#okay so the fanfics I read are sooo specific
evansbby · 5 months
not me going through the steve rogers x reader tag and i find a post that’s like “pov you find a fic with amazing smut but it has daddy kink 👎” LMFAOOOO
i wonder if anyone’s read my fics and just immediately exited out as soon as they see the word “daddy” bc it’s in like EVERY SINGLE ONE of my fics 😂😂
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suddencolds · 2 months
sending u a star!! ⭐️ sorry i wanted to go thru and pick a specific fic but im too sleepy lol but any yvescent piece u had thoughts on :D
[from Fanfic Writers - Director's Cut]
I also realize am responding to this like 2 months late :') I thought for a long time on which fic to comment on, and now that I've posted Atypical Occurrence pt. 2, I thought I might as well write out my thoughts on it while they're still fresh and bc it's close to my heart (I hope that's okay hehe)
⚠️❗️ Warning that I will be attaching snippets from my deleted drafts below!! Please read the published installment before you proceed to read this post. This is a little embarrassing... all I can say is that those drafts were deleted for a reason 🥴
There’s a grocery store that’s a ten minute drive from Vincent’s apartment. 
I rewrote this scene... 3 or 4 times? It gave me sooo much trouble 😭 I think in the first draft Vincent actually tears up tasting Yves's cooking. (I know, Vincent, I want Yves to cook for me too 😭❗️)
Terrible (ugh 😭) first draft screenshot under the cut (screenshot = old draft, indented quote = current draft):
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(Yves pulling up a chair at the end... you can tell he is totally at a loss on what to do 😭 and I, too, was at a loss on what to do)
I wrote this ^, and I was like... this moment just feels unearned? I personally despise outlining + I love going in (mostly) blind. Sometimes the first draft works out of the box, and in this case, the first draft (and the second draft, and the third draft) were all soooo bad that I literally had to take a month-long break to regain my confidence 😭
Anyways! I knew right away that Y was going to cook something for V (it's mentioned here and there throughout the series that he is a really good cook 😭 And in part 3 of Fool Me Twice, Yves promises to make Vincent something more ambitious than hot chocolate. He's finally kept his promise now, 12 installments later 🙇‍♀️ )
From draft 2, there was only one scene which I was sure I was going to include in the final draft, aka, spared from the recycling bin. (But I just checked the final draft and it's nowhere to be seen?? Interesting.)
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I would have managed fine on my own.
On this (deleted) scene, and more broadly: I think it's important to me that Yves recognizes that Vincent is self-sufficient in many ways: when Vincent says he will be fine alone, he is telling the truth. Yves doesn't have to stay—he recognizes this too, when he heads for the door in the published draft.
Still, Yves stays, of course—initially, because he insists, and later, because Vincent asks :)
“…You won’t leave unless I eat, then,” Vincent says. He says it evenly enough that it barely registers as a question. Yves smiles at him. It’s not a wrong conclusion. “Exactly,” he says.
It was really, really fun writing the differences between caretaker!Vincent (in Fool Me Twice pt. 5) and caretaker!Yves 😊 I usually don't like to say too much on the end of character analysis, bc I like my work to be interpreted as it is: the text is canon, and everything I'm saying here is just me yapping on about my headcanons. (I have been roasted for saying this by a dear friend of mine, probably rightfully so:)
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With that disclaimer: Vincent to me (I can only speculate, etc) is a very no-bullshit caretaker (he likes to enforce whatever will lead most directly to the person's recovery; he actually worries a lot, but his worry often manifests as frustration/snappishness), whereas Yves is a lot more permissive and, for the most part, manages his stress—he is the eldest sibling, after all! I think he does what he can to make it a more tolerable experience :)
“So this is just a Yves thing.” “What? Showing consideration for my friends?”  “Showing consideration is one thing,” Vincent answers. “You could have left after dropping off the files. You would still have been showing your consideration.” “I guess that’s true. But at that point, I was already here,” Yves says, with a shrug. “It seemed logical to check up on you.” “Well, now you’ve checked up on me,” Vincent says. “So you can go.” Yves supposes this is true.
Vincent takes things very literally (and I think he's actually quite aware of the social niceties around these kinds of things, which is in part why he is so skeptical to assume that Yves means anything more.)
There’s a hand on his sleeve, tugging. Yves goes very still. When Vincent notices what he’s done, alarm flashes through his expression, and he pulls his hand away as if he’s burned.  “Sorry,” he murmurs, again. And just like that, he’s back to how he always is—his expression perfectly, carefully neutral, in a way that can only be constructed. “I’m sorry.” But Yves doesn’t forget what he’s seen. “You can go.”
This scene means a lot to me!! It took a loooot of editing to hammer into place (the doc I wrote it on is titled "fixing this scene would FIX ME" haha). I think this is the first time Vincent has actively sought out Yves's comfort 😭 And he regrets it almost as soon as he's said it, because he does not do things without a good justification, and wanting something—even wanting it badly—does not feel like a sufficient justification to him. But give Yves an inch and he will take a mile!! He will take a hundred miles!! That is just the kind of person that Yves is.
I was talking with some friends previously about how I wanted to write Vincent reaching out for Yves. How I wanted Vincent to, through the haze of fever, cross a line that he'd previously not allowed himself to cross :') I think it is a time-old trope to have someone, in their feverish delirium, utter something embarrassing and utterly uncharacteristic of them, or divulge something that has been difficult for them to say.
This whole time drafting, I was thinking, how can I set up a moment like that and have it feel earned? How badly would he have to be feeling? What kind of setup would justify getting past his 590859 mental defenses? (I do not like to outline, but sometimes I do have an emotional beat that I have in mind, and then I have to work backwards to figure out the setup. This took SO much working back from, and I really thought about it for very long). I was almost sure that Vincent would regret it immediately after too 😭
Yves opens his arms out in offering, tries on a smile. “I’ve been told I give good hugs. Good enough to cure all ailments, obviously.”
Ahh, so Y offering V a hug is inspired by a fic I read 6 years ago, where a character offers another a hug as a joke and then the other character surprises them by taking it. Yves is really offering here, but I think he recognizes that joking about it will make it easier for Vincent to accept 😭
Yves has hugged a fair share of people in his life. He doesn’t think he’d be able to list them all if he were asked to. It’s different, though, being so close to Vincent—so close that Yves can reach out and let his hair fall through his fingertips. He can lift up his palm and feel the rigid line of his spine, the slope of his shoulders; he could reach out and trace the dip of his wrist, the form of his hand. Vincent’s chin digs slightly into his left shoulder. His nose is turned slightly into Yves’s neck—like this, he is almost perfectly still. Yves can feel the warm brush of air against his neck whenever Vincent exhales. He is so close that Yves is afraid, for a moment, that he might hear how badly his heart is racing.
I have nothing to say about this paragraph except that I edited it for like 40 minutes straight.
Last thing!!
“We had a habit of keeping the heat off, in the winters, and closing the windows.”
The scene near the end (where Vincent tells Yves about his childhood) is actually the scene which came the most easily to me. I also did not write it last; I jumped around. It took me around 1.5 hours. (By comparison, simply editing the scene before it took 11 😵‍💫)
I did always intend for Vincent to disclose... well, /something/ about himself. (You can tell that when I plan, that's really as far as I plan LOL)
Anyways, when Vincent wakes Yves up (after Yves falls asleep at his desk), I initially wrote it so that Yves wakes Vincent from a nightmare.
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But (as direct a link to vulnerability as that might have been,) Vincent would not talk about his nightmare 😭 So I switched gears.
I also specifically wanted to write about Vincent's experience being cared for growing up. I think something that's culturally resonant with me (as an Asian American, and the eldest daughter to immigrant parents) is like, the ways families can and cannot say I love you—the quiet things that are done in place of a more direct expression of it. The way that while unspoken consideration can speak volumes, it can just as easily be invisible. But even now, writing this post, I feel like it's difficult for me to untangle the feelings and experiences I've had into something that feels sufficiently multifaceted.
Vincent has a different childhood from I do (it is probably worth noting that I do not project onto any of my characters, nor do I use them as a vessel to get my own experiences across). I think I'm just drawn to writing tricky/non-straightforward expressions of love, in general :) Sometimes that is the kind of love that resonates with me most.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
did you post literally today? yes. am I about to request again? of course. it's like a drug (I read the last fanfic 3 times today, yes it was that good)
so, other way around now! what about reader being jealous of Gareth? the setting can still be the Hideout and someone is getting too touchy with him, reader knows Gareth wouldn't cheat but their insecurities get the best of them. (I think Gareth would be cocky about it after the situation had settled, him being sooo tease-y and flattered). if it's too specific you can change it a bit of course.
