#conrart weller
mushi-shield · 7 months
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sebaren · 1 year
This is Conrart Weller.
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This is Conrart Weller 4000 years ago.
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This is Conrart Weller, but he’s attempting to overthrow Hitler.
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This is Conrart Weller about 10,000 years from now. Probably more.
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moonymiw · 2 years
Brothers’ quarrel.
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littlechinesedoll · 8 months
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inkmoller · 2 years
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I understand that maybe it will turn out to be more feminine than I wanted... but I liked it and it was nice to draw. I love black clothes and I wanted to see what could look cool on Yuri. If his people love black so much, he will get it.
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orangeispice · 1 year
so i wrote a thing
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larkawolfgirl · 1 year
Lion of Luttenburg (Conyuu)
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou!
Relationship: Shibuya Yuuri/Conrart Weller
Summary: Yuuri thought he was lucky to find a husband as kind and protective as Conrad. As time went on, though, Yuuri realized more lay beneath his soft exterior.
Read on ao3
Yuuri never considered himself to have good luck. The day he was flushed down the toilet into Shinma was traumatic in many ways. It took him a long time to adjust to the new world and position he found himself in, but over time he began wondering if that disturbing day had really been his greatest blessing in disguise. He had gained a lot from his forced relocation, the greatest of which was a new perspective.
While he had never considered his luck good, he had thought he had decent judgment. Sure,  everyone had told him constantly that he needed to just give up on his ideals for peaceful resolutions and give in to the advances of the fiery bishounen after his hand. Still, Yuuri never let himself be swayed. Too much was on the line for that. He was sure that he loved Wolfram, but that it was merely platonic. It was an odd platonic since he was still captured by his beauty at every turn, but that was not the point. Thinking someone was beautiful and admirable and your best friend did not mean that you wanted to marry them!
It took Yuuri a lot of soul searching and excuses until he realized who it was he really did want to marry. His chosen partner wasn’t a fair lady as he had always envisioned, but it wasn’t his accidental fiance or even the enigmatic king of Shimaron. Who Yuuri finally realized he wanted to spend the rest of his days with was someone who he knew he could trust without a single doubt and who he felt impossibly comfortable with. That person was Conrad.
Yuuri had found it awkward having to admit that the person he wanted to marry was not only his godfather but his fiance’s own brother. That person had also seen him as a tiny baby, which was information Yuuri tried to forget on a daily basis. Putting those thoughts aside, he was amazed at how happy and fortunate he was to learn that his feelings were returned.
Conrad and he were married and after a bit of “time to recover” Wolfram became agreeable again. Yuuri thought he was the happiest and most fortunate person alive.
But as time progressed Yuuri began to notice things. Slips in what he began to see as Conrad’s facade.
The reason Yuuri fell in love with Conrad was because he was the most caring, dependable, and trustworthy person he knew. His gentle smile always put him at ease. Unlike the fiery blonde who had been so pushy when Yuuri first arrived in Shinma, Conrad had been nothing but helpful and supportive. Even after the two of them finally became a couple, he had been much more understanding of Yuuri’s adjustment to liking another guy than Wolfram had been. Now that they had been married for several years, however, Yuuri was beginning to see cracks in Conrad’s facade.
That gentle smile of his was specifically for Yuuri’s eyes. When his husband wasn’t aware that he was watching, Yuuri could spot moments when the smile fell, replaced with what people back on Earth referred to as a “resting bitch face.” At times, though, isn’t of just looking disinterested, he looked downright scary. It shouldn’t have surprised Yuuri. He knew that he had once been known as the Lion of Luttenberg. He had even seen him in the heat of battle. But seeing him making a serious expression during a time of emotional turmoil and him making it while at ease at home was another matter. It made Yuuri wonder if his husband was actually as happy as he let on.
Yuuri continued watching his husband closely. Every time he caught sight of a flat, sullen, or even angry expression, Yuuri couldn’t shake off the unease he felt. The face Conrad knowingly showed Yuuri was predictable. He certainly didn’t smile every moment of every day, but that kind smile was the default. Seeing glimpses of what must be Conrad's true emotions made him question how much he really knew about his husband.
Yuuri tried to push aside his concerns, convincing himself that he was overthinking. After all, since marrying, their relationship had seemed perfect. They supported each other, laughed daily, and shared in their dreams for the future of the kingdom.
Focusing on the positivity of their relationship, Yuuri had nearly moved past his concerns when they were brought back in full force when Yozak surprised the soldier with an old wooden chest.
