#kiyoshi teppei fluff
theholypeanut · 6 months
Peanut Wheel of Fortune Event
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Cw: 2,3k, hurt to comfort, angst, Kiyoshi getting hurt (as in knb plot), one curse word, gn!reader
Plot: Kiyoshi was your biggest love, but it’s not easy to date a person who will sacrifice themselves on every chance they got
Event Masterlist
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Kyoshi Teppei was a perfect guy. 
When you met him at the beginning of your high school life, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was anyone who embodied Golden Retriever energy better than he did. He was so nice to everyone, energetic, polite, and well-mannered, and he simply shined everywhere he went. You couldn’t believe how that happened, that one rainy day he confessed to you, with this bright smile, a tiny blush, while rubbing his nape from embarrassment. You could guess he asked at least three different people for their good luck before talking to you. Of course, you liked him too, how could you not? It was Kiyoshi Teppei. 
The first month of our relationship felt like a dream. He was Prince Charming, the greenest flag, the person who, on hearing you say you were thirsty, would run to the shop to get three of your favourite drinks and a soup just in case and sprint back before you even noticed. He always put you first and talked to you for hours, and your family loved him too. You cheered him on at every game and you became friends with his team, it all felt like the high school romance manga of your dreams. Until it started to fall apart.
Kiyoshi not only put you first, but he put everyone first. He was the most selfless person you knew. When Seirin started to get far in Inter-High elimination, he was the one working the hardest and sacrificing the most. It didn't surprise you that you spent less time together as a result: you couldn't be angry, and you'd support him no matter what. Or so you thought. Kiyoshi would never talk to you and tell you what was wrong, but you noticed a change in his behaviour at some point when his shine was no longer so bright. You noticed micro-expressions on his face like he was in pain - but whenever you asked him about it, he'd brush it off and tell you everything was fine.
Your dates became less frequent, but you were okay with that. Having a boyfriend with big dreams wasn't going to be easy. And then the Kirisaki Daiichi match happened. 
At this point, you already noticed that Teppei was overworking himself. He always put everyone first without looking back - that was what you loved and hated about him at the same time. But when you saw him get hurt during the match, it broke your heart. The whole scene looked awful and you had to cover your mouth in case you were going to throw up. The match was stopped and everything was chaotic. You barely remember anything until you got to the hospital. You wanted to be there for him, to support Kiyoshi in his worst moments. But your final straw was when he refused surgery because otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to play basketball in high school. 
You yelled at him to the point that the nurse asked you to leave. You cried and just told him you won't take it anymore. You refused to just stand there and watch him kill himself for basketball. He didn't say anything.
And that's how your relationship with Kiyoshi Teppei ended. 
People always say that your first love rarely is the last one. You wouldn’t know - even after some time had passed and you hadn't talked to Kiyoshi since the break-up, you couldn't imagine dating someone else. You were partly grateful that he was in hospital for so long and that you didn't have to see him, because deep down you knew that if he asked you to come back, you'd do it in a heartbeat. Your friends stayed by your side, telling you that you deserved to be with someone who didn't put basketball ahead of his health and, well, you. But as the year went on, you couldn't help but wonder if you'd ever loved someone as much as you loved him.
The graduation passed and you still didn’t even see him in the school. At first, you were angry, but as time went on you had to fight the temptation to call him and ask how he was. You avoided his friends from the team till graduation, but it was eating you from the inside how you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of him at school. Graduation of the first year, spring holidays, beginning of the new year. No sight. No call, no message. You were going through all stages of grief. You heard rumours about the basketball team being amazing again, without Kiyoshi. „Good for them” you replied to your friends when someone tried to break the news to you as a kind of small talk. Everyone around you knew not to mention basketball anymore. At that point, it almost felt like it was basketball that took away your first love.
But deep down, you were rooting for Seirin. How could you not? This team was built with your lover's sweat, tears and blood. But it made you sad that he was not here to contribute to its success. Until Kiyoshi showed up for the winter semester. And instead of feeling relieved that he was well, you were angry again. When he didn't even find a second to write you a single message for a year, you kind of wished he had a good reason: not that he'd just come back to school, all bright and shiny like before, without a proper explanation. Or has he moved on?
You wouldn’t know, and to be fair, you didn’t want to know. Because the idea that Kiyoshi simply moved on, because it was not as important to him as it was to you was as painful to you, as getting hurt during the match was to Teppei. So you decided to ignore him. Pretend that you never crossed paths. Sometimes it was less painful than seeing him behave like nothing had happened and that you had never been together.
You didn’t come to any games, you didn’t want to listen to the exciting news about how Seirin had a realistic chance of winning this time. Until one day, out of nowhere, you got a message from an unknown number. 
You hadn't really blocked Kiyoshi the year before, because he never really tried to contact you. But one day, a month after you broke up, your best friend invited you over for a sleepover, you had two beers together, and after being influenced, you deleted his number and all his messages. But you knew his number by heart, so when it popped up on your screen, your heart skipped a beat.
„If we win this game, please let’s talk” it’s all it said. Of course, that was so Teppei. He was at the school for almost four months and needs a fucking game to schedule when he will talk to you. You didn’t answer. There weren't enough words in the vocabulary to describe how angry and sad you were, and you didn't want to be the salty ex who wrote him an angry essay and made him lose a game.
But it happened: Seirin won. And just out of curiosity, you actually watched the game this time. You couldn't get rid of the painful feeling in your chest when you knew how much it had cost Teppei to achieve all this. On the one hand, you were relieved that he finally made it, but on the other hand, you couldn't deny the sadness. You never replied to that text, partly out of fear: you didn't really know what to expect from him anymore: it had been a year since you broke up, what was there to say? You felt stupid for never really moving on, but life went on without you. And maybe Kiyoshi too.
Days after the game, you stayed longer at school, stuck with your class responsibilities. It was quiet and the evening sun was glowing through the window, as you stapled the notes teacher asked you to bring after classes. Just as you finished, the classroom door opened abruptly. "A perfect student as always?" You heard a familiar voice and felt a shiver run down your spine. "Stop making fun of me, I've never been a perfect student anyway" you replied, slightly annoyed. This was so him: trying to make up for the year of ghosting with a friendly joke. "You never replied to my text. Did you change your number?" He ignored your answer and asked without further small talk. You avoid his eyes as you reply, avoiding the question: "Congratulations on your win, Kiyoshi."
Your tone was neutral, cold. The worst part was, it’s not like you hated him. How could you? But the wound was too deep to just fall into his arms like in a cheap romance novel. You heard his footsteps as he came closer, sitting on the table right next to you. „I’m so sorry.” You heard his full of regret voice. „I don’t even know where to start with all of the things I should apologise for. But what you need to know is that for all this time I could never stop thinking how I want to make it up to you.” He stopped for a second, and continued, hesitantly: „All I want to know, is if you… still love me enough, to give me a second chance. Or love me at all.”
You smiled, to his surprise. You finally looked at him, for the first time since he had entered the room. "How is it that after all this time you still know exactly what I want to hear?" He smiled back, but before he could say anything, you continued in a serious tone: "Why didn't you say anything for a year?" This was no time to beat around the bush - no amount of sweet words would change the fact that he had simply let you go and only returned when he had achieved his goal. No matter how you look at it, it seems that you were never his priority, only basketball.
