#kirigiri raffle time
oathofpromises · 1 year
Mun asks: 11 & 12!
11.what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
I used to roleplay on twitter and honestly it wasn't bad at first but after a bit it just felt like all people wanted to do was crack rp. Which don't get me wrong crack rp can be funny but I am here to write stories with people. To show character development and build dynamics. I also just have very bad memories associated with my time there. I won't go into details but some of the rules I have today on here are because of situations that happened to me on that platform. If there's one thing I am gratful for it's my friends I met on there. Especially @diademreigned , that's how the two of us met was twitter. I was doing a editing raffle give away and at the time my layouts were circulating through the kh rp community on there. They ended up winning one and it was that day we started talking. We've been best friends ever since that day.
When I tell you they are the reason that made writing on there fun that is the truth because honestly they are such incredible sweetheart and I wouldn't be here today without them.
I also role played on a app called Amino, for anyone that knows this place is just a ground for bullies. I don't miss it at all and it's because of my experiences on there that my danganronpa muses are harder to write for at the moment. It's been years, but when you have people who make alts on there just to harass you it drains you of any motivation you've for that fandom.
12.what was the first fandom that you roleplayed within?
I know I mentioned this before but first fandom I wrote in was Danganronpa. I mainly wrote for Chiaki, Kirigiri and my oc. I love this series and getting chance to write for these characters was fun but I admit the fandom in the rp community, at least around time I was writing in it, was very toxic. I had people who belittled my character simply because I did ship her with a canon character. She wasn't a mary sue, as the backstory made sense for them to meet that way.
This is also part of the reason I am very hesitant to ship oc x canon because of the hate I have gotten for it in the past. Let's just say some people thought a character was only for their oc...yeah I legit have had people tell me I can't ship with a character because their oc already has taken them. Which is discussion for another day but I have so many stories about writing in this fandom. Did I get experience in rp, yeah but do I wish I had left sooner. Yep. That's why my Danganronpa muses will only be available to mutuals or when requested. It's simply just a comfort thing for me at this point.
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adorbs-dice-kinhelp · 3 years
Raffle Prize For @mourningmad
Kyoko Kirigiri Execution
Kyoko Kirigiri Execution: Forbidden Secret
Kyoko Kirigiri was dragged into an interrogation room by her wrists like a common criminal. Hogwash. She was the Ultimate Detective, now being treated like she had done something wrong. She didn't mean to kill her victim. Really, she didn't. Well, she did. But she didn't want to. She just needed to find out the secret of the school.
Monokuma began asking her question after question on a polygraph test. She answered honestly each time when she received a shock for each answer. Kyoko didn't understand. She was answering honestly, to the best of her abilities. Maybe the trick was to lie?
She started to lie on the questions, only receiving harsher shocks for them. Lie, shock. Lie, shock. Truth, shock again. She couldn't do it. She was going to be punished, going to be killed no matter what she did.
Unable to take it anymore, Kyoko ripped the polygraph test away from her, and bolted out the door. She ran as fast as she could down the hallway of the building. The building was still clearly meant to be Hope's Peak Academy. Perfect! If she knew where to look, and she did, then she could at least expose the academy's secret before her demise.
Eventually, she reached the room she knew was the mastermind's keep. She knew they were in there. The person behind this sick game, the person behind her execution, was sitting in that room, watching. Were they joyous? Anxious? She had no way of knowing.
She threw open the door without a moment's notice, just in time to see two blue eyes staring into her soul. In time to see lockes of blonde held by the face of her tormentor. Just in time to see the guns aimed directly at her, firing squad style. Another execution for criminals. Two words rang out.
"Confession obtained!"
And then the guns fired. One after another, piercing her head, heart, and neck the first times, and then putting several holes in her body. Just like Mukuro Ikusaba, the victim they never got to properly mourn. As she now laid there, the floor beneath her soaked in blood— her own blood—, the mastermind sat smirking as the door closed. No one else got to see this person. The game would continue, leaving Kyoko as just another body. Just another victim. This wasn't such a happily ever after for the Ultimate Detective, it seemed.
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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
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Prologue - Stranded in Despair Academia
○ Lesson: We are different, we have things we'll understand about each other and things we may not. However, different shouldn't divide us, but unify us in situations where differences are our strengths. ○ Exposition: Makoto introduces himself and the concept of Hope's Peak Academy. He is being accepted as the Ultimate Lucky Student through the school's raffle. They enter the school on the first day, but feel dizzy and fuzzy as they enter the building. He wakes up on a desk in a class with the windows bolted over, and a big screen and security camera over the black board. As he stands up to look around, there's a weight in his pocket. He pulls out an electronic ID card with a map of the school. Their handbook shows that they are a freshman of HPA. The map shows dots that represent where each of the other students are, although none of them are labeled with names. They're all gathered in the main hall, so Makoto decides to head there. Checking the clock on the way out, Makoto sees that it's 8:00; they're late for freshman orientation.
○ Rising Action: Makoto makes their way to the main hall to see 14 other students waiting with their eHandbooks out. They're all muttering among themselves wondering what's going on. There is a giant vault door in the main hall, and it seems to be locked. As Makoto walks in, a screen on the wall turns on and an announcement plays over the PA system. It says that everyone should introduce themselves while the Headmaster prepares the opening ceremony in the gymnasium. Makoto reunites with a few of his childhood friends who were accepted into HPA, and meets some new people as well. He is particularly interested in Kyoko Kirigiri since zey can't remember zeir Ultimate Talent. Other than Kyoko, Makoto chose to stick with Sayaka, Toko, and Syo/Sho. Then, another announcement plays that says that they should make their way to the gym as quickly as possible for freshman orientation.
