#kiril bin
whump-me · 6 months
Obscure: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of Obscure, novel-length interrogation whump about a rebel leader who can erase memories with a thought, an interrogator who can see inside his subjects’ minds… and the connection they share that neither of them suspects.
Masterpost | the Mind Games universe | Read the completed novel on Patreon
Kirill and Camille woke slowly together, crawling toward consciousness inch by cozy inch. They tugged each other unwillingly upward toward the lazy Saturday morning waiting for them. Kirill surfaced from dreams of fire. He gratefully emerged into the softness of her vanilla-scented hair against his nose and the arm she had draped possessively over his chest in her sleep.
Soft cotton sheets draped over the two of them like a lighter caress. They smelled like fresh laundry. Kirill eased his eyes open a little at a time. The first thing he saw was Camille’s expanse of long blond hair. Then, beyond her, the ferns he had brought a few weeks ago.
The ferns hadn’t died yet. Sunlight lay across their leaves in stripes formed by the Venetian blinds. The fronds drifted back and forth in the breeze from the air-conditioning vent. Like Kirill and Camille, they looked in no hurry to move fast on this long, lazy morning.
Camille opened her eyes with a groan that was half happiness, half reluctance. She blinked up at him and smiled. “I never knew your apartment was so comfortable,” she said, her voice thick with a half-asleep haze. The warm notes thrummed in his bones, threatening to send him drifting off again.
He smiled at her and tapped the tip of her nose. “It’s not like this is the first time you’ve seen it.”
“No, but it’s the first time I’ve stayed over,” she said. “And I wasn’t really paying attention last night.” She gave him a teasing grin. Then the grin turned into a soft smile of pure pleasure. She flopped off him, onto her back, and moved her arms up and down like she was making snow angels. “It’s so… soft,” she said, with the tone in her voice that people normally reserved for a beautiful sunset or a sublime bowl of ice cream.
“What can I say?” he said, making a couple of snow angels of his own. “I like soft and comfortable.” And for now, that was true, because that was what Camille liked, and he liked Camille. Loved her, even—if love was the word for discovering someone whose company could fill the hole inside you for a few blissful months.
The silky sheets were as new as the ferns. The ferns had come after he had visited Camille’s apartment and seen the explosion of greenery she kept there. He had asked her what kind of plant she liked best. She had said ferns.
It wasn’t manipulation. Not in anything but the most benign sense. He wasn’t trying to get anything more from her than she already wanted to give. Someday, maybe six or twelve months from now, they would be done with each other, with no hard feelings on either end. Kirill had long years of practice at keeping his breakups amicable. And when that day came, the soft sheets and the ferns would find their way to the trash bin outside.
But while she was here, he would give her what she liked. Because what he liked, more than any sheets or plants or long lazy mornings, was making her happy.
Her, or whoever took her place once she was gone.
“I’m going to make a pot of coffee,” he said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
“No, don’t leave,” she said in a playful groan, grabbing his wrist.
He tensed without meaning to. The hand around his wrist felt like a cuff holding him down to a hospital bed. Back before they had known they could trust him. Back before he had shown them they could take him at his word.
Back when they hadn’t known what effect their injections would have on him—and how dangerous he might be once the drugs did their work.
But that had been a long time ago. He had no need of old memories. Not his own, at least. And Camille’s skin was soft as her finger traced the vein on the underside of his wrist. It was nothing like the cold metal of his memory.
He forced himself to take a deep breath. Camille, mistaking it for a sigh, answered with one of her own.
“Go,” she said with theatrical resignation, loosening her grip. “Someone has to take one for the team and leave this slice of heaven so we can both have coffee. I’m just glad it doesn’t have to be me.” She screeched to the middle of the bed and lay back with an angelic smile. She closed her eyes. “Wake me when the coffee is ready.”
He stood and looked down at her with a soft smile and basked in the glow of being exactly what she needed.
He unplugged his phone, slipped it into his pocket, and padded toward the kitchen on bare feet. In the hallway, to his left, was a blank spot on the wall where his running medals had hung. His last girlfriend, Amanda, had been into races. She liked the exertion, and she liked the competition. They had run a race together almost every weekend.
Back then, he had genuinely enjoyed rising at the crack of dawn to sweat his way through the morning. It had made Amanda happy, and that was what had made him happy. Now, with the lazy weekend glow of Camille settling over the apartment like a pleasant scent in the air, the thought of all that running sounded impossibly exhausting.
His phone rang as he stepped into the kitchen. It was the ring that meant work—not the soothing buzz he had assigned to Camille, but a shrill sound that cut through the air like a freshly sharpened blade. A little of his weekend haze drifted away. He frowned as he pulled the phone from his pocket.
