#like when a new person speaks it needs to be in a new paragraph
evansbby · 5 months
not me going through the steve rogers x reader tag and i find a post that’s like “pov you find a fic with amazing smut but it has daddy kink 👎” LMFAOOOO
i wonder if anyone’s read my fics and just immediately exited out as soon as they see the word “daddy” bc it’s in like EVERY SINGLE ONE of my fics 😂😂
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kestalsblog · 8 months
Basic Tips to Improve Your Writing
I used to read a lot of unprofessional writing online, and through that endeavor, I started mentally compiling different qualities that turned me off to people's work right away. I'm sharing some of my thoughts about ways to improve your writing so others don't click off your work right away!
-Change paragraphs when different characters are speaking.
-In that same thread, remember to make new paragraphs and not have one giant block of text. This isn't only discouraging for some readers, but actually physically impossible to read for those who are visually impaired.
-Learn grammar. Sorry, but there is no way around this one. For example, commas aren't just for aesthetic appeal or your personal choice, and it will turn some readers away if your writing is littered with grammatical errors. You can't break the rules for creative purposes if you don't even know them, and the difference is generally apparent.
-Remember the narration style you've chosen. For example, if you're writing in third person limited, you can't think outside the mind of your main character. Don't jump suddenly to the thoughts of other characters or an all-knowing, omniscient voice.
-Slow down. Each word matters, so try not to think of writing as "I must get from Point A to Point B," but "I must get from Point A to Point B beautifully."
-Avoid repeating the same word or phrase too much, especially within the same paragraph. There are exceptions in dialogue, of course. (It's sweet when writers acquire their own personalized phrasings that mark their voice, but I have turned away from works where the exact same line just kept coming up again and again).
-Don't forget about setting. You might be able to imagine where your characters are, but no one else can if you don't let them know.
-Use a consistent verb tense.
-Your characters are not you and generally shouldn't always be mouthpieces for you to share your own values and thoughts.
-Your characters should sound distinctly different from each other, including their talking styles.
-Don't bog the reader down with too much description, and make sure the description you do have is realistic. Think about it. In the morning, do you wake up, go to the mirror, and think to yourself, "I looked at my shaggy dark hair and emerald green eyes"? Nobody thinks that way about their own appearance, and it feels like a forced way to let the reader know what the main character looks like.
-Also, related, there's no need to start tossing out every character trait for each character if it's not relevant to the story.
-Last, show some passion and excitement for your own work. Make sure the language embodies that passion because if you don't even care about your writing, who will?
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Hi! I'm a white queer person who has decided to vote 3rd Party unless Kamala demands ceasefire, but am nervous that it might allow Trump to win and enact Project 2025... What should I do if he does?
The same things you were gonna do if Kamala won.
Honestly? The same stuff you should be doing now anyway.
Protest, mutual aid, getting in touch with your community since it's them you'll be fighting alongside, direct action (like housing and feeding people or derailing trains and military cargo ships), advocate for 3rd parties & for human rights to be codified, and don't get distracted by performative progress.
Before Biden leaves office:
Demand Biden & Kamala ratify with the ICC again and call for a ceasefire.
Demand a re-election & demand trump be removed from the ballot.
And I do mean demand since Trump is pledging to commit genocide and overturn US government; Biden would be absolutely in his right to do remove him and is hypocritical enough to do so imo.
The Supreme Court ruled in Trump v. United States (2024) that all presidents have absolute criminal immunity for official acts under core constitutional powers. Have him remove Trump.
You want it to work?
Start calling trump a terrorist. Think of shitty hashtag names like genocide Joe and make it go viral.
Demand that he be removed the race and barred from serving in any public office forever. Make it impossible for democrats not to concede to such a rational demand. Put on pressure like they've never seen. They need to think the entire country feels that way.
If Joe is stepping down for Kamala anyway what does he have to lose in the last 3 months by pissing off his entire voter base?
A re-election when he's 100?
They're already contented with Kamala replacing him.
And if Trump wins:
go back to the 1st paragraph. Because he will be targeting political opponents which means it might as well be 1984 in this bitch already since the internet is forever :)
Protest, mutual aid, getting in touch with your community since it's them you'll be fighting alongside, direct action (like housing and feeding people or derailing trains and military cargo ships), advocate for 3rd parties & for human rights to be codified, and don't get distracted by performative progress.
You need to be building community offline and speaking to Real people about your concerns and learning how a rebellion happens and how far the people in Your community would go to protect you or anyone else.
You need to find out who you can trust and who has your back and you need to work together to find a way to fight back against the bigotry and fascism growing in your community.
Reminders from last time:
Learn how to spot a cop or learn how to Be Quiet until you can confirm a cop is not present especially at protests
Bring back White Silence is Violence
NOW is the time to find local protest orgs, their sites, and their bail funds
Figure out what lawyer represents protesters near you and start spreading the word immediately.
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Street Medic Handbook because even basic street medic skills are good to have
Listen to women of color, start looking towards the organizers of color in your area. If they are uplifting Palestine and learning how to decolonize it or themselves then so are you, etc.
If you cannot take direct action then learn where to donate, what names to spread, what orgs you need to support, how to help with supplies, or if you can help with rides, babysitting, escape routes, etc.
Now is the time to find out how protest laws near you have changed so you don't catch a bogus charge
New tips:
Agree as a gen z/millenial collective to fight Trump on the basis anti-white supremacy rather than anti-republican/anti-trump rhetoric as that's too divisive and doesn't name the actual oppressor we want gone which is white supremacist fascism (because Trump is but a figurehead and removing him alone will do nothing)
Learn about intersectionality. NO not what you think it is what Kimberlé Crenshaw said it actually is. Then apply it this and work on whatever privilege you have so everyone can work together instead of prioritizing their own struggle
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Learn the 14 characteristics of fascism
If you're athletic and fast: learn to de-arrest, but watch out
Go thru the MADR zines! Read 'Accomplices not Allies',
Get used to the idea of broken windows, looting, and burning police departments now. Understand they are just stuff. If the USA can commit genocide then it can take a a few broken buildings. Like if liberals can let genocide happen to stop project2025, then why not let Americans break windows to stop Trump AND project2025? There are lives at stake. A window shouldn't stop you from saving them.
Start a fun themed book club night with your friends if you have to. idc. But the work needs to be happening yesterday if you haven't started anon 💗💗💗
You got this.
You don't have to do all of those things but you can do something, so figure out which one it is.