(I'm just gonna add that I reread your fics for comfort when I'm sad<33)
babe magnet
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gareth emerson x gn!reader
word count: 886
warnings: swearing, mentions of inebriation, reader gets insecure about looks/worth, gareth being a flirty shit, fluff
a/n: hi my sweet!!! thank you for requesting. also—i’m not letting this go—you read my stuff repeatedly? 🥺 please stop i’m going to cry!! you have no idea how much it means hearing that you enjoy my writings that much and that they bring you comfort when you’re upset. i love you so so much. also it’s kinda short but i hope it’s what you wanted and that this is okay!! <333 (also his face at the end of this gif?? gareth the grump?? yeah, i think so.)
“You’re so handsome, you know that?”
Gareth doesn’t even know this girl’s name. She’s a groupie, obviously, but he can’t even fathom that they have groupies, so he’s not entirely sure what to do about this.
She’s hammered, clearly, and tried to feel up Jeff before he made a break for it.
Gareth focuses on packing his things up, because she’s sat down now, so he doesn’t have to worry about her groping or anything.
“Uh, thank you?”
He just wants to go home. His shoulders hurt, and his ass is sore. He just wants to see you.
But he doesn’t want to be mean.
“I bet it gets hot up there, under those lights. Playing the drums and stuff,” the girl says, rising from the sticky leather of the couch.
Shit, he thinks.
“Yeah, it does. Listen, do you have a ride home?”
He turns around, but quickly realizes that’s a mistake, because she starts rubbing up and down his arms, across his shoulders, and locks her hands behind his neck.
Yeah, he doesn’t like this.
This, however, is the moment you make it to the back room, and to you, it looks like Gareth is spending his evening with some other woman. Someone that’s not you.
Gareth doesn’t even know you’re there. He’s focused on getting this girl somewhere safe and getting her off of him.
He gently grabs her arms and pulls them off of him, but she moves and starts rubbing his chest, so this time he grabs her hands, and a little more firmly.
“Okay, let’s get you home, yeah?”
He turns then, and sees you in the doorway. You’re frowning, but you wipe it away when he makes eye contact with you.
You can see the relief he feels at your appearance.
“Hey, holy shit. I’ll just be a second.” He lowers his voice as he gets closer to you, “she’s drunk and I’m trying to find her ride, I’ll be right back.”
And then he’s gone, off with that woman.
You take the liberty of picking up the rest of his things, zipping up his bag and throwing it over your shoulder.
You know he wouldn’t do anything. Gareth loves you. He’s made it blatantly clear that you’re it for him. That he intends on spending the rest of his life with you. That no one else can put up with his bullshit the way that you do.
But something about seeing that woman made all of those old thoughts wake up and run wild.
She was gorgeous. This beautiful young woman with curves in all the right places. She looked like she belonged on the cover of a magazine.
And you don’t look like that. So maybe, just maybe, Gareth has found someone else. Someone that looks like her. Someone better for him.
Stop. Stop, you think. You try and shut it down.
Gareth loves you. And you love him.
You’re holding the car keys when he gets back.
“Okay, I figured everything out. That girl was totally out of it,” he says, taking his bag from you, though you keep the keys, because you like to drive him after he plays—you know he’s tired.
The entire ride home, you don’t say a word, and Gareth knows something is up, so he corners you once you get inside.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” He’s giving you his best puppy dog eyes, and so you do.
“I saw you with that girl, from before. She was all over you.”
You cross your arms, and he smiles. He smiles and pokes your side. “You’re jealous!”
“No, I’m—”
Gareth cuts you off with a laugh. A cackling, bend over at the waist laugh. But then he straightens.
“I’m sorry.” He kisses your cheek. “You know there’s nothing to be jealous about, right? I love you. And she was a groupie, which—wild I know—but she was drunk and feeling me up, and that was after she was all over Jeff, anyways,” he breathes, stopping his ramble.
“It was icky. And I hate that you saw it another way. But whatever it is that you’re thinking, I don’t want anyone else, okay?”
You sniff. “Okay.”
He kisses you, short and sweet.
But he pokes you in the side again. “You were jealous.”
“I’m flattered, really. Apparently, I’m just a total babe magnet now. I guess it comes with all the fame. But I mean, look at me, I’m a stud.”
You try to move away from him. This has gone straight to his head.
He grabs your waist, however, picking you up and tossing you on the couch. “You don’t think I’m a stud?” He feigns offense.
Gareth starts tickling you like crazy, up your sides, on your neck, your stomach, until you’re laughing so hard you can’t breathe and you’re pleading with him so he’ll stop.
“Fine! Fine! You’re a stud! A total babe magnet!”
He lets up, smiling brilliantly at you. “I knew you thought so. Good thing the magnet works too, or else I wouldn’t have you. The babe to my magnet.”
You push at his chest, but he only works harder to try and hug you. “Okay, no, that was horrible. That’s the last straw. Get off me!”
He doesn’t, and you don’t want him to. Not really.
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
So!!! Results from my poll indicated that some of you don’t want to see “face inspo/casts” for my OG “Dealing With Our Demons” characters (totally respect that!! I sometimes prefer my image not tainted while reading, too!🖤)
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SOoo… here’s what we’re going to do. I will be posting the images BELOW the cut, so that way if you would rather not see, you don’t have to!🖤 no offense whatsoever taken.
Before you continue, a note: NONE of these pictures are exactly how I picture my characters. These are simply the closest I could get/who I took inspo from when describing them. 🖤 Please do not feel like you need to agree w me. That is the beauty of reading, is it not? Love you. ALSo. This is long, but I wanted to include my notes for clarification if you wanted them. This was fun, getting to have a lil in depth convo w you guys.🥹
PS- IF YOU HAVE NOT READ MY FANFIC “Dealing With Our Demons” on ao3 (by ravenyenn19) & are planning to do so (thx in advance ily) THIS POST WILL HAVE SPOILERSISH. I say this bc while no plot will be ruined, you will see faces you are not meant to yet. 🖤
First up we have: Khalid Runa (Inej’s childhood best friend) & Rahul Runa (Inej’s older cousin) *these two are married, hence the shared surname*
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Notes: Khalid is pretty close, actually. In DWOD, he has aquamarine/green eyes due to his partially Kaelish heritage & I do picture his skin tone to be a tad lighter due to this. ALSO: Khalid does have burn scars across most of his hands, though I was unable to find such an image to include that piece of “DWOD lore”. (The burns are from his years mastering ‘flame eating/fire dancing’ in the caravans.
Rahul: This image is mostly chosen for his facial structure, however I do picture Rahul to have close cropped hair (a sort of subversion upon the suli culture that makes his training as a medic easier. I do picture him also remaining clean-shaven with a skin tone that is very similar to his cousin, Inej Ghafa.)
Next: Nani (Mitra) Ghafa (Inej’s maternal grandmother)
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Notes: This actress is actually Iranian, for note. SO: I do want to make it very clear that I picture Nani’s skin tone to be darker like Inej (though also I do think this photo was filtered bc the actress does seem to have slightly darker skin in other pics, I chose this one bc of her face & HOW SHE HOLDS HERSELF SO MUCH LIKE NANI.) All this being said, this one is pretttttty dang similar to how I pictured Nani while writing her. Facial features specifically. What a queen. What more is there to say? She could divine my tea leaves any time.
Sharya & Kahir Ghafa, Inej’s parents (technically not OG characters, but never named in canon)
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Notes: Sharya is pretty dang close to how I imagined her, which is super cool considering I never used an inspo pic for either of the Ghafas when writing them (I found them for this purpose!). It probably sounds a bit weird, but like… I just knew how Sharya & Kahir looked. They were just…BAM. Full formed people in my head. This is ultimately SUCH A FLEX ON LEIGH BARDUGO’s PART. Like, we only really experienced glimpses of Inej’s parents through the few memories in her POVs but they absolutely stuck with me & formed wonderful characters as my fic progressed. (Of course this is my opinion, but I do hope ya’ll agree.🥹)
Kahir: So…. This pic is the closest I could get, & similar to Nani, I chose it based more on facial structure/in this case facial hair. HOWEVER, Kahir is very special to me. I wrote some of his scenes in moments after I had lost my godfather, (whom was the truest father I had. He meant everything to me, being my actual dad’s best friend, he helped raise me after my dad passed when I was 4.), hence, I feel the need to clarify- as I feel a bit of my own dad is in Kahir, if only in the love.)This pic is missing a smile that I imagine near permanent on Kahir Ghafa’s face, and eyes that I cannot explain in any other word but kind. Similar to Inej’s. Sparkly. Idk. ALSO: I do picture true black hair & less gray. Maybe a sprinkle of pepper in his beard, but not much. I just imagine Inej’s parents aging like fine wine. Idk.
