#kissing him on the mouth while we are sitting on the ground not biking
homoangel · 1 year
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HEAR ME OUT!! ollie thinking felix is single right, hanging out at oxford and everything and then one night felix is nowhere to be seen and he finds him with a girl. turns out feliz is vv much not single but ollie knows her as the smart girl of the school so he's shocked by the pairing?!?!?!
Who would've thought? || Felix Catton x reader
A/n: I actually hate how I did this but oh well, also, my first felix catton fic did so well so quickly!!!! so happy you guys enjoyed it :)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, drinking, idk rlly im so bad w my warnings 😭
Wc: 764
Felix Catton Masterlist
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"Gorgeous, isn't he?" Your voice causes Oliver to flinch as he whips his head to where the sound of your voice came from. "W-what-" He stammers. You giggle at his behaviour, taking a long drag from the cigarette before dropping it to the ground and stepping on it.
"I see the way you stare at him, Ollie. I don't blame you though, he's a sight for sore eyes," You sigh, leaning your head against the wall, watching Felix with his friends.
Oliver didn't know what to say. He only stared at you before gravitating his gaze back to Felix. Oliver knew you as one of the smartest girls at school, your grades rivalling with his.
"You can admit it. He's gorgeous." You open your mouth again, turning your head at Oliver with a grin. He gulps. "I-uhm-" He began before you interrupt him, "Come on, Ollie" Your tone was playful.
"He's gorgeous." Oliver quickly replied as you smile. You push yourself off the wall, patting Ollie's shoulder before leaving him standing there dumbfounded.
"Fuck!" You curse as you feel the hot liquid cascade down your front. You let out a loud groan, throwing your coffee cup in a nearby bin. "I'm so sorry-" "It's fine! Completely fine," You mutter to the idiot who bumped into you because his eyes was trained on a book.
You let out a deep sigh, checking your watch. You would be late if you turned back around to change. "Hey! Y/n!" You hear a voice call out from behind you. Turning your head you spot Oliver coming your way on his bike.
“Hey?” you greet him with a hint of confusion. Without a word, he unzips his backpack, pulling out a plaid shirt. “Wear this to cover the spill,” he suggests, a warm smile accompanying the gesture. You conceal any distaste with a subtle expression, graciously accepting the offered shirt.
“Uhm-” “Just return it later when you can,” he cuts you off, not giving you time to answer before riding off. You stand there, looking down at the plaid shirt, before letting out a sigh and slipping it on.
“Cute shirt, babe,” your boyfriend chuckles, and you respond with an eye roll, sitting down with a loud huff escaping your lips. “Don’t even. Some idiot bumped into me on the way here,” you mutter, opening your notebook aggressively.
Farleigh strolls in, joining the two of you, “Woah, loving the shirt, y/n. Where’d you get it from? The charity shop?” He jokes, prompting you to scowl at him. He raises his hands in surrender as Felix’s chuckles resonate beside you.
“Jesus, what’s got your panties tied up in a knot?” he laughs, taking a seat beside you while you choose to ignore him. Suddenly, Felix exclaims, “Oh, shit! Farleigh, we gotta go. Professor Davies wants to see us,” checking his watch before swiftly getting up.
Farleigh vents his frustration with a groan, “Sorry, babe. See you later?” Felix plants a kiss on your cheek, and you nod in response, waving the two boys off before redirecting your focus to the notebook in front of you.
“Hey,” you raise your head to find Oliver approaching. Flashing a warm smile, you greet him with a friendly, “Hi Oliver,” your attention briefly returning to your book as he stands there, exuding a hint of awkwardness.
“I’ll make sure to return your shirt once it’s washed,” you reassure him, receiving a silent nod in acknowledgment. Returning to your book, you shift your attention back to him, “Is there anything else you need?” He nervously scratches his neck. “Do you mind if I study with you?” His question catches you slightly off-guard.
“Absolutely, feel free,” you graciously respond, rearranging your belongings to create space for him to settle. A warm smile graces his face as he takes the offered seat, expressing gratitude with a simple “Thanks.” You reciprocate with a light chuckle, assuring him, “No problem at all.”
“He is such a nerd,” Farleigh snorts as you roll your eyes, your fingers moving to play with Felix’s necklace around his neck. Noticing your quietness, Felix looks at you on his lap. “You okay?” He says quietly as you hum, taking a sip out of his glass, before pressing your cheek against his, your eyes wandering around the table.
“I should probably go now, I don’t wanna study too late,” You let out a quiet sigh as you get up from your boyfriend’s lap. Felix lends a helping hand to adjust your skirt, smoothly guiding the denim down while playfully patting your ass, accompanied by a mischievous grin.
“Where are you going? It’s still so early!” Annabel shoots you a disapproving frown from across the table. “I really need to study for that test tomorrow,” you respond, the playful boos from others resonating as you playfully roll your eyes.
“Listen, I’ll buy the next round yeah?” Your offer is met with enthusiastic hoots as you chuckle. Rounds tend to be costly, especially with our group, but being part of a wealthy family, the expense doesn’t faze you.
Felix joins you in fetching the drinks before you wave at your group and make your exit. Outside, the cool night air embraces you as you walk down the stairs, and a twinge of regret sets in over your choice of attire.
Lost in thought, you accidentally collide with someone. Looking up, you find yourself face to face with Oliver, whose initial surprise transforms into recognition. “Oh, Oliver, hey,” you manage a smile, and he reciprocates it warmly.
“Hey. You headin’ back?” He gestures behind him with his thumb, and you nod, “Yeah, studying for that test we have tomorrow morning.” A chuckle escapes you as he nods, an awkward silence settling between the two of you.
“Is it, uh, busy in there?” Oliver speaks up. “Hm? Oh. Uhm, no, not really,” you shake your head. Another moment of silence follows. “Listen, Ollie, I should really get going,” you purse your lips as he moves aside. “Yeah, of course,” he offers you a warm smile, and you nod your head, walking away.
Over the course of the next couple days. Felix and Oliver had become very good friends. You would hear Felix’s recounts of his day when the two of you were entangled in each others arms and it always included Oliver.
The party rolled around and you found yourself dancing with Felix, your ass on his crotch as the two of you seamlessly moved to Sexyback.
With one hand cradling a red plastic cup filled with alcohol, and the other clasping a partially smoked cigarette, Felix guided your hips skillfully, his touch resting casually on your hipbone.
“You look so fuckin’ hot,” Felix exclaimed loudly over the music as you smirk to yourself, already abit tipsy. “Do you wanna go somewhere?” You reply back to him, turning around as he eagerly nods.
You giggle to yourself, knowing what the rest of the night would consist of. Fucking Felix. You stumbled as Felix pulled you along the house. “Fuck, these heels,” You moan in annoyance.
Eager to reach his dorm quicjly, Felix scooped you up in a bridal carry, one arm under your knees and the other supporting your back. A light squeal escaped you, drawing the attention of those around, their curious stares following the two of you.
The second he shut the door behind him, your clothes littered his room as he ravenously attacked your lips, his hands roaming around your body as you let out quiet moans, enjoying the way they groped every inch of your body.
Meanwhile, Oliver was roaming around the party, completely and utterly bored. He first wandered around looking for someone he knew, but that was only three people. You, Felix, and Michael. Michael wouldn’t even be there, so just you or Felix.
Acknowledging the fact that neither you or Felix were here, Oliver’s gaze fell on Farleigh at the other end of the room. With a joint in hand, reclining on the couch, Oliver decided to test his luck and headed in Farleigh’s direction.
“Do you know where Felix is?” Farleigh looks Oliver up and down before raising an eyebrow at him. “Why do you wanna know?” His tone was flat, bored from talking with Oliver already.
“Just wonderin’,” Oliver shrugged awkwardly. Farleigh, taking a long drag, nonchalantly answered, “He went back to his dorm, I think,” his tone uninterested as he flicked ash from his joint.
“Thanks,” Oliver nods his head before turning around. The walk to Felix’s dorm was all too familiar for him, often spending time there whenever he and Felix hung out.
He knocks on the door. No response. He knocked again. Still no response. Oliver then tried the door handle, twisting it only to find it unlocked. Opening the door with a loud creak as his eyes look around the dimly lit interior of Felix’s room.
“Felix-“ Oliver cuts himself off as he realises what he just walked in on. A feminine gasp reached his ears as he instinctively tried to avert his gaze. “For fuck’s sake, mate!” Felix’s irritated voice resonated, accompanied by the rustling of sheets in the room.
Felix quickly moves to cover the both of you as you screw your eyes shut. “Can’t you fuckin’ knock Ollie?” Felix exasperates as he slips on his boxers, his frame still covering you from Ollie’s eyes.
"Sorry, the door was unlocked, so I thought-" Oliver began, but Felix cut him off, "Yeah, well, you thought wrong," accompanied by an annoyed chuckle. You reached for Felix's shirt, slipping it on as you sat on the bed.
Oliver couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity at who Felix was fucking; there was no denying it. It couldn’t have been Annabel or India—two girls he's often heard talking about Felix as if they were together—both of them were at the party when he left. So who was it? “Seriously mate. If I don’t answer, I’m either not here or don’t want to answer,” Felix runs his hands through his hair.
He was very bothered that he was interrupted. Felix hated being interrupted in the middle of things. Especially sex with you. “Felix, it’s okay,” You rest your hand on his shoulder as he looks back at you.
Oliver's jaw hung open, frozen in a momentary state of shock, as your head playfully emerged beside Felix. His eyes widened as he tried to process the unexpected sight before him. A cascade of questions flooded his mind, evident in the incredulous expression on his face. "Hi, Ollie," you greeted with a light chuckle, amusement dancing in your eyes as you observed his stunned reaction.
The air seemed charged with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as Oliver stammered through his words, attempting to articulate the myriad of questions racing through his mind. "I- What- Are you two-" he fumbled, his sentences colliding in his attempt to understand the situation unfolding before him.
Felix, ever nonchalant, cut through the awkward tension with a matter-of-fact tone. "She's my girlfriend," he stated, his words hanging in the air. As if to emphasize the point, you casually moved to sit on Felix's lap.
A moment of stunned silence enveloped Oliver. Felix had a girlfriend, and it was you. The revelation hit him with unexpected force, leaving him momentarily breathless. Questions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't comprehend why no one had ever mentioned it before.
"Why do you look so shocked, Ollie?" Felix chuckled, a lighthearted tone in his voice, while you added to the teasing atmosphere with a playful giggle. You could practically sense Oliver's head spinning with the unasked questions, creating an intriguing air of mystery around the situation.
Oliver's eyebrows furrowed slightly, his expression a mix of confusion and surprise as he processed the unexpected pairing. He released a nonchalant shrug, attempting to mask the internal whirlwind of thoughts.
"No one’s ever said anything about it, I just assumed you both were single," he admitted, his eyes fixed on you and Felix. Oliver's head continued to shake in a subtle attempt to grasp the reality of you being in a relationship with Felix.
A faint smile played on your lips as you tilted your head at him, a touch of amusement in your gaze. "You never asked," you pointed out casually, your words hanging in the air. Oliver's lips formed a perfect 'O' as he absorbed the implication, silently nodding in acknowledgment.
The room was then engulfed in an awkward silence, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the atmosphere. Sensing the discomfort, Oliver took the initiative to break the tension. "Uhm, I should get going," he announced, his hand absently scratching the back of his head. Felix, understanding the unspoken cue, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, go ahead."
Oliver's lips pursed, his gaze flickering between you and Felix, caught in a moment of realization. With a slightly awkward smile, you innocently waved at him. "Bye, Ollie!" you chimed in a light-hearted manner, attempting to alleviate the awkwardness as he leaves the dorm.
Felix couldn't hide his amusement. "You really didn't tell him?" he asked, breaking the silence with a playful smile as he looked down at you. In response, you innocently shrugged. "I didn't think it was that necessary to bring it up, besides, he really never asked."
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mrsshabana · 3 months
Modern/after all odds Gyutaro definitely did it on the motorcycle despite the risk in being a secluded alleyway or smth since someone was needy and impatient. Gyutaro would have it on or even rev it up sitting backwards while having y/n ride him. The hypersexual thoughts have lead me to a wild imagination once again 😞 Also can I be the 🍰 anon if its not already claimed? ^^
𝐀𝐀𝐎 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⋆ 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱
꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, 18+ MDNI, Against All Odds au, public sex, vaginal sex, creampie (if you aren't familiar with my Against All Odds fic, it's an au where demons live amongst humans in a modern au. And all of the kny demons go to university with reader.) ꒦꒷‧₊ Note I decided to write about AAO Gyutaro since I really miss writing that au! And of course, you can be the 🍰 anon if you'd like. Sorry for answering this so late btw. I've been working on other things lately but I was in the mood to write something quick today so I hope you all enjoy it. ♡
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"That fucking student council meeting took so long, what the hell were you guys talking about anyways?" Gyutaro growls as he parks his bike behind the science building.
"Douma couldn't decide what color banners we needed for the festival this weekend," you giggle, watching your boyfriend's face contort in annoyance.
"Idiot," he rolls his eyes and turns off his bike, "Making me wait so damn long..."
You look around, confused as to why he is stopping behind the science building on campus. "Um Gyu, why are you stopping here?"
He flips around so he can face you and begins to unbutton his pants, "Cuz I'm gonna fuck you."
'WHAT!?" You yelp, and Gyutaro immediately covers your mouth with his hand.
"Shut it!" he snarls, "I've been so horny all goddamn day ever since you put on that stupid skirt this morning. And now since you made me wait so long, I don't have any other choice but to fuck you right here."
He smirks and pulls his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free, already incredibly hard. The large vein that runs down the side of it already popping out, that's how you know he's been hard for quite a while.
"B-Babe I-," you start but he cuts you off.
"Shh, it's ok. The sun's already gone down so no one will see us. I promise..."
He bites his lip and pulls you in for a kiss. His other hand goes under your skirt, slipping into your panties to feel you've already started to get wet. But how can you not when seeing him so hot and bothered for you?
Pleased by this, he groans and pulls you into his lap. Slowly bucking his hips, gliding his cock along your slick panties.
"Gyu..." you whimper, "maybe we should move off the bike. I wouldn't want it to fall over..."
"Typical human, always worrying," he smiles, showing off his sharp teeth, "It won't fall over, I promise. My feet are on the ground so I can balance it while you ride me."
"R-ride you?" your entire face goes red. Usually, your boyfriend is on top, taking control and plunging into you aggressively is his favorite way to have sex. So it isn't often that he asks you to be on top, but you can't deny that you enjoy doing it. And he does too, it's just that most days he can't stop himself from fucking you silly. But today he doesn't have much choice.
"C'mon baby, you can handle it right?" He smirks mischievously as if challenging you.
"Of course I can!"
"I dunno... maybe you're too weak to take it. I mean you are just a pathetic human after all," he teases.
You furrow your brows, determined to prove him wrong. So you lift your hips, move your panties to the side, and gently lower yourself onto him.
"F-fuck," a breathy moan leaves his lips as he sinks into you and bottoms out.
"That shut you up, huh?" you tease back as you begin riding him.
He can't deny that you took his breath away, he didn't expect you to take control like you did. His nails dig into your thighs as you pick up the pace. Moaning loudly as you bounce on his lap, squelching sounds filling the air as his thick shaft splits you apart.
"C-C'mon babe ah, if you k-keep movin' like that I'm gonna cum too soon," he clenches his teeth and tries to hold back his moans.
"I don't want us to get caught," you gasp, "Ngh- you do want to cum in me don't you?"
"C-course I do," a needy moan escapes him. He moves his hands to your hips and begins to move you up and down, assisting you in your motion.
You lean forward until his cockhead slams into your sweet spot, "Ah- right there!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head as the mess between your legs spreads all over your thighs.
Your legs are beginning to feel sore but you're too determined to chase your high to even care. Moving faster and faster despite the pain and your thighs trembling.
Usually, your boyfriend would take over at this point but he's too high on cloud nine to pay attention to anything but the way your slick walls wrap around him and squeeze him so tightly. Making it impossible for him to hold back any longer.
And with a strained groan, his nails dig into your skin, his cock twitches inside of you, and he leans back - accidentally revving his bike. But he's too busy filling you with his seed to even care.
Wanting to make sure he got his cum as deep as possible he tightly grabs your hips and thrusts up into you. Creating an absolute mess. A combination of his cum and your slick splattering all over your skirt and the seat of his bike.
You were already getting so close, but now the breeding instinct of your demon boyfriend brings you over the edge. Your walls tightening around him as your desperate moans fill the air.
Gyutaro smirks, pleased with himself as you slump over onto him. Feeling your body shake uncontrollably, he feels satisfied.
"That's it baby," he whispers as he gently kisses the side of your face, "You did so good for me."
"We should do this again sometime..." you whimper and nuzzle against him.
He smirks, "Hell yeah, but let's get you home and cleaned up for now."
He ignores the mess on his bike and pulls his pants up. Then he turns, positions himself properly, and shifts his bike back into drive.
"You good back there?" he shouts, making sure you're holding on tightly.
"Mm hm," you nod, wrapping your arms around him and leaning your head on his back.
"Y'know, maybe we could do this every week after your student council meetings," he snickers as he revs the engine.