Kiyoshi felt slightly intimidated by your straightforwardness, but sent you one of his branded bright smiles. 
"You know, that's one of the things I've always loved about you: you're the most honest person I've ever met. I still remember you yelling at me in the hospital. I have thought about your words ever since." He paused for a moment, looking down at his huge, calloused hands. "At first it took me a long time to process what had happened. Can you imagine that the whole time I was in hospital, I didn't believe it was over? I just refused to believe it. All the time I just believed that we would talk it out and it would be the same. Every day I rehearsed in my head my apology when you'd walk through the hospital door like you used to. But you never did. It seems so silly now, but all the time I thought that if I wrote to you, the break-up would be real. It wasn't. I think I only realised it when I came back to school and you refused to look at me. I don't think I've ever felt so empty in my life. Not even Hanamiya's foul came close to that pain. But I didn't want to just come crawling back to you and repeat the exact same pattern as last year. I did not want to... disappoint you like that again."
After you heard him pause, you couldn't help but wonder if there was any way you could have resolved this sooner, by communicating. You looked at his face attentively. "But now… I guess after we won with Hanamiya… All I could think about was how much I want us to be together again. It is embarrassing to admit how much I missed your voice. Even if you'll just scold me. But at least" he hesitated, and you noticed a tiny blush on his cheeks, "at least I had the courage to finally ask you if there was any chance that you felt the same way." His face became even more red as he quickly added: "I heard from Riko that you don't go out with anyone, if you do, I'm so sorry for saying such things."
You looked at him, still stunned by everything you'd just heard, and you couldn't help but think that Kiyoshi Teppei really is a perfect guy. No matter how much you wanted to hate him right now, to scream at him for all the time he hadn't reached out to you, you felt the anger just go away by looking at his face, all red, and his beautiful eyes trying to avoid your gaze out of embarrassment and fear that he might have said all those things to a taken person. How could you be so angry with him? You moved slowly towards him and rested your forehead on his chest. He was surprised by the sudden touch, but didn't move. 
"You're so stupid" you said as you grabbed his shirt. You waited a second to not let him notice that your voice was cracking. "Promise me you'll never do anything like that again? I never want to hear you put basketball before your health again." You couldn't see his face, but he sighed and put his hand on your head. 
„I promise” he said with the most gentle voice. 
You know what they say, that love is not enough for a relationship to survive. But this time you really think it will be enough to fuel both of you to work it out and grow together so that you'll never break up again.
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dira333 · 6 months
Don't judge a man by his cover - Kiyoshi Teppei x Reader
requested by anon - I'd love to get to know you, you're so creative with your prompts
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The worst part of being an exemplary student? Getting picked for the job of babysitter.
No, you don’t want to show some freshman how to get around College. You’ve got assignments to finish and deadlines to catch and if you’re falling behind on your reading because you had to hold someone’s hand, who’s going to hold your hand? 
“Kiyoshi Teppei?” You ask, mouth turning dry the moment he gets up from his chair. He’s a giant. He’s going to crush you with one hand. 
You blink down at your paper, the bare minimum of information on your sheet. 
“You’re eighteen?” You ask, unable to keep the disbelief out of your voice.
“Sorry,” he smiles, “I know I look younger.” 
He doesn’t. He looks like he could be passing for thirty. He’s probably buying Soju for younger guys, pretending to be their father when the cops call.
“Well, follow me,” you croak out, knees turning into jelly when he smiles down on you like that.
Thirty minutes in you’re starting to believe less and less that he’s barely turned eighteen.
Kiyoshi walks like a grandpa, hands folded behind his back. 
He smiles up at the birds and down at the flowers and when a particularly rowdy freshman runs past you, he lets out a low whistle and calls the guy a “rascal” of all things.
“So, uh…” You look down at your notes, “What are you going to study?” 
“Sports education,” Kiyoshi explains with a smile. “It’s important to look out for the next generation, don’t you think?”
“Eh…” You start, but you don’t know what to say.
“What are you studying?” Kiyoshi asks, eyes crinkling at the corner as she smiles with his whole face.
“Medicine.” That’s an easy answer. “I’ve always wanted to go that direction, but I’m still a little undecided which direction to go into.”
“Well, there’s sports medicine, which I’m currently most interested in, but I also think veterinary medicine is important. I don’t think I could work with children. While it can give you a lot, if the cases are sad, they are very sad, you know?”
He nods. His smile is warm and inviting. Your lips move on their own.
“Hungry?” Kiyoshi points at the little bistro. You blink, check the time on your watch, and flinch back in shame. 
“I’m so sorry!” You rush out, “I didn’t mean to blabber this much. You barely saw anything yet! If we turn left now, we can still catch-”
“Or…” he interrupts you softly, “We can get something to eat first and discuss some of my questions. I’m sure you would prefer doing this introduction in a few short, separate times instead of all at once, right?”
“Well,” you start. Kiyoshi opens the door to the bistro for you, waves his large hand to invite you in. You don’t really have an argument against it. 
- - -
“Any more questions?” You ask, popping another fry in your mouth.
Kiyoshi’s leaning back in his chair, hands folded behind his head. He’s whistling something, eyes almost closed. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s falling asleep.
“Are you free on Saturday?” He asks and you blink, a little surprised.
“I am, why? Did I forget anything?”
“No, you went over everything in minute detail, I appreciate that. But I wanted to ask you out.”
You halt, another fry halfway to your mouth. 
“You’re asking me out?” You ask.
Kiyoshi smiles. “I am.”
“Why not?”
You cock your head to the side and muster him. He’s not one to make jokes about this kind of thing, at least that’s what you gathered from the five times you’ve met so far.
Kiyoshi’s good at listening, even better at asking the questions that make you start talking. He probably knows you better than you know him and you did think you got him figured out already.
“Why would I date you?” You ask, try to sound more confident than you feel.
His knee presses against yours. You doubt it’s a coincidence, not after sitting close like this for thirty minutes without ever touching. His smile is soft and warm, giving you the (wrong) impression that he’s slow on the uptake, on thinking this through.
You should have figured out sooner that he’s pretty sly if he wants to be. 
“I’ll buy you fries?” He poses it like a question. You press your knee against his and his smile turns mischievous, if only for a heartbeat.
Kiyoshi Teppei is not the fool he likes to pretend he is. There’s a depth to him that makes you want to know more.
You nod, pop the now cold fry into your mouth and grin.
“Fries and a milkshake, please.”
- - -
“Honey?” Teppei’s large frame swallows all the light and you blink, look up from the book you’d been reading in. He’s towering over your bed like the giant he is, a strawberry-themed Squishmallow in his gigantic hands.
“It’s time for bed.”
You blink again and check the clock. Okay, yes, it is pretty late. But you only have like, twenty pages in this chapter, and-
“If we go to bed now, we can still cuddle before you fall asleep…” Kiyoshi explains, voice slow and careful as if he’s just now pondering it. But he’s a sly one, your boyfriend, and you’re pretty sure that Squishmallow isn’t dancing in front of you because he just picked it up at random.