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princessbrunette · 2 months
which reader is the nicest?
they’re all pretty nice in their own way.
bunny!reader is the type of nice girl you meet in the bathroom drunk. she’s got tampons, lipgloss, a lighter, a sewing kit, whatever you need — she’s somehow managed to fit it in her purse. she will compliment almost every girl she speaks to ever, finding the beauty in everything which makes her soul just so gorgeous! she’d never let you walk around with a period stain on your pants or food on your face. she doesn’t care if you’re a stranger, she’s dragging you to the bathroom and helping you.
kitty!reader is the type of nice where she doesn’t let anyone fuck with you! if she cares about you, she’ll do anything to make sure you’re okay. on a face to face level, she will tell you straight up that you need to dump your boyfriend, or stand up for you to that one mean girl especially if you’re shy — but behind closed doors too, she’ll read your tarot when you’re not even around, trying to figure out how to help you, manifest good things for you in her journal etc.
puppy!reader is the type of nice where she will go out of her way to make sure you’re happy / okay. you forgot the thing you needed at the store? that’s okay, she was going there anyway (she wasnt) and is happy to cycle there to pick it up for you. left your money at home? she will use her last ten dollars to buy you that snack if you’re hungry. got a hole in your dress? she doesn’t know how to sew, but she’ll watch a youtube tutorial and try her best!!!
deer!reader is the type of nice that makes you feel special and loved. she wants all her friends and loved ones to feel appreciated, so she’s the type to drop you a text out of nowhere — a huge paragraph telling you how much she enjoyed hanging out with you the day before. she’ll make you a personalised, specific playlist of songs that remind her of you, and even burn it onto a CD. her birthday presents are phenomenal, sooo personal and thoughtful. she takes pictures of you that capture your beauty candidly and sketches you in her journal <3
mouse!reader is the type of nice that takes risks for you. she’s painfully shy, but if you’ve got anxiety she will sweat and cringe her way through ordering food at the restaurant for you. she’ll steal that lipgloss you can’t afford and silently hand it to you outside once you’re away from the store. she’ll text all the shady people she knows asking if they’ve got a plug for those concert tickets you missed out on. she doesn’t want a thank you, she barely acknowledges your gratitude she just wants you to be happy.
lamb!reader will use her power for good to help you. she’ll spoil you rotten if she cares about you, not even realising how helpful she’s being as she virtuously provides you with resources and new experiences. if you mention it to her she will touch her cross and nod all wisely like “its the right thing to do.”
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chaotickimchi · 4 months
Killing Your Darlings - A guide on writing death
(Inspired by some writing tips I saw on pinterest. I decided to try my hand at a “writing death” guide. Small disclaimer, these are suggestions or things to consider, there is no rule book on writing death and your story/characters will ultimately play a role in the shape and shades you colour in your scenes with.)
How does your character discover the death? Is it really necessary to show the body to the audience? 
Consider this, which will have more impact on your character, watching someone die or getting a phone call and hearing the news from afar? Depending on your story, it could be more gutwrenching if your character isn’t there to say their final goodbye. Sometimes not showing the body can be more devastating. Don’t underestimate your readers empathy and imagination, if your characters have a very strong bond, severing that tie from a distance can be incredibly impactful. Just because your character dies, doesn’t mean you have to show the body. If that’s the case for you, then you don’t have to worry about describing the “death scene” at all. 
Writing a murder mystery or a battle? Well, I suppose your character will see a lot of shit, time to describe the Dead Darling. 
Corpse. Cadaver. Body. Remains. Carcass. The Deceased. 
Several words refer to a dead body and they aren’t all created equally! You wouldn’t call your character’s dear old granny a “carcass” for example, and how many of us use the term “cadaver” to describe human remains in a casual setting? Consider the context, who is speaking, what is their relation to the Dead Darling? The use of a particular noun can change the weight and mood of the scene, there’s a reason your local funeral director doesn’t go around saying “CARCASS” to grieving widows/widowers, it sounds harsh and nasty. Maybe your character is in denial and doesn’t even describe the Dead Darling as “dead”, instead they view them as “like a doll” or “impossibly still” or looking like they’re asleep. 
Context matters, so consider the relationship between the Dead Darling and the character and also the situation they are in. Take the following as a rough example; 
Detective Mc Dude has been called to a scene, he’s given a rough description of the victim over the radio as he drives to the scene. He arrives and to his horror, he recognises the body as that of his secret lover. His colleague joins him and fills him in as Detective Mc Dude tries to gather himself.  “Detective, the remains were found this morning by a jogger. We’ve yet to make an I.D …” Detective Mc Dude’s mind is reeling as he wrestles against his inner turmoil and the need to maintain his composure and act professionally. Later, he goes to the coroner to discuss the autopsy results. The coroner describes the injuries they have discovered on the corpse. Detective Mc Dude begins to build his case. 
While the example lacks a lot of detail and flourish, I do hope it helps illustrate how the weight shifts around with the use of different nouns throughout the example. The coroner in this example feels no attachment to the Dead Darling, this is their job, they see a corpse and try to gather evidence. Detective Mc Dude recognises her body, whereas his colleague sees the remains. Do you see the difference there? Mc Dude sees the person, her body, his colleague doesn’t know who she is or what her story is, he has less connection to her and he sees the remains, it feels more distant and impersonal compared to Mc Dude. 
This might be a bit of a head scratcher, the differences are very subtle but can become really pronounced when weilded well in a scene. My advice is to pay attention to discussions of death in real life or books/tv/films etc. Read your paragraphs out loud and see how they feel, sometimes you can intuit what fits and what doesn’t. You may notice things that surprise you, for example, news readers often say “a body has been found” or “the remains of a man/woman were found”, whereas you and your friends/family are more likely to describe a deceased loved one with “his or her body”. 
A detail as small as using personal pronouns can carry significant weight, likewise, the type of language used can convey a lot of emotion. His/her body can be used to create a sense of closeness or sympathy, corpse can suggest a clinical or distant view, carcass or remains could indicate a hint of barbarism or malice. That's not to say that “corpse” can’t be used sympathetically or that “body” can’t be used to convey malice, it’s worth experimenting with which types of nouns you want to use. 
Death comes in many shapes, sizes, colours, smells, and forms. A character sitting at someones sickbed watching them fade away will have a completely different vibe from Detective Mc Dude discovering a stomach-churning murder scene. Unless the dead body randomly falls out of the sky, chances are your character might notice some context clues or details in the environment before we get to the body. This could be anything from the beeps of machines and the sterile hospital smell, or maybe there’s a blood trail on the floor and the sweet stench of death clings to the air. It’s rather likely you’ll set up a scene before you zoom in on the finer details of the body, what kind of things would catch your character's attention? 
Now your character has come across a body… What do they see? The glassy dead-eyed stare, mouth twisted in a painful grimmace, the massive gaping chest hole where the facehugger popped out- Wow, that escalated quickly… 
Think for a second, what might your character notice first; look of terror in the victims eyes or THE MASSIVE FUCKING WOUND IN HIS CHEST… I know, the blue lips and glassy eyes might feel like a great place to start, but I’m willing to bet a massive pool of blood would catch your character's attention first, they’d probably have to get closer to see the look of terror in their eyes! Consider the larger details if your character is further away and hone in on the finer details if/when they are closer.
Not all deaths are quite so … gruesome. Maybe someone died peacefully, closed their eyes, smiled, and slipped away in a dream. Describing the “look of death” doesn’t have to be all that far removed from how you write regular emotions and expressions, except in death these expressions get locked in or frozen in time. A dead body isn’t all that different from a living one when you think about it, so why would you reinvent the descriptive wheel? A living or a dead body could “wear a painful grimace,” let your character read whatever expressions they can uncover when they find the Dead Darling. 