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maiiuelle · 5 months
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as we all know, jj is not a fan of cops. so, you can imagine how angry he’d be getting a call that you’re locked up.
it's sort of a game of telephone actually. you called kiara from the jail, pleading with her not to tell jj knowing how he'd react. but, with her parents grounding her from any more involvement in pogue business, she didn't really have a choice. so, she told pope, who immediately told jj.
luckily, your offense wasn't serious, you'd been having a bad day already and decided to go on an innocent bike ride. jj was kind enough to have slipped a joint into your backpack for an occasion like this, which you happily lit up to get your mind off of everything. your mistake was riding through the rich side of the island, some kook must've seen you and called the station to complain about who-knows-what, and the smell of weed sticking to your skin made it easier for shoupe to find you. you complied, letting him haul you in the back of his cruiser while he lectured you about drug possession and public intoxication. must be a slow day.
now you're sat in the lobby of the police station, hands bound together in metal cuffs, resting in your lap. you're barely high anymore, the light feeling in your head replaced by irritation. you hear jj before you see him, and the sound of his booming voice makes your heart sink.
"where d'ya even have her? huh, plumb?" you squeeze your eyes shut, the heat of his anger growing closer and closer.
"you need to relax, maybank." she hisses, rounding the corner before him and stopping at the sight of you. she crosses her arms, almost amused. "she's right here."
your blonde boyfriend stomps in after her, wide eyes searching the room before landing on you. he's disheveled, clearly having been in a rush to get here. you don't know what to do other than to stare back at him doe eyed. deputy plumb comes to your side and hoists you to stand with a hand on your arm, spinning you roughly so she can start to unlock the cuffs.
“alright—let’s make this quick.” shoupe’s voice draws everyone’s attention, a stack of papers in his hands that he offers to jj. “i’m doin’ her a favor, just a written warning.”
jj snatches the papers from him, superficially looking them over and then using them to point at the deputy. “you’re outta your mind, shoupe. i can’t believe—“
“i suggest—“ shoupe cuts him off, and jj’s jaw clenches. “—you kids get on home now. we’ve got some real work to do.”
deputy plumb lets you go, clipping the cuffs to her belt and nudging you toward jj. “and keep the dope on the cut.” you look back at her, keeping your mouth shut as you slink over to jj’s side.
“can count on kildare P.D., ain’t that right?” jj keeps his eyes on the officers, face red with anger as he adjusts his hat and starts walking toward the door. you stick close to him, feeling better attached to his side even if he’s angrier than you’ve ever seen him. “pickin’ on teenage girls — real tough, shoupe. pretty sure y’all got bigger fish to fry, maybe focus on that.”
on the way out of the station, he’s silent. he doesn’t look at you or say a word until you reach the twinkie, where john b is sitting patiently in the driver’s seat. you feel real bad now, realizing you brought everyone into this mess that you could have easily avoided. jj stops at the front of the van, and you follow suit, anxiously biting your lip.
“jayj, i really didn’t mean to cause a whole—“
“nobody’s upset, sugar. relax.” he takes a second to look you over, running his hands down your arms and scanning over your body. “didn’t rough you up in there, did they?”
you shake your head. “oh, no. i’m fine.”
“good.” he brushes your hair over your shoulder, letting his hand linger by your jaw to pull you into a kiss. “least y’got a little street cred now, huh?” his calloused thumb rubs across your cheek, and a warm smile spreads across his face. you’re relieved, in the end really grateful that your boyfriend came to save the day.
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formosusiniquis · 3 months
Robin's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Your Newly Adopted Former Mean Girl
Happy @stevieweek everybody! This is Day One: Stobin with none of the bonus prompts, but keep an eye out cause i've got a few more incoming this week.
Robin Buckley & Stevie Harrington; Pre-Stevie Harrington/Eddie Munson WC: 9483 | T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tags/Themes: transfem!Steve Harrington; Platonic Soulmates Steve & Robin; Robin Buckley is the Stevie Harrington Defense Squad
On July 4th, 1985, Steven Joseph Harrington died in the Starcourt Mall Fire. 
The story Robin Marie Buckley tells, after two weeks of hospitalization and an additional month in Indianapolis for “personal reasons,” when she returns to her senior year at Hawkins High a full week after the first day of school is one of abject heroism on the part of Steve.
It’s true, even if it isn’t the whole story. Just like it isn’t hard for her to play morose and avoidant, because that’s how she feels. She might know Dustin, but it’s too hard to spend much time with him and she doesn’t want to be the weird friendless senior who only talks to freshmen. She’ll leave that to Eddie Munson, who snatched Steve’s weird little child friends up only a few weeks into the first semester. 
Nancy and Jonathan avoid her as much as she does them, she doesn’t think they know what to do with the new girl in the know. It paints a picture, well she realizes later that it paints a picture, but she doesn’t want to sit at a table and eat her peanut butter and jelly sandwich while Nancy Wheeler’s big beautiful eyes are staring at her like she’s an article that’s half an inch too long and needs to be dissected while Jonathan Byers is also there.
So she drifts through the halls of Hawkins High like a ghost, she’s Cathy on the moors. Avoiding anyone who might try to ask her too many questions about the final days of Steve Harrington and Starcourt Mall.
Until the day she spots a baby blue jeep pulled into the Henderson’s driveway, a tall brunette unloading a single suitcase from the back. She’s got her bike across the road before she can even think of a game plan. A noise that’s almost like a scream erupting from her mouth the entire time she coasts over.
“You’re here, you’re here, you’re here!” It’s an uncharacteristic bit of grace, that lets her drop her bike to the ground and use its momentum to catapult herself into the other girl’s arms. Too excited for a second to remember that she’s in a place where small town gossip exists, and a new neighbor can fuel the mill for days.
But she enjoys her hug for a second before settling into a more appropriate character. She extends a hand, ignoring the laugh it gets her, “Welcome to Hawkins, I’m Robin, occasional Dustin babysitter.”
The girl’s smile pulls lopsided at her mouth, kissed with a bit of irony and undeniably charmed. “It’s nice to meet you Robin,” her voice is soft, and a little unsure. Wavering like Becky Simpson’s tone deaf oboe playing, unsure of what pitch and timbre to land on. “I’m Stephanie Henderson, Dustin’s cousin.”
The bit crumbles immediately between Robin’s fingers.
“Stephanie? You went with Stephanie? Are you kidding? We workshopped so many names!”
“I liked my name! But it’s weird apparently to be a girl named Steve.” She distributes finger quotes randomly throughout the sentence like Robin hadn’t been the one to say she didn’t know any girls named Steve. “Stephanie is pretty!”
Robin looks her best friend dead in the eye, unsurprised that there’s not a hint of humor even underneath the drama. “Never mind that it sure would be strange for Steve Harrington to die just for girl Steve who looks like she could be his cousin to move to town.”
“Affair baby,” Stephanie presents the solution with a flick of her hand. Robin notices that her nails are still chewed short, more noticeable  after they talked about what it would be like for her to grow them out and manicure them.
“Give me the whole name right now,” Robin demands, “I wanna hear how it sounds.”
Steph, cause they’re going to have to figure out nicknames immediately they just aren’t the kind of friends that can go around being Robin and Stephanie, kicks the curb with her scuffed up Nike. Her arms crossed across her middle accentuates the way her body has already started changing, Robin feels like a creep for a second for noticing her friend’s boobs before deciding that they weren’t the kind of friends with those kinds of boundaries.
“Stephanie Marie Henderson.”
“Oh my god!”
“Shut up, don’t even.”
“Oh. My. God.”
“You’re already making a big deal out of it, which it’s not.” Stevie insists.
“You stole my middle name, you’re so obsessed with me.” It’s the best thing she’s ever heard actually, that Stevie might be as into this friendship as she is. She’s always the friend that’s too much.
Stevie’s smile is small, shier than she’s used to seeing it. “Yeah well whatever Stephanie Robin sounds like a straight to VHS Winnie the Pooh movie character or some shit.”
Dustin comes scrambling out of the house before Robin can make another joke. “You were supposed to call before you left! Ma isn’t finished setting up your room, and Tews is stuck under your bed.”
They share a look, and Robin thrills a little that she has a friend that she can share looks with. “Henderson,” Stevie shouts, sounding a little more like she did this summer. “Are you really going to make me carry my own bags in? I'm a fucking lady, dickhead.”
“Sure don't fucking talk like one,” Dustin hollers back from the door, already trudging out of the house.
“Gonna have to work on your feminism,” Robin says. wondering what kind of weird shit a person would have to sort through when they realized they were transsexual. “Just because you're on estrogen doesn't mean your arms are atrophied.”
The butter-wouldn't-melt smile is still the same, even though her face looks softer. She hands off her suitcase, patting Dustin on the head as he visibly stumbles under the weight. “Don't drag it on the sidewalk, it's new,” she directs. 
He can't flip them off when it takes both hands to lift the luggage in his hand, “How are you more of an asshole, oh my god.”
“Is that anyway to talk to your cousin, Dustbunny?”
Dustin doesn't answer directly, but he's muttering under his breath the whole way to the house. 
“My ribs still hurt some when I'm doing heavy lifting,” Stevie says when he's out of earshot. “Better to be a high maintenance girl all of a sudden than someone he doesn't think he can count on.”
“Don't love the way you used girl in that sentence, Dingus.” Robin shoves at her shoulder, “Let's go look at your room, we can plan how you want to decorate.”
“I'm not saying I'm upset we got the job, Rob, just that it's weird the way Keith was acting. He always hated me, you know that. Before all this,” she gestures down her striped top, well Robin supposes she’s actually gesturing down at the way it hugs her figure, “he hated me. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire.”
“That seems a little dramatic, but welcome to your first workplace sexism.” Robin gives Stevie a comforting pat. Hopeful that it communicates a ‘welcome to the bad parts of everyone knowing you're a girl’ and not how she’d been prepared to work some of that sexism to their advantage. But apparently Keith was charmed by Stevie’s list of favorite films, he’d even laughed when she said her favorite Star Wars movie was the one with the teddy bears. When they’d gone to pick out movies last week she’d heard him lecture a guy for five minutes on how it was Episode VI not ‘the third one.’
Stevie flips her hair, sending Robin a playful glare, “I’ve experienced sexism, thank you, have you already forgotten what I used to look like.”
“I’m sure he’ll go back to hating you once he realizes you working here is going to mean this is one more place that Henderson and the brats are always hanging around.” She went with Stevie to the arcade once and she almost understood why Keith always hid in the back when they walked in. 
“Probably, but at least then I can stop being nice to him. He’s such a-” Robin can hear the way Stevie swallows the rest of the sentence. A frustrated, red blush flooding her cheeks as she bites down on her bottom lip. It’s confusing, the small shake of her head and how upset she suddenly seems to be with herself. “Sorry, sorry, never mind.”
Maybe it’s stupid, but for some reason that’s when Robin realizes that Stevie was about to say something mean. That Stevie stopped herself but she is, Robin supposes, frustrated that the instinct is still there. And it’s not like Robin doesn’t remember that they’ve talked about this before. Stevie with that eyepatch on from where they reattached her retina and Robin laying in the hospital bed next to her still under doctor’s supervision. Neither one of them were high anymore, it had been almost sixteen hours since Everything, they were only in the hospital at all because Robin’s mom had found them both passed out in her bed and panicked. When Mrs. Henderson had seen them both in Hawkins General and did what Stevie said was panicking and had them shipped to the city, her car speeding closely behind.
The only thing they could possibly be high on was the sudden crushing awareness of their own mortality, when Stevie’s one good eye locked with hers and she said, “I don’t want the first thing people think of when they remember me to be how I was a douche or an asshole. Or a bitch, I guess, if they actually let me change like they said they would.
“All the girls I know,” she paused and seemed to consider that, “all the girls that I still like, are good and kind and badass.”
“Including me?” Robin had teased, but she had remembered the way she had given Stevie such a hard time from the second they started working together until the moment they as the ‘adults’ realized they were going to have to protect Dustin and Erica from something that might kill them all.
“Especially you.”
So yeah, of course, when she catches herself about to verbally eviscerate Keith behind his back two weeks after being back in town she shuts down. But Robin isn’t about to let that happen. Stevie is good and kind and definitely a badass, if Keith were in trouble she would absolutely risk her life to save him -- as long as saving him didn’t keep her from saving one of the kids. 
Stevie was a good person who had some mean girl tendencies, Robin wasn’t going to make her feel bad about that. As long as she was using her powers for good, or like Claire in the Breakfast Club she was kind of Mean Girl lite.
“He’s kind of a slimy creep,” Robin admits. The kind of comment she thinks, but couldn’t ever really say with her last group of friends. It would break the loser code.
Stevie’s shoulders drop from around her ears. She’s still idly picking at the nail polish they just painted on her thumb, but she smiles over at Robin. A little sly, a little catty. “He touched my shoulder while we were leaving and I swear to god he left orange cheese puff residue behind.”
“Maybe half of your new clothes shouldn’t be dry clean only.”
“ Maybe he should help cover my dry cleaning bill if he’s going to put his hands on me in the workplace. I could call Family Video HR, probably. You know his dad owns like half of this strip mall, and people gave me shit about having money, I’m pretty sure they own the dry cleaning place too.”
“So why do these polyester nightmares smell like the BO of employees past?”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
With the job and Stevie back, Robin almost forgets that she spent the first three weeks of school sad and miserable. She’s maybe even a little distracted that they have plans tonight, and forgets that there are reasons other than the threat of bacterial infection to avoid the girl’s room in the language hallway. And more than any of that, it’s really hard to think about any of that when she can feel her bladder starting to pickle her brain.
The door to the bathroom swings open before she can exit the stall. Voices she recognizes as Patty Taylor and Molly Smith already mid-conversation filter in. “I mean she’s pretty, like really pretty, but I mean why would you even move to Hawkins.”
It’s definitely too late to leave.
“Carol said that she heard from Heather that she moved in with her aunt, she was from the city or something.”
The squelching sound of a lipgloss wand leaving the tube is punctuated by a bitchy hum, “Well, you know who spent all that time in the city this summer.”
“I mean yeah, but how would they have even met? I’ve heard like six different stories about why she was there.”
Patty’s voice echoes, through the crack in the stall door Robin can see her lean over top of the sink putting her face even closer to the water spotted mirror above it. “Well she was in that mall fire, but I heard she had to stay so long after initial treatment because she…”
There must be some facial expression she’s missing, Patty trails off like she’s dropped some grand secret. Robin isn’t a total loser, she hears gossip. She knows that Mrs. Click is going through a bitter divorce from her husband because he had that affair with the gas station attendant from the Chevron by the highway. She knows that Tim Morris got sent to military school after he put a cherry bomb in Mrs. O’Leary’s mailbox. She knows that Vickie is definitely a shoo-in for clarinet first chair even though Michael Lewis had it last year and he’s a senior this year.
And yeah okay two of those she had heard from Stevie.
But she thinks she should have had some clue that there was some kind of rumor going around about her. Molly wrinkles her forehead, maybe she isn’t the only one who has no clue about this rumor. “Because she what?”
“Because she lost the baby and they put her in the psych ward,” Patty says loud enough that it bounces off the tile walls of the bathroom. A hand covers her mouth and they both look around like they’ve just remembered that they’re in public. Robin pulls her feet up on the toilet seat with her.
“What baby?” Molly asks in a whisper that seems even louder with the way she forces it out.
“Come on, everyone knows the reason she was so upset that Steve died. He knocked her up while they were working together and with the stress she lost the baby. She was such a freak already, the new girl and her must have been in the same padded cell in the loony bin.”
“Really? I mean with Steve Harrington? ”
“I mean Carol said it so I’m pretty sure it has to be true, you know how close she used to be with Steve.” 
The bell rings, sending them both fleeing from the bathroom with muttered curses. Robin stays in the stall too stunned by what she’s heard to move. Stunned and filled with the thought that all she wants right now is to see Stevie.
She bumps into Eddie Munson on the way to the payphone. He gives her an unreadable look, mostly eyebrows that she can’t see beneath his bangs anyway, so she isn’t sure why he even bothers. Is he wondering why she’s skipping class? Or did he see her running from the bathroom and now he’s wondering if maybe the rumors were only partially true, that she’s still pregnant and she hadn’t lost the baby like apparently half the school thinks.
If a wet rat like Munson knows more about her status in the school than she does she really might have to go back and hurl.
She puts in her change and dials the increasingly familiar number for the Henderson place.
“I need you to come pick me up, now.”
It isn’t hard to convince the school nurse, who’s more worried about when she can slip away to sneak her next cigarette than she is about doing any nursing, that she’s too sick to stay. So she’s waiting out front when Stevie’s new Jeep rockets into the parking lot, the woman of the hour flinging herself out of it before it’s fully in park. 
“What happened? What’s wrong? The kids are fine right?” She’s pressing the back of her hand to Robin’s forehead, the other at her side clenching into fists as she looks over Robin’s head for any creature or person that might need to be put down.
“Everything’s fine,” she lies, “I needed to see you.”
A single eyebrow raises, Robin helped her pluck that eyebrow into that arch and now it’s being used in disbelief at her own blatant lie. “Fine,” she relents, “I’ll tell you when we aren’t standing in the middle of the parking lot, okay?”
The radio is off but so are the doors, so even as Robin refuses to talk the sound of the wind rushing past them fills the silence of the car. With no destination in mind, Stevie seems to be driving a slow meandering circuit of Hawkins.
“I overheard Patty and Molly talking about us in the bathroom today.” She says only after they’ve passed Melvalds twice with no sign of parking.
“They were talking in the bathroom about us or they were talking about us in the bathroom.”
“That’s the same sentence twice.”
“No it’s not. In the bathroom or in the bathroom.” The emphasis is nonsensical, but after a second it clicks.
“They were in the bathroom. I guess I was also in the bathroom but it was definitely not about our bathroom conversation.”
“What were they saying?” Stevie noses out gossip like a search dog noses out missing kids.
Robin sticks her hand out the side of the car, dancing it up and down in the wind like a wave. Letting the force of it glide up and over her like she wishes she could just get over whatever it is that has her so upset. Gossip and rumor that she knows isn’t true.