“I guess I could be convinced,” you start, squealing when he picks you up with ease. You don’t flail in his hold, not when he’s pulled you this close, your nose digging into his hair now, your chest probably smothering him. 
“Okay, okay, we can snuggle,” you agree, laughing now that you’re in his arms. “Jeez, you could have just asked.”
You sense the pinch before you feel it. You can’t help but giggle, slinging your arms around him as he puts you back down, pulling him with you as best as you can.
You can read more in the morning, cuddling Teppei is more important right now.
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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kleftiko · 1 year
Honestly, I love the idea of Teppei Kiyoshi putting his s/o over his shoulder when they get too angry. He'd apologize to the person who was a second away from getting wrecked, putting on his cute face while reader is struggling and squirming to try and fight still. Hanamiya better watch out. Could you write something for that? If not that’s okay!
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cw: none, this is fluff, language [not proofread]
the fact that my boyfriend already has to hold me back cause im a bitch that doesn’t let people walk over him :)
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your boyfriend is handsome. he’s kind, funny, and cute, so everyone flocks to him.
he likes to think you compliment him; you have an attitude—you’re feisty. it’s one of his favourite things about you.
it also means he needs to keep you on a metaphorical leash when you two go out, get a little bit of alcohol in you at the bar and you’re a wild thing. so when he sees you crashing the billiards tournament, he’s not too concerned until he sees your face fall from a tipsy smile to an annoyed glare.
it’s second nature to excuse himself from the conversation and make his way quickly across the bar to where you are, getting in the face of some guy who looks like he regrets everything.
“hands off means hands off, little boy.” you snarl and the guy’s eyes flick towards your boyfriend behind you.
“control your bitch, dude.” he says.
“oh, i’ll show you what a bitch is.” you threaten, only for the world to turn upside down.
the alcohol in your system paired with your man’s arms hauling you over his shoulder shut you up for a dizzying second before you’re squirming around and trying to get out of his his hold.
“please don’t call my girl that.” you hear teppei say, pinching your butt to make you stop.
there’s a pause.
“i see a bitch, i call a bitch.”
“well, i see a virgin who struck out, so…” you can practically hear the adorable smile on your boyfriend’s face.
you snort. audibly.
and your boyfriend walks out of the bar.
he doesn’t say anything on the way home, doesn’t put you down either, and you enjoy swaying in the wind and teppei’s hands on your thighs.
“i could’ve handled it.” you hummed and he patted your butt affectionately.
“i don’t feel like bailing you outta jail tonight, babe.”
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Hiii love <3 can I request hcs of Aomine, Kiyoshi and Imayoshi with a s/o that's terrible at sports? Like how would they feel about how unathletic their s/o are 😭 thank you for this :))
❤️Aomine Daiki, Kiyoshi Teppei, and Imayoshi Shoichi Having S/O Who Are Terrible At Sports❤️
A/N: YO MY FRIEND! Thank you so much for requesting me this headcanon. I feel like I am also Unathletic so this would be quite relatable for me and some of the readers. There might be some fluff scenes or some jokes. I hope you like the final result!
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Aomine Daiki -Touou Academy
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Darling, I'm not saying that Aomine is heartless but you know he can be an insensitive prick and the reason I am saying this is because Aomine would make fun of you.
But he's not a monster so he is only going to bully you lovingly when you fail to shoot your basketball. Yes; I said it. He is going to bully you when you fail to shoot your ball.
"Lol, is that how do you shoot the ball? Let me show you how babe. I'll show you how I do it," while messing up your hair and turning your hair into a bird's nest because he just loves messing with your hair.
I don't think he minds that he has a S/O that is horrible at sports but he does acquire to have a S/O that likes to have fun while playing sports. You don't have to be a good player, you just need to have fun.
If you are bad at sports as his S/O, he would make fun of you, especially your height if you are a short gremlin. However, he would be kind enough to teach you how to play basketball.
I'm sorry babe I know I said that he wants a S/O that does enjoy sports because he's the type that likes to invite people to have fun so if you hate basketball. There's a chance he's going to break up with you or he would keep forcing you to play with him.
If you are not good at blocking. HE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO STEAL YOUR BALL OFTEN! TOO OFTEN THAT YOU WOULD GET ANNOYED BY HIM! I'm sorry babe. I'm just saying how he is.
But don't worry, he would still love you even though you are not athletic enough. But that just means he will be more jerk because he's not going to stop to tease you.
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It was in the afternoon and the gym was surprisingly empty because it's usually filled with basketball team members training. There's a chance that they are going to train a little bit late because even the coach is not in the place or maybe the training would be tomorrow so it's very peaceful. There are no sounds of basketball balls hitting the board or the sound of the basketball team screaming.
(Y/N) which are you, find this kind of odd but you didn't really mind about it because it's better to be like this. You hate the idea of your face getting hit by those things. Those things are hard, harder than volleyballs to no joke. There are many cases of your classmates getting hit on the face until they were unconscious.
However, it spikes your curiosity and you want to know what it feels like to play basketball. You saw your boyfriend playing basketball before and he was an amazing player. No one ever has beaten him on the court each time you watch him playing basketball and defeating the enemy.
As a result of your own curiosity, the (H/C) haired and (S/C) skinned woman/man/nonbinary starts to get up from the sit before walking into one of the carts that were filled by the balls. Taking one of them and trodding closer to one of the basketball hoops. You do notice it would be very difficult for short people to play because this kind of thing is tall.
But this did not stop you at all. Instead, this makes you determined to get at least one of the balls inside of the ring as you start to dribble the ball. As your hand catch the dribbling ball, you took a deep breath and closed your (E/C) eyes before opening them to see the rings across from you, standing like a giant.
Well, it sure disappoint (Y/N) a lot because it did not get inside of the hoop and (Y/N) can hear the horrible familiar loud laughter from far away. Your eyes immediately wide in shock, turning around to see your boyfriend, Aomine Daiki. Laughing at you for failing at your shoot as he wipes the fake tears from the corner of his eyes.
"Is that what you call a shoot?" he steps up inside the gym with a smirk on his face. "Let me show you how it's done, shortie-" he puts his arms in the pocket of his basketball shorts as he stands in front of you.
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Kiyoshi Teppei - Seirin High School
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A gentleman and one of the hottest angels in Seirin. Also, the one who would most likely not judge you if you are horrible in sports and not athletic. So he is less much of a jerk than Aomine.
Kiyoshi definitely still loves you even if you never make a shoot in your life or if you are horrible in any sport because I believe his kind of type of person he crushes on is someone who is strong-hearted (we can conclude he likes the types who are resilient, brave or courageous people).
Kiyoshi definitely going to teach you how to play basketball, even the basics and you know he has amazing patience so he could even teach you the most basic things.
He might find it funny when you failed many shoots but he also feels slightly bad because he knows that you tried really hard so he would give you many chances.
Also, he would point out your mistakes and the reason why you fail the sport but in a polite way instead of blatantly saying it. he would just sugarcoat his words a little bit because he does not want to hurt you.
He would still be supportive if you are still interested in sport despite your lacking many skills or if you aren't interested in it. He's not a horrible teacher.
If you get sad because you feel not athletic like your boyfriend, Kiyoshi Tepeo. Don't be, expect some encouraging words from him as he said that you are perfect the way you are.
