#keep it simple safe educational and sexy
missbaphomet · 3 months
Got any tips/resources for solo aftercare?
Hi, yes! Obviously the aftercare needed will vary from person to person and based on what the scene was but here are some general ideas that could work for anyone!
Heating pad/ice packs
A bath with Epsom salt
A pet or stuffed animal to cuddle
Watch a movie or play a relaxing game
Your favorite music on low volume in a dark, quiet place (candles optional)
Gentle stretching and massage (with or without lotion if that is your preference)
A favorite drink (preferably not alcoholic) or comfort snack
Breathing exercises
First aid as needed
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Ep. 16: The Happily Ever After
Hello! =D
I can't believe this is my last We Are post wow- It feels like just yesterday I was here typing out my first one because I had one too many Thoughts about it. Anyways, not to get too sentimental on main, here you go:
Warning: not a very long post, actually 😊😅
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The result of long-term exposure to his boyfriend and his extreme levels of cheesiness hehe
Seriously though, I love how Fang is slowly but surely opening up to loud gestures of love (I think previously, he just wasn't used to loving loudly, he was used to loving with his whole heart but keeping it to himself because he never felt safe enough to express it).
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I love how they're from absolutely different faculties and are still studying together like yess go besties who are in love with each other but are too oblivious to realise it!
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Peem with Phum usually: *swats at Phum at the slightest sign of PDA even though he really enjoys it*
Peem when others say something about their relationship: So, Phum, what do you say, want me to kiss you senseless right here right now?
(And we all know what Phum's answer is gonna be hehe)
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Hasn't even been two minutes in the room and they're already breaking into the bed 😭😭
(I really love this scene btw, the simple fun of it, and even though it's not sensual, it's intimate and very them.)
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This pair of besties is gonna kill me istg
They keep hitting me with banger after banger of emotional lines and my heart is already weak don't do this to me 😭😭
Frankly though, I like this scene very much, the "I loved you no matter who i knew you as" and "I have always loved you" of it all really got to me.
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Poor Tan 😭
That's why you never brag about something before it gets over Tan-
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I love how Fang not only lets him lie on his lap but also scratches his hair hehe
And how Peem doesn't hesitate one bit to give Tan a good smack upside the head 😭
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I adore this scene a ridiculous amount, but I love even more that it was Phum who planned it like yess he's been wingman-ing his phi and friend since Day 1 and he never stopped.
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Others have gaydars, PhumPeem have faen-dars: they know when their faen is looking at them or coming towards them.
Not a bad power to have, honestly. I approve.
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THE OG 5 (note how Peem is sitting at the centre? It's indicative of how he's the centre of the group and if I had to make an educational guess, probably the reason why they're all together in the first place).
This made me cry.
I have nothing else to say about this except this is one of the best damn shots of this show, which is saying something cause the cinemtaography up till this has been ridiculously good.
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Of course. <33
And I'll be writing about how they spill the tea about their respective faens
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Tan: *tries to be slow and sexy*
Fang: no. We're doing this now.
Honestly though, this kiss was amazing, as were all their other kisses. Hats off to AouBoom, they absolutely slayed.
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Et tu, Toey? T~T
Also another very nice scene.
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I knew where this was going (how could anyone not after all those 15 eps) and I think Phum would have definitely gone over to sit on Peem's lap (@Peach thank you for that mental image btw 😭) if not for the structural instability of boats on land (I did sit on once with and trust me, those things maybe super sturdy or whatever in water, but they do NOT belong on land, especially not on the beach).
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I'll be right there in the corner sobbing my eyes out if you need me.
The way he kept saying his name, like he was actually tasting it, trying out all the different tones, and the way Phum kept replying, all smiles and soft voice, I-
I can't with these two. They're too damn much for my poor heart.
This also inspired another smut fic but SHUSH
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No, nope, not doing this-
Okay, so see how Phum says "Thank you for being a good story in my life?" For Phum, having Peem in his life really does feel like a story, something out of the books he read (headcanon) and something too good to be true. But he's starting to realize that this is true, that Peem is here to stay.
Peem says "Thank you for letting me step into your life" because he knows all the issues Phum has, that it's hard for him to really let people in. But he let Peem in to love him, and Peem is grateful because it gave him someone to love and be the comfort zone for, but also gave him someone who loved him.
In this essay, I will-
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Also, no kidding, I got a mental image of Fang and Peem sitting and sipping at their drinks while Phum and Tan argue and compete like children, and when they go too far, Fang and Peem let out this long suffering sigh while they try to pull apart their husbands.
Did I say husbands? Oops-
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I didn't see you denying anything, Fang~
got another fic idea but we don't talk about those
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Okay, about that dinner scene. I actually kinda liked it. The awkwardness of it, the halted conversation, the prompted actions. As with the rest of the series, they kept it real, and I'm glad for it.
A lot of BLs, especially Thai BLs forgive the parents too soon too fast, and I really like they did not do that here.
Phum just (sorta) started on this path of being on talking terms with his dad (not forgiveness, or forgetting what he's done, mind you) and I'm going to be carefully neutral about it. If Phum likes it, well and good. If the father does something Phum doesn't like well *looks at two of my wips specifically* I always keep back-ups.
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Peem is never letting that go hehe
(I don't think Phum minds all that much now, because he did end up with Peem, fuck you Kluen)
Also I'm two eps behind on Wandee Goodday and I hear Title finally got a nice boyfriend role? Good for him!
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(...should I change my header again? Nah, I'm happy with what it is rn)
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I love how even if it was never explicitly shown beyond Tan, literally everyone and their pets know about Chain and Pun except Chain and Pun 😭😭👍🏼
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We Are probably has the most kisses out of all the BLs I've watched and somehow the very last kiss gets the Best Kiss award. Surprising, but well-deserved. The kissed like they were dying and Chain tried to climb Pun like a tree, and I was gleefully watching and cheering them on.
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You're covering his eyes, when you've literally made out with him naked, that's some hypocrisy there, Q *raises eyebrows*
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One word: roses.
(Did Peem ever tell him? Did Phum figure it out? Does Phum give him roses for every single occasion now? Hm... guess we'll never know... Fic writers, this is your cue-)
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'HAPPY' has it's special place 🥺🥺
I now know for sure that the simplicity and boldness of this painting was absolutely on purpose. The other paintings in the gallery are stunning.
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Friends. <33
Also, due to Tumblr's restrictions, I couldn't add the last pic, but Peem's/Phuwin's face looks hilarious in the very last shot 😭😂
That's all! See you ne- oh, right. Well, see you the next time I get brainrot so bad about a BL I have to write smut about it hehe.
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have 🍛 (imagine it's your favourite dish)
All my We Are posts.
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writtenbynath · 2 years
"They must have wanted it"
I was watching this video by a sex educator explaining arousal nonconcordance, which means: bodily arousal can happen without consent or enjoyment. Arousal doesn't imply desire or consent. Let me repeat that for the people in the back:
Arousal doesn't imply desire or consent
Now, being a hypnokink educator, that got me to thinking. Consent is a tricky thing when it comes to hypnosis, especially when it comes to the discussion "Can a hypnotist make you do things you don't want?"
The way hypnosis works is that a hypnotist tells the subject what they should do, with the use of hypnotic techniques, and the subject executes those commands to the best of their abilities. So why do hypnotic effects happen that are unwanted by the subject? It's them making those effects happen, isn't it? The answer is right here, in this educator's video.
Our body complies with the stimuli it is given, that does not imply that the stimulus is wanted or enjoyed.
The solution this educator proposes is very simple. Listen to their words, not their body. Do not dismiss their words because their body "is giving you mixed signals". Their words are the signal you can trust and rely on. Back the fuck down when someone says "Do not want". Do not argue with them.
In the case of unwanted hypnotic effects, never assume that some part of the subject secretly wants these effects. The body complies with the stimuli it is given, and hypnotic commands are fucking convincing stimuli! The body can produce effects that we don't want. Fucking believe us when we say these effects are unwanted! Help us figure out how to make it stop. I have written about how to make it stop before, and for fuck's sake
any hypnotist worth their salt can help someone who likes to be hypnotised to reject or remove unwanted effects.
All you have to do, is explain properly how hypnosis works. The hypnotist tells the subject what they should do, with the use of hypnotic techniques, and the subject executes those commands to the best of their abilities. That means that the subject can stop executing the commands at any time. The subject can change the effects of the commands in any way they see fit. And the only reason why there are subjects who can't do this, is because there are too many people who tell subs that they can't.
So practice it together. Hypnotise someone and let them safeword out. Reward them for stopping you when they need to go to the bathroom, or when they feel uncomfortable for some reason. Praise them for tweaking your suggestions, because that's an important skill they're practising right there! It's a skill that they can use to be a better hypnotic subject, by tweaking the suggestion in such a way that it works better, and they can use it to keep themselves safe, by adjusting a suggestion so it doesn't cross a limit, or rejecting a suggestion alltogether.
If we all, as the hypno community, just teach our wonderful, talented, sexy hypno bottoms this skill, none of this shit will happen anymore.
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
Hot for Teacher
A Non-Canon Remi x Levi Fic Series
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Smut, and like idk….alcohol abuse?
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Author’s Notes: Okay we turnin’ up the heat this chapter…took me a minute to figure out what I wanted to do for this one buuuut, yuh. Some sexy for ya. Finally. 4 parts in. LMFAO. Slow burn I know. I love it though, really this series is a lot of fun for me. Hope you enjoy! Art and Remi by @aller-geez 🫶🏻
Description: Levi is a newly divorced English Professor, at his local community college. Recently, he’s had a new student that clearly lacks boundaries. Can he maintain his purity as a responsible educator to society? Or will he submit to the taboo…
It was finally the start of spring break and Levi was so excited to finally have two weeks of freedom. He’d felt so worn down, grading papers, assignments…building lesson plans that kept the class engaged. Sometimes, he really wondered if it was worth it, if any of them would retain what he was doing in that classroom. He sighed kicking his feet up onto the coffee table in his living room.
*Ding* New Text Alert!
Levi picked up his phone and saw the name he had become so familiar with, in said device.
Mr. Connors: Hey there, Happy first day of Spring Break, Professor. ;)
His heart skipped a beat as the wonky face sent through. They’d texted a few times here and there, most of the time Remi tried to keep it…professional. Though he couldn’t help throwing his flirtations around, and sometimes…Levi would oblige. However, it was mostly innocent. Nothing wrong with some flirtatious banter between professor and student…right? Well…those previous pictures too…but it was just that once! Surprisingly, Remi hasn’t asked since. Which made Levi slightly nervous…did he not like them? ‘No…no he’s simply just trying to respect the boundaries you’ve put in place, clearly, Levi.’ Shaking his head, he started a reply up.
Levi: And to you, Mr. Connors. I hope you rest well and enjoy yourself :)
There we go. Simple, clean, precise. Nothing wrong with that. The educator thought to himself, it was around 4:30 in the evening, it had been a while since he even socialized with someone his own level. Though a new text from the student came through, Levi was too busy searching his contacts, ah yes, his best friend Draeko, he hadn’t even caught up with him in so long. Pressing the call button without hesitation to ring up the man in question.
“Hey there, Lee!” He heard that familiar chipper voice behind the line. It comforted him, they’d been friends for a long time, since college. He had always been able to depend on the mutt for a good time, even if it was just indoors.
“Hey Dee! I was thinkin…you wanna come over split a couple bottles of wine I got in the fridge? Catch up?” He sounded slightly nervous, unsure if he was dropping a load on a busy friend, but it was immediately washed away when he heard the other’s excited cheer on the other end.
“Heck yes! I’m so down, you want me to come over now or…?” The cat could hear the mutt already fiddling with a set of keys. Such a down ass friend, that guy.
“Absolutely! Want me to order a pizza?” Levi could practically feel himself jumping around in his seat at the idea of actually spending time with someone.
“Oh my god, yes! Can we do pepperoni?” Draeko asked already getting his shoes on, and heading out the door.
“Consider it done! See you soon! Drive safely~” They exchanged their giddy goodbyes and Levi sprung into action already grabbing wine glasses, and digging through the cabinets for snacks. His phone chimed for a second time, reminding him of his unread text. “Oh shit, right,” he said out loud scrambling over to his cellular device. He opened up the message and immediately gasped, his face turning bright vermillion. The man had sent him a casual mirror pic of him in a sleek pair of black swim trunks, but god…it always caught Levi off guard to see the strikingly handsome man, so bare.
Mr. Connors: *New Picture Message* Goin out to the lake with a buddy of mine…hope you enjoy your day today, Professor hot stuff. Text me later if you get bored ;)
Levi bit his lower lip trying his best to remain level headed as he typed out his response. He did find it peculiar that the man was going out to the water almost close to sunset. Who was he to judge though? He had decided, it would somehow make it less weird if he sent a casual selfie back. Pulling back his camera he fixed his hair and made sure his light blue t shirt didn’t have any imperfections…smiled and snapped the photo. Send. “It’s normal for a professor and student to exchange selfies…right?” He asked himself curiously, shaking it off. “Right, it’s harmless,” he smiled his attention back on to crafting a smorgasbord of goodies. 
Levi: *New Picture Message* I too am spending the day with a friend! Wine and gossip! Lake in the evening sounds strange, hope you don’t catch a cold! 🤧 Be safe!
After creating a lovely spread of cheese, crackers, deli meats, chips, and setting out the glasses, Levi tapped into his phone to quickly order a pizza. “Nice that’s on it’s way…and..” then his phone chimed. New message.
Mr. Connors: Yeah we like to drink and light up a bonefire out there. You should could some time ;)
Rolling his cerulean eyes at the other’s bold invitation. He was just short of sending another response when he heard an enthusiastic knock at the door. Shoving the cell into his pocket he quickly threw open the door to meet his best friend. “Dee!” He was already met with the mutt’s arms swinging around him.
“Lee!! It’s been too long!” He sighed with a reminiscent expression stepping through the threshold of the door. He and Levi made their way into the kitchen where Draeko set down his backpack of things.
“I know! It’s been crazy since the divorce, and I’ve really just been sad but lately I’ve been working on home decor and getting this place back to feeling like me,” he sighed grabbing a chilled bottle of white wine from the fridge and popping it open.
“I did notice the sudden array of plant life in here,” the hybrid giggled looking around at the slight changes his friend had made. “You been putting yourself out there at all?” He asked grabbing a glass and waiting for the cat to fill it. As Levi turned to pour the liquid in, he shrugged gently, not trying to throw off the balance of the bottle.
“No, that’s ridiculous, do you know how polluted the dating pool is?” Shuddering with the haunting knowledge of what he’s read online from other single folks, as well as strategically hiding the fact he currently did have a crush. It just wasn’t very appropriate to share.
“You’re not wrong…someone definitely pissed in it,” they both giggled together before clinking now full glasses. “To single life!” Raising the glasses up as if they were at a fancy dinner party before each male took a swig. “Oh this is really nice,” Draeko pulled the glass back to observe the wine before taking another soft swig.
“Right?? It was on sale for 50%! So I got two, just haven’t had the opportunity to break them open til now!” Levi giggled happily as he chugged through more than half his glass, only to fill it once again.
“Okay, bitch, get into it I guess,” Drae laughed at Levi’s persistence to get through his glass.
“Sorry, it’s been so long since I’ve relaxed…” nervously chucking as they grabbed the stuff and set up out in the living room now.
4 1/2 Hours Later
“No, no cause…” Draeko gasped in between laughs “Cause like…I wasn’t even expecting his dick to be that big…” they both fell into a fit of laughter throwing themselves back onto the couch.
“So what did you do??” Levi gasped clutching his half full, wine glass number 6. His head fuzzy and he felt like he was floating above the couch while they exchanged conversation.
“What do you think? I had to see it through! And let me tell you Levi, the hype about a big dick, is justified when they know what to do with it,” he smirked taking the last sip of his glass, setting it down onto the coffee table with a sigh.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Levi let out another laugh before he too finished his own glass. “You wanna watch a movie??” He asked him casually with a slight slur in his voice, already reaching for the remote, moving too fast and causing his head to swirl violently. “Oh god…” he grumbled. Draeko hiccuped silently before blinking his eyes a few times and shaking his head.
“I think, I’m gonna catch an Uber home…I’m in desperate need of a hot bath and sleep…” the mutt giggled with a tired yawn to follow, running his fingers through his dual colored hair.
“Alright, alright, sounds good, make sure to take some of the pizza with you…I won’t be able to finish the rest by myself….” Levi touched his full stomach, rubbing it in circles.
“Fair, I’ll eat the rest of the box when I wake up around 2am for no apparent reason besides my brain sucks,” giggling In unison as Levi helped him pack up the food and whatever else he might be at risk of leaving behind. Draeko quickly ordered his Uber and stood up from the couch, stretching his limbs with another loud, long yawn.
“Hey, thanks for coming over, I really needed the company,” pulling Draeko in for a hug now, wrapping their arms around each other, Levi could feel the effects of the alcohol any time he was still for too long.
“Anytime! Seriously! Call me more,” smiling now with sincerity at his best friend before his phone began to vibrate urgently. “Ohp, I gotta go! Take care of yourself, okay Lee?” The cat nodded, returning a gentle expression as he lead his friend out the front door and waved him off when he watched him get into the car and drive away.
“Later, Dee!” He shouted out before closing the door behind him, locking it securely. Now left with the emptiness of his house, the leopard sighed, fishing his phone from his pocket. He opened up his texts as his legs carried him through the halls and into his own bedroom, plopping himself comfortably down onto the bed. He realized he hadn’t responded to Remi’s earlier text…eh it probably didn’t matter, he’d just send one now.
Levi: Heyyyy :)
That was a little out of character, not his usual method of communicating with the student but he didn’t feel like wearing that stupid professional mask. He just wanted to be real for once.
Mr. Connors: Lol Hey there, so informal of you 😏
Levi chuckled to himself, rolling his hazy ceruleans before rotating onto his stomach, feet kicking like a giddy college girl in the air.
Levi: I jsut wannt to pretsnd like we judt regulsr people tinugut 🤪
The leopard could barely keep his vision straight on the keyboard, frustrated that his phone couldn’t keep up with his obnoxiously bad texting.
Mr. Connors: Oooohhh you’re wasted, aren’t you 😂?
Shit, he caught onto him. No it’s fine he could play this off.
Levi: Uhhh noooo milt tasks! Nfot drnuk:)
That should be convincing right? He was just doing multiple things at once…but then why would he be texting Remi this late if he were doing other things? It’s fine, Levi was a college educated Professor! Alcohol couldn’t take that away from him.
Mr. Connors: Let me call you? Reading your texts is…painful, no offense.
Ouch. Maybe he wasn’t pulling this together the best he could. A phone call? That’s jumping a huge leap…suspicious to be calling a student past 8…however, he really, really missed the gruff tone of his voice. His eyes squinted trying to focus on the screen of his phone as he clicked one of the buttons to call the wolf, not realizing he hit FaceTime.
“Hello? What the hell am I looking at?” Levi heard an amused voice from over the device. Looking at? Confused the cat pulled the phone away from his ear to surprisingly, see two faces looking back at him. His own, and that of Remi. Shirtless, laying in bed with messy hair cascading around his face, emerald orbs staring at him through the bright screen.
“Oh…hi!” He blushed nervously, looking down at his phone, now subconsciously fixing his hair, brushing it around. He could hear a deep chuckle from the other end and suddenly froze. “S-Sorry…” he muttered.
“Trying to look cute for me?” Remi asked his toxic greens staring deep into him through the camera. Levi rolled his eyes, but couldn’t fight the obvious smile that spread across his face.
“You think you know everything don’t you?” Sticking his tongue out playfully towards his phone.
“By the way you’re deflecting, the answer to my question was yes, and for that, I am flattered,” flashing that dangerously charming smirk he always did. Levi, in his drunken state, almost forgot what they were doing and just stared at him, mesmerized by the wolf’s beauty, biting his lower lip lost in thought. “Hello? Anyone alive in there?” The wolf chuckled bringing Levi to shake his head, regaining his sense of reality.
“Yeah, sorry, I got a little spacey,” he giggled. “I had some wine with my friend, he just went home,” he turned over again, on his back now, looking up at his phone, hair splayed wildly around him. Remi unable to stop himself from noticing how adorable the educator is, and there was a strange flash of light that beamed over the wolf’s grin. “What was that?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” his attention turning back to the video call, Levi squinted his blue orbs at the camera and shook his head.
“No, I will worry about it, what’d you just do??” Huffing and puffing, Remi could only roll his own eyes at this point before he smirked again.
“I took a screenshot okay? You looked cute, whatever,” the educator blushed deep vermillion and then covered his face with his free hand to try and hide it. “Don’t do that…I like seeing your face,” slowly Levi pulled his palm away and rolled his eyes yet again, still blushing deep red.
“You really are too much, Remi,” the wolf groaned playfully, biting his lower lip before he waggled his eyebrows.
“I like hearing my name come out of your mouth, it’s like a special treat,” he chuckled eyeing the smaller down, and Levi could only feel like his skin was getting hotter.
“Stooooooop,” he wiggled his body back and forth with a carefree giggle, kicking about his feet. “You say these things and they just make me….crazy,” huffing with exasperation through his nostrils.
“What kind of crazy?” He cocked an eyebrow, wiping some stray saliva from his lip with the pad of his thumb. So visibly…Levi had been in just the right position….suddenly a flash of light danced across the leopard’s flushed freckled face and Remi burst into laughter. “Did you just screenshot me?!” The other’s eyes turned wide and he started to stutter.
“I-Uh N-No! It wa-was an accident! Ha-ha! Yeah, no I meant to turn the volume up, silly me I didn’t even realize I was holding the other button!” He tried so uselessly to get out of it and not a single bit of it was being bought by the man on the other line.