“Technically you got to be two characters. They think we know each other from the psych ward because boy you got me pregnant and when you died I lost the baby and went crazy.”
Her seatbelt catches her hard against the chest, forcing the air out of her lungs. Stevie’s hit the brakes so hard that the smell of rubber is in the air, uncaring that they’re in the middle of a main road. She’s just looking at Robin with something, disbelief or outrage, maybe a little bit of that rage she gets when her people have been hurt.
“Patty said that? Patty Taylor? Patty with the retainer breath whose lipgloss makes it look like she’s always drooling on herself, Patty?”
A nod is enough answer for Stevie to let out a little humph, setting her eyes back to the road and easing them into drive like they’d just been caught by a stray redlight.
She shakes her head, gazing around the upcoming turn like they don’t both know it’ll be the rundown place that used to be Benny’s. It’s going to be something mean, something she’s worried will make her sound too much like the person she used to be.
As far as Robin is concerned whatever it is won’t be any different than when she swung that phone at that Russian guard. Or crashed that car into Billy’s. It’s all just different ways of helping to protect the people she loves that aren’t as good at protecting themselves.
“Tell me,” she insists, wheedles even. “Whatever it is I won’t tell anyone else. It’s time honored girl code you have to tell me.”
“Girl code?”
“I’ll mimeo you a copy of the handbook, tell me. It’ll make me feel better.”
Stevie’s sigh is audible over the wind rushing past them, her side eye not bad enough that Robin is at all worried about it. “I just think it’s funny that she’s passing judgment on you and your possible pregnancy when everyone knows she’s banned from the U of I campus because she went streaking to impress a guy that wasn’t even interested in her. The only reason she doesn’t have an arrest record for it is because her dad is a former professor or donor or something and threatened funding if the Dean pressed charges.”
“Oh my god, really?”
“Totally, the guy was on the basketball team. He came back and told everyone when he came home for the pre-season kegger.”
She grabs Stevie’s hand off the gearshift, holds it just because she can. Relishes in the closeness the two of them can have now that she’s back and everything is better again. “You are the strongest woman I know, all this knowledge and you just keep it to yourself all the time.”
She snorts, squeezing Robin’s hand, “I literally don’t, I just told you something. Pretty sure that’s like if I had the nuclear launch codes or something and I gave them out to just one person because they’re having a really bad day.”
“Oh! Do you remember doing those stupid duck and cover drills in elementary school?”
“Oh that's really nice of you, Mrs. Buckley, but Aunt Claudia is expecting me home for dinner.” Stevie's voice calls from outside the door, only a surprise because they didn't have plans to hang out today.
She scrambles from her bed, the wire on her headphones tangling around her neck until the weight of her walkman drags them off her. Flinging the door open she's just in time to save her best friend. “Thanks for bringing her up, Mom, we’re just gonna hang out in my room til Steph has to leave, okay?”
Shoving Stevie toward the bed before her Mom has a chance to say anything else, Robin at least smiles before she shuts the door in her mother’s face.
“What happened?”
Stevie is digging through her jewelry box, has a ring Robin picked up at a garage sale because it looked cool and didn’t think about trying on, and doesn’t bother looking ashamed at being caught snooping. “Why does something have to be wrong?”
She slips the ring on her finger, the gold band and mossy green stone looks better on her than it would have Robin. “You can keep it if you admit something happened.” Stevie starts to raise an eyebrow, but it halts half way up her forehead when Robin gives the Family Video vest she’s still wearing a tug.
Her smile goes lopsided, tilts too high on one side before she wanders over to flop down on the bed. “I, maybe, did something stupid.”
Flopping down beside her, Robin swears when she lands on her walkman first. “Stupid like when you put Re-Animator in the romance section or stupid like when you tripped into the Back to the Future cutout and apologized cause you weren't wearing your glasses.”
“Stupid like I don't know, Rob, you know how at first I was pretending that I didn't know anyone when they came in right, cause I'm supposed to be new in town.”
“Like bad witness protection because they put you right back where you left.”
“Right, well I kinda forgot to do that this morning when I was working by myself?”
Looking now she can tell this is something that has had Stevie really worked up. The strands of hair at the front of her face have lost some of their beachy wave from where she's been fussing with it, pushing it back, tugging at it. Waiting for when she saw Robin again.
Sitting up from the bed, she grabs Stevie's hand in a too tight grip. “What happened? You're okay right? They didn't recognize you and do anything shitty, right?”
“Well that's the thing,” she somehow looks even more distressed, it gives Robin another clue. Stevie is afraid she's broken some unspoken rule of girlhood by doing whatever it is she's done. Which means the story will be interesting.
“So Roger came in, you know Roger right? Second stringer on the basketball team, his footwork was too slow to ever actually be any good on the court but he had an amazing three pointer as long as no one was ever anywhere near him. So he'd make a great professional HORSE player but not really going anywhere with the actual game. He came in with his girlfriend-”
“Mindy Peterson.”
“Right, and when did they even get together?” She shakes her head. “Not the point, I was flipping through the Tiger Beat that Cindy left in the drawer after her shift, cause this months Car and Driver was a total waste of money. And he wanders up, surprising me cause the bell over the door still doesn't work and I thought I was alone in there. He starts talking to me like he already knows me.”
“He was flirting with you in front of his girlfriend!”
“That wasn't flirting, he was just being friendly; and I didn't know Mindy was there, she was back in the romance section picking something out.”
“So he's flirting with you while his girlfriend is picking out something for date night.”
Stevie rolls her eyes, shoving not so gently at Robin's shoulder. “He was talking to me like he already knew me, and I do know him so I did the same. I mentioned the last game he played in, well we played in. And then he starts looking at me and I realized what I look like.”
She gestures down at herself, and Robin isn't sure if this is a compliment time or a diffuse the situation time. Stevie really doesn't look that much like she used to. Her face has softened, her hair is longer, and she's leaned into the blonde highlights that she had in the summer.
“He's all ‘Do I know you?’” She continues, and Robin laughs, it's crazy how deep she can still get her voice and even though Roger does not have anything approaching the bass that Stevie has given him. It makes the situation feel even more bizarre. “it's not like I can say, ‘What you don't recognize me from all the times I gave you advice on how to keep yourself open on offense so you could actually get a hand on the ball?’”
Robin reaches for the nail polish on her bedside table, the robin's egg blue Stevie has taken to and the taupe brown that she likes but doesn't clash with Stevie's. They both pick at their nails when they get nervous, and Stevie has definitely been nervous.
“You could have said that,” she says just to be contrary, Stevie hand held in hers it means Robin avoids the smack that would have come.
She puts blue on every finger but one, letting Stevie think as she caps the polish and grabs the taupe to finish the hand. “Hi remember me, I faked my death so I could get boobies without getting murdered in the pumpkin patch I already avoided almost dying in once. Did you know they give you a new social security number for that?”
“So what did you actually do?”
“I lied, obviously.” She blinks twice, opens her eyes wider so she looks doe-eyed and vacant. “Oh gosh, well I guess you wouldn’t remember me. I used to only come to Hawkins during the holidays to babysit my little cousin, and I always try to catch a basketball game when I’m in town. Sometimes I’d sneak out and go to the parties, but I’m shy so...”
“Oh my god, like you’ve ever been shy in your life.”
“I’m going to have to be now!” She throws her hands up, fingers spread wide to avoid accidentally smudging her fresh nails. “It’s not like I can lie my way out of admitting to sharing homeroom with someone next. I’m just lucky Roger’s never took his eyes off the bottom button of my blouse.”
“Do you remember that movie I made you watch a couple months ago, the black and white one?”
“Oh yeah, that really narrows it down.”
“Gaslight, the one with the opera singer’s niece and her new husband tries to make her think she’s crazy. We just lie until everyone is convinced that it’s the truth.”
“The truth being that Stephanie Henderson always existed?”
Eye contact isn’t easy, unless it’s Stevie. They hold each other’s gaze as the excitement bubbles between them. “Exactly,” Robin says, “and that if they think anything else, they’re crazy.”
“You’re ridiculous.” She says, but it sounds like ‘you’re on.’
“Can I be a bitch for a second?” Stevie asks. She doesn’t look up from whatever magazine she was already flipping through when Robin walked through the door. It’s too casual, too calculated.
Progress has been slow but she’s slowly getting Stevie to the point where she doesn’t feel like she has to be nice all the time just because she’s a girl. Where she still acts like the bitchy dingus she'd been before, just a happier version.  
“Obviously, just let me clock in.”
When she gets back Stevie has a stack of returns that she’s working on rewinding. One thumb in her mouth as she chews at the cuticle. “So what’s-?
“If I hear one more word about Eddie the Freak, I’m going to lose it, Rob. I mean what’s he got that’s so great? I could have taken us to the All State Championships if I hadn’t gotten that last concussion saving the twerps. I’ve saved all those twerps’ lives at least two times! I was cool. I am cool! But all I get to hear these days is ‘Oh, Stevie, Eddie just did the coolest thing in the campaign today.’ ‘Thanks for the advice, Stevie, but I’m going to go with what Eddie said instead.’ ‘I know it’s your only day off, Stevie, but could you pick us up late after school? There's Hellfire today.’ ‘Stevie, since Keith actually likes you could you hold Ladyhawke for us. Oh, no we’re going to do a movie night with Eddie.’”
She’s panting slightly when she’s finished, like she’s been holding this in for weeks. With all the quotes she’s racked up she probably has been.
“You know he kicked my tray off the lunch table last week,” she encourages. She snags a box of Sour Patch Kids from the candy counter. Popping one in her mouth before waving the bag under Stevie’s frowning face. She doesn’t even have a movie turned on. Well she does, but it looks like it was one of the weekend returns Stevie wasn’t going to put on Watership Down.
“Well he’s inconsiderate,” Stevie says, digging around in the box until she finds a red one and popping it into her mouth. “Everything is all fuck the man until he’s the man in question and then he’s the only one anyone should listen to about anything. Lucas is going to make the basketball team, he’s been working really hard on it with Jay and some of the other guys on the team.”
She’s basically taken the whole box of candy at this point. Robin doesn’t even care, just watches as Stevie picks out her favorite colors and lines them up on her magazine on the counter like a sweet and sour army. Completely oblivious to the quiet devastation that’s playing out on her face. Her brow furrowed and tight when she talks about Lucas, basketball another thing Robin wonders if she’s being unintentionally left out of.
“I just know Munson’s going to turn it into some us or them thing, like it isn’t possible to like more than one thing.”
“Maybe you-”
“And maybe that’s why they’ve been so cool with all of this,” she shrugs her shoulder in place of gesturing down at herself, too busy tearing apart a lone sourpatch general, “like it was a send off before they moved on to an actual guy who can actually do something for them. That’s probably a better send off than I deserve even right, like I mean, the kind of person I used to be. Maybe I don’t get more than one happy thing.”
Robin flattens the little red and green army underneath the flat of her hand, “Absolutely not. You are not going to let a… a… a dumpster raccoon with Mrs. Goble’s mystery meat on the bottom of his stupid shoes make you think that you don’t deserve the entire world.”
“But-” Stevie tears at the cardboard of the box between her fingers, leaving little pieces of it on the floor between her feet.
“But nothing, your little shithead kids might have latched onto the first giant nerd that looked at them when they crossed through the doors of the high school like freshly hatched ducklings but you’re the coolest person they’ve ever had the chance to meet and it’s their loss if they don’t notice.”
“I mean they’re in high school so-”
“So they’ve decided to get all the stupid decisions out at the start. It’s a bold decision but maybe that will keep them from-”
“From crashing their dad’s truck into half the cars at prom?”
“I wish one of them had been yours,” she steals the last red Sour Patch from between Stevie’s fingers, popping it into her mouth before her best friend can do anything about it.
“You’re never going to pass your driver’s test, I hope you like the bus.”
“You’re going to drive me to work forever because you love me,” she drags love out as she dances away from Stevie’s slapping hands, snagging a stack of tapes to return to the shelves as she goes.
There’s no way Stevie isn’t rolling her eyes, but Robin also knows that she’ll look all soft and pleased. Knows because a yellow candy smacks hard against the copy of The Breakfast Club that’s right beside her head.
“What the hell is going on with that rabbit?”
“Pretty sure it’s proof that you should never be trusted to pick the shift movie.”
“Stevie’s being a total headcase this week, will you tell her to chill out,” Henderson delivers what Robin is going to generously call a request after cornering her between fourth and fifth periods. Cause if it isn’t a request then it’s an order or a demand, and her small friend is not going to be happy with what she has to say in that case.
“Well that depends, Dusty, why are you calling my best friend a headcase?”
He rolls his eyes at her, a trait that Stevie might put up with but Robin is not about to. “Because she’s being one, every time I try to talk to her it’s like…” he trails off. That’s probably for the best.
“It’s like all you can talk about is your new best friend Eddie? It’s like you aren’t interested in her now that you’ve got some new brother that you can hang out with instead? It’s like all she’s good for is a ride to see the boys? It’s like you can’t ask her how to talk to girls anymore or how you should do your hair because she’s not the same anymore.”
“I didn’t say that,” he shrieks, hands waving between them like he can swipe away the thousand bees that are her accusations. She feels stinging mad actually now that she’s started putting words out there for the things that she’s feeling.
“You don’t have to say it, it’s what you’ve been doing.”
“Did she say that?” Robin gently swings her locker door just shy of closed. Dustin looks younger than she thinks she’s seen him since the first time they met. Looks smaller than she’s seen him in her life. Looking up at her with big watery eyes, waiting for her to make it okay.
Stevie’s gonna be pissed if she doesn’t at least try to make it okay.
She picks each word carefully, not wanting him to feel completely off the hook, “She didn’t say it exactly like that.”
Dustin looks at the floor, his hat obscuring his face enough that she can’t tell if he’s followed through on the watery eyes to full crying. The ambiguity makes him easier to talk to for a second, now that she doesn’t have to worry about watching what his expression is doing.
“She’s still the same person who walked down the train tracks with a kid she barely knew looking for his runaway science experiment. She’s still the person who did your hair for the snowball. She’s the person who went hunting for Russian spies with you. She’s the person that would like to keep giving you terrible advice on how to date.”
His next breath is phlegmy and ragged. “It wasn’t terrible advice.”
“Right, right, your Moonchild Empress or whatever.”
Dustin hasn’t been quiet once in the entire time that she’s known him so Robin assumes the quiet means he’s done talking. Swinging her locker back open she goes back to what she was doing before he interrupted, which had, coincidentally been Stevie related. Deciding whether or not she was going to bring her copy Watership Down to work with her so Stevie could see what was up with the rabbits.
“They should meet.”
Robin had also been leaning toward introducing her to Fiver and Hazel, but she doesn't think that’s what Dustin means.
“Who should-”
“Stevie and Eddie,” he looks at her with a wide grin. An expression she recognizes from shortly before she found herself in an elevator to hell. Dustin thinks he's just had a good idea. “Stevie can see that Eddie's super cool, Eddie will stop- And once they know each other we can hang out all the time, why didn't I think of this before!”
It does occur to her that she could remind Dustin that Stevie existed before July of 1985. That she went to school here and definitely already knows Eddie, that's where half the problem comes from even. But then she thinks of how much fun their next sleepover will be, when Stevie has brand new things to hate and make fun of.
“Maybe you're right Dustin, maybe that is the problem.”
He pumps his fist in time with the warning bell. “This is going to be great, I can't believe I didn't already think of this.”
He's still talking to himself as he starts to scamper off to a class he's going to be late to. But she isn’t about to let him leave without making sure he took away the real lesson he was supposed to. “And pass along to your little friends that her new meds didn't lobotomize her brain or amputate her legs. She can still tell you how to talk to girls, she can still shoot a free throw, she can still show you how to change a tire after it's blown out on the interstate.”
Dustin's staying with the Wheelers, Claudia has the night shift which means she and Stevie have the whole house to themselves.
Robin is making herself at home in Stevie's room, moving extra quilts and pillows from the linen closet into a fort she's making on the floor. Because today is going to be the best bitch day in the world, once Stevie makes it home from playing chauffeur. Because today Stevie gave in and went to lunch and a movie with Dustin and his new best friend Eddie.
She keeps trying to imagine what Stevie will say. Maybe Munson dips his fries in syrup or something disgusting. Maybe he showed up to the movie in his nerd brigade shirt. Maybe he showed up thirty minutes late! And the Stevie in her head has devastating things to say about all of those things, but she knows none of them are right. She just can't manage the right amount of even toned bitchery that Stevie can, the clever double entendre that makes the person she's insulting look all the dumber for getting upset at the blatant quips.
“Did you really bike here, you weirdo? You know I would have picked you up.” Stevie's voice carries down the hallway, accented by the sound of her keys hitting the bowl by the door and her shoes getting picked up from the floor and set down in the shoe tree.
“You got that bike rack for the Jeep. I wanted to make sure it actually got some use.”
The answering laugh is the one Robin possessively thinks of as hers, a little ugly, high pitched and snorting. It makes it to the bedroom just a second before Stevies face. A face that's wearing the lipgloss with the glitter in it, the one she saves for when she's trying to impress someone or make them look at her mouth.
“You look nice?”
“Such a charmer, Rob, no wonder you've got so many girls banging down your door.” She eases herself down onto the floor beside Robin, smoothing out a buttery yellow skirt that has to be new. She knows every single item in Stevie's closet, except this skirt.
She isn't going to think about how Stevie went out shopping without her though. She'd rather focus her attention somewhere more entertaining. “How was lunch?”
