#kissed by the baddest bidder imagine
hikaruspinktip · 1 year
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Then..I did some horrible editing to make it very cute !! <3
Ik it is bad, but its still funny 😼
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sterkeyra · 6 months
Voltages 3 New Titles for 2024
The japanese Version of Love 365 announced 3 new titles for this year. The first one will already release at the end of April.
You can watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/Q8sn1uNZe-Q
My childhood friend - My second first love (Late April)
The title boy is called Kuroe Kento (黒江健斗). MC seems to be engaged at the start of the story however her fiance betrays her and it seems like she is seeking comfort in Kuroes arms. Her childhood friend has grown into a fine man.
The premise feels similar to My Last First Kiss, Love Brings You Home or maybe even Kings of Paradise.
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Head over Heels Marriage - I'm too obsessed with my wife to let her go (June)
The title man's name is Mikoshiba Kazuma (御子柴和真). MC starts of happily married with her man, living their best life in his suite. However, things feels too perfect, is really truly everything okay?
I gotta say this title seems to be the most mysterious. The guy could be shady, or maybe does not have as much money as he deems or he is just overly smitten by his wife and does not give her much room to breath and pampers her rotten
From the premise it looks a bit like Oops I Said Yes or maybe even the untranslated Honey Moon title.
I could also imagine it to be a more wholesome or realistic Kissed by the Baddest Bidder without the auctions? Anyways the guy reminds me a bit of a mix of Kunihiro and Kazuomi (at least on the cover)
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Kiss Me Until Daybreak (August)
The last of the three protagonists is called Iriyama Tsubaki (入山椿). MC is hopelessly in love with the man but he is not interested in a relationship. Luckily friends with benefits is rather popular these days so she might just be able to convince him in that way.
This title seems to be a bit more angsty and emotional compared to the others. It gives me Irresistible Mistakes and Hiroki from My Last First Kiss vibes. Und
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Anyways this is whats to come in the near future.
My opinions under the cut
In my opinion the titles give a more mature vibe and feel a bit like soft versions of the adult site Otona / Koi100 More. (The More stories that we are currently getting are from the for example, though they have their exclusive titles too).
I have to admit none of the titles really caught my eyes right away and they feel more like Oneshots similar to Perfect Boyfriend or A World With(Out) You. They somehow lack the... glow? of other Voltage titles, but I'd gladly get proven wrong 😄 Currently i cannot see them having multiple seasons or even multiple characters? Plotwise i'm most curious about the Marriage title, artwose Kiss Until Daybreak even though I'm not that much of a fan of friends with benefits. The sprite of childhood friend looks good to me!
I feel like Voltage might be stalling for time until they can continue with Kings of Paradise or Tokyo Love Hustle.
I felt like instead of just relationship / romance focus I would have loved another supernatural or action series (which is why i really hope they'll continue TLH) because they feel similar to other titles. Voltage has proven that they are great with the supernatural themes with Court of Darkness or Even if Tempest, so i'm definitely excited about their new Switch titles. I just wish they gave a gem to Love 365 too haha.
Anyways let's wait and see.
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Soryu Oh - Request
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A/N: This request got away from me in the space of the actual request and now, I can only apologise.
She knew better. She did, but it didn’t stop her eyes from following the dainty figures of Sakiko and Chisato. Nor did it prevent the thoughts from beating her down as she watched each woman attached to Eisuke’s arm or fleeing from Baba’s suite.
‘Oink’ The noise followed the maid everywhere. Always in the same nasally voice that stalked the hallways in every version of Tres Spades. Erika had wormed her vindictive nature into the quiet joyful moments the maid spent in the arms of the man she loved.  
Mirrors always remained behind her; her gaze fixed on the floor as she passed the reflective surfaces. Her free time, that she would spend relaxing with the boys, had been plagued with diet pills and frequent trips to the same websites. Soryu hadn’t touched her. Not in a while. It was her doing; he’d wanted to rest a hand on her thigh as they watched a new detective film, but she had flinched and muttered a half-hearted excuse to leave.
She knew Soryu thought nothing of it. The Ice Dragons kept him busy, and he’d relax with the other auction managers whenever he had some downtime.