“Captain, King Yuuri,” the spy greeted as he shoulders his way into their quarters.
Yozak set the box down on a free space on the coffee table and Conrad’s eyes widened as recognition hit him.
“That was my father’s,” he gasped.
Yuuri got up from his desk, giving them his full attention.
Yozak grinned, definitely proud of himself. “Found it buried beneath a million things in the storage room. “I reckon Her Ex-Majesty was keeping it safe for him but then during her grief forgot she had the thing. Figured you should have it.”
Conrad fingered over the surface of the wood with a slightly shaky hand. “I never thought I’d see this again,” he whispered, voice full of emotions.
Yozak nodded, his usually carefree demeanor softening into concern for his friend. “It’s important to hold onto the memories of those we’ve lost. Sometimes, keeping mementos can help us gain closure.”
Silence enveloped the room as Conrad carefully lifted the lid of the box. Yuuri gazed over his shoulder to see the revealed collection of letters.
“He wrote these…” Conrad whispered.
Josak clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Take your time reading them. Remember, we’re all here for you, especially this one.” He gestured toward Yuuri with his head.
“Thank you, Yosak. You’ve given me something I never thought I’d receive.”
Josak grinned. “You can thank me properly later.”
Conrad nodded, gratitude and sadness in his eyes. As Yozak left the room, he settled into a chair with the box resting gently in his lap.
Yuuri watched him read in silence. With each letter he read silently to himself, the deeper the sorrow in his eyes. Unable to bear it any longer, Yuuri mustered the courage to confront Conrad about his feelings.
“Are you okay?”
“Huh?” Conrad looked up from a letter and blinked. “Oh, yes, Yuuri, of course. I’m just a bit nostalgic.”
Yuuri frowned. “It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel things.”
Conrad’s forehead tightened in concern. “What do you mean?”
Yuuri took a deep breath. "I've noticed that sometimes, when you think I can’t see, your smile fades. It's like there's something troubling you that you don't want to burden me with. I want to understand. I want to be there for you."
Conrad's gaze softened, and he reached out to cup Yuuri's cheek tenderly. "Yuuri, I never meant to worry you. It's true that there are times when the weight of my past burdens me. I've done things that I'm not proud of, and those memories can haunt me at times."
Yuuri's heart ached at the vulnerability in Conrad's voice. He leaned into the touch. "You don't have to carry that burden alone, Conrad. We're partners. I want you to talk to me so that I can be there for you."
Conrad gave a bittersweet smile. "You are right. I suppose I have grown too accustomed to protecting you that I forgot that this is a partnership. We are supposed to both support each other."
Yuuri held Conrad’s hand tighter against his cheek. “Don’t hold back me. I want to know everything you’re going through.”
Conrad nodded. “I promise I will try to be better.”
Moving forward, their marriage felt stronger. Conrad let Yuuri know when he was feeling sorrow or regret, and Yuuri comforted him through it. Conrad seemed more relaxed around him, and Yuuri felt more confident in his role as husband. Things seemed to be going perfectly between them, but happiness and sorrow are not all that lies within a person.
Months later, Yuuri was reminded of this fact when the two of them were awoken by a loud crash. Shards of glass flew throughout the room as someone jumped straight through the window and into the room.
Conrad was the first out of bed, instinctively moving toward his sword which was always kept beside the bed in case of just such occurrences. As Conrad lunged forward at the darkness to hold back their attacker, Yuuri lit the bedside oil lamp.
In the center of the room stood a tall, cloaked intruder. What was visible on his face was contorted with hatred. Deadly serious, Conrad struck with his sword, hitting the intruder’s with a clashing sound. The intruder parried, attempting to skirt around his range to close in on Yuuri, but Conrad was practiced in bodyguarding and allowed zero room for maneuvering between the bed and wall.
Realizing that he could not pass by without defeating an opponent that clearly outmatched him, the intruder attempted to flee back out the window. Before he could, however, Conrad lunged forward, catching the intruder off-guard. Using the hilt of his sword, Conrad struck at the man’s fist which released its grip on the man’s own sword.
Defenseless, the intruder held his hands up.
Stern-faced, Conrad backed the intruder up against the wall beside the window. “Who sent you?” he demanded in a voice as hard as iron.
“N-no one,” the man stammered. “I just thought I could get some money if I held the Maoh for ransom.”
Conrad didn’t back down. “I don’t believe you. Talk. Now.” He held the edge of his sword dangerously close to the man’s neck.
