#kip epps
abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Tig's Daughter, Chapter 3
Word Count:  2.2k
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Tig’s POV
"Come on, dad," she pleaded, "I've already been going to school for a few weeks. You promised if I went back, you'd let me get my driver's permit.  I’m seventeen…it’s practically a ‘must have’ for me."
"You've been back A week," I laughed, grabbing myself another beer, "You're gonna have to put a little more time in at Charming High School if you want me to follow through on that."
"Come on dad," she tried again, "I'm trying. I even got a part time job working a few nights a week at another diner. Please!"
"You got a job?"
"Just part time," she sighed, "I wanted to be able to help us get a place."
I sighed, taking a look at my little girl.  She was going to school.  I'd had half-sack drop her off every morning, which I knew Clay wasn’t super excited about, because he would often be late opening up the garage.  And now I find out she got a part time job to help me get a place.
How did she know I was struggling with extra cash?  Did one of the guys say something to her in the week and a half she'd been here?
"Sweetheart, you shouldn't have a job," I began, "you need to focus on school an-"
"Gemma said that you guys aren't getting your normal money from the club," she admitted. She reached across her chair and put her hand on mine. It fell away from the beer as I looked her in the eyes, "Dad I want to help out any way that I can."
"You should be focusing on being a kid," I told her softly, "not worrying about bills and shit. That's why I work as a mechanic here.  I can take care of us, kiddo."
"Dad you're barely getting by on that," she sighed, "and you don't pay rent here. Your fines are insane. Let me help."
"Alexis Marie Trager!"
"You don't get to 'dad voice' me," she laughed, "we're in this together partner. You took me in. Let me help."
I sighed yet again.  She smiled when she realized I wasn't going to fight her on it any longer, "You still have to go to school."
"Obviously," she laughed, “I’m just…helping out where I can on top of that.”
"I'll tell half sack that when he picks you up from school you can get some driving practice in," I replied, "and I'll have him stop by the DMV tomorrow when he drops you off to get you one of those driver's booklet things."
"And a physical form!"
"You need to go to a doctor?"
"Yeah," she laughed, "they make sure there's nothing wrong with you so that you can drive."
"Sweetheart, between me and your mother, I'm sure there's a lot that's wrong with you."
"They don't care about my type of crazy," she laughed, gently pushing me, "stop being a goofball."
"Yeah, yeah," I laughed. She let go of my hand and got off the bar stool, "hey, where are you going now?"
"Homework," she said quickly, "gotta hold up my side of the bargain...right?"
I smiled as she walked back to the dorm rooms.  A little while later sack came in from the shop, "hey, prospect. Got another task for you."
"Yeah, sure," he said quickly, running up to greet me, "what did you need, Tig?"
"Gonna have you teach my kid to drive," I replied with a smile, "when you drop her off tomorrow go to the DMV and get the driver's book and shit. Then start taking her out after school for mini lessons. Can you do that?"
"Yeah, of course.  Whatever you need."
"Good," I smirked, clapping him on the back, “you’re alright Half sack.”
"Am I driving her to work now too?"
"You know she's got a job?"
"Seems like she just started it," he nodded, "Thursday night she had me pick her up from a diner.  Is that okay?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "keep an eye on her."
He nodded in response and ran off when Clay called him to clean up the storeroom.
Finally having enough of my beer, I began making the walk back towards my own dorm room. We were surprisingly not busy tonight, and Clay had told a few of us to hang around, but it didn't look like we were gonna see any action.
As I passed Alexis' room, I noticed a paper in the hall. It was a paper about some chemistry assignment. Knocking on the door, I didn't hear anything, so I walked in. The door to the bathroom was closed and I could hear the shower running.
On her desk was a few textbooks and a notebook. Putting the paper down, I turned, and knocked over her backpack.
I tried to quickly clean it up, but she didn't seem to hear anything from the bathroom. Just as I was putting the backpack back on the back of the chair, I noticed an ID on the floor. Lifting it up I saw my baby girl's picture, but she was Alexis Smith, aged 21.
What the fuck?
I turned towards her voice. She looked scared seeing me hold the ID.
"What the hell is this, Alex?" I asked, "and when did you get it?"
"I got a fake ID so that I could get a job," she sighed, stepping into the room. She went to grab it, but I held it out of reach from her, "I'm serious. I've had it since I was 14. Dressed a little more mature and got the job at the diner. That's why it expires when my real one will hit."
"I don't like the idea of you having a fake ID."
"Well, I need it," she admitted, trying to reach for it again, "I got a job at a diner down the road. I need to bring it to my next shift so they can fill out tax information.  They didn’t want to hire anyone under eighteen…so I fudged the truth.  I have all the experience."
"You should be focusing on school."
"I am," she said quickly, "but I'm also trying to help us out. I don't want to live in a dorm, dad. This place feels like a frat house. I want a home...like we used to have. You know, when it was me, you, mom, and missy?"
I felt a pang in the pit of my stomach.  I wasn't able to give her a house because I'd drowned my money elsewhere, but here she was, asking for a place to call home.