Next….*drum roll*…. Dr. Lily Arbor (I waited so long to bring this girl to life.)
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NOTES: Ok. So. Two pics here for our Darling Death Defier Mortician. 🫶🏻 So, the one on the left is more youthful to me, a bit closer (although not the right age) to how I imagine the Lily of Kaz’s childhood. The right being far closer to how I imagine 24 year old Lily. Yet, neither of these are exactly right. But they are close. The changes that are distinct within my mind are as follows: the eyes. I distinctly see them like 2 shades darker. Navy. It’s a rare eye color, but not that different. Next, the hair. In the left image, the curls are just right, but I imagine she keeps her hair slightly longer than that- both in girlhood & adulthood. Not nearly the length of Inej’s, but you feel me. Also I do imagine her hair a bit darker, like that sort of red with hints of almost brown in it? Maroon? Gosh I can’t explain but I am certain you guys probably get it. Less like Wylan’s orangish red. Lastly: this girl has more freckles. I don’t make the rules. (Actually I do since she’s a daughter of my mind, but no I don’t.)
Bonus heartbreak:
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Jordie.🥹💔 (obviously aged up to if he were alive.) notes: NO ONE. I REPEAT. NO ONE looks exactly how I imagine the elder Rietveld son. The actor here is in fact Jess from Gilmore Girls. Milo is the closest I’ve come to finding an older Jordie face cast, based more on book Kaz in relation. His hair would obviously not be styled like the early 00’s. Obviously dark eyes like his brother. In a way, like Kahir, I imagine Jordie’s eyes would have a permanent sparkle of amusement that one would sometimes see mirrored in Kaz. I can’t explain it. I love Jordie & I’m about to have a fit all over again. 🫡
Next…. Bram Rietveld (technically not OG character, but he is not named nor described whatsoever in the canon material. Kaz only says that he and his brother missed their Da.🥹)
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Notes: DO NOT COME FOR ME. I AM DEFENDING MYSELF. Not to sound cringe, but from the moment I put Kaz’s Da into DWOD, back in memories at the very very early stages of the story, I pictured Pedro. This was before the internet craze (I mean obvs he was famous but iykyk), & I know that sounds cringe but it’s true. Pedro Pascal IS Bram Rietveld. Like, I would change next to nothing. Obviously his voice would have a “southern” ring. Maybe he’d have slightly lighter skin naturally being of Kerch descent, but actually I imagine him quite tan at most points of the year from running the Rietveld farm & harvesting the wheat fields. Obviously, you can picture him differently, but this is damn near exact for me. Also, Last of Us only solidified that belief for me. Gosh dangit, look at this treasure! Bram loved his kids so much.
Are you ready? (I’d say I saved the best for last, but… Actually, no. I certainly did.) I present…
Emilia Winstrad, The Butcher of Belendt🪡
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Notes: I love her. I love Emilia as much as I love the protagonists from my actual novel. She means so much to me. 🥹 I don’t think I can quite explain how excited I was (& how long I waited) to introduce you guys to Emilia. I hope you love her as much as I do in DWOD. As far as technical notes: Rachel McAdams (this actress) has quite honestly the exact facial features I pictured on Emilia. Like Bram, I feel like this is Em. However, there are a few minor changes: dark eyes like Kaz rather than hazel (it’s hard to tell here), & also the same dark hair as Kaz. True black. Tbh, I was shocked when I stumbled upon images of McAdams randomly (after already describing Emilia in the story)- it felt like seeing a picture of an online friend you’ve never actually met but they somehow appear exactly as you thought they would? Make sense?
Bonus pics that show the darker hair I imagine on another actress. Also the pipe picture just for funsies (iykyk)🫶🏻🪓
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She is my pride & joy. Not only that, but I think she and Kaz were meant to be family. I am not Leigh & have no canon voice, but I swear somewhere in the multiverse she is canon & I say that with fear because it’s not meant to sound precocious. She just feels so real to me, but I’m sure that’s silly bc I wrote her. Idk. Take my ramblings 🖤
Oops my hand slipped, have more pain: Elena Rietveld (I consider Elena an OG character of mine as Kaz’s mother is never mentioned in canon despite that he obviously had one. Technically, it is never said whether she lived or died.)
Sorry I killed her.
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Notes: OBVIOUSLY these are pics of the same actress because Em & Elle are identical twins. However, I did choose an image of McAdams from earlier in her acting career as she did pass away younger than when Emilia appears in the story. The same notes apply here as to Em, dark hair & dark eyes would be the changes. Though, I do love this pic representing Elena as there is something a bit softer about her over her sister. Where Emilia applies blood red lipstick, Elle is a petal pink. I think that metaphor fits best, but undoubtedly I wanted Elena to have her own strength in the memories where we get to glimpse her. A woman who chose her baby son, Kaz’s life over her own. The type of mother who would have run into a burning building for her kids. A fierce little sun ray who deserved a yellow kitchen. 🥹
I actually have images & notes completed for Pim & Anika as well, plus a bonus lil one that I doubt ya’ll were expecting, but alas, there is a limit of 10 images on a post 🫠 So… let me know if you want them.
This was so long. I’m long winded, but ya’ll knew that. I love you all so much. Thank you for being here. 🖤🐦‍⬛
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kaintrix · 4 months
I finished iwwv a few days ago, and obvi cant stop thinking about it. Here are my thoughts.😵‍💫
Specifically, I can’t stop thinking about James and how upset he must have been, for all the multitude of reasons he would be.
Everytime I think about how he didn’t want to stay in the Castle, and def didnt wanna stay in his and Oliver’s room alone (whenever oli stayed with Meredith), always on walks or somewhere else we don’t know, I felt sooo bad for him.😭 And how Oliver explained that he hadnt seen or barely saw James for a couple days before the combat class.
I was so upset I felt sick.😫 Like— James is grappling with keeping two secrets from Oliver: one, that he’s in love with him, and two, the murder. So he watches his best friend end up with Meredith and he can’t do anything about it. And then there’s the fear of letting the truth out about Richard and potentially not being accepted by Oliver anymore, not as a friend, let alone as a lover.
Just… how isolating that must have been for him. Not being able to tell—I assume—the only person in the world he’d want to speak to about what happened, and also how he clearly felt unworthy of Oliver bc of what he did. While oliver didn’t believe that he was worthy of james as well—always the sidekick. GOD I HATE IT😖😖
(Sidenote, that point when Oli realizes why James was never at the house, and didn’t want to be alone in their room, bc James asks Wren to come to bed with him. Like yeah, Oliver, catch up. That shit fucking hurt.)
For context, I read through the whole book wondering when they would kiss bc I read a spoiler about it and I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR IT TO BE 16 PAGES FROM THE END WTF. So many times throughout they were literally this close 🤏 from each other and I was like, “this has got to be it, right??” lmaoo
And I’m sure that for both of them, maybe more James than Oliver, they were afraid of messing up their friendship or afraid of being rejected by the other. Which I usually love that about the friends-to-lovers trope, but I could not handle the angst in this fucking book, i was, and still am, distraught😭😭
“‘I never wanted you to look at me the way you’re looking at me right now.’”
And then Oliver calling James a prince in that iconic line!!
(seriously tho, Richard used the term “prince” numerous times and meant it in a derogatory way, but Oliver saying it with acceptance, forgiveness, and affection, I—🫠)
Then when the both of them notice Colborne is off to the side, they know things are not going to be the same, and James realizes he might not see oliver again (at least not out of prison, knowing he would be forced to confess im sure), so he cant hold back anymore and kisses oliver. And in that one moment, they experience all the pain and emotion of this is our first kiss, but also (likely) our last.☹️☹️☹️
I get the point of the slow burn and gay tragedy, but MY GOD I just wanted these two boys to be happy.