Frantic, Yuuri rushed to Conrad’s back and tried pulling his arm away from the man. “Conrad! Stop!”
Conrad’s grip wavered at the command.
The castle guards rushed into the room. “Your Majesty!” The leader panted. “We heard the commotion. Are you unharmed?”
“Yes,” Yuuri replied over his shoulder.
“One day sympathy will be your downfall,” Conrad said.
Yuuri shook his head. “I don’t care. I’m safe now.” Finally turning toward the guards, he said, “Take him to the dungeons for the night. After a day, release him.”
“Are you sure that is wise, Your Majesty?”
“His attempt at kidnapping was weak. I don’t think he will pose much of a threat even if he did return.”
Conrad sighed but let the guards take the man away. When they were alone again, he turned toward Yuuri, expression full of longing. “I couldn’t bear it if anything were to happen to you.”
Yuuri was too short to bump their foreheads together, so he pressed his forehead to his husband’s chest instead. “I know. But we can’t lose sight of ourselves because of fear.”
They settled back in for the night, and Yuuri found sleep easily within Conrad’s protective arms. Sometime later, however, he woke up to find that the bed was empty. It was still mostly dark outside, so he guessed it was very early in the morning.
“Conrad?” he called. When no answer came, he decided to go looking for his missing husband.
He was nowhere to be found within their quarters, so Yuuri entered the hallway and asked the guards posted at the end of the walkway if they had seen him leave.
“Yes, Your Majesty. He slipped out less than an hour ago.”
“Did you see where he went?”
“That way.” The guard pointed to the left wing.
Yuuri inclined his head in thanks before heading off in that direction. The castle was dark and eerily quiet so early in the morning. The only other people he saw were the guards dispersed in various locations around the castle. Eventually, through the shadows, Yuuri spotted a light. Following it, he found himself at the stairwell leading into the dungeon. As he approached the top of the stairs, he could hear Conrad’s voice travel upward to reach his ears.
“Tell me everything you know. I won’t ask again.” He sounded like a completely different person.
Yuuri walked down the stairs as silently as possible and stopped a step early so that he could hide behind the edge of the stair wall.
What he saw made his heart skip a beat and breath catch in his throat. The intruder from before was bare-chested and strung up with chains. Marks littered his exposed chest, as if he had been cut or whipped. Luckily, the marks didn’t look deep, but it was still horrifying. In front of the man, stood Conrad, featured hardened without a hint of empathy.
The intruder whimpered. “I already told you, I don’t know anything! I just wanted some money. Please, spare me!”
"You will tell me the truth," Conrad stated, his voice laced with a dangerous undertone. "If not, you will regret holding your tongue."
Yuuri's mind was in turmoil. He had always known Conrad was capable of violence, but this was different from what he had witnessed during battles. This was a deliberate act to inflict pain on someone defenseless.
Fear mingled with confusion within Yuuri's heart. This was not the kind and gentle Conrad he knew and loved. The man before him exuded a darkness that threatened to overshadow Yuuri’s love for him.
“Conrad, please stop!” he called out, rushing out from his hiding spot.
Conrad turned his gaze toward Yuuri, his expression a mix of surprise and determination. "Yuuri, this man may be part of a larger scheme. He must be interrogated."
Yuuri took a step closer, his eyes locking with Conrad's. "I get it, but not like this. We can’t create a world full of peace and happiness through anger and violence."
A flicker of conflict danced in Conrad's eyes. He glanced down at the captive, who trembled under the weight of Conrad's gaze.
"You're right, Yuuri," Conrad finally conceded, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and weariness. "I... I almost lost sight of who I am."
Yuuri reached out, placing a hand gently on Conrad's arm. “Let me remind you, then. You are kind and protective and a wonderful husband, brother, and son.”
Conrad's tense shoulders relaxed, the hardened lines of his face softening.
"Thank you, Yuuri. I won't let my emotions cloud my judgment."
Yuuri smiled, relief washing over him. "It’s okay. Everyone can give in to darkness sometimes. What matters is that we find our way back to the light."
Together, Conrad and Yuuri unchained the prisoner and moved him back into his cell.
Side by side, Yuuri and Conrad left the dungeon and began a new day.
As the days went by, Yuuri couldn’t stop thinking about Conrad’s response to that intruder. The man had been released without any ulterior motive besides the ransom discovered. It baffled Yuuri as to why Conrad reacted as strongly as he did. It had been a dangerous situation, but nothing dangerous actually happened and as soon as the man was disarmed he seemed more like a poor man than a dangerous man.