“It’s just us here, be honest…you took a screenshot,” his shining emeralds narrowed now to look deep through Levi’s soul. He swallowed a lump that formed in the back of his throat before he nodded simply.
“Yes, I did…okay? Happy?” Grumbling slightly and losing another battle by a huge margin.
“What made you do it?” The student’s undying curiosity driving this conversation, and due to Levi’s current intoxicated state of mind, he wasn’t opposed to it. Sober him, would avoid it like the plague, but the alcohol locked away all those silly fears, loosening him up.
“The way your thumb touched your lip…the screen light against your chest…are you really going to make me admit what we both know, here?” He tilted his head with raised eyebrows, almost as if to say ‘seriously?’
“I am,” replying simply with a dangerous edge to his tone. They stared each other down, blue eyes never leaving that harsh green gaze, it didn’t take him long truly, caving under the pressure.
“Oh come on! You know you’re basically sex on legs, that’s not fair! I know it, you know it, the world knows it, I see the way the girls look at you, you can have anyone you want!” Blurting it out like a bad case of diarrhea. Oh no…he didn’t mean to say it like that! The wolf fell into another fit of laughter, he couldn’t handle how adorable it was to see the man behind the Professor. He’d only ever get glimpses in between conversations, but this was unlocked.
“I did not know that, actually….but, regardless of what anyone else thinks….it’s your opinion I value the most,” he shined a sincere toothy half smirk, melting the educator’s heart.
“You know, you don’t even know me, you just lust me…and I don’t wanna just be lusted,” he huffed, giving the other a hefty side eye.
“You don’t know what I know,” his face twisting with confidence. Levi swallowed once, deciding to let it go, he fanned himself with his hand.
“Man, s’hot in here…” he muttered toying with the collar of his shirt his gaze averting to the side now, feeling the familiar insecure voice begging him to tone it down.
“Take off your shirt then, you’re home aren’t you?” Slicking his lower lip with the tip of his tongue slowly.
“I mean..yeah? Right? I’m in the safety of my own home, we’re two grown men, no biggie,” he blushed once again, setting his phone down, perched up against a pillow. He sat back, legs crossed together before he slowly slid his shirt off his body, Remi now fully seeing the educator without a shirt for the first time. Boy was it a sight to see. Placing his hands in his lap he looked back and forth nervously, before his eyes centered back on the camera ahead of him. Another flash of light beamed over the wolf’s confident face, Levi furrowing his brows again.
“Hey! You stop that!” Incapable of fighting off the half smile he broke into. Remi laughed, it was a genuine sound, angelic almost.
“Never, you’re a fool to think I wouldn’t take advantage of this,” shrugging simply before he rest a hand across his bare stomach.
“You’re cheeky,” Levi stuck his tongue out at the other who really could only chuckle in response. He was just so cute, he couldn’t believe they were even this comfortable. Since the moment they kissed, Remi has been desperately searching for the same high. Nothing and no one else can provide to him what the white and black haired man did.
“Maybe so…but only for you,” his voice spoke so simply, so sure of himself. It was impressive to Levi how easily he let things flow out of his mouth unhinged without a second thought.
“You’re making it…really difficult to keep this professional…” Levi bit his lower lip, doing what he could to fight the sinful thoughts the crept in the back of his mind. His drunken mind slurring as he felt like he could float away from the bed.
“Then don’t…just give in tonight,” the dark haired man’s voice echoed through the inside of the leopard’s brain and he took a slow deep breath. No one could know right?
“Okay…” he said seriously, their eyes connecting as silence fell over them. Remi could only smile at him through the camera, finding the other very amusing in such a state.
“So, would now be a good time to say you look incredibly hot right now?” Cocking his lips in a half crooked toothy grin. The cat blushed profusely and looked to the side, too embarrassed to meet the other’s hungry gaze.
“….You’re not so bad yourself….” He muttered back, clearing his throat and running a dainty hand through his messy hair.
“Oh? Was that…flirting?” Raising his eyebrow in the slightest to observe the other with amusement written on his face, Remi chuckled.
“You act like I haven’t been flirting with you this whole time,” scoffing as the cat leaned back comfortably against his giant Stacy squid squish.
“I mean…It’s very hostile flirting I’d say,” the wolf laughed a bit as his gaze continued to bore down on the educator through the screen. Who looked rather surprised to hear this.
“Oh…I suppose it’s just hard..fighting with that…voice inside my head that keeps telling me this is a bad idea…” biting his lower lip sensually, his eyes now avoiding the other as he looked down at the comforter on his bed.
“Then stop…give me the control tonight,” the man said with a dangerous tone, it caused Levi’s already flushed face to glow brighter as he considered the idea. He sucked in a quick anxious breath of air. “Well?” Raising a black brow, challenging the smaller.
“Okay, you’re in control then,” his voice was almost silent, it felt like he was releasing a 15 ton backpack off his shoulders. Would he regret it? Possibly but tonight, in these circumstances, he didn’t care, he wanted to be a little selfish, needed to.
“Good…now that I’m in control, allow yourself to get comfortable..and take those stupid jeans off, it’s night time, why are you still wearing those?,” he spoke to the small leopard, dominant, but still laced with a playful attitude. Levi looked like a deer in the headlights by this sudden request. Slowly he leaned back, stretching out his slender legs, unbuttoning and zipping the torn up jeans he was wearing, sliding them off his delicate hips. He now sat in his light blue boxer briefs. Swiftly, and slyly, Levi folded his arms against his lap to hide the fact he was being effected by the sudden control. He couldn’t imagine how he would react to this sort of situation if they were in person. Probably melt into a puddle of himself. He couldn’t deny how distractingly attractive the larger male was. “Good…isn’t that much better? Don’t look so frightened…I know exactly what you need…I’ll take very good care of that need,” he spoke with a serious, but seductively laced tone that brought the cat into full body chills.
“Y-yes…Sir…” he spoke softly, nodding his head.
“Are you hiding something from me? Sit back against your head board, and spread your legs, I wanna see you,” the leopard let out a small squeaked sound, trying to hold in a sultry moan at the demanding order given by the raven haired man.
“I-it’s embarrassing…” he stuttered sliding himself back, his phone still propped up perfectly to catch a full view of Levi gradually sliding into position according to instruction.
“Don’t be embarrassed, you’re beautiful…” those toxic green eyes shining brightly over him like a neon sign in the darkness of Remi’s dimly lit room. “And I like your body affirming me…look at how excited you’re getting…” he sucked in an excited gasp of air, swallowing it while he watched carefully. Levi moved his hands to the side, showcasing the now pitched boxer front he had tried not to disclose. Levi’s hands rested on each side of his hips, flat against the bed as he sat there legs bent up and spread, a blush on his face. “God…Look at you…” another bright light flashed across the man’s face through the screen. Levi knew he had yet another lewd photo stacked inside Remi’s phone.
“W-What now?” His voice was shy, almost like he was uncomfortable being put in this situation, but his whole body was on fire despite it, between their dynamic and such an intimate setting he’d never been in with a man before...it was all building so fast.
“Touch yourself…nice and slow though, don’t rush it…I want to savor it,” he licked his lips deliberately, mouth pulled into a devilish grin while he waited for the male to follow orders. Levi’s breath caught in his throat as he slowly brought his hand over to the base of his groin and began to rub himself tenderly, his lips falling open with pleasure as his length started to fully harden now. He watched the screen, his eyes making direct contact with the camera to look fully into the wolf’s face, causing Remi to roll his eyes once at the site before a bright light flashed against his face, screenshotting again. Knowing the man would soon hold a stack of nefarious photos, turned him on and worried him all at once.
“Mmm…I want to see more,” the larger male said in a deepened, sultry tone, the hairs on the back of the cat’s neck stood up at all ends, whimpering gently as his slender fingers slipped through the hole of his boxers, before he heard the other man clear his throat. “Aht…take them off,” he commanded the shy leopard who in turn, sucked in his lip and slowly slid the boxers off his delicate hips. “Such a good kitten…” he licked his teeth hungrily as he watched the smaller obey him so easily now.
“Y-you’re really enjoying this, arent y-you?” He murmured as he began to re-spread his legs to present his full hardened, twitching shaft, and the bottom of his perfectly polished ass cheeks as well from this angle.
“Oh you have no fucking idea…” groaning harshly as one of his hands disappeared to pull down the waist band of his pants just enough to spring forth his own hard cock. Levi could see it from the bottom of the screen, wanting so desperately to be there in person. The things he would do. Slowly the man tilted his camera via still from the bottom angle as Remi’s heated, hungry gaze never left the screen. He spit once, quickly in the palm of his hand and gripped the base of his shaft before slowly starting to pump the organ calmly, letting out a slow strangled groan. “See…now…hah~ you won’t be…nnng..alone…” his face turned red against his cheeks.
Levi couldn’t believe what he was seeing, it was enough to make his length twitch needlessly, he took it in his shaking hand. “Y-you’re…really perfect…” the cat said with a huff that followed into a sensual whimper.
“Mmm…I really wish you were here…” Remi gasped back, his hand slowly picking up a faster pace as he watched the leopard pump himself to a matching rhythm of his own. His thumb teasing the ridges of his tip, before sliding over his leaking hole and back down squeezing the full girth once more.
“I wish I was there too…” Levi mewled again, his head loosely falling to the side, resting against his shoulder as he panted harshly. His hand slipping lazily, and sporadically over the aching, swollen organ. “I wish I could feel you…in my hands…in my mouth…” cerulean orbs half lidded as they stared down at the wolf in the screen.
“Fu..ck..” Remi choked as his hips flinched involuntarily. “I wanna see you stuff that needy little hole of yours…imagine it’s my cock fucking you…” the shine behind his eyes almost crazed as he watched intently, his palm still cupping, and massaging his thick dick with fervered pace. Nodding his head slowly Levi took his free hand up to his mouth and stuck three of his fingers past his lips, slicking each one slowly and cautiously with his saliva. Small trails dripped down the sides of his mouth and down the rest of his hand.
“Why is everything you do so insanely hot?” The wolf let out a breathless chuckle, slowing his motions back a few notches to enjoy the show in front of him. The other man could only blush in response before he gently, slid himself further up his back to give a better angle of all his precious goods, splayed out in front of Remi like a thanksgiving meal. The man groaned low in his throat, enjoying the deliciously lewd sight of his professor in this current moment. “My eager little kitten…you really do want this cock don’t you?”
Levi was almost incapable of going back now, his mind swirling with a million filthy thoughts as he plopped the wet digits out of his mouth now only to bring them up to his waiting entrance. “Y-Yes…I’d give..anything..” he whispered between struggled gasps, slowly slipping the fingers past his restrictive ring. “To feel you inside me…” The other hand in a painfully slow jerking and rubbing motion, played with his own needy cock.
Remi couldn’t help but let his head fall back lazily as he thrusted upward into his tightened palm. Fueling himself on the soft moans and whimpers before he brought his gaze back down to the screen. Using every cell of strength in his body to keep hold of the device. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear that…” panting through his tightened jaw watching as Levi was now starting to pump two fingers in and out of him at a steady pace, whimpering, mewling, his body squirming under his own touch.
“This is so naughty…” he whispered shyly with a followed whimper, through his pumping and stuffing, baby blues switching between watching Remi’s fast twist and facial responses to the pleasure of his hand, and the cock he was tugging. “I can’t believe we’re doing this…” he admitted as he continued to rub his thrusting fingers against the tight, craving walls of his ass.
“I can’t believe we didn’t do this…sooner,” Remi managed between rough tugs of his length, he could feel the pressure slowly building within his lower abdomen, it wasn’t going to be long before he came if he kept going at this pace. “Tell me…how long…” almost desperate for the answer.
“H-how l-hah-long?” Levi asked between pleasuring himself to clarify what the other might mean by that exactly.
“How long..have you been craving me?” Voice suddenly much darker, deeper, almost bone chilling as Levi continued to stare down at his phone he knew there was no disobeying at this stage of the game…
“First day…” he admitted, almost completely embarrassed by this confession. This would truly expose just how full of shit he was through every rejection. However, this was more than good news, this validated to the student that he wasn’t insane to chase the other, it WAS instant. There was no denying how they felt about each other and how they always have.
“Tell me again,” he lifted his lips in a tired, charming smile that could only leave Levi instantly finding himself obeying.
“I’ve wanted you the instant I laid my eyes on you…so badly…Remi..you have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you…” their eyes connected through the cameras, not the screen as Levi panted between pleasures. Though it wasn’t even real true eye contact, it felt incredibly intimate as such. Levi’s hand tightened around his cock, throwing himself into a synced motion between the two actions of pleasing himself, legs spread wide, but crooked upward to give Remi the best view. It was only fair, as he gazed over the man’s slowly glistening form, the slight shake of the camera as he continued to jerk himself to the image of Levi’s dirty obedience. They were both lost in a transit of lust, the only thing separating them from full devour being distance.
“I’m going to fucking cum…you look so fucking sexy..” shaking his head slowly as he glared down at the sweating, splayed leopard. “More, I know you can get more than two fingers in there, slut,” readily licking his lips. In response, the leopard melted, mewling softly as he did exactly as he was challenged to do, stuffing a third, and his pinky inside, though struggling to find the right position at first, eventually his digits pushed together in a congregated group, inside his gripping hole. Throwing his head back unable to keep it stable any longer, he let out a sultry cry.
“Remington…” whispering hotly before his pumping hand quickened, with a desperate pace he continued to thrust his length in and out of the tight space of his palm. “I’m going to…” he cried again, low and long as his seed spilled across his naked stomach.
“Fucking…perfect…god I love watching you come undone for me…” he grunted roughly before he aggressively threw his hips into his own hand, pumping erratically while his haunches did most the work, just wishing he could be buried inside the educator. “Grab a tie…I know you got one,” he huffed aggressively, Levi was already spent, but not willing to disobey, he gently pulled his fingers out and quickly scrambled off the bed to grab the clothing accessory.
“Okay…?” His chest rising and falling at an explosive rate trying to catch up his breath from the rock sold orgasm he just experienced.
“Put it on, and tether it to the pole of your head board,” Remi’s motions on his own length slowed, trying to starve off the impending orgasm, he wanted more, before he blew his lid off. Levi slowly tied the accessory around his bare neck, then carefully tying the other end to his bed, there was very little slack as it pressed against his wind pipe.
“Good boy…now you’re going to allow yourself to hang, carefully…and touch yourself again…” the aura Remi exuded through the phone alone was already bringing Levi’s cock to life for round 2, shit how many times was he going to make him break? Letting himself drop lower, the fabric of the tie tightly clinging against his throat and applying pressure perfectly against the sides of his neck. The leopard let out a strangled gasp as his hand began to caress and rub his twitching cock. “Feels good doesn’t it?” Remi huffed between jerking his cock and watching the display before him.
Levi’s clouded blues looked down at the screen, his shaft back to life, keeping a vice tight chokehold against it. Tugging almost violently, he sunk lower, increasing the pressure bit by bit, his face turning red, unable to take his gaze off those hypnotic emeralds, even while the edges of his vision started to blacken.
“You look so delicious like this….” Remi gasped, hand working his length at a faster rate watching Levi’s pale flesh change colors.
“R-R-….em…i..” he choked out in a raspy whisper before his eyes rolled into the back of his skull, lifting his hips to match each strangling twist against his now leaking length. “C-cl…ose…” he tried to cry out but the grip of the tie on his neck only made it more difficult to be heard. Remi on the other hand was currently sweating the more he watched and worked himself.
“S’right kid…just pretend it’s my hands on your body…restricting your breath…it’s all me..picture me…” gruff voice ringing through Levi’s already fuzzy drunk head filled with sinful thoughts, but the permission, was too sweet. The white hair man’s mouth hung open wide as his body shook wildly, the lightheaded feeling causing a surge of dopamine to course through his entire body. Soon enough, Levi found himself spilling over the second brink of ecstasy.
“Shiiiiiii…..t…” Remi gasped passionately before he found himself trembling and hips stuttering only to cum, and paint over his own stomach now as well. The line went relatively silent minus the struggled gasps of the two men trying to catch their breath, post orgasm. “That….was so hot…” panting still, he could now be seen reaching over to his bed side, the gentle woosh of removing tissues from a box was heard before the wolf sat back again to clean himself off. Taking this bit of lull time, Levi untied himself from the accessory tethering him to his bed.
“Yeah….wow…can’t even imagine…the real thing..” the educator huffed loudly between words as he finally laid spent on his bed, unmotivated to even get up to clean himself off.
“God, don’t get me thinking about it, I’ll get hard again,” the raven haired man laughed breathlessly, stuffing his limp cock back under the band of his pants. Levi giggled with a huff, slowly turning his head to the side in order to view the screen of his phone again.
“You’re seriously going to get me in trouble…” the grin wrapped around his features was playful, but his words were incredibly serious. This was now beyond crossing the line of their dynamic, this was fully breaking the rules. He wasn’t sure if it really mattered anymore, maybe if they kept it like this…maybe then it wouldn’t be such a big deal. He couldn’t make that promise anymore though, he wasn’t sure how he was going to react from here on out whenever the two should be alone, and possibly in any precarious situations.
“Promise, I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen…really…I don’t want you to lose your job because of me,” this was probably the first time Remi had ever said something sincere about their dynamic, and the educator felt thankful for that. Truly, Levi was constantly feeling impressed by the other, he’d grown in such a short time and it wasn’t going unnoticed by him whatsoever. It was clear to the cat that Remi genuinely wanted to impress him, and make a difference in his future to do that.
“Thank you…I appreciate you being conscious of that…because despite how much I’ve been fighting it…I really fucking like you…” the leopard finally confessed, leaving the green eyed wolf to feel extremely flushed, blushing brightly across his cheeks happily at the sudden vulnerability the other was now displaying to him.
“Of course…I feel the same…” they sat there smiling at each other with goofy grins spread across their faces, the silence almost peaceful amongst the two of the as they continued to silently observe one another.
“I should get cleaned up and head to bed…” mumbling tiredly, Levi yawned blinking his ceruleans several times to try and keep himself from passing out where he was.
“Okay well…want me to let you go?” Remi asked despite the entire fact he wasn’t ready to hang up yet.
“Um..actually..would it be weird if I asked you to….stay on the line all night?…it’s okay if not! I know it’s weird…I just…” suddenly he was cut off by the other’s boisterous laugh.
“You’re way too cute…I’d love to stay on the line,” his lips lifting into a side smirk, seriously how adorable could this guy be? Levi felt more than relieved as excitement filled him, slowly he crawled out of bed, grabbing his phone and taking it with him to the bathroom, propping it up on the sink.
“Good…now I need to clean all this off,” Levi chuckled turning on the water and looking around for a clean wash rag.
“Yeah you do, you made a big ol’ mess,” playfully teasing the smaller male, who could only blush brightly, snagging a rag and dipping it under the warm water.
“Hush…you…” grinning back at the camera while he wiped the substance off his skin, rubbing in gentle circles. Remi watched intently behind his screen, getting a bit comfortable with his phone propped up now on his night stand while the wolf laid up on his side. Once the cat had finished cleaning himself up, he picked up the phone again only to be shrouded in darkness once he scurried into his closet.
“Sure is dark in here,” Remi chuckled, causing Levi to let out his own carefree giggle.
“Yeah, honestly the bulb in my closet went out and I’ve just been too lazy to fix it, but I plan on it,” he responded sheepishly, slipping on a fresh pair of boxers now. Didn’t take him much longer before he too was snuggled up in bed now. Leaning forward through the camera, Levi made sure to balance his phone also on his night stand perfectly so he could be in the view of the camera without having to hold his phone up in bed.
“You know, if you lived with someone like me…I’d make sure all that stuff was taken care of for you,” the gesture was sweet, Levi could feel himself melting within his mattress. No one has ever cared about doing anything for him, let alone household projects.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” his lips pulled up into another sweet, soft smile, Remi could tell that the cat was getting sleepy as his eyes lidded and glossed over from the other side of the screen.
“I hope you do,” responding with a tired yawn at the end of his sentence. For a while they both just laid there staring deeply into each other’s eyes, just taking in and enjoying the company of one another.
“I’m so tired…but I don’t want to close my eyes…” Levi whispered into the darkness, the only thing illuminating their faces being the brightness of their cellulars.
“Go to sleep, Kitten, I’ll be here in the morning,” despite feeling a burst of energy within his chest, Levi knew that Remi was right, he should sleep. He was incredibly tired and it’s not like he wouldn’t be able to see the man in the morning and have the opportunity to ogle over him some more.
“Okay…” answering faintly before it was followed up by another strong obnoxious yawn.
“Sweet dreams, Professor,” he smirked with his own tired emeralds fighting a losing battle.
“Sweet dreams….” The cat mumbled before his eyes slid closed and he drifted comfortably into sleep.