So I am on the delusional side of things; they deserve a happy ending. James HAS to be alive, plss omgg. (i love reading the theories in fanfics of where ppl believe James disappeared to.) (Also, didnt realize he drove all the way to washington state to drown himself btw, didnt consider where the san juan islands were, just something i looked up and thought was interesting, anyways)
They’re so in love😭😭 I can’t stand it. Espec James. I feel so fucking bad for him, just thinking about how much he was struggling.
Moments that broke me:
- When James showed up at Oliver’s house unannounced. (which ofc he would, where else would he go, who else would he go to or want to be near.)
- Alexander said James couldn’t pick himself up off the floor for like half a week when Oliver was first arrested.
- The kiss on the hand, the last time they saw each other.
- The hope in Oliver when he’s finally out and all he wants is to see James.
- Oliver breaking down at Meredith’s place.
Okay, now this is just a few other notes I had on the story.
First is just a theory of mine, but I don’t believe James and Wren had any kind of romantic or sexual relationship. I believe it was always platonic / protective. Bc I think that James knew he was in love with Oliver way early on in their friendship, and just didn’t want to admit it for obvious reasons.
(I also think it’s possible James could have resented his feelings for Oliver bc of how Richard taunted him being the smallest of the boys and, perhaps, for being a little fruity and whatnot, so when Oliver ended up with Meredith, I think maybe he focused on Wren as a distraction, the way Oliver used Meredith.)
Also, I dont think oliver is bi, i think he is gay. I thought he was bi at first because—well clearly he’s with meredith, but i started to reconsider when I remembered how he said he’s never brought a girl home before, and he only seems to like meredith bc everyone does and everyone’s supposed to. She’s the conventionally attractive one, and yk, that’s what a lot of queer ppl veer toward. A sort of, idk if its performative heterosexuality or what, but Oliver ends up following the social script for how a presumably straight/cis person is supposed to act. Maybe there’s also the attention from someone like Meredith that feels enticing to him. How she’s considered to be “the hottest girl” at their school and all that, and what being with her would mean for him. I just think Oliver is oblivious to his superficial feelings for her.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that I feel the story lacks in-depth characterization.
Maybe that was a choice to focus on the characters’ archetypes, how they get pigeon-holed to play certain people, but I personally thought it made them feel empty and I couldn’t connect to them. I felt like I didn’t get the full or clear picture of who each character was. Meaning sometimes they didn’t feel like an actual, real person I could meet.
I wish there was more complexity to them, I wish we got to see how each of their internal conflicts—how they deal with their archtypes and their struggle to go against it or accept it, how it causes them distress. I think more explicit examples of that would’ve helped fill in the gaps of their personalities for me. There should have been more moments in the book to show the full depth of who they are, maybe compared to who they want to be. (Not to mention, some characters def got more development than others.)
To be honest, a lot of the story felt disjointed, broken, and put together with pieces missing. Apart from the lack of individual character depth, the dynamics and relationships between the friend group felt somehow superficial and empty as well. I kept thinking how they’ve been friends for three years, but it seemed as though they didn’t really know each other sometimes.
Anyway, that’s all I can think of right now, idk if anyone else felt this way. I’d like to know if someone did/does, bc I honestly felt like there should’ve been more to the story, as I said above it seems like pieces are missing that i beleive if expanded upon would have helped to really develop the characters’ identities, their relationships between each other, and also helped to connect with the audience better.
But maybe I’m just picky🤷 tbh the story resembled one of those average netflix original tv shows most of the time I read through it lol.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 6 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
@bootlegfrank tagged me and @septiccoffeefreak - who shares this post w me because we're writing partners >:3 (frank tagged us indirectly. and then directly because i responded saying i was gonna do it. so in-indirect-diretly(??))
Rules: list the first lines(s) of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern. I also said where each one is from in case u don't wanna scroll through our ao3 and do the math urself!!!
all these fics except one r RPF, sooo BE WARNED. i'm putting everything under da cut, and i'm also putting my reblog banner since fanfiction!!! is!!! art!!!
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Seán’s about ready to burn his entire calendar.
from "Scheduling Conflicts and How To Cope - A Guide For The Busy Homosexual"
Tommy hates LA with every fiber of his being.
from "City Of Angels"
it's cold, and it hurts.
from "The Part Where it Gets Better (Lads rescue AU)", and also THIS SOUNDS SO WEIRD OUT OF CONTEXT LIKE WHAT'S COLD??? it's water. the water is cold. this is the character based one btw. WE FOUND IT, THE NON-RPF!!!
Tommy inspects Seán’s behelit tattoo carefully, running his thumb over it a little, then kisses it.
I fucking would. kissing all his tattoos right now. mwah. this goddamn MOOD is from "There's No Place Like Home"
Ethan N3st0r was not expecting Seán to still be awake at three AM, even though with jet lag considered, he really fuckin should have.
I censored the name for search but it's not like that in the fic, that's just for tumblr. anyway, from "Three Drabbles In Which Tommy and Seán are bad at Keeping Secrets"
Ethan's the one to bring it up first, on Brain Leak, of all things.
OPENING WITH ETHAN AGAIN LMAOO. this is from "And Suddenly, It Makes Sense."
"So, who would have thought, huh? T0mmy1nn1t and Jacks3pt1c3y3, famous YouTubers, passed away in their sleep on the same night."
censored for tumblr again. from "Count your Soulmates- There's only one."
Seán and Tommy have sleepovers sometimes.
from "kissing practice". very original opening line /sar /lh (also tbh i feel awful about em being evil in this one :( I know its fanfic and i can do whatever I want but like. idk. i'm not accusing em of being mean IRL okay??? OKAY))
Seán spends about fifteen minutes pacing and staring at himself in the mirror, doing breathing exercises his therapist taught him and trying not to rub or scratch his wrists too much.
from "Puppy Love", the closest we've ever gotten to full misce posting on main
They were gluing ducks to a jeep the first time it happened.
soooo yeah!!! we like to jump right into action as well but I think it's safe to say our autistic ass habits of giving exposition for everything lead to the specific outcome of starting in the middle of a scene, WITH an explanation of the scene. like we're already in the middle of something going on but also sometimes it's exposition at the same time somehow?? or like right after these first lines. idk maybe that's just me????
the way it's usually less (character does this) and more (character does this BECAUSE ____ // character is doing this and FEELING ____) feels like it's trying to give context, to me. but again idk maybe just me
@septiccoffeefreak - "What I'm noticing here is more along the lines of just, how we almost always seem to open with a person. Usually by their actual name(s) too and not just a pronoun. I understand what you mean, Tommy, but I don't personally get that vibe? You could totally be right, of course, I just don't pick up on that. I defenitely notice, though, just how many of these are sentences where the literal first word is a name. the two exceptions to that are the pronoun "they" (which is still a person- or two people actually), and then water.
I guess the dialogue could also be considered an exception, but I don't think it counts since it also directly references us as characters.
and that's not something you necessarily have to do. You could open describing scenery or objects, or with dialogue that DOESN'T have the names of the characters in it- you could open with wind through a blade of grass or a character cursing under their breath or someone's cellphone crashing to the pavement or something. So it's definitely an "us" thing, it's a quirk of our writing style and not just normal writing. I don't know if like, we ALWAYS do this, but I do know that in these ten fics you pulled we do. I wouldn't be surprised if we did it like literally all the time as well, but I'm not going to pretend to know every first line we've ever penned to paper. or...print?? I don't fucking know, here, I'm just analyzing sentences on the internet for a tagging project.
Sorry if this ramble is kind of long, I hope it's at least interesting though??? sort of interesting? kind of interesting, in it's own way, hopefully. at least mildly, like a video you didn't turn on but aren't really reaching for the mouse/remote on to change it. You know?? Yeah. Like that. Or more interesting then that, hopefully. Thanks for uh, reading or, whatever, listening if you have a screen reader i guess, I'm getting nervous and it's very obvious because i'm rambling so I'm gonna hand things back off to the birthday boy, Toms. wish Tommo a happy birthday or I swear to fucking god your liver will be missing in the morning and you'll find it at the bottom of your morning cup of coffee."
back to me:
wow omg i love my babygirl,,,, that made me laugh >:p
ANYWAYS. i didn't notice that!! oh em gee,,,,, name moment.
I'M TAGGING @kalcifers-blog AND.... no one else because all my other mutuals who i know for a fact write have paused as far as i'm aware, bc they're into mcyt RPF like I am and the w1lbvr situation put them on hiatus. and i don't know if any of them are back to feeling up to writing stuff.