○ Climax: Everyone arrives in the gymnasium and the Headmaster appears on the stage of the gym. The Headmaster is an animatronic bear named Monokuma who reveals that he's keeping them all captive in a killing game for the rest of their natural lives. Not only that, but he tells them that they chose to attend and stay in the academy of their own free will. Everyone is in denial and panics in their own way. They forms cliques with the people they know, and some people don't have anybody at all. Monokuma just sits back and watches the madness unfold. The worried and anxious students (Toko, Hifumi, Hiro, etc...) start begging to be let go and saying how they couldn't live here. Byakuya (and guarded students like him) start saying how nobody can be trusted. Sakura and Hina counter him saying that they are stronger together. The more analytical of the group (Taka, Kyoko, Celeste, etc...) blame Monokuma for the whole thing.
○ Falling Action: Mondo takes that last accusation and uses it as an excuse to hold Monokuma by the scruff of the neck to try and break him. "Junko" tries to get him to stop, but he refuses. Then suddenly, Monokuma's body starts beeping. Kyoko orders that Mondo throw the animatronic and he does, Monokuma exploding in the air. Miscellaneous pieces of his body scatter across the gym, and all the students are taken aback. Makoto isn't sure what compelled him to do this, but they speak up. They say that the situation may seem out of their control, but they can make it through if they work together. Ishimaru speaks up as the Ultimate Moral Compass and takes over for Makoto to give him some time to think. However, before he can, another Monokuma pops up from behind the stage. He's angry that Mondo tried to destroy him, but lets him off with a warning. From that, Monokuma decides to go over HPA's rules and regulations that are in everyone's eHandbooks. It's revealed that there are many Monokumas displaced throughout the school to punish students who break the rules. There are security cameras all over the school for that reason as well (supposedly).
○ Resolution: After all that, Monokuma leaves in a nonchalant manner and allows the students to talk amongst themselves. Kyoko takes charge of the discussion and keeps everyone calm by going over the factual information they were given. Everyone once again becomes suspicious of each other, and can only stand in silence while letting the reality of their situation sink in.
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prompt-master · 4 years
It's Snooping Time
Makoto had the nosiest little sister. He had to shoo her out of his room all the time to keep her from getting her grubby little hands all over his things. He couldn't even begin to count the amount of manga Komaru just straight up stole from him. Not to mention that she even went so far as to snoop through his mail and open his Hope's Peak Acceptance letter while he was out.
He'd made sure to rid his room of anything he didn't want her taking before he left for Hope's Peak. It was the only precaution he could make with even a chance of working. It was such a strange feeling moving into his dorm and not having to worry about Komaru checking every nook and cranny when he turned his back. It was relaxing, honestly. He did miss his sister, and he loved her dearly! But he didn't love some of the crap she pulled.
But that's alright, because now Makoto had a chance to catch up and remind himself of all the things he loved and hated about Komaru. After the Ultimate Pharmacist accidentally caused a risky chemical spill that managed to leak to the dorms through the vents, everyone had been given a week off campus!
He'd been having the time of his life attending as an Ultimate. All his new friends were so lively and made him excited to face each day. He treasured every bond he'd made over the course of the year. It was a bit overwhelming at times being surrounded by the most talented eccentric individuals Hope's Peak's scouters could find, and walking into his quaint little home only reminded him of how average he really was compared to everyone else in the school. He somehow managed to be more average than other raffle winners.
"I'm home-"
His mother pulled him into a quick unexpected hug.
"Ack- mom-!"
"Aw, Makoto we missed you! I've never been away from you from so long, you're growing up!" Her arms curled around his back, pulling him in tighter and tighter. One hand ruffled his hair from the back, the other lay on his shoulder.
"I missed you too mom" Makoto laughed, embarrassed as his mom planted a kiss on his head, "but can you please let go? You're crushing me."
"Makoto!" Another voice cried out and Makoto held his chest, recovering from the previous hug.
"Hi Komar- oof!"
She gave him a heavy slap on the back before another hearty hug, giving him a mouthful of hair. He could feel her usual energetic excitement, she pulled off of him quickly, hands on his shoulders and starry eyes wide, "How was it?! Are the students as weird as the internet says?! Do you have any hot upperclassmen?! You go to school with your stupid idol crush now don't you?!"
Just about a year ago all this energy would have left Makoto dizzy and tired, now he considered it low energy compared to the intensity of everyday life around the Ultimates.
Makoto laughed, a soft sweet sound. Home sweet home, after all. He did have much he wanted to tell his sister. She was going to freak out when she found out Yamada Hifumi, the author of her favorite doujin, was in his class. "Calm down Komaru, I just got home."
"Geez," she said, tone light and teasing, "you go to an elite school and come back like you went on a life changing journey! Where's my brother who gets annoyed at all my questions, huh?"
"Give your brother a break, Komaru." Their dad joined the scene, clapping a hand onto Makoto's shoulder. "You'll have plenty of time over the week to hear about all his adventures."
"You just want to hear about it too, dad."
"Guilty as charged." their dad put up his hands in admission, chuckling softly.
"You should get settled in," when his mother smiled, she had little crinkles around her eyes. It was such a small detail but he missed seeing such a genuine joy on someone's face, "we won't have as much to tell you as you will us though."
"That's ok mom!"
Makoto found himself relaxing. Even though he'd been away from home for so long he fit right back in like he always belonged here. After an awkward wave he left down the hall to get into his room. On his way there, an unfamiliar glint of light from the living room wall caught his eye, causing him to look up. There was a new frame up on the wall. More of Komaru's art, maybe? 