“There it goes again” Erika chimed “On search for more food. The penthouse guests must get their kicks watching the piggy clean”
“Don’t listen to“ Chisato began. Her eyes dropping with her words as they watched the young maid smile whilst her body, flinching, made its way to the penthouse elevator. Mr Ichinomiya had requested her presence. The words that sunk their claws with each step could wait. Mr Ichinomiya needed her.
With her eyes closed she stepped into the overly polished space. She couldn’t tolerate looking at her reflection. A distorted clone would stare back at her; beads of sweat glistening under the spotlights and fabric suffocating her held together by flimsy black buttons.
Eisuke sat, as he always did, in the centre of the Spades Room. The other auctioneers, all but Soryu, gathered near them. Hesitantly she approached. Her hands held in front of  her. Sharks swam ahead of her: beady dull eyes ravenous as she awaited her employers’ orders.
“You’re late…and sweating” He quipped. “Perhaps we should have Mr Kenzaki order you a larger more breathable uniform” she hoped as his words died against her ears, that Ichinomiya hadn’t meant the words or that her vicious mind wouldn’t fixate on the term ‘larger’. She’d gained a few pounds just as fast as she lost them. Ryosuke had been partially to blame. The boy had brought her a fruit tart as an attempt to correct an error he’d made one time, and the one time had turned into multiple times. She could barely remember the boy turning up without some form of confectionary.
“Eisuke, you should speak to a lady with more caution” Baba’s voice, always kind, chastised the man. “Can’t you see she’s crying”
She hadn’t noticed. When had the manager’s forms become so blurry that their colours began to merge? When had they started to cascade down her cheeks?
“If she can’t take honesty, she’s no better than swine”
“Eisuke!” Soryu’s voice seethed with anger. His frame shielded her as best it could, but he wasn’t broad enough to hide her completely. She focused on that; she obsessed, as he legs carried her further from the penthouse and in turn from the hotel, on what Soryu looked like with her by his side. She was an embarrassment to him.  
The Tres Spades had become a mere speck in the distance by the time she had collapsed against a wall. The shadows of an alleyway had pulled her into its depths; blocked from the view of others she found the safety in the isolation. She couldn’t hear the mocking sounds of swine; all she could hear in the small sanctuary were her laboured breaths.
Her knees buckled beneath her; her frame falling to the floor in a heap as she began to cry harder. Part of her begged for Soryu to round the corner any second, his secure arms wrapping around her whilst he whispered the same sweet nothings he used to say in the dead of night. The sobbing swallowed all noise as she pressed fists into her eyes.
“Imagine how well the boss will treat us when we bring in the Ice Dragons’ girl”  A slurred voice startled the woman. Her tear-stained face looking at the source of the voice. She hadn’t noticed the men.  
Two gang members stood opposite her. One short and stout with a belly that struggled against his shirt, and the other comically tall with an oversized suit. The two hardly looked a threat, if hadn’t been for the bloodthirsty gaze with which they stared at her. Blood running cold she attempted to move further from the duo.
No-one around here knew her; she barely knew where she was. She couldn’t call for help. There’d be no Ice Dragon’s wandering on patrol in this neighbourhood. No Inui following Samejima. The two men pressed further forward; as she began to retreat into her mind. She wanted to apologise to Soryu; she wanted to hug the man as though he’d disappear if she released him.
She barely recognised the vague call of her name. Not as impending doom beckoned her. It was the gunshots that broke her free of her thoughts. One of the two men staggering as they fumbled with their own weapon, she followed the direction he pointed it. Scared eyes meeting the less then calm eyes of Soryu.
“Get away from her” He barked; he was there. Soryu had found her like he had so many times before. Soryu moves as quickly as he can, his bullets covering him as he grabs her. In a few seconds; she can see it in the way Soryu flicks his eyes briefly to the side of him, in a few seconds there will be reinforcements.
As soon as his jacket is in front her, she grabs for the material. Her face buried in the soothing scent that accompanies the man she loves. His unarmed hand holding her to him. Within in seconds she can hear the alley flooded with footsteps. She can hear the desolate cries of the two men as they attempt to retreat with their lives.
“I’m not sure what’s going on with you and believe me I want nothing more than to find out what’s torturing you. But right now, I need you to move.”  Soryu pleads. Soryu places the gun in his hand on the cement beside him.  With ease he lifts her, his gun abandoned for one of the dragons to collect as he walks out of the alley to an awfully parked car.