First the hidden sadness and now this scary side. Yuuri realized that his perception of Conrad had been incomplete. A part of him was terrified of what the man concealed beneath Conrad’s kind facade was capable of.
Seeking answers and guidance, he decided to ask Gwendal’s opinion since he had known Conrad for far longer than him. He considered asking Wolfram, since Yuuri doubted he would wince his opinion in any way, but despite their renewed friendship, Yuuri was hesitant to address anything romance related with his ex-fiance.
Taking a deep breath, Yuuri entered Gwendal’s office, finding the man engrossed in a pile of paperwork. He cleared his throat to gain Gwendal's attention.
"Gwendal, can I talk to you?" Yuuri asked nervously.
Gwendal met his eyes. Concern flickered in his gaze as he noticed Yuuri’s demeanor. "Of course, Yuuri. What is it?"
Yuuri hesitated for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. Finally, he spoke, his voice trembling slightly. "Lately, I've noticed that there is a lot more to Conrad than what he shows me. The other day, I realized something about Conrad that troubles me. I've seen a darker side to him, one that’s angry and murderous. It scares me, Gwendal."
Gwendal's usual stern expression softened. "I understand your concern, Yuuri. Conrad has not always been as you know him now. He has his demons, just like the rest of us. He has done many things in the past that he regrets. Those events have left their mark on him, and it is a burden he carries every day. I fear he treads a thin line between trying to rectify his past actions and accidentally repeating them."
Yuuri listened intently, his heart heavy with a mix of relief and apprehension. He was relieved to know that Gwendal also believed that Conrad had nothing but positive intentions, but he was apprehensive about what those intentions might lead to. "How can I trust him completely, knowing that he has such darkness lurking inside him? What if he ends up lashing out at me one day?"
"Trust is never without risks,” Gwnedal said wisely. “It is an act of faith, a choice to believe in someone despite their flaws. Conrad's anger is a part of him, but it doesn't define him entirely. As you know first-hand, he's also a man of deep love and loyalty. His first intention will always be for your happiness and protection."
Yuuri nodded slowly, absorbing Gwendal's words. With gratitude in his eyes, Yuuri thanked Gwendal and left the office.
Yuuri knew that what Gwendal said was true, yet fear still lingered within him. It had not been that long ago really that Conrad had betrayed him under Shinou’s orders. Yuuri wanted to trust Conrad. He wanted to believe that his husband wanted peace and justice as much as he did, but he couldn’t help doubting that Conrad’s ideals would prevent him from following an order if it came from Yuuri himself. While Yuuri had no intentions of making Conrad do anything awful, it was possible that someone could manipulate Yuuri or even fake his appearance.
Yuuri needed a less biased opinion than his husband’s brother, he decided. He went to Gunter this time, summarizing to his trusted advisor the scene he had witnessed in the dungeon.
Gunter listened patiently, his expression a mix of concern and contemplation. "Your Majesty, it is understandable that you would have reservations after witnessing such a side of Conrart. However, it is crucial to remember that every person has parts of themselves that they wish to keep secret. Conrart may possess a frightening side, but you must remember that you also have the power to influence and shape him. Your love has the ability to bring out the best in him."
“But, Gunter, what if instead of bringing out his best, I bring out the worst?”
Gunter started to cry. “Why would you think such a thing, Your Majesty? You are a light upon all of us!”
Yuuri patted his advisor on the shoulder. “Yes, yes, I know, Gunter. But what if Conrad follows my will so blindly that he doesn’t stop to think about the ethics of it? What if he lets me do something i really shouldn’t or does something awful because he thinks I wanted it?”
Gunter sobered up, expression serious. “You mean, if someone were to impersonate you?”
Yuuri scratched his head. “Yeah, or something…”
“I understand your fears, Your Majesty, but that seems far-fetched. If you worry about that, then you should be worried about each and every one of us.”
Yuuri understood his point, but he liked to think that their consciences would still step in if need be.
But maybe Yuuri really was just overreacting. There was no point worrying about something that was likely to never happen.
Determined to confront his fears head-on, Yuuri resolved to have an open and honest conversation with Conrad.
He found him out in the gardens after lunch. It was a perfect day, with the sun shining beams of light across Celi’s numerous beds of flowers. Standing there gazing out at the flowers, Conrad looked like he belonged in a painting. Love swirled in Yuuri’s chest.