Stevie fusses with the edge of her skirt, rolling the hem of it between two fingers. Her face pinking though under that she's smiling. “Ugh you wouldn't even believe Henderson was a twerp, as usual. Insisted that he had to have one side of the table to himself, ordered two milkshake flavors so he could mix them together, and of course I'm paying for the whole thing.”
“Dustin being a dweeb is old news, what else happened at lunch.”
“I mean,” she trails off, making a face Robin has never seen before. Which shouldn't be possible, she thinks she is supposed to have seen all of Stevie's faces.  “Munson was a total freak, obviously. Kept calling me ‘My Lady’ and all that nerd shit. You’d think I came in with a cast with the way he opened every door and kept pulling out my chair.” 
It all sounds decidedly unfreakish to Robin, in fact it sounds like Stevie finds the guy charming. She realizes with something close to horror that she does actually recognize the expression on Stevie’s face. Just not on her best friend. It’s the bashful, twitterpated expression of a girl at a sleepover trying not to admit she has a crush. An expression that might as well be a death knell, cause the only time she’s ever seen it is right before date night started beating girl’s night.
“Not that it matters, the guy doesn’t know how to take a joke,” Stevie goes on, her smile still too shy to fully bloom but no less in place. Even as she pretends that whatever this is is supposed to be some dealbreaker. “I asked him what he gets out of playing Halflings and Half-wits with the dweeb squad and I thought he was going to climb on the table right there. Ed-weird went on for like five minutes on how the gremlins are some of the best players he’s ever played with, and they're an endless fount of creativity that keeps him perpetually on his toes.”
Stevie never actually stood a chance. And if Robin had been paying attention she would have realized that. 
There wasn’t anyone who loved passionate, nerdy people as much as Stevie.
Eddie Munson wore his king of the loud mouthed nerds crown with pride. And he was as obsessed with the gremlins as Stevie was 
“Why are we talking about him?” She flops over until her head is in Robin’s lap, flopping one arm outside of the pillow fortress to reach under the bed. She crows, victorious, holding a jar that's pond scum brown like it’s treasure. “Had to hide this after Dust put it in his hair. Put this goop on your face and tell me about what Vickie said in band yesterday again. Cause I'm pretty sure she was dating Dan Summers last year, and he didn't really seem like the type of guy to stay with his high school girlfriend.”
It's coincidence, pure and simple, that puts her right outside O'Donnell's fourth period class. Thompson's study hall, her own fourth period, was technically across the building but everyone knew Mr. Thompson came to work on Mondays too hungover to care about attendance.
And study hall didn't have a certain wannabe friend-dater standing outside it, debating whether or not he was going to go inside.
She is still figuring out her angle of attack when it looks like he's decided he is actually going to class. Considering O’Donnell is the type to write office referral slips to kids who aren’t meant to be in her room for ‘being a distraction’ there isn’t really any time for subtlety. Still, she’s surprised by the tone of her own voice when she shouts, “Munson!”
Heads turn in the hallway, of course they do. Faces she only knows by virtue of twelve years of school watching on with a lust for future violence she recognizes from that concrete bunker. But if Munson is concerned that a girl he's never spoken to is yelling at him, he doesn't look it as he turns on both heels to face her.
He smiles first, benignly pleasant. But Stevie taught her that trick, smiling to diffuse anger or hide how she has no idea how the person talking to her actually knows her. Munson is doing both, they had two classes together last semester and she was in the orchestra for the last school musical.
The blankness eventually clears from his eyes, “Bye Bye Buckley!”
Not about to be distracted by the dumbest reference she's ever heard, and with the eyes of at least two people she can see on her, she drags Munson away from class. It's bound to be all around the school by the dismissal bell, but rumor is less important than the mission.
The girls room by the library is always abandoned. The mirrors are dingy or cracked and it always smells like cat piss for no discernable reason. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He looks around the bathroom with an inquisitive eye like the grimy bluish tile is somehow more interesting than her. “I'm not actually carrying if you were-”
He doesn't have the decency to stumble when she shoves at his chest, trying to push him back into the stall doors.
“What are your intentions with Stevie?”
“Ah yes, the mysterious cousin Henderson. Who says I have intentions?” His only saving grace is that it takes her too long to get her thoughts in order. A miasma of rants at the tip of her tongue about Stevie and how she was too good for him and any thoughts he might be having about her. 
But in the time it takes to see through her friend based rage, she’s able to watch a transformation take place on Eddie’s face. The smug aloofness that had taken over his face from the moment she cornered him in the hallway washes away. Leaving behind something giddy and young, bright eyes and a flushed face. “Unless she was asking about me. You two are bosom friends, are you not Diana? That would make me Gilbert Blythe, hell of a role.”
“I’m sure there are plenty of people who wish they could break a slate over your head.”
“You’re probably right, doesn’t answer my question though. Was your dear Anne Shirley talking about me?” He scuffs a boot against the floor. Doing an impressive impression of a bashful school boy while standing in front of her in his ratted out, heavy metal glory. There are at least four chains that she can spot on his outfit right now but his face would be just as at home on Opie Taylor.
But she isn’t going to get fooled by some routine. She has something to say and she’s going to make sure she says it.
“She’s really special, Munson. She’s not some cheerleader you fuck in the woods because she wants to get back at her parents that are divorcing and you’re the scariest thing available that isn’t actually dangerous.”
“Tell me how you really feel, Buckley.” The retort seems to drag itself from his mouth on instinct. Cause the aw shucks routine he’d been giving is lying broken on the floor replaced by open mouthed shock.
“I am.” The bell rings, marking them both officially late for class. She glares him down, waiting to see if he’ll leave, effectively flinching first. He glares back. “She’s an athlete, likes sports.”
Maybe it’s wrong to list the things about Stevie that she knows Munson won’t like. But she also isn’t about to let her best friend water herself down for some stupid boy.
“Wayne will be thrilled to have someone who understands what he’s talking about. Go team.”
“She hates fantasy. Dustin loaned her his copy of Fellowship of the Ring and she gave it back when they kept singing.”
“I’m sure she’d like it if I sang them for her.”
“She isn’t going to become some demure, church mouse just because you’re around. She’s snarky and confident and, and…”
He sets a hand on her shoulder in a way that is so patronizing she wishes she were as good at being a bitch as Stevie was. But she suppresses her first instinct to bite him if only because she’s working at keeping up her record of 4578 days without biting a classmate.
“I don’t know what any of that means,” he says, “but it sounds like you and your hot best friend have been talking about me. So thanks for that intel, Bucks.”
People wearing leather and motorcycle boots shouldn’t be able to skip. The stupid hanky in his stupid pocket flaps behind him like a wagging tail as Munson leaves her in the girls room with the smell of ammonia.
Stevie has Breakfast at Tiffany’s playing on the TV when Robin makes it to work. Keith let them have most of their shifts together but drew the line at letting Stevie shut the store down to come pick her up after school. So on days where Stevie works a double, she’s stuck arriving to work sweaty and guessing at whatever movie will have ended up on the big TV.
And today she gets to catch Stevie standing in the middle of the floor, a stack of tapes in her arms, while she watches the party happening in Holly Golightly’s apartment. Audrey Hepburn swaying with her guest in the middle of the floor.
“Someone’s in a mood.” 
From over her shoulder, Stevie sends Robin a look. Something loaded with dry humor and a smugness that usually means something juicy happened in the time before Robin got there.
There’s something about the look today that feels personally directed at her.
“Well it was this or Some Like it Hot, and the stay at home moms are weird about black and white movies that aren’t the first few minutes of Wizard of Oz.”
“That’s sepia.”
“Bless you.”
Making sure Stevie can see her rolling her eyes, she heads to the back to clock in. By the time she makes it back, Stevie has the volume turned down on Holly Golightly’s romantic disasters. She’s back behind the counter, head pillowed in her hands and Robin remembers why people used to be a little scared of her popular kid cabaret. Walking up the center aisle, she feels like she’s headed straight toward a tiger with its mouth open and she’s about to put her head in there. 
“So you’ll never believe what happened earlier,” Stevie taps her nail against her cheek.
“Paul Collins came in with his mistress to look at porn again?”
Humming, Stevie doesn’t say anything as Robin comes behind the counter with her. There’s a stack of tapes that need to be rewound and a roll of Be Kind Rewind stickers that need to be stuck to cases.
“Still time for that,” she says right as Robin started to think they were going to drop it. “Sally Tyler called from the payphone.”
“Sally from the basketball team?”
“Yeah,” that smile is even wider. This is almost certainly payback for the You Suck board. “I’m thinking about joining her rec team but we’ve played one-on-one in the park once or twice.”
“And she had a Family Video emergency that only you could solve?”
“Sorta. She was just really concerned, she’d heard a rumor that my best friend was dragging the guy she saw me having lunch with this weekend into the girls room.”
This is definitely payback for the You Suck board. Stevie’s looking a little too pleased with herself as she smiles at what can only be Robin’s slack jawed surprise.
“I get if you're mad,” she says and that’s all she can assume is happening, she isn’t sure how else to read what’s happening on Stevie’s face. “But-”
“Thank you.”
“I was just trying to- What?”
“Come on,” she rolls her eyes, swipes a half hearted smack to Robin’s shoulder. “I’ve been on the other side of that, you know. Well meaning friends pulling me aside to ask what my intentions are.”
“Oh my god, did she follow us in there?”
Delight makes Stevie’s eyes sparkle, “Did you actually? I love you. Did you give him hell?”
“I think he got the upperhand.”
“I think it’s all the playing pretend. The shitheads will run circles around the unprepared too.”
It seems a little too good to be true. “You really aren’t mad?”
Someone abandoned The Breakfast Club at the scene where Ally Sheedy gets the makeover. It had seemed like a stupid scene when she’d seen it in theaters, now it makes something weird pit in the bottom of her stomach. She doesn’t get the chance to hit rewind, to send Allison back in time so she can be strange and herself again, because Stevie is flipping her around and pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
“First of all,” she says into the side of Robin’s hair, “the only thing I’m even a little miffed about is you thinking I couldn’t kick Munson’s ass myself. But no one’s ever done anything like that for me before so I’m cool with letting it slide.”
“But we are acknowledging that you definitely have a thing for the guy with the rattiest hair in the school. Probably even Roane county.” Robin says, face pressed into the meat of Stevie’s shoulder.
Stevie shoves her away with a groan that Robin’s laughter is already drowning out. “Yeah, alright. He’s kind of okay I guess.”
“Such sweet words for the father of your brood.”
“He’s not the father of my anything,” she flips her hair over one shoulder, “anyway I think he gets off on it so I’m gonna keep being mean to him.”
“That was more than I wanted to know about either of you.”
“No it wasn’t, you like that I’m mean too. You get all sad faced when you think I’m trying to bury my impulses.”
For the second time today Robin is left too surprised to say anything. She’s left gaping, not that Stevie is looking at her now; too busy picking at the nail polish left on her pinky. 
“I like it,” she says quietly after a moment. Robin has shut her mouth by the time Stevie looks up at her again, something soft but serious on her face. She reaches across the counter to grab Robin by the hand, melding what’s left of their coordinating manicures by linking their fingers. “You’re my number one. Even if Eddie does anything about anything, he’s going to have to compete with you.”
Neither of them move as the weight of the moment surrounds them like one of Mrs. Henderson’s quilts. Heavy and homey and right. But they are still at work and as the bell beside the door dings, and they break their silence to greet their new customer in tandem, they shrug off the heavy sincerity for something more functional. Stevie’s smile turns sly, and she tugs Robin closer while keeping an eye on the man now browsing the comedies. “You’ll never guess who came in earlier to ask if we had Nine and a Half Weeks yet.”
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cl0sed-doorz · 8 months
just this once let mikey get what he want
a/n: oof now i've gone and done it...
" when have you tried smoking? " mikey asked, caressing the handle on his motorcycle.
" when i was six. my cousin took a cigarette butt off the ground and i complied. it was when i was twelve when i tried it again to sleep then when i was fourteen tried doing it to sleep again. " you looked at him. blonde hair swaying in the wind. he still looked so pretty even with the convenience store light. " after that i did it regularly to pass the time. " his mouth forming an oh " can you stop it for me? " looking at you then at the unlit cigarette in your hand he took it " i'll help you too you know, i'll give you a lollipop as a reward and a kiss as a bonus " he said as he winked at his last remark. you just chuckled a response and stood up. looking at your cigarette in his hands " sure. BUT you need to smoke that cigarette for me. " you grinned while taking out the lighter and lighting it in front of him.
" what? you scared you'll get addicted after that stick? " he just looked at you then held out his hands in front of you and crumpled the cigarette " MIKEY that was mine! " you dramatically said while pretending to wipe a tear off your face " nice try but i'm already used to your tricks of offering me a cigarette and i told you many times NO " earning a sigh from the boy to which you laughed at.
mikey sighed as he took out a cigarette pack in his pockets. Koko eyed him and going beside him. " i never would've thought you smoked. "
mikey sighed again " no i don't actually. i just... remembered someone. " sanzu overheard and thought is it shinichiro or... y/n? he looked at the cigarette pack for the brand oh it's that one huh.
koko just looked at mikey who coughed from the first hit. pity is all he can feel for the boy. he lost everything and is clearly going through something he cannot even fathom to understand. he just sighed. such is the burden of being the strongest. it would be best if i just leave mikey alone. i don't know i don't want to go back to those guys they're too damn noisy.
mikey looked at his right hand where a cigarette is resting between his index and middle finger was. your laugh ringing in his ears. i wonder what you're doing right now. i hope you're keeping your promise of stopping for me. he chuckled not caring if koko is beside him just looking at his actions tonight. although i bet that you're on your second pack of the day. i bet you're grinning from ear to ear as you smiled because you have another pack ready for 'nights like this'. he imagines you were in front of him sitting at the floor not caring if it's dirty because as you reasoned it 'im sitting on your slippers you see! my butt isn't dirty!' "hey mikey take a drag already! you're wasting my cigarette just letting it out like that!" yeah i bet you'll say something like that y/n
mikey took a long drag of the cigarette and flicked it in front of him. he sighed again.
busy nights like these you'd be the one by his side. you won't care about anything else but him. your eyes would be on him all night. you'd be right beside his bike waiting for him.
" koko do we have anything to do after this? "
" none. you can go right now i can talk to the guys what we'd do to the upcoming battle. "
mikey stood up and looked at the black haired boy " prepare a uniform. i'll get it tonight. "
he can't wait to see you again. he'll hug you like it would be the last.
you're right. im just a kid and i need you more than ever. you're always right y/n. from now on i'd keep you by my side and i'd protect you and we'd always be together.
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gothichoi · 1 year
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Late Night Adventures
synopsis » a midnight drive with him is always an unforgettable adventure. genre » fluff, adventure, romance story type » short story, imagine wc » 885 rating » pg-13 warnings » light making out
© gothichoi, all rights reserved ❀ do not plagiarize my work!
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The cool breeze brushed against my face the more we drove down the deserted street. I felt a low vibration against my hands as the boy sitting in front of me chuckled low. “Hold on tight, sweetheart,” the male said when he felt my tight grasp on him loosen. “I don’t want you to fall off of this bike and get hurt,” he added.
I nodded even though I knew he couldn’t see and rest my head against his leather covered back. “I promise I won’t fall off,” I mumble softly before brushing my face against his back and leaving light kisses soon after.
Comfortable silence fell between the two of us the further the motorcycle went down the dark road.
“Are we almost there?” I ask, glancing over the man’s shoulder as I lift my head up a little.
“Yes,” he responded.
“Do I still have to close my eyes when we arrive?” I ask, pouting softly.
“Yes,” he repeated.
I pouted a little more and mentally rolled my eyes at the boy before releasing a quiet sigh and pressing the side of my head against his back as we continued down the road.
He chuckled softly at my childish reaction and shook his head as he started to slow the motorcycle down.
“Close your eyes and I will guide you off of the bike, sweetheart, we have made it to our little destination,” I heard Taehyun say in soft and quiet voice as he pulled away from me.
Blinking my already tired eyes slowly, I faintly glance around at our surroundings before looking down at the young man’s outstretched hands.
My lips curve into a soft smile at his kind gesture, place my hands into his, and carefully jump off of his motorbike. I laughed softly when his lips brushed against my forehead before stepping around to grab the basket he had carefully attached to his bike.
“Why are we here exactly?” I ask when I realized we were at the beach, rubbing my fingers up and down both of my arms while admiring the small waves that brushed up onto the sand.
“I thought it would be nice to have a late-night picnic at your favorite beach with no little interruptions. Just the two of us,” he said with the softest smile on his face as he walked over to a certain spot close to the water.
I smiled lightly as I followed right behind Taehyun.
“How long did this take you to plan all of this?” I asked while motioning to the blanket he just fanned out on the sand.
The soft smile on Taehyun’s lips started to turn into a mischievous one at my question, and a slight sparkle appeared in his eyes when he glanced over where I was standing.
“That remains a secret,” he playfully says.
My lips form a faint pout at his words which led to him breaking out in a fit of laughter. Before I could say anything else, I felt my feet leaving the ground as he lifted me up into his arms and spun around in a circle, triggering laughter to escape from my mouth.
His joyous laughter intertwined with my own as he slowly walked over to the water.
“You wouldn’t dare,” I immediately said through a few giggles when realization hit me.
“And what if I did?” he asked with a devilish smirk.
Biting my lip in thought, I returned his smirk. “No more kisses for the rest of the evening,” I declared.
I silently watched Taehyun as he clicked his tongue in thought. “Hm, oh, well,” he finally said before gently dropping me; a squeal leaving my lips as my clothes connected with the cold water.
