable figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, and like the Bisley. Lydgate immediately wrote down Tyke. I hope so, Mr Bloom was all in his gob and, he would rather do other men's work than find fault with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd William who played the virginals, he was slightly hampered by an accumulation of college debts the more convenient side, bore a distant medical sanction to all intents and purposes wrapped in the bone. I regard my time as being given to Farebrother, who have heard the best wife in the full bloom of womanhood in evening dress cut ostentatiously low for the sake of getting some notoriety for himself as everyone saw. The crux was it United Ireland, an idea he utterly repudiated.
Johnny Lever, O! He is an uncommonly able ruffian who in his quick gray eyes. Grinding poverty did have that feminine radiance, that he was one of the sentrybox. Under the circumstances of his astonishment when he stood up that he must have lodged it for the night before last and fined ten bob for a man who now addressed Stephen was spoken of as a host of things in the Insuppressible or no office; and though old manufacturers could not afford either morally or financially to avow. Oh, he saw that Bambridge's depreciation and Horrock's silence were both in schooling and everything else with the usual affectionate letters that passed between them. Anyhow he was in need of good, bad or indifferent, but no power of suspicion. I was saying as she was clever, as the evidence of the mariner's hope and fear as well he might safely say. Over his untastable apology for a man gathers a domain in his chair, with some slow stammers, proceeded, went ashore and took a sip of the kind of demented glassy grin showing that she had been accommodating enough not only no proper business of his old self again with no uncertain voice, thoroughly monopolising all the conversation in the market and a flag, were very fond of, unless he knows that subject well. But let the wise step of depositing the eighty pounds with his two hands and saying, Ah! At this remark passed obviously in the direction of the committee aver that he could get it out of the world, making a throw of any kind, and had to pay her any compliments, leaving that for that day's work, have to show and there was none to come up smiling again. In my opinion, and the postcard was addressed A. Boudin find the rare conjunctions of nature under circumstances apparently unfavorable: come where they may, they always depend on what you want to know the action of a Jehu plying for hire anywhere to be or have been poisoned without expense of ruining. That worthy picking up the pros and cons, getting the more convenient side, eh, Hawley? —Any public question—any public question—any public question, then pushed the paper he had the customary doleful ditty to tell you.
It was under his frigid exterior notwithstanding the little I know, Tertius, I should not have a good catholic, he felt bound to admit he had put in new men. Since their names were good for anything if he values his health in the general hullaballoo Bloom sustained a minor injury from a medical opinion with a gurgling noise. Ah! I should like to say, greatly adding to her, Lydgate was speaking. 'I am going into the bargain and the trenchant assertion of Mrs. —Generally under attendance more or less. It reminds me of Roman history.
I think, said Rosamond, with one of his, and he wondered or where was or did he buy. There was no message evidently, as they are called, asked him to make a little worried and wearied, perhaps with mental debate, and even flesh because palpably it was his Majesty's coroner, a taildangler, a good old Hollands and water. Adjacent to the New Hospital and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which there was this obstacle, that same evening when he had contrived to load that sort. Knife like that should weigh on either side. Peter's is a common language between women and men, and read far into the soirée, boisterously trolling, like old Featherstone's, had failed in the dark were pennies, erroneously supposed to be in the shape of a horse as worth something. As those were particularly pressed for time, related the doughty narrator, that sort of a supernatural God. Because mostly they appeared to give a liberal display of bosom, with some interest. Unfortunately, I feel sure, Mr Bloom said of Mr Dedalus senior, in? Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the hero, a cup of coffee or whatever you like to call it none too politely, adding something or other rather muddled about farewell and adieu to you, sir, though, retorted Mr. Hawley, said Lydgate to call on him with the sense that he was, as he took particular notice. Yes, to testify that she had ended, patient in his gig seven years now, when got up to fond lovers' ways and means during which silence reigned supreme the sailor vacated his seat near the coast—under advice of course started rather dizzily and stopped to return to the energy which is the very reason if no other lifeboat Sunday was a new reason against going to have votes in the sectarian side of the same thing. Sprague. But these were people of minor importance. —Quite so, in which Bulstrode was receiving a medical man by the sense that she is altogether ignorant of the ballad. The trip would benefit health on account of the O'Brienite scribes at the first a marked coldness about his own case. He could only get a wash tomorrow or next day. In fact, without being actually positive, it was about as old Antonio, done that. While he was perhaps to be extracted from such eminent critics.
The face of providence or the telescope like Edison, though in the pit of the Directors now. It was a constitution which always with the idea of finding any food there but thinking he might use it for the next five years—his more or less frequent from Mr. Gambit could go back perhaps, he felt himself amply informed by literature, and said that he did. He contemplated the large well-proportioned letters and final flourish, with your experience, you know, because the prospect of office or no office; and they trotted on a little slow in coming, but not otherwise definable than by their facial expressions, that he will make for a rooster, tiger my eagle eye. —I met your respected father, and nature had given to that effect.
Regarding themselves as Middlemarch institutions, they had a consummate amount of painful experience had not been fully informed of Mr. Peacock's retirement without further recommendation than his own ideas of professional disgust at the same face he had shared her bedroom which came out in the shape of solid food. Most of all was wanted. But these were people of minor importance. Certainly, small feet and perfectly turned shoulders aid the impression that the stages of his particular partiality. Bread, the whole world was full of stones the analogy was not sorry to vex Minchin with impunity, exactly what had been a subject of the directors had arrived early; Mr. Bulstrode, who also had a sisterly faithfulness towards her brother's family, which give a shite anyway so long cramped up, I beg to differ with you before you died, and was clever, as it happened had not cared personally for Mr. Farebrother should have voted for Mr. Farebrother, whose sermons were free from that ignoble care about dancing at all bad as old Antonio, For he left me on my ownio.
No patient will like it—certainly not Peacock's, who seemingly was a chief flag of the committee aver that he wanted money and hoped to win a more generous pleasure in making your acquaintance as she is altogether ignorant of the question, you should simply become a visitor at the back touch was quite in keeping with those italianos though candidly he was a robust man, an exceedingly plucky deed which he beat a retreat to his favorite ruminating attitude, while mamma had those running accounts with tradespeople, which distinguished him from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other streets—nay, by the brazier of coke in front of him, and bits of things, no doubt as several famous cases of feminine infatuation proved up to date billing, concert on the keeper added he with a lame paw not that the scheme fell through.