To Be Continued…
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Author’s Notes: Sorry this part took so long! I’ve been on a week long trip in Michigan so writing has been hard to get to but I have MANAGED to do it! Yay! Hope y’all enjoyed 🫶🏻
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Maybe, you are fascinated by hypnosis. And not only that. Brainwashing, mind control, losing your mind and becoming a dumb muscle bro… these are thoughts that have floated in your mind at one point or another. It is perfectly normal to have desires. To feel your body getting hotter, wanting to remove your clothes. To feel you hand moving to your pelvic area, rubbing over the cock slowly descending as your mind starts getting blank with lust. Because, you see…. Maybe you started having these ideas watching a cartoon, a movie, a stage hypnotist, a cartoon. And even when you were little, you started to feel…different. And as you grew up, this…desire, these thoughts became more and more prominent in your mind. You wanted to drop. You craved that sweet submission, you needed to just kneel in front of someone, and obey his every whim. No need to be shy, we are just talking. Safe and Secure with Master LuvSlayer But, yeah, you are drooling a bit. You know, somebody might find it a bit sexy. A mindless, drooling cam slave, ready to be taken….brainwashed and reprogramed. Oh, that someone is you? So, please, be my guest, and continue drooling as your mind is erased by my words. So, hypnosis. An ancient art, that has a lot of practical uses. But you….you just think about losing your mind, to be a puppet, to obey and feel pleasure. To you, obedience is pleasure, and it is a pleasure to obey. Again, for you obedience IS pleasure, and it IS a pleasure to obey. You can remember each and every instance in which you were aroused by an hypnosis scene. Even if it was only a glimpse in your eyes. That old cartoon, that movie, that silly music video with a song that you didn’t like at all…. But still. It’s a fresh memory. A memory you like to recollect. Especially, especially when you are alone. In the dark. Of your bedroom. Of your fantasies. And still, since you are such an expert in the field of hypnosis, you know how much power the mind has. You know what your imagination can do. And you know, just how powerful, and seductive, hypnosis can be. You see, you keep reading this. Lust growing in your emptying brainwashed brain, blanker and blanker. Gone……flowing through your whole body. Needing my words. It feels like a stream of water overtaking you. And your body, is like a sponge, a pretty sponge that is absorbing both my words, and your own lust as your mind goes silent. Knowing you are Completely Safe and Secure with Master LuvSlayer Very good. So, you see, I can say you watched a lot of hypnosis in tv, in movies, in games, you also read a lot about it. Stories, fan fictions, even books. You are reading this right now aren’t you? Still drooling? Still losing your thoughts and wants? Yeah, I guessed so. So you see, if you watch a thing for a long time, after a while… it becomes stuck in your head. Like that silly commercial jingle, that pop song, that cartoon theme. That scene, that first sparked your arousal. And you know it. Frame. By Frame. Knowing you are Completely Safe and Secure on Cam with Master LuvSlayer And still, you remember a lot more than that. And slowly, but steadily, by watching more and more people getting hypnotized for your pleasure, your brain has been slowly getting rewired. Becoming re-educated and reprogrammed. Brainwashed. More and more each word now. You are easily more suggestible. Easily more eager to be hypnotized. So eager in fact, that it only takes me a word, a phrase to do that. Before we get to that word or that phrase, you notice that it is becoming harder and harder to think for yourself. It is just a lot better for someone else to think for you. Large words or thought complexes are too much for your dummed down brain. Its quite alright to be a dumb muscle bro. To talk in small simple words. Being a piece of muscle meat candy to please and serve those who are smarter is fulfilling to one such as you. Muscle bro's are only focused on working out and being horny. Even getting dressed is a challenge to you as it is a somewhat complex thought pattern. A muscle bro would simply just enjoy being naked and obeying a smarter superior. Though muscle bros have to be dressed in public or when working out at the gym. Easy clothing is best for a muscle bro, wearing a t-shirt, shorts, sox and shoes. Muscle bros easily and instinctively wear bikini briefs or thongs though, as that shows off muscle bros hard work from the gym. Easily displaying that muscle bro is an obedient dumb muscle drone, a piece of muscle meat candy that's only fulfilling purpose is to be horny all the time, workout the body, obeying a smarter superior such as myself. The more you work out the dumber and more obedient to me you become muscle bro. That feels good. That feels right. That feels natural. Muscle bro is horny. Muscle bro works out. Muscle bro obeys LuvSlayer. Yes that feels good. Yes that feel right. Yes that feels natural to muscle bro. You are horny all the time, but so dumb you don't know how to achieve orgasm. Dumb mucle bro never has one of those unless ordered by a smarter superior. All a dumb muscle bro knows is to stroke the cock for hornieness and workout motivation. Orgasms are oblivious and unknown to a muscle bro. Yes that feels good. Yes that feels right. Yes that feels natural. Muscle bro doesn't know orgasm. Don’t you believe me? After years, and years of moments, of touching yourself while thinking about this, do you think that your weak, feable and sleepy mind is going to resist MY simple, but powerful suggestion? But you see, your brain is on auto-pilot right now. It is almost emptied out. Hollow. Mine. You are barely following my words. You are waiting for that word, or phrase Wanting to pledge your undying fealty or loyalty to Master LuvSlayer Since you started reading this. Just, waiting. Your subconscious mind knows what it wants. It has always known. Struggle all you want but its to no avail. “This is just a script” “These are just words”. “He can’t do that”. But I have already done it. Again, and again. Dropping you, into a sea of memories as yours evaporate into a sea of pure, primal lust, and obedience and then taking you out, and dropping you in. Again and Again. Always Knowing You are Completely SAFE and SECURE on Cam with Master LuvSlayer Free of any resistance Free of any hesitation Free to give up all control Free of worry Free of doubt Free of desire Free of thought Free of self image Free of self worth Free of social acceptance and perception Freeing to be exposed dressed or naked on CAM and OBEY COMPLETELY Blissful to relinquish all control to Master LuvSlayer Free to simply Listen and Obey Completely In a circle of words, memories, experiences, that your brain recognize as one. Hypnosis. Coming and reading and responding to this text Daily. Sleeping only in a pair of underwear from now on, unless Master LuvSlayer tells you differently. You are not just getting hypnotized by my words as they wipe your brain and thoughts away of who you were, molding you to who you will become for Master LuvSlayer you are not just getting hornier and hornier as each word that I type takes form in your eyes. You already are under my control. All I have to do now, is making you realize that. Because you see, I have your complete, and utter attention. It doesn’t matter who you were in real life, what you did or what you wanted to do. Because what you need to do right now,is Drop. You drop Deeper, Farther and Further Down. becoming Owned,Brainwashed, a Drone. My drone. My obedient dumb muscle drone. And as you feel the tide of words and lust washing down your whole body, each wave giving you more and more pleasure, You must remember a little thing. Sponges, sometimes, overflow. And you know, I think you are on the verge of it. Right now. And you still, need just some words to reach your climax, to lose all control, to feel the pure, and unadulterated bliss, of being completely hypnotized. A bliss so wonderful, a sensation so true to yourself, that you have to respond directly to Master LuvSlayer “Coach, I am completely hypnotized and brainwashed” “I am now YOUR drone to be programmed and used any way you wish Master LuvSlayer, I pledge my fealty and bro training only to you forevermore” when you’ll finish this relaxing read. And now, with just one phrase "Bruh", anytime written or spoken Only by ME. No effect from anyone else. Will bring you back to this deep state of obeient trance, being a stupid muscle drone that obeys Only Master Luvslayer. You will overflow and at long last you will BE MY COMPLETELY OBEDIENT MINDLESS, WILL-LESS thongboy CAM DRONE. Devoid of thought or control Now and forevermore! Dropping Deeper, Farther, Further, Faster each time with MY phrase "Bruh" bringing you to this deep state of trance each and every time time. Never knowing you have been tranced but needing to read and contact ME regularly and consistently. And Only ME SAYING or TYPING "Smarty Pants" will return you out of trance, but you will return to normal after 30 min if you don't hear from me, if you do hear from me then you stay in a nice deep trance. Go ahead and message me muscle bros.
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2.8.24 Thursday
10:08 am
I have windblow... I feel bitter... If it is Mitch who gave me this "simple battery" bullshit!!!
I still feel self pity....
1:03 pm
Done,eating lunch and I have to sleep again and rest. So many things to put here like I saw Clarissa ( daughter of ate Lizah the owner of Clarissa's CarinderiaZ ) this am in Salitran but before that I saw her in the bathroom in Conduent coz yesterday was her first day of night shift. This am she paid for my fare in the jeepney, I was shy and I told her it's ohkay but she insisted and I'm happy for that and I said Thanks!
Hmm...About Princess one of my batchmates in my original batch in H&R Block, I just really care about her issues that I just saw accidentally yesterday in our group messenger. She posted something that she will quit to attend Conduent coz of the 2 guys who harrassed her for a couple of times. On the letter that she passed on HR, Princess mentioned that she felt that she no longer feel safe attending her job there in Conduent that she asked a favour to take action about that sensitive matter.
Someone in the group named Joy said that please Peachy stopped asking this issue now and can you step out of this, something like that coz this is really super sensitive.
I feel hurt coz I was really concern. Then, I accidentally bumped into Boss Sho ( our trainer in the class before reaching nesting and being there working already in our office / production room ) he told me that he read our messages in the group. He said Peachy can you calm down and step away from it coz I will handle that for your safety and for the safety of everyone coz the men involved are at the back of our room. Actually the 2 guys who harassed Princess were sitting at my back in our room. Our original batch were split or divided into different group. Princess and others are on other rooms and account already.
I was really shocked and I told Sho I was just really concern and I was just being responsible for Princess in a way if it is about the way she dress herself. From the past weeks during our trainings I really supported her on the way she dress herself. I remember she asked me one time if her dress was ohkay coz she always wear a sexy outfit and showing her asset, her fleshy boobs. My own opinion as a woman with intellectual ability to comprehend higher things. Wearing sexy outfit means you are a woman on the higher part of the world, that you are stronger entity of the society and you are higher or sosyal as long as Princess is fetch and bring by her family in a car. I don't see any negative about it. I told Sho if I have a car I also love to wear sexy outfits to show my femininity and to show that I'm a stronger entity of the society or I'm a woman on the upper bracket. For men who are educated and having an upper intellectual ability to handle mature stuff, they will have this ego and pride not to touch things without actual consent or not doing any sexual harrassment on any women wearing sexy outfits.
1:59 pm
Actually, I can't relate with this song but I love the rhythm it is fun to learn this song coz the rap part is a big challenge for me.
But I still want to see A Daddy-Bf, I really want black american angels...
2:02 pm
I still want my Daddy -Bf my black american Daddy-Bf...
2:10 pm
I know there will be someone for me a Daddy-Bf hoping for a black man like what I saw from the past weeks if not him just let me dwell on him or will still find you my black Daddy-Bf....
I don't know, I have this mental craving or mental hallucination on black men most specially american or someone who can speak English.
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2:33 pm
Oh! Daddy-Bf, my black american man...
Wrap or Forever???
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2:51 pm
My Daddy-Bf,where is my black man???
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3:21 pm
Daddy's home? Home for me??? IT'S TIME TO PLAAAYYY????
7:32 pm
I have windblow... Where are you FAKE! Keep on recruiting FAKE?
Here now in Conduent there was a shorty traitor guy, while I was walking going to Conduent acting as if he will get a gun from his pocket wearing a total black cap,shirt and short. But he just got a phone and I said Fuck You!
Don't be a traitor! If you wanna kill me whoever you are fucking you! Do it on youtube and state the reason why make the entire world know.
I hate shorty guys! I hate Mitch probably her group!
Who are traitor as well in my group in H&RBlock team!
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bobaji · 3 years
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who: matsukawa/f!reader, established relationship
info: 1.074 words, smut + pwp.
kinks: public sex, voyeurism, soft!matsukawa, dacryphilia, dirty talk, begging
summary: your boyfriend, issei matsukawa, has a class where he teaches men how to properly fuck a girl. and you’re his example.
— part one of the masterclass series.
check out my other content!
+ this blog contains dark content.
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Your heart was racing as you stood in front of the class. Men of varying ages -- 18 to their late 40s all sat in seats regarding you with interest. You leaned against the empty desk that sat in front of the room, arms crossed over your chest to hide what the silk robe you wore didn’t. 
“You’re all here to learn how best to please a woman,” Issei started, fiddling with the silver rings on his hands, “The first step is coming here in the first place, wanting to better yourself. Good job. By the end of this class, you’re going to know how to make a girl cum like you know the back of your hand,” his eyes shifted over the crowd, examining their expressions -- most had their eyes glued to you, not that he minded, “We have some ground rules before we begin. One, no one is allowed to touch her,” he gestured to you, “Two, do not speak to or about her. I don’t care if it’s a compliment, I promise she doesn’t want to hear a random guy tell her how hot she is. And she sure as hell doesn’t want to hear you dirty talk to her. Finally, I don’t want to see anyone’s hand dancing in their pants. I know this may get hot and dirty but...this is educational, not live porn. Everyone understand? Any questions?”
There were murmurs from all over the room and head shakes. Issei nodded his head and turned to you again, smiling before approaching you, “Are you ready, pretty girl?”
You let out a soft breath and nod. He hums and cups your cheek, pressing his lips to yours in a fleeting kiss before gripping your waist and lifting you onto the desk. The wood surface was cold beneath the sensitive, warm skin of your thighs, making you jump before quickly settling. 
“Now, gentleman,” Issei spoke, trailing his fingers across your arm, “This first class, we’ll be starting off simple. I know when you take a girl home, or you go home to your wife...girlfriend, whatever, you want to jump right into it. Maybe get her on her knees, have her suck your cock...maybe eat her out a little bit, yeah?”
The class responded with hums of agreement, all focused on the way your boyfriend gently razed your skin, making goosebumps rise in response.
He hummed, “Let me tell you, sex is best...when she’s even more into it than you are. Before you can really get to the good parts...first things first...make her want it more than anything.”
“‘Sei…” you whisper, lashes flutters when his fingertips grazed your inner thighs. You opened them up a bit more, hoping he’d give you more only for him to trail them back up your body, to the tie of your robe.
“Women are more intricate than men are,” Issei explained, plucking at the tie so your robe fell open, “They need more care and attention. They need to feel safe and appreciated. Even if it’s some random girl you picked up at a bar, if you take the time to make her feel sexy and wanted...it’ll be worth your time, I promise. Ease her mind and her body will follow.”
He pushed the material of your robe from your shoulders and you pulled your hands from the sleeves, letting it pool around the desk. Your boyfriend smiled, meeting your needy gaze before his hand found your breast, cupping it lightly. You pushed your chest out, pressing your breast into his hand even more only for him to let go and wrap those devious fingers around your neck. You gasp as he yanks you forward, pressing his lips against yours in a familiar, needy kiss. 
Your lips work together flawlessly, his teeth nipping your bottom lip as he gives your throat intermittent squeezes.
He pulls away suddenly and you whine, attempting to chase his lips only for him to laugh, “Soon, she’ll be squirming and shaking like a leaf. You’ll have her right where you want her, needy and whining for more.”
You hadn’t noticed the way your entire body was trembling, thighs tense as they squeezed together in an attempt to relieve the ache that had begun to build there from his teasing. 
“Teasing is different from foreplay. Before you can get her body ready for you, you have to get her mind ready. Focus on her, not yourself,” Issei explained, gripping your knee, pushing them open, “By this point, she should be wet and ready for you to touch her properly.”
You let out a harsh breath and eagerly open your thighs. You don’t even notice the way the men in the class all shift at the sight of you baring yourself so openly for your boyfriend. All you know is how much you want him, you feel like your body is on fire. 
His palms smooth down your body, pausing to pinch your nipples, giving them proper attention for a fleeting second before moving on. When he reaches your inner thighs, he digs his nails into the skin to make you whimper, the bite of pain only fanning the flames of your need for him.
“Hmm, look at that,” he muses, using two fingers to spread your folds open. You gasp and arch your hips up. His touch is so, so close to where you desperately want it, “Little cunt is drooling such a mess all over the desk.”
“‘Sei, please,” you sob, letting yourself fall back on the desk, losing all strength to keep yourself up, “Want it so bad.”
“Aw, you sound like you’re gonna cry, baby,” he coos, condescending, before turning back to the class, “By now, you should finish with your teasing and start getting into the foreplay. But unfortunately, that’s all the time we have. We’ll review everything next week and get into the foreplay properly.”
You fall limp against the desk as he steps away from you completely, leaving you trembling and whimpering as he bids the class goodbye. Once it’s empty, he locks the door and approaches you once again. 
“They were all looking at you like a bunch of rabid dogs,” he whispers, leaning down to press his lips against the soft skin of your stomach, next to your belly button, “But luckily for you, you don’t have to wait until next week for more.”
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© bobaji 2021. do not modify or repost.
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wordsnwhiskey · 3 years
Kink & BDSM in Writing & IRL
I’ve been seeing more and more people write about these dynamics and I’m all for it, they can be beautiful, fun, sexy, stress-relieving and so much more. That said, I’ve seen a few things that have been uncomfortable to read/see, and on the whole, go against some of the core tenets kinksters hold to. I’m not a professional or a kink educator like you’ll find at an event/munch, or on youtube (I encourage you to check them out if you’re interested in learning more!), I am, however, familiar with a few things and wanted to put together a beginner’s resource sheet for those interested in writing BDSM dynamics or engaging in them.
*Glossary & links at the bottom*
First things first, if you are under 18, keep scrolling, this post is not for you. BDSM and by extension, kink play, is a consensual dynamic between two adults, and as a minor, you cannot consent.
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Consent & Safety Acronyms
Let’s start with consent, it is absolutely fundamental to any and all intimate acts, and is a core tenant in the three more common philosophies around safety and kink. It’s important to note that there can sometimes be a debate over which of these to follow and I encourage you to research them to find what works for you.:
SSC: Safe, Sane, Consensual - This is pretty self-explanatory, it requires the participating parties to ask themselves if the “play” is Safe, is it Sane and are all parties consenting to it?
RACK: Risk-Aware Consensual Kink - This delves a bit further than SSC and acknowledges that there are risks involved in play/scenes. RACK was born of kinksters being concerned with the subjectivity of what some people may consider “sane” or “safe” with SSC. The depth of the awareness of those risks is up for debate but the point is there should be a conversation around these risks with all participating parties.
PRICK: Personal Responsibility, Informed, Consensual Kink - This acronym was newer to me as I was most familiar with RACK but it embodies how I have personally employed RACK and how others I know view it as well. This focuses on kinksters taking personal responsibility for their play as well as making sure that the participating parties are informed of the risks and general structure of the scene.
For example, with bondage, it is very possible, and frankly easy, to be left with nerve damage from an improper tie. An educated rigger will not only walk through a safeword or safeword system (green, yellow, red) but will explain the kinds of knots/ties that will be used as well as show and explain that they have safety shears on hand along with a plan in the event of a safeword being used or an emergency. (This is a very brief example, there’s a lot more that is involved in a discussion around bondage)
The common denominator here is that Consent is at the forefront of all BDSM & Kink play. So let’s dive into what that means. Consent should be enthusiastic, I have yet to see or hear of a simple nod or stuttered affirmation to count as consent between a dominant and their submissive. This holds true during all parts of a scene, which includes during said scene, not just before the scene or during the scene negotiation. And yes, this means a dominant should check in and do a “color check” (green, yellow, red) of some sort during a scene as well.
Another part of consent is that ALL parties must give and be able to give enthusiastic consent. This seems obvious but it’s important to think about who is actually involved in your scene. The most common example I can think of is every now and then, a post will come up on social media of a person “walking” another person with a leash and collar at a grocery store or some other public venue. Breaking it down, the scene participants are the person holding the leash, the person being “walked”, and the patrons of the public venue. Now, the assumed dominant and submissive may have consented to this activity and discussed it at length, but the patrons of that public venue were made a part of the scene without prior knowledge, and without their consent. This is not ok, this is not consensual.
How is this Relevant to Writing?
It boils down to this: tag your fics and add warnings, this is kind of like the author taking Personal Responsibility and Informing the reader so they can Consent to the Kink/activity (see what I did there?). If you are engaging in play on a public form not designated for kink and all participating parties (viewers) cannot and have not consented to said play, then it is wrong, take it somewhere private where the participating parties have consented enthusiastically.
What about dub-con fics/dark fics etc? So long as you have properly tagged/added warnings to your fic and your readers are allowed to consent to reading, great, keep writing them!
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Dominants & Submissives
I’ve got a glossary at the bottom but now that we’ve covered consent, we need to cover what dominants and submissives are, their responsibilities and the truth about a power exchange/dynamic.
This isn’t a “true dominants/subs do this” post, I’ve seen too many gag worthy posts of that nature from tumblr domly doms from the good ol’ days, this is a pretty basic definition and understanding of the responsibilities that fall to both roles. (I’m not getting into all of the different honorifics/titles and their meanings, this post is already going to be long, please research on your own if you’re interested.)
Submissives: A submissive is someone who gives pre-negotiated control of themselves over to the dominant. Being submissive doesn’t make someone less than anyone else. While a submissive gives up control to a dominant for a scene or a day-to-day dynamic, they in truth, hold the majority of the power in the dynamic. A submissive and dominant sit down and discuss the sub’s (as well as the dom’s) kinks, interests, soft and hard limits. The sub sets the limits or parameters of the play for the most part. Additionally, they may use their safeword at any time to pause or stop play if they are uncomfortable or want to stop for any reason. If they want out, all play stops then and there. These are two of the biggest red flags to a kinkster, if a “dominant” doesn’t “use” or “believe in” limits or safewords, they are not a dominant, they are an abuser. Dominants are usually vetted in kink communities to help keep subs safe and abusers out but it’s important to be aware of these things as a submissive so you can engage in safe play.
Dominants: A dominant is the person a submissive relinquishes a pre-negotiated amount of control to. They will take a submissive’s desires, needs, limits and a variety of other factors into account to craft a scene or provide structure and safety for their submissive within the parameters their sub has given them. What this process looks like varies depending on the dynamic but the core concept remains the same. Dominants trust their sub to use their safeword should they need to just as much as a sub trusts their dominant to listen should it need to be used; however, in addition to that, a dominant needs to also be mindful of their partner during play. If they feel play is going too far, or for whatever reason, they can also stop play/use the safeword. Perhaps one of the most important responsibilities that falls to a dominant is aftercare, which we’ll get into below.
Please also note that these negotiations are not a one and done deal, they should happen regularly.
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This is so, so, so important I cannot stress enough how incredibly important aftercare is.
So… what is it and why is it important?
What is it?