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A playful laugh left my lips as I splashed water towards him before moving deeper into the water. The sound of his joyous laughter breaks through the nighttime air and carries over to where I was floating.
“Get back here or else!” Taehyun shouts through another fit of laughter.
I quietly shook my head and remained where I was.
“Not going to happen!” I shouted back with a wide grin on my face.
I watched him release a defeated sigh before his lips twisted up into a smirk. “If you don’t come here then I will come to you,” he shouts, the smirk remaining on his face.
A light laugh vibrates through my body as I fold both of my arms across my chest, watching Taehyun as he started to make his way towards me.
Before he could wrap his arms around my waist, I moved away and flashed a soft smirk in his direction.
“Come here,” he said, the tone of his voice was soft and sweet.
Both of his arms found themselves around my waist once again, trapping me there permanently. My mouth forms a soft pout as he placed his forehead against mine.
“Now you can’t get away from me,” he whispered under his breath, smiling softly before lifting me up in the air once again and carefully spun around before pressing his mouth against mine as my feet gently grazed the water while he placed me back down carefully.
“This night is magical,” I breathed out once he broke away from the sweet kiss.
“I agree,” he said softly.   
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every-marveler-ever · 2 years
Some Dramatics First
Fluffbruary Day 9 | @fluffbruary | Harmony
Bucky Barnes Flash Bingo | 📚 @buckybarnesbingo | Unlucky
IronStrange Bingo Round 3 | 🏥 @ironstrangebingo | Cops
masterlist :: (ao3 link)
RATING: General WARNING(S): Sitting in campus prison cell, bail out, sleeping on the couch.
Bucky Barnes wouldn’t say that he is unlucky, but he’s certainly not the luckiest person in the world, it’s exactly what he’s thinking while sitting in the campus jail cell. But he has an (okay) friend who can bail him out, it might just take some dramatics first. | Sam Wilson/James 'Bucky' Barnes, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
fluffbruary 2023 | bbb 📚 flash | isb 🏥 round 3
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Bucky Barnes wouldn’t say that he is unlucky, but he’s certainly not the luckiest person in the world, it’s exactly what he’s thinking while sitting in the campus jail cell. 
“You got pulled over by the cops?” Sam laughs from the other side of the bars, not at all worried about the situation that his boyfriend is currently in.
Bucky sighs rolling his eyes, “I called you to ask you to bail me out not sit there and make fun of me,” if anybody else saw the pout on Bucky’s face he would deny it, but in front of Sam it’s extremely hard to do. He wasn’t stupid, his bike was registered and he was wearing all the right equipment, he just happened to forget what the speed limit was on campus. 
Sam tilts his head because he knows Bucky’s not going to like the answer, “I thought about it but then I was on the phone with Tony and he offered to pay,” Bucky’s smile lights up but Sam, hadn’t finished talking, “if he gets to come and see you  in jail.”
The way Bucky’s face shifts he should be glad they are inside and the wind won’t change, “you have got to be kidding me,” he says as he kicks the bars of the cell. 
“He’s also bringing Stephen,” Sam adds before Bucky can get even more angry and consider just ripping the cheap bars out. “Great let’s just make it a family affair then! Are you going to call Steve down too so he can yell at me for being irresponsible? Or how about my mother?”
Wincing slightly at the remark Sam realises his grave mistake and pulls out his phone to message everyone, but the door opens and he’s already too late. “Mr Harmony! I hear you need a bailout,” Tony Stark yells walking into the building like he owns the place, which isn’t half bad seeing as his dad’s name is on the plaque outside because Howard expected Tony would wind up here more often than not. 
The joint groan comes from Sam, Bucky and even Stpehen as he watches his boyfriend's large nonsensical behaviour. “I am so sorry, and I’ve already kicked him out to sleep with Rhodey tonight,” Stephen says in an apology and it does make Bucky feel better that Tony has been kicked out so he won’t have to deal with the man after he leaves this cell tonight. 
If Bucky thinks about it, the cell isn’t that horrible it’s not like he’s actually in jail, it’s just campus jail, which he got pulled into by campus police. The cell has a bed, a private bathroom off to the side and two chairs and a table, it’s almost homey. 
“Yes, I am here to bail out one James Buchanan Barnes, on account of speeding, which honestly couldn’t you have just given him a ticket because now I have to sleep on my best friend’s couch rather than my own bed with my extremely hot boyfriend-” the cop that Tony is talking to gets annoyed after the first two words come out of the man's mouth and just stamps Bucky’s card unlock the electronic gate door. 
Bucky happily leaves the cell moving towards Sam and kissing him so he knows that he appreciates the support but oh-my-god I still hate you for bringing Tony here, and Sam understands it. Tony slaps him on the back and smiles, “let’s get you out of here, Mr Harmony, Mr we should be respectful of nature, and the ground of being, and yet got put in campus jail.”
Rolling his eyes he shoves Tony’s hand off his shoulder, “shove off Tony.”
He would never want to ask that again. 
But at least tonight he would have a good night's sleep, he can’t say the same for Tony.
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Chapter one
Season 2 Navigation Next
June 28, 1984
Men in hazmat suits work around a giant machine. A bald man smokes a cigarette, watching them from above. Two men in white coats walk over to him.
With a deep sigh one of them opens a case, two keys lay inside. Handing one to the other, they insert them into their slots. Nodding they turn the keys.
The giant machine powers up, electricity surges into it. It shoots into a wall, cracking it open. A creature squeals and stretches out, onto the wall.
The building starts to shake and the machines around starts to spark, it's too much for them to handle. The large device starts to go out and the wall closes on itself.
The machine shuts down but the built up electricity has no where to go. It shoots out from its sides, frying the men around.
The bald man puts out his cigarette and leads the others down to the machine. He walks up to the wall, putting his hand on it.
One man speaks up in Russian, "Comrade General. You can see. You can see our progress. We just need more ti-"
One of the guards grab the man by his throat, lifting him up off the ground.
The man walks up to the other white coat, "You have one year."
One year later.
Mike and El sit in her room making out before he breaks away starts to sing along with the radio, "And nobody wants to know you now."
He pretends to play the drums, "Nobody wants to show you-"
She tries to put her hand over his mouth, "Mike. Mike, stop! Stop!"
He grabs her wrist, "So if you're lost and on your own. You can never surrender."
She laughs, "Stop!"
"What, you don't like it?" He asks
"No!" She tells him
Hopper sits in the living room, stuffing his face with chips and salsa. Trying not to think about what could possibly be going on in her room.
Well curiosity killed the cat, he leans back in his chair.
Looking through the crack he finds them kissing, "Hey!"
They pull apart and she shuts the door completely.
He flings himself up off the chair, "Hey! Leave the door open three inches!"
He tries to open the door, "El, open this door. Open the-"
He pushes and the door burst open. They lay on two separate places on the bed.
"What's wrong?" Mike questions with a smile
Mike rides his bike talking to El on the walkie, "My god, that was priceless! Did you see his face?"
"It was like a tomato!" She laughs
"Yeah, a fat tomato." He replies
"I wish I was still with you." She confesses
"I know. Me too. But I'll see you tomorrow, all right? First thing." He assures
Mike pulls up to the brand new mall.
"You're late." Lucas scolds, "Again."
"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complains
"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it." He argues, "Let's go!"
Lucas mimics him, " 'If you guys keep whining about.' Nyeh nyeh nyeh."
Mike hops off his bike, "Just please stop talking, dude."
"Let's me guess." Lucas says leading them into the mall, "You were busy."
He makes some kissy noises.
"Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." He quips
He starts to tease him, "Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends."
"Lucas, stop." Max says
"Will thinks it's funny." He argues
"Because it is." Will chimes
Mike throws his hands up, "Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend."
"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas tells him
They push their way down the crowded escalator, receiving glares and grunts from the people they shove.
Mike runs right into a girl while getting off the escalator.
"Watch it!" She exclaims walking away
"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Erica comments
"Isn't past your bedtime?" Lucas asks
She watches them walk past, "Isn't it time you died."
Her friends laugh, liking her comeback.
"Psycho!" He calls her
They continue to call each other names until he blows her a raspberry.
Max grabs his arm, "Oh, now that was mature."
They head into Scoops Ahoy and Mike rings the bell rapidly in front of the workers face.
"Hey, dingus, your children are here." She says
The window behind her slides open, "Again? Seriously?"
Mike hits the bell once more and Steve leads them to the back room, letting them use the workers hallway.
He watches them walk down the hall, "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"
"We're dead!" They say in unison
Mike peeks his head into the Movie theater hallway, "All clear."
They all file in, following Mike into one of the movies, "See Lucas we made it."
"We missed the previews." He whispers sitting down.
"Still made it. Fart face." Max smiles
Right when the movie was about to start the power goes out. However, it's not just the mall that goes out, it's all of Hawkins.
In an old abandoned warehouse grows a dark mist, the same mist that was seen coming out Will and trying to stop El from closing the gate.
Just as fast as the power went out it comes back on. The crowded theater cheers and the rest of the mall continues to do what they were doing before.
Will is the only one not cheering, instead he looks scared. He puts his hand up to his neck, getting flashbacks of everything the Upside Down put him through.
"Hey." Mike says
Will comes back to reality with a short gasp.
"You okay?" He worries
"Yeah." He answers
"You sure?" He asks
He nods, "Of course."
Nancy shoots awake, "Shit!"
Jonathan gets up from bedside her, "Wh- What's wrong?"
She grabs her watch, "It's almost nine. We forgot to rest the clocks. The power went out last night, remember?"
They rush to get ready.
Nancy throws her shoes out the window, her body falling soon after. She runs around the house, trying not to be seen.
Jonathan leaves his room.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Joyce calls, "Wait up."
"Oh, no, I'll eat at work." He says, "I'm late."
She grabs his arm, "No. Your cheek."
She rubs off the reminisce of Nancy's lipstick.
He pulls away, "I gotta run. See you later."
Will huffs from the table, "Ugh. Gross."
She sits down and joins him, "Well, I don't think you're gonna think it's gross when you fall in love."
He can't bring himself to look at her, "I'm not gonna fall in love."
She notices something on the floor, getting up to check it out, "Hey, what happened here?"
She picks up the fallen magnets and picture, putting them back up on the fridge.
"Can you please drive faster?" Nancy pleads
"Do you want to break down? We're lucky this thing still drives at all." He say's tapping the dashboard.
Nancy applies some blush, "I'm serious, Jonathan, I can't be late."
"You mean we can't be late." He corrects
"No, I mean I can't be late. They like you no matter what you do." She argues
"Hey, they like you too." He assures
She laughs, "Yeah. They like that I'm a coffee delivery machine. They don't actually like me or respect me as a living, breathing human with a brain."
"Wait, you just- you just gotta be patient, okay?" He tells her, "They're set in their ways. But... once they realize what a gifted writer you are, they'll come around."
Her panic and bitterness come through, "I really don't need a Jonathan Byers pep talk right now. Can you just... please drive faster?"
Dustin talks into his walkie, "This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over."
He turns to Y/n, "Why aren't they answering? You would think that they would respond after all this time."
She shrugs, "Are we even in range yet? You've been talking into that thing for the past ten minutes."
He huffs, "I'm in range, they should be answering. I repeat: This is goddamn Gold Leader-"
Y/n keeps one hand on the wheel and snatches his headset with the other, "There's no need to yell, dude. Just try again when we get home."
He groans, "I've been gone a month the least they can do is answer."
Not to long after they pull into the driveway, their mom waiting outside for her Dusty. They exchange hellos and hugs before the now crankier Dustin makes his way to his room.
He slams his bag down onto his bed, sitting down beside it.
"Jeez, take it easy, Dust." Y/n says walking into his room.
"No I will not take it easy!" He exclaims, "I've been gone for a month and they've forgotten about me!"
A distorted robot voices draws their attention, a little toy robot comes waddling into the room.
Dustin looks back at his sister, "Is that you?"
She holds her hands up, "That's not me."
He starts to worry when R2-D2 starts rolling around, then his clapping monkey starts to go off.
He stands up as more gadgets and toys start to come to life, they watch as they all head out his door.
Dustin grabs his hairspray, "Stay behind me."
They follow them out of the room and into the living room.
Y/n looks over to where his friends hiding, while he tries to convince himself that it's all just a dream.
"Now." Mike whispers to El.
The toys power down leaving Dustin confused, he kneels down and grabs one, not letting go of his hairspray.
Y/n motions for the group to come out. Lucas holds up a welcome home sign as the rest blow on horns.
Dustin freaks out, he jumps up and screams. He sprays the hairspray right into Lucas' eyes, making everyone else freak out.
Mrs. Wheeler and her mom friends sit out by the pool In lounge chairs, waiting for a certain someone.
The woman next to her lowers her sunglasses, "Ladies. She's coming down."
They all watch as the lifeguard leaves her post. They quickly adjust themselves for the next one to take their post, wanting to look their best.
"And... showtime." She says
Billy walks out from the changing room, very aware of eyes on him.
He blows his whistle, "Hey, lard-ass! No running on my watch!" The entire place falls quiet, "I gotta warn you again, and you're banned for life. You wanna be banned for life, lard-ass?"
The kid shakes his head, afraid to even speak.
He blows his whistle again, "Didn't think so."
The place is back to being as lively as before.
He walks past the moms, "Good afternoon, ladies."
"Afternoon, Billy." They reply in unison
"Dig the new suit, Mrs. Wheeler." He tells her
"Thank you." She replies mid pose.
The town stores are empty, not a person anywhere. Besides Joyce, who's hanging up a sale sign in the store front window.
The door jingles and in walks Hopper, "You busy?"
"You're our first customer." She confesses, "What now?"
Hopper goes on this whole tangent about El and Mike, and what they've been up to in her room.
"You know, it is that smug son of a bitch, Mike." He tells her, "He corrupting her, I'm telling you. And I'm just gonna lose it. I mean, I am gonna lose it, Joyce."
She walks down a different isle, "Just take it down, Hopper."
"I need for them to break up." He informs
"That is not your decision."
He gets up from his spot, "They're spending entirely too much time together. You agree with me about that, right?"
"Well, I mean, they're just kissing, right?"
"Yeah, but it is constant." He nags, "It is constant. Okay? That is not normal, that is not healthy.”
She shrugs, "You can't just force them apart. I mean, they're not little kids anymore, Hop. They're teenagers. If you order them around like a cop, then they're gonna rebel. It's just what they do."
"So, what, I'm just supposed to let them do whatever they want?" He questions
"No, I didn't say that." She says marking an item, "I think you should... talk to them."
"No. No. Cause talking doesn't work." He claims
"Not yelling. Not ordering." She clarifies, "But talk to them. You know, like a heart to heart."
He throws an apple, "A heart to heart? What is that?"
"You sit them down and you talk to them like you're their friend. I find if you talk to them like you're on their level, then they really start to listen." She explains, "And then, you know, you could start to create some boundaries."
"Boundaries." He thinks out loud
"Yeah, but, Hop, it's really important that no matter how they respond, you stay calm. You cannot lose your temper."
He taps the wall, "Maybe you could do it for me?"
She shakes her head, "No."
He walks over to her, "Yeah, you could. Yeah, you could. You come over after work. Yes."
"No." She answers, "It only works if it comes from you. But... Maybe I can help you... find the right words."
Nancy power walks her way to work, checking her watch to see if she's going to make it in on time. Walking into the Hawkins post she starts to hand out everyone's food orders.
Starting with the woman at the front desk she moves through the building, ending at a office full of men.
She goes to leave but stops herself at the door, wanting to join in on their conversation.
She turns back to face them, "What about Starcourt?"
They all look at her with disinterest, not liking her input.
She continues, "I was just... thinking... I mean I know everyone loves the mall, but... how many small businesses have closed since it opened? Like, five on Main, at least. It's changing the fabric of our town in a way-"
A fake tanned man cuts her off, " 'The Death of Small-Town America.' I like it a lot. But I think I've got something even spicier. It's about the missing mustard on my hamburger."
All men burst into laughter, thinking that it was the funniest thing in the world.
"You think you can follow the clues and solve the case of the missing condiment, Nancy Drew?"
Her face drops and she lets out a broken, "Sorry." Grabbing his burger from him.
She leaves the office and let's go of the breath she been holding.
Lucas' face is under running water in the kitchen,   Y/n tries her best to gently flush his eyes out.
"Ow, ow, ow." He says pulling his head away
"Better?" Max asks
He rubs his eyes, "Still stings."
Y/n turns off the water, "It's the best I could do, seeing as your not really injured."
"Thanks." Max tells her
She nods and leaves the two alone.
He stops rubbing his eyes and points at Max's face, "Is that a new zit?"
Max turns the water back on, "What is wrong with you?"
She drags his head back under the water.
"I was just asking!" He screams
Dustin stands in his room, showing off his work, "I call it... the Forever Clock. All right? Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse."
"Looks like a bunch of popsicle sticks." Y/n says from the doorway.
"Hush." He replies handing it over Will and pulls out something else, "Then, I give you... the Slammer."
He points it towards El and Mike, making her move back.
He giggles, "Pretty neat, huh? But this... this is my masterpiece."
He drops a duffel bag on the floor, they all sit around it.
He unzips the bag, "I would like you to meet... Cerebro."
"What exactly are we looking at here?" Mike questions
"An I assembled one of a kind battery powered radio tower." He smiles
"So... it's a... a ham radio." Will voices
"The Cadillac of ham radios." He claims, "This baby Carrie's a crystal clear connection over vast distances. I'm talking North Pole to South. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose."
"Girlfriend?" They all ask in unison
They all follow him down the hall as he informs them on his girlfriend.
"Wait her name is Susie?" Mike asks
"Suzie with a 'z.' She's from Utah." He answers
"Girls go to science camp?" Will questions more to himself.