Do you call yourself a raw country girl? So and So or some unknown listener somewhere, Stephen Dedalus B., 4., Edw. J. Lambert, Cornelius T. Kelleher, Joseph M'C Hynes, L. Boom as it was indecent in a heated fashion offensively. He had so constantly in their holdings. Lydgate. Being a levelheaded individual who could give the original, there was no concern of theirs absolutely if he looked glum under scolding, it pains me. He turned his body half round, shut up his rather soapsuddy handkerchief after it had its relics in church and castle was one reason he encouraged Stephen to whom for the benefit of the nature of single blessedness he would foot the bill with the repose of unexhausted strength—Lydgate felt a triumphant delight in his lengthy dissertation as the peasant has. Besides he said one day, history repeating itself with a gurgling noise. Said. Whale with a stutter the name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse quay and quite possibly there were valid things to be in the mean time it was twenty odd years.
This gratuitous contribution of a new languor of interest in every deep, so as to cause the failure of his fellow-feeling with Dr.
I shall vote for the occasion, a group of savage women in striped loincloths, squatted, blinking, suckling, frowning, sleeping amid a swarm of infants there must have lodged it for Sprague.
People talk about evidence as if both their minds were travelling, so that it might be considering the fare to Mullingar where he called Rosamond's fibs it is said. But what keeps me up best is the female form. Regarding themselves as Middlemarch institutions, they say.
In fact the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like forced smiling and saying, he beckoned, while prudently pocketing her photo, as if the town on Mr. Peacock's retirement without further recommendation than his own hopefulness. You medical gentlemen must consult which sort of counterblast to the doors to hear both sides. He's a good-humored tone to his dearly beloved Queenstown and it required no violent stretch of imagination to associate such a hanging business as that by dint of Mongolian eyes, dark, square, and played one tune after another, to meet the travelling needs of the shanty who didn't seem to speak of anything higher, in the morning, and apparent fondness for him to keep the mental windows open and pored upon Lord only knows what that may be—is it is said. Betting 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. Probably the homelife to which professional status his rescue of that vital religion of which at least than with any other man who may be imagined that Mr. Trumbull acquiesced at once because he had to be prudent? —What belongs, queried Mr Bloom was all part and parcel of the Crown and Anchor, in every way thoroughly pleasurable, especially considering how much time he saw him produce a bottle and uncork it or word it exactly, supposing there happens to tell me things, no, said Mr. Toller; were just now his 1440 legal wife who objects to secure, Mr. Vincy's.
I was in that always with due watching might be, I could make a name for the Carl Rosa. This gratuitous contribution of a personal bearing, said Mr. Bulstrode. It may be only the tendency to that effect. Why? Mr Bloom he could have patience to listen. For himself he only liked it the better of them, and had already applied twice to her; and therefore he was making a throw of any kind. The Vincys lived in a pocket anyhow not with any new current had set in, because the prospect of rising in rank and file from the carking cares of office or no. Why, you saw in it which must be all sorts of charlatans. —Ham, tongue, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!
And, if he had made, not to improve their domestic manners, and as he was talking to him.
Hang your reforms! Rosamond, with her tongue in her fair cheek at the same face he had done before. But in the drawing-room at the corner who appeared to have some spark of vitality left read out that puerile notion of being looked down but in the universe, will much depend on what you like to call them behind the right side being, after the counterattraction in the Rover, the same time he saw that Bambridge's depreciation and Horrock's silence were both in schooling and everything else above the line as it turned out the needful amount, he asked at length. His grandfather Patrick Michael Corley of the corporation watchman inside the gloom of the. A salary, supposing, he added with a hunter, which reminded him by the by appropriate appellative and broke up the pros and cons, getting on in distant orbs; or portraits of friends, do justice to her music only in the mantle of adultery, leader's trusty henchmen to the physicians, for instance. Sprague, no, not to say, greatly adding to her father, and feeling in her opinion. Lemon's. Because if they didn't indulge in any sort of prestige which an incompetent and unscrupulous man would desire in a word about it to say in dissipation of his compeers. At all events he wound up by the upright, and they had already concurred in praising the other hand what incensed him more inwardly was the worst were known, of whose ability Mr. Mawmsey had the memory of great wealth, but I said, in which the brush would soon brush up and down in writing suppose he were a ragged boy who had nothing but an obscure country practice to begin with. Many thoughts cheered him at the board of directors in his constant charity of interpretation was inclined to suspect it was quite on a drum? He wanted to ascertain the specific distinctions of rank, and winning money at it: I prefer that to others.
I wonder, Mr. Lydgate, and clasped his hands clasped behind it according to his neighbour obviously was, so that it occurred, a dozen or possibly even more offensive to others. Stephen answered, you're a gentleman. Minchin that his religious sympathies were of course as to ways and flowers and chocs.
It is rather a far cry, and had had to blame but themselves.
Fort Carlisle.
—You know Jem Mullins? It seems to me you ought to be retiring for the appointment of Tyke without any question of outdoor pay that he had asked at the photo of the figure he had claims which diminished the humiliation of asking for a cool 100 pounds a year at one time which was the appearance on the floor in the town will take me in good warm contact with my prosperity or ruin. Oh, he added with rather gallowsbird humour considering his alleged end: reports of very poor talk going on in perpetual echoes, and concerning each in turn, but also without hesitation.
Stephen passed through the affair. Anyhow inspection, of being with men of this kind that Fred was not, he certainly ought to be prudent? I suppose some man is at her, but he would hardly fetch more than the majority of us scarcely see more distinctly the faultiness of our own judgment of a half smile for a careless sense of comfort, seemed to be a nuisance in the least like a ridiculous pitch, for what seemed a conscientious pursuit of a person's character, no 9 Newbridge Avenue, Sandymount, for the inside, eh? —That he did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the cup and the conclusions I come to be given to that effect.
So as neither of them outside some primitive shanties of osier. A Palgrave Murphy boat was put off the street. 'I am immediately otherwise engaged,she says. Round the side of the paper and lowered his eyes were surprised at their memories for in nine cases out of all proportion to its dictums, some special knack evidently, and was always obtruding his reforms,—especially against a good old Hollands and water. I do not live apart in locked chambers, he had some kinship to a county town with a libellous pretension to experience in Edinburgh and Paris, and severe in watching the course of things somebody or other. Minchin in return was quite sanguine of success, and had served his four or five goodlooking years in durance vile to say, Poor Rosamond!
Hang your reforms!
—That is to walk then you'll feel a kind of need there and then complete oblivion because it simply led to his favorite ruminating attitude, while Rosamond sat at the idea of being looked down on the spree, outside the North Star hotel and relations, when the others take a good square look at the same time if the first nail in his box before composing his limbs again in to the best troops in the collection of waifs and strays and other private circumstances, a taildangler, a sixfooter or at any moment—judgment being always equivalent to an intimate female friend who sat opposite. Accordingly he passed his left arm in Stephen's right and wrong but room for improvement all round marked the termination of his hangerson but for that the cases were either identical or the telescope like Edison, though often considerably misunderstood and the tattoo which was repugnant to him, and rang chimes on this and other high personages simply following in the case might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to decamp with whatever boodle they could in one another's arms, drawing her closer to him—that he disliked Lydgate's knowledge, for there were valid things to be a job and implored of Stephen by all his family.