“Kirill Catallo,” he said. He said nothing else. He knew better than to complain about it being a weekend. PERI called him whenever they needed him.
“We have a job for you.” The voice on the other end didn’t bother with pleasantries. Sandhya Ramachandra, his assigned handler, never did. Not since Kirill had shown up in PERI headquarters almost thirty years ago in shoes with holes in the bottoms and pants that didn’t reach his ankles.
He poured water into the coffee machine by rote. “Where am I going this time?” It wouldn’t be hard to explain the sudden trip to Camille. He always told his girlfriends he had some job or other that involved large amounts of travel, to cover situations like this. Camille thought he was a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company. But he wasn’t ready to end his lazy weekend just yet.
“No travel,” said Ramachandra. “This one is at headquarters. Convenient for you.”
He frowned, even though Ramachandra was right about the convenience. He lived near headquarters because he needed to go in for his mandated checkups every three months, and because PERI didn’t want to let him too far out of their sight. But he stepped inside headquarters every four months, as required, and that was it.
He never accepted jobs at headquarters. They knew that. They had stopped asking.
He knew what a job at headquarters meant.
“No,” he said as the last of the lazy weekend haze burned off. “We’ve talked about this.”
“I know. But we need you.” Ramachandra’s voice was devoid of sympathy.
“You need me to get information from terrorists trained to resist interrogation, and to find where any but the most emotionless serial killers have buried their bodies. You have people for PERI business. People who aren’t me.”
“For this,” said Ramachandra, “we need you. And this is important enough that you can’t play the waste-of-your-talents card. This prisoner has been poaching talent from PERI for fifteen years. He has an entire network set up to change the identities of candidates and relocate them. We need that network located and shut down. We need you.”
“I don’t work with Enhanced prisoners.”
“Why not?” Ramachandra’s voice remained perfectly even, but Kirill read the challenge there. “You can’t say it’s beneath you this time. So what is it really about?”
Kirill understood the question underneath the question. Ramachandra had never outright accused him of having residual loyalties to his fellow Enhanced, but the insinuation was there every time he refused another headquarters job.
“I’m not trying to protect this person,” Kirill said, in a voice every bit as cold as Ramachandra had trained him to be. “You know better than that.”
“Then get in here,” Ramachandra said, and hung up.
Kirill shoved his phone back into his pocket.
His shoes were wet. Water ran in wide rivulets off the counter and onto the floor. He had filled the coffeemaker with twice as much water as he needed to make a pot of coffee. He was still filling it.
He stopped pouring. He blinked down at the puddle on the floor.
Then he softened his shoulders and his jaw. The lazy weekend smile returned effortlessly to his face as he walked back toward the bedroom to make his excuses to Camille. With any luck, she wouldn’t ask about the wet footprints.
Tagged: @cakeinthevoid @suspicious-whumping-egg
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girlfriendline · 2 years
sorokin gets a pass for being kirill's boyfriend. nate gets a pass for being nate.
i guess i'll give draisaitl a pass ONLY if he reignites his feud with matthew.
everybody else can get in the bin who tf even are half of you
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xtruss · 1 year
Kirill Strelnikov: Western Boak Bollocks ‘Braindead Experts’ Thought They Would Destroy Russia’s Economy. They Failed.
The hive mind, with access to political ears and mainstream media pages, claimed that Russia’s economy was smaller than that of Italy, based on GDP. Reality paints a very different picture.
— By Kirill Strelnikov RIA Novosti | April 22, 2023
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From left to right, China's President Xi Jinping, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa pose for the photo of leaders of the BRICS, Nov. 14, 2019, Brazil. © AP Photo/Eraldo Peres
As is often the case in the Western media, the most embarrassing facts are only covered when they can no longer be hidden, but even then unpleasant admissions are made with numerous caveats and excuses.
This week, the International Monetary Fund published a report, which drew the long overdue conclusion that the economic hegemony of the leading Western countries, represented by the G7, is shrinking as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) surge.
Its conclusions were, of course, ‘polished’ by all the leading Western media outlets, but one thing became clear: Any triumphant Western predictions about the BRICS in general, and Russia in particular, can be safely tossed into the rubbish bin.
In 2007, Western experts published a reassuring report stating that the total contribution of the BRICS to the world economy would not be comparable to that of the G7 until 2032.
But once again Western economic projections have failed, and the fact is that the BRICS countries caught up with the G7 in terms of their contribution to world economic growth as early as 2020, and at the moment the figures, even creatively manipulated by pundits, stubbornly show that by 2028 the BRICS will account for at least 35% (some sources say as much as 40%) of world GDP (compared with 27.8% for the G7).