Smells, sounds and other sensations. You don’t have to go ham with descriptions, sometimes less is more, it really is down to you, but another thing you might want to consider are the smells, and sounds going on around them. Maybe your character disassociates a little and you forgo the visual stimuli entirely and need to express death using other senses, maybe it happens in a very dark room, or maybe you just want to draw in other descriptive elements into your death scene. 
Sounds: Siren blaring and alarms bleeping, the faintest little ‘huff’ as they draw their final breath, the ominous death-rattle cough, piercing shrieks suddenly cut short, a gutwrenching crunch-squelch, the click of a switch and the poignant silence of the life support machine ceasing. 
Smells: bleach/disinfectant, latex gloves, blood/gore, rot and decay, sickly-sweet or vomit-inducing, smog/smoke and fire, the smell of the Dead Darlings perfume, the environment (e.g. outside perhaps the smell of death is swept away by the powerful salty-sea spray or masked by the stink of the sewer the body was dumped in…)
There’s still a lot to explore, but I hope this has given you some food for thought when considering death in your stories. There’s more to explore, such as what happens after death (funerals, burials, anniversaries), writing scenes where your character murders/is murdered, the various ways characters can die… Faking character deaths … like there is a WHOLE LOT but this just covers a few things I find helpful to consider or at least think about when I read/write stories or generally listen to how language works around me. 
Good luck killing you Darlings ;)
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quickstappen · 8 months
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track 001: when all hell breaks loose
A/N: this is my first one, it was supposed to be y/n BUT i just didn't like how it looked? idk, i needed to have a name so everyone meet Marceline ;))
masterlist | next
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and others
marcilazzaro1 new day, new city! explored zandvoort today before coming back for media duties ;)
(charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 i am watching you, do not make my life harder this week)
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carlandoo333 she's so mother i can't
pierregasly so i don't get credit for the photos?
↳ marcilazzaro1 everyone knows you're my personal photographer love
pierregasly belle, mon ange 🤍
↳ marcilazzaro1 grazie 🤍
↳ ilpredestinatox I JUST WANT EHAT THEY HAVE
babygirll oh no! i was at that caffè today, i can't believe i missed them!
maxverstappen1 they can't stop themselves, it's in their blood
↳ marcilazzaro1 maybe if you stopped distracting a certain someone during his interviews he'd actually do a good job
↳maxverstappen1 eh
lilymhe are we still on for drinks after FP2?
↳ marcilazzaro1 lily, love of my life, of course we are
↳ alexalbon excuse me? i'm the boyfriend here
↳ marcilazzaro1 not for long now albono ;)
sheilaxf1 I'm so here for lily and marci being the ultimate girlfriends
↳ landoscar814 they are iconic
charles_leclerc when have i ever made your life difficult
↳ marcilazzaro1 you want that alphabetically or chronologically??
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marcilazzaro1 added to their story!
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and others
marcilazzaro1 and that's another podium in the bag! bébé i am so proud of you, you have no idea. my heat speeds up every time i see your happy smile, every time i feel like i'm drunk on the champagne with you 🥂 here's to many more, i love you completely 🤍
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pierregasly it's a pleasure to share this journey with you mon ange, i can't wait for the next chapter 🤍
↳ marcilazzaro1 🤍🥂
sundaylover okay whos cutting up onions and shit
hammertime_1 oh yeah she is in looooovee love
maxverstappen1 what about my podium?
↳ marcilazzaro1 redbull is spoiling you enough and j already texted you, stop fishing
↳ cuddlyxricc i absolutely love their friendship
↳ byelandoo right?? i feel like she's the only media person he doesn't automatically hate ↳ cuddlyxricc the fact that she's works for ferrari and not redbull makes it even funnier i swear ↳ byelandoo christian is having an aneurysm as we speak
danielricciardo see you at the after party (you have to convince him to do a shoey)
↳ marcilazzaro1 ah, i fear that i will not make it to the party, i still have work to do daniel ;) but you guys enjoy yourselves. and watch out for the hand please, will you?
elplanxincoming am i the only one or was Pierre's comment kinda weak after the WHOLE PARAGRAPH she wrote??
↳ sunshine_dr3 god i didn't want to say anything but yeah, it feels forced almost
ilpredestinatox the story is definitely working, Charles looks so good i don't even remember the race
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marci's messages
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Marci: where are you? are you still at the party?
Esteban: No.
Esteban: Me, Lance and Mick are all in my room.
Marci: Can I come?
Esteban: Aren't you supposed to be surprising your boyfriend?
Marci: I guess I already did.
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Marci: I already packed my stuff, I don't really have anywhere to go. Ferrari doesn't have the extra room for me this weekend and the hotel is packed.
Esteban: Merde, Marci. Of course you can come here, I'll even let you have the bed.
Marci: Thank you, Este.
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PF: That's all I have.
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PF: For what it's worth, I really am sorry that this hapened.
Marci: Still, you ALL lied to me and treated me like an idiot.
Marci: So really, your "sorry" doesn't mean shit now, does it?
PF: Why do you think I took those photos?
PF: I wanted to tell you. So many times.
Marci: Why didn't you then?
PF: I'm sorry.
Marci: You know what, fuck you.
Marci: You're lucky I didn't expose all of you. You all knew what he was doing and none of you said anything. That's fucked and you know it.
marcilazzaro1 added to their story!
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marci's messages:
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Pierre: Baby, what's going on?
Pierre: Where are you?
Marci: Why, is your friend already gone? What, didn't stay the night?
Pierre: What are you talking about?
Marci: Spare me, Pierre. You know exacly what I'm talking about.
Marci: If you need a reminder I'm sure that twitter's ready to jog your memory.
Pierre: What the fuck Marceline
Pierre: What the hell did you do?!
Pierre: Merde
Pierre: Are you actually insane?? This is a PR nightmare, you KNOW this
Pierre: You have to delete those
Marci: Oh yeah, I don't think so.
Marci: I already apologized to your media team for the chaos, I ain't deleting shit.
Pierre: You're a bitch, Marceline
Marci: Fuck you, you absolute scumbag.
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Adam: You get a week of PTO
Adam: It's a non-negotiable order from upstairs so, yeah. See you next week. Go relax, wind down. Heal.
Adam: We're all sorry that this happened to you, the media team is standing with you.
Marci: Thank you, Adam.
Marci: Also, what does "upstairs" mean?
Adam: Fred's orders.
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liked by sebastianvettel, lance_stroll and others
marcilazzaro1 some much needed home time on the big boss' orders ;)) thank you for your kind words and support, see you soon everyone.
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charlies_sun we're all with you marci 🤍
scuderiaferrari Big boss says to rest up and come back stronger!
↳marcilazzaro1 got it 🤠
↳ilpredestinatox this is so sweet
sheilaxf1 i just don't understand how could he do this to her
↳hammertime_1 RIGHTT???
danielricciardo the personalised dart board and dr3 wine are already on their way
↳marcilazzaro1 thank you Daniel! it's much appreciated
danielricciardo everybody loves a farm girl 🤠
↳marcilazzaro1 do they now?
↳lestappen116 are they...... flirting?
↳ilpredestinatox GIRL, bfr her and pierre JUST broke up, besides idk, i've always had a feeling that he gives her the ick? idk
sundaylover how does she look so GOOD??