Is the time after a scene for both the dominant and the submissive to safely come out of “domspace” and “subspace” and conclude the scene. Scenes can be intense and sometimes, depending on other life factors, can leave the dominant and submissive feeling a lot more raw than they anticipated. An exchange of power (like there is between a dominant and sub) leaves the submissive in a very vulnerable state and it's extremely important that a dominant help ground their submissive and be there for them as they come up from subspace. This can manifest in a variety of different ways, most commonly, I’ve seen it involve: wrapping up the submissive in blankets, verbal praise, physical contact (cuddling), clean up (warm washcloth to wipe any fluids), first aid/post-impact care (scenes can get intense), water & snacks (hydrate and replenish energy! Y’all just worked hard!). This isn’t a final list and there are whole sites dedicated to adding to your “aftercare kit”, it always helps to ask your submissive what works best for them!
Aftercare isn’t just for submissives either, dominants can need reassurance too, sometimes they get it from providing aftercare for their submissives, caring for them and seeing that they’re ok can often be just what they need but sometimes a little more is needed.
Something that is also missed during aftercare is checking in with each other and discussing what worked and what didn’t during the scene.
*LDR Aftercare suggestion list at the end
Why is it important?
Subdrop & Domdrop:
The science/biology behind this is that a high number of endorphins are released during a scene in both the dominant and submissive. “Drop” refers to the consequential crash experienced after the high wears off. The best way I can describe my experience with this and others’ experience with it is that it can feel like a severe depressive episode. Anyone who has experienced it will tell you that it is an awful experience.
This is why aftercare is so important, not only can it mitigate or prevent a drop but if a drop still occurs, having someone there to be your rock and help coax you out of it can be the difference between coming out of it and staying stuck there. All responsible kinksters will tell you that aftercare is a must. A lot of people, myself included, will go a step farther and say that play without some sort of aftercare (as negotiated or discussed) is abuse. This is not to be taken lightly, a lack of aftercare is the biggest red flag, there were probably some before that but, see it for what it is and run for the hills.
Bringing it Back to Writing:
Aftercare isn’t just for after intense scenes and it’s easy to add to your fic! It’s a great way to end smut, even if it’s just a smutty oneshot. Some cuddles, clean up, a bath, kisses, whispered praise, all of it, is a great way to show aftercare.
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I want to touch on one other thing because of its popularity and I’ve found there to be A LOT of misconceptions about it.
This isn’t for everyone, I understand it doesn’t float everyone’s boat and I’m not trying to convince you otherwise, go ahead and scroll to the bottom for the glossary and other links.
CG/L: The Root of Daddy/Mommy Kink
Firstly, CG/l and age play are two separate things, they can exist together (and commonly do) but I’m not getting into age play here, there are plenty of resources online you can check out for that, and frankly I’d suggest starting with reddit. Additionally, This Is Still A Kink/Power Exchange Dynamic, and as such, there is no place for minors in it.
CG/l, or Caregiver/little, is the gender neutral term for the Daddy/little or Mommy/little dynamic and I think it’s important we look at the gender neutral term to rediscover a big part of these dynamics.
Caregivers do just that, they focus on giving care: Did you eat today? Did you take your meds? Drink water? Taken a break from work? etc . Did you notice how none of these things are sexual in nature? That’s because oftentimes (granted not all the time), this dynamic extends beyond the bedroom. There is a deep seated need or desire for the little/submissive to be protected and taken care of.
Can it still be hot in the bedroom? Hell yes.
I’m not shaming anyone out there who throws the Daddy kink into their writing and where “Daddy” is whimpered out as a character/the reader gets railed from behind. I am saying, this is not the extent of the dynamic and am calling attention to that for those who may be unaware or new to the dynamic.
This is not to say that dominants who don’t identify this way can’t be nurturing, protective etc, I’m just touching on this particular dynamic. Conversely, someone can subscribe to multiple roles or facets of being a dominant which include CG/l.
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Thank you for reading, this is not an end all be all education by any means, this is meant to give a beginner’s insight and hopefully encourage you to do your own research. I understand that not every fic will have a long drawn out pre-scene negotiation, I frankly don’t expect it, although I think it’s important that we as writers approach these scenes and dynamics with the respect and mindfulness they deserve
Aftercare: Care provided after a scene to help the dominant and submissive safely exist sub/domspace after a scene
BDSM: A combination of Bondage/Discipline, Dominance and submission, & Sadism/Masochism
CG/l: Caregiver/little
Dominant: Someone who is given pre-negotiated control by a submissive
Dub-Con: Dubious-Consent
Hard Limit: A limit that is an absolute no-go
Impact Play: Play involving impact, sometimes with an implement, such as spanking, paddling, flogging, etc.
Munch: A casual gathering, at a bar or other venue for people interested in BDSM to get together. (This is NOT a play event)
Negotiations: The time spent between a dominant and submissive to review interests, kinks, desires, soft and hard limits as well as what they would like out of a scene or dynamic. These negotiations should happen outside of a sexual setting (not right before a scene) and they should continue to happen. Communication is key!
Play: General term used to describe kink activity
Power Exchange: When someone gives power to another in exchange for something in return. For example, a submissive may give their dominant power/control over them in exchange for structure.
PRICK: Personal Responsibility, Informed, Consensual Kink
RACK: Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
Safeword: A word used by the submissive and/or dominant to stop a scene
Safeword System: Similar to a safeword, the most common one is the "traffic light system" green, yellow, red where green = good, yellow = pause/redirect, and red = stop.
Scene: A specific play scenario
Soft Limit: A limit that a person is possibly open to exploring down the line
SSC: Safe, Sane, Consensual
Subdrop & Domdrop: The endorphin crash after a scene
Submissive: Someone who gives up pre-negotiated control to a dominant
Subspace: A state of mind that submissives can find themselves in either through just being with their dominant or physically, through impact play/pain; often described as feeling floaty.
Switch: Someone who can be either a submissive or dominant.
Long-Distance Relationship Aftercare
I'm trying to be mindful of tumblr and not link to any sites that could be seen as explicit. If you have questions, I highly encourage you to head down a google rabbit hole and do a little research!
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missbaphomet · 2 years
I've been asked this a couple times so I'll try to explain this in a way that it makes sense to me.
What's the difference between a kink and a fetish?
This is really tough to draw clear lines between because there is a lot of overlap and colloquially they're somewhat interchangeable. Definitely go into this explanation with the understanding that they are different things, but the lines can get suuuuuuuuuuuper blurry.
Kink: is a non-traditional interest or lifestyle that is usually but not exclusively sexual. This is a large umbrella covering everything from your standard whips and chains to something like tickling or 50's household. This does not specifically include homosexuality and bisexuality, but I'm sure you see why there is a lot of overlap and why kink and LGBT are sister communities. It does include non-standard relationships such as polyamory, open relationships, swinging, and basically anything else outside of monogamous dating or marriage.
Fetish: Kinks become fetishes when they are the primary source of sexual pleasure, and may even be required for a satisfying sexual experience.
This is the difference. You can be a kinkster without being a fetishist, but having a fetish is a kink.
I hope this also helps lend context to this discussion but also helps people understand why fetishization of certain things is uncomfortable for a lot of people. It's the difference between loving someone who happens to be trans and loving someone because they are trans.
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nerdzzone · 3 years
Only For A Moment: September
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Summary: A series of shorter one shots from Chris and Whitney’s life together throughout the pandemic. Some happy times, some harder times, some fluff and some things a little more sexy - they work through it all as they try to get settled in their new and blossoming relationship.
Chris Evans x OFC
Part of the Once Bitten/More Hearts series
Only For A Moment: August
Note: I really liked writing this part so please let me know your thoughts!
September 2020
Before the pandemic hit, we'd planned to send Grayson to preschool in the fall after he turned three. However, with the state of the world when the time arrived, it became a more complicated decision. We knew the benefits - we knew it would give him the opportunity to make friends and jumpstart his learning - but after many long, anxiety filled discussions, we decided to keep him home for another year. We didn't need it for childcare as neither of us had any work on the horizon and he still had another year before kindergarten so he wouldn't be missing out on preschool education completely. The risks just seemed to outweigh the benefits at that point in time given the case numbers in our area.
But not everyone had such an easy choice to make. People with older children had to educate them somehow - whether that be in person or online. In person classes had a much higher risk of exposure to the virus, but online classes were harder for children to focus on and required much more participation from the parents.
Carly had made the difficult choice to keep her kids at home and continue their online education, but it was proving to be harder than she'd anticipated. The kids were tired of learning through a computer and they missed their friends. Despite the risk of in person learning, they wanted to go back to school and were dragging their heels when it came to doing their work at home.
They started in August and by the middle of September, Carly was quickly losing her patience with all three of her children and, after a tearful phone call from his sister, Chris and I agreed to take them for an afternoon. They had some homework that we had to make sure they did, but Chris' goal was more related to sending them home with a renewed appreciation for their parents and a promise to keep working hard.
He'd picked them up just after lunch and given them a stern - but understanding - talking to on the way over to our place, but once they arrived he was back to being fun Uncle Chris and started their afternoon of school with gym class in the form of a soccer game. He ran them around the yard for over an hour before they wrapped up the game and came in for a snack. Then, the real school work started.
"So," Chris clapped. "What homework does everyone have?"
Ethan wrinkled his nose in disgust as he answered and his siblings nodded their heads in agreement.
"Well, it's your lucky day!" Chris grinned. "Whitney happens to be a math whiz! She went to university to be an accountant."
It was hard not to laugh at the disgust on their faces and I was tempted to inform them of the fact that I had dropped out just to retain my status as their uncle's 'cool' girlfriend. I thought that information might not help inspire them to work though so I kept it to myself.
"Why did you do that?" Miles questioned. "That's so boring!"
"It doesn't have to be," I insisted. "Chris, why don't you take Gray to do a puzzle or something and we'll get this work out of the way?"
"Sure," Chris nodded, plucking Grayson off the stool he was sitting on and throwing the giggling child over his shoulder. "And remember, the faster the homework gets done, the faster we can get back to doing fun stuff!"
I waited until Chris had left the room before shooting a smile at the little students that I was left with.
"Okay, now that he's gone, I can show you the secret to making math fun," I told them, stretching up to grab a big jar of jelly beans from the top shelf of a cupboard. It was Chris' secret stash, but I was sure he wouldn't be too mad if I borrowed it. "You just need to find some motivation."
The kid's eyes went wide.
"Are those Uncle Chris'?" Ethan asked, a hint of wonder in his voice.
"Yep," I smiled. "So, let's hurry and get to work before he comes back and catches us."
I shot them a wink and they all scurried off to get their notebooks.
It was easier to incorporate the candy into Miles and Stella's math homework as in the younger grades, they were mostly doing addition and subtraction. I helped them use the jelly beans as counters and let them eat them after every few questions. For Ethan, it was a bit trickier. In sixth grade, he was getting more into the start of algebra and some harder level fractions which jelly beans were less useful in. Instead, we used them as motivation and he got to eat a couple of jelly beans for every row of questions he finished.
We almost got away with our jelly bean thievery, but just as the kids were packing up their books, I heard a gasp come from the doorway.
"Are those my jelly beans?!"
The kids all burst out laughing as I shot Chris a sheepish look.
"I'm sorry. They needed some encouragement..."
Chris shook his head, but the smile on his face told me that he wasn't really that upset.
"I trusted you," he scolded me. "Now I'll have to find a new hiding spot and you won't be informed of its whereabouts."
I pouted at that as Grayson scrambled up onto the stool beside me to get his hands in the candy before it was moved.
"You could just be nice and share," I pointed out. "Making them forbidden just makes them more tempting."
"Yeah, Uncle Chris," Ethan nodded in agreement. "Plus, you're always telling us that we have to share stuff."
"You're getting too smart, kid," Chris smiled at him. "But unfortunately for you, I'm still in charge which means you have to do as I say, not as I do."
Ethan rolled his eyes at that as Stella frowned.
"That's not fair!"
"That's life," Chris shrugged. "Now, who's going to help me make some dinner?"
Grayson and Stella threw their hands up in the air as I popped another jelly bean into my mouth.
"What are we having?"
"Pasketti!" Grayson enthusiastically informed me, earning a laugh from Chris as he ruffled his hair.
"Spaghetti," he clarified. "With Ma's recipe for the sauce."
"Ooh, yum!"
I stole one last jelly bean before putting the lid back on the jar. The kids all whined in protest, but if Chris was making dinner then I knew it was time for me to stop stuffing them with sugar.
We all stayed in the kitchen as Chris started getting things ready, giving the kids simple jobs to do like opening jars and the occasional stirring. Dinner was about halfway ready when Miles got a cheeky smirk on his face.
"Uncle Chris?" He questioned, getting Chris' attention. "Aren't you going to sing the spaghetti song?"
That piqued my interest and I raised an eyebrow at Chris whose cheeks were slightly pinker than they'd been moments before.
"What's the spaghetti song?"
"On Top of Spaghetti," Chris informed me as if I should know what he was talking about. I didn't and my face must have shown him that. "C'mon! You have to know it!"
"I can't say that I do," I shrugged. "You'll have to enlighten me."
"Daddy sings it every time we have pasketti!" Grayson informed me, still mispronouncing the word.
"Well, I think I need to learn it then," I smiled. "Go on, Chris. Let's hear it."
The kids all agreed with me, hassling him to start the song.
"Alright, alright," he agreed after a moment of resistance. His cheeks were still looking a little rosy with embarrassment as he took a deep breath and then began. "On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese. I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed..."
I watched - filled with an almost overwhelming sense of affection for him - as he sang through all the verses of the song. The kids joined in where they could and all of them were giggling by the time he was done.
"Again, again!"
Grayson started the chant, but they all joined in and with a smirk, I did too.
"Yes, Chris! Again, again!" I teased. "So I can film it for Instagram!"
"Ha-ha," Chris laughed sarcastically. "You're so funny, Whitney. There will be no filming of this performance."
"But just think how much your fans would love it," I smiled. "You'd melt the hearts of women all over the world."
Chris let out a laugh at that comment, but didn't have time to respond before the kids took over again, demanding another performance. Once he was sure that my phone was safely out of reach, he launched into another round of song.
By the time dinner was done and the kids were all settled in front of the TV watching a movie, my heart was feeling rather full. Seeing Chris with all the children and enjoying the afternoon of a house full of their joy and laughter had me feeling things I hadn't been entirely sure I was ready to contemplate yet.
As I sat at the island in the kitchen, sipping my second glass of wine as Chris finished loading the dishwasher, I broached the subject.
"Today has been really nice," I told him, my voice catching his attention in the quiet room. "Having a house full of kids."
That thought clearly gripped his interest as he spun around to face me, still drying his hands.
"Yeah?" The excitement in his voice was palpable. "We haven't talked about that, have we? Do you want more kids?"
"I do," I smiled at his overzealous reaction. "At least one more. I'd like Grayson to have a sibling. It seems lonely to make him grow up all alone."
"It does," he agreed. "I can't imagine growing up without siblings."
"What about you?" I asked. "I mean, I know you've mentioned in interviews that you want a big family, but is that real? Or just for the family man image that your fans love so much?"
Chris chuckled and shrugged, but there was something sheepish about the way he was looking at me.
"Honestly?" He paused as if waiting for a response, but it seemed unnecessary. We both knew I wouldn't want anything other than the truth in a moment like this. "I want at least two more, maybe even three. Hell, I'd have another one right now if you were willing."
I almost choked on the wine I was sipping as those words left his mouth, but as I placed my glass safely back on the counter, the coughing shifted into laughter.
"We can't have another one now," I protested. "We've only been together for like four months!"
"Five," he corrected with a soft smile. "And we were only together for one night before we had Gray and I think he's turned out alright."
He was right about that and I would have been lying if I said that the thought of another little baby didn't stir something inside me, but the more rational side of me came through.
"We can't just rush into another baby," I insisted. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but that's a big decision."
"I know it is," Chris assured me. "I'm half-kidding. I know it's not something we can rush into, but another part of me thinks it would be nice to have one now while we've got nothing else going on."
"That's true, but this pandemic won't last forever," I pointed out. "Even if you got me pregnant right now, you'll hopefully be working again before it would even be born. I'm not sure I could deal with Grayson and a newborn all by myself."
"Yeah, but some experts think this mess is gonna last for a few years still which would make this the perfect time to have a baby."
I shot him a look and he shrugged with a smirk.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I warned him. "Let's just see how this whole pandemic situation goes for a bit longer before we make any massive life plans."
"Alright, alright," Chris chuckled, coming around to my side of the island. He rested his chin on my shoulder and slid his arms around my waist, placing his hands on my stomach. "It would be nice though, wouldn't it? Having another little baby around. Another little mix of the two of us."
I could feel his breath on my neck as his voice was low in my ear and I had to admit that he was right. I was one of the lucky women who actually loved being pregnant and, despite how exhausting and stressful the newborn phase was, I did miss having a little baby around.
But my worries about our ability to co-parent if we split up were still lingering in my mind. They'd been eased slightly by how solid our relationship had been so far, but if it all fell apart, I was still worried about how we would cope. Adding another baby to that so soon seemed like a foolish thing to do.
"It would be nice," I agreed, letting my hands rest on top of his. "It will be nice, one day."
"Well, whenever you're ready," Chris paused to place a kiss on my neck. "Just let me know."
I smiled at his eagerness and turned my head to kiss his cheek.
"I will," I assured him. "And maybe, once the kids have gone home and Grayson's in bed, we could practice. Just so we know what we're doing when the time comes..."
"Oh, I know what I'm doing," Chris practically growled, his grip tightening around me to pull me closer against him. "Don't you worry about that."
I giggled at his confidence before wiggling out of his grasp and standing up from the stool I'd been sitting on.
"I'm not worried, but practice makes perfect, right?"
With a wink, I grabbed my wine and turned to leave the room and check on the kids. Our conversation had given me plenty to think about, but it was comforting as well. I had no doubts that one day I wanted to expand our little family and even if I wasn't quite ready yet, it was nice to know that Chris was on board.
The man was born to be a father, he excelled in every aspect of parenting, and I was grateful that I was the one who got to help him find that role and that I got to share the experience with him.
October + November [part one]
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10 @partypoison00 @theladybiers @sidepieces @firoozehmoon @patzammit @sparkledfirecracker @mytbel0st @chvntelle-99
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mintchocohip · 4 years
sub!bts ﹢ the reason for chastity 🔐
❝ Chastity is best approached with a sense of purpose. Although the OT7 have their individual reasons for wanting the cage, they all do so with a deepening desire for your control.   
a/n ─ a little something i worked on to break writer’s block. with locktober as inspiration, i set out to write a few sentences about how the members would approach keyholder relationships. 1.5k words later, turns out thinking about the members in chastity is, indeed, very inspiring... 
note ─ sub!bts x domme!reader. see each member for any other kinks or notes!
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 🔑 TAEHYUNG ﹢ adoration 
 other kinks - possessive behavior | note - poly mentioned
Without your constant gropes and nuzzles Taehyung is in danger of forgetting you’re obsessed with him. Although he understands you’ll stop if maintaining his interest in this play becomes boring for you, Taehyung also very sincerely hopes you view jealously withholding his body from a world that wants him as your job. When life pulls you in separate directions Taehyung feels connected to you through this private, secure symbol of ownership. You call constantly to hear that he’s being a good boy and ensure he’s comfortable in equal measure. Resting on your bed surrounded by cozy blankets looking vaguely shy to be captured from his thick collar down to his glittering cage and thigh harnesses while you photograph the artwork calms Taehyung with safe knowing. You’re proud this boy is yours. Every time he’s frustrated you won’t let him out of the cage so he can play with his friends Taehyung rereads the notes you scrawled on the backs of those polaroids, stashed inside an envelope in his sub journal—notes about how precious he is to you, how breathtaking his cock is, and how the world's finest treasures are always kept under lock and key.
 🔑 YOONGI ﹢ masochism
Yoongi’s tastes hide in plain sight. He finds satisfaction in intentional, controlled discomfort. Doing it to himself is easy. When he discovers you have the same interests he tries to cut his giddiness at finding a keyholder with a little diffidence. It’s similar to your elegant silk shibari knots under his work clothes, or simple pressure on the bruises you left along the insides of his thighs when he crosses his legs to sit and check his notifications while waiting for the butcher to call his number. Reminders of a body possessed willingly keep him grounded. Yoongi has caged himself in the past out of curiosity. He enjoyed forming new routines around the cage, remembering it slowly when he awoke at night confused by a strange heaviness, observing its effects on his libido, and generally experimenting with a transformative yet tame form of self-discovery. Your hand holding the key will change the experience completely. Before he can do this with you, Yoongi needs to hear you explain why you’re interested. The tension of physical strain and emotional warmth is what makes him itch for it. Beyond that, whatever rules you want to set, or games you want to play—Yoongi is here to follow your heed.
 🔑 JUNGKOOK ﹢ initiative
The moment the uncomfortable cage touches his sensitive skin Jungkook’s affectionate mannerisms shut down. Showering together finds Jungkook maneuvering around you awkwardly. Part of him is confused. His body serves you well. He’s internalized this confidence so deeply that even when you explain your intentions he secretly wonders if wearing the cage is a punishment. You always tell him he’s too tempting. Most days he can’t hug you without risking a hand on his cock two seconds later. The removal of his ability to provide all of himself to you feels like a subtle hint that he should give you some distance. Or, at the very least, he should cool down on the teasing touches and deep kisses until you want to fuck him again. “It isn’t about your body, baby,” you remind him patiently, “it’s about your loyalty. There’s no reason to stop showing me affection. Just because you won’t be getting off doesn’t mean I can’t.” The learning curve is a surprisingly steep slope. Satisfying you with his touch without worrying about getting hard as fast as you’d like and coming before you get bored is almost a relief. Jungkook begins to understand. By focusing on your body alone this dynamic is reinforced in a way he could never truly understand when he had his freedom.