“Put me down, I’m heav-“ She stops herself, her eyes consumed by the deep crimson mixing with the cool grey of his jacket. She can see the frayed material. “You’re hurt, Soryu put me down you’ve been shot”
“No” He grumbles as he ducks into the vehicle. Inui clambers into the passenger seat, Samejima into the driver’s seat. Soryu sits her on his lap, his hands clamped tightly around her, and she can feel the blood oozing onto the material of her uniform.
“Soryu please. Let me go” She begs, fresh tears – not for herself but for him – falling down her cheeks.
“I can’t. No. I’m not letting you go again” He whispers; there’s a break in his voice. “I almost lost you, I haven’t got enough fingers to count how many times I’ve almost lost you. It’s my fault. I told Eisuke to call you to the penthouse before I got there. That crass bastard said something, that much I can gather.” A grimace shadows his features briefly as he places his forehead against her.
“You got hurt because of me if I hadn’t run out of there. If I hadn’t taken Eisuke’s words about my appearance to heart. You wouldn’t have been shot”  She cries.
“Shh” He hushes her, one hand smoothing her hair. “I don’t mind these wounds as long as I got them protecting you. There’s only one person, no make that two people, you should be listening to about how you look. That’s you and me. You are every inch perfect in my eyes, regardless of how much you weigh or how much sweat you’re covered in.” He adds
Her lip’s part ready to protest but the argument dies on her lips as she looks into his eyes. There in the fleeting streetlights, she can see the silent plea for her to believe him, for her not to protest. In his soft features he begs for her to see herself how he sees her.
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Eisuke Ichinomiya x MC
Request from Anon: Hi! Could you do #16 with Eisuke please? Prompt: “What do you want me to do??” “GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK!” Warnings: Angst
The penthouse suite was silent as I sat on the oversized bed, waiting for the owner of the bed to come back. The owner of the hotel. The owner of me. He had left a few hours ago, claiming he had business to attend to, and I hadn’t heard anything from him since. I wasn’t sure how many hours he had been gone, it could range from two to four hours, but my mind was too clouded of thoughts about him to take notice of the clock. Everything I did in my life was for Eisuke Ichinomiya, he is in my life so much that even when he’s not with me he’s stuck in my mind. Which I’m positive is his doing, he can do pretty much anything you can imagine. Money and power gives him the ability to control nearly every aspect of his own life and those around him. I wonder what business he is doing, he very rarely tells me where he’s going or what he is planning. Its most probably illegal but I have resigned myself to the fact most of the things he and the other auction managers do are illegal. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing, I glance up and see the man whose riddled in my thoughts looking at me with a blank expression on his face.
He strode over to the bed, stopping in front of me and taking my chin in his hand, lifting it up so that we made eye contact. “Why didn’t you answer my phone calls?” His voice was harsh, making his words sound cut throat. I let out a soft sigh, glancing over at my phone sitting on his bedside table.
“I fell asleep…” I lie, the truth was, I didn’t want to talk to him. Before he had left we had argued over a dress he had picked out for me to wear to the next I.V.C. I hate the dress but he argues that it’s not up to me to love it or hate it, I must wear it.
“That’s not good enough. You know you must answer within 3 rings when I call you.” He narrowed his eyes at me and his lips curled up into a small smirk. “You need to be punished. But I’m feeling kind. So, I will allow you to tell me where you want me to touch you first.” He let go of my chin and shrugged off his suit jacket, throwing it onto the chair beside the bed. I let out a sigh, closing my eyes to avoid tears spilling onto my cheeks. This is not what I want to happen. For months on end now, Eisuke has been using me as his toy with the excuse that he owns me. I have no idea if he cares for me or not, which is driving me insane. Yes, he treats me well sometimes, and he’s never physically hurt me. But sometimes hurting someone mentally and emotionally can be worse than harming them physically. My silence had annoyed him, and he clicked his tongue impatiently. “___ Hurry up and answer me. What do you want me to do?” This tipped me over the edge, and I couldn’t hold onto my feelings or my tears anymore, both slipping out.
“GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK!” My words came out louder than I anticipated, tears rolling down my cheeks leaving a cold sensation in their path. I was surprised to see Eisuke flinch at my outburst, not having suspected that something like that would surprise the cold heart man. His eyebrows pulled together in a frown and he took a step away from me.