I don't write about w1bvr ever and didn't watch him so I wasn't that affected but a lot of people were even if they just watched so like... Kalcie ur alone on here i'm SO SORRIE. ALSO this is /nf so u don't have to if u dont want to :p :3 >:D :000 >:PPPP :000 >:00
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
Anything with a 3!
This is so mean.. but also, thank you for not saying 1 or 2 😂
There's a keep reading tap in here because this got a little long haha
3. Are there any specific themes you enjoy exploring in your fics? Oyyy.. um. I have a hard time separating themes from tropes right now so pardon if this is crap. But I love themes (and these are probably super obvious) like family, and love, and friendship, and overcoming things together and growing stronger in the process. Like give me these found family vibes any day and I'm sat. Did I answer that correctly??
13. What's the most challenging aspect of writing fanfiction for you? Keeping the characters in character! Listen, I'm a master overthinker, so of course I will worry about keeping them in character with every new story or new chapter I write. It's who I am. Doesn't matter that I've written quite a lot now, I'm always going to worry.
23. How do you write endings for your fics? Do you prefer open-ended or conclusive conclusions? I don't think I've ever actually written anything and left it open-ended, so the obvious answer would have to be conclusive conclusions (also, why did I lol so hard when I read that? "conclusive conclusions" well, yeah conclusions are usually conclusive..right? Sorry, I haven't slept in a long while 😂) Okay, I lied. I do actually have one story that's open-ended. Whoops.
30. How do you handle writing multiple storylines or subplots? Already answered here :)
31. Do you prefer writing from a single character's perspective or switching between different viewpoints? I know for a fact that in pretty much all of my stories, I switch back and forth between different viewpoints within the story. Sooo yeah, that's my answer I guess haha
32. Have you ever participated in fanfiction contests, challenges/fests? Yes, I did contribute stories to ChenfordWeek23 in July and the Secret Santa event in December!
33. How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics? Damn woman, these are hard questions. Does that even apply when I just take the world we know from the show and then try to stay as true to that as possible? I may be wrong here and please correct me if I'm wrong lol, but isn't world-building basically like creating your own, unique world that doesn't actually exist? 🤔 someone help me out here pls 😂
34. Are there any fic writing tips or tricks you've learned along the way that you'd like to share? Oh hell. Have fun with it? I know that's lame but that's truly the best tip I can give. If you don't enjoy writing something, don't write it. If you enjoy writing it, go ahead and write it.
35. What do you enjoy most about being a fic writer? Being able to escape reality for a bit. And trying to give these characters even more stories and in-between-moments because we don't see everything in a 40-minute episode. Also, fanfic allows you to just explore stuff and have these characters meet in 18731129 different ways and yet always find their way to each other eventually.
Thanks for sending some questions!
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asprinkleofkitties · 1 year
is blogging still a thing?
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short answer? kinda. and you wont believe that tiktok does play a role in it.
its not a 'no' because i cant go disgracing tumblr when i've been using it for almost 11 years.
okay. before we get right into it, a brief introduction to what the hell is blogging.
so, blogging. sounds ancient, doesn't it. well, it did started when we barely knew anything about the world. according to many other websites, has been defined as something that has been posted, where writers (or anyone else for the matter) can share their opinions on certain subject, mediums such as writing, photography or things that could be self-publishing online on a website, like tumblr. most people don't know that posting on your twitter, whatsapp statuses and instagram stories are considered microblogging.
see, the thing is, people think that blogging is dead when platforms like tiktok and instagram are thriving. but actually, said platforms are the reason why blogging is still relevant.
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how come tiktok is the reason why blogging is still a thing?
well, when you blog, its basically just you posting about your day, what you eat, what activities did you do and so forth. it can be whatever you want it to be. there are various reasons as to why people are on tiktok. we were there because of covid.
sorry, shouldve put a trigger warning for that.
while most of us signed up to tiktok when ms rona ruined things for us to join trends, share knowledge etc, others would share their similar interests. i remember being on anitiktok, and lord, when i look at the old videos, they were sooo cringey. but hey, at least we've made the most out of it during the lockdown.
other than that, the most notable side of tiktok would be... drum roll please!
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so, what's the correlation here? how did tumblr and tiktok became the reason why blogging is still alive and breathing? what does booktok has to do with blogging?
booktok. for starters, is when users are to talk (sometimes they recommend) about books, rant about them, shit talk about how awful the story is (even goes as far as side eyeing the authors [*cough* im looking at you, colleen hoover]).
booktok is meant for people who are into reading. i mean, isn't it obvious?
so, yup. okay, not everyone knows that people go to tumblr to read self-published works of fictions. yes, reading a fanfic on someone's tumblr account on this website is still considered looking at someone's blog (and appreciating them like i do, i've been a loyal fan and reader of several authors on this site). people publish their works here is still considered as blogging because blogging can be anything.
tumblr started and has always been a site where people are able to blog whatever they want, in whatever form (text, gifs, arts, etc). as a result, users as able to look (and appreciate by interacting with the posts by liking, commenting and reblogging) at one's works because it also acts as an archive.
blogging can go from posting lifehacks, tips and advices for people to use as aids as well as to guide them so that they can relate, making them form an online presence.
so when i tell you that the reason why people are still blogging (and interacting with the blogs) because of tiktok, i meant it.
okay, so i mightve made a mistake. to clarify, booktok isnt the only reason why people are into blogging. anime fans, tv series fans like supernatural, movie fans, comic fans, animated fans like atsv fans (specifically miguel fans [aka me]) are the reason why people go to tumblr to blog.
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(i love brooding older men sm yall hes so sexy)
people from all walks of life, specifically if their background is them being a fan of some type of media, is bound to use tumblr to either write a blog (in forms of fanfics/drabbles/oneshot etc) or to interact with them.
and that, ladies, gents and enbies, is the reason as to why blogging is still a fighting tooth and nail to stay alive. its the reason why people still use tumblr to blog. its the reason why tumblr is the place fans go to, to blog and do whatever they want on this app/site. sure, they go to wattpad or ao3 (hell, maybe even fanfiction.net if that site is still alive), but tumblr is one of the platforms (arguable the easiest one to navigate) to use for blogging and such.
and that concludes my opinion. blogging is still fighting for their life, even in the age of tiktok and whatever theyre doing over there (pretty much its vlogging, you know a video type of blogging)
(my right wrist hurt as we speak and i kinda went beyond the word limit so forgiefe mac or whatever it is they say in old/archaic english to be pardoned)
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oh! if they ever would shut down tumblr, i would simply off myself cus what the hell am i gonna do? ಥ_ಥ
reblogs are appreciated!
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blackhakumen · 9 months
Mini Fanfic #1166: No Pickles. (Scott Pilgrim)
It was nice, cheerful afternoon in Burger City restaurant located in the streets Toronto, Canada. The customers are enjoying the meals they've ordered and the cashier on front, named Kenny, is casually browsing on his phone, wondering what to do for the rest of the day once he'll finally leave out of here in the next hour or so.
Unfortunately for him and everyone else inside, the day of peace has come to a screeching halt as the loud, booming sound of the entrance door getting pushed open starts ringing into they're eardrums.
They turn to see three menacing looking figures walking in: a taller, muscular man wearing a leather jacket and a shirt that reads "No Fear" written in the front, a shorter man wearing glasses, a white jacket and a different colored "No Fear" shirt, and then comes their supposit ringleader standing in front of both of them, a young lady with glasses.....and a dissatisfied, livid look that could even make a wild bear cower away in fear just by looking at her wrong and too familiar with most customers as they instantly step away from the scene and potential chaos.
Because to them, she was more destructive Karen who could easily blow up the entire the area she stands on with one simple mistake to her direction, but to Kenny, there's just one name he intimidatly goes by due to.the amount of times she steps into this establishment in the past and that is.....
Kenny: Julie Powers......(Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Facing his Inevitable Fate Head On) Welcome back.........
Julie: Kenneth. (Slowly and Dangerously Walks Up to the Counter Raising a Single Eyebrow) I take it you have some idea as to why I decided to come back here.
Kenny: (Already Sweating Bullets. In Fear) Uhh.....To give this place a.....(Puts on A Very Awkward Smile on his Face) Good enough review in.....person?.....
Julie: ('Tch') Please. It'll be a hot day in Toronto before I even think about giving you simpletons a slightly average review. ('Sigh') No......I came back here to discuss why you put pickles on each of our burgers, after I.......(Angrily Slams her HaNds on the Counter) SPECIFICALLY told you not to F#%$ING DO SO!!