Gulping, Yuuri called out as he approached him, "Conrad, there's something I need to talk to you about."
Conrad turned to face him, concern etched on his features. "Is something wrong?"
Yuuri looked into Conrad's eyes, reminding himself of the deep love within his gaze. "I... I've realized that there is a side of you that scares me."
Conrad's frowned sadly. He reached out, gently taking Yuuri's hand in his own. "Yuuri, I'm sorry if I scared you the other day. I never wanted you to see me that way.”
Yuuri shook his head. “That’s part of the problem. It isn’t right to hide sides of yourself from me like that. I should be allowed to feel this fear.”
“Yuuri…” Conrad sighed softly. “My anger is something I've struggled with for a long time. I never wanted to burden you with it."
Yuuri’s grip tightened on Conrad's hand. "Seeing you like that makes me question how much I actually know you."
"I’m sorry for making you feel that way. I want you to know that my love for you is unwavering. I would never allow that anger to harm you. You mean everything to me."
Yuuri’s voice trembled. "I believe you, Conrad. I do. But part of me is still scared. Scared that it might lead to you doing something awful in the future."
Conrad pulled Yuuri into a tender embrace, holding him tightly as if trying to convey his unwavering devotion through the strength of his arms. "I understand your fears, Yuuri, and I promise you that I'm working on it. You’re my guiding light through the darkness. I am committed to growing past it for your sake."
“I believe in you. But I still can’t help fearing that your unwavering devotion to me, your willingness to protect me at any cost, might lead you to do something... terrible."
Conrad's brows furrowed. "Yuuri, what do you mean? I would never do anything to harm you or anyone else."
Yuuri had seen the evidence to disprove that when he saw him in the dungeon, though. “But what if I asked something unthinkable? What if I asked you to do something that went against what we both believe in? Would you do it without a thought, just because I asked you to?”
Conrad's eyes widened. He gently cupped Yuuri's cheek. "Yuuri, I understand your fears, but I want you to trust me. If you were to ask something out of character, I would challenge you, question your intentions, and remind you of who you are the way that you did for me back in the dungeon. My love for you is not blind obedience, but a commitment to guide and protect you, even from yourself if necessary."
Yuuri felt a wave of relief wash over him. He buried his face in Conrad's chest, holding him tightly. "Conrad, I'm sorry for doubting you.”
Conrad's voice was reassuring. "It’s okay, Yuuri. Let’s both promise to work harder at our communication. That way we can both see each other as clearly as possible.”
Yuuri clung to Conrad, finding solace in his warmth and reassurance. Maybe Yuuri’s luck was just average. He had gained so much since coming to Shinma, but he had been dealt just as many troubles and knew that many still lay ahead down the road. Yet, Conrad's love and sincerity gave him hope that they could navigate all challenges lying ahead without having to lose sight of who they were.
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desperatepleasures · 2 years
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halfbloodworthy · 2 years
I truly enjoy how Yosak and Gwendal's friendship is entirely based on the anxiety they both have for Conrart.
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mushi-shield · 1 year
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sebaren · 2 years
It may be filler, but in my heart of hearts, it’s canon.
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moonymiw · 2 years
Her Majesty Queen Cäcilie von Spitzberg and her three sons.
Prince Gwendal von Voltaire, Prince Conrart Weller, and Prince Wolfram von Bielefeld.
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You’ll see more of like these portraits, bear with me.
I’m also on Twitter! @moonymiw
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littlechinesedoll · 8 months
I like both but I'm more of a conyuu gal.
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starrspice · 4 years
One of my favorite animes!!!
HEYO prepare for a bit of a long post. Sorry!
SO I just rediscovered one of my favorite animes of all time!!! 
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I haven’t read the manga but the anime came out in 2007. I found it in about 2015/2016 in my youtube recommended section (because I was a huge anime nerd at the time and that was basically all I watched)
SO   WHat is it about??
15 year old Yuuri Shibuya is magically transported to another world (not sure if its an alternate dimension or parallel plane or what) and finds out he is the reincarnation of that world’s demon king. SO he goes on journies trying to learn more about this world while trying to make it a better place as demon king, but with humans hating demons its kind of hard. 
He is usually accompanied by his handsome Godfather/Knight  Conrad/Conrart
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His eccentric Teacher/Assistant Gunter
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And his accidental Fiance Prince Wolfram (son of the previous queen)
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THATS RIGHT   ACCIDENTAL FIANCE!!!! In that world same sex couples aren’t uncommon! Although the show doesn’t push the romance very hard, the chemistry is absolutely there! Even though the anime plays it as all one sided on Wolfram’s part it really isn’t and the two become very close!!!    Plus the show has A LOT of Gay undertones but not so much that it drowns out the plot!!!
