#have a happy kira :)
hollis-art · 4 months
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i dont know why doodle boards are my go-to thing to draw when idk what to do, bc like?? that means i have to have MORE ideas to fill it up??? counterintuitive but ok
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“‘Cause if it gets you through the night. Well then hey, hey it’s your night, and that’s your right, it ain’t my business” — The Paper Chase
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captainhysunstuff · 5 months
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22 more images (with some saucy shenanigans and immature "seduction" tactics towards the end) below the cut:
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Ryuk makes his grand return and is brought up to speed with Light and L's immoral union. The date seems pretty successful~.
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cuterefaction · 11 months
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#Trektober Day 29, "Crew as Family". I mean, every Trek crew is a found family, but I have a special place in my heart for the utter garbage fire presented by this potential romcom scenario.
I'm assuming Dukat reels violently between racist horror and quiet delight that he gets an excuse to flirt with Kira and Sisko more often.
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star-trekster · 10 months
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🌟❤️Sparkle on it’s Wednesday, from the Major!❤️🌟
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mayasaura · 3 months
For some reason, the dnd:hat movie has been living rent-free in my head for over a week. Xenk is just rattling around in there right now, having a long talk with Kira about morality, mortality, personal sacrifice, and being a child who saw the Beckoning Death unleashed on their home.
I feel like Xenk would have a lot to say that Kira needs to hear, and be a good listener for the things Kira needs to talk about that she can't tell her dad or Holga. He'd probably benefit from talking to her, too. Kira almost experienced the same tragedy he did when he was her age. It would be cathartic for him to help her through that, knowing he helped save her from ever experiencing what he went through
#edgin and holga want kira to be safe and happy#and I'm sure they'll talk with Kira about what she went through too#but there are a lot of questions Kira might have that they're not equipped to answer#especially about THEM and the tablet of reawakening#and edgin is struggling too much with his own questions about morality and personal preservation vs personal gain vs doing good#xenk is respectable and also patient and understanding and supportive enough to be the perfect confidante for a confused eleven year old#and he's lived the Bad Ending of the traumatic experience she skirted past#she also looks a bit like Ishara#the girl he saw lost in the fog before he ran#and I'm sure the filmmakers did that intentionally so Ishara would remind us of Kira and what was at stake#but it's very easy to turn that around and have Kira remind Xenk of Ishara#dungeons and dragons: honor among thieves#d&d:hat#dnd hat#dnd:hat#xenk yendar#kira darvis#I can't imagine this post will be interesting to more than like. three people#but it's interesting to me!!!#Kira saw one of her parents die in front of her!!#she's eleven years old!!#Xenk has already worked through a mountain of survivor's guilt incurred at a similar age#he's the ideal mentor for her!!#it's all about being the person you needed 😭😭😭#it's all about forgiving yourself for not stopping what happened to you by stopping it from happening to someone else#if you need me I'll be lying in a puddle thinking about grief and processing trauma
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bisexualbuck · 2 years
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You are really enjoying this, aren't you? Hm? All your sick little games.
[ID: Five gifs from Star Trek DS9 featuring Kira Nerys and Gul Dukat. Kira is sitting at a table while Dukat is standing.
Dukat is the only one speaking, he says, "I must admit, I do get a certain perverse pleasure out of it." Kira laughs though it's clearly forced. Then Dukat tells her, "Read it or not, it's up to you." Kira shrugs. She grabs a cup that's on the table before she throws it at Dukat. The cup nearly misses Dukat's face before it shatters on the wall.
/ End ID]
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leohttbriar · 11 months
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"most aren't quite so evident" she says to kira, as if she herself isn't one of kira's walking-talking scars, as if she isn't carried around by kira, while she only grows heavier and more inflamed as the episode goes on. still. kira pushes her mother's hair aside and touches her mother's face so gently--watching almost possessively when dukat removes the scar from her mother's face because her mother really was a scar she was happy to wear only now it's different. now her mother-scar is too evident. now she understands her mother but she doesn't want to. kira has been pushed into too many grey spaces in her life and she really didn't want her mother to be another. which is why she moves her mother's hair aside, to pull her mother and her mother's bravery from the grey shadow. and then the scar is "healed" and maybe kira is bitter than she herself can't be.
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obitoslover · 1 month
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Okay, man child who plays with toys.
