#kira x shakaar
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"I actually like Kira/Bareil and Kira/Shakar. Yes, they were incredibly boring, but she has enough excitement in her life, she doesn't need it in her love life, and they both clearly cared about her. And then when she broke up with Shakar she went on to date Odo, who desperately wanted to be boring but the Founders just wouldn't let him. Let Kira have a boring-ass no-drama relationship that makes her happy! She's earned it."
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whats-those · 2 years
Discuss your answers in tags and reblogs! Also say what you headcanon her sexuality to be. I’m personally not very involved in fandoms in general, so I’m curious about how people actually feel about this.
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hahaha1d0that · 7 months
We all know that the DS9 writers obviously had favorites *COUGH COUGH O’BRIEN COUGH COUGH* when it came time to emotionally invoke the audience, but I don’t think we talk about Odo enough…
Sure, his name literally means “nothing” and he was experimented on in a lab during his upbringing and he was practically forced to betray his people during the Dominion War (he was even the first Changling to kill another) and he had his abilities taken from him as punishment and he was given a disease to spread to the entire Link (almost making him responsible for a Changling genocide)… buts that’s not what I’m getting at.
As if all of that wasn’t sad enough, they just had to make him hopelessly in love with Kira. Odo had to watch her bonds with Bareil, Shakaar, Julian, and even O’Brien, believing that she’d probably never love him because of who he was and how unlikeable he seemed. And after all of that, Kira was still oblivious to Odo’s feelings for her. It took Vic to finally get them together!!
And they still went their separate ways in the end…
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idc whatever the show tries to tell me kira is wlw leaning bi and odo is her agender he/him partner x
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jotunvali02 · 3 years
OMG. Where to start? Where to start?
First this ep screams QUODO as fuck.
"Frankly I don't care if you and Kira end up happily ever after!"
Liar. What was that cut on your face, then on Odo stepping out, then back on your devastated, heartbroken face? So heartbroken my heart broke too!
What was that "You're in love with her" full of spite, accusation and disappointment?
I'm also glad it didn't fall into the jealous rival trope bullshit. Odo is better than that. Shakaar is a cool guy and Odo knows that.
Quark being just "Don't let a heartbreak destroy the changeling I love.", implying it behind an excuse of "profits", of course. Because baka.
And the best is Odo saw right through it.
"I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
"....nah." >///<
He was talking to you as your future husband, baka!
And the bestest is that what does Odo do right after his future husband's speech? He goes to Quark's bar. Not to see Kira and Shakaar (cause he doesn't know they're here), but to see Quark.
And what did he do too? Spent 3 days to soundproof his floor so the thief of his heart (in every sense of the word) won't be bothered by his noise anymore.
"But it's not like I did it for you or anything, baka!" >///<
"Of course you didn't, baka." ^^
And though Odo's affection was for Kira (from what Quark thinks at least), our fav Ferengi seems nonetheless pleased his constable is able to love. Hell, he even suggested to Odo he should declare to her! Though it clearly breaks his heart, he just wants his fascist to be happy. Deep inside.
"How could I think she could love someone like me?"
Well, QUARK loves "someone like you", asshat! Oh well, he guessed it a few minutes later. ^^ Hence the soundproofing and the bar flirting. ♥
I've read this somewhere else already but I love how it's Quark's love for Odo, and Odo's self-respect, that saved our space Constable from depression.
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dunhamsolivia · 4 years
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jazzypizzaz · 8 years
i can't find a paragraph short enough for an ask that's good but Literally any part of the Cursed Siskuark Fic
ALRIGHT thank ya :-D…. (this is for the writing meme – by message like autisticandroids did probably since the ask box has a short limit)
my commentary in bold:
As they shake hands, Quark’s smirk widens into a leer.  "So is there anything I can do for you?  Hand job, blow job, whatever.  If we have a debt, I’d rather settle it now.“  [This is Quark trying to regain his dignity.  Not that he wouldn’t take a free handjob, but if he can reciprocate and make Sisko feel good, he sees it as less likely Sisko will screw him over somehow later.]