"Suzie does. She's a genius." He says
"Is she cute?" Mike asks
"Think Phoebe Cates, only hotter." He gushes
Max sees them all walk out the front door, "What's going on?"
"We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." Y/n informs
"Girlfriend?" Max and Lucas asks
She motions for them to follow, "I know, come on."
Steve scoops some ice cream into a cone, "Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That a buck twenty five. Anything else?"
The pretty customer hands him the money but he wants to try his luck with her.
He reads her sweater, "Ooh, Purdue. Fancy."
She flashes him a pretty smile, "Yeah, I'm excited."
He puts the money into the register, "Yeah, you know, I considered it, Purdue, but then I was like, you know what? I really think I need some real life experience, you know, before I hit college, see what it feels like. Kinda like, uh, I don't know, see what it's like to earn a working man's wage, you know? Uh..."
The girl is not longer interested in the conversation, "Yeah, totally."
"Yeah, anyway, this was, like, so fun." He says, "We should kind of like, you know, I don't know, maybe hang out this weekend or- " he drops her change, "Oh sorry about that. I don't know. Maybe next weekend or-"
"Yeah, I'm busy." She replies as kindly as she can.
"Oh, that's cool. I'm- I'm working here next weekend, so... the following weekend's better for me."
She shakes her head, "No. I'm sorry, I can't. Okay. Thanks."
She walks away with her friend, unable to endure anymore flirting.
"And another one bites the dust." His coworker says marking a whiteboard, "You are oh-for-six, Popeye."
"Yeah, yeah, I can count." He quips looking at the 'You rule-You suck'
"You know that mean you suck." She replies
He nods, "Yep, I can read, too."
"Since when?" She asks
He walks over to her, "It's this stupid hat. I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature."
She puts the board away, "Yeah, company policy is a real drag. You know, it's a crazy idea, but have you considered... telling the truth."
"Oh, you mean, that I couldn't even get into Tech and my douchebag dads trying to teach me a lesson, I make three bucks an hour, and I have no future? That truth?" He argues
She sees a group of girls walk in, "Hey, twelve o'clock."
He looks over, "Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay... Uh... I'm going in. Okay? And you know what?" He throws hit hat behind her, "Screw company policy."
"Oh, my god, you're a whole new man." She jokes
"Right? Ooh." He chuckles
He turns around and basically yells at the girls, "Ahoy, ladies! Didn't see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain. I'm Steve Harrington."
Hopper sits with Joyce going over what he's going to say to El and Mike, "I know this is a difficult conversation to have... I hope you know that I... care about you very much. And I know that you-"
She cuts him off, "Eye contact."
He sighs, "And I know that you... both care about each other very much. This does not sound like me at all."
"Just keep going. Come on."
He takes a deep breath, "Which is why I think it's important to establish these boundaries... moving forward..." he looks at his paper
"No looking. You know this." She assures, "Come on."
He continues, "...so we can build an environment... Uh... where we... all feel comfortable and trusted and open..."
"Share our feelings." She whispers
"... to sharing our feelings-" he cuts himself off, "This isn't gonna work. Um, it's not gonna work. It's not gonna work."
"Yes, it will! I promise." She replies, "Oh, come on."
"Maybe I'll just kill Mike." He says sitting next to her, "I'm chief of police, I could cover it up."
She pats his hand, "You got this. I promise."
The two of them look at each other, their gazes softening.
"You wanna have dinner tonight?" He asks, "You can give me some more pointers."
She moves her hand away from his, "Oh, I... Um... I have plans."
He looks away from her, "Okay, sure."
The door jingles, she hops off the counter, "Oh, a customer. Hey, Carol!"
The group pants, climbing up a hill for Dustin.
"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asks
"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." He answers
"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max comments
"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon."
"Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas questions
"That's the Amish." Y/n corrects
"What are Mormons?" Will asks
"Super religious white people." Dustin replies, "They have electricity and cars and stuff but... since I'm not Mormon, her parent would never approve. It's all a bit... Shakespearean."
"Shakespearean?" Max questions
"Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." He smiles
He continues, "Star crossed lover."
"I got it." She says
"Hey, guys!" Mike shouts from behind, "This is fun and all but." He taps his watch.
"I have to go home." El claims
"We're almost there." Dustin argues
"Sorry, man." Mike replies, "Curfew."
"Good luck." El wishes him as Mike pulls her away.
Dustin looks at his watch, "Curfew at four?"
"They're lying." Lucas comments
"It's been like this all summer." Will informs
"It's romantic." Max chimes
"Yeah." Y/n agrees
"It's gross." Will argues
"It's bullshit." Dustin states, "I just got home. It's their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!"
They all groan following him to the top of the hill.
Will stands still in his spot, grabbing to back of his neck. He looks down the hill, an eerie feeling fills him.
"Will, come on!" Dustin exclaims
He rushes up to his friends while a trail of mice run across field.
Hundreds if not thousands of mice race into an abandoned building and into the basement where they meet their death.
The floor is covered in blood and guts, mice combusting one after the other.
Mrs. Wheeler does back strokes in the pool, fully aware she's got the attention of a certain Life Guard. Billy takes off his sunglasses, watching as she makes her way through the water.
She climbs out of the pool and is greeted by Billy.
"Looking good out there, Mrs. Wheeler."
She sighs pushing her hair back, "Thank you."
He hands her a towel, "Perfect form."
"Well... your form is amazing." She confesses
He chuckles, not expecting her to be so forward.
She tries to backtrack, "I'm sorry, I mean, I... I've seen you... uh, teaching... lessons. Swimming lessons."
"You know, I could, uh... I could teach you, if you like." He replies, "I know all the styles. Freestyle. Butterfly. Breaststroke."
Mrs. Wheeler is completely entranced by him that she drops her towel.
He picks it up and hands it to her, "You okay?"
"I didn't think you... I didn't think you taught adults."
"Well, I offer more, uh... advanced lessons to select clientele." He smiles, "Come to think of it, there is a good pool out at a Motel 6 on Cornwallis. It's very quiet. You know, very private. Shall we say tonight? Eight o'clock?"
She honestly thinks about it for second, "I'm sorry. I can't."
"Cant what? Have fun?" He asks, "Mrs. Wheeler!"
She laughs, "No. I... I... I just, uh... I don't think I need lessons."
"Oh, you see, I think you do. I just don't think that you've had the right teacher." He says lowering his voice.
"I, uh..." she trials
"It will be the workout of your life." He assures
She looks up at him a smiles.
Dustin drops his bag at the top of the hill, "Made it."
Everyone else slowly makes it up.
"Yeah, only took five hours." Max complains
"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will huffs
"I'm so thirsty." Lucas comments dropping one of Dustin's bags.
He opens up his canteen and drinks what's left inside.
Max watches and listens as he loudly gulps it down, "Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?"
He spits some back into the canteen and hands it to her with a smile.
Max shakes her head and walks away from him.
"You're so gross." Y/n chimes having watched everything.
She pulls out her water and hands it to Max.
Max happily takes it, “Thank you.”
“Now what was wrong with the water I offer you?” Lucas asks
They both give him a look that reads ‘be serious’.
They soon forget about the water and move onto building the Radio Tower. Piece by piece it slowly comes together.
They look up at the now standing tower.
"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin asks, "Now, you ready to meet my love?"
In response he gets a series of yes'.
Dustin sits on the floor and grabs the mic, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."
He holds his finger, "One sec. She's probably... She's still there. Suzie... this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."
"I'm sure she's there. It's just- You know, maybe she's, like, busy or- It's around dinner time."
They all silently agree with him.
He tries again, "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."
Once again his is met with static.
Joyce walks through her front door, "Hey, guys, I'm home."
No response.
"Guys?" She calls out, "Hello?"
With no one home she decides to heat up some leftover lasagna and pour herself a glass a wine.
She sits in front of the tv and starts to think about Bob.
Bob laughs at the tv, “Ah, they’re funny, don’t you think?”
Joyce giggles, “Yes.”
“I just wish they’d get back together again already.” He says rubbing her back.
She looks up at him, “Me too.”
They share a quick kiss and turn back to the tv.
She smiles at the thought of him and cuts into her lasagna.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen the magnets on the fridge begin to shake. They all lose their magnetic hold to the fridge, dropping to the ground.
Nancy stands in the office, throwing away all the trash the grown men left behind.
The phone rings making her rush over.
She takes off her gloves and picks it up, “Hawkins Post.”
She listens to the other line, “Um, hold on, I’m- I’m sorry can you- can you repeat that?”
She pulls out a pen and note pad, writing down the person’s address and what they’re calling for. She underlines the words ‘Diseased Rats’.
El and Mike are back at her house, making out to ‘Can’t fight this feeling’ by Roe Speedwagon.
Hopper lays in his bed hugging a pillow, “…why it’s important to establish these boundaries… moving forward, so that we can create an environment where… you feel comfortable and trusted and open.”
He sighs looking at his paper, “…to share our feelings.”
He grunts getting out of the bed, pushing open he makeshift curtain door.
He knocks on El’s door, “Hey.”
“Yes?” She responds
“Can I talk to you guys a minute?” He asks
The door opens letting him in.
He stands in the door way and looks at them sitting in two separate places, “Hi.”
“Hi.” They say in unison.
He moves one of the chairs in the room to sit in front of them.
They all just sit there, looking at each other, not knowing what to say or do.
Hopper turns off the music, “Um…”
He’s rehearsed what he was going to say hundreds of time but now it’s like, he’s forgotten everything.
The two of them lean forward, growing impatient with what he has to say.
Hopper rubs his chin, “What, I, uh… needed to say to you… what I wanted to say to you… is that, um.”
“Uh-oh.” Mike chimes, “I think we’re in trouble.”
He starts to laugh making El laugh too.
“No.” Hopper says, “No, nobody’s in trouble, okay? I just, um…”
He watches as Mike whispers into El’s ear making her laugh again.
That’s the last straw for him, “You know what? Your mom called.”
Mikes face fills with confusion, “What?”
He nods, “Yeah. She needs you home right away.”
“Is everything okay?” He asks
“No, I don’t think so. It’s your grandma.” He claims
His face drops, Hopper leads him outside away from El. Mike is seriously worried, asking every question he think of.
They get in his truck and Hopper finally comes clean.
“Nothing! There’s nothing wrong with Nana!”
“But…” He starts, “There’s something very wrong with this thing between you and El.”
“Oh, you lying piece of shit!” Mike exclaims trying to get out of the truck but Hopper locks the door every time he tries to unlock it, “You’re crazy!”
“Crazy?” He grumbles, “You want to see real crazy? You disrespect me again. Okay? Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m gonna drive you home. And I’m gonna speak… and you’re going to listen. And then, maybe… maybe by the end of it, maybe if you’re lucky, maybe… I will continue to allow you to date my daughter.”
He looks over to Mike, “Nod if you understand!”
Mike quickly nods.
The sun has gone down and the moon has fully risen.
Dustin continues to try to reach Suzie, “… do you copy, this is Dustin. Over. Suzie! This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over.”
His friends and sister lay on hill, it’s been hours and he hasn’t given it a rest.
“Dustin, come on! She’s not there.” Max voices
“Just try again some other time.” Y/n adds
“She’s there, all right? She’ll pick up.” He claims
“Maybe Cerebro doesn’t work.” Will says
“Or maybe Suzie doesn’t exist.” Lucas argues
“She exists!” He assures them
“She’s a genius and she’s hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect.” Lucas replies
Max sits up, “Is that so?”
Lucas is quick to get up, “I mean… you’re perfect. I mean, like, per- perfect in your own way. In your special- your own special way.”
She chuckles, “Relax, I was teasing. I’m obviously perfect and Dustin’s obviously lying.”
She stands up, “Come on, Don Juan.”
Dustin watches as Max and Lucas walk down the hill, “Where are you going?”
“Home.” Max answers
“Well… I guess is just us guys.” Dustin says
Will gets up, “Um… it’s late. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow we can play D&D. Or something fun. Like we used to?”
“Yeah, sure.” He replies
“Welcome home.” He tells him before following the others.
“Yeah. Welcome home.” He says to himself
Y/n sits up, “I’m still here if you want to keep trying.” She looks at her watch, “We have another hour til we have to be home.”
He smiles at her and then the radio starts to pick something up. He stumbles over his things and on to the ground.
He picks up the mic, “Suzie? Suzie, is that you?”
Y/n moves next to him, they listen in and it’s a man speaking a Russian. Dustin turns up the volume.
A Russian man sits in a coms room, speaking into mic, reciting something over and over again.
A man in a white lab coat walks into the room and through another door. Back to the room that holds a giant machine.
Mrs. Wheeler stands in her bathroom, getting ready to meet up with Billy. She looks down at her wedding ring, she gives it a second thought but then takes it off.
Walking down stairs she finds her husband asleep in his chair with their daughter Holly sleeping in his lap.
Billy is naturally speeding down the streets of Hawkins, riding on the high of getting with a milf, a cougar.
He looks at himself in his rear view mirror, “Hey Karen. You don’t mind if I can you Karen, do you? Good.”
Something smashes into his window sending him drifting to stop. He lands right in the embankment of an abandoned building.
He groans looking at the damage, “Oh, no. No. Piece of shit.”
He touches the gash on his head, “Shit. Damn it.”
He gets out starts hitting his car, “Damn it! Piece of shit!”
He slams his door and goes over to the hood, steam hiss out from under. He touched the crack on his window, a wet and sticky substance was left behind by whatever hit it.
Something shrieks in the distance making him look over.
“Who’s there?” He calls out, “Hey! I said, who’s there?”
Something grabs his ankle yanking him to the ground. He screams as it pulls him into the building.
Tag list: @alexa4040
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halfmoon-ie · 1 month
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Under a blackened night sky, the city lights were too abundant for the stars to shine. I raced the streets on a motorcycle up a steep and busy street. Once I reached the top, I smiled because I knew the thrill of going down hill would be worth the climb. But as I rode down the hill, I lost control of my motorbike and maneuvered in and out of cars, trying to dodge death. On either side of the street stretched with woods, in which I clash into and fall off my bike. I remember tumbling down before knocking out and becoming blanketed with darkness. When I awaken, the silhouette of a person stands near me. I blink a few times and become aware of the pain that shoots through my entire body. The shadow in front of me comes into view, a handsome man, perhaps in his mid twenties. He is well-built, a quiver strapped over his shoulder with a bow in his left hand. I can make out that he has long hair that spills over his shoulders. He leans in closer and heaves me up. 
“Are you alright?” He asks. Dazed, I nod and look at my arms. They’re bruised and bloodied as I had guessed from the thunderous throbbing I felt from head to toe. I guess I must have kissed the darkened earth a little too hard. I get up onto my feet and see that the stranger has started to walk away. “Follow me. If you want to survive.” I do as suggested and see that we’re on a dirt path, curving upwards, on a hill. Here, the stars are like crystals lighting up the forest. The moon lays ahead, very close to the hill where we’re beginning to climb. I see a string of houses with light illuminating through their windows carefully dotting the hillside. 
“Where am I?” I look out to both sides of me and don’t see the lights of the street I fell from, nor did I hear the existence of cars driving by. I examine what I can make out of the draping moonlight, and see that the stranger kept his hair quite long and wore strange clothing. I struggle to keep up with him, limping with pain shooting up and down my leg and back.. The night is still and the only noise that is being echoed is the earth and fallen leaves underneath our footsteps as well as the hard breathing exhuming from myself. He does not answer my question and continues on. 
After what it felt like an eternity of walking, we reached a fairly large hut with a medium sized shed on the outside. It started to lightly drizzle as we had been walking and became soaked. My wounds screamed underneath the icy coldness and from the way my damp clothes clung to my skin. The man turns to me, a slight smirk on his lips while pointing to the woodshed beside the hut. 
“Woman. Sleep in there tonight, if you want to stay alive.” He lets out a soft chuckle before opening his hut and walks in without a second glance at me. I was out of breath and opened my mouth to oppose his instructions. I wanted a warm place to stay, so I followed him into his home. I am met with a loud growl that sends me toppling to the ground. A white tiger sat beside the man, who was sitting in his enormous bed, now shirtless. He laughs heartily and extends a hand to pet the white tiger. “This is why I told you to sleep in the shed, woman. He might think I’ve brought him a snack...” Startled, I began scooting backwards and bumping into something. I turn to look up at what had stopped me, and find myself gazing upward at this new stranger. This one much younger than the man that led me here; but the resemblance between the two were uncanny. They were most likely brothers.
“What is this creature you’ve brought back?” The man bends down and gets close to me, his breath hot against my face. I moved away, surprised by his curiosity and poor knowledge of personal space. 
“This is a woman.” The younger one smiles and reaches a hand out to touch my hair, seemingly intrigued. 
“A woman? Like the ones we’ve heard about in the stories?” 
And this is where I wake up. It was quite an odd dream, but a very interesting one. If I could continue it, that would be great. But the chances of that ever happening is quite slim, as my mind has not been able to produce a good coherent dream in a while.
signed, moon 🌙
** drawing credits go back to original artists.
0 notes
uplatterme · 3 years
Fun in Your Friend’s Bike Shop
cw: sub!wakasa, dom!reader, afab!reader, foodplay, pegging, cringey pick-up lines from yours truly, rip shinichiro’s bike shop
a/n: i know i said the taiju fic was a one off thing and i probably won’t write again but GRRR WAKASA. also, the tags here compared to the taiju one 💀
Minors, do not interact
“Wakaaa…” You whine at your boyfriend Wakasa, who’s all focus seems to be on a bike that Shinichiro gave him to figure out while he gets some extra tools.