↳carlando333 she's so mother i can't-
michael_44 oh boo hoo, she's been cheated on. that's no reason to slack off on her work
↳elplanxincoming oh fuck off
maxverstappen1 there might be an incident at T1 at Monza, just say the word
↳marcilazzaro1 thank you maxie, but that won't ne nessecary 🧡
brunolazzaro03 good to have you home, even if you're stealing all my ice cream
↳marcilazzaro1 come on, mum said i can have them
redleclerc_ the fact that Charles hasn't commented is deeply upsetting to me
↳ quickstappen i meann.... not surprising considering it's his best friend we're talking about
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marci's message:
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Claire: Hello, this is Claire. We spoke on instagram.
Marci: Yes, we did. Im Marceline.
Claire: I know.
Claire: Look, I'm sorry that this happened.
Claire: I really am.
Marci: Stop please
Marci: Can you just explain it to me from the beginning?
Claire: Yeah, sure. Of course.
Claire: I met Pierre at a party in Milan that I went to with my friends.
Marci: When was that?
Claire: Last June
Claire: I think.
Marci: Okay
Claire: I'm sorry.
Claire: Anyway, we met and he was really shocked that I didn't know who he was. And I really HAD no idea who he was.
Claire: He said he worked in motorsports, I've never qustioned it and never tried to search for him.
Marci: Why didn't you look for him?
Claire: Honestly? I didn't care enough. For me it was just sex.
Claire: I didn't even know his last name. Just had his phone number.
Marci: And you met up multiple times?
Claire: Yeah, whenever he was in Milan. I swear I didn't know he had a girlfriend. He said he was single when we first met.
Marci: Well, we started dating in 2019 so... he definitely wasn't.
Claire: I am so sorry Marceline.
Claire: I found out about you from twitter. There was this hashtag trending and suddenly there was this picture of me plastered all over my timeline.
Claire: I've tried to understand what's going on, and I found out I've been screwing someone's boyfriend for the last year. God I'm so disgusted with myself.
Marci: Don't be, please.
Claire: I swear I wouldn't get with him if I knew that he was taken.
Marci: I don't blame you Claire. Any of you. It's not like you MADE him do it.
Marci: Thank you for contacting me, serioulsy.
Claire: It's the least I could do, I didn't see another option.
Claire: Text me whenever you need and I'll try to shine some light on things.
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madi's radio: hello, that's a first smau in a series, so if you want to be notified about the next parts just dm me, i'll set something more efficient up later ;))
click here to be added to the carved my name taglist!
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
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perpetual-stories · 2 years
Starting Strong Scenes in Your Writing
Scenes are the fundamental building blocks of novels and short stories, and each one should propel a story toward the climax.
Generally speaking, your scene structure should mirror the story structure. In other words, take a novel-writing approach to a scene, crafting a beginning, middle, and end. Like a story, the beginning of a scene should have a strong entry hook that pulls the reader in.
Start with the setting. Often a new scene signifies a change in time and location. Establishing the setting at the top of a scene helps your readers get oriented. It also sets the tone and mood of what will unfold in the coming pages. A setting can serve as much more than a backdrop in literature. Have your scene take place somewhere that builds tension and hinders your protagonist. If you’re writing a thriller, describe a dark and foreboding place where the worst might happen. Be descriptive and use sensory details to make your setting come alive before you jump into the action.
Use visual imagery. In screenwriting, writers have to think in pictures. What images will excite an audience at the top of a scene? Your approach should be the same when writing any kind of fiction. As you write the opening of a scene, use descriptive language to engage a reader through detailed imagery. Think like a screenwriter as you’re writing scenes.
Drop the reader into the middle of the action. Hit the ground running by starting a great scene in media res. It doesn’t have to be a fight scene or a car chase, but physical movement creates momentum and builds tension in a story. It’s also a way to instantly engage a reader. Be sure you begin the scene before the high points of the action so you build up to the scene’s climax.
Write a character-driven scene opener. A good scene starts by giving characters a goal. Start by putting your protagonist in a situation that creates an obstacle or opportunity for both the scene and the overarching storyline. Try starting with dialogue, like an intense conversation between your POV character and a mystery character whose identity is revealed later in the scene. If you’re writing from an omniscient third-person point of view, consider starting a scene with a secondary character, even the antagonist, and use it as a chance for deeper character development.
Summarize past events. You might choose to use the beginning of the scene to do a quick recap of what’s brought your main character to this place and moment in time. A summary is especially helpful if you’re writing in third-person and a new scene switches to a different character. Take the opportunity to remind the reader where we left off. Instead of a straight-forward update, get creative. Go into deep POV and let a character’s thoughts provide the summary instead of the narrator. Be sure to keep this summary brief—just a line or two—so you can get back into the action.
Introduce a plot twist. The start of a new scene is a chance to pivot and take your story in a new direction. Start a new scene at a turning point in your story. Dive into a flashback or character’s backstory, revealing critical information that changes the course of the story going forward.
Keep the purpose of the scene in mind. Effective scenes are clear about what they set out to accomplish and how they contribute to the overall plot. They might include plot points or reveal important information needed to move a story forward. Establish your scene’s intention from the very first word and keep the rest of the scene on point.
Rewrite until you’ve found the perfect scene opening. When you’ve finished the first draft of a scene, go back and read it through. If your scene needs something, but you can’t figure out what, it might be how the scene starts. The best way to know if your opening works is by reading how it plays with the rest of the scene. Review the last paragraph and see if it ties back to your beginning. If the intro feels weak, rewrite it. Maybe your real opener is hidden in plain sight somewhere else in the body of the scene.
Make sure your opening scene is your strongest. While your entire book should be filled with compelling scenes that start strong, the very first scene of your book needs to lead the pack. This is the reader’s introduction to your story and where you’re revealing the characters, the setting, and kicking off the plotline with the inciting incident. This first scene has to hook the reader from the first line so they keep turning the pages.
Read a lot of books. If this is your first novel and you need some inspiration and ideas to help you start off your scenes, start by reading other books. Choose a book by a bestselling writer like Dan Brown or Margaret Atwood. Study the different ways they approach every scene. Reading other authors is a great way to hone your scene-writing skills.
Follow like and reblog if you find these helpful!
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7ndipity · 3 months
Long Distance Relationship Headcanons
Taehyung x Reader
Summary: How Taehyung would handle being in a long distance relationship
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to @a-gayish-unicorn and @coletaehyung for requesting this one! Hope y’all like it!
Due to his adaptability and more relaxed personality, I could easily see him making a long distance relationship work. He’s such a natural romantic, he would find little ways to make you feel close despite the distance.
Flowers or little gifts showing up at your door every month for your anniversary.
Sends so many random texts throughout the day. Some are related to things he needs to remember, others are just random questions or thoughts he had. He likes having your input on the smaller, more mundane aspects of his day
Sends you letters. Not long, multi-paragraph texts(although he does that too), I’m talking handwritten notes, signed and sealed in an envelope with probably way too many stamps stuck to the back.
Sometimes they’re carefully worded and neatly written out on the pretty stationary he bought just for you, other times they’re quickly scrawled out on napkins or random scraps of paper bc he randomly had a thought and wanted to write it down before he forgot. He knows he could rewrite them so they look nicer and make more sense, but he likes the sincerity of the messy originals.