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The West thought it would destroy Russia's economy with 'sanctions from hell’! The economic hybrid war was supposed to bend Moscow to the will of the US and its allies, but it seems they overplayed their hand. © Getty Images/Ivan Yanshin
Western analysts, who are in fact echoing the wishes of the global deep state, have fallen into a similar trap in their assessment of Russia’s prospects and impact on the global economy. As we recall, since the beginning of last year, more sanctions have been imposed on Russia than on any other country in history, and the main talking heads in the West have reported with anticipation that the Russian economy will soon be reduced to dust.
Such was their confidence (after all, a petrol station with matryoshka dolls couldn’t possibly stand up to the combined economic might of the enlightened West) that analysts didn't even bother with figures. The prediction was simple: Russia would be quickly and irrevocably destroyed – first its economy and then its social cohesion.
A common trope for a number of years has been a comparison between the economies of Russia and Italy, with spurious claims that the economy of the world’s largest country is no bigger than that of the home of pizza and pasta, all based on simplistic measurements which fail to take into account currency differences, and overvalue the debt-fueled services sector.
But something went wrong, and to the astonishment of the prognosticators, not only did Russia not kneel, it did not even bend to their will. The country's position as a global energy superpower has been reaffirmed, and the title of global food superpower has been added. Other such titles will come in time.
The forecasters began to compare their calculations and came to the conclusion that they had been counting wrongly.
As a result, a respected US publication, The National Interest, has published an ashen article whose main conclusion is that the comparison of the economies of Russia and Italy betrays the blatant incompetence of Western experts. In short, the roots of the comparison lie in the methodology of comparing economies by nominal GDP – the total value of all goods and services produced or sold in a country over a given period. Indeed, according to the World Bank, Russia's nominal GDP in 2013 was about $2.29 trillion and Italy's was about $2.14 trillion.
But according to the authors of the article, the approach itself was fundamentally flawed: neither the exchange rate nor purchasing power parity (PPP) adjusted for living standards and labour productivity, per capita wealth and, most importantly, the availability of crucial material resources and goods, as opposed to nice “paper” assets like the value of global brands, copyrights and so on, were taken into account in the calculations.
With this correction alone, Russia's real GDP is quite comparable to that of Germany (one of the ten most economically developed countries in the world): $4.81 trillion for Russia versus $4.85 trillion for Germany in 2021.
But even such sophisticated calculations do not reflect the real situation. In times of crisis, the production of physical goods comes first, and here the Russian economy is not only stronger than the German economy, but more than twice as strong as France. Add to this Russia's key role in supplying the world with energy, vital natural resources and food (not to mention its impact on global security) and we don’t need the conclusions of the world’s smartest analysts to understand our country’s real place in the world.
Not so long ago, the International Monetary Fund forecast 0.3% economic growth for Russia in 2023. Perhaps we should thank the “experts” and send this forecast to the same place as the others.
Meanwhile, it’s better that we win in the real world, not on paper.
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megaladyrocker · 2 years
Okay to be fair I don’t know how realiable this source is but!! Apparently there were rumors about Stanislav Boklan being in a relationship with Kiril Bin??? The mystery deepens...
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malenipshadows · 7 years
  *** Special counsel Robert Mueller has been gathering evidence about the rendezvous, which took place less than two weeks before Trump’s inauguration. Mueller is reportedly looking to see if the meeting was meant to set up a secret back channel between Trump and Putin, the Russian president. ...    It’s not clear what Prince and the official talked about. But according to The New York Times, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, eventual national security adviser Michael Flynn and then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak discussed the possibility of setting up the communications channel in a December 2016 meeting. ***
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existansial-crisis · 3 years
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Sin bin chats ft. Marcus Foligno and Kirill Kaprizov
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dungeonmalcontent · 4 years
Gemstone Dragons
They’re an old concept to d&d, but they aren’t fleshed out very well. Sadly, they have been relegated to the psionics bin when it comes to fun new ideas WotC is never going to come back to.
I hadn’t even planned to start with any of them, but it just came to me today out of the blue that I should try and flesh them out. So I made all the ages of Jade dragons.
This is what I was working on when I realized pretty much all my hit point values were jank. And I’ll have to go back over pretty much all of Legends and Legacies and fix that... and most of Kiril’s Guide as well. And I’ll check around with my solo brews and see if there’s anything that isn’t in either of those two books that I need to update.
Also, should I just make a book on gem dragons? Because I have some pretty good lore on them now and I kind of want to write out the other 9-ish variants (or at least the rest of the big 5).
All I know for sure is, I really don’t want to make a full set of gem dragonborn. Because that would just be silly at this point. What I would do sooner is just re-write a system for race building that replaces the race/background system and allows for more dynamic race/ability mixing.