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youngpettyqueen · 4 months
sometimes im forced to remember that the only canon DS9 couple that gets a happy ending at the end of the show is fuckin. Julian/Ezri
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recurring-polynya · 6 months
I was cleaning out my WIPs folder a few months ago, and I found the original draft of my Kira-and-Rose-Review-a-Restaurant story. It was nearly complete, and it's not anything earth-shattering, but it's also mildly entertaining, so I thought I would finish it up and send it out into the world. Then, of course, I procrastinated on that for months, but, hey! It's Kira's birthday! Happy birthday, Kira!
(read on ao3)
🍴 🐟 🍶
“Captain,” said Izuru, clutching his folders like a lifeline, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding.”
“My companion will have the tekkadon, but he would like the orange sauce on the side,” Captain Outoribashi informed the waiter. He squinted at his lieutenant. “Is that alright? Do you like tekkadon?”
“Er, yes, it’s fine,” Izuru excused. “Sir, when you said we could go over these budget requests over dinner, I thought we would go to a ramen stand or something. This is far too--”
Rose waved a hand. “It’s covered, don’t worry about it.”
Izuru chewed the inside of his cheek while his new captain continued to order a rather frightening amount of food. The waiter seemed to be taking all this in stride.
Captain Outoribashi couldn’t be more different than Captain Gin, he kept reminding himself. Rose was elegant and mannered, and was trying very, very hard to make everyone in Squad Three feel comfortable and welcome. He also had absolutely gorgeous waves of shining hair, velvety purple eyes that you could just fall into, and amazing taste in absolutely everything. Izuru would never have assumed in a million years that his captain would have any sort of… interest in someone like him, and yet, here they were. In a fancy restaurant. After work hours.
“Sir,” he started again, when the server had left. “It’s not about the money-- well, also, I feel you may have been misinformed, it’s true that I come from a noble family, but, uh… not a very well-funded one. It’s, just, er… I feel that a captain and a vice-captain should have a very professional relationship, you see, and this place is rather upscale, and I feel like you’ve gotten the wrong idea--”
Rose blinked at him. “You’re friends with Lieutenant Hisagi, no?”
Izuru’s cheeks colored. “Well, yes, sir, we’ve known each other since our school days.”
“He didn’t tell you?”
Izuru felt all the blood in his body fall down into his feet. “Tell me… what?”
“Well,” said Captain Outoribashi, with a sneaky smile on his face. “One of the first things I realized upon my return to Soul Society was that old curmudgeon Kyouraku Kenji had retired and that the restaurant review column had been vacant for nearly three years!”
“Wait, what?” Kira sputtered.
“According to your friend,” Rose rambled on, “His former captain felt that the column was elitist or somesuch and didn’t want to continue it, but what could be more egalitarian than communicating the rapture of fine dining to the masses? I thought I was going to need to lean on my good friend Kensei for a little old-fashioned favoritism, but Lieutenant Hisagi was perfectly willing to hand me the post, can you believe it? I assumed he might have mentioned it to you, you’re also a Bulletin contributor, are you not?”
“You’re here to review this restaurant?” Kira managed to get out.
Rose put an elegant finger to his lips. “Shh! We’re supposed to be secretive about it, but I refuse to use a nom de plume, so I am sure we’ll be quite infamous before long.”
“'We'?” Izuru echoed.
“Well, I need to try as many dishes as possible,” Rose mused. “I have to bring companions. You had a noble upbringing, so I’m sure your palate is quite sophisticated. And you’re a writer! I hope you don’t mind, but I was already planning on blatantly stealing any particularly clever turns of phrase that pass your lips.”
Kira felt frozen absolutely solid. Why did his captains always have to be so interested in him? Why couldn’t he get an icy asshole like Kuchiki who would forget he even existed whenever he was out of eyesight, or a battleax like the Kenpachi, who would just break his arms first thing in the morning? Who was he kidding? He knew very well he wouldn’t last ten minutes in Squad Eleven before someone ran his underwear up a flagpole.
Rose’s face fell. “If you’re not interested, just say so. I’m sorry for presuming. Do you happen to know anyone who likes fine dining? Kensei has excellent taste in cuisine, but he dislikes ambience, and you can’t take Hirako anywhere. Beyond that, I’m afraid I’ve fallen out of touch with many of my old acquaintances.”
No! Kira scolded himself. He has offered you a reasonable boundary and you can just say no. Say no, Izuru. Say it. Just because he’s lonely doesn’t mean it’s your job to be his friend. You’re his lieutenant and that’s all you have to be.
“An assortment of shiokara,” the waiter returned, setting a tray on the table holding a number of sampler bowls. “And your sake.”
“Do you like shiokara?” Rose asked, gesturing at the pots of fermented fish before picking up the sake. “Also, do you drink?” he asked belatedly. “I love it, but only with shots.”