"Can I have my ID back, dad?"
"It's only for work!"
"It's only for work," she repeated, nodding her head, "I swear."
"You're not drinking or-"
"I mean if you need me to pick you up some beer after I get out of the diner there is a store across the street," she smiled. When I didn't smile along, her own faltered and she crossed her arms, "if I really wanted to drink, I'm pretty sure I could just walk behind the bar and get one."
"But you don't."
"Exactly dad," she sighed, "I don't. Because I don't want to. I'm not Brenda, you know. So, if you could stop treating me like her, and give me some trust it'd really mean a lot."
"I'm just worried."
"About what?" she asked, "dad, I do my homework in front of you. I go to school. I come home. I'm always here. I just wanted to feel free again. I wanted to help us."
"You don't hate me, do you?" I asked, "you know. For not being there."
"Dad," she scoffed, "how could I hate you? You got me away from mom. You rescued me from her...and I mean, sure, I would have much rather you gotten me sooner, but I'm here. I'm with you."
"I just feel like I missed out on so much, you know...I never got to see your sisters growing up and I told myself when your mom and I had you that it would be different," I admitted, "I just feel like I fucked up all over again."
"I can promise you, that you didn't fuck up," she said, pulling me into a hug, "I love you daddy."
"I love you too, kiddo." 
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Alex’s POV
"Are you okay?"
I looked from the steering wheel, back to half-sack. He had his brow raised at me and seemed to be waiting for an answer.
"I uh, I forgot what I was supposed to do."
He chuckled, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach kicking up.
"It's really simple," he smiled, offering me instructions, "you have your foot on the brake, right?"
I nodded, "yeah."
"Alright, keep it there," he smiled. He reached down to the gear shift and put his hand over mine, "we're going to put it into drive and just go around the lot.  You’ll be fine…I promise."
"And then?"
I looked back at the parking lot.  Thankfully no one was around.
But that also meant it was just half-sack and I. I felt my heart racing a thousand miles a minute as I couldn't stare away from the fact that his hand was over mine.
"You can take your foot off the break," he chuckled. I did as he instructed and I felt the car slowly rolling forward, "now press the gas a little, and you'll start to go. Then when you want to stop, take your foot off the gas, and put it back on the brake."
I nodded along, unsure if the butterfly feeling in my stomach was from the prospect in the passenger seat or that it was my first time being in the driver's seat.  I pushed the gas, and the car lurched a little.
Freaking out I slammed on the brakes.  Both half-sack and I lurched forward, but the seatbelts kept us in check.
"Oh my god," I yelled, throwing the gear shift back into park. I turned to half-sack, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I know I shouldn't be driving. Maybe we should just stop. I-I'm sor-"
"You're fine," he said in a calm, reassuring tone.  He put his hand back over mine, and the butterflies returned, "it's your first time. It's understandable that this kind of thing is happening."
"Maybe I shouldn't do this," I said nervously, shaking my head. Half-sack gave me a look before moving my hand and the gear shift back into the park option, "maybe my dad was right. I can't drive. I shouldn't drive. I'm sorry I wasted your time, Kip."
"You didn't waste my time!  You’re fine Alex."
"i-I don't know, I mean I feel like I did..." I admitted, "I feel like I should be able to just do this. I work. I go to school. I'm getting money for my dad and I to move out of those dorm rooms and for-"
Before I could say anything else I felt his lips on mine.  My breath caught in my throat and the butterflies erupted from my stomach.  And just as quick as it had happened, the pressure on my lips were gone.  I opened my eyes and took a deep breath.
"Shit, I shouldn't have done that," he muttered; his own voice suddenly giving away his own anxiety, "your Tig's kid an-"
But this time it was my turn to cut him off. I captured his lips, and my hands went to either side of his face. I felt one of his hands slide up my cheek and the other went down my neck as our lips worked in rhythm.
"Alex." he whispered.
He looked at me, leaning back from the center console where we'd come together.  He looked nervous, "We can't do that again."
"Why not?"
"LEXI!" One of my classmates nudged me and I looked up.
"Do not fall asleep in my class, Miss. Trager," my math teacher commanded, “I won’t warn you again.”
I sighed to myself as I was shaken from my daydream.
"Girl you were out of it," she laughed as the math teacher went back to writing on the board, "you were straight up drooling on the desk."
I looked to my desk where there was a small drool puddle. Using my sleeve, I wiped it off and turned back to the notes I'd started taking before I fell asleep.  After the last bell rang, I all but ran outside. Kip was waiting on his bike. A few parents were giving him nervous looks, but he ignored it. When he saw me making my way towards him, he smiled.
"You look exhausted."
"So much so," I laughed, putting on the helmet he handed me, "I don't have work tonight...do you think maybe you can teach me to drive again later?"
"Gotta see if the club's got anything going," he shrugged as he started his bike, "but I think I'm free…when you say drive…do you mean we practice like last time?"
