#kkm maruma
royal-couplecats · 3 months
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"I'm not scared behind your back" 😏)))
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gomacave · 7 months
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First love
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marumafan · 7 months
Hello, I am an old fan of KKM and I am really glad that I found your blog. Especially, since I have seen your conclusion about some additional information: You are right. Indeed. Yuuri is gay or bi...and he did go on dates with guys before or he would have had no reason to feel bad at a certain point in time, when the one whom he had defended resigned the team.
Yuuri has basically no interest in going out with girls, but pretends that he is solely interested in them.
What I also considered interesting is that he basically was thrown out of the team because of defending a love interest...He punched the coach, when I remember correctly...and he did get himself into the engagement with Wolf, because he did not dare to really punch him with a fist, because he felt at least attracted to him physically at that time.
So thank you for your your analyses up until now.
Hello there! Yes, but it's not like he goes around acknowledging it. I think that Yuuri is deep in the closet.
He's a character of his time. No way a teen would admit to being gay in the 2000s (they don't even do it in the 2020s here in Japan).
Just go to wikipedia and look at the summary table at the end of the article here to see how many rights LGBTQ+ individuals lack. Every red cross is an inequality. The dates Yuuri went on with those guys were very hush-hush, and I don't think he could quite admit to himself or others that he's gay or bi. For me, the clearest acknowledgement that he's 'not straight' is when his mom asks him if he's into 'people who wear uniforms' and he starts crying in Change /(Convert) the same story where he goes on a 'Christmas date' with the other guy.
After that story, there was no doubt in my mind that he already knew he was non-straight before meeting Wolf; but also that he was keeping it quiet.
I think his extreme closetness is difficult to understand by younger people and/or people who do not live in Japan. Anyone who lived in the 2000s America and is or knows LGBTQ+ people knows very well how closeted people were, especially after Matthew Sheppard. All of my closeted friends went deeper into the closet... and the ones out of it, quietly went back. It was a time of horror and I can only imagine it was worse in the past. That's simply the case that I recall as the horror of my time in the West.
I have many personal stories about the cruelty in treatment of LGBTQ+ people in the 2000s by Westerners AND Japanese, but I don't wanna get into it.
I'm just saying, I get Yuuri. Anyone living as 'non straight' during those years 'gets' Yuuri. And his wishful thinking about how 'getting a girlfriend will magically make him straight ', I know well and have seen myself.
This is a very realistic character of the 2000s.
It gets annoying at times, cuz he is a fictional character and why can't he just get it on in this fictional world with the cute guy that he's very much into?!
Stories are fantasies that we go on to escape the cruelty of reality, and when this guy 1) goes to a place with no sexual discrimination, which is what has kept him closeted 2) is surrounded by cute dudes and 3) the cutest dude is also into him , also he's like the king, you wonder... why can't he just accept the blessings the rest of us don't have?XD
But I think he struggles, like a lot of people, with his sexuality, and so he doesn't know really what to do.
Having said that, idk.... I feel like once they 'start sleeping in the same bed and have a child', there's a very clear innuendo that they're banging , but idk. The author keeps everything in a state of 'deniability' .
Which again... understandable.
You didn't read this from me, but def she's writing herself in Yuuri.
I think it's clear though, as the years go by, that she turns Yuuri and Wolf into a very solid couple with stories like Do you want an Exorcism, Crossheart, Misepan 2. Misepan 2 was released with the ending of the anime on DVD (2010s when she stopped writing), and Yuuri showing his love for Wolf in that story with the 'I would give you anything, Wolf' phrase, really sealed the deal for me.
After that we've gotten quite a few stories, and she even married them in It happens to everyone 2 and Shibuyas , two of the last stories that present them in the 'future'.
Like I said many times, they've been end-game for a while... it's just that no one noticed, cuz they're two guys.
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seethroughcan · 5 months
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Outfits from the cover art and manga i really liked.
Reading the novel rn and drowning in content
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permanentlyblooper · 1 year
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Gwentur! I know it’s not a very popular ship but it is my favourite right after yuuram. Anyway, here’s Gwendal taking a look at one of Gunter’s many nosebleeds XD
P.S. I hate colouring sooo much but I’m trying to get better.
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desperatepleasures · 8 months
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Source: Temari Matsumoto x | x | x
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shiori8 · 2 years
KKM Yuuri & Wolfram
(click for better quality)
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based on this one:
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Sooo recently I had one of the randomest blasts from the past and was inspired to finally watch through and finish the entirety of Kyou Kara Maoh which I had seen like 2 - 5 episodes of what must be 10/11 years ago with bad fansubs on YouTube... Oh God, those were the days😂 This was basically baby's first Isekai before I even knew what an Isekai was and before the market was completely oversaturated with an army of trashy isekai clones every season cough cough.
So for the maybe 5 people who still remember this decade old show, I hope you enjoy this random screencap redraw I did of the 'royal couple' out and about🤪😂.
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moonymiw · 1 year
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The Demon Princes
I’m also on Twitter! @moonymiw || Buy me a coffee ☕️ ko-fi.com/moonymiw
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lrenasui · 2 years
ロイヤルカップル ♡
This is my first Royal Couple art after 9 years of not drawing them! They are actually the first thing I ever drew in my whole life, and the sole reason I started drawing lmao
I've been re-reading maruMA novels lately and I am been omg... I really miss them so so much... Oh my god... Plus, happy bday in advance, Shibuya!!! s2
(I drew Bearbee cookies, bc I actually want a cookie cutter like this! Thinking of sculpting some bearbees mold on Maya to print them but idk yet.)
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royal-couplecats · 7 months
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"Look here! Now comes the most exciting part of the film!"🎬🌟🌟🌟
Idea for a date)))💕 Go to the cinema for a romantic movie together)))💓
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sebaren · 2 years
Miffed by the fact that Wolfram buys him a gift for his birthday every year, Yuuri asks about Wolfram's birthday for the umpteenth time so that he can get him a gift in return. Unfortunately, Wolfram's precise date of birth is both unknown and too far away, but that won't stop Yuuri from trying, anyway.
Posting here to finally make use of my Tumblr account.
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marumafan · 8 months
"I don't remember becoming your wife either. Properly write me down as husband, properly!" - Wolfram to Yuuri in "It Comes Equally to Everyone 2", one of the last stories we got from Takabayashi- sensei; in the "most likely future to take place" according to Murata/Daikenja. Thank you very much . They're married in the future in canon. And in one of the LAST stories we got from her in 2019. Thanks :) Have a nice day. The only other (published) story after that is Shibuyas, as in THEIR last name for the both of them. Yes thank you :)
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yo-shimi-ya · 1 year
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permanentlyblooper · 1 year
Drew a little something for a childhood OTP and present obsession
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desperatepleasures · 2 years
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someone had to do this meme for kkm and unfortunately that someone was me
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trixterdark · 2 years
Attempting to read all the MaruMa novels and--
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It looks like Yuuri Shibuya is a One Piece fan.
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