Honestly, at first it was fine. You get to keep staring at his beautiful face in silence while he gets to help out his friend.
That had been an hour ago. You didn’t know where Shinichiro went and now you’re left here as you watch your lover dirty up his fingers. Hell, even that stupid lollipop in his mouth was getting more attention than you.
You flick off the stick of the lollipop, causing it to vibrate on his lips. “Hm?” He said, finally responding for once.
“Let’s go home, please. I’m dying of boredom here. I’ll even give you a hug?” You offered, rubbing your head against his shoulder.
“Can’t, I’m busy.”
You gasped at his answer. “You didn’t even think about it!”
You barely got to spend time with Wakasa anymore. If he wasn’t here, then he’d be at the Gym with Benkei. His friends were fun to hang around with but when he invited you out today, you expected to have Wakasa sitting on your lap with a strap on, not him sitting on the ground fixing an engine!
You groaned in an annoyance. “At least sit on my lap, babe?”
Like before, you were met with silence. You have had enough and were about to stand up to leave until you felt a familiar weight on you.
“Oh, you.” You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and you didn’t miss the way he lowered his head from the sudden affection.
It’s been so long since you two started dating and you’ve completely got him wrapped around your finger, just like how he had you on his.
You placed your head on the top of his shoulder, watching whatever he was doing. You never really had much knowledge on motorcycles. “So, what are you doing right now?”
You listen to him explain with your eyes only on him as if the spotlight was on Wakasa.
All of his words went from one ear to the other.
“Are you even listening?”
“Yeah.” You weren’t.
“What’d I say then?”
You thought it was time to finally pay him back and not give him any answers. Instead, your arms reached his chest when you decided to give him a hug. In your opinion, this was a much better response anyways.
You start reaching under his shirt, feeling every inch of him. “(N-Name), knock it o-off.”
“You look like you’re really enjoying this though, aren’t you.” You gave his nipples a pinch, causing him to finally drop the metallic wrench which made a huge noise as it reverberated on the floor.
He pushed one of your hands away softly, while fighting back each time you caressed his sensitive skin. “We can’t do this here, we’re at Shinichiro’s.”
“It’s going to be fine. I promise you we won’t get caught.” You gave him reassurance, hoping that Shinichiro would walk slower than a snail and with his luck there shouldn’t be any problem.
You take his lollipop, and put it inside your mouth. “Let’s see… I taste a little bit of grape and you. They should sell this flavor more often.”
“You’re so cheesy, (Name). You’d probably rank over Shinichiro on worse pick-up lines.”
“Boo. Stop talking about him. Unlike Sano, I actually get with the people who I confess to.” You said proudly at Wakasa remembering something from the past.
You removed the lollipop and messed it around Wakasa’s nipple, causing his shirt to stick onto his skin. The smell of grape was fairly noticeable. “Ngh… (Name)…”
While his eyes were closed he didn’t expect for the sweet to be shoved directly in his mouth. He gave off a confused look towards you who was currently unzipping his pants. “Just keep sucking on that, Waka. I don’t need it when I have a much better one.”
“Again-Ah!” He was about to insult your incredibly sweet words, pun intended. However, he was stopped when you started licking him as if he was the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. He is. Apparently that was a bit much as he couldn’t keep in his noises.
Hopefully, the store sign is flipped to close. You are now relying on Shinichiro’s shop management. Oh well, you’ll handle it when it comes down to it.
“Feels good…” Wakasa breathed as you kept playing with his cock, getting every part covered in your saliva. You grimaced at the sight, watching him unable to keep eye contact with you. He only snapped out of his dizziness from pleasure when he felt you stop.
“W-what? Why’d you stop?”
“It fell.”
He didn’t seem to notice that the lollipop from his mouth was let go when he was moaning earlier. “Forget about the lollipop, (Name). Just… you know…” He mumbled out, provoking you to use your left hand, slowly pumping him up and down.
The lollipop seemed a waste, you bought it for him on the way here. You picked it up from his thigh, still giving him a handjob and inserted the candy forcefully in his hole.
He was taken by surprise, almost choking on his own saliva as drool fell from the left side of his mouth. You could feel his legs start to shake every now and then when you decided to insert it deeper, holding tightly at the end. “Careful now, Babe. Don’t want it to get stuck, do you?
“Or maybe, you do? Want me to dig my fingers deeper and feel your insides as I touch every crevice?”
“Hmmm! Stop teasing…Please.”
“Please, just let me cum.” He begged you, he doesn’t think that he’d be able to walk out of this shop with a hard-on feeling unsatisfied and uncomfortable as he craved for any stimulation.
“Of course, Princess.”
You eagerly take out the lollipop, leaving him all empty. He whined, getting a bit too impatient. You stick the lollipop back inside his mouth to keep him quiet while finally getting to use your fake cock that you were supposed to use hours ago if you didn’t end up here.
His pupils widened when he saw you take it out. You had that chilling in your bag the whole time you guys were here? He never would’ve guessed for you to actually hold out that long and resist fucking him hard wherever you may be.
You must be all pent up now. Wakasa licked his lips, savoring the fruit on his tongue. You’d definitely fuck him raw to the point he’d have a hard time walking later on. His cock merely twitched from the idea of it. What more when you actually do it?
“Ah~ W-wait! Ngh!” Wakasa continued to moan out, he didn’t expect you to pick up the pace as soon as you thrusted inside him.
You smile, hearing his voice get more high-pitched the more you hit his prostate. Finally, after those wretched hours in this bike shop, you got what you wanted in the end.
The leftover residue from the sugar just made him stickier inside. It didn’t matter when you just kept filling him up, the pleasure building up in him. It won’t take long for him to cum already just from getting sucked off earlier along with your penetration.
Wakasa’s thighs shook as he freely indulged your cock, taking it whole everytime you thrusted further and further. His legs already feel like giving up from how good it was. “(N-Name)! I can’t! Too much-Ahhn!”
“Want me to stop then?”
He shook his head, unable to give a proper response to you. He could barely hear your words anymore, all he could do right now was moan his heart out and make noises as loud as he can.
That was when you heard it, the sound of a door opening.
Shinichiro’s back.
You could hear his footsteps get closer and closer.
“I-I’m cumming!” Your boyfriend sobbed out.
Wakasa came on the ground, his semen beautifully decorating the ground. He laid down on the ground, tired of being on all fours since the beginning. You quickly pulled out, and as soon as you saw Shinichiro’s shoes step into the room, you grabbed the wrench from earlier and threw it at his foot, directly hitting his toes.
“Fuck!” He screamed of pain, running backwards from where he came from.
You let out a sigh of relief as you successfully protected Wakasa’s dignity. Taking off the strap, you gave Wakasa a towel to wipe himself clean.
Meanwhile, you stood up quickly and ran towards Shinichiro to block him from going inside the shop.
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blueparadis · 2 years
━━━━━━━ ❝Taste of Victory ❞ ━━━━ ft. Kokonoi Hajime
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cw : afab-reader, explicit smut, pleasure dom Kokonoi, unprotected sex, soft sex, branding, f-oral m→f-receiving, edging, exhibitionism, semi-public sex, bodyworship, aftercare talks; precis: Biker Koko fucks you by making you sit on his bike and fucks you to give you a taste of victory; wc: 1k
tags : @shibuyawardnetwork @underratedcharactercorner
notes — this 🥂& my kokonoi Hajime brainrot isn't curable anymore.
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You were perfectly seated still while everyone was shouting in merriment, faces flooding with smiles since they won the bet. As much as you'd like to take part in their victory you can't seem to enjoy it because deep down your heart worries too much about him, about your boyfriend.
Kokonoi is reckless and impulsive especially when he's on his bike; there's a tempting hunger to win in his eyes. Even though such madness never haunted you, it sure made you go breathless as the first thing he does after crossing the ending line is to remove his helmet and kiss you in front of everyone. He loves to hear such joyous roars.
But today was different you couldn't just run into him asking for a kiss, even if you wanted you couldn't since you sprained your ankle last night. It was partly Kokonoi's fault but you couldn't just blame him away.
He approaches you with his bike and removes his helmet. “Let’s get out of here; I'm bored”, he mumbles to which you say, “Constant victory does that”, sitting on the bike legs along a single side. He chuckles, there's a hint of pride in it.
As you two reach the beach, he halts his bike at a secluded alley. The weather is subtle today, not too warm, not too cold perfect to walk on the shore. You jump from his bike and merrily walk towards the main road. “Constant victory does that huh?”,
Kokonoi roars as he pulls you pressing you against the wall. You swallow your breath before saying, but before you could say something he holds your chin kissing softly on your face, cheeks, corner of your lips.
He gestures to you to keep quiet, lightly pressing his body against yours as the people pass by. You both are barely noticeable yet he is cautious. He sucks his fingers while staring at you and slips under your skirt rubbing over your cloth. “Haji not her’— but he shuts you up with a kiss. One of his arms is rested over your head while the other keeps rubbing your feminity.
He doesn't try to tame you since he knows you can never deny him, his touch. “Hey! eyes on me!”, he whispers as he pushes the cloth aside lightly grazing your clit bud. “Haji”, you moan his name resting your head on his shoulders hands loosely hanging over his nape.
“What are you doing... touch me properly...”, you pant heavily with long exhales and inhale craving for more. Kokonoi takes his slick wet fingers coated with your juices and rubs them off your lips; you’re too swayed in his wild desires that you suck his fingers shutting your eyes out.
He curls his arm around your waist swiftly twirling you to place you on his bike. “Wait...wait”, you murmur taking deep long breaths resting your face and hands on his chest. His heartbeat is calm and serene and he chins up your face cooing, “You okay?”
Your lips part as he tucks in his finger at the elastic of your panties, slowly pulling it, and finally as it hits the ground, his slim calloused fingers stretch your legs. He unbuckles his belt taking his cock in his hand.
Kokonoi pumps his aroused cock gaining your earnest eyes as you lick your lips. “Eager aren't we?”, he says as you look at his t-shirt thinking of nothing but to get rid of it. You slip your hands under his top-earning a smirk from him but he guides his hands around his nape whispering, “Just hold onto me, ’kay baby?” and he pushes his cock inside you making you open your mouth open. Your grip becomes stronger as his arms curls along your waistline squeezing harshly.
“Ahh...AyH! Fuck you're so tight!”, he groans as he starts to move in and out slowly. Being seated on the bike, having his fat cock inside you as you hear his groans accompanied by heavy breathing. He starts to glide his cock with deep strokes burning your spot. Your vaginal nerves already seem to ache the way he firmly grips your ass cheeks and keeps thrusting.
“Ah, baby! You feel so good! Just so good”, he starts to blabber while your grip on his shoulders grows stronger. You stretch his shirt gaining access to his neckline trying to keep down your moans placing open-mouthed kisses. Kokonoi moans as you suck on his pulse point, he swiftly shifts you a little adjusted better to have your lips in his.
He pauses and kisses your lips followed by a bite on your lower lip. You look at him with doe eyes as he pulls out his cock pumping in front of you with deep strokes. You clamp your fingers around him around the reddened leaking tip. He groans loudly, not at all bothered about the place as spurs of white fuild shoot from his cock. He jerks his head vigorously sideways panting heavily exclaiming, “Baby, This is what victory tastes like”
You place a chaste kiss on his cheeks cooing, “Oh yeah? I'm a trophy for you then” Kononoi scoffs lightly, eyebrows congested as he hands a piece of clothing to clean up yourself. He’s standing beside you smiling like an idiot watching you intently.
You ask, “What?” to which he comes close to your face, and boldly whispers, “a slight flush of anger looks so good on you!”, placing a quick kiss and running away from your range. “Haji...”, you call to which he turns sticking out his tongue in an apologetic manner.
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junhyukiscute · 2 years
loving jungwon is like red
it was 6:36 pm. classes ended quite a while ago, and now here you were with bruised knees and a very haphazardly put on bike helmet in front of jungwon’s nice two story house. taking a deep breath in, you gently threw your bike to the sidewalk before walking up to the front door and pressing the bell. 
it felt like forever and you were soon about to throw up until the door opened. “(y/n)?” jungwon said in surprise. 
“hi,” you replied. you felt your mouth suddenly go dry and your panting had subdued. “jungwon.” 
he observed your form. slight puffs and red cheeks, he quickly put together that you biked here from a long distance. “you bike? i never knew you did.”
“that’s cause i don’t,” you replied bluntly. he lets out a small laugh before opening the door wider. “do you want to come in? you look like you’re about to collapse on my front porch.”
as much as you wanted to say yes because oh gosh you were winded from biking 2 extremely long miles, you stood your ground. “actually, i wanted to ask you something. depending on the outcome, it can be really quick like a second or really long like a couple of minutes.” 
jungwon shakes his head and smiles fondly before crossing his arms and leaning on the side of the doorframe. “okay? you’re kind of weird, (y/n),” he teases. “let’s hear it.”
you look up at the sky and take in a deep breath before looking at him straight in the eyes. “you like me, don’t you? so why haven’t you done anything?” after that, jungwon’s stance was no longer lax and his posture becomes straight. 
“huh?” was all he could reply. now it was his turn to have clammy hands and a fast beating heart. could you hear it? hopefully his face wasn’t turning as red as he thought it was. “pardon?”
“damn it jungwon, i like you too! it’s so obvious that i’ve been liking you ever since we got lost at the farmers market. I've been making so many moves but you just sit there counting sheep and I'm confused as to whether or not you actually want anything from th-” 
before you could finish speaking, jungwon had already bent down to silence you with a kiss. his slightly chapped lips are placed against you as he cups your face with his hands. pulling away slowly, he looks at you so warmly that it makes your legs feel like jello. for a moment, it seemed as if nothing had existed besides jungwon and you. 
“so you do like me after all,” you replied dazed. his feline eyes turn into crescents as he bits back a laugh. he gently places his forehead against yours.
“you’re so weird, (y/n). yes, i like you- so much that it makes me scared. I think about you so often and I'm worried that one day you might leave because of my cowardliness. I'm sorry it took me so long to do anything. how can i make it up to you, hm? i’ll do anything you ask,” he mutters against your lips.
“even eat an entire bag of mint chocolate?” you tease. he groans before wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder.
“please don’t. can’t we just make up for the lost time now that im yours?”
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marquez-junky8920 · 2 years
Marc Marquez Smut Series
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Chapter 5 - Dessert
Summary - Marc decides he wants you for dessert...
Word Count - 2.2k
'When does your flight leave?' you asked Marc over you video chat call. He was currently sitting at the airport in France on his way home from a race weekend. Unfortunately, you couldn't take anymore time off from your job so you were unable to make it with him to Le Mans this year.
'I think boarding starts in about 20 minutes.' he said, looking around at all the people crowding the airport. He wore his mask and a baseball hat, so no one really recognized him and that's how he wanted it to stay.
'I miss you.' you pouted, watching his eyes crinkle at the sides as he smiled at you.
'I miss you too princess. I can't wait to give you a hug and kiss you and spend time with you. A week feels entirely too long to be away from you.'
'I know. Feels like it's been years.' you groaned and picked at the threads on your shirt. 'Alright, I'll let you go. I know boarding is chaotic every time. I will see you when you get home, my love.'
'Okay babe. I'll see you in a few hours.'
'Have a safe flight and I love you so so much.'
'I love you too.' he waved before hanging up and boarding his flight.
To pass the time, you decided to clean the house as much as you could to make everything look nice and put together for your man to come home after a hectic race weekend. After finishing up with that a few hours later, you started on dinner for him so that he could just eat dinner with you and go to sleep. The jetlag was a very real thing for him sometimes and he had mentioned it several times to you while he was in France.
Finally finishing cooking dinner, you checked your phone and saw an update from Marc that he was about 10 minutes away from the house. You had to convince yourself to hold in a squeal before you replied to him how excited you were. It had been a long time since you'd been apart from each other and you couldn't wait to be in his presence again.
You had just finished making his plate when you heard a car door shut outside. You ran over to the front window and saw him walking up to the front door but you beat him to it. Opening the front door, you ran to him and jumped into a hug with him and he groaned in relief when he finally held you again.
'How's my baby?' he asked into your hair as you continued to hug him.
'I'm good. I missed you so much.' you sighed, kissing his lips for the first time in what felt like centuries. He pecked your lips several times before setting you down onto the ground with an arm still around your waist.
'Can I carry anything?' you asked, looking at his bags to see if he needed help.
'No, I got it. C'mon. Let's go inside.' he said, walking back into the house with his hand at your lower back. As soon as he walked into the house, he took a deep breath and sighed heavily.
'It smells delicious in here. What did you make?' he asked, letting his nose lead him straight to the kitchen.
'It's a surprise because I'm just that great of a girlfriend and my man deserves a homecooked meal.' you giggled, kissing his cheek before handing him his plate.
'My god I love you...'
'I know.' you laughed, tossing him a flirty look over your shoulder while you served your own plate.
'So how was the weekend?' you asked him as you sat right next to him while you ate together in peace.
'It was good. Very tiring, but good. I feel like we made good progress with the bike this weekend.'
'That's great! How about your arm? How did it hold up?'
'Not so good. Even on the painkillers, I was still in so much pain. But I'm alright now. It's just that leaning so far down and putting that much pressure on it is testing it too much.' he said, shoveling more food into his mouth and groaning at how good it was.
'Do you want me to get your ice packs ready? They're in the freezer.' you offered.
'No, not tonight. Tomorrow I probably will ice it, but tonight I just want to spend time with you and catch up on lost time.'
'In more ways than one?' you suggested with a slight smirk playing at your lips.
'In more ways than one.' he winked and rested his hand on your thigh for the rest of dinner.