He came closer to the simple black frame, seated in a spot that was rather obvious. Like his parents wanted all visitors to see this particular frame. From a distance it looked mostly white and blank. He got close enough to make out the little black text that simply and quickly announced Makoto's acceptance into the school of a lifetime. 
Makoto smiled. They framed his acceptance letter. He was really happy to be home. He felt loved before he left, but now he felt adored. 
As he pushed open the door to his room and dropped his bags to the floor he briefly wondered how different things would be after starting out a new path in his life. But once he sat down on his bed he felt like he'd never really left. He was excited to have dinner with his family again, but he also has text messages from his new friends to look forward to! 
The problem was Makoto got too relaxed. He was used to sleeping in a cozy locked dorm where everyone only bothered to knock in order to ask him to hang out elsewhere. So when Makoto went to dinner he left his backpack free for the picking on the floor of his bedroom. 
And of course, Komaru wasted no time poking her head into said room. How could she not?! Her brother is getting a once in a lifetime opportunity! No, not even that, most lives don't get to experience even a taste of what Makoto gets to indulge in. How could she not want to know more?! A quick inspection of the bags he brought over showed pretty much only clothes and a teddy bear wearing the Hope's Peak emblem on its shirt. 
And then she turned her attention towards his backpack. Maybe she'd find some embarrassing doodles in his notebooks, Makoto did have a tendency to scribble when lectures bored him. She zipped open the bag, bouncing up and down in anticipation as to what she might discover. 
Ugh, boring. Why did Makoto only have a bunch of school supplies in his backp- oh. Well actually, that did make sense. Even though Makoto was accepted into the school unconditionally it seemed he still wanted to prove himself. 
Well, average grades. It's certainly not exceptional but...he is trying. 
Feeling a bit dejected at the lack of juicy information, she opened the front pocket of his backpack with much less vigor than prior. Then she paused.
Oh my, oh my, oh my. What do we have here? 
Within the pocket were several small envelopes each sealed with a well placed red heart sticker.
Confession Letters. 
Naegi Makoto had confession letters. 
There was NO WAY anything in this world could keep Komaru from digging further. She quickly took one of the letters into her hand and inspected it. 
"Maizono Sayaka" 
She gasped, it was the idol crush! That was definitely Makoto's handwriting, it was always a bit distinctly messy. No doubt in her mind that her brother wrote these. 
She looked back into the bag, where so many envelopes lay in waiting for the day someone would open them. She felt herself building up an uncontained excitement. Was Makoto so enamored with Miss Maizono Sayaka that he had to write several drafts of his confession? She could totally imagine Makoto about to hand over his letter before going red in the face and sprinting away in panic. 
She wondered if she could open up some of these without getting caught, she desperately wanted to read the embarrassing contents. She picked another letter from the back of the pouch and turned it over. 
"Kirigiri Kyoko" 
Her amusement grew three sizes. She was trying hard not to laugh, her brother was crushing on two girls who were most certainly out of his league? What did he think he was, an anime protagonist? 
She picked up another, buzzing with excitement. 
"Togami Byakuya"
Her eyes almost popped out of her head at that one. Togami Byakuya? Wait… Togami? Like THAT Togami? Togami Corporation? Wait- a BOY? 
No way. No fucking way. She totally called it. But to think that Makoto wasn't just crushing on a TOGAMI but was writing letters hoping to confess. The image of her average joe brother handing, not just a random someone but a TOGAMI, a handwritten letter made her giggle.
She continued to pick through the letters. He certainly had a thing for Kyoko and Byakuya as there were SEVERAL versions of those letters. There were a few more for Sayaka, and a few singles for others such as someone named Asahina Aoi, and someone named Ikusaba Mukuro.
Was Makoto just falling in love with anyone who so much as looked at him? 
She needed so desperately to know more. She was trying hard not to sputter with laughter at the assortment of letters now in her lap. Makoto didn't just think he was an anime protagonist he seemed like he thought he was a harem protagonist. 
The door opened up, leaving Komaru without even a single moment to put everything back. 
"Komaru, you know I don't like you in my-..." Makoto's slightly annoyed tone cut off as he processed the sight in front of him. 
Komaru. His sister. With all his very personal letters in her grasp. 
Makoto quickly sprung into action. "Ack! No! No stop that! Why are you going through my bag!?" He dropped to his knees, sliding on the wooden floor and scrambling to rip all the letters away from her. 
She held on tight to one of them, it was one of Byakuya's letters. Her face was smug, knowing all too well she was about to bring the motherfucking gavel down on him. 
"Komaru let go!" Makoto whined trying to snag Komaru’s prize for snooping.
"I- ppftt - I can't believe you wanted to date like half your class!" Komaru disregarded her brother's pitiful plee and kept the letter just out of his reach. Her brother's face was beet red as he glared at her.
"H-hey it's not HALF!" Komaru continued to laugh at him, unable to even get a sentence out between her wheezes. Makoto picked up a pillow from his bed and threw it at her face. 
She rolled back with the impact, hopping up onto her feet and balancing on her heels. She held the letter high above her head. 
"I never thought you'd be the type to write CONFESSION LETTERS!" 
Makoto felt panic rushing through his very veins, "its not…!" He couldn't even do much but stay on the ground desperately trying to think of a way out of this situation "They aren't confession letters!! I dont have crushes on all of them now give it back!" 
His face, all the way to his ears, had gone so bright red you could make a paint swatch out of it.  