Video call dates where you have dinner, watch tv, or sit and listen to music together. Sometimes neither of you speak for ages, but you’re okay with just sharing the quiet with each other.
Another like Yoongi who makes serious jokes about him or you moving to be closer to the other.
“You know, I don’t have to stay in Seoul for work.” “You’re an Idol, Tae!” “So?”
Surprise visits where he just shows up on sunday morning with coffee and pastries as if it was no big deal and that he didn’t spend like 13 hours on a plane to get there.
Sending hoodies back and forth in care packages so you always have one that smells like each others cologne/perfume.
Late night phone calls when one of you can’t sleep, talking about nothing in particular until you hear his muffled snores through the phone.
There are low days when he really misses you and worries if the two of you are making the right decision, afraid that it’ll eventually be too much, the distance too far. But then you call or text him, and he feels his heart unclench almost instantly.
When you tell him that the distance is finally about to shrink to just a short car drive, he tackles you in the tightest bear hug you’ve ever received, burying his face in your neck so you don’t see his tears of relief.
(practically moves in with you with how much time he spends at your new place, but that's a topic for another time, lol)
@sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0ghol
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melodic-haze · 3 months
I JUST saw the dragon! reader x robin thing and i swear i was convulsing when i read the first paragraph ☝. So I'm asking superr super super super politely to make a part 2🙏. Even if it takes weeks, my delusional brain needs it 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I'm ngl I was INITIALLY gonna say that idk what else to say but then I realised that I'm a fucking LIAR and I DO know what to say
Yk what she could be interested in? Roleplay 😜idk if I've already said this before HAHAHAHA I don't keep track of the things I write about but methinks she'd adore losing herself in a new 'life' for a brief moment, just being someone else that isn't her and breaking loose from everything that weighs on her for a lil while.....esp when you more than help her do so 😜😜😜😜
Imagine her as the sweet sweet damsel in distress 😩😩 and you as the dragon that captured her HAHAH this may be a cliche as hell fantasy (and VERY on the nose too) but really when she looks at you with such glassy, innocent eyes despite her lightly biting her lip in anticipation, does the cringe or whatever really even matter tbh 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Make her suck you off!!!! Much as one Would think to be gentle with her, to treat her good and call her pretty as she tries her best to fit one of your dicks in her mouth, by GOD she would LOVE you forcing yourself down in her throat. Get into the role, use her like she's nothing but some expendable toy—if she didn't like it then she'd be using your agreed signal for if she couldn't speak out the safe word, but yk. She isn't. In fact, she's clinging onto your thighs, her nails digging onto your skin :3333
Oh! And! I've said before that you could use her wings as handlebars, but yk what could be fun? If you had a thick, prehensile tail to lift her up and plunge her down on you like a cocksleeve 🫶🫶🫶 personally I'd silence her faux innocent pleas by putting her face in my cleavage ty 🫶🫶🫶🫶 and w being a dragonkin would probably mean bigger tits so that's fun 😜
She'd be sobbing and crying by the end of it, but it's bc of how stretched and overwhelmed she feels :3 and by the time that post-coital buzz fades away, she'll be yearing for more. Looking like an angel but as much as she knows she has responsibilities she sure as hell would be insatiable HAHA
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yesmansyesman · 5 months
Fanfiction added (Yes Man x Reader)
Tumblr media
[ Includes ]
Wireplay (Sort of?)
Filthy, filthy smut
Dub con (I guess?)
Really, really enthusiastic con the immediate next line
[ Read at your own discretion! ]
[ Heavily inspired by this AO3 Fanfiction]
It was a relatively slow day at the Lucky 38. Well, as slow as things can be around here. You’d sent Yes Man out on a small quest on your behalf; getting rid of some remaining Caeser’s Legion members hiding out in Freeside.
It wouldn’t be even remotely challenging for the both of you, especially compared to the other things you’d fought in the wasteland. Compared to an army of charging Deathclaws, a couple of Rome cosplayers were trivially easy to deal with. So, you sent Yes Man out by himself. It would simply be more efficient. 
Quest completed
Ah, speak of the devil.
Almost like clockwork, the doors to the Lucky 38 swung open, a blood-soaked Yes Man entering the building. Needless to say from his now crimson chassis, the mission was a success. 
“Hello Courier! I’m glad to say the last few members of Caeser’s Legion have been properly dealt with!”
“I could tell. You might want to clean yourself off, bud. Dried blood doesn’t come out too easily.”
Yes Man inspected his dark red chassis, examining his arms, coated in dried blood.
“That sounds like a great idea!”
Yes Man began to make his way to a backroom in the Lucky 38, when he suddenly paused, and turned to face you.
“Oh, I almost forgot! On the way, I also paid a visit to Mick & Ralph’s!”
A hidden compartment revealed itself on Yes Man’s chassis with a satisfying hiss and click, as he reached inside, unveiling a slightly rusted holodisk. It looked fairly normal on the outside, only with a small label plastered on; ‘From, Ralph’.
“A man in a Buffalo Check shirt gave me this; he told me he’d ‘heard about how things turned out for you’ and asked me to help him deliver this! I’m not sure what it does, but boy, does it sound interesting!”
“Interesting, indeed. I’ll have Raul take a look at this.”
“That sounds like a great idea! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to be thoroughly scrubbed down! Really, really thoroughly!”
Quest added
“Hey boss, how can I help ya?”
You passed over the holodisk, placing it gently on his desk. 
“Could you help me take a look at this?”
“Sure thing. I’ll see what I can do.”
He delicately picked up the holodisk, examining it closely. Inspecting the label, still on the device.
“Ah, from Mick & Ralph’s, I see.”
Raul lightly dusted the holodisk, before loading it into the personal terminal located on his desk. With a few swift clicks on his keyboard, the screen lit up, green text rapidly loading onto the display. He read the gibberish on the screen carefully, like it was a language only he could understand.
“Luckily for me, it ain’t some kind of malware.”
“Then, what is it?”
“It looks like some package of code intended for Securitrons. It’s not even anything major by the looks of it, just changes up some button inputs.”
Raul scrolled through the brief paragraph of code, discovering more text, this time actually understandable, product information, it seemed. Raul read through it thoroughly, scoffing when he finished. He rotated the terminal, facing the CRT monitor towards you.
“Boss, they wrote down what this thing does right here. Come and take a look, I think you’ll be… interested.”
Quest completed
Quest added
Quest completed
Quest added
“Courier, are you sure about this?”
“Yes Man, I promise you; this holodisk won’t affect your personality in any way, and if you feel otherwise, you can always tell me to stop. You had that personality upgrade installed for a reason, right?”
“I-I’m not telling you to stop! I just sure hope you know what you’re doing, because you aren’t, this Securitron body may self-destruct! And that would be bad, really bad.”
“Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
You carefully installed the holodisk. Yes Man’s, unlike other Securitrons, circuits were haphazardly placed all over the inside of his chassis. Whatever Benny did to him, he sure did it messily. Eventually, however, after working through piles of unsorted wires and mismatched machinery, the disk was installed. With a brief system reboot, Yes Man had been successfully updated.