“Give me back the 20 million I spent on you and I will give you your life back.” He growled, turning on his heel and storming over to the door, walking through it and slamming it behind him.
Your hands came up to your face, soft sobs falling against your palms trying to mask the sounds of your broken heart. You couldn’t help it when you fell in love with him, but you also couldn’t help wishing that you had never been sold at that auction. You often wondered what your life would have been like had you chosen one of the other auction managers to have bought you when you had the option. Your hands came down from your face and you watched the door, hoping that the man you loved would come back through the door any minute now. You wanted to stay with him but the emotional turmoil he put you through wasn’t worth it. Little did you know that Eisuke’s heart had broken in two when you had snapped at him, asking for your life to be given back to you. His love for you was something he could never show you, him not knowing how to love someone without hurting them. He sat down on the couch in the living room, putting his head in his hands. The question playing on his mind whether he should let you go. Keeping you meant hurting you more, letting you go meant hurting himself more. For once the man who could do anything, didn’t have an answer for his problem.
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
My sleep deprived brain started thinking about a KBTBB Kpop AU which still isn’t well thought out but I know that Eisuke would be the all rounder
Lmfao anon i dont know who you are but lemme thank you first and foremost for making my morning HAHA (Like no kidding THIS is what I see when I open tumblr and I almost spit out my hot chocolate. Yep.)
But oh dude you’re so right. Eisuke is such a perfectionist he would stop at nothing to be the best. At everything.
Visual? Check. Main Vocal? Check. Main Dancer? Check. Is the producer of the band? Check. Owns the company? Check (because Eisuke Ichinomiya takes orders from no one I repeat NO ONE 😂).
I could see him be someone a little bit like JYP in terms of having his own entertainment agency and being an active Kpop idol. For some reason I think he’d be in a band (he cannot live without the other auction managers and being the instigator totally not because he cares for them) but then he’d also have a lot of solos because damn is he popular. With those looks, that bod, those skills, he’d be so perfect. 
Also going on a long ass tangent here I don’t know why but I feel like he’d be one of those artists with such a deep sexy voice, maybe as deep as Chanyeol’s (EXO). 
If I had to build Eisuke as a Kpop idol I’d say manliness of Jaehyun (NCT), voice of Chanyeol (EXO), singing range of Chen (EXO) and dancing skills of Taemin (SHINEE) bc he is the best and he would stop at NOTHING to be the best. Periodt. Who all do YOU think would make up a K-pop idol Eisuke? 
And I’d totally not die for that aegyo tysm i rest my case
I’m so sorry for going on such a word vomit and thank you for reading through this mini essay (if you did ily). And of course, thank you for sending me such an interesting ask! 💕 You’ve gotta tell me your thoughts on an idol Eisuke lol
oh and please keep building this AU and take it to greater heights bc it deserves it all
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yandere-sins · 4 years
“You will do what I ask.” for Eisuke (Kissed by the...)?
“You will do what I ask.”
Hehe, snobby yandere are a pleasure to write for! Thanks for requesting ^^
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««  
“... But I won’t wear that!”
Your strong argument echoed in the vast, minimalistic room. Even though your legs were shaking and from the smirk on his face, you knew he wasn’t impressed, you stood your ground, ready to fight for your rights. You cleaned, made coffee, ran errands while being on shift in the grand hotel, but this was taking it too far.
The expectations of your wardrobe he had were... less than you were comfortable with. You would have put up with a tighter size or maybe some cut-outs in your uniform, but to ask you what he deemed suitable for cleaning the apartment-sized suite, wasn’t even laughable anymore. The frilly black string thong with attachments that seemed to resemble a maid outfit’s apron was, if anything, humiliating. It might have been Mr. Ichinomiya’s suite, but it wasn’t like you two were always alone.
His ‘friends’ liked to walk in without any warning, some of them not even sparing you one moment of their time, while others seemed to come in just to see you specifically. But hell, the manager of the hotel - your BOSS - paid regular visits to the owner, and he was the last one you wanted to see you clad like an underpaid stripper.
But there you were, denying his order vehemently, shaking your head, and trying to keep eye contact with him. His smile soon curled into a less than genuine grin, the gaze he gave you pitiful as he crooked his head. “You, for one, don’t exactly have the right to refuse. And if you had, I wonder where’s my money?”