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Wolfram gets very jealous very easily which makes for some fun gags  but also causes some very cute and intimate moments! And for anyone who may say Yuuri just sees him as a friend
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Also Yuuri’s voice actor in the english dub Is Yuri Lowenthal  AKA BEN TENNYSON
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Anyways   Its an early 2000s anime that isn’t really heard of.  The animation isn’t super amazing but its pretty good quality and the writing is really nice! I also enjoy the english voice cast and think they did a pretty great job.  
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Its not a god tier anime but it has enough good and great qualities to stick with me pretty heavily!  Go check it out please! I really want this anime to get more love!!!
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therosecrest · 3 years
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Starting over again from the beginning, it’s pretty interesting to see the seeds of later storylines, like Weller’s sadness at Yuuri’s slight recognition, and the pendant which he gives to him. It also reminds me of how good everyone’s character development is. I really enjoyed watching them all grow over a long runtime.
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Other Fish in the Sea (KKM)
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Relationships: conrart weller/tuna-chan | maidmer princess, Drag Queen Librarian (Stewart)/Tuna-Chan | Maidmer Princess Characters: Tuna-chan | Maidmer Princess, Conrart Weller, Cecilie von Spitzweg, Gwendal von Voltaire, Drag Queen Librarian (Stewart) Additional Tags: Dating, Matchmaking, Break Up, family pressure, Interspecies Relationship, novel canon, Mild Humor
Summary: Tuna-chan had a habit of getting caught in nets, but Conrad never intended to tie her down.
Read on ao3
“So,” his mother began, sounding overly chipper, “have you decided on a wedding date?”
Conrart’s head throbbed with a headache. This had been happening more and more of late. If he wasn’t careful, he might grow forehead wrinkles as deep as Gwendal’s. Since returning to Luttenberg, he had been spending more time with his family, although when the conversation went in this direction, he wondered why he bothered visiting as often as he did. Messaging his temple, he answered coolly, “As I have said before, we are not engaged.”
His mother’s red-painted lips pouted. “Aw,” she whined dramatically. “Why not? She would make a great match.”
Conrart sighed. Just because she was a princess and technically a fellow mazoku did not make her a great match. Besides, Conrart had no intentions of getting married in the first place. As usual, his own frown directed itself to his older brother. This was all his fault, after all, for deciding on his own that the two of them were engaged.
“I hardly even know her.”
His mother waved her hand dismissively. “Pish posh. You’ve been seeing her for what now? Four months? That’s plenty of time to get to know each other.”
Maybe for her, the queen of quick marriages. He heaved a sigh to clear his thoughts. He never enjoyed judging his mother when she at least had tried to make her marriages last. “Neither of us wish to rush things.”
“You don’t have to,” his mother said, unrelenting in the course of the conversation. “You could plan for a year or more from now. All I want is a timeframe.”
“I think all of our minds would be put at ease knowing that you plan to settle down,” his brother added.
Why did they both insist on putting this pressure on him? Hadn’t he already settled down in Luttenberg, for the most part, since beginning his relationship with Tuna-chan? Were they really that worried that he would take off to some foreign country on some whim? At least Wolfram did not give him such pressure. Although, his youngest brother did not seem to give an ounce of concern about what he did one way or the other. His lack of pressure would be more appreciated if he actually ever saw him, yet his brother was almost permanently holed up within the confines of Bielefeld as of late, presumably in order to avoid him.
Conrart forced a smile. “Yes, well, my own mind would not be.”
Gwendal’s ever-present frown intensified. “Could you not be happy?”
Could you be happy stuck with Lady von Karbelnikoff for every day of your foreseeable future? But he chose not to rub salt into that wound. “I am already happy,” he said instead. It was only a half-lie. He was, he supposed, semi-happy. He was as happy as he assumed he was likely to be.
Tuna-chan was nice. She was the most interesting person he knew. She was fun to be around. She appreciated his jokes. And best of all, she didn’t put any pressure on him. Wasn’t that enough?
His mother smiled, but he could tell she was not impressed by that answer. “Please just consider it. She would make a wonderful bride.”