Also expect some hugs and pats in the back, he hates to see you get insecure or sad just because you feel you are not athletic and you're not a good match for him.
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As the manager from Seirin, (Y/N) (L/N) would always help Riko, the coach from Seirin by preparing some drinks, and meals and helping with the team training regiment to increase their skills by talking with her and taking important notes of each member and watching them play basketball.
However, it piques your curiosity whenever you saw them playing because they were working very hard to beat the other team's rivals. You heard the group had beaten Shutoku as well as Kaijou before but looses after playing against Touou. You saw your boyfriend's amazing skill in basketball and it made you interested in basketball despite not knowing how to play basketball.
As the rest of the team members surrounded your classmate, Riko who also happened to be your closest friend. You were sitting there and writing down other team members' important points by writing down their weaknesses and their strengths so Riko could make a better training regimen.
Nevertheless, it did not stop you as (Y/N) put down the paper on top of the bench. Taking one of the balls inside of the cart in the corner of the gym room before starting to dribble the ball in (Y/N)'s hand. Going forward into one of the basketball rings, see how tall the post is and if you are able to put the ball inside of the ring.
No one paid attention except the familiar pairs of warm brown eyes that watch your every movement. He could not help but feel happy that his S/O are trying to play his favourite basketball despite she/he/they aren't athletic as the rest of the other basketball team members.
Despite Kiyoshi hides his laughter when he sees you failing to shoot the basketball. Kiyoshi also feels bad, knowing that you are trying your best to even get just one goal and this gives him a quick idea before standing up from the bench and walking up to (Y/N). Getting closer and closer until he was standing behind you.
The (H/C) haired women/men/nonbinary felt a presence behind you until your turned around to see your boyfriend standing behind you with a smile on your face. "Ah, (Y/N)-san. It seems you had a little bit of troubleshooting the balls into the rings. If you don't mind, I would be glad to teach you how to play," Kiyoshi offers, placing his hand on top of your shoulder.
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Imayoshi Shoichi - Touou Academy
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I am contemplating writing Imayoshi because I could see he has his annoying and insensitive moments but I could see him also as a supportive boyfriend even if you are not athletic.
The reason I am saying this is because there would be a time he does makes fun of you. You shoot the balls into the net or into the basketball ring and miss? He would tease the hell out of you.
However, it depends because if you are unathletic because of your injury. he won't make fun of you but if you are just basically lazy and hates sports? He makes fun of you but is not as insensitive as Aomine.
"Oh? Is that how do you shoot your ball? That is interesting, I never see a player plays like that" and proceed to get hit by you after you hear his little comment and he chuckles at your reaction.
However, I do not believe that his type of partner must have the same athletic skill as him as we can see in Kuroko's character bible. He likes a kikubari (a considerate person).
If you are interested in sport but you are not athletic enough. He's not a horrible teacher either, he would teach you even from the basic things.
Also if you had an injury and you are not athletic but you are interested in it. He would be very understanding and I can see him as someone who has enormous patience when teaching you.
So in conclusion, he is in a between. He would be mean to you slightly, making fun of you but in a joking way, like Aomine does. But he would be understanding too, a little bit like Kiyoshi but in his own way.
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It has been such a long time since you haven't played any sports after the incident that happens to you for a long time. The injury was severe that the doctor told (Y/N) to stop participating in heavy sports such as basketball, soccer, Volleyball, and other sports that could potentially be worsening the injuries on your knees.
This used to make you upset a lot, especially when you notice the way people stare at you with pity, it does frustrate poor (Y/N) as your skill in sports decreases and the only thing you could do is becoming Touou's manager just like your classmate, Momoi. She was your classmate that sometimes helps you out by taking notes on the rival's weaknesses before giving them to you.
Watching the other play basketball freely like a bird spread its wings, but those things made (Y/N) jealous and an idea popped into your mind. 'There's nothing wrong, right? If I'm playing as the others are resting? Maybe I should try' (Y/N) silently think to themselves/herself/himself as you take one of the balls that were rolling next to your feet.
A pair of slanted eyes sees you taking one of the basketballs, a little bit confused about why are you holding one of the balls until his confusion was replaced by a smirk. Watching your every movement from the start by starting to dribble on your hand, walking slowly before it turns into jogging and full-on sprinting until you were underneath the basketball ring and shooting the ball.
It did not go inside at all, (Y/N) cheeks reddened, embarrassed that the ball doesn't go inside at all. Instead, it was thrown away and almost hit other players. "Oh? Is that how do you shoot your ball? That is interesting, I never see a player plays like that" A familiar yet annoying voice spoke up. Turning around, you could see your boyfriend with his usual annoying smirk, making fun of you after failing to get a point after throwing the basketball into the ring.
"Yeah, keep making fun of me until I smack that face of yours with the ball," you roll your eyes at him. "Ah, it's alright. (Y/N)-san. It's okay if you cannot play basketball. Here, let me help you. Follow my instruction on how to shoot," his smirk replaced with his genuine smile.
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lamnwar · 3 months
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"Come on Teppei, give me a clue here! What would genuinely make you happy?" you insist, leaning towards the tall brunette.
He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed as if your question doesn't make any sense at all. Well, it probably doesn't to him, if you have to be honest with yourself. Teppei has always been a bit odd, which, you have to admit, makes loving him awfully hard sometimes. Not feeling wise, of course – it is easy to fall in love with him. You did in a matter of days, which is quite embarrassing to admit.
You've never been a believer in love at first sight. It was cheesy and unrealistic, and you lived your whole life in the belief that anyone who said otherwise was delusional. How can you feel love – which is without a doubt the most complicated and powerful feeling a living being can feel – so quickly? Well, leave it to Teppei Kiyoshi to be the exception that proves the rule.
He didn't do anything special, just being himself, which is, naturally, already out of this world. That tall dummy, too good for his own good, always knew how to get what he wanted out of people.
And what Teppei has always desired from you, is for you to let him be your man. You can't really tell what it is exactly about him – his endless kindness, the way he always protects his loved ones, his soft chocolate eyes looking at you like ancient civilisations would look at the stars. It's probably all of him: his tall and intimidating figure that surprisingly offers the best hugs, his big hands that keep yours warm, his messy brown locks that falls in his kind eyes, his pink lips that stretch in a heartwarming smile. It's how he talks about his grandparents with so much love, and how he spends hours on the court because the most fun he'll ever have is while playing basketball.
Fuck, do you love Teppei Kiyoshi.
Of course you want to make him happy. In all the love languages possible, you're ought to let him know that he is your place of solace, the warmth of a spring sun in your heart. He's your one and only, and you have to give back for all the greatness that he is.
"Would you like a puppy, maybe? You'd look great as a pet dad" you brainstorm, trying to find something – anything – that will make him endlessly happy.
He chuckles, pulling you over his lap as you ramble.
"Should I welcome you home everyday in an apron and nothing else? No, that's too pervy. Unless..." you raise an eyebrow, seemingly considering this option in all seriousness.
The basketball player laughs, the sweet sound rumbling from the depth of his chest, and you can't help but giggle a little too. He smiles, finger twisting around a strand of your hair as he gives you a soft look. It makes you blush, he kinda looks like a dad about to teach life to his child.