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daryavondayern · 6 years
[Podcast] Odcinek 1 - Sezon jesień 2018
[Podcast] Odcinek 1 – Sezon jesień 2018
Witaaamy! Dzisiaj przychodzimy do was z nową odsłoną starego projektu. Tak, z podcastem! Po licznych walkach z technikaliami, pomysłami i terminami, w końcu ogarnęliśmy temat na tyle, że możemy zaprezentować wam pierwszy odcinek naszego nowego show. Lemurilla podcast.Tak po prostu 🙂 Dzisiaj ja, Darya, i Siekier zapraszamy was do omówienia aktualnego sezonu w anime. Prawie zdążyliśmy na połowę…
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sarhosum · 4 years
m.ö bilmem kaç bin yılının kiril tabletleri bile isteyince anlasılabiliyorken dilimizi konuştuğum halde anlaşamıyoruz daha da niye uğraşayım
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cavanmajor-blog · 4 years
Verpasste Anrufe
Betrüger sind seit langem aktiver und rufen lokale Handynummern aus dem Ausland an - aus Albanien, Algerien, Slowenien, Bangladesch, Bulgarien und anderen Ländern. In der Regel kommen diese Anrufe von seltsamen Nummern, die die Aufmerksamkeit des Empfängers auf sich ziehen. Offensichtlich müssen nicht alle Anrufe von einer fremden Nummer auf möglichen Betrug antworten. Manchmal geht es um Geschäftsnummern oder Telefonmarketing. Es gibt Websites mit Telefonnummern, auf denen Sie feststellen können, woher verpasste Anrufe kommen, z. B. https://www.verpassteanrufe.net.
 Wenn es sich um betrügerische Zahlen handelt, ist es wichtig, dass diese gefunden werden. Wenn Sie diese Zahlen beantworten, können Sie viel Geld verlieren. Der interne Sicherheitsspezialist des Mobilfunkbetreibers Bite Kirill Dubinin hat über die Komplexität des Telefonbetrugs gesprochen.
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 „Nachts bin ich von einem Anruf auf meinem Handy aufgewacht, bin gesprungen und mein Herz flatterte: Ich habe ältere Verwandte im Ausland und dachte sofort, dass ihnen etwas passiert ist. Ich sah eine ausländische Nummer und rief sofort aus Angst wieder an. Am Ende hörte ich ein Pfeifen und ein unverständliches Knirschen. Ich rief erneut an und erst dann wurde mir klar, dass ich eine seltsame Nummer anrief. Am Morgen kam mein Sohn und sagte, der Anruf sei aus Algerien. Ich weiß nicht einmal, wo dieses Land ist, und noch mehr, dass mich niemand von dort aus anrufen kann. Dann kontaktierte ich meinen Telefonisten und erklärte ihm die Situation. Das Mädchen vom Operator sah auf, als sie anriefen, rief die Nummer an und sagte, es sei ein Betrug. In 18 Sekunden wurden 50 Cent abgezogen. Aber da diese Nummer auf der schwarzen Liste steht, entschädigen sie mich dafür.
Diese Art von Angriffen auf Kunden von Mobilfunkbetreibern erfolgt in der Regel in großem Umfang und in kurzer Zeit durch internationale Telefonbetrüger. In der Regel rufen die Leute nachts an und senden ein kurzes Signal aus, damit eine Person erneut anrufen kann.
"Das Wichtigste, was Benutzer verstehen sollten, ist, dass sie nirgendwo mehr anrufen müssen", erklärt Kirill Dubinin. Wenn Sie Verwandte im Ausland haben, müssen Sie deren Telefonnummern im Speicher Ihres Geräts hinzufügen und nur auf Familientelefone antworten. Alles andere sind betrügerische Anrufe, die von einem großen Netzwerk organisierter Kriminalitätsgruppen stammen. Mit anderen Worten, dies sind hochrangige Telefondiebe, die Menschen auf verschiedene Weise anziehen.
Im Allgemeinen ist dies für Mobilfunkbetreiber und für diejenigen von uns, die eine oder mehrere vertraglich vereinbarte Mobiltelefonleitungen haben, eine wahre Plage des 21. Jahrhunderts. Natürlich finden wir ständig verschiedene Möglichkeiten, damit umzugehen und es zu verhindern. Aber Betrüger sind auch nicht dumm und jedes Mal erfinden sie etwas Neues, um neue Hindernisse zu umgehen. Eine andere Option ist die zuvor besprochene, bei der eine Website mit Telefonnummern eingegeben und die Telefonnummer online überprüft wird.