Komaru's amusement somehow grew worse at his words. She stood tall over him, her smile reminiscent of a cruel villain from an shounen anime. "All of them?" She said. 
Her face hurt from being unable to stop smiling, "All of them?! You have crushes on all of them at the same time?!" 
"Oh my GOD I thought you just kept switching crushes because you're sensitive! Not piled them up!" 
"I didn’t-!" 
"What was the plan here Makoto?!" 
"I don't know! There is none!" 
"Oh my God I have to read one." 
That got Makoto back into action, jumping up to once again try to tear the letter by force out of his sister's hands. She retaliated by licking his hand when it came near her face. 
"Gross! Komaru!" 
"Makoto please you need to tell me. You're seriously going after a TOGAMI?" 
She was pretty sure if Makoto blushed anymore he'd pass out from a head rush. 
"Tell me what you like about him" she said "or I'll tear this bad boy open!" 
"Honestly, I'm not too sure either…" Makoto had far more memories of Byakuya insulting him for being an 'optimistic commoner idiot' than he did memories of him being nice. 
Komaru flopped back, throwing herself down onto Makoto's bed hard enough that she got a bit of airtime. "You go to an elite school and now you think all these Ultimates are in your league!" She propped herself up on one arm "I mean, I expected this for Maizono, but I always thought you were more modest than this Makoto. You should know the harem comes to YOU, not the other way around!" 
Makoto's voice reached a pitch that she thought should be impossible, "I don't want a harem!" 
Completely sitting up on his bed now, waving the letter in her hand mockingly, she said "No? Trying to pick one lucky fella then?" 
"How am I supposed to choose?!" 
"No way you actually are. Pffftt…! You're in some deep shit Makoto!"
"It's not my fault..! I mean...they're all so amazing! Maizono-san and I became good friends right away...and when she told me she remembered me from middle school I was a goner…! 
And then Kirigiri-san trusts me - ME Komaru! - to help her on investigations. And- and sometimes she gets this adorable pout when I spend time with other friends for too long. And when she smiles at me...it's so rare but she has the prettiest smile...anyone would be lucky to have her! 
And oh no, Togami-kun. He seems almost like he hates hanging out with me, but then he gets upset when I seem disinterested. He tells me all these personal details about his life as if he wants me to be closer to him. How can I not look into that! 
All these people are messing with my head!" 
"Woah woah lover boy calm down!" 
Makoto panted, having to catch his breath after blurting out such a very personal speech about his feelings. Realizing just how embarrassing that entire thing was, he zippered his hood up all the way so that Komaru had no chance of seeing his embarrassment. He dropped himself back down so that he was sitting on the floor, reflecting on all the actions and words he picked to get him in this situation. Maybe if he just sat quietly he would actually disappear.
"Aren't you the older one here?" 
"Shut up…" 
"You always did have a soft heart, you fell for Maizono-san just from talking to her once! And now you've got all these guys to worry about" 
"I don't know what to do…" Makoto mumbled, "I'm lucky enough to be friends with them." 
"You really like all of them, huh?"
Makoto nodded, unzipping his hoodie just a smidge, enough so that his eye peeked out, "every chance I get to spend time with them feels really special"
Komaru, still sitting down on Makoto's bed, leaned her head back against the back wall. A much softer smile graced her face, it was a small little thing but Makoto understood the meaning. Komaru thumbled the envelope in her hands, then placed it by her side. 
"You're just...you're kinda amazing, Makoto." 
"Huh?" Makoto didn't understand that at all, he wasn't anything special at all! He only got lucky, otherwise he was the most average guy in Japan. He unzipped his hoodie all the way, embarrassment forgotten in his confusion.
"I mean look at you!" She lifted her head back up, gesturing wildly to all of Makoto, "you're out there, making friends with the most amazing people in the world just by being yourself! I mean...what is up with that?!"
Makoto smiled, "They are the most amazing people, huh?" 
"You've always been pretty good at making friends-" 
"So are you though!" 
"-but I never thought you'd be this good! You're going places! You're making connections!" Her excitement and gestures began to slowly lose steam as she spoke. Her movements more sluggish and heavy, her smile going away. 
"And I'm still gonna be here. Just a normal girl." 
Well...that made sense. Makoto felt exactly the same. He and his sister may be rather different, but they were also incredibly similar. They were both optimistic, friendly, they both saw the good in a lot of people, but they also both felt like they were painfully average. Makoto lifted himself off the ground and joined Komaru on the bed, sitting next to her. He knew that just telling her she was special wouldn't help much, he'd experienced people telling him that over and over and he still felt like he cheated his way into being "special".  
After a pause, Makoto said, "you know...I know a few Ultimates I think you'd make good friends with…" 
Komaru looked up at that, "Wait, really?" 
"Yeah! You'd get along great with Maizono-san, Enoshima-san-" 
Komaru gasped, "Enoshima? Like Enoshima Junko?" 
"Uh, yeah!" 
"She's a total BABE Makoto where's her letter!" 
Makoto laughed, she sure cheered up fast, "Maybe you can write it after you talk to her for a bit." 
"You really think she'd talk to me? I'm not an Ultimate." 
"Sure! If she can talk to me, she'll get along just fine with you! Ah but...careful...she can be kind of intense on pranks…"
"She sounds great!"
"And that's not all! There's also people you already know! You've read Yamada-san's fan books and one of Fukawa-san's novels!" 
"You know them?!" 
"You don't need to be in Hope's Peak and you don't need to be special to go places, I think you're fine as you are!"
