ebechnasheim · 6 months
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I can't stop
If you know the owner, please let me know
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littlebluejaydraws · 8 months
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-I love you. -I know.
Image description in alt text
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daily-linkclick · 2 years
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daily link click: 1/24/23
peace sign
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bernardisgross · 22 days
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Hoyo merch I have available in my shop ! Mostly in-stock, I just need to restock on that venti and zhongli print !
Shop closes in around 10 days !
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oathwilled · 10 months
Armor details
So, he's absolutely not one to dress in heavy plate. A leather brigandine tunic a chain shirt thrown underneath, brigandine bracers but he will not wear gloves over the hands as he prefers being able to have direct contact with his sword. two-point sword harness worn on left side. he does not carry his sword over his shoulder.
leather boots, well-worn, expensive because that's the one thing he considers valuable to spend money on, reinforced over the shins. his standard weapon is a long sword or hand-and-a-half; greatswords are too slow and heavy for his liking. rarely, he'll carry a shield. he also carries a functional knife for utility and can shoot a bow but he's not great at it.
he's not a shiny bastion of nobility and knighthood. he's all function, practicality, and what he's found over years and years to work best for him. can he put on full plate? sure. but he hates it, finds it to be hot and cumbersome and unwieldy. he's not tall, he's not massive. if anything, this probably makes people underestimate him.
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bonus for camp wear:
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fromdusks · 2 years
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Tim Bradford (+Chenford) x Random Tumblr Posts
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bravevolunteer · 10 months
ngl every time i see the "cis" in michael's bio it feels. Wrong. like i see it and i go "i'm probably gonna non conform his gender one of these days"
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joelletwo · 6 months
uwaahh. theres cute yorishima fanart on twitter
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arinakaard · 8 months
people are getting their p3r copies early NOOOOOOO IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MEEE
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also i love how koromaru has a medkit now <3
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
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A few group/pair shots from this month's NA art party! :D Still working on individual shots, don't worry, but you guys get these ones first!
As usual, everyone who's here whose blogs I know/could find is tagged under the cut :) (And please let me know if you're here and not tagged!)
Top to bottom, left to right:
Pic 1: @sylvaridreams @wyldblunt @pinecone-enthusiast
Pic 2: @jynxghoststep
Pic 3: @crim-o-lin
Pic 4: @sunsrefuge @desertshrub
Pic 5: @wall-legion
Pic 6: @kralkatorrik @moonlit-grove @kamiporterbridges @likemesomesalads
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queenaeducan · 2 months
I was literally recommending your Ian/Solas series to a discord server and realized that I wanted to follow you again
Aw! ; v; It's sweet of you to recommend me. A lot of what we've written for them is being adapted/rewritten into an indulgent multi-chapter fic, so it always warms my heart to hear that other ppl think of them. 💖 Thank you so much!
Also it's good to see you back!! 😊
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weavewilled · 1 year
hi ya'll want some giggles
i've been doing some digging through old forums and stuff trying to find some images & info from my everquest days cause i may or may not have pulled him into bg3 and may or may not be considering making a blog BUT anyway
i found it. my old forum signature. and my teenage editing skills. from 2005. here. i will share my shame
if i make this blog this will be my promo
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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THE GEMINI HEIST ☆ a writing excerpt
i've reached 10k on this draft so it's time for a little holiday gift: an excerpt!!!
for some context: this is from Gabi's POV. she, Leo, and Euna are at a stolen parts dropoff. while Leo and Euna are inside a room talking with their client, knock-off droid maker Oke Larue, Gabi is stationed outside, poised to hack into the security system, which includes a bunch of security droids, if anything goes sideways, but has been specifically instructed not to do it unless Leo gives the order.
and then... this happens.
words: 1379
gemini heist wip intro
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“I’m afraid I can’t give you your money, Callisto.”
Gabi’s attention snapped back to the discussion she was eavesdropping on at Larue’s words. She paused her typing.
“And why is that?” said Leo. The video feed on Gabi’s datapad was too grainy for her to make out Leo’s facial expression, but if this turn unnerved her in any way, it didn’t show in her tone.
“As much as you value the integrity of your business practices,” Larue said, “I value the integrity of my droids.” He stepped up to the droid beside Leo, examined it, then turned to the captain. “And I do not appreciate your attempts to undermine that.”
Leo cocked her head slightly. “I believe you are mistaken. No attempts are being made on my part to undermine anything of yours.”
“Someone remotely connected to one of my droids the moment you arrived at the facility,” Larue went on, pacing in front of Leo and Euna. “You’re trying to hack into them, aren’t you? To take control of them?”
Gabi froze. Shit, she thought. Did he detect me? But I haven’t even connected to anything yet—
“I am your most trusted parts supplier,” Leo argued. “I have been nothing but honest with you in the past. It truly hurts me that you would accuse me of such a thing despite many pleasant deals between us.”
“I’ve been hearing whispers about you lately, Callisto. Things that make me question your reliability. Tell me—” Larue stopped pacing in front of Leo and stared her down. “Would more than half of your crew desert you if you were as trustworthy as you claim?”
Leo visibly stiffened. Whatever composed reply she had prepared immediately dissolved. Instead, she snarled, “The internal affairs of my crew are none of your business, and have nothing to do with our arrangement.”
Gabi held her breath as Larue stared the captain down. Leo was taller than average for a Tharekkani and knew how to use that to make herself look imposing, but the droid-maker’s words had clearly rattled her enough to make her shrink. Her arms were now crossed over her chest, and she almost seemed to lean away from Larue as he stood over her.
Larue said, “Seize them.”