“Ah, same,” Kira finally managed. “I tend to think of it as bar food, though, I’m a little bit skeptical of the artisan nonsense from the menu.” It was out of his mouth before he even thought about it-- you’re not at the izakaya with Hisagi and Abarai!! he reminded himself.
“Oh, Kira, you cannot say something like that and then refuse to give me your opinion on the finished product!” Rose sighed. “Please, just help me with this first review! I’ll…” he frowned. “I don’t know what you like. I’ll let you pick the music we listen to in the office for a whole week.”
Kira had already experienced the horror of Rose’s automatic music player that he had brought back from the World of the Living. “Er, that’s okay,” he replied. “I don’t really know any of the music you have. It’s probably better if you pick.” He grabbed a bite of firefly squid with his chopsticks. “I’m here, might as well.”
Rose’s face glowed.
  “ ‘...I found the dish quite pleasant, although more adventurous diners may find the flavors too subtle. My delightful dining companion, a man of culture and manners, proclaimed that ‘you could throw a rock toward Rukongai and hit a bar with better shiokara than this.’”
“Savage,” Rangiku declared.
Momo slammed her Bulletin down on the table. “How did you convince him to let you go along? I wish my captain took me to fancy restaurants!”
“Who says it was me?” Izuru frowned, sipping his sake. “I don’t think it ever said the guy’s name. It could have been anyone.”
“Later on, he says that you described the rosewater agar agar as ‘smelling like your great- aunt’s house,’" Renji pointed out dryly, "which is the same thing you said about that facial cream Yumichika tried to get you to use."
"Why do you pay attention to things like that?" Izuru griped.
"Because he took it very personally and complained to me for a month about it!"
"Anyway," Shuuhei broke in, "Captain Outoribashi told me it was you. He wanted to make sure you got your co-author stipend." He jerked his chin. "He said he wasn't sure if you were going to keep doing it with him."
Izuru shrugged. "It was sort of by accident that I ended up going anyway."
"Well, if you don't want to, tell him that I like going to fancy restaurants," Rangiku offered.
"I think it's a nice opportunity to get to know your new captain!" Momo announced. "But if you really don't want to, I also like going to fancy restaurants."
"I also think you should do it," Renji said. "I don't care about fancy restaurants, but that was the funniest restaurant review I've ever read. Captain Kuchiki thought it was hilarious, too, by the way."
"He what," said Izuru.
"He chuckled softly and shook his head," Renji translated.
Izuru had to take a minute to process that one.
"Also, that sweet, sweet co-author stipend," Shuuhei pointed out.
Izuru glared at him.
"Look, it's too soon to have more than anecdotal feedback, but my editorial instincts tell me this column is going to be a big hit. You and Captain Outoribashi have rapport, Izuru! Chemistry!"
Izuru frowned, deeply. "He's my boss, Hisagi, and he's only been that for three weeks. All I want with him is an appropriate work relationship with healthy and firmly respected boundaries."
"How about a 10,000 kan per month dining budget?" Shuuhei replied, and took a shot of sake. "Alcohol permitted."
"Oh," said Izuru. "Well. Maybe that, too."
If you enjoyed this, maybe you'd like to read their review of the Seireitei Waffle Hut?
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"I actually like Kira/Bareil and Kira/Shakar. Yes, they were incredibly boring, but she has enough excitement in her life, she doesn't need it in her love life, and they both clearly cared about her. And then when she broke up with Shakar she went on to date Odo, who desperately wanted to be boring but the Founders just wouldn't let him. Let Kira have a boring-ass no-drama relationship that makes her happy! She's earned it."
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zipitmythicalsunset · 11 months
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Have been wanting to do a halloween special with the SF cast, so after WAYYY too long, i can say i actually kinda like this piece!
Have a happy halloween folks!
Anndddd theres all the characters
Whisper (bakery otter) by @antagonistickool-aid
Nora (colorful moth) and Aiden (vampire) by @lazulli-blue
Bettle (werewolf) by @crow-with-a-pencil
X.G (witch) by me
Smol kraken eclipse (jack sparrow) and Finnick (Ghost rider, he set himself on fire lol) by @intistone
Carrie (scarecrow) by {redacted - do not expect to see this character again}
Vipera (banshee) by @darklighthedgehog
Carol (pastel patchwork teddy) and Eleanor (frankensteins monster thing) by me
Kira (little shit at the window), Yamitsuki (Creepy moth, shes afraid of cicadas), and Gin (oversized cicada, hes afraid of moths) all by @yamitsuki-devillie
Bloo (jack o lantern lewis) by @bloo-the-dragon
Cici (clown jester gremlin) by @holly-rose12
Oh and obviously the cats. They are also @yamitsuki-devillie little babies simba and rat :)
Have a good day/night and a spoopy halloween!