I felt myself blush, “maybe without the freaking out?”
“…can I kiss you again?”
My cheeks tinged an even darker shade of pink, “I wouldn’t say no if you did.”
“Okay,” he smiled, “driving lessons…I’ll make sure I’m free.”
"Hold on, hon," he laughed, as he pushed off. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his back, ignoring the dirty looks from everyone we passed.  
Chapter 4
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Fluff: 🦋❤️‍🔥 / Smut: 🫦🌶️ / Angst: 🧨💥 / Hurt/comfort: ❤️‍🩹💔 / Nothing: 🫰🏽✨.
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Mission Impossible:
Ethan Hunt:
- Naughty Games 🫦🌶️ Summary: Playing with Ethan Hunt is never a good idea and you’ll learn that.
- No more trip
Sons of Anarchy:
- Kip: 🫰🏽✨ Summary: He didn't cheat on you but the betrayal breaks you.
- Dead Inside: 🫰🏽✨ Summary: You wake up at the hospital and learn then why.
- Prank and Delivery: 🫰🏽✨/❤️‍🩹💔 Summary: You're pregnant and have to spend the last weeks at home but boredom drives you nuts. You decide to prank Jax instead of rest.
- Quiz: 🫰🏽✨ No summary.
Tolkien universe:
Till the end of time 🦋❤️‍🔥 Summary: Now he understands why every first day after the full moon, you disappear and always come back covered with dirt from hair to toe and some scratches and bruises.
Snippets game:
Haldir (1) (2)
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love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
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*=smut, !=angst, #=fluff, (16+)= not exactly smut but not appropriate for under 16
[Jax Teller]
[Alexander “Tig” Trager]
!#Tig and his ol’ lady(16+)
#Tig who’s obsessed with his ol’ lady(16+)
[Happy Lowman]
[Harry “Opie” Winston]
[Filip “Chibs” Telford]
[Kip “Half-Sack” Epps]
[Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz]
[Herman Kozik]
[Tara Knowles]
[Gemma Teller]
[Wendy Case]
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Okay, so continuing my Red Dead Redemption 2/Sons of Anarchy comparison (I’m only up to chapter 3 of RDR2 so this is subject to change):
1) Dutch Van Der Linde is Clay Morrow. They are the leaders who are growing increasingly erratic.
2) By default, Molly O’Shea is Gemma Teller. I guess the one thing they have in common is being a pain in everyone’s ass.
3) John Marston and Abigail Roberts are Jax Teller and Tara Knowles. John and Jax are the protagonists/irresponsible criminals who want to be family men. Abigail and Tara are focused on protecting their children. And since I played the first game, both couples are trying to leave the criminal life.
4) Arthur Morgan is a loose combination of Chibs Telford and Opie Winston. They’re the closest to a brother figure to John/Jax and they’re the second-in-command of the team. Arthur also has Opie’s bad luck with romance. (Hmm…I guess Arthur could also be Bobby Munson as well for these reasons)
5) Hosea Matthews is Piney Winston. They’re the old guys who keep questioning Dutch/Clay’s authority.
6) Micah Bell is sorta kinda Tig Trager. They’re the weird, aggressive guys who seem to get on the rest of the team’s nerve. But I like Tig, whereas Micah is annoying lol.
7) Kieran Duffy is Juice Ortiz. They’re the perpetual outsiders since they went against the team.
8) Sean MacGuire is Kip 'Half-Sack' Epps. They’re the little shits who are trying to prove themselves and the gangs treat as the youngest brother.
9) Leopold Strauss is Bobby Munson. This is solely because both men handle the finances of the gangs. For a comparison that’s closer to the character’s personality…maybe Charles Smith? Or Javier Escuella?
10) Sadie Adler doesn’t have anyone I can really compare to but if I had to choose, she could also be Opie Winston. She has Opie’s burning desire for revenge after losing their spouse.
11) The O’Driscolls are the Mayans MC. They’re the rival gang that isn’t so different from the main gang.
Also, just to emphasize how RDR2 is secretly a Western Sons of Anarchy, here are the lyrics to SOA’s opening:
Riding through this world all alone
God takes your soul, you're on your own
The crow flies straight, a perfect line
On the Devil's Bed until you die
Gotta raise some hell, 'fore they take you down
Gotta live this life
Gotta look this world in the eye
Gotta live this life until you die
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morbidology · 1 year
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Johnny Lewis is perhaps most renowned for his portrayal of the affable Kip "Half-Sack" Epps in the acclaimed television series, Sons of Anarchy. In 2011, he sustained significant head injuries in a motorcycle crash. Subsequent to this incident, he began nurturing peculiar and irrational thoughts and engaged in behaviors that he refused to seek assistance for, much to the dismay of his father.
Tragedy struck on September 26, 2012, when these troubling thoughts culminated in the murder of Lewis' 81-year-old landlady, Catherine Davis. Her lifeless body was found brutally murdered at her residence in Los Angeles. Adjacent to her residence, the lifeless body of Johnny Lewis was also discovered.