Kenny: Oh come on, man! I been in this counter all day today. (Points at the Kitchen Behind Him) I didn't know they messed up your order in here!
Employee: (Walking Out of the Kitchen While Chuckling) Hey yo, Kev! I gotta give you mad props for giving us the courage not to cave in and fix that crazy girl's ord......
Kevin quickly and frantically moves his hand from side to side beside his neck, imploring his fellow co-worker to be quiet.... All while tje crazy girl in question, turns her glare towards the employee in question, causing him to sweat bullets himself.
Employee: (Shakingly Points Back at the Kitchen) I-I-I'm gonna.....Go.....ba-(Quickly Goes Back to the Kitchen)
Julie: ('Groans in Annoyance') Whatever. Could I at least speak to your manager then? Before my patience depletes even further to the ground.
Kenny: 'Fraid I can't let you do that.
Julie: Why? He's not here or something?
Kenny: Oh no, he's here. He's been in his office all day watching tv- I-I mean! Finishing....a few paperworks he file or....something like that! And he really don't want anyone to interrupt his alone time, sooo.....(Suck the Air Through his Teeth While Awkwardly Looking Away) You're kinda out of luck on that one, chief. Sorry.
Julie: (Stares at the Cashier For a Brief Second Before Pinching the Bridge of her Nose and Takes a Very Deep Breath) I swear, of all the convoluted B#%#S%#t I have to put up with today.....
Kenny: Okay, seriously, how are you doing that with your mouth tight now?-
Julie: (Immediately Shuts Kenny Up and Scaring Him with her Yelling) NEVERMIND HOW I F$%$ING DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, SMARTA$#!! Now you listen here and now, I have been cooped up in that stupid coffee shop dealing with these S$%T for brains costumers all day today and....(Continues Ranting at Kenny While Everyone Else Watches in the Background)
Gordon: (Sighs Dreamingly T his Girlfriend While Standing Next to Lucas) Just look at her, Lucas. Isn't my Julie-Bear the most frightening woman all of Toronto?~
Lucas: Damn straight. I've seen my fair share of scary stuff in my years and she's DEFINITELY one of my Top 3.. (Forms a Genuine Smirk on his Face While Gently Ruffling the Top of Gordon's Hair a Bit) You've definitely scored big time there, little man.
Gordon: (Chuckles Ticklishly) Dude, come on!~ (Playfully Swats Lucas' Hand Off of His Hair) I just combed there not too long ago.
Lucas: (Chuckles a Bit) Right, sorry. But question though, how did you guys first meet? I tried to ask Julie about it during our lunch break earlier today, but our boss called her into the office at the least second. Said something about giving her a promotion or whatever?
Gordon: Oooh rewarding~ but to answer your question, we actually happened to attend the same high school together growing up. Hardly ever interacted with each other at the time. I was such a loser back then that I'm still surprise that she remembered me after all this time.
Lucas: What kind of loser ypu were exactly?
Gordon: The geek kind. The one who wasn't afraid of being rejected and looked down upon until reality kicks me in the face at the very last second. (Chuckles a Bit) Sounds pretty lame, doesn't it?
Lucas: (Casually Shrugs) Nah. It seems pretty cool to me. Except for the being rejected part obviously. That sucks.
Gordon: (Turns to Lucas) You think so?
Lucas: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I mean, take it from a guy who was a punk jock who only ever started skateboarding because some girl he fell for and got his heartbroken by afterwards, taught him the basics. You were ten times more cooler than I could ever hoped for really.
Gordon: Don't say that, bro. Even with all hurdles and obstacles you've faced, you still managed to become the world pronoun movie star afterwards
Lucas: True. 'Till I flushed my entire career down the drain and became a washed up bum on the streets
Gordon: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes) Yeah, to them maybe. But to me.....(Turns Back to Lucas and Grab Hold of his Hands While His Eyes Begins to Sparkle) You'll always be #1 in my heart, bro~
Lucas: (Stares Back at His Best Friend with Sparkles in his Eyes as Well) Bro~
Kenny: (Staring at The Two Guys in the Mid Distance Along with Julie) Are they....staring deep into each other's eyes right now?
Julie: ('Sigh') Yeeup. Those two has became friends for a month or two now and they already became inseparable at this point....
Kenny: No offense to them or anything, but....those guys are dorks.
Julie: Abso-f#$%ing-lutely. (Slowly Starts Smiling at Lucas Now Giving Gordon a Nuggie) But they're my dorks. And one of the few people who actually gives a s$#t about me- (Notices What She's Saying Before Blushing and Turning Away Pouting) W-Whatever.
Kenny: (Stares at Julie For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Look, everyone at the back are too busy finishing online orders at the moment, so i can't grantee that they'll have any time to fix ypur order, but.....How about I give you guys each free smoothies instead?
Julie: (Turns Back to Kenny with a bit of a Raised Eyebrow) Free smoothies? You guys can do that here?
Kenny: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Not really, no. But it wouldn't feel completely right having you guys leave here empty handed. Plus, I......Kinda wanna make up for not having the others fix your order sooner, so......
Julie: Hm....That's depends......(Turns To her Boys) Hey! Dumb-Dumbs! You guys want some smoothies? They're giving them to us for free.
Gordon/Lucas: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Sure, I want one./If it's free, I'll take it, yeah.
Julie: (Turns Back to Kenny) We'll take it.
Lucas: (Walking Out of the Restaurant With Gordon and Julie Right Next to Him) So what made you wanna pick the free smoothies over a re-order there, Julie?
Gordon: ( Carrying his Drink on One Hand and Using the Other to Hold Julie's Hand) Yeah, you seemed so passionate about it, my dear. What changed your mind?
Julie: (Shrugs) Kenneth said the other workers already occupied with other orders, so I took his word for it, for now. Still, I refuse to take a single off of those pickle fested burgers they gave us.
Gordon: ('Sigh') Yeah......Suddenly, I'm not in the mood for burgers for the day. (Takes a Sip of his Smoothie Before Coming Up with An Idea) How about we order some pizza instead?
Julie: Fine. But we're only getting two boxes. I heard they're getting expensive these days......
Gordon: (Smiles Softly) I can order and pay them for us. It's the least I can do for making you go all the trouble to going back in there.
Julie: ('Sigh') You idiot. You haven't caused me any problems at all. (Starts Blushing a Bit) I only did what I did cuz I care.....
Gordon: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, I know. And I love you for it.
Julie: I love you f#%$ing more~ (Gives Her Boyfriend a Peck on the Lips)
Lucas: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I wonder if they have those pizzas with pineapples on them.......
Gordon: (Slowly Turns to His Best Friend with a Surprised and a Bit of a Grossed Out Look on his Face Along with Julie) Dude. You actually EAT those kinds of pizzas?
Lucas: Look, I know it's crazy, but I tried a slice or two in this summer beach party long while back and I remembered them not tasting all that bad.
Julie: ('Hmph') I believe it when I taste it.
Meanwhile Back at the Restaurant
Kenny: (Steching his Back Out) Okay......With those guys gone, I only have thirty more minutes and I'll finally be home free-
Manager: KENNNTH!!!
Kenny: ('Sigh') Or not.....
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
for ask game: 12, 19, 23, 30 x
thank you!!! I have so much fun with games like this omg
Fanfic Ask Game - feel free to send me one <33
12. a trope that you're really into right now
Enemies to Lovers has been my squeeze a lot lately - I absolutely love the concept of two people being so passionate about each other, being super attracted to each other, being so in love - but acknowledging that they need to separate to grow more as people and so it creates this intense pining. And when they come back together, it's like 'there was nobody better than you' 'I missed you so much' 'the sex was never better with anybody else' thing that I am obsessed with.
Also - Sex Pollen. I am currently writing my first ever Sex Pollen fic and it's so weird to think that this is my first, because I have been so obsessed with reading Sex Pollen fics for so long. I have so many saved in my bookmarks on AO3. I love the idea of two characters being infected with horniness of each other that is literally so blinding and it just reduces them down to their most basic instincts and all they can do is feel and be drowned in their need for each other. It's perfect. I am sooo looking forward to posting the fic I am writing
19. the most interesting topic you've researched for a fic
This is such an interesting question omg!!
I think all of the interesting topics I have researched for fics have been for Spencer's 'did you know' rants in Criminal Minds fics.
I really enjoyed researching serial killers - specifically killers who contacted the police for this fic, because I wanted to use an example of a killer who contacted the police to mock them in contrast to my killer in the fic. Also it is wild how many true crime blogs there are because there was hella detailed search results for this topic.