Komaru's shoulders lifted and she curled in on herself, a genuine grateful look on her face, "thanks Makoto...you're a good brother" 
"Any time, Komaru." He smiled sweetly, "now give me my letter back." 
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A Prologue of a Society
In the beginning, there was a massive high school that loomed over the entirety of Japan. It was like it was the center of the world.
Everyone has looked upon it at some point. It's presence was too strong. But, however, the inside was crumbling at its seams. And the seam's name was Junko Enoshima.
After the destruction of the school's environment, the world soon followed after right in her foot steps. Which is why it is a miracle I am standing here now in front of the school today.
I tried to pry my straight forward eyes off of the ground to look at the rising school.
"Wow. Hopes peak Academy looks even bigger in person." I said while admiring the view.
Oh, before we go even further, I should probably introduce myself.
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My name is Undesu Nikonomu. And this is my first year as a student at Hope's Peak Academy. Or, as it is now know as: New Hope's Peak Academy.
You see, New Hope's Peak Academy is a school for the most gifted and most talented people in the world. In which to New Hope's Peak Academy, they consider that everybody.
They still scout out students, but that is now broadened to the kids who seem 'ordinary' as well. You could also apply to the school as a reserve student too.
As for me, it was pure LUCK that I ended up here.
The Ultimate Lucky Student to be exact.
Ultimate Lucky Student. Doesn't seem like much of a talent huh? While that may be true, the raffle doesn't make it out too seem so. And it seems that lady luck had chosen me as her contestant.
Gosh, I would be lying if I said I wasn't graceful. After all, New Hope's Peak Academy has done so much for the world and its people.
But, it's wasn't just the school that helped the world. It was the people who ran it. It was who survived it.
Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, Aoi Asahina, Yasuhino Hagakure....
And of course the, Ultimate Hope himself, Makoto Naegi.
Like many others, I view him as my hero. He created a hope filled future for everyone. Even the Ultimate Despairs.
Rumor has it he was able to reform them back to their original selfs and he was able to restablish them back into society, right back to the place they had started out.
But that wasn't it of course. They don't call him the Ultimate Hope for nothing after all. If you were able to ask the devil themself, even they would say he deserved the title.
That isn't the only reason I admire him however. The reason I actually do is because he made my talent worth something...
Before he made his mark, Luck was hardly even considered a talent. It was borderline useless. So, for most of my life, I was considered normal and useless by all standards.
Many times I was told to just give up hope. But that all stopped when he took the stand. After people saw what an important person he was, they also saw the important talent he had too. The same thing kind of happened to me as well.
When I received that letter, everyone saw me in a different light. Some came and apologized. Some asked for signatures. And some even tried to make light of their bullying.
It was all lies of course. In all honesty, even though I feel better about myself, I still feel pretty worthless...
My feet stopped in a halt before I could smack right into the large looming door. When I was self monologuing, I had zoned out for just enough time to make it to the school's entrance.
My mouth opened to let out a defeated sigh
"God. If I start all of this on the first day, I won't even make it through the first year. I just need to concentrate hard enough to find my homeroom.." I said while mumbling under my breath.
While I was talking, I put my hand on the door to push it open. My first day as a high school student begins right here and now, So I better go find my class so I can make a good first impression.
While looking around the school, I had just realized that I had started my first official journey as a new student in theses halls.
"Ok. My classmates should be in 1-A." As soon as I said that, my eyes were able to spot the hall were my homeroom was located.
Going down the correct hall, I took a sharp breath as I spotted the my classroom. As I approached the door to my fate, I could feel my constant reassuring anxiety pool to my stomach.
My arm raised up almost automatically as my nerve ridden hand grabbed at the door handle, using it almost as an item to keep me into reality. When the cool knob hit my skin, I felt my doubts come back. Maybe I can give myself a bit of a pep talk..?
"I can't give up now. Calm down. It all be ok..," I said to myself, trying to not sound as defeated as I felt.
Hopefully that will do for now.
I turned the handle with a soft click. When I opened the door, I prepared myself for the worst possible outcome despite my planing..
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
Any headcanons for the DR1 cast with the SDR2 cast’s talents? My only certainties are Imposter!Junko, Prince!Kiyotaka, and Musician!Mondo. Obviously, no swapping Makoto and Nagito because that’s cheating
Sorry this took so long lol
Sayaka Maizono (Mechanic):
She more or less taught herself how to fix things when she was young.
She doesn’t mind getting some grease on her.
She likes surprising people with how strong she is.
Mukuro Ikusaba (Breeder):
Mukuro just has a way with animals.
She can always tell what they need.
She usually has at least one animal with her at all times.
Leon Kuwata (Gymnast):
His upper body strength is not to be messed with.
He hates practicing, though.
Good luck getting him to show off his skills.
Chihiro Fujisaki (Yakuza):
He seems too sweet and innocent to be a Yakuza. This is a ruse.
He has a hidden sort of temper that he never shows.
That being said, he’s a natural-born leader.
Mondo Owada (Musician):
He’s a bit bashful about his talent.
His preferred instrument, contrary to popular belief, is acoustic guitar.
He doesn’t like people listening to him practice.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Prince):
He holds himself in a princely fashion.
Though he does enjoy living with his classmates.
The key to being a good ruler is to understand your subjects, after all.
Hifumi Yamada (Reserve Course):
There wasn’t much that was remarkable about him.
Still, he kept his hopes up.
Maybe one day he’d gain a talent.
Celeste Ludenberg (Gamer):
She’s been the best of the best since she was young.
She will not hesitate to slaughter new players in a game.
There really isn’t much more to her than that.