A subsequent investigation unveiled the grim sequence of events. Lewis had forcibly entered Catherine's home, subjecting her to a fatal beating and strangulation, in addition to ending the life of her cat. Following the gruesome murder, Lewis fled to the rooftop, where an accidental fall led to his own death.
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teenagesublimefan · 1 year
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
Please take a minute to read the paragraph below, Thank You :)
All Characters are organized by fandom and alphabetical order. I do not claim any owner ship of any fictional character I write for. Please read my request guidelines before requesting a character from this list. Any character I scratch out I am currently not taking requests for. It will always be x female reader unless otherwise stated.
PEAKY BLINDER'S; alfie solomons, thomas shelby SONS OF ANARCHY; kip 'half-sack' epps, jax teller TOP GUN: MAVERICK; bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace
THE BOYS; colby brock, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, sam golbach, zach justice
MANESKIN; damiano david, victoria de angelis
NFL; andrew beck, joe burrow, nick bosa, tj watts, travis kelce
STURNIOLO TRIPLETS; chris sturniolo, matt sturniolo, nick sturniolo (platonic only)
MISC. PERSONS [and select characters]; jenna ortega, noah kahan, santiago 'pope' garcia, tom hardy ie. james delaney
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
UPDATED [2/23/24]
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ravennaortiz · 9 months
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Summary: Chapter 1 of the Juice x OC Stormie Rayne Epps.
Warnings: As always this is an 18+ story. General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing, smut etc. Mentions of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault/harassment are in some chapters.
"Sorry hun, I can't let you work with the bruises" stated Carl quietly giving Stormie a sympathetic look. "Its bad for business. Clients might think we beat you dancers" continued to explain Carl as Stormies shoulders dropped. "I understand. Have a good night Carl" stated Stormie as she walked out of the dressing room and made her way back to her car.
Hours later Stormies mind found her way back to that moment in the club as she drove down the highway in the hopes to reunite with her older brother and create a new life for her and her daughter somewhere far away from the demons and monsters that tried to consume them. Even though she wasn't religious she murmured a prayer that they wouldn't come looking for them.
Luck had never been on her side until tonight as the cards started to fall in place. Who would have thought getting beaten once again and not being able to work would be lucky? Not being able to work tonight had allowed her more time to search for her long lost brother like she had been trying to do for months. The asshole baby daddy of hers being locked up finally had allowed her the ability to make a snap decision to get the hell out of this town. Stormie glanced back at her sleeping daughter, forever thankful for her even if the way she came about scarred Stormie for life.
Stomie pulled her SUV into the parking lot of Teller-Morrow and took a deep breath. Her nerves were starting to get the best of her as she gripped the steering wheel hard. "Are we here Mommy"? asked her daughter from the back seat. "Yeah, baby I think we are" replied Stormie as she slipped out of the car and got her daughter out and made her way towards the garage where a curly black haired man was working.
"How can I help ya ladies" inquired Tig as he strolled out of the Teller-Morrow Garage wiping grease from his hands. Stormie gripped her daughters hand and took a couple steps back before replying. "I'm looking for my brother....Kip Epps." replied Stormie quietly as she bit her lower lip nervously. Tig looked over the pair thoughtfully. Taking in the angry bruising that painted the skin of the taller girl and the jagged scar that ran along the left side of her face. Compared to the smaller girl whose chocolate eyes shown as she smiled at him shyly from behind the others legs. "He's inside let me get him for you" replied Tig as he gestured for them to follow him as he made his way to the SAMCRO Clubhouse. Stormie hesitated before following him a couple steps behind until they got to the door. "I'd prefer to wait out here" she stated as Tig held the door open for her. She wasnt willing to risk her daughter if this strange man had ill intent. Tig nodded before going inside.
"Yo, Half some girls are here say there your sisters" stated Tig as he found Half-Sack sitting at the bar with Juice and Chibs. "I only have one sister, haven't seen her since she was fifteen" replied Half-Sack skeptical of what Tig was saying but moving towards the door with Chibs and Juice on his heels.
Stormie looked up when the door opened her eyes landing on her brother and her whole body relaxed as tears poured down her face in relief. Half was shocked. He long ago had given up the idea of ever seeing his baby sister again. Here she was flesh and blood before him and he was overwhelmed and no clue what to say as he walked towards her. It was obvious life hadn't been treating her well as he put his arms around her carefully. "Your safe Storm" he whispered.
Return to Chapter List
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savingambrose · 9 days
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╭ ˗ˏˋ age: 20
╰ ˗ˏˋpronouns: he - they - it
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✎. ﹏ Other Fun Information !
Likes; WWE - AEW - SOA - Supernatural - Umbrella Academy - COD - Assassins Creed - The Outerbanks - Shameless - Marvel
Favs; Dean Ambrose - Drew McIntyre - JJ Maybank - Rafe Cameron - Topper Thornton - Mickey Milkovich - Carl Gallagher - Tig Trager - Opie Winston - Chibs Telford - Happy Lowman - Kip 'Half-Sack' Epps - Jax Teller
aew/wwe - outerbanks - shameless - sons of anarchy
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✎. ﹏ Notes !