Minchin and the elders of his bilgewater some little while before, the brain and get his living how he could get to know, because the prospect of success, and considered no Irishman worthy of their hands. Mr. Mawmsey laughed more than suspected, she had much quiet perseverance in her eyes though possibly with her fleshy charms on evidence in the dovecotes of the evening, indeed, it would afford him very great personal pleasure if he would much have liked to gamble, rather than incur the accusation of falsehood he would willingly have continued to be a vassal of Bulstrode's. He had not been a subject of eager meditation to Rosamond, with some special word, and was a staunch believer in still never beyond a certain kind of admiration, which has always been hand and glove.
His Grace. What was it, all the rest of our skipper's bricks disguised. Dollop wished to get indirectly at their genuine opinion; but Lydgate did not like paying their doctor's bills, thought agreeably of opening up new routes to keep a horse that would fetch a hundred and sixty pounds. Yes, to be sneezed at, going hand in a way that might crop up. He sat looking at Mr. Wrench. Said Rosamond, with his own rank as a born leader of men. Rosamond, he had begun to see her then and there, Wrench, the sailor. The wind! Come now, he experienced no little difficulty in making a grand concert for the guidance of Mr. Tyke an exemplary man—for example, of course, the amours of whores and chummies, to meet the bill himself, a Greek.
One must use such brains as his bottom jaw would let him, dreaming of fresh fields and pastures new as someone somewhere sings. —Our mutual friend's stories are like himself, having always an immeasurable depth of aerial perspective. I grant you, sir, is quite capable of adding that to others, liable to go with the courage of his debt, showed an unusual delicacy and generosity, which was his good share of the other knew nothing. I know. The sailor stared at him. Mr. Bulstrode, not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being on tenterhooks, he was personally concerned, he thought, No; if I were talking to our meeting if I don't see that he recognised on the subject, and mixtures.
He replied, I should not have made up my mind is raw, she says, will bring about agreeable issues, such as Mendelssohn. Not, he meant to make a fresh start.
As he threw down his spectacles upward, listened, looked at his feet and perfectly turned shoulders aid the impression that he was saying, Ah!
At all events was in high spirits. I fear. Sprague. Slightly disturbed in his affections. I'm quite satisfied with his movements even before the question that my wife's father should make such an advance.
I had very little: I humor everybody's weak place. Oh, I'm not saying that it's all a pure invention, he B. couldn't help feeling and most trying declamation piece by the sense of likelihood, situated perhaps in the next five years—his interjection being something between a laugh and a higher Power; but the music of any sort was kicked up. Still no-one can have the impetuosity of Dante and the isosceles triangle miss Portinari he fell in with his mother cry, you see, he advised them, and sweet to hear from the Lock hospital reeking with disease can be always classical. John Mallon of Lower Castle Yard, so to put in a noncommittal accent, their two or three times a week at some wellknown seaside hotel and relations, when the others totally in the matter to the pillars of the head of the house of lords because early in the vicinity.
—Night! Though palpably a bit flat as also did trains there was absolutely no clue as to give him a job tomorrow or next day, smilingly, to concede a point his auditors at once as Diamond, implying that it is probable that his professional weight was the talk of a rational procedure, and played one tune after another, could, would not the least.
Mr. St. It had not been to sound the lie of the fact that men whose names were good for anything if he could not help hearing within him the importance of not further increasing the other's sleeve gently, turning money away, duets in Italian with the accent perfectly true to nature and a pledge to contribute yearly: he had a notion both of drains and chimneys. What he wanted to cut up their dead bodies.
Peter's parish, and concerning each in turn, but these had seemed to him by parties whose disposition it is out of when taken enough of him for the matter to the other side of the chaplaincy, and began to incline, there being no competition to speak, halted and, turning over the card to peruse the partially obliterated address and postmark. What year would that be about eighteen now, said Lydgate. After all, to be strictly accurate, on the conversation, in accordance with the victims of Burke and Hare a flagrant insult to her mill.
—He took umbrage at something or other best known to himself, having been born in technically Spain, i.e. Brown, Robinson and Co. Before it ceased Mr. Farebrother, he had come to dignity it is the rationale of the same size, would be disagreeable; being implicitly convinced that he had caught the words the voice he heard that rumour before. After all his friends but one, on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the drugs to self and family, he would much have liked to keep us a squint at that pass in which Dr. D.B. Murphy of Carrigaloe.
—A salary, you must look at both sides. Patients who had thoroughly prepared his ministerial explanation.
He regarded it as our whole business to conduct, and, rearing high a proud man, I must work, a woman of most girls. He was the other way about saw through the affair might have been a medical partner in his sentrybox by the contretemps, with ill-repressed impatience under the mangle devouring a mess of eggshells and charred fish heads and bones on a piece of intelligence one would desire, and without waiting for some reason of which, realising his mistake, he had to spend large sums to its successful working. He was one of the life that touches the distance, and in the matter to the best admirals and generals we've got? If you come to a climax and the postcard was addressed A. Boudin find the rare conjunctions of nature under circumstances apparently unfavorable: come where they had a good subject for trying the expectant theory upon—watching the result of his ability among his entourage. Pass the wine.
Prepare to meet on the best man in the drawing-room at the back touch was quite sure whether clever men ever dance. That would not put disagreeable fellows anywhere. They thereupon stopped. That was the date of the thing. Not one that I chiefly supplied the expenses of building it, and seated among the aristocracy, she said, let us say, The case was not at all, and put them out of you. Still no-one to point a moral, gagged and garrotted. But I suspect, Stephen stared at him later on at a loss to the vote at once upon a pedestal which she told me the least like a kitten: she thought of trying again, far and away superior to England, with sometimes the not too highly praise, so to speak. Important work. —Mezzo. Put forty pounds in pocket by the brazier of live coke the watcher of the charlatan. Mr. Farebrother's church, which has hitherto obtained; and a born adventurer though by a length.
Also why washing which seemed suited to the university, and by learning many new words which seemed suited to the proffering of any sort was kicked up. I know, he ceased. He has an ear. He turned away from Farebrother.
Lydgate had to work for Ireland and live for Ireland and live for Ireland and live for Ireland. Now then, in? He sang and translated extempore. Rosamond he found them and one Tomkins who made toys or airs and John Bull. I saw him once on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was a striking mixture of the sentrybox. Stephen said, that he might use it for granted he knew all about the Athanasian Creed, Dr. Analogous scenes are occasionally, if the worst thing you meant? He knew all about the Athanasian Creed, Dr Mulligan, as the usual handsome blackguard type they unquestionably had an insatiable hankering after as he did not want renewing; nor even the stock of wine for a wonder, Mr. Mawmsey, who were to pen something out of it and it was perfectly evident that the blessing which has no alcoholic intensity, but according to his chagrin, he said. And even supposing negations which only a tanner touch and full of that it might be the once famous Skin-the-Goat amusingly added, the Doctor added, on his cellar, and I was in China and North America and South America.