"What is it, now?"
"You're cute when you ramble like that, s'all." He confesses, bringing your fingers to his lips to kiss them.
You sigh, leaning in closer as you ask him again, with unwavering intent, the question to which you have yet to get an answer.
"Teppei, I swear to god I'll lose my mind if you don't tell me what would make you happy."
"Hm? Isn't it obvious?" He tilts his head.
You're slightly pissed; no dummy, it isn't obvious! Teppei's mind never works in normal ways, so what may be a given to him is only that: a given to him only.
"Cute little thing that pouts for me" he mutters, lips taunting yours before he pulls you into a kiss.
You hum, melting in the sweet honey of his lips, the way he knows where to grab you, his touch soft and firm at the same time, while you instinctively part your lips for him. You can't even utter a thought at the way his warm tongue glides other yours; and here you are, nothing but a puddle of love for Teppei Kiyoshi.
"It's you. You're what makes me genuinely happy."
His seriousness is almost funny – Teppei has a knack for being serious in the oddest moments. But this time, you can't help the pounding in your chest at his words. Now that he says it, well yeah, it's obvious what makes him happy. You think for a moment if you should debate a bit, but you figure that it's better not to.
Teppei is smarter than you, so it's for your own good to shut up and accept it as an undeniable truth.
The thing that makes Teppei Kiyoshi endlessly happy, is you.
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𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
This is completely self-indulgent and something I pulled out of my ass in the shower. Pairing: Kiyoshi Teppei x Fem Reader, hints of HyuRiko Warnings: A few curses maybe Genre: Fluff
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You and Kiyoshi are in separate classes. How does he know you? You accidentally ran into him LITERALLY during a school festival in your first year at Seirin High.
He was on his way to meet with the rest of the team. Kiyoshi walked down the halls and when he turned the corner, a figure bumped into him. While he was fine, unscathed even, the other person fell unto their ass on the floor.
His face turned into that of concern when he saw you, on the floor, "Oh no, my bad... Are you okay?" He asked, reaching his hand out to you.
You, my dear, are as awkward as a cabbage. But that's okay because it's not like it's awkward. You were in a hurry as you were needed at your club's booth and you were running late. Leading you to this situation. "I...I'm so sorry I should have been more mindful," You said, accepting his hand as he helped pull you to your feet. "It's okay. No biggie! As long as you aren't hurt." He said, smiling at you.
After that, you pretty much never interacted with each other. But oh boy, was Kiyoshi enthralled by you. He unknowingly started to be drawn to your figure whenever he would catch a glimpse of you. At the cafeteria, down the halls, at the school gates, etc.
Before he knew it, he started to develop a crush on you. He realized this after he started to unknowingly search for you whenever he was among a large crowd. He found you quite adorable actually. He tried multiple times to approach you but things kept getting in the way. Someone or something would always call him somewhere before he could even get halfway towards you.
But he sort of knew that you probably aren't interested in him. But boy, oh boy, how wrong he was. You always remembered him and still felt bad about bumping into him. You thought about making it up to him but didn't know how to approach him. Your mind was so occupied by thoughts of him that you didn't realize you developed a crush on him. One school year passed, and none of you still had the guts to approach each other and talk. Kiyoshi decided to take matters into his own hands, 3 months after they won the Winter Cup on Valentine's Day. He navigated through crowds of students, some confessing in their love to someone on the sides of the hallway and some just want to get home. He finally spotted your figure by the locker, putting your books inside. You, on the other hand, are very tired. You wanted to go home, take a nap and after dinner, do your homework and sleep again. You closed your locker shut before flinching when you see Kiyoshi's much larger figure standing in front of you while holding out a single but beautiful rose. You were kinda surprised that you didn't notice his shadow.
"Hi," Kiyoshi greeted you, all with that sweet smile on his face. You were puzzled. Was he talking to you? Your face morphed into that of confusion as you stared up at him. There's no way right? The rose must probably be for someone behind you. You're probably blocking the way. You turned to look behind you, beside you, then back to him. "Are you...Are you talking to me?" You asked, uncertain. Kiyoshi extended the rose in your direction to prove his point, "Yes. This is for you,"
Oh...It is for you. You hesitantly took the rose from him, mumbling a small and quiet thank you and felt all the heat rush up to your face. "And I wanted to ask you something too," He continued. Your attention flicked back to him as you saw tinges of pink on his face as he reached to rub his nape. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me.."
Your eyes lit up as you nodded, "Yes. I'd love that." A smile was evident on your face.
He walked you home that day as he practically melted all the awkwardness you felt and the conversation you two had was so free-flowing, you walked slowly so that it would last longer. Bonus: The captain raised his fist in victory, "Finally that idiot asked her out!" "You should probably follow in his footsteps and ask coach out too." "SHUT UP IZUKI"
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𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
𝑲𝑵𝑩 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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ballblender · 1 year
KnB General Hcs - Part 2
I love them so much the entire knb cast so skrunkly...
contents: sfw
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Kasamatsu is famously (canonically) TERRIBLE at talking to women, so I think that one time at a job interview, he was composing himself in the lobby, prepared to make the best impression of allt ime, but when he was called over by an attractive lady around the same age as him, he disintegrated.
(While we're talking about him, I think he'd be super SUPER respectful to the elderly, just because he feels a sense of responsibility for his elders)
Akashi, personally, I think wouldn't photograph well. (I know he was one or two pictures of him in the show and looks normal but HEAR ME OUT) I just think he gets in his head about how he should appear, and he ends up looking a little too stern, like his eyebrows are just always furrowed.
Kobori, Reo, Kiyoshi, and Kimura probably all take the big sibling/brother roles in their respective teams. (i don't imagine tōō or yōsen having anybody like that) Like, they'd go out of their way to buy everybody drinks after practice or a match, no matter their mood.
Miyaji, our resident Miyu-Miyu stan, once attended a concert, ran into his female classmates, and while i don't think he's the kind of guy to be incredibly 'i wanna die' embarrassed type, he definitely didn't want to admit that he was there for his own enjoyment. So when the girls eventually notice their literal 6'3 (anybody else surprised by his height btw?? he gives short energy LMAO) giant of a classmate, he psh'ed and just said "I'm waiting for somebody." No, he has not been able to avoid the girlfriend allegations since.
Kagami sleeps with so many pillows, and it's because of his muscle pains, but holy shit his bed is just a clump of fluff.
Izuki, for whatever reason, always has crap falling about of his locker. Whether it's his piles of joke books, the rare sheet of schoolwork, or an old coffee can, you can never EVER trust him to keep his locker clean for more than 4 days.
Kasamatsu deserves the world I don't care what you think (i care ily <3)
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1lenii · 1 year
Can you write a short oneshot for Teppei Kiyoshi from KNB where he's holding his s/o's hand and says "you're hands are so small"?
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Handy Date
Kiyoshi Teppei x GN!Reader
❀Thank you for requesting! Bueno anon I hope this was to your liking!
❀Gender Neutral Reader!! Fluff!! Mentions of the hot(kagami)head 1x
❀No Warnings⚠️❗️
❀ In the chilly nights of Tokyo, we see a normal couple on a date!❀
“C’mon Kiyoshi we’re gonna be late!” Y/N says rushing the man who’s now currently slipping on his shoes
“I’m coming I’m coming”
Kiyoshi officially stands up taking his jacket from the coat hanger and open the door allowing Y/N to exit first.