Sakura Ogami (Lucky Student):
Her luck isn’t very extreme.
A lot of the time, she doesn’t even notice it.
All she did was win a raffle.
Junko Enoshima (Imposter):
She’s literally the master of disguises.
Her classmates wouldn’t notice a difference if she was impersonating one of them.
Not to mention, she has an amazing range of voices.
Makoto Naegi (Team Manager):
He’s a bit timid, but a great pep-talker.
He’s helped lead a lot of teams to victory.
Not-so-secretly, he views his class as a team.
Kyoko Kirigiri (Nurse):
She’s really no-nonsense.
Definitely the kind to lecture any and all of her patients.
She’s probably one of the most responsible of her classmates.
Byakuya Togami (Traditional Dancer):
He’s very cocky about his talent.
After all, he’s upholding his family’s reputation.
He performed nothing but the best.
Toko Fukawa (Swordswoman):
She started learning when she was little.
Mostly it acts as a means of self-defense.
Be careful around her; she’s jumpy.
Aoi Asahina (Chef):
She’s experienced in many different cuisines.
Still, her favorite things to make are donuts.
She likes seeing everyone’s smiles when they eat when she cooks.
Yasuhiro Hagakure (Photographer):
He started as a cryptid photographer.
A lot of his shots are landscapes.
He’s a bit disappointed that he’s never gotten aliens in his photos.
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Hi, can i get a bunch of headcanons for alpha Kirigiri and alpha Togami being overly possessive and protective of Naegi
I was going to write a list of headcanons, but inspiration struck and I thought it might work better as a oneshot - I hope you don’t mind! This might also be lighter in tone or less intense than what you were thinking of; I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of my guidelines, particularly the part that says I don’t write abuse. I really don’t have the interest nor the stomach to write anything dark, sorry!
That alpha had touched Makoto five times in the past three minutes.
Nothing inappropriate, oh no. The three of them - Byakuya, Kyoko, and Makoto - were at formal charity gala, where any hint of misconduct would be scrutinized by dozens of the country’s most important people. Byakuya and Kyoko had each received invitations for being outstanding in their respective careers, and Makoto was there as their shared plus one.
None of that stopped that alpha from placing a hand on Makoto’s arm, or tapping his shoulder, or any other multitude of little touches that could be passed off as friendly. Too ignorant to know who Makoto came to the gala with or too stupid to care; Byakuya didn’t know and didn’t care. If looks could kill, he’d be under arrest by now.
Knowing Makoto, he likely didn’t even register that alpha’s interest in him. That was just the kind of person he was - absolutely trusting, absolutely oblivious. Usually, Byakuya would be happy to trust in Makoto’s judgement, but something about the situation - maybe it was the alpha’s body language, or the way he stood so close to someone he only just met - raised alarm bells in his mind.
He kept an eye on them even as he made small talk with other people. He would not cause a scene. That would be utterly unbecoming of him. And Makoto was oblivious, not helpless; Sakura had taught them all basic martial arts back in their school days. He could defend himself if it came to that.
(Byakuya hoped it wouldn’t come to that.)
A few polite words, and his newest acquaintance bid farewell to forge more new connections. At least Byakuya was getting some useful business cards out of this. A bit longer and they would all go home and Byakuya could make sure no one would ever mistake Makoto for being available again.
The next person to approach him was not a new potential business partner, but his girlfriend. “Don’t look, but there’s some alpha flirting with Makoto,” she murmured.
“So I’ve noticed.”
“And you haven’t done anything about it?” Kyoko raised an eyebrow at him. “It’s almost as if you don’t care if someone snatches our mate out from under our noses.”
Byakuya knew she was just trying to rile him up. She found amusement in it, because apparently he made it ‘too easy’. He let out a soft huff, and refused to let himself grow overly indignant.
“I just don’t think it’s necessary. Makoto can handle himself, and I certainly hope you wouldn’t think to suggest he’d willingly leave us.”
“Of course not. But have you seen the way that alpha looks at him?”
“How he looks at Makoto is none of my concern.” Indeed, for the past ten minutes Byakuya had been much more bothered by how he touched Makoto.
“That’s because you haven’t seen it properly. Turn around; do it slowly, or it’ll be obvious you’re spying on them. Come with me so it just looks like we’re moving someplace else to talk.”
Byakuya followed Kyoko as she meandered through the gala-goers. At the path and angle she chose, it was easy to catch the alpha’s expression - and, oh, did that make his blood boil. That alpha was looking at Makoto like he was a piece of meat, worth nothing more than a pretty face and a nice body. There was no affection or respect in those eyes, not for Makoto’s intellect or his personality. That alpha didn’t care for Makoto as a person, just as an opportunity to get laid.
“Do you see what I mean now?” Kyoko asked, softly enough that no one else would overhear. They stopped by one of the buffet tables, close enough that both Makoto and the alpha were in sight.
Byakuya let out a long exhale. “I do. But what do we do about it? We can’t cause a scene during a charity gala.”
Kyoko smiled and - oh, that smile meant she had a plan up her sleeve. “We won’t have to cause a scene. Follow me and watch.”
He trailed after her as she sashayed towards an unsuspecting Makoto. Kyoko didn’t sashay; she strode, she ran, she prowled, she didn’t sashay. He watched as she fluidly slid an arm around Makoto, before tilting his head up for a kiss. Byakuya caught the edge of a soft, loving smile before Makoto turned his head forwards again.