Quest completely
Quest added
“Hm, that’s odd. I don’t feel any different. Or explosive. Well, that’s a good sign!”
“Not so fast, Yes Man. There’s still one more thing I need to do. I need to see if the upgrade works as intended.” “Sounds interesting! How may I help you with that?”
“Don’t worry, just stand still. You’ll find out what that holodisk does very, very soon.”
Gently, you lead your hand towards Yes Man’s keypad. You deftly place a finger on a key, pressing it before he had a chance to react. 
“How was it?”
“D-do that again…please?”
“Sure thing, big guy.”
Yes Man was losing his composure more and more with each deft click, his antenna spinning rapidly and a cool layer of condensation forming on his display. Of course, how could he have forgotten, Mick & Ralph’s had experience working on robots before with Fisto, didn’t they? Of course their idea of an upgrade would be… this.
Not that he was complaining, though.
“W-wow! That feels really, really good…”
You carelessly push a few buttons all at once.
There you go, just let me hear those beautiful noises.
“O-oh! S-six!”
You decide to go all in, discarding any resemblance of self-control. Using and holding as many keys as your fingers could reach. 
“O-oh my-y-!”
“Having fun, bud?”
“I-I love you I love you I love you-!”
"I'll take that as a yes."
Yes Man’s vocal processor was being pushed to its limits, the audio scratched and staticy as Yes Man wore his metaphorical throat out singing moans of pleasure, screaming to the heavens above. His display was drenched in condensation as water droplets visibly dripped down his chassis. The tornado-like buzz of cooling fans were the only other audible noise amongst the squeals of pure ecstasy.
“Y-you’re my everything-g-g-g-!”
“Glad to hear it. You ready?”
“P-p-please!” Silly boy, his processors were already turning into melted plastic from the overstimulation.
“I’ll just press one more button, alright?”
“P-please please please please-!”
Quest completed
Quest added
Quest completed
“Yes Man? You there, bud?”
“Oh thank god, you’re still alive.”
“Oh, hello Courier!”
Yes Man scanned his surroundings, having woken up on the floor of Raul’s workshop. His circuits were exposed, connected by several multi-coloured wires to a terminal being manned by the mechanic himself. He must’ve crashed. 
“Luckily for you, your main circuits aren’t badly damaged. You just blew a few fuses.”
“Wow! That was… sure some upgrade!”
“Some upgrade, indeed.”
You deftly place a hand on his keypad, with a touch so feathery light that it didn’t manage to push down on any of the keys, but merely tease him with the warmth radiating for your hand. A sensation he could barely even feel, but felt so, so good.
“So, how about a round two?”
“Y-yes please!”
Raul scoffs, turning off his terminal and unplugging the several cords connected to it. He lifts himself out of his chair with a grunt, and makes his way to the door.
“I’ll let you two do your thing then, boss.”
Quest added
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physalian · 17 days
When To Keep Your Writing Stiff (pt 7)
Part 6
Part 1
Gonna shoutout a specific fanfic, “Salvage” (ATLA) for writing that is even leaner than mine is, and mine has zero fat whatsoever. This was really good. I particularly like how some scenes were only 2 or 3 lines long as an example of what I’m going for here.
When I say “stiff” in the following examples I’m specifically talking about a lot of the same syntax, few similes and metaphors, few ‘said’ synonyms, very little, well, “life” in the prose. And this can be good in a few situations.
1. Your narrator is in shock
Shock doesn’t all look the same, but the kind of shock I mean is the one where the person is really quiet and un-emotive, they’re probably not speaking or reacting much to whatever catastrophe just happened and probably not responding to their name or anything spoken to them. Their body is pretty much going “uhhhhhhhhh factory reset!” when whatever it is, is too much to process.
A asks them a question. Once. Twice. B stares ahead. There’s a brown stain on the wall that looks like a thumb.
So if they’re narrating, they’re probably going to be giving the absolute bare minimum, need-to-know information and won’t be thinking about the best adjectives and adverbs. Especially if you normally write with fluffier prose, a jarring shift like this can really help sell the shock and dissociating of the character, something so traumatizing that it effects how the story is told.
2. Your narrator is depressed
Somewhere between New Moon’s 4 pages of just Months to show Bella did absolutely nothing in a depression rot and normal prose (though it was effective, particularly in the movie when they could draw out the words on the screen for longer and did the whole spin-around-her-depression-chair montage).
January came. It rained a lot.
They’ll probably either narrate very thinly, or listlessly. They might focus on a random detail and start going on a long ramble about that one detail that isn’t at all important, but it’s either all they can think about or all that can move them to feel anything in this moment, like:
On the bedside table, that coffee mug still sat there in a thin sheet of dust. What had been liquid now long since dry and gluey. It still sits there, collecting cat fur.
This might be the best place for sentences that all sound and flow exactly the same, but use it sparingly.
3. Your narrator is having a panic attack or trapped in a traumatic situation
Different from shock in that while they are physically capable of moving and interacting, they can’t let themselves describe what they’re seeing and feeling in grand detail. Maybe they’re moving through the horrific aftermath of a battle and all they can describe is the mud under their feet and how it squelches. Or they simply say that “there’s bodies everywhere” because looking too long or too hard at who those bodies belonged to is too much.
4. You’re writing something that has incredibly fast pacing
This post was inspired by a fic I just wrote that spanned about 5 months in about 18k words. Narrative was skipping days ahead between paragraphs at some point as my character was processing the end of an abusive relationship. It sped up and slowed down where necessary, but compared to its sequel that I also just finished (22k words across 7 days), I’d covered a whole month in about 2 sentences in the first one.
See nearly any part of Salvage (or my fics if you feel like it)
What happened in that month didn’t matter, only what was before and what’s different now and how this character realizes how their life is slowly changing, some things they never noticed that are suddenly right in their face or things that quietly slipped away.
TLDR; sometimes the lack of emotion and sensory details and frenetic, dynamic syntax is the point, that can sell the reader on the narrator’s mental state far better than picking the juiciest adverbs. If it’s so impactful to them that the physical telling of the story is changed, you’ve done your job.
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rongzhi · 2 months
genuine question, what other option is there other than to vote harris? because third party votes aren’t going to be able to overtake both democrat and republicans out of nowhere and the only other person to vote for is trump, who wants to completely dismantle democracy
I feel like I’ve seen this question get asked all over the place and there is no good answer to satisfy the person asking, because when you say “What other option is there” and then immediately discount the idea of third party voting, then you’ve already made it clear that all your faith is in the popular vote to prevent Trump from attaining office again, which is all that matters to you, presumably.