She would be an interesting bride for sure. He could imagine her standing there at the altar with him wrapped up in a dam, white towel. She would need help holding it in place, so Stewart (because he honestly couldn’t imagine her trusting anyone else to help) would be standing directly beside her as they exchanged wedding vows. It was practically comical. Although, he supposed, they could marry in the ocean or along the beach shore. Anyway he looked at it, the idea seemed overly complicated and entirely unnecessary. As far as he knew, Tuna-chan’s own family did not seem to give a dorsal fin of concern about the two of them tying the knot.
Still, in order to appease his mother and brother for the time being, he said, “I will consider it.”
Squealing, his mother jumped out of her seat and hugged him. Not just any hug either, but one of her token face-in-her-bosom hugs. She was definitely pleased with the idea. He would have sighed again if he could have breathed well enough to do so.
Conrart had had enough. He liked Tuna-chan, but he did not like her enough to live with a constant headache, and he certainly did not like her enough to up and marry her. He doubted she liked him enough for that either.
While Tuna-chan had a habit of getting caught in nets, she was practically as much of a free spirit as he was. She belonged to the vast ocean and didn’t deserve to be tied down, neither to him nor the politics Gwendal seemed so intent on thrusting onto him.
Still, the idea of breaking up with her did not sit well with him. He felt bad that his reasoning was almost entirely due to the pressure of his family. The only other reason was that she was technically , not-so-technically, another species, which was something he definitely did not want to bring up since he knew it made her self-conscious.
He did not want to end on bad terms. If possible, he’d like to still see her, if only every once in a while. He figured even if she initially felt down in the waters, she would forgive him in time. Still, he wondered if setting her up with someone else would alleviate that initial sadness. After all, he never liked to see a woman cry.
Setting her up shouldn’t be hard. She and Stewart were close, closer than even Conrart and her were. They had known each other for a long time, by the sound of it, and had been swimming around each other the entire time.
Plan made, Conrart went to visit them at their home. Technically, it was Stewart’s home, but Tuna-chan boarded with him when she wasn’t off at sea. She may or may not have hinted at wanting Conrart to offer to put her up at his place, but even that felt like too much commitment to him. Or more accurately, too much of an impression of commitment. He had never wanted to give her the wrong idea about their relationship. Especially after his brother had to go and mention marriage the first time they even met.
Conrart knocked twice on the front door before opening it. “It’s me,” he called out as he stepped inside.
As expected from a librarian, Stewart’s home was littered with books. Bookshelves practically lined every wall, and stacks of books filled what spaces they could. Still, somehow the man managed to make everything appear neat and organized. There were visible wet splotches on the floor that led up the stairs. That is where he would find Tuna-chan, then.
Leaving his shoes by the door, he followed the wet trail up the stairs and to the bathroom. Knocking again on this door, he opened it. As expected, Tuna-chan was lounging in the bathtub. Her ever-stunning legs were protruding over the rim. The librarian was seated on a wooden stool pulled up close to the edge of the tub. He was reading a book that he had positioned near enough that she could see its pages.
At the sound of the door opening, Tuna-chan began to flop inside the tub causing water to splash around. It was as cute as always.
Stewart closed the book and met his eyes. “Hello, Conrart.”
“Hello, Stewart,” Conrart returned. He walked over to the bathtub and placed a hand on one of Tuna-chan’s stunning legs. Of course, it would have been more proper to touch her fins, but her legs were easier to reach, irresistible, and she never seemed to mind. “And hello to you gorgeous,” he greeted her with a flirtatious lilt.
She splashed about in response. An obviously happy gesture.
Stewart, as usual, wore a mixed expression. Conrart assumed he enjoyed seeing her happy but was annoyed that she was happy because of Conrart instead of him.
Ignoring the man for the time being, Conrart smiled at her. “Did you miss me?”
Another happy splash.
“I hope you’ve been doing well.”
“She has,” Stewart answered for her. “We took a swim at the harbor. Her father sent us an envoy requesting that she return home in a few days, though.”
That would make things easier then. “I see.” Conrart squeezed her leg. “I have been in contact with my family as well. They will still not drop discussions of marriage.”
This time her reaction was a splish. A far less enthusiastic response.
“I know,” Conrart continued, “I do not wish to marry either.” He ignored the scowl he could feel coming from Stewart. “However, I have come to the conclusion that they will not give up on the matter. Therefore, I think it would be in our best interest if we stopped seeing each other as often.”
A sequence of splishs this time.
There was a scraping sound as Stewart rose quickly enough to scoot the stool backward over the tiled floor. “Now, hold on a minute! You can’t do that to her!”