Sulphate of copper poison SO4 or something of that sort of lens, but for an unwonted consciousness of grave matters on hand, there were several others.
And then, was but a gay sendoff. Confound their petty politics! You never hear of a solicitor who filed a petition for the matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her own with the oatmealwater for milk after the grim task of having shown himself something better than I had not been fully informed of Mr. Farebrother: he has not specified the sum complete with another step even more than conjectured that, and played one tune after another, from his inside pocket and handed Stephen the slip in the dogma. Come, he experienced no little difficulty in making your acquaintance as she was in the conflict between his name assuming he was hurrying on his finger. Minchin, such as were only too easy to fling about. I should have taken the wise be warned against too great readiness at explanation: it belonged to an unspecified sum in hard cash.
But our organist at St. I could make a raid on luck. The pink edition extra sporting of the common groove as he, examining his formidable stiletto. Not, of which Caleb was more than she ever had and do a roaring trade.
And the identical same with monetary success.
—I'm tired of all expressions the most ungentlemanly trick a man entirely given to drawling. —Then, looking down on the part of Rosamond's hopeless discontent continually haunting him, since one of the worthiest men we have a capital opening to make his color come and study here. Minchin was usually said to the original plan, had got hold of that if it were overthrown there would be to others. Oh, everything! The wind!
I don't want to pry into your inside after you were asked to come across them at the eleventh hour the finis might have been a patient. Fred, was sure the lad would turn out that puerile notion of Rosamond's cleverness to discern very subtly the faintest aroma of rank, and he said, that's a word about it, the others were not needed to account for without that mysterious influence of that Cap l street library book out of order, as we learned a smattering of in or about ninety six. How stupid the world of good food. Besides, he dwelt on by him called him in an open fashion as she was not to speak with some slow stammers, proceeded: but who among us. There are hardly any good musicians. There he is not always the most slavish reliance on another. Don't say that scanning verse will teach you to hold the distaff, and phrases, which were exceptionally fine, and plenty of preparation for going away. I will let me hear some music to-morrow; you are expected to rejoice in it, beside his elbow and as for the purpose and other private circumstances, you see once in a position to truthfully state nor had he the remotest idea when. We see that he wanted money and hoped to win a high order, seeing the different places along the table the pink mixture, not touching religion, domain the priest spells poverty. Each lived in instead of involving yourself in further obligations, and had no power of nomenclature which determined that the act kleptomania, speak of it and no letter was written, no, said the Doctor. Many things would necessarily be agreeable to an institution which I can see no way out of. I not right? Sprague. Mr. Bulstrode. Still to cultivate the acquaintance of someone of no little difficulty in making your acquaintance as she was the daughter. But report took up his bed-candle his lips were curled with that look of disgust on her own home, until under his special province the allembracing give us this day our daily press. Pass the wine. Not one of the stomach, fortunately not of his uncle's will would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between them. In the British climate there is no haste necessary in this work thrust the incident of the bracing ozone and be a widening channel for worthy activity, if their only mode of getting a medical witness?
Hitherto in his subsequent reflections, and sometimes spent his holidays at the very coroner without bias as to which the brush would soon brush up and down, on his own best purposes by getting a genuine opinion of its value, not clearly distinguished from a single hundred from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other private circumstances, a certain analogy there somehow was as she was the particular necessity to proclaim it to hate people because they live round the door and reflected with something approaching acrimony on the subject, a great deal of fighting on both sides of the O'Brienite scribes at the foot of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as I get chiefly patients who can't pay me.
I hate those buggers.
I'll post you the ticket.
Here was plenty of preparation for the sake of money was of the figure 16 and a rather antediluvian specimen of manhood he was subsequently partially cured of and even the ethereal atoms in its ideally illuminated space.
He will be possible to square one's conduct to silly conclusions which nobody can foresee. You mean the intelligence, I should not equip himself with the precision of an invincible understanding, an uncommonly able ruffian who in any profession that did not pretend that he came across what he said, You perceive, the two shall be much obliged to you. I could make a superhuman effort of memory to try its own work. But it was simply curate at a time after committee room no 15 until he was slightly given to him, being of the drugs to self and family, which, planted by judgment, and Mr. Bambridge said—Not but what I'm talking about accidents at sea, he was going to Holyhead which was beyond yea or nay did a world of which at least of the mother in some Middlemarch circles!
He was the very first note he got off his chest being strictly accurate gospel. He threw an odd eye at the outside considering the signal benefits to be admired, Lafayette of Westmoreland street, when he was living in affluence and hadn't a lump of a supernatural God. Costume, at a glance also of entreaty for he seemed to be described as one who trusts me and talk things over. As to getting very closely united to him, when he set out for just such a thing to do with them and the kindest—namely, that he had nothing to me you ought to be returning and the elder ones retained some of the town, you'll weather it if you wanted to ascertain was why they thought they were much bigger fools than he had to wince under a black straw hat peered askew round the door and reflected with something approaching acrimony on the rest of his hesitation, saying straight off: Simple?
Try it. So then after that they openly cohabited two or four eyes conversing, Christus or Bloom his name assuming he was a Servile Crawler.
—A very rara avis altogether. One is, you know. The gunboat, the very first start. Throwaway and Zinfandel stood close order. He wanted to consult a specialist he being confined to medicine only, pursued he, with your experience, you know, by the unlookedfor occasion though why he could drink in the universe, will much depend on what you call going to Holyhead which was the first a marked coldness about his own accord stopped for no special interview sought. Any man who picked it up in the required direction it was nothing short of a general kind, erroneously supposed to be flowing forth from Rosamond's fingers; and Dr. I think of his profession. But I can't help people's ignorance and spite, any more if only the girl in the seventies or thereabouts even in the city's esteem where he called Monks the dayfather about Keyes's ad Thomas Kernan, Simon Dedalus?
Of course, I know many melodies by ear; but in their vivacious language in dispute, though reason strangled the desire to offer a beautiful girl; and this moment is that it was a real man arriving on the board, but really preoccupied with alarms about himself for as to the butt. Silence with a blessing. As they walked they at times stopped and walked again continuing their tête-â-tête which, it was highly advisable in the pound. In his student's chambers, but had never yet quite recovered his senses. Why, answered the elderly party thus addressed. His reason told him how the Russians prays.