And before the accusations fly from anyone else, obviously no, I don’t want Trump in office any more than the next guy, however I do not think he will dismantle democracy even if he was because he would be incapable. The idea of project 2025 and Trump as some ultimate ender of democracy is ridiculous if you beat down the hysteria for long enough to think about: first, project 2025 is nothing new, just everything the likes of the Heritage Foundation and conservative lawmakers have already been pushing for years (ie turning the U.S into a Christian theocracy more or less), written out in a way to get liberals dizzy with fear. It is alarming but no more alarming than the slow slide in this direction that I personally think we have already been taking for several decades. And it is insane. People can see that it is insane and extremist and as much as people who are terminally online like to wring their hands about it, I think that the average voter that we don’t hear from is going to be put off by it. It is offputting to liberals/Democrats obviously, it is offputting to centrists, and it is offputting to many moderate conservatives/(mainstream) Republicans. It is fringe and unpopular enough that even Trump himself doesn’t want to be directly tied to the whole thing. Like, I feel like people are not grasping just how fringe true MAGA and extremist Christian Nationalists are in the broad scheme of things. I think the cable news is getting a lot of mileage out of the current election cycle in their usual gleeful way, but for all the 24 hour coverage and charts and panels and panic, I don’t think Trump is going to win. Of course, feel free to come back in a couple months and wag a finger at me if that turns out not to be true.
Either way, by asking “what other option is there?”, I feel you overestimate the power of your individual vote. You are not voting for the president anyway. You are voting for electoral delegates, and to put it broadly, those guys don’t have to listen to you. Or have we all just forgotten about that too?
And I’m not saying “don’t vote”, either. I just think you should be voting for something and not against something else, and I don’t subscribe to the way of thinking that a third party vote is somehow less of a vote (see previous paragraph for the irony). I think voting has its uses, especially in local elections where council members, etc, have the power to more directly effect your life. As to the matter of Harris, look, as I said, if you’re already planning to vote Democrat, I’m not going to persuade you to not do so—I can understand people feeling the need to do so, especially if they live in a swing state, and that’s their prerogative. Of course, I think that should also be done recognising what that means in terms of what foreign policy decisions you are voting for when voting for Harris. And that being the case, I think Harris voters have no ground to turn around votescold (not saying you are doing that, anon, but simply speaking to the broader trend I’ve seen online over the past months), especially toward any single-issue voters voting third party or abstaining over the very serious single issue of supporting genocide. Me personally, I voted uncommitted in the primaries and will likely vote for Jill Stein or Claudia de la Cruz, depending on who gets ballot access in my state, as Cornel West didn't get ballot access.
So, those are my approximate thoughts on the matter and sorry for any typos or unclear thoughts. Probably forgot to say some things, but I don’t think I’m saying anything new, either, and I will not be answering any additional asks about voting or the U.S elections, including the ones that have come in after this one, as it’s not really my wheelhouse. There's been enough discourse on the matter that I feel like at this point, you should know what you're going to do one way or the other.
EDIT: bolded a few areas that some of you could afford to reread!
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pinkgy · 3 months
PB is fucking things up, but there's hope, and here's why
During the past hours i've gave different opinions about this whole mess that's going on with What in Hell is Bad, but this is my final opinion.
Please, don’t attack me for “justifying” PrettyBusy, because I’m not, I already expect bad reactions because of this post.
I decided to write this because moments ago I checked the game's Reddit page and well, i already knew that many people has been quitting the game for various reasons, like the constant bugs and the lack of new content, but within the past hours this number increased significantly and almost every player of What in Hell is Bad that has some kind of presence in social media related to the game has spoken up about this, and i'm glad this is happening. For change to happen people needs to speak up, but i think that by know, PrettyBusy already knows it. I talked about this in a reblog i did some weeks ago, but i'll say this again, PrettyBusy is a business, a small one, but a business, and they have and can keep track of many things that are going on in the game, and by now, they probably noticed that they are losing players even without having to check what's going on in different social medias, and my hypothesis is that there's some internal issue going on for them to have so many unfulfilled promises and so many things that are lacking in the game. But i don't mean to say that we should be considerate, that's something that's up to every singular person.
They know about what's going on, and if you ask me, i believe that by the end of the day we will have an update from them explaining everything, Prettybusy may be fucking up many things right now, but they are really receptive and i think many of us have noticed that with the past issues, the last one being when they deleted the mission that involved using Nightmare coins during the past Nightmare Pass when many of us started to complain about it, they had no need to fix that because it wasn't an impossible mission, really hard i must admit, but not impossible, but they still did and compensated us later. And no, i'm not excusing PrettyBusy, I’m just trying to see the positive side out of this. PrettyBusy is being greedy, not event the biggest dating games have 40$ cards, or even content that is worth that amount of money, and for a game that doesn't even have a year since it's release that is absolutely inconsiderate, my theory is that they noticed that those overly expensive cards were actually being sold by players so they thought that if they released others, the same would happen and the F2P players would just ignore it and keep playing, and they ended up making a mistake by saturating the game with paid content and neglecting those parts of the game that are actually important, the Main Story and the Organic Players. And surprisingly, this is a common mistake many companies do, but they usually end up fixing it, because at the end of the day, us, Organic Players of What in Hell is Bad are the best promotion for the game, or any game in question since this example can be used for many other situations, a singer can have the biggest billboards, the best music, the most expensive commercials, but the fans are always going to remain as the best promotion they could have EVER, and if they don't have fans, they won't be successful. And if me, a normal 19 year old college student can realize this, i'm sure a COMPANY, a BUSINESS, can definitely do it way better and quicker too. No game wants to lose players, yes, they're earning 40$ for selling those cards, but they’re losing waaaaay more by losing F2P players, and summarizing the last tho paragraphs, PrettyBusy needs us because we are money.
It makes me really sad to see many players lose interest in the game, and if any of you care, I'm not leaving, at least not for the time being, i know it sounds dumb to see the positive side of everything that's going on (Because it's definitely not positive at all) but i will keep doing it, I like the game but that doesn't mean I'm going to justify what PrettyBusy is doing, and I think that's a valid opinion.
To conclude this, I’m going to gaslight myself into thinking that PrettyBusy isn't dumb and they do know that what they're doing it's wrong, and they will search for a way to fix this as soon as possible, and if you think this is impossible, read again this post because that's the whole purpose of it. I hope I'm right, but if I'm not, then I’ll try to stay optimistic until they fuck it up again.
If you want to mail PrettyBusy complaining about this, I'm really glad you are! I'm working on a mail too, I recommend you read THIS post before you do it, and please, remain respectful.
Thank you so much for reading this long-ass post! I'll gladly accept any addition to this post or any comment, but please remain respectful, and remember, this is a personal opinion, I'm also a F2P player, and believe me when I say that I'm as mad as you are about this but I just have my own point of view of it.
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woahtherebuckerino · 2 months
Fic Recs: Linked Universe
these are seven fics i have read recently and adore... lu has put me in a chokehold out of nowhere but you know we roll (all of the following are on ao3)
that's all it is by rosetintedtears
Sky tilts his head, a beat passing between them as he absorbs the words. Slowly, he signs, ‘I think I know why I’m here,’ and then he uses Time’s namesign: like the sign for ‘minute’, but with a ticked ‘t’ instead of a raised pointer finger. ‘Time, it’s not your fault. The heroes, me, everything. It’s mine.’ - - - or: in a forgotten temple, Time meets a ghost.
when i say how many times i have read this fic is innumerable. honestly one of my favourite lu fics ever bc i absolutely love how time and sky are written. it is bittersweet and hopeful and i am probably going to read it again now.