Like yes, I love fictional killers, but true crime girlies who woobify real killers freak me out a little.
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
Oooh fun. Okay three words
Horny, complicated, angsty.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
I have the privilege that lately a lot of my fics are fics I have been very proud of, so there are several fics I could highlight here.
I am choosing Emergency Contact (Jason Todd x GN!Reader) - because I am still obsessed with the references and how well my idea translated onto paper. And I love everything about it <33
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otterandterrier · 11 months
20 fanfic questions
Took this from @displayheartcode! You tagged me for a different one but I don't even remember what the last sentence I wrote was, so 😅
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, but used to write for Harry Potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One look and my heartbeat stops (Han/Leia, 197) Hungry hearts (Han/Leia, 194) And I saw sparks (Ron/Hermione, 189) Ignite my circuits and start a flame (Han/Leia, 162) Left unsaid (Ron/Hermione, 148)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Because not everybody who reads leaves a comment (or even kudos), so I like letting that person know that I appreciate the extra effort, and I love interaction as part of the fandom experience.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For SW, this chapter of Hungry Hearts I think?? For HP, unquestionably, And they put a wreath of flowers over his head
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
God most of my fics have sappy endings lol, how can I even choose.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did when I still posted on FFN, Home of Trolls.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Yes I most certainly do! Generally, explicit and spicy and full of feelings. Probably still vanilla for some standards? 😅
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't! And I don't think I ever will.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had my fics reposted on archives I didn't authorize, although with attribution. Properly stolen, I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had two Ron/Hermione fics translated to Chinese!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope! Maybe one day?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Well I have to say Han/Leia don't I
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I refuse to give up on WIPs. That said, I started a H/L honeymoon fic years ago that I might never finish because it had no plot just vibes. It might get repurposed for another fic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don't know, not as in I think my writing sucks, I just can't pick anything specific? Okay, I guess I think I do a good job at getting into a character's mindset and exploring their thoughts and feelings?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I write sooo slowly. I'm incapable of writing a "shitty first draft"; I need to get my ideas down as closely as possible to the way I want them to on the first try. It's not because I need it to be perfect, it's just that if I write something down differently then I think I'll forget the way I wanted to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean, I am writing everything in another language already lol. But pretending I'm not... I think as long as it's genuinely respectful and researched, go for it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
That's like asking about your favourite child (yes I know that's a cliche, but really). Also, I have a terrible memory and don't reread my fics often. Some of my faves are Under starless skies we are lost, keep with me forward (all through the night) and Homecoming.
Tagging a few writer friends, if you want to do it! @lajulie24 @walkawaytallblogs @diplomaticprincess @madame-alexandra @virtie333
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tiredmako · 2 years
⭒ incoming!!! new fanfic tumblr acc!! this is me grabbing ur attention so read this pls!! ⭒
so im ngl im NOT a good writer and im writing on here mainly for practice... also to show appreciation to my favorite fandoms. i used to write on wattpad which was an... era, to say the least. anyways... ig ill introduce myself and then do my lil ol' fandom list and rules ykyk? also im writing this on mobile so if the formatting looks bad on pc then like. oopsie poopsie in my defense
ab me!
soooo hii im mako :)) i go by she/her pronouns and i rlly love things like gaming, comics, shopping, music, baking/cooking, and CATS! obviously mako isn't my real name even tho that'd be cool asl... but i think mako sharks are super cute so it works!! ok next i think i should do like. a fandoms i write for list and then rules? sounds right? right? also i just gotta get it out there that i LOVE the spacing on here!
im ngl im a huge nerd and love a LOTTTT of fandoms! obvi i won't write for every single one ever... butttt these are the ones i will write for! these will be updated and ill make a separate post announcing what fandoms i add/take off <3 also theres wayy to many characters in my fandoms to say who i will and wont write so just send in ur request and yk if i turn u down cuz i dont wanna write for that character oopsie sorry hon
dc comics
dead by daylight
marvel comics
honestly these rules r gonna SUCK for some of yall and im sorry but im very specific ab what i will and wont write oopsie poopsie okay
no crack fics! im not funny and half the time i dont find crack fics funny. also have u ever seen a crack fic that aged well??
no smut!! digital footprint guys!!! ill write like, dirty jokes or wtvr cuz im stupid and immature but im not writing straight up p in v oiled up booty sex okay
no matchmaking, song figs, hcs, etc. i just dont find them fun to do...
no very overly specific requests!! im sorry babe but im not gonna write 'spiderman reacting to reader being a demon princess half fish goth' like ily but no!
no gender, race, sexuality specific requests. i want my writing to be inclusive for everyoneee!!! unless im writing sm for myself, imma use they/them prns and stuff like that etc etc yk??
no requests w no specifications! im sorry but im not going to know what to do when u say 'anything w ghostface pls :)' like it doesnt even have to be super detailed just like a little 'hi could u pls write ghostface teasing his shy bestfriend' I WOULD ACCEPT THAT AND WRITE THAT PLS YALL WORK W ME HERE
if ur gonna be rude and annoying then imma just ignore u... like i have things to do and i cant spend all my time on tumblr writing things for free sorry i heart yall tho
on the topic of that be patient!! i have things to do and places to be
if ur homophobic, transphobic, a terf, or anything weird or gross just leave in advance i dont want u here bye bye
i dont feel comfortable writing ab stuff like suicide, self harm, etc. mental health is scary and i would NOT portray it right mb oopsie
when i get a few works up, ill start a masterlist!! also this is prob just going to be a writing acc cuz i have a diff/main acc so dont expect any like. reposts, follow backs, or likes from this acc cuz im probly nottt gonna be scrolling on here just writing. heart u guys pls send requests im sooo bored
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ratcandy · 6 months
Do you have any tips for new fanfic writers? Anything from basic writing tips to characterization tips. Thanks!
Oh man oh man Asks like this always throw me for a loop dghKJH. I warn that I am completely self-taught, so I can't give any professional advice, I can just tell you what works For Me!
Sooo...... Let's see,
(lots under the keep reading, big long post, and mostly just me rambling)
Biggest piece of advice I can give is to JUST WRITE. GET those words down!! Do not sit there and stare at a blank page agonizing over the perfect first sentence. JUST WRITE. Put something down, you can come back and edit it later! And TRY not to edit as you go, or you will just rewrite the same paragraph 1 million times instead of progressing forward. Just keep writing. Keep going. You can come back later!!!
That may sound silly on paper but seriously one of the biggest problems I've faced while writing is Starting, or having a tendency to go back and rewrite entire paragraphs in the middle of the fic because I didn't like how it sounded. And then I get trapped in a loop of rewriting over and over again, never moving the fic forward, and demotivating myself because it will never be "perfect enough" to me.
Perfectionism is a HELL of a BEAST and I will probably never truly defeat it, but the easiest way to ensure you'll at least finish something, whether it's good or bad, is to actually write it down.
Which honestly is another thing. Write bad!! Allow yourself to write badly! It is okay to write badly! Everyone will start Writing Badly, because that is how starting Goes!! Even if you've been writing for years, you will Write Badly at one point or another, and that is okay! Writing badly is better than never writing at all, if it's something you really want to do.
Anyways ..... Those are my more broad writing tips, to get you actually write the damn thing. But once you've started writing,,, well what other tips do I have. Let's see......
Well, specifically regarding fanfic writing:
DO NOT WORRY about what Other People want. Fanfic writing is a FUN endeavor. You are having FUN. Obviously wanting validation and interaction is what every writer strives for, I'm not saying not to wish for people to comment/kudo/what have you, but do not bog yourself down in someone else's standard if it's not what you want to write.
Look man I strive on grabbing random characters nobody cares about and getting too attached and writing giant things about them. That's what I do, and it's fun to me! And at the beginning, most people do not care to look at those things! Does it suck ass when I don't get as much response as I'd like? Fuck yeah it does! And it can be demotivating as all hell! But for me, I'm writing what I want because it's fun, it appeals to me specifically. And eventually you will reach an audience, even if you don't think you will. And even if that audience ends up being you, three other people, and a shoelace, that's still four people who are in love with your work and want to see what happens!!
INCLUDING yourself!
Mostly my point here is not to change your writing to make what you think other people will pay more attention to. I find this more upsetting than writing what I want and getting little to no response, because now I'm not enjoying what I'm writing, either. And at that point...... what IS the point?
