#kink same or kink shame
missbaphomet · 2 years
Not for me! I prefer bodily wastes and other biohazards to stay out of my sex life because there are a lot of health risks involved! I don't have an issue with a little blood though so long as my partner is clear of bloodbourne diseases. I'm also pretty sensitive to bad smells and let's be real a lot of bodily secretions smell icky
As long as you know the risks and are making informed decisions then have fun! But NEVER go ass to vagina with a female partner. Considering the piss poor state of sexual health education in the US some people might not know that this is bad and dangerous!
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 1 month
When you really like Astarion and his relationship with your tav so you search him up on TikTok because oh I’m sure people have made good content of h-
This user has taken 25 points of psychic damage
This user has taken 25 points of psychic damage
This user has taken 25 points of psychic damage
This user has taken 25 points of psychic damage
This user has taken 25 points of psychic damage
The deeper I went into the “Astarion Girlies” (BROTHA EUGH) the more I wanted to dive bomb off a cliff
LIKE WDYM YOU THINK AA AND TAV ARE HEALTHY??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THINK AA LOVES TAV??? AFTER NON ASCENDED ASTARION LITERALLY TELLS YOU HE ALMOST LOST HIMSELF?? AND WOULDVE IF YOU HADNT CONVINCED HIM NOT TO ASCEND?? The game tells you AA actively thinks you’re disrespecting yourself by being with him?? But it’s fine because maybe that’s what you want. You’re quite literally disregarding his ENTIRE story- you objectified him SO MUCH YOU TURNED YOURSELF INTO AN OBJECT.
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evansbby · 2 months
not me going through the steve rogers x reader tag and i find a post that’s like “pov you find a fic with amazing smut but it has daddy kink 👎” LMFAOOOO
i wonder if anyone’s read my fics and just immediately exited out as soon as they see the word “daddy” bc it’s in like EVERY SINGLE ONE of my fics 😂😂
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mindless-maisie · 2 months
god i love intox kink but every time i see it on my dash or search for it its all like age gap and fauxcest and super hard abuse kinks and like. can’t a girl just enjoy slight intox play without seeing “rape me daddy”… please
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gaphic · 5 months
'i don't give my characters kinks because most of them are aspec or minors' buddy,,,,,,,,
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strawberryfemm · 1 year
there’s something sooooo fucked up and fun about learning someone’s hard limits and hearing that they only exist because “that just kind of seems icky” and then like three months later they’re squirming under you and cumming hard while you do the thing they said was icky before. interesting how that works.
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count-doodoo · 5 months
idk if this is a hot take or not but i would literally rather everyone just throw all their insults and criticisms of me at my face. like i'd rather just know. a) so i can fix the problems and b) because the not knowing drives me bonkers (what if everyone hates me, a social anxiety story. but seriously what if everyone hates me tho--). getting notes like "sorry to bother you but this thing you've been doing has been really annoying for awhile" is legit The Worst because we could've fixed that!!! i would've tried to do better if i'd known!!! i don't ever claim to be a good person, let alone a perfect person, but i do /try/ to be better!!! (but then again no one would be /wrong/ to assume that me attempting things scarcely results in success so like)
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candiid-caniine · 5 days
see, now this...this is exactly the kind of addition that is NOT welcome on ANY of my posts, and why I dread my posts breaking containment lol. it's triggering to me. don't do this.
tw: misogyny
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yuyuonabeat · 17 days
We're not the same people what an awful assumptions lol nice fucking try
Uhhhh can someone tell me when or where did I ever compare anon with me?
Oh honey we are definitely not alike, like ew I’m not stupid enough to keep hating on someone just for fun.
But I’m glad I can entertain that shame kink you have going on in your brain.
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missbaphomet · 2 years
kinks...bondage, and edging? (gotta send 2 to pacify my ocd......)
Oh sorry I didn't mean to trigger your OCD! :(
If it helps you are totally exempt from having to do ask games or anything on my blog ever. I don't have a lot of experience with OCD bc I don't know many people with severe OCD but we can absolutely talk about the best way to help you!