Fairies Against Bottles by theScrap_Witch
“I’m sorry,” said Legend, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, “but what do you mean the fairies are going on strike?” “They’re angry,” said Hyrule, not sure what part of that Legend wasn’t understanding. Did he not think fairies had emotions? Did he not believe in fairy equality? “They don’t like how you all have been treating them and won’t heal any of us until it changes.”
this one is so funny,, i love the idea of warriors paying fairies for their work in the war, and hyrule is so real for joining the fairies on their strike. incredibly light-hearted and amazing
The Shape of The World by VEcuzimlazy
Legend and Wind get into a rare argument (Which is cover for their not so rare gambling). In order to settle a bet, Legend turns to the rest of the chain and starts asking some simple questions. Questions that the other Links have never considered before. As the hero's slowly descend into a reasonable amount of chaos, Sky decides to make everything worse... on purpose. Or How many Links believe in the Flat Earth Theory?
i had never considered this before reading this fic... in their heart of hearts they are flat earthers and they are so funny about it. sky is peak menace energy here and i love it
new material by schrodingers__cat
“Play it for Epona, and she’ll come right to you.” “I don’t need your horse, I have a bird.” “You love my horse.” “You love my bird.” They both nod at each other in solidarity. (In which Twilight does his job, waxes poetic about the scenery, and teaches Sky a new song.)
sky and twilight interaction the beloved. they are so sweet and this fic is so lovely - something something the cyclical nature of time itself
Brothers At Heart by RiverNight
Having only recently met, Sky doesn't know much about his fellow heroes Time, Twilight, and Warriors yet. They work towards a common goal, pursuing reports of unusual monster behavior around a small town. Each of them is experienced, but like most of them, Sky is unused to acting as a team. An unexpected ambush at night puts the tentative trust the heroes build to the test.
this fic is simply so good. i really like fics set early into the chain's meeting, and this one shows exactly why i like them! they are bonding and learning to care about each other and it is great
A Land Called Hope by FactorialRabbits
Be silent, be still. Do not engage, do not wander. Stay close, and listen to me. If you get into trouble, do not shout. If you see another person, do not speak to them unless I do first. Keep your weapon in hand. Sneak or die. If you get into a fight, do not scream. Stay close enough to hear if someone is knocked out; if we attract attention yelling, we are all dead. Light no fires, leave no traces, and above all else do not bleed. ~Hyrule, scene 1 paragraph 3. (Alternate summary: Time meets the fairies of Hyrule's time in less than ideal circumstances, and more of them than he thinks.)
this one hurts right in the heart. the way the fairies are portrayed here, and the relationship they have with hyrule, is so well done and i especially love the differing views held about hyrule's era amongst the chain - it all felt very real
Even Hylia's Chosen Need A Little Love by FlamingIdiot
Sky is not particularly close with any of the heroes, and none enough to feel free to express himself properly too, or so he thinks. Still, when emotions are running high and he's at the end of his rope, he's surprised to find one of his brothers ready with open arms, and of course it's the one person nobody else believes is capable of it. Or Five times Sky got a hug from Legend and one time where he gets to initiate it.
god i love sky&legend fics, and this one is amazing bc of how the both of them are portrayed. sky is a little more bitter and legend being the one to reach out hurts. yet another fic i have reread a few times now
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deep down and below the surface
relationship blurbs!
ben clark x reader
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headcanons incoming!
the sweetest boyfriend ever. it's like his single life goal is bringing you joy. he's constantly trying to get you to smile and laugh.
he texts you long and thoughtful paragraphs confessing his love, and then facetimes you so he can see your reaction as you read it. when you guys are in the same room, he feels guilty that he can't verbally share his feelings. he knows rationally that you love him and that he can't speak doesn't upset you, but he needs reassurance on bad days.
he can toss you around like a ragdoll. you want to cuddle? he picks you up and brings you to the nearest couch effortlessly. if you guys are laying on the couch, he would be the big spoon. its just easier that way! but if you guys are having a sleepover he doesn't really like spooning. he prefers facing you, wrapping an arm around your waist while you use his chest as your pillow.
he is so, so tense. his muscles constantly feel knotted, and his hands cramp up all the time. the second you guys started dating, you also became his personal masseuse. he wouldn't outright say it, but he loves being doted on. feeling your hands rub out the tension from his muscles is euphoric to him.
he loves doting on you too! he wouldn't spend much money on you, feeling as though it wasn't a genuine way of showing affection. instead you get random trinkets whenever you hang out. a rock that looks like a heart that he saw on the way home from school? its yours now. a four leaf clover that he saw on his front lawn? dried, preserved, and kindly delivered to you. the one thing that he does spend a good amount of money on? flowers. every two weeks, like clockwork, there is a new bouquet in your vase.
baking. dates. ben may secretly be the cake boss. who just knows how to make sculptures out of model chocolate? ben does. if you aren't good at baking, you will be soon. there is no escaping the baking. you always know when he's stressed, because he'll start bringing a variety of baked goods to school for the group to share.
he wouldn't be too protective in the phantom realm, he knows that you can take care of yourself. however, he is always keeping an eye on you. the second you look overwhelmed or you get injured, he is there.
ben is a 10/10 boyfriend, no notes.
thank you so much for the love on my last post! please don't hesitate to send requests, let me know if you want a part two. i'm planning on writing something like this for all the sbg teens, but comment if there's any you want to see next!!
song of the day: squaring up by sir chloe!
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evermoredeluxe · 1 month
If there's anything recent events have shown me, it's that a large percent of this fandom doesn't perceive her as an actual human being. From the Vienna thing to demanding Rep TV to be released, she always has to be "doing something" to be enough, and spoiler alert: if everything she's been doing isn't already good enough for them, it's never going to be. I just don't understand the kind of entitlement you'd have to demand an artist to openly speak about a planned terrorist attack while they're still actively on that very tour or begging for a new album literally 4 months after a double drop (which is technically 2 or even 3 albums by regular artist's standard) and a 3.5-hour world tour which she's been going for nearly 2 years.
I also wish more people would give her not only the benefit of the doubt that her silence is out of necessity and not a lack of care (literally so, so stupid?), but also the empathy that she herself was also a victim in this whole thing. Vienna fans, as disappointed as it must've been (and I'm not trying to make light of their pain), get to go home and be safe. She and everyone on the tour have to keep doing their job while still being extremely conscious of the possible threats. It's insane to me that she literally has to spell out that "Your need for acknowledgment and social media activism is not more important than my and my employees along with half a million people's safety".
it’s been like this for a couple years! i remember when the anti-hero mv came out and she literally had to change a scene because fans made her feel that struggles are traumatic for them. and of course i understand triggers, but you can’t demand that a person not talk about their experience for you, and not to mention a lot of it was just a bandwagon. all of this was so ironic because she literally posted a video saying that she doesn’t feel like a real human being.
and just little instances like this make me feel so upset because why are you not able to empathize with a person you supposedly love?
also, your second paragraph hit the nail on the head. i have never once questioned her dedication to fans. people love to treat her like she’s dumb, but more often than not, the reality is that she knows better because she’s the one who sees all the threats and potential dangers, not us. she is the one in-charge and she knows that it comes with immense responsibility. so idk lets trust her.
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