System Of Many!
AEW/WWE side account.
Sys-mates will tag if wanted. Masterpost will be up eventually and updated frequently
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Divider Credit; Tsunami-Of-Tears
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ofcrosnguns · 2 months
Let's Learn All About Kip "Half-Sac" Epps
It’s really bad karma, you know, digging up a grave, man.
Prospect for SAMCRO 
US Army Vet
Due to injury Nicknamed “Half-Sack”
In love with my 1st love @petalsofblackvelvet  
Father of Samuel David John Epps 
Uncle to Kaitlyn Jacqueline Teller
Sponsored by Chibs Telford 
Mechanic at Teller-Morrow 
#SOA RP #Mayans RP
Mature Content Tigger
Likes and Retweets Appreciated
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sttarkeys · 3 years
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐲
𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐄𝐩𝐩𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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her friends in high-school were donna winston and david hale, the reason to this is because with the history of her family with samcro she knew she wanted to stray away from that lifestyle for as long as she could, but everyone knew that it was not going to be long before she would fall for charming’s mc prince jackson teller. she thought that she was in love with david hale for almost her entire teenage years but when she and jax got closer she realised that david had just been a distraction the entire time. she had known jax her entire life, she knew that jax had a thing for her but he had a thing for almost every girl who looked his way.  she and jax got together and the inevitable happened, she somewhat joined the club, got tattoos and was in love with mc royalty jackson teller. lola was the closest thing to the first female member of SAMCRO ( sons of anarchy motorcycle redwood orginal ). every single member of that club adored her, her brother- not so much, he was something else. anyways, lola was in the club, but being with the club came risk, and she knew what that risk was. she did something for the club that only she could do but shit went down and the feds were after her. this is why she fled for ireland, which is where her mother was. it had been almost ten years since she had seen her mother and that was for the better in a way. those two women were so much a like that they would just bang heads all the time.  clay was able to set up that lola would stay with keith and his old lady marueen in ireland for her own safety from the feds.  
lola was able to get to ireland safe and sound, she was met with keith and belfast’s vp liam o’neil to make sure that she would make it back to the club-house safely.  when they arrive at the belfast clubhouse she is greeted with all the people that clay, her father and chibs spoke about. this is when she met padaric telford, the nephew of one and only filip telford. there is a saying in life ‘people can fall in love three times in their lifetime’ when she met padaric this was the first time that she didn’t feel in danger or like something was going to be taken away from her is she let her feelings get the best of her. padaric felt the same way when the epp’s girl walked into the clubhouse. she could not truly understand a word he said when they first met but the more they hangout and spoke to one another the more they fell for one another and everyone saw it. the love that padaric had for this girl was like none other.  when it came time for lola to finally see her mother again it was something that to be honest she really did not want to do, she was still so angry at her mother for leaving her dad that she wanted nothing to do with her, but due to the fact that she was in ireland and was liam o’neil’s old lady, lola had to be nice to her.
after their two year anniversary padaric proposed to lola, and of course she had yes to him. it was a ring that had been in the telford family for generations. and it was one of the most gorgeous things she had ever seen in her life, and it was perfect because it matched her eyes. unlike any other their engagement party was not short of amazing, keith made sure that lola was well looked after and oath he did.  everything was fine until lola ran into true ira bastard jimmy o. he had heard that the feds were after the girl back over in the states and he wanted to get back at chibs once again, even thought he had already executed him from the ira and had married his ex-wife and became the step-father of his daughter kerrianne. with the knowledge that jimmy o had now she had to leave ireland.. that meant that she needed to leave her lover padaric. which is the one thing that she never wanted to do in her life at all. she was at home here in ireland but she knew that for the safety not just for herself and the rest of the belfast charter she needed to leave. 
this is when she decided that she needed to get all of the charges that she had to her away, it may have been in a way that was not the way that she thought it would have been at all but either way all of the federal charges were expunged meaning that she was now able to do what she wanted within the state of arizona.  she got her decorate in emt training and applied for the arizona state police academy if it wasn’t for her knowledge and high iq in general and her physical skills she would not have been accepted into the academy, she worked her ass off to get where she was almost eight months later, and throughout her time in arizona she met the atf agent taylor lewis, even though she and padaric were still together whatever it was that did happened between her and lewis didn’t not mean to happen, she was drunk one night and they did it. and from there on it was truly and one sided relationship. even though she had told him more than once that she had fiancé he would not budge. and it all changed when she got pregnant, taylor lewis had raped lola and got her pregnant and there was no way that she was keeping the baby at all. there was a couple in the precinct that she worked at and they were looking at starting a family but they were having fertility problem. so lola put the baby up for adoption and the lovely couple adopted her- the little girls name was daisy, daisy-lola. when taylor found out about this he was more then furious, this was when lola got the restraining order against the atf agent but as the months went on the more he pushed.  so when she saw in her office that someone had place an application form for a job that was open for Charming PD she knew that she had to take it, she started to wear her ring again and it got her to think about padaric, she thought about going back to ireland but she hadn’t been home for almost ten years, she needed to go home and made sure that no one that she had cared for was dead. 