Gulping, you tried not to let his comment affect you. The thin fabric still dangled from his outstretched pointer, waiting for you to cave in and take it. He was right; you didn’t have a position to argue with him, much less could you pay him the 20 million yen you had ruined when breaking the vase. But under no circumstances did you have to endure this kind of suffering! This was nothing beyond the humiliation of a guy that had too much boredom on his mind.
And boredom he had. Eisuke was nothing more than merely bored with his life, work, and, most of all, romantic encounters. But it all ended with you. Even if he couldn’t bring himself to think you were anything special when he first laid eyes on you, it was more than a lucky encounter that it had been you to break his latest, most prized item for the black market, and he would not have preferred anyone else over you.
You were amusing. You still had reactions to what he did, just like now when you thought you could talk your way out of this. Too bad for you, Eisuke wasn’t a patient man. Surely, you two could have had more fun before the string. He’d have sent you on more errands, driven you mad with all the things he wanted - but he knew you’d do them even if they annoyed you. It had been expected that you wouldn’t like your new clothes, and that’s why he liked the idea so much, despite it not being his, but Ota’s.
Seeing you express yourself more, standing up for your rights, and trying to argue with him - that was something barely anyone did these days. It made him almost feel alive! Despite you being no one, a nobody, nothing to him, you still managed to rile him up!
By now, it wasn’t even only the question anymore of how long it would take for you to cave in. How long would he be able to look at your concerned expression, eyes flitting from the string to his, constantly as you contemplated? Eisuke wanted to see you. See you in nothing but what he allowed you to wear. Maybe you weren’t aware, but this was as good as a branding - having you submit to his demands was worse than merely having a feeling of guilt or loyalty hanging over your head. It would downgrade you to the lowest you could sink, and you’d willingly go to the bottom of the hierarchy.
If he had you that low, who knows what you’d be willing to do for him?
Standing up, he never let go of the fabric, rounding the massive table he was sitting behind. He seemed almost unbothered, judging by how casual his movements were. No muscle was tense, his eyes keen and bright. If not for the bubbling anticipation in his stomach, Eisuke would have thought himself to be the calmest person on earth.
Your eyes met, despite you not liking the gleam you saw in them.
Something seemed wrong, and you assumed it was patience running thin. No suit and no tie could hide desire when it showed so clearly on the wearer’s face. The desire to tear you down, make your resistance crumble like the fancy bagel he had for lunch that you had brought to him. But also, the desire to make you his, have you obey his demands and shatter your pride, turning you into a person he could actually desire and not just any kind of whore that liked to surround him.
And he knew just how he’d do that.
Letting go of the ribbon-y silk in his hand, it fell to the floor, right on his shoes, the perfect spot to kneel for you in front of. “You will do what I ask,” he announced, a final statement, undebatable despite your hesitation. He knew he won, just by how scared your gaze turned. Afraid to lose yourself in front of him.
But god, he loved the sight of you kneeling to pick up the string thong.
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leoamber66 · 5 years
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Pffft, lecturing Eisuke is pretty much Soryu's thing now.😂
Story: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: A Midsummer's Infatuation: Eisuke
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juvellita · 5 years
I am lowkey crying bcs apparently in Eisuke's S6 Good Ending, Eisuke and mc get to hang out with yukari and Eiji, eisuke's biological dad.
Family reunion again that once was broken 😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
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n-abila · 5 years
Eisuke: Bro I had a dream we fucked
Soryu: Bro it’s just a dream
Eisuke: Gay I wouldn’t fuck you
Soryu:...you wouldn’t?
Eisuke: Unless you want to ;)
Soryu: ;(
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cartoonsandcartoons · 5 years
listen i don't care HOW cute or compelling the fictional boy is if he WEARS A FEDORA i go the OPPOSITE DIRECTION
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elaera23 · 6 years
Imagine the Bidders giving you Pep-Talk before a date:
MC: I’m nervous, I hope everything works out and that he’ll be nice.
Baba: You’re our princess, of course he’ll be nice to you! Every guy who doesn’t appreciate that pretty face of yours is a jerk!
Ota: And you are very obedient, Koro.
Eisuke: If he doesn’t like your coffee, he’s a dumbass.
Mamoru: Ain’t forgettin’ ‘bout that cute smile of yours, kid!