Taking a page out of Kyoko’s book, Byakuya also walked up to Makoto (he was not sashaying) and placed a hand on his shoulder. He went for a forehead kiss instead, because the awkwardness of navigating their height difference for a proper kiss wasn’t the aura he wanted to project right now.
“Hi,” Makoto said, adoration in his eyes. Cute. Maybe Byakuya should have gone for a proper kiss after all.
“Having fun?” Byakuya asked.
Makoto brightened. “Yeah! I was just talking with Shion here–”
Byakuya looked up, only half-listening to Makoto’s cheery ramble on his conversation with - Shion, apparently? So the alpha had a name. Shion met his eyes; Byakuya had only seen him from afar, but he could still see that Shion had paled considerably.
Ah, Byakuya thought. So he does recognise at least one of us.
A quick glance over informed Byakuya that Kyoko was glaring at Shion, the same glare he had seen make hardened criminals flinch. The three of them must have been quite a sight: two angry alphas standing protectively over their cheerfully oblivious omega, staring down some stranger who had made the mistake of flirting with the wrong person.
Not that Byakuya felt bad for Shion. Anyone who leered at a stranger like Shion had leered at Makoto deserved all the ire they earned.
Another brief moment of fidgeting, and Shion stammered out a bad excuse and turned to leave. Byakuya sighed with relief, letting his hand fall from Makoto’s shoulder.
Kyoko turned to nuzzle the top of Makoto’s head. “Let’s go home,” she murmured.
“Huh?” Makoto blinked owlishly. “Isn’t there still… I dunno, important gala stuff?”
“All the raffles are done with. Right now, people are just taking the chance to make potentially useful connections.” Byakuya said. Truth be told, he ought to be making connections as well, but right now taking Makoto home seemed much more important.
“Well… If you’re sure.” Makoto said. Byakuya wrapped his arm around Makoto’s upper back, above where Kyoko’s arm was situated around his waist.
“Home it is, then.” Kyoko said.
(Later on, they made sure it was a night to remember.)
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oumakokichi · 8 years
Sorry to bother you , i sent a message a few days ago but i think Tumblr or my Internet connection messed up and i wasn't sure you recieved it :( my question was : How well do you think Hajime and Naegi would have fared in ndrv3 if they were in Saihara place, in term of group dynamics and thematic shift (hope/despair->lie/Truth)? Since the others dr are so different from ndrv3, i Wonder how they would have handled it. I'm especially worried for Naegi since he can be very trusting. Sorry again!
You’re not a bother at all! I still have the original message in my inbox and it went through—I’m sorry for taking so long to answer! It’s just that my inbox is very full at this point, and between writing a lot and having to balance real-life stuff, and also still trying to go through every part of ndrv3 very carefully and translate things so I get all the facts, I get a little slow with responses sometimes. But I promise I intend to answer every question that comes my way!
As for this, this is a really interesting and fun question! It’s one thing to look at the ndrv3 characters and wonder how they would actually fare in a hope/despair setting against Junko, but it’s a very unique perspective to wonder about how our previous two protagonists would handle things if they were in Saihara’s shoes, moreso since ndrv3 even raises questions about what constitutes a protagonist.
As ndrv3 is particularly about moral grey areas and finding a middle ground between two extremes, I’m inclined to agree that Naegi would…probably not fare very well. It’s interesting, because while he’s definitely similar to Kaede in the sense of being willing to trust Kirigiri with his life the way Kaede could trust Saihara with hers in the school trial, Naegi lacks the aggressive cunning and willingness to lie that Kaede had. If Kaede is someone who couldn’t trust others until the very end despite wanting to very much, and despite making a big show of telling others to trust in each other, then Naegi is someone who trusts implicitly—too much. And that’s very, very dangerous in ndrv3.
I appreciate what dr3 tried to do (but ultimately…did a very bad job at) in calling Naegi out on this sort of blind, implicit trust, because it’s the same thing that those like Kaede and Momota wanted to do but couldn’t bring themselves to really embrace fully. Trusting people without first doubting or suspecting their motives is, to some degree, just a forfeit of thought. It’s a way of not really trying to get to know them at all, and it’s the reason bad things keep happening.
If too much doubt, suspicion, and paranoia is dangerous, then too much trust is at well, because it’s an unarguable fact that not everyone is going to be at their best in a situation as horrible as a killing game, and that people should therefore be doubted when they’re about to plan something that could get the entire group killed. To put it in Munakata terms, telling everyone to just hold hands and that no one would kill anyone and to trust everyone absolutely with no doubts is just a way of spouting platitudes. (Yes, I’m going to keep making platitudes jokes.)
This kind of thing can and would come back around to bite Naegi, probably. Moreso with how many intentional parallels there are of him with Jin Kirigiri in ndrv3, of all people. Even as a fictional character with no actual connection to the ndrv3 cast, Naegi is very intentionally set up to parallel a character whose ultimate downfall was in being too trusting. His rebuilt Hope’s Peak Academy in the ndrv3 cast’s fake memories mimics Jin Kirigiri’s in almost every way, right down to the cult leader of the Remnants of Despair having accidentally been allowed into the Gopher Plan the same way that Mukuro and Junko were allowed into the Hope’s Peak shelter plan.
Jin Kirigiri’s dislike for the ways in which doubt and suspicion were requirements of being a detective is precisely why he gave up the job and removed himself from the Kirigiri family—and it’s ultimately why he died. I can’t say I foresee Naegi avoiding the same outcome in this scenario, where refusing to doubt gets you killed just as much as refusing to trust does.