Gabi had no time to fully register the two droids in the room pouncing on her crewmates when clunking footsteps sounded in her direction from the door. She jerked her head up from her datapad. 
The droid stationed at the door was storming towards her.
She scrambled to her feet and backed away, only to slam into the wall behind her. Her hands shook so much that she nearly dropped the datapad—
The datapad!
Remembering the device in her hands, she rapidly scrolled through the code and found this droid’s section. With shaky fingers, she punched in the sequence to access its commands. Red text chided her. One of the symbols was wrong. 
The droid was closing in on her now, casting a long shadow. With her back fully pressed against the wall, Gabi frantically rewrote the code. This time, new lines appeared in green. She scanned them for a specific sequence— “loyalty protocol”— and didn’t bother double checking that it was the right one before selecting the entire block.
The droid raised its arm.
Gabi sucked in a breath and deleted the code.
The droid stopped in its tracks.
Heart pounding, Gabi peered up at it, still not daring to move. It loomed motionlessly over her, standing at what she estimated to be about six feet tall. It was so close that she could almost hear the whirring of the drives in its torso. Only after a moment did it dawn on Gabi that it was waiting for her to speak.
Her eyes sought out the unit number painted on its chest in bold white letters.
“B-34?” she read aloud.
Its eyes lit up in a soft blue with some kind of recognition.
“I-I’m Gabi,” she went on.
The droid cocked its head like a curious animal, emitting two short tones that almost sounded like it was saying her name. “Bap beep.”
“You’re not… you’re not going to attack me anymore, are you?” she asked.
It shook its head with a series of incensed beeps as if the idea of it attacking her was preposterous. Gabi let out a sigh of relief and awe. It was so strange to have this massive killing machine under her command, and she couldn’t quite believe she had been able to reset its loyalty so thoroughly.
A loud crash from inside reminded her of the situation at hand.
“Can you help me?” she asked the droid, pointing at the door. “My crew is in there, and I have to help get them out. They’re the two humans being attacked by two droids like you—”
Without hesitating, B-34 whirled around, stormed to the door, and bashed it open. With the clinking of its metal parts swiveling around its joints to reposition themselves, one of its hands swiftly transformed into a small laser cannon, and it opened fire into the room.
Clutching her datapad, Gabi ran after it, making sure to stay in the shelter of the door frame, and peered inside. Larue had two droids protecting him in the corner of the room with plasma shields as he watched the chaos unfold. B-40 had the struggling Leo grappled, dangling her a few feet off the air. Not too far away, Euna was fully engaged in a fist fight with B-92, both throwing punches so fast it made Gabi’s head spin. When Euna fought, it wasn’t as much a battle for dominance as it was a performance. Her movements were graceful despite her build. Every manoeuvre looked calculated, choreographed, executed not only with power, but with style and finesse.
“Don’t hit the humans!” Gabi hissed as one of B-34’s laser shots narrowly missed hitting Euna in the thigh.
The droid fired again, this time getting B-40 squarely in the shoulder. It ungracefully released Leo, who ungracefully ended up on her ass on the ground. At this, Euna managed to shove her own opponent far enough for her to fire at B-34 with her cybernetic arm. The droid shuddered and stumbled back as the blast of pink energy hit its torso.
“Don’t shoot it!” Gabi screeched. “It’s helping us! I hacked into it!”
“So you are messing with my droids!” Larue yelled, his voice distorted by the buzzing of the semi-translucent shields. “All of this talk of being honest—”
“For fuck’s sake,” Leo growled, scrambling to her feet. She made a dash for the door. “Li! Leave the droid alone! Let’s get out of here!”
But Euna was too absorbed in the fight to stop. Or maybe she was having too much fun. A wild grin threatened to tear her face in half as she pummeled the droid with hits, plastic clashing against metal. Her jacket had come off somewhere in the fight, and her broad shoulders glistened with sweat and oil smears. But B-92 was just a bit faster and stronger than her. It grabbed her wrist mid-swing and threw her onto the ground, then pinned her there with its heel and bent down to finish the job.
Gabi urged her new droid, “Do something!” 
B-34 raised its canon, aimed, and fired.
A hole appeared in B-92’s neck. Euna crammed her fingers into the jagged opening and tore its head off with a guttural yell. Sparks flew out of the wires sticking out from its neck. The droid’s decapitated body jerked, stiffened, then keeled over and collapsed with a clatter.
Gabi’s breath hitched in her throat as Euna tossed the droid’s severed head aside, then effortlessly leapt to her feet. Chest heaving, she shoved her dampened hair out of her face with one swift movement of her chiselled arm and surveyed the room for any more foes. Catching Gabi’s eye, a triumphant smile spread across her face. Gabi suddenly felt a little dizzy.
“Li!” Leo, who had joined Gabi by the door by now, barked. Her gruff voice broke Gabi out of her trance, and only then did she notice several more of Larue’s droids coming alive along the wall, much more than they could handle. “Let’s fucking go!”
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saikasem · 1 year
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sai sukkasem en going underground.
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HI i love all of your fics so much. They're amazing, you're such a good writer!!!
The first one of yours that i found was (teach me to be) tougher than leather, softer than silk and <3 it's so lovely. Probably my favorite (though your Ninjago fics are all great too)
ohmegoodness thank you!!! I really enjoy writing! So i'm happy others can enjoy reading it too. AND AH YES THE FIC THAT TWITTER DIED OVER WHEN I WAS POSTING IT, those were wild times. It is one of my longer ones so i can see why you like it! I'm working on adding another Ninjago fic to my roster, so I suppose you have that to look forward to! (At this rate it'll be even longer than tmtbttlsts and with a shorter title lol)
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baeshijima · 11 months
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