Soryu: For once I have to agree with the slacker, and you make the best omlette.
Eisuke: I think we are all on the same page on this point *he looks at the other Bidders* If it doesn’t work out, we’ll kill him.
All Bidders: Agreed.
MC: Awwww, guys, thank you! But I don’t think that’s necessary. *waves and leaves the room*
MC, muttering to herself: Now I really hope that he’s nice... for his sake.
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tomhollandhasnolips · 6 years
soryu: the memories we made are the actual treasure
mamoru: u literally almost killed me by accident
soryu: that wasn't an accident
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Soryu Oh - Goodnight Part 2
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A/n: i reread this after a couple notifications and I thought why stop at two parts. Make that three parts, plus if I only had 2 the second would be incredibly long. So enjoy. We stan one Chinese mafia boss.
The gentle shifting of paperwork accompanied the dull silence in the Ice Dragon’s office. Occasionally he’d find the pen in his hands faltering as his mind recollected a fleeting memory. He could still remember the red tint of her skin and the way her breath had hitched as his fingers had rubbed circles into the skin of her thighs. If he tried hard enough – if he concentrated enough, he could still feel the warmth that at one point covered his lips.
A wobbly sigh fell from the man; he pinched the bridge of his nose in a desperate attempt to dispel the memory. Now was hardly the time to remember the way she clung to his shoulders, or her soft fingers in his hair. If the others could see him now, he’d be the running joke for the next few auctions. His icy façade would be reduced to dust with just a few quips from Baba and Eisuke.
“Mr Oh?” Came a timid voice, he could barely believe his ears as he jumped in his seat. His eyes flicked to the door. Upon confirmation that the door was indeed still closed and a softly spoken maid had not seen a grown man jump in his seat like a teenager being caught on the wrong type of website by their mother, he released his breath. An almost inaudible chuckle sprung from the recesses of his throat. “Mr Oh, are you in there?”
“Ah come in” Oh coughed; his cheeks briefly dusting red at the notion that he’d failed to respond. Soryu’s eyes – to his frustration – followed her form much like a predator. In every step she took he remembered the bar as she leaned so close to him that the lavender in her scent had embedded itself into the fabric of his suit jacket. In the way she greeted him with a soft smile, he remembered the way she had laughed through the corridors and the way she had looked at him as she pushed the hair from his forehead. “To what do I owe this pleasure” He announced. For a minute the Ice Dragons’ boss found himself showing his gratitude to whichever benevolent god allowed his voice to stay firm.
“Eisuke wanted me to ask you to come to the Penthouse, apparently you weren’t answering your phone” Her words graced the air, almost as though every syllable were a tiny ballerina dancing the swan lake. Soryu took a moment to flick his gaze to the screen of his phone. The device hadn’t rung since morning when Mamoru had confirmed that Inui had been released with yet another caution. Eisuke hadn’t requested him. He’d have known. The man’s ringtone had been set to a deafening noise that closely resembled a chihuahua. “You’ve got a nicely decorated office; in fact, this whole building wasn’t what I imagined.”
“What did you imagine?” Soryu queried with a quirk of his eyebrow. He gestured for her sit as he slowly lifted himself from his own seat. “Tea?” He added.
“Please. I guess I imagined guns and blood everywhere, burly men with scars and tattoos. Not…” She trailed off deep in thought as she watched Soryu busy his hands with the tea brewing. He could see in her small winces that his tea brewing skills weren’t the best, but he’d be damned if he asked her to that sort of thing outside of her workplace.
“Not golden retrievers and Labradors” He jested. The comment brought a half-stifled laugh from her, and he revelled in the way her eyes squinted in amusement. In all his years Soryu had made few people laugh, instead he treated people with a respectable distance. This was the first time he genuinely found himself wanting to hear someone’s amusement. He wanted to make her cackle until tears spilled from her eyes.
“That’s probably the easiest way to describe Ryosuke and Samejima, Mr Oh. Both fiercely loyal and friendly” She responded. Soryu froze for a second as he lifted both cups of tea. In her drunken state she had no problem calling him by his name and yet. She’d returned to the formality of his last name. He hadn’t felt further from the woman. The closeness they had shared had been shattered that night. “I forgot to apologise and thank you for lending me your suite the other night. I did want to thank you the next time you came to the penthouse, but Mr Ichinomiya said you’d been too busy to come”
Soryu’s stomach dropped in an instant. His cup tilting just enough for a dash of amber liquid to fly over the edge. He felt the pain almost immediately as he jumped from his seat. The cup finding its way quickly to the table.