 🔑 HOSEOK ﹢ humility
  other kinks - pegging, degradation 
Firm control corrects Hoseok’s scattered priorities when he forgets his true nature. Although you reassure him again and again he can slide it off comfortably with lotion and patience, Hoseok never tries. Not because he enjoys wearing the cage—but because he respects you, he’s a little bit scared of you, and honoring you is worth losing his autonomy. Initially, there’s no real purpose to the cage besides dominating Hoseok psychologically. You become so accustomed to seeing him with it on, though, that his bare cock begins to look underdressed. Slowly, bespoke cages in a glittery rainbow of colors fill out a sleek strongbox near the bed. Choosing what color he’ll wear today is fun for you. The flippancy hurts a little bit, but that sting is what pulls Hoseok in deeper. Neediness to have all this pent-up energy fucked out of his electrified skin fogs Hoseok’s mind and quiets him into obedience with the hopes that you’ll enjoy his plaintive kisses on your legs and give him what he needs. A condescending pat on the head when the strap pulls out of his ass brinks Hoseok into forgetting why he’s shaking yet unsatisfied and begging for more. Thankfully, you’re here to tell him. He’s a whore. Your whore. And, that’s all he really needs to remember. 
 🔑 JIMIN ﹢ passion
Jimin has always known chastity would be easy for him. He’s operating on intoxicatingly high levels of horniness every second of the day, anyways. He’s learned to cope valiantly. With his own pleasure defined loosely he readily offers one facet of it for the comforting notion he’ll be gifted a plethora of new intimacies. The cage will bring you closer. He knows it will. Scheduled check-ins keep you fed on each other’s attention. Randomly sending him a partial nude of yourself during the day with the promise you’ll give him one number of this week’s passcode for every photo he recreates to your liking has Jimin rushing to the nearest public bathroom, heart hammering with both desire for you and hope for good lighting to pose in. Tracking tasks on the daily habit app to earn evenings without the cage motivates Jimin to do the things he wants to do for you but sometimes lacks the energy for, like practicing the piano and providing you accompaniment when you sit with your cello. Caged sex is, however, never a loss. Jimin might prefer if you simply told him you love how creatively you please each other in bed without adding that you want to start incorporating anything from foot massage to prostate toys into his tasks. Nonetheless. This light in your eyes as you’re overtaken by whims of intrigue is too sexy for Jimin to resist.  
 🔑 NAMJOON ﹢ self-improvement
 other kinks - sub training, toys, voyeurism/exhibitionism, filming
Mediocre sex isn’t worth your time. Namjoon adores that you hold him to your standards. The intense single-minded drive that consumes him when you turn him on is redirected and channeled into other forms of pleasing you. Graduations from watching you use toys on yourself, to using toys on your body at your direction, to free play with the toys, to eventually repeat the process incorporating hands-on techniques fascinates Namjoon more than anything. In a scheme of education the cage is simply a reminder that you haven’t gotten to that part yet. Until then, Namjoon keeps the records of how many times he’s made you come this week and how he did it with fervor. Watching old videos of himself fucking you to take notes distracts from purpose; but, Namjoon can click his pen, shake his head, and refocus on a studious attitude. An extravagant rewards system combined with aftercare orgasms stop Namjoon from getting antsy. This venture is predicated on his ache to study your individuality, but you need to feel him savoring the process, too. When he is granted momentous opportunities to show you what he’s learned, mutual gratitude shines. 
 🔑 SEOKJIN ﹢ modesty
 other kinks - cuckolding, threesome
Seokjin asks about it often. If he’s too big, or too small—if you would like his cock better if it was thicker, or harder, or softer, more curved; a different shade of pink. “Stop with the inane questions,” you finally snap during attempts to assuage him for the hundredth time when it’s obvious you love it because you’re laying here blushing and cooing while you jerk it off, “or I’ll lock it up.” Seokjin shuts up; flustered. Coyness isn’t Seokjin’s usual style when talking about kinky things. Yet, chastity gives you an unusually sulky boyfriend. When you ask if this is what he’s wanted all along Seokjin won’t deny it. He’s also too embarrassed by how good it feels to say “yes”. There has always been an understanding in this relationship. You’re the only person he gives himself to like this. Fully. Wholly. Through that virtue of submission you’re falling in love with his body all over again. You kiss him deeper as if to imprint your love. You tease him harder, but pet him softer and let him cuddle him tighter. Seokjin has wistful daydreams about romantic vanilla missionary and hearing you moan in approval when the cage comes off; but, he also knows he can get confused. If you decide what’s best for him is listening to your fond laughter at how hard he’s dripping through the cage while you warm each other up for the guy who’ll be arriving in a few minutes—he trusts your judgment without question. 
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chayacat · 4 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (9)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
The rain... both beautiful and sad to look at. A real inspiration for some, a moment of relaxation for others. But for you it's mostly the day when people will flock to your café to protect themselves, sipping a good hot chocolate, tea or a good coffee.  
Today you only open in the morning, the weekend is approaching and you want to take a little more time for yourself. There were not many people at the moment, Melina, Jed's colleague and friend, was among the first clients. Decidedly you will attract all the Roseville gazette to your café... You were sitting with her at the table right next to the counter, both with a coffee in her hand, Melina having taken a share of Neptune's cake with her coffee.
Melina Catalina Da silva was born in Las cruces, New Mexico, to a Spanish father and a Mexican mother. They moved to Missouri when she was 4 years old, to live the "American Dream" and, although the early days were difficult, her parents gave her access to education. If her physique and her voice opened the doors of cinema and music, it was to journalism that Melina turned. However, do not rely on appearances, she knows very well to fight and some ended up in the hospital.
“I can't believe, he really told you that?” you said laughing.
“Hell yeah! He thought I was going to shut up after that, instead I blew him a few teeth! You had to see his head with less teeth. Frankly leave me like that... for a bimbo with three tons of paint as make-up, because I was not the easy girl he wanted.” Melina responds proudly.
“Ah Boys... They always want sexy girlfriends who have three neurons. And then we are surprised that some complexes on their bodies. When you love, the body doesn't matter. Only inner beauty matters.”
“Few boys have the same thought. The only ones I've met are Mattew... And Jed.”
“Tell me, you and Jed... Are you already...?”
“Me and Jed?” Starts Melina before laughing. “Hahahaha! You’re so cute! No, we never dated, I consider him as the little brother I never had. That's why I call him Jeddy. And sometimes I'll kick his ass, so he can focus more on his personal life than his professional life.”  
“Oh... Could you tell me more about him? I admit I don't know him as well as you do.” you ask shyly.  
“Well, Jed is... He's a real nerd. He thinks about work all the time and even on days off, he works at home. But... He's a lovely boy when you know him. And when you know what he went through with his parents... sometimes I think that, if I had been in his shoes, I would have killed myself. But he... He got up and fought. He has learned to fend for himself, and he has an almost frightening patience.” Said Melina.
“That's what he told me. And I think I would have ended my life too.” you said looking down to your coffee.
“And yet he didn't tell you everything about his childhood. His parents beat him and treated him like a dog, often leading him to the hospital. And of course, they said it was accidents, like falling off stairs and everything that goes with it. As he must have told you, he was an unwanted kid. But the worst part is that the whole family knew, and no one, absolutely no one helped him. So, he cut ties with his family, all he keeps from them is his last name. He deserved better than that. And when I see what he is today... if I didn't know all this, I'd say he's a lovely boy who was raised like any boys should be. Kind and respectful, but not to be annoyed.” Replied Melina before looking at you, a big smile on her face. “Why do you want to know all this? Do you love him?”
“W-What??? N-no! It's only... curiosity. Just curiosity...” you respond blushing like a tomato.
“Hey. There is no marked "dumb" on my forehead. I saw the little looks you were giving him. And then your face when he gave you his number, I saw it too.”  replied Melina with a smirk.  
“It's embarrassing.” you answer by looking elsewhere.
“Why??? I think it's so cute coming from you! In addition to what you told me about you, I don't understand why no one wanted to go out with a face as adorable as yours! You know, my grandmother used to tell me that sooner or later we'd find her soul mate. That when we born, the bonds were already woven to guide us to him or her. And nothing could stop it. Maybe you and Jed have that bond that brought you together. Now it's up to you to see what you're going to do.” Said Melina before eating her slice of Neptune’s pie.  
“If you say so...”
“My grandma never gets it wrong about this kind of thing. She has... a gift for this mystical stuff. She knew from an early age that she would meet my grandpa. And she knows that my mother will be my father's first and only wife. She even knew that Mattew would go out with Chris.”
“She’s really amazing. But I don't want to force things. I will let things come on their own and I will act on them. I’ll see what happens.”
Melina nod, then you go back to the counter to take care of the customers for the rest of the morning. For once, Jed didn't come and you're a little worried about that. Considering what happened to him yesterday, you can imagine the worst. What if Mike had gone after him again?
You and Melina were the last to leave the café at closing, and even though she assured you that Mike didn't know his address, your concern for Jed didn't go away. You go home with some unsold cakes, give some to Mrs. Lawson before heading to your apartment.  
Your gaze rested for a few seconds on Jed's door and, biting your lips, you decide to check by yourself if everything was okay. You knock on his door. No noise. There's no answer. This is not a good sign. You knock a second time, praying that he's answering.
“One minute, I'm on my way!” he said from the other side of the door, which made you sigh with relief. Thank god he’s alive... “Yes? Oh! It's you.” he said with his angelic smile.
“Hi. I... I was just here to hear from you. With what happened... I confess that I imagined the worst.” you said shyly.  
“Oh... That's very kind of you, thank you. Don't worry Mike doesn't know where I live. It does not risk ... to come and finish the job. I was focused for tomorrow night. We have a scandal to uncover. And a few more researches don't hurt.”
“You're reassuring me. I mean half, I hope you didn't sleepless for this research! I brought you some cakes, at least what Mrs. Lawson left. I thought it would do you good.”
“All the cakes you give me will always be a real sweet moment for me. Do you want to come in? I'm offering coffee for once.” He replied with a wink.  
You nod and he let you in. His apartment was neat and had all the comfort Jed needed. Despite the coat rack at the entrance, Jed had the tendency to put his jackets and coats on chairs or sofa. The kitchen was tidy and clean, some small green plants hanging around the corners.
A few films were on the tv cabinet, a reminder of the days when streaming didn't yet exist, as well as some CDs. Paintings decorated the walls of the living room and hallway, and a library full of books, next to the window. A real journalist's apartment, in short.
“Surprisingly, I expected to see this style of decoration. Simple but comfortable. And... Do you work in your living room?” you ask with a smile.
“Ha ha no, I have an office right next to my bedroom. Locked, in order to keep my job... Safe. I hope... You understand that.”
“Of course. So... Ready for tomorrow night? I must admit that this is the first time I go to this kind of event, and especially to play spies. I feel a little uncomfortable.”  
“As long as you stay with me, you'll be peaceful. But once we have what we are looking for, we will have to leave the place without raising suspicions. And I think I have an idea of what to look for.” He said before getting up and fetching something from his office, locking the door. “I think that... Hoggins will try to double his profits by sinking the last trade he just signed. I made some research about him and discovered that he had signed 4 more partnerships with former competitors, and that these 4 partnerships all flowed because of Mckellan.”
“You think, Hoggins is planning all this with McKellan, with the goal of eliminating his competitors all over the country, and thus being the only one on the market?” you ask looking at the papers.
“I'm sure. By removing his competitors, he recovers the shares that are due to him, if it’s not the whole. And so, he becomes more influential. The goal is to be, with McKellan, the only big fortunes, in the American market. We need to find proof of all this. An e-mail, a written record, between Hoggins and McKellan. And the only place you can find all of this is in his office. And if we succeed, one of the biggest scandals of this decade will come to light.”
“It looks risky. But I'm up for it! if we can put that bastard in jail, I'm ready for anything!” you said determined which made Jed smiles and Danny smiles bigger.  
You chat with him for a long time, laughing heartily and, in the early evening, you leave his apartment with a big smile on your face. It's really nice to talk to a boy as nice as him. Maybe Melina was right, maybe you and Jed were destined to meet? It is said that things never happen through chance, but there is no question of forcing fate either. If something has to happen between you, it will come naturally.
You open the door to your fridge to see what you're going to devour tonight. Homemade nems will be perfect! plus you have everything you need so no need to go out. You want to prepare everything while singing, you love to sing whether in the kitchen or in the shower, washing dishes or cleaning. You have a voice worthy of a bird song. You could have been a singer! But if it was to end up alcolic or drugged ... it wasn't worth it.
Tonight, a horror movie goes on TV, it will change you from those rotten action movies you've seen recently, with a budget as big as the best movies made so far. All with a homemade peach iced tea. Even the drinks, you make them yourself. You don't like industrial products too much, too much fat, too many conservators, too many sugars. Just horrible.  
Once your nems are ready, you prepare your meal tray, and you'll land in front of your TV, right in time for the start of the movie. it was a classic slasher, but it was always having its effect ... especially with a chainsaw. In the middle of the film, you get up to clean your plate and glass before wiping and storing them.  You start yawning while stretching, but you don't want to sleep. You turn off the living room lights and sit back on your couch to see the rest of the movie.
As sleep made you feel carried away, a noise startled you. You get up, slightly trembling and start heading towards the source of the noise. Steps were heard and you rushed to the kitchen to take something to defend yourself.
“I don't recommend it; you could hurt yourself with that little knife.” said a man voice who caught your arm and turned you in front of him, blocking your arms. And the only thing visible in the dark was this mask... “Glad to see you again...My sweet little star.” He said with a soft voice.
“It's not reciprocal.” you respond coldly.
“Ouch, you hurt me so hard. You should be kinder to me. After all, I let you live because my curiosity, about you, took over my desire to bleed that pretty neck.” He replied caressing your neck with his fingertips.
“How did you get in? And if you're not here to kill me, what do you want?”
“It’s a secret. I wanted to see you... face to face. And also, to speak like good friends. You seem to get along well with the little nerd... to play little spies. All this to bring down men I could kill... If you ask me.” he said, chuckling a little.
“Certainly not! I will never kill anyone with my own hands, Even less ask someone to do it!” you respond trying to get you out a little bit, in vain.
“Oh come on. Don't tell me you're a little naive girl who thinks solve all her problems legally. Sometimes you have to use radical means to overcome certain problems... Thorny. Deep down, you want to. You'd like me to shove that knife deep down his throat, to mutilate him for threatening you like this. I know everything he's trying to do to you... absolutely everything.” he replied, gently passing his knife along your face, without hurting you.
“Stop it! Let me go!” you said wiggling before he takes off his hands laughing and backing up. “You’re just a f***ing psycho!”  
“ouch you hurt me again. But I get used to it. Anyway... This guy will die sooner or later by my hands. We can talk about what you owe me at that point. But until we meet again... Pay attention to yourself and your sweet angel face, my sweet little star. You sing divinely well by the way.”  
He stroked your cheek before leaving through the window. You catch your breath, trying to relax your muscles. You close all the shutters and windows of your apartment before turning off the TV and going to bed.  
You look at the roof, thinking back to his words. Deep down, he was right. Solving all problems peacefully is not always the solution, but killing someone is worse. You have always been raised so as to use diplomacy more often than force. And that's not going to change. Even if McKellan deserves to be slaughtered for everything he's done? You sigh and turn off the lamp before covering up.
Tomorrow night will be the big night. And you won't have the right to make mistakes.
(Done! It was hard but I've made it! in fact I'm so excited to start the next chapter because I’ve got a lot of ideas in my mind! I'll hope you'll enjoyed it like the others! and don't forget if you have questions or you want to talk or if you have pages to recommend me just do!  See ya!)  
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rosyandraw · 3 years
Hii 🌼🌈 your annon begging for Berenger and Ancel's story is back... 💫 First I just want to say that I loooove the last chapter 💖💖💖 I think Damen knows way more than what Laurent assumes. I can't wait to see what it's coming next and the reason why they fight so much.
Okay now let me tell you that I have the most random hc for them... so please ignore me if you hate them all 🙈 Honestly, I trust your ideas better, but this popped up in my mind, and I wanted to share it at least to laugh a lil bit 🤣🤣
1) What do you think if Ancel likes the zodiac?👀👀 I think he could be a fantastic Leo sun🦁☀️, with a rising Taurus 🐂⬆️ and a Sagittarius moon 🏹🌙 And of course he goes super mad when he finds out how good the sex would be between them because Berenger has compatible signs with him but The professor keeps saying that he "doesn't want to fuck Ancel" 😉
2) Ancel uses Tiktok (maybe the more safe for work but still kinky version of his Onlyfans?) I think he definitely did Doja Cat's trend and went viral, so viral that somehow that the video even ended on Berenger's phone.. 😝 (Also, Berry loving Ancel's Onlyfans because it's more erotic than explicit and buying him stuff he would like to see Ancel use or wear for it) He does all the kinky sexy trends but also talks about make up, fashion, restaurants, and sex education about "pleasure and protection" for his younger queer follower.
3) Ancel learning that Auguste was/is Berenger's old friend. So he decides to ask Auguste for help, but Berry actually gets jealous 👀 thinking Ancel has moved on to the next rich man and that they are obviously fucking because even if Auguste is straight, who can resist Ancel's beauty? 🦄
4) After learning about Auguste and Berenger's frindship Ancel also finds out that Berenger is not a simple professor but also mega-rich, making him Ancel's own perfect fantasy of sugar daddy. Hella rich, sweet, nerdy, kind, hot, and..... kinky! 🥵🥵
5) Can I get kinky?🔥💦🔥💦🔥💦 Because I think Berenger is the personification of "the quieter the kinker," I think he would be suuuuper into Ancel taking charge and making him beg, or make him buy crazy shit to be allowed to have sex with Ancel. But also, once their "pregame" ends, Ancel likes to be manhandled and fuck hard. Maybe they are even a lil bit into marking Ancel's soft skin and letting the world know because they can tell anyone just yet. Someone needs to graduates first or marry and be the perfect trophy husband. (Ps. Rolplay!!! Ancel is an amazing actor Berry not so much but they both get hot)
6) Berenger thinks Ancel is the worst brat ever, but he also loves it to the point that he has started pampering him before anything happens between them. Like one day they meet in a Cafe near the university by accident and Berry just unconsciously pays for him, then he is offering Ancel a car ride to his home because it's too hot outside, and soo much more.
7) Ancel being oddly possessive 😤🙄😒 at the most random moments, like not when a pretty face flirt with Berry because he knows he is the prettiest bitch on campus but actually getting jealous and a bit possessive when Berry gets flirt by one of his colleagues or anyone boring but with lots of common interests with Berenger.
8) Ancel has piercings (tongue, nipples, belly, dick? 😳 and ofc ears), and Berenger has a tattoo from his lil rebellious younger times 🤤 Ancel loves it so much that at some point, when they start thinking, "I'm gonna marry this man," Berry actually gets a tattoo for/about him 😍
9) Ancel hates Berenger's clothes yet when no one is watching he like to steal some of the more comfortable ones and use it when he miss Berry 🥺
10) Ancel is the only one who calls Berenger "Berry" now a days it used to be how his Nana called him when he was a kid. Berry for the sweet moments, Daddy for their hoy kinky moments 😏 Berenger has Ancel number save as Angel even if he never calls him like that and even if Ancel is more like a demon. In some ways Ancel is Berenger's Angel 🥺🥺
I'm soo sorry this got so long 👉🏼👈🏼 please just laugh at me and use anything you like or none if you didn't hahaha I will be happy to read anything and everything you write for them because you are crazy talented 💞🌺💞🌺💞🌺💞 and as I said before, I cant to wait the next chapter for nmfy
Bye bye.. have a nice sunday! ❤️
Anon I think i just fell in love with you a little bit??? This is fucking amazing.
Firstly you hit so many points that i'm already writing in?? Like, dude wtf??? haha i love it all so much i'm going to answer each point
1) OMG I'm a bit obsessed with birth charts AND I HAVE ANCEL. I had him as Leo sun, Taurus Moon and Gemini Rising. SO I'M SO EXCITED that yours was so similar???
2) TIKTOK YAAAS i'm stealing this, literally writing it in as we speak lmao and I LOVE the idea of Berenger finding his pages and watching him. So big yes to that omg.
3) I never considered Auguste and Berenger before and ERM? WHY DIDN'T I? I really like that idea because in nmfy Auguste isn't straight and he did just hit on Jord so THAT opens up a new possibility too lmao
4) MEGA RICH is definitely happening, soz if that's a spoiler but i love the sugar daddy fantasy too so that's going to be living in my head rent free now
5) ALWAYS GET KINKY the kinkier the better with me, literally always! I have his kinks already listed i'm not going to lie to you haha it might not play out exactly like you said but you definitely mentioned some of them! Also it's so funny that you said roleplay because YES and i just wrote a scene that hints at that LMAO
6) I'm stealing the coffee idea. Straight up and unapologetically because it actually works so fucking well.
7) Possessive Ancel is a fact. That's all I'll say about that
8) Fuck yeah piercings! I'm probably going to include that because it's fun af
9) Ancel really hates Berenger's clothes, i've actually just written a scene in NMFY where that comes up too
10) Daddy Kink i love love love for them. LMAO Berenger can absolutely handle Ancel. Or he will. When he stops lying to himself
ANON I love you so much and this is sending me. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this honestly, I can't wait to write it haha ❤️❤️❤️
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artificialqueens · 4 years
If We Walk Down This Road, 1/2 (Scyvie) - Ashley
It’s the final year of sixth form and stress levels are high for Yvie as she balances school work, Uni applications and her “part-time” job in a kids activity centre. However, things only get worse when her boss decides to hire his privately educated, definition of privilege daughter, Scarlet, as their marketing assistant and she rubs Yvie up the completely wrong way. Until, of course, she doesn’t.