Sisko’s eyes widen in alarm.  He’s still somewhat aroused (nothing he can’t handle on his own, later), [listen I wanted to give Sisko an orgasm but it really squicked me out in this context.  it was important that he was enjoying himself!  I wanted this to be a ~connection~ not clinical duty, but still it’s…. weird] but that Quark is so quick to expect Sisko to hold this over him as a debt if he doesn’t offer reciprocation is worrisome, to say the least. "Quark, you don’t owe me a damn thing, other than not to botch the next time you cater an event like this.” [i struggled a bit on balancing the blame for the catastrophe… like Quark should have taken care of this, but lots of deep seated shame over not being able to find a suitable consistent partner makes it tough. shoot… I had thought out headcanons on when/how the Mating Fever occurs – I think it was a think for Ferengi when they found their match, so Quark found that with Odo but Odo is deeply denying it, which means Quark is left high and dry.]
Quark’s bottom lip quivers.  "Your loss.“
He abruptly buries his face into Sisko’s torso, his arms embracing him in a tight hug.  Sisko is taken aback at first, but finds himself hugging Quark back, rubbing his shoulders.  [remember that time in Prophet Motive when Quark suddenly hugged Zek?  Quark doesn’t have physical personal boundaries, like all Ferengi, anyway he’s a hugger I’ve decided.]
“I thought you would have one of those hu-mon hard stomachs,” Quark’s muffled voice says. [ever heard of a muscular Ferengi? nog is the exception I guess.  chubbiness is seen as a sign of wealth and prosperity.  abs are a weird hewmon preoccupation]
“Abs?  Oh they’re under there somewhere.  But you can’t grow up in a restaurant without a healthy appreciation for good cooking.” [listen…… Sisko is the hottest dude in Star Trek for me.  I want to bury my face in his stomach. *fans self*] [sorry]
“I don’t mind.”  Quark lets out a long deep sigh and nuzzles into Sisko’s chest.  
Starfleet Academy’s instruction, and even Curzon’s particular brand of diplomacy, hadn’t prepared Sisko fully to understand such… peculiar … alien people as the Ferengi, but interacting with Quark has certainly tested his boundaries of cultural relativity.  Strangely, he finds he’s okay with that, even protective of this particular Ferengi, with his obnoxious idiosyncrasies and uncomfortable vulnerability to exploitation. [if I have such Soft Feelings for this weird egg trashfire of a person, then so is my main dude Sisko okay]
Sisko hesitates, then kisses Quark’s forehead.  [if Quark had hair, I think a better gesture would have been him stroking his hair… anyway I like the sweetness of this, after the handjob lol.  Sisko’s kinda impulsive, and generous with people emotionally, so this feels in character to me.]
He couldn’t have predicted hugging this small, strange man in any capacity back when they first met.  He also certainly doesn’t want a reoccurrence of the earlier somewhat traumatic experience, or perhaps even future non-emergency sexual contact.  (Maybe he’ll even try talking Quark up to Odo sometime, remind Odo that Kira isn’t currently single, and he should respect that.) [i guess I was thinking that Odo was cutting off his fuckbuddy thing with Quark, because he doesn’t see his relationship with Quark as suitably ~romantic~, so now he’s pursuing Kira, who is still seeing Shakaar or Bareil or someone at this point.]  However, he has to admit that this moment, right here, is nice.  Maybe Quark was right.  He’s been lonely, and it’s been too long since he’s had the warmth of someone in his arms like this.  [LISTEN the TOUGHEST part of this fic was creating a situation where Sisko would be sorta in to Quark, enough for some sexy times, and good lord that took a lot of doing.  I’m hoping by this point, I’ve built up enough affection and connection between them, that Sisko’s emotion right here comes off as genuine, but I’m still afraid it’s the weakest part.  If this occurs not long after the episode The Jem’Hadar, then Ben has been single for a long time!  He’s a lovin dude who needs some lovin, so hey maybe he didn’t realize how much he missed it?? and…. quark…. idk  GOOD LORD]
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ficquote · 5 years
When Shakaar finally sees fit to send her out on her own to kill a high-level collaborator, she thanks him profusely for trusting her with such an important assignment. “This isn’t something you should thank him for, Nerys,” says Lupaza, worried, and Nerys is hurt that Lupaza seems to have so little faith in her ability to get the job done. It isn’t until a decade has passed that Nerys realizes that Lupaza wasn’t worried about her abilities; she was worried about the state of her soul.
The World Spins Madly On. 
(sheepfairy on LiveJournal)
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