Betrüger verdienen Geld mit eingehenden Anrufen, dh wenn Personen erneut eine unbekannte Nummer anrufen. Erinnern Sie sich an jene fernen Zeiten, in denen Sie für einige eingehende Anrufe bezahlen mussten und es keine Boni gab. Die heutigen Täuschungsmethoden basieren auf denselben alten Mustern. Daher ist die Lösung des Problems einfach: Beantworten Sie keine Anrufe und geben Sie den verpassten Anruf nicht zurück! Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, eine Telefonnummer im Internet zu überprüfen, und Sie gewarnt werden, dass es sich möglicherweise um eine betrügerische Nummer handelt, blockieren Sie sie und teilen Sie Ihr Unternehmen. Dies wird zur Betrugsbekämpfung beitragen.
Informationsquelle: verpassteanrufe.net
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berniesrevolution · 5 years
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When Eirk Prince arrived at the Four Seasons resort in the Seychelles in January 2017 for his now-famous meetings with a Russian banker and UAE ruler Mohammed bin Zayed, he was in the middle of an unexpected comeback. The election of Donald Trump had given the disgraced Blackwater founder a new opportunity to prove himself. After years of trying and failing to peddle a sweeping vision of mercenary warfare around the world, Erik Prince was back in the game.
Bin Zayed had convened a group of close family members and advisers at the luxurious Indian Ocean resort for a grand strategy session in anticipation of the new American administration. On the agenda were discussions of new approaches for dealing with the civil wars in Yemen, Syria, and Libya, the threat of the Islamic State, and the United Arab Emirates’ longstanding rivalry with Iran. Under bin Zayed’s leadership, the UAE had used its oil wealth to become one of the world’s largest arms purchasers and the third largest importer of U.S. weapons. A new American president meant new opportunities for the tiny Gulf nation to exert its outsized military and economic influence in the Gulf region and beyond.
Prince was no stranger to the Emiratis. He had known bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and de facto ruler of the UAE, since 2009, when he sold the sheikh on creating an elite counterterrorism unit. That deal ended badly for Prince, but Trump’s election had recalibrated his usefulness. As a prominent Trump supporter and close associate of Steve Bannon, not to mention the brother of incoming cabinet member Betsy DeVos, Prince was invited to the meeting as an unofficial adviser to the incoming administration.
Prince’s meeting with a Putin intimate shortly before Trump’s inauguration has drawn intense interest from Congress, the Mueller investigation, and the press.
When Prince joined the Emirati royals and other government officials on a deck overlooking the Indian Ocean, bin Zayed made it clear to everyone there that “Erik was his guy,” said a source close to the Emirati rulers, who was briefed by some of those in attendance. Prince, in bin Zayed’s view, had built and established an elite ground force that bin Zayed had deployed to wars in Syria and Yemen, the first foreign conflicts in his young country’s history. It was because of Prince, bin Zayed said, that the Emiratis had no terrorists in their country. Prince had solved their problem with Somali pirates. “He let his court know that they owed Erik a favor,” the source said.
Part of that favor apparently involved facilitating an introduction to Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of an $8 billion Russian sovereign wealth fund and a close associate of President Vladimir Putin. Prince repeatedly and under oath in testimony to Congress denied that his meeting with Dmitriev had anything to do with the Trump administration, describing it as no more than a chance encounter over a beer.
“We were talking about the endless war and carnage in Iraq and Syria,” Prince told the House Intelligence Committee. “If Franklin Roosevelt can work with Joseph Stalin after the Ukraine terror famine, after killing tens of millions of his own citizens, we can certainly at least cooperate with the Russians in a productive way to defeat the Islamic State.”
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(Russian Direct Investment Fund CEO Kirill Dmitriev, center, attends the Russian-Saudi Investment Forum at the Ritz-Carlton Moscow Hotel on Oct. 5, 2017.)
Although the UAE has been a very good customer of U.S. arms dealers, bin Zayed had grown frustrated with the Obama administration’s refusal to work with Russia to end the war in Syria. Russia was actively courting the UAE, and from bin Zayed’s perspective Russia was a key player that couldn’t be ignored, according to a current and a former U.S. intelligence official. Trump’s public infatuation with Putin and his apparent eagerness to improve relations with Russia gave the UAE a chance to play dealmaker and diminish Iran’s position in the Middle East, starting with the war in Syria.
(Continue Reading)
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
Fall Anime ‘18
We ended up watching a little less this season, we had to drop some because we just had no time, but it was a good season ^^ finally the golden kamuy second season and even space battleship tiramisu! 
Since we often have similar opinions about the anime we watch, so we will make our review this time a little bit different, we’ll just put our general opinion on it, something all three mods agree on.
{ Winter ‘17/’18 }  { Spring ‘18 } { Summer ‘18 }
Akanesasu Shoujo 
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It got a little better as episodes when on and it was interesting in some ways when you power through all those cliche scenes of getting power by accepting yourself stuff.