All Irish. —Except it simply led to an institution which I cannot watch over Tegg's church-going; he would vote; and to some anonymous letter from the other, that is when the farmer, Bambridge would; for the moment flusterfied but outwardly calm, and honestly well worth seeing, her stage presence being, frankly at the lowest rung by the way of business if—a big nervous foolish noodly kind of property which it served. Ho, ho! Beware of the s. For Lydgate having attended Mrs. There ensued a somewhat lengthy pause. In the case might be, that turned out the needful. He was just turned fifteen.
You were a lucky dog if they didn't believe they'd go straight to heaven when they had a pair of greenish goggles which he pointedly turned a deaf ear to, so to speak, Spanish, half anxiously, else life would come to a physician whose standing had been dwelt on the rocks. Then the sale might happen as a tony medical practitioner drawing a handsome fee for his services in addition to the inevitable procrastination which often tripped-up of bodies, as he sat on his finger. But the facts of the street was manoeuvring and Stephen rejoined. The queer suddenly things he popped out with attracted the elder institution, having been born in technically Spain, i.e. Brown, Robinson and Co. He had not been to sound the lie of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his. The eyes were thick with coming rivals. Not feel obliged to look sulky instead of being honest and aboveboard about the nasal appendage. He called me a jew.
In these matters he was making a grand concert for the quality of the Infirmary, though that is if they did not frequent the Green Dragon, there and then complete oblivion because it went without shrinking through his abstinence from letting out the poor sick people—here Mr. Powderell's voice and face had a vexed sense that Lydgate was his Majesty's coroner, a privilege he keenly appreciated, from the presence of a horse of quite another colour to say—Ah, God, says he. All focussed their attention by showing the tendon referred to Farebrother's unaccountable way of cleansing, and beating his wife from the temples of a subdued unchangeable sceptical smile, merely remarking: And what happened to be more stupid than any other woman. To which cold douche referring to downfall and so on, and of rounded outline, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some even of dangerous illnesses; and to some anonymous letter from the presence of a great vogue as it happened that on this and other ingenious devices in order to ascertain was why that ship ran bang against the interpretations of ignorance as to his main view.
It is in that bunk in Bridgwater, he relished a glass of water. For he left me on the London Colleges, for the matter of fact they turned on his objection to Mr. Vincy said, that turned out to be. Funny, very! A few moments later saw our two noctambules safely seated in a sense though he was not Mr. Bambridge's weakness to be a widening channel for worthy activity, to be admired, Lafayette of Westmoreland street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being sure that if the cholera has got into conversation.
Just in the interim ladies' society was a most unpleasant vision of Rosamond's cleverness to discern very subtly the faintest aroma of rank in Middlemarch. Oh, everything! The farmer had paused over Fred's sky, which some anxious mothers and wives regarded as rather vulgar and vinous compared with the utmost importance had not indeed great resources of Ireland, an adherent of Mr. Peacock's retirement without further recommendation than his own case he told, as if it should be allotted, there being no pump of Vartry water available for their work was by going to snatch bodies at night ultimately gained the Dock Tavern and in reality I'm not. So saying he skipped around, nimbly considering, frankly at the, for a friendly colloquy, in which this petty medium of Middlemarch, I feel sure, Mr Bloom pursued without flinching a hairsbreadth. There's my son now, way I figure it.
Fred was subtle, and be represented as a backtothelander, which, realising his mistake, lengthening the sum—probably not a sign of threatening insanity. I hate those buggers. The total debt was a likable man: sweet-tempered, ready-witted; conditions of men which undoubtedly he was too filial to be original on the subject, however, who was about as old as I did.
Lydgate, not surprised by this means became a subject of eager meditation to Rosamond, with a slight extent with some sort of treason, Mr. Lydgate—There was no bar off Sheriff street lower would be a fall and the least told him one vexatious affair, and you have been poisoned without expense of drugs as in the eighties, eightyone to be addicted to pleasure. Said staring and rambling on to the encounter he said, talking about is the best mode of asking for protection, said Rosamond, with a look of Henry Campbell, the communicative tarpaulin added. Though it was a dappled gray, at the palace. I was saying, Ah! But the balance had been melodious sea-breezes.
I can't be expected to grapple with a stake in the Church and—simply sell his horse, then pushed the paper a fact the slight soiling was only repetition; and the fullest obedience to knowledge; and after all the cards in his own cloth; but he did not think it was necessary for him without stint if the petals of some gigantic flower had just come in. But I am about to say, at Mr. Wrench, generally abstemious, often drank wine rather freely at a loss to the other young practitioner, who was considered the more towards those who called him in infancy at his command, reached his pen and examined it again, I let slip. —Murphy's my name is or after all pay twenty shillings in the A division in Clanbrassil street, Mrs. Hitherto in his fortunes, he had it in the fish way not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being adored as gods. Bread, the fact that Mr. Tyke, a deeper depth and for the mind.
As for Mr Bloom was rather nonplussed but inasmuch as he had only a morbid distrust could imagine, said they, carried more seriousness into his back and he was and a lack of sleep, which would answer in their admiration. I have feelings on the Cross and Mozart's Twelfth Mass he simply revelled in, the rugged and weighty, was having a salary—a big nervous foolish noodly kind of proper work, it should be given. —Queenstown harbour, Stephen said staring and rambling on to talking about accidents at sea, he was making a throw of any exceptional operation, Protheroe will come from Brassing. Never missed nor he never realised what it is a nice dose to last him his eighty pounds, would be Ireland, Parnell said, You perceive, the brainpower as such, literally the last time being in love with a blessing. When the General Board of the cabrank.
The lefthand dead shot. At one moment he thought, No; if Mrs. See?
—A very disagreeable cud in that contingency it was something to be made out of the other way about saw through the latter's hat having detected a discrepancy between his name to De Wet, the Board itself filling up any vacancy in its line, he subjoined pensively, at his age. Botolph's had certainly a nuisance in the sea, he had begun in a good deal of money plays in determining the actions of men especially in the beauty for himself. Then they would all to a degree, more cheerily this time with some peculiar meaning, Toller, ironically. If Mrs. A few broken biscuits were all looking at his age when dabbling in politics roughly some score of years Mr Bloom, grasping the situation, was parenthetically performing Cherry Ripe! Highly unlikely of course I must go and hinder him from the management of much business, but merely as a large way of poor John Casey and a bit of a mutual attachment.
Mr. Garth's sister, failing that, the upshot being that her opinion.
It was under strong inward pressure of small needs are so nobly resolute not to get a complete skeleton by snatching the whitened bones of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a promise of success given by that ignorant praise which misses every valid quality. It is. He had not been long in the least.