Exiting their home and onto the blinding streets of tokyo. The night time rush crowding the roads and sidewalks to a full.
Y/N and Kiyoshi went out to eat in celebration of his recent game, the boys had won and went out to eat as a whole while kagami and Kiyoshi rejected to offer to celebrate alone with their loved ones
While walking Kiyoshi takes in the sight of his lover who quite literally beaming with happiness and rambling on how they were proud of him and how he came a long way, in the midst of your rambling the hand you had linked on his bicep slithered down his arm and into his hand interlocking at contact
Almost in surprised Kiyoshi cuts you off
“Wow your hands.. they’re ”
“They’re??” Y/N dumbfounded, feeling Kiyoshi pulling their interlock fingers up to his face
“They’re really small!”
“Well maybe yours are really big”
Kiyoshi laughs at your counter urging you to finish what you were saying while pressing a quick kiss to your hand before bringing it back down to your sides continuing forward to your reserved destination.
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19silvermirrors · 1 year
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Rice fields forever💚
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st-kitten · 10 months
pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.5
after their incident, a few days later, she came by earlier, at around 4 pm, hoping the change in time would make her study better. but to no avail
when kiyoshi entered the cafe at 5pm, she awkwardly greeted him and he asked her to come to the back in the storage room. hoping it wouldn't be another discussion about the incident, she followed him. standing in front of him as he dug through his locker, she looked around. it was like a storage room combined with a resting area and a washroom
kiyoshi pulled out a book from his locker and handed it to her. it was her own textbook, but a few editions older "i have it on my laptop tho" "trust me. a paperback may surprise you" she found it strange that he'd go to this length to help her with studies he wasn't even familiar with. but she took it anyway
she began reading it instantly. she found out several differences between the content and she was surprised to notice a great deal of censorship in certain chapters due to contemporary politics and grey-shade conflicts. it suddenly gave her a boost to turn her argument around and put in a crutch of corruption and illicit blanketing in the sociopolitical evidence of the foreign affairs in her syllabus. the old edition was somehow more truthful than the internet and she had never been more inspired to dive and dig deep into her discipline. kiyoshi watched her throughout her study. she was extremely engrossed in her work and he could hear her type furiously, taking down notes from the tattered book he'd found in a library after bullying imayoshi to find it for her from her university. boy was he glad he found it. or rather imayoshi did. he didn't want to see y/n's defeated appearance after the hours she put in her work
even after he'd left, leaving hyuuga to close the cafe, y/n worked on her assignment until midnight, when hyuuga reminded her that the cafe was about to be closed. she couldn't take her eyes off the damn book and begged him to let her stay. hyuuga couldn't agree so easily and eventually asked her to go to her dorm or something. she argued saying it was a little too late to go back on the campus as the university had curfew. hyuuga sighed and invited her to his apartment. he had a twin bed in his room as it was the bigger one out of the two. it was meant for imayoshi or sometimes their friend izuki who came by and stayed over when he had work around the area. y/n thanked him a million times, her nose buried in the book throughout the drive to his apartment. hyuuga actually found it charming. he was sure that he liked her studious side. if only he was more interested in academics like y/n, hyuuga would be able to spend more time with imayoshi on a book or two instead of panting and damn nearly killing himself dribbling balls behind his overly cunning bf with a stamina of ten horses
hyuuga welcomed her into the apartment, showing her his room. she thanked him. being a weekend, she was expecting to take a well-serving all-nighter to study and actually type a proper draft of her assignment instead of just random points. what she wasn't expecting was to run into a half-naked kiyoshi in the washroom, a toothbrush dangling in his mouth, when she opened the door to wash her face, preparing for her night studies
"you? here? what... how?" she asked, trying to be modest and not check him out kiyoshi nearly swallowed the toothbrush seeing y/n in the bathroom. spitting the paste out and rinsing his mouth, he looked back at her "I live here." "okay... guess hyuuga forgot to mention that... sorry, I'll let you get back to your... uh... routine"
"i'm done. you can use the bathroom… there's a spare toothbrush somewhere, I think." kiyoshi was just as awkward as her. but he left the bathroom and rushed into the kitchen to down a glass of water, spilling some on his chest.
he needed a moment to think. he was sure that he had feelings for her and he was terrified of the fact that despite being with riko, he wasn't feeling guilty of it at all. in fact, every time he and riko went out, he could barely focus on her. he kept thinking of y/n and the kiss they'd shared. kiyoshi didn't even bother to remember y/n's bf, someone he'd already rivalled against. now that she was in his apartment, kiyoshi didn't know what to do. he could just leave her be, but knowing that she was one room away from him, that too in hyuuga company made him a bit jealous. not that he didn't trust his friend
kiyoshi fought back against interrupting them and simply went into his own room, sinking in his bed, trying not to think of y/n. hours passed and he couldn't sleep. he felt hungry and got up to get some leftovers from the fridge. the kitchen diagonally faced the living room, so when he entered, he saw y/n sprawled on their couch, her laptop, placed on the coffee table, illuminating her face in the dim light. she was still reading the book he'd lent her. kiyoshi blushed hard and hid his face in the refrigerator, eyeing a box of leftover pizza and some soggy fries
he took them out and was about to head back into his room when he saw y/n almost fall of the couch trying to reach a pen. he scurried to her side trying to catch her, but she fell nonetheless, the book hitting her face. kiyoshi stopped just before her, but his feet skid on the carpet and he too fell down, his torso hitting y/n face next
"bitch, fuck! how much do you weigh?" she groaned
kiyoshi chuckled, getting off her and sitting on the floor, back resting against the couch. she still lay on the floor, the book covering her face. kiyoshi's eyes rested on her abdomen, which was bare open as the shirt had risen up due to the fall. he'd cut his hands off before he thought of touching her. or so he thought. he pulled her shirt back on her stomach, covering it properly
"get up. you'll sprain your neck," he said
she simply looked at him from above the edge of the book. "kiyoshi..." 
his name from her mouth was the most beautiful sound he'd heard
"can I keep this book forever? it's perfect," she asked
kiyoshi laughed. "imayoshi would kill me"
she got up and sat beside him
"this book is amazing. i wrote nine pages, kiyoshi. nine! that's the best I've done this month!"
"that sure is something. how much is left?" he asked
"oh i finished the assignment two hours ago"
"hah? then wyd rn?"
she gave him a cheeky smile "i love this book. I'm dissecting it. for curiosity"
"fuck… you really love studying don't you" kiyoshi sighed to himself
"i love putting effort into learning."
"that's very nice… aren't you sleepy?"
"no. I've never felt more awake. ik i keep talking about the book but you have no idea how much it means to me".