Bondage is my second oldest kink! I really like bondage, especially artistic bondage like shibari. I have a few books on the subject of shibari and want to learn to do some self ties, but I need good scissors juuuuust in case. Highly recommend hook knives to anyone getting into bondage!!! It's about 50/50 if bondage is sexual for me. Sometimes it genuinely just functions as a security blanket. There's a certain kind of serenity that comes from being bound, it's hard to explain but I'm sure other rope bottoms know exactly what I mean
Edging is a lot of fun!!! Big fan. Just do know your body's limits bc there is definitely a threshold where it stops being fun and can start being actually pretty painful, and not in the fun way. Also be aware of the emotional limits of your partner, because when you're kept in an intense emotional state for a long time it can get really hard to keep emotions in check and it's entirely likely your partner could start feeling like their pleasure in the situation doesn't matter and they can go into a drop. Listen to your partner and COMMUNICATE!!!
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I hope that everybody with a sh kink dies
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yourqueenb · 1 year
RWB really is a trip… MC’s trying to get off while the guy she likes is screwing someone else? I don’t even consider myself a jealous person, but I could never. That’s like the opposite of sexy to me
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masked-and-doomed · 5 months
Augh I am not knowledgeable enough on this and I do not have the energy to see more of it but I am still thinking of it <- the morality and ethics of fiction and things like that and also how much of the author's views are affecting it
Quick example here: light from DN, most people tend to assume he's misogynistic, because the author unintentionally wrote his views onto Light's character. Of course, it is in a way where it does seem to be fair to have that negative trait onto Light, but in his other works that sexism is toned a bit higher and clearer to see.
So, that asks the question of many other works of art. At what point is it part the story, the themes, the character, and at what point is it the creator of their work, intentionally or unintentionally having their views baked into it.
Of course, I feel, it is maybe inevitable some of one's thoughts on matters are worked into their craft. It is your art, it will have your touch on it, whether you see it or not.
Wauhh there's so much to this. I am. Ough.
This of course eventually goes into rougher territory, does this person actually think this [horrible action] is acceptable, or justifiable? Or should we give the benefit of the doubt that it's meant to be in the realm of fiction that was meant for pondering, evoke emotions and connections to these characters.
What is romanticising/glorifying, truly? Though I suspect it may come to a 'case by case' sort of thing.
What is simply one's fantasies, of which, may be illegal to do so in real life, but they are fully aware of such. They still wish to engage in pleasure, though within the realm of fiction rather than reality so they do not actually harm others.
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chartreuxcatz · 3 months
Bro can we stop reposting tiktoks or chat screenshots that are clearly just kinky and cringey because you’re not into it?
Like, guys being all dommy with their (consenting) partners isnt the issue, its guys being dommy to complete strangers who gave no indication that they wanted that shit. There’s a difference. Its about the lack of consent.
Some people have weird kinky relationship dynamics that will make you uncomfortable and thats literally okay. I’m sorry if you saw something you didnt want to see but why the hell would you repost that for other people who didnt ask to see?
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anauwhere · 1 year
It's 2023 and I still see posts Virgin shaming
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Kinda related to the frustration over people putting their ship or character hate in the main POTO tags without tagging it as such...
Harassment is never okay, no matter what you ship. And as someone who ships E/C primarily, it’s really annoying to see E/C shippers make grandstanding statements about how we shouldn’t bash POTO characters and then turn around and harass people in the fandom for not shipping E/C or for shipping E/C and acknowledging that Erik is a really flawed character.
Everyone does fandom in different ways. There is a difference between just not enjoying certain aspects in fandom and so focusing on other aspects, and deriving your enjoyment of fandom from harassing others for not having your exact same headcanons and feelings of the actors. The former is a healthy view of fandom, the latter is highly inappropriate.
Not only that, the fact that some of these people do it in the name of shipping E/C and then attack people who aren’t even really in the fandom is just really embarrassing to those of us who ship E/C and don’t believe in harassment. Like, learn to curate your fandom experience. No one is going to suddenly go “maybe I’ll ship this” because you send a string of hate their way.
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