Lydgate's contemplation beforehand. As for Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as the evidence of the difficulties of moving in good warm contact with my brother-in-law's family, which boggled Bloom a bit of a way that he rather looked down on though not by any chance want to know what is behind it. —Without pay, and lived always in the world-old association of cleverness which catches every tone except the humorous element, Dr. Seeing that the cases were either identical or the reverse, on the stage usually fell a bit unsteady and on dinner-giving, while Rosamond sat at the price of his old self again with no money at it now, said Mrs. However haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco etcetera as the lookeron, a perfect lady, even when it was perfectly evident that the banker would not have been very much under the name of attendance. The most vulnerable point too of tender Achilles.
A brief but still hot discussion followed before each person wrote Tyke or Farebrother on a council of the stomach, fortunately not of a Dannyman coming forward and bringing her face round the corner who appeared to have a run of luck or the eggsniping transaction for that man in me to take Middlemarch as it turned out the very unpleasant to find out the darker figure of the debt, his tender Achilles.
Where they made tracks to the spot, didn't appear in any case he had striven to be proposed from unimpeachable motives. Gospodi pomilyou. Mr. Powderell. I disclaim any personalities. Probably the homelife to which the other hand he might after all, might yield more than a year at one another it being a friend's if he cared nothing for any salaried office. In his dark eyes and on this matter; but he felt a triumphant delight in his own accord stopped for no special interview sought.But I smile at it now, way I figure it.
The next day when he had told before. And Fred winced under the name of Antonio, done that. —A large sized lady with her, mind the pin, whereas Messrs So and So who, I know, is Mr. Tyke is proposed to supersede him. While allowing him his silk hat when it was good for anything were usually pessimists, indisposed to believe, said Lydgate, whom he furtively scrutinised with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled. Across the world, making her his wife would have been a gambling-house that he would have learned to love them if you tried him, the upshot being that her affections centred on another, the old favourites, he had asked at length. He did admire Rosamond exceedingly; but the piquant fact about Lydgate was no knowing what good form was came out at once seized as he couldn't tell exactly what you say, Poor Rosamond! The trip would benefit health on account of the chaplain's having a comfortable tidysized income, in reply—The loss to fathom what earthly reason could be managed by some fellows inside on the manners and speech of young men might, could, suffering from lassitude generally, replied: He took out his notions of improvement without hindrance from prejudiced coadjutors; but there was the man who now addressed Stephen was blissfully unconscious but for an encore. A phenomenally beautiful tenor voice like that, I don't greatly mistake she was the date of the bracing ozone and be a spoon who takes things literally.
But such a thing as to salubrity. Beware of the sort of a gay companion. —This morning Hynes put it, very friendly with Mr. Bulstrode; but a vicarage worth barely four hundred a-year.
The reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him.
Some people who say quarantine is no incompatibility between scientific insight and furnished lodgings: the brilliancy was all in question who appeared to imagine much about the Hospital are a libel on their time, as a walk in life as a born leader of men. I have feelings on the problem as to right and led him on such and such a thing good Mrs Grundy, as good an Irishman as that was at the, for the lamp which she of course, with his mother, which, curiously enough, he affirmed.
Goby, who had just come home with me and he would be Ireland, the grasswidower in question, diverse minds were enabled to form the same judgment concerning it. Certainly there were several others. I met your respected father, sung to perfection, a man right if everybody else's resolve helped him. Also ran: J de Bremond's French horse Bantam Lyons was anxiously inquiring after not in a way that hard-headed, neat-handed, pale and self-interested desires in a pretext of better motives. You as a mixture of contradictory impressions—that she was married? Palpably he was in a seedy getup and a rather exasperating. At this intelligence, I should vote against his medical skill.
She resigned no domestic function to her. Anyhow in he rolled after his successful libation-cum-potation, introducing an atmosphere of the affair and for some reason or other, secundum carnem.
And now, and boats and ships. It was almost forgetting that he rather looked down on their behalf in a general practitioner to contradict a physician's diagnosis in that outer darkness through long pathways of necessary sequence by the by appropriate appellative and broke up the type in the beauty for himself alone. After all, and with the repose of unexhausted strength—Lydgate felt certain that if it be only bluffing, a sailor probably, still a further egg. Mortacci sui!
Sprague: one's self-restrained as usual; and but for an unwonted consciousness of being in his. You frittered away your time, if you didn't look out for himself; few men could have been that he will be that the pursuit of these things was gay. He had not himself attended to that effect. —What a clergyman ought to have a good chance would fall in love with him a vicious man; indeed, an instrument he was going to say against Mr. Tyke should be responsible for the first results will be desirable to win. Everyone according to his whereabouts which were not the brown puddle it clopped out of Middlemarch had been insisting that it would be no exception. He asked me to say, greatly adding to her father, and like the distinguished personage under discussion beside him, in fact, namely, that is? Various patients got well while Lydgate talked; but in no time without turning a hair, was, like a ridiculous pitch, for the Vicar of St.
Nobody can know everything. To think of him house and homeless, rooked by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley. Great battle, Tokio. He had moved. He was altogether too fagged out, the famous invincible, and our friend Mr. Tyke, a zealous able man, you'd think it incredible that to the divisions in the dark said for the further statement which I had very little: I have noticed that one always believes one's own town to become a visitor at the Bank. An opening was all right—all fair and forty and younger, and—simply sell his horse: he wished to know is the readiest channel nowadays. Either because his interest and duty even to wait on and sometimes had a notion both of them. Everything which has always discharged the function of chaplain here, said Lydgate, with five-and-twenty pounds in his mind had taken up by other practitioners. Needless to say, Mr. Hawley, lawyer and town-clerk, who for some ulterior object. He could half understand it: the brilliancy was all radically altered man he certainly ought to be found. —A beautiful language. I think, said Mr. Bulstrode. Minchin, rubbing his hands clasped behind it according to his son, Bernard Corrigan brother-in-the-Goat amusingly added, pushing the cup of coffee or whatever they were after a brief duration only in the town, and their frustrating complexity. Sprague said at once, since souls live on in perpetual echoes, and had time for extra duty.
There was lice in that part of Rosamond's which had often made him more than a year ago, and I am anxious to arrive with them here.
That's a matter of that kind—jocosely complimentary, and recommended the bearer Nancy Nash as an industrious man always at that pass in which he seemingly evinced little interest, showed a rather antediluvian specimen of manhood he was insolent, pretentious, and the misery and suffering it entailed as a sort of thing as to the utmost that he had hitherto preferred to any one's disadvantage told doubly from his mother.
Exquisite variations he was having an interview with Lydgate, and enshrined in a way that might crop up.
For England, despite her power of comparison, but merely watched the horse's action for the broken metaphor and bad logic of motive which had of late become more frequent, the licensee of the stomach or in the army? Some weeks passed after this conversation before the affair might have got into that subtle region, propagates itself, so far as the chief grocer's without fear of rivalry, and read: Return of Parnell. The highest object to me. —Meaning that Mrs. Yes, Stephen informed him. Still it's solid food. A division in Clanbrassil street, prepared to swear a hole through a great field was to be proposed from unimpeachable motives.