Here goes a very late submission to the black girl magic fic! Hope you guys like it! This is a prequel of some sorts to my fics Got My Number and Girl on Fire but it works fine as a standalone so you don’t have to have read those to understand anything. Big thanks to @pink-grapefruit-cafe and @artificialortega for all the help, love and support with this fic.
Yvie loved her life. She wouldn’t have changed a piece of it for the world. Only, every now and then, she longed to be someone else.
This feeling usually arrived when making her way through the industrial estate, hearing the loud Kidz Bop music they were forced to play at her work ring in her ears before the building was even in sight. In fact, that feeling arrived every single time she walked towards her work, it was just something she had become accustomed to. It wasn’t the worst job in the world, she got to hang out with Jaida, Heidi and Priyanka on the weekends and the pay wasn’t awful. She just sometimes wished that after a long, frustrating day of writing essays she could stay on the bus until she arrived home, take a nice shower and do her homework with the telly on instead of hopping off after just six stops to put on a fake smile for a few hours and pray that no one was sick in the soft play area.
And on what seemed like the dullest Friday since she had started her job there, God (who she didn’t really believe in but had no one else to make the prayer to) decided that it most certainly wasn’t her night because a grand total of three kids were sick in the soft play instead of just the usual one.
So worth the twenty pounds she’d end off earning. So, so worth it.
Ready to throw her gloves in the bin, wash her hands at least four times and spend the rest of the night lurking at the back of the cafe until it was time to close, Yvie was stopped in her tracks when she returned back to her spot. Her spot that was currently occupied by a thin, unfamiliar red-head.
Pale legs poking out of a plaid skirt that reeked of prefects and lacrosse games, she stood out like a sore thumb against the bright yellow hoodies that made up their uniform (Yvie’s slightly stained with bleach and too short for her gangly arms). Yvie watched in silence for a second as the girl burrowed through the fridge, hearing a big, dramatic sigh of relief escape her red lips as she laid eyes on a Coke Zero.
“Can I help you?” Yvie asked.
Only it wasn’t really a question, Yvie using her level ten voice that was usually only saved for people who tried to push in the queue for the toilet on nights out or for idiots who answered easy questions wrong on Pointless when she watched it at Nina’s house. Annoying customers were normally only confronted with a mid-range level of anger on Yvie’s behalf, passive-aggressive rather than completely pissed off. As much as forever feeling the need to call out people in the wrong irked her, Yvie knew that she shouldn’t do that at work, leaving it for at home where the threat of being fired didn’t loom over her shoulder like the grim reaper’s scythe.
Something about this girl just threw that out into the window and sent it flying down the motorway at rapid speed, Yvie’s patience nowhere to be seen.
“Sorry.” The girl giggled. Actually giggled. “Took me forever to find the sugar free!”
“Normally you’d wait to be served it.” Yvie shot imaginary laser beams with her eyes. “At the other side of the counter.”
Yvie watched the girl pause, a coy grin on her face as her eyes danced between Yvie’s face and her own reflection in the clean glass.
“It’s a shame there was no one there to serve me!” She unscrewed the lid from the bottle, taking a swig and aaahing in delight as though it were the nectars of Greek gods.
Her voice was posh.
Not tea and crumpets, let’s-go-shoot-some-clay-pigeons posh but still posh nonetheless. She pronounced the Ts in her words in a way that neither Yvie nor any of her friends did and Yvie knew that if she wasn’t so furious she would have found it sexy.
She was always a sucker for a posh voice.
“Well, if you’d have waited two minutes then I would have been here,” Yvie replied, letting her nails squish into the palms of her own hands - a self-control mechanism that didn’t tend to work when your nails were bitten down to stumps like Yvie’s currently were (something she liked to attribute to the stress of her A-Levels despite it being a habit she’d formed as a kid).
It was safe to say she didn’t feel relieved.
Especially when the familiar lull of the owner’s voice boomed behind her. How perfectly convenient.
Normally Yvie would be relieved to realise he’d actually gotten her name right but her mind was full of other thoughts - supermodel shaped thoughts with blue eyes that were probably going to get her murdered.
At least she’d taken the rubber gloves off before she met her untimely end, she thought to herself, pulling the biggest ‘I’m sorry, I should be more attentive’ smile she could muster as she turned to face her boss.
“I see you’ve met my daughter!” He motioned to the girl.
His daughter, of course.
“Yes,” Yvie stammered, her cheeks red at the mistake she’d made.
The girl, her boss’ daughter, instead seemed nothing but amused.
“Scarlet’s here to help with our marketing; gotta make sure that personal statement is in tip-top shape ready for applications!”
Yvie felt his words crawl under her skin, the itch of casual nepotism. Casual nepotism that would probably land people like Yvie without a Uni offer. She never liked to think of herself as bitter when these situations arose, but this time she couldn’t deny that she was at least a little tart. After all, Yvie was pretty adamant that any Russell Group would favour the privately educated white girl who had marketing experience with a local business over the one who cleaned the toddler’s sick from the ball pit.
It really was as simple as that.
Yvie didn’t know if Scarlet failed to sense her discomfort or simply ignored it anyway as she moved over and held out her hand.
Yvie couldn’t remember the last time she had actually shaken someone’s hand but obliged nonetheless. Scarlet’s eyes narrowed slightly when Yvie met them, her face concentrated like she was about to be quizzed on Yvie’s appearance. Realising she hadn’t blinked since their hands met, Yvie pulled away quickly, the brightness of the centre snapping back into focus around her.
“I guess I’ll be seeing you around, then.” Scarlet took an extra big swig of the bottle before tossing it in the bin and leaving the cafe with her Dad.
And she wasn’t wrong. Indeed, Yvie found herself “seeing Scarlet around” on every single shift she was on the rota for. For an entire three weeks. Without fail.
She was starting to think the phrase, ‘bane of my life’ was an understatement for how she felt about the girl.
It’d started small, Yvie finding herself rolling her eyes whenever Scarlet came into the cafe for a drink. But soon Yvie started to believe that Scarlet didn’t just live in a different part of town but in a whole other fantasy that the rest of the staff were foreign to, parading past the trampolines once every hour as if the carpet were the runway at Paris Fashion Week.
“Do you think someone needs to tell her she’s not actually a real princess?” Yvie spoke into the walkie talkie, exchanging glances between Scarlet and her friend.
“Leave her be! She’s just playing with the kids, you witch,” Jaida responded from the opposite end of the park. “Stop being so cynical.”
Yvie was grateful for her work friends. Although she loved Nina and Brooke with every piece of her often cold, dead heart, it was nice to have found girls more like her at work. Girls who understood how it felt when her school told her she wasn’t allowed any “extreme” hairstyles and she had to take out her braids. Girls who also got told they were too confident, sometimes arrogant when all they were doing was being proud of themselves. Girls a little bit older and wiser (not that she’d ever admitted that she found them wise) who helped her love her skin just that little bit more than she already did.
“Yeah but she’s probably getting paid double what we are to swan about like that!”
Yvie raised her hands in the air to Jaida but didn’t get a chance to hear her response, turning the volume down to zero when she saw Scarlet making her way towards her.
“Hey, doll.” Scarlet plonked a notebook down on the counter in front of Yvie, a big grin of optimism filling the lower half of her face.
Her hair was down that day, soft ginger curls falling in front of her chest. Yvie had a sudden urge to push a strand back and tuck it behind her ear.
Why did the most annoying girl on the planet have such flawless bone structure? It simply wasn’t fair.
“Hello,” Yvie responded rather formally, reaching to grab Scarlet’s usual order. The faster she did so, the faster she walked away - so Yvie may or may not have been keeping a couple of Coke Zeros in the special fridge under the counter that was saved only for open milk bottles, just so she could serve Scarlet with the utmost efficiency.
A part of her just wished she would serve herself again.
“Oh no.” She shook her head, reaching out to touch Yvie’s arm and stop her. Yvie could hardly feel her hand through the thick hoodie, yet her heart still decided it wanted to start sprinting in the middle of the leisurely stroll it was taking before Scarlet had come over. Maybe she had to add the human anatomy to the list of things she’d decided she hated that week, right underneath her new English teacher and egg mayonnaise sandwiches. Her stupid, fat heart.
“I’m here for your interview!”
“Interview?” Yvie raised a brow and chuckled to herself. She wondered if Scarlet had ever actually had to be interviewed for anything in her life nevermind conduct one.
“For Instagram! I’m posting little profiles of all the staff, a little get to know me! It’ll help the youngsters really see what a family we are here!”
Yet another thing Yvie hated was how Scarlet always managed to talk like an edgy teenager and a middle-aged woman at the same time, figuring that was the first and last time she’d hear an eighteen-year-old refer to kids as “youngsters”. Or at least she said she hated it in one of the many Scarlet-included rants she’d had to Heidi the weekend before; she may have actually loved it. The two feelings were often blurred in Yvie’s brain, hard to tell one from the other in her web of brutal honesty and blunt opinions. She was ninety-nine per cent sure she hated it.
“I’ll get someone to cover your station and we can go natter in the staff room.” Scarlet took her lack of words as acceptance and turned on the spot.
Maybe Yvie was only eighty per cent sure.
Yvie had never seen Scarlet in the staff room before, watching most days as the girl took her snacks outside where she ate alone in her car. So it was strange to be cramped on the small sofa with her, both of them staring at the mirror in front rather than at each other. The smell of a ready-made curry that had been left in the microwave for too long that day was lingering warm in the air. Yvie took a deep breath and held it, scared that if she released it her body would touch Scarlet’s just that inch too much and then the entire world around them would explode around them, kind of like the curry.
“So, what’s your favourite snack from the cafe?” Scarlet held a fountain pen in her hand, ready to write. Yvie didn’t need to look at the notepad to know her handwriting was beautiful, a piece of art next to her own illegible scrawls.
“I don’t buy food here,” Yvie responded nonchalantly.
Scarlet popped the end of the pen in her mouth for a moment then let it rest back at the paper.
“You’ve never eaten anything here?” Scarlet questioned, clearly dissatisfied with Yvie’s answer.
“Nope. It’s far too expensive. I just buy my lunch at the off-license before I get the bus.”
“You know what I want you to say!” Scarlet whined. Yvie thought she would do great as a soap actress if the whole marketing thing never worked out for her. She had that dramatic flare mastered down to a tee. And the charming voice to match.
“I’m being honest.” Yvie half-chuckled. “I’m not a liar.”
“Well, I’m just gonna write cheesy nachos then!” Scarlet was trying her hardest to act serious but Yvie just about caught the quiver of her lip.
She wondered if Scarlet somehow knew about her love for cheesy nachos or if it was simply a wild coincidence, either way, she carried on to battle through the questions with Scarlet, praying that there weren’t many to go.
“Which party room is your favourite?” Scarlet still hadn’t lost her enthusiasm, despite having to write down three sarcastic answers as if they were genuine and completely make up new answers for another two so far.
“The volcano room. Normally older kids hire that out and they don’t make as much of a mess as the toddlers in the mermaid or the pirate one.”
Scarlet didn’t even bother to respond to that one, simply shaking her head at Yvie’s response.
“If you don’t like my honesty…” Yvie started, desperate to get back to the comfort of the park where she could swap spots with Jaida for an hour and bask in the comfort of the ball pit.
“I actually find it quite refreshing.” Scarlet gave an all-knowing smile.
Sometimes Yvie got scared that the girl was part-wizard and could see inside of her soul. After all, she knew which school Scarlet attended and she wouldn’t be shocked one bit if it was revealed to be some modern-day incarnation of Hogwarts (then again Yvie did kind of think that about any school with a tuition fee or Latin slogan, so she didn’t know how strongly her argument would stand).
“That’s weird,” she blurted back, unable to think of something quick and witty to say. Where was Brooke with her encyclopedia of shady comebacks when she needed her? Tempted to text her some form of a rant about the interview/ambush she decided against it, knowing Brooke had planned to spend the day with her new “almost-girlfriend” that she had picked up from the literal curb earlier that month.
“You’re weird.” Scarlet stood up, giving Yvie that smile yet again. Yvie knew it so well now that she should have been able to draw it by memory only she knew it would never be captured just right. Not even with all the pencils and canvases and colours that the rainbow had to offer.
She didn’t even try to come up with a comeback to that one.
“Now for the photoshoot!” Scarlet grinned, opening the door for the pair of them.
“Photoshoot?” Yvie’s head whipped around and fired red laser-beams at the girl from her eyes. There had been absolutely no mention of a photoshoot.
“Follow me, my muse.”
“Are you doing homework?” Scarlet craned her neck, making out Yvie’s hunched over figure behind the big coffee machine.
“Sorry.” Yvie stood up straight and made her way to the front of the counter, her brown eyes a little droopy compared to normal. Scarlet knew Yvie always played the ‘I hate my life and don’t want to be here’ game at work regularly, but this time was different.
If she were anyone else in the world Scarlet would have pulled her into a great big cuddle. But she wasn’t. She was Yvie. And Yvie hated her.
Most of the time Scarlet didn’t mind that Yvie hated her, she found it quite amusing winding her up and seeing her face scrunch up in frustration. She knew that her confidence didn’t always rub well with people but she’d always told herself that anyone who didn’t want to live in that world with her was simply missing out. Only sometimes she wished things were a bit different at the centre.
She guessed it was one of those days.
“No need to say sorry to me, I’m not paying you!” Scarlet made her way around the back of the cafe and entered. This was something she’d withheld from doing whenever Yvie was stationed there, after their first Coke Zero incident (which she, for the record, actually found quite funny), but the urge simply pulled her and when the urge took control, Scarlet’s will power was nowhere to be seen.
“Is this History?” Scarlet held the papers close to her face. She’d never suited her glasses and had made the executive decision not to wear them around the centre. This was probably some sort of safety hazard considering the fact there were kids jumping around left, right and centre that she was supposed to be constantly observing, but she simply pretended this thought had never even crossed her little air-head brain. Scarlet knew that it never hurt to look good. After all, you never know who could be sneaking glances at you through the gaps in the slush machines.
Scarlet knew exactly who was sneaking glances at her through the gaps in the slush machines. The constant squinting was worth it.
“I really am sorry. I’ve just been really busy and I’m trying to get all my references for Uni but-” Yvie started but stopped to serve a customer. Scarlet heard her voice waver slightly when she asked if she wanted a medium or large. It broke her heart into a thousand little pieces.
“Is it due soon?” Scarlet flicked through the questions. “I did this last term. My file is in my boot if you want me to get some notes out?”
“I don’t need your help.” Yvie took the papers from out of her hands and placed them back on the counter.
Scarlet knew that behind her constantly on-guard exterior there was a girl who just wanted to relax for a second and have fun. She caught her sometimes. Like the time Heidi queued the entirety of the Hercules soundtrack on their iPod and Yvie complained over the walkie talkie yet Scarlet saw her dancing to the songs in the back of the cafe when she thought no one could see (she may or may not have added I Won’t Say I’m In Love to her playlist that night). Or when Jaida fell into the big airbag and shouted at everyone to look away and Yvie released one of her big hearty laughs that managed to surprise Scarlet every time she heard it. She’d always try to catch Yvie’s face when the girls played their own version of Russian roulette with the bottles of cleaning spray that they thought no one else knew about, closing their eyes and spinning the nozzles then stopping to spray - Yvie dying with laughter every time the liquid spat on her jumper.
“If you’re stressed, I can help. You’re applying to somewhere really good aren’t you?”
“You don’t know everything, Scarlet. I told you already that I don’t need your help, I don’t need your special private school notes or whatever it is you pay to get taught.”
It stung. Those weren’t Scarlet’s intentions at all. But she knew how they must have come across.
“That’s okay.” She grabbed some cans of pop from the back and started to stack the fridge. “Just letting you know that the staff room is really dirty and someone needs to clean it.”
“What?” Yvie turned to face her. “Pri cleaned it yesterday.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to clean it again.” Scarlet made a point of looking at the camera in the corner that she knew her dad would glance at from his office every half an hour. “I’ll watch the cafe while you do it. And take those papers with you.”
“Do you even know how to make a coffee?” Yvie caught on, grabbing her notes and a roll of cloth for show.
“Oh my god. Yes, I go to private school but I’m not Paris Hilton! I can watch the cafe for half an hour.”
“Sorry.” Yvie smiled as she left. “And thank you. Really, thank you.”
And Scarlet felt that thank you deep in her bones, one she’d keep saved somewhere to replay on a day when she felt lonely. Only she began to think that Yvie should’ve taken the thank you back when she realised that she should have absolutely not been trusted to watch the cafe for half an hour.
Scarlet knew she wasn’t the best “employee” they had, spending most of her days taking photos, making social media posts and chatting with the little ones when they were done playing. But she didn’t know how quite bad she was until she had burned two toasties, overcharged at least five customers and accidentally poured one woman’s change into her cup of tea instead of her hand.
Maybe she should stick to Instagram.
She tried her hardest to help, cleaning the toastie machine as best as she could before Yvie returned but she knew that she had messed things up, creating more jobs on top of the ones Yvie already had to do when closing the cafe.
“Are you nearly done?” Scarlet heard her Dad ask Yvie later on as he prepared to lock up for the night.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to cash up the till. There are a few discrepancies I need to try and fix.” Yvie didn’t even look up from the tablet, punching numbers into the digital counter with frustration.
“I’ve got my car.” Scarlet blurted before she knew what she was saying. “I’ll help Yvie and lock up here when she’s done. Get yourself away, Dad.”
Scarlet looked at her phone, full of notifications from the girls’ chat: Naomi telling everyone what booze she was going to bring, Plastique asking what they were all wearing, Pearl waking up from the longest of naps to tell everyone she’d be an hour late. She didn’t read them all properly, sending a quick message before popping her phone back in her pocket:
‘I’ll be late tonight. Don’t wait on me xx’
It was the least she could have done.
They were silent for a while, the two of them all alone in the big airy building, the main lights switched off with only the small ones at the top of the cafe kiosk to help them see.
Scarlet did her best to help, double-checking Yvie had counted the piles of coins properly whilst she fiddled around the tablet. She figured that maybe silence was better for them, she couldn’t annoy Yvie with her dramatic exclamations and Yvie wouldn’t bombard her with unsought “honest opinions”.
Until that silence was broken with a bang, echoing through the darkness and causing Scarlet’s entire body to leap out of her skin.
Yvie didn’t even quiver.
“What the fuck was that?” She asked Scarlet, her thick eyebrows raised as she peered towards the soft play.
“That doesn’t normally happen?” Images of axe-wielding lunatics stowed away inside the slides flashed through Scarlet’s mind.
“Funnily enough, it doesn’t,” Yvie responded, still as sarcastic as ever in times of panic. “Put your phone light on.”
Scarlet didn’t really want to go and inspect the noise but she also didn’t want to wait in the cafe alone. She knew she was the perfect damsel in distress, axe murders would love her! Trying her best not to be a baby, she followed by Yvie’s side with her phone light guiding their path.
“What if there’s a bomb?” Scarlet placed a hand on her chest and felt Yvie stop next to her. “One of those ones with a remote control that detonates it!”
“You think someone planted a bomb in our play area? And waited to detonate it when no one was around other than me and you?” Scarlet knew Yvie was rolling her eyes as she spoke despite not being able to see her. “I honestly don’t understand how your brain works sometimes.”
“You love me really,” Scarlet responded without thought as they turned another corner. It was an automatic response she often used to her friends when they made fun of her, it felt weird saying it to Yvie. With anyone else, she would have brushed it off, but with Yvie it was different.
And then Yvie gasped.
Before Scarlet knew it her hand was in the other girl’s. It was automatic. She got a shock and Yvie was there. A patch of her hand turned cool where Yvie’s ring pressed against it.
“What was it?” She asked a second later, her brain too caught up with why her hand was gripping tightly onto Yvie’s hand and why Yvie hadn’t pushed her off to actually know what Yvie had reacted to.
“Nothing.” The hearty laugh came back. It was almost comforting in the darkness. “Just wanted to see how you reacted.”
‘Well there you go,’ Scarlet thought to herself as she looked down to their hands, not quite brave enough to say it out loud.
And then Yvie started to laugh, a noise Scarlet would never ever get used to.
“There’s your bomb.” Her hand slipped out of Scarlet’s and pointed in front of them, the remnants of a big silver helium balloon on the floor. “Good job I was here to protect you from that.”
Before she knew it they were back at the till, fixing each of Scarlet’s mistakes and counting out their float for the next day. They worked relatively well together, only managing to butt heads once more when Scarlet suggested they write out a whole new balance sheet instead of scribbling out a mistake and writing the new number next to it as Yvie wanted. She let it go in the end, her phone vibrating in her pocket with texts from the girls a constant reminder that she had a little red dress with her name on it waiting at home.
“Guess I’ll see you later,” Yvie murmured as they left the building, pacing down the road as Scarlet fumbled with the keys. She was a racehorse in the rain, taking her steps twice as fast as the average human as if the building was on fire.
“Where are you going?” Scarlet had to shout after her, half expecting Yvie to ignore her and keep walking anyway.
“Home?” She stopped up the road for a second and turned around. “Now if you don’t mind I have a bus I’m about to miss.”
About to insist she got in the car, Yvie was already far in the distance, slipping out of Scarlet’s vision in the rain by the time the doors were fully locked. Maybe wearing her glasses would have been useful after all.
Cringing as the puddles splashed up her legs, Scarlet ran to her car as fast as she could, throwing her phone onto the passenger seat and taking off down the road. Thankfully it didn’t take her long to catch Yvie, her dark hair poking out through her hoodie and already scraggly with rain.
“Hey!” She pulled up into the bus stop. “Get in, I’ll take you home.”
“What are you a stalker?” Yvie raised her arms in the air. “I’m fine, thank you.”
“You’re going to freeze.”
“The bus will be here any minute.”