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crimsonheart01 · 2 years
Seeing Half-Sack defend Abel and Tara always breaks my heart. Kip was 1 month away from patching in 😭
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Tig's Daughter, Chapter 6
Word Count:  2.7k
Warnings:  slight angst, slut shaming. 
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Tig’s POV
"Mr. Trager?"
"This is him."
"Hi, my name is Ms. Lewis. I'm the guidance counselor at Charming High school. I'm calling about your daughter, Alexis Trager."
"She okay?" I asked, pushing one of the girls off me, "did something happen?"
I threw on my boxers and jeans and listened to the shuffling on the other side of the line, "No. No, she's fine. Well. Not academically speaking b-"
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, “not academically speaking?  What the fuck does that mean?”
"Mr. Trager, please refrain from cursing at me."
"Shit," I muttered, walking through the tribe's clubhouse so that I could get outside, "sorry. What do you mean that she's not doing fine academically? School's only been in session less than two months. She's only, what, five weeks in?"
"That's just it, Mr. Trager. We are only five weeks into the school year and Alexis is showing some troubling patterns."
"Troubling patterns?"
"Yes sir," she replied, "she's been cutting classes. Showing up late. Leaving the school grounds early. We wanted to know if you were aware of this behavior?"
"No," I growled, "Alexis should be in school. She gets dropped off every morning and picked up every afternoon. How could she be coming in late and leaving early?"
"Well, we've had our school security look at the footage and it appears that Miss. Trager sometimes makes it seem like she's gone into the building when she hasn't. Or she'll come into the building before school lets out for the day, so it looks like she's been here."
"I'm gonna kill her."
"Mr. Trag-"
"Shit," I cursed, "It's an expression. I won't kill her. I won't harm her. I just-I can't believe that she would do this."
"Mr. Trager, I understand completely," the woman on the other side of the line sighed, "we have some other students that come from troubled homes-"
"Alexis isn't from a troubled home."
"Sorry sir I didn't-"
"Okay, maybe she is," I sighed, cutting the woman off, "her mother cheated on me a lot when she was little. Took her to Northern Cali. I finally just got her back...but she forced her to get under the table jobs and drop out of school for periods of time. I'm trying to get her into the habit of being a kid again, but I honestly have no idea what the hell I'm doing."
"If you're interested, Mr. Trager, I'd be happy to set up counseling sessions with her once a week during her free periods," she offered, "and I can set up a meeting with you either over the phone or in person to discuss her progress every month. There's a list of things we could do to get Alexis back on track."
"Whatever you think is gonna help her," I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck, "she can't get expelled from school."
"It's refreshing to hear that from a parent," the woman replied over the line, "honestly when I make these calls, a lot of parents blame the school. They ignore that their child is really making a call for help with these types of situations."
"I want to be there for her," I explained to the woman, "whatever we need to do. I'm on board."
"Excellent," she said enthusiastically, "how about I give you a call in a week and we can set up a conference?"
"Great. Thank you."
She told me to have a great day and the line went dead.
"Who was that?"
"None of your damn business."
Juice rolled his eyes at me and started walking back into the clubhouse muttering 'prick.'
"You okay brother?"
"I gotta ride back with you guys," I told Clay, "that was Alex's school. She's been cutting classes."
"That cool?"
"That's fine," Clay nodded, "Jax left a little while ago, but we're probably gonna leave in an hour. Should make it home before dark."
"Sounds good," I nodded to Clay, "I'll see if Jury and his guys need anything else from us before we leave."
"Sounds good."
The following hours went quickly. I found myself wondering all kinds of shit during the ride, and it really took me away from time. Before I knew it, we were pulling back in to TM.
Jax and Hap were nowhere to be seen. The shop was already closed, and no one was at the clubhouse.
While the rest of the guys started to unwind, I went to Lexi's room. She was sitting there on her bed, reading from a textbook.
"I got a call from the school today."
"Well hello to you too, stranger," she laughed, ignoring my entrance, "how was your trip?"
"Was good," I smiled, sitting on the bed. Then I gave her a serious look as I put my cell phone in front of her, "until I got a call from the school saying you've been skipping classes, going in late, and leaving early."
"I can explain," she said nervously, “I-“
"No, there's no explaining that," I growled, "we made a deal. You were to go back to school. You were to get your high school diploma. Why the hell are you skipping, huh?"
"Dad I-"
"There isn't a good enough reason that you're skipping," I all but yelled at her, "are you even doing schoolwork? Or are you making it seem like you are so that no one gets suspicious? What the hell are you doing, Alexis?"
"I'm really doing schoolwork dad," she said loudly. She went over to her backpack and poured it on her desk, "see how much shit I'm dealing with? I called off work so I could get it all done this weekend."