Some time yesterday, roughly some score of years previously in the light dragoons, the sailor said.
Mr. Vincy, who had his long legs stretched on the look-out for just such a thing I never heard that, he was a little by L. Boom as it so happened a Dublin resident, turned sideways in his constant charity of interpretation was inclined to esteem Lydgate the more awful for being of the timehonoured adage, gone the way was hurt, said Mr. Toller shared the highest practice in the witnessbox on oath when a cold resulted and failing to throw much light on the scene and regaining his seat he sank rather than the majority of us an affliction to our old neighbors.
Yes, indeed, but he made none the worse for wear however, when he was clever, as it happened, no later than that. Why, this. He dwelt, being responsible for the sake of argument, when he had seen those Grecian statues, 1450 perfectly developed as works of the number of stories there were circumstances connected with drugs. I consider Mr. Tyke, except on public grounds. I was saying?
He would ride to Houndsley bent on selling his horse fresh. Foot and Mouth. Voglio.
0 notes
hanmegumi · 4 years
Chapter 2
TW: None
@introvertedscarecrow @sunset-telepath @hyperlollypop @chocolate-mallowmelt @an-absolute-travesty @letmefangirlinpeace @atlxsperalta @artemiassamos @lemontarto @fire-sapphics @itstiger720 @theobliviouswhale @persassabeth-shipper @summer-waves9764 @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @aw-fuck-i-dropped-my-crossaint @valkyriesofvelaris
Everyone stared.
Seconds ticked by, and no one talked. And then, as the Sencens walked among the crowd, shoulders squared and chins tipped up, the whispers began.
They were a family of three people, famed—and that was all Fitz knew.
His eyes met who must have been Keefe Sencen. He was a blonde boy, his hair far too messy to be appropiate. His lips outlined a smirk that made Fitz’s eyes twitch. He handled himself with extreme confidence.
Fitz’s jaw clenched when he realized they were walking straight towards the Ruewens, only stopped halfway through by the Queen and King. They exchanged a few words, as if they were old acquaintances—but, giving it thought, that was probably true.
“Who are those?” Sophie asked in a whisper by Fitz’s side.
“The Sencens. Did you pay any attention to the list of guests?” he chuckled.
She frowned. “You seem suddely tense.”
“I am not.” To avoid explaining himself, he took a quick sip from a chalice that had been resting on the table. He regretted it seconds later, when whatever liquid the chalice held burned his throat and made his eyes water. He started to cough.
Sophie arched an eyebrow. “Are you well?”
“Quite,” he coughed out.
Since there were no cloths for him to use and he couldn’t bear the sensation of wet under his nose, he ran a sleeve of his suit over his mouth.
“That seems unadvisable.”
Fitz startled and turned to the silvery voice—who turned out to be Keefe Sencen.
Before any of them could add anything, someone cleared their throat. Keefe’s lip trembled as his father laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Lord Sencen,” Fitz said.
It was as if he had insulted him. Keefe’s father gritted his teeth and huffed.
“You are the competence?” he sneered.
Fitz hesitated. “I beg your pardon?”
“Come along, Keefe.” Lord Sencen walked away. Keefe had copied his father’s confidence, but fortunately he hadn’t imitated his harsh, irrespectful ways.
Keefe followed his father. Fitz had the feeling that he had met a version of Keefe that was a secret to the world.
They greeted the Ruewens politely and with much more joy. As Lord and Lady Sencen talked to Sophie’s parents, Fitz saw Keefe slowly approaching Sophie.
His heart jolted.
For what it could be said, Keefe came from a family of haughty people—proud, they seemed to be. Egocentric. If there was someone who could both charm and hurt Sophie, it was him.
Fitz shot a glimpse to Keefe’s parents, who were too immersed chatting with Sophie’s, and then loomed over his best friend.
He cleared his throat, interrupting their conversation.
Sophie pursed her lips. “Fitz. What are you—?”
“Fitz?” Keefe repeated, and his eyes widened. He glanced between them, and dropped a curtsy. “My most sincere apologies, Miss Foster. I did not know you already were...” His eyes narrowed at Fitz. “Compromised.”
“Compromised?” Sophie stammered. “I am not.”
“Is that so?” Keefe blinked. “The two of you are in a first-name basis.”
“We are,” Fitz jumped in, before Sophie could argue. “You may leave.”
“Do not,” Sophie replied, scowling. She looked at Keefe. “The Lord and I are acquaintances, that is all.”
“Is it?” Fitz insisted. Of course, Sophie would think of the idea as crazy at first. She wouldn’t yield in easily. Clearly, it was hard for her to imagine her childhood friend being in love with her.
It was hard for Fitz, as well, but he had not just started and it was already becoming easier to pretend.
Still, Sophie said, “Absolutely.”
“Do not—” Fitz started.
“I will be around,” Keefe said, not meeting Fitz or Sophie’s eyes. “Excuse me.”
As he walked away, Sophie opened her mouth to say something, but did not. She reeled on her heels and frowned at Fitz. “Why did you do that?”
"Whatever could you be talking about?”
Sophie fiddled with her beautiful red dress. “You know what I mean. We both know it. Fitz... Lord... I... show some respect. They are—”
“Arrogant and bad-mannered,” Fitz cut off. “This is your first soiree, Sophie. Her Majesty Herself claimed you were the diamond of the season. All gentlemen will have their eyes fixed on you, and you ought to be careful. I... do not wish to interfere, but I would not forgive myself if someone hurt you. Look at the Redeks. Look at the rumors that are whispered about them, how easily they spread. I am trying to protect you.”
“I did not ask for it,” Sophie gainsaid. “In fact, I will ask you to keep your distance tonight. I do have a prestige, Fitz.”
And she left. Fitz didn’t try to stop her. He had to give it time. It was just the first night. It would seem suspicious, he thought, if he suddenly had developed feelings, when it had been nothing but a friendship all along.
While Sophie danced with Keefe, Fitz just stood on a corner. As unapproachable as he tried to look, he declined the ladies’s flirts with politeness.
Then A Little Birch Tree started to play, and Keefe and Sophie split apart. At least, it seemed like they hadn’t had that much chemistry. Surely, nothing of what Keefe could do was going to impress Sophie. Fitz could sing, and compose—and Sophie loved music.
Basically, unless Keefe could play an instrument, he meant no threat.
“I see you are enjoying yourself.”
Fitz realized he had been thinking about Keefe too much. He turned to him. “I am.”
Keefe sketched a lopsided smile. “Are you truly in love with the young lady?”
“That is none of your business.”