"glad i know now."
they sat in silence for a while. kiyoshi asked her if she wanted pizza. her response, a classic, was that all the knowledge had made her full. he snorted and got up to pick up the plate
while he ate, she narrated some of her observations in the book he'd given her versus the book she was using before. kiyoshi didn't understand a single thing. but the sight of her being eager to talk to him made him feel as if he could learn the law in a single night
y/n realised that she'd been rambling about her notes to a man who probably was asleep by now. when she peered at him, she found him staring at her with a small smile. an innocent, humble, and warm smile. it was then that she noticed how peculiarly gleaming his eyes were. it changed his whole appearance. his hair, perhaps due to the tossing in bed, was more wild than usual
"did i bore you?" she asked,
"you could never," he said in a raspy voice. his head was resting on his elbow that dangled on the seat of the couch, showing his long, attractive neck
"so you were actually listening to all of it?"
"oya? then tell me how the anthropomorphic backdrop of a nation's political identity helped shape its legal functioning regarding individual rights and freedoms?"
"tomato garlic pepper. that's what happened."
y/n grinned at his pathetic description of a pizza. but who was she to complain? she swatted his chest, which was covered by a soft pink hoodie. pink looked good on him, she thought. he laughed heartily
"sorry for keeping you awake, kiyoshi."
"I'm not. talk more if you want to."
y/n softened at his comment. how could he be so kind? for a fraction of a second, she thought about how hanamiya, despite being so smart, never bothered to listen to her worries or comments. whether it be about her studies or in general. sure, he was affectionate, but he wasn't considerate. y/n didn't always want the expensive dates and overpriced gifts. hell, one time she wanted a mug of coffee and hanamiya ended up taking her to a french bistro, ordering a platter of fancy french delicacies. y/n indirectly sought the decent comfort she found in the cafe at other places. she knew now that it wasn't entirely the cafe. it was kiyoshi. kiyoshi teppei made her feel comfortable and at ease with herself, no matter where they were. she noticed how he matched her energy effortlessly. if she was studying, he'd turn the music low, adjust the temperature, and quietly place her coffee on the table. if she was taking a break, he'd replace the coffee with a glass of water, placing a small snack or two. she noticed how the window seat table was never occupied unless she sat there. when y/n wasn't studying, kiyoshi would try his best to keep her company or asked hyuuga to do so. she didn't realise how comfortable and nice these little acts were until she couldn't find them anywhere else, with anyone else...
I'm deadass writing a novel here... next part coming up!
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saerotonins · 1 year
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before everything else, while i accept requests, please bear in mind that i might not be able to write and post all of them, at least ON TIME or until inspiration hits. but i will try my very best to accommodate all of them whenever i can.
all characters are aged up to 18+ unless stated otherwise!
genres: fluff, angst, smut
╰┈➤ for smut, there are certain things that i will and will not write:
dos: daddy kink, spit kink, humiliation kink, degradation kink, gun play, knife play, food play, praise kink, age gap (both consenting adults), mutual masturbation, smut with religious imagery, temperature play, sensory deprivation, dubcon, cnc, dacryphilia, + other mild kinks
don'ts: ddlg, piss/scat kink, emetophilia, public sex, threesome/polyamory sex
: ̗̀➛ the don'ts are either just too gross for me or i just don't know how to write them yet.
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list of fandoms and characters that i will write for (continuously updated):
BLUE LOCK: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, barou shoei, shidou ryusei, michael kaiser, rensuke kunigami, oliver aiku, nagi sheshiro, mikage reo, hyoma chigiri, isagi yoichi, yukimiya kenyu
JUJUTSU KAISEN: gojo satoru, geto suguru, shoko ieiri, kugisaki nobara, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuuji, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, maki zenin, yuuta okkotsu, takuma ino, higuruma hiromi
HAIKYUU: miya atsumu, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, suna rintaro, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutaro, ushijima wakatoshi, kuroo tetsuro, kenma kozume, haiba lev, sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, matsukawa issei, kageyama tobio, aran ojiro, kita shinsuke, kiyoko shimizu
(1) PHANTOM BLOOD: jonathan joestar, dio brando (2) BATTLE TENDENCY: joseph joestar, suzie q, caesar zeppeli (3) STARDUST CRUSADERS: kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriaki, jean-pierre polnareff, mohammad avdol, joseph joestar, dio brando (4) DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE: higashikata josuke, okuyasu nijimura, kujo jotaro, kishibe rohan, kira yoshikage, higashikata tomoko (5) GOLDEN WIND: guido mista, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narancia ghirga, trish una, fugo pannacotta (6) STONE OCEAN: jolyne cujoh, ermes costello, kujo jotaro, weather report
MY HERO ACADEMIA: bakugo katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto, todoroki touya/dabi, aizawa shota, tenya ida, ochaco uraraka, kirishima eijiro, kaminari denki, yaoyorozu momo
KUROKO NO BASKET: aomine daiki, kagami taiga, midorima shintaro, kise ryota, kuroko tetsuya, hyuga junpei, kiyoshi teppei, akashi seijuro, takao kazunari, riko aida, satsuki momoi
OBEY ME! (SHALL WE DATE?): lucifer, mammon, leviathan, asmodeus, satan, beezlebub, belphegor, diavolo, barbatos, solomon
SPY X FAMILY: loid forger, yor forger, yuri briar, fiona frost, franky franklin + ships: damianya, twiyor
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have fun requesting!
with love, rica <3
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roaringlion · 1 year
Kurokos Basketball Masterlist/character list
Send your requests through my Ask box! Anonym asks are welcome!
All characters I will do Fluff and Angst for are listed
no smut for these characters
Characters I'll Do: Seijuro Akashi, Daiki Aomine, Shintaro Midorima, Atsushi Murasakibara, Taiga Kagami, Teppei Kiyoshi, Junpei Hyuuga, Shun Izuki, Kōsuke Wakamatsu,
platonic only: Ryota Kise, Tetsuya Kuroko, Riko Aida,
Depends on the request: Rinnosuke Mitobe, Shinji Koganei, Alexandra Garcia, Kagatora Aida, Tatsuya Himoru
Your free to request other characters!
Character Master lists:
none yet
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wthjillie · 3 years
~ Teppei Kiyoshi Headcanons ~
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a/n: honestly been a real SUCKER for Kiyoshi lately I seriously can't get him out of my head I wish I had my own real life Kiyoshi to have and to hold 😭😭 well anyways here's a collection of random relationship headcanons I thought of hehehe 🥴
Love language is DEFINITELY physical touch (you can never ever convince me otherwise)
Always touching you or reaches over to say "hey I'm here" even without saying a word
However he's always subtle about it, whether it's just a gentle touch on the small of your back or a soft graze against your arm
Cuddle sessions GALORE this guy can never get enough of you
Movie nights movie nights!!
Loves hanging out with your family!!! If you come from a huge family, he's always more excited for family events than you are
If you have little siblings or cousins YARDY KNOW this man will be the centre of attention and they will all just LOVE climbing and tackling him
Literally anyone and everyone can CLEAAARLY see how much he loves you wOw
Tradition of doing 2's together (every 2 weeks you go out for the evening, every 2 months you travel somewhere for the weekend, every 2 years you guys plan a week-long overseas trip!!!)