Anyway when it comes to characterization, honestly I've found that is an extremely broad ballpark and everyone truly can do what they want forever. Listen, no matter what you write, someone is going to look at your interpretation of a character and think "he would NOT fucking say that," even if your characterization is as close to canon as you can possibly make it. Because everyone's got their own interpretation going on, even if it's become completely detached from the source material.
So don't try and appeal to everyone; write YOUR characterization. How do YOU interpret that character?
If you do want to stick as close to canon as you can though, aka you're Me, really that just boils down to drenching yourself in the source material and chugging that shit like your life depends on it. Studying the hell out of dialogue, speaking mannerisms, facial expressions/movements if it's a visible medium, how they interact with other characters, how they act when alone, etc etc.
Great character building exercise is to just ask yourself "If I put [x] character in [y] situation, how would they react?" and then just jump from there, honestly hdgKH
Better yet, if you're the worldbuilding type, go extra batshit and just make shit up about how the world works. Hey man if it's not directly contradicted by canon (assuming you're wanting to stay within the realm of canon), then no one can tell you you're wrong! And having the characters interact with that piece of the world in a consistent and believable way will help solidify it!
It's a lot like walking into a place you're probably not supposed to be in. If you look and sound confident enough, people will have no issue believing you are supposed to be there and you know exactly what you're talking about hgKSJDH
Or you're awesome (not me) and want to totally ignore canon, and in that case, go off!!! Go out there and do whatever you want with those characters. The world is your oyster, and if those characters are story-telling devices made perfect for your idea, then do whatever you want forever. Who's going to stop you ?
Umm. Well! that's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Read your work aloud/run it through a text to speech after writing to see if everything sounds normal. Do not trust Word's or Google Doc's grammar detection, they tend to fuck it up. Wordhippo.com is my best friend and I'm introducing them to you now. Look up examples of how to write a certain action scene if you're feeling uncertain of yourself (aka i've read so many examples of dancing recently it's doing something to my brain).
And go get 'em tiger ,knock em dead
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 10 months
❤️✨🏷️📚 please my love 💍💍 !!!!
eeeee of course my love 💍 💍 💍 💍 !!!!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
this one comes from a different fic that still means so much to me so here’s a little sashnetra breakup au Im just a sucker for family aus okay?
Kerri came back with a wide smile, flower still in her hair. “I ready! Can we go now?” Sasha took her hand and they started down the sidewalk to the ice cream shop. Kerri looked up at Anetra and took her hand, holding on with her little hand. She smiled back and gave a little squeeze.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Oh Jesus this is making me think, definitely one I got for hytesdoll where they talked about how much they loved it and wanted more and probably one of your comments <33 they’re always so encouraging and gush about whatever I post and just make my month in all honesty ily gi 💍💍
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
For drag race i do it by ship since there is such a small collection compared to other fandoms but if it’s larger like game of thrones, I typically do it by au or like non canon compliance because that’s where people can get really creative and some of the best fics are there
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
oh I actually have some for this!!
For fanfics, If you fall, I fall by zwritestuff is so so soooo good! it’s coxdoll fake dating teachers au and it is just lovely!!
also also recommend Baby we made it which was orphaned :/ but it’s sooo perfect! it’s a jankie comfort fic and I end up reading it so so so much cause it just makes me feel so much better so def check it out!
For authors im not sure, I don’t really read by specific authors so I don’t really have one. But if you have recommendations I would love to hear them and support!!
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Apologies in andvance if I come off assholeish or if this is all over the place, my brain is a lil fucked rn
Who else is terrfied of writing their fanfic?
I mean like in the way of getting things wrong, writing characters wrong, etc.
Honestly I am so afraid of working on my W.I.P. because I want to make it perfect in my eyes and also in the eyes of a fandom where I read a lot of fics that are so out of character and just don't feel right.
I'm talking about reading fics in this fandom and half the time I'm like "oh that doesn't seem realistic" or "okay no that character would never say/do that". Or reading just the tags of a fic and being like "holy fuck please don't put that shit on the internet" (but that's a rant for another day)
I get that we all have our headcannons and there is nothing wrong with that in general, but please take a few seconds to think if it would be realistic for a character to say or do certain things or if that's just how you specifically want them to be so they feel more likeable to you.
I get that we all want to be our favorite characters to be a lil closer to us but really at some point you're just writing a different character who coincidentally has the same name as the one they're supposed to be.
And yes, canon does some characters wrong sometimes but that doesn't mean you should write them entirely different. I usually use canon as sort of base structure for writing characters and then think about what would be logical for them to do in my opinion.
Honestly I really don't wanna put myself above anyone here but sometimes it feels like the writers are so far from the character it reads like an entirely different universe. looking at people who make Eddie Munson wear make up and put his hair up or make Steve Harrington super feminin and sooo out of character.
It's totally fine to stray from canon but don't loose yourself in the void that is badly informed and written fics.
Back to my original point, being afraid of writing because the fandom seems to have accepted uncharacteristic shit as the new normal. I know I'll stick closer to canon with the characters and write them as what seems realistic to me. I know that even I can get things about characters wrong.
And I am terrified because I know fandoms can be toxic, specifically this fandom and I really don't want to deal with disrespectful delusional people who can't accept that others may have different opinions on the same topic.
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Okay, so, I missed the prompt for yesterday but I still want to do it. Sooo. Here we goo.
What Kotlc means to me
There's something kind of special about how I got here, in a really strange way. There's something special about it. Being 15 and trying to read every single book in the library. Picking up a book because I need somewhere else to go, someone else's life to live. Reading the entire series through Nightfall in 3 days.
I never looked back, to be honest? I had huge opinions and my cousin had read the books and another friend of mine has also read the books so I talked about it with them, and the Flashback came out and I read it and got so annoyed with Fitz and Alden. Like, literally. Part of my love and attachment to this series was born from my distinct hatred of specific characters.
And I'd never been one to write fanfic. My mom had thoroughly pounded it into my head that fanfic wasn't real writing, and that I should be doing more real things with my work. I guess, with kotlc? I decided that didn't matter?
Who cares if it's not real writing, I enjoy it deeply and I loved sharing it with other people? It brought so much joy to me when I was able to capture the voices of Keefe and Sophie in Walk Through Hell. I remember sitting there and thinking "This sounds like something Shannon would write".
And I remember recommending the books to everyone. My then-boyfriend took me up on reading it, and fell in love with it, too, and I think that was the only time he ever liked my writing, when I sent him the Google doc for Walk Through Hell.
I was a Pinterest fan for a long while, and Tumblr posts in the making lurk in the comments sections of the kotlc pins. I went on mini rants about how Keefe and Sophie and even Fitz, even though I changed my tune about him after a while of character analysis. But nobody really interacts on Pinterest. Comments get likes or maybe a comment back, but it's not a social media. It's just media. No social. Like YouTube.
So like, in a really dark part of my life, I started posting stuff to AO3. And it just opened up this world where I could write and discuss my thoughts through my writing? If I had something to say I could say it, even if it was writing a fanfic about it and posting it, qnd people would see it! People would comment, or leave kudos!! It was insane.
And, eventually, I joined Tumblr.
You would not believe how freaked out I was the first time @hunkyhair-my-beloved interacted with one of my posts. Like. Holy crap. You guys don't understand how much of my Pinterest collection of kotlc stuff was their incorrect quotes. Like, not even kidding. I literally felt like I was interacting with a celebrity.
So, I guess.
Kotlc is writing stories. Kotlc is getting mad at characters and writing a 6k dissertation on why they're awful, or a 10k thesis about why they're misunderstood. Kotlc is reading the tags of the people who reblog stuff from me. Kotlc is rolling my eyes at @fintan-pyren. Kotlc is giggling at incorrect quotes and crying when I think about songs that fit Keefe's character. Kotlc is sharing my stupid media analysis with people who actually love hearing it, and enjoy my nonsense enough to stick around and come back for more.
Like, I look back on it now and I'm like, ah, yes. I coped with my spiraling life by writing about Linh Song in a similar situation to me. I wrote about Sophie to understand myself. I wrote about Keefe to get inside my own head and understand the pieces of my own broken heart. Yada yada yada.
At the time, I wasn't thinking about any of that. I was just doing something fun.
Kotlc for me is being up at 1 in the morning writing so that I finish the next chapter. It's grinning at AO3 comments and laughing with you crazies. Kotlc is just.... Fun. Kotlc is so much fun.
As much as I can get worked up over the ways I think canon is lacking, stars.
Kotlc means a whole lot to me.
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