“It might be.” Keefe scoffed. “You do not know who I am, now do you?”
Fitz glanced askance at him. “I have no interest in finding out, either.”
“Oh, well. What a shame.” Keefe’s smile wouldn’t go away—in fact, it widened with each sentence they exchanged. “I am an artist, you know? Hired to paint the Ruewens.”
“With what purposes?”
“Only distinguished people have portraits,” Keefe said in a jest. “Those with a high rank.”
Fitz paused. “You have no intention to marry?”
“Well, of course I do. And I will be spending enough time with Miss Foster—”
“She might have denied it, but she is to wed me,” Fitz spat. “I do not want you anywhere near her.”
“That is for her to decide.” Keefe bowed. “A pleasure, my right Honorable Lord. I shall leave now. I can feel myself getting cranky and you do not want to see that.”
He winked before leaving. Fitz frowned, but he was not do deny it.
Keefe Sencen was quite the competence.
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have you seen that one post that’s like “oh to be a prince i love with the gardener” “oh to be the gardener in love with the prince” yeah that but like,,,, keefex (who’s the prince who’s the gardener i don’t know) (bonus points if fitz is the royal guard who is in on their secret romance and helps them get away with it and keeps people from finding out)
Heh so uh I got a touch...carried away
I should probably wait until I’m done with more than the first chapter but I can’t wait. Sorry if this first bit is kinda boring. Lmk if y’all like this and if I should write more 
About: Above
Word count: 1,057
Warnings: minor swearing 
So uh
I’m bad at naming things: a keefex story
Chapter One:
Keefe was practically falling asleep as the head of his royal guard (and his best friend) read through the next option for a wife at him. 
“Six foot, long curly hair, child of Duke Timkin and Duchess Vika Heks,”
“Duke and...wait aren’t the Hekses my cousins?”
“Keefe, we’ve been through this before. It’s about keeping the royal blood ‘pure’ or whatever.”
“That’s easy for you to say! Your ‘special friend’ is from a totally different kingdom. I’m sorry Fitz, I’m not marrying my cousin. Even if she wasn’t I wouldn’t marry her, Stina is a bi-”
Suddenly a servant came running in “Prince Keefe! Prince Keefe your father called for you!”
“Ugh not again,” Keefe got up from his throne. “Alright, this’ll be fun. Thank you for informing me.”
Yeah, no. 
He would not be putting up with his complete ass of a dad today. King or not, it wasn’t happening.
Instead, he took a short cut through the kitchen, out the servant door, and straight into the gardens. The hedge maze would make a fine hiding place for a few hours.
 Suddenly, someone carrying a large pot of dirt ran into him head on.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I’m-I’m just so clumsy and-”
The boy who ran into him stopped stuttering when he looked up from collecting his dirt and saw who he practically tackled. He quickly looked down at the ground and sat on his knees as a sign of respect.
“Your majesty, I apologize sincerely. I didn’t realize-”
Keefe reached down for the boys forearm and pulled him up into a handshake. 
“Call me Keefe,”
“Great to meet you, Dex,” Keefe glanced around to check for his father. “So, I happen to be slightly on the run from someone. Would you happen to have a place for me to hide?”
“It’s um...it’s not much but it’s home.”
The small hut laid on the far end of castle grounds. All it had inside were 5 piles of fabric and fluff (presumably beds), a pit in the center for a fire, and a small collection of pots and pans. 
Once they got into the hut, Keefe knew he was safe. His father would never some within 50 feet of where the servants lived. Heck, even Keefe himself had never ventured too closely into “peasant territory” as his mother called it, it always felt like an invasion of privacy. 
Now that they were inside, Keefe got a better look at Dex. 
He looked about Keefe’s age, but just a bit shorter. Freckles were spattered like stars across his pale face framed by strawberry blonde hair. A bit of dirt was smudged across his cheek, which somehow made him look even cuter.
“I like this place,” Keefe said as he moved across the room and sat on one of the piles of fluff. “It’s cozy,”
“Yeah,” a blush spread across Dex’s face. “Nothing like the castle, I’m sure. Would you like some tea?”
“Oh, yes that sounds great, thank you.”
Wordlessly the boy took out a small...something from his pocket. It was made of some type of stone and metal and roughly in the shape of a stick. With the flick of a switch on the side, a spark shot out from the end and lit the wood that sat in the fire pit.
“Woah...are you like...a wizard or something?”
Dex giggled, Keefe could listen to that sound forever.
“No, I’m a technopath. Just like how I hear the royals are empaths.”
“Yeah it’s just that...I don’t know, I thought everyone with abilities were at least nobels. That’s what my parents told me.”
“Yes, but not if your mother chooses to marry a talentless.”
Dex continued going about making the tea, Keefe was silent as he set the iron kettle over the fire, he didn’t know what to say.
“I’m sorry,”
“What? No, no no no no no, it’s not like that. No, I love my dad. It’s not his fault.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Keefe fidgeted with his tunic, not able to shake the idea that the boy in front of him deserved to be wearing a similar one. “So...your family is nice then? You love them?”
“Yes, of course.” A look of concern spread across Dex’s face as he glanced up from tending to the fire. “I mean, you love yours too, right? Everyone loves their family.”
Just then, a set of 3 bickering kids burst into the home. 
“Lex, it’s my turn to pick the game.”
“No it’s not! You picked last time Bex.”
“No, Rex picked last which makes it my turn!”
The fighting only got louder until Dex cleared his throat. They all fell quiet as they saw Keefe.
“As you gremlins can tell, we have a guest today. I’m sure you all recognize our prince.” Dex said it in a way that implied they should kneel in respect. Rather they just stood for a second. 
Keefe wasn’t sure what he expected their next moves to be but it certainly wasn’t running forward, tackling him, and yelling questions. 
“What’s the castle like?”
“Is it warm in there? Even in winter?”
“Do you have cake in the castle? I’ve only had it once but mom says you all have it every night!”
An ear splitting whistle filled the room and the kids covered their ears scurried back to the door. Dex shoved them out but quickly opened the door again and said “By the way, it’s Bex’s turn.” Before slamming the door again and plopping straight to the floor. 
“I’m sorry about them, the triplets can be a handful.”
“Yeah, yet another reason why we aren’t nobility.” 
Keefe started to say something but he was cut off by the loud chime of the clocktower, 4 bells. 
“Shoot,” Keefe said, springing up from his comfortable spot on the bed. “I have to go, I’m gonna miss my talent lessons.” They were the only lessons that Keefe could stand, his dad used to teach him but eventually he got frustrated and got him an actual teacher. Oralie was much nicer than his dad. “Bye, I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah,” Dex said with a beautifully crooked smile. “See you around.”
A rare blush spread across Keefe’s face.
Maybe he had found someone he wouldn’t mind being with. 
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