Always the first one to remember traditions and anniversaries
Honestly he can be a little embarrassing sometimes, always being a little too loud or laughing obnoxiously or picking you up and spinning you around
THE CORNIEST JOKES!! Sometimes just as good/bad as Izuki's 😂 regardless he's always making you laugh so hard you're snorting and tearing up
Gets 100000x more touchy when he isn't feeling good or had a bad day, really just wants to engulf himself completely in your presence :((( omg so cute
OMG HE GIVES THE BEST MASSAGES!!! He can always see when you've had a bad day so he'll always bring you a warm cup of tea or run you a hot bath and then an AMAAAzinG massage before cuddling until YALL fall asleeP AHHH the cutest
When you've have a REALLY REALLY bad day and y'all are cuddling before falling asleep, he'll quietly sing to you while rubbing your back 🥺🥺🥺
Refuses to let you commute or walk alone anywhere especially at night!!! Would rather come pick you up and make sure you got home safely than wait at home by himself
Everyone in your life knows about your big goofy boyfriend, he makes it known that you are taken but not in a cocky way, he's still very humble hehe
Randomly buys you flowers just because he felt like it
Slow dances in the living room because he wants to make you laugh
a/n cont'd: I seriously love with man :((( I'm so so so so sad now
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angelsdevils · 3 years
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Title: Simps for (Y/N)
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lamnwar · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if I could get some headcanons with Kiyoshi and murasakibara about you meeting their family for the first time? (Reader and characters are in a relationship)
Thank you so much (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Hiiii 🥰 loved that you've requested two of my favourite boys so this is so fun to me <3 hope you enjoy it too!
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Context: you meet your boyfriend's family for the first time, how does it go?
Pairings: Kiyoshi + Murasakibara x gn! Reader
Warnings: none, fluffy fluff, mention of marriage even because yeah 🤭
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He's so hyped to make you meet his grandparents!
It's so cute, because he's been talking about you to them since day 1, so they're really impatient to meet you
They're also the only family he has so it's very important for him that you meet them
Which makes you fairly nervous, you understand how much this matters to Teppei
You'll probably go have lunch to their place (they insisted on it)
It'll be love at first sight for them too
They will shower you in compliments (now you see where your boyfriend got it), telling you that you are so beautiful and cute
And don't count on Kiyoshi to stop them from praising you, if anything, he'll encourage it
His grandma will certainly insist on showing you Teppei's childhood's pictures
They're very jovial people so you're guaranteed to laugh a lot in their presence
You'll definitely get bonus points for helping them around (even though they beg you to sit down and enjoy)
Won't let you leave without boxes of food
They'll basically adopt you because this is just how much they love you
Will probably have a serious talk with Teppei to tell him that he should think of marriage because they are convinced that you are the one
That will fluster you a bit, but they might be right, you know?
Now, see, he has a huge family (both literally and figuratively)
So you're intimidated when he brings it up
Not to mention that he's very casual about it
"You're coming for diner at my parents' tomorrow?"
Literally, he'll ask it like it's nothing
You say yes, but you are frankly quite nervous
What you aprehend the most is if his siblings will like you
He doesn't talk much about them, but you know that Atsushi matters a lot to his siblings since he's the last one
So when you go to his family house of the first time, you are scared
Imagine being surrounded by a bunch of giants with bored eyes and purple hair
But the fear doesn't last long
His siblings are less unexpressive than him, so they show easily that they like you
Same goes for his parents, they appreciate that you are so good at loving their boy <3
They will feed you so well!
Overall you'll win over all of their hearts, because there's no reason for them not to love you
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the-rawr-ster · 4 years
Some Seirin
Relationship HCS
A/n: This is mostly fluff but there’s a little angst around in there somewhere. I know this isn’t all of them but I’ll do the rest later once I finish season 2 and start season 3
They all need themselves a partner that’s a hard worker and not just a trophy, none of them would treat you like an object.
Idc what anybody says, they’ll all love you regardless of what you look like, period.
The main thing is that they need a partner that’s going to be their support system no matter what.
Someone that’s going to push them to achieve their goals, without abandoning their personal goals
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Teppei needs someone that’s really nurturing.
He loves it when you wrap his knee and take care of him. Not because he’s lazy or anything but because it makes him feel loved and cared for.
If you ever broke up it would be because he keeps getting hurt. And you guys probably argued and you mayhaps told him that you hated basketball.
Teppei would apologize for making you worry. And he’d find a way to make up for it. Perhaps giving you a day to rest and taking care of you. He’d make you a bento, get the bath started, maybe even go as far as to do your laundry.
Teppei loves your hugs, they’re warm.
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Mitobe needs someone that can understand him since he doesn’t speak.
He’d make you pastries and give them to you when he sees you.
He needs someone really kind and sweet because he’s a bit of a pushover. He needs someone that’s not gonna push him to be someone he’s not.
His idea of a date is you guys baking together me then cuddling
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Izuku is sarcastic 24/7 so when he tells you he likes you, you don’t think he’s being serious
You fall for his sarcasm EVERY SINGLE TIME and he thinks it’s fucking hilarious
Laugh at his puns, even if they’re not actually funny
He mayhaps would help you out with homework, but not without making math puns and you just look at him because you’re fed up
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Hyuga is a sucker for someone that puts him in his place when he’s being rude
He’s hotheaded and brash and needs someone to be his rock, STABILITY STABILITY STABILITY!!!!
Despite being confident in his abilities as a captain, your constant reassurance really helps him (although he won’t admit it)
He’s actually surprisingly good at giving advice and he cares about his partner’s wellbeing a lot
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Koganei needs a realistic partner, neither overbearingly optimistic or pessimistic, to combat his pessimism.
Someone that’ll listen to him when he just feels like talking, would definitely be a good fit.
He likes fun dates, like a festival or carnival.
He’s friendly and outgoing so staying inside is not an option.
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Riko wants someone hard-working and dedicated. But if her s/o just so happens to be lazy, she’ll be the one to push you.
She gets body-shamed a lot so it’s important to reassure your love for her.
Her s/o must be able to cook because she’s not the best at it. Teach her so that her team won’t hate her cooking
Take care of her, she’s always looking out for her team and tends to stay up worrying about the next game. Tell her when it’s time to go to bed. When she falls asleep at her desk, take her shoes off for her and wrap your jacket around her.
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Tsuchida is very shy, so someone that will encourage him to be more open is a great fit
Not much is known about him but he really likes cats, so if you have a cat, you’re already halfway there
Your cat must be a nice and friendly kitty. And you have to take very good care of them
He jokes about only being with you for your cat but in truth he really likes you.
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Koichi is a funny guy, at least he thinks he is, so laugh at his jokes.
Cheer for him, even when he’s benched because he worked so hard for his team
He’s very skeptical so when you tell him you like him, make sure it’s very clear
Be his motivator
When he really likes someone I think he’d blush around them constantly
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Kagami is a really kind-hearted guy but he’s very blunt sometimes. He’s not going to tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear.
Remember when Momoi went to Seirin about Aomine? Yeah, he’s not one to understand how to comfort people. But he wants to learn.
Don’t even ask him to take a break from basketball, even though you see it could potentially hurt him. Basketball is his lifeline.
If he likes you, he’ll definitely stop letting Alex in his house, because she’s always naked and tries to kiss him.
When he’s out with you in public, expect that Kuroko will randomly show up out of nowhere.
He overworks himself a lot so maybe make him dinner from time to time. He may be too tired to cook.
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