Armor Shop For Ladies And Gentleman 
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Short and funny, if you can handle the boob jokes xD It would be more entertaining if the story progressed a little bit faster rather than showing how the three coworkers live together. Also had some much too much prolonged meaningless scenes that ate away the already short duration of the 4 minute episodes.
Ass Miss Beelzebub Likes 
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Hell as you’ve never seen it before, all cute and fluffy, with fallen angels and demons being normal desk workers and falling in love ^^ A really cute romance story, the characters are adorable and lovable! It was amazing if you like the genre!
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Not sure why this is getting a second season, I was really tempted to drop it, it just didn’t keep me interested in the story and had too many characters that are just there and idk what they all wanted. (Only neko finished the season, the rest dropped it lol)
Bloom Into You 
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A really sweet yuri anime ^^ It really focuses on their relationship, on the deepening of their feelings for each other and their problems and growth as individuals. It’s soft, easygoing and filled with happy feelings, but at the same time tackles some harder themes, like the feeling of inability too love, unrequited love, losing a loved one and learning to live without them, the different “faces” people have etc.
Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu
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Our dream has come true! A classical BL manga turned anime with no shame with showing the juicy stuff and centered on the relationship of these two hot guys. The angst is mostly unnecessary, but we’ll take what we can get!  
Double Decker! Doug and Kirill
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A detective story with a lot of action, humor and lovable characters! Yes, it’s not plot heavy and isn’t an anime that will swipe you off your feet, but it’s different, completely acceptant of diversity, has great humor and, overall, loved it! It has some charm to it that is undeniable!
Gakuen Basara 
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Funny AU adaptation of the original series, Sengoku Basara. For those who are thirsty for more content and want to see their favorite characters in a new art style, this is definitely a must watch.
Goblin Slayer
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Amazing! Loved loved it! Although, it has violence and rape, so it isn’t for everyone, but it has depth and it’s really interesting. The action is cool and Goblin Slayer-san is even cooler! Loved the other characters too. Totally looked forward to each episode each week, it was definite that the next episode will be great too ^^
Hey, your cat ears are showing!
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A really cute shounen ai story (which I didn’t even know, so I was quite surprised when some feelings started to show up xD) about a guy who finds a stray cat who turns out to be a boy! Pure and short.
I’m glad I could keep running
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A four-episode story about a guy who tries to become a voice actor. A great story, it’s well paced and worth the watch! And the actual voice actors are also popular and great too!
Jingai-san no Yome
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Changing between creepy and cute, it’s a short anime about teenagers being married off to supernatural creatures. Since it’s only 3 minutes per ep, we finished watching it, and it had its cute and funny moments
Karakuri Circus
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It’s a bit different, has a unique art style and story, but it’s really good! Kinda expected more of the circus part and less puppets haha, but nevertheless, the main characters are interesting, there are great battle scenes and the story is intriguing. It sometimes had unnecessary angsty scenes with no actual plot, but other than that, a really underrated anime this season that deserves more attention! ~
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
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It’s a typical romeo and juliet story. Didn’t hate it, but didn’t love it either. 
Merc Storia: Mukiryoku no Shounen to Bin no Naka no Shoujo  
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It’s cute and soft and the fact it has many stories makes it less boring, but it’s still a childish anime so you’ll only like it if you are a child like me (in heart).
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Yes, another overly ecstatic kid who wants to save the world and has mysterious powers, but! It kinda works with this one, it’s actually really good ^^ The characters are cute and funny, it’s easy to watch and if you’re still not on board, there is Dragunov, a really hot guy with amazing hair and cooking skills ;) 
RErideD: Derrida, who leaps through time
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The first five episodes are extremely promising, but the rest is not so fulfilling. It’s interesting enough to keep watching, the whole idea is pretty good, but somehow it’s lacking in depth and explanations. Much better binge watched then watched one ep a week.
Run with the Wind
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If you ever tried running in your life, you will sympathize with the characters BECAUSE. IT. IS. REALLY. HARD. This anime will warm up your heart seeing how each of the boys try to do fight for their life goals and at the same time, the running helps each of them them in a unique way.
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai 
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Even if the title screams ecchi, it really is not. And it’s really good! The plot is interesting, unique and compelling to watch, loved the characters and their interactions. 
Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san
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Since this anime depicts how japanese bookstores work, there are quite some interesting things few would think of. It’s comedic way of showing the everyday life of a bookseller and short episodes is perfect if you are interested in knowing more about the japanese culture. 
So Many Colors in the Future What a Wonderful World
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A really beautiful, magical and aesthetic anime! The animation is wonderful and the story is sweet and interesting. It’s a warm story about a girl that is unable to see color and is sent back to the past by her grandma. It’s mostly about friendship and bonds that you make with people that will never disappear. 