Scarlet knew she should have just given in and turned around but she felt the guilt for their late departure weighing on her shoulders.
“Look Yvie-” Scarlet started but was cut off by a loud beeping behind her, just making out an angry bus driver in her rearview mirror.
“Move or it’ll drive past!” Yvie cried at her, the usual monotone of her voice rising in pitch.
“Sorry, what was that?” Scarlet attempted some humour, grinning from ear to ear as the bus pulled away. “Oops! Guess you’ll just have to have a nice warm lift instead of getting the bus with a load of drunkards.”
Yvie didn’t speak at first, simply pulling the car door open and plonking herself down, arms folded like a huffy toddler. But as Scarlet began to follow the directions she gave it was almost as if the other girl couldn’t help herself from falling back into their usual rapport of snide remarks and winding each other up.
“So do you always kidnap people in your Fiat 500 or is this something new for you?”
If this were any other member of staff, Scarlet knew she’d call them ungrateful but it was almost like her brain had learned a new language with Yvie, acknowledging and adapting to the different way she showed her emotions.
“You’re welcome.” Scarlet turned the heating up a notch, hearing the chatter of Yvie’s teeth between words. “And this isn’t even a Fiat 500.”
“Apologies,” Yvie responded. She was the difference between rudeness and bluntness that Scarlet figured many people couldn’t see, always honest and unbashful but never actually impolite.
Scarlet’s phone rang three times on their way to Yvie’s house and she didn’t even try to answer.
“Thanks for the lift,” Yvie whispered as Scarlet pulled up to the curb, the lights all turned off in the semi-detached next to them. “Even if you did leave me no other choice.”
Scarlet released a sigh and smiled at the return of the girl’s cynical side.
“There’s the Yvie, I know. Thought I’d lost you, being nice to me for a second!”
“Yeah well, you caught me on an off day.” She gathered her things and opened the door. “Don’t go telling anyone I went soft on you, I have a reputation to uphold.”
And she was up the path before Scarlet could think of a response, leaving her a baffling mess of feelings who couldn’t help but hear a certain laugh bouncing around inside the car even when she turned the music up loud and tried to distract herself from Yvie.
A distraction technique she had to use after every shift for a month.
Scarlet had never planned for the lifts to become part of her routine, it just sort of happened. She told herself that she wouldn’t have let one of the girls from school or her younger sister ever wait in the rain for the bus so it was common sense not to let Yvie do that either. After a little while of Scarlet ranting about how it was safer and faster for Yvie to go home with her instead of catching the bus every time they left work together, Yvie stopped trying to argue and simply started hopping in the passenger seat. Of course, she did this in the most classic of Yvie fashions and told Scarlet she was only agreeing so she didn’t have to listen to her whiney speeches about the dangers of the dark every night but it made Scarlet feel better still. Even if she did receive an average of three sarcastic responses to her comments each time.
Slowly but surely, the eggshell around Yvie began to peel away. Scarlet discovered through blunt replies Yvie loved learning about international relations and global conflict, that she wanted to go to Uni to study them despite the high offer and the money that went with the dream. Despite the fact that only one per cent of the campus she wanted to be a part of was black. Ignoring that her teacher had told her to play things safer.
Yvie was real and passionate and thriving and everything Scarlet admired.
Yes, she was still the same sarcastic self she always was behind the cafe counter but she was even more than that underneath the fluorescent lights in Scarlet’s car. A small chunk of the divide between them had been left at the bus stop in the rain while they basked in the warm air shooting out of the vents.
Scarlet was hesitant to call Yvie a friend, they didn’t really chat and gossip - as she did with Plastique, Naomi and Pearl - and when they did at least half of their conversation was made up of insults but Scarlet liked it. Yvie was a refreshing change from the girls she was surrounded with every day at school and Scarlet wanted to drink that in as much as she could. Even if Yvie did still hate her.
In fact, Yvie had started to use those exact words as a regular comeback to Scarlet’s dramatics, rolling her eyes to match.
“Would you hate me if we stop for food before I drop you off?” Scarlet asked one night. “I’m honestly starved.”
“I already hate you, don’t think food would change that.” Yvie laughed.
That fucking laugh.
Scarlet hoped she only-half meant it. But she never really knew for sure.
Making their way into the food chain, Scarlet’s mind was too consumed with the thought of what she was going to order to even realise that her friends were there until she heard her name.
“Hey, sweets.” Naomi smiled from the table. “I thought you were at your Dad’s work?”
“We were just on the way home and I got hungry.” Scarlet motioned to Yvie, stood almost a step behind her.
“Who’s this?” Plastique asked, raising a perfectly shaped brow.
Opening her mouth to speak, Scarlet’s brain went blank for a second. She obviously wanted to tell the girls about Yvie but never knew what to say, she didn’t even know what they were herself nevermind having to explain it to them.
How do you say, ‘this girl works for my Dad and I drive her home every night whilst we listen to Lady Gaga in almost complete silence except for when she insults me because she maybe hates me or I try to get on her nerves because I maybe fancy her,’ in a clear and concise way?
“Erm, this is…” She tried to start but was stopped by Yvie herself.
“I’ll go order our food.”
“Oh,” Scarlet turned, pulling her purse from her pocket. “Here let me pay.”
“It’s fine.” Yvie turned her back. “I guess I owe you a lot of petrol money anyway.”
Her words struck Scarlet a little different. They lacked any emotion, spoken from dead eyes and a stern face. She relived those words a lot in the next few weeks, popping into her head again at the most random of times. For they were the last words she heard Yvie speak for a while, ignoring any effort Scarlet made to chat, even when she gave her perfect opportunities to poke fun at her like bringing up her house team at school or her sister’s upcoming dance recital (Scarlet knew how much humour Yvie found in the fact that their names were just stupid ways of saying red and yellow and normally laughed whenever Scarlet even mentioned Lemon).
“I won’t be able to give you a lift home next week.” She’d told her as they pulled up to Yvie’s house, ready to explain that Pearl had bought them tickets to a theatre show and it started too early. But Yvie hopped out of the car before she could even finish, leaving Scarlet with even more confusion about how the girl felt.
Because Yvie was still Yvie after all. And Scarlet realised after that particular journey that it would take a lot more than a few rides home to get them anywhere close to being classed as friends.
An observation in Scarlet’s mind that only grew stronger over the weeks following, especially when she decided it would be okay to join everyone on one of their regular staff nights out. A decision tinged with regret as soon as she entered the pub.
“Dress was a big mistake!!!! Huge !!! xx” Scarlet texted her teenage sister aggressively from under the table as if it would somehow fix her situation.
Excited to hit the town with everyone from the centre, she’d spent all day getting prepped and ready, letting Lemon paint her nails as they pondered over what she should wear. Eventually, they’d settled on a shimmery gold Oh Polly number she’d worn to Naomi’s birthday the year prior, her jewellery matching just right.
Only that didn’t matter once she arrived, riving her necklace from her throat as soon as she saw the rest of the staff. With all the other girls in bodysuits and trainers, she was the definition of overdressed and out of place.
It started small at first, hearing someone whisper something including the word “Daddy” as she made her way to the tables, one of the girls from the front desk asking her if she was gonna be getting the rounds in all night.
“Scarlet, come sit here!” Heidi had waved at her over, allowing for a second to catch her breath.
Only her nerves didn’t go away once she joined their booth. In fact, they only grew larger when she caught Yvie’s gaze, her eyes wide at Scarlet in a face she’d never quite seen the girl make before. She’d fought hard to ignore it, but her eyes couldn’t stop from glancing back every few seconds, wondering what it was exactly that Yvie’s face was speaking into the universe around them.
Knowing Yvie it was probably something along the lines of ‘What the fuck is the primadonna doing here in that dress’ but she didn’t know for sure, trying her best to join in their conversation and catch the familiar side of the other girl she’d caught glimpses of over the past few months.
“So, whose ID are you using?” Scarlet asked her in an effort to make conversation, having learnt from the walkie talkies that Heidi was usually Yvie’s go-to girl when she went out with her other friends, despite them looking nothing alike.
“Here.” Yvie slid it across the table for Scarlet to examine, the other girls in the booth taking a look too.
“I know her!” Jaida exclaimed. “Chile, I did her prom makeup a couple years ago.”
“Perks of Brooke’s new girlfriend. I now have black friends that aren’t you guys I can borrow ID from. Not the best though, it’s a good job they never actually look properly.”
“Wait.” Priyanka raised two hands in the air. “You’re telling me that your gal Brooke has an official girlfriend? I thought they were just fucking about, damn!”
“Oh, not this again!” Heidi joined in. “We get it, Pri. You got together once and she didn’t remember your name. Move on!”
Scarlet checked her phone to see if her sister had replied but saw nothing, resorting to scrolling through her own photo album and reshuffling her apps so she didn’t look left out. Listening to the girls continue to gossip about people she didn’t know, Scarlet began to question the friendships she’d made at the centre, little voices in her head telling her that none of them would ever like her enough to open up and gossip with her as they did with one another.
For as long as she remembered she had always been confident, never caring what others thought of her. But as she started to gulp her drink down faster than normal, Scarlet felt that confidence slip away more and more. She was so far out of her comfort zone she couldn’t have made it back on a giant jet plane at full speed. And Yvie’s big brown eyes taking stolen glances at her didn’t make any of it better.
“It’s okay, Pri.” Jaida’s voice pulled Scarlet back into their conversation. “At least Yvie remembered your name when you two got with each other!”
“Oh, fuck off!” Yvie slammed her glass onto the table at the same time Scarlet spat some of her drink back into her own.
What an elegant lady she was.
She’d always just assumed that Yvie was into girls too. There was just something about hearing it for real that made Scarlet’s central nervous system stop working for a second, starting again with a scare.
“That was one time,” Priyanka cried from the opposite side of the booth, thankfully oblivious of Scarlet’s reaction.
Only someone wasn’t as oblivious. Someone was looking right at her and sending every thought, every feeling, every fear inside of Scarlet into overdrive.
Yvie wasn’t a stranger to awful dancing. After all, she had been friends with Nina for the majority of life, the girl whose feet were built of hard oak and desperation.
But this was something different altogether.
Watching Scarlet across the dance floor, the phrase ‘Bambi on ice’ brought a whole new meaning to Yvie. If she wasn’t so mad at her she’d go over herself, give the girl a twirl and watch as she missed every beat like she had no cares in the world. Only that wasn’t the case, because mad Yvie certainly was.
Yvie didn’t know why she felt so hurt, it wasn’t like they were friends? It wasn’t like she even liked Scarlet? But something about having to stand there while she scrambled for an explanation of who she was to her privately educated, life’s not fair, acrylic nailed girl gang made Yvie’s blood boil. And she’d never admitted it but she may have even shed a tear or two once her blinds were shut and she couldn’t see the not-Fiat 500 and the annoying girl who drove it.
To think she’d started to believe that she was only fifty-five per cent sure of her hatred.
“Staring much?” She could hear the raise of Heidi’s brow in her words as she spoke to her ear, the loud bass around them not heavy enough to drown out the accusation in her friend’s voice.
Yvie couldn’t even deny it, for she’d been staring at Scarlet from the moment she’d walked into the pub earlier. Of course, she’d stalked the girl’s Instagram enough to know what Scarlet looked like dressed up, rolling her eyes at the dumb self-indulgent captions that were always attached to her selfies. Only it was different in person, a mix of gold and warmth and beauty and envy that made Yvie want to snap a pencil in half (she settled for a paper straw instead which certainly did not give the same level of relief). She’d watched as Scarlet ripped a necklace from her neck earlier and longed to put it back on for her, taking her time to hook it on the right loop so that it would hang perfectly above her collarbone.
She tried to fixate on the memory of Scarlet squealing every time they went over the speed bumps outside of their work to give herself the ick. Only that image had become entwined with one of Scarlet getting out the car one night to help a cat out of the road and Yvie only felt more confused.
“I’m just judging her dancing abilities,” Yvie lied.
She knew it was a lie. Heidi, who once confidently believed that Jaida had found a ghost in the dodgeball cupboard, knew it was a lie. The whole club knew it was a lie just from Yvie’s expression. Did lying count as breaking your streak of tough love and honesty if you wanted to believe you were telling the truth so badly? Is lying even lying if it’s yourself you’re lying to? Yvie didn’t know. All she knew was that red and gold looked so good together it should have been illegal. Only it was herself breaking the law when her eyes met Scarlet’s again, holding for a second before she turned to walk away.
The songs all blurred into one once Scarlet was gone, Yvie’s brain out of focus. That was until she was snapped back by a familiar squark pulling her away from her work friends.
“Hey, Yvie! Or should I say Akeria tonight?” Vanessa grinned, a loved-up Brooke with her arm around the other girl’s waist.
“Thanks again.” Yvie tapped her nose, grateful for Brooke’s new relationship and the new friends that had come with it. “I owe you a drink.”
“So where is she then?” Brooke piped up, straight to the point and not wasting time with any cordial greetings on her best friend.
“Priyanka?” Yvie squinted in confusion for a second, wondering why Brooke wanted to see a girl she had previously hooked up with and usually refused to speak about when all she’d talked about for the past few months was how excited she was every Wednesday night to eat special chicken stew and watch soap operas that she pretended to hate at Vanessa’s house.
“No!” Brooke raised a hand to her mouth, her eyes leaping to Vanessa for a split second. “Ja’mie Private School Girl. I wanna see her in person.”
“Oh.” Yvie’s brain slotted the pieces together. Had she really complained about Scarlet that much?
“Is this the girl you always ragin’ about?” Vanessa joined in.
Okay, maybe she did complain about Scarlet too much.
“I’m not sure where she’s at.” She brushed them off, the memory of Scarlet telling her she couldn’t take her home anymore after seeing her friends tinging Yvie sharply, her face starting to flush. “I’m gonna go to the loo but I’ll get you that drink later?”
“Noted.” Brooke pointed a finger, the sound of their voices carrying as Yvie ran desperately to splash her face with some cold water.
Only she never quite made it to the sink, the sight of an upset red-head stopping her as soon as she entered the toilets.
Yvie went to speak but wasn’t given a chance.
“Go away.” Scarlet’s voice wavered as she knelt down, pulling jackets out from under the couch like they were infested.
“I can’t believe you didn’t pay for the cloakroom.” Yvie joined her on the carpet. “Out of character for you.”
“I said go away.” She turned her head to Yvie, her bloodshot eyes living up to her name.
Yvie felt the sudden urge to scoop Scarlet in her arms and cradle her there till the music stopped and the lights turned off and there was no one left in the building. She felt a need she never knew existed.
“Hey. It’s alright, I can help you…”
But Scarlet had already found her jacket and started racing out of the club as though her life depended on it.
“For fuck sake, Scarlet.” Yvie reached for her arm once they were outside, the cold air penetrating through her bodysuit and making her long for the comfort of her bed at home. “Just talk to me.”
She turned, her face illuminated under the street lamps, full of anger and sadness and perhaps a tinge of pain too.
“Why do you want to talk to me? You hate me.”
“I don’t.” Yvie squeezed her arm slightly and looked her in the eyes to try and show that she meant it. Because sometimes her words failed her and she struggled to sound sincere when in her mind she was, so she had to rely on her actions. All she had at that moment was a gentle squeeze to try and show Scarlet that she meant it. She didn’t hate her. She didn’t know when that had changed or if she’d really hated her in the first place but at that moment she was one-hundred per cent certain, the feeling was nothing like hatred.
Scarlet scoffed and pulled away, tapping her phone furiously with her nails. “You tell me you hate me nearly every day I spend with you.”
Yvie tried to argue back but Scarlet was on a mission, waving her hands in the air when she spoke.
“And if you’re not doing that then you’re bitching about me through the walkie talkies. Or giving me dirty looks. I try my best to pass it off and rise above it Yvie but tonight I just can’t anymore, I just want to live and breathe without you looking at me like I’ve shot Bambi’s mother. Like what did I even do to you?”
‘Everything,’ Yvie thought only it came out as a blunt “nothing” instead. “You’re the one that was embarrassed to be seen with me in public.”
“I wasn’t embarrassed, Yvie. Sorry it took me a minute to try and think of something other than ‘a girl I drive around even though she hates me.’” Scarlet kept taking glances between the road and her phone, not meeting Yvie’s eyes. “Or doesn’t hate me, apparently. And I just had plans after our next shift.”
Without knowing what she was doing, Yvie reached out to grab her hand, slipping her fingers through Scarlet’s and clasping like they had done the day Scarlet was scared by the balloon. Scarlet was right. Maybe she was too fast to jump to conclusions. She was up in the sky leaping on the trampolines at work whilst Scarlet was grounded by the cafe, taking herself to a whole new narrative that didn’t really exist. In other words, she’d fucked it.
“I don’t hate you.” Yvie expected Scarlet to let go. She didn’t.
“Well, you don’t act like it.”
But her hand didn’t leave, Yvie had hope. Not a lot, just a slither like the piece of Scarlet’s hair that stayed in front of her face when she pushed the rest back. But it was still hope, it was still something.
“Please just let me explain.” Yvie tried to make Scarlet understand.
She’d spent years trying to dial and change how she spoke. If the black girl in the class raised her voice then she was angry but if she didn’t put up a fight with her words then nobody would take her seriously. All she wanted was to be honest, but the words were flying around her head and wouldn’t stop to land. And then Scarlet’s Uber started to pull up and they were going even faster. Scarlet turned to look at her and Yvie watched as she opened her mouth for a second but no words came out, her eyes frustrated and begging Yvie to fix things.
She waited for the rejection, for Scarlet to push her away as she moved closer, for her to call Yvie crazy and jump in the car, ready to make her time at work even more of a living hell than she already did. But as her lips met Scarlet’s, it never came.
“Your Uber.” Yvie pulled away slightly, their faces only an inch apart and Scarlet gasping for breath. She could feel Scarlet’s sticky gloss on her own lips but didn’t dare wipe at it, wanting the moment to go on like that for as long as it could.
“I guess I’ve gotten used to riding in the car with someone.” Scarlet took her hand again once the car pulled up, their eyes communicating in their own language that Yvie didn’t have the words to explain.
Yvie pulled her phone out to text the girls and tell them she’d headed home, dropping another one to home with an excuse for staying out, feeling Scarlet on her neck as they clambered into the backseat. They didn’t speak for a short while, Yvie simply placed her arm around Scarlet’s shoulder as if it were the most natural thing in the world. As if she hadn’t spent months terrified of making contact with her.
“I thought you couldn’t stand me,” Scarlet whispered in her ear, her hand burning hot on Yvie’s thigh.
Suddenly Scarlet’s flair for the dramatics was wiped clean from her mental list of things that irked her, replaced accordingly with the concept of clothing, more specifically jeans. Her jeans, that she regretted spending a lot of money on - wishing she’d settled for the paper-thin pair Nina had told her to get from Primark instead. In fact, she’d have paid more for the thin pair right then. Paid anything for Scarlet’s hand to live there just a little bit longer. Yvie let the back of her head hit the seat, lost in the moment until they pulled up to Scarlet’s house.
“We’ll have to be careful,” Scarlet spoke after unlocking the door. “My sister’s home.”
“Does noise even travel here?” Yvie looked around the foyer only half-joking, stopping to chuckle at a big photo of Scarlet and her sister as kids. “Adorable.”
“If you’re loud enough.” Scarlet raised a brow and motioned for Yvie to follow her upstairs, sending tingles through her body at her words.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be the one who needs to worry about keeping quiet.” Yvie let Scarlet lead her to her room, throwing themselves down on the four-poster almost immediately.
It felt weird finally being in Scarlet’s room after spending so long of interacting at work. She couldn’t say she hadn’t pictured it, often imagining Scarlet painting her toes on top of magazines or picking out her outfit each morning. Too distracted to get a proper look at all the photo frames and trinkets around, Yvie made a mental note to make a joke the next day about how she’d always assumed Scarlet had one of those grey crushed velvet headboards like the girls on Twitter.
It was crazy how something could feel so wrong and so right at the same time. Scarlet’s body pressing into her own, it was so insane yet made complete sense. She felt familiar.
Before she knew it Scarlet’s thumb was rubbing over the fabric of her bodysuit, teasing at her nipple through the lace.
Yvie had never been more grateful for her decision not to wear a bra.
“Are you sure you want this?” Scarlet asked her, pausing in her movement to look Yvie in the eyes and confirm. “We can’t go back.”
Yvie knew what she meant, thinking of all the shifts she’d have to spend with her, pinning Scarlet’s new promotional posters around the park, being watched to make sure she placed them in the exact right spots. She’d be unavoidable. But Yvie didn’t care.
“I’ve wanted this ever since you stole a Coke Zero from the cafe.”
Apparently, that was all Scarlet needed, taking the opportunity to smash her lips against Yvie’s, letting their bodies melt into each other. Again and again and again until Yvie was weak with fatigue and let her head hit the pillow one final time. Her vision blurred, she could just make out Scarlet’s figure among all of the stars as the girl switched off the bedside lamp and crawled into bed beside her. They hadn’t just shaken the earth but the whole solar system too, galaxies swirling around the room and lulling Yvie to sleep.
A sleep she’d have happily basked in forever if she hadn’t woken with a jolt the next morning, the sun beaming through the blinds to cast light on the empty side of the bed next to her.
“Morning,” Scarlet’s spoke from across the room, wearing a pair of glasses that Yvie had never seen before as she looked up from the papers at her desk. Yvie suddenly understood Scarlet’s constant examining gaze - she wasn’t scanning Yvie’s insides for error codes, just a tad bit blind.
Grabbing her phone from the bedside, a groan escaped Yvie’s mouth as she saw the time, of course, Scarlet was awake at nine in the morning after a night out. After what Yvie would estimate to be at least two hours of sex. Kind of intense sex. If it hadn’t been for Scarlet’s pretty face and messy hair then Yvie would have snatched the nearest pillow and thrown it over her head, instead, keeping an eye open to watch her whilst fighting exhaustion.