The only possible thing in Naegi’s favor though, and the only thing I could see maybe keeping him alive, is that precisely because he is such an embodiment of hope and optimism in the most literal sense of the word, and because he represents such a staple about what the original DR games are about, he might make it through to the end or at least almost the end out of the good graces of Tsumugi’s “mercy,” if you will. If Naegi is the exact thing that the audience wants out of their killing game broadcast, then that’s what they’re going to get, and Tsumugi will bend all rules and cheat like hell to give it to them.
With Naegi around, this begs the question of if Kiibo would still even be an intentional audience proxy or if he’d be given an entirely different personality while serving as cameraman. Kiibo’s “inner voice” that he can hear, which is actually the result of the audience voting and telling him what to do all at once, also bears extreme similarities to Naegi. It’s very clear that the audience wants a Naegi-like protagonist more than anything, because that itself is the whole point of having a hope vs. despair showdown, and if Junko appears in every single season, it would make sense that they’d want at least one character to “be the Naegi,” too. If the real Naegi were there, poor Kiibo would probably suffer quite a few demotions. Basically, Naegi might get to live out of sheer popularity with the audience.
Hinata…now that’s extremely interesting to wonder about. Hinata is extremely complex and well-written in his own right, and is my absolute favorite sdr2 character precisely because he was one of the first characters to succeed in fleshing out the hope vs. despair argument at all. His struggles with self-worth and value in a talent-based society are similar to Saihara’s and the ndrv3 characters’, but also different, and I feel like there’d be a lot of interesting results with having Hinata as the protagonist in this game.
As someone who “can’t remember his own talent,” Hinata as the ndrv3 protagonist would be exceptionally interesting because this time around, the likelihood is that they all are actually completely normal people who never had any talents in the first place. This is still just a theory of course, but if the killing game is some kind of way to dangle talent on a stick and play with the lives of talentless “losers” in a society in which SHSL talents are on the top and people without any are at the very bottom rungs, then Hinata would actually be the best to represent the toll that that sort of sick game takes on normal people.
No one better represents the idea of an individual who has had their self-worth trampled on so much and come to value themselves so little than Hinata, because Kamukura was the ultimate embodiment of what I feel ndrv3 does on a lighter scale. In trying to give Kamukura every single talent imaginable, and making him SHSL Hope, it was a way of saying that normal people, the Hinatas of the world, are extremely worthless. And that’s quite literally what the prologue seems to imply society is like for the ndrv3 characters.
As someone who is ordinary, and who has always been at much more of a middle ground between hope and despair because he was constantly torn between both, Hinata would be much less naïve and blindly trusting than Naegi. Like Saihara, I think he would recognize the need to doubt others in the situation, even if he wasn’t doing so as a detective. And I think his potential for surpassing “the role he was given” and taking charge even when he hardly seemed like the type to do so would interest the other characters, and the audience as well.
The only pitfall Hinata might fall into is with Tsumugi’s remember light in Chapter 5, the one that she used to fool the entire group into thinking they were actually students of Hope’s Peak Academy even though they weren’t, and even though the DR universe is entirely fictional in ndrv3. If Hinata fell for that particular bait hook, line, and sinker, and if he even “remembered” that he was supposed to be SHSL Hope without quite remembering the full extent of the Kamukura Project, he would fall into the hope vs. despair trap very easily at that point even after avoiding it thus far.
And if there were still the big reveal later on about how all their talents are “lies,” and how DR as a whole is a fictional franchise and they never attended Hope’s Peak, the impact this would have on Hinata would probably be far more crushing than on someone like Saihara, who was interested in the pursuit of the truth as a detective, or even than it would on Naegi, who really didn’t think of himself as doing anything particularly special to get into Hope’s Peak in the first place, since he just won a raffle. To someone like Hinata, Hope’s Peak was everyone, and the idea that he was ordinary and miserable and talentless would be absolutely horrifying, precisely because of the way in which SHSLs are this grand unattainable thing that make normal people seem pathetic by comparison.
In sdr2, Nanami remained as a presence of support in order to remind Hinata that he had value as his own person when this reveal happened. But as ndrv3 has a cast that really does lack that fundamental leader figure who trusts in everyone no matter what, it’s hard to tell if there would be anyone around who could actually help Hinata see himself as his own person or someone worthy of respect, or get him to go back into protagonist mode. Tsumugi might very well have a perfect game over by the end, although the audience might not like it too much since it would be one in which “despair” would win.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts on the matter, but it’s really fun to consider! I wouldn’t mind actually seeing this kind of thing in a fanfiction of sorts; it’d be really interesting! I hope I answered it well, and again, I’m sorry for taking so long! I promise I’m never ignoring the messages I get, it just takes me some time to get around to them!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
better luck next time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Nz0vjV
by deleteitimphat
Makoto is the new raffle student to join hope's peak. His school partner, is arrogant, un-interested, closed-off and showed absolutely no intention of becoming friends. Of corse Makoto ends up catching feels...
 (hi please read the notes if your from super freak! Its an update on everything and stuff so please <333)
Words: 5958, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Togami Byakuya, Naegi Komaru, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Maizono Sayaka, Kuwata Leon, Kirigiri Kyouko, Celestia Ludenberg, naegi parents, Trigger Happy Havoc Class
Relationships: Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, kirigiri kyoko/celestia lundenberg (hinted)
Additional Tags: idk if ill finish this but i needed to give an update on stuff, bruh, Pining, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - High School, Pre-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Not Canon Compliant, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Eventual Happy Ending, carry on, i am so sorry lol, Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, Togami Byakuya is Bad at Feelings, mentions of abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, shit dads, Daddy Issues, umm slightly vent, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Nz0vjV
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