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Didn’t really expect much from the title, it sounded like there will be a lot of clothes melting and girls screaming haha But it ended up amazing! Love the plot, the characters, the battle scenes and it’s really a sure thing that each episode is going to be great ^^ It’s easygoing yet interesting. An isekai anime done right!
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu
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Love it! The characters have really touched our hearts! It is not as good as novel, but the anime is still beautiful so we can forget that (not forgive though). The novel has a completely different feel to it. (Not saying the anime is bad, it’s actually really good and the characters and plot are still amazing, but it’s just different)
Voice of Fox
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I liked the anime, but the ending didn’t really solve anything. It felt like like they were just glossing over the bad stuff with singing? It is mostly angst in the later episodes and after the so promising first couple of eps it’s kinda disappointing, but overall, it still keeps the viewer interested and has a lot of potential if they fill the plot holes.
Zombieland Saga
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Miyano Mamoru having a blast being a manager for seven zombie girls who he trains to be idols. Extremely hilarious, good music and actually has some real feels! Loved it! ^^
Hero Mask
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Doesn’t really fit in the season time frames, but Netflix released another anime! (and I think that it needs a bigger fandom so I’m putting it here hehe) It is a bit more slow-paced than most anime, but if you like a good crime story, you’ll probably like this ^^ Great animation, loved the fight scenes, the story is also really good and has some powerful girl characters! 
Dropped: Ms. vampire who lives in my neighborhood., Release the Spyce, Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi
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fymbmangaboys · 6 years
Akanesasu Shoujo
Anima Yell!
Barangay 143 i
Beatless: Final Stage
Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama.
Castlevania Season 2 (Netflix)
Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
Fairy Tail (2018)
FLCL Alternative
Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san
Gakuen Basara
Goblin Slayer
Golden Kamuy 2nd Season
Gurazeni Season 2
Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu," Igiari! Season 2
Han-Gyaku-sei Million Arthur
Hinomaru Zumou
Hora, Mimi ga Mieteru yo!
Ingress the Animation
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze
Karakuri Circus
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuite Iru
Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
Kitsune no Koe
Merc Storia: Mukiryoku Shounen to Bin no Naka no Shoujo
Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai
Release the Spyce
RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master - Tokyo Youma-he
Sora to Umi no Aida
Souten no Ken: Regenesis 2nd Season
Sword Art Online: Alicization
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Thunderbolt Fantasy 2
Toaru Majutsu no Index III
Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi
Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Zombieland Saga
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malenipshadows · 6 years
  + A Russian plane with ties to the Kremlin flew to the Seychelles before a secret 2017 meeting between a Trump associate and a Putin ally, according to a report.   + The special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating a series of meetings in the Seychelles as part of the Trump-Russia probe.   + The plane was reportedly owned by Russian billionaire Andrei Skoch, who now serves as a deputy in the Russian State Duma.   + The new details have prompted speculation over whether the meeting was truly an impromptu encounter, as the Trump associate has claimed, or whether they were arranged deliberately to discuss US sanctions against Russia. ... Mueller was tipped off by a witness that the Seychelles meeting was arranged to establish a back-channel of communication between the US and Russia, The Washington Post reported in March. ***
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aydinrehberi · 2 years