“Are you ok?” Her worried voice filled his ears as he let the sensation pass. He peeled the material of his shirt – and once again thanked the benevolent gods – that he wore a black shirt. He nodded ferociously his voice to unsteady in his throat. “Is that the time? Eisuke will kill me if I’m late to get him his afternoon coffee”
“I’ll take you” Soryu found himself instantly speaking. A silent plea for her agreement. He wanted to spend a little more time with the woman, before Eisuke had her running errands until the balls of her feet ached. He couldn’t stop his chest from aching at her use of Eisuke’s name.
“I couldn’t, I interrupted your work” She countered. Soryu glanced at the long since forgotten paperwork, a few signatures and contracts could wait. Everything could wait if it meant five more minutes in her presence.
“I just finished before you came in.” Oh lied. His professional smile graced his features momentarily and he was thankful that they hadn’t spent enough time together for her to be able to differentiate. “Not to mention Eisuke”
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind…” The maid trailed off, her hand flying to her pocket at the aggravating beeping noise. “Speak of the devil” She whistled. Soryu found himself frowning, his hand unconsciously tightening. “We should probably get going”
Every jostle of the car sent Soryu’s mind reeling; every turn her body would tap at his and he’d be thrown back to that night, and to all the lonely hours where he had fantasised. He hadn’t been aware until they had pulled up at the hotel that he had been holding his breath. Or that he had unconsciously leaned further towards her soothing nature.
A hand remained hoovering at her lower back as he guided her through the hotel towards the penthouse. Soryu’s eyes had noted the ways her colleagues had cowered slightly at the sight of him; only to have relaxed as they turned their gaze to the happily smiling maid. Even as they walked into the Spades Room Soryu walked behind her, his hand reaching for any door as she walked in.
“Sor” Baba’s voice sang as he spotted the mafia boss. Baba’s gaze hadn’t missed Soryu’s subtle chivalry, Soryu could see it in the way the thief nodded with a smirk at him. “Mamoru has been tirelessly looking for you”
“He’s right, Kishi hasn’t slept since we had drinks. He kept moaning about the hassle you’ve been bringing him.” Ota’s voice boomed from the opposite side. Soryu rolled his eyes; his form moving away from the entrance, the maid having long since abandoned him to do her work.
The room settled into a comfortable hum of conversation between Ota, Baba, and the maid. Kishi remained silently glaring at the thief and painter from his position by the window. A cigarette hung loosely between his teeth as he casually acknowledged Soryu. The Ice Dragon frowned, before situating himself on the sofa. Soryu’s gaze unconsciously followed after the girl. Her figure gliding across the penthouse with as much ease as a swan on water.
“I must say, I thought you’d have succumbed to temptation before I had to call you here” Eisuke’s voice echoed across the sofa. His ever observant eye had watched the Ice Dragon – his friend – from the second he had entered with Ichinomiya property. Soryu shot him an icy glare. “Please, as much as I enjoy teasing you, I actually called you here for business.”
Eisuke whistled, the young maid spinning on her heal a coffee cup in hand. Her jaw tightened and a glint of fear flickered in her eyes as she awaited Eisuke’s commands.
“Coffee” Eisuke barked. She immediately spun herself back around, hands busy brewing Eisuke’s coffee. Both men watched. Only one held a menacing smile as his dull eyes moved over his new source of entertainment. Ichinomiya had thought about the multitude of scenarios between the maid and the mafia boss. He’d spent far too much time putting the pieces in place in order to test the Ice Dragon himself. “It was tempting right. To cross the boundaries again, after one taste it’s easy to get addicted. I’m certainly addicted to her coffee brewing skills.” Eisuke uttered.
Soryu clenched his jaw. His features adopting a stoic mask. A mask he hoped Eisuke wouldn’t break beyond repair.
“For half a million I’ll give her to you for a day” Eisuke remarked. “To do with as you please, perhaps you can finish what you started. For one whole day what’s mine could be yours”
“What business do you have?” Soryu questioned. Eisuke chuckled.