"That can't be from one day, Alex," I yelled, walking over and looking at it. I saw a second backpack sitting next to her desk. I grabbed it and went to unzip it, "IS THIS FULL OF CLASS WORK TOO?"
"No," she yelled, running for her backpack, "Dad put that down."
"Oh, is this what you're doing instead of school?" I yelled. She continued to try to get the backpack out of my hands, but the only thing that she managed to do was tear the zipper. The bag ripped and out fell a bunch of ones, some papers, some clothes, and a badge, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, ALEXIS?"
"This bullshit!" I yelled, picking the badge up. It was a glittery, shiny piece of shit in a lanyard that said Alexis Smith, and the name at the top read 'Blush'. "THIS IS A FUCKING STRIP CLUB!"
"Dad I c-"
"Are you a god damned stripper?"
Before she could get any more lies out of her mouth I stormed out of her room and locked the door.
I stormed down the hall and towards the bike.
"Where you going brother?" Chibs asked.
"What's going on?"
I ran at half-sack. Pinning him to the wall, I threw the id badge on the counter beside him, "DID YOU FUCKING KNOW ABOUT THIS?"
"Know what?"
"Put the prospect down," Clay ordered, “what are you doing, Tig?”
"What are ye doin brother?"
"Shit, no, Tig I swear!" Sack replied, "I didn't know. She told me she worked at a diner. I'd always pick her up at a diner."
I dropped the prospect, and grabbed the badge again.
"Where are you going?"
"Going to fucking beat the shit out of whichever pervert employed my kid as a god damned stripper," I growled, "Alexis is locked in her room until I get back. None of you let her out."
The response was the same as half sack. The strip club manager swore up and down that he didn't know that Alex was a kid still in school. He promised that she was done, and that if he saw her again he'd call me, but I didn't believe the fucking rat.
One of the girls told me that they knew her pretty well. Said that she stopped stripping a week ago and made the transition over to a bartender when she met a guy.
When I asked about the guy the girls got giggly.
Some tan guy. Tattoos. Quiet. Always wore dark clothing and only ever tipped her. None of them knew his name. They only knew that she liked him enough to make the switch from stripper to bartender.  
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Half Sack’s POV
I looked up to see her walking towards me. She was in a simple pair of jeans and rock tee, but she made me forget what I was doing.  I smiled, "Hey."
"Cleaning up?"
I nodded, "yeah."
"You okay?"
She came into the shop and sat down on one of the stools next to the work bench, "I don't think that's a question I can answer right now."
"What happened?" she asked cautiously. 
"I can't talk about it," I replied, "its club shit." 
"Oh," she said quietly.  I watched her bite her lip and look away from me, "Have you seen my dad?"
"He's out running some errands."
She nodded, leaving it at that and continued to watch me as I finished up in pushing all the water out the door and into the drain.
"He won't talk to me, you know."
"I shouldn't even be talking to you," I admitted, staring at the squeegee. I put it down beside the bay, "Your dad is pissed.  Really pissed.  You fucked up Alex." 
"I know." 
why would you do something like that?"
"Lie to my dad?"
"No," I sighed, shaking my head, "you are so much more than some stripper. I don't know why you would put yourself in that same category.  Why would you bother doing something like that, huh?"
"I needed to make money for dad and I," she replied quietly, "it was the only real thing I could think of. None of the diners or movie theaters were hiring. And Charming doesn't exactly have big corporations like Micky D's or a Starbucks or a Shake Shack around here."
"But Lexi."
"Listen," she sighed, shaking her head, "If you're just gonna yell at me like my dad did then treat me like some garbage human being, I don't want to hear it, Kip."
"I'm not gonna yell at you," I replied quietly, "I just can't see why you'd do it.  You could do anything you wanted, and you chose to do that.”
"My dad barely gets by with what he makes as a mechanic here," she responded. She kicked at the small puddle to her right, "and what he makes doing shit for the club...that goes to fines and shit. We can't afford a place on our own unless I help out."
"You shouldn't have to."
"That's what he said," she scoffed, "but I can't just sit here and pretend that everything is okay. I mean, hell. What happens when he goes back to jail? I'm only eighteen. I feel like CYS would be barreling down the door the second they cuffed him.  I know I’m legally an adult and all, but I don’t know anything about the outside world.  I’ve never had to face it.  And I don’t know if I can do it on my own."
"And you think getting a place outside of here will change that?"
"No," she sighed. She ran a hand through her hair, and it landed on her neck. She closed her eyes and looked away from me, "you wouldn't understand."
"You don't know that."
She laughed, "trust me. You wouldn't. You just see me as some annoying kid that doesn't know shit. You probably think I was being some greedy brat when I got that job."
"No, I thought you were giving yourself very low standards," I admitted, “you’re way better than just being a stripper.”
"What else can I do, huh Kip?"
"You could have asked Gemma for a job. I know that she doesn't like being here in the evenings," I offered, "I know every single one of us guys would pick you up from school and take you here."