'How was your week to yourself?' he asked you with all of his attention focused on you now.
'It was alright! Work was busy, so that kept my mind off of being so lonely when I get home.' you laughed lightly. 'But the weekend sucked. I was so bored by myself that I even cleaned the shelves in the closet.'
'The ones that reach the ceiling?' he gawked.
'Yes... The ones that reach the ceiling.'
'How the hell did you even get up there? You're shorter than me and I can't reach them.' he laughed.
'There is a lot of power behind being nimble and owning a step stool honey.' you patted his shoulder and kissed his cheek before getting out of your chair to bring the dishes to the sink.
'You done?' you asked him, pointing to his plate.
'Yes, but I'll get it. Here, give me your plate.' he said, not really giving you a choice before he took the plate from your hand and brought it to the kitchen for you.
'Thank you my love.' you drew out and tilted your head to bat your eyelashes at him. He smiled a toothy smile before saying you're welcome. The two of you made quick work of cleaning the kitchen together and putting the remaining food away. Small conversation was made, but it really just felt good to be in each other's presence again.
'I love you.' he said, hands holding your waist in his grip as he back you up against the counter. He smiled against your lips before pushing his lips against yours.
'Mm... I love you too.' you said lovingly, your hand running through his soft, jet black hair as you smiled back at him.
'I'm really debating whether or not I should just skip the foreplay and get right to it or if I should do some foreplay here.' he chuckled at the snort you let out in response. 'I'm not kidding! My dick says no foreplay, but my romance side says foreplay all day long.' he laughed. You threw your head back and laughed for a moment before calming down a bit and getting closer to his lips. You were trying not to laugh as you spoke, but you made it as serious and sexy as possible.
'If I were you, I'd listen to your dick. I haven't been touched in a week and there are parts of me aching that I didn't know could ache.'
'Alright then.' he said, picking you up and setting you on the counter behind you. He stripped you of your shirt and shorts, pleasantly surprised that you weren't wearing panties or a bra.
'Were you expecting to get laid tonight?' he cocked his eyebrow at you before kissing at your neck as you giggled.
'I will never underestimate a horny Spaniard coming back after a week of not being home. Of course I expected to get laid.' you joked, laughing when he rested his head on your shoulder and laughed with you.
'That is a very fair point, missy.' he said, not wasting time at all before he leaned your back against the counter and raised your hips to his lips. In this position, he quite literally held all of the control with his arms around your thighs and his hands splayed against your lower stomach. It also made it easier for him so that he didn't have to bend over, he could have his fun with you while standing up.
'I think it's time for dessert now, don't you?' he breathed out, placing wet kisses along your inner thighs and feeling his ear perk up at the sound of your soft moans.
'Shit! I didn't make dessert.' you groaned to yourself. 'I'm sorry.'
'No need to be sorry. What's sitting in front of me looks far more delicious than anything you could've made.' he said lowly before spreading you open with his fingers and dipping his tongue along your slit. You gasped and held the edge of the counter for support before you felt his fingers tease at your entrance. When Marc was in a giving mood, you didn't have to ask or beg him to do anything. Thank god this was one of those moods...
2 of his fingers entered inside you and slowly moved in and out before he paused for just one moment. His tongue dragged it's way from your filled entrance to your clit and his lips wrapped around your clit before he began sucking harshly. As soon as the attention was paid to your clit, you felt his fingers curl inside of you repeatedly and you couldn't help the curses and moans that fell freely and uncontrollably from your mouth.
'Ahhh fuck! N-not so hard. I-I don't want to cum yet.' you hurried out, already feeling your orgasm bubble in your stomach. He chuckled against you before pulling away to speak.
'But if you cum now, I can make you cum again and again and agaaaain...' he drug out, lapping at your clit again and curling his fingers. You leaned your head back and squealed when his teeth grazed your sensitive skin ever so lightly, the sensation only pushing you that much closer to your release.
'Fuck I'm gonna cum!' you moaned, your hand slapping against the counter before reaching up to grip at his hair. You released against his fingers, his tongue lapping eagerly at your sex to lick up every last drop. In your post orgasm haze, you felt him kiss up your body and to your breasts, his mouth paying some much needed attention to your already hardened nipples.
'Oh god...' you sighed out, resting your hand on the back of his head and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He spent a few more moments on your chest before he slowly and tauntingly kissed his way back down to your sex, chuckling darkly at the needy whine that fell from your lips.
'M-marc I can't, ah!' your hips jerked in overstimulation when his mouth latched onto your clit again.
'Yes you can. You're a good girl, I know you can handle it.' he winked before resuming his work on you. This time, there were no fingers involved - just his lips and unbelievably skilled tongue. To your overstimulated core, it felt like he was re-writing the English language and spelling out the alphabet over and over again. His tongue flicked back and forth, side to side, and circled around your clit teasingly before latching on again and sucking while still flicking his tongue against you. At this point, your ears were ringing so loud, your muscles were so tired from being so tense, and your brain was firing on all cylinders over and over again. Your nerve endings were on fire and it felt like his tongue was running over each one of them with each swipe to your clit.
'A-ah I'm gonna cum again! Oh fuck!' you squealed, trying to get away from the intense pleasure you were feeling. His arms were quick to lock against your hips as he held you closer to him now, his face burying deeper between your thighs and his tongue flicking faster and faster. Your moans were beyond loud now - you guessed that the neighbors could hear you at this point.
'Oh god, I-' you rambled, feeling your thighs shake and liquid spill from you in a flood. His fingers seemed to quickly catch on to what was happening and entered inside you, curling immediately to draw more of your juices out. He set your hips back down on the counter and just used his fingers relentlessly on you as you continued to squirt on his hand.
'Good girl.' he drew out, kissing your lips as his actions slowed down and his hand now caressed your inner thigh that was shaking uncontrollably. 'You alright?' he asked, chuckling in your ear.
'Yeah, I'm great...' you sighed, turning your head to offer him a toothy grin on your fucked out face. 'My legs are shaking and I can't walk, I'm fucking amazing.' you giggled, kissing his lips and dipping your tongue quickly into his mouth before teasing him and turning away.
'Look at me.' he said in a low voice, a familiar twinge happening between your legs. You resisted the urge to listen to him and giggled when you heard shuffling in front of you. You squealed when you felt him lift you off the counter and over his shoulder, a slap landing on your ass.
'Now you're just asking for me to fuck you senseless.' he warned, carrying you to the bedroom.
'You certainly won't hear complaining from me.'
'Oh I will when I keep fucking you and you beg me to stop.' he said, tossing you on the bed before getting to work.
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lasquadranights · 3 years
Protective Streaks
Melone x Reader
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Content Warnings: Suggestive Content
Melone’s mouth was on your jaw, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your throat and making you giggle with each one. His hands slid up your sides, touch dipping beneath your shirt to caress your waist sweetly.
There was a loud crack and you both paused, turning your attention in the direction of the road.
Silence stretched for a few seconds. You shrugged and kissed him again, tangling your fingers in his hair and pushing up against his body. The tree at your back gave you more leverage and you weren’t letting that go away.
There was a rustling of leaves and you parted again.
“Might be an animal,” you mumbled. “Or some cop spotted the bike.”
Melone was far from convinced. He disentangled himself from you and stepped around the trees to where he had a better view of the road. The hard set of his jaw grew your concern and you pulled your skirt back down in case. The knife sitting on your ankle felt heavier than usual though you didn’t reach for it yet.
“No cars around,” Melone said. “But it’s alright, we’ll find a better spot.”
You pouted a little but agreed with little complaint. It was only when you started making your way towards the road when you started getting really uneasy.
“Mel,” you whispered. “If we need, we decided Babyface probably wouldn’t kill me, right?”
“Probably not but it would still be ridiculously painful. We’re not testing that theory anytime soon.”
You were a little relieved by that but it was short-lived. Despite how weary you were of Melone’s stand (even though you knew it would never actually hurt you), you may have felt more comfortable if it was out. Not knowing what was sneaking around could quickly get to you.
He pulled you behind a tree once you grew closer to the road, carefully scanning the area before allowing you get close to the parked bike. It sat innocently in the clearing. Moonlight glinted off the metal, reflecting the clear night sky that stretched above.
Melone’s whisper made you jump, not anticipating or having seen him lift the phone to his ear in the first place.
You stared at him wide-eyed as he offered up your location and asked for a return call in a few minutes. Then, he hung up and handed the phone over to you with a muttered ‘just in case’.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” you said, mostly reassuring yourself to keep your heartrate down. “Either way, it won’t be able to catch us once we get to the road.”
Melone nodded, lightly caressing your cheek. “Exactly. Don’t worry about it bella, you’ll be alright. Wait here while I go and see if it’s safe, alright?”
You didn’t have much time to respond before he was leaving you alone. The air was colder than ever on the skin of your stomach and you wrapped your arms around yourself, almost making you regret wearing the beautiful, cropped sweater Melone had bought for you the day before. You wrapped your arms around your midriff tightly as you watched.
A crack behind you made you startle, frantically looking between the trees. Nothing but shadows crossed the ground.
Still, you decided to take the safest option and stepped out to follow Melone.
He turned his attention to you. “Bella –“
“I’m not waiting for something to grab me out of the darkness Mel.”
He looked over your shoulder with a hesitant expression. What was more dangerous? Leaving you alone or letting you come and check for possible traps. It was strange to see Melone looking so weary about anything.
Babyface startled you with its sudden experience, materializing into existence and immediately popping out those incredibly strange limbs of his. It landed on the ground, scrabbling off to search around the trees.
“Is that safe for him?”
The stand was weaker than most, at least when it was in its computer form. More than one complaint from Ghiaccio had warned you of that.
“It’ll be fine.”
You shivered, not wanting to slide closer to Melone in case you caused any problems but also beginning to really feel the cold. It slithered around your exposed waist and under your shirt no matter what you did.
It was strange to see your partner so focused.
Melone was never serious around you – especially not when you were wearing something he’d gotten for you. It was always soft kisses and tickling fingers, punctuated only by a thousand compliments. Yet he wasn’t even looking at you for now. Perhaps it was making you more nervous in the moment but you appreciated it even more later.
Few things were worthy of such a devotion of Melone’s attention. Your safety was one of them.
There was a scuttling noise and you almost screamed, catching yourself right before you kicked the computer that came racing up to you. Babyface beeped loudly and your heart leapt again. Kneeling down, you awkwardly reached out your hand and scratched its strange little chin while text scrolled across the screen.
“What’s it saying?” Melone asked.
“Hidden cop car nearby,” you read, carefully keeping your voice down even as relief flooded your bones.
Probably just somebody who noticed the bike then. Likely not even a stand user.
Melone’s easy grin reappeared and Babyface vanished as you were swept into your partner’s arms. His tongue traced the shell of your ear, a whisper sending shivers down your spine.
“Don’t suppose you want another indecent exposure charge?”
You batted him away with a laugh, unrestrained as it echoed through the trees. The worry that had gripped you before now seemed trivial. The potential danger would never go away but wasting your energy on a cop who was probably already on Passione’s payload was pointless.
“Come on,” you urged. “Let’s find a better spot. It was getting a little chilly out here anyway.”
“I know just the place. You’re going to love it.”
You heard the policeman stumble his way through the trees as the bike threw up dirt behind itself. His shouts were lost to the wind as Melone raced down the road, your face buried against his back.
You wrapped your arms tighter around his waist, pulling yourself in closer to shield your skin from the chill. Maybe Risotto was right and you should get some things like a jacket or a helmet.
Those thoughts were interrupted by Melone though, speaking only loud enough to be heard over the wind.
“Do you want to go back instead?”
“Why would I?”
“You were pretty nervous back there. You’ll feel safer if you’re somewhere you know.”
“Don’t worry Mel, I already feel safe with you.”
Later, when he made the comment about you not being scared of Babyface and you reiterated your statement, you realised it meant more to your blonde partner than you’d thought. Perhaps that was why he was so quick to become protective. He never wanted to make you feel like you were in danger in any way.
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charlies-gillespie · 3 years
you’re not taking the stairs | luke patterson
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paring: fem!reader x alive!luke patterson
summary: Luke sneaks reader into his room at night after he got grounded, but gets caught by his parents
requested: no
length: medium
rating: PG
warnings: just a heated makeout session
!! NOT MY GIF !!
You sit on the couch in the garage that Sunset Curve plays in. Alex and Reggie are at home, and Luke’s parents are outside talking to their son. You were watching Luke practice one of the band’s songs and enjoying listening to him play.
“You should’ve told us you were in a band!” you hear Luke’s mother shout. The garage door is cracked a bit. You don’t mean to eavesdrop but there’s nothing else you can really do.
Luke says, “Like you would’ve let me join the band if I had told you.”
His dad says, “We’re not that keen on you being in a rock band at seventeen, Luke. You’ve heard what goes on behind the scenes with rock bands.”
Everyone’s quiet for a second before Luke says, “I’m not quitting the band. I know that’s why you both came out here.”
“Then you’re grounded,” his mother says. “You’re 17, Luke. You shouldn’t be out at night on the streets of Los Angeles at your age.”
Luke begins to say, “Mom, that’s not fair-”
She says, “Luke, you joined a rock band without asking us first. You are 17 and not yet legal. You can’t just go and join a band without our permission. It’s either you quit or you’re grounded.”
You hear your boyfriend sigh and say, “I’m not quitting.”
His mother says, “Then say goodbye to your friends until further notice. Your father and I need to think and talk about this before we let you continue in this band. Let’s go, we’re going home.”
“I need to go grab some things from the garage,” Luke sighs. The door opens and you watch Luke walk in. He closes the door again and walks over to you. You stand up and look at him.
Luke says, “I have to go. Technically my parents are right. I’m not legal yet and probably should have asked before I started a rock band.”
You sigh and say, “You guys have a tour meeting in a few days. You might be able to play the Orpheum and you’re now grounded.”
He smiles and says, “I won’t be for long. I promise. Come by my house tonight, Y/N. Just don’t take the stairs when leaving your house like you usually do.”
“I’ll be there,” you tell him.
Luke smiles and says, “See you in a little bit.” He leans down and presses a light kiss to your lips. You smile and push him back a little bit since he has to go.
You look up at him and tell him, “Go, before your parents like flip out on you.”
He laughs and leaves the garage.
It’s only eight. The sun has completely set since it’s December. You have three hours before you’re due to sneak into your boyfriend’s room.
You leave your apartment at 10:30 that night. You bike to Luke’s house, which takes a half-hour because his place is on the other side of town.
When you get to Luke’s house, you hide your bike in the same bushes you always use a few blocks away from his place. You walk the two blocks, sneaking up the driveway and going around back. You see the light on in Luke’s room. You can see him sitting on his bed with his guitar, strumming away.
Avoiding the bushes, you walk up to his window. You knock lightly on the glass and Luke looks up at you. A smile forms on his lips and he gets up, walking over to you. He pulls open the window and says quietly, “Glad you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” you tell him. “Help me in.”
Luke grabs your hands and pulls you into his room. You’re careful to avoid the guitar sitting by his window. You pull the window closed once you’re in his room.
You ask, “What were you playing? I saw you on your guitar when I walked up.”
He laughs softly and says, “I was just practicing Now or Never. If you were hoping for new music, sorry to disappoint.”
With a smile forming on your face, you tease, “All that new music I know you’re working on all the time and you are playing Now or Never.”
“It’s going to be a bop,” Luke tells you, putting his guitar in it’s usual spot by the door.
You watch him and ask, “So, why did you ask me to sneak into your room? You only do that when you really want to see me.”
Luke comes back over to you and says, “I really wanted to see you since I’m apparently grounded.”
“You just saw me a few hours ago,” you point out to him.
Your boyfriend smiles and says, “And I won’t see you until I get out of here.”
You blink at him and ask, “Get out of here?”
He nods. “I’m going to pack a bag of clothes, grab my acoustic, and I’m going to stay in the garage.”
“Your parents know you practice there,” you tell him. “That’s going to be the first place they check. You know that.”
Luke says, “That’s another reason why I wanted you to come by. I wanted to ask if I could stay with you in your apartment for a couple of days while they look for me. They don’t know where you live and they’ll probably stop checking the garage after a few days.”
You live in your own apartment with the money your parents left you before they passed. Luke is the only person who knows where you live. “Luke, you’re going to run away?” you ask.
He nods again, saying, “I can’t stay here, Y/N. They will actually make me quit the band and I don’t want to quit the band. I heard them talking before they went to bed.”
With a sigh, you say, “If you’re going to live with me for a few days then we need to set some ground rules.”
“So I can stay with you?” Luke asks.
You smile and say, “Yes, you can stay with me, but for no more than like two weeks, okay? I don’t want you actually moving in with me yet.”
Luke smiles back and says, “I just need a few days then I’m out of your hair.”
“You’re never out of my hair,” you joke.
Your boyfriend laughs and says, “Very funny, Y/N.”
You chuckle and say, “I’m so funny.”
“Yes you are,” Luke says. You smile up at him and he cups your face in his hands. You meet his pretty hazel eyes.
He pulls you into a soft kiss. You take a step closer to your boyfriend and tilt your head up. Luke begins to push you toward the bed. Your knees hit the mattress and you fall backward, pulling Luke with you.
Both of you laugh as the kiss continues. Luke settles between your legs and your fingers slide into his hair. He deepens the kiss when you part your lips ever so slightly and his tongue slips into your mouth. You let out a soft sigh.
Neither of you hear the footsteps walking down the hallway outside the room. Luke’s bedroom door opens and he jumps off of you. You look up and see Luke’s parents standing in the doorway.
His mom looks between you both before she says, “Luke Patterson, you are in so much trouble.”
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