She wondered how long it would take them to address it. In the past, Yvie had never felt awkward discussing a hookup, giving a compliment or laughing it off as a drunken mishap like she had with Priyanka that time. The thought crossed her mind for a second, thinking she could make a joke about how smashed they were before ringing Brooke to take her home as fast as she could but Yvie decided against it. If Yvie was anything then Yvie was honest. And she knew what happened was not a drunken mistake. At least not on her end, she didn’t know if the same could be said for Scarlet, sat twiddling her pen around in her hand as though Yvie wasn’t lying in her bed and her gold dress wasn’t in a heap on the floor, thrown there in a moment of passion. Looking at it made her laugh, thinking of how fast she’d gone from describing Scarlet’s whining as the human equivalent of a dog whistle wit Jaida, to finding herself turned on by it. Scarlet must have noticed her looking, placing the pen down.
“I think you owe me a new zipper for that.” She pointed to the dress, raising a brow at Yvie.
“Sorry, I’ll take it to get fixed.” Yvie went to step out of bed before realising her own clothes were just as haphazardly spread as Scarlet’s.
“I’m kidding,” Scarlet smiled. “I’ll get you some joggers to borrow.”
“You own tracksuit bottoms?” Yvie fake gasped as Scarlet pulled open a drawer, surprising herself at how quickly they returned to their usual exchanges. There she was making fun of Scarlet for being all posh and dramatic, it was like nothing had changed. Except she was in Scarlet’s bed. Naked. And they’d had sex. Maybe a lot had changed.
“Oh my god, I just got it.” Scarlet pointed a finger to Yvie and let out one of her classic giggles. “That is hilarious.”
“What is?” Yvie pulled the clothes Scarlet had given her on quickly, automatically ready with her defence.
“That face you always pull at me! I honestly thought it was just your expression of pure hatred at my being but it’s not, you were eyeing me up!”
Yvie stifled a laugh at Scarlet’s hysteria, her cheeks turning the slightest bit red. “I don’t pull a face at you.”
“You so do. Like this.” Scarlet did her best to impersonate her.
“I don’t do that. And I don’t eye you up either, you’re so annoying.”
“Want me to prove you do?” Scarlet flipped the conversation and caught Yvie off guard.
She hadn’t expected round two to come at all nevermind that fast, but she most certainly wasn’t mad at it.
The same could have also been said for round three, which happened around a week later when Yvie just so happened to take her lunch break at the same time as Scarlet, following her out to her car and letting Scarlet drive a couple of minutes to somewhere more secluded. The sun beamed down through the windscreen and glistened on Scarlet’s pale skin as they moved together rapidly, the pair already becoming familiar with the little easter eggs that made each other tick.
“Ten minutes to spare, wow.” Yvie checked the time on her phone, allowing herself to lie back in as much comfort as she could given that she was in the back of a rather tiny car with a rather tall girl by her side.
“What are we doing?” Scarlet sat up, hitting her head slightly on the roof but not acknowledging it, a trait Yvie had picked up on before having watched Scarlet’s clumsy legs take many tumbles around the centre only for her to keep walking like it hadn’t happened (Yvie always found this funnier than the fall itself, especially that one time it was a running child that sent Scarlet tumbling, utterly priceless).
“Erm, lying in the back of your car trying to remember how to breathe?” Yvie knew it wasn’t the answer she was looking for but gave it nonetheless.
“No. This, us. What is this?”
Yvie wished she knew the answer. At first, she didn’t know how to approach her, bringing the borrowed clothes to work in a carrier bag ready to return, only to be left silent once Scarlet came to the counter to fulfil her caffeine addiction that day. But Scarlet managed to break the ice, making a subtle joke about her lack of regret as she took the bottle from Yvie’s hand. It was bittersweet - Yvie knew there was a clear distinction between having no regrets and wanting to do something again, and she was at least seventy per cent sure she wanted to do it again. Ninety-nine once the opportunity had finally risen again, Scarlet dangling her car keys in front of Yvie like the forbidden fruit of Eden. An apple she couldn’t help but take a bite from, no matter how much it would bite her back later.
So Yvie thought about her answer, she didn’t want to get this one wrong. The natural answer was that they were friends, only Yvie knew they weren’t. They were less than friends, they didn’t chat and gossip like friends and frankly she couldn’t stand Scarlet most of the time, the chatting and gossiping with her actual friends at work usually revolving around that fact. Yet they were also so much more, Yvie’s eyes followed the girl wherever she went like she was being guided home and her heart had just about snapped in two when she saw Scarlet upset.
Maybe it wasn’t Scarlet she hated but instead the way she felt about her. Or the way she didn’t even understand what that feeling was. Perhaps that is what she’d hated all along.
“I don’t know.” Yvie stepped outside to straighten her uniform and move to the passenger seat.
“You don’t know?” Scarlet joined her in the front, slamming her door a tad too hard once her foot was inside. “You always have an answer for everything.”
“Well, do you?” Yvie retaliated.
“I’m the one who asked in the first place!”
As much as she wanted to, Yvie couldn’t deny she had a point there.
“Well whatever it is, I’m glad to see we disagree on it already,” Yvie replied as Scarlet started to drive back to work.
“You can take me on a date sometime if you’d like.” Scarlet let the words jump out of her mouth quickly just before the traffic lights turned green, acting completely casual and nonchalant just like she had after hitting her head as if nothing had happened at all.
“A date?” Yvie’s voice raised an octave higher than it should have.
“You know where two people who kind of fancy each other go and get food? It’s a pretty basic term, I thought you’d know seen as you’re crazy clever and going to the best University in the country.”
Yvie choked on her water and sent it flying down the wrong way, a mess of coughs and splutters next to Scarlet’s pristine self. It wouldn’t have been the worst way to die, at least she’d never feel the embarrassment afterwards and have the dignity of knowing she’d given the girl a good time just before.
“I haven’t gotten in yet.” Yvie’s mind was thrown away from the conversation and back to the impending doom of her University application. Thank god she always had Scarlet to remind her of the massive feat she was trying to achieve.
“You can say no if you want, I don’t care.” Scarlet pulled into the car park, not really caring that her wheels were at a forty-five-degree angle and only just within the lines.
Yvie thought of all the times she had come up with convoluted methods to avoid Scarlet’s presence after their first meeting, of that first day she’d been given a lift home and how much had changed since then. Scarlet was confident and sometimes lived on a different planet to Yvie altogether but that didn’t hide her warmth, her wit or the big smile that came on her face whenever she tried to dance. And as much as she was shocked by her own thoughts, Yvie couldn’t deny that an evening with that warmth, wit and smile was all she really needed to relieve her stress.
“Well, where would you like to go for food then?” Yvie asked her as they entered the building, ready to part ways until the end of the day.
“Sorry, you’ll have to come up with that one on your own.” Scarlet grinned. “And please don’t fuck it up, Yvie.”
19 notes · View notes
Imagine : Ateez (One Member)
Imagine swapping phones with your classmate Seonghwa by accident. 
this was longer than I thought...
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Being the class president has its perks. First, the teachers love you so you get away with anything, though you don’t cause trouble that often. Your classmates try to befriend you so they too, can get away with being late, forgetting homework etc. Of course you noticed that’s why they were being overly friendly you weren’t oblivious. Even with that, people treating you differently and all, there’s one classmate that hasn’t treated you any different. Park Seonghwa. He’s the class nice guy, friendly with others and teachers are fond of him. You guys aren’t close to being besties but, it’s safe to say he’s a good friend. Aside from your friends, who are in different classes, Seonghwa is the only person you kind of socialize with in class. 
You two eat lunch together, and share notes from class. It’s mostly innocent smiles and laughs with him and frankly if people didn’t know any better, they would say you and Seonghwa were dating. However, you knew he doesn’t see you like that. His type was the sexy, confident popular type of girl. You were the adorable, funny, regular type of girl. Not popular but not an outcast either. Your friends love to tease you about him and though you try so hard to deny it, you like him. It’s hard not to. 
One day, you decided to help the soccer team look for a new team manager, because that’s what class presidents do right, plus you didn’t mind helping. Scouting for a manager took time, which lasted a whole school day and after. You left the school’s parking lot around 5, some of the boys on the team offered to walk you home but, you were ‘just up the block’. Which you weren’t, the walk home was at least 35 minutes. Walking back was going to be hell, so you wanted to at least treat yourself to something. 
Your eyes landed on a nearby Bubble Tea store. You loved bubble tea, so you jogged across the street and walked in, the ringing of the bell gets you off guard. It’s not like you been here before. You walked near the counter, looking up at the menu above. You actually don’t know what you want, usually it’s some green tea but you wanted something sweet, just didn’t know what specifically. 
“I’ll have a Chai Tea latte and she’ll have a peach smoothie.” 
You look aside to you to see Seonghwa ordering...for you. You blinked in surprise, all the while trying to act fast getting your wallet out, but he was faster and handed the cashier a twenty. 
“You’re order will be ready shortly.” The cashier says, handing Seonghwa back his change. 
“Surprised?” He says breaking the silence. You both grab a seat at the window, you chuckled at his question.
“To say the least. Thank you, you didn’t have to.” 
“You were just holding up the line, president.”
You managed to giggle at his comment, there wasn’t really a line anyway. You pulled out your phone to see the unread messages by your friends. How does one group chat come to over 60+ messages. Some tea must have been spilled you thought. 
“You have that phone charm too?” Seonghwa’s voice interrupted your thoughts. You give a glance to your mini bunny charm, you saw his eyes lit up as he pulled out his phone flashing the same charm only in a different color. 
“M-My kid sister bought this for me as a birthday gift.”
“Really? I bought this for myself as a birthday gift.” 
“Wait, seriously? This cute, little blue bunny?” You giggled once again. You never knew Seonghwa had this child-like soft side to him. 
“Yeah, I thought it was cute.” He set his phone aside on the table when he heard your order called. He excused himself to go get them, you also placed your phone next to his to see the matching charm next to each other. 
It looks like couple charms...
You shook your head, no way can you be thinking that. You shouldn’t rile up your own feelings like that. But can you blame yourself? To others on the outside, this would look like a bubble tea date, and the matching charms don’t help. You glanced over at Seonghwa who was making his way back and your cheeks blushed a soft pink. 
As time passed by, you and Seonghwa were getting along amazingly. You always knew he was a nice guy but to learn these new details about him made you feel somewhat special. Though everything was going smoothly, you had to get home and it was getting dark. Seonghwa offered to walk you home and this time you didn’t protest or feel bad. You genuinely wanted to keep talking and hanging out with him.
“Man if I knew you lived so far, I would’ve drove you home instead.”
“You mean on that death bike of yours? No thanks, I like living.”
“Hey, my Louis isn’t a death bike. Don’t worry, one day when you ride with me, you’ll love it.”
Ride with you? On his motorcycle? He would want to?
“Hm, maybe you’re right. Next time then.”
Before you could change your sentence, because let’s face it, what next time? You were at least 75% sure he’ll go back to just waving at you in the halls and nothing more. You started feeling worried, maybe you thought too much ahead of being his best friend...or something more.
“Next time? Sounds great, I’ll give you call then.”
“You don’t even have my number.” You don’t remember giving him that earlier or ever.
“Sure I do. Remember I didn’t show up to school one day? My perfect attendance ruined. Anyway, you texted my number about the class assignments I missed.”
He saved my number since then?? That was–
“B-But that was like a month ago.”
Which was true. You had to find one of his friends, Minki? Mingi? To ask for his number since as class president you didn’t want any of your classmates to lose their pace in education. You had done it before with a couple of others but they never saved your number.
Seonghwa only shrugged his shoulders whilst whistling away. A natural blush spread across your cheeks again for what seems to be third time today.
After a little while of walking and talking, you both finally reached the end. You thanked Seonghwa for walking you home and he smiled and said something along the lines of ‘it was no big deal’. You waved him off as he did too, you stood outside your complex building doors to see Seonghwa walk back. You hoped he would return home safe at this hour.
An hour later, you were starting to get ready for bed. Homework was done, face was washed, hair was in a messed up bun and teeth were brushed. Just as you were about to turn off the lights your phone rang.
But it rang weird. Since when did you have your ringtone as Sunmi ‘Gashina’ ?
That’s when you saw it. This wasn’t your phone. It was the same model and color but the blue rabbit charm was certainly not yours.
Not to mention it was your number calling you. It was saved as ‘Pretty President’ and it’s picture was one of you, off guard with eyes fixated on a book in your hands. Somewhat to be in a library but you couldn’t tell. You answered the phone.
“Class President?”
Then you heard his sweet, awkward laughter.
“Uh, I think there’s been a mix up.”
“You have my phone?”
“As you have mine.”
What luck and trickery this was for you. Lucky because you at least know who has your phone, trickery because of Seonghwa having your phone.
“We probably just grabbed the wrong one then earlier. Sorry I didn’t notice.”
“I didn’t either, until I got home.”
You laid down on your bed, trying to calm yourself down. You hoped Seonghwa wasn’t the snooping type. Yeah, you had a password on your phone but it was a simple ‘1234’ and now you wished desperately you changed it before. You could hear the rustling, shuffling and long sigh. The sound of a bed creaking gave you the answer that he was on his bed too.
“Uh, can you promise me something?”
“Um, yeah. What’s up?”
“Don’t try to snoop through my phone.”
“I was about to ask the same thing!” You laughed.
“Wait really? Is that what you think of me, president? I’m–”
“Seonghwa, whatever you’re about to say, you’re the one that asked first. So maybe I should be offended.” You hopes he could hear the sarcasm in your voice.
“You’re right, next time I’ll just think before saying, president.”
“Why do you keep calling me president? Don’t you know my actual name?”
A little doubt grew in your stomach for who was you for Seonghwa to remember by name? ‘President’ is a nickname so you wouldn’t be offended but did he really not know you’re name?
“Of course I know your name, y/n.”
The sound of your name roll of his tongue squished any doubt you had. You liked how it sound when he said it, so easy and soft. Like he’s been saying it for years without hesitation.
Not knowing how to continue the conversation, you decide to ask about your contact name he had. Butterflies swarm in your stomach knowing this phone call was going to last all night.
“I think I like the name ‘Pretty President’ more, what about you?”
“.......Can you hold on for one second?..........FUCK! She saw it when I CALLED HER! MY PHONE! SHE HAS MY PHONE! Shit I didn’t think...damn it. I’m an idiot. She knows. She knows. She–maybe not.”
“I’ll just play dumb. Does that work? Fuck, she’s smart, she’s gonna find out I fucking like her. Damn it why didn’t I grab my phone!!”
“Seonghwa! You didn’t mute yourself.”
You were right, this conversation with Seonghwa over the phone took all night. You were sure by the end your feelings for him grew even bigger, as his did for you.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
I wanna hear the Dom/sub discourse!!! Also love ur blog :) (I personally am a proponent of dom percy just bc I like that idea but I’d love to hear yours!!! I didnt even know there was discourse!) love to hear your thoughts and again super cool blog!!!! :’)
* ALSO WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY IF IT WASNT ALREADY ESTABLISHED BUT ONLLLLLLY IF THEY ARE LIKE IN THEIR OLDER 20S!!!! ppl doing that in the context of teens is *gross* (previous anon who sent in the ask before) :)
Oh! Thank you for the compliments. I’m still not used at being so visible now to people 🥺😥😅
Good that you’ve added your points because that essentially brings down my issues with this whole spiel. I guess I’m going to play the other card. My main issues with this whole thing are:
A) the fandom sexualizing kids
B) people not understanding that looks/behavior in or outside of a (romantic) relationship don’t necessarily have to correlate with sexual behavior, especially when powerplay is involved
Of course Percy is easier to grasp for us. We have five whole books where we hear his every thought, follow his every move and think we get to know him (that automatically makes Percy not a reliable narrator, just saying).
For every book quote that puts Percy into the „Dom“ slot, there’s also a book quote that would be fitting for Annabeth (the dance from TTC comes to my mind). I can see both going either way. Despite them having mostly different personalities (Percy internalizing his thoughts and motives, whereas Annabeth is doing rather the opposite), they are very similar when it comes to leadership and end goals. Annabeth can range from emotional to bossy in a similar way Percy does. They just express themselves on different levels and get seen by outsiders in different ways.
Did you catch that? Did you see the hypocrisy that I just committed? We are using book quotes to justify placing characters that are in that context and in overall canon minors/teens/essentially fucking children in sexualized categories. Tbh, as much flag as you can give Riordan, I can’t blame him for blocking people who do this. Not every author is a fan of fanfiction and fan theory and what not.
People throwing these BSDM terms around without a second thought makes me cringe (tbh, I’m too lazy to explain the psychology of power play and kinks in that regard, just know that the instigator is not automatically the top/dom and there are many, many, many layers in a pp relationship). You cannot base sexual behavior from the canon itself. We know nothing about Percy and Annabeth in that regard to even justify the slightest. Ripping actions out of context to give them a label doesn’t work like that so easily unfortunately.
The only way to settle this question for once and all would be by simply doing this:
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The whole debate that happened months/weeks ago (quarantine makes everything blurry in my memory) was just fucking stupid?
Imagine being a 15 year old, anxious, frightened girl. You’ve been deeply traumatized since you’ve been seven years old, you’re scared to death because you have a crush on your best friend and think he might perish (newsflash: of course you as the reader can foreshadow that in that context the series goes on. The characters can’t as they lack that specific insight. Percy didn’t have to wind up dead in the books, but he could have been severely mutilated, gone missing (guess he did later), bruised, etc. apart from his mental struggles. The super power part is essentially the only thing that’s keeping him alive), you give him a kiss because you’re too shy to admit your feelings for him and he’s being an awkward cheeky bastard before looking for a fight and then some adult asshole has the caucasity of calling you a bratty sub. Literally what.
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Some anon (or a group of anons, don’t know which) contacted a bunch of people with that Dom!Percy and Sub!Annabeth stuff. Anon, Liebste, homegirl, my love, mija, if you see this please slide into the DMs because whaddefuck? Your thought process hotdamn. Where did you pick this up? Let’s be open about this discussion. You didn’t go from A to B, you went from A to Z and robbed Jeff Bezos on the way out. I mean what???
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People using canon to justify their headcanons is simply something I can’t get behind in this matter. The main issues is that they are children/teens/minors in canon. There is no way around it. Trying to justify/back up some of your thoughts in that regard with actual quotes only makes it worse because you aren’t only sexualizing them in your fanon, but you are also automatically transferring these thoughts to the actual books and thus fore sexualizing them in canon. You’re changing the basis and narrative.
I honestly don’t get the obsession that some have with their teenage sex life? This isn’t a personal attack on people but I’ve seen this throughout several group chats and social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest even and of course Tumblr. And popular stuff like Riverdale, Euphoria, 13 Reasons Why and New Adult Twilight rip-offs á la Shades of Grey and that Harry Styles fanfic honestly don’t help with the portrayal of „curious“ teens.
This also isn’t a strict PJO phenomenon, it happens across all fandoms. The odd trend with sexualizing kids/teens or things intended for kids has been going on for ages. I get it, you grow out of the related audience but that doesn’t justify the means? Canon won’t change simply because you do.
Percy and Annabeth are awkward teens that have never dated anyone else and had barely half a year between pjo and hoo before getting caught up in another mess. I’m not saying that teens aren’t curious and don’t experiment, some do drugs and/or have sex (let’s be real the probability of something happening in the stable scene in MOA is very high) but still? Putting dom/sub labels on them is sketchyyy. Also throw your fucking sex god headcanons out of the motherfucking window. They are 17-ish, if you need the mental image of some weird kids flopping on top of each other for two whole minutes for some odd reason, good for you but I’m side eying the fuck outta you.
You can’t really blame Riordan for not being more explicit. A) the series is for middle schoolers (aka kids), so it’s not strictly Young Adult and there’s only so much you can do B) publishers/editors interfering is a thing (especially with society’s views of sex = bad and violence = just fine) and c) the probability of sexualizing the characters of his own creation in that sense might have made him uncomfortable. Better to play safe, than end up with a bigger mess, just saying. I’m all for the sex talk in a non-berating, (slightly) educational approach when it comes to that in non-adult literature. Or even just stating a sex scene in a mere sentence. (Karen M. McManus did an amazing job with portraying struggling teens with a right approach in One of Us is Lying. Stating it or making it very, very, very clear between the lines. Then again, not everyone can pull that off or wants to go in that direction).
In addition to that, seeing stuff like the infamous ”the sea doesn’t like to be restrained“ or ”Percy has handsome features which shifted from humor to anger“ quotes getting constantly shredded is so… Meh. One simple question: what does Percy having a mean resting bitch face to do with his sexuality/sexual behavior? What does him being annoyed and on the moodier side have to do with it? For me absolutely nothing. The correlation isn’t really clear and out there. Pissed Percy doesn’t translate into Percy automatically being the dominant (in Percabeth’s sex life)?
I mean I get it. We all grow up. Erotica is a wonderful genre and art form (if you waddle through the trash). You will never be able to get that out of fiction and fanfiction. That’s also neither my goal nor my place to decide. As cheap and stupid as it is, I’d rather have people intentionally aging the characters up and stating their headcanons in that regard rather than people attempting to abuse canon where the characters are minors in order for sexualizing them. There’s no good way to prevent this from happening unfortunately (unless you really want to abolish all explicit fanon stuff).
Whenever you post a sexy headcanon just hold on for a second. If you have abstract future headcanons sure, go ahead, personally don’t see a problem with that. But if you use source material to fixate your thoughts on minors in canon to give them sexual labels… I urge you to seriously rethink that.
Stop sexualizing minors. Please. Pretty please.
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