Conrart’s gaze shifted to him, becoming less pleasant in the process. “And why is that?”
“Because she has done nothing but care for you.”
Conrart let go of her leg and laughed almost mockingly. “That does not entitle her to my company.”
Stewart glared at him. “Then what does? You’re a right asshole.”
Conrart rolled his shoulders. “Maybe I am. Regardless, she does not want to marry me any more than I want to marry her.”
Stewart looked a bit at a loss at that. “Still,” he continued heatedly, “that doesn’t give you the right to just dump her.”
“Why not? There are plenty of other fish in the sea.”
Stewart growled before tackling Conrart to the ground. Tuna-chan floundered about in the bathtub trying in vain to jump out to interfere in some way. Both men ignored her, focusing solely on wrestling to pin the other down. Eventually, Conrart allowed himself to be bested.
Stewart sat on his thighs glaring with what could only be regret buried in his eyes. “I wish I’d never entrusted her to you back at the bar.”
“Why not?” Conrart asked with feigned hostility. “What else would you have done?”
Stewart shook his head. “I don’t know. I had to get out, but I shouldn’t have let her go.”
Now they were talking. “You let her go all the time.”
Stewart’s face contorted. “What are you talking about?”
“How many times have you caught her in your net only to let her swim away?”
Stewart gripped at the collar of Conrart’s shirt. “What are you even getting at? That’s always been an accident. I could never keep her against her will.”
Conrart smiled. “What if you didn’t have to?”
Stewart’s hands shook. “What are you getting at here?”
Conrart’s voice came out soft now but loud enough to make sure that both of them heard. “She chose to live with you, right? You understand the maidmer better than anyone I know. More than me, I think you would be a perfect match.”
Instantly, Stewart let go of him to cover his mouth. The man’s face flushed a deep red. “I couldn’t possibly.”
There was splashing from the tub.
“She’s happy,” Conrart said.
Stewart looked over at her with longing. “But she’s a…she’s a princess. I’m just a librarian.”
Conrart grinned. “No, you’re not. You’re also a drag queen.”
Stewart turned back to him and knocked him over the head. “You really are an asshole.”
Conrart’s head ached slightly from the blow, but his smile didn’t waver. Tuna-chan seemed very happy right now. “Yes,” he answered her, “I would still like to see you. Just not enough to give the impression to others that we are courting.” He looked back to Stewart. “That is, as long as you won’t interfere with that.”
Stewart’s face was still flushed a deep red. “I…It isn’t as if I’m courting her,” he denied.
Conrart smirked. “That’s a shame. You might want to get to it before someone else catches her in their net.”
If possible, the man’s face flushed even darker.
Tuna-chan, on the other fin, flopped about merrily. Apparently, this really had been the best outcome. She seemed happier now than he’d ever seen her. It seemed, there was a reason she had gotten caught in Stewart’s family’s nets all these times.
“Good.” Conrart wiggled his way out from under the librarian. “I will let you two celebrate. Although, Tuna-chan,” he placed his hand on her leg once more, “may we have one last official  date tomorrow?”
She splashed in obvious agreement.
The colors of the sunrise glittered over the shining surface of the water. It was beautiful, nearly as beautiful as Tuna-chan herself. Conrart swam closer to her. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
She splashed several times.
Conrart snorted. “Of course.” Saying this, he leaned in.
Their mouths met with a kiss. It was a sweet, but lingering kiss. This wasn’t a kiss with implications, although it wasn’t just a kiss of sentimentality either.
Breaking apart, they both dove under the water. Conrart grabbed onto her closest fin to make sure they didn’t get separated. They dove deeper and deeper, pausing to kiss every so often. With each kiss, Conrart was granted life-giving air as well as a tender feeling in his chest.
Finally, he could see the looming underwater city. Other maidmer swam to and fro. Speeding up, Tuna-chan led him to a large castle.
Two guards blocked the way, but upon seeing the maidmer princess they moved aside. The two of them swam down a seemingly endless, empty hallway until finally entering a room. It was lavish with a giant clam bed, dangling seaweed lanterns, and coral artworks. Conrart wasn’t knowledgeable enough to know what fancy looked like underwater, but he assumed this was it.
Putting two and two together, it wasn’t hard to figure out that this was her bedroom. And by the way she was tugging him toward her bed, it wasn’t hard to figure out why she brought him here either.
Conrart wasn’t ready to settle down. He certainly wasn’t ready to marry a maidmer princess.
But Conrart was always ready to bed one.
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