“Ever the businessman, the girl has eyes on her. I’m surprised she made it to your office without being snatched. Don’t glare, Kishi was waiting in the background” Eisuke explained. Lavender filled his nostrils as he blinked. He watched as his coffee was placed before him before the maid handed Eisuke his.
“Thank you” Soryu uttered. “If you know this, why hasn’t the useless detective done something already”
“I don’t care what happens to her.” Eisuke reprimanded “I’m telling you because we’re friends. Not to mention what happened between you both the other day. She doesn’t remember it was you”
“Give her to me” Soryu growled. For a second the air stilled, all conversation froze as Soryu’s anger flared. Eisuke’s eyes remained bored as he watched Soryu’s outburst. “The Ice Dragons can protect her; I’ll find the people who want to get to you”
“Relax Soryu. I’ve sorted it. It was too good an opportunity to tease you to pass up” Eisuke smirked. Soryu sunk into his seat, relief flooding him as he closed his eyes. He was regretting showing his face.
“Eisuke, I’ve finished cleaning, if you’ll excuse me.” The maid announced; Soryu lingered on her use of Eisuke’s name. “Goodbye Mr Oh”
The pair watched her retreat. Eisuke casting an amused smile at his friend.
“Still Mr Oh, Sor.” Baba beamed. “I wonder why you’re the only one she calls by their last name.”
“Shut it” Soryu grumbled.
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angelsbluebird · 5 years
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And it's not yours
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
Sex vs XXX
MC: “Eisuke, want to have x-x-x tonight?”
Eisuke: Buys Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard 
Inspired from:
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Because what is sex? We only know xxx.
Special tag for my partner in crime: @leoamber66​
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Warabimochi, Candy Kits, and Taiyaki for Eisuke Ichinomiya.
Nice choices! Thank you for requesting ♥
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♥ Warabimochi - What kind of yandere are they? Do they have some sub-types they fit into?
Eisuke is a nasty possessive. He could have whatever he wants, and he knows it all too well. But he wants what he cannot have. He wants defiance, and he wants them huffing when he spends a lot of money. Their little mouth speaking words of displeasure about the things he is doing, and the same mouth only he knows how to shut up. People like him always want what they cannot have, but his darling’s reluctance and different way of thinking really gets him going. It tickles his senses and urges, and he is determined that this is nothing that should be shared with anyone. It’s his treasure alone, and his darling has to arrange with this selfish wish of his, even though he doesn’t mind them being against it either
There is some delusion swinging with it, simply because Eisuke things he can actually possess them. It’s the bad side of never getting told no, and whenever it happened, he was just able to up the price and get it anyway. He constantly plasters his darling in presents that he thinks they will like, thinking it will gain him some sympathy points. But even when there is food, gifts, and generally good things happening, it is never enough for him to feel loved. Not even when they tell him they love him, does he believe it, so he craves more and more that he can have from them, down to their bones if he must. He wants to be the great man, they loved person in their life, but he is never able to let them go to become what he wishes to impersonate
♥ Taiyaki - How fast are their intentions revealed to their Darling?
To some degree, it really is the darling’s fault if they didn’t notice it right away, because the red flags are popping up right from their first interaction. Okay, admittedly, wiggling out of their debt never was an option, but if they didn’t realize it from the beginning just how bad their choice in bidder was, it’s their fault. Eisuke is not unvocal on how he wants them to behave, and they are able to make out his approval or disapproval about their actions after just a short while, so it’s up to them to technically lure him on. Even if it seemed like a better option at first, but they noticed the stares and the way he slowly formed them to react how he wanted, learning to read them just as well. They could have chosen to just idolize him like anyone else, and he may have kept at least some boundaries. These actions may have indebted them long after death, but hey, at least given them a way out of this mess of man he is
♥ Candy Kits - Do they want/plan to build a normal future with their Darling?
The question is more, what has ever been ‘normal’ for Eisuke Ichinomiya? The fact that he could basically have them hidden away in an isolated mansion on a hill, guarded and under 24-hour surveillance is almost as normal for him as getting a house in the city, have kids, maybe a dog. So really, the future he is building for them is what he thinks is best, not necessarily normal. They deserve the best, so why not go full out on his ideas. When he’s done, he won’t even want to leave him anymore - for more than one reason respectively
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