"That's just so you'll know what I'm doing and where I'm at."
"You sound like you have a problem with being around all of us."
"I don't..."
"Well, it feels like it," I admitted to her. I walked over and sat on the stool next to her, "you haven't talked to any of us since your dad grounded you."
"He's doing a shit job of that by the way," she laughed, "he forgot to pick me up from the bullshit counselor. I just walked home.  I literally could have gone anywhere."
"Shit," I gasped, feeling like the biggest asshole ever, "why didn't you call me?"
"I don't have a cell phone, genius," she laughed, "remember, dad took it away when he grounded me...I don't have anyone's number memorized."
"And your counselor didn't offer to drive you?"
"No," she shrugged, "but I'm used to it. My mom didn't give a shit about me. Just wanted to tear me away from my dad...and as it turns out, my dad is a pretty shit parent too."
"Hey.  He tries."
"I guess," she shrugged, "I mean, he did threaten the club. They fired me. Said if they found I was trying to strip anywhere else they'd call the cops. Guess my fake ID is burned."
"That's probably for the best."
She sighed.
"You know, when I was your age, I tried to sign up for the military early," I laughed, "got all the way through basic before they found out my ID was a fake. Almost court martialed me."
"You got a fake ID to go to war early," she giggled, "who does that."
"I do," I smiled, proud of my past accomplishment, "My dad kicked my ass when I got home, but after a year of begging they let me apply at seventeen and a half."
"You are something else, Eddie," she whispered.  My eyes caught on to hers, and I felt the strongest urge to just lean forward and kiss her.  Her eyes fluttered slowly, and I felt my breath hitch, “Kip…”
"Yeah," I smiled, feeling almost breathless, “What is it, Lexi?”
“I-I” she began.  But she cut herself off, “it-s nothing.  I’m sorry…finish your story about the military.”
I sighed, "well, I  travelled halfway around the world and a few years later I'm coming back with a purple heart because my balls got blown to bits."
"Hell of a journey," she giggled, trying to add onto the topic of conversation, “that’s wild.”
"Yeah," I laughed, "I guess."
"But at least your okay," she smiled, "I mean, you are okay, right?"
"Yeah," I laughed, "but I'm out for good. Apparently one ball means I couldn't go back for another tour of duty."
We both shared in the laughter of my misfortune for a few seconds. When it died down, I felt her hand on my thigh, "I'm glad I have you in my life though, Eddie."
"I'm glad you're in mine," I admitted, putting my hand over her own. I squeezed it softly, and she turned her hand around so that I could hold it, "you know, I never thought of it until now, but maybe it was a good thing I got hit...because if I hadn't I was gonna take another tour."
"It may sound mean, but I'm glad you got injured."
I looked into her eyes and smiled.
My problems didn't seem so big anymore.
My issues didn't seem important.
What was, was the fact that I was holding her hand in the garage. The two of us sharing in a peaceful moment.  Enjoying the here and now.
"Hey Eddie?"
"Kiss me already, would you?" 
Chapter 7
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cock-riding-giggity · 5 years
Half-Sack’s death was waaaaaaay harder to watch than Opie’s
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cedricssmile · 5 years
fans fics
hey guy’s so I might be adding Sons Of Anarchy imagines to my list of fics.   Jax Teller ( female reader only )  Opie Winston ( female reader only )  Chibs Telford ( female reader only )  Juice Ortiz ( female reader only )  Kip Epps ( halfsack ) ( female reader only )  those are all for now but more will be added in the future 
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mystic-scripture · 6 years
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Character Banners: Favorite SoA Men
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l0v3m3n0t · 7 years
Tears On the Runway chapter 25!
Update daaay, bitches! Long ass chapter too. 
Read It Here
"They'll settle it in lockup." Juice nonchalantly dismissed. He had seniority over Kip and knew that when bad blood was boiling between two members, all they usually needed was to duke it out and things would be aces again. "About that, what're you gonna do about Marceline?"
Kip picked his head up and quizzically looked at Juice. "What about her?"
"Dude, our brothers are gonna be speed bangin' us in dark hallways for the next 15 to 20 years and they're probably gonna try to pimp us out for cigarettes. You can't tell her what's going on, it's club business, but don't you think she's gonna get a little suspicious when you suddenly go missing?" Juice reminded his friend about the lengthy sentence they were due to serve and it was like Kip ran into a brick wall, having forgotten all about it. He let out an annoyed groan and fell on his back on the table with the bottom of his palms rubbing his eyes.
Kip hadn't even thought about how him going to prison was going to affect his relationship with Marceline. Had he thought about her while they were in Church, he probably would've voted for Luanne, but that still wouldn't change the fact that in one week, he was going into lockup. He couldn't ask Marci to wait for him. That wouldn't be fair to her and he couldn't be so selfish. She was still so young and vibrant, had her whole life ahead of her. He didn't want her to waste 20 years of her life waiting for him and he sure as hell wasn't going to agree to the Prison Clause; he was sure she wouldn't either.
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