*falls into the void*
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remythologise · 1 year
tv writers will be like ‘I split my main protagonist into two men so they can have dialogue as two halves of the same person’ and pretend it’s a straight thing
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spocks-kaathyra · 3 months
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I made a corset to go underneath some of my upcoming cosplays and really what they don't tell u is that u can just do things poorly. "making a corset is hard" "sewing is hard" "cooking is hard" NO!! doing those things *well* is hard. u can just do it poorly and it'll probably turn out mostly fine. like this corset
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Ranting about the Death Note amnesia trope below, if you like the No-Memories ending scroll past because this is just me expanding on why I don't like it
I think that the reason I tend to despise the Memory Loss ending is because it's framed as a happy one. I can understand it when it's written as a sad or bittersweet end, but not when it's written as a hopeful or wholly happy one.
Not just because I don't think it's happy, but also because it just seems disingenuous, especially when framed as a loving ending.
I don't know, it just—it takes away a lot of what I like about Lawlight as a ship. Enemies to Lovers at its core is about seeing the darkest parts of someone, having someone know every nasty, cruel bit of your soul, and falling in love with them anyway. Not even in spite of it—with Lawlight specifically, I see them as people that fall in love with each other BECAUSE of those parts of themselves. The parts that they hide away from the world, the parts that no one else accepts.
The memory loss trope just,,,wipes all of that away. It takes away the struggle of getting better. It's cutting out the parts of your lover that you don't like or that don't fit your narrative to "fix" them.
I think, at its core, what bothers me most is that it takes away the choice.
Without his memories, Light is stripped of his choice to decide whether or not he wants to better himself. Personally, I don't see L as someone who can redeem him (that's also another reason I dislike this trope), so for L to yoink Light's memories of being Kira and say "All fixed!" is like someone sticking a bandaid over a gaping wound. Because he's not someone who can stitch it closed, who can help it heal, because he is an intrinsic part of Kira's story. As an antagonist. An equal.
It rubs me viscerally the wrong way, especially when it's framed as the only way for them to be happy together. L isn't a good person. Light isn't a good person. If they were I wouldn't be nearly so invested in their relationship.
Don't get me wrong, I also hate it when L just,,,,magically gains a moral compass. If he wants to be a good man I need him to work for it, I don't want him OR Light to have an easy way out, to have a magic Get-Rid-Of-The-Difficult-Things-About-My-Lover-Free button.
But also, just. Let them be fucked up. They're toxic and awful and perfect for each other and I want them at each other's throats hand in hand for the rest of their lives.
I think that's my bottom line—I don't like the memory loss ending because it makes them both out to be something they're not.
L is not a good man with pure intentions. If he wants Light to give up his memories I take it to mean he wants the easy route. He wants to be with a Light that doesn't remember that he hated him or why, that doesn't remember all the bad things he's done, that's still an innocent child in a lot of ways—because it's easy. It's fast. He doesn't have to work for it. He doesn't have to work for forgiveness or try to give it because the man that he needs to forgive and be forgiven by doesn't exist anymore.
Light isn't an innocent little boy that's been corrupted by an evil entity. He's a man who's made mistakes, who's arrogant and closed-minded and stubborn and in denial, who calls himself evil but refuses to believe it, who smiled while he killed a grieving woman, who smiled while he killed a friend and held them close, who was so terribly lonely that his first friend was a monster.
And, if you're going to go that route, acknowledge that it's toxic too. Acknowledge that Light is going to struggle and he won't remember why. Acknowledge that underneath everything he's still Kira, because Kira was just a set of decisions that Light made, not a malevolent entity that possessed him. Acknowledge that Light giving up his memories is him giving up attempting to redeem himself, or attempting to exist in certain capacities completely.
An add-on—personally, I don't see L as someone who would want Light to give up his memories. Because L doesn't usually take the easy way out. It's a game between them, and he's playing to win and win completely. While he DOES play dirty, he still wants his opponent to acknowledge that he won, and he wants them to remember it. Light losing his memories would be a loss for L too, in a way, because then he's lost his playmate. He's lost his equal. He's lost the person that's going to fight him on everything that matters and yet agree with him on everything that doesn't. He's lost the person that can appreciate every move he makes.
Plus... there's something to be said for evil husbands that are on opposite sides, isn't there? ;3
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