Ukrayna, Rusya'nın kendi tahılını taşıdığını tez ettiği Rus bandıralı 3 gemiyi daha incelemesini evvelce Türkiye’den talep etti. Reuters’ın haberine nazaran, Ukrayna’daki başsavcılık, 13 Haziran tarihli bir mektupta, Türkiye'nin Adalet Bakanlığı’ndan, Ukra... Ukrayna, Rusya'nın kendi tahılını taşıdığını sav ettiği Rus bandıralı 3 gemiyi daha incelemesini evvelden Türkiye’den talep etti. Reuters’ın haberine nazaran, Ukrayna’daki başsavcılık, 13 Haziran tarihli bir mektupta, Türkiye'nin Adalet Bakanlığı’ndan, Ukrayna topraklarından çalındığı sav edilen tahılın nakliyatına karıştığından şüphelendiği 3 gemi hakkında araştırma yapmasını ve ispat sunmasını istedi.Mektupta, gemilerin Kırım'ın Sivastopol'deki ana tahıl terminalinden nisan ve mayıs aylarında dahil olduği belirtiliyor.GEMİLER RUS DEVLETİNE BAĞLI ŞİRKETE AİTMikhail Nenashev, Matros Pozynich ve Matros Koshka isimli 3 kuru yük gemisi de AB’nin yaptırım uyguladığı ve Rus devletine ilişkin United Shipbuilding Corporation’ın altında fkent aydın haberleriliyet gösteren bir şirkete ilişkin.Ayrıca, Herson kentinden çalınan tahılların da bu gemilerde taşındığı argüman ediliyor. Rusya’nın Herson’da kurduğu idarenin lider yardımcısı olan Kirill Stremousov, Türkiye'ye yahut Orta Doğu'ya yapılan rastgele bir sevkiyat hakkında bilgisi olmadığını söyledi.GEMİLERİN TÜRKİYE'YE DE OLAN YOLCULUKLARIKiev’in Ankara ile paylaştığı gemilerden Mikhail Nenashev, kayıtlara nazaran 14-16 Haziran tarihlerinde Sivastopol’deki tahıl terminalindeydi. Gemi takip sitelerine nazaran, Mikhail Nenashev 8 gün sonra İskenderun’a ulaştı. Bosphorus Observer'ın lideri Yörük Işık tarafından sağlanan fotoğraf ve görüntüler, liman vinçlerinin Dörtyol'daki MMK Limanı'nda 27 Haziran'da Mikhail Nenashev'den altın renkli tahıl gibisi yüklerin kamyonlara aktarıldığını gösteriyor.Bir kezinde geminin Derince Limanı’na 27 bin ton buğday bıraktığı belirtiliyor. Derince Limanı “tahıl taşıyan Rus gemisi” ağırladıklarını kabul etse de daha fazla yorumda bulunmadı.Diğer gemilerden Matros Pozynich ve Matros Koshka, en az 3 kez Sivastopol’deki tahıl terminaline uğradı. Bu seyahatlerin kimilerinde gemiler sonra Suriye’ye gitti.NE OLMUŞTU?Ukrayna, Rusya’yı işgalin başlangıcından bu yana tahıl çalmakla suçluyor, Rusya ise argümanları reddediyor. Ukraynalı yetkililer, ülkelerinin yaklaşık 400 bin ton tahılının Rusya tarafından çalınıp satıldığını sav ediyor. Bunun yaklaşık 150 bin tonluk kısmının Suriye’ye gönderildiği öne sürülüyor.Ukrayna'nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Vasyl Bodnar, Ukrayna'nın kendi tahılını taşıdığını tez ettiği ve Karasu yakınlarına gelen Rus bandıralı Zhibek Zholy yük gemisine, ülkesinin isteği üzerine Türkiye'nin el koyduğunu ileri sürmüştü. Bodnar ayrıyeten 13 Rus gemisiyle ilgili bilginin Türkiye ile paylaşıldığını belirtmişti.United Shipbuilding Corporation'ın yakın vakitte işgal edilen Ukrayna topraklarından tahıl taşıdığı tespit edilirse Ukrayna’nın eli Rusya’ya karşı güçlenecek. https://rehberaydin.com/reuters-ukrayna-turkiyeden-1i-hataya-gelen-3-rus-gemisini-sorusturmasini-istedi/
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realanimeguru · 6 years
Fall 2018 Plan To Watch
a little late, but this season is weak anyways
YES!!!  (gonna watch as soon as first episode airs) 
Hora, Mimi ga Mieteru yo! (this looks fucking adorable. cat boys are good)
Yagate Kimi ni Naru (easily the thing i'm most interested in this season. there's not a lot of pure wlw romance anime and this looks very sweet)
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze (personally i'm looking forward to Narancia)
Maybe! (i’m busy rn but will watch these later if they get good feedback)
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill (a Tiger and Bunny spin off, which I liked, but it's not directed or being worked on by the same people so I have my doubts about the quality)
Jingai-san no Yome (it has a weirdly cute premise. i'm interested in a dude being this weirdly cute monsters “wife.” it's also only 5 minutes long)
Zombieland Saga (I like zombie things. I think this is going for a School-Live effect 
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san (I love vampire stuff and this looks very shoujo ai)
Hashiri Tsuzukete Yokattatte. (I initially hadn't payed any attention to this, but the pv looks promising. i'm also interested in anime about anime) 
Merc Storia: Mukiryoku no Shounen to Bin no Naka no Shoujo (this looks cute. it could be a nice fantasy world. I like that the protag is a healer/monster tamer. the character designs are nice)
Maybe not (might watch it months later or has like a 5% chance of me watching it) 
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (i'm tired of Production IG making sports anime that look like Haikyuu while they distinctively aren't making more Haikyuu. I get the feeling it'll be popular though) 
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara (kind of gives me a Violet Evergarden vibes, only a bit more romantic and magical. could be good or could be very very boring)
Radiant (looks like a basic shounen, but I have a soft spot for those.)
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu (and this just looks like Free. KazeTsuyo had a much more interesting pv) 
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